DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY: A REVIEW Clifton Titcomb, MD OTR Medical Consultant Medical Director Hannover Life Reassurance Company of America Denver, CO
[email protected] epression and anxiety are common problems Executive Summary This article reviews the in the population and are frequently encoun- overall spectrum of depressive and anxiety disor- tered in the underwriting environment. What D ders including major depressive disorder, chronic makes these conditions diffi cult to evaluate is the wide depression, minor depression, dysthymia and the range of fi ndings associated with the conditions and variety of anxiety disorders, with some special at- the signifi cant number of comorbid factors that come tention to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). into play in assessing the mortality risk associated It includes a review of the epidemiology and risk with them. Thus, more than with many other medical factors for each condition. Some of the rating conditions, there is a true “art” to evaluating the risk scales that can be used to assess the severity of associated with anxiety and depression. Underwriters depression are discussed. The various forms of really need to understand and synthesize all of the therapy for depression are reviewed, including key elements contributing to outcomes and develop the overall therapeutic philosophy, rationale a composite picture for each individual to adequately for the choice of different medications, the usual assess the mortality risk. duration of treatment, causes for resistance to therapy, and the alternative approaches that The Spectrum of Depression may be employed in those situations where re- Depression represents a spectrum from dysthymia to sistance occurs.