Average Daily Net Preaa Rtm H it WiMthdr r»r tiM Week Ended p w m m i nv.e. wmorn s Oet. 10, lose Fair, cold aflaln tonlgM. Low 13,027 2A-99. Tusoday mostly fnif, * M- Member of the Andit Mo ndkler, fngh In 69s. Barewi ef OIrealetlea. Manche$tmr“^ A City of Village Charm

gaoMifiii ■a w pogo Id) PRICE FIVE CRintI VOL. LXXIX, NO. 18 (81XTKEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1959 Turkey Leads Briefly “ lorDoomed Killer Asks Death UN Deadlock Nomination! Atlantic City, N. J., Oct. 19 Holding Fast (JP)—New York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, aiming at the Republican presidential nomi­ In Plea to Pardons Board United Nations. N. Y„ Oct.tTwi^y “ nation, moved openly on to votes to 30 for Poland. the national political scene to­ 19 (JP)—Turkey pulled ahead The assembly, trying to elect a of Communist Poland for the successor to Japan on the 11-na­ day with a ca’I for sweeping first time today, but new bal­ tion council, took 2!i inconclusive improvements ir public health George Davies Raps loting failed to break the ballots at three meetings last programs. week. The record is .38 ballots The 51-year-old governor made stubborn deadlock over a seat taken in 1935 before a deadlock the flrst of a aeries of planned in the U.N. Security Council. between the Philippines and Yugo­ statemedts on top natiohal isaiiea After trailing through 28 secret slavia was broken by an agree­ as he headed for the Midwest in Life Sentence Moves ballots in the 82-nation General ment to split the 2-year term be­ a critical teat of his ability to Aaaembly, Turkey went in front on tween them. overtake Vic# President Richard the 20th with 41 votes to 39 for Both Poland and TMrkey have M. Nixon for the GOP nomination. Wfthflpafield, Oct. 19 )—Condemned sex flUyer George Poland. On the 30th ballot Poland rejected proposals to divide the NIxsn holds a commanding (JP moved into the lead again but term. lead. Rockefeller la opening an all- J. Davies today implored the State Pardons Board to let him lapped back on the Slat. ^ die in the electric chair Tuesday night. After It became apparent that Poland fell onlv six Votes short out campaign to see if he can the stalemate was as tight as ever, of winning on the seventh and ! catch up^ He said he didn’t want hia death aentence commuted. ninth ballots, .on Monday, when she The New York governor. In his “1 think I got a fair trial and I think I should die for what the Aaaembly agreed t<- postpone led Turkey 48-33. She was 10 short flrst major political venture out­ further voting until Nov. 2. It was side his home state, invades Chi­ I did,” said Daviea. who killed at least two persons. ' .wo w » u . w».d The plea from the Thomaston man appeared to take the produce a compromise cago today for a hectic round of When the voting began last Mon­ delegations may vote for any activities designed for maximum board by surprise. • , , , . . day Poland held a substantial leaij. country, not Just,for either of the publicity and political value. It came after Davies’ lawyer and two psychiatrists pre­ At one point Poland received 48 two leaders. On the 18th and 24th Befoi’e flying West, he spoke sented an impassioned plea to save the 40-ycar-old s

V .

- ' ' ■■■■" : ■/ f . i U n CHESTER e v e n in g h e r a l d . MANGHESTiJR, c o n n ., MONDAY. OCTOBER l9. 1969 P A G E T B B S r MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MOI^DAY, OCTOBER 19,-1069 V M T m > sion In order to have fro# stonfio iniscent of Br jhnfiria’ “Alto South,Windsor Z o n e rsH e a r Ing ground signs are ths law firm Rhapsody" and third art spoti ,of Podrove and Kelly, 148 E. Csu- BEAUPRE MOTOM where Wagner was obviously a O] Sheinwold on Hebron Coop Bums; tter fit.; toe Penny Haver, 474 Main 6 n model. II 'Bids Tonight 'St.: Plantland, west of IllatSr St.; But to say this work sounds I^ar&s Group Green Manor Omstructlon Co., BROAD STRICT like Strauss implies something Inc., 482 W. Middle ^Tpke. different than to'say that both On Rt. 6 Relocation IXMNL FOB BVEN < Nine requests for variances and Charles Lucs, east of 624 E. Mid­ PRESENTS Mahler and Strauss used Brahms SMAIX ADVANTAGE Starts Report five fbr extensions of permission dle Tpke., wants ap extension of By Alfred SiMiswnId - ' will be considered by the Zoning and Wagner as models. Incidental­ By C8NDV PFANimEHL ( Griffin estimated that 1,400 feet permission to use toe lot for park­ The State Highway Depaitmentaway with the interchange. P roponed UJl. Sisntnin Tssni CRninpinn Board of Appeals at a public hear­ ly. Mahler's work was completed The South Windsor Park end of'21i-inch hose were used In toe ing cars. Intnrotate 84 will connect portions $ 10 9 S 7 3 The loss of a Hebron Center ing tonight at 8 o’clock In toe 1H% RMMAItfoMi in IMO and the first public per­ will hold a public hearing tonight AccenUng to Mgeiid. a donkey uphill relay along Rt. 6-A from toe Also to be heard will he e re­ of ths WUbuy Crans Highway in who waa an nqual dlatancs from ♦ A K < Recreation Commission will meet chicken coop housing 7,600 laying Municipal Building. formance of a Strauss work was at S o'clock in the East Hartford MIIlbrooK pond. 'The relay waa op­ quest from William B. Edlck. BY M;uichcstar and Eaat Hartford, and two pUes of hay starved to dnath at the Town Hall Thuraday at 8:30 Seeking variances are: H. P. Spencer fit., for a specie! excep­ USED OARS In March of Ififil. High School on proposed highway W O T BABT hens and 2,700 dozen eggs in a erated by Hebron’s large ptunper the Wilbur Croat Highway will alto where he atood b «»u a e M couldn t Hood A Sons, 62 McKee St„ erect tion to have a limited repairer's JOHN GRt'BER You can decide the question for construction in Manchester, Glas­ A 7 0 A 10 p.m. to start a report on possible pre-dawn fire yesterday was esti­ feeding. Andover’s pumper to sup­ V m , that’s right, 109% fssaw- be improved at this point. make up hla mind which way, to garage closer to rear and side license and certificate of approval. yourself, Jiowever. On my W lH F recreatlep and park sites In town.^ mated- at 860,000 by poultry farm­ ply Hebron’s ■ other pumper and dttiassd WW4 ear. esfOTHfly ss-1 tonbury and East Hartford. Plans Tentativo go. Some bridge deeWoni look lines than allowed; Tumblebrook program next Sunday, I shall This hearing is not primarily The State Highway Depart­ The group haa Investigate er Yale Wexler and Hebron Fire toe Colchester pumper at the leeted end |mt ists nearly hew WMk* >(o 1 r«m»rked^becnu!«e thfy really want to do ao. feature the work, and will have tta t clo(M, but there’s always » Acres, Inc., to diminish the area This naturally results in an unin­ concerned with the propMOd relo­ ment's tahtatlve plans ciall for the ad about a dozen possible sites, Chief Donald Griffin. scene. ronditlMi. Drtvn dews Bn •bout Hartford Symphony Fritx Mahler as a guest. Tune us slight advanUge one way or the ^ SO U TH and haa narrowed Its choice down of a lot on toe west side of Judith Street and ees for yaws spired reading and performance. cation of Rt. e in Manche'ster from removal o f flva dwellinga in Man- The large building located at I Hebron units remained at the Dr.; Manchester Water Co.. Ly- OMbOltra and that I wat con­ in and make your own choice. Or, Sponcer St. to the Bolton townTtom- -cheater for the comfructlon work- other. _ j i_ A K Q » t S 432 to about five. Commission Chair­ Rts. 6A and 85 was “ totally in­ ' WaoStofUrWUM And, remember, they don't east | The case at hand Is vastly dif­ When today’s hand was dealt In ¥ AQ Keene more than seven hours, to dall St„ to erect a utility building vinced it w-ae 'a good one. This better still, buy the record and lis­ ■ public hearing on that project ln^E ^_ H i^ ford . 22 man John J. Egan Jr. has announc­ volved" with fire blazing from all eliminate any possibility of any more, elth^. ferent. ten to It several times. I f you shy one industrial building will prob­ a recent New York tournament, 4 None ed. The commission haa visited closer to street line than allowed. Miovsm wmsow month marks the release of a new A kinsman of the composer. ia scheduled for Wednesday night A K X 6 three stories of toe 200 by 40 foot smouldering heaps o f grain or James L. Morris, 68 Crestwood away from Mahler, works because at 8 o'clock In the Verplanck School ably be removed; In Glaatonbury, I opened the North hand with e some of the sited with Thayer recording by the organisation; it Fritr, Mahler la convinced that “weak" hotrump, showing 12 to 14 North Bast ^ building when toe Hebron fire de­ other debris from rekindling. Dr., erect attached garage closer of their great length, I might add auditorium. A hearing on the Bol­ nine dwellings and three industrial Chase, representative of the State partment arrived at the scene. ia one which must inevitably add Gusthv Mahler la a great com­ points with badanced distribution. 1 NT 2 ♦ 3 ♦. Wexler told Griffin yesterday to the sideline than allowed; toe M issr hsnStr Switf er erttt to’ that this one is relatively short for ton portion of the project will be structures are to be taken. Park and Forest Comflsslon, to see ’ The blase had been reported by Immensely to its reputation. poser. not just a controversial one. My partner then properly took 3 V 4 4 > A AH Bm8 afternoon that the building and 235 Main-^Bt. Corp., to haVe free woomeo eomurnMnom him, only about SO minutes. The held Thuraday night In Bolton. The Highway Department em- if they meet requirements- o f the a passing motorist, Sherman contents were only partially §m . I # MOtfW MMM, M. I. 100% The work is “ Das Klagende This reaulte in an inner conviction over, arriving at the very feason' Opsaias Isad — 42 standing ground sign closer to Vanguard number ia VR8-1048, The Eaat Hartford hearing will phaslzoa, however, that these are George Dudley Seymour Fund. Grummen, addreas unknown, who covered by insurance. He would tied." by OusUv Mahler, a com­ which he succeeded in conveying tentative plans which are subject able slam contract In spadea. sideline than allowed; Mrs. Anna to orchestra and soloists alike. The and I assure you it is a record you concern the proposed master inter­ The ftinfi which is held by the telephoned toe Willimantic switch­ not be able to detennine toe exact 1IS7 CHEVROLET position hitherto available only to change, and therefoi^ no at­ West opened a diamond, and dc, Second National Bank. New Hav­ FalkowskI, 68 Alton St., to have result is one of the finest per­ will be proud to own. change In East Hartford and Man­ board after failing to rouse anyone amount.until he met with an In­ RANG! nr.l, AIR V-8 MODEL with diffloulty on a virtually un­ tempt haa been made[ yrt to pin­ clarer won In dummy, discarding lead a ^ub and lose to the ace, en, provides land purchase money a part-time catering service In her formances of Mahler (take your Incidentally, Manchester's school et ster; a amall portion of the at the Wexler home 200 feet from surance repreaentative at the farm known label. The Hartford record­ point the properties which may be a low club from his hand. The the opponents may not Immedi­ home. 12-door hardtop, with radla, choice, which Mahleri that I have children will have the opportunity propoaed /relocation of Rt. 6 in Man­ for towns which prove their need toe coop. Mr. and Mrs. Wexler today. He said he did not know ing is, as usual, by Vanguard. taken. problem was whether to play Bast ately cash their other club trick. for recreation and swimming fa­ Frederick Annum, 306 Spruce : heater and defroster. Power to hear the Hartford 'irehestra chester between the interchange were in New Haven and did not iU E L O IL It is a mystery to me why “ Das ever heard. Construction work on the proj­ for the king of hearts or for the I f they fail to do ao, you can dis­ whether he would rebuild or not. St., to divide a parcel of land into Glide transmiseion. whltewaQ { and Mr. Mahler In person next and Spencer St.; the nev interstate cilities. To be eligible for funds, Klagende Lied" has been so gen­ An early work, it is based on a ects which will be outlined tonight card the other club dn a high dia­ learn'of the fire until they re­ The coop had been erected for two lots having less frontage and tires, pretty 2-tens groan color. w'eek. On Oct. 20. he will play two highway 481 In East Hartford and ace of clubs. towns must also be able to provide GASOLINE erally’ neglected: there are half a'i Grimm fairy tale one might, w'lth Olastonbuiy; and the proposed in­ is nxpected to start the flrat of next I f East had the ace of clubs, de­ mond and you can' etlll try the turned home in mld-mornlng. W'exler In 1953. The laying hens area than required; Christian This car Is Immaculate with concerts in the high school audi­ suitable sites for such facilities. I dosan recordings of the same justice, call It a grim fairy tale, terstate 84 in Manchester and East year. Thb Rt. S relocation between clarer could discard ths queen of heart finesse. Approved by a special town Fire units from Andover, Co­ were estimated at 8X6,000 and the Kaefer, 519 Woodbridge St., erect very low mileage, torium. As an adult, you may hear lumbia. Amston Lake and Colches­ 90 cases of eggs at 81.200. The composer’s First Symphony, for Technically, it is a cantata; Hartford. Spencer St. and the Bolton town hearts on dummy’s remaining high The best play, therefore, le to meeting In May, the Park and a detached garage which will not them this Wednesday evening at building estimate Is about 843.800. ONLY example, and many of his other actually, it Is a vastly expanded The proposed master interchange line Is not expected for at least diamond and could lead a club to­ draw one round of trumpe at tha Recreation Commission has been ter came to assist under toe mu­ be In fartheat corner of lot. , ballad. To sing his story, the the Bushnell when they will start four years, although some rights- tual aid system. The Columbia en­ For Wexler, the,. loss of eggs, The North Methodist Church, to BANTLY OIL works are regularly offered by will have a email portibn located ward the king. I f Bast had ths •econd trick and then lead a club. meeting regularly since July. The their regular winter season. crated and ready for market, was ^ 1 6 9 5 symphony orchestras the world minstrel needs a range of about in Manchester near Laurel Lakb of-way will be acquired. king of hearU, however, declarer I f East plays low, you put up tha group has until November to com- gine tank was used to keep a erect free standing directional ( IMC \ \\ . I\( an additional blow for they were over. three octaves, so three separate and the major part on tlx acres of Membera of the Town Planning could dliKard the jack o f clubs on king. There ia no need to itarve lete Its study and report Its flnd- steady stream of water on toe signs at Parker St. and E. Middle Overture, Roeslan and Lsidmilia S supposed to have been called for : '' '1 \' \ ( m.l. 1 Frankly, I had never heard the voices are used, soprano, alto, and Eaet Hartford’s Vetsrana Memorial commlaaion and Town Planning dummy’s diamond and could lead to death. igs to the ^ a r d of Selectmen. Wexler's large white colonial resi­ Firemen wet 'down toe ruins o f toe coop.in which 7,.500 laying Tpke.; . Parker and Woodbridge Royal PHUharmonle Orcheetra Engineer Edward J. Rybezyk are on Saturday. svork until I dropped it on my tenor. Under such circumstances, Park. a heart for a finesee of the heart Dally Qoeatlon To Voet on Society dence and the propane tanks at its hens died early yesterday morning. Volunteer firemen from five Sts.; Parker and B. Center Sts.; TEL MItchrll 9 459'. Rodxinsky, Conductor scheduled to attend tonight's meet­ It has not been possible to “ pin­ turntable, the other day; I had a mere harp would scarcely suffice, The proposed interstate 481 will Ae dealer, you hold: Spadei— The South Windsor Historical side. The eaves of the house had departments arrived too late to save the coop, but manitged to and Main St. and E. Middle Tpke. Capitol 0-7182 ing, queen. point” toe cause of the fire, Grif­ missed the live performance in so the acepmpaniment expands to connect the Glastonbury Express- A t first glance the two lines of A J, Hearts— 10 9 8 7 3, Diamonds Society will meet Monday at 7:45 begun to scorch and the house was save toe home of toe owner. (Herald Photo by Pfanstlehl). Seeking extenslona of permis­ KOCKVTLLE TR 5-3271 100% This release is actually four fin said, since the building was Hartford last spring. What issued a large orchestra. play look equally appealing, but a — A K 6, aubs— 7 4 2. What do p.m. at the Wood Memorial L i­ steaming from the intense heat of numbers in one. It comprises the completely in flames when seen from my loudspeakers was most Another reviewer for a dally nlficant although not as popular, second look showed a small advan­ you say? brary. the coop blaze. 1956 MERCURY work mentioned plus Rimsky- and, (mnsequentFy, It Is difficult to impressive. The work itself turned published in this area has said in and belong in your library as ex­ CVQMA Will Vote tage along one line. Answer; Bid one heart If you Members will be asked to vote The shingles on toe rear of an­ 4-DOOR PHAETON out to be of major Importance, and effect that the work sounds like korsakow’s “ Russian Easter," the amples of the Russian school. use standard bidding methods. on the peUtion of 165 South Wind­ other coop, 200 yards south of toe determine where it began. "Prelude to Khovantchina" by Prepare for Worst With radio, front and rear the performance by the orchestra diluted Richard Strauss. I don't Neither the recording nor the US With 3 quick tricks and a 6-card sor, children for a Junior Society burning building began to bum Moussorgsky, and Tschalkowsky’s On Rules Tonight /f -m, T In situations of this kind there speaker, heater and defroatsr. and soloists is above reproach. agree; it sounds like early Mahler. performance ia outstanding al­ major suit, you are much too In which they hope to study the and toe blaze was doused by the Manoheater Evening Herald "Romeo and Juliet." Perhaps the is no need to consider the right Mercomatic transmla- Conductors frequently schedule Conceived when he was 20. there though they are more than satis­ ni»- to p-ss. Bid 1 N T If you history of town, state and country Amston Lake department tanker. Andover eorreapondent, Mrs. P au l, last was added to insure its sale. Racing rules and regulations of guess. Instead, think of what D. Pfanstlehl, telephone pngrim . KEITH'S IS CELEBRATING ITS GREATEST BIRTHDAY PARTY EVER! I elon, whitewall tlrea, 2-totis j works by Gustav Mahler because are naturally apota that show his factory. However, the choice of may happen if you guess wrong. play the Kaplan-Shelnwold Sys- and other historic projects. Due The Andover tanker -vaa brought models. The very beglnlng is rem­ The other works are more sig- the Connecticut Valley Quarter in on the main bididing. 2-6856. turquoise and white color. This ' they feel they ought to do so, not numbers on one disc raskes this I f you take the heart finesse and -.i.i, based on the "weak" no- to lack volunteer leaders for this 1s a very sharp car and one you Midget Asnn. will be adopted dur­ /The ad­ Tatro has been notified to appear residents are invited to attend free contributing toe four points after club presldmt, will preeide at the Columbia journment was declarod in order to in Columbia Justice Court Oct. 26. Tou guessed It, Mueho ado about o f charge'. touchdown. MaacliMter Bvesfng Herald PIT nothing. meeting and ask for ratification virait the decision of the Congrega­ Only Slight damage resulted from Get Capitol Flag South Windsor Mrrespondent El­ of rules drafted by a special com­ tional Church In regard to the uee the collision according to State A new 49 star American flag, Coaches CSiarles Barker and more Burnham, telephone Mitchell I'^CJosk Saving Time! Ives Seeking Policeman, FYancis Pisch o f Col­ Dale ^choonmaker praised the mittee. of their chapel as a new town which once flew over tha nation’s 4-0674. 100% Meacham said today that the clerk’e office. The decision waa chester barracks. Capitol waa recently presented to stead.v progress of the team which Grange Asks U.S. possibility of holding races In negative. Hubert ColUne, retiring CHri Soonts Union School by Craig Johnson, led to the win. In two prevloue BECXIMES VOTER AT 106 1954 FORD ^Go-Cart’ Site Troop 181 has been divided Into games toe boys were edged out Manchester this year depends on town clerk who has held this post n fifth grade student. . Hartford, Oct. 19 (.P)—Among COUNTRY SQUIRE TUESDAY AND Store Grain Here progress In construction of the for 60 years has used his home for three groups consisting of sixth, The S6n of Deputy Sheriff and by tough opponents. voters who registered for the ‘ qiurter midget speedway The Columbia Zoning Board of the office. Philip Isham Sr., elect­ seventh and eighth graders. The Mrs. Stanley A. Johnson received Next scheduled game will be first time at city hall Saturday ■ 9-paaenger 4-door station wag­ Hartford, Oct. 18 (PI—^The Con- in Bimkland. The track was shaped Appeals will hold a public hearing ed new town clerk, has proposed an sixth grade, The Magpies, have the flag as a gift from Congress­ played in Elast Hartford at North was Walter George Davis, 105. | on with radio, heater, defroet- necUcut Stata Grange lua adopted up by club members over the Oct. 26 at 8 p.m. in the Town Hall addition to Yeoman’s Hal! at an Linda Merritt as patrol leader, man Chester l^wlca. End Park against the Legion The elderly native of London, Eng­ t er. Fordomatle tranamtasion. W E D N E S D A Y ^ a resolution asking for federal weekend, and asphalt will be laid when Burton L. Ives of Rt. 6 will estimated cost of 810,000. First Eaalne Bisson, assistant and Andrea During the dedication cerenron- Eagles Sunday at 2 p.m. Barker land, became a U.S. citizen In 1896. V8 engine, whitewall tires, 2- grain storage depots throughout this week. Utility poles for lights seek a permit to construct a hard Selectman Clair Robinson euggeat- Stimson, treasurer. They will work les at toe school, children o f toe said this Is the game toe locals Why did he wait so long to r e g -; tone blue. A wonderful family the New England area. and a public aTddreas system al­ surface course for the use of gaso­ ed using the. selectmen’s room but on homemaloing badges with Mrs. fifth through eighth grades gath­ ‘must’ win. as toe iCast Hartford Ister ? “ I've hsd a lot of trouble ; car. The organixation, ending its ready are in place. Work still to line go-carts. They are the type of many feel that it would be too Morgan Hills and Mrs. Edward ered around toe flagpo^® Legion team is rated the strong- and sickness and doctors’ bills and ONLY Wojick as leaders. Mrs. Wojick 7Sth annual meeting h.ere Satur­ be completed Includes the erec­ racing cars using up to 2 3/4 small for even temporary uiage. matlon as Craig presented the new e.st in the league. a big family to raise," he replied. F U L L PRICE day, directed the resolution at the tion of fencing, establishment of horsepower motors. Ives desires to Brownie News waa a Girl Guide in England and- flag to Superintendent of Schools On Wednesday, elementary school He enrolled as a Democrat. I $895 federal government. The grain, a pit area, and installation of put the course in the field next to Troop 92 has announced the fol­ progressed through all the ranks Merle B. Woodmansee and Prin­ teachers will meet at toe Wapplng \ said the Grange, would be used In bleachers and parking lot. Potter's gravel .bank on Rt. 6. lowing elected officers: Christina to the hlgdwet, corresponding to cipal James Welch. Program Elementary School at 3 p.m. for emergencies. Meacham said the speedway JGC Officers Pederson, president; Cathy Goslin, the Curved Bar award here, be­ concluded with toe pledge of alle­ the second In a aeries of mcinthly The Grange also urged the will not open for official racing un­ Mrs.- Nathan Pell, leader of the vice president; Kathleen Mulhern, fore coming to this country as giance and the singing of patriotic meetings for teaching penmanship, state legislature to give financial til all facilities are installed, even Jewish Girls Clubs announces the secretary and Judith Anderson, an EkigUsh war bride. songs Including toe national an­ PRESCRIPTIONS Ed Till, Boyer, Saya, "T h l» and high school teachers will meet Bedroom Suite Is An Ex- 100% assistance to towns for education­ if it means that the grand open­ following officers -have been elect­ treasurer. This troop meets under The seventh graders have named them. at toe high school for a workshop free Delivery fx>ptlonnl Buy A t Our, al purposes; opposed the diversion ing has to be put off until spring. ed: President, Fay Feffer; vice the leadership of Mre. George their patrol “The Dreamers," and Ollera Win under the direction of Principal 'Anniversary .Sale Price, 1957 0LD8M0BILE of State highway funds for other The club membership still is president, Donna Cohen; secretary, Smith and Mrs. Kenneth Erickson. plan to complete flrat class re­ The South Windsor Little Henry J. Adams. 98 4-DOOR SEDAN purpones, and asked for the repeal open to racing enthusiasts :0f the Barbara Lautr; treasurer, Mar­ They will hold a Halloween party quirements under the leaderthip League football “Oilers" beat the The high school will close at LieSEn DRUQ Don’t Miss It." jorie Berkman and telephone of Mrs: Jack Thompson and Mrs. of the coming CHie-cent increase area, and it ia not restricted sole­ at their weekly meeting Thursday. East Hartford Black Knights. 1.6 noon, toe Wapplng School at 12:30, SHOPPING PARKADE I Radio, heater, defroster, power squad, Sara-Lee Seplowitz. Bar­ Lester Btlmson. Maureen Mulhern in federal motor fuel taxes. ly to those who ow’n quarter Investiture ceremony for new to 8, In a hard-fought game at St. Avery St. at 1, Pleasant Valley at ateering, power brakea, auto­ bara Pell and Rona Russian. The Brian Kind Jr., 14, of East midget cars. brownies wtU be held on Nov. 6. is patrol leader, Pamela Lusky, matic transmiesion, whitewall Hartford, master of the Hlllstown club is open to all Jewish girls Ohlldren’e Matinee assistant and Lee German, secre­ tlrea, 2-tone gray. One of Oen- Juvenile Grange, was named ju­ from sixth to eighth grade in­ Series tickets for the Children’s tary. Judy Hills will be treasurer. I oral Motors finest ears. venile , of the year. . Old Lyme cluding girls from surrounding Matinee'may bb purchased a t ‘ the Mrs. Ernest Payne will be In ONLY Juvenile Grange took first place Pythians to Aid tow-ns. Horace Porter School for 81.50. charge of the eighth grade. Donna in the community service contest Archery Shoot Held This will include five different Cohen was sleeted patrol leader, among juvenile granges. Guidance Clinic Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hall of presentations all scheduled for the Sally Hutchlils, aaaistant and Sally $1895 Whitney Rd. were hosts yesLerday Schaefer Auditorium in Wllliman- Ann Card, treasurer. Five girls in The Manchester Lodge of to the Columbia Lake Bowman at Uc. "The Uttlest Circus." Oct. 23; this troop will work toward the Knights of Pythias, one of the the Kenneth Fox farm. Archery "Westward Ho! The Station coveted (jurved Bar this year. St. Marys’ Guild sponsors of the Child Guidance clubs from Connecticut, Rhode Wagon," Nov. 14; "Craiy Days in Doggone Eggs Clinic, will present the clinic with Island, and Massachusetts sent Wonderland." Feb. 5: “The Legend Mr, and Mrs, EMward Carlson of 100% Plans F air Nov. 12 some new furniture to assist in an representatives who‘registered be of Sleepy Hollow," March 18; and Collins Rd., are wondering if their It '(iut p it luluntHuitU It tiltti Uu'Vit nijlit? expansion of the clinic facilities. tween 9 and 11. Lunch was avail The Berkeley Marionettes in the Irish setter, Peggy, Is “ for the 1955 CHEVROLET able on the grounds and n(jvelty St. Mary's Guild of St. Mary’s The K o f P will provide a coun­ “Tinder Box," on April 17. birds" or scrambled'eggs. At least BEL AIR V-S MODEL Episcopal Church w’lll sponsor its shoots were held after the regular A rummage sale will be held the they are sure that Peggy had a ter, bookcases and other furniture competition. annual fair Nov. 12 at 2 p.m. at to make a reception room of end of this month by the “ Rec” fine time with one dozen eggs left 2-door sedan with radio, heat­ the church. To Form Men’s Club er, defroster. Power Glide the present living room in the Council and they urge anyone hav­ by the milkman Friday. All that Mrs. Arthur Burnap is general Plans to form a men’s club at the ing articles to donate to contact remained was one properly chewed transmission, whitewall tires, clinic house at 60 Haynes St. The CongregatKmal Church w6r« dls CHOPPED chairman. The fair w ill include Mr*. Amelia Koselka for the key carton. 2-tone green and white, 71111 booths for the sale of fancy work, room formerly used for a recep­ cussed yesterdy’ at a meeting held car is in immaculate condition tion room will be used for another to the Kozelka barn where things candy, white elephants, Christ­ in the chapel. Planning committee may be stored. and must be seen to be ap p i^ guidance room. membefs are Joseph Taggart Manchester Evening Herald Co­ mas cards and wrappings and food. C-Teene’ Work Day elated. The Kpights chose to become Howard Shumway, Arnold Slhvon^ lumbia correapoiident Mrs. Eugene Tea will be served from 2 to 4 A Workday for Christ will be A. Dente, telephone ACademy ONLY p.m., with Mrs. Joseph Johnston In one of the sponsors of the clinic en, Richard E. Davis and William about a month ago. held by the Congregational C- 8-8480. F U L L PRICE charge. Mrs. Walker W irtalla will Bowers. Teens Saturday. Proceeds will go A committee of the lodge, head- The Republican Tfiwn Commit­ be fancy work chairman. A roast to the Christian World Mission. WATBRBUBY BANKER DIES led by Griswold C. Chappell, past tee will meet Ip the Selectmen’s beef dinner will be served at 5 p.m. Miss Betty Powers m ty be con­ grand chancellor, la, working with room at the Town Hall tonight at Wateihury, Oct. 19 (^)*-Edwin Mrs. Claude Porter and Mrs. Wy- tacted by residents with work for Howard Jones, former director and the clinic’s committee pn furnish' 7:30, FRESHLY GROUND vlUe Peabody will be co-chairman the teenagers to do. vice president o f the Waterbury of the dinner. Mre. Earl Rohan is Ings, headed by Mrs. G. Stillman To Discuss Clerk’s Office Break Ground at Church Savinge Bank, la dead at 71. He In charge of tickets; Keith. The adjourned town meeting will 100% Ground breaking service for the died yesterday In Waterbuiy hos­ new Congregational parish house pital. Jones taught for a time at ALL 3 PIECES 1957 PLYMOUTH was held directly after morning the Poet Business College here. 4-DOOR SEDAN worship yesterday. The Rev. George K. Evans conducted a short BEDROOM Equipped' with V-8 engine, LBS ceremony and representatives of $279.95 MASSIVE TRIPLE DRESSER MODERN pushbutton transmission, large the various Church organlxatlons heater and defrtwter, torsion each turned over a bit of earth. In stunning Blond Carioca Mahogany . . . with huge 8 Drawer Triple Dresser, Large Plate Glass bar front end. and whitewall Chairman, Harvey S. Collins, of Mirror, roomy Seven Drawer Cheat and full size Bookcase Headboard Bed. Have decorative braes tires, pretty light green color. HURRYI the Building Committee, laid that trim, cuatom styled brass drawer piill. Quality built and detailed all the way through; This car haa big car ride and HURRY! a bulldozer waa scheduled to be­ The matter ef raiseaie small car economy. eelhe hit areatcet tale! . gin breaking ground at 1 p.m'. to­ Cary Oraat - Sva Karla Saiel *229 O N L Y - MAinAND - e,ld,i. ' day. The b lo w in g stages of con­ la Allred Hltoheaek'a UBEftAL KEITH BUDGCT TERMS struction should progreae rapidly. "North Ry Nerthwost" $1295 1000 Town Notes Vietavialaa aad ealer For PLAYKOOMI Sweet Petatees 3u>17< Mr. and Mrs. J. Warren Fowler liM - SM Mont < I Broduco BrIcos.SffoctIvo Tuos. and Wod., Oct, 20-21 Only TRIPLE-S BLUE STAMPS of Manomet, Mass., were weekend "Tho loot GoHoroHon" For LIVING ROOM i houseguests of Mr. and Mrs. Eu Steve Cechraa-Maante Vaa Derea Fof OFFICE/ gene A. Dente of Jonathan Trum' ii iestie-iSiW For DENI ■ "A % bull Highway. Wed.—Frederirk Marrt 100 A director's meeting for the :. Urn 'Mevali 4 '* ] la “The Middle ef tha Night" f ' i r f ?' TURKEY DINNERS Lions Club will be. held tonight at 1955 PLYMOUTH ■' ,1 -• 4-DOOR SEDAN - F IN A S T - S L IC ID • F R O Z IN > Delicious Slicod 11-OZ A Yeoman’s Hall at 8. Henry Beck has been appointed turkey With Brown Gravy, Peat, Mashed Petsie, Dressing PKG J r ^ Pushbutton radio, large heater chairman o f the Boy Scout Drive. SOc TILL S PJWL MON.-rBI. and defroster,' PowerFlite Susie Carlson, daughter of Mr. transmission, whitewall tires.. and Mrs. Edward Carlson o f Col­ 2-tone green. W e have eenriced lins Rd. entertained 11 of her STATE this car since it was brand new. Outitanelin^ ^rocer^ 'VaiuesI classmates Saturdsy night at a It is a Wonderful ffuy. hot dog roast to celebrate her 11th NOW and TUESDAY ONLY SHARP • White or Colorod birthday. . ConUnuoue From 6 PJM. H ie Marinera will meet at the F U L L PRICE hon;ie of Mrs. Roy Beers of Sleepy Tlie siMck-seorcM Diary $895 Cheddar CheesiB ^ 69< ^ Hollow tomorrow night at 1:i0. •f Lieat. Biackbiirn. wlio Mrs. Beers will be their leader, be Sells Reffularly for $169! All Popular Sc Varieties Ing a former Mariner In Hartford led the U. S. A.'s secret CTN OF jvho trained at Martha’s Vineyard, Maas. 100% 24 BARS Amiy of HeadhuBters! Candy Bars YOUR AUTOMATIC Tatro CAarged FUEL OIL ^ Fred O. Tatro, school bus driver, Piece Living Room Suite 1958 PLYMOUTH Real Italian Styls w a r arrested Friday and charged S u t T c n d c f . , SPORT SUBUIIBAN I 15VSOZ DELIVERY CONTRACT with making an Improper turn Rost SHutd! enjojr IWSC9 oI niad after hla empty school bus Waa 9-paaenger 4-door station w ag­ ■ CANS Beefaroni emf SIGN.. .-Z-e’’ ' • > struck in the rear by an auto Tailored In Heavy Duran Plastic on, third seat faces to the rear, operated by Joseph C. Matteau % » ^ L L ! equipped with radio, heater, de­ while or Colored And Receive At Absolutely No Extra Cost 24/ Of Fairfield, OeW., as it croMSd with s bodfido pkoBO froster, pushbutton transmis­ Rt. 6 to enter a private driveway. 4 ■’ sion! power steering, power Anniversary Sale Sensation! 'Thrde Pieces . . . Sofa and Two brakes, tinted glass, whitewall Waldorf99< 1,000 Triple-;''S'' Blii0 Trading Stamps* Lounge Chairs . . . In a smart contemporary design, and of- tires. 2-tone paint. In new car S I I S ^ An extension phoiR at your bedside puts extra proteakm within aitn't reach . fared at a low August Sale price that meant a substantiarsaving for you! Upholstered In durable condition. JUMBO - So Many Utst Around ths Heuto 'Stamps leaned upon payment o f first fuel dMivery. plastic with sagless spring construction, See It Tuesday—Save! . iPAf.’KlNf’ ONLY BURNSIDF ■ nHnhwwwve fives you. more privacy iiad romfort, too. Only |1 a month. A phone *119 F U L L PRICE MONTHLY OR BUDGCT PAYMENTS i;i'The Southern New England Telephone Gxnpsny. BTORE HOURS: Open Monday Keith Fui*tsiture don’t coat any more. Now Going on - FIRST N ATIO N AL'S, "YO R " GARDEN ’Through Saturday From 9 A A L Proton Food Salt I Slock Your Frootar arid Sava M onty I OIL COMPANY Until 6:80 P.M., Thursday Eve­ Newest 8:06; D w e 6:16-10:20 R X As sxtSRsIsM fiftsss makes « wom terfs l §Ht ter amy ecMutwif nings Until 9. MANCHESTER iicnTMuiri 1 1 1 ) M A I N ST. 369 CENTER STREET TEL. M l 3-6320 , “ SUddle of the Night" BEkUPRE MOTORS COMING WEDNESDAY BROAD STREET WH■ “ROUSE BO AT’ “Tamange"—“Orfien To KUl” FREE PARKINCI Open Evsnlags—ThL MI f-U M , u . ■■■MMnaiuiuniiiiHifMnBiiM iMmsKKKKiMiBnmmBaiKlBgliaiMISIl lSIMWIMIMIIilBIMWfilB^ . \ . ti i ^ ' n ,■

/ / PAGE FIVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. MONDAY. OCTOBER 19. 1999 MANCHEHTBR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN- MONDXY, OCTOBER 49, 1969 P A 0 8 FOUB "Our Church,” wfilcB ahowod vart- a car, ootelda tha eeunty etefk'a Andover oua aetlvlUaa held at the ehureh Actor Coburn, 82, office. FALSE TEETH Gangplank Slips during the past RcfckvUl^Vemon The ceremony waa performed a Tkof Loofoo Scouts, Parents .CtemniUeo chairmen f«wjh* ~ Wed to Widow, 41 few hours later In tha chambers of On British Ship; TV-Radio Tonight lied Enllitment program at­ Justice of tha Peace J. L. Bowler. Nood NofUoiborrofs Immediately after the ‘T do'e," tend tho fourth training aeaaiim In High School Keys Presented Hollywood, O ct 18 (47—Actor SIsar waarem ot (sIm teeili have 3 Persons Hurt To Meet Tonight Wlndeor at 6:80 tonight- Ctobum’e famed trademark, his eofferee rmi emeemwowat saeeuM The Baby Has Charles Cobum, ,82, he« brought numoclt, dropped from his eye. tiMir pMu eropees. s n p ^ 4v vov- V. I. bled St lust tiw ereoe A m. Do net Allqn R. Yala Jr., aaaUUiit Maaeheator Evoalag i Hotald To School Board at Ceremony home a bride—a widow juet half Then ha kissed the bride end ea- Ut« ui (Mr af tMe BweeniM to yew. Haw London, Oct. 1# ^ corted her from the rncrni. Juit epnskle s little yM l'U I'R. the Tel&eiiioii aeouUnaster, haa callad a maatlng ABdenrar oorreapeiadeBt. Mw. Paul hie age. ■iSeilne looB-seidi powder. d sslit the couple held and charm are the exclusive prop­ Social Becurlly toe chairman and inatltutlonal rep- Kloter reoeivedf the keye from Birth Saturday: A daughter to mortal Hoapttal. Har maternal grandmother ia Mra. WlWam R. the accident. Three were eeri- for ConnocUcut today: John O. Taloott Jr., Building Oom- hands all the way. Occasionally, erty of youth. Like smooth brandy, SUR6ICAL Rotlle Jacobs' C5ub House 10:00 Seve^a^M Show (© iS,' raaenUtlva (I.R. man) are atin Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bowen, she aaid, Cobum bent over and Jewett, B w kton. Maaa. She haa « ^ pualy injured and admitted to a • : « Doug stewards Honasasey Temperatures for the next five mlttoe ehalman, who had been Lakevlew Heights, Tolland. sex appeal Improves with age." and two elatera, Roberta Lucy, 6, and Patricia Ann. 32 montiia. John Daly 10:10 :M^W ite a Caaaora vacant deya, Tuesday through 8 aturTm. will nuke the program poaalble, "He's still quick on his feet and • • • • • al Hoapital with a variety of WDBO-INO , 1388 were, brought from the B'nal Is­ sor Art League will display paint' Woodeo R.O.W. 1:00. News. Zalmaa 4:00 Fineaciai .News waa voted by a Flrat Congrega­ Ttl. Ml M814 30| CENTIR sr: rael Congregation by Edwin LS' sometimes he will dance all night MMOVA8U m C D I C A L . Tracy Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Arthur F. Smith, fractures were Mra. Edna Tefft, 4:14 AH Johnson 6:06 Nsws Roundup tional church meeting Friday night Inga today through Nov. 18 at the High School Principal Joseph McCuaker wearing atriped Ue, holds key to school present^ at a party," said Faggen. "He 48, Galea Ferry; Mra. Ruth Bon­ 4:46 Lowell Thomas FOR PRESCRIPTION vltt. The high school hand gnd Rockville powaa Mum wmdow P H A R m A C V Croes Dr'., Vernon. She waa bom <^t. 14 at Mancheater Memo­ 6:16 Sbowcass antTNtws attended by 78 perento end chil­ to the Board•ard ofor Educationicaucauon yesterdayyoaveruny at*1. ucuiutuviidedication ceremonies by uj .k.—Building „...B Committee------Chairman John loves good times, good food and ner, S3, Westerly. R.I., and Mra. 7:UU.Amos N’ Andy 7:00 Fulton bewla M I3.S 13E . the achool choir provided music Bishop's Comer office of the Hart' rial Hoapital. Her maternal granA>arente are Mr. and Mra. 7:30 News. Comedy Tims 7-16 Evening Dsvatlons dren. The meeting waa held. after G. Talcott. Jr., eecond_____«_____ fromT right. Looking on are Dr.n* BVarilrFrank I.L. Rnvilnn.Boydon, tieaiimssterneadmaeter of Deerfieldt ^ ^ d action." rSeeler Bonner's aon, David. 9. Their con­ ford National Bank and Trust Co. 844 MAIN STREET O. F, Gmpe, Normal. 111., and her paternal grandfather la Frank 7:46 Bob and Ray ^ 7;30.8howcass‘ and Nsws a family potiuck. PINE PH ARM ACY for the occaaipn. Academy, the principal speaker; and Superintendent of Schools Raymond B. Ramedell. (Herald Cohum filled out a marriage ditions were described today ea 8:0U World fonlght 7:30 Reviewing Stand A contract for the school waa The paintings scheduled to go on D. Smith. Yonkers, N. Y. She has a alater, Karen Sue, 2. 6:16 Music Till Tins 6:00 News The jpoup eew a film, "Secret of DELIVERY Photo by Satemls). application while ha was seated in ew1?ee8M88pei J • » • « • not critical. 13:UU News signed June 27, 1857, and the display after a tea tl.ie aftemiMm 6:06 World Today the G i^ " end a elide preaentation, Included works by Mrs. Irena Ma­ Douglaa Albert, eon of Mr. and Mra. Marahall Aitken, An­ Mrs. Bonner's daughtjtr, Mary 13:10 Muele rill One 8:30 Showcase and News , building waa completed enough 1:00 News. Han Off 11:06 Husk). Beyond the Stare and Newt for use in February, six montha gee, Btssell Phelps Smith iand dover. He waa bom Oct. 12 at Mancheater Memorial . Hoapital. Ellen, 8, and Mra. Tefft'a daughter, WHAT—tie 13:06 News Roundup Joyce, 16, were treated at the hos­ ahead of schedule. Esther Cotton.. Mrs. Magee has Hia maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Albert Pender, 4:00 Big Show U:16 Sian OK won many awards for her paint­ South Coventry, and his paternal grandmother ia Mra. Esther pital end releaeed. 6:30 John Daly Tha 1,000 pupil school, coat . ^ , a- ''v-’/i r.‘ . \ .. '/i 6:46 Big Show total of $1,980,060 and carried a ings, Smith ia a former Instructor • f o r Aitken. 7 Tyler Circle. He haa a brother, Steven Douglaa, 23 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sawicky 7:00 Bd P. Morgaa m s f f m and Miss Cotton haa conducted montha. of Eaat Lyma and their children, 7:16 Big Show M I lower per pupil construction coat • hoHowtan • • • • • ...... Blrn Off .IA t o w n ■ome of the children's art classes Harry, 12, and Ellen, 11, fell di­ than the stato average. The per for the League. • COStUUMS Karen Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mra. John Alden Spellacy, W TOP—1410 pupil coat waa $1,174 compared to rectly Into the water. 6)00 News. Weather APPLIANCE The tnague was originated In Hebron. She was bom Oct. 7 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. "The water's a lot softer than 6:16 Howie B. R i M d m o M y the state average of |l,458. The November 1953 wiht 77 membora. th op th « Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Hinckley, 8:00 Ixiu Terry eonatructlon coat per square foot that pier," Sawickv aeld later. 11:00 News It now haa over 100 members. I..ebanon, and her paternal grandmother ia Mra. R. W. Spellacy, Sawicky said the gangplank 11:10 I.OU Terry SERVICE waa $18.46, compared to a Con­ . In the past the League has of­ Ijebanon. 1:00 Del Rsycee necticut eecondary school average fered claaaee in sculpturing, an­ FAIRWAY • • • • • gave way without a sound or other H O W f D i m V advance warning. One moment he w n c —1080 SPECIALIZINO IN of $18.60. tique decoration, sketching with open thura. M d fri. tUl 8 Peter l,ee. son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Litvlnchyk, 264 6:00 News and hla family were walking from 6:16 Weather. Sports The coat of the school waa brok­ live models, oils and water colors Hackmatack St. He waa bom Oct. 7 at Manchester Memorial the ehlp to the dock, and the next 6:30 Serenade Inveatmenta en dowii aa follows; Building, and ceramics. It is presently con­ Hoapital. Hia maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. Cedi they were falling feet Bret. . 6:46 Three-Star 6httra Hotpoint $1,878,885; alU development, $08, ducting adult and child classes in 7:00 Dick BeHel ONLY -doetom * U l l o T Dorsey, 14 Arch St., and hih paternal grandparenta are Mr. and 7:16 Automotive Report 888; land, 834,000; fixed eqfulp- fundamentals of drawing. Mrs. Paul Litvlnchyk, Ellington. He haa a brother, Paul Ray, 2. He estimated the distance he fell at 20 feet or more. The Navy 7:46 WeaUier. Spohte ment, 8128,010; loose equipment, • • * * * 3:00 Supper Serenade CoH Ml 9.8M 9 8100.M3; architects fees, $103,- Allen WllUama, son of Mr. and Mra. Richard W. Hale. 48 Ly- statement gave the height at 12 8:30 Monitor , „ , feet or more. 3:30 Economic Education Workshop Soo your convonfonf Connecticut Bank 878; aewar and water, $55,112; FOR ONLY PENNIES neas S t He was bom Oct. 15 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. 3:46 I-awrence College Choir E. W. CORMIER ' LaFrance Firm The 8 a w 1 c k y ■ were taken 10:00 International Bandstand clerk of the worlu, $10,858; In. His maternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Fietsan;, F ish-, . and Tract Company effico nowl ■uranpe $4,125; aiid mlecellaneoua, gill. N. Y., and his paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. W. A. aboard the Adamant for brandy, 10:30 Intermeno (or Modems Sold to Hafner BLANKET tea, and dry clothes. 11:00 Newa $298 S49. Hale, Bermuda. 11:16 Sports final The Building Oommittee had Y O U R S eiF • • • • • The visitors wars attending, 11 ;30 Starll^t Serenade Sudden lllnese niuelly means money problems. But 13:55 News, aign'off we can make them a lot lighter for you. enough money left so that It pro. La France Industries, Inc., with IN C O M FO RT! Joanne Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Vlel, 4 Fair- "open house" on the Brltleh ehlp, which (Jheney Bros, is aifiUated, When a medical emerganey atraina your budget, W e)* Noft iRiAOGiNC-whesi posed buying 14 acrea of land ad­ field S t She waa bom Oct. 13 at Manchester Memorial Hoapi- which haa been at the State pier Um has been sold to Hafner Associ­ ■top in at your neereet CBAT offlee. Talk with one jacent to tha achool for future re tal. Her maternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mra. Rene Chap- here the past week along with , w e say, No hotter agfvtcs ates, according to a company an­ delaine, 11 Ulley St., and her paternal grandparenta are Mr. and eight British submarines. Your of our loan oillcars. A CBAT loan enablaa you to creational needs. This ' was ap­ con be provided. proved by a town meeting. The nouncement. Mrs. Oscar Erickson. Worcester, Maas. She has two sisters, GEniNGUPNIGIIK Chorgo Plon handle unexpected expenses promptly, and keep your Henry A. flafner, former execu­ Linda Karen. 2, and Sharon Linda, 1. U nsnltd k» "Blteder Wteknast" l ( ^ achool building itself can be ex FIRST SNOW OF SEASON tins NlskU tr Bed WetUns, tat trs- credit good. panded to house 1,600 pupils by tive vice president of Ls France, • • . • • • event, hmalns sr Itahina urtnstten), The coft ia low. You repay In convenient m(>nthly Norfolk. Oct. 19 (JPl—Snow fell aeeendary Beeheebe asd HenrsBintea, fTe Service adding a wing on Uia front. Faeil- is now president of the new com­ James Michael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Roger Gamer, 80 er atrens aaelllas. CSsadv Urine, due ts Doliv*ri«s payments over a period of time. Life insurance is in­ pany. Reed St, Rockville. He waa bom Oct. T^at Hartford Hospital. briefly here and in neighboring cenunen Kidney and Bladder IrriUtlsoe. Itiea were planned to handle the Hta maternal g^randparents are Mr..>and Mrs., Edward D. Walker, Eaat Hartland yesterday. It melt­ try UIBIBX (sr aalek ktla. ae(e (er Joat toiephono year order for cluded free. • HOTPOINT . larger number of pupils. John G. Robinson, general man­ ptenesadsld. Ask drnesttt lerClIBlBK. drug needs and eoameUea—giv­ ager of Cheney's, said the sale Burlington, Iowa. His paternal grandparenta are Mr. and Mrs. ed quickly. aes hew feet yen haarare. • PHILCO i Hoapital Notee L. R. Gamer, Loa Angeles. Calif. > ing yonr Charge Plan aum- Admitted Saturday: Margaret will have no effect on the local ber • WHIRLPOOL ‘ / Burke, 4 Park S t; Gertrude An- company and that Its officers will remain the esune. I I nc. riA Joan Miarie, daughter of Mr.-and Mrs. David Lee A'ubin, 14 • EASY gell, 61 Ward S t; Randall Grous, THE HARTFORD ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY'S Gst Ctystal Lake^ Ann Sehleainger, La France la a long establiehed AUTOAAATIC Russell Dr., Vernon. She was bom Oct. 9 at St. Francis Hospi­ WASHERS — DRYERS tal. Hartford. Her 'ihatemal grandfather is Arnold Clausing, Immediate DobeonvUle; Marguerite Blen manufacturer of upholstery, in­ Danbury. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mra. H. F, FLETOHER OUSS GO. Delivery REFRIGERATORS—STOVES RFD 3, Rockville; Lottie Stofon, dustrial and «automotive fabrics, Robertson, Hartford. She has two sisters, Kathleen Anne, 4, _ 8-7878 i AND ALL MAKES OF TV 155 E. Main St. as well ae one of the largest job­ BLANKET M959 ELECTRIC BLANKET CLUB and Linda Lee, 3. , 188 WEST MEDDLE TURNPIKB TI (G CooviMlIeut Bavik DIcharged yesterday: Mary Dlu bers in the country. It has manu­ • • • • • bac, 134 Orchard S t; Deborah facturing plants in the United We have other electrle OOBNER DURANT ST. AND TMISr COMPANV Mary Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. McLaugh­ and Clifford Bowles, West Willing' States and Canada and will con­ bisnkets by NOBLE- lin, 45 Kelly Rd., South Windsor. She was bom (let. 6 at Bt. New LARGER QUARTERS t 28 Offlcea Serving 18 ConnecUent Conununitiee C f n tunt Arthur Bushnell, Tolland; tinue to operate finder the same Francis Hospital, Hartford. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. (XfM ar& 888 MAIN ST., MANCHESTER f U STORES Randall Groua, Crystal Lake; name. CRAFT. . . and Mrs. Dennis J. Deasy. Bloomfield. Her paternal grand­ NORTH BRANCH—15 N. MAIN ST, Marilyn Does, 10 Reed S t PLENTY OP FRONT AND REAR PARKING 801 MAIN ST.—MI S-8S31 858 MAIN St— S-lGGO ALUMNAE PLEDGE 81JH7,000 mother ia Mrs. John F. McLaughlin. 45 Kelly Rd., South Wind­ PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Meniber Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Admitted yeeterday: Raymond sor. She has a brother, John Joseph. 18 montha. Federal Reserve System Young, Hyde Ave.; Clayton Car­ New London, Oct. 19 WP)—Con­ ^ Famous General Eleetrle • • • B • AUTO GLASS INSTAUiD ver, 9 Walnut St.; Helen Lucaa, necticut College for Women re­ Sleep-Guard * SyatemI i r s H E R B A O A IN . . . YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO... Barbara Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Eugene L. Black- 16 Fox Hill Dr.; Ida Neelans, ported Saturday that alumnae Six faahionable colora v^ll. 111 Baldwin Rd. She was bom O ct 8 at St. Francis Hos­ GLASS FURNITURE TOPS Broad Brook. have contributed or pledged $1,- to chooae from pital. Hartford. Her maternal grandmother is Mra. William Discharged yeeterday: Eraeat 517.000 to the achool'e 50th anni­ Luxurioua durable Geach. I l l Baldwin Rd. Her paternal grandparents are Mr. and MIRRORS (Flraplde« and Door) M olt West Hartford; Harry Las versary fund drive. The college 100% Nylon binding Mrs. Hugh L. Blackwell. Roslindale, Mass. She haa two broth­ bury, Broad Brook; Mrs. Dorothy hopes to increase the fund to $3,- ers, William, 9, and Geoffrey, 19 months. A featber-Iigbt blend PICTURE FRAMING (oN typos) Hayes and son, Rockville. 100.000 by June 1961. of rayon and cotton WINDOW and PLATE GLASS by CbaGiam 'it Waab and dry aaaily OONTRAOTORSt WE DAVE IN BTOCK Science Shrinks Piles and quickly in your . macbinh DR. C. A CAILLOUETTE MEDICINE CAIINETS and SHOWER DOORS See OUT eomplete OPEN 8 ATURDATS-OPEN THURSDAY EVENDiOS New Way Without Surgery eelettlen—tedayl CHIROPRACTOR B8 TIBIATBS OLADLY GIVEN Twin alee, double size Stops Itch—Relieves Pain BUY ALL THE ELECTRIC BLANKETS YOU NEED! PALMER GRADUATE Um Tm6. N. T. (SpMl«l) - Tor th* ig ata with double control. 8rit tim* leUiict hei foand e new hava eeaied to be a problem!” I GOT AN hfsllnc enbitenee with the seton- The secret Is a new healing eub- $15.95 and More “ IN PRACTICE 35 YEARB* iehiag abitUx to ehrink hemor­ stanee (Bio-Dyne*l-dlecovery of rhoids, stop itching, end relisTs a world-famous research inititutc. BUDGET THE COST WITH YOUR ELECTRIC BILL! Open Moaday thru Saturday 10 A.M. to 10 F.M. pain — withont inrgary. . This labetanee Is now available WILLIMANTIC OFFICE MANCHESTER OFFICE In cast aftar eaaa, whfla gantljr In eapposttory or sin (meet form 884 MAIN STREET 116 CENTER STREET raliavittg pain, aetaal raduetion under the name Preparation H.* Phone HA 3-1400 ’ Phone MI 9-7828 FORMER CHENEY (ahrinkage) took plaea. At your druggiet. Monty back M A M iO v iS OVERHEAD DOOR Mott amaiingefall—reenite were gnarantse. FOB EVERYTHING! MILLB aa thoroagh that aaffarera madt *Km . U. B. Fat. Og. Hartford Road Last year, for the first time, thousands of our The table below shows you how easy it is to blanket and Pine St. Maachester, Conn. customers discovered the wonderful comforts and your entire famfly.'For just pennies more each Plenty of benefits of Electric Blanket Sleeping—thanks to The month, you edn buy two, three, four^pr m ore Free Parkhig AT GLENNEY’S B U W m YOUR FAMILY WITH COMFORT Hartford Electric Light Company’s Electric Blanket Electric Blankets—one for everyone in your home! Parcel Pickup Club. And now, it’s here again—your opportunity Here’s how it works: Service to to Blanket Your Family With Comfort. , . with the AFHOX. dow n AAAOUP4T NO. OF monthly Your Car FAYMINT My Glenney HoU-Up Sectlona] door goes up easily, stays put firmly. Now help of the 1959 Electric Blanket Club! COST FAYAAINT financed MONTHS A I garage the ear without struggle, crash and bang, '' One -$ 2 6 .0 0 $1.00 $25.00 5 $5.10 ★ ONE DAY SPECIALS Your Membership C vd. is being mailed to you now. 7wo — 52.00 2.00 50.00 < 10 5.21 It specifies that yoii are a member of 'The Hartford Thfoo— 78.00 3.00 7500 15 " 5.31 My wife appreeiatiM it, too—So much less wear and tear oh her dreas-up FOR TUESDAY ONLY Electric Light Company’s Electric Blanket Club— clothes.” 'This year, make sure you and your family enjoy and it entitles you to make the necessary arrange­ the comforts and pleasures o f Electric Blanket • ■ '::V' ments to budget your purchase of Electric Blankets NO TOLA. ON BVUtELEY OR FOUNDERS BRIDGES A Glenney Roll-Up Sectional door will enhance the appearance of your Sleeping. Just select the temperature you ,want with your Electric BHl. <-^ house. Glenney’s men will tell you how you can installlt youraelf or, tidy’ll before going to bed—and you’re cosy and warm all recommend a reliable carpenter. When your Card arrives (along with your Electric through the night! What’s more, one Electric Blan­ NEW LOW PRICE WHITE bill), simply take it to your favorite department ket does the work of three heavy, bulky blankets— SLICED FLAVOR QUEEN store or appliance dealer—select the Eleirtric Blan­ and does it so much better! Just ask the family who Highlights of the Glenney garage door: . . kets you ne^, in the colors you want—and just say, owns them—they’ir tell you there'$ nothing quite eo R€G . “ Ptoose budget them with my Electric BitlP* nice as Electric Blanket Sleeping! SIZE s rails or stiles made o f 1 k "led Douglaa fir or Sitka hpj^ice y- LOAF Askabouiour Thinking Men Join BREAD • ateel ball bearing rollers 4 2” weather-tight inclined track ' - Bantly'e Fuel Oil Club f i C e m e C i V B ... \ FRESHLY CHOPPED • zinc plated sheaves, rollers and door hardware " BLANKET LEAN ALL BEEF Thej rauMHi—“It’s only sensible to buy fuel oU fron 4 heat-treated, oil tempered torsion springs, mounted on. continuous shaft a company that provides 24 hour emergency, repair serv­ YOU DON’T HAVE TO WAIT to receiv* ice for my burner.’* . i GROUND ••mvailable in eight sizes from 8’ x 6’6” to 16’ x 7' ' your Membership Card if you want to Seneational Bargain buy Electric Blankots right away—for They rcaMm— “ An organization with well groomed, well BEEF GENfRAL A ELECTRIC yourself or for glHs! Just take your mannered service people is under .good management— account number (from any proviout is aware o f its customers’ likes and dislikes.” Electric bill) to your department store (CHOICE) WE ARE OPEN: or applianco dtaler—and ask him foe They appreciate—“Yearly payments divided into ten FRESHLY 8 UCED 7:80 AAI. UU 8:00 P.M—MONDAY-Thru THURSDAY B la n k e t 0 Mtmberthip Card in the Electric Um our Conrimieus equal installments are more in keeping with my income.” BEEF LIVER Lb. 7:80 AJH.UII 8:80 PJ«— FRIDAY ^ Warmth without Blanket Club. 7:80 AJW. till NOON—SATURDAY weight Completely Think it over. Join Bantly’s Fuel Oil Club now. ■'Won’t GOLDEN BBOWN •udgot AceoiHit washable and durable. Haa dependable aleep- cost any more. Phone MI 9-4595 or TR 5-3271 guiu^ ayatem. General Electric blankets SLICED BACON ‘ stay tucked In all night S t^ in or phono Ml 9-S2S3 with plenty of extra foot- / room, too! \ ) DELCO-HEAT *‘Onr Repatottoe Is Yoar Aasoranea’* ASSORTED for furthor facts and (Ifurot FLAVORS OPEN 9 A,M. to 9 P.M.

884 NvMAlN ST. e l u n g t o n b r a n c h B u m ro n co.ee :> Y our 9 uotontoc our 39 MBBoheetor, Cona. NORMAN’S MONDAY Tlinr HUDAYI THE HARTFORD ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY WeM Robs, Ronto 81 -ly ioin fL M I AAAMd STIifT MAf«CMfSTML C O M M —BHtoiwU . . 0-8388 TRemoot AgMinoiit 0«0(|JS-6311 ICECREAM ^ , VWVWv M M Wo f mWamiwiem wIloV .1 **QUALiTY-—4he beet econom y o f tdV* -^45 HARTFORD ROAD SATURDAY UMfH 7 PM T gIsoIm m III 9-4999—Bockville— PhoM TB 9-1271 home IMPROVEMENT

h ■ ' , ' / ’ ■ ■I .

MANCUESTEI^ EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY. OCTOBER 19. 19B9 PAGE SEVEN MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.* MONDAY, OCTOBER 1^, 1SS9 f M V t ovm to Superior Court last rtjrtjt Croteau-Coville Ga?vey'Handley made him a perwaaal targat in tha authanUdty of tha muscle in­ Three Bound Orel* on a aharga of Moore^LaPollo 0Umrl}patpr public poUey lasuM. ba appOalad to volved. Past CbmmanderE A HME|hl f or TodBf enMia guta 8UU poUeaBoUoo lu d Daria I Sg EM i of tho Church of the Assumption was tha MeCarthyttaa aa a targat, and In rettoapect, the wreeUing pro­ , In Bank Rohhery idmittod raeatviiig aoma The Rev. Dennis Huescy united In ' E o fitiii0 l|pral& Of A I. W ill Maet at<' Btotto link dionay. » decorated with white gladioli and It waa ona'of tha aerrieat ehaptara grams seem perhaps tslevlaloii's Daria* boM waa at y .W . merriage Miss Irene Frances La- In Amtrlcan public Ufa that the high point for Integrity, for decant SuAaid, Oct Three ro se s for the wedding Saturday of Tbs fbat Oommandars AamL t t Pasla lOSaS r*el, ere not being 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. ' at Bridget's Church. The church The bridegroom la the son of ptannere, headed by Deah Achaaon and perhaps soms day return, ummip their feUowA that they wtR g« to 148 BAM CEM np Of. Mrs. Frank Colllnii Garvey of New M IU praaidant: and wtuitm MI great letagths to bring it shout preeeid beeeuee be helped Invecu- was decorated with pompons and ■ Hall and George Kbnnan, devlaad a would he moit welcome silver aM, aaeratary. Bath bava aaiftxa SUN0AY,8AJyl.-tP.M. MltofeHlMlIS York City and formerly of Scran­ To do thlvtsagr often hurt oth-, iatore and heeausa- he played a carnations. MMundi ov broad imaglnatlva plan to aialat in lining for the dark clouds sail 3-]^r tarms. minor part in the robbery, police ton. Pa,, and the late Dr. Gartey. This wtu ba H agu’s laat maat- *r people, and' manlfaet avtdeaM PINE PHARMACY ^ The bride, given in marrla-e by The Rev, Joseph E. Farrell, tha economic recovery of Weetem ahead. wltb tha aaadelatlan. > Ha of moral Sreakneaa in other wSya §M . •84 OEIfTER ST. paator of Church of the Aasump- Ing alee. Our -taxt tMChM ua that The pre-noon holdup netted more her father, wore a gown of TThan- Burope. hie waa the routine of leavaa soon to haoomejmiiidtnt of than U4.000. Two aimed man lOfSaM Ully lace with Sabrina neckline tlon. performed the ceremony and the Orest Weatam Rom Oo. of CHxl oftan allows men to have celebrated the nuptial Mass. Mrs. making the apeeeh formally launch­ what they desire, but they pay a foread ampleyaa to tuni over cash with Ftoeat teaUPM trimmed with sequins, long sleeves ing the plan, of giving his own Pomona, Calif. Ha haa Man that waa handy, then fled. and bouffant skirt with tiers of Harold W. Garrtty and H. David Weekend Deaths aMoeiaUd with C. R. Burr Nur- spiritual price i t their deEree are CThantllly laee terminating In a Oarrily, cousins of the bride, were name to the plan Itaelf, anf|, there­ out of harmony with IBs wlU. ' Police aald ttug feuovanad in ax- sertea for 18 yeare, rix as- viee oaea of $11,000 a few houra after TOM DAWKINS chapel train. She wore a crown of , soloists, and Mrs. Harold W, Oar- fore, of receiving the Nobel Peace By THE ASBOCaATED PRESS praaidant and general manager. Many a fins Christian has bean AND aequlns and peerla with fingertip' rity was organist. deceived Into playing the fool for tha Inddant whan they adlsed Prize In , the capacity of author Coventry, England — Georg* Dinner will be.'aarvad at 6i30. Bamaa and two other auapacto STAN HLLIFLEUR veil of French lllualon. She car­ The bride, given In marriage hy of the Marshall Plan. He himself Gee, M, a veteran British come­ The praaidant and eacretary will something that haa cost him too Robert Saunders, 86, aM Arthur ried a prayer book with white or. her father, wore a gown of Ivory dian. died Saturday on ttaga, ap­ give their mutual reporta, after dearly. It bruka tha heart of the o r waa aa taciturn about this as he Sharp, 35, AD am from Hart­ chid and atephanotis. i satin designed with a fitted bodice. tSRCOLA' parently of a heart attack. Ha which...... the eloctione will be held. father to iM hia eon becoma a Compleid Both the portrait neckline and el­ waa about the McCarthy attacks ford. Mrs. Norma Bauer, 48 Trebbe ■qwqurnwiMTiia was well known In London's West prodigal, but ha did not stand in Saundara aM Sharp wero bound Dr., was matron of hohor. She bow-length sleeves were edged A«M« la Mraac* on him. End In pre-World War 11. Ms way. Leanness of foul la too over to Superior O e^ Saturday Remodefing wore a sapphire blue taffeta gown , with Alencon lace appllqties. The TRRP ••*a»a**aa«***a»*»*a*»» Chicago ~ Irving 8. Elorahelm high a price to pey for anything bell-shaped skirt -was trimmed HLOAtEril • • • a«a«**»**aaa*«a•#a*« T W The truth was that his concept F ilm to D ep ict night from SuffiaM town court on o r with scoop neckline and bouffant, M MoiitIA •«•••••«••••••*•••*• ^2* of public service demanded almoet of the board of Florthelm Shoe in this world. * chargee of robbery with violahce. • KITCHENS Storm W iiow i skirt accented by back bow, a j with re-embroldered Alencon lace Oo.. died Sunday after a long ill­ Major E. Walter Lamle Another euspeot, Gilbert Davie, motifs and extended Into a chapel •taaaa*•••••••*•••*«*** complete surrender of hli status as Hadassah Aims matching headpiece and a cascade | ness. He was a former president of Salvation Army 87, also of Hartford, waa bound • lATHROOMS or Storm Doon? of diibonnet .roses, ! length train. Her waist length veil OopT a human being. No warmth, no the firm, which waa founded by TEU »n 9-888S—Ml •-8583 of Imported silk Illusion was edged Bridesmaids were Miss Carol u JS^S^,JSSP,SgSS!Sk,“lii humor, no public evidence of his hli father. He was bom In Chi­ Mancheater chapter of Ha- 800 Woodbridge S t CALL In matching lace and fashioned In own feeling or emotion, no hint of cago. daasah will meet tomorrow at 3:80 841 S t O'Kara, Bayberry Rd.. Bolton: | Madonna style. She carried a cas­ Rosaiy Unit Plane Miss Janet Skewes. East St., He­ cade bouquet of phalaenopsls ?sa& js'S^;ps uneaetness over whqt might hap­ Stroudsburg. Pa. — Frederick .m. In the vestry of Temple Bath la llw Braaliw H«faWl W. Scheldenhelm, 75, a leading Sholom. Mrs. Lszarua Splwak, RUSCO bron; Miss Carol Moore, 457 orchids pen to Marshall, the man, waa mier Adams St., sister of the bride­ Miss Jean M. Handley was her Ola •dvaroaiat Qipalat boorai authority on hydro-electric power, president, reports prosMri)^* Card Party Oct. 21 THE OFFICE OF CHOOSE FROMi -I D-ea. rjM v visible. Me answered only to hie re died Saturday. Scheldenhelm, who members arc Invited to attend. groom. *n>ey wore blue taffeta stater's maM of honor. She wore a s s , -1 D Bi Mn^a\ aponslbiUUee as he sew them. He wee a consulting engineer In New A film. "It Could Happen to St. Bridget Rosary Society will DR. ARMAND • Ambassador • Regal gowns simiiar to the matron of gown of Venetian blue satin, de­ suggested e first dtizen of Rome, York City for 40 years, was born You," depleting the program and resume Its popular military whUt • Premier • Castem honor. Lori Fairbanks. 117 Haw­ signed with a scoop neckline, fit- ■ aims of Hadassah. will be shown. ' AFFRICANO f o r thorne St., cousin of the bride, ted bodice, elbow length sleeves i or perhaps the only American at Mendota, III. and setback parties Wednesday at A NatlMal BraM Prodaet Newport, R. I. — Archibald Da­ A cast of profeistonsiB act end 8 p.m. In the K of C Hall. Refreeh- soqH lns, g Ri At A Fries Yon Waat was flower girl. and short bouffant skirt with bow I ^taaaliiad da^naa; 10 in leader who has coma close to re 388 MAIN ST. Arthur F. Jarvis. .502 Adams St., ; detail. Ber headband was a bow of 4a 3 a t amieittaa amal vidson Williama, 75, a retired ex^ narrate this film. mente will be served. em d frlim f a . at producing the image of Washing­ ecutivs of UA. S t^ I Corp., died Miss Phyllis Solomon, a member The puMle may purchase tickets R. G. KITTLE served as best man. Uahers were ! matching satin with a email clr- ton. Whether or not hietoriana euc' of the USY group, wHI talk on her at the door or from any of the WILL BE CLOSED C:!harlea Genovese, 17 Deming St.: | culsr veil. She carried a cascade Monday, October If Sunday. Williams, who retired in M l 9 -0 4 8 8 1B40 after 46 years with the firm, recent trip to Isi'ael. Mr;i. Alvin following committee 'members: Robert Smith, Miami. Fla., and bouquet of white Hawaiian an- reed In filling In the man, the Hlrechfeld will present an . Ameri­ OCT. 17 thru Local Agent For Richard Handel, Eaat Hartford, thurlum. image seems certain to grow, was bom at Youngstown, Ohio. Mrs. J. E. McKeever, chairman: The Huids-Off Ideal can Affaire report. Refreehmenta Mrs. James Comlns, Mias Adeline FMRW8Y BARTLETT^OtAlNABD couain of the bridegroom. Wlerx()irki Photo Bridesmaids were Mrs. Mark '■u\. Buffalo, N. Y. — Thf Rev. Dr. OCT. 24 PRODUCTS OO., rather than dlmlnlah. will be served by Mrs. Harry Pro- Smith, Mrs. Kennsth Monroe, open thUTS. aM frt tUl 9 'The bride's mother wore a tur- MRS. ROBERT DONALD CROTEAU Hart Fleltzer, Old Greenwich, and Tha Prealdanfi Idea) o/ a aetOe- Robert T. Bapet, 79, retired Buf­ ■anaky and Mra. Morton Llpson, Mrs. WIHiem LaMotte, Mrs. Frank AD 3-UT5 quolae peau de sole dress and Miss Susan Mllloll. Sandusky. ment of the ateel atrike throu)(h falo superintendent of schools, hospitality co-chairmen, and their jacket with orchid corsage. The Ohio. Their gowns, head-pieces and Young, Mrs. John Kelly, Mrs. Jo­ Miss Arlene Mae Coville, daugh-f ter S t, waa her sister's matron of eoUectl>’e bargaininir, free of jrov- Shaded Of Hull! who becaihe a Roman Catholic committee. seph Harrington, Mre. IMvld Don­ bridegroom's mother wore a green flowers were Identical with those BAchracIi t%oia priest at 71, died Sunday. He had ter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. honor.' She wore a sapphire blue of the maid of honor. emmental Influence, la about to Some of the South's historic fig­ ovan, Mrs. Joseph Lynch, Mrs. allk print dress and jacket with taffeta ballerina gown with scoop MRS. JAMES CASANAVE GARVEY been with the Buffalo public orchid corsage. Coville, 72 Oakwood Rd., and Rob­ Dr. Eugene A. Curtin Jr„ Scran- ■ collapae Into a- (rovemment move ures. from Cordell Hull on back, Far *O0'BroaHtmy* Stanley Lucas, Mrs. Prime Gome—Phone MI 8-2741—^>rder By Mall ert Donald Croteau, son of Mr. neckline and cap sleeves, a Dior school system for 47 years when Amadeo, Mrs. Paul Adams, Mrs. ' Fftirbnnka Photo A reception for 2.50 gue.ats waa t,on. Pa., cousin of the bridegroom, jWhlch entera the aituatlon by or­ muet have been whirling In their he left in 1949 to enter e seminary. and Mra. Archie Croteau, 11 Rose­ bow hat with nosetip veil and car­ served as beat man. Uahers were sage was of bronze cymbldlum College and la a graduate of Wheo- Munich, Germany — How far Ernest Fitzgerald. MRS. RICHARD REMINGTON MOORE held at Garden Grove after the mary Place, were united In mar­ ried a bouquet of. white find blue lock College. The bridegroofn la an dering: the ateel workera back to graves the other day when the He wee ordained In 1961. does the "off-Broadwey” stage ex­ Also, Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. 136 Piece HOMEA^KER SETS-SILVER-DINNERWARE-GLASS ceremony. Decorations were wed­ Paul N. Cheney, New York City: orchids. Albuquerque, N. M.—Dr. James riage Saturday at St. James' pompons. Edward J. Gerrlty. White Plains, Miss Liicile Garvey, slater of the alumnus of the Unlverzlty of their jbba, with the iseuee of the Southern Governors Conference at tend? At least 4,000, miles mi the Joseph Schauster, Mrs. Rose ding bells and streamers. Church. Bridesmaids were Mra. Ray­ bridegroom, wore a dresa of beige Scranton and the Fordham Law H. Stygall, 73, of Indianapolis, a way to Munich, according to a Schowerer, Mrs. Joseph Falkow- green and royal blue brocade with Mrs.. Moore wore a beige suit N.Y.; Francis Kenney. Hastlngs- atrikd atm unaettled. Government Asheville received a report recom­ formtr president of the American Thousands already Sold! . black velvet acccasorlee and shad­ The Rev. Joseph McCann per­ mond Boutin, Mrs. Louis Panlalco, on-Hudson. New 5’ork. and Jerome Italian silk with lace bodice and School. He la a member of the New can order and require the produc­ mending, In effect, a high 'tariff theatrical group hare that plana to eki, Mrs. Charles Klotaer, Mra. ed cymbldlum orchids. with brown accessories and white formed the double ring ceremony Miss Paulette Croteau, sister of I. Welsh, Manchester, cousin of jacket of beige silk with brown York SUte Bar. He Is associated College of Cheat Surgeons, died stage American and British hit Joseph Simard, Mrs. Waino Hok- orchid for her travel costume on the bridegroom, all of Manchester. with the Indemnity Insurance Co. tion of the ateel the country la be- policy for America. Sunday, apparently of a heart at­ A reception waa held In the Im­ and celebrated a nuptial Mass. the bride. accessories. Her corsage was of plays In English. kanen and Mrs. James Peak. a wedding trip through Northern Tho bride, given in marriage by They wore emerald green taffeta mahogany cypridedium orchids. of North America. .Klnnlnc to need, for a period of 80 The surface explanation la easy. tack. He waa bom at Buffalo, N.Y. perial Boon), Hotel Delmonlco, Mrs. Handley wore a allk satin Park Ave., New York City. Mrs. New York state and Canada. The her father, wore a white satin gowns, Dior bow hats with nose- aheath dressi shaded from pale A roceptlon was held at The daya. It cannot, under the handa- It Is merely that the eelfieh eco­ Hlaml Beach, Fie.—James Low- couple will live at 2.5' S. Alton St. gown, trimmed with French Im­ tip veils and carried pompons. eH Oakes Jr„ 58, atoekbroker and I FAY ONLY Frelhelt wore a camel hair suit blue In the bodice to deep blue In Hartford Club Immediately follow- off Ideal, do anything about fet­ nomic Interests of the South eaems and matching accessories for her after Oct, 25. ported seed pearl designs, Sabrina Vernon W. LaBarron. 487 Cen­ ing the ceremony. For a wedding social figure, died Friday. . Hia $1.00 A WEEK ter St., broUier-ln-lBW of the bride, the skirt. Her hst was blue satin tling the leauea, and guaranteeing to have changed. The more Indus wedding trip In New York City The bride Is a graduate of neckline, long sleeves and bustle and velvet and her corsage was trip to Puerto Rico and St. John. • f o r firm, Oakea A Co., la a member of Hartford Technical school and la effect, custom-made by the bride- served as beat man. Ushers were ..ateel production after that 80 day trial the new South becomea the the Philadelphia and BaKbnore and state. pink cymbldlum orchids. The Virgin Islands. Mrs. Garvey wore 1.'' a hairdresser at Rene's Beauty groom'a mother. She wore a satin Raymond Boutin and Louis Pan- a sapphire blue wool eult With hat jieriod. Stock Exchanges. We*pe moped* The couple will live at 64 Thom­ taleo, both of Manchester. bridegrooms mrflher wore s dress Mwing RNdt more Instinct It has to protect the ^ Seeiidi eebsKevaUs — hot Fe hoel as Dr. Salon In Glastonbury. The bridC' crowm 'trimmed with seed pearls and jacket of Imported French of matching fabric. The couple will The Preeldent’a inatlnct muet be New York—Walter W. Naum- groom is a graduate of Manchester and veil of French Illusion. She Mrs. Coville wore a royal blue domestic market for ' Its Indus Yee oet ohielriily overytlilei vso ' The bride attends Hartford Hos­ brocade In turquoise and gold with live in Harrison, N.Y. after Nov. 1. •Im p Hm ^reapected. Thla la not the llrat time triail products against foreign com­ burg, fin. banker, music patron •se Hletfreted aa thb m | s — il4 pital School of Nursing. The High .and the Cheney Technical carried a white orchid on a satin crepe dress with gardenia corsage. a hat of matching fabric. Her cor- The bride attended Skidmore Die haa tried to inaiat that elementa end advleer to the music depart­ waadertel eiecsi and each sea gerfeet—42 pleeee ef (evaiy dieeer. bridegroom la a student at West School and is employed by Stand­ Bible. The bridegroom’s mother wore a petition. Wher. Nfw England was ments of Harvard and Princeton ard Builders Inc. of Hartford. Mrs. Vernon LaBarron, 487 Cen- printed aqua ellk dress with gar­ jjn American life settle their own ^ , were. 48 gl—** et Iwedteew tflvefglete, sea 83 gleeei at gleoeilei Virginia Wesleyan College. FAIRWAY making the products, and the IMlveraltiaa, died Saturday. ' . fleMwars. TMt valm h made gSMlMa eefy hv sorlsad gweheiet denia corsage. jproblems without compulsion or South was maiftly a producer of Lob Angeles—Mrs. Pemo Fita- y '■ and II lakni Mlehenli’ veil beyinf gewer te soar H In aeegaretiee A reception for more than 100 FUBRIBRS open thura. nod fiL Mil 9 dictation from tne federal govem- raw matejiale, then the South was ■immona, 76, widow of Bob n ts - vHk llirM ef AmnrUa’i fernmeil melnn ef fehinwore. Itra see and guests was held at the Rosemount I CHESTER'S Md DBSlUNElia *ment. What one looks for, almost eimmons, one-Ume boxing cham- yeuH grehsUy want levtml fnr frinndi, for bridnt, for Mere gift restaurant after the ceremon.v. Tlie j the clei^ supporter of the free plmi, died Friday of a atroke. She Sullivan'Robihson 'bi vain, 1| the instance In which eneniinnt. decorations were white wedding J trade principle. A simple but wee bom in Ruaaia. Her husband, bells and streamers. | the hands-off policy has worked, sweeping change In the way the who won the world middleweight, For a motor trip through north- i Remodel CHAR6I YOUK : and has not, as In the Instance of light heavywright and heavy­ Miss Bette Lou Robinson; daugh­ South makes Its money produces MICHAELS Ognn(ItoAM TfenmOnrTbewmdmr 9. ern New England and Canada, the YOUR OLD FUK COAT ; the flnal resort to federa’ guns In almost a complete about-face In weight titles, died In 1917. jbymIbn V ter of Mrs. Arlene Robinson. 43 bride wore a royal blue suit with PRESCRIPTIONS HIRE LMkport, N.Y,—Cameron Ger­ INTO A NEW ; Little Rock, led to a climactic exer- the South’s attitude toward tariffs. PLEASE SEND ME, DELIVERY CHARGES PRERAID, tkn 114-PiiM { Foster St., and Francis E. Robin­ mink trim, matching hat and ac­ man, 53, a former aaslatant U. S. Remhranrtt Btudlo cessories. The cquple will live on ; tlon of governmental Intervention But to point out the surface rea­ Hemtmnknr S«t Hhnfrntnd nbevn, eenihtino «f Dlnnnrwarn, Stivnr- | son. Ml, Vernon, N. Y., became the • Cape • Stole Secretary of - Apiculture, died warn end CdnMwnrt. I ayrnn Is gey $47.74 glw $IA0 Conn, Selti | Foxcroft Rd., Bolton. PINE ■ more drastic than might have been son for this change la not to con­ Saturday after a brief Illness. He Tei end wffl gey In Uin mnnnnr ckttind bnlew. ■ E n ffa g e d bride of Donald John Sullivan, The bride is a June graduate of • Jacket From »W .9 5 • necessary. cede that It ie right, or even that waa a former pro^eaeor at Cornell son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Manchester High School and Is PHARMACY University. P _ . . _□ 41.00. a Ws^ The engagement of Miss .Tac- Ml 4-0951: Ml 9-1318 or It is concehuiMe that; Iq ' the it makes hard economic sense. (a Mtell nsrryinf clwr|n will hn eddro forw eanaty Peywenlt) queline Muriel Lebedln to Jamea Sullivan, 1.58 t>ake St.. Saturday employed at P ratt and 'Whitney RorkvUI)* TR 5-5939—Revenw Cluurgea S t Simon Island, Ga.—Walter ItC KNOWN NAME. 1 Aircraft. The bridegroom Is a 19.59 ateel strike situation, some-sharper One. of the a ta t^ at th« confer­ G. Jens, 71, former vice president George Trivigno Jr., son of Mr. afternoon In St. Mary’s Episcopal 32 BURKE ROAD, ROCKVILLE \ edge In the White House attitude THE KNOWN OUAUrr Name Ptwno_ and Mrs. James Trivigno, 118 graduate of .Howell (jheney Tech­ For Fre# EatUnato Tear Homo. IM QENTER ST. ence Insiated m attaching its own of the Duquesne Light Co., Pitts­ Church. nical School and 1a employed by to ; during the period when the two burgh, died Saturday of a heart SINCE 1700 Addrott__■ Cambridge St., is announced by reservation to the committee re­ her parenta, Mr. and X^rs. Anthony The Rev. Alfred Williams, rec­ Moriarty Brothers. parties were supposed to be ne­ port. attack. He waa bom at Rock Is­ HOWARD E. LAPPEN CHy______Stdto. tor, performed the double-ring land, HI. JACK J. LAPFEN D'Onofrlo of Hartford. gotiating might have eliminated — In this diaeent, Maryland said Miss Lebedln is employed as a ceremony. The church was deco­ Miami, Fla.-—Lse C. Voyce, 67, rated with white pompons. Mrs. the necessity for the ationg gov­ the following: retired vice president of the Mid­ secretary at P ratt & Whitney divi­ ernmental Intervention now ap­ . . . WE ARE NOW LOCATED AT sion of ilnlted AlYcraft Corp., East Ruth Rice, Wallingford, sang "It should be noted that through­ western Pipe Co. of St. Louis, "The Lord's Prayer" and "O Per­ proaching. It la conceivable, ton, out the atate'i long maritime his­ died Saturday. Hartford, and her fiance is In busi­ ness with his father, proprietor of fect Love," accompanied by that following the use of an in­ tory there have been Instances Galesburg, III.—Dr. Harold M. 8 BISSELL STREET S.vdney McAIplne of Manchester Camp, 74, aecrdtary-treasurer of e Rank that you PLANNED SECURITY James Beauty Salon, Manchester. ■fiei^iiesw "T)ean^ junction to put the men back to where certain foreign Imports have BS organist. tha Illinois Medical Society for 55 JUST 8 SECONDS PROM MAIN ST. The hridp, given In marriage by work for 80 daya, the grovem- disrupted domeetle businesses but yeoTB, died Saturday of cancer. mental resource after that period her father, wore a gown of white tbe economic effect of such adverse Jewett, 111.—Charles A. McCar­ Dulcette satin with scalloped may have to be even more drastic. thy, 63. of Washington, D.C., edi­ imports has beer offset manyfold NATIONAL THRIFT WEEK Sabrina neckline, fitted basque As we stand, at any rate, the ait­ by the economic benefits flowing to tor of "Naval Affairs" magazine bodice, long sleeves tapered to a uatlon la that the free bargaining and national correepms and pompons, healthy, and eoundMt gnd that cut, SUCCESS B"ldesmaids were M'ss Sharon lar funeijiBq of toe^lndueby^^ enjoy iKe" privilege _ of markets Evfiry thinking person Sullivan, 1.58 Lake St., .sister of the things could be ph piil^r,< hi nUikgs plang to assure a bet­ bridegroom: Miss .TurllthqHansen. figures, - and dgures can be com­ have nb'moW uae for fhe idea of a ter I^ture. He starts a sav­ 92 Waranoke Rd.; Mrs. Douglas promised^ i ^ a t ’we have, instead hothouse proteotlohlam now than ings account,' secures insur­ Knight, West Hartford. All wore of this kind of issue, la almost / dresses matching the maid of hon- it did When It waa an agrlculturtil ance land tries to increase Ben Franklin is our earliest American o'-'s, and carrlpd similar bouquets. blind contest of wins, "dth neither community. Protectionism is a hi.s knowledge. Richard Plantanida. 28 Dudley of the contesting wills even dose to crutch which becomes a disease. But, no future can be a leader who preached and practiced St., brother-in-law of the bride­ A car is a li5'ing thing: < breaking the other, with the even­ groom. s’erved as best man. Ushers real happy one unless good NURSE thrift. There are thousanda of Manches­ tual result likely to be a stalemate, were Francis R. Robinson, 4.3 Fos- all living things muet change. We Hope Wrestling Survives health is present., Fortu­ tey St., brother of the bride; John but wiULtblTre. jSa yet, no referee nately medical knowledge ter men and women who also practice L. Sullivan, 153 Lake St., cousin This is why, the creative car builders of Pontiac In position to decree the etalemate. The area of the sacrosanct In welcomes a new citizen LBartle Everts of held In the new parish half Im­ The perfect profile comes from just-right will prescribe what is need­ -«. and veil, and carried a cascade of Something Of A Roman CAN PHONE Is employed at the East Hartford ." 1 There,^ It' seeme to qe, was a Mitchell S-5H21 flame' red rosebuds and miniature Aircraft Federal , Credit Union. owning cars can be quite radical. Ivy. Tho bridegroom attended Man­ Now you can Take from George Catlett Mar- type of presentation end enter­ WHEN YOU NEED Mrs. Donald B. Caldwell, Elling­ For you cannot possess this automobile and be tainment which fully proved Its cheater High School, served two ■hall the abuse he never deserved A MEDICINE ton, was her sister's matron of years as a corporal in the U.8. purchase a NEECO and the praise he did not really de­ ability , to w lthB^d, 'victoriously, . • honor. She wore a peacock blue Marine Corps, xnd Is employed by TV picture lube anything less than lighthearted. You cannot conizol it chiffon dress, matching contour serve either, end whet was left to those seme allegations which are ■'Pick up your prescri]^ Pratt A Whitney division of United pretoctofi by a two year and be anylhing'less than sportive about driv-ing. featbered hat and chiffon rose Aircraft Corp. him was the authentic role of top In process, of wrecking other pro­ '^^ion If shO)) near us, or buds. IMraatc*. Net one year but military architect of Allied victory grams. There were always smart- let. MS deliver promptly, Ally. Ddnald B, Caldwell, El­ You cannot be seen in it and be anything less In World War It. In thU role, h« aleck eophiaticatee who ealil that Your Savings Earn Current Annual Dividend lington, brother-in-law of the two full yoars from date o{ purchase! without extfa charge. "A bride, served as best man. than buoyantly proud. had an often decisive voice In they were fixed, that even the time great man.** people entrust Tho flriit.tube on tho markot with this graM strategy, and In the selec- for the falls was pre-determlned, M:rs. Iversen wore a moss green Wc Stock us with the responsibility Menibar ef Federal chiffon dress with bronze acces­ rion of commandani, and he con­ that ths ferocloua characters who sories and cymbldlum orchids In tributed personally in the organ­ confronted one another always of filling their prescrip­ ’’Deposit Ineuranee Cor^ tones of her 'ensemble for her 2 YEAR WARRANTY knew which one was going to take tions. Ma-y we compound daughter's wedding. The bride- HALLMARK With Ihi widMi ttock ol o"y cot, Poohoc't width ii on Iht tood-whtr* izing ability which aaw that his ynuss? it gtvsi you bottsr stobilrty. W.dt-Trocli widani tha ttonca.; not tha cor. THE ONLY CAR WITH WIDt-TRACK WHCELR comxnendera had the trained men the dive, that, for ■all their show- Your gift will help groom's giother wore em erald; and tha critical materials for the off roughhousing of each other, CARDS FREE A free sample bottle of the detergent s e e voufK l o c a l AUTHomzeo p o n t ia c oeA L es strategy that had been selected. their touch waa alw-aye expertly / Woodeo LESTOIL cornea in every NEECO carjon. Neither tha unfair abuae which gentle, and their pain never real. the visiting nurse. avings anchester y wiND>o-jioae MILLER WjMcftii m WeMi oemblnaillen earn# to him nor tha often-aakew Despite all this, their audiences MAIN OFFICE EAST BRANCH WEST branch W- Otenn and aoraen P A U L DODGE P O N TIA C , Inc. pralsa which was baMed him, In always knew the tnUh as thsji saw Prescription Pharmi^y PHARMACY CoiitribliHons rtiay b« sM t to M n. Artfrar B. Smith, '/ tiT) £ fj‘. f M f. ^ * ysswiX latar phase* ot hia oaraer, dimmed i t Despite the clamor of tha cynics, 901 Mhjn Street V2J Atom St. h' ■ rt- r Pof )• (n 1...... i:i IN i;n \i) 878 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER, CONN. • I ■■ ■ AM istant Trsosprer, M.F.H>I.A-, 28 Raymeiid Rd., Cor. 1 ■ ... A > f W f’.f Aiicffi' I tJ f J! $J> < Al HGvr ftMRSRT homier MODfRNlir WiCE that eantral achlavament Becauae no Investigation aver succeeded In •Quotation by John, Galiworthy OPIN THURSDAY er wHft 4pi • « I’lii.iii- Ml ; 11 ;i t IVININOS 6 to H BOTH iJMN- -)PfN fWin,Av, wroaoeoeaunaMTiw 4 HILLS ST. M l 3*818 S •TH eSte'8 NOTHIN9 LIKE A NEW CAR-ANO NO NEW CAR LIKE A PONTIAC* ha WM ao stole bs ntver coMs- proving a single fix. No commit­ (1867-1933) M onchtslvr. am. » . woeweiseet m. a .... v,., •esMsd to answer attacks which Copyright 1959 ( 9W1) tee of Congtam ever dared question I ALWAYI PUNTY OP PRII PARKMO f

V 1 MONDAY, OCTOBER 49. 1959 radioacUvs fallout to tha svant of nuclear attack. Town to Start Rockefeller Hs also urged additional step# to Doomed Killer Asks Death Mrs. Lyons Ford Will Suhior Skowron Eisenhower Delays attract more young people to pub­ lic health cisrpars and ba jirgad Six Projects State Dept. May Eject public health workers M join to In Plea to Pardons Board Again Heads At Masonic Sports Program Openly for ■oenUl health progratos. Roekefellsr said public health WhlMy Ford Is the hoe left DuringW eek On Steel Injunction nurses could spot montol fltassi In Catholic Unit haadez o f the New York Yaakoao its early stages and eould help Red Diplomat to U.S. Nomination Crater to MMUto ItoVlM would bo **o Hospital Notes pitchtiif staff, but tomorrow be head' off serious breakdowns Tha propoasd relocaticn Mrs. Mary Larons, 28 Moors St, will be a piaeh hitter. Construction was expected to among famlHea they visit. will affect saveral Bolton tha Blue Hills CUInIc and tha Con­ NfiRchfisttr tamX to fkto up to tbo dineiilt (OeattHMfi necticut Safety COmmiaalon. problam of dooUni; with tho t ^ was rsslscted president of the Ford wUl bo tha speaker ht tlM begin this week town Brown Refuses «mn to hrifid tbs pSHtbUty wt an ago probably wolM equal that noaaas at tha Notch. WfiDpa|»tr and Paint Ca. Vlatltot haws: AdoHs a to • Masonic; Sports Night He wUI be \ Tha map on. display at the Town The Tolland Ckmnty Layman's of non thOM poyoUtlBU h v f* m. MataniHy to < and d:M to OsUiolic Ladies of Columbus at projects. imposed dselsleB. eaussd by tho winds. 260 BROAD ET. a subatltutiM for the Yanksea first memliig end tryliig by bribery end publican national chairman, said Clerk’s office revaala that the road­ Fellowship will hold Its dinner m a w o h e b tb r . o o n m . ■ciitMd." P.BS. auMrsn'spUMrsn Ward — a to T Involved are a swimming , ^ is ths belief of tha beard ttut Thera was no hsavy damage Neuvilic* Homwped its 45th annual state convention baseman, BUI (Moose) Skowron. if we ever corns to that (haposed threats e f violenee to make him yesterday in Washington that he way will pass right through the meeting tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the Kati had Mid that Davtaa' tur- rp.n. three storm sewer projects, a wa­ Chessman Plea reported anywhere except to fields expects a Rockafeller-Nixon floor praaent Sunoco station. Slated for Coatoai Pnaiiaf bulant marrlafo to hla aaoond wifa here Saturday. Howard Waddell, general chair­ deoialpns in labor disputes), we ot euourabers and poppers in the Stafford Springs Omgragational man for tha aportt^Elght planned ter main, and a pavh^ program. Into a spy for the Soviet gevem- fl^ t at the OOP convention. removal ara Doc's Drive-In and Church. Tho Rsv. Roiland O. On Anniversary and tha aaparatlon of hla foatar Paltoata Tedayi m Also reelected to state office Work has already begun on an won't have tha same kiad of eoua- Immokalee winter farming area. Artiata* Sappliaa were Mrs. John Malone, 88 Quaker by Manchester Lodge, said he was b im L In addition to the Chicago trip. tha Baso atation oil the north side Ehvlng of Crater Omreh, Toning- Bta wara "tranalatad Into ont ADMITTED SATURDAY: Mrs. outdoor .Bwtmmiiig po^ at the For Qemency try." There were no reports of casual- Saturday Oasea of the road. The Manchester Drive- Rd., vice president; Mra. John Hef- informed this momhig that Skow­ Taylor was referriajg to risaent The aetiiig chief of the U.S. Em­ Rockefeller plana to visit Califor­ ton.esvill be gueit apeaker. Mr. and Mrs. Oelestin Neuvllle of dva act” whan ha klUad tha Ruth Borgsson, 670 N. Main St.; Verplaack School under a 839,276 Uee. nia, Nixon’s home atete, and Robert J. Ferry, 29, of Hart­ In theater will not be affected. Ivin girl. feman, Newington, recording sec­ ron underwent surgery in the Mayo proposals for stranger government bassy, Edward L'Frsera, protest­ A Weather Bureau announce­ Installation of officera and a 49 W. Middle Tpke. were honored Albert Carr, Plainflsld, N. J.; Clinic last night for a wrist Injui^. contract held by the Rudd A Mur­ (Oeathraed from Page Om ) Oregon next month. Both those ford, was given a 10-day sus­ The properties are asaessed for ”Ha did not know he was dolnp retary; Mrs. Robert De CarU, action to settle major disputes ment Saturday that Judith's winds fellowship gathering have bean by three generations of their fam­ Samuel Miror, South . Windsor; The Injury sidelined Skowron for ray Oo. of North Attleboro, MasX. ed to the Soviet foreign office states will hold presidential pri­ pended sentence on a charge of about 837,000 on the 1958 Grand scheduled by thr Ladies Benev­ u a nom al person would know Frank Irwin, 61 School S t; John Rockville, secretary; Miss Mar­ The firm began preparations to­ through compulsory arbitration had roached 74 miles an hour— ily Saturday at a surprise celebra­ TBiBiir garet McGowan, Danbury, treas­ several weeks during tha last sea­ reeult of tlTe outragea perpetrated Friday afternoon. The acting chief maries next year. fraudulent iasfie of a cheek and Ust. olent Society for its meeting to­ It” KaU said of Davies' actions In Ambrose. 28 W. Middle Tpks.; Mrs. day for building a reinforced con­ and other aetlOiu demanded in tha barely hurricanp force — caused was placed on probation for six The highway will swing back of tion of tbeir 67th wadding anni­ D ilV iW A Y S ths two stranculation-serew driv­ urer. Mra. Albert Petrowaki of son. Since tha wrist had not upon her.” of the American eection, S. R. The governor also is scheduled morrow at 8 p.m. in Marten Barrett, 83 Oak St.; Qlf- healed correctly, doctors decided it crete pool 42 by 82^ feet, a wad­ last few days by some members Uiouaaada of beach residents from months. Prosecutor John N. Lorn' Wtlco Machine Tool Ck>. in a direct versary. er kilUncs. Newington was elected as stats Chessman still hxa pending bd^ gtringaaov—fonnkr Ruaalan em- to address a-meeting of the New room. Hostesses Incjuds Mra. How- OUR lUSINISS ford LaPoints, 66 Lockwood St.; was necessary last night to re- ing pool 42 by 20 feet, shower and fore the UJS. Supreme Court to­ of Congress. Clearwater to south of Fort Myers England Society ot Newspaper bardo said Ferry cashed a cheek aouthweatarly Una which wtl) bring The couple was married In Val- Rogowakl described Davies as a Mrs. Camilla Zagoraki, South editor. Ths 6-board of inquiry — Hamed basay ooUnaoUor in Waehlngton— to evacuate their homes. Many it under Bolton Center Rd. a few srd P. Jensen, Miss Ella Summer, dols, France, to 1902, and came to We repair etaata, MifaM Fifty-five delegates attended the break tha wrist and reset i t Mrs. toilet fadlities, and a filter sys­ day a final appeal for a new ex- Editors Nov. 20 in PrqyUJsncs, for 820 at a Manchester filling sta­ aeal with FBatar. a 9Bat- psycho-pathetic personality who Windsor; Martin Howard, 637 W. tem. Other work will raise the lb days ago aS tha first move to­ in reply accused Langello of May­ returned to their homes before hundred feet aoutheaat of WlUlams Mrs. Alexander Shearer, Mra. the United Statee In 1907. They M d violent impulses when he was Skowron called Waddell. Jackls limination of his trial record. He ing- on tha Soviet Union and or­ R.I. tion Sept 15. Walter Elliott, Mrs. David gin­ keto predaet. Maaii all Fed­ Middle l^ke.; Randall Grous, El­ Farrell, ^the Yankee public rela­ total cost to about 846,000. waa convicted in Los Angelaa in ward invoking the Taft-Hartley’a midnight. On these tours, hs plana to dis­ Wendell P. (heveland, 27, .of Rd. It WiU pasa throug’ Ruggles' have lived in Manchrater for moat emotionally upset lington; Charles Moeller, fll Green national emeigency procedures — dered him out pf the country. property and the Manchester water­ ning and Mra. Myron M. Lee. of their married life. . eral Gevtiiaiarat s fs riflra- tions director, wlU bring Ford with A 857,866 contract for a storm 1948. cuss lutional and international Is­ Coventry, waa sentenced to 30 tteM. Over IB* l Esi sd eas- "He would not ^wilfully kill Manor Rd.; Mrs, Amelia Gstse- The State Department prompt­ in p a c i f i c shed before reaching the town line The Women of St. George's Among the guests were their him. sewer to serve the North Junior Cffiesamah, now 88, wras sentenced had striven to combine a'last-diteh O H A R ixym : sues and also expects to meet with days In jail, execution audpended, lomers hi Maaiihaator. Caet Btranta firls,” the New Haven wich, 162 Birch St. mediation effort with its fact find­ ly rejected the spying accusation. just north of Campmeeting Rd. (Jhurch will see a demonstration three daughters, Mrs. Mathilda Skowron originally was subbing Whltey Ford High School site was signed by after being convicted of 17 felonies Tokyo, Oct. 19 (P)—After kiUing Republican Isadora. and was placed on probation for anrpristoglF tow pe pardUatrlat tastiiled. ADMITTED YESTERDAY; Mrs. for Oil McDougald, who also is the town and the Maskel Con­ ing. It got tha issues defined — It said jXngslle would be leaving Planning for the highway indi­ on (Christmas decorations at their Milligan and Mra. Andrew (Jean­ State's Attorney William FiU- as the "Red Light Bandit” of Loa at least 47 Okinawans and doing He previously had ruled out en­ six months for Indecent exposure. way. Eleanor Hutson, East Hampton; hospitalised and will be until the be two Manchester youths now in struction Co. of South Windsor something ths parties had not as- Moacow today or tomorrow and heavy crop damage in the Ryukyu John H. Morhardt, 17, of S3 Hol- cates an average traffic flow of meeting Wednesday at 8 p.m. at ne) Winaler, both of Manchester, dd of Waterbury spoke brief- Mrs. Lucien Lobb< East Hartford; Angeles lovers lanes. would probably return direct to gagements outside of New York more than 30,000 cars a day is an­ the .church. Miss MllUcent Jones A2IKS1TB BEAL middle of November. the minora—Moa Mo’-hardt who Friday. Two counts against Chesdman— compUaiied since tha ffispute Islands, (Jharlotite skirted Uater St., charged with reckless and Mra. Andrew (Adelaide) Bat­ OOATINM He said that the three state Mrs. Nancy Dellse, Bast Hartford; Waahlngtcm. His wife, Marian, and state. I ticipated in 1985. will be the speaker. Hostesses. in­ r The affair in the Masonic Tem­ signed with the Chicago Cubs last Work on that sewer, one to re­ forcing two girls into sexual acta flared in April — and got each aide Tokyo today and began to blow But he threw off that policy last driving, pleaded innocent, and his taglia of Talcottville. BO 9-062S psychlatTlBtB at the Davies trialBrien Kelley, 46 Green Manor Rd.; their three young children were clude Mrs. <7hrla Hallquest and They have two grandchildren, ple starts with a dinner at 7 raring; and Gene Johnson, a lieve Main and Leonard St., and after robbing or threatening to to make some concesnons. herself out in the Pacific. week with the explanation that esM was continued to Nov. 7. Oongregaltonal Church News Eveatoih 90 2-6802 had all testilled that he was sane Edward Otto, Rocl^ HUI; Mrs. o'clock. Others on the program will Braves farmhand. But last night the negotiations expected to return with him. The Rev. Theodore W, Chandler Mra. Homer Fagley. Mra. Roland Irish, Manchester, and and knew the difference between on a grading project between Bol­ fob them and taking them from Alerted for a glancing blow New York state affairs were run- James O. Best. 16, of 53 0>burn Dorothy Dickson, East Hartford; collapsed finally and Taylor said As chief aocurity officer of the Jr. and several Congregational The Women’s Auxiliary to the Andre Wliuler Jr., Atlantic High­ rl|ht and wronff at the time of the John Rota, 186 Eldridge St ; Mrs. ton St. and Schaller Rd., is expect­ cars—were ruled kidnaping for from the storm, the Japanese cap­ nlng smoothly enough to siiow him Rd., t heiYcd with breach of peace, ed to get started before the end robbery will/bodily harm, a capi­ the collapse waa "a breakdown ot embassy in Moscow, Langelle had ital escaped with only 45-mlIe' Chnrch members will attend a Fire Department will discuss its lands, N. J. The couple has six slaytnfs. Gladys Castagna. 692 E. Middle to visit other statee. was referred to the Juvenile Court gran(lchildren. of the week, according to Deputy tal offense. collective, bargaintog-” tha teak o f protecting the build­ winds and the flooding of some His plans to tour various parts His case In Manchester was con­ Christian enlistment meeting of annual banquet at the meeting to­ T p ^ ; Joseph Mack, Clark Rd., Taylor, . a- Philadelphian who nine area churches in Windsor this night at 8 o’clock at the firehouse. ^m on; M n. Lois Adam, 330 Drive Workers Director of Public Works Chester Chessman, maintaining his inno­ ing and the people of the Amer­ streets and of 31 housss. of the nation also follower s se­ tinued to Nov. 7 In case juvenile Langtry. cence, fought off seven other sched­ headed Ute. War Labor Board dur- evening. The Bolton Advisory Mrs. J. D. Avery, Mrs. Wlllism TRACTOR KILLS 'fOT Xdama St.; Mrs. Doris Thompson, ican diplomatic mlaaion there from (Charlotte swerved eastward 76 ries of reports on public opinion aiiUiorities decline to take jurisdic­ ' Simsbury, Oct. 19 (Ab—Jeffrey uled executions through court ap­ iM World War n , said today Soviet oepiimage. In that position polls indicaUng that Nixon waa tion. Council will omit Its meeting to­ Clifford and Mrs. Edward Dufres- DORim oiHt Youth Faces Hartford; Mrs. Dora EUis, IN Fos­ Pending routine legal ' prepara­ "1%ls is nq longer a private dis­ ■piles off Japan’s east coast. Her ne will be hostesses. C. Voyer, 6, of Simsbury was in­ ter St.; Mrs. Edith McMullin, 12 Commissioned tions, the Jarvis Construction Co. peals. he had to know about espionage th overwhelming choice of Re- Louis Psvan Jf.. 19, of 520 night. Mrs. AngMta B. Abbott pute between private partiea” center winds slackened to 67 miles The Rev. Mr. Chandler will be Miss Ethel Goslse will apeak jured fatally yesterday white rid­ Edison Rd.; Miss YOlonda Soquist, will sign an 811,633.75 contract for His attorneys pleaded with techidques. an hour, reducing Charlotte from publlcaiu for the nomination. Keeney S t, pleaded nolo con­ RockviUe — Mrs. Augusta B. Brown for clemency last Ihursday, With idleness caused by the on United Natloiu at the meeting ing on the rear of hla tether’s trac­ U S AU ! South Windsor: Howard Flavell, 83 the Bolton St-Schaller' Rd. project, Langelle gave this account of a fuM-fledged typhoon to a wind­ Rockefeller said he expected his tendere (no contest) to a charge of among those who attend the first Two Charges Abbott, 80, of 114 Grove St., died At Qfneordia saying the kidnaping charges are 97-day shutdown moimting close ministers’ conference on the of the Woman’s Society of Chris­ tor. Authorities said his clothing Packard St.; Lorraine Satryb, 10 Langtry said, adding that an ap­ to three-quarters of a million— the Incident: ' storm. ' tiavels would give him a broader following too closely and waa found caught in a moving part, throw­ Becker PI., Rockville; Mrs. Mar­ last night at Rockville City Hos­ propriation by transfer of 816,OM technical. At 9 o’clock Friday morning as understanding of the political guilty and fined 812, problems of alcohol at the Hart­ tian Service at United Methodist pital. Chessman, despite his attorneys’ 500.000 Steelworkers and nearly Okinawan police feared the re­ Church tomorrow at 8 p.m. Mrs. ing him against the machine. Tha Three weekend auto/accidents garet Jones. North Coventry; Miss "Venture in Faith” campaign tomorrow night by the Board of he left a bus one block from the ported death toll would rise when situation in the country. This has Jason 8. PetUnglll, 23. of 60 ford Seminary Foundation tomor­ resulted in three a r ^ ts , police She was bom in Germany, Aug. actions, had demanded "vindication 250.000 in steel-dependent indus­ row. This event is sponsored not 'Oirlton T. Daley Is chairman of father, Arthur Voyer, waa at the Mary Reilly. 80 Laurel S t; Cheryl workers were commissioned at Directors will clear the way for the tries—it appeared that the gov­ embassy offics building he was communications were restored to been translated to mean that he Doane S t, pleaded Innocent to a reported today, one^ole /o f them for Klein, IN (Ifooper HUI St.; Mrs. 21, 1879, and had lived in Rock- Concordia Lutheran Church yester­ signing of a 810,352.40 contract with or death.” grabbed by five Russian men who plana to tour the nation to deter­ charge of following too closely but only by church groups but the tbe program. Hostesses will be wheel. evadinp responsib Uity. ,ville for about 75 years. She was a day. He also had demanded that ernment could not wait tong un­ isolated points. No U.S. military Jadniga Morkn, 26 Hamlin S t; that firm for the Main and Leonard hustled him into a car. They took or civilian casualties were report­ mine whether he has a good was fouiM guilty and fined 89. Mrs. ElUe Bolton, 48 BIssell St.; member of the National Woman's St. job. Brown disqualify himself from the less there, were str(»ig indications Charped withdvasion is John J. hirs. Mary Lyons The volunteer visitors this week thO partiss were ready to ^eld him to a building not far from the ed, but authorities said damage chance of defeating the Vice Presi­ Milton Borat, 47, of 83 Oak St„ Connolly, 16, o f 18 Fairview St, Douglas Howard. Talcottville; Relief Corps. will seek pledges to the campaign The water main in Highland St. case, contending the governor embassy and spent an hour and 45 dent In a convention fight. charged with intoxication, had hla Charlea Saunders, 120 Branford St.; Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. for the new church to be built on will be installed by the A. Dzen Co. showed bias when he was attorney some ground to rad the strike. to the big American militaiy in­ who, police Said, crashed into a convention which began with a re­ minutes questioning and threaten­ stallations totaled 8800,000. Meanwhile, in his speech here case continued to Oct. 26. parked car on S t John S t near Mrs, Peggy Hanson, 22 Union PI.; ception at the Church of the As­ Carl Anderson of Manchester, six Pitkin St. for 87.0M beginning in a day or general. ing him, threatening his family and Rockefeller proposed extending to A nolle waa entered in the case CHOICEST MEATS IN TOWN! Adams. Police said Connolly, who Mrs. Marie Miesch, 22 Greenwood sumption auditoriiun Friday eve­ grandchildren and seven great­ The Rev. Paul C. Kaiser, pastor, two, according to water Superin­ Brown had then called Chess­ offering him money to spy on the more workers Insurance coverage of James Madden of no certain is not licensed to drive, had bor­ Dr.; Mrs. Sarah Stevens, Eastford; ning and concluded with a banquet grandchildren. said "The response has been so tendent Fred Thrall. man's. legal battles a mockery of Artist Explains United States for Russia. Then they for major, prolonged illnesseS. He address who waa charged with in­ rowed the family car and had gone Kenneth Najem, Coventry; James and address by Bishop Eklward A. Funeral services wiU be held to­ gratifying so far, and I am sure Lsmgtry said the Kapla (Construc­ the administration of justice. took him back to the spot where called for closer relationships be­ toxication. The nolle was enter­ Henderson. 131 Charter Oak S t; you will bring our efforts to a Brown also was facsld with ap­ for a drive. He hit the parked car McGurkln, Maryknoll missionary morrow at 2 p.m. from the Holmes tion Co., of Hartford, is expected to Water Coloring they had picked him up and set Publie Records tween public health and private ed on the recommendation of the TUESDAY ONLY! a Paaatellas about 2:30 a.m. yesterday. The Mrs. Edith Lata, Btest Hartford. in Maswa, Ta^anyika, Britiui E^meral Home, 400 Main St., with glorious climax this week." begin laying 845,0M worth of pav­ peals from throughout the world him free. physicians in programs of preven­ prosecutor who said Madden was e Btawto parked vehicle la owned by Carl ADMITTED TODAY; Clayton Bteat Africa, Saturday night. the Rev. Roger Mackey, assistant Reports were heard from Henry ing this week in the first half of that he spare Cliessman, who has The State Department described Warrantee Deeds tive medicine to “ dispell the undue recently committed to the State Petrovich, 39, of 24 S t John St. Seymour. 115 Brookfield St.; the Mrs. Lyons presented annual pastor of Emanual Lutheran Agnew, teams, chairman; and A1 the year's proposed 81N,0N paving spent more time on death row than William D. Thomson, Bristol the five men as "unidentified Carroll M. and Beatrice R. Hospital in Noiovich. • SIRLOIN Lange, special gifts chairman. Re­ artist, ppesented a dsmonstration worrying about illness that dims <)nalltf Ferfeet Both cars were lightly damaged, Rev. Stanley KallsinskU, Laurel awards to the foUowlng assem­ Church, officiating. Buriai will be program. The firm holds the State anyone in California history. Soviet authorities.” It identified Lovell' to John G. and Julia B. life's enjoyment for too many Mansfield Allen of Storn was ST A K Manor Con^escant Home. blies: Victory Assembly, Rockville, port meetings will be held at the contract for the first half of the Los Angeles Prosecutor J. Mil­ ot water color technique at a meet­ Foster, property on Lenox St. 8 • SHORT Saght Melslara Bpota police said. [.Angelle as coming from Long in Elmwood Cemetery in Vernon. church tonight, Wednesday and ing of M members and guests of people.” fined 89 for failure to secure a li­ BIRTHS SATURDAY: A son to rogram award, accepted by Mrs. Friends may call at the funeral program, which will be financed ler Leavy, arguing for Chessman’,s Beach, Calif., and having held the Frank Gambolatl to Joseph W. cense. 89 for failure to carry a RBO. 26.78 W f Connolly, who has posted a Friday at 8:45.-A kickoff dinner through State aid funds for Man­ the Manchester FHne Arts .Assn. The governor renewed his ear­ 8200 bond for court appearance, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haines, Cov­ [ary Urtell; St. Joseph Assembly, home today from 3 to 5 and 7 to execution, said one of Chessman’s rank of lieutenant commander in and Anne M. Gasper, property on lier proposal for a program of regiatrationi and'818 for crossing • PORTERHOUSE B O X O F I0 ^ l . # 7 entry; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. SShelton, second place program, ac­ was held last Friday night when chester. victims, « l7-year-old girl, is fac­ Friday evening at the Whiten audi­ the Navy and having joined the Mountain Rd. lA . Oct 26, is also charged with driv­ 9 p.m. the general soliciting organization torium. shelters for protection against a diirided highway illegally. ing without a license. No injury Kenneth Flanders, Coventry. cepted by Mrs. Barbara Schuster; ing "a living death’' in a mental Foreign Service In 195S. John Rosimos Jr. and Barbara U. S. CHOICE BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son Tierney Assembly, Hartford, mem­ was outlined. hospital because of Chessman's at­ He chose as hie subject a sea- L Roalmos to Alvin C. Joslyn Jr. SALE.' was reported in the accident. Francis J. Babineau "ut the department was vague on bership award, accepted by Miss There are four divisions of work­ tack. sciqie. painting freely while sx- and Bernice A. Joslyn, property LIGGETT WnUam R. Martins, 39, of 9 to Mr. and Mrs. WUUam Swing. Francis J. Babineau, 224 Wash­ ers and 14 teams. what Langelle had done in govo-n- Stephen S t, was c h ^ e d with 50 Concord Rd.; a son to Mr. and Margaret Lynch; St. Joseph As­ Police Arrests Brown, a foe of capital punish­ plafiffing the composition and con­ ment work for several years prior on Broad St. sembly, Shelton, publicity shd at­ ington St., Hartford, brother of Norman Litze is Division A ment, asked Leavy whether Chess­ struction ot a watsrcolor. He used THIS IS THE HOUR! failure to grant the right of way Mrs. Guy Trudel, Hartford; a John E. Babineau of Manchester, leader. Team 1, Russell Miller, cap­ to 1956. When asked whether Lan­ Paul J. and Florence D. Haus- DRU8 STORE after a 2-car crash near the Shady daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce tendance awards, accepted by Mra. man’s time in death row plus life preliminary sketches in black apd gelle bad worked for the Central child to Janet D. Norris, property died Friday at Hartford Hospital. tain; Vernon Petersen. Roy Helm, Robert J. Rowe, 16, of 20 Elarl white, also transparent and opaque m a n o o c e t e b Glen yesterday evening. Police Lyon, WUUmantlc; a daiwhter to Schuster. imprisonment would not satisfy int^lgencs Agency, a State De­ on B. Middle Tpke. 8ROPPINO FARKAOB Guests and officials of the or­ He was a foreman at Underwood Michael Ruganis, Everett Frazel. St., who, police said, pushed a the needs of justice "rather than color. He strasssd light to dark HIGHLAND PARK MARKET I said Martins drove from the Shady Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Evivangel- Team 2, L any Wittkofske, captain, partment press officsr who was 'Vernon R, and^Mrgaret R. Mil­ Ml 04242 ganisation seated at the head ta­ Typewriter Corp., and a. veteran of garden hose through a basement that Roman holiday at Bin Quen­ wito overpainting. Glen parkbig lot into the path of hrta, 46 Green Manor Rd. World War n . John Slbrinz Jr,, .Tacob Turek Jr., othsrwise well informed on the esse ler to Thomas E. and Catherine 317 HIGHLAND ST.. MANCHESTER Ml 3-4271 ble Included Mra. Charles Gagne. window of a house at 71 Goodwin tin next FYiday.” Aner the demonstration, refresh- said "I don’t know." H. Toomey, property on Lyndale a ear driven west on E. Middle DISOHARGBD SATURDAY: Also surviving are three other Fred Winzier, Samuel Zwick. Team menta were served by Mrs, Herb­ Tpke. by Vlrginlo H. Vincente, 24, Mra. Alice Mason, Coventry; For­ RockvUle; Mra. Petrowaki and Clarence C^vill, captain; Walter St., was arrested Saturday for de­ St. brothers in Hartford and in Maine; struction of private property. ert Finlay, Mra, Stella Martin and of Wlllimantic. Martins told po­ ney Huckeba, Peterborough, N.H.; Mrs. Heffeman, both of Newing­ four sisters in Hartford, East Wilkinson Gustave Litke, William William L. and Anna J. Lopez ton; Mayor and Mra. Bhigene T. Police said the hose was turned Mra. Eleanor F. VIbbert. The table to Richard V. qnd Elinor D. Tier­ lice he waited in the parking lot Mrs. Alice Miller, Wlllimantic; Hartford and Newtonville, Mass. Bouton, Walter Armstrong. Team Child Study Unit was decorated in light green with Florida Unscathed for six cars to pass before he drove Shirley Hallin, 18 HoUUter St.; Kelly; Mias Mary ReiUy, president F^UIeraI services will be held-to- 4*. William Demko, captain; George on the water partially flooded the ney, property on Wedgewood Dr. of Gibbons Assembly, Manches­ cellar. Tho window through which a centerpiece ot yellow and .gold 1908-195f into traffic. Albert Smith, 89 Broad St.; Mra. morrow at 8:30 a,m. at the Taylox Winzier Chris Bauer, Walter Meets Tomorrow marigolds. Joseph Rossetto to Charles E. Hits Sign Post ter; the Rev. John F. Hannon, and Modeen Funeral Home. 230 Smith, Robert Petersen. the hose was pushed had been By Tropical Storm and Joyce R. Lindsey, property on Alice Johdston, 0 Munro St.; A portrait by Mrs. Rite Laskl Vincente's car, police said, hit a Nancy Thorp, Notch Rd., Bolton; pastor of St. James' Church and Washington St.,, ‘Hartford, with a Edward Weiss is Division B lead­ cracked before, police said, but Tanner St. sign post on the north side of chaplain of Gibbons Assembly; solemn requiem Mass at St. Ann’s er. Team 5, Wesley Smith, captain; the hose nozzle broke the glass. The Child Study Group of Man­ was selected as "picture of tha Rena N. Rylander to Michael B. Karen Fredrickson, 37 West St.; month." The association plane to (Oeatimied from Page One) turnpike after the crash. Vin­ Michael Cavanaugh, Blast Hart­ the Rev. PhtUlp Hussey oif St. Church in Hartford at 9. Burial will Howard Haberem, Viliam . Zwick, Rowe was picked up about 9 chester will hold its first fall and Dorothea M. Murphy, proper­ cente turned to the right in a try Bartholomew's Church; Mrs. Ly­ be in Mt. St. Benedict Cemetery, William Meier, Michael Haberem. p.m. near his home. Police could meeting tomorrow at 1 p.m. at sponsor a sale of paintings in No­ slightly during the night but the. ty on Hackmatack St. ford; Mrs. Gladys Fayle, 680 W. the Buckley School library. vember. t j avtrid collision, police said, but Middle Ipke.l Irvin Goddard, 19 ons, Mrs. DaCarli of Rockville, Bloomfield. Friends may call at the Team 6, George Krause, captain; give no reason for the action. weather bureau aaid she is of no Otto A. Johnson to John J. and his car glanced off Martins' car Miss McGowan of Danbury, and funeral home today from 7 to 9 Ernest Tureck, Robert El. Wemer, Rowe is free under 850 bond for Mrs. Alice Perkins, speech and Celebrating Schultz Cornell St.; Donald Havens, 295' further danger to land areas of Anita Zapadka, property on Wood­ and hit the post. Damage to both the Rev. John Delaney, St. Brid­ p.m. There will be a recitation of B ill. Stevens. Team -..Clinton court appearance-Not. 7. hearing therapist, will discuss land St. Main St.; Mrs. Mary Ann Kings­ "Treating the Child who has a the United States. ears was reported as light. No ley, 260 Wetherell St.; Carol get’s Church. the Rosary tonight at 8. Bragg, captain; John Walek, Harry Walter G. Nawhc&er, 19, of Expression Club injuries were reported. Martins Is Bishop McGurkln was . intro­ Steiger, Walter Kirachleper, Walter Bloomfield, who told poUce he was Speech or Hearing Difficulty.”iLjr. oneShe Judith beoame disorganized in­ BALDWIN ()UrT8 CHURCH POST Milanese, 95 Davis Ave, RockviUe; Kohls. Team 8, Roy Kntkla, cap­ will also show a movie on due in court Saturday. IgnaU Berzinskl, 58 Blsaell St.; duced by Ftither Hannon with Mrs. Beatrice F. Atkins late for an Army drill session, was Picks New Slate to a huge patch of squalls as it Hartford. Oct. 19 {/P) — Ray­ Mary U WUliams, 21, of Rocky whom he attended St. Thomas' tain; Burton Smith. Wesley Ster­ arrested yesterday for speeding on subject. l)it Florida and knifed across the Edmond Descy, 156 Hilliard St.; Mrs. Beatrice Blanche Forsythe The Child Study Group is in its mond E. Baldwin, chief justice of Hill, was charged Saturday after­ Seminary. The missionary Bishop Atkins, 62. of 137 Pearl St., died ling, Ernest Noske, Ken Morgester. E. Middle Tpke. Patrolman Eli , southern end o f the peninsula. It Miss Lucy MoOinley, 21 Oak St.; Albert Cervlni is Division C ninth year. Any interested are in' Mrs. George H. Sullivan of the State Supreme Court of Er­ noon with following too closely Mra. Christine Graves, 302 Char­ outlined plans for a projected ho» this morning at Manchester Memo­ Tambling Jr. followed Newhouser moved inland on the Gulf coast SLfte'r her car hit the rear of a car leader. Team 9, Everett Cone, vited to attend the meetings. Ef­ Wethersfield has been elected near Fort Myers and then across rors, has resigned from hla job as A reminder'•that wa’ra open until 6 P.M. on Mondaya; Tnaadajra ter Oak St.; Mra. Martha Grav- pital and clinic in Tanganyika for rial Hospital after a short illness. from near Shady Glen to Summit chancellor of the Epiecopal Dio­ on E. Middle Tpke. driven by Rob­ Which he hopes to raise 850,000. captain; Fred Knofla, Edward forts are being made to find par­ president of the Gertrude Grant the sparsely settled Lake Okee­ and Fridays. On those days wa offer a fall 8 honra of onlnter- lejs, 172 Hawthorne St.; Mra. Mari­ She was born in Latsobe, Pa., St. His court date is Oct. 26. cese of Connecticut. The church ert J. Doyon, 32, of Hartford. Po­ The missionary diocese plans a Walters, Rich Reichenbach, John ents from other elementary Expression (jlub. chobee section before reaching rnptod service, 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Theoe honra nro oopoelally con- lyn Dandurand, and son, 152 Hen­ March 31, 1897. She came to Man­ James P. Henderson, 42, of 131 schools who are interested in at­ said Saturday that Baldwin left lice said Doyon, driving west, had general hospital with separate Fischer. Team 10, Frank Diana, Charter Oak St., was arrested and The annual meeting wax held the Atlantic in tha vicinity of vralMt for soving or trnnsnoting other flnnnctel bnsineoo on your ry St.; Mrs. Shirley Aitken and chester almost a year ago from captain; Ernest Fischer, Art tending the meetings. Information Friday at the Grant Studio on the job, which he has held since way home from work, or while doing some lute afternoon u o p - stopped in a line of traffic hear units for maternity and child care West Virginia. charged ■with intoxication Satur-r Fort Pierce. son, Andover; Mrs. Rose Collins Forde, Otto Heller. Carl' Hansen. may be obtained from Mrs. Walter Ciambridge St. Highest winds on ite psssage 1949, because of increased judicial ptog. Thursdays, of course, the hours are extended right atralght Ferguson Rd. and Mias Williams, and daughter, Etest Hartford. to combat the high Infant mortal­ Survivors Include a daughter, day after a complaint he was Rippman, 58 Alice Dr. who was behind him: was unable ity rate and a separate leper Team II. George Stoneman, cap­ Other officers are Miss Mary were 5fi miles an hour. Torrential duties. His successor will be. Dr. through to 8 PM. Moochester Savings and Loan, 1007 Main DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: Mrs. William Davis with whom she tain; William Gessi John Jarmoeik, causing a domestic disturbance. Albert C. Jacobs, president of to stop in time. settlement., He is being held in lieu of bond. HalUgan, Hartford, vice preaident: raliu fell in some areas, and ths StreoL aear Maple StreoL ('Manehester’a Oldest Financial In- Mrs. Beatrice Graf, 31 Ham­ lived here; a brother, William Eldward Kehl, Ernest Scott Team Miss Grace - Hassett, secretary; Trinity College. stltntlon.” with these Outstanding Specials! No injuries were reported and The bishop explained that the Doyle P. Tobin, 23, of North Weather Bureau said water dam- mond S t, RockvUle; Mrs. Beatrice Forsythe, Washington, Pa.; three 12, John Noske, captain; Paul Mrs. Agnes Johnson, treasurer, damage was considered light Mias problems of the area, located near sisters, Mrs. Edith Cameron, Mc­ Windham, waa arrested and About Town WUliams is due in court Nov. 7. Sleeves, 6 Constance Dr.; Vincent Lake Victoria, wers education in Schuetz, Charles Haid, Ronald and Miss Ehnlly Kiasman, librari­ Boyle, 142 High St., Rockville; Donald, Pa.; Mra. Kenneth Don­ Sanewsky, Andrew Noske. charged with passing a stop sign an. The last three officers are all trying to provide a foundation in nelley, Baden, Pa., and Mrs. Betty Saturday. His court date Wednes­ Committee members for the re­ Charles Johnson Jr., 33 Ardmore Christian social principles in p r^ - George Katz Jr. is leader of the from Manchester. Eaeh year, in observance of our Anniversary, Rd.; Mrs. Vera Gray, 359 Parker Myers, Cleveland,'- Ohio. Youth Group Division. Team 13, day. cent testimonial dinner of Orange Appointed to the Ck>mmittee m aratioft for independence, water Phineral services will be held William J. Carter Jr., 19. of Box lodges will meet tonight at 7:30 at *You Are Galled^ S t; James Hazard, Mansfield Cen­ and the need for irrigation and Douglas Kehl, captain; Marlene Books and Recordings were Miss we celebrate by giving our patrons the ter: Albert Gendron, ToUaad; Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Holmes Forde, R o n a I dv Wabrek, David Mt. Dr., Vernon, was arrested dur­ Orange Hall to present final re­ Eveline Pentland, Miss HalUgan,' improved hygiene and hospital fS' Funeral Home, 400 Main St. The ing the weekend and charged with ports. RAILROAD FEATHERBEDDING: Laymen^s Theme Charles Brown, Talcottville; Mar­ eUities. Sibrinsz, Jane Haid, Judy Miller. and Mrs. Dolores Colette. Miss biggest values of the entire year. This ion Larkin, 12 Oakland S t; Rev. C. E. Winslow will officiate. Team 14, John Haberem, captain; reckless driving and failure to Kissman heads the Commlttqs m - Edwin Crandall, 89 WaddeU Rd.; Burial will be in East Cemetery. Bruce Badger, Carol Sibrinsz, Lor­ grant the right of way, the result < The Newcomers’ Chub will hold a Theater, with Mrs. Paulina Whit­ "You are called,” dealing with Friends may call at the funeral Werner, of a 4-car crash on E. Center St. Halloween costume party tomor­ year — our 5 1 st Birthday — is no exception. ths laymen's role in the field of Mra. Romualda Petkaitis, 106 etta Frazel. Sandra comb and Mra. Johnson assisting. Campfield Rd.; BYederick Jones, Rockville home Wednesday from 3 to 5 and George B. Katz. at 10:10 a.m. Saturday. Carter is row at 8 p.m. at the Community The club will hoki its next meet­ Christian Social Action, was the 7 to 9 p.m. due in court Oct. 31. We urge every woman fo take advantage of theme of the service of worship Rock Center, N.Y.; Robert Zon- ing Nov. Ib.'Q. ghetti, 75 Union St, RockviU^ FVancLa J. Kenney, 33, of .Hast- held yesterday at Center Congre­ Harold John Derry The Emma Nettleton Group of gational Church. Mrs. Mary Schanal, 67 Village St., Bonds Lowered Ing-on-the-Hudson, N. Y., was ar­ the savings to be mode during this event. rested Saturday and waa chfirged Center (Thurch will hold a service Laurence Eddy was the worship Rockville; Miss Elarleen Jillson, 2 Companies Harold John Derry of 10 Whelan leader for the morning. Ths Scrip­ Andover; Mra. Pearl Wren, Wap- Rd., Providence; R.I., died Satur­ In Fire Cases with failure to pass to the left. meeting in the Robbins room to­ ture lesson from Ephesians 4 was ping; Mrs. Jeannette Haggett day. He formerly rresided in Man­ Free under 825 bond, he is due in morrow at 8 p.m. A film on stew­ W OOD,000 LOSS r>'' read at each of'the three services Wapping; Mrs. Ruth Borgeson, File Merger chester. He was tha husband of Two teenagers and a 35-year- court Nov. 9. ardship will be shown. by Mrs. Willard A. HUliM Mrs. 670 N. Main St.; Kenneth Dumore, Amanda Jorgensitn Derry. old North End resident '*'bo are Bonat’s Leon C. Bradley, and Mrs. Edward 128 Charter Oak St; Leonard Rockville Processing Co., Inc., .Funeral services will be held’ to­ accused of setting fire to a garage The Phoenix, Ariz., Chamber of Members of St. Mary’s Episcopal Beeaer, respectively. Cheater Bige­ Charboneau, 52 West St.; Kenneth morrow at 11 a.m. from the But­ Commerce reports there are 3,700 Church who wish articles picked TO THE NATION-INCLUDING YOU-EVERY YEAR Aiutett, Simsbury; Mrs. Evelyn and Quality Knitting MUls, Inc. at the rear of 185 N. Main St. low, Edwaril Bushnell, and Hugh terfield Fhineral Home chapel, 500 had their cases continued to real estate agents in the vicinity up for tha rummage sale to be held Ihotner, Thcnnpsonvlllet Mrs. merged into one firm under the Pontiac Ave., Cranston, R.I. Brautigam spoke at all the serv­ Nov. 2. of the city and the Valley of the at the church Thursday are asked ices on various aspects of Chris­ Teena Puskar, 70 Lenox S t; Bruce former name effective last Sept. Friends may call at the funeral Sun. That’s one agent for every to contact Mrs. James Wetherell Scuderi, East Hartford; Mra. Ber­ home tonight from 7 to 9. The three are Robert Valvq, 16, tian Social Action. 14. of' 54 Edward St., Robert Burdick, 156 current residents. or Mra. Frank Crocker. Bigelow defined the role of the tha Rathbun, Columbia; Mra. June A merger agreement and cer­ Viel and daughter, 4 Fairfield St.; 16, of 75 Union St., and Ralph ' Faatherijedding on the ^ilroads — pay for work Social Action Committee in Cen­ tificate of Incorporation were re' t. Weston, 35, of 11 N. School St. ter Church. He explained the so­ Mra. Ann Smith and daughter. corded in the Vernon Town Clerk's Cross Dr., Vernon; Mrs. Judith ValVo is charged with willfully not to the church's national organiza­ William Naven, 22 S t James St.; divided into 1,000 shares of 850 counsel, Valvd's bond was reduced — remain high despite moderate costs. Ton pay for It every time yon shop, because urday afternoon at the Holmes from 810,000 to 83,000. Burdick's tion and activity. He told about the Christopher Primus, 56 Hirlan S t; par value each. When called-upon, our entire modem facil­ C M « . W * kfiw • fipBi: work of the UN Association in Funeral Home, 400 Main St. The and Weston’s bonds were reduced leatiserbedding costs are hidden in the price of Gerald Doherty; 63 Bldrldgo S t; ' The merger constitutes a con Rev. Percy M. Spurrier, associate ities are at your disposal. Manchester since. its formation in Mrs. Isabella Dewhurst, 33 Ohirn- solidation of a knitting and finish­ from 810,000 to 85,000. ifitlM f«r fiviRf fifg May 1952. minister of South Methodist bull Rd.; Lawrence. DeCarU, 18 ing company, both of which were Church, officiated. Year 'Round Air (Sraditioning.' everything yon buy. FOR OUR ANNIVERSARY ONLY ' Brautigam spoke about the Bib­ Grant S t; RockvUle; Mrs.' Elaine under the same ownership. Quality SAY a n t i -r e d SUICIDE lical references which can be used Burial was in East Cemetery. Munich, Germany, Oct. 19 (AP) w m Dimmock and son, Kingsbury Ave., Knitting Mills produced cotton Bearers, all members of the Man-, Fur\firal William P. (Juish esp fitdfl I R EMJT IMfid to support the need for Christian RockvUle; Mrs. Catherine Camp­ knit goods used ih polo shirts, —The Ukrainian antl-Oommun- Ohedete union „work rules, involving the rail­ Includes style Nconsultation, test cur!, condi­ Social Action, emphasizing that cheater Police Department, were Ist leader, Stepan Bandera, 60, Raymond T. Quish MCsl«8...MiB«rMiiM REDUCED TO bell and daughter, 35 Chestnut S t; ladies dresses and men’s sports Sgt. George Dent, Patrolman John Christ's commandment to "love Mra. Loretta Remmell and son, Wear- RockvUle Processing finishes found dead after a mysterious Hom« road (dpemting employees, are responsible for this tioning shampoo, fashion set, long-lasting per­ thy neighbor" was second only to Coventry. the knit goods. Hughes, James McCooe, Primo fall last Thursday, died of cya­ the commandment to "love God.” Amadio, William Cook and Gor­ nide poisoning, Munich poUce Ml 3-S940 CUnloa at Hospital The firms are In adjacent mills don Neddow. gigantic burden. Right now, for instance, these manent. Pre-natal: Wednesday, 1 p.m. on E. Main St. announced to ^ y . A siwkes- Cheat: Friday, 9 a.m. man said It appeared the noted guerrUla chief oonunltted suicide mlea require every diesel locomotive to carry a Professional Club Tumor: Wednesday, 10:80 a.m. 2 2 S M AIN ST. Hi - Heart: Tuesday, 9 a.m. Neal Cheneys Mark but that the homldde squad has ftrsman—even though diesels have no fires to Will Hear Pastor CEiUd Ouldaiioe CElnlo Baptists Plan net oompletod it Investl^tion. By appointment only, 8 a.m. to RUOGET DEPARTMENT 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, 40lh Year Wed cidke, no boilers^to tend. HAIRCUTTING The Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, Also Monday, 6 to 10 p.m. Mission Panel pastor of Center Congregational Mr. and Mrs, Neal A. Cheney, The forthcoming negotiations between the rail­ $ 0 . 7 0 Church, will present highlights of 89 Brookfield St., were honored at Fitting children's shoes is o specialty nt Leonard's: COLD WAVE his summer travels in the British A program, entitled "500,000 with or without ^ ^ ^ ^ n O O , Keeney Book Fair an open house Saturday at the Strong,” a study of home missions roads and the unions are urgently important to roaiiceti to m Isles in an illustrated talk a t a home of their son-in-law and Yes, Mothers and Dads do know how. m eetly of the Professional Wom- in town and country, will be pre- ... we appointment daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John D. srated for the Womens’ Missionary 175 IncludcG tm i curl, •hampoo and «n's Club tomorrow at 8 p.m. Runs Three Days Sherman, Windsor Locks, in cele­ tiie whole nation. the Federation room at t Society of the Community Bap­ "Obmittete Ltee met. bration of their 40th wedding an­ tist Church tomorrow at 8 p.m. in ; East Center Church. A 3-day book fair will open at niversary. Of Oerreetlve Fellowship hall at the ■'church, Sbeee" Street In asking the unions to drop these featherbedding The pastor was one of ten from the Keeney Bt. School tomorrow More than 75 relatives -and this country who served as a rov­ The program will be presented at 7:45 p.m. and continue through friends from New York, New in the form of a panel discussion Poll "" Parrot Yosor Ooetov*s Phone rules, all the railnxMls ask for is a fair day's ing ambassador in an exchange of Wednesday and Thursday from 9 Jersey and New Hampshire at­ pulpits with the churches sched' by Mrs. Donald Booth, Mrs. John Preeerlpttoa M l S-1126 Phane for Appointment at Your Favorite SchultM Salon a.m. to 3:15 p.m. Proceeds fronf tended. Shorrock and Mrs. George E. Rob- FUlei WIte OHW uled by..the British Council o’f the fair will benefit the school li­ The couple was married Oct. 18, work for a fair day's pay. Churches in England and Scot­ Jnson. all members of the Mary brary. 1919 in Barre, Vt. by the Rev. F, Greene Circle. land for nine weeks during the Braka for children of pre-school L Goodspeed of the Congregation­ Mra. John Ruff, president, wiU •Qmmsr. He lived' at each place and school age will be arranged al Church of Barre. Mrs. Cheney with the family of the exchange conduct a business session before by grades to assist parents in wag >>om in Astoria, LI., N.Y., and the panel program. A devotional minister who came to this coun- making selections. SCHULTZ BEAUTY SALONS her husband was bom in Barre. period wiU be led by M n. Ehrerett SHOES The .Keeney PTA wlU hold an Mr. Chenpy retired in February Van Dyne. Members of the Reed- %lostessss o for the meeting will be open house meeting tomorrow at 881 MAIN ST AMERICAN RAILROADS after 35 years’ service with the Eaton Circle will be hostesses at OF CONNECTICUT ^ s Eteulsh Todd, Miss Marion 7:45 p.m. Parents will meet “Town of Manchester. a social hour which will conclude Our BusinesM** MANCHESTER . . . /riMf* Awsman, Miss Helen Carrier, teachers, visit classrooms and The Cheneys hifve two children, the evening. Table arrangements 8M MAIN ST. AMPLE PARKING AT ALL SALONS Ml S-MBl MIm Marion Washburn and Mrs. teachers will outline the course of Mrs. Sherman, and a son, Wendell will be provided by Mra. Everett **Fittingl$ M U p Bfflsry. study. H. Cheney of Sheiwsbury, M a » Fish. ■ i i I' 'V ^ i / /

PAGf E tiN tN MANCttESTEJR BVBNINO HERALDi MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY. OCTOBER 19, 1999 M a n c h e s t e r e v e n i ^i o h e r a l d * M a n c h e s t e r , c o n n ., M o n d a y , Oc t o b e r i 9, 19 9 9

DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE BU G S B U N N Y OUR BOARDING HOUSE w i t h MAJOR HOOPLE tfo e k v U Ie ali. iMany Foreign Students Few Case* Heard (FWE 6BANO.' RnBWBr to PrBVteut Pim la In Court SeRRion \ RNGVil THAT A MAM Of- YOUR C U L T U R A L ABtYS>0 4 M t d ic y i9ALMV? Ip I Plan to Stay in U.S. ------ATTA iM M W T S w o u l d EM30yMV-.ER,AM-H,------TH A T6A I Three nollej were entered in a short eeaelon of Rockville a t y rioMS , TOkTe M, ^ A C R o a a 4BuaUe iliy NABOB W Linfft i Among her othar Imptaaaiona 8 Take out BATgi 'ELEPHAMTS 1 Pfiiny—— and axpariancaa wars a "lova at Cemrt this morning. I We a r n o r v , B Oblitercte Ferelgl^ e t u d e iN f bi oolleRet luid IL L LSf VW HAJE IT FOB A TBIFLIMIM6 *f,OOOf*! first ai|^t'’ reaction to Ne4v York The nollee entered by Aaatstant i 1 TOOTHPICKS/ TrUed looki 7 Seaport (ab.) unlversttlM hire to love Amertca — UM-MAlC/-»tW fc T(3KBM SUMMS IS MEEtJEO^ J3 Pintry 8 Incruatatlon City, amaaement at thsMiumber of Prosecutor Abner L. Brooks were TO 6I'4B you CLBAB TlTLE.^ i 'LL6lS)EY4DU that nieny of them plan to Vematn women drivers Here, and the ex­ in the casta of Mason E. Light. 45. 50 0 F O B IT U Pormit fhow on teeth here to punuf their eareere and tent of American women’s social of 8 Robart Rd., lUagal paaalng; o -- c a s h / IS Small apace a Gatelle 7/ IBKettla tripod 10 Rant fomeltmee manTi Americana. Ufa in contrast to Turkey' erhere Mary U ttauUst, 18. nf 18 Hlgh- 17 Bom 11 Paradlae "I feel like I'm home; i don’t moat woman ara "homebodies'' and Ava., fallura to paaa to the IBEtat in Paria 13 Hardcna feel like-I’m In a foreign country but more are eagbr for business right; and coring X venturt, 38, 30 Adolaacant 10 Mnrtca 31 Aphrodite's 41 Petty quarrel Ufe. of B Pino 8t., opomUng wttli an lover 42 Ireland at all." waa tha tribute of Anthony JSJI yeara ' SI Bacchic cry Vlamla of Greece, a Junior at the Tha Turks don't Hke the So­ improper mufRer. 31 Evarlaating 33 Neck back 32Jonson and 43 PrecipItatloB viets, she reported, and the So­ A 15-dey suapended jail ten- 33 Go Franklin 43 Nautical term Unlvayalty of Gonnectlnut, who A L L E Y O O P BY y. T. HAMLIN 23 Halt waa ona of lix foreign itudenta en­ viets, are not making any dent In tenee waa Imposed on John A. 36 Auricle 24 Ooddeaa 17 Reduce in 48 Forest MONEY tertained at the home of Mra. her country. Soviet ahipa pass O'Leary, 84. of no cerUtn address. ..IF THEY'LL K)LU>V U5 I 37 Philippine 25 Emmets grade creaturf O'Leary, chargtd with vagrancy, ENCXJ6H, WE O N CIRCLE 47 Weapona Douglaa J. Roberts in Bolton Notch through the Bosporus s^ait be­ peaiant 37 Number (pi.) 38 Authenticate tween the Black and Ifedltar- said he had enough money to get BACK AND LIBERATE OUR ■SO Tuscany river jn poker stake 39 Send hills 49SorrowftlI nver the Weekend. PSOPLB BSrORE THEY (WOWV 51 Dined The feellhK of being "at home ranean Sea, ahe explained, but him at leaat to Meriden on hie way r ' / , , 31 Adder SOSmeU 40 Fleweri HARD TO FIND? WHWS HAPPENED.' S3 Cerve with the folks” pervaded the Inter­ there ia no other contact, y- to Now York City. In reply to questions about the Fines wars Impoeed ea follows; ThBD try MFC for trua conwaniGrtca: noBrby offlc8i| hours 38 Small ■weight 16 II national settlement atmosphere at 34 Way (ab.) 1 i r r L f 9" r r the Roberta’ home. The family la differencea between education In James R. Tost. 23, of 88 High Nt„ tJiBt suit you, up to $600 In nal-caih you nwy-Bpand 35 Inner (comb, ao much the center ^of life in weet- America and western Europe, broach of the peace, 830; Lawrence snywharaTTlo chackt to cash—no fust, nO hotlfW. Vbu li w L. Monohen, 54, Tolland, intoxica­ form) em Europe and Turkey, the stu- Verena explained that her normal gat apaad and courtaay, too. , . , 36 Letter i denta reported. They found that work load at home waa 13 sub­ tion, 830; Elsie Hilt, 48. and Ered 37SUte (ab.) jects and that atudents attended P. Hill, 48, both of iOl Brooklyn A Iran of 8100 eentn $20.40 wKen premfOy retxHd *" *9 © ut' o p „ atmoephere at the Roberta where mgrrtMy Inntsimratn of 810.08 Mch. Ho eodorgeiv srd requirea. MBISHBOK- 38 Ganua of geeae' 17 It their hoateee waa also .aurrounded achool on 'Saturdays and hRd cnly 8t., each charged with breach of LiMe s s , 30 Gobi and 1 bv her son-in-law and daughter, Very abort vacation periodls. She the peacA, lined 815 each; Osrvey h& took: it«. Sahara r br and-Mrs. Harvey Pastel; her f*r/es as a councilor for freshmen Eiox, 16, Of 31 Edgerton 8t. Man- 41 Milk whey chaster, breach of peace, 816; lOUSEHOLD FINANCE IT son, Dr. Jartiea Roberts, and four Also guesta over the weekend 44 Toper 29 of her eight grandchildren. The at Mrs. Roberts’ home were Bertha Rudnanaky, 87, of Stafford 43 Feminine j i atudents enjoyed; playing with ^amih Farsbun of Lebanon and Springa. following too closely, 816; lO'IB appellation si CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER 1 the grandchildren; Douglas, H(>pe, Bangalore S. Hanumanthappa of and Donald Mason, 38, of 17 Var- 'lUIICM ifffin BNOnMlM PAMUliW 48 Musical c Ross and Jean Paatel. India, both UConn students. non Ave., fallura to grant ona half » im,T Wim-iw, Tm ,1, iu.», m iS ■ 392 MkMl# Turnpiko W att Inatnimenta m J Mrs. Robert# was enthusiastic They were among 28 foreign tha highway, reduced from evad­ 80 Seal-hunting r about her "helpful guesta" who aa- ing reaponsibiltty, $9. mariner r students entertained in Manches­ 2rKl noor-MHchGlI 3-273S PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER alated with dinner preparationa, ter area homes over the weekend TVo motoriata forfeltad bonds S3 Short aria RgM9: II ta A Mea., T*#!., T1im.-ll li I Wed., FiL-^MI ♦» Tt tot. (var.) ran erranda to town for her, and as part of a program sponsored totaling $80. J WHAT'S T ^ o t helped entertatei the younger chil­ by the Service Bureau forewom­ HAPPENED P IC K E D S3 Respect IT YT TOLD r dren. . ■ en's Organizations. They all at­ •■1 » V* -'y FUNERAL MET FOR NUN > v o u HERE U P PO R 34 Made rigid w SPEEDING 53 Western cattle lana to become an I — II I — I — a' ...... '■ ■ 4^ . —n.l^l - .III- ...... 1 1 — I ' t ■ ' NIGHT TIL 9 P. M. American cltlaen after she has I'M A h e Open WodiMBday, fliursdlBy been in the States for live yeare. m z On Hunting ^ and Friday Nigkta Until 9 Ker llancB Is Raymond Borton, a UN Deadlock' I DEAR. native of Michigan, whom she met Hunting will become legal In L O N G S A M BY AL CAPP and BOB LUBBERS at UConn where he- was formerly \‘M agricultural editor. He Is now In Manchester If the Board of Di­ Holding Fast rectors grants an ordinance TNEMOUMT nkUMIAR RADIO TRANSMITTER. 6EOOURTHINS50N, (5000 LUCkT ^ m l the Far Eaat with a U.S. Overseas PINE PHARMACY change sought by Wilber Little of MISS EARTH, WE ARE LONG SAM ■ Mission. (Conttnned tram Pago One) M l 9 - 9 t1 4 PERMISSION HAS JUST COME FROM THE OFF TO MT, , WHEW THE Vereina, who has been her# for 196 Spencer St. M4 c esmt ST. PENTAeON.WP. J O N E S TD TRANSMIT XXJR TO SEND OUR ^ COfTESTIS According to little, hunting has two years. Is majoring In lan- aaembly, Victor Andres Belaunde m o o MESSAGES TO ANY OTHER PLANETS CHALLENGE <7------I'LL guagaa, and hopes to combine a been prohibited ■ since IBlR by an IN THIS SALAKY THAT OUR TRANSMITTER OUTINTQ r-7AM5 EC MMJR ordinanca-pitsaad at a tima.of "war of Peru. teaming career urlth a foreign aid The deadlock heightened senti­ CAN REACH. WE THINK WE CAN REACH misaion to continue her travels. aoare” theiivA 'lDSAordlnaiiRe rules THEM A L L ment in favor of enlarging tha Se­ MONDAY Soo Her parents, natives of Germany out the discharge of firearms "on curity Council, the 18-nation Eco­ who lied that country during July 4 or M y other day’’ except ^ ’ © ^ © < RAM,SIRr> nomic and Social Council and the Hitler'a ascendency In 1833, are by poHco or mliitary men acting 15-judge World Court to reflect 91 now teachers at a private school in in the llne of duty or by peraona the enlargement of the U.N. since T U E S D A Y o m I : © : © : l Lenox, Maas. defending their live# or proper- those bodies were set up. ' Rainer Dupont from PforrJieim erty. Afghanistan, Ceylon, India, In­ In the Black Forest of Gerpiany, Little said the rule Against donesia, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and TJI. Rag. UA Pai ONI a freshman at UConn. plana to hunting has been generally ignored Pakistan reportedly drew up a WEDNESDAY Jtm. Bi« W I ta OM - H«Mi,___ /p./f If <999 >y IHA 0Bw4aa.~W. "stay her# for good if poeslble." over the yeara. The Stxte has reaotutton calling' for. amendment C«». w«i»( JO TAKE 5-YEARS TO PAY • • M IS T eflO IIIC S.C M ieagr.. STATIO N ER V.bch 8 f|. $ i.oo2 f6 r 1 .0 1 REXALL AEROSOL MERTNIOUTL 4. Pet. Aaiaael, Rag. 9240.2 fOT 2JI1 1st PAYMENT Due APR. 1960 A ntitaptle, R ag. fgp — ----- H o t J f CHRISTM AS CAROS. PRO^CAPADHESIVETAPL „ {? n 1 ir8 »e9 «_„2 fo r .70 W V IO ydi. Rag. 43e ------E r o T . 4 4 •k n it Shte A eresel LB BUIK-SWAIS, atarilt cotton BECORATED PAFERS. tippad appllcatora. 200'a, f m*.by Nf A Service, Ine. T.M. fteg. U.9. Pal. 6f(. 4 haavyw alih t iM ata ,. R a g . 1 9 c . . ..2 for JO SHAVE CREAMS 20x21*. Rt(. 25c„~~ .2 fo r-.28 NO MONEY DOWN LATEX HOUSEHOLD DIDVES, f a . I B e i C A P T A IN EASY laim n n i. s.M .u R tf. aid ..~ .2 pr. J Q BY LESLIE TURNER CIMLINO RIIEONS. UH-n* 2 f w 9 9 c HO. BUT THBV CAWT 5EB HOW TH BYD R IR L iy M E 5T I0N VOUff A U fl IF ■ BUT IT WASN'rME, Raynn, aalFidRatlni 4 4 .- ' 40 HEATIHCFAO, soot) SIZE 1 HOPE « U R WITNESSES rayon ar aatln. Raf. 25c.----Z TOr .ZD E lactrax. 3 ap aad. R ag. t8 -*5 -2 (O f I.M Rixill Ready Sbeve, Laven­ MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY ANYONB ELSB COULD'VE DONE IT THEY KNEW THAT PAM TH0U4HT GUR IBH E EASY! I CM PRdVe , CAM BE S'PBb'PIC ABOUT WITHOUT H8LP! PRANKLYr I DON'T SAW VOU IN TO W N AT N O O N ! ^ THE O NLY THATMC^HAMl 'TIMEfLET'S RUN OVER AND EimLOPESarWRITINClAPER. LEATHER IILirOLDS...... der, Livtfldef Mantholittd IBTHEB.-VET! BUT40ME0NE PIP! TIM E RO HATCH W A SN ’T N SIGH T O 'M IS SAFE INSULATED GARAGE M t n ’ i f t M d laa'. R ag. $ 2 .eo ..2 fo r 2 J 1 AAAYBE nlBi BECAUSE W HY p o n y y o u d o SOAAETHING O UT EARLY TOM ORROW l. Illta cniiktd rippla. 2 fOr 90 or Rex. W A S W HEN HE STEPPED OUT FOR A Q UICK “ LIE DETECTO R TEST R a g. ge e ... Juicy Lemons 5 FOR EVER i^ IN S ALWAYS DIFFERENT...s o m e t h i n g T H A T , 1 WONDER WHYMR. ISN 'T tia NO ON ! Nov/ PRICED FROM NO T O N THE It SAU PIAN~* ABERNATHY NEVER LOOKSTHE WILL CATCH HIS EYE? NOTICES THE WORK . S A M E ... SONUS BUYS RUT W ONDERFUL BUYS - M ONFY SAVERS X DO .M m n'a A la d le a* Special All This Wtakl AROUND 1 I N G U S H THE YARD. y VniSlWAKMIS COlOGNItSOIL V a l i a n t V Fancy Frozen SSE-SSHS CAMOM KIT Shrimp In Bulk - Lfr 1 Mf.SSJO l p t 9 j FROM NEW ENGLAND’S LARGEST Vad«na,110** *«. S.8SW *»a » *p**w 3 . 9 9 1 W c a W US 10-19 BUILDIR OlF PRE-BUlit GARA(»ES1 •fX-WAY lATHiMM SCALE ' CANS I KElUU QUK-MND9 altRhandla.M.50Valda----- . USE WiiM JUtBP. = - ' ___ E* !*«*«*♦*>*« t * » * I • • Yfd' REXAU M INERAL O IL o m . u . taitalaat. Pint, Rag. aoc jg A&P, In Y | 1 LB J E F F COBB BY PEtE HOFFMAN THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE BY WILSON SCRUGGS call REXAU FACIAL TISSUES. Sections M CANS 1.00 Fa r FROM ...ISA GLAMOROUS VACATIONLAN0 COLLECT! UN 5-1181 — ■« W h itt o r p a itala , 4 00 ‘i. / A6UES, DO YOU J-c/ YOU aU DROP OVIR AUY th ew ey t HIS WALK, HISCOLOR1M6") THE BU&NESSLIKE DESmSD FOR CAREFREE PLEASURE'.... CRoota "TniO-SMn" W VICTORIAN STATIORWT. 2 g e V a l u a ______4 f a r J l SUPPOSE I COULD OFdOURSE, DAY... HE IS CHRISTOPHER^^p^ ATMOSPHERE OF THE " DAILY 6UAR0IAN", naih emorad adRtil** WRIta vallum ahagU Pid* ___ j . t c jih set owe rr.^ billy FLASH lA M F t, W aitlaghouag MEET THIS beautiful) BILLY DOESN^ 6ET HOME IN THIS TRUE NEWSPAPER STORY..... I It*******- anva. 92.SO Valua...... X n . I. M aava n r 1 2, R h - I M I __ I Z f WAVUCK-mCVEeVUAAGC lAllOOH-llOWIHCTOt Soups K 6 1.00 CHILD? r - 7 - ' ' FROM SCHCHX TILL ABOUT FlU E R FAFEA Cgtead. OF MV CHRISTOPHER./, ...STOPS BY HIS mother's SHOP FREB-FACTS Bookimt S !L I4 rSJ ta tilee WItRmn n m o n k e y , r n . ------’ • HC WAS JUST ABOUT y Genriemem E m m Mod my velueble FREE beolf 5-kalt punch. iOe Vtiug.. -Ifor.1,11 FIRST. y ' ' j_| WHERE, MR.HINES? . . . . . I_._ __l___.1 ___^ ______A Jane Parker BILLY'S A 6 t WHEM- let thot conioint.o complete Miectlen ^ .Ceoit; ■ 7 Fpctory-luilt Garafei. L- f 1 lb 8 02, 8-In. Pie 45' I eOAIT •AlAOit. ' C-L79 . 1MI N«w«R Av*v Nastden, e*«n. ■\ ■ V Prlcai uffMlivn in ihia cMnrainity and vicinltj^'i N«km ...... ^ A.*, Oo, ■ftreet ****************** PINE LENOX PHARMACY 1X8 aa94» Aiujnnc 4 wcina HA d»|tyMMMi|»«*

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1969 PAGE THIETEEN nifipinpnBLVB MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, OONN^ MONDAY, OCTOB^ 19, 19S9 -Uli ' . ■ - What a Difference a Year Makes ‘Big Man’ Shaw Bolsters Giants, Indians Snap Losing Streak, Deadlock Hall, 6^6 Play Pleases Coaches Yale Only Unscored Satarday^s Fighta Hockey at a Glaoce Seipel Scores *Eaters Upset Police^ Lae Aageiee — Jimmy Homeby, 136, Loe Angeles, outpointed Joey NatMool Leegofi New York, Oct. 19 (F)—Ths would raally be hot out thsra Padilla, 186. 8an Joee, Calif., 10. New York Otanta, never ones - today. So wo plaanad to usa Manchester TD Montreal 8, New Torii 6. to eonecds. much on defsnsa, him, but did so a litUa sarllsr Fighters Down Devils Monterrey, Mexico—Mauro Vas­ Detroit 8, Toronto 0, With Colts Again ques, 186, Mexico, etopped Gull- served ntftioe today that they than anticipated,". HowdU. Upon Major Eleven Boston 2, Chicago 2 (Tie). are going to be^avsn rougher said. In First Half lermo Medina, 184, Venesuela, 4. Amerfeen liaagtw on offense. Oonsriy took tbs Otaats to The biggest upset of the Midget Football Lasgue oeaaon Havana — Ramon Cervantes, Rochester 8, Clcvelend % New York, Oct. 19 (fl^— The reason? Quarterback d 17-7 halftime lead on tha No blg-monay»ey payoffs In bowbowtol5-0, while Wisconsin alugged was pulled off at Mt. Nebo Field yesterday afternoon the 129^, Mexico, knockod out Hil­ ProvldeneaY. Quebec 0. N«w York, Oct. 19 (ff)—^ Iowa, 35-16. By PAT BOLDUC as inhnny UniUs, the artful George Shaw. basis of a 70-yard run with an Ju8t fi year afo, Yale was a garaea await the Ivy League win Smoke Eaters spoiled the Police O uisers bid for a perfect ton Smith, 128, MUml, 8. Buffalo 4, fipringfleld 2. < flipper who’s taken his place Shaw, obtained from tba Intarcaptsd pasa by Harlan her, bt^ they'llU all be sitting tightUghI Texan got past one of Its main Little Don Seipel piloted National Football Leagua SviM, a 16-yard run b)f half- poor relation in the Ivy when Yale and Penh meet on Nov. threaU in Arkansas, but Texts Manchester High School’s season, 14-6. The loss prevented the Cruisers from gaining alongside the likes of Baugh, champion Baltimore Colts 7. It probably will decide the cham­ Chrletien has not given up heB the league title. In the second^ bgck AIM W a ^ u r and a field League, a ne’er do well sad winless football team to a 6-6 gams ths Firs Fightera stayed Graham and Luck man as during the off-season, got hla goal by Pat Summerall. sack that couldn’t win a foot­ pion. Meanwhile, Yale meeta Col­ of getting the host berth in the tie with host Hall Saturday Score at halfUma was Ftglitars 8, one of pro football’s greatest' first thorough trlsl in the gate thle Saturday ai)d Dartmouth . TCU slaughtered alive by beating tha Blue Devlle, Devila 6. Will Conerly, who complet­ ball game with its cousins. me following week. afternoon at Sterling Field in 14-8. quarterbacks, slanda alone when It Giants’ 24-7 victory over the ed six of 10 passes for 131 ' The EUs wound up the aaason’s Texas Tech last Saturday, 80-6, The last TD of tha day was cornea to heroics of the cliff- yester­ Thle has been a tough eeaaon and appears to bs waking up after West Hartford. 'The CCIL Eatam 14, Cndeere • scored by the Fightera in the third yards, split the quarterback­ work at the bottom of the l(leagu« battle turned into a defeiulvt one Tha first game was the biggest hanfting variety. day. The victory gave the ing with Shaw nowT with a horrendous total of 20J for the favoritee and even those being beaten by Arkansas. period when h ^ b a c k Pets Me- Unitaa' Jaat-mlnute aerial sorties Giants, now 3-1, sole posses­ who have developed into favor­ in the second half aftar tha rivals surprise of the year. Everyone Caftan took a handoS from Hollar "Conerly Is still our No. 1 poUita/scored against thsm. They Air Faroe Whipped had exchanged touchdowns in the thought that the "Cruieers would have been solely responsible for sion of first place In the NFL’s quarterback and will continue Tlost o all seven of tbe(r Ivy League ites after the opening whistle. and scampered 53 yards for ths the .'1-1 record compiled by Balti­ Eastern Division. On the West Coast, Southern opening half, the Warriors scoring away with the tIUe hands score. to be,’’ Howell said. "Wa don’t c'ames and beat only two outsiders, In fact, the first three teams In, California turned back Washing­ in the early moments of the first down, but the Cruisers met a re­ more's Colts In Defense of their Shaw, who quarterbacked Connacticiit and Colgate. the weekly Associated Press poll Standouts for tha Ftrcfightara the Giants the entire, second mind using him the entire ton, 32-15, and Ortgon shocked quarter and the Indlaiha getting vived Smoke Eater club who out- included McCartan, Hallor, Billy Mtional football leagtie cham- game if It is necessary. Ha’s Just about the same crowd re­ won by .a total of 33 points last the Air Force Academy, 20-3, their TD at the outset of the sec­ hustled and outplayed them all ptonahlp.. half, passed to end Bob ported to Coach Jordan Olivar this Saturday, and could hava trouble Pohl, Jim Perkins, Bill Troy, t>on Schnelker for a touchdown a great comfietitor and hatea snapping the fly boye’ unbeaten ond quarter. afternoon. Hubbard, Mark Oakman and Ro­ .The 36-year-old signal-caller has to miss any action." fall, and nothing Mcept further the rest of the way. The Eaters, who had threatened and overall gained 156 yards delegation wafi pi^lcted for them. string at 14. Thq two wlnnbrs The tie waa the flrst for the Silk land Cote. Bright spots in a Kwlng fliM 10 touchdown passes In the Both Howell, and Giants’ Top-rated Louisiana State stayed on the unbeaten list, but Tqwnere after three coneecuUve the entire first period, scored thelr four games — extending to 29 the in completing seven of nlhe If they couldn’t win in ’56, they barely got past Kentucky, a weak cause ware Dennis Downham, passes. defensive coach, , they don’t meet. defeat! at home. Hall now sports a flrst touchdown in the second Ouchesneau, Bill McO>y, Dick Dot number of consecutive games in were pleased with the way tha wouldn’t win in ’59. sister of the Southeastern Con­ 1-2-1 won, lost and tied mark. stanxa when fullback Woody Clark which he has tossed at least one ''He really moved the ball, But couldn’t they? ference, 9-0. Northwestern, No. 3, Elsewhere, Syracuse and Penn chin, Dave Tumor, Sullivan took good charge of the team Eagles’ passing whis. Norm Something happened along the State remained at the top of the Seipel, 145-pound Junior quar­ plunged over for the final one and Wayne Tedford TD strike — and has accounted "Van Brocklin, and his Jet-pro­ sneaked by Michigan, 20-7, and terback, may have finally found the yard.-Halfback Bryon Perry added for 60 of the Colts 94 points. and we’re well pleased with way, and today Yale, of all teams, Texas, No. 8, edged Arkansas, Bast. The Orange tumbled Holy ■■•ke EalsM (141 him," Coach pelled receiver Tommy Mc­ stands as the only tmacored on ma­ Crose, 42-6, and Penn State confidence and poise to lacked in the extra two points on an end Ends:, Parker. OlscbftskI, D. Kus- Se^'en of Unitaa' 10 Coring Donald, were bottled up. Van 13-12. I WILUA THE WISP—-Willa Worthington balances on the first three games. He handled run. mtekae. Moors, CunaiBabra. said. "Of course he showed us jor outfit In the country. Until last Louisiana still is the favorite to downed Boston College, 31-13. Ball Headed Tackier; Andreoll, fitsserald, Alex­ flings have come in the final quar­ he had the stuff in Philadel­ Brocklin couldn’t launch a Saturday, the Elis had to share the one ski ]n the flying swan routine of her aqua-ballet at the bait real well, did a fine Job The Eaters struck again In the ander. ter as the Colts struggled from long-range pasting attack and win the SBC crown, hut must still Oklahoma, deflated naUonally, calling plays and emerged aa the third period when fullback Clark phia when he hit eight of 13 dietinction with Mississippi and still rules the Big eight, and went Cypress GardOns, Fla. A real water sprite, she makes it Korphf. behind. passes in the last quarter.’’ McDonald was held to only Penn. . contefid with Mississippi. Both, look very easy. Indians' leading ground gainer. Rising from the (iepths of skirted hia own right flank for a Walach, Mlpetls, Podolney, two competitions. now show 5-0 records and mast through its 73rd game without Seipel picked up 69 yards in six 10 yard touchdown. 'Ilie Eaters Centers; Barbato. The script was the same yesteis. 'The Giants lost that one 49- But Yale polished off Cornell, defeat by shutting out Mliuourt, a Toronto pool, this bfill- Bacto: Anderson. Perry, Ollberl. (lark, 21 and Shaw relieved veteran "We had two men on Mc­ 23-0, while Ole Miss was whipping on Oct. 31. carries for a glittering 11.5 aver­ held the Cruisers at bay until lata LeToumcaa. Honrath. P. KusmMiM, day as Haiti more knocked off one Northwestern, which shot to the 23-0. On Saturday, the Sooneravi headed creature sddms to Orfitelll. Hikolowsky. of its top rivals for the Western Charley Conerly only when Donald all the time, and 'One Tulane, 53-7, and Psnn was crush­ age and caught two passes for an in the fourth period when fullback fore in the big ten in almost as meet Kanies, the last league teani additional 32 ysrda be giving up. Actually it Ron Anderson broke off right _ Craleefs (S) Conference crown. The Colts de­ the game was well out of was Jim Patton, who missed ing Brown, 36-9. Bade- Bob HamlUon. Lynch, ___ the game in Philly. Patton’s eurpriaing a move as Yale’e climb­ to beat them. Imperials in De^idlock, Paraded 80 Yards is A1 Groajean, who got tackle and scampered 50 yards for feated the Chicago Bears 21-7 resch. * Four Shutouta In the Atlantic Coast Confer­ Tacklee; Cole. D, Aaderson, VeadriUo, arlth Unitaa connecting for two "Shaw was looking real speed Is a great boon to our This is the first time yince 1921 ing to the top of the Ivy League, It was Seipel who accounted for the ball smack in the face the onlv Cruiser TD of the day. Paone, KaetavRuis. defensive backfield, and that’s can breathe a little easier now. ence, Clemson remained at ths^ Standouts for the victors were Guards:____ Cote,__ , _Uytru,, ___ Bob Tomaasi, touthdown passes in the last peri­ well in practice all week and that Yale has put together a string head of the class with a 8-0 league Mancheeter'a lone six-pointer with tending goal for a, New flcanlon. fimitb. MatinliSr od. AJlIe Sherman (offensive one thing we missed the last of four shutouts. Purdue and Iowa, two of the main an eye-catching 30-yard off tackle Clark, Perry, Mike Mlkolowaky, Ceatera: Baplensa, Bill HunUtoa. pretenders to the tRle, were beat­ record, although beaten by Geor­ Play at Home Sunday York watgr polo team Dave Marzialo, Bruce Bagleeon, Baclu: Eacavich, Oatswieb, Faster- ' The victory moved the Oolts coach) had a hunch that he. time," Landry said. "We like it," gloated Olivar. "It play. Coach Walker Briggs* flred- nack_ R. Andereoo, Zlerosk, Bili feels fine. But we’re not going to en Saturday. The injury-riddled gia Tech in a non-loop game. The up charges paraded 80 yards in which lost to group of John Andreoll, Dickie Moore and Into a tie for first place in the ’ngeri play South Carolina Tomaral. Sheridan. Ricci, Zagllo. lyest vrith San Francisco and worry about it. We’ve told the Botlermakera were toppled from Just nine' plays for the all Impor­ Canadian stars. Tom Alexander. Bright spots in a _flcore by periods: the unbeaten ranks by Ohio State, Thursday. Acting head coach- of the Manchester Imperial Caterers, losing cause were Dave Sapienza, Eaters 0 | S Q 14 Green Bay. The 49ers clobbered squad It doesn’t mean a thing." tant tally. A neat 14-yard end run Cruisers 0 5 0 4 4 winless Detroit S4-1S, and the Jimmy Roach has called for three practice sessions this by reserve Jim Galsnek and a Anderson, Bob Getzwich, Don TD: EMteri: Oark (I) (1 yard pbmse. week at the West Side Oval. The extra drill was added fol­ Mike Simmons to Seijtel aerial Anderson, Dennis Vendrillo, lO ysrd run) Packers, undefeated in their first Randy Cote and Russ Cole. Don Cruisera: R. Anderaon (40 yard run). three outings, were pounded 45-6 B^WUNGNWBlItY lowing yesterday’s scoreless deadlock with the New London good for 22 yards gave the Indians PAT; Eatera: Perry (run). hy lios Angeles. Paquota at 'Veterans Field in th e ^ ...... • ------■ ■ a first down on the Hall 30. Seipel Anderson was aspecially effective In the Eastern Conference, the UP AND OVER—Bob Schnelker, Giant end, leaps for WhaHng City. then started to his right aide, re­ defensively for the Cruieers. _ Pin Pishten (14) Unheralded Junior Linesman Roach, perhaps the finest back o'clock at the Oval. The team still versed his field and slipped F ilte r s 14, Devils I Ends: Cote. Ookmon. E. Jolmson. w inter tire buy in yearel defending champion New York touchdown pass at goal line in third quarter against la BillaWelu « has several openings and interest­ In the second game the Fire _MatkJnson, Jacobson. Giants took sole possession of the Philadelphia before 68,783 in Yankee Staiiium yesterday. ever to graduate from Manchester through his own left tackle. The Tackles; Hoean. Yokaltls. Breltenback, High School, hopes to straighten ed local candidates are Invited to Red and White signal caller went Fighters kept their chances alive Troy, Hubbard, Parkins. top spot ^th a 3-1 mark. They Thirteen-yard aerial was tossed by quarterback George attend the sessions. by downing tha Blut Devila, 14-8. Ouardr; Bensen,. Messier, Pohl, (Ktal- knocked off Philadelphia 34-7 out the Caterers’ punebleas offen­ all the way thanks to a key block do, 8. Msiklnsoh. Shaw. At right are Gene Johnson (27) of the Eagles and Sparks Trinity in Hairraiser sive attack. In two starts this fail As for yesterday’s stalemate it thrown by Simmons on about the The Devils took an early 6-0 Cenlert; Quoshnltchka. M. Johnson. l iaed new wkilarllrei while Pittsburgh was dumping would to unfair to single out any load in the first quarter when fleet- Backs: Heller. McCartan. Parmakton, Washington, 37-6. Cleveland Joe Morrison (40) of the Giants. (AP Photofax) the Silk Town semi-pros have Hall 17-yard line. one individual. "It was. a combina­ Simmons’ daeh around his right foot halfback Ray Ducheeneau Dufreene, Llsciotti. HcOeiism. Esgar. yaa ^saxleraei IrocSen o8 moved into a four-way tie for sec­ ♦play, had eight tacklee. six In th e f paaeed to l ^ e Pearaan failed to obolre, dropping a 6-0 de­ Bhie Davila (4) ■rieae oe lew M vail'd piqf By EARL YOST F ^ CtaMilAaM 4m» #s%es 41 tion o f' goo^ teamwork." said end failed to net the extra two took off on one of ^ long rune, Ends- Tedford. Dan T. fiuilivan. Mc­ ond by whipping Chicago's Cardi­ pronged running attack that also moments of the second quarter. first half. score. Sanders try tor the points cision to undefeated Wethersfield Koelsch." Our line opened some this one being 70 yards. 'Thli was Coy, Dotchin. far ■ whiter lira retreedi nals, 17-7: included Jon Arnett (73 yards in • • * Phew! Trinity Field in Hart­ failed. Prison in the season's opentr. points. Tseklei: McCabe. Smith. Minor, Dan • • • But In falmees to the Trin cap­ pretty nice holes and our backs Coach Frank Robinson’s W ar­ Ducheeneau’a third run of this E. Sullivan. Read eewteiir trood (or top 11 attempts) and Tom Wilson (52 STEBLEBS 37, BE08K1N8 6- ford the past two Saturdays Colby 16, Trin 16—Trin gambled - Defense has been the new club’s typa this sesaon. paN... wen dlrastiewal, tain, he was doubled teamed most forte -thus - fa r but. Roach, who ran well but we Just didn’t have riors hit the Jackpot the very flrst Gottntry Club Guards; Galla|ber. Turner. Cartier, OOLTS 31, REABS 7 — Aveng­ in 6). Maklng the most of seven Red­ was no place for anyone who of the day. And he threw all hie with an on-side kick after the that 'extra punch to push across a time they handled the ball after a With 30 eeconde ranuUnlng in Bascetta, J. Downham. soBdeoniap trood. * * sofety— ing their sole defeat, the Oolts • • • skins (3-2) fumbles, the Steelers score and it backfired. Colby got starrsd with tha high-scoring Man­ ths second etanaa the Flghteri Centers: LaPolt. Palmer. woW lomtriiitlan . . . no couldn’t stand excitement. 235 pounds 'into Kent Davidson’s chester Merchants in recent years, score. Defensively the boys played weak 27-yard punt by Bob Cote WOfifUN’S M y isio N Backs: G. Sullivan, Duchesneau. Bren- pulled ahead of the Bears, now GIANTS 34, EAGLES 7 — Alex (2-2) turned three Into touch­ punt which Reese picked up for the pigskin on its 47 and went 53 exceptionally well and actually was returned six yards to the Man­ clicked for their first score when nen. D. Downham, Sochon, Girard whiiw or kwio on dry reodtl 1-3 for the season, when Unitaa Webster broke a 7-7 tie in the downs. Two of them built a 14-0 For the second time in an the touchdown. LeClerc, , who yards in eight plays with a costly is well aware that football fans to­ Flo Barre climaxed a eucceosful quarterback Mark Hellar passed Herdic. day, want to-see a lot of scoring. outplayed the Pequots." chester 26 by speedy Bob Bell. An­ oaaoon with a 5 and 3 victory over Score by Periods: ■hot a 25-yarder to Lennie ifoore. second period with a 16-yard lead before the game was five min­ eight day period. Trinity’s un­ caui^t the plgekln in the face, pass interference helping. Bee's Imperial Csterera (•) other speedater,' Jim Malley, 158- to end Mark Oakman on a 10 yard Plehters 0 a S 0 1! Bis one-yard flip to U G. Dupre touchdown sprint that put the utes old. Larry Krutko cracked dermanned football team was in­ passing feature with Nigro pick­ And Roach. Manager Jeff Koelsch Enda: Griswold, Albert, Kearns, Mil­ Cele Perry in the finals of the an­ KELLY was slightly injured and earned ler. pound Junior, moved for five yards. pass play. Then halfback Larry Blue Devils 4 0 0 0 I eloaed out the scoring. The Bears Giants ahead of the Eagles (2-2) the Washington line for two volved in as tense and exciting and his first rest of the season lat^ln ing up his second TD from, the and' all the players hope to get nual FaU Toumamant. Both final­ Llsciotti circled his own right TD: P1|bters: Oakman (10 yar( Tackles: Kau-sses, RauMnaltia, 8. Bell then went the remaining 21 ists Won hi|d> honors in the Spring pass! McCartan (6t yard run). EXPLORER II had tied it Just after the second to stay. Webstar, making bis first scores on short plunges ms Pibta-v interesting small college game as the final period. three and Oolby led, 14—13. Bee their offense in high gear by Sun­ Wietarcxkl. yards through a big hole in the flank for the extra two points. PAT; Plghters; LieclottI (run). half opened on Willie Qallmorxe's start and-playing despite a still- burg avenged an earlier loss. Sam sinyone would ever care to ask for. Manchester’s Dave Golaa was flipped to IBteve Carpenter for day-when the Caterers make their Guards: PlSfge. Cote. Decker. Tournament and Uad with a 72 Pctrlllo. right side of the Red and 'White net for low qualifying laurels in M-yard scamper. A lan.' Ameche painful tom cartilage in his left Baker was the Redskins’ entire of­ The Bantams, thanks to an un­ only a step behind Reese in line­ two more points. first home start at Mt. Nebo. Cenicra: Moake, E. WIetarcikl. line. Not a single Indian touched from only accounted for the other Colt TD. side, led the ground-gainers with fense, kicking two field goals. heralded Junior, rose up and slap­ man honors. The sturdy middle Trin 21, Oolby 16 — With but Springfield Next Backs: Strange Donahue. Dolln, the fast-stepping Hall co-captaln. the year's final handicap tourney. 62 yards although used sparingly. * * * ped down a mighty fine Colby guard made 10 tackles and forced seven seconds left in the third The newly organized Spring- Grady. AJemtny. Curry. Mrs. Barre scored easy tri­ eleven, 28-22, that will have fol­ New Landan (t) But the same play failed to work Fine Weekend for State Elevens 49EBS 34, UON8 IS—The sur­ Harlsnd Svare opened the New BROWNS 17, CABDS 7 — ’The Colby to run outside or go through canto, Trin forged ahead. 'Ykoff field Giants-will provide the op­ Ends: Scully,- Hiller, Ketchoff. on the try for the points after. umphs over Barbara WilUams, York scoring by chugging 70 Browns (2-2), scoring in the open­ lowers on both schools talking for stepping off three yards on an Tackles: Lewis. Cardelll. R. Keefe. BNalyn Lorentxen and NaUie John­ prising 49ers, riding the air arm weeks. the air. * . position for the Silk Towners in Guards: I.«ndy. Pomitl. Rametl. Reo^ved Fine Suppert Of vetoran T. A. Title and balking yards with an interception. ing period on an 82-yard drive and The Mules from Waterville, end run with Johnson throwing a ' tha lldlifter at Nebo. Meanwhile, Centers: Dildasgto. Neuman. A. son. It was during her fleet round the Uon (0-4) offense with a de­ The Giants, playing in New a 37-yard interception by Bernie Hero on a sunny, cool afternoon, Maine, entered action with A two- great block that cut down two the Caterers will work out Tues­ Serra. Bell easily proved the Warriors’ match that Flo iwalleed her am­ Parrish, built a commanding lead that was Just great for a Parents’ Backs: A. Keefe. Holmes. Mickles, No. 1 offensive threat, running for Wesleyan Wins First, fensive line that flattened quar­ York before s thunderous crowd one won and loss record and were defenders. Sanders tossed to Ian day, Thursday and Friday at 7 Phillips, C, Serra, Carrawola. bition to break 90, carding a fine fllSS terback Tobin Rote, built a 30-0 of 68,788 In perfect football weath­ )>efore the Cardinals (1-3) could Weekend turnout of 3,500 was second among small collages in of­ .Benneth for the extra points. 82 yards in 16 carries, completing 89. ■ m I.7I-1S lead and never were headed. Tittle er, scored in each of the flrst three get untracked. Cleveland's Jimmy Guard Tommy ReeM. The only fense with 447 yards per game. Trin 28, Colby 16 — LeClerc’s two of four passes for 29 yards Mre. Perry advqMed to the final Tsee-iTN Brown accounted for 123 yards Texas resident on Coach Dan Jea- Saturday, Colby ground out 820 punt which rolled dead on the and catching four tosses for 34, match-Witir wine over Rory Simon, lunrsN eiMimiiu passed for one touchdown, hitting periods. They had yielded a Phila­ on the ground in 23 rushes and see’s Bantams was simply terrific. yards. He received fine support Cadets Upset Amherst wmnEN QUAIAHTeB Clyde Conner with a 37-yard toss. delphia touchdown in the ftrst yards, far below their average. three led up to Trin’s final, tally. ‘Basehall, Yet?^ Cora Andaeaott' and Anna Mc­ ItOX! .r.oek ior dotoik quarter. caught three passes for 22 yards. Not listed as a starter, Reese was First half couldn’t have been Forced to punt on fourth down from Malley, who totaled 64 yarda, Bride. J. D. Smith scored twice for San The Cards played moetrof the all over the field, to put it mildly. 30 on the ground and 34 more on Praneisco. The victory reversed a 49-21 any closer, Colby led 18-13 and from the Colby 11, LeCHero broke MEN’S DIVI8XOIN Yale, Connecticut, Southern Ci^nnecticut State and (Tout • • • game without both regular quar­ Named the day’s outstanding line­ each side gained 149 yards; Colby through and blocked Davidson's a perfect 4-for-4 passing per­ drubbing in Philadelphia two terbacks—King Hill and M. C. man by working newsmen, Reese, Moriarty’s Triumph, formance. BtIMBBB-MEMNS BEST BALL Guard provided the major nutmeg sparks on Saturday’s col­ BAMS 45, PACKEB.S 6 — Bill weeks ago. getting 98 on the ground, 51 In punt. Reese was Johnny-on-the- «IAKANT»> SmUU TMCK T H M C lilJ Reynolds. Hill injured his throw­ a 5-11, 190 pounder, intercepted a the air; Thin had 89 rushing and But despite Bell and Malley’s i Saturday legiate gridirons with Wesleyan and Trinity adding minor Wade’s three touchdown passes Other Giant scaring was done ing arm in the second period and pass which set up the first Trin spot, picked up the ball on the Sher Fftguoon and .Ed Pakar, UTtiADS and the running of Ollle Matson— 60 overhead. five and scored, an honor few one-two punch, the Indians held a blazes. by Bob Schnelker and Pat Sum- was relieved by Reynolds. Rey­ touchdown,, made 11 tacklee—high It was anybody’s gams right slight edge statietically. Manches­ 60; Vih Bogginl and B w TBonq)- a . • a epeli|4 la wlacla4 srho picked up 121 yards in 20 roerall. Schnelker tallied the last nolds threw once, was hurt and for any one player—and capped hie guards get In the course of a sea­ ■OR, 61; Jack Anaon end Ed S a a ^ unbeaten eeaeon, bringing to 140 aaaae IVa aaPaea •grriss — overwhelmed the Pack- up to the final whistle. Each son. Wykoffs placement was good. Enter Playoff Finals ter wound up with an 11-9 margin TALE 28. OCNfiNEIX 0 — Yale its point total for the season to TD, snaring a 13-yard pass from also went to the sidelines/ De- greslt showing by picking up a team led twice before Trin came in flrst downs and a 185-127 bulge 62 and Frank Hope and FYank Sir dMense which had allowed only Trin 28, Colby 22 —. Thsre was Oonnorton, 63. maintained its unbeaten, untied date. That’s an average of 35 George Shaw in the third period. fenaiya halfback Jim Roach took TAKING OFF—Billy Welu’s distance fmm the foul line remains blocked punt on the five yard Col­ from behind with two second half in rushing. The evenly-matched and unacored-on drive with a 23-0 three, TD's previously. Matson Summerall, who made all three over, 'arching a spectacular 62- by line and carrying it Into the end still life in the Mules. This time BUND BOGIE potnte per game. ■mMnMe-iin Mored once on a 49-yard ramble the same, regardless of whether he shifts to one side or other or TDs. the visitors went 57 yards, David­ Exploding for four runs in the 10th inning, Moriarty Bros, rivals each shewed a gain of 69 conquest of Cornell "High Above • • • etaetMseeeM conversions, chipped in with a yard TD pass to Woodley Lewis at what pins he bowls from a balanced stance. y zone for what proved to be the The day’s scoring: yarda in the air, with the Silk First draw, 82, tie, Bogginl and ' fpNettis' ■ad paced the Ram’s triple- 32-yard field goal in the waning son running the last 14 yards eliminated the New Britain Falcons from the Farmington Cayuga’s Waters" for its fourth COAST OUABO 14, ABIUEB8T for their only score. winning touchdown. Trin 7, Colby 0— Reese inter­ Towners hitting on four of nine Len Giglio; second draw, 97, tie, zuccesslve victory and third In the Once again Jessee got the maxi­ cepted on the first series of plays around his right end when he Volley Bfiseball League title picture, 5-2 yesterday afternoon pitches and the Warriors complet­ John Sommers and Lee BMUchene. 12—Coast Guard, hasten handily l O S failed to see any receivers free Ivy League. It waa the first tlma in its flrst three games, contimwd IMTOKnD a t TIRISI NO. 3—APPROACHES e> To find your starting spot, stand mum effort out of hie thin squad. after the opening kickoff and ran at Falcon Field in New Britain. The two rivals, along with ing six of nine. Briggs’ squad was EVEN HOUCS TO m N BY since 1921 that Yale had wwi its ByltoM y on the foul llns with your back to His Bantam halfbacks—each 147 the ball back to the Colby 35. Four plays later time expired and the WeUiersflfld A.C., had ended^ — not penalized a single yard during Us comeback spark with a 14-12 K U Y fM IC The approach in bowling la like It went Into the books as a Trin Oue-Half Haadloap first four games without yielding victory ovar Amherst. Hie Cadets fRAC D M m y an airport runway. the pins. Take four normal steps pounds—Tommy Wykoff and Ho- Sanders sneaked over from the regular season warfare tied for hit a alow roller between the the contest. Hall waa penalized a point. The shutout left Yale the to the rear of the approach, add dell Anderson, did the bulk of the one for the TD. LeClerc added win, the sixth in 10 meetings. first place. only 45 yards. Sunday have wort two games and both npcxnee It is where you take off. Punts’ Passes: Former Colby mound and third base which res­ Cnass A—Len Giglio 36-8-33, only major unsepred-on team in were conquests of Little Three American Bowling Congress a half-step for your slide and turn ball carrying with pint-sized Tony the point. Only 3:06 had been Yesterday’s triumph advanced cued Maneggla from third. Each club had one Mlden op­ the country. AN I «round. This is your starting Sanders running the team well played. backfield ace. the Rev. Arnold portunity to score. Hall's biggest Paul McNamara ^-3-54; Jim teams. Wesleyan was a 17-15 vic­ BMUieeAiMi r rules say approaches must be at Tozer of Manchester was rooting the .OUera to the championship Moriarty’s picked up their first Horvath 37-8-84, Charles Har­ Tale waa alert and improssive In point, the distance you start the from hia quarterback slot. Man­ 'Ctolby 8, Trinity 7 —Colby came game Sunday afternoon at Still­ break of )the afternoon came when tim a week ago. me-mtefitoM' least 15 feet long, but you don’t approach, regardless of whether chester’s Bob Johnson, s great for his mates on the Colby side... tally In the sixth after the Falcons rington 37-3-34, Jim Gordon 36-2- its victory that left the Elis tied coenm UNM oi sizui have to use all that footage. back, taking the ensuing kickoff man Field, in Wethersfield. Coach had taken a 1-0 lead In the third. a Cote punt was blocked and re­ with Pennsylvania at 3-0 atop the you shift to one side or at what blocker all afternoon, once again and marching 64 yards, all on the 1 J*"’ Horvath of this town was the covered by end Bill Gormley on 34; Class B—BoggiiU 36-4-32, T B IN iry 28. COUIY 22 — The number of steps you take limpire... Dr. John Allison was ^ u l Maneggia’a club has won the New Britain’s final marker came Fran Carvey 38-4-34; Class C— Ivy League. The Bulldogs took full pins you bowl. was held in check, getting but 29 ground, with shifty . Bob Nigro title the peat two seasons. the Red and White 28 as time ran TriMty took,full advantage of the HMI WO»»Y.W U» PBlViMe can be determined only by you. Walk a straight line, don't run. yards in 13 carries. Trin now scoring. Davidson passed, to another Silk Towner present, also in the bottom of the 10th. Don Robinson 40-11-29; Cass advantage of Cornell lapses and Both pitchers felt the effects of out In the third period. But Man­ loose ball-handling while holding breaks to defeat Colby 28-22, turn­ I use the four-step approach. Don't Jerk, don’t pull, don't zig shows two wins, one loss and orte Burke from a spread formation cigar smooking Moose Finnegan Two talanted southpaws, Jackie chester’s alert defensive unit. Pacyna 40-8-32. ing a blocked kick into the deci­ LOOK POR THIS SION OP CNtAtfTr There are good bowlers who use and don't zag. Develop harmony tie. Alfred is next' at Alfred. for the two points. and Dorn GSItllcore and John Mor- Hedlund of Moriarty’a and flreball- the cold weather and neither per­ the Big Red to Just one serious formed up to par. Perotta, who Spearheaded by .Simmons, Dave BUND BOCHE scoring threat in the entire game. sive touchdown with four minutes three, five and even more steps. and rhythm and tie it In with the Big Roger LeClerc, who is be­ Trin 13, Colby 8 — After twice dawski... Weather was excellent er Joe Perotta od the Falcons, Malausky, Dennis Seibert and Ron First draw, 88, tie, Vic Daley left in the game. Colby enrgWi in The length of your step depends comfort of your balanced stance. ing groomed for Little All-Ameri­ getting down within the shadowi for the fifth straight Saturday... were locked in a 1-1 tie for nine fanned the first four batters he Tliat came in the third period faced, wound up with 12 strike­ Merrow, stiffened and forced the and Sked Homane; second draw, after Yale had scored its second the final moments and scored with on your physical makeup. You Then you are ready for deliv­ can honors, and whose name the of the (Jolby goal—four and seven "This football is harder on us par­ Innings. ChICk Gagnon walked to home team to punt after three 79, tie, Bogginl, Bill Allen, Art a minute and-a half ramalMng but start on the right foot unless, ery. field public address announcer yard lines-- Trirt capitalized on a ent , ’ iiiiney Johnson said after en. the 10th for the Oilers. After outs. He allowed only four hits touchdown. Cornell moved from its running plays lost five yards. Stevens and ^ u l McNamara. own 25 to Yale’s 13. Here Tale by that time the Bantams were like Lou Campi, you feel more credited with three quarters of the Tom Dee fumble. Bill Maedermott the game. He's Bob’s Dad, Boh the Gagnon stole second Jimmy Mor­ and walked nine batters. home free. comfortable starting on the left. iarty also walked. With One out. • Hedlund, hampered by a bad Fumble Ended Threat MEMBER-MEMBBB TOURNEY put on its defensive preseure and NEXT: Pushing away. tackles, 'although many times the recovering on the Colby 12. On fine Trin halfbark who has devel­ Saturday .a- a a big center was nowhere near the fourth down from the 19, Sanders oped into quite a blocker. Gene Johneon ' singled through back most of the eummer, was Manchester’s, final ehance came the drive ended with a pair pf in- first and oecond base, scoring touched for eight bingles, walked late in the fourth period after a Andy Ferreira and Bill Landers completed forward passes. WESLEYAN 24, W PI 1 eight and struck out two. And defeated Dr. Merrill Rublnow and • • V Wesleyan held a slim 8-7 edge for Gagnon and contlnuUig on to sec­ Hall fourth down gamble failed on the flrst three periods aglnst Wor­ ond aa Uqrlatly stopped at third. like hie opponent, the curve-ball­ the Indians’ 38. Seipel sneaked Mat Allen 5 and 4 in the 36-hoIe UCONN 18. MAINE 18 — Con­ Grudge Battle in Philadelphia Park Your Car.. ? Andy Mueggla' was hit iby ing lefthander had to pitch out over his right tackle for 32 yards final. necticut turned back a serious cester Polytech but exploded for 18 Taking Advantage of Breaks of several Jams since the two KICKERS points in the final period and a B V m O A M I FOR 68 VIARt ^tch and with a squeese bunt on and another keeper play gave the Maine threat in the fading mo­ 24-7 victory. Worcester threatened Perotta’a .pitch got past the clubs left a total of 20 runners locale a first down on the Hall 18. Lou Becker 82.4—78 and Fred ments at Orono, Maine, for an IS­ Tops Week^s Boxing Schedule Detroit, Oct. 19 UFI —The boy stranded. only once after scoring its first pe­ was . the picture of enterprising Key to Yale^s Perfect Record catcher a»Kjx>Ued to Uie backstop. Sal Lopes and Bob Bombardier Avelon 90-12—78;' second, Lowell IS victory over the Black Bears riod touchdown. That cams in the Moriarty dashed home as did the Moriarty’s/.. 000 001 000 4—5-4-1 moved the ball to the nine but on McMuUln 80-5—75. and Us second Yankee Conference yoiith as he beckoned busily to New Britain 001 000 000 1--2-8-1 third period when the Cahllnals New York, Oct. 19 i j ’l- -In the* cruising latecomers headed for alert Johnson when the New Brit­ the next play a fumbje in the back- Brice McKay of 454 E. Middle victory in a row. The Huskies are fumbM on their own 85. Tony De- needs a win to stay in the big New York, Oct. 19 i/Pi--^How ain catcher had trouble locating Hedlund and Saba; Perotta and fleld was recovered by fullback seeking their fourth conference days before televrslon, boxing’s time. Rodriguez, 22, can move the--San Francisco dofwho gained 130 yards In 15 car­ Tpken seed the 18th hole yeater Miro pulled Wesleyan out of you figure a team like Yale’s un­ ries and scored a touchdown. The tha ball. Dave Turkington then Brownatein. Bob PhiUpon on the lO^yard stripe. day afternoon at the Manchester championship in a row and need biggest non-title attbketions were close to a title shot If he beats 49’ers football gfime yesterday. defeated, unscored upon Bulldog’s, danger by intercepting a pass on neighborhood rivalries and Inter­ Logsrt. Forty motorists eyed the (fakers did have their unscored- The game endd four plays later. Country Club. A non-member, Mc­ victories over New Hampshire and the Wesleyan 15. co-leaders with Penn In the Ivy upon distinction wsshsd away Hall marched 66 yarda to the Kay used a No. 2 iron. He was in a Rhode Island to dneh It. ’ a a a, national clashes. easy-ln, easy-out lanes and glid­ • • • ed Into parking spaces on the League ? when Brown got a safety in the Manchester 21 in the first quarter foursome that included Pete Fos­ Philadelphia has one of the old World Featherweight Champion This same Yale team was the and the Indians moved 60 yards to CENTRAL 12, KUTZTOWN 6— neighborhood grudge battles on tap Davey Moore of Springfield, Ohio, Mg field near Briggs Rtadlum. first period and added a touch­ ter, Harold Jarvl'a and Del Del- SOU’THEBN 28, BROCKPORT Central Connecticut State had. to The dollar asked by the youth loop’s, doormat last year, going down by fullback Paul Choqn»tte Celtics^ Pistons Off Running the Hall 18 as the opening half melino. Jack 'Taylor reports it was 14—Southern Connecticut state de­ CUSTOM RECAftEtS l tonight when Sugar H art and shows his wares In London. Eng­ wliiless in league competition and in the third. ended. But neither rival could gen­ stage a last ditch defanae to main­ Charley Scott, who live only five land. Tuesday night In a non-title seemed reasonable enough. the second ace on the ISUi thle feated Brockport, N. Y., Teachers tain a 12-6 edge over Kutxtowa When the parkers returned winning only two of 10 games The other Ivy League a'ctlort last erate an offensive spark to go all season. 28-14 for its fourth victory in an block./! apart clash.. 10-rounder )vith Bobby Neill, the overall. To date they have zipped As NBA Campaign Gets Started the way. (Pa.) State at New Britain. On the ROUTE 6. SOLTON. co m * Britiah titleholder. If Neill upsets after game, their cars were weekend found Harvard rolling up short end of a 12-0 score, Kutz< . The 12-rounder not only will de­ there but the lad -through four opponents and await A commanding lead, then holdinp Co-Captain Steve Buchbinder termine. the Pennsylvania welter­ the chatnp he may wind up with a Nov. 7 clash with Penn to set­ waa a tower of etrength defen­ town came to Ufa in the final Va MILE FROM BOLTON NOTCH a title fight. wasn’t. ^ off Columbia 38-22 as the Lions Nbw TforJt, Oqt. 19 (iF)—JnisTsecond quarter, but kept nibbling period, ecortng one touchdown weight championship, but may Aet Tucked Into each windshield tle flrst place. adored all of their polnU in the sively for the Warriors and re­ up the next title challenger for The Eli knocked Cornell (8-1) Champion Btoton Celtlce aiid the away, until the lak e r lead at the ceived ample support from Phlll- s Re^in First Place, midway in the period and breath' TEL Ml T-2U 3 Tony Anthony of New York and was a $3 parking ticket. The. final quarter. Detroit iHstons were off and run­ half was only 62^40. Wingi ing fire the rest of the way. With World Champion Don Jordan of convenient parking lot was De­ out of the undefeated ranks with a pon. Bob Diinne, Gormley, Malley, Los Angeles. Hart la the No. 1 Sweet Billy Hunter of Detroit, two 23-0 victory Saturday while Penn ning over the weekend as ths Na> At .the end of the third quarter seconds remaining, Kutztown troit’s J. C. Nagel Playground. tionar Basketball Assn, campaign it waa 78-78, and with only SH Carl Ellsworth and Bill Curtis J-uLLjivG Francisco 49er's fullback J. D. Smith (24) takes a hard contender. Scott No. 2. young heavyweight contenders (4-0) was polishing off winleas Tony Allbrio, Rpn Wabrek and Terry Sawchiik Gets Shutout made a first down on the Central fresh off good wlift, clasluat New (6-3-1) Brown 30-9. got'untlsr way':'wi|h>tWQ^ames: ' minutes left tha Lakers held a 97- Connecticut three but couldn’t put T an attempt to effect an end run in first period It would be no surprise if this 36-MINUTE FREE Ok le.ad. Detitfifa (Sena Shue, Deal Rudy Wojnarowlcz were other Bunday. Unidentified Lion hits the turf as tfickle missed. No. 28 is Lions back, Yale fistic natural failed to go the dis­ York’s Madison Square Garden KNlOHTfk OF COLUMBUS. Take Advantage of Breaks TTii CJsltfbs had their hands full Red and White staKvaito on de­ the baU over in the two tries that . L«ry. (AP Photofax) tance. Both of the 22-year-old Friday night in a national radio- Standings The two biggest assets of Coach -in defaating the erstwhile patsy and Billy'Keiivllle eloaed the gap fense. New York, Oct. 19 (/R -T he De-61oney scored for the Black Hawks, remained. Kq.tx)pwn roUed up 21 television (NBC 10 p.m.. DST) 10- INSTALUTION of the (eagUo^tJie aneiimsti Roy­ and took a 100-00 lead with 1:28 to each goal giving tha Chicagoans first downs to Central Connecti­ contenders are stiff punchers. W. L Pet. Jordan , OUvar’a Ell seem to be play. Simmons, with 37 yards on the trolt Rod Wings retained their Hart’s record is 28-3-2, including 21 rounder. Anthony. 440-7rl) beat Filloramo Construction 4 0 1.000 their ability to take advantage' of als—120-125 Saturday. The Pla­ round and 34 yards passing (S-S), hold ,on first place in the National a brief lead. cut's seen. knockouts. Scott has stiffened 12 Alonzo Johnson, another top the breaks and the sudden matur­ tons . took a squeaker from the There were 18 penalties called, a • • ' Stevenson Insurance ..4 1.000 fylvsster and Galanek stood out Hockey League Sunday night by rivals in (>osting a 23-9 record. young fighter, In hU last aUrt. ing, football-wise, of quarterback Minneapolis Lakers Sunday, 106- offerisively for the Silk Towners. including a misconduct penalty AlO 40. BRIDGEPORT 14— Midget Football Program-Queen Hunter (13-6-2) upset Argentina’s Pagani Caterers ...... 4 1.000 105, despite a S2-polnt perform-' The fight will not be televised. Tom Singleton.' ' ■si) (t> blanking the Toronto Maple Leafs agalnat Boston’s Guy Gendron. Ten American International broke Alex Miteff on a seventh round Manchester Modes ..,.4 1.000 Twice Saturday Yale took ad­ once- by Lak4r sophomore Elgin Ends; Buchbinder, Mohlll, Oormler, 8-0, with goalie Terry Sawchuk of the penalties were against the loose for 24 points in the fourth Welterweights also are featured technical knockout Isst Sept. 25. Home Spectaltlee...... 3 .760 vantage of bad passes from center Baitley. posting Ms seednd shutout of the Hawks. period Saturday night at Bridge .250 TaeWee; OurUri, Larien, Cohn, CUrk. To Be Selected Tomorrow Night In the fall boxing opener at New Shea’s Nutmegs ...... 1 oh punt altuatlona to score touch­ Ilhs'liU: four of last season pac­ Guatoe: BUI, Ellrwortb, Lewis, OOn- season. The Canadiena, thwarting the port to defeat the University of York’s Academy of Music Theater Turcotte’s E sso ...... , .0 .000 downs and quell (Tomell’s hopes ed tha Celtlds- Bob Cqusy, Tommy Alcuon. Boston muffed a change to take Rangers’ bid for a second straight Bridgeport by a 40-14 margin tonight and in the Wednesday Fogarty Bros...... 0 .000 of keeping a fast-starting offense Helniohn, Bill ’ Russell end Bill liyRetfCiraiHie Centeri; R. Romanos, Korean. — • DVfNBARU 90R 65 YtARS Skowfon, Farrell B ^ e ; Malley CMearlno. Beflrstrom. over undisputed, second place by victory, dropped two goals behind Until Joe Muccl cut. loose with a Tomorrow night at 7:30 at the»gports Department -make their night National Television (ABC to Jack Lappen Insurance 0 .000 in gear. S harn^. accounted for 107 poihu, Pumlea. McIntosh. Phlilppon! playing a 2-2 tie with the CMoago in the free-scoring game and .45-yard scoring nm in the final Morlarty Bros...... 0 4 .000 In the 2q-0 opening game victory What Is the belly eerieS? Ernst Side Rec a young girl be­ final selections. p.m., DST) bout at the Miami Talk Here Tuesday SERT C0UER5 with Russell scaring 32. .There are many variations of Maaoheeter (4) Black Hawks, 'tlie Montreal Ca­ then came back with Uitm goals in period for AIC it was a 16-14 ALSO AVAILABLE AT tween the age of nine and 12 will Girls interested in^competing In Spori Schedule Beach Auditorium. Opening night results at the over (Connecticut, Yale turned two It WBs - Jack q^syman of the tha belly, drive or ride series, all Bnita:Io. «>,..nkewlcs,Belekewlc*. Seibert.Seibert, WojiutrowicxWo]narowics nadians now share the runneii'Up the final period for the victory. game. Muccl scored agMn on e The New York scrap matches pass interceptions into touch T ^ lklee: e e ; Cole. McMullln. Wabrek,W " ’ Me-" LAINE’S GULF SERVICE be selected ms the 1959 Midget the annual contest may either con­ Manchester Parkades Ten Pin Royala however, who topped scor­ actually refinements of the old hid­ .Oabe. Merrow, Manezila. spot by virtue of their 6-5 victory Henri Richard scored twice, Ms pass frMn Joe Burke and so did tact Mrs. Edle Sapienza. mother of Stefan Redl, the German carpenter New York Yankee flrst bafieman Lanes: Manchester Modes 4, Morl­ downs, and headsrup defensive ing With 38. The Royals dogged the den ball play. Kobier, Badeer, Anderson, over the New York Rangers. second goal in the final period John Mahoney on a play that cov­ 476 Hartford Rd.—M) 9-8388 Football League Queen. Thequeeii last year’s queen, at 53 Pioneer Tonight now fighting out of Paasolc, N. J., Bill Skowron and Jackie Farrell of arty Bros. 0; Pagani Caterers 4, play in the victories over Brown NEW BIKE DEPTs ball throughout'the game: 'and in­ On this play out of the T, the AUbrIo. tying the score at 5-6 before ered 40 yarde. •Ad her two attendants, who will Circle or be present at the Rec to­ Cross Country Sectionals at and EJddie Lynch of New Tfork in the Yankees’ promotion staff will Jack Lappen Insurance 0; Steven­ and Columbia was as outstanding Centers: R.lcharde, Spicer. Barry Cull4n and ReO Kelly got OAKLAND SERVICE CENTER dicated there were better things to quairterbaek fades back a couple B a i^ ; Sylveeter. Bombardier. Seipel. the Red Wings away to a fast Bemle Oeofrrion came through Onkland St.—511 9-8318 also be chosen Tuesday, will be morrow night. Storrs. '10 rounds. This bout won’t be share the spotlight here tomor­ son Insurance 4, Fogarty Broa. 0; as Singleton’s quarterbacking. come'from them. of ateps on taking the snap. He Blmmoni, McConnell, Cote, llipper, row night. The occasion wlU to WE REPAIR IbtfleMn. Leper. Malaurky. Galanek. start with goals : . le first period, with the winning goal at 13:37. UCONN BASKETBALL honored mt the annual Foy Me­ The following rules must be ob­ TiioNday, Oct. 20 telecast. Filloramo Con8tructlon^ 4, Tur­ Singleton, who took over for A rt Baylor hit 22 of 36 field goals slaps the ball into the fullback’s The goal tending waa nothing PARKWAY SFRVICE CENTER served: *. . » High soccer Vs. Hall — 3:15 — At Miami Beach, Luis Rodri­ the second annual Sports Night cotte’s Esso Station 0: Home LaVallie when the latter had to Score by perfoda: - and Gordie Howie came through Storrs, Oct. 17 (81—Seventeen morial ’D'ophy game later this sea­ ALL MAKES and eight of 12 free throwa He middle wblle moving forward with 'Wchealer 0 8 0 l>—8 with an insurance goal in the final sensationai, as both Jacques ToUand Tpke.—MI 9-8098 1. Girls can not be 13 as of last Went Hartford. guez, unbeaten Cuban welter­ of the Manchester Masons at the Specialties Co. 3, Shea’s Nutmegs retire for tb year with a bad was pUylng under his old Beattie him. At tha list second, the quar­ . 4 0 0 0—8 men have .reported for practice son at Mt. Nebo. Sixteen entries Sept. 1. Masonic Temple. Dinner will to 1 TD: Bell, Seipel. - period on a power play. -An Plants for the Canadiens and have been received to date. " Friday, Oct. 28 , weight champion and fourth-rank­ . ‘shoulder, passed for one touch­ University coach, John Caatellsnl, terback taker the ball back from Gump Woreley iff the Rkngere with the University of Connectl PAUL DODGE PONTIAC 2. Must be a sister of a player, a ing contender, takes on Isaac Lo- served at 7 o’clock. A number of fine 175 singles and down and scored one on a three- who is makthir'bis debut afi Laker the fullback and tosses it to the m-teanunate spoiled the Black cut’s ba'eketball team. UConn 878 Main S t—MI 9-484S .JdoviM of last year's crowning daughter of a coach, politieman or High soccer vs. Bristol Central. Tickets arie etUl available from Hawks’ bid for a victory over were guilty of mental lapses which 3:15 — Bristol. gart In 10 rounds. Logart and 500 triples were noted on the first yard run against Cornell. He foach.*. ’. left halfback, who circles right end. led to goals. Planto had 28 saves, opens its 26-game season Dec. 1. Will tM ahown before the Judges— fireman, or a daughter of an offi­ Rodriguez both hall from Capria- memtors. Howard Waddell Is night. The list included, Stan Hi- scored the same way agalnat Co­ t r ip l e m The Lakerf'IWtortod ak if they The fullback keaps the ball at NBA Baiketball Boston. Jerry Toppazzlni tipped Those who reported, include Cap­ SAG AUTO SERVICE Frsd Nassiff of the Nauiff Arms cial who has worked a MFL game High cross country vs. H a l 1- serving as general chairman. the puck into .the net a t 17:07 however, and Woreley 82. 164 Middle Tpke. IV.—SH 8-8819 Platt; 3:15 — Memorial Field.,' guey, Cuba, the hometown of for- linski 100-527, A1 Hagnow 181- lumbia and set up his team’s sec­ Ritended to gp fat' g shutouW.They times. The left halfback can to tain Jack Rose, John Plpczynskl, Oo-, Mrs. Bemioa Richardson of this fall. fner welter king Kid Gavllan. 505, Pat Paradisb 195-503, At Bo­ ond TD with his p.aaaing. He also led IIM halfway through the first (Mnt oft tadda. Frequently the Saturday's Beeult of tha final period to give Ed Martin, Walt Griflln. Pete Kel ianat’s Hat Shop, Mrs. Harriet Local merchants have donated TOOTBAKER’S ESSO SERVICE CBNTBB Saturday, Oct. 34 Ike once was the leading con­ The leading money winning lls 188-SOS, Walt Liawrence 178- chucked a scoring aerial In the STORES^ parW :l»stocs^ Archie' P m scored quarterback fakaa to the left half­ Boston 129, Cincinnati 125. the Bruins tha tie. If waa hla eac- Buenoe Airoe — Jalma Gina, ly. Bob Countryman, JMin Rlslsy Reato 64A. North Coventry—PI 2-78M " ■•ran of Marrtet’s Baauty Salon, aeveral prUcss to bo awarded all High football vs. Bristol tender. At 20 he no longer is trotter of all tlma Is Lord Steward. 500, BUI (iallo 187, Bud Therox 17-0 victory over Brown. for the ra to n a m troit was tridl- back and dfops' back to paoa or Smsday'e Basalt ond goal of tha gama, 188^, Argentina, outpointed Or­ and BUI Madlaon, all from lost •M Pst-Bolduo of jno Hsrald’a thraa winners. Bsstem, 3 — Memorial Field. ranked . among tha top 10 and Tba hors# has won |888,6S1. 170 and Alsx Kosikowikl 170. Penn was lad by Frad DoeUlng, M l MAo« n u m 4 « m lag M*l8 at Sis begihning of thiji run. Detroit 106 MiimeapoUa.106, ■rlo Neetarenk^ u d inUl Ma- lando Bulueta, 187%, Ofiia, 10. yaar’e squad.

f P MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER; CONN„ MONDAY, OCTOteR 19, PAGE FIFtMW HftGB FOURTEEN EANCH BteB EVENWe HERALD. HANEBSSTEk, COim« MONDAT, OCTOBER 19, 19M ______------Ml tts booth to bo odilMtod ot tho SOtA U RaoBui Without Board 19 lor Root t5 fo r Sale 7* Ho fo r Sola 72 Hfl fa rS flla n \ MotorcFCtaw—n erd w 11 I’HEKR OUGHTA BE A LAW BY PAGAl.Y Mfd 8BORTBM Coventry annual 4-H aohloraoaaat algbl American Cuts WARD MUSIC BTORBS-rLeweat pUdASAIIT-*-Lerge, heated rao,a, MANCSIBSTER—Attractively fur- I—MANCHESTER — New UatiBS- GREEN ROAD irograai. Tbs mootlRg to at CHICM I I M A B im a. BUUd to ae- FOUR BEDROOM-Raach, Yre- torn# of M n. Andrew H. BueMoy 1947—Harley Davidson motercy- pricM on all iaatnimanta, nUOK* frOe parldiif, on hue line. lU nlahed home In reatdentlai .eom- Beautiful 5 room colootal, 8 larga de. Dependable machine. MI- ewimaodsta tiaiid spemdsn. .Dry place, net hot water neat,heat. i8 naina,hatha, Jr. Mra. J. Paul Biennan Is eo- ■ad sadtsd for eqsvM nu atoraf) and organs. Good aelectlon. .Also mimity. CaU MI 8-1009. recreationtien roMi; douMa fanga. bedrooms, 8llancea, el| In qx- nets. Large shade trees. Owner T. J. CROCKETT, Realtor eieion was announced. ELECTROLUX owners—Free pick­ r o o m WrCB kltelMa prlvUeitae. ANDOVER—Four room, *umlahed, residential area. Priced at only a property on Snabe HIH Rd. salad, fruit; Thursday, chopped kabwosb” ^ eellent condition. LeBlenc Furiri; RAOepON COAT—15-18, tiittabl* and builder. Ml 8-4850. 831.600. R. F. Oimock Co.. W MI 8-1577 The ground has been staked off Rand said Webster elaiaMd he COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLAS8IPIED ADVT. up and delivery. Prompt, friendly Contraliy toMMd. BaMoa ae- lakefront, year 'round cottafc. ham and pickle, buttered corn, but- service on your Electrolux (R) ture HoMltal, 195 South St.-, for coUege atudent. Good eondi- 9-8345 or Robert D. MUrdocK, DO ■ by the building committee. The tired M S , fruit squares; Friday, had made all neceaiary' asraaga- MOMkAT n to nUDAT ItiM AM.—BATVIinAT » AM. Rockville. TR 8-3174. Open 9 to 9. lion. MI 9-4885. eeptad. Hia. Doraay, .14 Arch SL October-June. Ml 94818, hO ments for his wife an6 chfldrsn to cleaner. Also featuring rug wash­ 8-8747. MANCHESTER—4 room ranch, 8-5473. DCANCHE8TER vlctolty. Ultra mod- ^ „ j , „ _ ^ located on a knoll mashed potato, SHet of flounder, plaatered walls wall to wall car­ em 4 bedroom ranch. 1 bathe, full or more from-the be cared for. He preimlaed to tole- er, floor scrubber and wrxer. fit. MfClMt EtWIAAMA ATWHCAH G.E. WASHER 1965, exceUent RED COAT, Ooachman’a etrilar. WARM, COMFORTABLE room, buttered carrots. Ice cream. Broad, PLEASE READ YOUR AD Call Electrolux authoriied sales very ideely fumlahM, We bath, ROeXVILUB — New 8H room peting, combination window*, n- MANCHESTER. Six room baaemmt, 3-car g ^ e . half acre The 40 x 00 foot cinder butter and milk are served with :>hone hie father, Uving some where condition. F in t reaeonable offer, Milium Uned. Worn few times, 890. Ranch, 3 baths. Attached garage. and service. Ml 9-0843, JA‘ 3-OllM. nice private home, ' 818 Spruce St. apairtmonta, range, refrigerator, well landscaped, awnings. $13,- land, trees. ExceUent condition ' • - ■tructure win eventually------»— all meals. Penneylvanio. MI 9-3874 any time. (wear 14 or 15 dress). MI 8-1810, 500. Call Ollbert and Gagnon Wall to wall carpeting. Dtinoe*l, Webeter la tba aeeond Aaterleaa •r "W M t AM * ai« Ukea over tlie pkoM u a m w * Pleaae ask for Auguatine Kamlen- ^ mili ivlf all neceaaary appliancea, heat Church Blatee Meeting eki. Realty, BU I-54N. refrigerator, etove. Included. to renounce hie cllizensblp hsre In TIm adierttaef akoold read M* ad tba FIRST DAT IT OOMBlNATIpN-TV, UHF, VHP, GIRL’S GRAY allMilonj^t, _ gBj and hot water furnished. Near $19,800. R. F. Dtmock Co., Dil building Is completed. Plane •nie S 0 e 0 n d (Congregational fBocwftMrvcny ■peed recoid player. FURKISHEb ROOM, plenty of bue line and ahopplng, 13 mlnutea IttUa more than a month'. j S k S w aad RSPORT ERRORS ia ttaaa for, tka oast laaar- radio and 8 i teen size 13, good condition BOWERS SCHOOL-Cuatom 8 bed- 94345. n ri?’ K o sS )’ Orawn up by Albert A, RoesI Church will have Its annual meet- CHAIN SAW work — Trees cot. PORGtOVMUhSC Suitable for recreation room, $40. MI 84789. heat and hot water. 48 Church 8L from Hartford. Adulta. 890 Nicholas Fetru^ 8S,. a^^ eheet Tka HaraU la toapoMiMo for oal« O NE laoorroet or omittad Reasonable rat:s. Call PI 3-7888 room ranch, flrapiset, ceUar, til. pro^Oe for expansion. Including ng at 8 p.m. Oct. 37 at the church. metal worker of VaHey atraam, 2 w l 5 e i tS rm f adw Seaieat add ^ oaljr to tka ostaat of a Ml 9-1735. monthly. Call Rockville TR 8-3000 baauUfui condition, lovoly lot with m - BOLTON-New extra large AH reMrts should bs givtn the between 1:80-4 80 or any time COUBMAN ROAD — Attractive or TR 0-8748. ^ ^ ^ M H iM '^ e n S v ^ e ^ o r D a ^ ^ stories. The estlmateO N.Y., took this flap Sept 8 on a «nnMa toad** maarttoB. Brrota rrklefc do aot laaaea the aalae of Saturday or Sunday; ■loiptiW room, televltion, morning trees, aaanme 4H% mortgage. Cape. 1 acre wooded lot. Very large 8 4 m m 9 Ito5 not include excavating. Rev. C. Arthur Bradley, pastor, Wanted— TaBuy 58 14MO. MI s w>34.______grading or landscaping. visit to tho Soviet Union. IBs ep- tka EliiirHinMTat arlB aot haeorraeted by **mako good” laaartloa. 1967 EASY—Spin-dry wvsher, er- kitchen prlvllegea. Working man Small caah. Only $18400. Carlton beoroome, full baMment. gart , by tonight In order that these may builtin stove and oven, $18,000. The {>Hcatlon for Soviet dUaenehtp RADiO-TV r e p a ir s , any m ake- cellent condition. 8-3859. or woman. MI 9-8879. Wauitod to Root 99 W. H u t^ ^ , m 94183, 4 CAROL DRIVE—Rockville. 818.- The immediate pUne for the be mimeographed and put Into I’alled to draw a prompt raaponae, cara, ampliflera. phonographs nd WB BUY and aeU antique and used In atoTs and oven. 118,000. The RJ roOftHfOBOOIM himiture, china, glass, sUvsr. pic­ 550. 5 room ranch, large living building wlH be a meeting room, proper form for the meeting, however, and he ebaiyral kls mind. changers. Over 47 years tcAal ex APARTMENT-Size stove, glaaa OOUPLB3—Want 4 room unfur- FIVIB IjbSuM ranchta - 5 and 7 F Dimock Co. DO 9-0348. room, cabinet kitchen, 8 bed- kitchen facilities, lavatories, cloek AMOPIANUTBRimC ture frames, guns, attic cdntantv, ttMm Colonials. For flirthet de- ficheot Adds Members He returned to New York S epi 33. D'ol M l 3-2711 peiience 90 days guarantee all oven Pith light. Barely year <^d Boarders Wanted 59*A niahed apartment. Call MI 94490. roome, Uk% m ortage can be [room, office for the flftanctal esc The Coventry Day School an­ work. Pdtterton'a. Ml 9-4887. f v o u M m n m ^ whole estates. Funttture rsfln- taUa can Charlaa Uumerance. Da IV MANCHBSTER -L arge < room Webster disappeared 8e ^ 10 $80. MI 8-8988. lahed and repalrsd. Furnlturs Rs- ranch, built in 1953. lacpandabla assumed. Marlon Robertson, I rctary of St. Jude Council, KofC, nounces the appointment of two after ho finished helping clean up l.UClVtftlOSfiMAitlAM9Ml9 W 9-7530. Broker, DO 349S8. Aotomohilcs for Sale 4 CLEAN-UP TIME. Attica, celUra pair Servfcs and Sales, Taleott- ROOM—Board and care for elder­ attic, boaement garage, plasteitl and a bar room. new msmben to the echool staff. the exhibition. Ha sold , ho sold Lost and Foand tyMfMowy oficHfCTto,' CHAMBERS FURNITURE ly gentleman. Call TR 0-3933. WANTED—Nov. lit, S room apart Club president George Haddock cleaned. Alto light trucking. C ''l vlHs. ment, heat and hot water fur BEAUTIFUL ROCKLEDGE walli, forced hot water heat, Dr. Harold R. Burke, director of some clothes to finance .s touT/jeo- LOST—Small Mack and white NEia> A CAR and had your credit Phil, JA 8-5070, This charming 8 year old cuator.i ameslte drive, convenient to has named Kosal as building com­ academic conaulUng at the Uni' tng among other’places fb IDcv turned down? Short on down pay­ 603 E. MIDDLE TPKE. WANTED—Used combination oil, niahed by middle-aged working Lota for Sale 77 mittee chairman. Other members Cocker Spaniel vicinity Falknor vAsal'y o> r o o m , BOARD and laundry for widow. Can between 5 aifd 7 p,m built ranch has 8)k rooms, large schools, ahopplng and tranaportS' varsity of Connecticut, will be and to Leningrad. Rand returned Dr. Call Ml »M le. ______ments Had a repoaaeaalonT Don't HAROLD k SONS, Rubbish remov­ gKOaVgM electric range In good'condition, living room, picture window, Are tion Priced reasonably at $14,600. Include Homer Dlette, Alfred I todance consultant; and Robert to Moscow Oct. 14 after efforta to ve up* See Doiiglaa Motora, gat Portable radioe, $1^.95 up.’' can MI 9-2725. ' gentleman, $80 per week. Near PI 3-74U; BOL'TON-Large lot Some trees. S al cellars and attica claaned. lace, raised hearth, family sized Minimum financing available. R. Tongren, Broker, BUadeau, Thomas Reagan of Mane- iJolton, who holds a bachelor of got In touch with Webeter failed. i * e lowdown on the loweat down Aahes, papers, all rubbish. Harold Phonogrrapha Manchester, Call MI 94346. -x Reaasonable. WANTED — 3 bedroom duplex. gitchen with dining area, built-in F. Dimock Co., 94245, or Da 84831. field,' Murland Bradley, Richard adenco degree from the Hartt Rand and Snyder were notified FOUND—Male B e ^ e . Call Bol­ and amalleat paymanta anywhere. Hoar. MI 9-4084. Stereophonies Itooms Withmit Board 59 Three pre-school aged children. oven and range, formica counters, Robert D. Murdock, DO 8-5473. Breen, Norman Richard, Frank School of Muato hoe been appoint' today they could see Webetor at ton Dog Warden, Ml 9-M4». Not a amall loan or Hnance com­ Televislona Gagliardl of WHHmantlc, Haddock, FUXIR SANDING and tatlnMil Painting— Phpering 21 Help Wanted— Male 36 Articles For Sals 45 Apartments— Plato—> Call JA 6-1002. Reaaonable rent. fan, beautiful caUnets, L and H od to the music staff for instruc­ the poUce ogenoy where effalrs of pany plan, Douglaa Motora, 888 copper hingee. 8 bedrooms, lovely V—VERNON—New 5 room ranch Larry Mattachlone of Mansfield, foreigners are handled. FOUND—Blue parakeet. Owner Main St, SpedallBlng In old floors. % Cribi ROOM FOR RENT—3 minute Tenements 93 tion on the guitar and woodwlndo. Walk from center of town, buses ceramic tSed bathroom, built-in attachei: garage, high wooded lot, Jcfiin R. Adamcik Jr., J. Paul Bren­ He looked emotionaUy may have '**'• *“ • 9-8780. THOMAS HARRISON - Painting SBRvicnC Ma n a g e r — Experi­ SNOW BLOWERS — Toro power Carriages Business Property for Sale 70 built-in stove and oven. 3 fire COVENTRY Legion Netee CaU MI »-37tW after 5:30, OLDER CARS, machanlca ape and decorktlng. Equipped and enced In servicing all rejail mer­ handl^ push or self-propelled. and reatauranta. Call MI 9-4401. vanity. Plaaterad walls, full base nan, Patrick D$ohan, Robert Up>- The auxiliary to the Coventry ■trained.'' Rand told correepend- Playpens TWO ROOM apartment, private ment, BilCo hatchway. Oversized placee, full basement. FuUy land dale, flxlt youraelf cara, aiwaye fully Insured for large and small chandise. Must be able to or­ Reo Snowbird and Bolens. Capi­ BUILDING FOR SALE—105' long, Attention future home own- ton, Roger MannlM, Albert J. American Legion Post executtvo ents, but otherwise was sppannt* ROOMS—Furnished, well heated. bath, heat, hot water, stove and garage, ameslte drive. Lovely ■caped, ameslte drive. Minimum LOST—FRIDAY. Tifer and white a good aelectlon. Look behind our MORTEN8EN TV. tpsetaUsad RCA Jobs Workmanship guaranteed ganise and supervise complete tol ^ulpm ent Co., 88 Main St Furniture for the entire home. refrigerator. Apply Marlow's, 957 35* vFide, near center of buzineea financing. 816,700 comolete. R. F. Stevenson, Ernest Ctusae of An­ committee wlU meet at 7 p.m. Fri ly calm. angora kitten, vldnlty Buckley office. Douglaa Motora, 888 Main. talavlatoQ. aarvles. MI MM L with reasonable prices. Mil 9-3497. service department. Service MI 8-7958. At zubetantial zavingz Free parking. Also heated caMna. landacaped lot, beautiful ah hi ora and bulldera. Larg* dover and Benjamin Chasoe of An­ Webster declared he had been CaU m 9-0826 between 5-7 p.m. Main. district. Plenty of parkli^. CaU combination aluminum riorm win­ Dimock Co.. DO 9-0246. day at the home o f Mra. Louto A. School, Green Manor area. Call truck furnished. Many company MI 3-8284. wooded lots. Priced right. dover. Steullet, president. put under no preaeure from the MIS-54ST. 10.10 CADILLAC—4 door sedan, M h M RUBBISH Removal Serv- EXTERIOR and Interior painting. benefits such as insurance, re­ FOWL—SOME laying, 76c each. Visitors welcomed Scrantqn 'Tourist ^lome and dows and doors. New awnings VI—BOLTON 4 room oversized The ways and meaiu committee RiuaUuu, rather that they had ioa. Full Umt. Realdential com­ Purple top tumipa. 2025 Manches­ Cabins, 180 Tolland Tpke. BIX ROOM DUPLEX—Automatic Attending tho department presl model 52, whitewall tlreS, color Ceilings reflnlshed. Paperhanging. tirement plan. Wages arranged. ■team oil beat, hot water. Cen­ Lot 80x150. 5% mortgage may be cape. % acre lot Excellent con Terms to suit. appointed by Haddock include Mat lueotloned him at length about his blue. Automatic. Exceptionally mercial Industrial. Attica cellara, Wallpaper books. Estimates given. ter Rd. MI 9-2790. Open 10-5 Daily, 7:80-9 evenings...... - _____ -- - - - I ------aaaumed. 30 day occupancy. Built dwit’s parley over the weekend at Call in person at Montgomery TWO FURNISHED ROOMS—Bed­ trally located. Apply 188H Cen­ Farm and Land for Sale 71 dltlon. $16,900. The R. F. Dimock taechione, chairman, ~ Brennan, ntontlons. Announcements dean. MI 0-8731. , yards, lawn mowing high grass Fully covered by Insurance. Call Ward k Co., Main St., Manches­ LEWT — Vacuiun cleaner, very by. Roasetto this house ie complete Co., DO 94345. the Hotel Bond were Mrs. BteuUet, cut. tnelnerator barrels. Ml a-97BT. TWO BURNER-Oil cabinet heat­ room and kitchen, 135 Biasell St. ter or phone MI 3-5053, Adamcik, Dlette, OagHardI, Ar- Mra Eugene Ryehllng, secretary; Wsbster Is a high ■ebeolgnthia'to Edward R. Price. MO 9-1008. ter. No phone calls. good condition, all attachmenta. 835 ACRES. Cabin. Wonderful ideal in every detail. Cal] on ua and L. F. DE MARS CO. mand Martlneau and Armond Mac­ who had boon glvon tochnteal 38e WASH-lOe D R Y -D o It your­ 1052 NASH—Rambler wagon, ra­ er in good condition, $15, MI- site for boys’ and girls' camp, count on ua. Frances K, Wkgner, Vn-COVENTRY-New Hating, Mrs. Henry Korber of North Wind­ dio. heater and overdrive. Good REUPHOLSTERY, slip eovera ; d PAINTma AND paperhanglnp 9-8265. Sacrifice, $10. MI 8-6300. t h r e e ROOM apartment. Gables, Donald and their wives. training In the Rand organisation. self. Open 8 a.m.-H midnight. PRODUCE CLERK PLEASANT HEATED room hear 118 Main St., 185. Stove, refrigera­ church camp, hunting lodge or MI 8-1906. mtnutez from Manchester, large PI 2-6486 ham, troaeurer and department eo- Lucky-Lady Self-Service Laundry, running condition. PI 2-7849. draperiea custom made. Fre« a- Good clean workmanship at r c - St. Jude Council Third Degree Ho aorvod a hitch In ths V.8 . Navy FULL-TIME CEDAR CLOTHES—^Line poles tn- FIVE PIECE—Oak. dining aet, bath for 1 or 2 gentlemen. M High tor, beat, hot water. MI 84339, 94. ?rivate club. Very reaaonable. 0 room ranch. Ehccellent condi­ members are completing plana for ohalrman o f coupons; Mrs. WU 11 Maple S t , ______timatet. Opan evenings for y basement. American exhiblttcm and apparant- TYPEWRITERS — Repaired, rent Please reply in person at first floor front, on bus line, res­ and privacy. R. F. Dimock Co. near Buckley School. $3,000. Carl first vice president. 1957 FORD FAIRLANE 500-Auto­ SEASONED—Hardwood for fur­ AAAI SUPER VALUE taurant nearby and paiking. Ml- rage stall if desired. A, G. Crick- Near Waddell School. Oversized DII 94240, or Barbara Woods. and Eether Sehwars, MI 841M. I Tremblay'S supermarket on R t 81. ly met Bovlattofflelala (hiriug that Tour raaponae to our opening ed. sold and serviced 479 E. Bonds—StodM Mortgages SI FOOD KING NEW LISTING—5 room expandable garage. FHA amralsed. Immed’- Clarence Tedford of Manchester Is Attending a teetimcnlal dinner matic tranamiaalon 'vlth power Middle Turnpike. MO 9-8477. naces, fireplace and etove. Ed­ RETURNED 3-5002. more, PI 24449. m 0-7702. l ^ o d . was so great we sold out and were Hartford Road and Pine Street cape, fireplace, aluminum storms, ate occupancy. Owner. MI D 9-4390. MANCHESTER—BoRcn line. - ir I general chairman with Brennan as for the American Legloa lepart- steering, white with black top, ward Yeomans, PI 2-8002. FROM MODEL HOME ment commander and department Ho told Rand and Bnydar ha W u forced to close on Sunday, We will NEED FUNDS? It’s easier to carry Mancheeter FIVE ROOM apattmont. Immacu­ ameslte drive. Built 1952 on a Vm-MANCHESTER -New OH 0 scree of high wood * lanA SeU-1 co-chairman been effered work ia a number'Of whitewall tlrea, $1,500. MI 0-1791 one debt than many. Pay 832.35 5 BRAND NEW ROOMS DIANCHESTER—5 room ranch, 2 residsnt tonight at tha Hedges In be ready to aerve you again after Household Services GAS . HEATE!R-^ood condition, late, nice location.' $128 monthly, 90x125 lot. Ehccellent condition. room, ranch, basement garage. ing for the low price of ^S.'^o. { The Council will have a social at Soviet etUos. He said be has not WANTED-A real good 1950 per mopth' for each $1,000. Dial EDCPERIEINCED --- Painter want­ call after 6 p.m. 18 Trotter St. OF FURNITURE heat Included. Immediate occu­ Cal) now. Paul J. Correnti, MI baths, garage, 2 years old, A-1 Cfiioice location, buHt-tai stove and 8 p.m. O ct 28 and a bualnese meet­ few Britain wUl be Stanley J 8 p.m, today, Offered 13>A NOTICE Shown Ira appolntme . Call Phll- yet received a Soviet passport, but Dodge. 4 door sedan. Must be A-1 CH 6-8897 and ask Frank Burke or ed. Call MI 8-1420. pancy. Ml 9-8540. 3-5363. neighDorbood, full dining room. oven, ceramic tile batta, ameslte brick Agency. DO 0-8404. ing at 8 p.m. Nov. 11 at S t Mary’s Harris, commander of tho Cov­ Jimmy Carter to explain how earv —PLUS— Tongreii, Broker, MI 3-5i31. will turn In his American pass­ and priced for caah. Call MI- TV SERVICE - Potterton'a all ADMISSION OF ELECTORS drive, completely landsc^d lot. Church hall. entry Amortcaa Legion Foot and CLAM SHELL it la Connecticut Mortgage E :- 40 METAL—Clothes lockers„ $1 WESTINGHOUSE VERY DESIRABLE)—5 room du­ MOVING OUT of state—4 room his guest. port within two weeks when he re­ 3-8855 after 2:30 p.m. makes. Highest quality guaranteed TURRET LATHE operator—able The Selectmen and Town Clerk MANCHESTER—5 room •anch, 817,600. R. F. Dimock Co. DC $1,800—Vernon. 2 large lots tor turns to Leningrad. change, 15 Lewis Street, Hartford. each and up. Has many uses for APPLIANCES plex, aunporch and garage, sepa­ home with 2 enclosed porches in 94345. the price of one. Orader Purchased Corner Spruce and Birch Sta. work and parts, over 47 years’ ex to set up and work from blue­ of the Town of Vernon wlU hold A-1 condition. Garage, ameslte about 4 acres, 3 baths, large •Rm Beard of Selectmen has Appaale Court Pedsleu Snyder told newsmen Webeter Manchester, Conn. perience. Famous for service since home, shop or garage. MI 94474. ADMIRAL T.V. Sessions to ibeamine Qualiflcatlona rate heating unit, basement and $3,000 for two lots in Manches- Fraak Squlrse, 38, of 'Bunker 1957 DKW BLACK and Ivory hard­ prints. short riJn aircraft quality. attic storage. Available on or drive. Reasonable. Call owner f~r bam, 3 years old. Tongren, Brok­ DC—VERNON—New split level. purchased a new model BOB OaHon technically remains an Amellekn 1931. Phone MI 9-4537 for bee' AT 1/4 PRICE of Electors and admft to the Elec­ tor on Vernon St., West. , ^ ...... Hin Rd., was fined a total o f $180 top, $1,150 or best offer. Ml 3-6985. Help Wanted— Female 25 All beneflta available. Wilco Ma­ SPF.CIAL—10% discount on half­ about,Nov. 1. $138. Call MI $-3034 detailed information. DH 9-9205. er, Da 3-6821. 18x25 game room. Three Urge $7.00(V-For' Moiwrimately 301 citizen until the pesaport Is sur­ service. chine Tool Co., Routes 6 A 44, Bol­ tors'. Oath' those who are found aad aentenood to 4d days In Tol' inch—inch—regular and cruahed "SEEING” IS ’’BEUEVING” after 6:30. bedrooms. GE bullt-lne. Garage, acres woodland, high elevation. cost of IS.T'OS from the WUhehn rendered. REGISTERED N U R 8 E—Or II ton. atabiUzed atone. Screening, )oam, qualified, at MANCHESTER—Excellent invest­ BAST H A R T F O R D—5 room Daviee 0>., Inc. of Wlalliiigford. land County Jatl by Juetlca Leroy Rand said Webetor has no spe­ CURTAINS laundered In niy home. censed practical nurse for 4 day 1, 2. OR 8 YEARS TO PAY ranch, combination vlindows, ga­ ameslte drive. Lets 125x300. JAMES 0. DOWLING NEW BUSCTROLUX (Reg.) auto­ Auto Accessories— ^Tires 6 gravel, fill. Driveway sealer, $1.30 SECOND FLOOR — Apartment, ment. 4 family, 18 rooms, specs FHA VA minimum financing. Tliia bid was the lowest of the M. Roberto Friday ntglit In Trial cial knowledge on plactlea or elec- Years of experience. Reasonably week. '7-8 and 8-11. In conva OPPORTUNITY—Young man In­ Phone for appointment TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE for 3 more. 3 family 5 rooms, rage, finished playroom and bar Ml 9-8816 matic (F). World'a only fully priced. MI 9-2411. gallon. Cold mix asphalt, ' $1.70 MFAIORIAL BUILDING. quiet neighborhood, 5 rooms, $15,700 complete. Shown by ap­ three submitted. The coot o f the Justice Court. His attorney ap­ tronica which might be constdered 800x14 FIRESTONE Tow-n and lescent home. Rockville TR terested in retailing to aesist bag. Hot mix asphalt delivered. SAMUEL ALBERT, HARTFORD hath, storage, heat, hot water. space for 3 more. Good location. in cellar. Gilbert and Gagnon pealed the ease to Tolland 8 u- automatic deaner. Work saving CH 7-0358 ROCKVILLE, CONN. pointment only. R. F. Dimock equipment Is the net price after strategically important. CJountry snow tires. Almost new. 5-4291. manager full-time only. Apply In Nussdorf Aephalt Co,, MI 8-2437. Equipped for either gaa or elec­ Groas income $8,500. $28,000. Ray Realty, BU 04459. RESIDENTIAL B LOT-OOxlTB on periolor Court Squlrea le under features. Also fuUy guarante^ WEAVING of bums, moth holes pereon. Tots 'n Teens, 955 Main See It Day Or Night Co. MI 0-5245. Seymour St., $1,800. Aleo a«**rox-, trade-in . , . of ^ the Ifi-yeor-old grader He reported Wabacrli wife ob­ f-rebimt cleaners. Ml 3-5306. Sell reaaonable. MI 3-5825. and torn clothing, hoalery rune, ON SATURDAY, tric etove. Many extrai. Two Mahoney, Broker, Ml 8-5518. bend which he posted. factory-i STENO-TYPIST St,, Manchester. WINDHAM — Woodyard. Hard­ If you have no means of trans­ $10,900—3 year old, 3 bedroom ImaUly 10 acres on V.B. $ ln|!?hl.eh the town h ^ been u s l^ $•00 jected to a proapective 6-week handbags repaired, tipper re­ OCTOBER 24, 1989 minutes from bus. Middle eged raoeli. bullt-ine, garage, near X-M ANCHEBTER-5 room O ; Squires waa fined flm a n d i separation when bo came to work RIDB w a n t e d —From Concord Purchasing department large elec wood, B la b s , kindling, any length. portation I'll send my auto for LARGE, THREE bedroom ranch (jod. 8 or 4 bedrooms, good cur< Chaplin. 82,000. Cell tywnor after P*U very le e ^ t e d momentarily, placement, umbrellas repaired, From 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. or butinesa couple preferred. Call third Bolton pond. a 8 0 ^ y Jail sentence on a Charge at the exhlMUon, but finaUy R d„ town, to ITT Park Ave. *laat Auto DrivHig School 7-A tronic manufacturing plant locat­ Open 9 to 4. Phone HArrtiKm you. No obligation. TR 5-4760. with. attached garage and full tion, excellent family home with 6 p.m. DO 9-6833. I On 8 «Pt- 2 » a special town men’s shirt collars reversed and ed in Willimantic, Conn. 8ala~y Help Wanted— 3-0403. basement. Located in besutiful $11,600—I room colonial, excel meeting approved the purchase of of breach ef tha peace and fined agreed to It Hartford. Working houra 6:80 to EARLY'S DRIVINO Sehool-etand- replaced. Marlow’s Little Mend­ ON SATURDAY. lent condition, Coventry. large yard tor children. Selling i i- LOW PRICED-BuUdera opportu- ISO and given a 10-day Jail een- and working- conditions excellent. Male of Female 37 A—I^ B —E—R—T—’S IMMACULATE — 4 room apart Tamarack Hllla with outstanding der FHA appralscl. Priced at -nly a grader at a cost not to exceod Wetotsr’e mother, Mrs. C. E- 5. MI 4-0485. ard and automatic dual controlled ing Shop. CHRISTMAS TREES — (Whole­ NO'VBJMBER 7, 1959 convenience to school, ' ahopplng $16 200—New 5)k room ranch, nity. 13 approved H acrere miUd- tenoe on a charge o f reeiatlag an Call collect HArrlson 8-4551. 48-45 ALLYN ST.. HARTFORD From 9:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. ment, all modem conveniences. 813,600 R. F Dimock Co., Du 80,000. Webetor, reached by telephone In SANQUET HALL—For hire. Ca- cara. Class room Instructions for JOBS ON SHIPS-$100 weekly. sale). Individually selected. Fan­ OPEN NIGHTS TILL 8 P.M. and travel. Sales executive fireplace, hot water heat, plaster, ing lots. 16 acres of baekland. officer. ZeUenople, Pa., eeld her son 15-17 year olds. For day and DICIC’S WEATHERSTRIP Com CentraMy located. Heat and hot 9-5346, Barbara Woods. Da 9-7703. •Tax CoBoetor Active taring to weddinga, banquets and panv doors and windows, oustom TOWN OF BOLTON Men, women, beginners. Inf. cy trees, that sell on sight. Re­ SAT. 6 P.M. ON MONDAY, water, aunporch. Adults only $90. transferring to Chicago. Eotate- full ceUar, carport, one acre lit, Manchester telephone exchange. Tax Collector F. Paulina Little Other caees dtipoaed a t by Jue- "hasn’t eontocUd u* directly.” Bbe evening appointment! call Mr free. Flagship Seaman's Serv., Veraon-Manchester line. East 8 t„ Hebron, near Bolton. parties. Cell Conn. Yacht and work gtiaranteed. (Jau collect WU- nowned quality. Moderate prices. NOVEMBER 30, 1959 n 9-7128. like grounda in fine neighborhood. XI-MANCHEBTBR — Triple A lo­ will be at the residence of Mrs. tice Roberts were thoao of E. L. said he Is their only child. Early. MI 9-887N Box 123 Brooklyn 20, N; Y. Print Extra early sellouts. Write for WHITE ELECTRIC rotary cabinet Custom-built In 19^, first quality $12,500—D u p 1 e x 5-6, large Only 18,000. Terms. Lawrence F. Canoe Chib. JA 8-0591 evenings. limantic Ha 8-K195 IS SEEKING From 10:00 A.M. to 12 Noon cation High elevation. Baldwin Mabel G. Hall, fonder tax collec­ Moras, 33, o t Mooeiip, fined W for In Cleveland It was learned plainly. price brochure. Hughes Farms, style sewing machine with attach­ 8H ROOM—Apartment, oil heat, throughout. TaatefUUy decorated rooms, sizeable lot, suburban Flano, Broker. DO 8-3755. PREPARE FOR drlver'a teat: (For those whose.qualifiestlonf Rd. IH. baths, separate dinette, tor, oh Rt. 81 from 0 a.m. to 4:80 disregarffing ly stop sign; Bruce Webeter’s wife, Martha BuneU WANTED—Ride to Hartford Hos­ FLAT FINISH Holland window Selectman’s Clerk Bernardston, Mass. ments. Excellent condition. First furnished or unfurnished. Work­ with Philippine mahogany trim. area. Ideal for Income. ■creened-in porch, attached ga U CTharbotMau, IT, of Maacheoter, Ages 15 10 00. Driving ana class $25 takes it. CaU MI 3-0008. have matured subsequent to p.m. each weekday, except Webster, was ^ to her parents in pital from Bridge St. Hours 8-5. room. Three Instructors. No wait­ ■hades, made to measure. All EARN CHRISTMAS November 7, 1969) ing couple. New Bolton Rd., MI- Sensibly priced at $ 1 7 ,^ making JAMES 0. DOWLING rage. Immediate occupancy fined $0 on the eeibe charge; aad C411 MI 8-S761. Approximately 20-25 houra a week. Wanted— Batote Wednesdays aad from 8 a.m. to ZeUenople and had taken her two ing Manchester Driving Acade­ metal Venetian blinds at a n«w 8-6889. excellent financing available. For MI 9-8816 Priced to sell at 116,900. R. F Gall A. Wlerama. 10, a t Tolland ehUdren- there. Webeter attended tow price. Keya made while you Bookkeeping experience deeirable MONEY! THAYER BABY carriage In good All naturalized or derived Citi­ details which apply to you call MI Dimock Co.. Da 94346. . n I noon each Saturday until further WANTED—Ride from Woodbrldge my. PI 3-7349. condition, $18. TR 5-4785. ONE REFRIGERATOR, 4 years GARDEN APARTMENTS - Four fined $6 for foHore to grant the Geneva CoV-gv at Beaver Falls. wait Marlow's. —able to type. Bolton resident re­ zens must present their Natutull- 9-1278. Ruaaell F. Broderick, PaymenU of taxes or right of way. St. to vicinity Royal or Under­ quired. Need Christmas Money? Earn, old, $100. CaU MI 9-0951. roonuv heait, hot water and park Broker. MANCHESTER AND XXI-M ANCHESTER -N ew 7 oom ■nd Art. Uat .plM zynri^ pertaining to taxes may Fa., for two yean. MORTLOCK'S Manchester’s lead­ HEAVY FBR’nLK loam ‘for fall zation Certificates for Admistion Feiber Agency. Ml 8-1400, Wrtater’e wife, contacted by wood Typewriter. Houra 8-5:30. ing driving school. Three skill'd, lota of extra caah easily and pleas­ Ing. Ml 3-1800. VICINITY Colonial, IH baths, breeseway two be made during these houra. Call MI 8-0171. Bnildlna— Contracting 14 Apply antly between now and Christmas! seeding. Also sand, stone, gravel BENDDC AUTOM A'nC washer, as an Elector. OLDER TYPE—Clean as a whie- $ 4,$00r-Andover—3 room cotti 9-4301. Maeeheeler Bvwfiag Horal phono at ZeUenople, said; '1 don't courteous instructors. Class room good running condition. Twin size (Signed) George E. Risley car attacheo garage. BuHt'-inn. Im­ Mrs. Little has completed Take orders from friends and and flu. Walter P. Miller, MI NEW 8 ROOM duplex, 8 bedrooms, Ue, modem home of 8 rooms, fireplace, 3 acres on HOt> mediate occupancy, 833.900. R. F. Ooventry oerreapoadeat, F. Panl- know anythini; about it It'« a WANTED—Rida to Main St. Hart Instructions for 16, 17 year olds. BIDWe LL RUMIB Improvemen 3-8603 after 5. innerspring mattress. Like new William R. Hahn garage. Adult family or Indlvi ARE YOU ^NSlDERmO mailing out about 200 unpaid non- iue Little, telepiMue FllgrlBi ~ Telephone Mr. Mortlock. Director Connecticut State Employment neighbors for season’s most beau­ large family kitchen. Hiring room River’ Owner will finance Dimock Co. >a 94245; resident bills on the 1058 list, as surprife to me. I have nothing ford from Eldrldge St., working Co. Alteratlona, additions ga- tiful Christmas Cards, Stationery, condition. MI 3-8900. Edgar H. Wilson dugle aharing. MI 8-4088 after 6. SELLINO TOUR PBOPERTYT 0331. of Driver Education. M(1 9-7398 Service STORM WINDOWS, wooden. Also and dining room on first floor, 8 $ 5,500—Bolton— Small 2ik room We will appraise your property I weU as on taxes owed the Town more to aay." . i hours 8-4:80. Call MH 8-0092. rsMs. Roofing and aiding experts. Gift Wraps, All Occasion Assort­ Board o f Selectmen bedrooms and bath, second floor. ranch. Newly remodeled, full x x n —FOR further Information or Aluminum clapboards a apeclalty. 805 Main St. full length copper screens, size Town of Vernon 8H ROOMS-r-Second floor, garage free and without any obngatiem. of Coventry 'on Hats of prior WIDOW DRIVINC^-to St. Peters LARSON’S ConnecUcut'a first- li­ ments. Loveliest line of low-priced 56x81, 37x24. CaU MI 8-4696. GLENWOOD combination gas stove Automatic heat and., hot water, ceramic bath, work shop. Small al>polntment to see these , homes censed driving school trained. .. ' Unexcelled workmanship. Easy Gifts at seneatihnal money-saving Attest: Henry F. Butler, $86. MI 9-8861 after 5. combination windows throughout, chicken coop, 200x800 lot. $2,000 call Barbara Woods, DO 9-7702, We also buy l^ h ^ r^ 4 r ^ h . | years. Work has been starCed cm burg. Florida, would Uke lady to Mancheliteri Ctonn. and gaa heater. MI 3-8029. To'wn Clerk Member ... Mtutipfe...... LtsUng making up similar bills of rseldent Certified and approved, la now of­ budget terms. MI 9449S or TR rices! Outstanding Albums of HINT FOR party-giving teens: Sim­ one car garage with ameeite caah. Owner will carry mort: Robert' D. Murdock, Da 3-5473, Aare expensee. References. TR< 54109. R Dated at Vernon, Connecticut. STANLEY BRAY, ReaHor taxpayers. It has been estimated Top Democrats 8-7189 evenings. fering classroom and behind ame-Imprinted Christmas Cards. ple food, attractively served. For drive, city utlHties, conveniently gage. 5)k% interest. Daniel G. Saunders, TR 5-3838, TYPIST October 16, 1959. Richard F. Dtmock, DO 9-5008. BRAE-BURN REALTY there are between 400 end 600 Local Stocks wheel Instruction for teenagers. ALL TYPBJ8 of carnentry work Complete Famous Doehla Line now instance, wiener- cheese - tomato SIX ROOM DUPLEX-Reaaon- located to school and bue. Price $ l,90(>^ix room Cape. 14x29 liv­ Ml 8-8378 WILL THE BOY who picked up Ml T-eois. Permanent full - time position being shown. $14,500. Alice Clampet, Realtor, ing room. I good sized bed residents with unpaid taxes done, alterations, dormers, roof­ available for young lady with good sauce feast baked, then served In Invitation to Bid ahH. Call MI 8-5309. $12,800—IMMACULATE 8 bedroom Push Johnson wrong lacket (gray suede) at West ing, porenes. etc. Call MI 9-5981. a bright Pyrex casserole. We have Da 9-4543. rooms, kitchen, dining room. SELUNO YOUR HODIE? For the tax collector’s books as of to- Side Rec Friday evening please typing ability for our legal depart Attractive special arrangements The Town of Bolton invites Shed dormer. Only 4 years old. ranch, ceramic bath, hot water day. Intersat will be charged retro- Garage—Service—Storage 10 ment. Applicants must be high lots of pretty new styles at J. W. heat, excellent conetruction. 100 prompt, efficient, courteous serv-, Oabam * can MI 9-4492. ANT KIND of carpentry and cabi­ for Fund-Raising Organizations. Hale Oorp., 945 Main St. MI sealed bids on the following:' TWO FURNISHED rooms, all utili­ FIVE ROOM ranch, full basement, Owners anxiouk to sell for lee aad oppririaiiw wiflieut ohUga- active to April 1 o f each tax y To Enter Race GARAGE—For rent. 88 Hamlin school graduates. 5 day week, ex Season now In full swing! Write Paving at rear of SEPTIC TANKS ties fumiihed. 108 Birch -St. '2 tlreplBcee, full tnaulatlon, plaa­ business reasons. Bunker HUl foot frontage, large trees. Corltc-i net work done. Honest end relia­ cellent insurance ' benefits and 3-4123. W. Hutchins, MI 0-8132 tion, call 8 . A. BeochloL Realtor on such bUU at the rate of five- Bid Asked St. Call Ml 34240. ble workmanahip. Call Roecoe or phone AT ONCE! Community Hal! AND tered walls, hot water heat, cast Rd., Coventry. l a 84M0 or Wesley R Smith, As- tenths of one per cent per month, A EtoiBOtinre fo r Gala 4 pleasant working conditions. F iron radiators recessed, eeram''; O ns. Baak and Trust Tbompecn, Mfl 8-1896 for eeti- Bdildlne_Materla^_ 47 Specifleations: Further details MANCHESTER $10,500 Andover—I flniahed 5 room 190 SUMMIT 8T.—Five room Cape, eoclate. DO O-8i03. Member Dfultl' I Iszymea'a Supper (CaBtoiaei Faga Oae) WANTED — Clean used can. We matea further Information call Mrs, I VERNON S. COOK and information may be obtained tile bath.“ Ameeite drive, all city cape. 150x200 lot. Cb...... 40% OH WANTED — Heated garage or tereon. 328 Woodbrldge St. PLUBBED SEWERS utilltiea. Charles Lesperonee, DO Breezeway, one-car tBrage. Mod­ pie Listing Ssrvtes. | gupper meeting of Hartford Nations. buy, trade down or trade any- "WEEKLY SAVfN'GS~LIST" from First Selectman Charles A. GREEN MANOR $11,500 Manchester-3H flniahed 1 em kitchen, conveniem locat'on bum flew to the Johnson ranch In thmg- Oooglae Motora, 888 Main. working area to accommodate LIBERTY MUTUAL Manchester, C^nn. Robbins, Rt. 6 (RD 1, Andover). 9-7520. room Cape. Assume $58 month' s e l l in g ? Ckintact this office any J**® I?***^^, the hill country west o f Austin, Bank iud Trust Co. 84% to.% care or trucks. Call MI 3-3457 Roofing— Siding . 16 • , MI 9-1878 Ceiling Tile ' , 9',4c sq. ft. HaeliiM Gleaud to achools and shopping. Philbrick time. Years of experionce. Alice lowihlp wlU be held at 7 p.m. to- Fire iaearaace OeniaanJee' INSURANCE CO, Bids will ))e received by Selectman GARDENS m~ELLINOTON-Cuitom built, $ ly payments. Agency, DO 9-8484. Tex., where the Senator ie enter­ FOR BALE-1989 LaSalle, good between 9-6 p.m., only. Knotty Pine Paneling,' 8' 14c sq. ft. Rob'bina until 1 p.m. on Nov. 2, Septie Tanks, Dry Wella, Sowar $11,900 Veraoii- -Manchester line aampet, Rehltor, in 0-4648. morrow at Stafford gringo Con- t a in ^ Preaident Adolfo Lopes Aetna Fire ...... 51% 64% RAY'S ROOFING CX>.. shingle and MI 3-1161 bedroom ranch on % acre, large eondltion. Manuel Silva, Ricky's Pegboard 11 He sq. ft. 1989, They will be opened at /the Linos Installed—^B a r Waiter- On West Middle Turnpike near Parkway. 4 or 6 room ASSUME— mortgage on ------gregatlonal Church. Mateos o f Me^eo. Hartford Fixe ...... 170 ISO TratUer Court. Mansfield, (3onn. built-up roofs, gutter and conduc­ Situations Wanteil— Mahogany Paneling, living room with dining area, WE H A VB-A euirtomer looking Delegations frtMn the. Firrt and Motorcycles— Birrrics 11 SALESLADY — Part-time, expert regular meeting of the Board of prooflng Done. Just Off the WUbur Cross home. Uk baths. Shade trees, freshly painted cape. Lot 225x70 Johnson, at pdda tour years ago National fire ...... 180 U S tor work; roof, chimney repairs. Female 38 V-Grooved 14Hc sq. ft. Parkway sunny kitchen, full basement, for a 3 bedroom ranch In North gg^ond Congregational churches Phoenix F ir e ...... 71 T4 enced preferred but not neces­ Selectmen at the Community Hall lanoramic view. Madeline Smith, ameeite drive. $2,200 aaauiinee with laige aaaortment of shrubs with the labor alomoBt o f the 1945 INDIAN CMEF 74—Fully Ray Hagenow Ml 0-3314: Rey Steel Cellar Doors, from $49.50 ea. at 8 p.m. on Nov. 2, 1959. Near Mancheeter Shopping Park $81 monthly payiuenta. CJoventry or Bolton. Muri have a g/jn be attending with their pas- Jackson. MI 8-8835. sary.- Apply in. person. Tots 'n WOUIjD l ik e to care for children McKin n e y b r o s . ealtor. MI 9-1642. and flowers 7 rt>oms, fireplace, party, had as guoets Jerry MoUe- Life aad ladammty In*. Cee. Finish W ith Tuck$ equipped. 233 Vernon St. Call MI- Teens, 956 Main St., Manchester. No. 1 Oak Flooring $205 per 'M' Bids should be plainly marked ade and schools. $13,300 Andover Lake — 5 room storms and screens, ameslte large lot hot water heat, tire-the Rey. Jamesamea R. MaeAr- 9-0554. In my home. Vlvinlty Salter's Disappearing Stairways $24.95 ea. lace and garage. Call A. J .' men ahd Fred Schmidt top-rank­ Aetna Casualty...... 108 178 OOUOHUN ROOFmo Company. •‘Bid for Paving.” Swwtrogt Disposal €^. 3H-4H room apartmenta are COVENTRY LAfOB-r-Adorable y*kr Cape. 4 poeolble bedrooms. -drive, cellar. 67 Bretton Rd, Da- g thur and the Rev. C. Arthur Brad­ Aetna U fa ...... <‘.331 38S WOMAN to do housework, twice a Pond. MI 9-3879. Windows. Complete *tom $11 ea. now renting for immediate occu Newly pamted. fSxS95 lot. Uckley. Weilea Agency, Coven­ ing offlclals In the Texas AFL-dO Inc Aluminum aiding, asphalt- 'The Board of Selectmen reserves 180-188 Peon St-^M l S-fiSM 'round home, kVt rooms. 3 bed­ 84996. Owner, ley. * ahd Bob Biyant of the Railroad Conn. Oeaeria ...... US, 840 week, ’ 5 hours each time, MIT Pocket Door Frames $15 ea. the right to reject any or all bids. pancy. Drilled well. try, PI ^7866 Or PI 3-7983. ■abastoe roofing. Also alunmmm, Situitions Wanted— Male 39 Dutch Doors ' $25 ea, rooms. fireplace, extra lot. $5,950 Speaker will be tlw Rev. Hol­ Brothsrtioeds. Rftd. Steam BblJ^ . $0 IS A Cuddly Set! geJvanlzed or copper gutters end 3-7709. Furnished Model Apartments PI 34124. $18,000 Coventry,-Bolton Line 4 89,300—CUTE 3 bedroom ranch, land G. Ewing, minister of the One of the aationol party's moat TVavaleni ...... M 98 •esdera. MI % -Ttm . NOBODY — BUT NOBODY Open Daily and Sunday room colonial, garage, 1 acre, aluminum storau. ameeitt; drive, Center Congregational (Oureh of BE WISE enough to realize the MAN DESIRES psrt-time employ­ 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. JUST OFF MAIN STREET—7 large “rece. Carlton W Hutchins, colorful flguree, former Ambassa­ ' PMbbe Dtunlea l. UNDERSELLS NATIONAL “ ■hade trees, large, gardeii YT-narawa H alrskivail Terrl^on'luufstate chairman for ROOFING, SIDING, pamtlng Car­ great earning opportunity open to ment 7-1:30 p.m. Call MI 3-2015 Phone: MI 3-3518 room single, steam .heat, copper $13,300 Manchester—5 room Capt. Da 9-5183 dor to lAixsmbdttfg Perle Maeta, Ctonn. tight A Power 13% ;to% women of all ages in' a business between 12 noon-1 p.m. Wi will beat our competitors ad­ JL9an.t71.B the Cfcriatlan Higher Education Hftd. IQeetric Light 93% |B% pentry. Alteretiona and additions. vertised prices by at least 6 %. plumbing, one car garage, well 1 car Safage ameslte drive, was one of the first to Jump on Ceilings. Workmanship guaran­ they know so well—Cosmetics. GREEN MANOR kept lawn and yard. AH in dandy city UtlHties. Bus line. SDC ROOM—Cape, dormera, sew­ the Johnson hendwagen. Hartford Gas Co. ... 42 ^ ’<1^ And since Avon is the largest cos Doits— Birds— Pets 41 CONSTRUtmON CO. ers. Very close to echoole,. stores IXioa'a* ^Fhnl~l*ag*t Coventry Players Wiu present a teed, A. A. Dlcn, Inc., 299 Aubimn NATIONAL LUMBER, INC. shape, Onlw 118.300. Mkncheeter 814,300 Hebron near Bolton— 5% "He'S my boy!” the celebrated Southern New BBgtttid St. MH 8-4850. metlc manufacturer in the world, INVESTMENT? Manoheater Shopping Parkade - Realty Co. MI 3-8109 or DU 3-0000. room ranch, basement garage and church. Dishwasher, fire­ a*7>L^o,j{,bop play "Enemy Time” by Telephone ...... 43 58 the wise housewife sells our GERMAN SHEPHERD Pupplee. 381 STATE STREET Manchester, Connecticut place. ExceUent neighborhood. Tenneeaee WUUama at 9 o’clock to- "Hoetesa with tha Meptest” ex­ NORTH HAVEN, CONN. $14,300—Hebron — 8 miles '~''m claimed. ‘I ’ve Just been waiting Meaufaela itas Ownraalee Christmas gifts, fr^rances and Throe males and one female. PI- 81 ALICE DRIVB3-4 rooms with Manchester., 7 room oldfr Florida transfer. Owner. Da- nlght-whlch wfll be open to the 2-8096. CHestnut 8-2147 3-7346. (Centinaed tren Page O ne) for toe Word!" Arrow, Hart. Reg. .4 SS% 73% Roofing and Chimneys 16-A toiletries when she needs extra WANTED Ilk baths, ftiU cellar, apic and home, large chicken c o o p 8 public. 17)0 group wU} have a bust- Associated Spring .* 23 34 money. Call CH 7-4137. span, ready to move In. Owner. Sen. Gale McGee (D-W yo), R(X)FING—Specializing repairing BLACK — Labrador Retriever, BIO SINGLE? Adult tenants for attractive 3H acres. GLASTONBURY—(Near Manches­ and everything can be combined in I g®” speaking in a transcribed radio In- Bristol Brass 11% U Diamonds— Watches-i- DO 3-0095. $14,900 Vernon—Bolton line. CuS' a single contract. Brookmoora Barn on Snake HlU roofa of idl kinds New roofs, gut­ WAITRESS wanted, some book­ AKC, championship blood lines, Jewelry .48 roome,' heated Martmenta in 'eal ter line)—Five room custom built terviaw (Radio Preas Conference), Dunham Bpsh - S 9 ter work,' chimneys- cleaned, ru- keeping experience helpful but' not inoculated, wormed, MI 9-2069. dential ares of Rockville. Just 16 $10,600—3 BEDROOM -anch. exc**- tom 0 room Ranch. Plaster d ranch, elbow room in this 14x14 For this reason, (Jleary said, even I ' esserted he believes the ehanoea Em-Hart ...... 5 9 . 81 waUs. Basement garage. Patio those workers whose jobs are cov-. Playing the lead role will be palred. Aluminum tiding. '7 essential. Apartment available if LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler, re* mlnutee from Hartford bridges. lent condltibn, recreation room, kitchen, spacious living room with George Wallia of WlUlngton who "are very strong” Johnson will to years’ experience. Free esti- .needed. Call AXminster 5-9339. MIXED BREED — Puppies,, 8 Near Iwa line and shopping area. rear porch, ameaite drive, near Assume 4>k% mortgage raised hearth fireplace, 3 bed­ ered by the terms already agreed pcorge drafted aa the Democratic nomi­ weeks old ,. small breed dogs, pairs adjusts watches expert'y TWO FAMILY? $15,800 Bolton Center-4tk room matee. Call Howley, MI 3-5351, :R1 Reasonable prices. Open Tuesday bus, flopping, I hool. Carlton i"- rooms, bath. GarsM, ameaite on will'have to wait until the rest h** nee. 84753. males, $10., MI 94767. Ml 9-4824 TR 5-1166 ranch Two-car garage, view drive. Many extras. Ihice $18,900. of the contract la settled. When it Connecticut Summer toeator. Sup- North and Judd . SS 99 thru Saturday. Thursday evenings, Hutchins. MI 94133. $15,500 . Bolton-15 acres, latge He eald Jetonsoh is held In great Help Wanted— Male 36 129 Spruce Street. Ml 9-4387 North Realty Co., ME 8-1084,- DOB h. he said, the members will have wlU to played by admiration "not Just in tha w est Rogon^Cerp. (B) 13 15 $18,700—7 ROOM home, enclosed brook, 4-room Ranch. Pony ,1 3-2705. to ratify the contract before it can of tot^. Mra. Stanley Woarks .....83 55 MANAGEMENT trainee—Fine op­ GENTLE AND kind 5 vear old barn, riding stable poasibUltlea. become binding. Floyd Brigga of M an d ator, Mrs. even though he belongs to us in the Heating and Plumbing 17 POUR ROOM apartment, second porch, garage, ameslte <1rlve. Terry Steam 99' > 53 portunity existgvifor young man to spayed red Cocker. MI ‘ 3-7421. Garden-^F arm-—Dairy $15,600 Coventry near 44 A—Oldqr The locals are In Hartford. New George Mimaon of Andover. Mrs. West but aU over.” floor. MI 8-0717. aluminum storma near achoola, 60 PORTER ST— Large 2 famUy Many Elenate Democrats, in­ Torringten ...... 91% 33% PLUMBING enter consumer finance field. Ex­ Products 50 large 7 room cape. Large flat. exceUent condition. 8 and 5 buaea, shopping. Call Paul J. Cor- Havsn, Bridgeport. Waterbury, and Rnymon? cluding ths party Whip, Sen. Mike Veeder Root ...... B0% 53% panding company requires the Articles For Sal* 45 -i. MAIN STREET-4 room heated rentl. DH 8-5353. glassed in porch. Two-car -.a- rooms, some extra large. 2 car New , Londem, Omn.; Boston, ®*'***?‘* Mansfield, and John New installations, remodel­ services of a man willing to work FOR THE BEST-^Eating potatoes apartment for >elngle or middle- rage. Brook, 285x300 lot. garage. Ideal apartment for Springfield, Worceattr, Lawrence, Hamilton 6f tom. wbert Mansfield (D-Mont), have boMted Tho above quotatletie are aot to hard and anxious to get ahead. DRY'OAK wood, cut fireplace and delivered, call Hathaway for aged couple only. Call Da 3-4685 MANCHESTER—5 room cape, 1% $15,800 Andover 4 room ranch, at­ large family plus Income. Va­ Johnson for the presidential noml M oonattued ae aetaa) eaarketo. ing and repairing. Free esti­ stove length. $10 per load de- Lynn, and Brockton, hUsa.; Provl- *«n * * "^ * > 1 *■ pftouctlon nation. This Is a. career opportunity vlth mealy' Green Mountains. Call, MI- kfter 5. baths, 3 large cedar lined cloeets, tached garage, S3.8()p assumes cancy. dence, R. I.; and Portland. Maine. "?■"■!«»•' mates. many splendid company spon­ ■^'llvered; PI 2-7886. 9-6438. full basement, 8 years old. Well Ths possiblUty grew that Ray­ 4(k% mortgage. The old contract expired Thure- charge ^ eoiuid *ff^ U , Burton B. BUS HITfl FOI2B 30 years experience. sored benefits. For personal 'i- f i v e ROOM flat, second floor, landscaped comer tot. $15,500 $16,700 Bolton- All stone, 5)k day at midnight, but the union Moore d l r e ^ g Evelyn Hart- burn htoiself might put Johnson's terview contact Mr. G, Gent, '-‘re­ west aide, hot water and garage. PhilbriCk Agency. Dll 94464. room ranch. Two fireplaces, 3 82 WEST CENTER ST.- 8 fam ll;, name In nomination at next year’s Stamford, Oct. 19 (F)— ^A bus 5-4-4, good investment. Look It agreed to keep on the Job as long ley of Manafiold, etage manager, Ml 9-6349 or Ml 3-8720 ferred Finance. 983 Mein Bt., MI 9-0482. ______acres, view. aa negotiations were hi progress. -.Poetess for the evratng wlU be natlonsi Dsmoerattc convtnUon in struck a light pole on the Con­ MANCHESTER-1350 equate ft. 4 over. (^11 owner. MI 94239, '9-8. necticut Turnpike yaatmriay after Manchester. $17,900 Builder’s loos. Parkway No violations of this pact were re-1 Mrs. L. Norman Dutton of Man­ Los A n ^ s s . ATTRACnVB 6 room duplex, 8 bedroom ranch, 3 bathe, full base- The Speaker, chairman of the e car ewerved In front of H. police H-mlle. Tolland. “Arge 7 room PRINCETON STREET -F H A ap­ ported. chester. Moving—^Tracking— LATHE MAN—Set up and ’.vork bedrooms, large cabinet kitchen, menf', cedar. paneled. Aluminum split. Uk barns, high elevation. last two nstlonsl eonvohtloas, hss said. Three oecupanto of the from blueprints. Short un 'Urcraft etainlesa steel elnk and tub, base­ atorm aaah and acreena, lot praised, one block from Bowers Bakeries involvsd in the bargain' Oreupe to Meet Storage 20 Among nice homes. School, 7 roMn cape, partiaUy fin­ The B ond of Education will indicated he will not take the chair (New England Trattways) passen­ quality. All benefits available. ment and attic 2 porches, oak 100x300, FHA mortgage, conven­ ing Include General Baking Co., at the next one. "I would like to $20,000 BoIton-;:Qlder 7 room home, ished upstairs and rec. room, Ward, Continental, .Drake, Rey meet at 8 o'clock tonight at Coven ger carrier were shaken up. re­ MANCHEISTER Moving and Truck­ Wilco Machine Tool’ Co., Route 5 wood flooring throughout, steam ient to Wilbur Cross and East two fireplaces. 1% acres, bam, enjoy another eonventioin,’’ he said quiring minor treatment at a hoa- ing Company. Local and 'ohi 'dis­ k '44. Bolton. VERNON o f n c E S ? GIFT SH OP? ROOMS TO LCT? oil heat, copper window screene, Hartford. Asking $16,990. Owner. $16,800. Call owner, DH 9-4431. mond. Spaulding, Newton Robert­ try Grammar School for a business garage, view. weeks ago. - pttal. Police said the driver of tho 8364 tance moving, packing and stor­ NEW — FABULOUS — SPLIT UCVEL — 18x26 fin­ storm windows. Opposite Center Da 4-8p02. $34,000 (iolumbia — Three flre- son, Table-Talk, and a number of session. __ Aidesd If he wiU rellnqulah tha 12t4-26Vi age. Weekly van sendee tr New Experienced Machinist Park. Available Nov. let. Write 116.8(10-28 WOUDBRIDGE St. - independent bakeries. • St. Mary's CYO wUl meet at car told them he w w attempting ished game room — 8 twin ■size bedrooms — built-in aces, targe 7 room ranch. Spacloue older home, 8 rooms phis chairmanship, Rayburn promised a to cross lanes to pick up a pair of l^rk Ml M55S. Must, know set-ups. Pleasant 6 -E range aad oven — 1861 square feet of living area P-0- Box 355, Manchester. SOUTH WINDSOR. 79 /SUrel St. fi A i^ c ip a l issue In the negoUa- m ;30 p.m. tomorrow at ths church WITH TNI NfW A Best Buy ------By Beltiore 5 room ranch, extra large kitch­ urge knotty pin« ikirch, two- 3 unfinlebed Easily convetto statement on that point next Jan. 1 hitchhiking sallora. The light pole working conditions, fringe bene­ — attached gtsrage — ameslte drive — completely ear garage, 7 acres. tlons has toon pay. Under the old halt The word poIiUcs was not spoken MANCHESTER Package Delivery. fits. Applv t h r e e r o o m s furnished. one en bullt-ln oven, screened porch, Into a 3-famlly, S-car rarage. Lot contract, moot drivers In New E i«. The Women’s AuxUiary to the was knocked down. Mn-O-RAMA landscaped — lot 125x200. These fine homes are cus­ $30,500 Bolton - Large 0 room ,99x165. Marlon E. Robertson. publicly during the short prog 5927 Light trucking and package deliv­ K F & D MFG CO. tom built and oustom designed—FHA and VA mini­ This Best Buy presents possibilities galore! Located block from Main. AH utilltiea. Da half acre lot. Excellent flnanct land got $43 per . week, plus eight (Joventry Volunteer Fire Assn, will Tucked detail on the waist front ery. Refrigerators, washers and 0-9428 between 6-0 jp.m. avaUable. Marion E. Robertson. ranch, 4 room ranch, 3-car ga- Broker. Ml 8-5058. that preceded Sen. and Mra. John­ mum financing. at 104 Haynes St., (across from the Hospital) it is mge, 2 acres- per cent commission on goods meet at 8 o’clock tonight at Its lands Importance to a carefully ! - .Quickly and easily crncheted, stove moving specialty. . Folding 334 Charter Oak St. Broker, Dll 84953. handled. In southern Connecticut, firehouse In South Coventry, son's barbecue for Preaident and Legal Notice: Pursuant to the tailored classic In half aiaes. I baby will, adore this beautiful set chairs for rent. MI 94752. adaptable to many uses. Ten big rooms, a large (enclpa- LAWRENCE F, PIANO 118 LYDALL~sfRECT“ the base pay woe $55. Coventry Recreation Committee Mrs. Lopes . Dfateos concluding provisions of Sac; 18-113 of the No. 8354 with Patt-O-Rama la of matching sacque, bootees and able) porch, a two car garage and the strategic location f o u r ROOM duplex, Route 88, 85 LAKE STREET—7 room Co­ BAOKERS Da 3-3765 6 room cr.pe, 2 unfinished, fire­ The Teamsters originally de- will meet at S o’clock tonight at their 10-day goodwUl tour of the Gmieral SUtutea of CkmBecUeut. In aiaes 12>4, U%, 18k. 2 2 'i, 24H. 26.4% mort­ speaker underlined the growing rates on long distance movaa Complete VALUE. ATTRACTIVE 8 room apartment, WOMAN’S DREAM—Come true! period totaling $15. The Iwrt offer. 4-S Notoe Aid Highway .Act of 1955, the State 47, Sice 14Ml, 35 bust, 4 5-8 yards directions for newborn, 6 months to CLEANED and INMTALLED scaped lot,. 103x613. Imnsodlate gage, exceUent condition, must be of friendship between the /48 sUtee. $ 0 84187 J f firat floor, near bue, heat and hot occupancy. Marion E. Robertson, Lbxarloue 7 room split level, ga­ from management reported to ToUand COunty Agricultural Ex Highway Department will hold a of as-inch. and 1 year sizes; stitch illustra­ seen. neighboring nations. 16 00 THE PRICE IS $15,2S0 water. Adulta, parking. Apply 80 Broker, Ml 8-5963. rage, nicely landscaped. Ebcccl- newsmen was $8 over the aame tension CouncU wtU have a home- public hearing on October 25.1959, tions. But thlb^tos' Grange Hall on R t 44A. Evelyn tive to the proposed loeattun o f to* AMEBfCAS NEW YORK 85, . N. ning Herald, 1160 AVE. OF EXTERIOR AND interior painting • INSTALLATION Busineaa Locations lease. Excellent retura. good lo­ u . GLASTONBURY—Pond Circle. 5 Gov. Price Daniel of Texas and an Relocation of UR . 5 batweeh the and paperhangtng. Wallpaper THE WILUftM L BEIJIORE ARENCY I ••Ttod dur- Hartley of Mansfield, home fur- Imposing array of Texas poUtical Tr AMERICAN, NEW YORK 85, for Rent 64 cation, low price. Act 'oday. For 10 ACRES — New 3 bedroom room ranch, IH baths, extra large Ing the eesalone to have part of toe nuihlnga apeciallzt wlU conduct Bedton-ManOhoeter town Una and N.Y. books. Guaranteed Workmanship- SPECIAUST R. F. DIM O CK CO. personages. Among those present For Ist-class mailmg add 10c MI 9-5248 V. A. Boggini further information call Philbrick rdhch, hot water heat, ceramic edmer lot, excellent value. A skl^ $16 they were ^ t o g to used for U e m h n f ^ u r e o t the program. Bolton Notch In Bolton. A map for each pattern. Print Name, Ad­ For Ist-cloaa mailing add 10c Reasonable rates. Fully insured. IT. E. Belfiore /TUXINDmoNED 8-room oCflee. Agency. Da 9-8454. bath, laige kitchen. ceUar Only 813,500. Goodchild-Bartlett Rehlty, were timSigkt Latin American fig­ showtog the propoeed IbraUen ls 0««n»h<1. county 4- ure! and labor leaders from Texas. dress wiUi Zone, Btylc No. and for each pattern. Print Name, Ad­ Fast and courteous service. Leo own Barl>ara Woods s Robort Murdock o Daniel Saunders 358 Main Street Ml 3S121 100% Main Street tocatieo. Park­ 114 500. (Sirlton W. Hutchlna. Da- 15 Forest St. DH 3-7935, BU 9-0939. enught were increased fringe bene-] jj homemaklnlc agent wUl explain 01- flte 'With the Town Clerk of BoU dress wdth Zone ahd Pattern Num­ J. Pelletier. Ml 9-8326. T and Country ing Marlow'a. 887 Matn St iBNJOT THE WOOD8- I h your 04183. fits. ton for pubUc Inspection. AU- fo r- MI 9-7708 MI 8-6478 TR 5-8828 831 Oa k l a n d "ST., Manchester— the 1050 4-H program. Refresh­ • x . new fall k winter '59 issue ber. MEMBERS) MULTIPLE URTINO REBVICE own back yard with this 4 room Former President of tho United aons Interested In this matter a n INTERIOR—Painting and paper­ cape, storage upetaira, oU heat, 68 ELSIE DRIVE-5 room iplit 4 room bouse, gas hot air hast, ments WlU to served after tho •f Baste Fashion our fascinating Have you the '69 Album con­ Orainagn Go. c h a m b e r o f OOMMEROE- LARGE STOREr-NX l^orth Dtain Btatea Warren O. Harding and hla: Invltad to attand tha; haariag- hanging. Clean workmanship; No St. 18x75. New modem front, electric hot water, fuU boaement, level, FHA appraiaed. Fairly cltj water and eeWerage, amaU North Africa has tow natural meeting. ^attorn b(mk lif ready now. Send taining many lovely deei^s and 6 Job too .small. Free estimates. Ml M 1 4 3 MANCHESTER BOARD OF REALTORS , ‘ power raeouroea. Coal and TheNaedtaa aad P a u 5-H Ohib wife are ontoabod to a whits Howard S. Ivea ■ free patterns 7 Only 28c a copy) I • J^od buslnaaa center. $90 moritli- laundry area. Convenient loca- prlcad. Must sell by Nov. 1st hop, State Hl^iway r John VerfalUe, MI 8-3521, ' tlon. Ideal tor caufio, MI l-tolO. Owaar MX 3-7I0L ''' PhUbrlra Agency. M l 0-84M. hava to ba importod. 111 BMotlng thla aftaraooB to work maibla aaomiment la Karlen. CMile.