C. Knaggs )1 October 2017 Chris&ne M. Knaggs 6100 Secluded Ct. Sylvania, OH 43560 419.340.5806
[email protected] EDUCATION Ph. D. (December, 2012) in Higher Educaon, University of Toledo, College of EducaLon Major: Higher EducaLon. Minor: Human Resources Research Interests: Program evaluaLon, underrepresented populaLons in educaLon, persistence issues, grounded theory research, case study research, mixed methods research, K-12 science educaLon, cultural capital, pre-service teacher science self-efficacy, pre-service teacher mulLcultural self-efficacy Disserta9on Title: A Grounded Theory Approach to Understanding the Persistence Issue that Exists for LoWer-Socio Economic Status College Students Commi<ee Members: Ron Opp (Chair), University of Toledo; John Fischer, BoWling Green State University; Debra Gentry, University of Toledo; Toni Sondergeld, BoWling Green State University M. Ed. (December, 2008) in Educa&on: Curriculum and Instruc&on. University of Toledo, College of EducaLon. Area of Specializa9on: Adolescence to Young Adult Science EducaLon. Adolescence to Young Adult (A.Y.A.) Life Science Licensure, State of Ohio (May, 2004). Lourdes University, College of EducaLon and Human Services. A. B. (May, 2001) in History and Science. Harvard University, College of Arts and Sciences. Thesis Title: The ProfessionalizaLon of Black Women Nurses in the 1920s. Cum laude. EMPLOYMENT Adrian College, Adrian, MI Director, Ins4tute for Educa4on 2016-present Oversee CAEP accreditaLon, M.Ed. recruitment and curriculum, organize various professional development opportuniLes related to teacher educaLon for the Department, as Well as various P12 outreach iniLaLves for the Teacher EducaLon Department, such as Science Olympiad and summer camps. Assistant Professor 2016-present Teach Assessment and EvaluaLon, graduate-level courses, as Well as a variety of methods courses for the Teacher EducaLon Department.