Report of Joint Inspection Team to monitor the implementation of National Horticulture Mission Scheme in State


1 . . H . V . L . B a t h l a , C h i e f C o n s u l t a n t , N H M . r


2 . . R . K i s h n a M a n o h a , P i n c i p a l I n v e s t i g a t o P F C ) , U A S , B a n g a l o e .

r r r r r ( D r


3 . . T a m i l S e l v a n , i e c t o , i e c t o a t e o f A e c a n u t a n d S p i c e e v e l o p m e n t , C a l i c u t .

r D r r D r r r D


. V e n k a t e s h H u b b l l i , i e c t o , i e c t o a t e o f C a s h e w & C o c o a e v e l o p m e n t , K o c h i . 4 .

r D r r D r r D


. . J a i P a k a s h , E x e c u t i v e i e c t o , S H M , K a n a t a k a S t a t e R e p e s e n t a t i o n )


r r D r r r ( r D





1 K a r n a t a k a S t a t e 3 - 6

2 D i s i c

t r t : B a g a l k o t 7 - 1 6

D i s i c 2 9

t r t : 3 1 7 -


D i s i c D h 2

4 t r t : a r w a d 3 0 - 4

D i s i c

5 t r t : G u l b a r g a 4 3 - 5 8

D i s i c i j 9

6 t r t : B a p u r 5 - 6 6

c i s h

7 P r o e e d n g o f t e W r a p u p 6 7 - 6 8


M e e t n g

c i s

8 G e n e r a l R e o m m e n d a t o n 6 8


Karnataka State


K a r n a t a k a i s l o c a t e d i n t h e w e s t e r n h a l f o f t h e D e c c a n p l a t e a u . T h e S t a t e e x t e n d s t o a b o u t

k m . f r o m n o r t h t o s o u t h a n d a b o u t 4 k m . f r o m e a s t t o w e s t . I t h a s f o u r p h y s i o g r a p h i c

7 5 0 0 0

r e g i o n s . N o r t h e r n K a r n a t a k a P l a t e a u ( l a r g e l y i n c l u d e s t h e D e c c a n T r a p c o v e r i n g d i s t r i c t s

i d a r , e l g a u m , G u l b a r g a a n d i j a p u r w i t h e l e v a t i o n r a n g i n g b e t w e e n 3 t o 6 m e t e r s ) ,

B B B 0 0 0 0

C e n t r a l K a r n a t a k a P l a t e a u ( c o v e r s d i s t r i c t s C h i t r a d u r g a , R a i c h u r , C h i k m a g a l u r , D h a r w a d ,

S h i m o g a a n d e l l a r y i . e ., T u n g a b a d r a r e g i o n w i t h a n e l e v a t i o n b e t w e e n 4 t o m e t e r s ) ,

B 5 0 7 0 0

S o u t h e r n K a r n a t a k a P l a t e a u ( i n c l u d e s d i s t r i c t s a n g a l o r e , H a s s a n , K o d a g u , a n g a l o r e R u r a l ,


a n d y a , y s o r e , K o l a r a n d T u m k u r w i t h e l e v a t i o n o f t h e r e g i o n i s e s t i m a t e d t o b e 6 t o

M M 0 0

9 m e t e r s ) a n d K a r n a t a k a C o a s t a l R e g i o n ( W e s t e r n G h a t s , e d g e s o f t h e K a r n a t a k a P l a t e a u ,

0 0

U t t a r a K a n n a d a d i s t r i c t s a n d D a k s h i n a K a n n a d a ) .

Geographical details:

r e a : 1 9 1 , 9 1 s q u a r e k i l o m e t e r s , 7

• A

G r o s s C r o p p e d a r e a : 1 1 4 , 3 s q u a r e k i l o m e t e r s , 0

• 5

e t c r o p p e d a r e a : 9 8 , 4 6 6 s q u a r e k i l o m e t e r s ,

• N

I r r i g a t e d a r e a : 1 2 , 8 1 s q u a r e k i l o m e t e r s ,

• 7

r e a u n d e r h o r t i c u l t u r e : 1 9 . l a k h h a .

0 0

• A

o u n d a r i e s – r a b i a n s e a t o t h e W e s t , G o a a n d a h a r a s h t r a i n t h e N o r t h , T a m i l N a d u a n d


• A

K e r a l a i n t h e S o u t h a n d n d h r a P r a d e s h t o t h e E a s t ,


N u m b e r o f D i s t r i c t s – 3 . • 0


K a r n a t a k a S t a t e e n j o y s a s a l u b r i o u s c l i m a t e t h r o u g h o u t t h e y e a r . W e a t h e r i n t h e s t a t e i s

h o w e v e r d y n a m i c a n d c h a n g e s f r o m p l a c e t o p l a c e o w i n g t o i t s a l t i t u d e , t o p o g r a p h y a n d i t s

d i s t a n c e f r o m t h e s e a . I t i s i n f l u e n c e d b y f o u r m a j o r s e a s o n s n a m e l y : w i n t e r s e a s o n


( D e c e m b e r t o F e b r u a r y ) , s u m m e r s e a s o n ( a r c h t o a y ) , m o n s o o n s e a s o n ( J u n e t o


S e p t e m b e r ) , a n d p o s t - m o n s o o n s e a s o n ( O c t o b e r t o N o v e m b e r ) .


T h e s o u t h w e s t m o n s o o n a c c o u n t s f o r a l m o s t 8 o f t h e r a i n f a l l t h e s t a t e r e c e i v e s . T h e

0 %

a n n u a l r a i n f a l l a c r o s s t h e s t a t e r a n g e s f r o m l o w t o 2 c m . T h e d i s t r i c t s o f i j a p u r ,

5 0 5 0 B

R a i c h u r , e l l a r y a n d S o u t h e r n h a l f o f G u l b a r g a e x p e r i e n c e t h e l o w e s t r a i n f a l l r a n g i n g f r o m


t o 6 c m . w h i l e t h e w e s t c o a s t r e g i o n a n d a l n a d e n j o y t h e h i g h e s t r a i n f a l l .

5 0 0 M

Soil and irrigation facility

T h e s t a t e h a s b e e n d i v i d e d i n t o s i x t y p e s o f s o i l s n a m e l y : r e d , l a t e r i t i c , b l a c k , a l l u v i a l , f o r e s t

a n d c o a s t a l s o i l s .

K a r n a t a k a a c c o u n t s f o r a b o u t 6 o f t h e c o u n t r y ' s s u r f a c e w a t e r r e s o u r c e s . r o u n d 6 o f

% 0 %


t h i s i s p r o v i d e d b y t h e w e s t f l o w i n g r i v e r s , w h i l e t h e r e m a i n i n g c o m e s f r o m t h e e a s t f l o w i n g

r i v e r s . T h e r e a r e r i v e r b a s i n s a l l f o r m e d b y t h e G o d a v a r i , C a u v e r y , K r i s h n a , w e s t - f l o w i n g


r i v e r s , S o u t h P e n n a r , a n d P a l a r .

Horticulture in Karnataka

K a r n a t a k a i s r e g a r d e d a s t h e “ C a f e t e r i a o f H o r t i c u l t u r a l C r o p s ” i n v i e w o f i t s s u i t a b i l i t y f o r

c u l t i v a t i o n o f v a r i o u s h o r t i c u l t u r a l c r o p s . T h e c u r r e n t a r e a a n d p r o d u c t i o n o f h o r t i c u l t u r e

c r o p s i s e s t i m a t e d t o b e a r o u n d 1 8 . 9 l a k h h e c t a r e s a n d 1 4 8 l a k h t o n s r e s p e c t i v e l y , w i t h a n

a v e r a g e p r o d u c t i v i t y o f a b o u t . 8 t o n s p e r h e c t a r e . T h o u g h t h e h o r t i c u l t u r e s e c t o r i n t h e


s t a t e h a s w i t n e s s e d a p h e n o m e n a l g r o w t h i n t h e l a s t f i v e d e c a d e s , t h e r e a r e a b u n d a n t

o p p o r t u n i t i e s f o r f u r t h e r g r o w t h , e s p e c i a l l y i n a r e a s l i k e p r o d u c t i v i t y i m p r o v e m e n t , q u a l i t y

e n h a n c e m e n t , h i - t e c h h o r t i c u l t u r e , p r o t e c t e d c u l t i v a t i o n , p r e c i s i o n f a r m i n g , e t c .

H o r t i c u l t u r e s e c t o r i s a n i m p o r t a n t s o u r c e o f l i v e l i h o o d f o r a s m a n y a s 1 2 l a k h f a r m i n g

h o u s e h o l d s i n t h e s t a t e .


Area and production of major horticultural crops in Karnataka

f i g . i n ‘ 0 0 0 h a / t o n s ) (

Fruits Vegetables Spices Plantation Flowers Aromatic

Prod Year Area Prodn Area Prodn Area Prodn Area n Area Prodn Area Prodn

2004-05 230.8 3339.9 234.0 2466.3 216.3 458.5 759 495.0 16.9 138.7 1.2 4.8

2005-06 233.4 3515.6 267.4 4638.0 196.9 472.4 698 407.0 19.0 115.5 1.2 14.7

2006-07 252.2 3786.6 263.9 4719.2 210.5 461.2 724 450.0 21.4 182.2 0.8 8.3

2007-08 259.8 3975.9 271.8 4955.2 216.8 453.7 746 425.0 22.0 191.3 0.9 8.7

2008-09 289.5 4482.0 257.6 4098.1 207.3 517.0 721 412.0 27.0 199.8 1.7 15.0

2009-10 360.2 5962.7 436.9 7063.0 266.4 1097.1 805 442.0 26.83 195.5 1.5 16.17

K a r n a t a k a s t a t e h a s a n e q u a l d i s t r i b u t i o n o f k e y h o r t i c u l t u r a l c r o p s s u c h a s m a j o r F r u i t s a n d

V e g e t a b l e s ( F & V s ) w i t h t h e a r e a u n d e r t h e c r o p r a n g i n g b e t w e e n 2 . t o 3 . 6 l a k h s h a . T h e


a r e a u n d e r m a j o r s p i c e s i s a l s o s i g n i f i c a n t a t a b o u t 2 . 3 l a k h s h a . f o l l o w e d b y f l o w e r s a n d


a r o m a t i c c r o p s w i t h a b o u t . 2 4 a n d . 1 3 l a k h h a r e s p e c t i v e l y . I n t e r m s o f o u t p u t , m a j o r

0 0

F & V s a c c o u n t a b o u t 4 8 . 2 a n d 6 . 1 9 l a k h t o n s , r e s p e c t i v e l y .

5 5

D u r i n g t h e J I T v i s i t f i v e d i s t r i c t s n a m e l y : B a g a l k o t , B i d a r , D h a r w a d ,


u l b e r g a a n d B i j a p u r w e r e v i s i t e d b y t h e t e a m . T h e d i s t r i c t - w i s e

d e t a i l s , b e n e f i c i a r i e s v i s i t e d a n d o b s e r v a t i o n s m a d e a r e g i v e n b e l o w

s e p a r a t e l y f o r e a c h d i s t r i c t .

Crop- wise requirements and availability of planting material for the year 2011-12 under NHM in Karnataka

Sl. Crops Requirement for 2011-12 Availability No. (No. In lakhs) Physical (Ha.) No. of plants(lakhs) 1 Mango 4850 7.76 24.22 2 Grapes 750 22.50 41.25 3 Pomegranate 300 0.90 4.46 4 Sapota 1000 1.60 13.07 5 Citrus 500 1.50 11.39 6 Banana (TC) 1900 85.50 300.50 7 Papaya 200 6.00 37.05 8 Cocoa 800 3.12 4.60 [5]

9 Cashew 750 0.81 15.91 10 Pepper 400 10.00 59.15 Total 10350 139.69 511.6

The total availability of planting material in the state including both private and public sector nurseries is estimated at about 511.6 lakh plants. Whereas, the scheme requirement of planting material is estimated at about 139.69 lakh plants (27.3% of the availability) covering various important crops for implementation of its area expansion plan of 10,350 ha. Hence, planting materials estimated to be sufficient to meet the scheme requirement.




a g a l k o t D i s t r i c t i s l o c a t e d o n t h e n o r t h e r n p a r t o f t h e s t a t e . I t c o n s i s t s o f 6 t a l u k s v i z


a d a m i , a g a l k o t , i l a g i , H u n g u n d , J a m k h a n d i a n d u d h o l , a n d 3 p r o m i n e n t r i v e r s n a m e l y :


K r i s h n a , G h a t p r a b h a a n d a l a p r a b h a f l o w t h r o u g h t h e d i s t r i c t , t h e f a m o u s l m a t t i d a m



e x i s t s i n t h e d i s t r i c t a n d o f t h e a r e a u n d e r i r r i g a t i o n . H o r t i c u l t u r e c r o p s g r o w n o n t h e

7 0 %

r i g h t a n d l e f t s i d e o f t h e c a n a l s .

T h e G e o g r a p h i c a l a r e a o f t h e d i s t r i c t i s 6 8 , 8 8 h a o u t o f w h i c h 4 , 3 , 9 h a c u l t i v a b l e ,

5 7 7 5 0

3 2 9 6 h a u n d e r H o r t i c u l t u r e c r o p s a r e m a i n l y F r u i t s 6 8 6 h a , V e g e t a b l e s 2 2 9 9 h a , F l o w e r s

7 5 7

2 2 h a , P l a n t a t i o n 2 9 4 h a , S p i c e s 1 8 h a , e d i c i n a l & r o m a t i c P l a n t s 1 6 h a i n t h e

7 0 5 0 M


d i s t r i c t . T h e r e a r e 6 4 1 s m a l l f a r m e r s , 4 9 9 1 m a r g i n a l f a r m e r s , 8 2 6 2 2 e d i u m f a r m e r s

0 0 0 M

a n d 4 , 2 6 2 l a r g e f a r m e r s , o f w h i c h 2 , 2 8 3 a r e H o r t i c u l t u r e f a m i l i e s i n t h e d i s t r i c t . a g a l k o t i s

5 B

a r i c h d i s t r i c t w i t h r e s p e c t t o h o r t i c u l t u r e w e a l t h . I t i s e n d o w e d w i t h c o n g e n i a l a g r o - c l i m a t e

c o n d i t i o n s w h i c h h a s m a d e i t p o s s i b l e t o g r o w d i f f e r e n t v a r i e t i e s o f h o r t i c u l t u r e c r o p s .


Land Availability

Geographical area and land use features:

h i c h

1 G e o g r a p a l A r e a ( a ) 6 5 8 8 8 7

2 F s h 2

o r e t l a n d ( a ) 8 1 1 6

s h 9

3 W a t e l a n d ( a ) 5 3 1 8

h s h 2

4 O t e r ( a ) 5 1 0 6

h i s

L a n d o l d n g a n d A r e a

5 No. Area (Ha).

i 9 2 9

( a ) M a r g n a l ( < 1 . 0 H a ) 6 0 8 3 5 8 8

2 9 2 2

( b ) S m a l l ( 1 . 0 - . 0 H a ) 7 0 3 6 1 0 3 6

c i i 2 9

( ) S e m M e d u m ( . 0 - 4 . 0 H a ) 5 6 1 3 1 5 4 7 5 4

i 2 9

( d ) M e d u m ( 4 . 0 - 1 0 . 0 H a ) 7 3 5 0 1 5 8 4 6


( e ) L a r g e ( > 1 0 . 0 H a ) 3 7 4 6 5 1 1 4

Total 200895 502089

i i

6 N e t a r e a r r g a t e d ( I n H a )

j i i

( a ) M a o r I r r g a t o n 6 8 1 4 4

i i i 9 2

( b ) M e d u m I r r g a t o n 3 7 0

c i i i 2 9

( ) M n o r I r r g a t o n 3 1

c i i

7 S o u r e o f I r r g a t o n

( a ) G r o u n d w a t e r 8 5 5 5 0

c 9

( b ) S u r f a e w a t e r 7 7 6 0

i i h h

a n a l I r r g a t o n ( G a t a p r a b a a n d 2

8 C 6 4 8 3

h c

M a l a p r a b a l e f t b a n k a n a l )


General Agro climatic Details of the 1 Taluka’s , Bagalkot, Bilagi, Hunagund, Jamakhandi, 2 Agro Climatic Zone Northern dry zone Altitude 3 Altitude 533.0 m. ASML 4 Latitude 16 0 12 1 N-16 0 46 N- 5 Longitude 74 0 59 1 E-76 0 20 1 E 6 Annual Rainfall 585 mm, 40 rainy days 7 Temperature Minimum -18 0 C, Maximum-40 0 C 8 Climate Dry Climate 9 Soil Type Balck, Red & Alluvial Soils.

Horticulture in the District

T h e d i v e r s e a g r o - e c o l o g i c a l c o n d i t i o n s p r e v a i l i n g i n t h e D i s t r i c t h a s m a d e i t p o s s i b l e t o g r o w

l a r g e v a r i e t i e s o f h o r t i c u l t u r e c r o p s c o v e r i n g f r u i t s , v e g e t a b l e s , f l o w e r s , s p i c e s , p l a n t a t i o n s ,

r o o t s a n d t u b e r o u s c r o p s , a r o m a t i c c r o p s , m e d i c i n a l c r o p s , o i l p a l m e t c . . T h e r e h a s b e e n a

s i g n i f i c a n t d e v e l o p m e n t i n h o r t i c u l t u r e s e c t o r s i n c e t h e l a s t t w o t o t h r e e d e c a d e s .T h e r e i s a

c l e a r s h i f t f r o m a g r i c u l t u r e t o h o r t i c u l t u r e s e c t o r w h i c h i s m a i n l y a t t r i b u t e d t o t h e f a c t t h a t

h o r t i c u l t u r e c r o p s a r e p e r e n n i a l i n n a t u r e a n d a r e l e s s l a b o u r o r i e n t e d a n d h i g h l y

r e m u n e r a t i v e . H o r t i c u l t u r e c r o p s a r e g r o w n i n a n a r e a o f 3 2 9 6 h a . w i t h a n a n n u a l


p r o d u c t i o n o f 4 2 1 3 t o n s a n n u a l l y .

7 0

Planting Material Requirement and Availability 2011-12 Sl. Requirement of Planting material Availability no No of Area Crop Plants Source Stock Remarks (Ha) Required Grape 1 (1110 plants/ ha) 75 83250 Farmers 83250 Sufficient

Banana 345700 2 (3086 plants/ ha) 50 154300 Private 500000 surplus

UHS Bagalkot, Private Nurseries 75000 Papaya 20700 3 50 154300 (3086 plants/ ha) Seeds available in surplus Private 100000


Field Visit

Beneficiary No.1

Area Expansion-Banana Area- 3.88 ha Spacing – 6*6ft Sl Details Remarks No 1 Name and adress of Beneficiary whose feild Shri Hanamappa Shivappa Sulikeri visited atpost-Takkalaki 2 Total Land available with the beneficiary 11.12 Acre

3 Crop Cluster under which covered Bilagi 4 Name and variety of crop planted G-9 5 Source of planting material Kantesh /Tech, 6 Number of planting material 12000 plants 7 Number of plants planted/rejuvinated 12000 8 Date of plants which survived(also indicate % 100% survival) 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the 121060/- beneficiary 10 Amount paid and date of payment 121060/- 4-12-2010 11 Mode of payment NEFT, Through Bank 12 Source of Irrigation water (Bore well/Tube Bore well well/canal) 13 Whether Drip/sprinkler system in use Drip Irrigation 14 Other inputs provided Subsidy Availed for Drip irrigation system of Rs. 155700.00 (31.03.20111) 15 Whether assistance available for Organic Farming No 16 If so area covered - 17 Assistance available - 18 Avaialble Marketing facility for the crop local Market 19 Other infrastucture available in the vicinity APMC, Bagalkot fruit and vegetable auction centre 20 General upkeep of the plot: very Good good/good/Average/poor 21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT -


Beneficiary No.2 Area Expansion- Grape Area- 0.80 ha Spacing – 10*5ft Sl Details Remarks No 1 Name and address of Beneficiary whose field visited Shri Mastanshab Dongrisahab Yendigeri Atpost- Girisagar 2 Total Land available with the beneficiary 3.20 Acre

3 Crop Cluster under which covered Anagawadi 4 Name and variety of crop planted Manik Chaman 5 Source of planting material Farmers Field 6 Number of planting material 1780 7 Number of plants planted 1780 8 Date of plants which survived(also indicate % 100% survival) 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the 24000/- beneficiary 10 Amount paid and date of payment 18010/- 6-12-2010 11 Mode of payment NEFT, Through Bank 12 Source of Irrigation water (Bore well/Tube Bore well well/canal) 13 Whether Drip/sprinkler system in use Drip Irrigation 14 Other inputs provided Critical inputs like PSB 20kg Azospirullum 20kg Zinc Sulphate 20Kg Ferrous Sulphate 24Kg Borax 8kg Liquid Organic 11lit Enrich city compost 240kg of worth Rs 5990/- (25% of new AEP installement) 15 Whether assistance available for Organic Farming No 16 If so area covered 17 Assistance available 18 Available Marketing facility for the crop First crop in local market 19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity Local Market 20 General upkeep of the plot: very Good good/good/Average/poor 21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT


Beneficiary No.3 Area Expansion- Papaya Area- 1 ha Spacing – 7*5ft Sl No Details Remarks 1 Name and address of Beneficiary whose field visited Shri Subhashchandra Sankerrapa Hadli Atpost- Anagawadi 2 Total Land available with the beneficiary 4.00 Acre

3 Crop Cluster under which covered Anagawadi 4 Name and variety of crop planted Thaiwan 786 RED LADY 5 Source of planting material Cadilla Pharmecuticals limited 6 Number of planting material 4500/- 7 Number of plants planted 4500/- 8 Date of plants which survived(also indicate % survival) 100% 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the 31500/- beneficiary 10 Amount paid and date of payment 23651/- 6/12/2010 11 Mode of payment NEFT, Through Bank 12 Source of Irrigation water (Bore well/Tube well/canal) Bore well 13 Whether Drip/sprinkler system in use Drip Irrigation 14 Other inputs provided Critical inputs like PSB 28kg Azospirullum 28kg Zinc Sulphate 16.8Kg Ferrous Sulphate 14Kg Borax 5.6kg Liquid Organic 14lit Enrich city compost 455kg of worth Rs 7849/- (25% of new AEP installement) Microirrigation Subsidy of Rs. 74600 availed (31.03.2011) 15 Whether assistance available for Organic Farming No 16 If so area covered 17 Assistance available 18 Available Marketing facility for the crop HOPCOMS Bangalure, Mumbai. 19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity HOPCOMS Bangalure. 20 General upkeep of the plot: very Good good/good/Average/poor 21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT 12

Beneficiary No.4

Area Expansion- Papaya Area- 1 ha Spacing – 7*5ft Sl No Details Remarks 1 Name and adress of Beneficiary whose feild visited Shri Shrisail virupakshigouda Patil Atpost- Anagawadi

2 Total Land available with the beneficiary 12.22 Acre

3 Crop Cluster under which covered Anagawadi 4 Name and variety of crop planted Thaiwan 786 RED LADY 5 Source of planting material Cadilla Pharmecuticals limited 6 Number of planting material 3600/- 7 Number of plants planted/rejuvinated 3600/- 8 Date of plants which survived(also indicate % 100% survival) 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the 22500/- beneficiary 10 Amount paid and date of payment 16893/- 20/12/2010 11 Mode of payment NEFT 12 Source of Irrigation water (Bore well/Tube Bore well well/canal) 13 Whether Drip/sprinkler system in use Drip Irrigation 14 Other inputs provided Critical inputs like PSB 20kg Azospirullum 20kg Zinc Sulphate 12Kg Ferrous Sulphate 10Kg Borax 4kg Liquid Organic 10lit Enrich city compost 325kg of worth Rs 5607/- (25% of new AEP installement ) Micro irrigation subsidy of Rs. 74600 availed (31.03.201) 15 Whether assistance available for Organic Farming No 16 If so area covered 17 Assistance available 18 Avaialble Marketing facility for the crop HOPCOMS Bangalure, Mumbai. 19 Other infrastucture available in the vicinity HOPCOMS Bangalure.

20 General upkeep of the plot: very Good good/good/Average/poor 21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT


Beneficiary No.5 Pack House Sl Details Remarks No 1 Name and address of Beneficiary whose feild Shri Prakash virupakxgouda Patil Atpost- visited Anagawadi

2 Total Land available with the beneficiary 12.22 Acre Sy No-36/1

3 Year of Establishment 2010

4 Size of Structure (Sq.m) 12*5*4mtr 240Sq.m 5 Total Cost 317000/-

6 Agency involved in frabication and installation Self 7 Total subsidy paid and date of payment 150000/- P.K.P.S Anagawadi Acc no 04 dated 12- 4-2011 8 Crop being grown Grape,Pomegranate

9 Condition of structure

10 Condition of crop Good 11 General upkeep of the plot: very Good good/good/Average/poor

12 Any other relevant observation by JIT -

Beneficiary No.6 Production of Planting Material Nursery Sl Details Remarks No 1 Name of the Project Public Sector Small Nursery 2 Year of Imlementation 2010-11 3 Project Period 120 days 4 Name of Implementing Agency University of Horticultural Sciences (UHS) Bagalkot 5 Location of Project Orchard office, UHS, Navangar Bagalkot 6 Total Project Cost Rs. 7.60 lakhs 7 Amount Released by DAC Rs. 6.25 lakhs 8 Expenditure incurred Rs. 7.60 lakhs 9 Status of Project Name of Nursery and crop for which plants are produced Orchard Model Nursery, Work under progress for Mango, Pomogranate, Sapota, Grape Rootstock, Fig, Lime production. Name of Crops for which seeds produced - Quantity Produced -


Quantity Sold - Rate - Amount realized through sale - Whether NHM logo displayed No

Beneficiary No.7 Water Resources Development Sl Details Remarks No 1 Name of the Project Community Tank 2 Year of Imlementation 2009-10 3 Project Period 60 days 4 Name of Implementing Agency Senios Assistant Director of Horticulture (ZP) Badami 5 Location of Project Agasankoppa Tq: Badami 6 Total Project Cost Rs. 3.52 lakhs 7 Amount Released by DAC Rs. 2.00 lakhs 8 Expenditure incurred Status Rs. 3.52 lakhs 9 Current Status of Project Dimension (L x B x W) 32 x 32 x 3 Capacity 300 (Cubic meter) Command Area 12 ha Whether linked with new plantation or old plantation Yes New plantation of Banana, Capsicum, Tomato Whether Funds disbursed Yes

Observations :-

1 .

h e A r e a E x p a n s i o n f o r T C B a n a n a G - 9 v a r i e t y i n V i l l a g e R o l l i h a s f o u n d t o b e l e s s p r o d u c t i n g


b e c a u s e o f d a m a g e d u e t o w i n d . T h e q u a l i t y a n d s i z e o f t h e b u n c h e s i s v e r y s m a l l . T h e A E P i s

s u p p o r t e d u n d e r M I a l s o f o r d r i p i r r i g a t i o n .



h e A E P - G r a p e s i n V i l l a g e : - G i r i s a g a r a n d a l s o s u p p o r t e d f o r d r i p i r r i g a t i o n u n d e r M I i s


p e r f o r m i n g w e l l .



E P – P a p a y a i n V i l l a g e : - A n a g a w a d i w i t h R e d L a d y v a r i e t y i s p e r f o r m i n g e x c e l l e n t a n d t h e


b e n e f i c i a r y i s g e t t i n g v e r y h i g h r e t u r n s .

4 .

h e c o m m u n i t y p o n d s u p p o r t e d u n d e r N H M d u r i n g 2 0 0 9 - 1 0 i n V i l l a g e : - A n a g a n w a d i t o S h r i


M a h a d e v a p p a h a s n o t b e e n p u t t o u s e f o r i r r i g a t i o n b u t b e i n g u s e d f o r r e a r i n g f i s h .




District :- Bidar


The entire district forms a part of the and is made up mostly of solidified lava. The northern part of the district is characterized by expanses of level and treeless surface punctuated here and there by flat and undulating hillocks, black soils and basaltic rocks. The southern half of the district is a high plateau about 715 m above mean sea level and are well drained. The average elevation of the district is between 580 to 610 m above mean sea level. Alluvial deposit is normally found along the banks of the Manjra river and its main tributaries.The district is entirely covered by the Deccan trap flows of the tertiary period. The Deccan trap is composed of horizontal flows of basaltic lava. They generally form flat-topped hillocks and terrace-like features.



Two types of soils found in the district are Lateritic red soil and black cotton soil. Aurad and Bhalki taluks have mainly black cotton soil. Bidar and Humnabad taluks have mainly lateritic red soil. taluk has both types of soils.


The climate of this district is characterized by general dryness throughout the year, except during the southwest monsoon. The summer season is from the middle of February to the first week of June. This is followed by southwest monsoon season, which continues till the end of September. The months of October and November constitute the post-monsoon or retreating monsoon season.

The winter season is from December to middle of February and the temperature begins to decrease from the end of November, December is the coldest month with mean daily maximum temperature of 27.3 0 C and mean daily minimum of 16.4 0 C. From the middle of the February, both day and night temperatures begin to rise rapidly. May is the hottest month with mean daily maximum temperature of 38.8 0 C and mean daily minimum of 25.90 C. With the withdrawal of southwest monsoon in the first week of October, there is slight increase in day temperature but night temperature decreases steadily. After October, both day and night temperatures decreases progressively. The highest maximum temperature recorded at Bidar was on 8-5-1931(43.3 0 C) and the lowest was on 5-1-1901(3.9 0 C).

Physical and Financial Targets during 2005-06 to 2010-11 Area in Ha. Rs. in lakhs

Year Target Achievement Physical (Ha) Financial (Rs) Physical Financial 2005-06 - - - - 2006-07 - - - - 2007-08 401.22 37.44 401.22 37.44 2008-09 1567.00 167.61 1513.80 158.83 2009-10 870.00 89.38 870.00 89.38 2010-11 290.00 64.26 366.00 67.36


Area and Production of Horticulture Crops in 2005-2006 2010-2011 Production Production Crops Area(Ha) (Ton) ) Area(Ha) (Ton )

1 Mango 767 7670 1676 10710

2 Grapes 152 2280 327 5172

3 Pomegranate 22 220 181 1440

4 Sapota 44 500 108 1080

5 Citrus 26 650 222 3888

7 Papaya 914 7280 168 10920

8 Loose flowers 62 496 297 2376

9 Ginger 1300 13000 2088 20880

11 Cashew 152 268 199 298.5

Total 3707 40404 5913 72026.5

Taluk wise Area details

Sl. Taluka Geo Forest Non Barren Cultivable Permanent Trees and No. graphical Area Agricultural (Ha.) waste land Pasture Grooves Area (Ha.) (Ha.) Land (Ha.) (Ha.) (Ha.) (Ha.) 1 Aurad 121622 2311 2661 3213 3412 1684 2776 2 Basavakalyan 119438 7143 3254 7687 6053 3443 77 3 Bhalki 109259 2584 5260 395 3115 3541 7290 4 Bidar 92203 4655 4299 2525 2085 910 482 5 Humnabad 99243 11014 6532 5307 4717 4386 312 Total 541765 27707 22006 19127 19382 13964 10915


Field Visit Beneficiary No.1

Sl. Details Farmers field information No. 1 Name and address of the beneficiary Sri Manik Reddy S/o Ram Reddy Post Bemalkheda Taluka Humnabad District Bidar 2 Total Land available with the beneficiary 1.31 Ha 3 Crop cluster under which covered Sweet Orange 4 Name and variety of the crop planted Sathgudi 5 Source of planting material Ananthpur, Andhra Pradesh 6 No. of plants planted 325 7 Date of palnting Jan 2008

8 No of plants which surviced (Percentage 324 (99.99%) survival) 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance to the 29475/- beneficiary (Rs.) 10 Amount paid and date of Payment 2008-09 – Rs. 14737/- Date of Payment : 6-3-2008 2009-10 – Rs. 5895/- Date of Payment : 14-8-2009 2010-11 – Rs. 8843/- Date of Payment : 25-8-2010 11 Mode of Payment By Eclectronic Clearance System (ECS) 12 Source of irrigation Borewell 13 Whether Drip or Sprinkler System is used Drip Irrigation 14 Other Inputs provided - 15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming NA 16 If so area covered - 17 Assistance availed - 18 Available marketing facility for the crop Hyderabad, Solapur and Local Market 19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity - 20 General upkeep of the plot Good 21 Any other relevant observation by the Joint Use of Micro nutrients like Zn and Mg based on soil test reports Inspection Team Removal of water shoots


Beneficiary No.2

Sl. Details Farmers field information No. 1 Name and address of the beneficiary Sri Manik Reddy S/o Ram Reddy Post Bemalkheda Taluka Humnabad District Bidar 2 Total Land available with the beneficiary 0.58 Ha 3 Crop cluster under which covered Sweet Orange 4 Name and variety of the crop planted Sathgudi 5 Source of planting material Ananthpur, Andhra Pradesh 6 No. of plants planted 160 7 Date of palnting July 2010

8 No of plants which surviced (Percentage 160 (100%) survival)

9 Total amount of subsidy assistance to the 8720/- beneficiary (Rs.) 10 Amount paid and date of Payment 2010-11 – Rs. 8720/- Date of Payment : 1-10-2010 11 Mode of Payment By Eclectronic Clearance System (ECS) 12 Source of irrigation Borewell 13 Whether Drip or Sprinkler System is used Drip Irrigation 14 Other Inputs provided - 15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming NA 16 If so area covered -

17 Assistance availed - 18 Available marketing facility for the crop - 19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity - 20 General upkeep of the plot Good 21 Any other relevant observation by the Joint - Inspection Team


Beneficiary No.3

Sl. Details Farmers field information No. 1 Name and address of the beneficiary Praveena D/o Manik Reddy Post Bemalkheda Taluka Humnabad District Bidar 2 Total Land available with the beneficiary 1.0 Ha 3 Crop cluster under which covered Sweet Orange/Mango 4 Name and variety of the crop planted Sweet Orange – Sathgudi, Mango- Kesar 5 Source of planting material Ananthpur, Andhra Pradesh 6 No. of plants planted Sweet Orange – 160 Mango- 110 7 Date of palnting Dec 2009 8 No of plants which surviced (Percentage Sweet Orange – 160 (100%) Mango- 110 (100%) survival) 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance to the Sweet Orange – 9293/- Mango- 6300/- beneficiary (Rs.) 10 Amount paid and date of Payment Sweet Orange 2009-10 – Rs. 6638/- Date of Payment : 3-1-2010 Mango 2009-10 – Rs. 4500/- Date of Payment : 3-1-2010 Sweet Orange 2010-11 – Rs. 2655/- Date of Payment : 16-8- 2010 Mango 2010-11 – Rs. 1800/- Date of Payment : 16-8- 2010 11 Mode of Payment By Eclectronic Clearance System (ECS) 12 Source of irrigation Borewell 13 Whether Drip or Sprinkler System is used Drip Irrigation 14 Other Inputs provided - 15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming NA 16 If so area covered - 17 Assistance availed - 18 Available marketing facility for the crop - 19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity - 20 General upkeep of the plot Good 21 Any other relevant observation by the Joint - Inspection Team


Beneficiary No.4 Vermicompost Unit : Sl. Details Farmers field information No. 1 Name of the project Construction of on farm Vermicompost Unit

2 Name and address of the beneficiary Praveena D/o Manik Reddy Post Bemalkheda Taluka Humnabad District Bidar 3 Year of Implementation 2010-11

4 Project Period 2 Months

5 Name of implementing Agency Horticulture Department

6 Location of the project Vittalapur Village

7 Total Project Cost (Rs.) 60000/-

8 Amount Released by DAC (Rs.) 30000/-

9 Expenditure Incurred (Rs.) 60000/-

Beneficiary No.5

Sl. Details 10 No. 1 Name and address of the beneficiary 11 2 Total Land available with the beneficiary 4.0 Ha 3 Crop cluster under which covered Pomogranate 4 Name and variety of the crop planted Bhagwa 5 Source of planting material Solhapur (MH) 6 No. of plants planted 2900 7 Date of palnting Sept 2008 8 No of plants which surviced (Percentage 2775 (95.68%) survival) 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance to the 100000/- beneficiary (Rs.) 10 Amount paid and date of Payment 2008-09 – Rs. 45000/- Date of Payment : 27-11-08 2009-10 – Rs. 18000/- Date of Payment : 16-10-09 2010-11 – Rs. 27000/- Date of Payment : 16-08-10 11 Mode of Payment By Eclectronic Clearance System (ECS) 12 Source of irrigation Borewell 13 Whether Drip or Sprinkler System is used Drip Irrigation 14 Other Inputs provided - 15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming NA 16 If so area covered -


17 Assistance availed - 18 Available marketing facility for the crop Hyderabad, Solapur and Local Market 19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity - 20 General upkeep of the plot Good 21 Any other relevant observation by the Joint Suggested for improving agronomic practices Inspection Team Proper weed management Thinning of branches to improve the quality and yield

Beneficiary No.6

Sl. Details Farmers field information No. 1 Name and address of the beneficiary Sri Bhavinder Singh S/o Kirpal Singh Post Nirna Taluka Humnabad District Bidar 2 Total Land available with the beneficiary 4.0 Ha 3 Crop cluster under which covered Pomogranate 4 Name and variety of the crop planted Bhagwa 5 Source of planting material Solhapur (MH) 6 No. of plants planted 2900 7 Date of palnting Sept 2008 8 No of plants which surviced (Percentage 2823 (97.34%) survival) 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance to the 100000/- beneficiary (Rs.) 10 Amount paid and date of Payment 2008-09 – Rs. 45000/- Date of Payment : 27-11-08 2009-10 – Rs. 18000/- Date of Payment : 16-10-09 2010-11 – Rs. 27000/- Date of Payment : 16-08-10 11 Mode of Payment By Eclectronic Clearance System (ECS) 12 Source of irrigation Borewell 13 Whether Drip or Sprinkler System is used Drip Irrigation 14 Other Inputs provided - 15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming NA 16 If so area covered - 17 Assistance availed - 18 Available marketing facility for the crop Hyderabad, Solapur and Local Market 19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity - 20 General upkeep of the plot Good 21 Any other relevant observation by the Joint Suggested for improving agronomic practices Inspection Team Proper weed management Thinning of branches to improve the quality and yield


Beneficiary No.7

Sl. Details Farmers field information No. 1 Name and address of the beneficiary Sri Ravinder Pal Kaur S/o Kirpal Singh Post Nirna Taluka Humnabad District Bidar 2 Total Land available with the beneficiary 4.0 Ha 3 Crop cluster under which covered Pomogranate 4 Name and variety of the crop planted Bhagwa 5 Source of planting material Solhapur (MH) 6 No. of plants planted 2900 7 Date of palnting Sept 2008 8 No of plants which surviced (Percentage 2770 (95.51%) survival) 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance to the 100000/- beneficiary (Rs.) 10 Amount paid and date of Payment 2008-09 – Rs. 45000/- Date of Payment : 27-11-08 2009-10 – Rs. 18000/- Date of Payment : 16-10-09 2010-11 – Rs. 27000/- Date of Payment : 16-08-10 11 Mode of Payment By Eclectronic Clearance System (ECS) 12 Source of irrigation Borewell 13 Whether Drip or Sprinkler System is used Drip Irrigation 14 Other Inputs provided - 15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming NA 16 If so area covered - 17 Assistance availed - 18 Available marketing facility for the crop Hyderabad, Solapur and Local Market 19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity - 20 General upkeep of the plot Good 21 Any other relevant observation by the Joint Suggested for improving agronomic practices Inspection Team Proper weed management Thinning of branches to improve the quality and yield


Beneficiary No.8 Community Tank Sl. Details Farmers field information No. 1 Name of the project Construction of Community Tank

2 Name and address of the beneficiary Sri HarDev Singh S/o Kirpal Singh Post Nirna Taluka Humnabad District Bidar 3 Year of Implementation 2009-10

4 Project Period 3 Months

5 Name of implementing Agency Horticulture Department

6 Location of the project Nirna Village

7 Total Project Cost (Rs.) 800000/-

8 Amount Released by DAC (Rs.) 400000/-

9 Expenditure Incurred (Rs.) 800000/-

10 Water storage Capacity 18240 Cubic Meter (64m x57mx5m)

11 Command Area 85 Acres

12 Whether Linked with New Plantation or old New Plantation Plantation 13 Whether funds are Distributed Yes

Beneficiary No.9

Sl. Details Farmers field information No. 1 Name and address of the beneficiary Sri Mujibuddin S/o Hissamuddin Post Nirna Taluka Humnabad District Bidar 2 Total Land available with the beneficiary 1.81 Ha 3 Crop cluster under which covered Mango 4 Name and variety of the crop planted Kesar and Dasheri 5 Source of planting material Peddapur, Andhra Pradesh 6 No. of plants planted 500 7 Date of palnting July 2010 8 No of plants which surviced (Percentage 500 (100%) survival) 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance to the 27675/- beneficiary (Rs.) 10 Amount paid and date of Payment 2010-11 – Rs. 27675/- Date of Payment : 20-11-10 11 Mode of Payment By Eclectronic Clearance System (ECS)


12 Source of irrigation Borewell 13 Whether Drip or Sprinkler System is used Drip Irrigation 14 Other Inputs provided - 15 Whether assistance availed for organic farming NA 16 If so area covered - 17 Assistance availed - 18 Available marketing facility for the crop - 19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity - 20 General upkeep of the plot Very Good 21 Any other relevant observation by the Joint -Suggested to practice Insitu Green leaf Manuring Inspection Team - Suggested to Construct Vermicompost Unit

Beneficiary No.10 Post Harvest Management Sl. Details Farmers field information No. 1 Name of the project Construction of on Farm Pack house

2 Name and address of the beneficiary Sri Madiwalaiah S/o Karbasaiah Itaga Village Post Chitaguppa Taluka Humnabad District Bidar 3 Year of Implementation 2010-11

4 Project Period 6 Months

5 Name of implementing Agency Horticulture Department

6 Location of the project Itaga Village

7 Total Project Cost (Rs.) 350000/-

8 Amount Released by DAC (Rs.) 150000/-

9 Expenditure Incurred (Rs.) 300000/-

10 Storage Capacity of the unit 7 Tonnes (12m x5mx4m)

11 Commodity Orange, Mango and Ginger

12 Whether NHM logo is displayed Yes 13 Whether funds are Distributed Yes


Beneficiary No. 11 Small Nursery Sl. Details Farmers field information No. 1 Name of the project Establishment of Small Nursery

2 Name and address of the beneficiary Sri KalyanRao S/o Madivalappa Talamadagi Village Post Chitaguppa Taluka Humnabad District Bidar 3 Year of Implementation 2007-08

4 Project Period 9 Months

5 Name of implementing Agency Horticulture Department

6 Location of the project Talamadagi Village

7 Total Project Cost (Rs.) 113820/-

8 Amount Released by DAC (Rs.) 50000/-

9 Expenditure Incurred (Rs.) 113820/-

10 Name of the Nursery and Crops for which plants Sherika Nursery are produced Rose, Night Queen, Mango, Coconut, Jasmine, Lime Tamarind and other ornamental 11 Quantity produced Nos 50000-80000

12 Quantity Sold 60000/- 13 Rate (Rs.) 8-25

14 Amount realized through Sales 250000/-

15 Whether NHM logo is displayed Yes

Observations :-


. T h e A E P f o r s w e e t o r a n g e i n V i l l a g e : V i t t a l a p u r a , T l a u : - H u m n a b a d i s g o o d b u t t h e r e i s a n e e d


f o r c a n o p y m a n a g e m e n t w i t h p a r t i c u l a r r e f e r e n c e t o p r u n i n g . A l s o , n u t r i e n t d e f i c i e n c y i n t h e

p l a n t s w a s o b s e r v e d .


2 . h e A E P f o r P o m e g r a n a t e i n V i l l a g e : - N i r n a , T a l u : - H u m n a b a d w a s f u l l o f w e e d s a n d h e a v y


i n c i d e n c e o f B a c t e r i a l B l i g h t w a s o b s e r v e d i n t h e f i e l d .


T h e c o m m u n i t y p o n d c o n s t r u c t e d w i t h p l a s t e r l i n i n g i s a s p e r t h e s p e c i f i c a t i o n s a n d


m a i n t a i n e d .

k k


. h o u s e i n V i l l a g e : I t a g a , T a l u : H i m a b a d h a s b e e n c o n s t r u c t e d b u t d o e s n o t h a v e a n y h e p a c



p a c i n g f a c i l i t y / m a t e r i a l .


. n a l l t h e a c t i v i t i e s v i s i t e d u n d e r N H M l o g o h a s n o t b e e n d i s p l a y e d .



. n A E P , t h e c l u s t e r a p p r o a c h h a s n o t b e e n a d o p t e d . I



. n s o m e c a s e s , t h e v e r m i c o m p o s t u n i t s a r e n o t m a i n t a i n e d s c i e n t i f i c a l l y .



T h e r e i s a n e e d t o a r r a n g e m o r e f i e l d a w a r e n e s s p r o g r a m m e s .


. V o l u m e o f N H M a c t i v i t i e s i n B i d a r d i s t r i c t i s v e r y l e s s a s c o m p a r e d t o p o t e n t i a l o f t h e d i s t r i c t . 9


District : Dharwad


D h a r w a d d i s t r i c t i s s i t u a t e d i n N o r t h - E a s t e r n p a r t o f K a r n a t a k a s t a t e . T h e d i s t r i c t

h a s B e l g a u m d i s t r i c t i n N o r t h , H a v e r i d i s t r i c t i n s o u t h , G a d a g d i s t r i c t i n S o u t h a n d

U t t a r K a n n a d a d i s t r i c t i n W e s t . T h e d i s t r i c t D h a r w a d c o m p r i s e s o f 5 t a l u k s

n a m e l y , D h a r w a d , H u b l i , K a l a g h a t a g i , K u n d a g o l a n d N a v a l a g u n d .

Horticulture in the District

2 7 3 2 9

T o t a l g e o g r a p h i c a l a r e a o f t h e d i s t r i c t i s 4 , , h a . O u t o f t h i s 8 5 % a r e a i s

9 9

u n d e r c u l t i v a t i o n . T h e H o r t i c u l t u r e c r o p s c o v e r s t h e a r e a o f a b o u t 1 , 0 6 , 1 h a .

T h e p r o m i n e n t H o r t i c u l t u r e c r o p s g r o w n i n t h i s d i s t r i c t s a r e f r u i t c r o p s l i k e ,

M a n g o , S a p o t a , B a n a n a , G u a v a , a n d P a p a p a , f l o w e r c r o p s l i k e , R o s e , G a i l a r d i a ,

J a s m i n e , M a r i g o l d , v e g e t a b l e s l i k e , B r i n j a l , C h i l i , B h e n d i , T o m a t o , o n i o n e t c .


A l p h a n s o v a r i e t y o f M a n g o i s w i d e l y g r o w n i n D h a r w a d , H u b l i a n d K a l a g h a t a g i

t a l u k s . A p a r t f r o m t h i s c h i l l i c r o p i s e x t e n s i v e l y g r o w n i n K u n d a g o l , H u b l i a n d

N a v a l a g u n d t a l u k s . T h e l o c a l

v a r i e t y o f c h i l l i n a m e l y D y a v a n u r D a b b a , B y a d a g i K a d d i a n d B y a d a g i d a b b a a r e

h a v i n g S u p e r i o r c h a r a c t e r s l i k e c o l o u r a n d a r o m a . T h e s e v a r i e t i e s a r e i n d e m a n d

i n m a r k e t b e c a u s e o f h i g h c o n t e n t o f O l e o r e s i n a n d o f s u p e r i o r q u a l i t i e s . T h e y a r e

b e i n g g r o w n a s t r a d i t i o n a l c r o p s s i n c e m a n y y e a r s . I n t h e s a m e w a y l o c a l r e d

o n i o n i s a l s o e x t e n s i v e l y g r o w n i n D h a r w a d d i s t r i c t .

Taluk wise details of important Horticulture Crops, Production and Productivity

Sl Taluk Area Production(Tons) Productivity Important Horticulture No. (ha) (ton Per Ha) Crops 1 Dharwad 12580 77523.68 6.16 Mango, Chikku, Guava,Banana, Potato, Onion, Chilli & Gladiolus 2 Hubli 24094 22190.84 9.21 Mango, Chikku, Guava,Banana, Potato, Onion, Chilli & Rose 3 Kalaghatagi 1918 19404.10 10.12 Mango, Chikku, Chilli & Coconut 4 Kundgol 32098 109609.20 3.41 Mango, Onion, Chilli & Garlic 5 Navalgund 36229 453976.68 12.53 Guava, Onion & Chilli District Total 106919 682704.50 8.25

D h a r w a d d i s t r i c t h a v i n g v a r i e t y o f c l i m a t i c c o n d i t i o n s , s o i l , r a i n f a l l a n d w i n d

s p e e d . I n D h a r w a d d i s t r i c t K a l a g h a t a g i t a l u k c o m e s u n d e r m a l n a d b e l t , D h a r w a d

a n d H u b l i t a l u k c o m e s u n d e r t r a d i t i o n a l b e l t o f m a l n a d / s e m i m a l n a d b e l t a n d

k u n d a g o l a n d N a v a l a g u n d t a l u k s c o m e s u n d e r p l a i n t o p o g r a p h y .


Field Visit Beneficiary No.1 Protected Cultivation

Sl.No. Details Remarks 1. Name & address of Beneficiary whose Shri. Avinash R Agadi field visited. Unkal, Hubli Dist: Dharwad 2. Total land available with the beneficiary 1000 Sq.M. (ha.) 3. Type of protected cultivation activity (Hi- High tech Polly House Tech /Normal GH Shade net, Plastic tunnel ...... ) 4. Year of establishment 2009-10 5. Size of Structure (sq. m.) 1000 Sq.M. 6. Total Cost 14.75 Lakhs 7. Agency involved in fabrication and Shri hari Green house Pvt. Ltd. installation Pune 8. Total subsidy paid and date of payment 3.25 Lakhs 9. Crop being grown Gerbera

10. Condition of structure Good

11. Condition of Crop Good 12. Tie up with market - 13. General Upkeep (Very Good good/Good/Average/poor) 14. Any other relevant observation by JIT -


Beneficiary No.2 Protected Cultivation

Sl.No. Details Remarks 1. Name & address of Beneficiary whose Smt. Akkamahadevi R field visited. Agadi Unkal- Hubli Dist: Dharwad 2. Total land available with the beneficiary 1000 Sq.M. (ha.) 3. Type of protected cultivation activity (Hi- Hi-Tech Polly House Tech/Normal GH Shade net, Plastic tunnel ...... ) 4. Year of establishment 2010-11 5. Size of Structure (sq. m.) 1000 Sq.M. 6. Total Cost 14.75 Lakhs 7. Agency involved in fabrication and Ramanagar Hi-Tech installation Agro Industries- Pune 8. Total subsidy paid and date of payment 4.675 Lakhs 9. Crop being grown Gerbera

10. Condition of structure Good

11. Condition of Crop Good 12. Tie up with market - 13. General Upkeep (Very Good good/Good/Average/poor) 14. Any other relevant observation by JIT -


Beneficiary No.3 Protected Cultivation

Sl.No. Details Remarks 1. Name & address of Beneficiary whose Shri. Abhishek R Agadi field visited. Unkal- Hubli Dist: Dharwad 2. Total land available with the beneficiary 1000 Sq.M. (ha.) 3. Type of protected cultivation activity (Hi- Hi-Tech Polly House Tech /Normal GH Shade net, Plastic tunnel ...... ) 4. Year of establishment 2010-11 5. Size of Structure (sq. m.) 1000 Sq.M. 6. Total Cost 14.75 Lakhs 7. Agency involved in fabrication and Ramanagar Hi-Tech installation Agro Industries- Pune 8. Total subsidy paid and date of payment 4.675 Lakhs 9. Crop being grown Gerbera

10. Condition of structure Good

11. Condition of Crop Good 12. Tie up with market - 13. General Upkeep (Very Good good/Good/Average/poor) 14. Any other relevant observation by JIT -


Beneficiary No.4 Mango Rejuvenation Sl.No. Details Remarks 1 Name & Address of Beneficiary whose field visited. Shri Madarsab Mehabubsab Arebasavankopp. Devargudihaal Tq: Hubli Dist Dharwad

Sy No-78/1 2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha.) 2.00 Ha 3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Mango (1.00 ha)

4 Name & Variety of crop planted Alphanso

5 Source of planting material Private Nursery

6 Number of planting 125 No 7 Number of plants planted / rejuvenated 125 No 8 Date of plants which survived Dec-2010-11 ( 100%) (also indicate percentage survival) 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the Rs. 5620/- beneficiary as (Rs.) 10 Amount paid and date of payment - 11 Mode of payment NEFT 12 Source of irrigation water Bore well (Bore well / Tube well / Cane) 13 Whether Drip / Sprinkle System in use -

14 Other inputs provided Critical inputs Rs. 4000/-ha

15 Whether assistance available for Organic Farming - 16 If so, area covered - 17 Assistance available -

18 Available marketing facility for the crop -

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity -

20 General upkeep of the plot; Average Very good / Good / Average / Poor 21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT - 35

Beneficiary No.5 Rose Area Expansion Sl.No. Details Remarks 1 Name & Address of Beneficiary whose field visited. Shri. Shivaji Siddappa Savasi Devargudihaal Tq: Hubli Dist : Dharwad Sy No-139/6 2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha.) 0.60 Ha 3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Rose (0.60 ha)

4 Name & Variety of crop planted Soflorance

5 Source of planting material Private Nursery

6 Number of planting 4166 No 7 Number of plants planted / rejuvenated 4166 No 8 Date of plants which survived July -2011-12 ( 100%) (also indicate percentage survival) 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the beneficiary Applied for subsidy as (Rs.) 10 Amount paid and date of payment -

11 Mode of payment - 12 Source of irrigation water Bore well (Bore well / Tube well / Cane) 13 Whether Drip / Sprinkle System in use -

14 Other inputs provided -

15 Whether assistance available for Organic Farming - 16 If so, area covered - 17 Assistance available -

18 Available marketing facility for the crop -

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity -

20 General upkeep of the plot; - Very good / Good / Average / Poor 21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT -


Beneficiary No.6 Banana And Mango Ripening Chamber

Sl.No. Details Remarks 1. Name of the Project Poonam Agri Tech Banana and Mango Ripening Chamber 2. Year of Implementation 2011-12 3. Project Period - 4. Objective Providing facility for ripening Chambers for Banana and Mango to growers and Traders. 5. Location of Project Kundagol Taluka, Ramankoppa Industrial Estate, Tadas Cross, NH-4 , Dist: Dharwad. 6. Total Project Cost 210 Lakhs 7. Amount Released by DAC Still not Sanctioned 8. Expenditure incurred 210 Lakhs 9. Status of Project * Name of fruits Ripened Banana and Mango * Required Quantity Collected from , Karwar, Gadag, Davanageri District * Annual Ripened Fruits 25.6 Tonnes X 180 Days = 4608 Tonnes * Amount realized through sale - * Whether NHM logo displayed -


Beneficiary No.7 Mango Area Expansion Sl.No. Details Remarks 1 Name & Address of Beneficiary whose field visited. Shri Shivaradrayya B. Matapati Varur , Tq: Hubli Dist Dharwad

Sy No-191 2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha.) 1.20 Ha 3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Mango (1.20 ha)

4 Name & Variety of crop planted Alphanso

5 Source of planting material Private Nursery

6 Number of planting 150 No 7 Number of plants planted / rejuvenated 150 No 8 Date of plants which survived June-2009 -10 ( 100%) (also indicate percentage survival) 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the 1st Year Rs. 9750/- beneficiary as (Rs.) 2nd Year Rs. 2700/- 10 Amount paid and date of payment -

11 Mode of payment NEFT 12 Source of irrigation water Bore well (Bore well / Tube well / Cane) 13 Whether Drip / Sprinkle System in use -

14 Other inputs provided Critical inputs 1 st Rs. 3750/- 2nd Rs. 2700 15 Whether assistance available for Organic Farming - 16 If so, area covered - 17 Assistance available -

18 Available marketing facility for the crop Local Market

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity -

20 General upkeep of the plot; Good Very good / Good / Average / Poor 21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT - 38

Beneficiary No.8 Mango Area Expansion Sl.No. Details Remarks 1 Name & Address of Beneficiary whose field visited. Shri Mohan Kavatekar Serewada Tq: Hubli Dist Dharwad

Sy No-538/2 2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha.) 2.80 Ha 3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Mango (2.68 ha)

4 Name & Variety of crop planted Alphanso

5 Source of planting material Private Nursery

6 Number of planting 335 No 7 Number of plants planted / rejuvenated 335 No 8 Date of plants which survived June-2009 -10 ( 100%) (also indicate percentage survival) 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the 1st Year Rs. 21775/- beneficiary as (Rs.) 2nd Year Rs. 6030/- 10 Amount paid and date of payment -

11 Mode of payment NEFT 12 Source of irrigation water Bore well (Bore well / Tube well / Cane) 13 Whether Drip / Sprinkle System in use -

14 Other inputs provided Critical inputs 1 st Rs. 8375/- 2nd Rs. 6030 15 Whether assistance available for Organic Farming - 16 If so, area covered - 17 Assistance available -

18 Available marketing facility for the crop Local Market

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity -

20 General upkeep of the plot; Good Very good / Good / Average / Poor 21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT -


Beneficiary No.9

a n a n a A r e a E x p a n s i o n B

Sl.No. Details Remarks 1 Name & Address of Beneficiary whose field visited. Sr. Sureesh C Kematur Noolvi, Tq: Hubli Dist Dharwad

Sy No-735/A 2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha.) 4.80 Ha 3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Banana (0.80 ha)

4 Name & Variety of crop planted Grand -9

5 Source of planting material Private Nursery

6 Number of planting 2000 No 7 Number of plants planted / rejuvenated 2000 No 8 Date of plants which survived Nove -2009 -10 ( 100%) (also indicate percentage survival) 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the 1st Year Rs. 6000/- beneficiary as (Rs.) 2nd Year Rs. 6000/- 10 Amount paid and date of payment -

11 Mode of payment NEFT 12 Source of irrigation water Bore well (Bore well / Tube well / Cane) 13 Whether Drip / Sprinkle System in use -

14 Other inputs provided -

15 Whether assistance available for Organic Farming - 16 If so, area covered - 17 Assistance available -

18 Available marketing facility for the crop Local Market

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity Vermi Compost

20 General upkeep of the plot; Good Very good / Good / Average / Poor 21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT -


Beneficiary No.10

Adoption of Organic Farming

Sl.No. Details Remarks 1 Name of the project Vermi Compost

2 Year of Implementation 2006-07

3 Project Period 3 months

4 Name of Implementing Agency -

5 Location of Project Noolvi

6 Total Project Cost 60,000/-

7 Amount Released by DAC Rs. 30,000/-

8 Expenditure incurred Status -

9 Status Crops covered Banana, Mango, Sapota & Coconut

No of farmers involved -

Name & Address of certifying agency -

Whether any certificate issued -

Observations :-

1 .


n U n a l v i l l a g e , t h r e e u n i t s e a c h o f 1 0 0 0 s q . m s u p p o r t e d u n d e r p r o t e c t e d c u l t i v a t i o n f o r


G e r b e r a a r e f u n c t i o n i n g v e r y w e l l a n d g e n e r a t i n g v e r y g o o d i n c o m e .



i n a n c i a l a s s i s t a n c e g i v e n f o r M a n g o r e j u v e n a t i o n d u r i n g 2 0 1 0 - 1 1 i n V i l l a g e : - D e v a r a g u d i h a l i s


p r a c t i c a l l y n o t r e j u v e n a t e d a t a l l .




h e r i p e n i n g c h a m b e r ‘ P o o n a m A g r i t e c h ’ s t a r t e d f u n c t i o n i n g d u r i n g M a r c h , 2 0 1 0 . T h i s h a s


c h a m b e r s o f 1 2 t o n c a p a c i t y e a c h a n d 2 c h a m b e r s o f 2 0 t o n s e a c h . I t i s b e i n g u s e d f o r M a n g o

a n d B a n a n a r i p e n i n g . T h e o w n e r h a s s u b m i t t e d h i s a p p l i c a t i o n f o r N H M s u p p o r t d u r i n g M a r c h ,

2 0 1 1 .

4 .

w o p l o t s o f A E P – M a n g o s u p p o r t e d d u r i n g 2 0 0 9 - 1 0 i n V a r u r a n d S h e r e w a d a v i l l a g e s o n t h e


m a i n h i g h w a y a r e d o i n g w e l l b u t N H M s i g n b o a r d h a s n o t b e e n d i s p l a y e d .

5 .



e r m i c o m p o s t u n i t e s t a b l i s h e d d u r i n g 2 0 0 - 0 i n V i l l a g e : - N o o l v i h a s b e n e f i t t e d t h e f a r m e r


a n d h e i s u s i n g o n l y v e r m i c o m p o s t f o r h o r t i c u l t u r e c r o p s . T h e f a r m e r f e e l s t h a t d u e t o u s e o f

v e r m i c o m p o s t t h e i n c i d e n c e o f P e s t a n d d i s e a s e h a s a l s o d e c r e a s e d .



District : Gulbarga

District Profile

District Total Geographical Area (lakh Ha.) 10.94 Total Aerable Land (lakh Ha.) 10.05 Total Horticultural Area (Ha.) 18103 Fruits (Ha.) 7762 Vegetables (Ha.) 7587 Spice crops (Ha.) 1734 Flower crops (Ha.) 667 Plantation crops (Ha.) 352 Total (Ha.) 18103


Taluka-wise area under different Horticulture crops :

Taluka Area ( ha) Afzalpur 2600 Aland 3260 Chincholi 4830 Chittapur 1038 Gulbarga 3324 Jewargi 2129 Sedam 922 Total 18103

Important Horticulture Crops of District :

Important Horticulture crops grown in the district are as under:-

Crops Specific Crops Fruits Banana, Mango, Grapes, Citrus, Musambi, Sithapal, Jambolina,Fig Flowers Rose, Tuberose, Marygold, Gaillardia, Aster, Mallige Vegetables Almost all vegetables Spices Dry chilly, Tamarind, Ginger, Turmeric

Talukas suitable for different Horticulture crops

Crops Taluks Suited Banana All Taluks Mango Chincholi,Gulbarga,Aland,Afzalpur Grapes Aland , Afzalpur, Gulbarga, Fig Gulbarga,Aland,Afzalpur Lime Afzalpur,Aland,Gulbarga,Jewargi Musambi Sedam, Gulbarga,Afzalpur,Aland Flower crops Gulbarga, Afzalpur,Aland Medicinal & Aromatic crops Gulbarga , Aland Spice crops Chincholi,Gulbarga,Jewargi,Aland,Afzalpur



The district has 7 talukas. The type of soils in different talukas are as under:

Type of soil Talukas Deep black cotton soil Sedam, Chittapur, Jewargi Medium black cotton soil Gulbarga, Aland, Afzalpur Sandy loam soil Parts of chincholi


The temperature of the district in winter season falls to 10.2 0 C and goes up to 44 0 C during summer. The average minimum temperature is 23 0 C and average maximum temperature is 40 0 C

Annual rainfall of the district is about 776 mm and is not uniformly distributed all over.

Irrigation : Major Irrigation - 33941 Ha. Minor Irrigation - 41359 Ha.

Source- wise irrigated area

Source of irrigation Area (Ha) Canals 33941 Tanks 689 Wells 23110 Bore wells 13995 Lift irrigation 2604 Other sources 961 Total 75300


Details of Farms & Nurseries of the District: The Department has 5 farms under State Sector & 6 farms under District Sector.These farms are involved in the production of seeding and grafts of different fruit crops. Since the private Nurseries are less in number, these farms are taking up the responsibility for requirement of farmers for good quality planting materials.

State Sector Farms

Sl.No. Farms/ Nurseries Total Area Developed Un (Ha.) Area(Ha.) developed area (Ha.) 1 Narayanapura 93.34 56.00 37.34 2 Chandrampalli 108.00 65.00 43.00 3 Hattikuni 42.00 27.20 15.00 4 Malagatti 21.10 15.00 6.10 5 Sedam 11.13 - 11.13 Total 275.57 163.20 112.57

Z.P Sector Farms

Sl.No. Farms/ Total Area Developed Un developed Nurseries (Ha.) Area (Ha.) area (Ha.) 1 Badepura 5.07 2.07 3.00 2 Kesaratagi 6.00 6.00 - 3 Hallisalagara 14.16 10.00 4.16 4 Kallahangarga 31.20 12.00 19.00 5 Guduru 6.22 6.22 - 6 Gola K 26.12 8.00 18.12 Total 88.77 44.29 44.28


Cluster Developed Under NHM in District : Gulberga

Sl. Taluk Hobli Custer Total Villages Implime Remark No Name area of nting s cluster programs Papaya 200 Hadagil Haruti, Kanni, NHM Pattan Acre Melakunda scheme Banana 50 Acre Melkunda(K), NHM Bhimalli, Savalgi scheme Papaya 60 Acre Kumasi, NHM Kallahangarga, scheme Aurad(B) Jambaga 1 Gulbarg Banana 50 Acre Kallahangarga, NHM a Kumasi, Astaga scheme Papaya 70 Acre Minajagi, Garur, NHM Fathabad Tegnoor scheme Tube Rose 40 Acre Tadtegnur, Garoor NHM scheme Gulbarga Banana 100 Nandoor(B), NHM Acre Ajadpoor, scheme Kesaragagi,Darmapur Mahagaon Papaya 40 Acre Dastapoor, NHM Mahagaon,Navadgi, scheme Siragapoor, Lime 250 Ac Karjagi, Kudiganoor, NHM& Maashal, Jevargi(B) NREGA Karajagi Scheme Banana 180 Ac Karjagi, Kudiganoor, NHM& Maashal, Jevargi (B) NREGA Scheme Grapes 200 Ac Baloorgi, Nandarga NHM 2 Afzalpur scheme

Banana 400 Ac Baloorgi, Afzalpur, NHM& Afzalpur Revoor (B) NREGA Scheme Grape Baloorgi, Afzalpur, NHM& Dehydrati Revoor (B) NREGA on Unit Scheme


Grapes 130 Dannoor, Kadaganchi, NHM Narona, Nimbarga Scheme Nimbarga Banana 400 Madyal, Yalasangi, NHM& Madyal thanda NREGA Scheme Lime 160 Chitali, Rudravadi, NHM& Kinnisultan, Hudloor NREGA Khajuri Scheme Warmi 35 Rudravadi, NHM 3 Aland compost Kinnisultan, Chithali Scheme Naroona Banana 200 Ambalaga, Ladmugali, NHM& Chinchansoor, NREGA Belamagi Scheme

Madanhip Banana 300 Nimbal, Chalagera, NHM& parga Madagunaki, NREGA Madanhipparga Scheme

Nelogi Banana 50 Nelogi, Madeval, NHM Kallur,(K) Kallor(B) Scheme 4 Jewargi Yadrami Lime 100 Kondgooli, NHM& Magangera, NREGA Kanameshwar, Scheme Allapoor Mango 400 Kunchavaram, NHM Mogadmpoor, Scheme Shivrampoor, Shivareddy palli, 5 Chincho Chincholi Jalavarsha thanda, li Shadipoor Termaric 450 Degalmadi, NHM Chandramppalli, Scheme Ainolli, Pattepur, Nagaidlai 6 Sedam Mudool Mosambi 50 Kanagadda, NHM& Tolmamadi, Ganga NREGA ravalpalli Scheme


Field Visit Beneficiary No.1 Adoption of Organic Farming Sl.No. Details Remarks 1 Name of the project Biodigester

2 Year of Implementation 2010-11

3 Project Period 3 months

4 Name of Implementing Agency -

5 Location of Project Mahagaon

6 Total Project Cost -

7 Amount Released by DAC Rs. 30,000-00

8 Expenditure incurred Status -

9 Status Crops covered Banana, Tomato, Papaya, Watermelon

No of farmers involved 1

Name & Address of certifying agency - Whether any certificate issued -

Beneficiary No.2 Adoption of Organic Farming Sl.No. Details Remarks 1 Name of the project Vermicompost

2 Year of Implementation 2007-08

3 Project Period 3 months

4 Name of Implementing Agency -

5 Location of Project Babalad (IK)

6 Total Project Cost -

7 Amount Released by DAC Rs. 30,000-00

8 Expenditure incurred Status -

9 Status Crops covered Papaya, Grapes, Lime, Turmeric, Onion, Chilli No of farmers involved 1

Name & Address of certifying agency - Whether any certificate issued -


Beneficiary No.3 Area Expansion / Rejuvenation Sl.No. Details Remarks 1 Name & Address of Beneficiary whose field visited. Suraj Patil Kamalapur 2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha.) 4 ha 3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Banana

4 Name & Variety of crop planted Red banana

5 Source of planting material Local

6 Number of planting 2000-00 7 Number of plants planted / rejuvenated 2000-00 8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival) 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the - beneficiary as (Rs.) 10 Amount paid and date of payment 24000-00

11 Mode of payment NEFT 12 Source of irrigation water Open well (Bore well / Tube well / Cane) 13 Whether Drip / Sprinkle System in use Drip

14 Other inputs provided -

15 Whether assistance available for Organic Farming - 16 If so, area covered - 17 Assistance available -

18 Available marketing facility for the crop -

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity -

20 General upkeep of the plot; - Very good / Good / Average / Poor 21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT -


Beneficiary No.4 Protected Cultivation Sl.No. Details Remarks 1 Name & Address of Beneficiary whose field visited. Chandrakanth Hirapur

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha.) 40 ha. 3 Type of protected cultivation activity (Hitech / Shade net Normal GH, Shade net plastic tunnel….) 4 Year of establishment 2011-12

5 Size of structure ( 1600

6 Total cost 7 Agency involved in fabrication & installation 8 Total subsidy paid & date payment 2,05,000 (yet to be paid) 9 Crop being grown Vegetable seedling 10 Condition of structure Good

11 Condition of crop - 12 Tie up with market - 13 General upkeep (Very good / Good / Average / Poor) 14 Any other relevant observation by JIT -

Beneficiary No.5 Grape Dehydration Unit Sl.No. Details Remarks 1 Name of the project Grape dehydration Unit

2 Year of Implementation 2010-11

3 Project Period 6 months

4 Name of Implementing Agency -

5 Location of Project Hadgil Haruti. Sy.No. 55/3

6 Total Project Cost 1358731-00

7 Amount Released by DAC Rs. 5,43,000-00 (yet of release)

8 Expenditure incurred Status -

9 Status Crops covered Grape

No of farmers involved 1

Name & Address of certifying agency - Whether any certificate issued -


Beneficiary No.6 Area Expansion / Rejuvenation Sl.No. Details Remarks 1 Name & Address of Beneficiary whose field visited. Udaykumar S/o Basavaraj

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha.) 2 ha. 3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Chrysanthemum, Local variety

4 Name & Variety of crop planted Chrysanthemum, Local variety

5 Source of planting material Local variety

6 Number of planting 7 Number of plants planted / rejuvenated 8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival) 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the Rs. 12,000-00 beneficiary as (Rs.) 10 Amount paid and date of payment

11 Mode of payment NEFT 12 Source of irrigation water Bore well (Bore well / Tube well / Cane) 13 Whether Drip / Sprinkle System in use

14 Other inputs provided -

15 Whether assistance available for Organic Farming - 16 If so, area covered - 17 Assistance available -

18 Available marketing facility for the crop Local Market

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity -

20 General upkeep of the plot; - Very good / Good / Average / Poor 21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT -


Beneficiary No.7 Area Expansion / Rejuvenation Sl.No. Details Remarks 1 Name & Address of Beneficiary whose field visited. Chandrika W/o Santosh Kulkarni

2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha.) 3 Crop Cluster under which covered. Banana

4 Name & Variety of crop planted Banana, G-9

5 Source of planting material Cadilla Company

6 Number of planting 4000-00 7 Number of plants planted / rejuvenated 4000-00 8 Date of plants which survived (also indicate percentage survival) 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to the Rs. 12,480-00 beneficiary as (Rs.) 10 Amount paid and date of payment 37,440-00

11 Mode of payment NEFT 12 Source of irrigation water Bore well (Bore well / Tube well / Cane) 13 Whether Drip / Sprinkle System in use Drip

14 Other inputs provided -

15 Whether assistance available for Organic Farming - 16 If so, area covered - 17 Assistance available -

18 Available marketing facility for the crop -

19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity -

20 General upkeep of the plot; - Very good / Good / Average / Poor 21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT -


Beneficiary No.8

A r e a E x p a n s i o n / R e j u v e n a t i o n

Si No Details Remarks

Makim Bee w/o Lal Ahmad

1 ha


Lime , Local








Bore well



Neem oil

1 Ha


Bijapur & Gulbarga





Beneficiary No.9

A r e a E x p a n s i o n / R e j u v e n a t i o n

Lal Ahamad s/o Kashim sab

0.8 ha


Grape , Thomson seedless

Baba Nagar







Bore well



Neem oil

0.8 Ha


Bijapur & Gulbarga





Beneficiary No. 10 Grape Dehydration Unit Sl.No. Details Remarks 1 Name of the project Grape dehydration Unit

2 Year of Implementation 2008-09

3 Project Period 6 months

4 Name of Implementing Agency -

5 Location of Project Babalad (IK)

6 Total Project Cost -

7 Amount Released by DAC Rs. 1,97,000-00

8 Expenditure incurred Status -

9 Status Crops covered Grape

No of farmers involved 1

Name & Address of certifying agency - Whether any certificate issued -

Beneficiary No.11 Adoption of Organic Farming Sl.No. Details Remarks 1 Name of the project Adoption of Organic farming

2 Year of Implementation 2009-10

3 Project Period 3 yars

4 Name of Implementing Agency Bayalu Seeme Rural Development Society, Nellur, Gulbarga 5 Location of Project Aurad, Bannur, Kumsi, Algud.

6 Total Project Cost

7 Amount Released by DAC

8 Expenditure incurred Status

9 Status Crops covered Banana, Papaya, Vegetables

No of farmers involved 51

Name & Address of certifying agency Apof, . Whether any certificate issued IC-1


Beneficiary No.12 IPM/INM Infrrastructure Plant Health Clinic

Sl No. Details Remarks

1 N

a m e o f t h e p r o j e c t P l a n t H e a l t h C l i n i c

2 Y 2 0 0 6 - 0 7

e a r o f I m p l i m e n t a t i o n

3 2 0 0 6 - 0 7 2 0 1 0 - 1 1

P r o j e c t p e r i o d t o


a m e o f I m p l e m e n t i n g A g e n c y a t i o n a l H o r t i c u l t u r e M i s s i o n ( H M ) 4

5 L o c a t i o n o f P r o j e c t K r i s h i V i g y a n K e n d r a , G u l b a r g a

6 T 2 0

o t a l p r o j e c t c o s t l a k h s

7 2 0

A m o u n t R e l e a s e b y D A C l a k h s

8 1 8 2 2 2 1 -

E x p e n d i t u r e i n c u r r e d , , 4 /


( A n n e x u r e I c o p y e n c l o s e d )


L i s t o f e q u i p m e n t s p r o c u r e d A n n e x u r e – I I L i s t e n c l o s e d

1 0 W Y

h e t h e r t r a i n e d m a n p o w e r e m p l o y e d e s

1 1

A r r a n g e m e n t s m a d e t o m e e t r e c u r r i n g c o s t K V K b u d g e t w i l l b e u t i l i z e d 2

1 Current status

2 2 6


m b e r o f s a m p l e s a n a l y z e d


a t e o f a n a l y s i s p e r s a m p l e


m o u n t r e a l i z e d t h r o u g h a n a l y s i s


1 3 G e n e r a l c o n d i t i o n o f l a b d u r i n g t h e t i m e o f

i n s e p t i o n

1 W

4 h e t h e r f u n d s d i s b u r s e d


Observations :-

. T h e c l u s t e r a p p r o a c h a s p e r N H M g u i d e l i n e s i s n o t b e i n g f o l l o w e d .


. T h e f a r m e r s o f K a m a l a p u r a V i l l a g e i n G u l b e r g a d i s t r i c t a r e i n t e r e s t e d i n a r e a e x p a n s i o n o f R e d



B a n a n a . T h e f a r m e r s a r e d e m a n d i n g f i n a n c i a l a s s i s t a n c e f o r s t a e s f o r s u p p o r t i n g t h e b a n a n a


b u n c h e s a g a i n s t w i n d d a m a g e . A l s o t h e y a r e d e m a n d i n g t r a n s p o r t a n d m a r e t i n g f a c i l i t i e s .


F a r m e r s a r e v e r y h a p p y w i t h t h e a d v a n t a g e s o f b i o d i g e s t e r u n i t s s u p p o r t e d u n d e r N H M .




. h e c o n s t r u c t i o n o f A P M C f r u i t a n d v e g e t a b l e m a r e t a t G u l b e r g a w a s c o m p l e t e d o n e y e a r a g o


7 5

w i t h f i n a n c i a l s u p p o r t o f N H M t o t h e e x t e n t o f 1 . c r o r e s . T h i s h a s n o t b e e n p u t t o u s e s o f a r .

T h e a p p r o a c h r o a d t o t h e m a i n e n t r a n c e i s n o t c o m p l e t e . T h e s i g n b o a r d i s o n l y a f l e x i b a n n e r

w i t h o u t N H M l o g o .


P l a n t H e a l t h C l i n i c a t K V K G u l b a r g a i s f u n c t i o n i n g w e l l w i t h r e g a r d t o t r a i n i n g o f f a r m e r s a s w e l l


a s m a n a g e m e n t o f p e s t s a n d d i s e a s e s .


. a r m e r s s a m p l e s a r e b e i n g a n a l y z e d w i t h r e g a r d t o p e s t s a n d d i s e a s e s a t P l a n t H e a l t h C l i n i c ,


K V K G u l b e r g a . T h e d i a g n o s i s a n d r e m e d i a l r e p o r t i s b e i n g g i v e n t o t h e f a r m e r s b u t , t h e r e a f t e r ,


f e e d b a c f r o m t h e f a r m e r s i s n o t b e i n g o b t a i n e d .


D e h y d r a t i o n u n i t f o r g r a p e s s u p p o r t e d u n d e r N H M i s h e l p i n g t h e f a r m e r s i n g e t t i n g h i g h e r


i n c o m e a s t h e f a r m e r s a r e u s i n g t h i s u n i t , w h e n e v e r , t h e r a t e s f o r g r e e n g r a p e s a r e v e r y l o w i n


t h e m a r e t .


DISTRICT : Bijapur


Bijapur is one of the largest districts in Karnataka and has an area of 10541 sq Km. Consisting 5.49% of the area of the state. It is nearly 580 Kms from the state capital Bangalore. It lies between 15x50 and 17x28 North Latitude and 74x54 and 76x28 East Longitude. The district is bounded by Solapur district on the north and Sangli on the north–west (both of Maharastra state), by the district of Belgaum on the west, Bagalkote on the south, Gulburga on the East and by Raichur on the south–east. Thus, it is a land–locked district on the northern boundary of Karnataka.

Bijapur district is accessible by both highways and rail. The National highway 13 passes through the district in the eastern and central parts. Via and Bijapur. The 59

taluka towns are well connected by state highways and district roads. The railway line connecting Solapur in Maharastra and Hubli passes through the center of the district, via Indi and Basavan Bagewadi.

Bijapur district consists of 5 Taluks viz Bijapur, Basavana-Bagewadi, Indi, Muddebihal and Sindgi.


There are 34 rain gauge stations in Bijapur District. The average annual rainfall for the district is 552.8 mm with 37.2 rainy days. The monsoon generally breaks in the district during June and lasts till October. The highest mean monthly rainfall is 149.2 mm in the month of September and lowest is 3.4 mm in February. The annual rainfall variation in the district is marginal from place to place. Of the total geographical area of 10.53 lakh ha . 7.76 lakh ha. Is available for cultivation which is 74% of the total area, while area under forest account for only 0.19% of the total area. Only 17.3% of the net cultivable area is irrigated and balance 82.7% of the area has to depend on monsoon.


The cropping pattern in the district reveals that food crops like jowar, maize, bajra and wheat among cereals, red gram, Bengal gram and green gram among pulses are major crops cultivated in the district. The major oilseed crops are sunflower, groundnut and safflower. Horticulture crops like grapes, pomegranate, ber, guave sapota, lime are also grown. Recent trend shows that there is a low shift towards fruit crops like Pomegranate and grapes of the total area of 8.61 lakh ha. Covered during 2002-03 cereals occupy about 55.2% by oilseeds 24.5% pulse 15.6% and other commercial crops like cotton and sugarcane about 4.8% There is slight shift towards commercial crops like cotton and sugarcane over last 2 years.

The land holding pattern in the district indicates that small and marginal farmers account for 4% of total land holdings and 0.6% of the total land, semi-medium for 27.5% with 10.1% of total land while 68% of the holdings are above 2ha. Accounting 89.3% of land.

Horticulture Sector

Horticultural crops in the district are being grown in an area of 46884 ha with annual production of 846012 MT. out of which grape constitute 7208 ha, lime-4539 ha, pomegranate-840 ha, banana- 785 ha, onion- 1721 ha, tomato- 1910 ha & chillies- 1284 ha. Presently, lime is grown in an area of 4539 ha and still area under lime is increasing.

In grapes, Thompson seedless variety is grown for fresh market as well as resins. In the district 270 resin making units are working to reduce market glut during season and produce around 20000 MT resins.


Field Visit Beneficiary No. 1 Pack House

Sr. No. Details Remarks 1 Name of farmers Revanasidda Siddaray Bagalkot Sy No: 374/2 At post: Siddapur K. Tq: dist: Bijapur 2 Name of crop Grapes and other horticulture Cultivation 3 Availability of lands 100 Tonns Grape fruits from 5.00 Acres Own land, bering Sy No; 374/2 7 114/1 4 Name of the project Pack House 5 Year of Implementation 2010-11 6 Project period 2010-11 7 Name of implementing Agency SADH (ZP) BIJAPUR under NHM Scheme 8 Location of project Siddapur K 9 Total Project Cost 350000/- 10 Subasy Amount 150000/- 11 Expenditure incurred status 350000/- 12 Current status of project Good *Dimension (LxBxW) 12m L, 5 W, 4H (240 Sqm) *Whether funds disbursed Dena bank, Bijapur

Beneficiary No.2

Sr. No. Details Remarks 1 Name of the project Community tank 2 Year of implementation 2008-09 3 Project period 2008-09 4 Name of implementing SADH (ZP) BIJAPUR under NHM agency 5 Location of project Siddapur K (SD Hatti) 6 Total project cost 34,72,400/- 7 Amount released by DAC 732174/- 8 Expenditure incurred status 34,72,400/- 9 Current status of project Good *Dimension (LxBxW) 170 x 45 x 3 m *Capacity (30,000 Sqm) *Command Area 65.69 *Whether linked with new Old and New plantation plantation or old plantation *Whether funds disbursed Corporation Bank Nehru Road, BIjapur


Beneficiary No.3

Sr. Details Remarks No. 1 Name & address of Benificiary whose fiels Smt Sanmati Jayapal Kusnal At post: visited Babanagar Tq: Bijapur 2 Total land available with the beneficiary (ha) 0.40 he 3 Crop cluster under which covered. Grape 4 Name of variety of crop planted. Thamson seed less 5 Source of planting material Local 6 Number of planting material 870 7 Number of plants planted/ 870 8 Date of plants which survived (also 2010-11 indicated percentage survival). 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to 12000 the beneficiary as (Rs.) 10 Amount paid and date of payment. Rs. 9000 Date : 27.08.2011 11 Mode of payment. On Account pay 12 Source of irrigation water (Bore well/ Tube Bore well Well/ Canel) 13 Whether Drip/Sprinkle system in use. Drip irrigation 14 Other inputs provided P.P. camicals & Organic mannure 15 Whether assistance available for organic No farming 16 If so, area covered “ 17 Assistance available “ 18 Available marketing facility for the crop Local and out of state 19 Other infrastructure available in the civinity. - 20 General upkeep of the plot; Good very good/ Good /Average/ Poor. 21 Any other relevant observation by the JIt


Beneficiary No.4

Sr. Details Remarks No. 1 Name and address of beneficiary whose Shri Javed Mousa Hebbalattikar Sy No: fiels visited. 684/3 At: Post Tq: Dist Bijapur 2 Total land available with the beneficiary 2.40 ha (ha) 3 Crop cluster under which covered. Grape 4 Name & variety of crop planted Thamson seed less 5 Source of planting material Local 6 Number of planting material. 5220 No 7 Number of plants planted/ 5220 No 8 Date of plants which survived (also 2009-10 indicated percentage survival). 9 Total amount of subsidy assistance due to 27000/- the beneficiary as (Rs.) 10 Amount paid and date of payment. Rs. 27000 Date; 07.10.2011 11 Mode of payment. On account pay 12 Source of irrigation water (Bore well/ tube Bore well well/ canel) 13 Whether drip/ sprinkle system in use. Drip irrigation 14 Other inputs provided P.P. Camicals & Organic Mannure 15 Whether assistance available for organic No farming 16 If so, area covered “ 17 Assistance available “ 18 Available marketing facility for the crop Local and out of state 19 Other infrastructure available in the vicinity. - 20 General upkeep of the plot; Good Very good/ Good /Average/ Poor 21 Any other relevant observation by the JIT


Beneficiary No.5

Sr. Details Remarks No. 1 Name of the project Proposed horticultural online trading building under NHM plan at APMC Bijapur. 2 Year of implementation Work order to the contractor Shri: C.S. Patil is issued on 5-01-2009 (2007-08) 3 Project period 12 months period (Excluding rainy seasion) Completion period will be on 31-08-3011. 4 Name of implementing agency APMC. Bijapur Through the P.W.D. class.I contractor Shri: C.S. Patil Bijapur. 5 Location of project Station road behind R ambedakar stadium infromt of new lokaukta office bijapur. 6 Total project cost (1) Estimated cost : 250 Lakhs (2) (2) amount put to tender : 23049678-00. 7 Amount released by DAC (3) Deputy director of horticulture. Has released Rs. 31.25 Lakhs to this office on 16-06-2011 through the cheque 8 Expenditure incurred Rs 18164862-00. 9 Status 10 Size of marker in term of area 1 Acres 8 Guntas 11 Facilities created Automatic sorting system display mechanism (1) Providing banana, repining, unit of 2 MT capacity per day. (2) Providing comprehensive building for sorting system for colour and size automatically by computerized method (3) Providing pack house with crates and coolears providing office space for minimum 11 traders inshort 30 traders in long run in first floor complex (4) Provide secured storage cum display yard for fresh produce for auction in ground floor about 50 farmers (5) Provide display mechanism for sample of lots for auction (6) Provide computerized auction room with searing capacity for 50 traders and 50 farmers in is short term and long term (7) Auction room seats for traders to be computer enabled for participation in auction and be linked to bank account for instant debets of their accounts once auction is concluded (8) Concrete roads and landscape 64

12 Commodities sold Horticultural commodities like grapes, dry grapes, lemon, and pomegranate. 13 Approachability Beside the indoor stadium through way to new lokayukta office. 14 Condition of market Near completion, ofter completion when it starts functioning condition of market will be good, and very soon it will be develop. 15 Whether funds disbursed to Yes, out of subsidy amount Rs 62.50 the agency deputy director of horticulture. Has released Rs 31.25 lakhs to this office on 16-06-2011 through the cheque

Beneficiary No.6

Sr. Details Remarks No. 1 Name of the project Proposed improvements to fruits and vegetable market in the main market yard by APMc bijapur under NHM scheme. 2 Year of implementation 2008-09 work order to the contractor shri C.S. Patil is issued on 10-03-2011 3 Project period 6 months including rainy season. 4 Name of implementing agency APMc bijapur through the P.W.D. class I contractor shri C.S. Patil bijapur. 5 Location for project APMC bijapur main market yard, indi road bijapur 6 Total project cost Estimated cost Rs: 200 lakhs Amount put to tender Rs: 29676686-94 Sanctioned tender amount Rs: 36361868-48 7 Amount released by DAC Nil 8 Expenditure incurred Nil the contractor has collected the materials to start the work 9 Status 10 Size of market in term of area 5 Acres 11 Facilities created Fruits and vegetable shops 15 No’ Concrete roads and drains Additions and alterations to covered platforms Construction of compound wall and arch gate Construction of RCC over head tank water supply distribution ETC. Rain water harvesting and vermin pits Electrification (Proveding street lights and solar lights and shops internal electrification) At bijapur city. 12 Commodities sold Fruitsits and vegetables 13 Approachability Bijapur main market yard indi road bijapur 14 Condition of market Fruitsits and vegetables trade is regularly going on in the main market yard bijapur. 15 Whether funds disbursed to agency Nil



1. The construction of online trading building for Horticulture Produce at Bijapur with a financial assistance of Rs 62.5 Lakh under NHM is in progress. The construction is expected to be completed in another 4-5 months. 2. In this district, three units of community tanks supported under NHM were visited in villages namely : Tikoda, Somdeveddy and Siddapur K. These have proved very useful for the beneficiaries for the cultivation of grapes. 3. The pack house for grapes in Village Somdev Reddy has greatly benefitted the beneficiary.


Proceedings of the Wrap-up meeting of Joint Inspection Team (JIT) held on 06.08.2011 in the office of the Mission Director and Director of Horticulture, Lalbagh, Bangalore (Karnataka).

Members present:

1. Mission Director and Director of Horticulture, Bangalore (Karnataka) 2. Dr.H.V.L.Bathla, Chief Consultant, NHM,GOI. 3. Director, Directorate of Arecanut and Spices Development, Calicut. 4. Director, Directorate of Cashew and Cocoa Development, Cochi. 5. Dr.R.Krishna Manohar, Principal Investigator (PFDC), UAS, Bangalore. 6. Dr.R.Jayaprakash, Executive Director, KSHMA, Lalbagh, Bangalore.

At the outset, the Mission Director welcomed the JIT members.The Joint Inspection Team under the leadership of Dr.H.V.L.Bathla, Chief Consultant, NHM, GOI visited Bidar, Gulbarga, Bagalkot, Bijapur and Dharwad districts of Karnataka State from 1 st to 5th of August 2011. During the wrap-up meeting held on 6 th August 2011 with the Mission Director and Director of Horticulture, Lalbagh, Bangalore and after detailed interaction, the points enunciated in the meeting are as follows.

1. The opinion of the JIT is that the overall implementation of the scheme in the State is satisfactory. However, the cluster approach is followed in some places and it has to be strengthened. 2. They were of the opinion that in some places even though NHM sign board is there, NHM logo is missing. Display of NHM logo should be ensured in all the cases where NHM assistance is given. 3. While giving assistance to pack houses, its effective usage for the said purpose should be ensured. 4. The ripening chambers assisted under NHM should be farmer friendly. SHM should evolve a mechanism to fix the price for the produce to be placed for ripening by the farmers in these ripening chambers. 5. The on-line trading mechanism developed at the Bijapur APMC market is very effective and it should be followed in the Gulbarga APMC market also. The markets assisted under NHM should start functioning soon. 6. While there is good scope for rejuvenation in , the recommended rejuvenation technique given by the Department of Horticulture to all the DHO’s is not being followed. This should be ensured that recommended rejuvenation technique is used. 7. The JIT while appreciating the usage of bio-digesters, opined that there is a need to promote this in other States also. They requested to send a note on the usage, methodology and qualitative and quantitative aspects of bio-digesters, so that this can be promoted in other States.


8. On the whole, implementation of community water storage structures is good and they are well maintained in Bijapur district. 9. The medicinal properties of Kamalapur banana should be ascertained by testing it before promoting it for its medicinal properties. 10. The Department should impart more technical guidance to the farmers.

Mission Director and Director of Horticulture while discussing the issue of availability of good planting material, said that in case of Cocoa the only accredited nursery available in the State is at CPCRI, Vittla, Dakshina . Since, all the cocoa growers cannot afford to purchase the planting material from , the nurseries in Shimoga are making the plants available to the growers after producing the plants from the pods procured from CPCRI, Vittla. The Mission Director requested Director, DCCD to arrange to inspect these nurseries for their genuinity.


1. In area expansion programme for different horticulture crops, there is a need to follow cluster approach. 2. Signboard with NHM logo need to be displayed, wherever, financial support has been given. 3. The financial support for Bio-digester is being given only in the State of Karnataka. These need to be evaluated for nutrient availability as well as its beneficial effects on controlling pests and diseases. 4. In view of the huge financial support of NHM for establishing APMC markets in different districts, efforts are needed to start functioning of the markets without undue delay and the interest of the farmers need to be safeguarded. 5. The information pertaining to the farmers , samples analyzed, diagnosis made and remedial measures suggested by the Plant Health Clinics along with the feedback of the farmers, thereafter, need to be documented. 6. The State Horticulture Mission must ensure that activity for which financial support under NHM has been provided has started functioning before releasing the final installment. 7. The scientific techniques recommended and already tested for rejuvenation of Mango Orchards need to be followed. 8. More training / exposure visit need to be arranged for transfer of technology.