Perspectives in Drug Discovery A Collection of Essays on the History and Development of Pharmaceutical Substances Professor Alan Wayne Jones Department of Forensic Genetics and Forensic Toxicology, National Board of Forensic Medicine Perspectives in Drug Discovery A Collection of Essays on the History and Development of Pharmaceutical Substances Professor Alan Wayne Jones Department of Forensic Genetics and Forensic Toxicology National Board of Forensic Medicine Perspectives in Drug Discovery A Collection of Essays on the History and Development of Pharmaceutical Substances Professor Alan Wayne Jones Department of Forensic Genetics and Forensic Toxicology, National Board of Forensic Medicine Artillerigatan 12 • SE-587 58 Linköping • Sweden E-mail:
[email protected] Internet: RMV-report 2010:1 ISSN 1103-7660 Copyright © 2010 National Board of Forensic Medicine and Professor Alan Wayne Jones Design and graphic original: Forma Viva, Linköping • Sweden Printed by Centraltryckeriet, Linköping • Sweden, October 2010 Contents Preface Introduction 1. The First Sedative Hypnotics . 13 2. The Barbiturates ......................... 19 3. The Benzodiazepines ..................... 25 4. Narcotic Analgesics . 31 5. Central Stimulant Amines . 39 6. The First Antidepressants .................. 45 7. Antipsychotic Medication ................. 51 8. Aspirin and Other NSAID .................. 59 9. General Anesthetics . 65 10. SSRI Antidepressants . 71 11. Histamine Antagonists .................... 79 12. Anticonvulsants ......................... 87