Weekly Editor-in-Chief: Prem Kumar Chumber Contact: 001-916-947-8920 Fax: 916-238-1393 E-mail:
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[email protected] VOL- 13 ISSUE- 13 June 9, 2021 California (USA) www.ambedkartimes.com www.deshdoaba.com Preserving the Legacy of Ad Dharm Movement Prem Kumar Chumber Mugowal and laid the foundation of the Ad Dharm ported Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar during his tie Editor-in-Chief: movement amidst various sub-communities of the with Mr. M.K. Gandhi on the issue of separate elec - Ambedkar Times & Desh Doaba toral communal award at the London Round Table Ad Dharm movement brought Dalit consciousness Conferences, won seven out of eight reserved as - in the undivided vast province of Punjab at a time sembly seats in the Punjab Pradesh Provincial As - when varied political organisations (Singh Sabhas, sembly elections in 1937, and all seats in 1946 Arya Samajis, Muslim League, Ahmadiyya’s, Chris - Punjab Assembly elections. In 1946, Babu Mangu tian missionary societies) representing mainstream Ram Mugowalia got elected from the reserved as - communities, in the regions were making con - sembly seat of Hoshiarpur. The Ad Dharm move - certed efforts to strengthen their numerical ment, under the stewardship of Babu Mangu Ram strength for gaining some political space in the Mugowalia, made many petitions to the British promised devolution of political power in the form government from time to time for the upliftment of of limited electoral provisions. Though Scheduled the lower castes. Despite stiff opposition from the Castes, then addressed as Depressed classes, con - mainstream communities, the Ad Dharm movement stituted a significant part of the total population of was able a carve a niche for itself and acquired a the Punjab province, they did not have their own significant political space for the hitherto for neg - exclusive political organisation like that of the other lected segment of the lower castes.