Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

Government of Department of Collegiate Education


Submitted To NAAC,

Submitted By

GOVERNMENT FIRST GRADE COLLEGE, TIPTUR – 572 201 , Karnataka (Affiliated to Tumakuru University, Tumakuru) Phone/Fax : 08134-252189 e-mail ID : [email protected] Website URL :

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 1 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

TABLE OF CONTENTS Sl. No. CONTENTS Page No. 1 Preface i 2 Declaration ii 3 Executive Summary 1-4 4 SWOC of the Institution 5-6 5 Major Milestones 7-7 Part B 6 – 8-17 Institutional Data Part – C Criteria wise Inputs o Criteria – 1: Curricular aspects 18-34 o Criteria 2: Teaching, Learning and – 35-58 Evaluation o Criteria- 3: Research, Consultancy and 59-85 Extension 7 o Criteria 4: Infrastructure and Learning – 86-101 Resources o Criteria 5 : Student Support and – 102-118 Progression o Criteria- 6: Governance, Leadership and 119-141 Management o Criteria 7 : Innovations and Best – 142-150 Practices 8 Evaluative Report of the Departments 151-206 Annexure: o 12b and 2f status, 9 o Permanent Affiliation o IEQA Report 10 Photo Gallery

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 2 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC


Government First Grade College was set up in 2007-08 with an aim to “Empower, Enlighten and Ennoble” the students of the Taluk. The college seeks to fulfill its vision by providing good quality education and create employability opportunities for the youth in the areas of Arts, Sciences, Commerce and Management. The Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Karnataka had a dream to provide opportunities to students to enter higher education and as such the college was started in 2007-08 along with 186 colleges all over Karnataka. In order to fulfill the dream of the Department the college within a span of eight years has passed through major milestones. Every great enterprise is powered by the vision of one or more extra ordinary individuals. The Principal of the college Dr. Jayadevappa is an educationalist and an economist with a vision. He and his staff have set benchmarks for other government colleges to emulate. He believes that education is the manifestation of excellence in human beings. We instill the most needed human values and ethics through the process of Teaching & Learning. Year after year our quest and pursuit for excellence continues. The Self Study Report is an effort to offer glimpses of all our activities. It represents our consistent, conscious and collective efforts to improve quality in all areas related to academics and supporting activities. The college has made every attempt to strengthen the IQAC, research cell, academic engagements, mentoring system, regular feedback, participative management and the mosaic of curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular events – all of them represent our collective pursuit of quality. The untiring teams of staff members have sincerely attempted to include all our activities which bring in academic excellence. Care is taken to provide relevant information and statistical data relating to the institution. The efforts of all teaching and non-teaching staff in contributing to the SSR is sincerely appreciated and acknowledged. The process of preparation of the SSR has brought each member closer to make one good team and has motivated us to give in our best in order to move ahead towards the collective goal of excellence. Dr. Jayadevappa Grade – I Principal, Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur – 572 201. i

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 3 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

DECLARATION By the Head of the Institution

I certify that the data included in this Self-Study Report (SSR) are true to the best of my knowledge.

This SSR is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced.

I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this SSR during the peer team visit.

Signature of the Head of the Institution (With Seal)

Place: Tiptur Date: Nov’2014


Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 4 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC


1. Curricular aspects Government First Grade College, upholds the motto of “Education to Empower, Enlighten, Ennoble” in its graceful realization of the vision through dissemination of knowledge and value based holistic instruction. The institution offers 4 U.G Programs (B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. and B.B.M.) affiliated to University. All programs are financed by Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Karnataka. The college has attained 12b status for financial assistance from UGC and Permanent Affiliation from the University in 2013. In order to strengthen and supplement the curriculum, the college is awaiting approval and financial assistance from UGC for 13 Add – on courses conducted by the respective departments. In addition regular enrichment programs are conducted to satisfy the diverse needs of the student community. Faculty members participate in and organize seminars / workshops at Regional level and special guidance on ICT teaching technology, have resulted in sufficient exposure to recent advances and changes in curriculum innovative initiatives. The college has also sent proposals to UGC to organize state and national level seminars. Several resources persons with enriched knowledge in various disciplines have visited the institution. The faculty members are consulted on academic matters and curriculum design & development by Tumkur University through representation in academic bodies of both university and state. 04 of the faculty members are in Board of Studies and 11 teachers actively participate as Board of Examiners. The principal and few faculty members are in advisory boards of syllabus framing committees headed by Department of Collegiate Education. The institution has always fostered a collaborative network and has linkages with all its beneficiaries such as industries, NGOs and local knowledge groups and the university to facilitate curriculum designing and career planning. 2. Teaching – Learning & Evaluation Government First Grade College, Tiptur maintains a student – centric environment conductive for quality education and student empowerment. The conducive teaching learning atmosphere and open admission to all eligible students have lead to maximum student enrollment in almost all disciplines. The admission committee involves faculty members who help & counsel students in selecting the right course. The newly admitted students are assessed soon after commencement of the program and are offered bridge classes to negotiate the

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 5 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC syllabus of the program. The institution conducts remedial classes for slow learners to improve their academic performance. Advanced learners are also encouraged through challenging assignments & projects. Support and guidance services are provided to students at the academic personal and psychosocial levels. In this regard mentoring system contributes significant “Peer group learning” helps slow learners where the advanced learners act as peer teachers and helps the slow learners. The institution has organized several programs to sensitize staff and students on gender inclusion environmental issues, life skills and community orientation. The institution has planned & organized teaching, learning and evaluation schedules by strictly following the Academic calendar of the university. Strict adherence to Bio-metric attendance, maintaining work diaries, review meetings headed by the principal & the internal quality committee plays a vital role in quality enhancement and sustenance of teaching learning process. Regional level seminars, workshops, expert talks, debates, quizzes and group discussions are integral to the learning process. Quality is given utmost consideration as the government appoints the faculty through direct recruitment. The department has recruited guest faculty through on-line based on experience and merit. Measures are taken by the institution for regular quality improvement of the faculty. The quality of teaching and learning is monitored at the departmental and institutional levels through internal academic audit & evaluation by stake holders. Regular tests, assignments, internal examinations are conducted to evaluate the students as per the university norms. The transparency is maintained in allotment of internal marks. The grievance cell addresses complaints relating to internal assessment grades & other grievances. The students’ performance and progress is closely monitored by mentors and feedback is communicated to parents. 3. Research, Consultancy & extension The college is not a Research Centre. Recently, promoting research has invariably become one of the major focus in institutions of education. Keeping this mind, the college has set up a research cell to initiate research activities among students. The institution has to its credit 09 Ph.D. holders, 11 faculty members pursuing their Ph.d. 27 M.Phil. holders and 28 NET/SET cleared faculty members.

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The Research unit functions with the objective to encourage faculty members & students to pursue research. One of the faculties has submitted final copy of Minor research project to UGC and nine teachers have submitted proposals for Minor Research projects. The research team has been engaged in encouraging students to write synopsis and research proposals through conducting field surveys and visit to libraries and research centers. Some of the departments have signed collaborations with institutions/NGOs to organize workshops. One day state level seminar was organized on research methodology. Research activities are also encouraged in almost all the departments. One of the faculty members is approved research guide. Consultancy services are not too formal. The faculties are invited as resource persons, published articles and books. We have special extension programs with focus on under privileged and vulnerable sectors of the society. 4. Infrastructure and learning resources The college is a government institution and there are no provisions to collect higher fees other than allotted by the government. The whole budget depends on allotment by government. The Principal and College Development Council has taken maximum efforts to equip classrooms for more than 3,500 students (the college works in shifts) staff rooms, seminar halls, library, laboratories, sports room, IQAC, NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides, computer lab which are extensively used for effective teaching – learning. The institution also has a playground with volleyball, Kho-Kho, shuttle badminton, Kabbadi grounds and the college uses the stadium and cosmopolitan club nearby for track events and indoor games. An Audio-Visual room and an open auditorium are available within the campus. The college has sent proposals to UGC to begin a separate hostel accommodation for girls in the campus. The college is in the heart of the city with post office, bank, ATM, canteen, refreshments and stationeries’ available within 100 meters around the campus. Separate library block with browsing centre, Inflibnet and sufficient space for reading is available. The entire campus is connected with Wi-Fi. The college has a vermin compost unit, rain water harvesting, solar light and well maintained garden with botanical plants. 5. Student support and progression An effective student’s welfare mechanism functions in the institution with a view to empower students in this campus. Financial assistance in the form to scholarships/ fee concessions are given to students with an intention that no student discontinues his /her studies due to financial constraints. The amount of scholarship disbursed is increasing year by year.

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Grievance cell, anti-ragging, anti-sexual harassment is effectively functioning in the campus. Students actively participate in Sports, NCC/NSS/Scouts and Guides to improve their skills. The competitive cell has motivated students to write competitive exams, the success of which is indicated in employment of students. Progression to higher education is low compared to the strength, probably because most of the girl students are denied higher education because of non availability of Post Graduation centers nearby, or due to marriage. Most of the students prefer B.Ed. courses rather than post graduation. The college has a registered Alumni and nearby 25 various committees are functioning as support systems for students. 6. Governance, leadership and management The Principal is the managing authority of the college monitored by the Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Karnataka. He manages both the academic and administrative with a stated quality policy of which the IQAC has an important role to play. The college advisory council and CDC meet regularly to distribute funds collected by CDF and the Department on preferential basis. Feedback system regularly informs about the loopholes in the system which are set right with thorough discussion. The institution is democratic in its functioning with decentralized distribution of duties and responsibilities including all stakeholders. Great efforts are done by the Principal to communicate with higher authorities related to the infrastructural and other needs of the college and properly utilize the funds for overall development. 7. Innovations & Best practices The institution has always encouraged innovations as a culture. Innovative practices are initiated in teaching - learning process in a significant way. Best – practices are the final outcome of innovating initiatives. Among several such initiatives, the Best practice includes single window system, computerization of library and feedback system. The second Best practice includes the initiatives taken by Internal Quality Assurance Cell. This involves continuous planning and strategizing one level and effective execution of the same. The system holds together heterogeneous components of students & staff into one whole functional unit such that each gets space and specific responsibility which in turn makes productive contribution towards the institutional growth. Some of the major initiatives taken by IQAC include mentoring, remedial classes using resources available in the college, data collection-documentation and increased participation of students in activities related to college and community.

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SWOC Analysis of the Institution

STRENGTHS:- 1. Driven by a vision and mission for realization of objectives socially uplifting, academically enriching and empowering through value based holistic, learner – centered education. 2. Wide popular acceptance by the Department of Collegiate Education, Tumkur University and public with positive governmental support as one of the most successfully developed Government College in the state within a short period of eight years. 3. The college has its own building, in the heart of the city and ample opportunities to grow. The college has attained 12b status and Permanent Affiliation and an assurance from Revenue Department to sanction eight acre plot near the city to begin a Post Graduation centre. 4. Adequate representation of the institution and its faculty in university decision making academic bodies like BOS & BOE. 5. Student centered curriculum delivery practices to enrich the knowledge base of heterogeneous groups of students. 6. Though not a Research centre attempts to create ambience in the campus achieved by the visits of subject experts during regularly organized regional level seminars and student projects develops research culture amongst students. 7. Elaborate feedback mechanism to gauge stakeholder perceptions of all segments. 8. Strong mentoring and student support system (25 various committees functioning) which takes care of students needs. 9. A committed Principal and internal quality committee to ensure quality enhancement & sustenance initiatives. 10. Interwoven curricular co – curricular and extracurricular student engagements both on track and stage with meritorious outcomes like university ranks, and remarkable achievements in the field sports. 11. Unlimited extension opportunities like rural camps, MOUs with local NGOs, life skill, civic awareness programs to infuse students with sense of responsible citizenship for nation building. 12. All round and unstinted support from the College Development Council and all stakeholders for smooth functioning of the institution.

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WEAKNESSES 1. Lack of sufficient infrastructure and inadequate permanent teaching/non teaching staff. 2. In sufficient funds to organize innovative training programs to meet global challenges.

OPPORTUNITIES 1. The college has wide opportunities to grow and establish itself as a Research Centre. 2. The student strength itself provides an opportunity as they can be better utilized as efficient knowledge resources.

CHALLENGES 1. To surpass university results. 2. Opening doors to create employable opportunities and train students to the need of the markets.

FUTURE PLANS 1. More collaborative research to be taken up with research institutes of national and international repute. 2. To Increase Number of Titles and Journals in the Library. 3. Publishing international/National journals and books by all departments. 4. Increase the participation of Alumni and Parents Association for overall development.

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MAJOR MILESTONES The following are some major highlights /milestones of Government First Grade College, Tiptur o College Established in 27-04-2007 with B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. and B.B.M. Under-Graduate Courses. o Land transferred from Primary education, Government of Karnataka to Higher Education, Department of Collegiate Education (GFGC Tiptur) on 11-06-2013 o The College attained 2f status in 01-03-2013. o The college attained Permanent Affiliation in 16-11-2013 o The College attained 12b status in 22-05-2014. o The IQAC was established in 2011 o The college began six new combinations P.C.M. (B.Sc.) in 2010 and HEK, HES, HEG, HEPsy, JKP (B.A.) in 2011. o The government allotted funds to establish New Campus in 2013. o The college has attained seven University Ranks until now. o The sports unit of the college has participated (nearly 60 students) and won medals in All /South Zone Interuniversity competitions. o The Scouts and Guides Unit was established in 2013 and NCC Unit was established in 2014.

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 11 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

PART – B INSTITUTIONAL DATA Profile of the Affiliated /Constituent College 1. Name and Address of the College: Name: Government First Grade College Address: B.H. Road, Tiptur, Tumakuru District City: Tiptur Pin: 572201 State: Karnataka e-mail I D [email protected] Website: 2. For communication: Telephone Mobil Designation Name No. with Fax e-mail I D e No. STD Code Dr. 08134 98802 08134 gfgctiptur@gmail Principal JAYADEVA 252189 36222 252189 .com PPA Vice Not Applicable Principal Steering Dr. 08134 99455 08134 n.sarassri@rediff Committee SARASWAT 252189 21522 252189 Coordinator HI K. B.

3. Status of the of Institution : Affiliated College  Constituent College Any Other 4. Type of Institution: a) By Gender i) Men ii) Women iii) Co-Education 

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 12 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

b) By Shift i) Regular  ii) Day iii) Evening 5. Is it a recognized Minority Institution Yes No  If yes, specify the minority status (Religious/linguistic/ any other) and provide documentary evidence. 6. Source of Funding: Government  Grant-in-Aid Self Financing Any Other 7. a) Date of establishment of the college: 27-04-2007 (DD/MM/YYYY) (Annexure 1) b) University to which the college is affiliated /or which governs the college: (If it is constituent college) (Annexure 2) TUMKUR UNIVERSITY c) Details of UGC recognition: Date, Month & Year Remarks Under Section (dd-mm-yyyy) (If any) i. 2 (f) 01-03-2013(Annexure 3) - ii. 12 (B) 22-05-2014 (Annexure 4) -

(Enclose the Certificate of recognition u/s 2 (f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act)

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 13 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

d) Details of recognition/approval by statutory/regulatory bodies other than UGC (AICTE, NCTE, MCI, DCI, PCI, RCI etc.): No Recognition/Approval Under Day, Month and Details Remark Section Year Validity Institution / Department s /Clause (dd-mm-yyyy) / Program i. ii. Not applicable iii. iv. 8. Does the affiliating University Act provide for conferment of autonomy (as recognized by the UGC), on its affiliated colleges? Yes No  If yes, has the College applied for availing the autonomous status? Yes No  9. Is the college recognized a) by UGC as a College with Potential for Excellence (CPE)? Yes No  If Yes, date of recognition …………………..(dd/mm/yyyy) b) for its performance by any other governmental agency? Yes No  If yes, Name of the agency: …… and Date of recognition: (dd/mm/yyyy) 10. Location of the campus and area in sq.mts (Master Plan: Annexure 5) Location Town Campus area in Sq.mts 22265.80 Sq mts. Built up area in Sq.mts 11132.90 Sq mts. 11. Facilities available on the campus (Tick the available facility and provide numbers or other details at appropriate places) or in case the institute has an agreement with other agencies in using any of the listed facilities provide information on the facilities covered under the agreement.

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 Auditorium/ seminar complex with infrastructural facilities: 1 Seminar Hall, 1Open Auditorium, 1 Audio Visual Room  Sports facilities Play ground  Swimming pool Gymnasium  Hostel: Nil Boys’ hostel i. Number of hostels ii. Number of inmates iii. Facilities (mention available facilities) Girls’ hostel: (UGC has sanctioned 80 lakhs for construction of girls’ hostel under XIIth plan)(Annexure 6) i. Number of hostels ii. Number of inmates iii. Facilities (mention available facilities) Working women’s hostel: Nil i. Number of inmates ii. Facilities (mention available facilities)  Residential facilities for teaching and non-teaching staff (give numbers available -- cadre wise) Nil  Cafeteria -- Mobile Canteen  Health centre – Regular health checkup camps are organized to Sports/NCC/NSS/Scouts and Guides students with the help of local government hospital doctors. First aid facility is available in sports room. First aid, Inpatient, Outpatient, Emergency care facility, Ambulance……. Health Centre Staff -- Nil Qualified doctor Full time Part-time Qualified Nurse Full time Part-time  Facilities like banking, post office, book shops - available within 100 mts of the college campus  Transport facilities to cater to the needs of students and staff –Student passes are provided by the Karnataka State Road Transport Services and Indian Railways with minimal charges. (Annexure – 7)

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 Animal house – NIL  Biological waste disposal : Vermin compost is prepared and maintained by students in the campus  Generator or other facility for management/regulation of electricity and voltage – UPS facility is maintained for office/IQAC purposes. Solar light available.  Solid waste management facility – The campus is plastic free and dustbins are provided  Waste water management – Drip Irrigation adapted for water management  Water harvesting – Rain water is harvested 12. Details of program offered by the college (Give data for current academic year) (Annexure 8: Renewed affiliation) Sanctioned Sl. Program/ Qualifi Medium of /approved Level Duration Students No. Course cation instruction student admitted strength B.A. 3Yrs II PUC 2300 1142 Under- 1 B.Sc. 3Yrs II PUC English 440 363 Graduate B.Com. 3Yrs II PUC English 1800 1567 B.B.M. 3Yrs II PUC English 375 280 Post- 2 NIL Graduate Integrated Programs 3 P G NIL 4 M Phil NIL 5 Ph D NIL Certificat ONE YEAR CERTIFICATE COURSE ON ACTIVE 6 e courses CITIZENSHIP PARTICIPATION UG NIL 7 Diploma PG 8 NIL Diploma Any Other(Sp 9 ecify and NIL provide details)

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13. Does the college offer self-financed Programs? Yes No  14. New programs introduced in the college during the last five years if any? Yes No  If yes, how many: NA 15. List the Departments: (respond if applicable only and do not list facilities like Library, Physical Education as departments, unless they are also offering academic degree awarding programs. Similarly, do not list the departments offering common compulsory subjects for all the programs like English, regional languages etc.)

No. of Particulars UG PG Research Depts. Physics Chemistry Science Four Maths Computerscience Kannada English History Economics NIL NIL Arts Nine Political science Sociology geography Psychology Journalism Commerce One As per Tumkur University Management One Syllabus 16. Number of Programs offered under (Program means a degree course like (BA, BSc, MA, M.Com…) a) Annual system 00 b) Semester system 04 c) Trimester system 00 4 17. Number of Programs with No a) Choice Based Credit System b) Inter/Multidisciplinary Approach No c) Any other ( specify and provide details) No

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18. Does the college offer UG and/or PG programs in Teacher Education? Yes No  If yes, a) Year of Introduction of the program(s) ………….(dd/mm/yyyy) and number of batches that completed the program. b) NCTE recognition details (if applicable) Notification No…….. Date:………………………(dd/mm/yyyy) Validity:…………………… c) Is the institution opting for assessment and accreditation of Teacher Education Program separately? Yes No  19. Does the college offer UG or PG program in Physical Education? Yes No  If yes, a) Year of Introduction of the program(s)………………. (dd/mm/yyyy) and number of batches that completed the program b) NCTE recognition details (if applicable) Notification No.:…… Date:…………………………(dd/mm/yyyy) Validity:…………………… c) Is the institution opting for assessment and accreditation of Physical Education Program separately? Yes No  20. Number of teaching and non-teaching positions in the institution(Annexure 9) Teaching Faculty Non- Technical Associate Assistant teaching Positions Professor Staff Professor Professor Staff M F M F M F M F M F Sanctioned by the State - - 5 1 13 6 9 2 Nil Nil Government Recruited 25 11 - Yet to recruit 45 05 - Sanctioned by Not Applicable the Management

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 18 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

/ Society or other authorized bodies Recruited Yet to recruit 21. Qualifications of the teaching staff: Associate Assistant Highest Professor Total Professor Professor Qualification Male Female Male Female Male Female 128 Permanent Teachers: 25 D.Sc./D.Litt. ------Ph.D. - - 1 - 2 1 4 M.Phil. - - 2 1 9 5 17 PG - - 2 - - - 2 NET/SLET - - 0 1 2 2 5 Temporary teachers: NIL Ph.D. ------M.Phil. ------PG ------Part-time teachers: 103 Ph.D. - - - - 4 - 4 M.Phil. - - - - 4 6 10 NET/SET - - - - 16 7 23 PG - - - - 31 38 69 PG Diploma - - - - 3 4 7 22. Number of Visiting Faculty /Guest Faculty engaged with the College: Nil 23. Furnish the number of the students admitted to the college during the last four academic years.

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Categories Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female SC 113 85 184 112 211 195 202 223 183 240 ST 24 20 31 34 48 41 41 45 40 62 OBC 556 861 750 1135 1010 1527 1140 1566 1015 1734 General 16 27 67 30 53 31 70 28 56 21 Total 709 993 1032 1311 1322 1794 1393 1862 1294 2057

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24. Details on students enrolment in the college during the current academic year: Type of students UG PG M.Phil. Ph.D. Total Students from the same state where the 3351 - - - 3351 college is located Students from other states of India 00 - - - 00 NRI Students 00 - - - 00 Foreign students 00 - - - 00 Total 3351 00 00 00 3351 25. Dropout rate in UG and PG (average of the last two batches) UG PG Year Enrolled Year Appeared Drop Out 2007-08 345 2009-10 299 46 2008-09 389 2010-11 345 44 2009-10 490 2011-12 391 99 2010-11 800 2012-13 632 168 NA 2011-12 1100 2013-14 817 283 26. Unit Cost of Education (Unit cost = total annual recurring expenditure (actual) divided by total number of students enrolled) a) including the salary component Rs.6613/-

b) excluding the salary component Rs.577/- 27. Does the college offer any program/s in distance education mode (DEP)? Yes No  If Yes, a) is it a registered centre for offering distance education programs of another University Yes No  b) Name of the University which has granted such registration. NA c) Number of programs offered d) Programs carry the recognition of the Distance Education Council.

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28. Provide Teacher-student ratio for each of the program / course offered: B.A.- 39:1, B.Sc. – 20:1, B.Com. – 67:1, B.B.M. – 27:1 (List Enclosed in Annexure 10) 29. Is the college applying for Accreditation: Cycle 1  Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Re-Assessment: (Cycle 1refers to first accreditation and Cycle 2, Cycle 3 and Cycle 4 refers to re- accreditation) 30. Date of accreditation* (applicable for Cycle 2, Cycle 3, Cycle 4 and re- assessment only) Cycle 1: ……………(dd/mm/yyyy) Accreditation Outcome/Result…...….. Cycle2: …………….(dd/mm/yyyy) Accreditation Outcome/Result……..... Cycle3: ………….…(dd/mm/yyyy) Accreditation Outcome/Result………. * Kindly enclose copy of accreditation certificate(s) and peer team report(s) as an annexure. (IEQA Report – Annexure 11) 31. Number of working days during the last academic year: 300 32. Number of teaching days during the last academic year 180 (Teaching days means days on which lectures were engaged excluding the examination days) 33. Date of establishment of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC): 16-12-2011 34. Details regarding submission of Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQAR) to NAAC. AQAR (i) 25/09/2012 (Annexure12) AQAR (ii) 21/10/2013 (Annexure 13) AQAR (iii) …... (dd/mm/yyyy) AQAR (iv) ………….. (dd/mm/yyyy) 35. Any other relevant data (not covered above) the college would like to include. (Do not include explanatory/descriptive information)

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PART – C CRITERIA - WISE INPUTS CRITERION – I: CURRICULAR ASPECTS 1.1. Curriculum Planning and Implementation 1.1.1. State the vision, mission and objectives of the institution, and describe how these are communicated to the students, teachers, staff and other stakeholders. Vision statement of the Institution: “Education to Enlighten, Empower and Ennoble.” (In Kannada: “w½ªÀÅ, ¸À±ÀPÀÛvÉ, WÀ£ÀvÉUÁV PÀ°PÉ”) Mission: o To instill scientific zeal and develop skilled human resource to face contemporary challenges. o To facilitate young adult learners with opportunities to hone their ethics and leadership potential. o To sensitize learners towards inclusive social concerns, human rights, gender and environmental issues. Objectives: o Deliver the values, knowledge, and skill as prescribed in the courses available so as to equip students to meet contemporary requirements of society. o Introduce modern technology in teaching-learning as well as governance with an aim to further improve the academic and administrative functions of the institution. o Facilitate institution-community interaction. o Identify thrust areas and fix bench marks to translate different aspects of the vision and mission of the college into its routine activities. o To facilitate academic, social, physical, mental and moral growth of students so as to realize all round personality development. Communication to Stakeholders: o The Vision, Mission and the Objectives of the Institution are displayed at the entrance of the College so that all the students, teachers, staff and other

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stakeholders should get a chance to frequently read them and easily internalize them. o The Vision, Mission and objectives of the College are communicated to the students and stakeholders mainly through the college calendar, the prospectus, website, induction programs, occasional meetings with stakeholders and also through special issues brought out on special occasions of the College. o The vision, mission and objectives statements of the college are also displayed on the college website. Our Logo:

Rationale of Logo: The logo of the college adapted recently highlights the vision of the institution – “Education to Empower, Enlighten, and Ennoble”. The logo specifies the regional culture which has at its centre coconut farming. The logo has the picture of Knowledge Goddess – “Saraswathi” in the middle with an intension to motivate the students to learn and excel. 1.1.2. How does the institution develop and deploy action plans for effective implementation of the curriculum? Give details of the process and substantiate through specific example(s). The college meticulously develops action plans for effective implementation of the curriculum. Bench marks are set for each department to

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 23 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC implement the curriculum effectively. At the outset, the principal of the college conducts protracted meetings with the staff members of various department heads to develop various strategies for effective implementation of the curriculum. Teachers are encouraged beforehand to impart the curriculum through innovative teaching methods such as presentations, assignments, discussions, workshops, seminars, industrial visits, computer education apart from regular/traditional teaching methods. The staff members of various teaching departments conduct their internal meetings and develop academic plans for the coming academic year. Keeping in view, the number of working days available, the syllabus is divided into units which are to be finished by a given deadline. Each department of the college follows the academic calendar issued by the affiliating university. The college plans its annual academic schedule which clearly mentions the topics to be taught and number of working days allocated to respective topics, the amount of syllabus to be tested in various class, monthly, terminal or half yearly exams. Heads of each Department prepare the work load based on which teachers are recruited on-line apart from the permanent staff. Teachers are guided to prepare lesson plans as per the syllabus allotted. Theoretical class room teachings are delivered using ICT facilities wherever necessary by providing live examples for effective implementation of the curriculum. To help students for better practical understanding of the curriculum industrial visits, Projects and social surveys are assigned for students to complete. The Staff Council and IQAC meet at the end of each year to assess the academic activities of the College, and suggestions for improvement are noted. At the beginning of the next year, meetings are held to draw up an academic calendar based on these suggestions. Each department presents its action plan in the staff meeting at the beginning of the academic year. Feedback from stakeholders is also considered during this stage. For the effective implementation of the schedule, the time table committee is constituted for formulation of the general academic timetable and methods to record attendance, designing of teacher’s work diary, conduct of internal and university examinations, operation of grievance redressal related to exams etc. Monthly planners and lesson plans are drawn up by individual teachers for effective transaction of university curriculum. The internal examinations are conducted according to the academic calendar and parent-teacher meetings are organized to discuss the performance of the student by Mentors. Tutorial hours are utilized to help slow learners and extra classes are arranged so that the syllabus may be completed well in time.

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1.1.3. What type of support (procedural and practical) do the teachers receive (from the University and/or institution) for effectively translating the curriculum and improving teaching practices? The curriculum prepared by the Tumkur University, Tumkur, to which the college is affiliated, is well transacted to the students after serious preparation as well as critical thought by the teachers concerned. Being an affiliated Institution we are always in tune into the latest trends in education and guidelines. The Tumkur University regularly organizes Seminars, Orientation programs and Workshops to keep the knowledge and teaching aptitude of the teachers updated. The faculty of the college can discuss their issues or problems, if any, while participating in the meetings of the Board of Studies. The College also encourages the teachers to participate in the Orientation/Refresher Courses/ Workshops/ Seminars organized by the affiliating university to update the knowledge and to improve the teaching practices. Teachers Association of the University organizes seminars for college teachers related to UGC guidelines. The University conducts workshops in curriculum development in which teachers from all departments participate. Teachers are encouraged to participate in such programs conducted by other institutions and they have published handbooks and study materials for effective curriculum transaction. The College gives them ample opportunities to improve their teaching practices through training in ICT and educational CDs. All departments can have access to LCDs and computers with internet and Inflibnet, available in library, IQAC and computer science lab, as well as books and other learning resources available in the college. Learning hours and tutorial sessions are held in addition to the regular working hours, to enhance curriculum delivery. Teachers’ work diary helps them to plan lessons so as to ensure timely completion of syllabus. Above all, the College provides an ambience conducive to teaching-learning. 1.1.4. Specify the initiatives taken up or contribution made by the institution for effective curriculum delivery and transaction on the Curriculum provided by the affiliating University or other statutory agency. Though the curriculum is designed and revised by the Tumkur University, Tumkur, for effective curriculum delivery, we give weight age to academic improvement and at the same time give sufficient importance to overall development of students by encouraging them to work with various forums of the college such as NCC, NSS, Scouts and Guides, cultural, humanities, social and literary forums and other various Committee functioning in the college. The college relies upon the globally trusted and followed teaching strategy, i.e., the chalk and talk method. However, the college and the teaching

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 25 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC faculty have taken many initiatives for effective delivery of the curriculum. The College faculty is trained by the computer department to make them familiar with the use of computers so that they are able to use the modern technological resources internet, projectors etc. to supplement their class room lectures. Each Department has Book Banks for the use of teachers and students wherein all the latest books are made available to the faculty for their reference. In addition to the regular subject classes, the college also organizes special lectures by inviting experts from various fields to share their knowledge with the students. The college also organizes special Personality Development Programs for its students. The students are also taken out for educational tours such as industries/trade fairs, exhibitions, field visits and visit to places of historical importance/research centers to provide them a firsthand knowledge of various things. Furthermore, for effective curriculum delivery, the college has got the provision of special/ remedial classes for slow learners. Special classes are conducted for those students, who could not attend the classes on account of NCC camp or participation in the sports or NSS to make up their loss. The Institution has taken measures to motivate the teachers to complete the syllabus within the limited time and tests, quizzes, group discussions and assignments are given to update themselves with the subject of their study. Students are encouraged to write in the wall magazines of each department. 10 percent of the teachers write articles to news papers on topics discussed in the curriculum that are relevant to the society. 1.1.5. How does the institution network and interact with beneficiaries such as industry, research bodies and the university in effective operationalization of the curriculum? Industry: The college has set up a Career guidance and Placement cell which maintains professional relations with the representatives of industry. The students of various departments of the college are taken for industrial visits from time to time to collect data from various industries and entrepreneur bodies to keep them abreast of the latest developments in the market. Research Bodies: To keep the research temper alive in the campus, research Scholars from various fields are invited to the college to motivate the students to take up research projects in their further studies. The faculty members of the college are also motivated to take up research projects initiated by the UGC. Nine minor projects are sent for UGC for approval (Annexure 14). Faculty members on their own also keep on interacting with various research bodies and participate in various research projects. The Institution has taken measures to sign memorandum of Understanding with literary and cultural body like Kannada

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Sahitya Parishat, Taluk unit, Social Organisations like Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement, Samvada, NGO, Bangalore and Child Awareness Movement,(CMCA) Bangalore, Research Centers like Bharatiya Agro Industries Foundation (BAIF) to organize various activities in different departments to effectively implement the curriculum. University: The faculty members of the college keep regularly in touch with their counterparts at the affiliating university and get latest information regarding their own respective subjects. They keep on visiting the Parent University time to time to keep themselves abreast of the latest trends in their field of study. They have also subscribed to the Journals and Magazines published by various teaching departments of the university. Further, Professors from the parent university campus are also invited to the college from time to time to give seminars and talks to the faculty members. 1.1.6. What are the contributions of the institution and/or its staff members to the development of the curriculum by the University?(number of staff members/departments represented on the Board of Studies, student feedback, teacher feedback, stakeholder feedback provided, specific suggestions etc.) Though the college faces a few constraints to modify the syllabus on its own, yet the affiliating university has a system in place to get recommendations from its affiliated colleges through Board of Studies. Few of the faculty represents the academic bodies of the Tumkur University who regularly participate in the process of syllabus design. This is mainly due to the fact that most of the faculties of the college are recently employed with an experience of not more than six to eight years. Our teachers also participate in the discussions relating to the curriculum design and workshops conducted by the university. Whenever they find that the syllabus needs to be modified to meet the present trends, they communicate their ideas in black and white to their respective Members of board of Studies through the Principal of the college. The members of the faculty brain storm and discuss amongst themselves the relevance of the syllabus designed by the affiliating university. While recommending or forwarding the suggestions to the Board of Studies our teachers normally take into consideration the students’ feedback as well as other faculty members of various departments. It has been a regular practice of the college to depute senior most faculties to meet the students in the class rooms exclusively and informally outside the class room to get their informal feedback. Outcome of parent-teacher meetings as

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 27 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC well as report from the administration is also taken into consideration while forwarding suggestions to the board of studies. Table No 1 showing details of Board of Examiners and Board of Studies Representation Year No of teachers BOE BOS 2009-10 24 05 03 2010-11 26 08 02 2011-12 27 08 02 2012-13 23 06 01 2013-14 29 07 02 2014-15 27 11 04 1.1.7. Does the institution develop curriculum for any of the courses offered (other than those under the purview of the affiliating university) by it? If ‘yes’, give details on the process (’Needs Assessment’, design, development and planning) and the courses for which the curriculum has been developed. We accept that the radius of our autonomy is limited. The college does not enjoy the freedom to frame its own curriculum for any of the academic programs. However, the college tries to supplement the syllabus by arranging special classes for students or by inviting experts from various fields. The college has recently got 12B status. We have sent proposals to the UGC for financial assistance to conduct ADD-On Courses(Annexure 15). The syllabus for Add On courses is according to University syllabus. 1.1.8. How does institution analyze/ensure that the stated objectives of curriculum are achieved in the course of implementation? The institution has formed communication channels among all the stakeholders to ensure that objectives of the curriculum are achieved in the course of implementation. Once the academic session is in full swing and all the laid action plans are being followed, the college at various points takes stock of the effectiveness of these action plans. Also, the college ensures that during the course of implementation, the stated objectives of the curriculum are achieved. To do this, various tests, monthly exams are conducted to monitor the outcomes of the syllabus. Systematic documentation is maintained to review the outcomes of the curriculum. If at any step, the college realizes that the laid objectives are not being achieved; the college plans for a remedial action and strategies are devised to cover up the gaps, if any; in the delivery of the curriculum to ensure that it enables the college to achieve the stated objectives of the curriculum.

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The college has signed Memorandum of Understanding with local bodies that visit the college often and conduct workshops and training programs for students keeping in view the objectives of the curriculum. The institution ensures that the stated objectives of curriculum are achieved in the course of implementation by organizing seminars, guest lectures and assigning projects to students on the topics introduced in the syllabus. The effectiveness of the way curriculum implemented is analyzed through evaluation and feedback from stakeholders. Value added ICT sessions are given to all students to ensure that they are able to keep up with the requirements of the curriculum. Placement records of previous batches are also evaluated to bring about necessary changes. 1.2. Academic Flexibility 1.2.1. Specifying the goals and objectives give details of the certificate/diploma/ skill development courses etc., offered by the institution: Apart from these regular courses which are duly affiliated with the Tumkur University, Tumkur, the college also offers certain Skill Development courses to enhance the students’ knowledge. Courses like Communication Skills, Personality Development, are also provided to students of all classes to hone their interpersonal skills based on self resources. Students are imparted special preparatory courses for various competitive exams like Bank, PO, UPSC, SSB, FDA, SDA, KPSC, NET / SET / TET. (Annexure – 16)Add-On courses will begin as soon as we get approval from UGC. 1.2.2. Does the institution offer programs that facilitate twinning /dual degree? If ‘yes', give details.: College at its own level does not offer dual degree programs. The College has Gandhi Study Centre (Nodal Centre of Bangalore Branch) plans to offer certificate courses for students and Gram panchayat members. Civic awareness is given to selected students and they are issued certificated by the Agency after successful completion of one year course. 1.2.3. Give details on the various institutional provisions with reference to academic flexibility and how it has been helpful to students in terms of skills development, academic mobility, progression to higher studies and improved potential for employability The college offers B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. and B.B.M. Courses. Keeping in mind the regional demand and to cater the younger generation with all possible facilities, the college provides computer application compulsory paper in addition to traditional B.Sc. course in Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Mathematics. A compulsory paper on Environment Studies is also introduced for

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 29 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC all B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. classes, so as to shoulder their responsibility as a good citizen to ensure a safe environment. The college website was created by the computer science students. It is uploaded by them regularly. In B.Com., the students are encouraged to do CA, ICWA, CS etc. Students are encouraged to Join Citizenship Awareness Certificate course for personality development. Spoken English classes are conducted for those who are interested. All these courses definitely develop employable skills among the students that in turn helps them progress in higher studies and their potential for getting employment is surely enhanced with these skill development courses offered by the college. o Range of Core / Elective options offered by the University and those opted by the college The college provides instructions for B.A./B.Sc./B.Com./BBM at Under Graduate level. The Tumkur University, Tumkur has not given academic flexibility to the affiliated institutions.

Table No 2 showing details of subjects in the Programs available Sl. Subjects Class No. Optional Subjects Compulsory Subjects Kannada, English, History, Economics, Political Science, 1. B.A. English, Sociology, Geography, Kannada, Psychology, Journalism, Computer Fundamentals, Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, 2. B.Sc. Environment Science, Computer Science Indian Constitution 3. B.Com. As per Tumkur University 4. B.B.M. Syllabus o Choice Based Credit System and range of subject options The University does not offer Choice Based Credit System for Undergraduate courses in Affiliated Colleges. o Courses offered in modular form Courses are provided unit wise and are arranged in the modular form at department level by academic committees comprising of HOD’s, staff and Principal. The modules so arranged are also used for testing the students in the exams, (1st Test, 2nd Test and Question banks and Preparatory tests). o Credit transfer and accumulation facility No Credit Transfer and Accumulation facility available.

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o Lateral and vertical mobility within and across programs and courses No lateral mobility within and across the programs exists, however, vertical mobility exists. o Enrichment courses The existing courses are enriched by preparing the students to design small projects and presentations related to theory work. Presentations are also held to develop the communication skills among the students. To add, lectures by the experts are also organized time to time to update the knowledge of our students. 1.2.4. Does the institution offer self-financed programs? If ‘yes’, list them and indicate how they differ from other programs, with reference to admission, curriculum, fee structure, teacher qualification, salary etc. The college does not offer self-financed courses. But the college has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with CMCA, Bangalore and a certificate course is offered on Campus Citizenship Awareness. Awareness is created for students on Traffic Rules, Citizenship duties and responsibilities. Forty Students have opted the course and are trained up for 30 hours. A certificate is issued and a minimal charge of Rs 100 is taken and the syllabus is as per the rules of CMCA. The NGO sends trainers and are assisted by Permanent teachers who draw salary as per UGC Regulations. 1.2.5. Does the college provide additional skill oriented programs, relevant to regional and global employment markets? If ‘yes’ provide details of such program and the beneficiaries. The college regularly conducts Personality Development Programs and Skill Development Programs like Yuva Chetana and Life Skills (assisted by Department of Youth Service and Sports, Government of Karnataka, Bangalore) organised by Department of Psychology,which enhance the IQ level and communication skills of the participants. The college also invites Guest speakers from the industry which provides regional and global employment opportunities for the students. Special classes are taken for communication skills taking into considerations the rural backgrounds of the students. Students are encouraged to take up short term computer courses. 1.2.6. Does the University provide for the flexibility of combining the conventional face-to-face and Distance Mode of Education for students to choose the courses/combination of their choice” If ‘yes’, how does the institution take advantage of such provision for the benefit of students? No, the university does not allow the flexibility of combining conventional face to face and distance mode of education.

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1.3. Curriculum Enrichment 1.3.1. Describe the efforts made by the institution to supplement the University’s Curriculum to ensure that the academic programs and Institution’s goals and objectives are integrated? The institution being an affiliated college to the Tumkur University does not have the freedom of formulating its own curriculum. Still, the courses run at UG levels have their relevance to the institution’s goals and objectives. The college aims to impart such knowledge as may be necessary for the all round development of the character of students thereby making them capable of being better employed and at par with the highly competitive job markets. To reach out to the goals and objectives, the institution has evolved additional inputs in the syllabi to face the current trends in competitive areas. A series of Focused Group Discussions among faculty members at departmental level throw light on the limitations in the syllabus. To make up any deficiencies, the college supplements the university’s Curriculum by imparting special courses like Personality Development, Spoken English Classes, Coaching classes for various Competitive exams like SDC, FDC, KAS and Bank, Post Office etc. by the guidance of competitive cell. The cell invites achievers in competitive exams to inspire the students to face competitive exams. The college has also started Remedial classes for the empowerment of SC/BC and other backward castes. The college ensures that the University Curriculum is followed in the best of the spirit. The college academic calendar is prepared every session with the active involvement of the heads of various departments and the college advisory committee. The Principal makes sure that the curriculum framed by the university is supplemented in such a way that it reflects “the Mission and the Vision” of the college. The college following the University instructions offers a compulsory paper in the name of ‘Environmental Education’. This paper has been designed and developed by expert academicians. The syllabus of this paper is framed in such a way by the university that ecology and environment protection and preservation, value orientation, global and national demands have made their entry significantly in the course of studies. 1.3.2. What are the efforts made by the institution to modify, enrich and organize the curriculum to explicitly reflect the experiences of the students and cater to needs of the dynamic employment market? As discussed in point 1.3.1, the college strictly adheres to the syllabus designed by Tumkur University but while delivering this syllabus content to the students, our faculty enrich it with their own expertise and experience so that the

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 32 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC students also gain employable qualities that enable them get jobs in this highly competitive world. The training and placement cell of the college regularly interacts with the HR managers of companies and collects first hand information about the demands and expectations of the corporate sector regarding skill set of students. These demands of the companies are then communicated to the Principal and Staff which in turn formulates add on courses and extra classes which are then conducted to make up the deficiencies in the students to make them employable. The institution has taken measures to cater to the global market needs based on the true assessment of strengths and services offered in the campus. To develop the required skills, brainstorming sessions are held for the faculty to design the tools in the areas of Spoken English, use of computers and providing in-depth knowledge in the respective subjects. Under the guidance of various committees, special training and tailor made orientations are conducted to enable the students to achieve the global standards. Students are encouraged to read news papers regularly in classes and write mini notes and stick in the wall board in their classes. Computer labs are well equipped with latest computers. Internet facility is made available to both teachers and interested students. Computers and LCD Projectors have been used for effective communication and teaching. All graduation courses involve one compulsory Fundamentals of Computers paper. The study of this enables all graduates to be familiar with computer fundamentals which enhance employability. For every college that come under the preview of Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Karnataka have introduced various skill enhancing program’s to equip students to enter job market like Sahayog, Manavathe and Angla programs along with Naipunya Nidhi projects. (Annexure 17) Fifty students are employed with the help of these schemes. The department also has encouraged the college to use edusat programs for gaining more knowledge about the curriculum. 1.3.3. Enumerate the efforts made by the institution to integrate the cross cutting issues such as Gender, Climate Change, Environmental Education, Human Rights, ICT etc., into the curriculum? The cross cutting issues like Gender, Climate Change, Environment Education, Human Rights, ICT etc, find an ample space when it comes to applying them positively into the curriculum. The college, at its own level and expected assistance from UGC, make arrangements for seminars and conferences of state/national level where in the experts from above mentioned fields are invited to share and deliver their experiences and knowledge. The college organizes regional level seminars on women empowerment, and legal awareness. The Institution has supported the cause of the women education and sixty percent of the students in the college are girl students. Many number of scholarships for merited girl students are made available. College has been celebrating ‘Vana

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Mahotsava’ with the support of the staff and the local forest department. The subject of environment education is a part of the college curriculum. It is compulsory for all the students, irrespective of any stream, to clear the paper on environment. Committee on Anti Sexual Harassment and Anti Ragging are active. The students of political science interact with the Grama panchayat officials and learn about its functioning. Expert lectures are also arranged related to these areas. An add-on course on human rights is sent for approval from UGC. Similarly the college offers the paper on Computer Fundamentals, to the students of the college thereby enabling them to learn the latest technology which can help them build a better future.The University has introduced compulsory papers like Environment Studies, Computer Fundamentals, Indian Constitution into the curriculum. 1.3.4. What are the various value-added courses/enrichment programs offered to ensure holistic development of students? o moral and ethical values o employable and life skills o better career options o community orientation The Department of Collegiate Education has taken an initiative to train final year students with leadership training, second year students with social skills and first year student with spoken English course under Naipunya Nidhi Program. The institution cooperated with the Department to conduct training course to bridge the gap between education and employment. Final year students are encouraged to voluntarily enroll for this course. The Department of English regularly conducts student seminars/ talks and trains the participants in presentation skills. The NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides wing of the college engages the students in community development activities which motivate the students to take up the cause of Social Service. Various types of surveys like cross-checking pulse polio, adult education are done by NSS students. The institution as such does not offer any value added courses. However there are many enrichment programs which are regularly organized to develop moral values of the students along with the course work. It is a regular feature of the college to celebrate festivals of national leaders and national festivals to develop a sense of responsibility towards nation. Moral and Ethical values: The college commences every day with an assembly wherein students gather together to sing shlokas and national anthem. The college NSS/Scouts- Guides team regularly visits surrounding areas and villages where people are

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 34 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC provided awareness on various social, moral, ethical principles and ways of life. The Students are also motivated by way of special lectures so as to instill moral and ethical values in them. Blood donation camps are organized. Literary forums encourage students to organize programs to remember departed literary personalities like U R Ananthamurthy, G.S. Shivarudrappa and discuss the moral and ethical values they upheld. Local literary folk personalities are interviewed and their ethics about life is collected. Employable and Life Skills: The college understands that the need of communication skills is vital for the students for better career options. Therefore the institution arranges Spoken and Written Communication Skills workshops. Group discussions, Essay writing, Paper Reading, Recitation of poetry and debate competitions are held at regular intervals both in regional and English language in the institution. It is a regular practice of the institution to invite expert resource persons to conduct workshops on the development of communication competence among the students. The department also has encouraged Angla programs of 60 hours for first year students. Students are also allotted the different responsibilities in organizing various events and activities such as cultural programs, quiz competitions, seminars, workshops etc. In this way they improve their team building and organizational skills. More than 30 students are trained in life skills given by the department of youth and sports ministry and in turn these students are training their juniors. NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides send students to various leadership camps. The cultural team has won prize in youth festivals. Better Career Options: The college provides regular computer classes for all students to develop their skills of basic computer operating principles which include Basic Computer Operation, MS office, Internet operations etc. The Government is also sending trainers to provide training in leadership under Naipunya Nidhi. The training programs conducted in the college has helped around 50 students to get jobs in various companies. The competitive exam training programs have helped 60 students to get government jobs. Community Orientation: For community orientation college provides personality development sessions, debate competitions and computer coaching classes for other members of society so that society can get advantages of these programs. The college Life Skills team regularly visits surrounding areas and villages where they train middle school students on Life Skills. Communication clubs are started in villages from where these students come. Mathematics and English students are also trained to teach Maths and English grammer to High school students and assist them to

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 35 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC tackle their new CBSE syllabus. The department of Kannada has encouraged its staff and students to teach Kannada in urdu schools. The Heritage club encourages students to collect information about the temples in the Taluk and organize jathas to create awareness about the need to protect them. NSS students take up campaigns to collect plastic in the city and clean up the water body in the city. 1.3.5. Citing a few examples enumerate on the extent of use of the feedback from stakeholders in enriching the curriculum? The institution has various channels to collect and document responses on curriculum from the stakeholders. The students express their opinion on curriculum through response sheets. Oral responses are also considered. Special formats are used for alumni and parents to register their views during interface meetings. The Advisory committee analyses feedback and prepares response chart for future use. The Principal, being the head of the institution is responsible for collecting feedback from the different stake holders through periodic meetings. The Mentors help to collect feedbacks. (Annexure 18) The Principal and the staff will then process and reviews the analysis reports and initiates interventions. The teachers collect the exit level feedback from the graduates regarding learning processes after the end of academic session every year. The inputs are obtained from the stake holders regularly and further used to improvise the overall competency of the students for employability. Feedback from parents is taken and as per their suggestions efforts are made to pressurize government machinery to release funds towards construction of class rooms, labs and rest rooms. 1.3.6. How does the institution monitor and evaluate the quality of its enrichment programs? The institution has a very clear and transparent way to monitor and evaluate the quality of various enrichment programs initiated by it. The feedback in the form of interactions, discussions and suggestions is analyzed by a specially constituted committee and report is submitted to the head of the Department. IQAC members monitor and evaluate the efficiency and success of these enrichment programs. They meet the higher authorities like Principal and the staff from time to time and amend the enrichment programs to meet the desired objectives. The enrichment programs support the programs offered in the curriculum to include contribution to national development, fostering global competencies among students, inculcating a value system among students, promoting the use of technology and quest for excellence. The department of economics encourages its students to analyse the annual budget of the state and

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 36 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC central governments. The department of sociology conducts surveys to help the students learn ground realities when the policies of government are implemented. Literary Forums encourage students to read novels and short stories of great literary men/women to get into the habit of reading and analyzing. The College’s efforts to ensure that the curriculum bears a thrust on these core values include the initiative for Contribution to national development. The college uses education as the tool for empowering women and through the transaction of the curriculum it has adopted, it seeks to address the all round development of the students enrolled in the various academic programs if offers. 1.4. Feedback System 1.4.1 What are the contributions of the institution in the design and development of the curriculum prepared by the University? The institution is an affiliated college to the Tumkur University and therefore there is no scope for framing institution’s curriculum on its own. However, A systematic mechanism is installed in the institution to look after the affairs of the feedback process and analysis through the member of Board of Studies. Faculty members regularly attend workshops and seminars on revision of curriculum. The College can only forward the suggestions of its faculty to the university through the members of Board of studies. The design and development of the curriculum is in the hands of the university only. Few teachers of the institution are members of the Board of Studies and the Principal has worked as member of the Advisory Council. They provide suggestions on behalf of the college staff. 1.4.2. Is there a formal mechanism to obtain feedback from students and stakeholders on Curriculum? If ‘yes’, how is it communicated to the University and made use internally for curriculum enrichment and introducing changes/new programs? Yes, the college has a well established system of collecting feedback from its stake holders. The feedback on the curriculum obtained from various segments of society as reflected in parents feedback is analyzed properly by the departments and the suggestions for improvements are communicated to the Principal who conveys it to the authority of the affiliating university to aware the views of the teachers with regard to the change in the curriculum for the betterment of students. The institution encourages various stakeholders such as students, Alumni, faculty to give their feedback and communicates it to the relevant authority to the university through suitable channel. The institution collects all feedbacks and communication in the form of questionnaires and forms those are then analyzed and develop areas of improvement from it. The feedbacks are discussed in the staff council meetings. The opinion of the college development

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 37 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC committee is also taken into account. The institution takes part in the curriculum development process through appropriate analysis of feedback given by the various stake holders from time to time and assimilates the suggestions in the functional style of the institution. The meeting ratifies the responses and makes suggestions for modifying curriculum. Finally, the institution represents these suggestions through various capacities to the universities for appropriation of curriculum. Teachers of each department participate in workshops organized by university on implementation of new syllabus. 1.4.3. How many new programs/courses were introduced by the institution during the last four years? What was the rationale for introducing new courses/programs?) GFGC Tiptur in the recent past has introduced five new combinations from 2011-12 which include History, Economics, Sociology (HES) History, Economics, Geography (HEG) History, Economics, Psychology (HEPsy) History, Economics, Optional Kannada (HEK) Journalism, Optional Kannada, Political Science (JKP) Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics (PCM) (in 2010) A dire need of introducing the above mentioned combinations was felt. The college belongs to urban area and there is no Government Degree college in the nearing vicinity except for a private college. The students requested to include psychology in Kannada medium and Journalism was the need of the hour. A combination with Chemistry will help rural students to aspire for profitable avenues in future. The major chunk of the students had to run to the district centers to learn Journalism and Chemistry. The college answered to their pressing demand. Any other relevant information regarding curricular aspects which the college would like to include.

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CRITERION–II : TEACHING-LEARNING AND EVALUATION 2.1. Student Enrolment and Profile 2.1.1. How does the college ensure publicity and transparency in the admission process? Publicity: The college started in the year 2007-08 with BA, BSc, B Com and BBM programs. Six new combinations started in 2011. The college ensures wide publicity in a planned manner. Admission notification is published in leading state and regional daily newspapers. Banners with the information regarding admission were put near college compound and main circles in the town. The notification contains detailed information about number and range of courses, eligibility, process of admission and academic as well as support facilities. Prospectus giving all the academic, administrative and financial aspects related to admission process is made available to students. The same information is also available on the college website: Transparency: The college follows academic calendar, provided by the Tumkur University, Tumkur. It gives last date for receipt of application. There is a general admission committee as well as separate department committees to prepare the admission list. Allocation of seats is as per the Department of Collegiate education, Govt. of Karnataka. Then the selected candidates’ lists are displayed on the notice boards. The selection is through admission committee which includes a convener and senior teachers. Thus, transparency is ensured from the stage of notification till the completion of admission process. Hence access, equity and social justice are ensured through transparency and adherence to rules. 2.1.2. Explain in detail the criteria adopted and process of admission, Ex. i. Merit ii. common admission test conducted by state agencies and national agencies iii. Combination of merit and entrance test or merit, entrance test and interview (iv) any other) to various programs of the Institution. As per the directions of the university, date of issuing of application forms/ prospectus is notified on the notice board. Application forms can be received from office. Enquiries are attended by the Principal and the admission committee. The college admits all eligible students who have completed pre- university courses. The student can opt combinations based on the interest and

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 39 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC combination chosen in the PU level. In par with the initiative taken by the Department of Collegiate Education to provide admission to all students to increase the entry of students to higher education, no eligible student is denied admission. Applications for admission to undergraduate courses are called in the month of May. The Counseling team helps the students to make the choice of the medium of instruction and subjects. 2.1.3. Give the minimum and maximum percentage of marks for admission at entry level for each of the programs offered by the college and provide a comparison with other colleges of the affiliating university within the city/district. Students seeking admission in our college is based on the ‘First Come, First Serve’ basis. Table No 3: Program Mode of Selection Minimum Percentage of Marks for entry Colleges within the Course level district Must have passed 12th Standard with minimum B.A. 42% 35% marks Must have passed 12th Standard Science with B.Sc. 39% minimum 35% marks Must have passed 12th Standard in Commerce B.Com. 55% with minimum 35% marks Must have passed 12th Standard in Commerce B.B.M. 41% with minimum 35% marks 2.1.4. Is there a mechanism in the institution to review the admission process and student profiles annually? If ‘yes’ what is the outcome of such an effort and how has it contributed to the improvement of the process? Mechanism to review the admission process and student profile: The college reviews the profiles of students admitted annually. The institution has a very clear cut well defined and well designed mechanism as far as the reviewing of the annual profiles of the students is concerned. The admission committee reviews the profiles of students selected for admission and chalks out a comparative summary about their academic background and economic status of the selected candidates. In case a particular section of students like girls, rural students or any specific community are found to be in less numbers for new combinations like journalism, optional English in the admission lists, the admission committee tries to motivate students to opt the new course and future career opportunities. After

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admission the performance of students are closely monitored. A record of their performance in all the fields, academic as well as extra-curricular is maintained by concerned committees. Students with a little bit of negative approach or disturbing elements are motivated to get counseling so that a positive frame of mind can be developed. These results in making the students become an asset for the institution. Outcome: As a result of this process, in the last five years, the college has observed a sharp rise in the students maintaining discipline as well as results. They have learnt to channelize their energy, their potential into more constructive activities. 2.1.5. Reflecting on the strategies adopted to increase/improve access for following categories of students, enumerate on how the admission policy of the institution and its student profiles demonstrate/reflect the National commitment to diversity and inclusion SC/ST OBC Women Differently abled Economically weaker sections Minority community Any other: Table No 4: Student Profile Economically Total Differently Minority Year Girls SC/ST OBC weaker Students abled Community sections 2010- 1702 993 242 1659 06 1901 50 11 2011- 2343 1331 361 1885 08 2246 75 12 2012- 3116 1794 495 2537 04 3032 114 13 2013- 3255 1862 511 2706 05 3217 102 14 2014- 3352 2052 524 2750 06 3274 114 15 a) Students from SC/ST/OBC Community: Reservation policies of the government are followed in letter and spirits to ensure that the strategies adopted by the government in the creation of equity and provision of access to the SC/ST and OBC applicants are implemented. Help

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 41 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC desks are set up at the college entrance to assist applicants from the most backward sections in the admission processes. Career Guidance and Counseling Cell units are also set up to help the new entrants make the right choice and fill up the application form. Fees exemption and scholarship benefits are provided to SC/ST/C-1 students. They are exempted from University Fees, Tuition and Building Fees. Provision of Karnataka Government order – policy of constitutionally guaranteeing education to all is strictly adhered to. The college makes it sure that an awareness and orientation on the financial and academic facilities is provided to the needy students. b) Women: Only University Fees is collected from Girl Students. They are exempted from Tution and other Fees. Proposals are sent to UGC to construct separate hostel facilities for women. The college provides counseling to the needy parents of women students on the importance of women education, security and protection provision. They are provided with rest rooms and wash rooms. Scholarships for girls like Sanchi Honnamma and many scholarships are provided. c) Differently-abled: Their requirements and needs are given a special care and attention. The college has made a ramp in front of the administrative office and toilets to facilitate the differently abled. The college ensures that all their classes are held on the ground floor only. d) Economically Weaker Sections of the Society: Students belonging to economically weaker sections of the society are encouraged to get scholarships provided by the institution. Since 2009, as per government orders, no student is denied admission. They are also given various benefits like Poor Students Welfare Fund. e) Minority: The college under the direction from State Government and its affiliating university offers every possible help to the students belonging to the minority community. Scholarships are also provided to such students. f) Athletes and Sports Persons: College every year produces scores of players in various games. The College provides incentives like track suits, sports shoes and mementos to outstanding Achievers in Sports and Extracurricular Activities as per Government Norms.

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2.1.6. Provide the following details for various programs offered by the institution during the last four years and comment on the trends. i.e., reasons for increase / decrease and actions initiated for improvement.

Table No 5: Demand Ratio Program (UG) B.A. B.Sc. B.Com. B.B.M. No. of Applications 420 102 302 103 No. of Students Admitted 2010-11 407 111 284 92 Demand Ratio 96.90 92.50 94.03 89.32 No. of Applications 590 110 382 122 No. of Students Admitted 2010-11 583 104 370 112 Demand Ratio 98.81 94.54 96.85 91.80 No. of Applications 595 142 520 205 No. of Students Admitted 2010-11 588 137 508 190 Demand Ratio 98.82 96.47 97.69 92.68 No. of Applications 472 165 607 75 No. of Students Admitted 2010-11 461 159 591 69 Demand Ratio 97.66 96.36 97.36 92 2.2. Catering to Student Diversity 2.2.1 How does the institution cater to the needs of differently- abled students and ensure adherence to government policies in this regard? The institution is fully adhering to governmental policies regarding the needs of differently-abled students. (Annexure 19)The college makes this sure that the classes of such students are held at ground floor for the purpose of easy accessibility classroom to them. During examinations such students are provided with help such as writers for the students having vision and functional disability. These students are encouraged at every level in the institution. Special Counseling sessions are also arranged for such category of students. Such students are also given half an hour extra time in the terminal and final examination. Special attention is given to differently abled students in the Institution. A PTA meeting of physically challenged students is conducted in the beginning of the year to get an idea about their wards’ difficulties and needs. Extra private coaching is given to blind and deaf students. The University sanctions a scribe and grants extra time for these students during University examinations. 2.2.2 Does the institution assess the students’ needs in terms of knowledge and skills before the commencement of the program? If ‘yes’, give details on the process. Yes. The Institution is well aware of the needs of the students. Any class contains a mix of intelligent and average students. Bridge courses are conducted

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 43 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC in the beginning of Program and the doubts of students if any are cleared. Students are attached to counselors and the weak students are traced out by mentors and further they are counseled. 2.2.3 What are the strategies drawn and deployed by the institution to bridge the knowledge gap of the enrolled students to enable them to cope with the program of their choice? (Bridge/Remedial/Add- on/Enrichment Courses, etc.) The college belongs to urban area. Most of the students come from rural areas. This backwardness leads to lack of confidence as compared to the students of several other colleges located in big cities. This parity has to be bridged. For this before commencement of the session, admitted students are given Bridge classes to enable them cope up with the syllabus of the course chosen by them. Bridge course is a three-day orientation, before the commencement of the teaching program. Teachers are allotted classes based on the Time table prepared. (Annexure 20) The program is common to all disciplines, which is a way to assess the skills and knowledge levels of the freshers. Freshers are familiarized with the campus facilities through activity oriented games. A database of the newly admitted students is collected by each Mentor. Enrichment course like personality development prorgrammes (Vikasana, Sahayog,Manavathe, Angla, Naipunyanidhi) are also conducted to improve students’ personality and motivate them for an innovative and creative mindset. Where ever a disadvantageous learner is identified by the mentor teacher to help him/her with counseling. 2.2.4 How does the college sensitize its staff and students on issues such as gender, inclusion, environment etc.? The institution holds the tradition of imparting holistic education with emphasis on the ethical and moral principles. The college is coeducational institution sensitizes its staff and students on issues such as gender inclusion, environment etc. by holding seminars and special lectures on the relevant topics like women empowerment, Environment Day. The eco-club in the college has organized rallies. It has organized cleaning plastic waste in the city and cleaning the tank with the help of NSS. Celebration of women’s day by teachers and students is also a part of the same tradition. The college, at its own level makes arrangements for seminars and conferences. Experts from above mentioned fields are invited to share their experience and knowledge. The college organizes regional level seminars on women empowerment and health hygiene to girls. Drawing and essay competitions are also organized regarding environment issues to enliven the students. Apart from this the college offers Environmental Education as a compulsory subject to first and second year students.

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2.2.5 How does the institution identify and respond to special educational/learning needs of advanced learners? The advanced learners are identified by the teachers during their lectures in class room by means of getting feedback from the students orally and sometimes in writing. Marks of students are subjected to various methods of evaluations like vocal responses, active participation of the student and written tests after each unit of syllabus. Based on their Performance, students are identified as slow and advanced learners. Marks scored in the semesters will give a hint to classify these students. They are supported in the best possible manner. The teachers take extra pain in helping them with an additional and personal interest. They are provided with the additional time, advanced learning materials/books and assistance from the teachers. Further such learners are motivated to pursue higher education and aspire for top most career options. Advanced learners help slow learners through group activities. The advanced learner’s are assigned with special project works and encouraged to take part in active items such as conducting surveys, organizing quizzes, essay writing, lecture competitions and seminars. They are encouraged to participate in these events at competitions held in other institutions. They are encouraged to acquire new and advanced information through the internet to bring out their full potential. The creative abilities of students are given vent through wall magazines. All the students are exposed to peer group learning where both the slow and advanced learners are combined. A friendly environment is created to improve the communication skills of the advanced learners. 2.2.6 How does the institute collect, analyze and use the data and information on the academic performance (through the program duration) of the students at risk of drop out (students from the disadvantaged sections of society, physically challenged, slow learners, economically weaker sections etc.)? Academic performance of the student’s of above mentioned sections is identified by the teachers during their lectures in classroom. We use marks as index for identifying slow learners students are subjected to various methods of evaluation, vocal responses, surprise tests & written test and question banks after each unit of syllabus. Slow learners who do not seem to cope up with the pace of learning are advised and counseled by the teachers by assisting them with study material. They are specially advised and counseled so as to help them improve themselves. The morale of the slow learners is boosted by counseling sessions, remedial classes and intensive interactive sessions. They are also given advice after class hours and are motivated by providing additional learning material such as text books and solved question papers from exams. Parents are advised not to marry girls until they complete their graduation. The principal and some faculty members pay admission fees of poor students.

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2.3. Teaching-Learning Process 2.3.1. How does the college plan and organize the teaching, learning and evaluation schedules? (Academic calendar, teaching plan, evaluation, blue print, etc.) The academic calendar is released by the Tumkur University and followed by our college as per the schedules mentioned. The same academic calendar is published in the College prospectus and college website before the beginning of the session of every academic year. It provides plan of action for the academic year to students, teachers and parents. Each department functions according to the teaching plan prepared at the department level. Action plan of each department is prepared by all the faculties and submitted to the respective heads of the departments and signed by the Principal every academic year. Timetable is prepared and displayed on the notice board. The departments also carry out internal assessment based on student test performance, submission of question banks, assignments and punctuality. Towards the end of each session / semester, theory and practical examinations are conducted by the university and evaluation is carried out. The exam results are declared and score cards are issued by the Tumkur University. 2.3.2. How does IQAC contribute to improve the teaching –learning process? IQAC provides the development and application of quality benchmarks for the various academic and administrative activities of the institution. It also imparts knowledge through team work at relentless efforts. It promotes the research and consultancy and develops state of art infrastructure. It also ensures timely, efficient and up to date recording of academic data. This cell monitors promotion, implementation and continuous improvement of innovations in curriculum, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities of the institution. The IQAC works towards the enhancement of the quality of education prevailing, learner’s knowledge, capacity and personality development of students and teachers by motivating them to use ICT facilities for teaching and learning. 2.3.3. How learning is made more student-centric? Give details on the support structures and systems available for teachers to develop skills like interactive learning, collaborative learning and independent learning among the students? The college offers a lot of support services to its teachers for making the learning student centric by laying stress on specific learning outcomes for all courses and making it more participatory and interactive through group activities like Group discussions, power point presentations by students, field survey,

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 46 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC arrange mock fairs, role playing and academic debates. These activities will strengthen the knowledge base contribute to skill formation and managerial skills both at personal and interpersonal levels. All the departments organize various types of co curricular events like Quiz, Poster making, Poets meet, paper reading, debates, skits, etc. that helps students to strengthen their skill of presentation. The college provides a well stocked library having latest books and journals by Inflibnet which the faculty uses efficiently to provide comprehensive and latest information to the students. Students are encouraged to use the library independently to enhance their knowledge. The college also encourages the use of internet and computers by the staff and students to keep them abreast of the latest developments in their respective field of study. 2.3.4. How does the institution nurture critical thinking, creativity and scientific temper among the students to transform them into life-long learners and innovators? The college concentrates on making the students original thinkers. To encourage the artistic temper among the students, the college teachers motivate them to participate in various activities in youth festivals. The prizes won by our students in youth festivals and other district and state level competitions bears a testimony to it. At the same time, to encourage the scientific temper among students, the faculty engages the students in various practical works on science labs and computer labs. The Innovative Club has completed ten projects and is recently working on six projects. To sharpen the critical thinking among students, Science exhibition, Debates on current issues, and student projects are organized in which students explore new ideas and also get a chance to listen to the expert views of eminent professionals. Visit to research centres to nurture scientific temper among the students. The college promotes creativity amongst students by encouraging them to publish their articles and thoughts in the college magazine. They make power point paper presentations. Students also got an opportunity to interact with famous Academician Dr. H.R. Appannaiah, Prof. of Commerce, Surana Institute of Management, Bangalore. Students of the college also got an opportunity to interact with ISEC Professors headed by Aziz Ahmad, Bangalore. 2.3.5. What are the technologies and facilities available and used by the faculty for effective teaching? Eg: Virtual laboratories, e-learning - resources from National Program on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) and National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NME-ICT), open educational resources, mobile education, etc.

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The use of modern multi-media teaching aids like LCD projectors, Internet enabled computer systems are employed in some class room instructions as well as other student learning experiences. Most of the faculty members are using Inflibnet resources for research works and to improve their quality of teaching. Exposing students to industrial environment through Industrial visits and Educational trips are organized to give firsthand information to the students. Edu-Sat programs are shown to students depending on the timetable provided by the department of collegiate Education on various topics like life skill, spoken English, personality development, computers etc. 2.3.6. How are the students and faculty exposed to advanced level of knowledge and skills (blended learning, expert lectures, seminars, workshops etc.)? o Organized One State level seminar o Educational trips are organized to give first hand information to students o Students are encouraged to participate and present paper in seminars o Seminars by experts are organized by every department. o Faculties pursue higher studies and participate and present papers in Orientation and Refresher course, seminars, workshops, and conferences to update their knowledge and take up minor and major projects. o Few of the teachers have book publication to their credit. o Many teachers are invited as resource persons by various institutions of excellence. o Competitive exam training classes are conducted for students. 2.3.7. Detail (process and the number of students \benefitted) on the academic, personal and psycho-social support and guidance services (professional counseling/mentoring/academic advise) provided to students? There is a provision for counselors/mentors for each class or group of students for academic and personal guidance. The students are divided into groups and each group is provided with mentor to provide academic and personal guidance to the needy students. It is done at all level of courses in all the divisions. The teacher in –charge carefully monitors the regularity of attendance, participation in seminars and other activities and also the performance of the students in internal tests/semester examinations. Accordingly the students are advised to improve by way of help and remedial /corrective action. The students who seek psychological boosting or the candidates who are psycho-socially left out are given psychological counseling by the college faculty itself. To add, the college teachers really act as a true friend, philosopher and a guide for the students.

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2.3.8. Provide details of innovative teaching approaches/methods adopted by the faculty during the last four years? What are the efforts made by the institution to encourage the faulty to adopt new and innovative approaches and the impact of such innovative practices on student learning? Innovative teaching methods have been adopted by the faculty to boost the capacity to learn and to teach meaningful application of knowledge to young minds. They are encouraged to use computers, Internet and library resources to enrich their teaching. The college encourages the faculty to compliment the academic system with practical skill through various teaching methodologies that extend beyond the classrooms. Activities undertaken o Power point presentations and use of Internet to make teaching learning more interactive and interesting o Field trips /Study trips o Visits to Industries o State/Regional level seminars organized o Workshops and extension lectures by resource person o Feedback on lectures obtained by faculty members from students o ICT based teaching methods are used to learn related topics o Students are allotted topics to prepare Power point presentations and class seminars are held. o Students are encouraged to maintain wall magazines. After adopting these new innovative techniques of teaching the overall result has been raised. More students are benefited from the counseling cell. And it has helped many students to improve their academic performance and cope with their problems. 2.3.9. How are library resources used to augment the teaching-learning process? College has both General library and a Departmental library that caters to the needs of the teachers and students. There is separate section for Reference books. Text books are kept in separate book shelves/almirahs. The books from the general library are issued to the students. The library functions on all days except Sundays and government holidays.

The library is well stocked and new titles are added every year. Department wise details of books and titles are provided in Annexure 21. Students are encouraged to refer available books and journals for their assignments and presentation. An Electronic information section in the college library provides Inflibnet and free Internet connectivity and provides facilities for students to view

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 49 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC documentaries and CD’s of educational value. Projects and dissertations require students to utilize the reference section. Question banks in the printed forms are available for student reference. Study material for the Competitive examinations is also available in the library.

2.3.10. Does the institution face any challenges in completing the curriculum within the planned time frame and calendar? If ‘yes’, elaborate on the challenges encountered and the institutional approaches to overcome these: NO

2.3.11. How does the institute monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching learning?

Through IQAC, interaction with teachers and students submit reports and the Principal collects feedback from students in person. The institute through examinations of mentors’ duties, feedback from students and mentors report, monitors and evaluates the quality of teaching learning.

2.4. Teacher Quality

2.4.1. Provide the following details and elaborate on the strategies adopted by the college in planning and management (recruitment and retention) of its human resource (qualified and competent teachers) to meet the changing requirements of the curriculum.

The college is not a recruitment authority. However, it strives to improve competency of teachers and use their experiences in their respective field of study. The college is always ready to utilize the best of the teachers available. The Government prepares a list of merited teachers who are interested to work as guest faculty and as such the teachers working in the college are the merited ones.

To retain the available staff, the government has made the whole process of recruitment on-line, and they are paid their salaries (those with only Post Graduation get 8,000/-, and those who have passed NET/SLET/Ph.D. are paid 10,000 Rs) regularly every month. They are paid salaries according to the grades specified by the Department of Collegiate Education. The staff is also provided other requisite facilities like Casual Leave etc.

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Table No 6: Staff details Associate Assistant Highest Professor Professor Professor Total Qualification Male Female Male Female Male Female Permanent teachers: 25 D.Sc./D.Litt. ------Ph.D. - - 1 - 2 1 4 M.Phil. - - 2 1 9 5 17 PG - - 2 - - - 2 NET/SLET - - 0 1 2 2 5 Temporary teachers: Nil Ph.D. ------M.Phil. ------PG ------Part-time teachers: 103 Ph.D. - - - - 4 - 4 M.Phil. - - - - 4 6 10 NET/SET - - - - 16 7 23 PG - - - - 31 38 69 2.4.2. How does the institution cope with the growing demand/ scarcity of qualified senior faculty to teach new programs/ modern areas (emerging areas) of study being introduced (Biotechnology, IT, Bioinformatics etc.)? Provide details on the efforts made by the institution in this direction and the outcome during the last three years. The courses of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics are not yet available in our college. The availability of senior faculty is fluctuating as teachers are transferred or upgraded as Principals. The institution conducts training programs and its related trades at regular intervals to upgrade the technological skill of our teachers. To encourage the staff to participate in workshops and seminars, teachers are sent on duty leave and are also given to upgrade their knowledge by participating in state/national and international seminars/ Conferences/ workshops. Teachers are also given permission to attend Refresher course to enrich their new teaching techniques.

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2.4.3. Providing details on staff development programs during the last four years elaborate on the strategies adopted by the institution in enhancing the teacher quality. a) Nomination to staff development programs Table No 7: Staff Development Programs Number of Faculty Academic Staff Development Programs Nominated Refresher courses 25 HRD programs 05 Orientation programs 25 Staff training conducted by the university 08 Staff training conducted by other institutions 15 Summer / winter schools, workshops, etc. 25 Teachers empowerment program by Dept. of 11 collegiate education b) Faculty Training programs organized by the institution to empower and enable the use of various tools and technology for improved teaching-learning Teaching learning methods/approaches The college organizes programs to motivate teachers to prepare computer aided teaching/learning materials, mostly using software and other electronic tools. The college has a lot of licensed software such as Windows, MS Office, Visual Basic, Java, Linux, etc. The college also supports these endeavors by providing infrastructural support. Teachers engage Multimedia classes for teaching concepts using computer and LCD projector. The computer department of the college regularly organizes training programs for teachers of other departments to make them aware of the latest developments in the technology. They train the teachers to encourage the use of computers and internet to empower the teachers and to improve their teaching methods. Handling new curriculum We have experienced and qualified staff to handle the new curriculum with ease. Some of our faculty members are members of BOS in Tumkur University, Tumkur. The syllabus is updated after a long period in the university. Recently the BOS of all departments had conducted workshops related to change of syllabus. The HODs then called meetings of their teachers and explained the developments related to change of syllabus. We are eagerly awaiting change of syllabus by next academic year.

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Assessment The self assessment report is one of the important yard sticks used for the promotion of the faculty. It also gives a picture of the needs of the faculty in terms of their research and other activities. Suggestions to improve the academic system, provided by the faculty through the self assessment report are also taken into account by the college. The Principal also maintains the CR of the teachers which records the Annual performance of the teachers. The annual increments of the teachers are subject to the grades earned in their CR. Cross cutting issues The cross cutting issues like Gender, Climate Change, Environment Education, Human Rights, ICT etc, find an ample space when it comes to applying them positively into the curriculum.. The college regularly organizes state level seminars on women empowerment and health awareness. Sixty percent of the students are girls. College has been celebrating ‘Vana Mahotsava’ with the support of the staff and the local forest department. One of our faculty members has delivered lecture and presented paper on the relevance of Human Rights and Public Interest and Litigation etc. The subject of environment education is a part of the college curriculum. It is compulsory for all the students, irrespective of any stream, to clear the paper of environment. Similarly the college offers the paper of CF i.e. Computer Fundamentals, to the students of the college whereby enabling them to learn the latest technology which can help them make a better future. Seminars at the college level are held on the topics of Sexual harassment, Ragging, Human rights, Legal awareness etc. Audio Visual Aids/multimedia Our Computer department is provided with Audio visual aids as per their requirement. It includes projectors, computers, sound system etc. Faculty members are provided with computers with internet browsing facility for preparation of teaching/learning materials. Recently, the college has built a multimedia audio visual room which boosts the state of the art facilities like Projectors, Sound System and Computers etc. OER’s College provides the facility of Open educational resources which includes full Syllabus, course materials, textbooks, test materials, software, and any other tools, materials, or techniques used to support access to knowledge for faculty members. Teachers are requested to develop and share their notes and teaching material with other teachers through hard copies kept in the departments.

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Table No 8: Percentage of faculty/ activities % of faculty Activities members 2008-2013 Invited as resource persons in Workshops / Seminars / Conferences organized by external professional agencies 20% (Annexure 22) participated in external Workshops / Seminars / Conferences recognized by national/ international professional bodies 30-40% (Annexure 23) presented papers in Workshops / Seminars / Conferences conducted or recognized by professional agencies 20% (Annexure 24) 2.4.4. What policies/systems are in place to recharge teachers? (eg: providing research grants, study leave, support for research and academic publications teaching experience in other national institutions and specialized programs industrial engagement etc.) The faculties are encouraged to pursue their M.Phil. and Ph.D. The institution deputes its teachers to attend refresher and orientation programs, conferences, seminars and training programs organized by other institutes, universities and research organizations. The institution has sent proposals to UGC to conduct state/national level seminars (Annexure 25). In future funds will be raised to organize workshops and special lectures for the benefit of its faculties and students. The institute has conducted one state level seminar on Research Methodology and many Regional seminars during last three years. The Institute grants duty leaves according to the nature of work. The college has attained 12b status recently, efforts will be made to get research grants and study leave. As of now, publications of teaching faculty is entirely dependent on the interest and resource of the teacher him/her self. 2.4.5. Give the number of faculty who received awards / recognition at the state, national and international level for excellence in teaching during the last four years. Enunciate how the institutional culture and environment contributed to such performance/achievement of the faculty. The college provides necessary infrastructure and other required support to encourage teachers to excel in their teaching. Few of the faculty members of the college have received awards/recognitions in the last four years.

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Table No 9: Awards/Recognition Details: Sl. Name of the faculty Award No. Best Citizen Award - 2006 1 Dr. Jayadevappa Taluk Rajyotsava award -2014 Kodagunti award for Research by Bhandara 2 Dr.Saraswathi K B Publication. Masti Bellary, 2010 State award 3 Rajashekaraiah A S MHRD Award, 2014 4 Dr. Honanjinaiah D R Best Teacher Award, 2014 5 Dr. Venkatesh L M Best Teacher Award, 2014 6 Manjunath S K Four awards 2.4.6. Has the institution introduced evaluation of teachers by the students and external Peers? If yes, how is the evaluation used for improving the quality of the teaching-learning process? Yes, our institute gets the evaluation of the teachers done by students for the improvement of the college. The head of the institution takes feedback of the teachers from the students and their guardians. At the end of every academic year students fill the feedback format of individual faculty members on their teaching skills on a prescribed format. The feedback form mainly focuses on the various teaching skills of the faculty members, like presentation, communication, knowledge, content covered, innovative practices and availability of the teacher after class hours. If any faculty doesn’t meet the benchmark on feedback, he/she is counseled for the future. 2.5. Evaluation Process and Reforms 2.5.1. How does the institution ensure that the stakeholders of the institution especially Students and faculty are aware of the evaluation process? Since student evaluation is a regular and ongoing process the faculties are familiar with the methods. It is clear in the teachers’ internal evaluation register. If changes are introduced, faculty and students are informed well in advance. Students and parents are briefed about the evaluation process at the time of admissions. Individual teachers give instructions on evaluation and a common orientation is given to students before the first university examination. 2.5.2. What are the major evaluation reforms of the university that the institution has adopted and what are the reforms initiated by the institution on its own? The institution has adopted many methods to evaluate the students. Apart from regular tests, projects, and assignments, verbally the students are evaluated by group discussions, seminars and sometimes blackboard tests are also held for some interesting and short topics.

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2.5.3. How does the institution ensure effective implementation of the evaluation reforms of the university and those initiated by the institution on its own? The evaluation reforms of the university are followed in the best of the spirit. The evaluation is all fair; the students are satisfied by showing them the evaluated performance in the answer sheets. The Internal marks are displayed in the notice board before final entry so that, any doubt about evaluation is made clear to the students. All record is maintained i.e., answer sheets, Internal marks award lists etc. Monthly tests are taken and record is kept. Whenever class tests and term tests are taken the results of the students performance/awards are shown to the students to encourage them or counsel them for better future performance. The institution follows the examination system as prescribed by Tumkur University, Tumkur. 2.5.4. Provide details on the formative and summative evaluation approaches adapted to measure student achievement. Cite a few examples which have positively impacted the system. The college adopts both formative and summative evaluation approaches to measure student achievement in a program. Formative evaluation is conducted through assignments, quiz, field trip reports, seminars, term papers, project reports, Industrial trips and practicals which are used to provide internal marks and Summative Evaluation is conducted by the university through final examination. Impact on the System Motivated by this system, the students of Science and management have undertaken innovative research projects. Almost all the department have student projects, educational trips, quizzes and tests. The students of the college have gained ranks in the university. Table No: 10 List of Rank holders Sl. No. Name Year Course Rank 1 Rijwan Pasha 2009-10 BBM 07 2 Gowthami 2009-10 BA 10 3 Mahalakshmi M S 2011-12 BA 04 4 Manikanta K 2011-12 BBM 10 5 Latha N R 2012-13 BSc 03 6 Divya E 2012-13 BBM 09 7 Ranjitha M M 2013-14 BA 06

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2.5.5. Enumerate on how the institution monitors and communicates the progress and performance of students through the duration of the course/program? Provide an analysis of the students’ results/ achievements (Program/ course wise for last four years) and explain the differences if any and patterns of achievement across the programs/courses offered. The institution evaluates the students through tests and preparatory exams during each semester. The parents are informed through meetings and even telephonically (for weak students). To monitor the students’ performance during each semester period, an examination committee comprising of HODs is constituted in the college. This committee works under the directions of the Principal. The record of the whole evaluation process is transparent. The answer books are returned back to the students. A special test is also conducted in the month of September and March during each semester for students. The committee arranges to display the marks they have earned in tests along with their class attendance. The college monitors the performance of the students through university result marks sheets after exam results are published by the university. Results of the last four years (Percentage) are mentioned below: Table No 11: Result Details Sl. No. Program 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 1 B.A. 39 44 36 31 31 2 B.Sc. 68 59 55 56 59 3 B.Com. 35 43 44 42 46 4 B.B.M. 57 45 48 46 49 2.5.6. Detail on the significant improvements made in ensuring rigor and transparency in the internal assessment during the last four years and weightages assigned for the overall development of students (weightage for behavioral aspects, independent learning, communication skills etc. Science and Arts students are awarded 10 marks internals in each subject, whereas commerce and Management students are awarded with 20 marks. Out of ten marks four marks are awarded for academic performance in tests and assignments, three marks for attendance and three marks for performance in preparatory exams and completion of question bank. 20 marks awarded on the basis of viva-voice. After allotting the internal marks, the heads of each department displays it on the notice board at the end of the semester. The internal assessment is made by the faculty members keeping in mind the following aspects / factors of students’

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Performance during the academic year: 1. Class attendance 2. Class assignments 3. Score in the term examination etc. 4. Submission of Question Bank/Preparatory exam In spite of all the above aspects of the students, their behavioral, independent learning and communication skill etc. are also taken into consideration during the assessing of a student. 2.5.7. Does the institution and individual teachers use assessment/ evaluation as an indicator for evaluating student performance, achievement of learning objectives and planning? If ‘yes’ provide details on the process and cite a few examples. The institution uses assessment and evaluation both as an indicator for evaluating students’ performance. As soon as the results arrive, each department make a list of slow and advanced learners and provide tutorial classes for slow learners and remedial classes for SC, ST and OBC students. Advanced learners are assisted to get merit scholarships and also provided intensive training to get ranks. The students who excel in the academics, sports or extra-curricular activities are given due advantage in assessment. General classroom behavior of the students is also kept in mind when evaluation of a student is undertaken. 2.5.8. What are the mechanisms for redressal of grievances with reference to valuation both at the college and University level? The student is provided an opportunity to photocopy his answer sheets by paying an allotted amount of fee. The same copy will be evaluated by the respective faculty. By comparing the marks obtained with the examination marks he/she can proceed for reevaluation. If students have any problem, the principal of the college communicate to the concerning authority (Registrar of Evaluation) of university. The institution follows open evaluation system where the student performance is displayed on the notice board and the same is informed to the parents. All grievances regarding evaluation, including the internal assessment marks awarded for the students, are redressed by the office authorities who communicate with the evaluation section of the University. 2.6. Student performance and Learning Outcomes 2.6.1. Does the college have clearly stated learning outcomes? If ‘yes’ give details on how the students and staff are made aware of these? The college has clearly stated its learning outcomes in the vision and mission. Learning Outcome Assessment is the process of collecting information that will tell an organization whether the services, activities, or experiences it offers are having the desired impact on those who par take them.

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The institute’s approach to the learning outcome assessment is defined clearly. The first important learning outcome is Academic Excellence: The students are expected to have, o In-depth knowledge of their discipline and a strong sense of intellectual integrity, o High level of achievement in writing, problem-solving and communication, o Critical and creative thinkers, with an ability to examine, synthesize and evaluate knowledge across a broad range of disciplines, o Be adept at learning in a wide range of ways, including ICT, o Ability to initiate and formulate viable and relevant research questions contribute to new knowledge, or an original interpretation and application of existing knowledge, o Have the capacity to participate fully in collaborative learning and to confront unfamiliar problems Skills: o The students are expected to have a set of flexible skills for different types of employment, o Have excellent interpersonal, communicative and decision-making skills, o Socially responsible citizens with leadership qualities and o Be well-informed and sensitive citizens with a profound awareness of community needs, o Accept social and civic responsibilities and be involved in a meaningful public discourse, Initiate and implement constructive change in their communities. Imbued with Nationalistic Spirit: o Have an understanding of the social and cultural diversity in our community, o Respect indigenous knowledge, cultures and values. 2.6.2. How are the teaching, learning and assessment strategies of the institution structured to facilitate the achievement of the intended learning outcomes? At the time of admissions student database is collected and bridge courses are designed according to the needs of the students. Students are evaluated on the

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 59 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC basis of internal tests, assignments, seminars, presentations and group discussions. Their performance in the external examinations and placement drives are also assessed. The fact that the number of students proceeding to higher studies/ research/ employment is a positive indication of learning outcomes. (Annexure 26) Students who need extra attention are given tutorial sessions and remedial classes. To help students face examinations with confidence, question banks prepared by the departments are made available in the library. Students are encouraged to use ICT in their learning and presentations and participate in workshops /seminars in their respective disciplines. Overall learning outcomes, both curricular and extracurricular are recorded through students’ self appraisal in their mentor forms, which are monitored by mentors. 2.6.3. What are the measures/ initiatives taken up by the institution to enhance the social and economic relevance (quality Jobs, entrepreneurship, innovation and research aptitude) of the courses offered? The courses run by our college have both social and economic relevance. The institution at the time of the admission provides counseling regarding the courses and combinations available for students. They are guided regarding the future prospects of various options. Further they are sensitized on the social responsibilities through guest lectures. The students are motivated through personality development programs. Students are encouraged to participate in activities for social and community service. The College has made dedicated efforts to impart quality education and generate new knowledge through research and development activities. It has been contributing significantly in transforming socio-economic conditions of the people of this region by collecting data by assigning simple research projects to students. The college has sent proposals to conduct Add-on Courses like communication skills, Applied Sociology, Applied Psychology, Tourism, Television and Video Production, Information and Computer Technology, Physics in Everyday life, Soap Manufacturing and Chemistry in action, Computer based mathematical statistics, and Basic Principles of Accounting, Tally, Tax practitioner’s course and Coaching for entry into bank services. A Certificate course on Life Skills is going on and a batch of forty students have benefitted from it. College has developed self reliant, enterprising and employable human resource. Students participate in industrial job placement fairs and close to thirty students are recruited in various companies. Some of the students have attained Jobs in Government Services. The college has Gandhi Study Centre which teaches students of values on Gandhiji’s thought.

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2.6.4. How does the institution collect and analyze data on student learning outcomes and use it for planning and overcoming barriers of learning? Institution has specified procedure to collect and analyze data on student learning outcome. The following points are adopted by the institute in this context: o Midterm and continuous evaluation comprising of monthly internal tests, assignments, term paper and seminar presentations. o Introduction of unit wise internal choice and objective and analytical type question consisting of objective, short and descriptive and analytical answers. This ensures comprehensive study and understanding of the entire course contents by the student. o Semester system of examination for all courses. o Presentation by students in each semester. Institute has taken following steps to overcome barriers: o Providing Question bank of all subjects to the students. o Timely redressal of students’ grievances. o By evaluating answer books with suggestive corrections to make students to understand their relative strengths and weaknesses. o Minimum attendance limit for students to minimize absenteeism. o Tutorial classes for slow learners to solve their problems. o The periodic evaluation of teachers through feedback from students helps in the improvement of learning outcomes. 2.6.5. How does the institution monitor and ensure the achievement of learning outcomes The institution has a clearly setup mechanism to monitor the learning outcomes. Attendance is compulsorily taken for every lecture. Tutorials and laboratory hours are fixed. Assignments are corrected within a short duration and the marks are entered in marks register, which acts as a ready reckoner for the academic progress of the students. Based on the participation in the class and the marks scored in the tutorials and assignments, the student level is judged by the staff member and appropriate action is taken. At the end of each periodical test, progress reports which consist of test results and attendance status are submitted to the office for further action. Counseling is given to slow learners. Parents of such students are called to meet their respective faculty member, if required. As the entire lab courses are continuously assessed, students who lag in these courses are given additional help

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 61 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC and guidance. They are also given additional lab practice. The faculty members are encouraged to conduct surprise tests, quizzes, etc. to monitor the academic progress of each student. 2.6.6. What are the graduates attributes specified by the college/ affiliating university? How does the college ensure the attainment of these by the students? o Academic Excellence o Equip the students with knowledge and understanding as well as a range of generic skills o Attitudes of intellectual curiosity and motivation for independent thinking o Critical and creative thinkers, with an ability to examine, synthesize and evaluate knowledge across a broad range of disciplines o Capacity to participate fully in collaborative learning and to confront unfamiliar problem o Ability to initiate and formulate viable and relevant research questions Skills- o Critical analysis, problem solving, and creative thinking o Communicating effectively and appropriately in a range of contexts o Developing, planning and managing independent work o Working effectively as part of a team o Effectively using information and communication technologies o Practical application of knowledge acquired Socially Responsible citizen o Awareness of ethical issues, social responsibility and cultural diversity o Awareness of environmental sustainability issues and the contribution of the field of study to address such issues. Imbued with Nationalistic Spirit Adept to address the larger issues of life and become effective in building a strong and modern India. Value based education founded on democratic, secular, social, scientific and good citizenship qualities for the development of integrated personalities. Awareness and practice of sustainable development through eco friendly living has become an inevitable requirement for survival in the modern world and the College aims to inculcate these values in its students.

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CRITERION– III: RESEARCH, CONSULTANCY AND EXTENSION 3.1. Promotion of Research 3.1.1 Does the institution have recognized research center/s of the affiliating University or any other agency/organization? Institute does not have any University approved research center/s of the affiliating University or any other agency/organization. 3.1.2 Does the Institution have a research committee to monitor and address the issues of research? If so, what is its composition? Mention a few recommendations made by the committee for implementation and their impact. The institute has a Research Committee to guide the students and faculty and it has following members: Chairperson : Dr. Jayadevappa (Economics) Coordinator : Dr. Nagendrappa E (Sociology) Member : Dr. Honanjanaiah D.R (Political Science) Member : Dr. Saraswathi K B (English) Member : Dr. Venkatesh L M (Kannada) Member : Dr. Kantharaju (Geography) Impact of the Recommendations of Research Committee:- o Faculties of the institute participate in State/National/International seminars and present papers, few of them have participated as resource persons. o The Research cell organized one state level seminar in 2012-13 o Advanced learners of each Department are encouraged to do projects on regional topics and write reports. o Ten Innovative Projects by students are taken up and completed, Six projects are ongoing. o The college has recently attained 12B and 2F status, the research cell has motivated four departments (Psychology, Commerce and Management, English, Sports, Science) to send proposals to organize National and State level seminars. o The college has submitted proposals for Thirteen Add-On Courses. o Nine Faculty members of the Institute also applied for the funding of Minor Research project to the UGC. o Eleven teachers have registered for PhD.

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3.1.3. What are the measures taken by the institution to facilitate smooth progress and implementation of research schemes/projects?

Institute encourages students and faculty to involve in research activities. If any project is sanctioned by UGC than full support is provided to the principal investigator to implement the research scheme within the time frame work. To create the zeal among students and teachers, college has procured latest equipments, updated the library facility and subscribed research journals. Inflibnet service is provided to teachers and selected students. Currently teachers are awaiting the sanction of Minor Research Projects by UGC.

3.1.4. What are the efforts made by the institution in developing scientific temper and research culture and aptitude among students?

The institute motivates the students for higher education; the staff is always on its toes when it comes to encouraging the students to join higher education for research. To develop scientific temper and aptitude, the institution organizes university tours of final year students of all departments to interact with the research scholars of the university campus. Various departments of the college also organize library visits and institutions of excellence to create curiosity among the students as well as to get a chance to meet with the distinguished persons of the related area. The students are encouraged to write mini research projects and regular workshops on how to write seminar papers are organized by the research cell.

3.1.5. Give details of the faculty involvement in active research (Guiding student research, leading Research Projects, engaged in individual/collaborative research activity, etc.

Some of the faculty members are involved in research activity at their own level. Three of the Faculty have completed their PhD before joining service. Four of the Faculty members have completed their research attaining Ph.D. degree while in service. Seven of our faculty members are involved in the research and pursuing their Ph.D. from different universities. The following faculties of the institute are involved in individual/collaborative research activities.

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Table No 12: Staffs engaged in Research : Sl. Research Area of Name Department No. Activity Specialization Registered for 1 Jyothi M.G English PhD Research Meta-Theatre Work Registered for Theory on semi 2 Jyothi Kiran Mathematics PhD Research group Work Computer Data mining and 3 Nagaraj K V -do- Science Warehousing The role of Siddagangaiah 4 Sociology -do- MNEREGA in S G development Natural radio Nagabhushan 5 Physics -do- activity around S Tumkur Narasimharaju 6 Psychology -do- Life-Skills N Minor Research Dr. Saraswathi Project Decolonization in 7 English – K B Submitted Final IWE. Copy to UGC. Role of J P Narayan Kumarswamy Registered for 8 History in freedom H B Ph.D. movement in India Social concern of Kannada dailies: A 9 Vinayaka S P Journalism -do- study of selected newspapers. Mathematical solutions for one, two, three Shobhan dimensional solute 10 Mathematics -do- Kumar D M transport in ground water systems with uniform and non- uniform flow. Literature of 11 Harish kumar Kannada -do- Boluvara Mohammed Kunhi

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A study of Aa. Ra 12 Naveen Kannada -do- Mithra;s Life and Culture 13 Jyothi S Commerce -do- Finance Theory Banking in Rural areas and agricultural 14 Ashoka S Economics -do- development with special reference to Tumkur Dist. 3.1.6. Give details of workshops/ training programs/ sensitization programs conducted/organized by the institution with focus on capacity building in terms of research and imbibing research culture among the staff and students. Table No 13: Regional Seminars/ Lectures organized by the various Departments during last few Years: Training Sensitization Department Year Workshop Seminars Program Program 2012 Budget Analysis One day workshop on Economics 2013 “Micro Finance to Self-Help Groups” 2012 ‘Legal Women Awareness’ Empowerm Health ent 2013 Consciousness’ Competit Creative ‘The Life of 2012 ive Jayadevi Tayi Writing Exams Ligade’ oneers of Kannada “Pi Western Literary 2013 Criticism – Plato, Aristotle and Longinus”

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Teaching Urdu for 2014 Kannada Students Reforms in 2012 Indian Judicial System Political Different Stages Science Competit in the 2013 ive development of Exams Indian Constitution Artistic richness 2012 of Tiptur Taluk Heritage Sites in History Karnataka that 2013 have attained International Status’ Women Importance of 2012 Empowermen Research in t and Law Social relations Created Sociology Industrial awareness to Sociology and 2013 rural folk about industrial development Relations projects of Govt. Field work survey on “Relationship ‘Motivation and between Socio- Life Skill Psychology’, Civic Economic Status Training to ‘Freudian Psychology 2012 Awarene and High school Perspectives’, ss Psychological students ‘Role of Applied behavior” of 50 Psychology in families in rural Day to day life’. villages of Tiptur Taluk

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Life Skills training camps in associati “Meditation and 2013 Memory on with Samvada Improvement” , NGO, Bangalor e. 2012 Vedic Maths Extensio n Mathematic program s 2013 ‘Easy Maths for high Learning’ school students Visit to -Ray and its Vishveshvaraiah “X 2012 Museum, applications” Bangalore, IISc, Workshop on Basic Visit to Nehru Physics Physics, Planetorium, “Special Theory 2013 Weather KSNDMC, of Relativity” telecast/ Yelahanka “Earthquake” forecast Inter college 2014 quiz and seminars 2012 Visit to BAIF “Phase Rule” Workshop to find wind velocity, Chemistry 2013 measurement of humidity and Rain Gauge

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Computer Visit to “ Computer 2012 Networks and INFOSYS Science Securities” 2013 EDUSAT “African Life in 1st Annual Film 2011 Chinua Achebe’s Festival Novel – Things Fall Apart”, Inter college Creative Quiz 2012 Writing 2nd Annual Film English Festival “Indian ‘Easy to Learn Literature in English’ English” and 2013 “Post-Colonial 3rd Annual Film Literature and Festival Feminist Concern” Role of Agriculture on Business 2012 Management in 2012. Commerce Workshop on Recruitment and 2013 communicatio n: Mock Viva and Interview “Environment and Public Jatha on dangers Geography 2012 Awareness”, of plastic waste “Agriculture and Food Security in India”

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“Urban issues: Challenges and Probl 2013 ems” “National disasters Management” One day State Workshop on Level Seminar Research 2013 Synopsis and Cell on “Research CV Methodology and Techniques” Active 2012 Journalism “Relation Journalism between 2013 Journalism and Political Theories” 3.1.7. Provide details of prioritized research areas and the expertise available with the institution. As started earlier, we do not have any research centre but our faculty members are involved in the research at individual/collaborative level. Following is the detail along with research areas and expertise of the different faculty members. Table No 14: Research Expertise Subject Specializations Name of Faculty Economics Micro Finance Dr. Jayadevappa English Caste and Gender Dr. Saraswathi K B Political Shantveri Gopala Gowda: Political Dr. Honanjenaiah D R Science and Cultural context Sociology Alcoholism in Rural areas Dr. Nagendrappa E Geography Agro based industries Dr. Kantharaju Vachana Movement Dr. Venkatesh L M Study of temples in Tumkur Dist Dr. Chandraiah Kannada Dharmaveera (Submitted Recent trends in short stories Final Thesis)

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3.1.8. Enumerate the efforts of the institution in attracting researchers of eminence to visit the campus and interact with teachers and students? As stated earlier the college is not having a registered research centre of the affiliating university. Despite its unavailability of a research centre, the faculty keeps on inviting experts on various subjects to deliver guest lecturers to the students. The institute invites eminent personalities to visit campus in such a way that overall awareness of each student takes place. The Research cell invited Dr Aziz Ahmad, Eminent Research Scholar in ISEC, Bangalore. A Veteran Gandhian Dr. Ho. Srinivasaiah, the President of Gandhi Memorial Trust, Bangalore visited the campus. Eminents in the field of Literature and Criticism like, Prof. Rajendra Chenni, Prof. Chandrashekar Nangli, Prof. S.G. Siddaramaiah, Krishnamurthy Beligere, Prof. Pratap N.E., Nagaraj N.P., Prof. Siddagangaiah Holathal, Dr. Kumsi Umesh, Social Sciences Professors like, Shivanna, Devendra, Laxman, Jagadeesh H.C., Prof. Parthapur, Manigaiah L., Dr. Yogeeshappa, Vijay Kumar, Dr. Sadyojatappa, Shivakumar Swamy S.N., Appanaiah, Sudha Narasimharaju, Lakshmanadas, Sharifulla Ahmad, Mallesh S, Ananthramu, Gangadhara P.S., Basavaraju H.S., Seshadri K.R., Ramadas H.M., Ramdas, S. Shivanna, Ravindranath N.P., and so many experts have visited the campus and interacted with the teachers and students. 3.1.9. What percentage of the faculty has utilized Sabbatical Leave for research activities? How has the provision contributed to improve the quality of research and imbibe research culture on the campus? NIL 3.1.10. Provide details of the initiatives taken up by the institution in creating awareness/advocating/transfer of relative findings of research of the institution and elsewhere to students and community (lab to land) The students of the college under the guidance of various departments take up minor projects like, for instance, the department of psychology has taken initiative to motivate students to take up surveys of social and economic conditions of poor and middle class to analyze their psychological conditions which hamper their overall development. The students who are trained in life skills have set up life skills clubs in their respective villages and are motivating young boys and girls in their villages to develop life skills. The departments of Mathematics and English have encouraged students to teach what they have learnt in the class to students of lower levels (high schools). This has helped the juniors to handle the new syllabus effectively.

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In addition, the awareness about the latest research available at institute level and university level is shared among the students and persons from all walks of life. Some workshops are conducted by literature departments wherein the resource persons guide the students on how to take up creative writing. Some students respond well and the final shape is given to the desired project and teacher in-charge monitors all the activities of new basic research. Students are encouraged to write synopsis and Research Reports. 3.2. Resource Mobilization for Research 3.2.1. What percentage of the total budget is earmarked for research? Give details of major heads of expenditure, financial allocation and actual utilization. The College has recently got its 12b and 2f status and nine teachers have taken initiative to apply for Minor Research Project. Until now the departments have managed to organize and conduct seminars by their own resources. The department of collegiate education has provided one lakh rupees, which is spent towards providing honorarium to guests and organizing programs. Table No 15: Amount spent towards conducting Enrichment programs Sl. Refresh Session Honorarium Travelling Stationary Total No. ment 1 2013-14 17,000 5,000 1,000 26,500 54,500 2 2012-13 10,000 2,000 1,000 20,000 33,000 3 2011-12 5,000 1,000 1,000 5,500 12,500 Total 1,00,000 3.2.2. Is there a provision in the institution to provide seed money to the faculty for research? If so, specify the amount disbursed and the percentage of the faculty that has availed the facility in the last four years? The institution as such has no provision to provide seed money to the faculty but they are provided on official duty leave (four OOD per semester) to attend seminars/ conferences/ workshops/ symposia. 3.2.3. What are the financial provisions made available to support student research projects by students? As per University Syllabi or curriculum, except BBM, no degree program includes any research work/project. The Research oriented students are provided any necessary assistance like internet facilities, DTP, Library assistance and Reprography.

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3.2.4. How does the various departments/units/staff of the institute interact in undertaking inter-disciplinary research? Cite examples of successful endeavors and challenges faced in organizing interdisciplinary research. The institute has been conducting basic degree program and in these degree programs there is no provision for research work. However, for the inculcation of research aptitude in the students, institute takes several initiatives like interdisciplinary seminars on the current, relative and burning issues in Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Computer Science and Environment Science. Faculty of Arts, Commerce and Management also takes several initiatives in these directions. Humanities which include psychology, sociology, economics and history coordinate with each other and have succeeded in bringing Gandhi Study centre which helps to do research in all these areas from a Gandhian perspective. Kannada and English departments work together to organize workshops in creative writing and developing communication skills. 3.2.5. How does the institution ensure optimal use of various equipment and research facilities of the institution by its staff and students? Library facilities and its conducive environment encourage/ motivate the staff and students to take a forward step to pursue research in their relevant field/interests. The number of books in the library is increasing gradually as the need demands. It includes latest syllabi as well as reference books of all relevant subjects and disciplines and the institute is always eager to purchase new edition of books every year. Basic research facilities are available in all Science departments. Each department has relevant infrastructure and instruments for basic research work. Internet connectivity has also been provided in IQAC and Library to help them review their academic as well as research programs. Institute also ensures that the deserving students should be facilitated to use the equipments, books, Journal, and Inflibnet facility. Periodic updating and upgradation of scientific equipment is made. Training is provided for lab attendants and students to efficiently handle laboratory equipment in science departments. Wi-Fi facility is available in the college. The college has a huge strength of more than three thousand and the infrastructure for computer facilities is minimal but advanced learners are provided facilities for using computer in computer lab.

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3.2.6. Has the institution received any special grants or finances from the industry or other beneficiary agency for developing research facility? If ‘yes’ give details. Ours is an Eight years old young college. The college has got donations from donors/ industrialists/ teachers like books and computers which can be used for research. Taking into consideration the age of the college, much of the resources provided by the government and donors are utilized to construct class rooms and very essential infrastructure. Priority is given to construct a seminar hall wherein seminars are conducted and documentaries and films are shown to motivate students to learn something new. The college has limited number of gadgets like computers with internet facilities, projectors, to do research. Some of these gadgets are donated by philanthropists of the taluk. 3.2.7. Enumerate the support provided to the faculty in securing research funds from various funding agencies, industry and other organizations. Provide details of ongoing and completed projects and grants received during the last four years. Table No: 16 Grant Details for Research:

Duration Name of Total Title of Nature of Year the Total Grant Grant the the Project From Funding received Project To Agency till date Sanctioned Received Industry Nil sponsored Research projects Any other Student Projects: Annexure 27 (Specify) Duratio Name Total n of the Total Grant Nature of the Title of the Grant Year Fundin Project Project received From g Sanctione till date To Agency Received d Minor Projects Element of UGC One Lakh Ninety Ninety 2010- Decolonizatio Thousan Thousan 2013 n in IWE d d Major Projects Nil Interdisciplinar Nil y projects

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3.3. Research Facilities 3.3.1. What are the research facilities available to the students and research scholars within the campus? As mentioned earlier, we are an under graduate college and curriculum of the courses available in the college does not carry any research component, hence no research scholar is enrolled. But in spite of this, the basic research facilities are available for the faculty. Internet connectivity has also been provided in IQAC and Library to enable the faculty and students to review their academic as well as their research programs. 3.3.2. What are the institutional strategies for planning, upgrading and creating infrastructural facilities to meet the needs of researchers especially in the new and emerging areas of research? As per the curriculum issued by the affiliating University, i.e., Tumkur University, Tumkur, the basic infrastructure is available for the under graduate students. The college has plans to establish a well equipped auditorium, internet facilities to all departments, unlimited power supply, and well equipped Science labs, Increase no. of titles (3769 at present) and research journals in library in future when financial resources are available and also submits proposal to the UGC under different available schemes. The revenue department has promised to sanction eight acres to the college for construction of Post Graduation Centre near Rangapura, Tiptur taluk. Letter correspondence is being carried out. (Annexure-28) 3.3.3. Has the institution received any special grants or finances from the industry or other beneficiary agency for developing research facilities?? If ‘yes’, what are the instruments/ facilities created during the last four years. The college has received funds towards purchase of books, computers and science labs from government and donors. 3.3.4. What are the research facilities made available to the students and research scholars outside the campus / other research laboratories? As such, there are no research facilities outside the campus and other laboratories but the institute has tied up with the following companies/Institutes to train our students of Arts, Science, Commerce and Computer stream. 1. Kannada Sahitya Parishad, Tiptur Branch, Tiptur 2. Bharatiya Agro Industrial Foundation, Tiptur 3. SSR Computer Centre, Tiptur 4. SVYM and CMCA, Bangalore. 5. Samvada, NGO, Bangalore. 6. Gandhi Study Centre, Bangalore.

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3.3.5. Provide details on the library/ information resource centre or any other facilities available specifically for the researchers?

Table No. 17: List showing the Statistics details of Library Sl. No. Items Numbers 1 Books 22468 2 Titles 3769 3 Reference Books 1200 4 Journals and Periodicals 23 5 e-books 80,409 6 e-journals 3828 7 News papers 12 8 Magazines 20

3.3.6. What are the collaborative research facilities developed / created by the research institutes in the college? For ex. Laboratories, library, instruments, computers, new technology etc. In the college campus the following infrastructure exists which can be utilized for teaching as well as research- o Laboratories o Library o Computers o Laboratory Instruments o Seminar Hall o Edusat o Multimedia Hall Staff, students and researchers are benefited when Expert lectures are arranged.

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3.4. Research Publications and Awards

3.4.1. Highlight the major research achievements of the staff and students in terms of

*Patents obtained and filed (process and product):


*Original research contributing to product improvement:


*Research studies or surveys benefiting the community or improving the Services:

Surveys are conducted by students of management on various entrepreneurs working on extraction of coconut oil in the Taluk.The students of Kannada department have collected information about folk art. Sociology students have done a survey on development in their native village and alcohol abuse. Students of psychology have done surveys on families with low income and social status and its impact on their personality development. Surveys on the number of news papers/journals distributed in the Taluk and their readability is done by journalism students.

*Research inputs contributing to new initiatives and social development:

The initiative taken to collect information about the possibilities of coconut oil extraction has encouraged many management students to install oil extraction plants which will surely inspire many farmers to take up such plants which will improve their economic conditions.

3.4.2. Does the Institute publish or partner in publication of research journal(s)? If ‘yes’, indicate the composition of the editorial board, publication policies and whether such publication is listed in any international database?


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3.4.3. Give details of publications by the faculty and students: Table No 18: Publication per faculty: Year Faculty Publications Various articles are published in newspapers and Dr. Jayadevappa magazines Two books: one book on critical essays and one Dr. Saraswathi poetry collection to be published in November. 2014 K.B. One chapter in “Lohia Thought”, (translations) Published by University, 2012. Dr. Honnanjenaiah One book published D.R. Manjunath S.K. One collection of Poems(Pampa Prakashana) Dr. Venkatesh One collection of poems (Aniketana Prakashana) L.M. Umadevi One collection of poems (Hamsa Prakashana) Lokeshwaraiah One article translated in book on Babu Jagajeevan C.M.S. Ram (Published by Government of Karnataka) *Number of papers published by faculty and students in peer reviewed journals (national / international) Table No 19: Publications in peer reviewed Journals Year Faculty Publication in peer-reviewed journal 2008 Dr Saraswathi K B Aniketana Reg No:45656/88(one article) 2012 Fakruddin ISBN No: 978-81-923301-4-3 2013 ISBN No: 978-81-8281-848-4 2014 ISBN No: 978-81-921937-2-1 2013 Dr. Saraswathi K B ISSN 2320-9941 (15 articles) 2013 Siddaramaiah D M ISSN 2320-9941 (15 articles) ISBN No:13:978 81 910533-0-2 Dr. Kantharaju – – 2013 ISBN No: B-978-81-910533-1-9 (Articles published in books) ISBN: 978-81-910533-2-6 2013 Ashoka .S ISBN: 2231- 0991 (Two articles) *Number of publications listed in International Database (for Eg: Web of Science, Scopus, Humanities International Complete, Dare Database - International Social Sciences Directory, EBSCO host, etc.): NO *Monographs: NO *Chapter in Books: Two *Books Edited: NO *Books with ISBN/ISSN numbers with details of publishers: YES (Annexure-29)

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*Citation Index: NO *SNIP: NO *SJR: NO *Impact factor: NO *h-index: NO 3.4.4. Provide details (if any) of *research awards received by the faculty: One award *recognition received by the faculty from reputed professional bodies and agencies, nationally and internationally: Yes *incentives given to faculty for receiving state, national and international recognitions for research contributions: NIL 3.5. Consultancy 3.5.1. Give details of the systems and strategies for establishing institute- industry interface? We have a placement cell in our college which communicates from time to time with the companies and fulfill their requirements. The placement cell takes the students to the job fairs where different companies come and select the students according to their requirements. The Training and Placement Officer (TPO) makes a liaison with the H.R departments of different companies. The institute keeps in touch with the passed out students of the college who are at present working in the companies. These students are also very helpful in guiding the students for placements. As per requirement, bio-data of the eligible students is also mailed to different companies directly by the Institute. 3.5.2. What is the stated policy of the institution to promote consultancy? How is the available expertise advocated and publicized? The Institutes policy towards consultancy is not formal. Experts use their resources to provide guidance to the needed and are sometimes invited as resource persons to conduct workshops and give a lecture in seminars. The faculty considers such consultancy as a service and no income is generated from it. 3.5.3. How does the institution encourage the staff to utilize their expertise and available facilities for consultancy services? The Institute makes every effort to encourage the staff for utilization of all human resources, intellect and available facility in the campus to promote liaison with educational institutions/ industries/companies so as to thicken the ties between the two in a very flexible manner by which the consultancy services gets a boost. The college motivates the professionally qualified faculty to utilize their expertise for consultancy services with the permission of the institute. In return,

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 79 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC the students get an opportunity to visit these companies and the placement process is, thus, facilitated. 3.5.4. List the broad areas and major consultancy services provided by the institution and the revenue generated during the last four years. The Consultancy is provided by the college faculty only on the gratuitous basis and no revenue is generated from the same. The psychology department has provided training to the head masters of the area on life skills. The faculties of English and Mathematics department have trained the students to train high school and middle school students in Maths and English. The department of Economics actively involved in training self help women groups to acquire benefits from government and leadership training. 3.5.5. What is the policy of the institution in sharing the income generated through consultancy (staff involved: Institution) and its use for institutional development? As stated in the previous point 3.5.4, the Consultancy is provided by the college faculty only on the gratuitous basis and no revenue is generated from the same. 3.6. Extension Activities and Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) 3.6.1. How does the institution promote institution-neighborhood- community network and student engagement, contributing to good citizenship, service orientation and holistic development of students? The college aims to achieve its goal of providing higher education to create just, plural and equitable society in consonance with constitutional values. The major strength of this college is its ability to ensure holistic development of students to make them enlightened citizens. The college is an ‘equal opportunity’ institution established to provide knowledge and quality education to all sections of society. It aims to provide knowledge and quality based education to the students by inculcating moral values, scientific temper and employing state of the art technologies. It aims to pursue excellence towards creating manpower with high degree of intellectual, professional and cultural development to meet the national and global challenges. The institute is conscious of its role in campus-community connection, wellbeing of its neighborhood and has initiated a number of community development activities. These include: o Organizing regular blood donation camps, and blood donation on life saving emergency call o Involvement of the faculty for raising various charity activities and relief funds during natural calamities.

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o Letting the college playground to neighboring communities on weekend, conducting flag hoisting at national festival by local government and by NCC cadets. o Under regular activities of the college, cleaning and sanitizing around railways stations, Bus stand and Hospitals, cleaning of tank bed is taken by the NSS/Scouts and Guides students. o Tutoring rural students in life skills, English and Mathematics helps them to develop higher cognitive skills and experience the joy of learning. o Quiz competitions are organized in every departments and intercollegiate competitions in quiz, paper presentations by students of other colleges is organized. o The annual seven day camp organized by the NSS in neighboring villages creates a healthy rapport between the college and the community. Volunteers carry out programs like literacy campaigns, cleanliness drive, environment friendly initiatives like tree plantations and drive against polythene. o Health checkups, AIDS awareness programs, and awareness during Fire hazards are organized in the college. Government hospital surgeons are invited to create awareness about health and hygiene. o Rallies and Jathas are organized to create civic awareness under the aegis of NSS, Eco Club, Heritage Club, Scouts and Guides and CMCA students. o The college honours personalities who have served the community in different areas like education, entrepreneurship, social service and who have brought laurels to the state and nation like in literature, culture or sports. Community festivals like Ganesha festival are celebrated by students with pomp and devotion. 3.6.2. What is the Institutional mechanism to track students’ involvement in various social movements / activities which promote citizenship roles? The institute is committed to encourage students to learn citizenship roles. The students of political science celebrate ‘Voters Day’ to let the students know about the importance of voting. The students take pledge to create awareness about voting to the voters in their villagers and to vote compulsorily to elect responsible representatives. The students have also interacted with members of Gramsabha and learnt about importance of participatory democracy. Political science teachers took their students to Legislative assembly to watch the proceedings in Vidhana Soudha and Parliament.

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The students of psychology had interactions with the police personnel of the nearby police station and learnt about the necessity of following civic rules and features of a healthy citizen. The department of economics has conducted workshops to Women self- help groups and assisted them to collect information about financial assistance provided by banks. Commerce and management and department of economics organize visits to banks to learn about its functioning. Meditation program and health related programs like yoga and art of living activities are also organized during NSS camps and maximum students join these events. 3.6.3. How does the institution solicit stakeholder perception on the overall performance and quality of the institution? The goals and objectives of the College are prominently displayed in the Information Bulletin given to the students at the time of admission. The College web site provides adequate space to these goals. They find place in all the offices of the college, library and other major buildings of the college. Immediately after admission the students are made aware of these goals and objectives. The institute has evolved a stakeholders’ web by forming different platform like Research Committee, Alumni, Literary/Humanities Forums, Eco Club, Science Club, Women Empowerment Cell, Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell, and Grievance Redress Cell with a fair representation of Students. The IQAC in the planning process considers feedback collected from the entire stakeholder to prepare perspective on development. These developments prospective will be discussed in the respective committee. The reflection off the meeting will be incorporated in the plan. The management has developed evaluation tools for stakeholders to record their opinion, suggestions and objection for constructive developments for future. Institute is highly concerned with its stakeholder i.e. includes students, parents, staff, alumni. Students: o We value the opinions and needs of our students. o Two students of each Class are nominated as Representatives. They communicate students’ requirements and problems to the respective Mentor/ Head of Department/ Principal. Each semester a meeting is arranged with the principal and mentors and their suggestions are taken and complaints answered. o Suggestion / Complaint box is placed at various places on the campus which are accessible to students.

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o Students have the freedom to approach the Principal during working hours without prior appointment. Parents: o Teacher/ head of department/ Principal interact with guardians regularly. o They are informed about their wards academic performance, cocurricular activities and attendance records through meetings, letters and phone calls. o Direct interaction of the guardians with the H.O.D. is also encouraged. o Opinion of parents is considered with respect to various aspects such as planning of industrial visits, participation in youth festivals, adventure club activities etc. are valued. o Parents of any student are allowed to meet the teachers, Coordinators and Principal on any day of the week at any time to make any suggestions or complaints. o Parents’ representatives are members of CDC. Staff: o We have regular staff meetings to keep the staff updated about changes and developments of the institute. The staff association conveys teachers’ grievances to KGCTA or the department through the principal. o Most of the decisions are taken only after consultation with the staff during staff meeting. Alumni: o We have constituted an alumni Association with a Professor In-Charge. The association organizes meetings and has regular formal and informal interactions wherein any alumnus is free to give their suggestions. They meet annually and the alumni funds are used for the benefit of the institution like purchase of Sound system, installing of Gandhi statue in the campus and created Gandhi Park etc. 3.6.4. How does the institution plan and organize its extension and outreach programs? Providing the budgetary details for last four years, list the major extension and outreach programs and their impact on the overall development of students. The college is incessantly organizing a number of outreach activities which relate to academic, social, cultural, community service, adventure etc and all culminating in building a healthy society contributing to nation building. The college with the help of many voluntary organizations and NGOs organizes the outreach programs. The Red Cross unit/NSS has conducted several blood donation camps, road constructions, installing drip irrigation, construction of

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 83 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC vermin compost pit and tree plantations. The expenditures for the same are generally borne by such organizations but over and above if need arise; it is reimbursed by college. In the past 4 years the following extension and outreach programs have been conducted by the college: Table No. 20: Outreach programs in terms of rupees AIDS Blood Vana Yoga NSS Year Awareness Donation Mahotsava Camps (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) (In Rs.) 2013-14 3,000 8,000 3.00 Lakhs 10,000 5,000 2012-13 3,000 7,000 3.00 Lakhs 15,000 5,000 2011-12 3,000 6,000 3.00 Lakhs 10,000 5,000 2010-11 2,000 4,000 2.50 Lakhs 10,000 2,000 3.6.5. How does the institution promote the participation of students and faculty in extension activities including participation in NSS, NCC, YRC and other National/ International agencies? The college under takes wide spread cross-curricular enrichment activities through NCC (Infantry-wing), NSS, Scouts and Guides, Red-Ribbon, Red-Cross, Eco-Club and other forms of community development activities. During admission and orientation, the representatives of these units apprise students on the benefits and scope of the extension activities. The detail of the program is displayed on the notice board and an interaction of students is organized with NSS officer, Sports, NCC officer and Scouts and Guides Coordinator of the college. 3.6.6. Give details on social surveys, research or extension work (if any) undertaken by the college to ensure social justice and empower students from under-privileged and vulnerable sections of society? The institute has made a conscious effort to promote social justice as a value in learning process and administrative interactions. The institution sincerely practices social affirmative schemes like NSS, NCC, Scouts and Guides, Red Ribbon, Red Cross, introduced by the government to ensure social justice and empower under privileged communities. The college NSS unit has been organizing pulse polio check-ups in the villages from where students come from. Selected students are interested in teaching uneducated adults and children in slums. The life skill students teach life skills to small girls and boys in their villages by forming Life skill clubs. A survey on alcoholic addiction was conducted by the department of sociology in Tiptur during 2010-11. Recently students of the department visited Lingadahalli Colony an adjoining village and conducted a social survey and

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 84 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC collected data regarding education status, child labor, source of income and women employment. 3.6.7. Reflecting on objectives and expected outcomes of the extension activities organized by the institution, comment on how they complement students’ academic learning experience and specify the values and skills inculcated. Objectives: Extension activities conducted by the institute always imbibe academic learning experience, values and skills not only in students but faculty too. These activities refresh the environment of the institute as well. The major strength of this college is its ability to ensure holistic development of students to make them enlightened citizens. The college is an ‘equal opportunity’ institution established to provide knowledge and quality education to all sections of society. It aims to pursue excellence towards creating manpower with high degree of intellectual, professional and personality development to meet the national and global challenges. Outcome: The result of the participation in the various socially relevant activities has resulted in inculcating the feeling of being socially awakened citizens in the students. The students who have been a part of this process have been spreading awareness in the institution and motivating other students as well to stand tall for the cause of social upliftment. 3.6.8. How does the institution ensure the involvement of the community in its reach out activities and contribute to the community development? Detail on the initiatives of the institution that encourage community participation in its activities? The institution is roping in communities to actively participate in all the extension activities. This has contributed to both community- institution networking and development of institutions. o The local villagers are initially consulted and the youth of the villagers are made to involve in all the NSS activities. o Workshops are conducted to women Self help groups where they are given knowledge about financial facilities given by the government and bank transactions. o Extensive local participations are witnessed during tree plantation, blood donation etc. the alumn association is also involved in all these extension activities.

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o The institution has taken the initiative to make aware the society about social and health problems like female foeticide, dowry system, environment protection, consumer protection awareness, HIV awareness, anti tobacco and cleanliness awareness etc. o The department of political science has organized legal awareness programs for students in collaboration with courts. o Professional like doctors, lawyers, social activities and freedom fighters are invited to share their experiential knowledge about community service through lectures. o Seminars, debates and group discussion are made to discuss these problems. 3.6.9. Give details on the constructive relationships forged (if any) with other institutions of the locality for working on various outreach and extension activities. The institution has constructive relationships with other institutions of the locality. The blood donation camps are organized with the help of Government hospital and the Fire Engine Department had organized a mock show to create awareness about fire accidents. The police department guides the students about civic awareness. The local association of advocates conducts legal awareness camps annually in the college. The Block Education Officer is cooperative in taking the assistance of student trainers to teach English and Maths in needed schools. The NSS, NCC, Scouts and Guides coordinate all their camps in cooperation with local institutions like Grama Panchayats, Primary Health Centers and community groups. The sports section of the college has constructive relationship with the Kalpataru sports club and Cosmopolitan club, Tiptur and has provided space for students to practice various games and sports. 3.6.10. Give details of awards received by the institution for extension activities and/contributions to the social/community development during the last four years. Many NCC cadets and NSS have represented the state at various prestigious events and national integration camps. NSS units are awarded mementos for their good performance in extension activities by local NGOs in villages like Bisalehalli, Thimlapura, Sannenahalli, and Lakmagondanahalli.

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3.7. Collaboration 3.7.1. How does the institution collaborate and interact with research laboratories, institutes and industry for research activities. Cite examples and benefits accrued of the initiatives - collaborative research, staff exchange, sharing facilities and equipment, research scholarships etc. The institution is not a recognized research centre. Hence research activities at the students’ level are not undertaken because the research is not a part of the curriculum. The commerce and management department had collaborations with Namrata Oil refineries, Hassan Road, Tiptur and they have benefited the institution by donating computers and interacting with students. 3.7.2. Provide details on the MoUs/collaborative arrangements (if any) with institutions of national importance/other universities/ industries/Corporate (Corporate entities) etc. and how they have contributed to the development of the institution. The following NGO’s and Institutions have contributed to the development of the Institution: 1. Children Movement for Civic Awareness, Bangalore. 2. Bharatiya Agro Industrial Foundation, Tiptur 3. , Tiptur branch, Tiptur 4. Gandhi Study Centre, Bangalore. 5. Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement, Bangalore.

The CMCA is providing a certificate course on civic awareness to selected 40 students of the college. BAIF has encouraged to set up a vermin-compost plant in the campus to prepare organic manure and Kannada Sahitya Parishat has taken initiative to organize seminars on literature and conducting workshops on creative writing. The Gandhi Study Centre has set up a regional branch in the college, monitored by the political science department to encourage gandhian studies. The department of Journalism with the guidance of Radio Siddhartha has conducted several media youth awareness programs. One of the faculties of department of sociology, Siddagangaiah S G has given programs in Radio Siddhartha.

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3.7.3. Give details (if any) on the industry-institution-community interactions that have contributed to the establishment / creation/up- gradation of academic facilities, student and staff support, infrastructure facilities of the institution viz. laboratories / library/ new technology /placement services etc. Interaction with eminent personalities from various reputed universities and industries is very useful for the creation of establishing better academic knowledge for staff and students. As stated above the Gandhian Study Centre, Kannada Sahitya Parishat and BAIF has been providing assistance by sending resource persons and conducting workshops in the college. (MOUs-Annexure 30) The Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement, CMCA has encouraged the students to take up life skill training programs. Prof. H.R. Appanaiah, principal, Surana College, Bangalore encouraged BCom and BBM students that he would provide employment opportunities for those interested. Some of the students are selected. 3.7.4. Highlighting the names of eminent scientists/participants who contributed to the events, provide details of national and international conferences organized by the college during the last four years. The college is not financially sound because it is a young college. When it had begun in 2007, it had barely a single room. But with the sincere effort of the principal and the supporting staff, the college has managed to provide space for more than 3,500 students today. With such an enormous strength it was very difficult to raise funds to organize national and international conferences. Even then the college has organized 35 Regional seminars and one state level seminar organized by the Research cell on ‘Research Methodology and Techniques’. The seminar was presided by Prof. Aziz Ahmad of ISEC, Bangalore. Recently in 2013, the college has attained 12b status and has sent proposals for financial assistance to conduct two National Level seminars and two State Level seminars. 3.7.5. How many of the linkages/collaborations have actually resulted in formal MoUs and agreements? List out the activities and beneficiaries and cite examples (if any) of the established linkages that enhanced and/or facilitated – a) Curriculum development/enrichment b) Internship/ On-the-job training c) Summer placement d) Faculty exchange and professional development e) Research f) Consultancy

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g) Extension h) Publication i) Student Placement j) Twinning programs k) Introduction of new courses l) Student exchange m) Any other The college has been running UG level. With insufficient research infrastructure and staff it is not interested in taking up PG Courses. Moreover it is the priority of the University to provide a PG Centre, as the college is not autonomous. The MoUs signed with some of the institutions referred above are limited to the extent of training the students and creating interest to take up research. The MoUs are not of a higher level that could help facilitate any of the above mentioned requirements. 3.7.6. Detail on the systemic efforts of the institution in planning, establishing and implementing the initiatives of the linkages/ collaborations. Any other relevant information regarding Research, Consultancy and Extension which the college would like to include:

Not Applicable

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CRITERION–IV : INFRASTRUCTURE AND LEARNING RESOURCES 4.1. Physical Facilities 4.1.1. What is the policy of the Institution for creation and enhancement of infrastructure that facilitate effective teaching and learning? POLICY FOR CREATION & ENHANCEMENT In order to create and enhance the infrastructure that facilitates effective teaching and learning, the policy is framed according to the strength of students in different streams. With the increase in strength, as per requirement, the institution approaches CDC to seek various funds. The CDC actively offers helps as and when any infrastructural change is required. The infrastructural enhancement is liberally funded on need base and on the availability of the funds. Many a times the college has raised funds from public, students, parents and teachers to enhance the infrastructure. The college has sent proposals for a women’s hostel and library building to UGC 12th plan. A new block funded by the government is under construction funds provided by government for the amount of 2.75 crores. The Government has provided funds for construction of three laboratories at the cost of 60 lakhs. Table No. 21: Amount spent by CDC towards infrastructure development: Sl. No. Year Amount 1 2007-08 Nil 2 2008-09 3,10,842 3 2009-10 4,91,500 4 2010-11 7,67,632 5 2011-12 11,49,913 6 2012-13 69,830 7 2013-14 16,43,812 8 2014-15 14,98,670 Total 59,32,239 Table No. 22: Funds collected by donors for infrastructure development: Sl. Year Amount Remarks No. 2007- 1 10,000 Two computers were donated by Nataraj, Corporator 08 2008- 2 40,000 Desks donated by teaching staff 09

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2009- 3 40,000 Eight computers donated by Copra Merchants 10 2010- 4 2 ,00,489 Compound wall donated by teachers, students, citizens 11 2011- Construction of Seminar hall donated by teachers and 5 48,000 12 citizens Drip irrigation by Commerce and management 15,000 students 2012- 6 Registration fees collected by sahayog students 13 20,000 towards construction of IQAC room(as per the directions of the Department of Collegiate Vermin compost tank constructed by Arts and Science 2013- 8,000 7 students 14 50,000 190 books donated by Nagaraj, Businessman, Tiptur

Total 4,31,489

4.1.2. Detail the facilities available for a) Curricular and co-curricular activities – classrooms, technology enabled learning spaces, seminar halls, tutorial spaces, laboratories, botanical garden, Animal house, specialized facilities and equipment for teaching, learning and research etc. b) Extra-curricular activities – sports, outdoor and indoor games, gymnasium, auditorium, NSS, NCC, cultural activities, Public speaking, communication skills development, yoga, health and hygiene etc. The College is endowed with sufficient physical infrastructural facilities to support the teaching-learning process. The main campus is spread over 5.5 acres of land. (refer Annexure 5). A master plan has been prepared for the campus. To accommodate the enormous strength the College works in shifts. Our College has two seminar halls, adequate number of classrooms, laboratories, staff rooms for the faculty to facilitate the academic programs. The College has a separate block for administration. The Central Library has around 23,000 books, 80,409 e-books, 23 journals and 3828 e-journals. Support facilities like Internet are provided both for students and teachers. The College has an out-door Sports Ground for sports activities, NCC, NSS/Scouts and Guides to meet the requirement of students and staff. The College also has one fully furnished and equipped Computer Lab. The infrastructure involves spacious class rooms, proper lighting and ventilation, seating arrangement with

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proper visibility for both students and lecturers. There is facility of common room for girls separately. The student of the college has hostel facility provided by the government BCM hostels. (List of students studying in BCM Hostel: Annexure 31) The details of the facilities available with the institution are as under: (A) For curricular and co-curricular activities:

Class rooms: Our College has 40 spacious class rooms with proper light arrangement and ventilation, dias and podium. Library: A spacious library with seating capacity for 250 students Technology Enabled learning facility: The teachers use ICT facilities like LCD Projectors to teach students and internet to acquire learning resources. Seminar Hall: The college has two seminar halls. These halls are regularly used for conducting seminars at the college, state and national level. The students of various departments are regularly promoted for active involvement in paper presentations, group discussions. The teachers use the seminar halls to interact with the students through power point. Tutorial rooms: Tutorial rooms are there in college campus and special remedial classes for weak and needy students. Laboratories: The College has eight well equipped laboratories, 2 in Chemistry Department, 3 in Physics departments, 1 each for psychology, geography, and computer science department, to conduct regular practicals during the session and in annual examinations. Similarly, the college has Edu-Sat room to telecast satellite transmitted programs. Botanical Garden: Our College has a well maintained botanical garden where the students of Geography study various plants and other aspects of botanical life which facilitates them in enriching their knowledge. Specialized Facilities and equipments available for teaching, learning and research:

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The college has a computer lab with nearly 60 computers. The ratio of the computer and student is 59:1. The staff and students are given a free access to internet in IQAC so that they can enrich their knowledge and then in turn the students can benefit from their experience and knowledge. The fully computerized library along with Inflibnet facilities also helps the staff and the students to understand the value of research.

(B) For extra-curricular activities: Sports: The college has always created a niche for itself in the field of sports within the university. The college has since long times, been participating in various inter university, university level tournaments. In sports, our college provides indoor and outdoor games to student. Outdoor Games: A play ground is available for outdoor games i.e. cricket, badminton, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho etc. in college campus. The college students have a free access to the Kalpataru Stadium for games like Athletics. Indoor Games: Facilities for the sports like, Chess, Carom etc, are provided to students in the college campus. The Cosmopolitan Club situated nearby the college is used to play Shuttle and Badminton. Auditorium: Our college is having a modern, well equipped and up to the mark technology enabled auditorium for special seminars. The seating capacity of the hall is around 250 students with projector and screen facilities. NSS and Red Ribbon: College has four NSS units of 400 students. Various socially relevant services are provided by NSS students like, AIDS Awareness Camps, Health checkups, counter checking of pulse polio drive, regular activities and annual special camps, adult education etc. Red Cross: Blood Camps are arranged regularly by Red Cross. NCC: College has an NCC unit working under 4 KAR NCC Bn., Tumkur Cantt., with a Permanent Commissioned Officer. The students are enrolled for B & C Certificates.

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Cultural Activities: The College has carved out a special niche for itself in the field of extra- curricular activities. The college has been regularly participating in the zonal and inter-zonal youth festivals. The students have been participating with full fervor and zeal in all activities, academic, theatrical, fine arts or musical. They have proved their mettle in all the fields. In the last five years, the college has bagged many prizes which have brought laurels to the name of college. Public speaking communication skills development: Personality development programs are run by the college which involve various activities like public speaking and communication development etc. This besides the college faculty keeps on enriching the students with the art of communicative skills. Yoga: The college organizes Yoga camps during NSS camps in which many students are benefitted and learn about the importance of Yoga. Health and Hygiene: In addition to above mentioned activities, our College has a very special concern for the health and hygiene of the college students, staff and other members. The college specially takes care of the health and hygiene of the students and staff. For this the college keeps on organizing health check up camps where local doctors, dentists, eye surgeons and skin specialists visit and keep a strict watch on the health of the stakeholders, the students and the staff. Proper arrangement of drinking water is available in the college campus (R.O. purified drinking water). The institution has a tie up with the local hospitals in emergency needs. The local NSS unit is also very active in holding pulse polio check drive. The volunteers willingly stand tall for the noble cause and help the nation to eradicate the problem of polio. Mental Health of the students is taken care of by the Department of Psychology by regular counseling of problems related to adolescent and studies related anxieties commonly found. 4.1.3. How does the institution plan and ensure that the available infrastructure is in line with its academic growth and is optimally utilized? Give specific example of the facilities developed/ augmented and the amount spent during the last four years (Enclose the Master Plan of the Institution/ campus and indicate the existing physical infrastructure and the future planned expansions if any). Since its inception in 2007, Government First Grade College Tiptur has been keeping pace with the changing needs and requirements to meet its academic growth. To keep pace with the needs and requirements, additional infrastructure is

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 94 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC being added from time to time. In the last four years, many buildings have been constructed/ renovated. The details of the facilities which have been added are as under: Table No. 23: Fund allocation details Sl. No. Building Year Amount 1 Toilets and Laboratories 2012 75 lakhs 2 Additional Class rooms 2013 220 lakhs

Table No. 24: Grants provided by the Government for infrastructure Amount Spent Sl. No. Infrastructure (in Lakhs) Year 2007-08 1 Library 1,00,000 2 Furniture 1,00,000 3 Laboratories 1,50,000 Year 2008-09 4 Library 2,35,000 5 Furniture 2,15,000 6 Laboratories 5,25,000 7 Computer Lab 50,000 Year 2009-10 8 Library 60,000 9 Library/Furniture 11,25,000 10 Laboratory 2,00,000 11 Furniture 1,50,000 Year 2010-11 12 Library/Furniture 20,66,000 13 Science Grants 35,00,000 Year 2011-12 14 Library 1,15,860 15 IQAC 10,000 16 Science Laboratory 95,000 Year 2012-13 17 EduSat 30,000 18 IQAC 10,000 19 Science Package 3,50,000 20 Library/Furniture 8,00,000 Year 2013-14 21 Contingency 3,12,000

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22 Book purchase 4,50,000 23 Furniture 1,00,000 24 Science grants 2,00,000 25 Science grants – Book purchase 3,00,000 26 Science grants-Chemicals 1,00,000 27 IQAC 1,00,000 The newly built physical infrastructure as well as existing infrastructure is furnished with adequate furniture and equipments to facilitate teaching and research. The college has been providing its campus/premises for social activities like Theatre festivals, dramas enacted by theatre groups from different parts of the state, celebration of government programs Valmiki Jayanthi, Jayanthi etc. and local tournaments and activities during Sundays and other holidays. The District Administration has been using the college premises during M.P./ M.L.A/ Local Bodies elections also. 4.1.4. How does the institution ensure that the infrastructure facilities meet the requirements of students with physical disabilities? The institute ensures that infrastructure facilities meet the requirement of the students with physical disabilities. For differently-abled students, it is ensured that they don’t have any physical obstruction. The institution is committed to accommodate them on the ground-floor, especially front-seating arrangement, comfortable furniture, attendant facility. They are provided classes with ramp facility. The library facility is provided to them in the multipurpose hall located at the ground floor. The needs of the physically challenged students are fulfilled by the supporting staff. The students are given extra attention during the college terminal examinations as well as the final examinations. They are helped by providing the seats on the ground floor. 4.1.5. Give details on the residential facility and various provisions available within them: o Hostel Facility – Accommodation available o Recreational facilities, gymnasium, yoga center, etc. o Computer facility including access to internet in hostel o Facilities for medical emergencies o Library facility in the hostels o Internet and Wi-Fi facility o Recreational facility-common room with audio-visual equipments

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o Available residential facility for the staff and occupancy Constant supply of safe drinking water o Security Hostel Facility: The institution has sent proposals to UGC under XII plan within the college campus to construct a girls’ hostel, with a capacity of 500 girls. Arrangement for hostel facility is made for girl students with spacious, ventilated rooms and attached bathrooms. The plan of the hostel has rooms for residential staff, set up in the hostel in such a way so that he resident staff can keep a watch on the security and safety of the inmates in the hostel. Recreation facilities, Computer facility, medical rooms, library, water purifiers and security will be provided within the hostel.

4.1.6. What are the provisions made available to students and staff in terms of health care on the campus and off the campus? Arrangements for first aid and medical care are fully available for the staff as well as the students inside the campus and in the hospital near to the college in case of any serious medical emergency. Arrangements for first aid kit are made available in the sports room. Health checkup camps are regularly arranged for NSS/NCC/Sports students. 4.1.7. Give details of the Common Facilities available on the campus –spaces for special units like IQAC, Grievance Redressal unit, Women’s Cell, Counseling and Career Guidance, Placement Unit, Health Centre, Canteen, recreational spaces for staff and students, safe drinking water facility, auditorium, etc. The college has clearly marked space for the common facilities available on the campus. These facilities include IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell), Grievance Redressal unit, Women’s Cell, Counseling and Career Guidance cell, Placement Unit, Health Centre, Canteen, recreational spaces for staff and students, safe drinking water facility, and provision of auditorium etc. Table No. 25: Details of Common Facilities Sl. Teacher In UNIT Place of Location No. charge 1 IQAC IQAC Room Narasimharaju N 2 Grievance Redressal Unit Dept. of English Jyothi M G 3 Women’s Cell Dept. of English Jyothi M G Counseling and Career 4 Dept. of Psychology Narasimharaju N Guidance Cell

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Dept. of Commerce 5 Placement Unit Mamatha K R and Management 6 Health Centre Sports Room Manoj Kumar N 7 Canteen Campus 8 Recreational Space Seminar Hall Manoj Kumar N Rangalakshmi, 9 Pure Drinking Water Facility Campus Manager 10 Auditorium Campus 4.2. Library as a Learning Resource: 4.2.1. Does the library have an Advisory Committee? Specify the composition of such a committee. What significant initiatives have been implemented by the committee to render the library, student/user friendly? The institution has a very effective and efficient Advisory Committee.

The composition of the Library Advisory Committee is as under: Heads of All Departments and Ramya H G Student Representative Akshatha K L Student Representative The advisory committee discusses and finalizes the infrastructural and academic requirement of the library & chalks out the strategy regarding the working of the library affairs so that the facility can be utilized to the maximum extent by the staff and the students. They also give the advice to the Principal for the purchase of books and journals. For students reading room, the Advisory Committee gives advice for maintenance. Newspaper and Journals stands in the library provide an access to research, news and other information to the students/readers. In the recent past, on the advice of the advisory committee lay out of the library has been changed, automation is complete and computer with adequate software got installed. 4.2.2. Provide details of the following: Sl. No. Details Comments 1 Total area of the library 2,000 sq ft 2 Total seating capacity 250 3 Working hours (Daily) 10.00– 05.00 3A Before examination days 10.00– 05.00 3B During examination days 10.00– 05.00 3C Vacations 10.00– 05.00 National Holidays and Holidays as per Tumkur 3D CLOSED University Calendar

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Lay out of the Library(individual reading carrels, 4 lounge area for browsing and relaxed reading, IT zone Annexure 32 for accessing e-resources) 4.2.3. How does the library ensure purchase and use of current titles, print and e-journals and other reading materials? Specify the amount spent on procuring new books, journals and e-resources during the last four years. The principal of the college circulates a notice and requisitions for books are invited from all the head of departments. Every department of the college is asked to submit the lists of books, magazines and journals to be purchased with reference to new syllabi and current needs of the students. The lists are forwarded to the librarian. A purchase committee is constituted. The members of book purchasing committee are sent to purchase books, magazines and journals from different sources. Whenever any book fair is held, the college makes necessary arrangements for the purchasing of the books. But from last year the e-tendering is in practice.

Table No. 26: The table shows the amount spent on procuring new books etc. during 2007 to 2010 and the last four years Library 2007-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Holdings No. Cost No. Cost No. Cost No. Cost No. Cost Text books 5709 665740 5292 827288 2593 317552 5453 624617 3421 575000 Reference Books 20 1000 600 150898 230 1,00,000 150 125000 200 175000

Journals/ 17 13277 6 free Periodicals e-resources (INFLIB Free 80409 NET) Access e-books to Users e-journals 3828

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News 4 10,000 06 10300 08 12678 12 12318 13 14779 Papers

Magazines 5 5,000 06 2878 09 3767 14 8176 20 5369

4.2.4. Provide details on the ICT and other tools deployed to provide maximum access to the library collection? Sl. No. Details Comments 1 OPAC YES Electronic Resource Management package for e- 2 INFLIBNET journals Federated searching tools to search articles in multiple 3 NO databases 4 Library Website NO 5 In-house/remote access to e-publications YES 6 Library automation YES 7 Total number of computers for public access ONE 8 Total numbers of printers for public access ONE 9 Internet band width/speed □ 2mbps □ 10mbps □ 1GB 10mbps 10 Institutional Repository YES 11 Content management system for e-learning NO Participation in Resource sharing networks/consortia 12 YES (like Inflibnet) 4.2.5. Provide details on the following items: 1 Average number of walk-ins 300-350 2 Average number of books issued/returned 150-200 3 Ratio of library books to students enrolled 08:1 4 Average number of books added during last three years 12047 5 Average number of login to opac (OPAC) 100 6 Average number of login to e-resources 10 7 Average number of e-resources downloaded/printed 05 8 Number of information literacy trainings organized YES to staff 9 Details of “weeding out” of books and other materials NA 4.2.6. Give details of the specialized services provided by the library 1 Manuscripts NO 2 Reference 1180 3 Reprography (Xerox Machine) 01 4 ILL (Inter Library Loan Service) NO

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Information deployment and notification (Information Deployment 5 YES and Notification) 6 Download 01 7 Printing 01 8 Reading list/ Bibliography compilation NO 9 In-house/remote access to e-resources 05 10 User Orientation and awareness 01 11 INFLIBNET/IUC facilities 01 4.2.7. Enumerate on the support provided by the Library staff to the students and teachers of the college. Helpful library staff is also accessible to help students and teachers in finding the books. They keep the library noise free so that serious studies could be carried out in the library. The staff provides the list of catalogues of various publishers to teachers so that new and relevant books can be purchased for library. The students are helped by the library staff to access the books they desire. 4.2.8. What are the special facilities offered by the library to the visually/physically challenged persons? Give details. The Physically and visually challenged students are given first priority while issuing books. The staff helps them to have easy access to the books they are in need of. 4.2.9. Does the library get the feedback from its users? If yes, how is it analyzed and used for improving the library services. (What strategies are deployed by the Library to collect feedback from users? How is the feedback analyzed and used for further improvement of the library services?) A suggestion box is installed in the library. The suggestions are placed before the advisory committee and suggestions from feedback are analyzed twice in a year at the end of each semester and attempts are made to implement the suggestions. Any suggestions given by the students are also taken into consideration. Suggestions to library from stake holders: Parents: The parents have suggested often and often to shift the library from a small room to the new building. Alumni: The alumni wanted to increase the number of books and requested to provide facilities to enable them to use the library even after completion of course.

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Students: The students wanted to increase the number of books issued and as per their request they are allowed to use books during their exams and submit during admissions. 4.3. I T Infrastructure 4.3.1. Give details on the computing facility available (hardware and software) at the institution. Number of computers with Configuration (provide 1 actual number with exact configuration of each Annexure 35 available system) 2 Computer-student ratio 59:1 3 Stand alone facility NO 4 LAN facility YES 5 Wi-Fi facility YES Software installed in 6 Licensed software the system when purchased 7 Number of nodes/ computers with Internet facility Fifteen 4.3.2. Detail on the computer and internet facility made available to the faculty and students on the campus and off-campus? Internet service is available in the college for faculty and students. There are 05 computers with the facility of Internet in each. The Principal office, the Administrative Block, Computer Lab, IQAC and Library have the facility of internet. The ratio of computer and the students is approximately 59:1. The students and the society have a free access to the college website, 4.3.3. What are the institutional plans and strategies for deploying and upgrading the IT infrastructure and associated facilities? The institute is optimistic as far as the infrastructural up gradation is concerned. The college intends to upgrade the PCs with latest configuration available in the market. This apart the stress will be laid on the purchasing of New Hardware. The Department of Computer Science intends to replace the non functional parts with new parts. Students are encouraged to install new parts by themselves. 4.3.4. Provide details on the provision made in the annual budget for procurement, upgradation, deployment and maintenance of the computers and their accessories in the institution (Year wise for last four years)

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The computer systems are supplied by the Department of Collegiate Education. Refer Table No 22 showing grant details. (Annexure 33) 4.3.5. How does the institution facilitate extensive use of ICT resources including development and use of computer-aided teaching/ learning materials by its staff and students? Computers are available for specific use in some departments. The teachers liberally take help of the ICT resources to enrich their prescribed curriculum with the help of internet. The college has adequate computer facility for its faculty. Faculty members are provided with computers with internet browsing facility for preparation of teaching/learning materials in the IQAC, Library and Computer lab. Also Multimedia projectors are available within the college for the faculty use. The college also has seminar halls equipped with projectors and are available as and when requested by particular teacher. Internet facility and Library is thrown open to faculty members for learning materials. Also the faculty is provided with Audio-Visual aids which facilitate multimedia teaching. 4.3.6. Elaborate giving suitable examples on how the learning activities and technologies deployed (access to on-line teaching - learning resources, independent learning, ICT enabled classrooms/learning spaces etc.) by the institution place the student at the centre of teaching-learning process and render the role of a facilitator for the teacher. The institution has always been placing the students at the centre of the teaching learning process. The vision and the mission of the institution have always been to provide holistic knowledge to its students. Keeping the students’ learning at the centre of everything, the college understands that the teachers have to be reoriented from time to time. The times have changed. So has changed the way of imparting the knowledge. Use of technology has become very vital in imparting quality based education. The institution encourages the staff to undergo training on the computer-aided teaching and training. The college also has been conducting week-long sessions, in tune with the orientation courses, for the college faculty on the use of computers. The computer department also organizes training sessions on the use of Internet for learning resources. Well equipped computer Labs are available to the faculty for computer aided teaching. The computer faculty is always available for any need based assistance in the use of ICT. 4.3.7. Does the Institution avail of the National Knowledge Network connectivity directly or through the affiliating university? If so, what are the services availed of? The College does not avail of the National Knowledge Network connectivity.

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4.4. Maintenance of Campus Facilities 4.4.1. How does the institution ensure optimal allocation and utilization of the available financial resources for maintenance and upkeep of the following facilities (substantiate your statements by providing details of budget allocated during last four years)? The institution has made adequate arrangements for the maintenance and upkeep of the college infrastructure. The Department ensures that enough funds are allocated and then utilized for the maintenance. The details of the budget allocated during the last four years are as under: (Refer table No: 22) Table No. 27: Budget allocation details Year Sl. No. Infrastructure Budget Allocated 1 Building 220 Lakhs 2 Furniture 1,00,000 3 Equipment Nil 2013-14 4 Computers Nil 5 Vehicles Nil 6 Science Grants 2,00,000 1 Building 75 Lakhs 2 Furniture (Library/Furniture) 8,00,000 3 Equipment Nil 2012-13 4 Computers Nil 5 Vehicles Nil 6 Science Grants 3,50,000 7 IQAC 10,000 8 EDU-SAT 30,000 1 Building Nil 2 Furniture Nil 3 Equipment Nil 2011-12 4 Computers (Science Lab) 95,000 5 Vehicles Nil 6 Library 115860 7 IQAC 10,000 1 Building Nil 2 Furniture Nil 3 Equipment(Library/Furniture) 20,66,000 2010-11 4 Computers Nil 5 Vehicles Nil 6 Science Grants 35,00,000

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4.4.2. What are the institutional mechanisms for maintenance and upkeep of the infrastructure, facilities and equipment of the college? The maintenance and improvement of the campus is under taken with the help of CDF and Department of Collegiate Education. The Principal, on the basis of the perspective development plan, proposes the infrastructural augmentation needs to the concerned authorities. The Government of Karnataka sanctions funds based on the requirements, student strength, and the nature of the academic programs offered by the institution. The college development fund is utilized for maintenance and minor repairs of furniture and equipments. The Principal prioritizes the activities, estimates the cost and allots funds in discussion with the planning body. An effective monitoring system through various committees ensures the optimal utilization of budget allocated. We have a centralized maintenance department for the entire campus with full time salaried employees and the expenditure is a part of income-expenditure account. 4.4.3. How and with what frequency does the institute take up calibration and other precision measures for the equipment/instruments? Annual maintenance and repair of the infrastructure is taken care by the college in a systematic manner. Day to day maintenance is carried out by the staff appointed for cleaning and maintenance of the building. The laboratory equipments are maintained through College Development Fund and annual grants received from the government. The computers and electronic devices are maintained and repaired through the funds available in the institution. 4.4.4. What are the major steps taken for location, upkeep and maintenance of sensitive equipment (voltage fluctuations, constant supply of water etc.)? The college has clear cut mentioned places for the sensitive equipments like water purifiers, chemicals and scientific instruments. The college has its own water source. The laboratory staff keeps a strict vigil regarding the maintenance and upkeep of the scientific instruments and Chemicals. Their repair or replacement or another required upkeep is fully undertaken in their supervision. The supporting staff is responsible for the upkeep of electrical equipments and their maintenance. Any other relevant information regarding Infrastructure and Learning Resources which the college would like to include.

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CRITERION – V: STUDENT SUPPORT AND PROGRESSION 5.1. Student Mentoring and Support 5.1.1. Does the institution publish its updated prospectus/handbook annually? If ‘yes’, what is the information provided to students through these documents and how does the institution ensure its commitment and accountability? The institution publishes its updated prospectus annually. The prospectus provides all the necessary information the students need to know. The college prospectus provides a complete profile of the college. The handbook contains the admission schedule, courses and combinations available, the details of the college working days, the faculty details, cells and committees functioning and the rules and regulations which the students need to observe during their stay in the college. The handbook contains the list of the facilities being provided to the students, which is also updated on the college website 5.1.2. Specify the type, number and amount of institutional scholarships / freeships given to the students during the last four years and whether the financial aid was available and disbursed on time? Table No. 28: Scholarship disbursement details No. of Amount of Year Type of Scholarship Scholarship Scholarship Metric 341 1,32,300 EBL – Cat1 24 30,000 Government of India 78 71100 Minority 07 28,000 Nomads/SemiNomads 08 24,000 2010- Soldiers Welfare Fund 02 1,385 11 SC/ST 152 3,65,041 Handicap Scholarship 01 2,000 Jindal 01 3,000 Sir C.V.Raman 05 25,000 Sanchi Honnamma 33 66,000 Total 652 7,23,826 Sanchi Honnamma 30 60000 Sir. C V Raman 3 15000 Merit 275 82500 2011- Goi’s Merit 78 71100 12 Phy. Handicap 1 2000 Bt Scholarship 24 29000 SC/ST Day Scholar 149 532387

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Minority Scholarship 7 28000 Post Metric Scholarship 18 27175 Sainik Welfare Fund 2 1385 Total 587 8,48,547 Sanchi Honnamma 61 1,22,000 Sir. C V RAMAN 20 1,00,000 Merit 45 13500 Phy. Handicap 02 4,000 Bt Scholarship 96 135000 Sc/St Day Scholar 283 12,49,518 2012- Minority Scholarship 08 32000 13 Labour 02 4400 Welfare Fund Jindal 14 43800 Opt Language Scholar 03 1500 Karnataka Science Academy 02 15000 Total 536 17,20,718 Sanchi Honnamma 39 78,000 Sir. C V Raman 12 60,000 Sc/St Day Scholar 85 5,13,274 Jindal 13 24,000 Karnataka Science Academy 02 15,000 Handicaped 02 4,000 2013- Minorities 08 32,000 14 84 8,70,000 180 378,000 Post Matric/Food And 26 273,000 Accomadation/ Fee Concession 02 8,000 212 14,22,500 24 50,400 Total 689 37,28,174 5.1.3. What percentage of students receives financial assistance from state government, central government and other national agencies? The college caters to the academic needs of the students belonging to the rural areas. There are lots of students who belong to the non creamy layer of the society or who are from economically weaker sections of the society. The college provides financial assistance to these students, which is received from the Central Govt., State Govt., other agencies and CDF of the college. Nearly 20-25 % students of the college get benefit from these scholarships.

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5.1.4. What are the specific support services/facilities available for o Students from SC/ST, OBC and economically weaker sections o Students with physical disabilities o Overseas students o Students to participate in various competitions/National and International o Medical assistance to students: health centre, health insurance etc. o Organizing coaching classes for competitive exams o Skill development (spoken English, computer literacy, etc.,) o Support for “slow learners” o Exposures of students to other institution of higher learning/ o Corporate/business house etc. o Publication of student magazine The institution is committed to provide the students every possible help and support they need in their pursuit to become civilized and worthy citizens. The college, as stated earlier, was set up with a mission of imparting holistic education. The institution for this purpose provides the following support facilities to its students: Students from SC/ST, OBC and economically weaker sections: The students who belong to SC/ST, OBC and the economic weaker sections are identified during the time of the admission. The college maintains a detailed record of the same. These students are provided every possible help during their stay in the college. The college offers scholarships and concessions to such students. Every year the Principal and few teachers sponsor a few students. The total expenditure of the education of some 5-7 students is borne by the CDF. To make up any deficiencies, the departments arrange remedial classes for the empowerment of SC/ST and other Backward castes. In addition, free course for personality development, coaching classes for various competitive exams have been started to benefit the students. Students with physical disabilities: The requirements and needs of differently-abled category or physically challenged students are given special care and attention. The college ensures that infrastructure facilities meet the requirement of the students with physical disabilities. For differently-abled students, it is ensured that they don’t have any physical obstruction. The institution is committed to accommodate them on the ground-floor for their classes. The rest rooms have ramp facility. The need of the

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 108 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC help from the supporting staff, if required, is fulfilled on the request of physically challenged students. The students are given extra attention during the college terminal examinations as well as the final examinations. Overseas students: There are no Overseas Students studying in the college. Students to participate in various competitions / National and International / Organizing coaching classes for competitive exams: The coaching for Banking, KPSC competition, short term computer courses, FDA, SDA, TET and Police Constable Jobs is imparted to needy students. Competition classes are also held for SC/ST/OBC students, free of cost using the teaching resources and staff available in the college. Medical assistance to students: health centre, health insurance etc.: Our College has a very special concern for the health and hygiene of the college students, staff and other members. For this the college keeps on organizing check up camps where local doctors, dentist, eye surgeon and skin specialist visit and keep a strict watch on the health of the stakeholders, the students and the staff. With the assistance of scouts and guides proper arrangement of drinking water is present on the college campus (R.O. purified drinking water). First aid Box is available in the sports room. The institution is having a tie up with the local hospitals in emergency. Free health checkups are done for NCC Cadets during camps. Skill Development (Spoken English, Computer Literacy, etc.): The college regularly conducts Personality Development Programs which enhance the IQ level and communication skills of the participants. The college also invites Guest speakers from the industry which provides regional and global employment opportunities for the students. Special classes are taken for communication skills taking into considerations the rural backgrounds of the students. This besides the college offers ‘Computer fundamentals’ as one of the subjects to all the students taking admission in the first year. This has really helped the students learn the basics of the computer language. Support for “slow learners” The institute understands that the college has to serve the basic education needs of one and all. The students from this area have many options to get better higher education. The students who are slow in their learning or if their grasping power is not up to the mark, the faculty members identify such students after tests and exams. For them the institution conducts remedial classes in different subjects to enhance their skills and competence Enrichment courses like Personality Development Programs are also conducted to improve students’ personality and motivate them for an innovative and creative mindset. Wherever a

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 109 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC disadvantageous learner is identified by the class teacher, the institute appoints a guardian teacher to help him/her with counseling and intensive coaching. Exposure of students to other institutions of higher learning: Many of the departments of the college have exposed students to universities, libraries, Grama Panchayats, Legislative Assembly, Legislative Council, Police Stations and Civic Bodies. Publication of student magazines The college publishes its annual college magazine ‘Srujana’. The students of the college very enthusiastically contribute with their articles in the magazine. The college magazine is printed in the supervision of the college editorial board. All the major sections of the magazine are having their staff editors as well as the students’ editors. The staff is always there to help the students chisel their artistic and creative skills. 5.1.5. Describe the efforts made by the institution to facilitate entrepreneurial skills, among the students and the impact of the efforts. The institute has a placement cell of its own. Over the years the college has helped scores of its students in finding better job opportunities and better enterprises to work in. Our Placement Cell encourages outgoing students to visualize the starting of their own enterprises and become active contributors to the nation’s GDP. The placement cell assesses the needs of entrepreneurs and prepares a comprehensive training module to equip the outgoing students with necessary skills. The module focuses on the following skills: 1. Leadership Skills 2. Marketing Skills 3. Business Development Skills 4. Managerial Skills 5. Risk Assessment and Management 6. Communication Skills 7. Public Speaking 8. Team Building Skills. 5.1.6. Enumerate the policies and strategies of the institution which promote participation of students in extracurricular and co-curricular activities such as sports, games, Quiz competitions, debate and discussions, cultural activities etc. * Additional academic support, flexibility in examinations * Special dietary requirements, sports uniform and materials

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* Any other The institution is committed to attract students for participating in various extracurricular activities by ensuring consistent encouragement and motivation. The necessary facilities are provided and adequate funds are allotted. The sports and cultural committees supervise the extracurricular activities. The students who participate in the sports activities or other extracurricular activities are provided with extra classes so that the time they have given in for the various activities can be compensated for. Attendance exemption is given to students who participate in sports. Diet to the sportsmen is borne by the institution as per the norms laid down by the Tumkur University from time to time. The present rate of diet is around Rs. 100/- per day. Sports uniforms are provided for every team and individual event which participates in intercollegiate tournaments. Special motivation like sports supportive materials like shoes, track suits are given to those who participate in interuniversity/Zonal tournaments. 5.1.7. Enumerating on the support and guidance provided to the students in preparing for the competitive exams, give details on the number of students appeared and qualified in various competitive exams such as UGC-CSIR- NET, UGC-NET, SLET, ATE / CAT / GRE / TOFEL / GMAT / Central/ State services, Defense, Civil Services, etc. The Institute has a separate support system for the students appearing and qualifying in various competitive examinations. Students who are interested and willing to appear in various competitive examinations are helped by the teachers in matters of study materials and counseling for the right strategies. Students are allowed to have access to library and to refer the books related to entrance test. In the recent past many students have appeared and qualified in various competitive exams. 5.1.8. What type of counseling services are made available to the students (academic, personal, career, psycho-social etc.) The college has a career counseling and guidance cell located in the Dept of Psychology. The teacher in charge is available round the clock to the students. The counseling cell makes adequate arrangement for the guidance of the students during the time of the admissions. The students seeking admission are counseled in the choice making matters during the admission. The choice of the career and the doubts of the students are listened to very carefully and the solutions of the problems are provided. The students who need psychological counseling or any type of social counseling are also attended to very carefully. The following services are made available for the students: (Annexure 34) ACADEMIC & CAREER COUNSELING: The students, at the time of the admission, are helped by the faculty present in choosing right stream. They are informed about the scope and nature of

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 111 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC the various subjects that form the syllabus. The students are not pressurized in choosing the subjects. They are given right kind of counseling which helps them shape their career. PERSONAL & PSYCHO-SOCIAL COUNSELING: The students during the course of their studies in the college come across various issues. They are, at times, too immature to handle the problems. The college provides them personal counseling. They can share their problems with the teachers. The teacher concerned are very supportive in guiding them fight their problems. The candidates at times come face to face with certain social issues or problems which tend to bring the inferiority complex in them. The teachers make it sure that no such deterioration happens with the psycho social understanding of the students. They are counseled to become better human beings and advised to stand tall for the social cause. 5.1.9. Does the institution have a structured mechanism for career guidance and placement of its students? If ‘yes’, detail on the services provided to help students identify job opportunities and prepare themselves for interview and the percentage of students selected during campus interviews by different employers (list the employers and the programs). Placement and career counseling centre renders efficacious service to the students. The placement cell extends its service to the students in career guidance, organizes lectures concerning career planning and invites companies for campus recruitment. The following services are provided in the career guidance and placement service: Information of Job Opportunities: The students are informed regarding the vacancies offered by govt. and other agencies. The notice of the advertisement is put up on the notice board. The students are informed regarding the last date and other important information regarding the vacancies. Preparation of Curriculum Vitae: Members of the placement centre render guidance to the students in formal and informal meetings. They are taught how to make CVs. The various technicalities are sorted out, if any. Discussion of Exam Module & Preparation of the Exam: The centre organizes lectures on career opportunities. A thorough discussion takes place on the exam module. The students are informed regarding the syllabus, the pattern and the ways of attempting the paper. Mock tests are held to facilitate them in this pursuit. Their performance is analyzed after every test

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 112 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC and then a brain storming session is organized to assess their strengths and weaknesses. Follow up: The placement cell keeps track of the post examination developments. As and when the result is declared, the cell informs the students regarding the result. The results are analyzed by mentors and then the next process of helping the successful candidates start. G.Ds/Interviews: The college organizes sessions of Group Discussions and mock interviews for the candidates who have succeeded in the written test. The drilling exercise takes place till the candidate is totally confident regarding his performance for the final interview. Campus Placement: The placement cell of the college sends students to off campus interviews. The details of the placement for the last two sessions are enclosed in Annexure 35. 5.1.10. Does the institution have a student grievance redressal cell? If yes, list (if any) the grievances reported and redressed during the last four years. Grievance Redressal Cell actively interacts with the students to help them sort out their grievances. It attends to both registered and unregistered grievances of the students. The institution has a grievance redressal cell headed by the Jyothi M G, HOD of English. It is also supported by the other faculty members. The students drop their grievances in the suggestion box. Students are also free to share their grievances with the class teachers and the Principal also. The necessary action is taken after issues are discussed in the concerned cell. In addition, the student liaison officers establish linkage between the university and students to address the anomalies related to exams and results. Grievances addressed: o Internet facility is provided in the Computer Lab for students and in IQAC for teachers. o Suggestion boxes were set up on the major locations on the campus. o Better and improved Mobile Canteen facility is provided. o Girls’ common room with attached toilet is built. o Water purifiers were installed at major points in the college. o 24 hour back up of electricity in case of electric shut down for office purpose and Edusat is provided. o Display of internal marks at the end of each semester. o Trash bins were placed in convenient places on campus.

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o The Boundary wall of the college ground has been renovated. o Students demand for a separate sports room is fulfilled. o Regular health checkups of sports students are done. o NCC unit is functioning. o Audio-Visual Room established o Library books provided to students during exam days. 5.1.11. What are the institutional provisions for resolving issues pertaining to sexual harassment? The college has a woman Coordinator. She is available round the clock to listen to the problems of the girl students. In 2011-12, Women Cell was constituted to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety and the dignity of the female students. The cell comprises of Lady Tutor, counselors and members specialized in the area of gender issues. Institution takes necessary steps if the incidents pertaining to sexual harassment require the intervention of the law. Till date no such case of sexual harassment has been reported in the institute. Continuous vigilance of college authority and strict punishment provisions prevent sexual harassment of women student.

5.1.12. Is there an anti-ragging committee? How many instances (if any) have been reported during the last four years and what action has been taken on these? Ragging in India commonly involves serious abuses and clear violations of human rights. The University Grants Commission has made it mandatory for the institutions to incorporate in their prospectus, the anti-ragging directions of the Central Government. With the situation of ragging worsening yearly, there is emerging a spontaneous anti-ragging movement in India. The college is also very cautious regarding this menace. The college has set up a committee, the anti- ragging committee in this direction. It comprises of the physical education director and NSS and NCC Coordinator and all the Heads of Departments. Mentors, assigned to check the students, make surprise visits and maintain a diary of his/her interaction with the freshers. Till date, no incident of ragging of any kind has been reported in the college.

5.1.13. Enumerate the welfare schemes made available to students by the institution. The institution is working towards ensuring social justice through the various students’ welfare schemes. The induction program clearly presents the welfare schemes available to the students. The following welfare schemes are made available to the students:

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Scholarships & Freeships: Details about the scholarships, various free-ships are displayed on the notice board of the institution. The class teacher guides the students to be the beneficiaries of the various welfare schemes. The student welfare officer (a faculty member) addresses and responds to all the academic and nonacademic challenges of the students. One NCC student has received Sahara Scholarship given by Central Govt. Similarly scholarships received from various central, state and other agencies are made available to the students through Poor Students’ Welfare Fund) Counseling & Placement Service: The students counseling centre comprises of two counselors from the faculty of psychology. The counselors reach out to the students formally and informally. The placement cell extends its service to the students in career guidance, organizes lectures, workshops, and mock interview sessions concerning career planning and motivates students to attend job fairs. Grievance Redressal Cell: Grievance Redressal Cell actively interacts with the students to help them sort out their grievances. They are asked to drop in their grievances in the complain box. It attends to both registered and unregistered grievances of the students. Women Empowerment Cell: Women Cell sensitizes the students to develop a healthy relationship with the opposite gender. It acts rigorously to check the transgressions of the code of conduct of the students. This cell creates an awareness of the socio-cultural, political and biological complexities of the issue. It enhances the understanding of the other gender. The institution provides hostel facilities for female students. Free Bus and Train Passes: The College has appointed a teacher coordinator to provide help for students to get free train passes and bus passes with concessional charges. Loan Schemes: Rajiv Gandhi Loan Scheme is introduced by the Government of Karnataka and a teacher coordinator is appointed to assist the students. (Annexure 36) Training Programs: Various training programs like Manavathe, Sahayog, Angla and Naipunya Nidhi programs introduced by the Department of Collegiate Education are functioning in the college.

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5.1.14. Does the institution have a registered Alumni Association? If ‘yes’, what are its activities and major contributions for institutional, academic and infrastructure development? College has an Alumni Association, under the leadership of an Assistant Professor. We have registered our college Alumni Association under Society’s Registration Act, 1860. Association regularly meets and interacts with the management. The Alumni organizes lectures on personality development. Over the years it has been helping in holding interactive sessions to motivate students regarding social adjustments. The alumni also help the institution by influencing industries and other agencies in getting placements fests for the institution. The alumni has expanded and strengthened itself with new enrolments. 5.2. Student Progression 5.2.1. Providing the percentage of students progressing to higher education or employment (for the last four batches) highlight the trends observed. Table No 29: Year Student Progression Percentage UG to PG - 28 1.64 Employed - 2010-11 Campus selection 16 Other than campus recruitment 04 Entrepreneurship / Self Employment 01 UG to PG - 54 2.30 Employed - 2011-12 Campus selection - Other than campus recruitment 10 Entrepreneurship / Self Employment 04 UG to PG – 72 2.31 Employed - 2012-13 Campus selection 01 Other than campus recruitment 07 Entrepreneurship / Self Employment 01 UG to PG -79 2.42 Employed - 2013-14 Campus selection 01 Other than campus recruitment 06 Entrepreneurship / Self Employment -

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5.2.2. Provide details of the program wise pass percentage and completion rate for the last four years (Cohort wise/batch wise as stipulated by the university)? Furnish program-wise details in comparison with that of the previous performance of the same institution and that of the Colleges of the affiliating university within the city/district. Table No. 30: Program wise pass percentage compared with university results Year Program College Results (in %) University Results (in %) B.A. 44.18 61.75 B.Sc. 58.79 61.78 2010-2011 B.Com. 43.24 56.12 B.B.M. 44.60 69.81 B.A. 35.88 62.72 B.Sc. 55.05 60.23 2011-2012 B.Com. 43.92 64.46 B.B.M. 48.41 70.44 B.A. 31 54.26 B.Sc. 56 58.67 2012-2013 B.Com. 42 60.17 B.B.M. 56 71.89 B.A. 31 61.71 B.Sc. 59 59.09 2013-2014 B.Com. 46 65.72 B.B.M. 49 70.83 5.2.3. How does the institution facilitate student progression to higher level of education and/or towards employment? The institution facilitates student progression to higher level of education or towards employment through the proper placements in all the fields so that the students get the job as well as the chance of higher education. The institute from time to time makes arrangement of various guest lectures. Eminent personalities from diverse field of education are invited to interact with the students. This step of college has facilitated the students in earning better job opportunities. Even the personality of the student enhances after working and also provides a secure future. Personality development programs are also available for the student progression to higher level of education or employment. 5.2.4. Enumerate the special support provided to students who are at risk of failure and dropout? The institution is committed to bring down the dropout rate. The socio economic, cultural and psychological issues contribute to the drop out factor. To

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 117 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC deal with the socio cultural problems, the counseling cell and grievance cell address the problems of the students and sometimes parents too. The institute provides hostel facility to the girls in this border area. There are a number of teachers in the college who extend financial support to the needy students. The Department of English arranges special lectures on the spoken language to address the issue of foreign language compatibility. The students who are weak or seem to fail in the exams are provided coaching through extra classes in the college. The college also arranges cost free remedial classes for the weak students. 5.3. Student Participation and Activities 5.3.1. List the range of sports, games, cultural and other extracurricular activities available to students. Provide details of participation and program calendar. The college has a wide range of sports, games, cultural and extra- curricular activities that are available to the students. o The college has always created a niche for itself in the field of sports. The college has since long times, been participating in various inter university, university level tournaments. o Various cultural and extracurricular activities like folk dances, Classical singing, Group singing, theatrical items, traditional heritage items, fine arts items, Quiz, Literary items are offered to the students. o The college participates in competitions organized by Tumkur University Tumkur. In every Session University arrange sports and youth festivals at zonal and inter zonal levels. The college has been actively participating in these activities. o College also organizes Annual Sports Meet, Annual Cultural week in the college campus. Program Calendar of events: Cultural: Inter class competitions, Inter college competitions, Cultural week organized annually which includes Folk songs, Bhavageethe, Rangageethe, devotional songs, patriotic songs, film songs, group songs, solo dances, group dances, debates, essay writing, drawing, Rangoli, Mehandi drawing, skits, dramas and mimicry, folk dances, Classical singing, Group singing, theatrical items, Film Club, Quiz and Literary items. Sports: Program calendar provided in Annexure 37

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NSS: Weekly activities, annual special camps, Vana Mahotsava, AIDS awareness rallies, Gandhi Jayanthi, Swachchata Andolan, celebration of national festivals. NCC: Regular weekly activities, celebration of national festivals Scouts and Guides: Weekly activities, celebration of national festivals Red Cross: Blood donation camps, Health checkups 5.3.2. Furnish the details of major student achievements in co-curricular, extracurricular and cultural activities at different levels: University / State /Zonal / National / International, etc. for the previous four years. The college teams participate in different extracurricular sports and cultural activities and bringing laurels to the college. Table No. 31: ACHIEVEMENT LIST CULTURAL ACTIVITIES Sl. Name of Level of Year Position No. the Item Participation 2009- 1 02 University Bhavageethe / Folk song 2010 2 02 Zonal Bhavageethe / Folk song Bhavageethe / Folk song 2010- 3 04 University Film Song / Rangageethe 2011 4 02 Zonal Bhavageete / Folk song Bhavageethe / Folk song 2011- 5 04 University Film Song / Rangageethe 2012 6 02 Zonal Bhavageethe / Folk song Bhavageethe / Janapada 7 05 University Film Song / Rangageethe Devotional song 2012- Inter-college Bhavageethe / 2013 8 04 Zonal Janapada / Quiz Western Dance / Drama 9 03 State Song Group dance Bhavageethe / Janapada 2013- 10 05 University Film Song / Rangageethe 2014 Devotional song 11 03 Zonal Inter-college Bhavageethe /

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Janapada / Quiz Western Dance /Drama/ Marathon 12 04 State Kuvempu Song Group dance SPORTS Sl. Name of the Level of Year Place Achieved No. Game Participation 2010-14 List Enclosed in Annexure No. 38 NSS Activities Manali, Himachal National Level 2009-10 1 One Volunteer Pradesh Leadership Camp Manali, Himachal National Level 2010-11 2 -do- Pradesh Leadership Camp 2011-12 3 Mangalore National Level Two 2012-13 4 Tumkur National Level Five 2013-14 5 University Level Two 2014-15 6 Kolar National Level Two NCC Activities 10 students CATC Camp at participated and two 1 Gollahalli, Tumkur Zonal Level cadets were selected as (October) overall camp leaders Army Attach Camp at 2 State Level Two cadets attended Goa 2013- Leadership camp LIC, 3 State Level One Cadet Participated 2014 Mysore CATC Camp at 4 Polytechnic ground, Inter Zonal 20 Cadets participated Tumkur (June) Free TSC, Four Cadets 5 State Level Doddaballapura participated 6 IGC, Gulbarga State Level Three Cadets SCOUTS AND GUIDES ACTIVITIES 2012-2014 List Enclosed in Annexure No. 39 5.3.3. How does the college seek and use data and feedback from its graduates and employers, to improve the performance and quality of the institutional provisions? The institute has a clearly set and defined mechanism of obtaining the feedback from the students to improve the performance and quality of the institutional provisions. The advisory committee consisting of the Principal as the Chief and senior teachers collects the exit level feedback from the graduates

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 120 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC regarding learning processes. The inputs are obtained from them and further used to improvise the overall competency of the students for employability. 5.3.4. How does the college involve and encourage students to publish materials like catalogues, wall magazines, college magazine, and other material? List the publications/ materials brought out by the students during the previous four academic sessions. The college encourages its students to publish materials like college magazine, wall magazines. The students are motivated to express their talent through articles and paintings. Their creativity is given a free flight. The college magazine provides them with a platform to express themselves. The Editorial Board meets and decides the lay out plan for the rolling out of the college magazine. Each department has its own wall magazine. The teachers motivate the students to bring out the creative genius in them. 5.3.5. Does the college have a Student Council or any similar body? Give details on its selection, constitution, activities and funding. There is a ban on the students’ elections as it was apprehended that the law and order situation in the city might deteriorate because of the excessive political involvement, therefore, as of now there is no student council in the college. The student representatives are free to express their opinions and suggestions with the principal and student mentors. Regular meetings of Students representatives are held. 5.3.6. Give details of various academic and administrative bodies that have student representatives on them. The institute believes in giving the equal opportunity to the students in supporting the authorities and the college faculty in running the affairs of the college. For this the college endeavors to provide them with opportunities to participate in the various academic and administrative bodies. The details of academic and administrative having students’ representation is as under: Extra-Curricular Activities Committee: This Committee is constituted to promote the cultural activities among the students. Culturally talented students are spotted by Committee members and the efforts are made to develop their skills and talents by encouragement, right training and performances. The committee consists of 5 members, two of which are students. Sports Committee: The sports committee comprises of Physical Education Director as Sports Secretary and Manager of the college and Heads of Different Departments as members. There will be a minimum of six members with two students.

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Library Advisory Committee: This committee consists of 9 members. Six are from the teaching faculty. The Librarian and two students are a part of it. This Committee is constituted under the headship of the Faculty members who are in charge of the library. The Committee is responsible for the maintenance of library books and journals, easy access of the students to the library facilities, students’ facilities in the library such as reading rooms, drinking water, uninterrupted power supply, opening and closing times of library, availability of daily newspapers and the maintenance of library records. Suggestions are invited from the students and other readers for making the library atmosphere congenial. Students Grievances Cell: The cell has a teacher coordinator, members of antiragging and antisexual harassment cell along with student representatives. NSS Units: The college has four units of NSS. Each unit has a teacher coordinator, members and students representatives. NCC Unit: The Cell operates with the chairmanship of the principal and a teacher coordinator. The committee has five members of which two are teachers and a physical education director and two student representatives. Scouts and Guides Unit: The unit has a Teacher Coordinator, Two students, one senior professor as its members. The principal is the chief coordinator. Women Empowerment Cell: The unit has a teacher coordinator and all women faculty are its members and it also has representatives from students. 5.3.7. How does the institution network and collaborate with the Alumni and former faculty of the Institution. The college alumni committee keeps on meeting twice or thrice a year. The committee is always in touch with the members of the alumni club. The committee is also concerned about the teachers and staff of the non teaching who have Transferred. This adds to the experience of the committee. Their advice is followed very promptly. Any other relevant information regarding Student Support and Progression which the college would like to include.

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CRITERION – VI: GOVERNANCE, LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT 6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership 6.1.1 State the vision and mission of the Institution and enumerate on how the mission statement defines the institution’s distinctive characteristics in terms of addressing the needs of the society, the students it seeks to serve, institution’s traditions and value orientations, vision for the future, etc.? What is the role of top management, Principal and Faculty in design and implementation of its quality policy and plans? Vision statement of the Institution: “Education to Enlighten, Empower and Ennoble” (In Kannada: “w½ªÀÅ, ¸À±ÀPÀÛvÉ, WÀ£ÀvÉUÁV PÀ°PÉ”) Mission: o To instill scientific zeal and develop skilled human resource to face contemporary challenges. o To facilitate young adult learners with opportunities to hone their ethics and leadership potential. o To sensitize learners towards inclusive social concerns, human rights, gender and environmental issues. Objectives: o Deliver the values, knowledge, and skill as prescribed in the courses available so as to equip students to meet contemporary requirements of society. o Introduce modern technology in teaching-learning as well as governance with an aim to further improve the academic and administrative functions of the institution. o Facilitate institution-community interaction. o Identify thrust areas and fix bench marks to translate different aspects of the vision and mission of the college into its routine activities. o To facilitate academic, social, physical, mental, moral growth of students so as to realize all round personality development. The vision and mission statements are in keeping with the intellectual potential and needs of the region. Most of the students seeking higher education of this college are from rural areas and are first generation learners. They are from

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 123 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC economically weaker section of the society. The college has thus made higher education accessible to the hitherto deprived lot. The college ensures that the vision and mission of the Institution is in tune with the higher education policies of the nation by introducing career-oriented courses, offering the benefit of education to all without fixing any cut-off list, facilitating economic empowerment of students by motivating them to take up higher education by skill development programs paving the way for economic, social and educational empowerment of under privileged sections of society. The college translates its vision into its activities by: o imparting quality education o establishing a number of cells and committees to deliberate on quality related issues pertaining to higher education o fostering a vibrant atmosphere conducive to research by students o undertaking capacity building initiatives o Identifying areas of cooperation /collaboration with institutions of civil society and establishing a link with society. Committed on the radical idea that under privileged/women cannot be excluded from the domain of education, GFGCT provides quality holistic education to young students to transform them into empowered leaders of the future. The college is built and stands on the core values of nationalism, dedication, commitment to social causes and integrity, service before self in all academic and administrative affairs of the college. These values are explicitly reflected in the ethos of the college in its quest for excellence, student centric approach, pro women centric practices, social outreach, promotion of use of technology as it serves the society. The supportive administration facilitates its faculty members in updating on the latest trends in higher education and teaching pedagogy. It ensures that the lecturer is a continuous learner, who motivates students to become lifelong learners by enhancing the specific professional competence of faculty through enrichment programs. 6.1.2. What is the role of Top Management, Principal and Faculty in design and implementation of its quality policy and plans? The college is governed by the Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Karnataka. The Principal and the staff/faculty are always stepping in together for designing and proper applications of the quality policy and plans. The Principal of the college is the head of the institution and is always there to provide requisite leadership to the system.

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He is the Principal and Administrative Coordinator of the College. The President of the Managing committee keeps on meeting the college staff to discuss various policy matters and their application and adjudication. The Principal ensures that all provisions of the University bye-laws, the Statutes and the regulations are observed. He also convenes meetings of the Advisory Committee, various others bodies and performs all such acts as may be necessary to carry out and give effect to the decisions of the said bodies. Importantly, the Principal provides academic leadership and in association with the various faculties, evolves strategies for academic growth. The faculty is actively involved in decision-making process. The teachers hold periodic meetings. The recommendations of the conveners of the Committees are submitted to the Managing Committee and the Management arrives at suitable decisions for implementation. A few, namely two faculty members, in the capacity of teacher representatives, are members of the Advisory council. Hence they are actively involved in the decision-making process to sustain and enhance quality of education imparted by the institution. 6.1.3. What is the involvement of the leadership in ensuring : o The policy statements and action plans for fulfillment of the stated mission o formulation of action plans for all operations and incorporation of the same into the institutional strategic plan The Principal gathers information about the various aspects of college functioning through a number of ways. He encourages the participation of the staff in the process of decision-making in institutional functioning. Both teachers and non-teaching staff have their representatives in the CDC which is its highest decision-making body. The College has constituted different committees headed by teachers and members of the non-teaching staff which play an important role in the planning and implementation of activities in different spheres of institutional functioning. The personal interaction of the Principal with various stakeholders, the faculty, the non teaching staff, the students, the guardians play an important role in this. This apart, information available in student feedback forms and information available in self-appraisal forms of teachers help the authorities plan proper support for the policies. The participatory role of the management encourages and sustains the involvement of the college staff, which is necessary for the efficient and effective running of the College. The Principal is the Head of the Institution and he bears the ultimate responsibility for the smooth running of the College. The role of the Principal of the College is multi-dimensional. As the Head of the Institution, the Principal is responsible for both the academic and administrative functioning of the College.

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He prepares the agenda for teaching and non teaching meetings. He places before the body, academic and administrative matters requiring the body’s approval and he is responsible for executing its decisions. He is also responsible for all correspondence with the Advising body, Government of Karnataka, the Central Government, University Grants Commission, the Tumkur University and different stakeholders of the College. The Principal receives reports from the different College Committees, which offer advice to him in matters defined in the terms of reference of their functions. o Interaction with stakeholders The college makes conscious efforts to build a healthy relationship with its stakeholder namely-Students, Parents and Alumni. o Proper support for policy and planning through need analysis, research inputs and consultations with the stakeholders Interaction with Students: Interaction with the student body is initiated by IQAC and the student representatives orient and induct the student body into the college ethos and make them feel as a part of the institution. A time slot is made available for the students to meet the Principal. The Principal also meets the student representatives as and when needed to address any matter of concern pertaining to the student body. All students freely approach the Principal and Senior Faculty for matters related to their academic life. Alumni (Old Boys Association): The annual old boys Association meet gives an opportunity for the old students to feel as part of the institution. Even after leaving the college they continue to contribute to the overall development of the institution through the provision of becoming lifetime members of the Alumni. Parents Association: The parents are invited to the college on every second Saturday when college runs in full swing. They are informed of the developments in the college and feedbacks if any are taken. They are free to meet the principal and staff whenever they need. Teaching and Non-teaching Staff: The college considers its faculty team and the support staff as one of its strong pillars. Programs like Get-Together lunch and an excursion are arranged to bring in a sense of belonging for the faculty members. Personal or Professional needs or grievances of the staff members are addressed by the Staff Association in the best possible manner.

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Industry: Linkages have been established with management colleges and their involvement in college activities is encouraged and facilitated. Campus placement information like job fairs organized in various centers are provided to students, employability exams and mock interviews are conducted on a regular basis apart from industrial tours. Society: The Principal values the opinion of the public and makes specific efforts to reach out to the public and interact with the public whenever possible. Press meet is organized to make public any significant achievement made by the institution. The college flashes the upcoming events that are planned in the departments or centers through its website. Nominees of elected representatives (MP/MLA) are members of CDC and IQAC. Reinforcing the culture of excellence Participatory Leadership is ensured at every level to promote the culture of excellence. A fair representation of all the faculties-Humanities, Sciences, and Social Sciences is kept in mind while constituting committees for various aspects of college‘s functioning. A seminar program on Research Methodology was organized with the guidance of the Principal, to keep the faculty abreast of the recent trends in Research and their specialized area of research interest, thereby reinforcing a culture of excellence. Champion organizational change The college has attained Permanent Affiliation and 12b status under the able leadership of the principal. He has taken extreme efforts to make sure the college has its own land. The heavy strength of students has demanded construction of new classrooms in a limited period of five years. Efficient Financial Administration which is seen in regular salaries of all employees, scholarship distribution and quick service to students. Proposals are sought to construct a women hostel and GDA Assistance from UGC Annexure No. 40. The Construction of new rooms under KHB Assistance is speeded up and completed within a span of one year. The Principal has guided the teachers to send proposals for Add – on Courses on 13 certificate courses to the UGC. Changes in the existing rules and regulations are brought about after a thorough discussion in Staff Committee based on the needs of the present generation. At the end of annual examinations, the Principal discusses with the Heads of Departments the proposed workload for the next academic year and can request for additional faculty members by way of posting/deputation or appointing adhoc/contract faculty through On-line recruitments. The Revenue department is willing to provide 8 acres of land to start PG courses to the college through the Department of Collegiate education.

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6.1.4. What are the procedures adopted by the institution to monitor and evaluate policies and plans of the institution for effective implementation and improvement from time to time? The Principal of the college, at the helm of the affairs, has complete autonomy to govern the institution within the purview of the rules and regulations framed by the government. In the beginning of the academic year, a self mapping exercise is conducted for the staff by IQAC. This exercise exposes the strengths and challenges of each of the personnel to draw a potential map, which gives insight to the Principal, for the distribution of responsibilities. The head of the institution appoints the conveners for various committees with the consent of the advising body, and further nominates the members of committees in consultation with the respective conveners based on the potential map. Official notice is issued along with the guidelines defining the roles and responsibilities of the committees. The committees prepare action plans and submit to the principal for approval. The committees carry out the activities and at the end of the academic year the conveners submit the reports of the work done to the head of the institution. All these activities are evaluated by the IQAC. The faculty is informed of their duties and responsibilities by the head of the institution in the scheduled staff meetings and departmental briefings. The administrative staff is given a job map along with the roles and responsibilities. 6.1.5. Give details of the academic leadership provided to the faculty by the top management? The College is run by the Government and the Department of Collegiate Education is the highest authority. It is in constant touch with head of the institution and has an amicable rapport with the head of the institution. The Directors of the Department visit the institution and inspect the overall progress. In the institution the members of the CDC meets frequently and the problems and issues related to college development, administration, and infrastructural needs and student disciplines are discussed. In the Staff committee meeting, head of the institute and HODs are also present to provide information and suggestions if any. In the meetings responsibilities are defined and communicated to the staff through the head of the institution. If the situation demands, the Principal holds meeting with the teachers to communicate directly and bestows the responsibilities. The teaching as well as the non-teaching and supporting staff follows on instructions and obey the order in the interest of the institution. 6.1.6. How does the college groom leadership at various levels? The Principal is always encouraging and supporting the involvement of the staff in the improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the institutional

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 128 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC process. The head of the institution involves the staff members in various activities related to the development of the college. The staff members are involved by way of constitution of various committees. The college has around 25 committees. The best working committee is appreciated by the Principal. The office staff like manager and superintended are assigned certain responsibilities. 6.1.7. How does the college delegate authority and provide operational autonomy to the departments / units of the institution and work towards decentralized governance system? At the departmental and college levels, largely the decision making role is of the faculty. A decentralized functioning mechanism, empowers the departments and individual faculty with a great level of flexibility in academic administration, and helps the faculty in making decisions. The policies are well defined by the Principal which are to be followed by the staff, non teaching staff. The principal is the head of each committee. At the same time, there are sufficient checks and balances built in the system to see that these decisions are carefully taken. These decisions can also be reviewed by higher authorities and committees in case of needs. The Departments along with the various committees of the College meets at regular intervals. The college development Council also has representation of faculty and non-teaching employees of the College. The Principal gives suggestions on various aspects on the basis of Principals report and feedback it gets from the society. The suggestions of the CDC are communicated to the teaching and non- teaching employees and implemented by the Principal. He also assigns specific duties to various academic and administrative bodies of the College on the basis of suggestions of the Planning body and IQAC. 6.1.8. Does the college promote a culture of participative management? If ‘yes’, indicate the levels of participative management. The institution can proudly boast of a participative management. The members of the college actively take part in the working of the institution. The head of the institution is in the leading role in governance and management of the institution. He, along with the other members of the committee, keenly observes the day to day working of the college administration, governance, management and academic activities. He inspires the staff members in staff meeting and by personal interaction to give their best in their teaching assignments. He communicates to the teachers the decision taken by the Department and ensures that all the points are implemented properly. He is responsible to constitute different committees involving the staff members. He looks after the financial expenditure and manages the funds for different developmental activities taking place on the campus.

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6.2. Strategy Development and Deployment 6.2.1. Does the Institution have a formally stated quality policy? How is it developed, driven, deployed and reviewed? Yes, College has formally stated quality policy. A number of steps have been taken to translate quality to its various units by the college. The perspective plans and policies are prepared by the IQAC based on the activities proposed by various departments for the calendar year. The planning body grants permission for the perspective plan to be presented to the stakeholders. Then it is placed before the Teachers, Student Representatives and administrators for an open discussion. A consensus is arrived at, finalized and submitted to the principal for scrutiny and implementation. The principal holds formal and informal dialogues with the staff, from time to time, to redress any grievances. o In the academic units, teachers are encouraged to participate in seminars, conferences, workshops and refresher and orientation courses to update their knowledge and skill base. o The administrative functionaries though depleting in numbers is regularly subjected to internal transfers so that staff is exposed to the working of different departments. o The Departments have been provided with separate rooms adequately furnished. 6.2.2. Does the Institute have a perspective plan for development? If so, give the aspects considered for inclusion in the plan. The institution intends to extend its developmental work which is already being carried out in the college. The college in the field of academics intends to start many Post Graduate Courses, namely in Political Science, Economics and English. The college is a young college with minimum facilities, the perspective plan includes all efforts to fully equip the basic infrastructure like smart classrooms, well equipped playground, laboratories, all-purpose seminar hall, increase number of titles in the library and reduce student- computer ratio. Similarly the college intends to start a girls’ hostel in the college. Letter correspondence is done with the revenue department which has promised to give 8 acres of land near Rangapura, Tiptur bearing survey no 26. The perspective institutional plan is developed following the procedure of involving the cooperation of teachers, students and members of the CDC. In order to formulate the strategy of development and deployment, the committees are constituted for each and every developmental work. Teachers have to participate in all the institutional plans and wherever the situation demands, students and members of Cells/Committee are involved. The meeting of students is summoned to take their participation by means of selection of some students. All committees have student

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 130 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC representatives. In the committees related to infrastructural developments, teachers are the main participants. In the Committee, related to financial matters and administrative, members of office staff, especially manager herself becomes the Chairman of such Committee. 6.2.3. Describe the internal organizational structure and decision making processes. The organizational structure of the college facilitates its smooth functioning. The Directorate of College Education is the policy making body. The Regional Directors at the Divisional level is the official link between Commissioner and the Principal. The Academic Section of the Commissioner’s Office and the University shape the academic policy keeping in view the National policies in Higher education, existing priorities and local needs. The feedback obtained from the experts, students, alumni and their employers, industries, faculty constitutes the major inputs for the perspective planning. These inputs are carefully analyzed by the Heads. The perspective institutional plan for academic programs and infrastructural development is developed by the Head of the institution in consultation with the Directorate of College Education. The plans proposed are discussed at the respective committees, fine tuned and then implemented. The resources involved and the possible roadblocks are thoroughly looked into before finalizing any plan. The developmental activities are according to a master plan. The Principal and the Heads of Departments monitor the efficient implementation of these policies. Appropriate financial allocations on priority basis are made for various schemes. 6.2.4. Give a broad description of the quality improvement strategies of the institution for each of the following: o Teaching & Learning o Research & Development o Community engagement o Human resource management o Industry interaction Teaching & Learning The institution has framed for itself various strategies which enhance the quality improvement. These strategies are framed by the principal keeping in view the quality changes required for the development of the college. The procedure adopted for admissions to various courses provided by the college is based on student’s academic records. The rules and regulations set by the affiliating University and the State Government are strictly followed for students’ admission. Bridge courses are conducted at the beginning of the year for freshers to counsel them to achieve academic excellence. Apart from the lecture method of teaching, group discussion, field studies, debates, tutorials, seminars, study tours,

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 131 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC learning through Edusat, and ICT etc are adopted for proper understanding of the subjects. The college has well experienced faculty members. The faculty members of various departments participate actively in academic programs. The evaluation methods are communicated to the students by the teachers in the class rooms and also displayed on the notice board of the college. Academic audit is conducted by the principal to check the completion of syllabus, feedback on teachers and student grievances about teaching and learning. The teachers are given full permission to enrich their knowledge through Seminars, Refresher Courses, and Orientation Courses etc. The college follows the self- appraisal method to evaluate the performance of faculty, which is used for correcting shortfalls. The college encourages the teachers to participate in self-enriching courses whenever different institutions organize them. Research & Development The assessment of this criterion of institutional functioning is done by using the key aspects prescribed by NAAC i.e. the ability of the institution to promote and sustain research culture, freedom to publish results of research, extent of use of consultancy, healthy participation in extension programs. The college is not having a recognized research centre duly approved by the affiliating university. The scope of research motivation is very little. However, the faculty is very much aware of the growing importance of the research based education. The college encourages the teachers for research work. The college is already having Four Ph.D.s in the humanities faculties, four in languages. Many teachers of the college have registered for PhD and involved in active research work. Nine Minor projects proposals are sent for UGC. One state level seminar on Research Methodology is organized and four proposals are sent to UGC to conduct seminars. Eleven teachers have registered for Ph.D. Twenty seven teachers have done their M.Phil.s. Students are encouraged to write synopsis and research reports. Community Engagement College engages many organizations like Red Cross, Red Ribbon, N.G.Os for holding blood donation camp, NSS camps, free medical checkup, Eco Club Activities, Heritage Club activities, Celebration of National Festivals, Gandhi studies, Workshops to women SHGs, Vana Mahotsava festival, Civic awareness programs, MOUs with Associations and NGOs etc.

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As far as development is concerned, the NSS officers co-ordinate various extension activities of the college. Through NCC and NSS, Scout and Guides, the students are encouraged to undertake community-oriented activities like Social work, health-hygiene awareness, medical camp, adult education and literacy, blood donation, Pulse-Polio cross check surveys, survey of Tribals, AIDS awareness, environmental awareness. Students and teachers are provided with money and time from the college for extension activities. N.S.S., N.C.C. Scout and Guides and sports students participate in such activities. The college also organizes sports activities and encourages the students to participate in them. Human Resource Management In the institute, the process of assessing adequate human power requirements, monitoring and planning and seeking appropriate feedback responses is very good. Effective system of appraisal of performance of teachers is there. Teaching, Nonteaching staff and students as resources are fully utilized for various activities in the college. Students voluntarily share their labor resources for infrastructure development. Industry Interaction The institute interacts with various local as well as outside institutes. We consult with other institute on various issues for the improvement of education system. Inter college competitions are being held by college to interact with other colleges. College has also participated in various culture programs held at various places. Seminars and workshops on various subjects are conducted in the college premises. The college organizes field tours to various industries. The students come to learn a lot from these visits. BBM students are encouraged to do projects by visiting industries. 6.2.5. How does the Head of the institution ensure that adequate information (from feedback and personal contacts etc.) is available for the top management and the stakeholders, to review the activities of the institution? The Department of Collegiate education and head of the institution are always in interactive mode with each other. The department collects information needed by sending information through the department website. The head of institution gets the feedback from teachers, students and the public with regards to the teaching quality, curriculum, extracurricular activities and infrastructural demands. In the meeting of the Department information gathered from different sources are discussed with the principal. After thorough discussion and deliberation the existing facilities and activities of the institution are reviewed and decisions are taken for their implementation after going through the available resources and modalities. The achievements of the college are displayed in the college web site and in CDC and stakeholders meetings.

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6.2.6. How does the management encourage and support involvement of the staff in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the institutional processes? The Department of collegiate education is always encouraging and supporting the involvement of the staff in the improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the institutional process. It has organized many workshops on IQAC, RUSA, Naipunya Nidhi (Placement Cell). It also informs the college of various job fairs held in the various parts of the state. It also provided financial assistance for colleges to prepare the NAAC Report and IQAC activities. The Commissioner and the department authorities interact with the college through Edu-Sat Interaction held regularly. The department provides ATI training to Principals and senior teachers. The Government of Karnataka conducts training for Non teaching staff through District Training Institutes. The College Development Council through the head of the institution involves the staff members in various activities related to the development of the college. They have also provided financial assistance to construct common room for girls. The staff members are involved by way of constitution of various committees such as Building Committee, Admission Committee, Advisory Committee, Examination Committee, etc. 6.2.7. Enumerate the resolutions made by the Management Council in the last year and the status of implementation of such resolutions. The Government First Grade College, Tiptur keeps on working for the betterment of the institution. The College Development Council last year, in the meeting of the council passed the following resolutions: 1. Construction of girls’ hostel 2. Construction of boundary wall of the College Ground 3. Construction of New Class room complex. Fulfilled: 1. Common toilet for girls 2. Three Lab rooms 3. Construction of five class rooms 4. Construction of compound wall for old campus and new campus. 6.2.8. Does the affiliating university make a provision for according the status of autonomy to an affiliated institution? If ‘yes’, what are the efforts made by the institution in obtaining autonomy? The affiliating university does not make any provision for according the status of autonomy to any affiliated institution.

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6.2.9. How does the Institution ensure that grievances / complaints are promptly attended to and resolved effectively? Is there a mechanism to analyse the nature of grievances for promoting better stakeholder relationship? The institute has well defined grievance redressal procedure. Prompt and effective disposal of grievances of various stakeholders are being done. Institute has constituted a Grievances Redressal Committee. This committee discusses the matter with Principal to solve the problem. The college has a women tutor as well which caters to the grievances and other needs of girl students. The grievances are related to some issues like: Refer Qn. No: 5.1.10 6.2.10. During the last four years, had there been any instances of court cases filed by and against the institute? Provide details on the issues and decisions of the courts on these? Issue: The college was made party in a dispute pertaining to the land in which is at present. A local theatre group claimed the open auditorium found in the college campus as its own. Decision: The high court dismissed their petition and the land that was in the hold of Primary education was transferred to Department of Collegiate Education (GFGC Tiptur). Case No: 16807 Year: 2008 6.2.11. Does the Institution have a mechanism for analyzing student feedback on institutional performance? If ‘yes’, what was the outcome and response of the institution to such an effort? The institute has a clearly set and defined mechanism of obtaining the feedback from the students to improve the performance and quality of the institutional provisions. The advisory committee consisting of the senior teachers collects the exit level feedback from the graduates regarding learning processes. The Department of Collegiate Education has developed a format to obtain the feedback of students on teachers and feedback on facilities available in the college. The alumni coordinator and parents meeting coordinator have developed feedback formats to collect information from stakeholders. The inputs are obtained from them and further used to improvise the overall competency of the students for employability. Outcome of feedback: Improve library Provide more space for playground Some teachers’ method of teaching needed to be changed Provide drinking water facility Increase number of classrooms and teaching faculty

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Response: Library shifted to new building Teachers are guided to change their methods of teaching The number of class rooms is increased 6.3. Faculty Empowerment Strategies 6.3.1. What are the efforts made by the institution to enhance the professional development of its teaching and non teaching staff? The Principal rightly identify the individual strengths, areas of interest and accordingly assign responsibilities to teachers. He protects the freedom of individuals, appreciating their innovations and thereby motivation is achieved. Responsibilities of every staff are communicated to them through notices that clearly define their role in the implementation of any given assignments. Besides they are also informally counseled so as to make them aware of their duties. The college raises funds if needed to organize programs for professional development, enabling the teaching departments to organize seminars, conferences and workshops. The department of Collegiate Education has provided one lakh to organize academic activities for both teachers and students. Faculty members of the institution actively participate in national and international seminars and conferences. OOD facilities are provided. The institution encourages faculty members to enroll for or provide resources for training programs and workshops. Most of the members of the teaching faculty are members of District/State professional bodies. Examination training and Computer training is given to non teaching staff. 6.3.2. What are the strategies adopted by the institution for faculty empowerment through training, retraining and motivating the employees for the roles and responsibility they perform? There are relevant rules in the institution regarding the faculty empowerment. These rules pertain to attending seminars, conferences, refresher and orientation courses, and other training programs. The need for such training is assessed by the Heads of Departments who recommend members of the faculty for such programs. The head of the institution suggests the names of senior faculty who need to be trained for administrative positions when promotions are due. The College has organized one state level seminar on Research Methodology for the faculty of other institutions in the District. The strategies adopted by the Government of Karnataka for faculty welfare include monetary and Career Advancement benefits for those with higher qualifications such as M.Phil. and Ph.D. as well as opportunities for those who wish to improve their qualifications. At the institutional level, the Principal motivates faculty members through prompt appreciation of exceptional merit and talent and by providing opportunities for self expression.

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6.3.3. Provide details on the performance appraisal system of the staff to evaluate and ensure that information on multiple activities is appropriately captured and considered for better appraisal. The achievements of faculty members are monitored and updated in the college records. Performance appraisal system is implemented as per the guidelines from UGC. The appraisal report of faculty is made by the principal on the basis of his/her yearly achievements, discipline, quality etc. and is then submitted to the DCE. This besides the assessment of the teachers comes through the feedback forms, which in turn indicate the teachers’ quality, by the students also. All the students from each and every class and section are expected to do so for all the teachers concerned with their classes. The identities of students are not disclosed. The feedback form has a well defined set of questions that help the students to evaluate the teaching capacity based on lecture understanding and define how far the teacher has succeeded in reaching out to the students. These details are accessible to staff so as to help them judge their performance. The Principal understands the students’ reflections and shares it collectively and individually across the staff. If there are any issues of concern, the faculty member is facilitated to overcome the lacunae without lowering self esteem. Wherever required, counseling is provided to staff in order to help them improve their professional capabilities. The participation of the teachers in various college affairs is closely monitored by the principal. The head of institution also uses evaluation in an informal way to improve the services of the office staff. 6.3.4. What is the outcome of the review of the performance appraisal reports by the management and the major decisions taken? How are they communicated to the appropriate stakeholders? The Department of Collegiate education keeps a keen vigil on the working behavior of the members of the teaching as well as the non teaching faculty. It has made mandatory to upload all details like time table of teachers and their participation in various committees. Annual increments and placement in the grades are all implemented under the signatures of the Principal. The department has in the recent past given due recognition to the teachers who have completed their Ph.D. The college takes effective decisions and provides the appraisal details to the appropriate stakeholders by incorporating the decisions in the proceedings of the meetings with them. 6.3.5. What are the welfare schemes available for teaching and non teaching staff? What percentage of staff have availed the benefit of such schemes in the last four years? The strategies adopted by the Government of Karnataka for faculty welfare include Career Advancement benefits for those with higher qualifications such as M.Phil. and Ph.D. as well as opportunities for those who wish to improve

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 137 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC their qualifications. There are also government schemes in place to provide loans for those who wish to buy/construct houses or to purchase Cars/Flats. At the institutional level, the College Council motivates faculty members through prompt appreciation of exceptional merit and talent and by providing opportunities for self expression. The Government and the Collegiate Department of Education has implemented following social welfare schemes: o 240 Medical leaves are given to the employees during his/her job period. o There is a provision of maternity leave and paternity leave given to the staff. o Many types of Duty leave are given, if applicable o Facilities like insurance policies and KGID are given to the staff members whose premium is automatically deducted from their salary. o Festival Advance, Postal Life insurance, Encashment leaves are provided 6.3.6. What are the measures taken by the Institution for attracting and retaining eminent faculty? The college is a Government Institution and recruitment is done by direct selection from Karnataka Public Service Commission. Many of the guest faculty prefers to choose the college because of its amiable environs of staff and the principal. 6.4. Financial Management and Resource Mobilization 6.4.1. What is the institutional mechanism to monitor effective and efficient use of available financial resources? The financial resources of the college are managed in a very effective and foolproof manner. There is fully computerized accounts department in the college. Double entry system is followed to maintain the accounts of the college. The following three types of accounts are created: 1. Receipts & Payment Accounts 2. Income & Expenditure Accounts 3. Balance Sheets Each and every transaction is supported by the vouchers. All the collections are deposited in the bank and all expenditure, recurring and non- recurring, are incurred through cheques. Only duly authorized persons can operate through the bank. For effective check on the accounts the two tier system is followed; the internal and the external audit. Internal audit is done perpetually. The internal audit committee consists of Principal, Office Superintendent and the Manager. The external audit is done by the DCE and Accountant General before the session comes to an end. For efficient use of the financial resources, the budget is prepared. There are three types of payments/expenditures:

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1. Recurring 2. Non recurring (Prov. Fund & Gratuity etc.) 3. Capital Expenditure Separate budget is allocated to enable the institution for efficient use of the financial resources. Budget depends of Funds allotted by the Department. 6.4.2. What are the institutional mechanisms for internal and external audit? When was the last audit done and what are the major audit objections? Provide the details on compliance. The accounts of the college are subject to audit by the Department of Collegiate Education before 31st March each year. The Audit team will visit the college on 15-11-2014. If any objection is made by the audit team then the same is complied in totality before the next claims are submitted. The qualified remarks given by the auditor are taken into consideration in the forth coming years. As of now no serious audit objections are noticed by the audit committee. 6.4.3. What are the major sources of institutional receipts/funding and how is the deficit managed? Provide audited income and expenditure statement of academic and administrative activities of the previous four years and the reserve fund/corpus available with Institutions, if any. The college’s major sources of funding are as follows: o CDC fee collected from the students. o Grants received from Government of Karnataka. o Deficit Management: NIL o Reserve Funds: NIL 6.4.4. Give details on the efforts made by the institution in securing additional funding and the utilization of the same (if any). Various steps are being taken by the institute to generate additional funds. With great effort the college has acquired 12b and 2f status to get financial assistance from UGC. It has sent proposals for General Development Assistance for renovation of old building, Construction of women hostel, procuring sports equipments, financial assistance to conduct seminars and run Add on Courses. Money is collected from donors, teachers and students to build a class room with seating capacity of 250 students. The CDC has helped to built Common toilet for girls, Five Class rooms and Compound wall. The institution organizes seminars and conferences through self funding. The expenditure for the conduct of these seminar and conferences is met by the assistance of donors and teachers.

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6.5. Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) 6.5.1. Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) a) Has the institution established an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)? If ‘yes’, what is the institutional policy with regard to quality assurance and how has it contributed in institutionalizing the quality assurance processes? b) How many decisions of the IQAC have been approved by the management/ authorities for implementation and how many of them were actually implemented? c) Does the IQAC have external members on its committee? If so, mention any significant contribution made by them. d) How do students and alumni contribute to the effective functioning of the IQAC? e) How does the IQAC communicate and engage staff from different constituents of the institution? Yes, the institution is having its Internal Quality Assurance Cell. Following is the composition of the same: Dr. Jayadevappa, Principal Sh. Narasimharaju N ( Co-Ordinator) Dr. Saraswathi K B (NAAC Co-Ordinator) Sh. Kumarswamy H B (Senior Teacher) Smt Rangalakshmi (Superintedent) Sadashivarao (CDC Member) Sh Nagaraj K V (IT Co-ordinator) Sh Nagabhushan (Teacher Member) Dr Honanjenaiah D R (Teacher Member) Mamatha K R (Teacher Member) Siddaramaiah .D.M (Guest Faculty) Sadashivaiah K S (Advocate) (Parent) Chetan (Economics MA), Yamuna (English MA) (Alumni) Within the existing academic and administrative system, the institution has developed mechanisms of its own for the quality assurance. The academic quality of the institution is evaluated on the basis of the performance of the students in their examinations. The teachers also judge the student’s academic abilities by way of question-answer and written tests. The poor students are helped by the teachers to improve their academic quality by taking extra classes and providing books and literature. The administrative system also looks after the quality education in the institution. The different committees set up by the institution are always aware to

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 140 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC the administrative needs. The Advisory Board, the Examination Committee, the Magazine Committee, the Purchase Committee different 25 committees (Reports of Cells and committees Annexure 41) are all constituted and are well equipped for quality assurance of the institution’s administration. The academic and administrative systems in the institution have been quite effective to the enhancement of quality education. The institution has fool proof mechanism to get the academic and administrative machinery of the institution in motion. The academic quality of the institution is maintained by the teaching and learning processes. The administrative quality is maintained by the effective functions carried out by the various committees. The two mechanisms are interdependent and, therefore, there is no scope for any failure in any system. o Organizing seminars has become a regular feature o Update of data. IQAC functions as a information centre. o Student participation increased in extracurricular activities, participation in seminars and workshops outside the campus o Mentor system and feedback system introduced o Various committees set up to motivate students o Alumni registered. o Placement of students increased. Head of the Institution conducts meeting regularly and visit the class rooms to ensure proper delivery of the material and timely completion of course as per syllabus in time. The students play a major role in assuring quality of education imparted by the institution. It is through their active participation in classrooms that the quality of the education is maintained. Students are punctual and attend classes regularly. They also interact with the class mentors and request for extra classes if needed. They approach to the teachers for the solution of their problems related to their syllabus. Their participation is also assured by involving them in Cultural and other activities. The students also approach to the head of the institution directly for the redressal of their problems. The best practices in the institution have been promoted in full gusto. The institution has internalized the best practices in order to improve the functioning of the academic and administrative systems. The insistence on student’s participation in academic and administrative matters has improved the quality of the education and administration in the institution. The students come forward to maintain the best practices evolved through academic and administrative systems. The administration in the institution is maintained by the involvement of the staff at every level. The examinations are held quite smoothly by the active participation of the staff. The teachers have been quite supportive to the academic needs of the students by offering them reading materials and tutorials. Each committee has student representatives.

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Table No. 32 List of Committees and Cells functioning under IQAC. Sl. Name of the Cell / Coordinator Department No. Committee 1 Purchasing Committee Rangalakshmi Office Manager 2 NAAC & UGC Dr. Saraswathi K B English IQAC / 3 Narasimharaju N Psychology Counseling Timetable Committee / 4 Kavitha B S Physics Parents Association Sports Committee / 5 Manoj Kumar N Sports Anti-Ragging NCC / 6 Rajashekaraiah A S Physics Admission committee NSS Unit I / 7 Nagaraj K V Computer Science Website NSS Unit II / 8 Honanjenaiah D R Political Science Alumni 9 NSS Unit III Jyothi Kiran Mathematics NSS Unit IV / 10 Neelakantaswamy G C Commerce Red Ribbon Nypunya Nidhi / 11 Mamatha K R Management Placement Research Cell / 12 Nagendrappa E Sociology Scouts and Guides Unit Women Empowerment / 13 Jyothi M G English Grievance Redressal Cell 14 Cultural Committee Siddagangaiah S G Sociology Staff Association / 15 Eeraiah Political Science Red Cross Library and 16 Nirmala M. Sangam Librarian Reading Room 17 Eco Club Manjunathaswamy Geography Srujana / 18 Yasodha S Kannada Competitive Exams Cell 19 Wall Magazines: Heads of Each Department Literary forums 20 (“NudiMantapa” and HODs of Kannada and English “Creative Word”) HODs of History, Economics, Sociology, 21 Humanity Forums Political Science, Geography, Psychology,

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Journalism HODs of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics 22 Science Forum and Computer Science 22 Commerce Forum HOD of Commerce and Management

6.5.2. Does the institution have an integrated framework for Quality assurance of the academic and administrative activities? If ‘yes’, give details on its operationalization. The institution has adopted a three tier system where the governing council is the ultimate decision making body accountable to the stakeholders. The IQAC, the planning body, collects inferences from the learners and various committees through participatory interactions, based on which it proposes comprehensive perspective plan to the Academic council for approval and implementation. The chain of committees is in charge of implementation of developmental and academic activities assigned by the advising committee. The supervision by the Academic council ensures the proper implementation. The fair representation of the learners ensures the transparency in the process. 6.5.3. Does the institution provide training to its staff for effective implementation of the Quality assurance procedures? If ‘yes’, give details enumerating its impact. The institution ensures that the decisions based on the findings of the IQAC are fully adhered to. The academic as well as the administrative working is further smoothened by the time to time training sessions being organized by the college for its teaching as well as the non teaching staff. Small workshops over the weekends, in the form of interactive sessions, have helped the staff of the institution work in a better and more promising way. 6.5.4. Does the institution undertake Academic Audit or other external review of the academic provisions? If ‘yes’, how are the outcomes used to improve the institutional activities? The institution is affiliated with the Tumkur University, Tumkur. The university has its set mechanism to audit the academic working of the college. The university every year sends a team of the experts (LIC Committee) to conduct academic audit. The team visits the college and very minutely observes the working of the institution in all its aspects. The committee then comments on the performance and thereby suggest the important changes required, similarly the other form of audit comes in the form of the team visiting the institution as and when any new course is introduced. This committee, too like the previous one remarks and suggests on the changes desirable in the college. The college very honestly adheres to the recommendations made by the committees.

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6.5.5. How is the internal quality assurance mechanisms aligned with the requirements of the relevant external quality assurance agencies/regulatory authorities? In the case of the institution the external regulatory authority is the Affiliating University, University of Tumkur, Tumkur and we make the compliances as per their needs and requirements. 6.5.6. What institutional mechanisms are in place to continuously review the teaching learning process? Give details of its structure, methodologies of operations and outcome? The institute’s approach to the learning outcome assessment is defined clearly. Faculty is best suited to determine the intended educational outcomes of their academic programs and activities, How to assess these outcomes, and how to use the results for program development and improvement is a part of student evaluation. The results of Outcome Assessment are used to evaluate the effectiveness of academic programs and activities, and student services, and not the performance of individual faculty or staff. Faculty use the information collected to develop and improve academic programs. The institution has a clearly defined, set mechanism to monitor the learning outcomes. Attendance is compulsorily taken for every lecture. Tutorials and laboratory hours are fixed. The tutorials and assignments are corrected within a short duration and the marks are entered in work register, which acts as a ready reckoner for the academic progress of the students. Based on the participation in the class and the marks scored in the tutorials and assignments, the student level is judged by the staff member and appropriate action is taken. At the end of each periodical test, progress reports which consist of unit test results and attendance status are submitted to the office for further action. Counseling is given to slow learners. Parents of such students are called to meet their respective faculty member, if required. As the entire lab courses are continuously assessed, students who lag in these courses are given additional help and guidance. They are also given additional lab practice. The faculty members are encouraged to conduct surprise tests, quizzes, etc. to monitor the academic progress of each student.

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6.5.7. How does the institution communicate its quality assurance policies, mechanisms and outcomes to the various internal and external stakeholders? The institution has evolved a stakeholders’ web by forming different platforms like College Advisory Board, alumni, Parent Teacher Meet and various committees with a fair representation of students. The IQAC in the planning process considers feedbacks collected from all the stakeholders to prepare perspectives on development. These developmental perspectives are discussed in the respective meetings of Advisory Board, PTA and alumni. The reflections of the meetings are incorporated in the plan. The college has developed evaluation tools for stakeholders to record their opinions, suggestions and objections for constructive developments for future. Any other relevant information regarding Governance Leadership and Management which the college would like to include.

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CRITERIA – VII: INNOVATIONS AND BEST PRACTICES 7.1. Environment Consciousness 7.1.1. Does the Institute conduct a Green Audit of its campus and facilities? There is formal green audit in the institution which is eco friendly. Lot of expenditure is incurred to make the campus eco friendly. Table No 33: Green Audit details

Sl. Name Details Remarks No. College is in the heart of the city. Though the students and teachers CO 1 2 100-150 PPM mostly use public transport, the Emergence vehicles running in the main road emit more CO2 and noise. 2 No. of Trees 200 Botanical garden maintained No. of 50 Two-wheelers, 3 Vehicles 250 Bicycles, 5 cars, Bio Waste 4 One ton per year Used to generate vermin compost Generated 5 Plastic Used Plastic free zone Rain Water One thousand liters 6 Harvesting per Monsoon season Vermin Used to manure plants in the 7 50 K.G.s per year Compost campus Resale is possible only after the 8 E-Waste 5,000 Rs per year college completes ten years. One Light and one Solar 9 Water Heater in Adapted Chemistry Lab Water 10 Drip Irrigation Conservation 7.1.2. What are the initiatives taken by the college to make the campus eco- friendly? * Energy conservation * Use of renewable energy * Water harvesting * Check dam construction * Efforts for Carbon neutrality * Plantation

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* Hazardous waste management * e-waste management The college campus is totally eco friendly. For this the head of the institution and the whole staff is committed and because of their commitment and involvement, the campus can claim to be the first polythene/plastic free/ Tobacco free zone. This apart, the institution has taken several other steps/initiatives to make the campus eco-friendly: Energy Conservation: The college campus has moderately temperate climate. The college class rooms are so airy and well lighted that they hardly need any artificial lighting. Still the institution has done away with the orthodox lighting system and installed CFLs in the class rooms, solar facility. This has helped a lot in conservation of electricity. Use of renewable energy: The college has a solar water heater in Chemistry department and one solar light in the campus. The use of sunlight is made to keep the water hot which is used for Science practicals. Water harvesting: The college has two rain water harvesting tanks. Efforts for Carbon neutrality: The college at its own level has taken up certain preventive measures to check the emission of carbon dioxide. The college has made arrangements for the parking of the vehicles of the students in the college ground. This helps in keeping the campus as much as possible clean. The dead leaves and the waste papers are not allowed to be put on fire. The leaves are buried in the soil itself and the papers are disposed off. Plantation A lot of expenditure is incurred to keep the environment green. For this the college support staff is working very whole heartedly. The trees are planted. The college organizes programs like Van Mahotsava every year to inculcate this tradition amongst its students. Teachers and students donate saplings to the college. Hazardous waste management / e-waste management: E-waste can be resold only after ten years of functioning. Tender is to be invited for sales auction.

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7.2. Innovations 7.2.1. Give details of innovations introduced during the last four years which have created a positive impact on the functioning of the college. The college has been scaling new heights ever since its inception. The college has made several innovations which have helped smooth out the functioning of the college. These innovations are in academics, administration and other levels of the college working. Establishment of IQAC: The IQAC was established in the college in the year 2011-12. It has since been active in organizing programs, wall magazines, mentoring, feedback about teachers and students and activating various cells and committees to improve and sustain quality. Feedback mechanism: Students give the feedback about the teachers at the end of each session/semester. Students of each department are expected to do so for all the teachers concerned with their class. Besides, informal interaction between the students and the Class Teacher/H.O.D./Principal about issues pertaining to teaching quality is also encouraged. Teachers are counseled by the departmental head and/or principal regarding measures to improve subject understanding and/or teaching skills. Computerization of Library: The college has made the library fully computerized. The library is having INFLIBNET Facility. Interested students are provided opportunity to access e- journals with the assistance of their teachers. Zero-Balance Accounts: Fifty percent of the students in the college have zero balance accounts and 20 to 25 percent are getting various scholarships. Academic Innovations: The institution has introduced many new innovative practices to help the students in their pursuit of attaining quality education. The college has introduced Remedial Classes for the students. This has helped them cover up their back log, if any; more than that the students get a chance to brush up their skills further. The college has also started a new innovative technique to help the students revise through old question papers. These questions are formed on the basis of the questions being framed in the last examinations. This has helped ease the burden of the students and improve the pass percentage.

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Inter-college competitions on Quiz, Lecture competitions and cultural competitions are organized by departments. Regular Students seminars are part of the teaching learning process.

Table No. 31: Innovation Club: Sl. Title of the Project: Done by: Aim: No. Survey to collect To encourage the usage of information about III B.Com. Students 1 Coconut oil and to know its the use of coconut oil 2012-13 benefits in Tiptur Taluk Training Program for Maths Department Help high school students to 2 high school students 2013-14 learn Maths easily To assess the portability of Testing Hardness of Chemistry students 3 water and take measures to water 2013-14 improve the purity of water. To make the students aware Introducing Folk arts Kannada students 4 of different arts and artistic in Tiptur Taluk 2012-13 talents in rural areas Life Skill Training for high school Psychology Assist in counseling and 5 students / Civic department in learn civic sense Sense Awareness for 2012-13, 2013-14 graduates Survey of News Journalism Students Learn about the variety of 6 papers 2013-14 news papers in the Taluk Rain water Geography students 7 harvesting / Environment friendly 2012-13 Botanical Garden To study the Element of Minor Project Dr Saraswathi K B 8 Decolonization in select Submitted to UGC 2013-14 Indian English poets NSS Volunteers 9 Compost preparation Utilize bio waste 2012-13 Kannada Training A teacher and Program for Urdu student from Teach Kannada to Urdu 10 students in Urdu Kannada Dept. students schools 2014-15 Each Department organizes guest lectures by inviting eminent resource persons in the particular field of study. They will have interactions with students

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 149 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC and motivate them to achieve new heights. Teachers use ICT facilities like projectors to show films based on novels prescribed for the study and syllabus completion is supported by Power point presentations by Departments. Documentaries on freedom struggle and biographies of eminent personalities are shown to motivate students. 7.3. Best Practices 7.3.1. Elaborate on any two best practices as per the annexed format (see page .. ) which have contributed to the achievement of the Institutional Objectives and/or contributed to the Quality improvement of the core activities of the college. The best practices in the institution have been promoted in full gusto. The institution has internalized the best practices in order to improve the functioning of the academic and administrative systems. The insistence on student’s participation in academic and administrative matters has improved the quality of the education and administration in the institution. The students come forward to maintain the best practices evolved through academic and administrative systems. The administration in the institution is maintained by the involvement of the staff at every level. The examinations are held quite smoothly by the active participation of the staff. The teachers have been quite supportive to the academic needs of the students by offering them reading materials and tutorials.

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Best Practice: I "Annexure - III" 1. Title of the Practice Single Window System, Computerization of the Library and the Introduction of Remedial Classes and Question Banks 2. Goal The main objective of the institution is to transform the students into well meaning citizens through the committed pattern of instructions based on carefully prepared and well designed curricular aspects. The changing needs of the time are the basis while building a rich corpus of talent. Hence, the main objective of is to transform the students into well meaning citizens through well prepared socially committed patterns of instruction. GFGC Tiptur aspires to have a transformational impact on students through comprehensive education by inculcating qualities of competence, confidence and excellence. The institution aspires to instill scientific zeal and develop skilled human resource to contemporary challenges. The college has been facilitating young adult learners with opportunities to hone their ethics and leadership potential. To sensitize learners towards inclusive social concerns, human rights, gender and environmental issues is also the mission of the institution. 3. The Context The college within a short period of seven years has created a niche for itself in the academic, extra-curricular and sports fields. These achievements are surely enough in itself to boast of the name and the fame the college is enjoying. Still the college was facing certain challenges which were of utmost importance. The first challenge the college was facing was of administrative nature. The students who sought admission in the college had to visit many times to get admission. The college had been following the age old pattern of working manually in the office. The Principal and the head of the institution decided to strike back in a powerful manner by introducing the single window system to the admission process since last year. The student as soon as he seeks admission by providing necessary credential documents will be admitted within the day itself. The college in the academic world introduced the technique of remedial classes and preparing question banks keeping in view the examination perspective. The students belonging to the college are given extra coaching free of cost by addressing their problems. Their skills are sharpened and chiseled keeping in view the patterns of the final examinations. They are given a list of important questions prepared by the expert faculty. This has helped them attain their targets in a better way.

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4. The Practice and the Evidence of the Success The manual system that was operating in the office is somewhat improved by partial computerizing of official procedures. Office proceedings are completely computerized except for fee collection. The college by computerizing the total accounts has successfully got rid of many hurdles. This has resulted in making the system smooth. By computerizing the system, the college has successfully overcome the shortage of the staff. Now the work has been facilitated to the extent that the staff has very deftly acquired the new system resulting in the increase in their efficiency. The students are benefited as the marks cards and library cards are distributed in the class itself and the rush during paying exam fees is avoided by allotting fixed timetable. Similarly, the college was not able to bring out the best out of the students. The dropout rate and the failure rate was scaling heights. The college then introduced the college sponsored Remedial Classes. The students were given extra coaching, free of cost, in all the subjects in general. The students were given extra guidance in the subjects like English and maths in particular. The college ensured that the students are provided with the Question Banks framed by the experienced faculty of the college. This action has resulted in a steep downfall in the failure rate. The Question Banks have facilitated the students in such a way that their efforts in the preparation of the final exams have started bearing fruits. 5. Problems Encountered and Resources Required The college had certain problems to face in the process of administration. The account maintenance was very cumbersome to manage. The college had to face long queues of the students who assembled for fee deposit. Now the things have smoothed out. Similarly the students were facing a lot of problem in studies. The college was finding it hard to control the dropout rate and the failure. The remedial classes came as a boon for such students. The students are now finding it easy to combat the problems they were facing. The college required the infrastructure in the shape of computer systems. The management provided the same from its resources. The staff was trained by the computer experts. The software required was purchased. The resources required for the remedial classes were granted by the UGC. 6. Contact Details Name of the Principal : Dr. Jayadevappa Name of the Institution : Government First Grade College, Tiptur City & PIN Code : Tiptur - 572201 Accredited Status : Applied For Phone (Office) & Fax : 08134-252189 E-mail : [email protected] Website :

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Best Practice: II 1. Title of the Practice Activation of IQAC to generate good practices, ideas, planning, implementing and measuring the outcome of academic and administrative performances 2. The Practice: The institution is abuzz with quality sustenance activities on a wide gamut of pertinent issues through workshops / seminars / demonstrations / case studies / Group Discussions / Symposia etc. Multidisciplinary and multi institutional activities like these will expose students and teachers to new frontiers of knowledge thereby strengthening the moral fiber of the nation. The stake holders of the college like parents, students, alumni are organized and their interaction with the principal is arranged. The details of nine minor projects, Four State and National Level Seminar Proposals submitted to UGC and Thirteen Add-On Courses are available in the IQAC. The IQAC has motivated the departments to fix plausible benchmarks, action plans and future plans in each departments. Many unaided programs like Spoken English, Computer Training to staff are arranged through IQAC.

More than twenty committees and various forums are active in organizing quality programs to the benefit of students. Feedback mechanism helps in planning its strategies and bringing transparency, objectivity and accountability in teaching learning process.

The IQAC is also a documentary centre for the seminars / workshops / publications / documentary files and papers presented in seminars and workshops by teachers. Action Plans and SWOC analysis are done for each department. Annual report is prepared using the plans chalked out; objectives and targets accomplished, recent milestones and future plans.

Through the mentoring system IQAC like to improve discipline and human interaction. Mentor forms are distributed, exam progress reports after every exam is collected by mentors and much opportunity is given to look into the strengths and weaknesses. Mentors also strike a balance between the students coming from different strata of society thus creating an environment of self respect and respect for others.

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3. The Context:

The college was started in the year 2007-08. Many activities were going on without documentation. With the initiative taken by the department of collegiate education, the college was chosen for the State Quality Assurance Team visit. It was similar to NAAC Peer team visit in 2011-12. With their arrival all the departments learnt about the importance of proper planning and different strategies that could help quality promotion and sustenance. Since then IQAC is active in the college. Poor students are donated monetary support by teachers. Mentors identify drop outs and this will help teachers to help them.

4. The Practice and evidence of success:

The practice of IQAC monitoring and documentation, the college is experiencing a new trend wherein both the teaching and nonteaching staff and stake holders are informed and addressed properly. The departments have action plans, bench marks, student profiles, recognizing slow and advanced learners, mentorship, remedial classes and organizing seminars both state level, regional and interdisciplinary. The personal details of teachers, students are up to the mark and departments have updated their profiles and activities done.

5. Problems encountered and Resources required:

The major problem was denial of staff and non staff for institutionalization and strict discipline which IQAC expected.

The IQAC did not have any funds to organize many programs. It was the motivation of the principal and interdisciplinary competition that motivated all cells, forums and committees to organize activities.

The college has a huge strength of 3,500 students. It was difficult to collect the student profile and interact with them. Later with the suggestion of IQAC coordinator of Tumkur University Science College, who assisted to distribute mentor forms, mentoring has become a regular practice.

6. Contact Details Name of the Principal : Dr. Jayadevappa Name of the Institution : Government First Grade College, Tiptur City & PIN Code : Tiptur - 572201 Accredited Status : Applied For Phone (Office) & Fax : 08134-252189 E-mail : [email protected] Website :

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EVALUATIVE REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENTS Department of Kannada 1. Name of the Department: KANNADA 2. Year of Establishment (Language Kannada: 2007): 2011 3. Names of Programs: UG 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses: History, Economics, Kannada, Journalism, Kannada, Pol. Sc. 5. Annual/ semester credit system: Semester Scheme 6. Participation in other department: Nil 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities: Nil 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any): Nil 9. No Of Teaching Posts Post Sanctioned Filled Professor Nil Nil Associate Professor Nil Nil Assistant Professor 01 01 Guest Faculty 17 17 10. Faculty Profile Sl. Qualifica Designa Specializa Name Experience No. tion tion tion M.A., B.Ed., Assistant Folk 1 Yasodha S.P. 07 Years SLET Professor Literature Dr. L.M. M.A., NET, Guest Folk 2 11 Years Venkatesh Ph.D., B.Ed. Lecturer Literature M.A., B.Ed., 3 Suresha T. -do- -do- 7 Years NET M.A., B.Ed., 4 Yogeesha N. -do- -do- 8 Years NET M.A., NET, 5 Harish Kumar -do- -do- 6 Years Ph.D., B.Ed. M.A., 6 Naveena M. -do- -do- 3 Years M.Phil., NET M.A., M.Ed., 7 Nanda D. -do- -do- 3 Years NET, M.Phil. 8 Devraju B.P. M.A., NET -do- -do- 9 Years M.A., B.Ed., 9 Ambika K.R. -do- -do- 6 Years NET M.A., B.Ed., 10 Umadevi K.S. -do- -do- 5 Years NET, SLET

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Manjunatha M.A., B.Ed., 11 -do- -do- 2 Years L.B. NET Dr.Chandraiah M.A., B.Ed., 12 -do- -do- 5 Years T.R. Ph.D. Sudhamani 13 M.A., B.Ed. -do- -do- 6 Years K.R. Manjunatha M.A., B.Ed., 14 -do- Linguistics 1 Years S.K. NET 15 Revathi M.A., NET -do- Criticism 1 Years M.A., NET, 16 Suresha K.A. -do- Folklore 2 Years SLET Dr. M.A., NET 17 Dharmaveera M.Phil., -do- -do- 3 Years K.H. Ph.D. Ravi Shankara 18 M.A., B.Ed. -do- -do- 3 Years B.C. 11. List of senior visiting faculty: Nil 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled: The department has no practical classes all classes are lecture delivered 13. Student -Teacher Ratio: 54:1 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled: NA 15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with D.Sc./ D.Litt./ Ph.D./ M.Phil./P.G.: 3 teachers have completed Ph.D., 12 with NET, 3 with M.Phil. and 1 with SET. 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: Nil 17. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: Nil 18. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University: Nil 19. Publications: Three books and ten articles are published by the faculty. 20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 21. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards….: Nil 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/program: 20% b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e., in Research laboratories/ Industry/ other agencies: 05% 23. Awards / Recognitions received by faculty and students: Five Awards

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24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Seminars/ Conferences/ Workshops organized & the source of funding: The department has organized four regional seminars and Chandrashekar Nangali, Kumsi Umesh, Siddaramaiah S.G., Krishnamurthy Beligere, Sudha Narasimharaju, Nagarajashetty, Dr. Siddagangaiah Holatal, Lakshmanadas and such eminent literary personalities have visited the department. 25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: Nil a) National b) International The department has MOUs with Four organizations (Kayaka Computer Training Institute, Tiptur, Taluk Kannada Sahitya Parishat Tiptur, Bayalu Seeme Cultural Organization Tiptur, STG Computer Training Institute, Tiptur. 26. Student Profile Program/Course wise Name of the Course / Applications Enrolled Pass Program received Selected M F Percentage (Refer Qn. No. 04) (Year) 2011-12 125 65 60 97 HEK and JKP 2012-13 202 88 114 95 2013-14 301 121 180 90 27. Diversity of Students: Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Name of students from same students from other students from the course state state abroad HEK 100 Nil Nil JKP 100 Nil Nil 28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? NA 29. Student progression: Year 2013-14 UG to PG 03

30. Details of Infrastructural facilities: All these facilities are commonly available. a) Library: No of books in the library are 328 books and 224 titles and the department library has 200 books. b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: Internet facilities are available in computer lab, IQAC and Library. c) Class rooms with ICT facility: 01 d) Laboratories: Nil

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 157 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: Eligible students receive scholarships. 32. Details on student enrichment programs (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts Students Special Socially Visits/ Any other Guest Lecturer Lecturer relevant

Year Field Trips/ initiatives Programs project any Other Survey on Folk arts, Introduction of Western Topic: Philosophers,

12 Description - Student Report of Taluk of Nature in Seminars Kannada Sahitya

2011 Navodaya Sammelana, Literature Introduction of Jnanapeetha Awardees Topic: Classical Status to Kannada Environment MOU with Language Awareness Songs Kannada Topic: Topic: were sung by

13 Sahitya - Jayadevi Tayi Pioneers of Samvada Members, Parishat, Ligade: Western NGO,

2012 Workshop on Introduction Literary Doddaballapura Competitive Criticism- Wall Magazine- exams Plato, Srujana Aristotle and Longinus Mysore Topic: G.S Projects on University Shivarudrappa- Tribals, Students were

14 Library - Life and Student Temples, encouraged to 3 Visit, Writings, Lectures Film artists/ participate in Yuva

201 Shivana By: Prof. S G folk artists in Dasara Samudra Siddaramaiah Tiptur


15 Remembering - Prathistana Literary Kuppalli,

2014 Personalities Shivamoga

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 158 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning: Power point presentations both by students and teachers, visit to research institutions, memorable places of literary persons, libraries, assigning surveys, data collection and collective activities like group discussion, quiz, surprise tests etc. 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: The department has a literary forum which organizes many activities to encourage organizational skills of students and the students of the department volunteer in NSS / NCC / Scouts and Guides / Cultural and sports. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans: Strengths: Co-operative Students and Staff, Limited Student Strength, Journalism students report and write articles Weakness: Single teacher Department, lack of library books Opportunity: Students are motivated to do research in Kannada language Challenge: Lack of funds and Infrastructure, Future Plans: o To organize National seminars o Encourage students to take up research projects o Visit to libraries and research centers

Department of English 1. Name of the Department: English 2. Year of Establishment: 2007 3. Names of Programs: UG 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses: Psychology, Optional English, Sociology 5. Annual/ semester credit system: Semester Scheme 6. Participation in other department: Nil 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities: Nil 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any): Nil 9. No Of Teaching Posts: Post Sanctioned Filled Professor Nil Nil Associate Professor 01 01 Assistant Professor 02 02 Guest Faculty 07 07

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 159 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

10. Faculty Profile: Sl. Qualific Designa Specializa Experi Name No. ation tion tion ence M.A., European Associate 1. Prof. M.G. Jyothi M.Phil. Classics and 19 Years Professor SLET Linguistics M.A., Comparative Assistant 2 Dr. K.B. Saraswathi Ph.D., and American 08 Years Professor SLET Literature Lokeshwaraiah M.A., Assistant European 3 23 Years C. M. S. M.Phil. Professor Classics Linguistics M.A., Guest and 4 Siddaramaiah D.M. 04 Years PGDTS Lecturer Translation Studies M.A., Guest Communicati 5 Kannika K B 04 Years PGDCE Lecturer ve English M.A., Guest 6 Yerriswamy O Literature 03 Years B.Ed. Lecturer M.A., Guest 7 Lakshminarayana T Literature 03 Years B.Ed. Lecturer Guest 8 Shivanna B C M.A. Literature 06 Years Lecturer M.A., Guest 9 Mohuluddin Literature 01 Years B.Ed. Lecturer Guest 10 Kalpana H C M.A. Literature 01 Years Lecturer 11. List of senior visiting faculty: Nil 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled: The department has no practical classes all classes are lecture delivered 13. Student -Teacher Ratio: 35:1 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled: NA 15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with D.Sc./ D.Litt./ Ph.D./ M.Phil./ P.G.: One of the faculties has completed Ph.D., 2 with SLET, 2 with M.Phil., one each with PGDTS and PGDCE and 2 with PG 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: Nil 17. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received:

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 160 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

o One Minor Research Project final report is submitted to UGC by Dr. Saraswathi K B. Total grants allotted one lakh, received Rs. 90,000 o One Minor Research Project is applied to UGC on ‘Meta-Theatre’ by Jyothi M G 18. Research Centre / facility recognized by the University: Nil 19. Publications: o Two books and 30 articles are published by the faculty. 20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil

21. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards….: Nil 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/program: 05% b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e., in Research laboratories/ Industry/ other agencies: Nil 23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: Kodagunti Award for Research given to Dr. Saraswathi K.B. from Bhandara Prakashana, Bellary. 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists / visitors to the department Seminars / Conferences / Workshops / Symposia organized & the source of funding: The department has organized 06 regional seminars, 02 Symposia and Annual Film Festivals Since 2011and eminent literary personalities like: Prof. Rajendra Chenni, Nagaraj N.P., Aradhya S.S., Shivaprasad, Pratap N.P., Prof. Siddagangaiah Holatal, Gangadharaiah M. and so many experts have visited the department. 25. Seminars / Conferences / Workshops organized & the source of funding: a) National b) International The department has sent proposal to UGC for financial assistance to organize two day National seminar. 26. Student Profile Program / Course wise Name of the Course / Applications Enrolled Pass Program Received Selected M F Percentage (Refer Qn. No. 04) (Year) 2009-10 165 72 93 41.49 2010-11 269 136 133 47.21 PES 2011-12 258 106 152 62.98 2012-13 263 109 154 52.47

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 161 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

2013-14 184 60 124 44.56 27. Diversity of Students: Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Name of students from same students from other students from the course state state abroad PES 100 Nil Nil 28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? Nil 29. Student progression: Year 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 UG to PG 04 06 05 30. Details of Infrastructural facilities: All these facilities are commonly available. a) Library: No of books in the library are 770 (468 titles) and the department library has 150 books. b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: Internet facilities are available in computer lab, IQAC and Library. c) Class rooms with ICT facility: 01 d) Laboratories: Nil 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: Eligible students receive scholarships. 32. Details on student enrichment programs (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts:

Guest Special Students’ Visits/ Socially Relevant Any other Lecture Lecture

Year Field Trips Projects Initiatives Programs Programs /Any other Topic: “Literary

2010 Sensibility” - By: Prof.

2009 Rajendra Chenni Topic: “Basics of 2011 - Grammar” By: Prof. 2010 S.S.Aradhya

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 162 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

1.First Annual Film Commencement One day Festival of Wall Symposium Film Screen: Magazine: on “African [“Modern Times” “YOUNG

2012 Literature” (Charlie Chaplin)] - Resource 2.Training to WORD” &

2011 Person: Students to: Literary Forum: Mr. N.P. “Teach Basic Nagaraj Grammar to Middle “CREATIVE WORLD” School Students” Topic: Visit to Second Annual Film Central 1.Spoken English “Indian Festival Literature in Library, Classes,

2013 [Film Screen: - English” Kalpataru 2.Inter-college By: Prof. Research “An Incredible Quiz

2012 BBC Siddagangai Centre, Journey” (A Competition Documentary)] ah Holatal Tiptur 1. Topic: “Functional 1. Book One day Grammar” Exhibition By: Prof. Symposium Third Annual 2. Spoken Siddagangai - Film Festival on “Post English ah Holatal colonial [Film Screen: 2014

- Classes 2. Topic: studies” “Haseena” 3. Power Point 203 Resource (A National “Conversati Presentations onal Person: Prof. Award Film)] on Prescribed Prathap N.E. English” Texts By: Prof. Shivaprasad Visit to Kuvempu

2015 University - (Language

2014 Lab and Library) 33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning : Power point presentations both by students and teachers, visit to research institutions, memorable places of literary persons, libraries, assigning surveys, data collection and collective activities like group discussion, quiz, surprise tests etc. 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities:

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The department has a literary forum which organizes many activities to encourage organizational skills of students and the students of the department volunteer in NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides and sports. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans: Strengths: Co-operative staff, motivated student strength Weakness: to teach a foreign language to students from a rural milieu and native language background Opportunity: to equip students with a global language and make them competitive in the job market. Challenge: to impart effective communication skills through meaningful and interesting teaching /learning activities Future Plans: o Organize seminars and intra/inter college competitions o Organize trips and visit to libraries and institutions of excellence o Faculty to take up Research Projects o Increase the number of English Books, Journals and Periodicals and Audio-Visual Aids (with Language Lab) in the Department Library

Department of History 1. Name of the Department: HISTORY 2. Year of Establishment: 2007 3. Names of Programs: UG 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses: History, Economics, Political Science [HEP] (2007) History, Economics, Sociology [HES]; (2011) History, Economics, Geography [HEG]; (2011) History Economics, Psychology [HEPsy]; (2011) History, Economics, Optional Kannada [HEK] (2011) 5. Annual/ semester credit system: Semester Scheme 6. Participation in other department: Nil 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities: Nil 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any): Nil 9. No of Teaching Posts: Post Sanctioned Filled Professor Nil Nil Associate Professor 01 01 Assistant Professor Nil Nil Guest Faculty 08 08

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10. Faculty Profile Sl. Qualifica Designa Specializa Experi Name No tion tion tion ence MA, Karnataka Art & Kumara Swamy Associate 23 1. M.Phil., Architecture (Ph.D. H B Professor Years B.Ed. Enrolled) History and MA, B.Ed., Part time 2 2 Padma B S Archeology M.Phil. Lecturer Years (Ph.D. Enrolled) Siddalinga History and 6 3 MA, B.Ed. -do- Murthy M Archeology Years Art and 5 4 Sathish B M MA, B.Ed. -do- Architecture Years Renukamma MA, B.Ed., 2 5 -do- Karnataka History K V M.Phil. Years Sowmyashree 4 6 MA, M.Ed. -do- History Archeology S G Years Hemegowda M A, Ancient Indian 2 7 -do- K L M.Phil. History Years Ranganathappa MA, B.Ed. History and 2 8 -do- D SLET Archeology Years Harish Kumar 7 9 MA -do- Art & Architecture H.S. Years 11. List of senior visiting faculty: Nil 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled: The department has no practical classes all classes are lecture delivered 13. Student -Teacher Ratio: 188:1 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled: NA 15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with D.Sc./ D.Litt./ Ph.D./ M.Phil./P.G.: Four have completed M.Phil., Three have enrolled for Ph.d., One has completed SLET, Four have P.G. 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: Nil (The department has sent proposals for one Minor Research Project) 17. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: Nil 18. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University: Nil 19. Publications: One book is published by the faculty. 20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 21. Faculty as members in

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 165 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards….: Nil 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/program: 05% b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution Research laboratories/Industry/other agencies: Nil 23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: Nil 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists / visitors to the department Seminars / Conferences /Workshops organized & the source of funding: The department has organized four regional seminars and Shiva Kumaraswamy S. L., Dr. D. N. Yogeeshappa, Palaksha, Shiva Kumaraswamy M.K., subject experts have visited the department. 25. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: a) National b) International Nil

26. Student Profile Program/Course wise: Name of the Applications Enrolled Pass course / Program Received Selected M F Percentage (Refer Qn. No. 04) (Year) 2009-10 670 290 380 78 2010-11 932 414 518 82 HEP, HES,HEK, 2011-12 1713 768 945 77 HEPSY,HEG 2012-13 2074 980 1094 75 2013-14 2476 1086 1390 76 27. Diversity of Students: Percentage of Percentage of Percentage Name of the course students from students from of students same state other state from abroad HEP, HES, HEK, HEPsy, HEG 100 Nil Nil 28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? NA 29. Student progression: Year 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 UG to PG 26 12 10 11

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30. Details of Infrastructural facilities: All these facilities are commonly available. a) Library: No of books in the library are 2597 (243 titles) and the department library has 70 books. b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: Internet facilities are available in computer lab, IQAC and Library. c) Class rooms with ICT facility: 01 d) Laboratories: Nil 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: Eligible students receive scholarships. 32. Details on student enrichment programs (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts

Students’ Socially Guest Special Lecturer Visits/ Any other relevant

Year Lecturer Programs Field Trips/ Initiatives project Any other Topic: Heritage

10 Yogeshappa Social system - Club D N & during Hampi Awareness

2009 Phalaksha Jatha period Shivakumar

11 Topic: - Swamy S L, Halebedu, Rajiv Gandhi -do- Yogeshappa Beluru,

2010 Foreign policy D N Kumar 12

- Swamy M K Nehru’s Economic Dharmastala -do- Siddalinga Policy 2011 Murthy M Two Problems of a “Heritage Centers of International Seminars

13 Republic, - Status in Tourist places Murudeshwara -do- on “Indira Karnataka” by Gandhi &

2012 in Tiptur Shivakumar Emergency Taluk Swamy S L Period” “Remembering

14 Bhagat Singh” - Special Lecture by Student Quizzes -do-

2013 Samskara Bharathi, NGO

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 167 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning : Power point presentations both by students and teachers, visit to research institutions, memorable places of literary persons, libraries, assigning surveys, data collection and collective activities like group discussion, quiz, surprise tests etc. 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: The department has a History forum which organizes many activities to encourage organizational skills of students and the students of the department volunteer in NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides and sports. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans: Strengths: Cooperative staff, principal and students Weakness: lack of funds, lack of Infrastructure Opportunity: to take up historical surveys and research in rural area Challenge: to create interest among students to retain interest in Historical research. Future Plans: o To organize National/International seminars o To take up Projects in Rural areas o To extend outreach programs to different sections of society

Department of Economics 1. Name of the Department: ECONOMICS 2. Year of Establishment: 2007 3. Names of Programs: UG 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses: History, Economics, Political Science [HEP] (2007) History, Economics, Sociology [HES] (2011) History, Economics, Geography [HEG] (2011) History, Economics, Psychology [HEPsy] (2011) History, Economics, Optional Kannada [HEK] (2011) 5. Annual/ semester credit system: Semester Scheme 6. Participation in other department: Nil 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities: Nil 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any): Nil 9. No of Teaching Posts:

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Post Sanctioned Filled Professor Nil Nil Associate Professor 03 03 Assistant Professor Nil Nil Guest Faculty 06 06 10. Faculty Profile Sl. Designa Specializa Exper Name Qualification No. tion tion ence 29 1 Dr. Jayadevappa MA, PhD, LLB Principal Micro Finance Years Associate 22 2 Narayana K R MA Banking Professor Years Mohammed Associate Rural 21 3 MA Dastagir Professor Development Years Guest 05 4 Ashoka S MA Agriculture Lecturer Years Ramachandraiah Labor 16 5 MA, M.Phil. -do- K R Economics Years Industrial 02 6 Shiva Kumar MA, SLET -do- Economics Years MA, SLET 01 7 Ravi Kumar P -do- Econometrics M.Phil. Years 04 8 Shilpashree T S MA, SLET -do- Economics Years Development 05 9 Vanishree K R MA, M.Phil. -do- and Growth Years 11. List of senior visiting faculty: Nil 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled: The department has no practical classes all classes are lecture delivered 13. Student -Teacher Ratio: 147:1 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled: NA 15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with DSc/ D.Litt/ Ph.D/ MPhil/PG: The Department has one Ph.D., three M.Phil., three SLET and three PG 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: Nil 17. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: Nil (One teacher has sent proposals for Minor Research Project) 18. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University: Nil

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19. Publications: The Principal has many articles published in various news papers and journals. 20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 21. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards….: Nil 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/program: 05% b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution Research laboratories/Industry/other agencies: Nil 23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: The Principal is from economics department and he has received many honours and representations in various boards and committees. 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists / visitors to the department Seminars/ Conferences/ Workshops organized & the source of funding: The department has organized two workshops and one regional level seminar and subject experts like Rishichandra, Bank Manager and Nagesh K C, have visited the department. 25. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: a) National b) International Nil 26. Student Profile Program/Course wise: Applications Enrolled Name of the course / Program Selec Pass Received (refer Qn. No. 04) ted M F Percentage (Year) 2009-10 335 145 190 82 2010-11 466 207 259 79 HEP, HES, HEG, HEPsy, 2011-12 782 384 398 71 HEK 2012-13 1077 510 567 66 2013-14 1241 543 698 67 27. Diversity of Students: Percentage of Percentage of Percentage Name of the course students from students from of students same state other state from abroad HEP, HES, HEK, HEPsy, HEG 100 Nil Nil 28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? NA 29. Student progression:

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 170 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

Year 2012-13 2013-14 UG to PG 07 06

30. Details of Infrastructural facilities: All these facilities are commonly available. a) Library: No of books in the library are 2257 (168 Titles) and the department library has 50 books. b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: Internet facilities are available in computer lab, IQAC and Library. c) Class rooms with ICT facility: 01 d) Laboratories: Nil 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: Eligible students receive scholarships. 32. Details on student enrichment programs (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts

Special Students Visits/ Guest Socially relevant Any other Lecturer Field Trips/ any

Year Lecturer project Initiatives Programs Other

Workshop 10

- on Self- Help 2009 Groups 11

- Student Rain Water Harvesting Seminars 2010

Survey on 12

- Student Handlooms in MOU with Seminars Kotenayakana BAIF 2011 Halli Workshop

13 Trip to - on Women Murudeshwara Student Projects Self-Help

2012 Bank Visit Groups The Principal who is

14 PPT from the same dept. - Student Presentatio has given a lecture on Seminars

2013 n “Trade Cycles” in Edusat Program

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 171 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning: Power point presentations both by students and teachers, visit to research institutions, memorable places of literary persons, libraries, assigning surveys, data collection and collective activities like group discussion, quiz, surprise tests etc. 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: The department has an Economic forum which organizes many activities to encourage organizational skills of students and the students of the department volunteer in NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides and sports. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans: Strength: Students are interested to take up higher education Weakness: limited use of ICT facilities Opportunities: more scope for business related courses Challenges: encourage students to study in English medium Future plans: o Increase no of titles and equip faculty and students to learn using information and communication technology. o Encourage students to take up research projects and increase enrichment programs Department of Political Science 1. Name of the Department: POLITICAL SCIENCE 2. Year of Establishment: 2007 3. Names of Programs: UG 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses: History, Economics, Political Science [HEP] (2007) Journalism, Kannada, Political Science [JKP] (2011) 5. Annual/ semester credit system: Semester Scheme 6. Participation in other department: Nil 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities: Nil 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any): Nil 9. No of Teaching Posts: Post Sanctioned Filled Professor Nil Nil Associate Professor 01 01 Assistant Professor 01 01 Guest Faculty 02 02

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 172 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

10. Faculty Profile Sl. Qualifi Designa Experi Name Specialization No. cation tion ence MA, Associate Indian Political 19 1. Eraiah M.Phil. Professor System Years MA, Assistant Indian Political 13 2 Dr. Honnanjanaiah D R Ph.D. Professor System Years MA, Guest Indian Political 10 3 Parameshwaraiah M.Phil. Faculty System Years Guest Indian 6 4 Hemalatha S O MA Faculty Administration Years 11. List of senior visiting faculty: Nil 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled: The department has no practical classes all classes are lecture delivered 13. Student -Teacher Ratio: 165:1 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled: NA 15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with D.Sc./ D.Litt./ Ph.D./ M.Phil./ P.G.: One completed Ph.D., Two teachers have completed M.Phil., one PG 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: Nil 17. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: Nil 18. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University: Nil 19. Publications: One book is published by the faculty. 20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 21. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards….: Nil 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/program: 02% b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e., in Research laboratories/ Industry/ other agencies: Nil 23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: Best Teacher award by one faculty 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: The department has organized four regional seminars and Gangadhar P S, Basavaraju H S, Chanbassappa R, Niranjanamurthy B N, Rajendra Prasad B

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P, Dr. H Srinivasaiah, Dr. H.P. Krishna, eminent personalities have visited the department. 25. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc. ?: NA 26. Student Profile Program/Course wise: Name of the Course / Program Applications Selec Enrolled Pass (re.fer Qn. No. 04) received ted M F Percentage 2009-10 670 290 380 92 HEP 2010-11 937 419 518 92 & 2011-12 1050 470 580 88 JKP 2012-13 1160 558 602 86 2013-14 1042 534 508 87 27. Diversity of Students: Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Name of students from same students from other students from the course state state abroad HEP 100 Nil Nil JKP 100 Nil Nil 28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? NA 29. Student progression: Year 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 UG to PG 05 16 15 18

30. Details of Infrastructural facilities: All these facilities are commonly available. a) Library: No of books in the library are 1586(191 titles) and the department library has 30 books. b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: Internet facilities are available in computer lab, IQAC and Library. c) Class rooms with ICT facility: 01 d) Laboratories: Nil 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: Eligible students receive scholarships. 32. Details on student enrichment programs: Students Socially Guest Special Lecturer Visits / Field Any other relevant

Year Lecturer Programs Trips / any initiatives project Other

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 174 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

Political Topic: Judicial Activism Science Topic: Budgetary Visit to

12 Voters Forum - Process Grama day Inaugurated Topic: Different Stages Panchayat,

2011 Workshop on in the Growth of Indian Rangapura Competitive Constitution Exams Topic: “Centre-State Relations in Indian Federal System by: ” Red Prof. Channabasappa C Cross: Topic: Importance of “ Awarenes Voting”

13 s about - Topic: Protection of “ Fire children by Sexual

2012 Disasters harassment ” by: by Niranjanmurthy B M Gangadha Public Prosecutor raiah Topic: “Anti-Dowry Act” by: Rajendra Prasad B P Topic: Students Students visit attended “Promotion of Gandhian Establish Thoughts” by:Dr. to State

14 State Level ment of Anti-Ragging - Srinivasaiah H Level Seminar on Gandhi awareness Topic: Seminar, “

2013 ‘Election Study program “No India without GFGC Reforms in Centre” Gandhian Thought” by: Turuvekere India’ Dr. Vude P Krishna 33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning : Power point presentations both by students and teachers, visit to research institutions, memorable places of literary persons, libraries, assigning surveys, data collection and collective activities like group discussion, quiz, surprise tests etc. 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: The department has a Political Science forum which organizes many activities to encourage organizational skills of students and the students of the department volunteer in NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides and sports. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans: Strengths: cooperative staff and disciplined students Weakness: Students drop out/absenteeism is more

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 175 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

Opportunity: The combinations help students to develop knowledge about public administration and enter civil services Challenges: to improve results Future Plans: o To organize National/International seminars o To take up Projects in Rural areas o To Extend outreach programs to different sections of society

Department of Sociology 1. Name of the Department: SOCIOLOGY 2. Year of Establishment: 2007 3. Names of Programs: UG 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses: Psychology, English, Sociology [PES] (2007) History, Economics, Sociology [HES] (2011) 5. Annual/ semester credit system: Semester Scheme 6. Participation in other department: Nil 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities: Nil 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any): Nil 9. No. of Teaching Posts: Post Sanctioned Filled Professor Nil Nil Associate Professor Nil Nil Assistant Professor 02 02 Guest Faculty Nil Nil 10. Faculty Profile Sl. Qualifi Designa Experie Name Specialization No. cation tion nce Sociology of MA, Assistant Profession 5 1. Dr. Nagendrappa E. Ph.D. Professor Sociology of Years Organization MA, Political SLET Assistant Sociology and 5 2 Siddagangaiah S.G. (Ph.D. Professor Rural Years Enrolled) Development 11. List of senior visiting faculty: Nil 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled:

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 176 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

The department has no practical classes all classes are lecture delivered 13. Student -Teacher Ratio: 166:1 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled: NA 15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with D.Sc./ D.Litt./ Ph.D./ M.Phil./ P.G.: One teacher has completed Ph.D., One has completed SLET and enrolled for Ph.D. 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: Nil 17. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: Nil (One of the faculties has applied for Minor Research Project to UGC) 18. Research Centre / facility recognized by the University: Nil 19. Publications: Nil 20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 21. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards….: Nil 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/program: 80% b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e., in Research laboratories/ Industry/ other agencies: Nil 23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: Nil 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: The Department has organized Five regional seminars and Subject experts like Dr. Manigaiah and Prof. Partapur, Prof. Ravindranatha, Prof.Kumaraswamy H B, Prof, Abdul Aziz, Prof .Shivanna, Prof .Laxman, Prof. Devendranath from ISEC have visited the department. 25. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: a) National b) International Nil 26. Student Profile Program/Course wise: Name of the course/ Program Applications Sele Enrolled Pass (Refer Qn. No. 4) received cted M F Percentage 2009-10 219 72 147 88 2010-11 269 114 155 90 PES AND HES 2011-12 334 152 182 91 2012-13 379 131 248 86 2013-14 374 146 228 87

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 177 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

27. Diversity of Students: Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Name of the students from same students from other students from course state state abroad HES & PES 100 Nil Nil 28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? Nil 29. Student progression: Year 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 UG to PG 08 08 05 06 13

30. Details of Infrastructural facilities: All these facilities are commonly available. a) Library: No of books in the library are 1636 (150 Titles) and the department library has 20 books. b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: Internet facilities are available in computer lab, IQAC and Library. c) Class rooms with ICT facility: 01 d) Laboratories: Nil 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: Eligible students receive scholarships. 32. Details on student enrichment programs Students Socially Guest Special Lecturer Visits/ Any other Relevant

Year Lecturer Programs Field Trips Initiatives Project /any other

11 Topic: - Theoretical

2010 concepts of caste Survey and Topic: projects by 12

- Student Research students on Seminars Methodology in social 2011 Social Sciences background of villages

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 178 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

Survey and One Day State Topic: projects by Level Seminar on

13 Rural Visit to - Student students on Research Administration and ISSEC, “ Seminars social Methodology”

2012 women Bangalore background from Research Representation of villages Cell Topic: Industrial Survey and Sociology and projects by

14 Student industrial - Visit to students on Group Relations by Prof. Villages social

2013 Discussions Ravindranatha, background Asst. Prof., SSWC, of villages Tumkur

15 Student - Village Group Visit

2014 discussions

33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning : Power point presentations both by students and teachers, visit to research institutions, libraries, assigning surveys, data collection and collective activities like group discussion, quiz, surprise tests etc. 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: The department has “G.S. Ghurye Sociology Forum” which organizes many activities to encourage Research skills of students and the students of the department volunteer in NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides and sports. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans: Strengths: To develop social ability, adjustability Weakness: Lack of motivation among students Opportunity: varied job opportunities in Govt. Depts. and NGOs Challenges: to organize programs within Semester scheme Future Plans: o To take up major and minor projects o To take up surveys/research in Rural areas o To visit social research institutions o To popularize the department

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Department of Psychology 1. Name of the Department: PSYCHOLOGY 2. Year of Establishment: 2007 3. Names of Programs: UG 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses: Psychology, Optional English, Sociology [PES] (2007) History, Economics, Psychology [HEPsy] (2011) 5. Annual/ semester credit system: Semester Scheme 6. Participation in other department: Nil 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities: Nil 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any): Nil 9. No. of Teaching Posts: Post Sanctioned Filled Professor Nil Nil Associate Professor Nil Nil Assistant Professor 02 02 Guest Faculty 01 01 10. Faculty Profile: Sl. Qualifica Designa Specializa Experienc Name No. tion tion tion e M.Sc., Assistant Clinical 1. Narasimharaju N 07 Years M.Phil. Professor Psychology Assistant Social 2 Jagadevappa MA, M.Phil. 05 Years Professor Psychology M.Sc., KSET Guest Clinical 3 Eshwar M K 08 Years M.Phil. Lecturer Psychology 11. List of senior visiting faculty: Nil 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled: 70% Lecture, 30% Practicals 13. Student -Teacher Ratio: 77:1 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled: NA 15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with D.Sc./ D.Litt./ Ph.D./ M.Phil./ P.G.: Three teachers have done M.Phil., one with K-SET and one has enrolled for Ph.D. 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: Nil 17. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: Nil (one Minor Research Project proposal is sent to UGC)

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18. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University: Nil 19. Publications: Nil 20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 21. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards….: Nil 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/program: 25% b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution Research laboratories/Industry/other agencies: 05% 23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: Nil 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Seminars/ Conferences/ Workshops organized & the source of funding: The department has organized five regional seminars and subject experts like Malathi V, Dr. Manjula Reddy, Basavarajappa, Ramalingu K L, Thippeswamy have visited the department. 25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: Nil (One proposal is sent to organise national level seminar to UGC) a) National b) International 26. Student Profile Program/Course wise Name of the course/Program Applications Sele Enrolled Pass (Refer Qn. No. 4) Received cted M F Percentage 2009-10 205 72 133 94 2010-11 269 136 133 96 PES & HEPsy 2011-12 235 92 143 90 2012-13 323 121 202 78 2013-14 247 80 167 87 27. Diversity of Students: Percentage of Percentage of Name of the Percentage of students students from same students from Course from other state state abroad PES & HEPsy 100 Nil Nil 28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? NA

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 181 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

29. Student progression: Year 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 UG to PG 03 02 02 30. Details of Infrastructural facilities: All these facilities are commonly available. a) Library: No of books in the library are 159 (75 Titles) and the department library has 30 books. b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: Internet facilities are available in computer lab, IQAC and Library. c) Class rooms with ICT facility: 01 d) Laboratories: One 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: Eligible students receive scholarships. 32. Details on student enrichment programs Students Special Socially Visits/Field Any other Guest Lecture Lecturer Relevant

Year Trips/ Initiatives Programs Project any other The Role of Psychology in Rural Area

10 Dr. Manjula Memory - Organized Reddy Improvement by IIPA,

2009 18/03/2010 Skills Bangalore Held on 20/10/2009 11

- Prof. Malathi V Students 12/02/2011 Counseling 2010 Seminar on Manasa

12 Present Trends Life - Hospital , in Psychology Skill Shivamoga

2011 in Rural Areas Training 15/02/2012 14/03/2012

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 182 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

Seminar on Student “Meditation and Disabled fieldwork, Memory Child Socio- One year Mental health

13 Improvement” Centre, economic Certificate - day celebrated Collaboration Mysore & Status, Course on Topic: Students

2012 with Trip to Psychological Civic mental health Ramachandra Madikere study project Awareness Mission, and Mysore in rural areas, Chennai 4/2/13 Tiptur Taluk World Mental Health Day Topic: Sports CMCA

14 Mental health - Certificate Topic: course

2013 Motivational started. Concepts Topic: Memory improvement 33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning : Power point presentations both by students and teachers, visit to research institutions, memorable places of literary persons, libraries, assigning surveys, data collection and collective activities like group discussion, quiz, surprise tests etc.

34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: The Department has a Life Skill Club which organizes many activities to encourage organizational skills of students and the students of the department volunteer in NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides and sports. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans: Strengths: Cooperative staff, principal and students Weakness: lack of funds, lack of Infrastructure Opportunity: To function in Rural area Challenge: to Organize programs in Semester Scheme system Future Plans: o To organize National/International seminars. o To take up Projects in Rural areas. o To extend outreach programs to different sections of society.

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Department of Geography 1. Name of the Department: GEOGRAPHY 2. Year of Establishment: 2011 3. Names of Programs: UG 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses: History, Economics, Geography 5. Annual/ semester credit system: Semester Scheme 6. Participation in other department: Nil 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities: Nil 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any): Nil 9. No. of Teaching Posts: Post Sanctioned Filled Professor Nil Nil Associate Professor Nil Nil Assistant Professor 01 01 Guest Faculty 04 04 10. Faculty Profile: Sl. Qualifica Designa Specializa Exper Name No. tion tion tion ience Environment Assistant 22 1 Manjunathaswamy MA, SLET and Urban Professor Years geography Guest Agriculture 14 2 Dr. Kantharaju M.Sc., Ph.D. Faculty and industry Years Guest Environment 14 3 Kantharaju A M M.Sc. Faculty and Industry Years Guest Agriculture 10 4 Boregowda M L M.Sc., B.Ed. Faculty and Industry Years Guest Environment 3 5 Sumalatha S M M.Sc., B.Ed. Faculty Studies Years 11. List of senior visiting faculty: Nil 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled: The department has no practical classes all classes are lecture delivered 13. Student -Teacher Ratio: 26:1 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled: NA 15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with D.Sc./ D.Litt./ Ph.D./ M.Phil./ PG: One faculty has completed Ph.D., 1 with SLET, 3 with PG 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: Nil

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 184 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

17. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: Nil 18. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University: Nil 19. Publications: Three books are published by the faculty. 20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 21. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards….: Nil 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/program: 10% b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution Research laboratories/Industry/other agencies: 05% 23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: Nil 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: The department has organized three regional seminars and M K Ningegowda, K Munikrishna, Dr. Jagadeesh H C, and such Subject Experts have visited the department. 25. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: a) National b) International NA 26. Student Profile Program/Course wise Name of the Course / Program Applications Sele Enrolled Pass (Refer Qn. No. 4) Received cted M F Percentage 2011-12 51 36 15 51 HEG 2012-13 160 82 78 160 2013-14 192 98 94 192 27. Diversity of Students: Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Name of the students from students from students from Course same state other state abroad HEG 100 Nil Nil 28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? NA 29. Student progression: One student has joined M.Sc. in Geography(2013-14) 30. Details of Infrastructural facilities: All these facilities are commonly available. a) Library: No of books in the library are 161 books and 46 (Titles) and the department library has sixty books.

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b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: Internet facilities are available in computer lab, IQAC and Library. c) Class rooms with ICT facility: 01 d) Laboratories: One 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: Eligible students receive scholarships. 32. Details on student enrichment programs Students Socially Guest Special Lecturer Visits/ Any other relevant

Year Lecturer Programs Field Trips initiatives project /any other Topic: Visit to a Environment Public Maintenance

12 neighboring - Students Awareness, of Medicinal plantation to Seminars Topic: Plants in the

2011 study pond Agriculture and food Campus eco-system Security in India Topic :Urban and

13 Rural Settlements in Rain - -do- Industrial harvesting

2012 Development, Tumkur project Dist. Topic: Environmental

14 Population - impact of Agro Based Tiptur -do- Survey 2011 Industries – A case Pond Visit

2013 of Tiptur study of Tumkur Dist. Visit to

15 Topic: Uttarakhand Planting of - Industry M R Disasters new saplings Agro

2014 By Dr. Jagadeesh H C in the campus industries 36. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning: Power point presentations both by students and teachers, visit to research institutions, memorable places of literary persons, libraries, assigning surveys, data collection and collective activities like group discussion, quiz, surprise tests etc. 33. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: The department has a Eco Club which organizes many activities to encourage organizational skills of students and the students of the department volunteer in NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides and sports. 34. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans:

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Strengths: Limited students, individual attention Weakness: Lack of funds Opportunity: conduct research in rural areas Challenge: to chalk out programs in semester system Future Plans: To organize an Educational Trip to North India for students

Department of Journalism 1. Name of the Department: JOURNALISM 2. Year of Establishment: 2011 3. Names of Programs: UG 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses: Journalism, Kannada, Political Science 5. Annual/ semester credit system: Semester Scheme 6. Participation in other department: Nil 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities: Nil 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any): Nil 9. No. of Teaching Posts: Post Sanctioned Filled Professor Nil Nil Associate Professor Nil Nil Assistant Professor Nil Nil Guest Faculty 02 02 10. Faculty Profile Sl. No. Name Qualification Designation Specialization J &Mc, MPhil Guest 1 Vinayaka S P Print Media (Enrolled for Ph.D.) Faculty Shankarappa Ms-Communication, Guest Electronic 2 H N B.Ed. Faculty Media 11. List of senior visiting faculty: Nil 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled: The department has no practical classes all classes are lecture delivered 13. Student -Teacher Ratio: 31:1 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled: NA 15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with D.Sc./ D.Litt./ Ph.D./ M.Phil./ P.G.: One M.Phil. and One faculty has enrolled for Ph.D. 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: Nil

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17. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: Nil 18. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University: Nil 19. Publications: One article is published by the faculty. 20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 21. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards….: Nil 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/program: 50% b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e., in Research laboratories/ Industry/ other agencies: 25% 23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: Nil 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: The department has organized three regional seminars and eminent media personalities like Halli Suresh, Krishna, and such Reporters have visited the department. 25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: Nil a) National b) International 26. Student Profile Program/Course wise: Name of the Course/Program Applications Sele Enrolled Pass (Refer Qn. No. 04) received cted M F Percentage 2011-12 28 10 18 95 JKP 2012-13 51 34 17 67 2013-14 62 34 28 82 27. Diversity of Students: Name of % of students from % of students from % of students from the course same state other state abroad JKP 100 Nil Nil 28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? Nil 29. Student progression: Year UG to PG 2013-14 02 has gone to PG and 04 have joined B.Ed. 30. Details of Infrastructural facilities: All these facilities are commonly available.

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 188 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

a) Library: No of books in the library are 161 books, (34 Titles) and the department library has ten books. b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: Internet facilities are available in computer lab, IQAC and Library. c) Class rooms with ICT facility: 01 d) Laboratories: Nil 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: Eligible students receive scholarships. 32. Details on student enrichment programs: Students Special Socially Visits / Any other Guest Lecturer Lecturer relevant

Year Field Initiatives Programs project Trips

12 Interaction Communicat - Wall Seminars by Students with Senior ion Club is Magazine

2011 Journalists Functioning Topic: Relations 13

- between Wall Seminars by Students Journalism Magazine 2012 and Political Theories 1. Students participated in Won 1st Discussion and prize in Special Radio Jackie interactions on ‘Rush of Lecture on Media and Social & 2nd prize “Laws Concern’ on 23/03/2014. Visit to in Mad-Ads

14 related to - 2. Practical classes on Media Wall Media Media – script writing, ” Centre, Magazine Fest

2013 PPT on visualization and editing. Tumkur organized by Condition 3. Group Discussion on “ Hassan First of “Loksabha Elections and Grade Journalism” Reporting by Media” on College for 07/04/2014. Women 33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning : Power point presentations both by students and teachers, visit to research institutions, memorable places of literary persons, libraries, assigning surveys, data collection and collective activities like group discussion, quiz, surprise tests etc. 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities:

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The department has a Communication Club which organizes many activities to encourage organizational skills of students and the students of the department volunteer in NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides and sports. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans: Strengths: Handy strength of students, efficient guest faculty Weakness: Non availability of permanent faculty, Lack of technical infrastructure Opportunity: To create base for healthy journalism for rural students Challenge: New Media technology infrastructure not available Future Plans: to conduct campus interviews, job fairs, improve infrastructure

Department of Physics 1. Name of the Department: PHYSICS 2. Year of Establishment: 2007 3. Names of Programs: UG 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses: Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science [PMCs] 2007 Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics [PCM] 2010 5. Annual/ semester credit system: Semester Scheme 6. Participation in other department: Nil 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities: Nil 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any): Nil 9. No. of Teaching Posts Post Sanctioned Filled Professor Nil Nil Associate Professor 01 01 Assistant Professor 03 03 Guest Faculty 05 05

10. Faculty Profile Sl. Qualific Specializa Experi Name Designation No. ation tion ence M.Sc., Assistant Nuclear 5 1 Kavitha B S M.Phil. Professor Physics Years M.Sc., Assistant 5 2 Rajashekaraiah A S Optics M.Phil. Professor Years M.Sc., Assistant Nuclear 5 3 Nagabhushan S R M.Phil. Professor Physics Years

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 190 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

M.Sc., Associate 23 4 Dr. Thipperudraiah K.V Ph.D. Professor Years Guest Solid State 5 5 Anitha J M.Sc. Faculty Physics Years Guest Retd. 6 Prof. Ramdas H M M.Sc. Faculty Prof. Guest 3 7 Pooja V M.Sc. -do- Faculty Years Guest 3 8 Yashaswini K N M.Sc. -do- Faculty Years Guest 2 9 Yashaswini Y N M.Sc. -do- Faculty Years 11. List of senior visiting faculty: Nil 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled: 25% Lecture, 75% Practicals 13. Student -Teacher Ratio: 66:1 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled: NA 15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with D.Sc./ D.Litt./ Ph.D./ M.Phil./ P.G.: One Ph.D., Three M.Phil. and Five PG 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: Nil 17. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: Nil (One Minor Research Project is submitted by Kavitha B S to UGC) 18. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University: Nil 19. Publications: Nil 20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 21. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards….: Nil 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/program: 20% b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution Research laboratories/Industry/other agencies: Nil 23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: MHRD award expected by one faculty 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: the department has organized four regional seminars and subject experts like Prof.

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Ramdas, Prof. K R Seshadri, Prof. Jagadeesh, Prof. Prabhu have interacted with the students of the department. 25. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: Nil a) National b) International (The science department has sent proposals to organize one day state level seminar to UGC): 26. Student Profile Program/Course wise: Name of the Course/Program Applications Sele Enrolled Pass (Refer Qn. No. 4) Received cted M F Percentage 2009-10 157 57 100 84 2010-11 212 78 134 92 PCM & PMCs 2011-12 239 74 165 91 2012-13 295 84 211 80 2013-14 353 108 248 90 27. Diversity of Students: Percentage of Percentage of Percentage of Name of the Course students from same students from students from state other state abroad PCM & PMCS 100 Nil Nil 28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? Not Applicable 29. Student progression: Year 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 UG to PG 04 01 04 11 30. Details of Infrastructural facilities: All these facilities are commonly available. a) Library: No. of books in the library are books 1693 (Titles 329) and the department library has 20 books. b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: Internet facilities are available in computer lab, IQAC and Library. c) Class rooms with ICT facility: 01 d) Laboratories: Three 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: Eligible students receive scholarships. 32. Details on student enrichment programs

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 192 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

Special Students Visits/ Socially Guest Any other Lecturer Field Trips/any relevant

Year Lecture initiatives Programs Other project

Madikeri, 11

- Thalakadu, Kushalanagara 2010 (Golden temple)

12 Documentary - Topic: Male Exhibition shows X-Rays Mahadeshwara

2011 (Astrophysics) Student seminar, Topic: Murudeshwara,

13 Workshop Written quiz - Special Visit to Indian on Basic competition, Theory of Institute of

2012 Science PPT Relativity Science, Bangalore presentation by students. Weather Dharmasthala, telecasting Udupi, Horanadu, Sky Show Documentary and Shringeri, shows(Crystal forecasting

14 IISc Bangalore, Workshop on structure) - Natural Nehru Rain Gauge, Inter college disasters

2013 Planetarium, Wind speed Seminar and (Earth Vishveshwaraih measurement, Quiz Quake Museum, Infosys, Humidity Competition Floods, Mysore. Drought) 33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning: Power point presentations both by students and teachers, visit to research institutions, memorable places of literary persons, libraries, assigning surveys, data collection and collective activities like group discussion, quiz, surprise tests etc. 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: The department has a Science forum which organizes many activities to encourage organizational skills of students and the students of the department volunteer in NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides and sports. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans Strengths: Good Students strength and good academic result.

Govt. First Grade College, Tiptur, Tumakuru Dist. – Karnataka 193 Self Study Report 2014 (SSR) - NAAC

Weakness: Insufficient Infrastructure. Opportunity: The department caters to the interest of rural students and provides scope for them to take up science courses. Challenge: To equip the students to adapt theoretical foundation learnt in class to practical situations to meet the needs of the society. Future Plans: o Establish well equipped laboratory. o Motivate the students to take up higher studies o To improve the results. o To encourage Group discussion, Documentary shows and Exhibition programs. o To establish a Science park. o To Organize State/National seminars and workshop. o To take up research activities by faculty.

Department of Chemistry 1. Name of the Department: CHEMISTRY 2. Year of Establishment: 2010 3. Names of Programs: UG 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics [PCM] 5. Annual/ semester credit system: Semester Scheme 6. Participation in other department: Nil 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities: Nil 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any): Nil 9. No. of Teaching Posts: Post Sanctioned Filled Professor Nil Nil Associate Professor Nil Nil Assistant Professor Nil Nil Guest Faculty 07 07

10. Faculty Profile

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Sl. Qualifi Specializa Experie Name Designation No. cation tion nce Guest Organic 1. Divyarani B R MSc, B.Ed. 3 Years Faculty Chemistry 2 Rajeshwari G MSc -do- Chemistry 4 Years Industrial 3 Thontaradhya MSc -do- 3 Years Chemistry Organic 4 Vathsalya P MSc, B.Ed. -do- 2 Years Chemistry 5 Parimala Devi K C MSc -do- -do- 1 Year 6 Harsha Y C MSc -do- -do- 1 Year 7 Yathiraju MSc -do- Chemistry 1 Year 11. List of senior visiting faculty: Nil 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled: 75% Practicals Theory 25% 13. Student -Teacher Ratio: 29:1 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled: Nil 15. Qualifications of faculty with D.Sc./D.Litt./Ph.D./M.Phil./PG: 07 PG 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: Nil 17. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: Nil 18. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University: Not Applicable 19. Publications: Nil 20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 21. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards….: Nil 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/program: 25% b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution Research laboratories/Industry/other agencies: Nil 23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: Nil 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: The department has organized One regional seminar and subject experts like Shivanna A M have visited the department. 25. Seminars/ Conferences/ Workshops organized & the source of funding: a) National b) International Nil 26. Student Profile Program/Course wise:

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Name of the course/Program Applications Sele Enrolled Pass (Refer Qn. No. 04) received cted M F Percentage 2010-11 69 22 47 89 PCM 2011-12 121 35 86 90 2012-13 179 60 119 91 2013-14 195 68 127 85 27. Diversity of Students: Name of % of students from % of students from % of students the course same state other state from abroad PCM 100 Nil Nil 28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? Nil 29. Student progression: Year 2013-14 2014-15 UG to PG 03 02 30. Details of Infrastructural facilities: All these facilities are commonly available. a) Library: No of books in the library are 870 (217 Titles) and the department library has 10 books. b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: Internet facilities are available in computer lab, IQAC and Library. c) Class rooms with ICT facility: 01 d) Laboratories: 02 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: Eligible students receive scholarships. 32. Details on student enrichment programs Guest Special Students Socially Any other Year ’ Visits/ Lectures Lectures Field Trips/ Other relevant project Initiatives Student Topic: Male 2012 Seminars Phase Rule Mahadeshwara Vermin Student Murudeshwara & Water testing 2013 Compost Seminars Visit to BAIF Projects Plant 33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning : Power point presentations both by students and teachers, visit to research institutions, memorable places of literary persons, libraries, assigning surveys, data collection and collective activities like group discussion, quiz, surprise tests etc.

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34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: The Department has a Science forum which organizes many activities to encourage organizational skills of students and the students of the department volunteer in NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides and sports. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans: Strengths: Good, inspiring and dedicated teachers providing good practical experience Weakness: Lack of permanent faculty, insufficient infrastructure Opportunity: The department provides opportunity for rural students to pursue higher education in Chemistry. Challenge: To equip students to do research projects in rural areas with limited facilities. Future Plans: 1) To establish well equipped laboratory 2) To take up Research both by faculty and students 3) To motivate students to do extension social projects Department of Mathematics 1. Name of the Department: MATHEMATICS 2. Year of Establishment: 2007 3. Names of Programs: UG 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses: Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science [PMCs] 2007 Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics [PCM] 2010 5. Annual/ semester credit system: Semester Scheme 6. Participation in other department: Nil 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities: Nil 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any): Nil 9. No. of Teaching Posts: Post Sanctioned Filled Professor Nil Nil Associate Professor Nil Nil Assistant Professor 03 03 Guest Faculty Nil Nil

10. Faculty Profile Sl. Qualifi Designa Experi Name Specialization No. cation tion ence 1. Jyothi Kiran S M.Sc., M.Phil. Assistant Magneto Hydro 6

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(Ph.D.) Professor Dynamics Years Shobhan M.Sc., M.Phil. Assistant Magneto Hydro 12 2 Kumar D M B.Ed. (Ph.D.) Professor Dynamics Years Assistant 06 3 Bindu M M M.Sc., M.Phil. Number Theory Professor Years 11. List of senior visiting faculty: Nil 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled: Lecture Method 13. Student -Teacher Ratio: 121:1 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled: NA 15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with D.Sc./ D.Litt./ Ph.D./ M.Phil./P.G.: Three M.Phil. and two have registered for Ph.D. 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: Nil 17. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: Nil 18. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University: Nil 19. Publications: Nil 20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 21. Faculty as members in: a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards….: Nil 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/program: 20% b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution Research laboratories/Industry/other agencies: Nil 23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: Nil 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: The department has organized Two regional seminars and subject experts like Sharifulla Ahmad, Anantharamu, have interacted with the students of the department. 25. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: a) National b) International: Nil (The science department has sent proposals to organize one day state level seminar to UGC) 26. Student Profile Program/Course wise:

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Name of the Course/Program Applications Sele Enrolled Pass (Refer Qn. No. 04) Received cted M F Percentage 2009-10 314 114 200 84 2010-11 501 194 307 80 PCM & PMCs 2011-12 462 132 330 75 2012-13 312 101 211 72 2013-14 356 108 248 78 27. Diversity of Students: Name of the % of students from % of students from % of students course same state other state from abroad PCM & PMCS 100 Nil Nil 28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? NA 29. Student progression: Year 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 UG to PG 02 03 04 30. Details of Infrastructural facilities: All these facilities are commonly available. a) Library: No of books in the library are 1715 (Titles 300) and the department library has 20 books. b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: Internet facilities are available in computer lab, IQAC and Library. c) Class rooms with ICT facility: 01 d) Laboratories: Nil 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: Eligible students receive scholarships. 32. Details on student enrichment programs (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts Students Visits / Guest Special ’ Socially Any other Year Field Trips / Lectures Lectures relevant project Initiatives Any other Topic: Vedic 2012 Male Mahadeshwara Mathematics Murudeshwara, Training by Visit to Indian department Topic: 2013 Institute of Science, students to Algebra Bangalore and high school Jawaharlal Nehru students on

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Planetarium New syllabus 33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning : Power point presentations both by students and teachers, visit to research institutions, memorable places of literary persons, libraries, assigning surveys, data collection and collective activities like group discussion, quiz, surprise tests etc. 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: The Department has a Science forum which organizes many activities to encourage organizational skills of students and the students of the department volunteer in NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides and sports. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans: Strengths: Good Students strength Weakness: Non availability of funds to develop proper Infrastructure Opportunity: Rural area, scope for science courses Challenge: To teach students with improper basic knowledge and poor infrastructure Future Plans: o To organize National/International seminars o To motivate students to take up higher studies o To get cent percent results

Department of Computer Science 1. Name of the Department: COMPUTER SCIENCE 2. Year of Establishment: 2007 3. Names of Programs: UG 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses: Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science 5. Annual/ semester credit system: Semester Scheme 6. Participation in other department: Nil 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities: Nil 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any): Nil 9. No Of Teaching Posts

Post Sanctioned Filled Professor Nil Nil Associate Professor Nil Nil

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Assistant Professor 01 01 Guest Faculty 05 05 10. Faculty Profile Sl. Specializ Experi Name Qualification Designation No. ation ence Assistant Computer 09 1 Nagaraj K V M.Sc., M.Phil. Professor Data base Years 06 2 Jagadeesh B V M.C.A. Guest Faculty Computers Years Computer 04 3 Vidyashree P M.C.A. -do- Science Years 04 4 Deepak T R M.C.A. -do- -do- Years 02 5 Shafiq Ahmad M.C.A. -do- -do- Years 01 6 Tanuja H N M.C.A. -do- -do- Years Dharani 01 7 M.C.A. -do- -do- Kumar T S Years 11. List of senior visiting faculty: Nil 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled: 25% Lecture 75% Practicals 13. Student -Teacher Ratio: 40:1 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled: NA 15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with D.Sc./ D.Litt./ Ph.D./ M.Phil./P.G.: One M.Phil. and six PG 16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: Nil 17. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: Nil 18. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University: Nil 19. Publications: Nil 20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 21. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards….: The Head of the Department is member of BOS 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/program: 20%

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b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution Research laboratories/Industry/other agencies: Nil 23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: Nil 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: The department has organized three regional seminars and subject experts like Mahesh S, Arokai Swamy have interacted with the students of the department. 25. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: (The science department has sent proposals to organize one day state level seminar to UGC) NIL 26. Student Profile Program/Course wise Name of the Course/Program Applications Selec Enrolled Pass (Refer Qn. No. 04) received ted M F Percentage 2009-10 157 57 100 91 2010-11 143 56 87 73 PMCs 2011-12 118 39 79 75 2012-13 133 41 92 82 2013-14 161 40 121 85 27. Diversity of Students: Name of % of students from % of students from % of students from the course same state other state abroad PMCS 100 Nil Nil 28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? NA 29. Student progression: Year 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2010-11 01 03 02 02 30. Details of Infrastructural facilities: All these facilities are commonly available. a) Library: No of books in the library are 1597 (Titles 384) and the department library has 20 books. b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: Internet facilities are available in computer lab, IQAC and Library. c) Class rooms with ICT facility: 01 d) Laboratories: One 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: Eligible students receive scholarships.

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32. Details on student enrichment programs (special lectures / workshops / seminar) with external experts

Special Students Visits/ Socially Any other Guest Lecture Lecture Field Trips/ Any relevant

Year Initiatives Programs other project Topic: “Object Oriented Programming”. Male

2012 By Mahesha .S Mahadeshwara Asst. Prof. in CS, SSCW, Tumkur. Visit to Indian Topic: “Multimedia Institute of Technologies” By: Science, Arockia Swamy, Bangalore. 2013 Asst. Prof. in CS, Jawaharlal Nehru SSCB, Tumkur. Planetarium, Bangalore. Topic: “Computer Graphic . s” Visited to Infosys By Mahesha .S

2014 Campus, Mysore. Asst. Prof. in CS, SSCW, Tumkur. 33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning: Power point presentations both by students and teachers, visit to research institutions, memorable places of literary persons, libraries, assigning surveys, data collection and collective activities as group discussion, quiz, surprise tests etc. 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: The department has a Science forum which organizes many activities to encourage organizational skills of students and the students of the department volunteer in NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides and sports. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans: Strengths: Good Students strength Weakness: Non availability of funds to develop proper Infrastructure Opportunity: Rural area, scope for science courses Challenge: To teach students with improper basic knowledge and poor infrastructure

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Future Plans: o To organize National/International seminars o To motivate students to take up higher studies o To get 100 percent results

Departments of Commerce and Management 1. Name of the Department: Commerce and Management 2. Year of Establishment: 2007 3. Names of Programs: UG 4. Names of Interdisciplinary courses: Commerce and Management 5. Annual/ semester credit system: Semester Scheme 6. Participation in other department: Nil 7. Courses in collaboration with other universities: Nil 8. Details of courses/programs discontinued (if any): Nil 9. No Of Teaching Posts Post Sanctioned Filled Professor Nil Nil Associate Professor Nil Nil Assistant Professor 02 02 Guest Faculty 37 37 10. Faculty Profile Sl. Designa Specializa Exper Name Qualification No tion tion ience Neelakanta Assistant 15 1 M.Com. M.Phil. Accounting Swamy G C Professor Years Assistant Accounting 08 2 Mamatha K R M.Com. M.Phil. Professor and Taxation Years Guest Costing and 09 3 Nataraj S M.Com. M.Phil. Faculty Taxation Years M.Com. NET 05 4 Bhavya K S -do- Taxation Basics & Tally Years M.Com. NET Accounts and 02 5 Fakruddin Computer Basics -do- Taxing Years & Tally M.Com. Accounting 06 6 Ayesha Sultana -do- Basics and Tally and Taxation Years Accounting 03 7 Kalpana K M.Com. B.Ed. -do- and Taxation Years 8 Narasimha M.Com. B.Ed. -do- Accounting 03

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Murthy S Basics & Tally and Taxation Years M.Com. Typing & Accounting 02 9 Supreetha S V -do- Basics, Tally and Taxation years Taxation and M.Com. MBA, 06 10 Pushpalatha -do- Marketing B.Ed. Shorthand years Management M.Com. Computer 03 11 Mary Joyce J -do Taxation Basics years Satheesh Accounting 03 12 M.Com. B.Ed. -do- Kumar M and Taxation years Accounting 13 Smitha S M.Com. -do- 03 and Taxation M.Com. Diploma Costing and 14 Anuradha B G in Computer, -do- 04 Taxation Typing M.Com. Basics, Accounting 02 15 Anitha H S -do- Tally and Taxation Years M.Com. Basics, Accounting 01 16 Ranjitha N G -do- Tally and Taxation Year M.Com. Basics, Accounting 02 17 Manjunatha S -do- Tally and Taxation Years M.Com. Basics, Accounting 18 Bhavyashree -do- Tally and Taxation M.Com. J K Bala Costing and 19 (Bangalore & -do- 01 Subramanyam Taxation Annamalai) M.Com. Human 20 Shilpa T R -do- 01 Basics & Tally Resources M.Com. Computer 21 Vanishree B -do- Taxation 01 Basics M.Com. 22 Pooja C S -do- Taxation 01 PGDHRM, M.Com. Basics, Accounting 23 Dushyanta T N Tally, Diploma in -do- 01 and Taxation IT Raghavendra H Accounting 24 M.Com. Basics -do- 01 R and Taxation Pushpa Latha Accounting 25 M.Com. -do- 01 M P and Taxation M.Com. Basics, Accounting 26 Abhilasha K S -do- 01 Tally, Diploma in and Taxation

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Business Accounting M.Com. Accounting 27 Santhosh N G -do- 01 Basics & Tally and Taxation M.Com. Accounting 28 Achith K N -do- 01 Basics and Tally and Taxation M.Com. Accounting 29 Deepthi M R -do- 01 Basics & Tally and Taxation Divya Jyothi N M.Com. Accounting 30 -do- 01 R Basics & Tally and Taxation MBA, NET, PG Lohith Kumara Diploma in 31 D S Marketing -do- Finance 09 Management, Basics & Tally MBA, PG 32 Veena D Diploma in IT, -do- Finance 10 Basics & Tally MBA, M.Com. K- 05 33 Jyothi S SET(Ph.D. -do- Finance Years Enrolled) MBA, Marketing 04 34 Harish A R -do- Basics & Tally and HR Years T O Aruna MBA, Computer 02 35 -do- Finance Eshwarappa Basics Years MBA, 02 36 Hemalatha H B -do- Finance Basics & Tally Years M.Com. MBA Banking and 03 37 Bhavya H R -do- Computer Basics Finance HR Years 01 38 Manohar S MBA, B.Ed. -do- Years MBA, 01 39 Sunil T -do- Basics & Tally Years 11. List of senior visiting faculty: Nil 12. Percentage of lectures delivered and practical classes handled: The department has no practical classes all classes are lecture delivered 13. Student -Teacher Ratio: 74:1 14. Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled: NA 15. Qualifications of teaching faculty with D.Sc./ D.Litt./ Ph.D./ M.Phil./P.G.: 3 M.Phil., 01 enrolled for Ph.D., 03 NET, 01 K-SET, PG- 32

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16. Number of faculty with ongoing projects from a) National b) International funding agencies and grants received: Nil 17. Departmental projects funded by DST-FIST; UGC, DBT, ICSSR, etc. and total grants received: Nil (Proposals for two minor projects are sent to UGC, Neelakanta Swamy G C: Labour welfare and social security measures in manufacturing industry in Tumkur District, Mamatha K R: Performance analysis of coconut entrepreneurs in Tumkur Dist WRT Tiptur Taluk.) 18. Research Centre /facility recognized by the University: Nil 19. Publications: Four Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals by Fakruddin. 20. Areas of consultancy and income generated: Nil 21. Faculty as members in a) National committees b) International Committees c) Editorial Boards….: Nil 22. Student projects a) Percentage of students who have done in-house projects including inter departmental/program: 05% b) Percentage of students placed for projects in organizations outside the institution i.e., in Research laboratories/Industry/other agencies: Nil 23. Awards/ Recognitions received by faculty and students: Nil 24. List of eminent academicians and scientists/ visitors to the department Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding: the department has organized seven regional seminars and Sheshidhar shettikere, Dr. Sadyojathappa, Rishichandra, Hemachandra G T, Dr. Appanaiah, Shekar, Anil A Nadig, Vinod Krishna,eminent subject experts have visited the department. 25. Seminars/ Conferences/Workshops organized & the source of funding a) National b) International Nil The department has sent proposal to organize one day state level seminar to UGC 26. Student Profile Program/Course wise: Name of the Course/Program Applications Selec Enrolled Pass (Refer Qn. No. 04) Received ted M F Percentage 2009-10 230 84 146 39 2010-11 467 184 283 47 B.Com. 2011-12 743 308 435 45 2012-13 1079 445 634 43 2013-14 1372 551 821 44 B.B.M. 2009-10 308 149 159 57

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2010-11 300 149 151 44 2011-12 293 150 143 50 2012-13 369 170 199 40 2013-14 334 147 187 38 27. Diversity of Students: % of students % of students from % of students Name of the course from same state other state from abroad B.Com. & B.B.M. 100 Nil Nil 28. How many students have cleared national and state competitive examinations such as NET, SLET, GATE, Civil services, Defense services, etc.? Nil 29. Student progression: Year 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 UG to PG 17 26 53 43 30. Details of Infrastructural facilities: All these facilities are commonly available. a) Library: No of books in the library are 7882 (948 Titles) and the department library has 150 books. b) Internet facilities for Staff & Students: Internet facilities are available in computer lab, IQAC and Library. c) Class rooms with ICT facility: 01 d) Laboratories: Nil 31. Number of students receiving financial assistance from college, university, government or other agencies: Eligible students receive scholarships. 32. Details on student enrichment programs:

Guest Students Socially Any other Lecture Special Lecturer Programs Visits/ Field relevant

Year Initiatives Program Trips/other project

Topic: “Guide lines for Project work” by: Prof.

2009 Shekar B, Dean, Dept. of Commerce TUT

Topic: “Commerce and Industrial relations with industry” by: Visit to 2010 Shashidhar Shettikere Parle-G

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Topic: “Agricultural Business Management” by: Infosys,

2011 Dr. Sadyojadappa, P G Bangalore. Centre, SSAFGC, Bellary

The students with self- Topic: “Recent Trends in motivation Banking Sector” by Tumul Diary, installed Drip

2012 Rishichandra, Manager, Malla Sandra Project in the SBM Maranagere Branch campus to maintain plants Topic: Project Preparation by The students Dr. Ashfaq Ahmad Visit to Ultra took initiative Topic: Communication and Tech Cement to construct a Recruitment by Industrial Ltd, Mysore vermin Hemachandra G T, HR Survey in

2013 Power Point compost Manager, Auchan, Tiptur Presentation manure Hypermarket, Bangalore by students preparation Topic: Guidance for higher tank education and placement 33. Teaching methods adopted to improve student learning : Power point presentations both by students and teachers, visit to research institutions, memorable places of literary persons, libraries, assigning surveys, data collection and collective activities like group discussion, quiz, surprise tests etc. 34. Participation in Institutional Social Responsibility (ISR) and Extension activities: The department has a commerce and management forum which organizes many activities to encourage organizational skills of students and the students of the department volunteer in NSS/NCC/Scouts and Guides and sports. 35. SWOC analysis of the department and Future plans: Strengths: Efficient teaching faculty, sufficient books in library, motivation to gain practical knowledge Weakness: Lack of infrastructure, low communication skills among students, lack of permanent faculty Opportunity: the students of the department get opportunity for exposure to business related activities and research

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Challenge: To reach University result norms, to complete assigned work in limited time. Future Plans: o To get better results (at least 80-90 percent) o To motivate students to obtain practical knowledge o Encourage students to participate in seminars/ fest/ job fairs organized elsewhere o To strengthen self employment opportunities.

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College Photo (New campus)

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College Photo (Old campus)

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