Oakland Sports Tribune, CA, Tuesday, June 11
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itBRADDOC^ ^^ r\ ^\ K^\ DRIL^\ f\ L ^ SHOW^H S HI*"» M ^ 'SUCKE^ « «R FO^ R« RIGHT Bike Riders Set For Finish' In Final JAMS, 5 SPILLS WISE ONES CALL AND INJURIES BAER100T01 RECORDED VOL. GXXII— OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1935 25 NO. 162 FAVORITE Team* Clo*e as Cast Tidball May N.CAA. WILL AID Mrs* Moody FULLER PICKS FULL STEAM AHEAD Max Says He Won't Laps Near; Audy, Enter State Fight If Donovan Fielding Lead MENTOREACH Again Wins MRS. MOODY IF Named Referee Net Tourney fr ALAN WARD Easy Match vw» NEW YORK, June f portodom's maddest, fattest, S(%f%*^s••»l'N^vNA*%*^*^^s*Sf**^*^/^^v•^^ NTRIES were rolling in rapidly BERKELEY * BECKENHAM, England. June —Jim Braddock, the "Cinder- most iu*Uin*d and moit hys- E today as the deadline approached HELENS PLAY for the 35th annual California State 11.—(U.Ri—Mr*. Helen Wills Moody ella Kid," will be heaylly terical hour will occur betweeu Tennis championships at the Berke- reached the third round of the bucked by sentiment, if nothing 11 o'clock and midnight tonight CHICAGO, June 11 —m—On the Kent tennis tourney today by a SAN FRANCISCO, June 11 — (U.fi) ley Tennis Club, although the list basis of outstanding peifoimancei else, when IIP steps into the when Oakland'! firit interna- of players likely to compete from 6-S, 8-1 victory over Ermyntrude —Helen Wills Moody will defeat during the season, 123 track and Harvey of England. Miss Harvey, Helen Jacobs If they meet In the Long Tiland ring -with Max tional six-day bicycle rac« rolli Southern California still was in doubt. field stdis ficxn 84 institutions yes- one-time British hard courts finals of the women's tennis cham- Baer on Thursday night. toward iti finale. Jess Millman, former U. S. C. terday were guaranteed transporta- champion, offered Mrs. Moody pionships at Wimbledon, England, The hardbitten boys came In The description if not of our own itar, and Jack Tidball, sixteenth in tion to the National Collegiate A. her Ktiffest competition of her in the opinion of W. C. (Popl Ful- from the sidewalks of New York making. It 1* conceded by follow- man's singles In national rankings, A. championship meet at Berkeley, come-back campaign. ler, famous coach who taught them yesterday to watch the Irish chal- ers of affair* athletic no on* hour may compete and Bonnie Miller, Cal, June 21-22. Handicapped by a wet, soggy both. lenger wind up his training in two ranked 21st nationally in women's Southern California's powerful court and cross court winds, Mrs. But Fuller Isn't certain Helen Ja- rounds of boxing with Jack Mc- singles already have filed entry team, winner of the I. C A A. A A. Moody played uncertain tennis at cobs ever will reach the finals. He Carthy of Boston, the slugger who I IKE STANDINGS Joe Hunt, who won the boys' 15 championship, led the list announced the opening. is more positive about Mis. Moody, seemed to be going places until Ul Hours, 10:30 *. ».—*43 Lap» title last year, also will play. He Charlie Retzlaf cut him down. Gained, 12 Jama went on from the Slate tourney and Ruefully, they shook their heads took the boys' national honors last as McCarthy shot his right to the Mi. Lps. Pt»: Braddock chin. If McCarthy could Audy-Fielding 117$ 867 Summer. Two Portland youths, 440 Wayne Sabin and Ehvood Cook, also land his right, they mused, what Echeverria-Kush 1875 have sent their entries would Baer do with his crushing Triest-Snavely , 1875 I S17 right hand punch' 11 360 Attracting considerable interest Saetta-Turano 1(74 is the veterans' singles, for men Those wise in the business *f O'Brlen-Rys 1874 11 356 evaluating fighters gave Brad- 10 42* over 40, and a good list of the older 8elfert-M»y 1»74 players and stars of other days is (look small chance to win. Some 8heehan-Nauwena .1874 ie 411 expected, according to Charles said (he former longshoreman McCpr-Keating 1874 IB 394 was a 100 to 1 shot. c 364 Weesner, tourney director. McNamara-Schaller 1874 Alice Marble, making a comeback Others, however, havinf hi in women's play, is outstanding mind his durability through a ea- in sports contains more of dynamic, favorite for the women's title, and rcer of twice as many fights M fierce endeavor than the last 60 min- with Frances Umphred of Berkeley Bacr, saifl they would not be sur- utes of • tourney of cycling, when may also capture the doubles crown. prised if he upset the dope. every team remaining in the field She has been practicing in Los An- He licked Art Laskey when Lai- rides forth to pick off those coveted geles and according to repot U Is key was considered good, they ar- laps which means high money. back at the peak of her game, and gued. He's got a good left hand anfl JUST ONE M>NG JAM much of ihe interest in the meet fear is no part of his mental makeup. There are np rests, no breathing will be centered on the San Fran- Besides, he is no longer the thin •pells in that zaro hour. Only the cisco girl who was forced out of man: he weighed 194 yesterday. fittest will have survived the pre- international play last year by BAER BLASTS DONOVAN ceding hours Weaklings can have illness. Meanwhile, Baer, winding up his no place in that final roll call. If training at Asbury Park, N. J., toojc th* pace earlier in the evening is time out from his calesthenlei to blistering, it will be searing when direct some verbal shots at Arthur th* goal is actually in sight, and Donovan, the referee. the boys who have been conserving He said he would refuse to light a final bit of strength for the dash 5 CLUBS SEEK if Donovan, who handled kit lean forward over handlebars and tights with Sohmeling aid Car* apply the pressure. nera, was chosen ai reten*. Bales demand « completing "I won't st^nd for Donovan tat hour »f sprint*, and (print* at WALLYBERGER the rlner," be said. "He waa ii-- that «Uf t *f U»* me* mean Jams. With Oakland's initial six-day bike race dated to race are shown above, bending low over their handlebars bicycle tournament. The majority of teams remaining in dlculous in the Camera fight, H*ne«, between 11 o'clock and end at midnight tonight, the teamt remaining in the con- and knocking out the knots. In front ii Lew Rush, the race are to closely bunched around the leaders, first Why. he stepped in front of my Midnight tonight will exist MIC By EDDIE BRIETZ test today were increasing the gait, and a merry, mad with Frank Keating riding high on the track. Right position may be exchanged a half dozen timei between right hand no less thaa five tin** •refracted Jam, with **>eh team NEW YORK, June 11 -^(/P)—Big scramble of bikes and rideis can be expected for the final down in front >i thai cute, blond boy, Jules Audy, of in the first round. If ke hadat fai th* running h»"y r«pre»«nted now and the sounding of the pistol ihot officially marking done it I might hare flatten** league managers are in a scramble four or five houu. Three of the boys definitely in the Canada, whose sensational galloping has featured the on the track, with *pill* and ela*« to complete pending deals before the finish.—Tribune photo. Primo then." •have* the probable ral* rathtr the Saturday night deadline and Baer aaid he didn't question than th* exception. every club except the Giants is by T. Nelson Melcalf, University of who is In his mind "still the world's Donovan's honesty, but that k* A "fan" with a p*rverted sense thought he lost his head in tkc €•- looking around. Chicago athletic director and chair- No. 1 woman player." citement. ef humor tossed a few handsful of Cleveland wants a top flight man of the N. C. A. A. selections "Mrs. Moody hag not slipped," thumb tacks on the tracks during catcher, who may be the difference committee, wilh 11 men. Seven Stan- BIKE RACE ON Fuller said, "The fact that she lost SPLIT SEASON UNLIKELY yesterday afternoon's performance, between the pennant and a second ford athletes are on the list, with a set while playing in a tournament Many Protests Dut as •nd the riders and their tires suf- or third place finish and General other schools qualifying as follows: last week doesn't mean a thing. fered accordingly. Manager Billy Evans is dickering Fresno, Calif., State, 5; Washington, "Helen was just taking it easy. Rivals Meet Commission Within a few minutes II punc- for Roily Hemsley, the reformed Michigan and Rice Institute, 4 each; She has her game back and if she By STUART CAMKROH tures were recorded, *n' more than SAND TONIGHT AS LEADERS WELL BUNCHED TJnlted Frew Bporta Editor play-boy of the Browns. WashmRton State, Indiana, Notre can play through the tournament— on* serious spill w»s averted by Five National League clubs want Dame, Emporia, Kas., Teachers and and I think she can—she is still NEW YORK, June 11.— A pr«Hm- clever manipulation of vehicles by the best woman player in the inary round of Maxie Baer^ tint Wally Berger, star outfielder of the Illinois, 3 each. In place of the tricky American By EDDIE MURPHY heavyweight title defenat ^111 -\f» th* pilot*.