1918 – Sea of from the Air!

During WWI, the British were at war with the Ottoman Turks who controlled “Palestine” as part of their empire.

At the beginning of the war, fighting was concentrated in the southern Gaza region over the strategic Suez Canal.

As the war continued and the British advanced north under the direction of General Allenby, they conquered and began advancing north through the by 1917. Ottoman Surrender of – December 9, 1917

The Ottomans were being supported by the German military in their battles against the British.

The newly invented airplane played an important role in WWI. Their first use was for reconnaissance and this continued throughout the war.

The Germans were in in February 1918 scouting the area around the in preparation for the battles of , and . German pilots left a large collection of incredible photos depicting Israel of 100 years ago.

These photos were recently discovered hidden in the pages of a German Family !

In the top photo you can see the entire Sea of Galilee (Kinneret) looking toward the North-East. Snow covered Mount Hermon is at the top. The exits the lake and meanders through the fields of Kvutzat () Kinneret and Kibbutz Degania (where we make our Galilee Green Olive Oil.)

Below is a photo of Kvutzat Kinneret on the shores of the Jordan River. Behind the photographer is the present day location of our Galilee Green olive groves at Kibbutz Degania.

By the way, the British defeated the Ottomans which led to the British for the next 30 years until the State of Israel was established in 1948.