OLVERA STREET LEASE NEGOTIATIONS Jeffer Mangels JMBM Butler & MitchellLLP--------------------- Paul Hamilton 3 Park Plaza, Suite 1100 Direct: (949) 623-7235 Irvine, California 92614-2592 Fax: (310) 712-8552 (949) 623-7200 (949) 623-7202 Fax
[email protected] www.jmbm.com Ref: 71153-0001 April24, 2011 Via Hand Delivery Via Email:
[email protected] Honorable Members of the Budget and Gerry Miller Finance and Arts, Parks, Health and Aging Chief Legislative Analyst Committees City of Los Angeles City Hall City Hall 200 N. Spring St. 200 N. Spring St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Via Email: migueL santana@lacity. org Via Email:
[email protected] Miguel Santana Ana Cubas , Chief Administrative Officer Chief of Staff to the Honorable Jose Huizar City ofLos Angeles 14th District Councilmember City Hall City Hall 200 N. Spring St. 200 N. Spring St. Los Angeles, CA 900J 2 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Via Email:
[email protected] Robert L. Andrade General Manager El Pueblo De Los Angeles Historical Monument Re: El Pueblo De Los Angeles Historical Monument Concession Agreement. April21, 2011 Report; Council File No. 11-0449; Assignment No. 11-04-0381 Dear Councilmembers, Mssrs. Miller, Santana and Andrade, Ms. Cubas: The writer and my law firm, represents the Olvera Street Merchants Association ("OSMA"). OSMA represents 4 7 Olvera Street Merchants who are the lessees of 60 premises on Olvera Street. OSMA has received the detailed April21, 2011 Joint CLA/CAO/Department Report ("April 21, 2011 Reportu) to the Joint Committees and make the comments that follow. A Limited Liability Law Partnership Including Professional Corporations I Los Angeles ,.