Editor’s Note

Welcome to the first edition of College’s Middle School Magazine College Column. Over the past few months, I have been working with both Year 8 Butler’s and Year 8 Brook’s during Thursday activity sessions to bring you this inaugural issue.

Firstly, I would like to applaud the efforts of all pupils that were involved in the making of this very first version of College Column. I am extremely grateful for the hard work and dedication demonstrated by the pupils of both Butler’s and Brook’s during this process.

Moreover, I would like to thank Mr Cartwright for arranging this activity and allowing pupils to become creative outside of the classroom. It has been a privilege to see pupils develop original ideas into complete articles.

Additionally, I am very excited to begin working on future editions of College Column with the other Year 8 forms throughout the remainder of the academic year. If you’re in a Year 8 form, get thinking of future articles that you would like to include in your personal issue of College Column.

Finally, to you the reader, thank you for taking the time to read the very first College Column. This version of College Column puts particular emphasis on ’s recent (and quite frankly fantastic GCSE results) in addition to providing advice for our new Year 7 pupils, a range of original pieces of creative writing and information about the impending school play Bye, Bye Birdie. There are a range of puzzles and activities to complete in the magazine. If you want to earn a PPC point, hand the correct answers to me in my room (H1).

Hope you enjoy reading through the magazine. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Mr Farnan


An Interview with the Principal

The school is very pleased with the recent GCSE results and so are we! So, we asked the Principal, Mr Broekman, what his thoughts and views were on these amazing set of results. Here’s what he had to say.

Q: What is your reaction to the school’s GCSE results? A: I was delighted, over the moon, ecstatic and relieved. The best feeling is watching pupils, staff and parents celebrate great results.

Q: What are your views on the harder GCSE’s? A: I am broadly pleased with them. Take for example English. In the new GCSEs pupils read more literature and study it in more depth. I think that is a good thing. The results show that pupils and teachers can tackle these more difficult examinations. It is very difficult to be against higher standards.

Q: Why do you think that the results remained the same, even though the exams got harder? A: Because the government promised that they would for the first year. It will be interesting to see how that develops in the years to come.

Q: How do you think the school could further improve their GCSE results? A: Great results are created by great teaching which inspires pupils to really get into the subject. To improve them further will be very difficult, but the recipe is the same; great teachers, inspired pupils.

Q: What is your advice to the pupils in year 11 that will be taking their exams in the summer? A: Start revising early, believe in yourself and set clear targets. LISTEN to your teacher. A big thank you to Mr Broekman for taking the interview!


Year 7 Advice and Tips

Picture this. You’re entering a new school filled with strangers and new people, a massive new place which seems like a maze to somebody who’s new. Whenever you talk or your shirt is untucked you are given endless punishments.

However, Liverpool College is also a place of opertunities, meeting new people, learning exciting new things. These are some tips to help you get started:

 Always try your best in everything you do. Even if you don’t enjoy a subject always try hard and you will do well.  If you lose something don’t stress. Ask your house mentor. It will almost certainly show up in lost property.  Do all homework on time. If you don’t, all you will get is a punishent and you’ll have to do it again.  If you get lost ask a teacher or someone older than you for help.  Always bring the correct equipment to every lesson.  Try to always be on time for lessons or you will be in trouble.  If something is annoying or bothering you, get help from a parent or teacher.  Good luck in all your lessons!


If you could tell your Year 7 self one thing, what would it be?

In this article, we had the idea to ask some of the teachers one question:

If you could tell your Year 7 self one thing, what would it be?

Below are their recorded answers. Here is what they said:

Upper School:

Mr Traynor (Science) – “Don’t stress out about the small things and just enjoy the big picture.”

Dr Atkins (English) – “Take up an instrument!”

Mr Barnicoat (English) – “Learning is actually fun.”

Mr Griffiths (Geography) – “Be confident.”

Mr Farnan (English) – “Be more confident and outgoing; get involved with everything. Give English a chance!”

Mrs Hughes (Physical Education) – “Be yourself and try to make friends with everyone.”

Mr Bartlett (Classics) – “Try new things.”

Ms Knoop (English, History and Classics) – “Don’t care what anyone else thinks because life is too short!”

Ms Maloney (English) – “Don’t always think that you’re right.”


Ms McWatt (Art) – “Try as many different activities as possible until you find what’s right for you.”

Ms Snyder (Maths) – “Don’t worry about what other people think because life is too short to be anything but happy.”

Mr Turbitt (Science) – “Calm down! Take it easy, Turbitt. Don’t worry.”


Mrs Pease (Head Teacher) – “Listen and learn and don’t judge a book by its cover. The more friends, the better!”

Mr Stamper (Physical Education) – “Don’t get into so much trouble.”

Ms Brooke (Year 5) – “Keep good friends and don’t be afraid of work.”

We decided to do get the teachers’ point of view to give advice to new students because they’ve been through it and know how to handle different situations. Hope you enjoyed their advice! 


How to use your bullet journals:

What is a bullet journal?

A bullet journal is a journal which you write your notes down over the period of the week.

What to do?

Over a two page spread, section out them out so you have Monday to Friday, and a notes section. At the start of each month, put the calendar of all the days and dates.

What you can use them for?

- Writing in homework - Writing notes down - Writing events down

What the symbols mean:

 = a task (homework) - = your own notes (explaining homework or other things) o = event (a match or service)  = migrating task (something that you do over a period of time)

What not to do!

- Don’t draw in your planner! - Don’t play games in your planner! - Don’t rip out pages from your planner!


Charity Work

Recently, the school has been doing a lot of charity work. We have worked with the Merseyside Youth Association food bank and Scouse Kitchen. The Merseyside Youth Association food bank (or MYA) is a young person’s food bank accessible for 13-25 year olds in real need. They are unlike any other food bank as they do not need vouchers and can be used as often as people need them. They hand out emergency 3 day food and necessity packages. We helped by donating many boxes of food for them to hand out. We are also helping by handing out clothes to the homeless. A group of sixth formers were handing out clothes on Wednesday 13th of December with the charity Scouse Kitchen. Scouse Kitchen hand out clothes at the bombed out church every Wednesday. We also have lots of charity events lined up for everyone to get involved in!


Bye, Bye Birdie - The School Play The Plot: Bye, Bye Birdie is a musical by Michael Stewart set in 1958. The play is about a pop star named Conrad Birdie who is being drafted for the Vietnam War. However, Conrad’s record company, called Almaelou, cannot afford for him to go away because he is their only successful client. Debt is already high for Almaelou so they decide to publish one last song before Albert, the head of Almaelou, gets an English degree. Eventually this song will pay off Albert’s debt so he can go and live the rest of his life happily as an English teacher. The song that Amaelou decides to publish will be called ‘One Last Kiss’.

To perform his final song Almaelou decides Conrad will sing it too and then kiss a lucky adoring fan on the Ed Sullivan show. What could go wrong?

The lucky winner of Conrad’s kiss is a girl named Kim MacAfee who recently got pin to (started dating) Hugo Peabody. See what happens in this tricky situation in Liverpool College’s production of Bye Bye Birdie.

The Auditions: In regards to my recollection of the auditions, as I walked into the MV Hall I noticed it was deadly silent. This could have been due to everyone being anxious about auditioning, or perhaps it was the tension of everyone wanting to get a main part. Either way, I know as the teacher sat down ready to watch our auditions my anxiety levels were through the roof. People seemed to rush by,

9 one great song after another. Profoundly proud voices boomed through the empty silent space of the MV Hall. One particularly good audition was from Elis Knox, a Year 10 student. Her performance of 'An English Teacher’s Wife' was astonishing. Another good audition was Declan Mahoney with his original 'Declan Mahoney Rap'. There were no bad auditions in my opinion. As the teachers stood and excused us, I was amazed by all the talented people who had auditioned.

The Rehearsals:

As the time which we had to learn the play is now swiftly coming to an end, the rehearsals are getting more and more entertaining to watch and participate in. Some great examples are in dances like 'Honestly Sincere', where everyone one is rushing to get a piece of the fabulous Conrad Birdie. While Mr Bishop, our musical director, has been teaching us all of these the incredible songs, Mrs Poole has been teaching us some amazing dances. The acting side of things isn't too shabby either. In fact most of the chemistry and dialogue has already amazed me in how life-like most characters are becoming. For most of the people that have been playing the main cast this year, it's like the roles were hand written for them! I cannot wait for when we're ready to show off the musical. It will certainly be amazing!


Creative Corner - Creative stories!! This article has a story to entertain you. Hope you enjoy.

100 years ago there was a young woman named Victoria, but her friends called her Vicky. Victoria wasn’t like normal girls. She dreamed of travelling the world and exploring lost cities. Victoria loved reading, but in those times a lady reading was considered suspicious and crazy, so Victoria had to hide her true self.

One day Victoria was forced to go to a grand party with her parents. What Victoria didn’t know was that under the house lay a secret chamber. Hidden within was a mystical book with spells and enchantments. Although Victoria greeted everyone in the party, all she wanted to do was escape, read and explore.

She managed to create a suitable excuse and left the party. Once she was alone Victoria started reading her book. However she felt like she was being watched. Suddenly a low laughter erupted from the shadows and a man appeared.

The man was wearing dark clothing and looked old enough to be her great granddad. He had dark black hair and yellow crooked teeth. His eyes were red pools of blood and they looked like they could freeze any living thing. When he spoke his voice was raspy and deeper than anything Victoria had ever heard.

“If you are so adventurous,” he said darkly, “then you should take a look through the painting.”

Victoria suddenly had the urge to run but, before she could move, the man let out a cackling screech and pushed her so hard that she fell back into a painting. Victoria heard a tear and suddenly she was in a hallway as black as night with spiders and cobwebs covering every inch of the ceiling. Victoria turned to go, but the passage had disappeared and she was left alone and afraid.

She started panicking and was about to scream, when a light appeared far away. Victoria thought it was a way out so she started running and bounding through the hallway, dodging and ducking so that the spiders didn’t ruin her hair and gown. The journey to the light was hard and Victoria kept ripping her gown. Half way across the hallway she took her high heels off, as they were slowing her down. After what seemed like hours Victoria reached the light, which was in a cavern. The light turned out to be a group of glow-worms attached to the cavern ceiling. Underneath the glow-worms was a book. Victoria looked around in awe, and ran to the book. She picked it up and read the title. “Ego Princeps Potestatis,” she read in a loud booming, confused voice.


Suddenly a bright light cut through all the darkness. Victoria felt herself light up within and a warm tingle ran through her body. She felt a burst of power and a flash of visions encased her sight. She understood the power she was given.

Back outside in the ballroom, no idea how she got there, Victoria ran to find her parents. Everyone stared at her ruined dress and cobwebbed hair. Her parents were horrified by her appearance and pushed her out of the room in rage.

Her parents were yelling and silencing her every time she tried to talk. Victoria was so angry at her parents and felt a rush of power.


A giant wave of saltwater poured down on her parents and soaked them from head to foot. Victoria stared in horror as they got up from the ground in their soaking wet rags.

3 days, she stayed in her room practicing her magic for 3 days and almost every time it worked. She had turned teddies into bunnies and rubbish into flowers. One night she was practicing flying and her bedroom door was slammed open by her nosy butler. She yelped in surprise and flew after him as he went running through the halls.

She raced and flew through the house at top speed knowing that if anyone knew, her family will be in danger. She caught the butler near the end of the kitchen; he was going to tell the neighbours!! Victoria flew like fire to where the butler was and slammed into him at full speed.


Victoria felt something crack, but it wasn’t hers. Victoria looked at the butler in horror and was overjoyed when she saw him breathe. Victoria knew that she couldn’t stay as the police would always look for a witch and she had enough characteristics to be one. Victoria took her magic book and ran for the hills, knowing that this is what freedom felt like.

She didn’t look back!


National Poetry Day

On September 27th, this year’s National Poetry Day tackled the theme of freedom. Below are two original poems, written by two Butler’s pupils, which both explore the theme of freedom.

Freedom Poem

Free! Round the world adventures, Ending all limitation, Exciting and taken for granted. Do you think we will ever really understand? Over obstacles of everything freedom will climb, My freedom is free. What is yours?

Freedom Poem

I run alone into the night, Run away from the fight. Crash, Bang goes the gun, When I speed up my run.

Carriages crash through fields, Whilst poppies are killed under their wheels. When the wind blows through my ears, Freedom and life is all that it hears.

My life has finally begun, As I run to the morning sun. Mad things, I leave behind me. Those horrid things, will never find me.



Reading For Pleasure

Your English teachers and House Mentors will emphasise to you all throughout the year just how important reading is for you as an individual.

Remember, your private reading book is an essential item of your daily school equipment. Failure to bring it to English lessons will result in a write up.

Reading Acrostic Poem

Running through the cream pages one after another, Ending the final chapter in a perfect book for you, Absorbing the smell of books lingering in the air, Dancing words fade away, Imaginative storytelling ending at once, Nearing the end is like helpless torture, Going to shop, another cycle begins.


The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time is a fantastic thriller and mystery novel. It follows 15 year old Christopher Boone, who suffers from a form of autism called “Asperger’s Syndrome”. This means that he is very clever at maths and science, but has problems socialising with other people. He lives with his Dad, as his Mum died from a heart attack. Christopher also has a photographic memory.

One night, Christopher goes outside into his neighbour’s yard and finds Wellington the dog dead with a garden fork impaling him. The police are informed, but do nothing to find who killed the dog. Christopher takes it upon himself to find out who murdered the hound. However, he solves a lot more mysteries on the way to discovering the full truth.

This book was recommended to me by my English teacher (Mr Farnan) and I really enjoyed it. The book is extremely unique and like no other detective book. The character of Christopher is extremely loveable, even though he acts so horrible to his family and friends. Whenever he is being hurt or stressed, the audience really feels for him and wants him to be happy. The book’s pacing is very exciting and always keeps you hooked to read on as it is full of twists and unexpected turns in Christopher’s life. The book also has a lot of diagrams and pictures. This helps you to see life through Christopher’s eyes.

I would not recommend this book to anyone in year 7 as it has occasional strong language and some inappropriate themes that aren’t suitable for year 7. I would recommend this book to anyone year 8 in onwards as it is extremely entertaining and provides a brilliant plot with interesting characters.

Overall, I would easily rate this book 4.5 star. The only reason is didn’t get 5, is that the ending never truly reveals if Christopher is happy or not. Apart from that, the book is brilliant and a must read for mystery fans. If you enjoy this book try and read the other books by Mark Haddon and different detective books. Also if you enjoyed the book, there is a play which is apparently very good.


A Sudoku is a puzzle in which there is a 3x3 grid with 9 squares and 9 boxes in each square. In some boxes, there will be a number (numbers 1- 9). The aim is to put a number from 1-9 in each box so that every square has all the numbers from 1-9 in the columns and rows. You cannot have the same number repeated in a column or row. Here is an example of a correct and complete Sudoku puzzle:

Now try to complete this Sudoku to gain a PPC point!


For those of you who don’t know, a word search is a grid with a bunch of random letters scattered around. Words are hidden within the random letters. The aim is to find all of the words. Complete this Christmas themed word search to earn bragging rights and a PPC point:






Word wheel A word wheel works like this; you have to find 5 words but they all have to have the middle letter in.

Write your 5 words here for a PPC point: 1.





Write your five words here for a PPC point: 1.






Colour the following numbers with these colours for a PPC point. Dark green = 5 Colour meLight in forblue a PPC= 6 point. Yellow = 7 Light green = 8 COLOUR CODE:

Dark green = 5


Riveting Riddles These are some riddles to test your mind, endurance and prove that you are the smartest! Answer them all correctly for a PPC point.

I am lighter than a feather yet no man can hold me for long. What am I?

You see me in the water, but I never get wet. What am I?

I am harder to catch the faster you run. What am I?

I have cities, but no houses; forests, but no trees; and water, but no fish. What I am?

I am a seven letter word containing thousands of letters. What am I?

I do not have eyes, but once I did see. Once I had thoughts, but now I am white and empty. What am I?

I am in seasons, seconds, centuries and minutes but not in decades, years or days. What am I?


Dingbats are word puzzles with a catch to them, like this one below.

The answer is Home Alone. Get it? Answer these Christmas Dingbats correctly for a PPC point:

Answer: Answer:

Answer: Answer:


Pleasing Puns

The future, the present and the past walked into a bar. Things got a little tense.

What do you call an alligator in a vest? An investigator.

Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He’s all right now.

How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten tickles.

Whiteboards are remarkable.

Insect puns bug me.

I am good friends with all 25 letters of the alphabet. I do not know why.

I woke up this morning and forgot what side the sun rises on. Then it dawned on me.


Learning how to collect rubbish wasn’t that hard, I just picked it up as I went along.

A golf ball is a gold ball no matter how you putt it.

I heard a funny joke about a boomerang earlier. I’m sure it’ll come back to me.

I was struggling to figure out how lightning worked, and then it struck me.

I had a once in a lifetime holiday. I’m never doing that again.

I often say to myself, “I can’t believe the cloning machine worked!”

Some people say I’m addicted to somersaults, but it’s just how I roll.


There are 7 differences in this picture. Find all 7 for a PPC point.


Equipment Here’s a quick checklist reminder for equipment.

 Black and blue pen  Purple and green pen  Journal  Pencil  Ruler  Rubber  Pencil sharpener  Coloured pencils/pens  Highlighters  Glue  Scissors  Green and purple pen  Calculator  Mathematical equipment  A private reading book.



Here you have all you will need to know about sport up to year 9!

Sport website:

A new and exciting feature to our school this year is the launch of the Liverpool college sports website! www.liverpoolcollegesport.org.uk This website is very useful as it shows you everything you will need to know about upcoming matches. Such as: the team sheets, the scores, the squads and much more!


U12matches: A Team:

Liverpool College VS St Edwards College on 4th November Result: Draw 10-10 Venue: Away

Liverpool College VS Ripley St Thomas CofE on 11th November Result: Win 15-10 Venue: Away

Liverpool College VS Newcastle-Under-Lyme School on 18th November


Result: Loss 10-50 Venue: Away

Liverpool College VS The Grange School, Northwich on 25th November Result: Loss 15-30 Venue: Away

Liverpool College VS Rishworth School on 2nd December Result: Loss 5-30 Venue: Home

Liverpool College VS St Anselm's College, Birkenhead on 9th December Result: Postponed Venue: Home

Boys U13 matches: A Team:

Liverpool College VS St Edward's College on 4th November Result: Loss 10-65 Venue: Home

Liverpool College VS Ripley St Thomas CofE Academy on 11th November Result: Won 35-20 Venue: Home

Liverpool College VS Newcastle-Under-Lyme School on 18th November Result: Draw 27-27 Venue: Away

Liverpool College VS The Grange School, Northwich on 25th November Result: Loss 35-50 Venue: Away

Liverpool College VS Birkdale High School on 1st December Result: Not Confirmed Venue: Away

Liverpool College VS Rishworth School on 2nd December Result: Loss 5-50 Venue: Home


Liverpool College VS Birkdale High School on 6th December Result: TBC Venue: Away

Liverpool College VS St Anselm's College, Birkenhead on 9th December Result: Postponed Venue: Away

U14 Matches: A team:

Liverpool College VS St Edward's College on 4th November Result: Loss 5-21 Venue: Home

Liverpool College VS Ripley St Thomas CofE Academy on 11th November Result: Loss 5-20 Venue: Away

Liverpool College VS Newcastle-Under-Lyme School on 18th November Result: Draw 27-27 Venue: Away

Liverpool College VS St Edward's College on 23rd November Result: Loss 0-40 Venue: Away

Liverpool College VS The Grange School on 25th November Result: Loss 10-35 Venue: Away

Liverpool College VS Rishworth School on 2nd December Result: Loss 19-21 Venue: Home

Liverpool College VS St Anselm's College on 9th December Result: Postponed Venue: Away


HOCKEY: U12 Matches: A Team: Liverpool College VS St Edward's College on 23rd November Result: Won 3-0 Venue: Earl Road

Liverpool College VS St Edwards on 23rd November Result: Won 1-0 Venue: Earle Road

B Team:

Liverpool College VS St Edwards on 23rd November Result: Won 3-0 Venue: Earl Road

Liverpool College VS St Edward's College on 23rd November Result: Draw 1-1 Venue: Neutral Ground

U13 Matches: A Team: Liverpool College VS The Bluecoat School on 16th November Result: Draw 1-1 Venue: Neutral Ground

Liverpool College VS St Edward's College on 16th November Result: Won 6-0 Venue: Neutral Ground

B Team:

Liverpool College VS St Edward's College on 16th November Result: Draw 2-2


Venue: Neutral Ground

Liverpool College VS St Edward's College B on 16th November Result: Loss 2-1 Venue: Neutral Ground

U14 Matches: A Team:

Liverpool College VS The Blue Coat School on 9th November Result: Draw 0-0 Venue: Neutral Ground

Liverpool College VS St Edward's College on 9th November Result: Draw 0-0 Venue: Away

Liverpool College VS Merchant Taylors' Girls' School on 11th November Result: Win 2-0 Venue: Away


U12 Matches: A Team: Liverpool College VS Queen Elizabeth's on 18th November Result: Draw 5-5 Venue: Home

Liverpool College VS on 27th November Result: Postponed Venue: Home


B Team:

Liverpool College VS Bluecoat on 13th November Result: Loss 2-1 Venue: Home

Liverpool College VS The Belvedere Academy on 27th November Result: Postponed Venue: Home

U13 Matches: A Team:

Liverpool College VS Bluecoat on 13th November Result: Loss 5-2 Venue: Home

Liverpool College VS Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School on 18th November Result: Won 8-1 Venue: Home

U14 Matches: A Team:

Liverpool College VS Bluecoat on 13th November Result: Loss 5-2 Venue: Home

Liverpool College VS Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School on 18th November Result: Won 8-1 Venue: Home

Liverpool College VS The Belvedere Academy on 11th December Result: TBC Venue: Away


Football: U12 Matches: A Team: Liverpool College VS Everton FC Tournament on 24th November Result: Draw 0-0 Venue: Away

U13 Matches: A Team:

Liverpool College VS Formby High School on 14th November Result: Loss 3-1 Venue: Away

Liverpool College VS Formby High School on 14th November Result: Loss 3-0 Venue: Away

Liverpool College VS Formby High School on 14th November Result: Loss 5-0 Venue: Away

Liverpool College VS Everton FC Tournament on 24th November Result: Win 2-1 Venue: Away Liverpool College VS ESLA on 28th November Result: TBC Venue: Away

B Team:

Liverpool College VS ESLA on 28th November Result: TBC Venue: Away