Population, by Nativity and Citizenship Status: Universe: 2018 Resident Population Total Percent of Percent of Population Population Foreign Born U.S
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Population, by nativity and citizenship status: Universe: 2018 resident population Total Percent of Percent of population population foreign born U.S. born 282,406,817 86.3 % --- Foreign born 44,760,622 13.7 100.0 % Citizen 22,679,525 6.9 50.7 Non-citizen 22,081,097 6.7 49.3 Total 327,167,439 100.0 % --- Source: Pew Research Center tabulations of 2018 American Community Survey (1% "Statistical Portrait of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States, 2018" PEW RESEARCH CENTER Foreign born, by region of birth: 2018 Universe: 2018 foreign-born resident population Mexico 11,182,111 25.0 % East and Southeast Asia 8,648,528 19.3 Central Asia 131,854 0.3 South Asia 3,668,982 8.2 Oceania 246,371 0.6 Europe 4,848,270 10.8 Canada and Other North America 827,093 1.8 Caribbean 4,463,891 10.0 Central America 3,590,330 8.0 South America 3,304,380 7.4 Middle East-North Africa 1,784,898 4.0 Sub-Saharan Africa 2,032,470 4.5 Total 44,760,622 100.0 % Note: See "Countries by regional classification" for details on our regional grouping of countries. Source: Pew Research Center tabulations of 2018 American Community Survey (1% "Statistical Portrait of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States, 2018" PEW RESEARCH CENTER Country of birth: 2018 Universe: 2018 foreign-born resident population (Countries are listed in descending order of the size of the foreign-born population in each year.) Mexico ######## 25.0 % Lebanon 126,027 0.3 % Uganda 34,572 0.1 % China 2,861,725 6.4 Spain 117,939 0.3 Switzerland 33,817 0.1 India 2,634,871 5.9 Afghanistan 115,568 0.3 Singapore 33,741 0.1 Philippines 2,008,074 4.5 Syria 110,065 0.2 Azores Islands 32,346 0.1 El Salvador 1,420,399 3.2 Bosnia and Herzegovina 107,274 0.2 Lithuania 31,937 0.1 Cuba 1,340,670 3.0 Chile 104,018 0.2 Bahamas 31,529 0.1 Vietnam 1,322,684 3.0 Panama 103,818 0.2 New Zealand 31,207 0.1 Dominican Republic 1,174,729 2.6 Western Africa, other 99,530 0.2 Congo 30,954 0.1 Korea 1,057,487 2.4 South Africa 98,858 0.2 Micronesia 30,572 0.1 Guatemala 1,003,841 2.2 Somalia 96,972 0.2 Europe, other 29,909 0.1 Canada 817,910 1.8 Asia, other 96,205 0.2 Eastern Africa, other 28,316 0.1 Colombia 793,114 1.8 Indonesia 95,405 0.2 Denmark 27,710 0.1 Jamaica 740,745 1.7 Albania 91,196 0.2 Czech Republic 27,675 0.1 Haiti 686,824 1.5 Armenia 89,330 0.2 Kazakhstan 27,605 0.1 Honduras 646,331 1.4 Costa Rica 87,997 0.2 Togo 26,682 0.1 Germany 556,284 1.2 Australia 87,629 0.2 Zimbabwe 26,549 0.1 Brazil 475,559 1.1 Netherlands 87,485 0.2 Macedonia 25,601 0.1 Peru 467,758 1.0 Liberia 86,468 0.2 Antigua & Barbuda 25,254 0.1 Ecuador 440,541 1.0 Jordan 82,492 0.2 St Vincent & The Grenadines 23,543 0.1 Poland 399,908 0.9 Malaysia 80,651 0.2 Latvia 23,502 0.1 Venezuela 398,578 0.9 Saudi Arabia 80,327 0.2 Norway 23,493 0.1 Iran 382,698 0.9 Cameroon 78,750 0.2 Ivory Coast 22,900 0.1 Pakistan 381,192 0.9 Bolivia 77,866 0.2 Azerbaijan 22,087 <0.05 Nigeria 375,887 0.8 Bulgaria 77,569 0.2 Marshall Islands 21,853 <0.05 Russia 372,841 0.8 Morocco 75,801 0.2 West Indies, other 21,590 <0.05 Japan 359,831 0.8 Belarus 72,391 0.2 Algeria 21,058 <0.05 United Kingdom, other 340,272 0.8 Uzbekistan 70,763 0.2 United Arab Emirates 20,411 <0.05 Ukraine 327,409 0.7 Former USSR/Russia, other 69,501 0.2 Finland 19,717 <0.05 Italy 321,001 0.7 Hungary 68,344 0.2 Tanzania 19,401 <0.05 England 293,788 0.7 Bhutan 63,415 0.1 Georgian Rep. 19,133 <0.05 Ethiopia 282,267 0.6 Caribbean, other 63,178 0.1 Paraguay 18,632 <0.05 Guyana 277,521 0.6 Barbados 55,758 0.1 Czechoslovakia 18,462 <0.05 Bangladesh 272,677 0.6 Yemen Arab Republic North 54,116 0.1 Zambia 18,117 <0.05 Thailand 265,877 0.6 Sudan 53,225 0.1 Americas, other 17,628 <0.05 Nicaragua 262,304 0.6 Sri Lanka 52,550 0.1 Rwanda 17,456 <0.05 Iraq 236,900 0.5 Sierra Leone 52,376 0.1 Slovakia 17,343 <0.05 Trinidad & Tobago 219,620 0.5 Scotland 50,919 0.1 Tonga 16,878 <0.05 Egypt 210,740 0.5 Sweden 49,203 0.1 Libya 15,155 <0.05 Ghana 197,411 0.4 Belize 48,012 0.1 Gambia 13,013 <0.05 Argentina 194,654 0.4 Uruguay 47,724 0.1 South Sudan 12,363 <0.05 France 191,412 0.4 Fiji 46,677 0.1 Northern Ireland 12,151 <0.05 Laos 184,103 0.4 Zaire 46,571 0.1 Montenegro 11,877 <0.05 Romania 165,033 0.4 Moldova 45,673 0.1 Samoa 11,555 <0.05 Kenya 150,336 0.3 Grenada 45,236 0.1 Kirghizia 11,399 <0.05 Nepal 148,709 0.3 Eritrea 42,918 0.1 Kosovo 10,450 <0.05 Myanmar 143,033 0.3 Austria 39,863 0.1 Other ns nec 10,429 <0.05 Cambodia 139,712 0.3 Serbia 39,120 0.1 Bermuda 9,183 <0.05 Portugal 139,320 0.3 Croatia 37,156 0.1 Tunisia 8,829 <0.05 Africa, other 137,557 0.3 Belgium 36,801 0.1 South America, other 8,415 <0.05 Israel/Palestine 136,030 0.3 Cape Verde 36,246 0.1 Iceland 4,668 <0.05 Turkey 134,733 0.3 Kuwait 36,087 0.1 Ireland 128,966 0.3 Yugoslavia 35,683 0.1 Greece 126,798 0.3 Dominica 35,215 0.1 Total 44,760,622 100.0 % Note: China includes Taiwan and Hong Kong. Source: Pew Research Center tabulations of 2018 American Community Survey (1% IPUMS). "Statistical Portrait of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States, 2018" PEW RESEARCH CENTER Foreign born, by region of birth and years in the U.S.: 2018 Universe: 2018 foreign-born resident population 0 to 5 years 6 to 10 years 11 to 15 years 16 to 20 years Over 20 years Total Mexico 928,523 775,875 1,485,420 2,238,925 5,753,368 11,182,111 East and Southeast Asia 1,500,243 946,080 926,337 941,610 4,334,258 8,648,528 Central Asia 38,881 21,083 20,612 17,039 34,239 131,854 South Asia 1,148,791 589,390 446,589 470,990 1,013,222 3,668,982 Oceania 61,091 28,265 32,969 34,158 89,888 246,371 Europe 657,376 358,714 414,540 634,284 2,783,356 4,848,270 Canada and Other North America 151,646 67,457 62,946 87,060 457,984 827,093 Caribbean 768,542 576,927 470,081 479,039 2,169,302 4,463,891 Central America 657,604 367,185 559,321 537,020 1,469,200 3,590,330 South America 706,779 292,896 366,750 626,399 1,311,556 3,304,380 Middle East-North Africa 432,957 276,164 183,893 205,151 686,733 1,784,898 Sub-Saharan Africa 547,733 379,302 330,441 303,174 471,820 2,032,470 Total 7,604,617 4,682,422 5,303,157 6,589,503 20,592,223 44,760,622 PERCENT DISTRIBUTION Mexico 8.3 % 6.9 % 13.3 % 20.0 % 51.5 % 100.0 % East and Southeast Asia 17.3 10.9 10.7 10.9 50.1 100.0 Central Asia 29.5 16.0 15.6 12.9 26.0 100.0 South Asia 31.3 16.1 12.2 12.8 27.6 100.0 Oceania 24.8 11.5 13.4 13.9 36.5 100.0 Europe 13.6 7.4 8.6 13.1 57.4 100.0 Canada and Other North America 18.3 8.2 7.6 10.5 55.4 100.0 Caribbean 17.2 12.9 10.5 10.7 48.6 100.0 Central America 18.3 10.2 15.6 15.0 40.9 100.0 South America 21.4 8.9 11.1 19.0 39.7 100.0 Middle East-North Africa 24.3 15.5 10.3 11.5 38.5 100.0 Sub-Saharan Africa 26.9 18.7 16.3 14.9 23.2 100.0 All 17.0 % 10.5 % 11.8 % 14.7 % 46.0 % 100.0 % Note: See "Countries by regional classification" for details on our regional grouping of countries. Source: Pew Research Center tabulations of 2018 American Community Survey (1% IPUMS). "Statistical Portrait of the Foreign-Born Population in the United States, 2018" PEW RESEARCH CENTER Population, by nativity, race and ethnicity: 2018 Universe: 2018 resident population Total U.S.-born Foreign-born Percent population population population foreign born Hispanic 59,740,273 39,920,459 19,819,814 33.2 % White alone, not Hispanic 197,034,851 189,122,505 7,912,346 4.0 Black alone, not Hispanic 40,373,281 36,400,987 3,972,294 9.8 Asian alone, not Hispanic 18,225,747 6,183,413 12,042,334 66.1 Other, not Hispanic 11,793,287 10,779,453 1,013,834 8.6 Total 327,167,439 282,406,817 44,760,622 13.7 % Note: "Other, not Hispanic" includes persons reporting single races not listed separately and persons reporting more than one race.