PERENNIAL PLANTS Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country S
PERENNIAL PLANTS Plant Name Common Name Height Colour Bl Time Special Conditions Country S. Europe, NW Acanthus mollis Bear's Breeches to 5' (1.5m) white fls. with purple shaded bracts l summer z7 sun/pt.shade,well drained, moist good soil Africa Acanthus spinosus Bear's Breeches to 5' (150cm) white flowers with purple bracts lsp-msum z5 sun/pt.shade, good soil, tolerates dry heat Italy to W Turkey Aconitum Monkshood large dark blue flowers l summer z5 sun/part shade, cool moist fertile soil Aconitum Monkshood dark blue flowers l summer z5 sun/part shade, cool moist fertile soil Monkshood (all parts are Aconitum carmichaelii to 6' (190cm) violet or blue flowers l sp to fall z3 sun/pt.shade, cool, moist, fertile soil Russia poisonous) Monkshood (all parts are Aconitum carmichaelii 'Barker's Variety' to 6' (190cm) deep violet flowers early fall z3 sun/pt.shade, cool, moist, fertile soil poisonous) Aconitum 'Ivorine' (syn.A.septentrionale Monkshpood (all parts are to 36" (90cm) ivory flowers l spring z5 sun/pt.shade, cool, moist, fertile soil garden origin 'Ivorine') poisonous) Aconitum lycoctonum ssp.vulparia Monkshood (all parts are to 5' (1.5m) pale yellow flowered form sum/e fall z4 sun/pt.shade, cool, moist, fertile soil Europe (A.orientale of gardens) poisonous) Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus' Variegated Japanese Rush to 10" (25 cm) creamy white and green striped leaves summer z5 full sun, wet or very moist soil E Asia z4 shade/ mod-fertile soil.Survives under Actaea erythrocarpa (syn. A.spicata var. rubra) 24" (60cm) racemes of white flowers,red berries late spring Euro.
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