May 2021 >>> Contents

− Buildings & Grounds Update – p.1-2

− Human Concerns – p. 2-5

− Prayer & Worship – p. 5-6 − Liturgy – p. 7 − Faith Formation – p. 7-8 − Finance Council – p. 8 − Cabaret – p. 8 − School – p. 9 − Athletics – p. 9-12 5400 West Washington Boulevard, Milwaukee, WI 53208 (414) 453-1061

Building & Grounds Update>>> Holly Rutenbeck

Progress on Needed School and Church Upgrades

In November and December 2020, Best Electric retrofitted the existing light fixtures in the cafeteria of the school with LED bulbs to reduce energy consumption. The lighting levels in the cafeteria remain the same with the added benefit of dimming the lights as needed for events. The cafeteria lighting upgrades were funded through the Sustainability Committee's 2019 Winter Boutique fundraiser. Thank you everyone for making the Boutique a success!

At the same time as the cafeteria lighting upgrades, through the help of anonymous donors, all lighting fixtures were replaced with higher lumen LED lighting in the church hall. The new lights use significantly less energy and are much brighter, which has allowed the church hall to be used by the 8th Grade class every day for instruction due to social distancing needs. An additional outlet was also added to the church hall that can be used for events but is currently used for charging Chromebooks and Smartboard use.

The 2017 Stop the Auction Project to 'Light the Bell Tower' is underway! Staff Electric installed conduit, pulled new wire, and installed an electrical circuit subpanel at the base of the bell tower. This subpanel was an addition to the original scope of work and will provide extra power to the church hall during Parish events and will allow future expansion of lighting the church. The lights will be installed at the cupola of the bell tower in the coming weeks.


Capital reserves combined with a School Foundation loan are funding this project to mitigate water infiltration that is causing paint peeling at the west side of the church.

Contributions to Building Fund Debt Eliminations will repay the loan in the coming years.

Human Concerns Updates>>> St. Vincent de Paul News Rich Mueller Helping Families in Need

The St. Sebastian conference continues to serve neighbors by providing basic living necessities such as stoves, refrigerators, furniture, household items, etc. In the first quarter of 2021 we have helped approximately 32 families in need. We rely solely on donations and every penny goes to those in need. If you are able to donate, please do so by mail to the parish (mark it St. Sebastian's SVDP) or online at the parish website.

Food Pantry at St. Catherine

Feeding God’s Children

On the 2nd and 4th Saturdays, 9 to 11 a.m., the food pantry is open to area families and individuals in need. The pantry is located in the Father Jack Kern Community Center on 51st and Center Streets. The Food Pantry receives food through ongoing food drives at St. Catherine and St. Sebastian, Feeding America and additionally purchasing some groceries. The pantry also receives bread and meat deliveries on Fridays. Parish members organize the food. Since the pandemic, food has been pre-bagged and handed out at the door. Normally, shoppers come into the Community Center for a combination of choice and pre-packed groceries. The pantry serves an average of 151 individuals in 43 households each time and in 2020 served an average of 200 individuals each time. Food collection receptacles for the pantry are located at each entrance of the St. Sebastian gathering space. Don’t forget to check your cupboards or add a few items to your grocery shopping cart and bring them when you come to Mass. 2

Women’s Care Center Jim Matthias

Collection of Baby Items May 2 and 9

The Friends for Life group at St. Sebastian will be holding a collection of baby items for Mother’s Day. Items can be left in the gathering space on May 2 or 9 and will be given to the Women’s Care Center for distribution. Items needed are diapers in sizes 4, 5, and 6, umbrella strollers, and diaper bags. Gift cards (Pick-N- Save, Walmart, Target, gas stations) are acceptable and should be put in an envelope marked “Women’s Care Center” and placed in a collection basket at the end of Mass.

This is important because so often, pro-lifers get the rap that they only care about the baby until it is born. The Archdiocese asked that every parish adopt a women’s care center as part of their Walking with Moms in Need program. This also ties in nicely with our own parish emphasis on social teaching - solidarity - being one human family regardless of our differences.

The Women’s Care Center is a nonprofit organization that provides free counseling, support and education to women facing unexpected pregnancies. Their mission is to help pregnant women from our communities choose life for their babies, have healthier pregnancies, become better parents and take first steps to self-sufficiency.

In Milwaukee, they are located directly across the street from one of Wisconsin’s busiest abortion providers and due to their location, many of their clients are seriously considering abortion. Between their two Milwaukee centers, they see an average of 31 women per day. Currently, one in ten babies born in Milwaukee County are born to Women’s Care Center moms. They provide free medical grade pregnancy tests, and Ultrasounds (which were donated by Knight of Columbus and the Knights of ), 92% of Women’s Care Center moms choose life for their baby.

When they choose life, these same parents take important steps to self-sufficiency by attending free parenting classes. Their group parenting classes have pivoted to Zoom format, and they have seen an increase in participation in these virtual classes, with nearly forty moms and dads tuning in to each class. Since the pandemic began, women who were already financially stressed are facing even greater economic hardship, causing many of them to seriously consider abortion. Now more than ever, their mission is to bring hope and support to women facing unexpected pregnancies is crucial.

Unlike Planned Parenthood - Women’s Care Center receives no government funding and relies on donations from the community to keep their doors open. They provide prenatal and postnatal health care to mothers AND their babies. Thank you in advance for your help with this parish project.


Facing Racism Susan Ragatz Awareness Requires Action

Many of us have been blind to the extent of the racism around us, perhaps innocently unaware, but now we all know it still exists, and have seen examples of its nearness and its extent.

Last year, a 17-year-old girl saw injustice by someone in authority, someone who ignored the pleas of others. With no power or authority to intervene, she chose to bear witness to the painful death of another. Because of that act, we all became witnesses.

As believers, and children of God, we have an obligation to stand against wickedness, and stand witness with all our brothers and sisters. Pope Francis said: “My friends, we cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life.”

How we choose to follow that injunction is up to us, but the challenge is there for each of us. Religion is not a Sunday thing, it’s there for every breath we take. Let’s do our best.

Mass Incarceration Group Update Mary Carian Contact Legislators to Promote Social Justice

A state budget which reforms criminal justice, improves public safety, and saves money continues to be our focus. In April, we were busy asking faith and organizational leaders to sign WISDOM’s letter to the state finance committee, speaking at a finance committee hearing in Whitewater, and participating in WISDOM’s Virtual Action Day which included virtual visits with legislators. All legislators have received paper copies of Wisdom Priorities for Wisconsin. If you would like an electronic copy, email [email protected].

Our quarterly bi-parish Facing Racism Group meeting yielded an unexpected connection with a south shore group interested in contacting their finance committee representative. Have you contacted your state legislator yet? The 2021-2023 WI budget provides a unique opportunity to foster social justice, save money, and develop bipartisanship.


Please email Senator Dale Kooyenga or phone him (866) 817-6061 if you live in Wauwatosa, Elm Grove, Brookfield or New Berlin because he serves on the finance committee. Otherwise, find your legislators here. Emails and calls should be short and include your address. Something like “fully fund TAD (treatment alternatives and diversions), earned early release, and transitional jobs to save money and increase public safety.” Want additional information on issues? Contact WISDOM or Mary Carian at [email protected] or (414) 258-2162. PLEASE CALL or EMAIL your legislators ASAP.

WISDOM is a WI affiliation of primarily faith-based groups working for social justice. MICAH (Milwaukee Inner City Churches Allied for Hope) is affiliated with WISDOM. St. Sebastian Parish has belonged to MICAH for more than 30 years.

Prayer & Worship >>> Personal Prayer Father Peter Patrick Kimani

Communion with God Through Prayer

All of us have different ways and forms of prayers. Some have adapted a certain spirituality of prayers. A prayer is a personal response to God’s presence. It’s a person-to-person communication with God. I would like to share the St. Ignatius of Loyola Daily Examen which I shared on the first Sunday of Lent. It will help us to recognize the presence of God in our daily life. ➢ Become aware of God’s presence. Look back on the events of the day in the company of the Holy Spirit. The day may seem confusing to you—a blur, a jumble, a muddle. Ask God to bring clarity and understanding. ➢ Review the day with gratitude. Gratitude is the foundation of our relationship with God. Walk through your day in the presence of God and note its joys and delights. Focus on the day’s gifts. Look at the work you did, the people you interacted with. What did you receive from these people? What did you give them? Pay attention to small things—the food you ate, the sights you saw, and other seemingly small pleasures. God is in the details. ➢ Pay attention to your emotions. One of St. Ignatius’ great insights was that we detect the presence of the Spirit of God in the movements of our emotions. Reflect on the feelings you experienced during the day. Boredom? Elation? Resentment? Compassion? Anger? Confidence? What is God saying through these feelings? ➢ Choose one feature of the day and pray from it. Ask the Holy Spirit to direct you to something during the day that God thinks is particularly important. It may involve a feeling—positive or negative. It may be a significant encounter with another person or a vivid moment of pleasure or peace. Or it may be something that seems rather insignificant. Look at it. Pray about it. Allow the prayer to arise spontaneously from your heart—whether intercession, praise, repentance, or gratitude.


➢ Look toward tomorrow. Ask God to give you light for tomorrow’s challenges. Pay attention to the feelings that surface as you survey what’s coming up. Are you doubtful? Cheerful? Apprehensive? Full of delighted anticipation? Allow these feelings to turn into prayer. Seek God’s guidance. Ask him for help and understanding. Pray for hope. If you are able to use this Examen every day, it will help you to be in a prayerful mood the whole day.

Prayers Marian Prayer of St. Gregory the Great

Mary, you are the vessel and tabernacle containing all Mysteries. You know what the Patriarchs did not know; you experienced what was not revealed to the Angels; you heard what the Prophets did not hear. In short, everything that was hidden from preceding generations was made known to you; even more, most of these wonders depended on you.

Prayer to St. Joseph by Pope John XXIII

St. Joseph: be always our protector. That your internal spirit of peace, silence, honest work, and prayer in the service of the Church give us life and happiness in union with your blessed Spouse, our Sweet and Immaculate Mother in the strong and mild love to Jesus, Glorious and Immortal King of the centuries and the people. Amen.

Decorating for Pentecost

Volunteers Needed!

We will be disassembling the Easter Environment on Saturday, May 22, from 9 a.m. to Noon. Judy Hill and Teri Marsicek need 6-8 Volunteers to help sort and store items in the Environment room, as well as help with decorating for Pentecost. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Please call Julia Galligan at the Parish Office to register: (414) 453-1061, ext. 117.


Liturgy Updates >>> Father’s Day Mass

Special Outdoor Mass - June 20 at 10 a.m.

Mark your calendars and dust off your lawn chairs for an outdoor Mass to be held on the school playground at 10 a.m. on Father's Day, June 20, 2021. The outdoor Mass will take the place of both of the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. regularly scheduled Masses, and there will be plenty of room outside to spread out and enjoy. See you there!

Faith Formation Updates >>> Youth Confirmation Margaret Lee

Thirteen Candidates to be Confirmed May 17

This catechetical year has brought us a dozen high school juniors for sacramental preparation. Seeking to be confirmed, each of them is proving eager to complete their initiation into the . Although the pandemic did present some early challenges, our parishes will present thirteen candidates to Bishop Jeffrey Haines on Monday, May 17, 2021.

The sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. It is wonderful to witness young people accept their baptismal calling for themselves. The preparation involves helping candidates to focus on growing in their relationship with Christ. Between their formation sessions and all-day retreat and service work, they have increased in knowledge and awareness. They have reflected on the two primary effects of this sacrament, which are strengthening one's bond with the Church and increasing within each candidate the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

The effort put forth in choosing names and writing letters to the bishop has revealed great thoughtfulness. This group of compassionate, intelligent and pleasant young people is going to be a blessing within our church, as they are ready to share time, talent and treasure. Please keep them in your prayers, as they move into final preparations and soon become full members into the Catholic church. 7

FORMED Website

Every St. Sebastian and St Catherine parishioner has access to FORMED. Step-by-step Directions for your free account: 1. Go to 2. Select - Sign Up Button 3. Select – Sign up as a parishioner 4. Find your parish – St. Sebastian Milwaukee 5. Select Next 6. Enter your name and email 7. Select – Sign Up 8. You will then have access to all of the content!

Getting To Know You Every Thursday on the St. Sebastian Facebook and YouTube Page - Jon Metz will be interviewing someone from the parish or community as he tries to get to know the parish better. Check it out!

Finance Committee Updates>>> Fiscal Year Budget in Process Maricolette Walsh

The Finance Council is busy working of the budget for our next fiscal year. There should be more information on this a little later. The construction work is going well and a few additional roof problems were discovered and are now being addressed as part of the project.

Cabaret >>> A Good Mystery Robin Hensersky

Everyone likes good mystery...... and then there's the show we wrote for cabaret…

The organ pipes of St. Brigid's Parish have gone missing right before the big parish anniversary celebration. "Time to Pay The Piper" is a virtual whodunnit featuring shrewd detectives, colorful suspects and a big mystery! The Saint Sebastian Cabaret Theatre will be presenting "Time to Pay The Piper" virtually this spring. Stay tuned tor virtual viewing information.


School >>> Fish Fry Update Lisa Weger

Fish Fry Is Coming Back!

Mark Your Calendars! St. Sebs Fish Fry will be back for a sneak peak at the Boulevard Bash Street Festival this summer on Saturday, August 28. We plan to open up to sit down service this coming October. Opening night will be Friday, October 1.

Interested in helping out? There are many different needs and ways to help. Please contact Liz Martin ([email protected]) or Lisa Weger ([email protected]).

Saz's Fish Fry Drive a Whopping Success!

Last fall, the event hosted in St. Sebs parking lot, raised a whopping $1,400. At the beginning of the Lenten season, the offsite event located at Saz's Walker's Point, raised just over $450. Thank you to everyone who came out in support of these St. Sebs Home & School events.

YAC Sports Update Diana Kokalis

Volleyball Information for Parish Families

If your child will be entering grades 5 - 8 and is interested in playing Volleyball this fall please have the registration as well as the physical exam forms on pages 10-12 of this newsletter filled out and turned in to the school by May 28. The physical exam form is good for 2 years. If you have any questions, contact Diana Kokalis at [email protected]; 414-265-6513.




ARCHDIOCESE OF MILWAUKEE-St. Sebastian YAC Physical Examination Form (Form 6145(c)) 5th- 8th Grade -PINK

Good for Two Years from Date of Exam. Physical Exam cannot be taken before April 1st


Student’s Name: ______(Last Middle Initial First)

Place of Birth :( City & State) ______Age_____Sex______

Date of Birth: ______Weight ______Height______

Grade: ______School: Saint Sebastian’s City: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The above-named student has been examined and there are no apparent restrictions to participate in interscholastic activities except as follows: Sports or school activities in which the student CANNOT participate are the following: If none-write NONE ______

*If approved for only one year of competition, please check here: ______

Name of Licensed Physician/Clinician: ______(Print Name)

Signature of Licensed Physician/Clinician: ______Physician/Clinician/Clinic Address: ______City: ______State: ______Zip: ______

Phone: ______

Date of Examination: ______

Please continue to read the bulletin; it’s available online or if you would like to have it mailed to you, contact the parish office at 414-453-1061.