Plant Inventory No. 135 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT of AGRICULTURE Washington, D
Plant Inventory No. 135 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Washington, D. C, October 1949 PLANT MATERIAL INTRODUCED BY THE DIVISION OF PLANT EX- PLORATION AND INTRODUCTION, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY,1 APRIL 1 TO JUNE 30, 1938 (Nos. 128323 to 129590) ,.;-.., CONTENTS •••-•*• - .-.,:... * • • • page Introductory statement—-———.- , 1 Inventory „ _- 1 Index of common and scientific names . __;.. 72 INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT This inventory, No. 13&, is a record of the plant material (Nos. 128323 to 129590) received by the Division of Plant Exploration and Introduction during the period from April 1 to June 30, 1938. The manuscript was prepared under the supervision of Paul Rus- sell, who has checked or identified the incoming seed materials and has verified the botanical nomenclature and descriptive notes. C. O. ERLANSON, r Principal Horticulturist, in Charge, Division of Plant Exploration amd Introduction, Plant Industry Sta- tion, Beltsvilie, Md. INVENTORY NOTE.—This inventory iS a historical record of plant material introduced for Department and other specialists. It is not to be considered as a list of plant material for distribution. 128323 to 128329. ZEA MAYS L, Poaceae. Conu From Bolivia. Seeds presented by Rev. Verne D. Roberts, Bolivian Indian Mission, Cochabamba. Received April 6, 1938. Received without notes. a Now Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils, and Agricultural Engineering, Agricul- tural Research Administration, United States Department of Agriculture. 8277a5—£9 1 2 PLANT INVENTORY NO. 135 128330 to 128337. From Germany. Plants purchased from L. Spath, Baumschulenweg, Berlin. Received April 8, 1938. 128330. MALUS SYLVESTBIS Mill. Malaceae. Apple- Bohnapfel Findling. 128331 to 128336. PRUNUS spp. Amygdalaceae. 128331. PRUNUS sp.
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