Exploring Help Facilities in Game-Making Software Dominic Kao Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana
[email protected] ABSTRACT impact of game-making, very few empirical studies have been done Help facilities have been crucial in helping users learn about soft- on help facilities in game-making software. For example, in our ware for decades. But despite widespread prevalence of game en- systematic review of 85 game-making software, we find that the gines and game editors that ship with many of today’s most popular majority of game-making software incorporates text help, while games, there is a lack of empirical evidence on how help facilities about half contain video help, and only a small number contain impact game-making. For instance, certain types of help facili- interactive help. Given the large discrepancies in help facility im- ties may help users more than others. To better understand help plementation across different game-making software, it becomes facilities, we created game-making software that allowed us to sys- important to question if different help facilities make a difference tematically vary the type of help available. We then ran a study of in user experience, behavior, and the game produced. 1646 participants that compared six help facility conditions: 1) Text Help facilities can teach users how to use game-making soft- Help, 2) Interactive Help, 3) Intelligent Agent Help, 4) Video Help, ware, leading to increased quality in created games. Through foster- 5) All Help, and 6) No Help. Each participant created their own ing knowledge about game-making, help facilities can better help first-person shooter game level using our game-making software novice game-makers transition to becoming professionals.