CHILLICOTHE NEWS 15*1 ____0__. lis- By I'IKI Cousins SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1*53 COLUMBUS, OHIO ANH-WINE-0 LEGISLATION SEEN CHILLICOTHF:.—We solute and proudly claim U\ee Cos, who won second place in The Sentinel beauty contest* Also, Miss Rfilis Johnson of Urbana, chosen as "Miss Bronte Ohle,'* i* j See John B. i^Hnbs'Column Sec. 2 Page 8 . - . a niece of Mrs; William Lynch, E. 7th at., Chillicothe. . Traijblazers Parly Al Columbus Library Roxabel Baptist church hsd . "... baptising following Sunda; Ing service. Rev. Bi n of Cir- day evening. On-the front pt-tch, 1Cc_f* THE OHIO! 1C t.c-rii.r- aqi-JT.. a.^r. *V l 1 b U T * -args ubls was set for tbe foa> Jones is pastor. lowing guests: Mrs. Jennie Pow- Rev. Franklin Gray wa* the ell, Mrs. Pri*cills Johrwon, Mrs, speaker at 1st Baptist Sunday. Alice Walker, Miss Helen Banks, Also in the pulpit was Jack po- Mrs. Ruth Poindexier, Mrs. EUa .. Haiti..-...,, a. student i— Robinson'and nddii u g h t J P.ople-s L Bible school. On Sept. 13 Stefftda, Mi Ethel Cousins, "^Champion! St^tnny Bates will apeak __tn dames and Lorraine Elder, -,..„--, ... _„ - Bev„ H&v» Liggins, Jr., Art Mickey, Woodard, hi* Gospel choir snd Harry James and the hosts, men's chorus will be at Eden * * * • Baptist Spargursvillr. JO ANNE RAGLAN celebrated Mrs, Irene Liggins of Clncin- her 18th birthday witb a party SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1853 COLUMBUS. OHIO nsti wa* guest speaker Sunday at Carver Center Friday. Be- afternoon when Quinn Cbi.pt-1 freshments were served to 50 observed Missionary day. She guests. A targe decorsted cake elaborated on the training of was tbe centerpiece comple- children for Christian living. Lo- mented with fall flowers. Mtss cal 'talent were Mrs. Msry Raglan and Miss Norma Jean Lynch, Mr*. Blancbe Gamble Harris left Tuesday (or Colum. and Mr*. Grace Mosley. Mr*, bus where they will seek em- Mildred Mosley and the new ployment. Both are member* of Mrs. Flannigan presided at the Chillicothe High's 1853 graduat- attractlve table. ing claas. Brttswes. M aad 8* etalMrcu r r*w«ed tat* Col umbos' Eastside bra oe h library, 147* E. .Long St., toe ute Barkere Traitklstrra parly laat Wedoeoday. Eddie Saunders, center, popular WVKO disc : OF Mr, tbe NAJ. JOHN WALKER, Jockey, sated a* master ot reresasstles far tsleut sbew put eu by beys and girt*. Daring the urn- liter, members mt Ute Baekeye TrsllMaaer* have read aad reported an baeks taken {rem the li­ Mrs. William Douglas and Mra. brary. Thirty -foe me mar is were bauored with presetrtatt-M of dlssaeas*. Miss Msry Hand, Mbts Arnetta MorVis of Columbu* . , . fleets Calf** snd Mrs. lets Herald, librarians at the branch, matte •wards.--Mere* Phot*. Mrs, Charles.Brown, to Mr, Carl Miss June Glassco spent e twO Rodger* of Columbus. Mr. and weeks' vacation with her par- Mrs. Jones were the attendants ent*. Mr: and .Mrs. Ralph Glass* • nd Rev. Harold Wingo perform- oo. June la an instructor at the ed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Trade School for Girls in Idud- Rodgers will make their home .on, N. Y Mrs. Jamea Slew- in Columbus ... Mr. and Mrs. nil (Mary Kelly) haa been Marvin Gamble and children placed en Ihe nursing ataft at accompanied Rev. and Mrs. Mercy hospital, Spruigfield -v . * LONGTIME PRISONER WHO'S WHO IN SPRINGFIELD Woodard to N, Carolina for a va- Mr. and Mrs. Addison Stacks of cation. Mrs. Gamble and chll- Columbu* and James Brown, By Grace E. lee dren will remain for an extend- Winston-Sulem. N. C, were Sun- •d visit. .jay gtiests of the Frsnk Hoo- * * * leys . . . Mi** Sylvia Hammond, MRS. MARY COLLINS of _ ,,udent at Ohio Wesleysn U., Hamilton visited with her moth- apenl the holiday with her pur­ er, Mrs. Esther Harris, last ,,n\s Mr "and Mrs. Richard is. 1 have **een the morning without clouds, after show week*. . . Mi** Carrie Beard Hammond . . . Mrs. Maud Jack- a book bf side a wood fire, so I know, what contentment , apent last week wilh her nephew visiting in Xenia at the f know what grandeur is.** wll lB Carl Bebs of honie _I her daughter, Mrs. Bes, And because 1 HAVE PEH- , ' Corbett, M.-IVMP Ml. THESE THINGS Athens . . Leslie Hedgepath REGISTER AND VOTE! I know what wealth is. mother a home on K. Southern to Mr. Samuel Pickens of thai visited in Washington. D. C. last Story And Photo On Page 2 Annual convention of the av. Tbe affair was enjoyed by city. Miss" Ban* is in nurses' week with his son, Leslie Hedge- Dadghter* of Jerusalem high- Sarah Price, Eunice Keller, Mar- training and Mr. Pickens is e.n- path, Jr., and family . , . James Itghts activities tins week- Meet- iorie Johnson Mary Young, ployed by the Manayer Trucking Bank* celebrated hi* birthday Choir Day Tea Sunday ing* are being held in Wiley ME Uabelle. Collins, B*ratric* Green. Co. Miss Bass Is the -laughter of Saturday with a dinner party at church. Delegates represent Ak- Hattie Lawson, Emma McWhor- Mr. and Mr*. Gorman Bass till Jesse's Dining room. Out of ran, Youngsiown, Toledo, Day- ter" and Bertheni*- Louden of Prairie av., Springfield. town guefts were Omer Jones AI Bethany Baplist Springfield. Yellow Spring* . and Mr. Larry, Dayton; John AH member* of ainging |roupi . Sterling, W. Gran av., •• Robinson, Dallas Neighbor, are invited to attend the Choir WHILE PASSING through Ihe Counsler Williams, George Al­ ANNA t.lX-ll.Lt. FRAZIi:R, very ill. She recently had leg campus of Wilberforce recently, day fellowship tea at Bethany daughter of Mrs. Hetty Waller removed in City hospital len, Terry Caldwell and Mr. Springfield War_. d_ of. „Columbus . , and Mr. Baptist church, Columbus, Sun­ and granddaughter ot Mrs. Josh Davis, E. 3r huskies on the football field. He ward of Columbus, and Mr. . _ „, ti i,-,.™ inn to * Clara Rice. 1077 Mound St., will fined in Mercy hospital for oh- ,:i | other than our own Ful- Brown „, N. York ' J.„e J°m. ^.ra •ch.^.n" la! Sunday for Ann Arbor, servation. to, of Mr. Benja- Payne visited hi* brother Al- £ J Mich., where sbe is i * * • mine Spear*. Coache* Lewis, beti, critically III in White Crc—* ing *t the University of Michi­ MES. CHAKLES SINGLETON Baker and Walker offer prom- hospital, Columbus . . . Mr. • gan. Miss Fratier ha* enrolled- Stevie. of Lebanon, ••****• °t a good team Jor Wilber- Mr*. Charles Elder of Columbus _,__„,_. _,__. _H___i„__ in the four-year nurse*' training _.—,." visiting their force this year. (Let'a keep our were Sunday vultors in Chilli- nCdrQS AlC llSIIIng course. She is a member and Mn cothe . . .Mr*. William Johnson Rev ,_d M„ Fl|Uidt H__„| _| Horth St. *______- _/*_• ij_ '„___' and- family .pent the holiday. Chicj| ,„ V1MM tUir „„ ,„_ r with relatives here. The John- __ htrr in-l*w. Mr. aad Mrs. } tbe recipient of the __ Lc er FUh D 1 ug Daughter* (if l*is IB63 scholar- yA"" " _ „'»» »P«> TBOCCHT rOB THE WEEK: sort* recently moved to Colum- Ce_r|f, slate, and fateily, 4*1 S. y.ugr • Hammond left brother with Mrs. Fish's WORK as If you wer. I* Uv. . Wednesday U, begin studies at ._".,'"-"'M" uu r." s ' .. ' hundred years. PRAY a. If you Mr Howard university. Washington, *-_ * «»rslu>ll Coolcy. Mrs .,„ ,„ di. ,,__.,_,. D. C He is the SB* of Charles ___* " «_«' _ '"_ «• picnic supper at their ) gy___t*____! 8E___3 m\W ",**,' _ IrtkeS"..""," "=-r.M«E. yuu, new. num. ing a revival in Cleveland. a-...... i.... ._ „,,,, Kobm*<5ri and Helen Hughe*, 3ra bis outstanding ability I Friends from REGISTE' R VOTE! istry. At Howard he will c th* country joined the tr BRSfllf Iff VfDHflN AV IIIVHTt . ,,|-'ur- highlights „, ^| .u_ rriday .veulag of aew while way street lights turned aa fer tint time la ML Vernon la the field of iriediciae. Mist- Ruth Mumford has NOTES FROM d e wife, tbe former Janice ' 1/U/ll.ail. I-II. IIMIVn HI. LIUIIIJ ... ,h.pplng distrtcL Prora Ml: Mayor Behert T. Oestrelrl.er ol Columbus .steads asms welcome la behaU of city ed duties ot executive d Open House Set t. Sgt. Benjamin Conley, returned prisoner of w.r; 1 rank C. Shearer, president of independent Easiness sad Professional Ass'n I1BPA) an. master .1 cerrm.ules; field, daughter of Edward P. local YWCA Mil Warfieid of Gr NELSONVILLE Cari L. Brewa. ML Vernon Ar. Buslnes.men'i Ass'a (MVBA) president, addresses mere thaa 41*. whe turned mml tmt occasion: Stt. Cooler pielnred with A. B. tsinmt-r"i*^v**si__r_} _____?_"*"• Aiiierican SSO Frederick St. uTglon.'sn. ..„ on... govern- ^'^^iTI^r'im^ *-i Use first time -nc. N. meat work ... Ton, Ad.ms, „'„'"_ K™ ™ _' ' _" American Aviation, Inc., look -By Mrs. Baymond Brunslon- d.u*hter n, Mr. and Mr. John J Uems-rTlIc pro- P_ _£__ * Columbus' Adams, Crsnd .v.. will leave * J" _. _„ .. „,., Urge aircraft plant in November NELSONVILLE. — Mrs. Ruth •nd children of Colurabus were Sept 1. to resmme her stud.es • . < o( Is_ ioar, wiB &, opened to Topsail had as her house guest holiday guests- of their parents, u u at Howard . . . Cnarlotle Corlcy, »» * "' ••»•• T _ ! _- _J the general public for first-h.nd last weekend Mis* Jean Byers, Mr. snd Mrs, Cash Dextar, and ..ughter of Mr. and Mrs. ftrmsu !___*" __?___i _£ view, of .„cmbly line, .nd Steve Byers snd Mrs. Msrgaret other relstives , . . Mr*. Bar­ Carter, wiU soon reenter Central •""" '". , L Promised mis ul.ne* Gordell of Columbus . . . Mi** bara Ayers, who is making her Stsl. M,a. Corlev hooea lo be- y""- *"' '"">'" information comp.ei.a l>.*nes. . YOUR u ' <""* "'• •" P"t •» «• Amerlcwi-s ul cmtact,-- talk it over _J snn Brunston were Columbus Mrs. William Dexter, while her rj.bney 5a Miami sL putor of P"-""-1 caaUct.vfalk ll over 25lh anniversary observance, visitors Saturday . . , Mr. and husband Is overseas, suffered tth Christian church ' is under- *""• lhe aaaistant ea.cut.ve- dldl-- Gate& s will be open from 10 a. m Mrs. Williard Brunston oyer* •vtiaa ™J.« nCil, S» """• tasrsalnLorraine. Scott Me,-, to t p. m. Sunday Sept. IS. serious burn* when she slipped Monday and Tuesday' visitors with a kettle of boiling water going U-Mtm.nreportel In dyssg in goo«*d ^ BEGlSTEB AMD TOTE! with Mr. and Mrs. Emery Buck- which she wss carrying. She wss , *, woftu WAS RM'MVI-ii by Anlloch Homecoming given first aid at Mt. St. Mary* Baby Abandonment Case Un hospital and kept for further ob- VIVIAN - tJEAN, JOHNSON > Charles Keller Antioch __12Baptis.t «,«.v.church. -...wil,l dabghter were Sunday guests ot *stt4KtabMd Iter sister. Georginia sister. Miss Norma Bass, former ha.,e m homecoming Sunday, Mrs. Linnie Brunston snd Mr. i budge Sptinglieldoi- now living in Den- Sept 18, at II a. m. and 3 p. m and Mrs. Williard Brunston ; . , 5.oryOnPage2 , is to be united in usiuriag* The public is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peppers l-StwUtfr SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 19. 1953 THE OHIO SENTINEL ntasaeGsa llCvfl Capsuling The News NAACP Fall Program Set «ttf-, «*.- The Columbu* NAACP announced its fall program this week and stated that monthly membership meetings Shes-til 1. aVjilMn-. UP-TO-THE- MINUTE NEWS ITEMS OF STATE will be resumed at 8 p. m. the third Tuesday evening of crimination en tbe nation*! sv CTlpTaiTMts. *rms to aa*at tit AND NATIONAL INTEREST each month. Meeting* will be held in a new location, the- front," suited John L. Frsncls, Sprfng St. YMCA. president of tbe NAACP. "We are new Involved In a very la sua da*. Maj. Walker al*. ha. two Tbe Columbus Board ef Edu­ Edited ly George lawrence cation's failure to Ure Negre serious matter In the Marina I laaaaaaV, tt, atsu. of aj_a* un*. OBG Club Homecoming tesebsrs en- tbe high school Rd. school situsUon. It's an L Baussaud r-rv.n. in Casltt—lru*. level Is Ns. 1 on the NAACP eutrsge that the only reason Negro children are being sent AERHAPS THE MOST significant new* of this decade- rumi Af Ml. Vernon Church lo thst outmoded school I* tbe * of Miami Fri'duy when more than 20,000 delegates to the 73rd "It's a shsme last Colum­ Marion twp. Board of Educa­ annual Nat'l Baptist Convention, USA, Inc., elected Or. Joseph H bus grsdustes of Oble 81*4* tion . did not have courage Jackson, pastor of Olivet Baptist in Chicago, as president of the and other universities go np enough to Integrate the teach­ Baby Abandonment Case world'* largest and richest Negro organisation. Dr. .Jackson, 30, by thc OBG Men's Chority against a stone wall year er*, late the whole system. It's young ond progressive, succeeds aged Dr. David V. Jemlson, 77, club at Mt. - Vernoni AME after year 1* trying to get mere tfasn sn eulrsgs that church, Columbus, , at .r*p. m. placed In tbe local school sys­ school teacher* should lose in the top Baptist post. He defeated Dr. E. W. Perry uf Oklahoma with Rev. Boynton Merrill, pas- af IB. ~mmt haJfl,., juvo.il. ca* . i. t hi. ,_•. <_ City by a vote of 2035 to 1577 after an election battle that lasted tem. It 1* obvious thst tke their jobs for this same **ea-> well Into the early morning hours. The 49 year old new Baptist only reason they can't be aM haa, laaad aa ta. e.lUr .tap. g«T, leader is expected to muke his organization one bf the most vocal placed 1* that they are Ne­ and active In the fight for first class citizenship . . . Dr. Jemison, groes, a most unhealthy sllaa- because Of his failing heuttb (he's almost blind), had his son, Rev. friends are Invited. imentcd Gwendolyn BARBEE WILLIAM Durham, T. J. Jemison, read his farewell message fo the convention he executive secretary, said the REGISTER AND VOTE! branch has been gathering infor­ ruled with an iron hand for more than a decade. He aeked the mation for sometime on - the • Central State Opens delegates to maintain "leadership of the Hely Spirit." . . . Dele­ matter of the School Board s re­ gates chose St, Louis a* tho1954 convention city. Dr., Mrs. Walker Al fusal to hire Negro teachers on - the high school .level, and ia Surgeons' Conference HANKING HIGH WITH thii now- Vesdy to- move into the Year With Institute DR. RALPH RUNCUE, Nobel peace prise winner, wa* elect­ problem are those of the failure first stages • ot- attacking trie ' of the State Highway Patrol to ed president ef tke American PeUUeal Science Aas'o. Be told Dr. Watson H. Walker, pron.il- 1 C T 1 nent Columbus surgeon, and employ Negroes a a officers, the •a. X^f*^* *- - "" " **-«* *»**»*• wVr.i. Mwsasen the world would have aeea aa all-out atomic war a Mrs. Walker are in N. York City wide practice of racial discrlmi. Reviewing' the "work ot th* Or. Charles H. VI esley, opened th* 19SS-B4 aradesnir year long time ago had It net been for tke United Natieas . - . Tke where they arc attending fellow­ nation in local hospitals, and the NAACP for this year, Francis last Tturada, when be *ddre*sed tb* annual _caltj irati- Nat'l Urban League's 4Srd annual eenference heard an all-star ship ceremonies of thc Inter­ necessary followup on the Negr< stated that most of the organl-. .1 tl...... cast ef speakers Including Sec'y ef Welfare OveU Culp Hobby, nat'l College Of Surgeons, of sation's efforts had been spent which Dr. Walker is a member. on the Negro bus drivers situa­ . -p__g V,. tnth.e Currurukim,s-urncuium, ' . __; who Rttds Juvenile deUeajueecy "disturbing", Gov. John Flue ef "ln addition to these Items, Osrn smmSHmS. conve-Sl lo, ,.., ___,, "___£_, ™*___*i They are stopping at the Wal­ tion, the annual membership days osssalermg ability lereU! _-_. ~ ___J___? Penesylvaals, who Masted legislators fer net passing- fair tn- dorf-Astoria hotel. Mrs. Walker we wilt be involved in others drive, which netted 2450 mem­ pteyssettt tPEPC) laws, and Walter II. Wheeler, Jr., president of Is attending sessions of the so­ sack- as urging oar member* bers, and the recent housing - eSsnsmssym.JAasveeri., mt in-:l]Z,^ss\TrsTw\ls\eTml7lt ciety's auxiliary. college rumen- ,___ ,._ „_„.,.,• ___, Pitney -Bowes, Inc.. who made an eloenent plea fer FEPC legls- te. gel registered to vote and fight. la tion In *U tt states because 'those who support free enterprise m *th^e McondarI^*"**y levels* S?, ,_- ,"-"" inc.,J irstBdwharisn. Th* . . ,J - '.brary sue and ,_„ ,_ „„, ,_,_ ._ are eettgatod to support sll freedoms." !lj .man ~^__ asd[P__t. *a»r,rtiaa_|l-|_,_i A New Experience Ia Modem living! .m'r»^luat* _l^- __,••?" •''"'•"J c^Pbned NATIONAL WIRK: Ass't Army Sec'y James MitcheltcVielll sai| d the *ssioo to tbe regular testing pro- srmy's program of wiping out racial segregation is "ahead of id acquainting the new • * # schedule" and that 90 percent of the Negroes in the army witb the campus facili- WESLEY j***aa**\p_| uut serving In non-segregated units. He said Negro officers and n DHL com* are being accepted by white soldier* . . . N. York Cent! taea. s freshman miser, tiyouta th_ University of the State of Pennsylvania and N. Haven RR officials have promised to hei*: freshman talent, N. Yor_ __* u_, H. Tort s__„, D every way to wipe out Jim Crow employment practices on tli - * d Pres. and • i>p, 0- _M_Q_sfcjj __ u 1*53 CLIFTON PARK APARTMENTS railroads . . . The companies were joined in this pledge by four I^.J!ri*,r'* ^nUal rec_Ptkm, Ihe Central State cSirr-ctiL. lesd- railway labor unions — Brotherhood of I^ocomolivc Engi New Brick Building. - Fireprtfti Cotsatrticf.it 9Sr ft*_tWS*a. and new students. I ._!._».« * _- Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engineerrnen, Brother­ Upper cla«men register Sept i ,n« to ^^ ••"•«% *d nrts «td hood of Railroad Trainmen and the Order of Railway Conductors 198 Apartment* ', . U-VL Otuttt-s begin Monday, J bachelor ot scursic* degrees of America . . . Dorothy Mae Stevens, Chicago's onetime "fl^izen Sept. 21, et * a. tn. woman,'' attempted auiclde because she ia "dlnguslcd'' with life. . . . Rev. Henry Pitney-Van Dusen. president of Union Theological seminary In N. York, took a bold stund against college .fraternities jj -' because they foster racial and social discrimination. He called Coog. John M. Vorys To Introduce fraternities and sororities "adolescent." ... A charge of attempt­ GRACIOUS LIVING IN € ed arson was made ngulnst Henry Nash toy junk dealer Arthur i •¥ - Pyblk Reasoning Platform Speaker James after 13 persons died in ^ Ore on ~ , BoutMld*. EXCLUSIVE SURROUNDINGS Mrs. Jane Morrow Sp*t_lding, gro appointee eg tk* preeent recently sppuinUd assistant to Eis-mbowrr odminhttietitna, ia OUT OF THE SOUTH—-OR NEWS FROM HOME: A federal See'y OveU Culp Hubby of tbe nationally luMwn es a social end , judge in N. Orleans and a legal opinion in Virginia opened state- V. a Dept- of Health, Edut*etlon weifar* worker and n" ewtd supported white colleges to Negroes for the luttt time at the un­ and Welfare, will open tbe tall traveler. .During a 20 year per- dergraduate level. U. S. Dist- Judge J. S. Kelk-y Wrig>i granted Three (3) And Four (4) Room Apartment! For The Small Family ies sponsored by the a .leading figure t A. P. Tureaud, Jr., son of a Negro lawyer, uh injunction allowing alumni chapter of him to study as a freshman at Louisiana State university. At That Oiler Every (omforl - Every Con.enience atsppa Alpha Pol fraternity Blacksburg. Va., another Negro student. Irving Peddrew, was ue-' " T. Sept. 27. at 4 p. m at ceptcd by the Virginia Polytechnic Institute board OR a military w Scaring St. YMCA, Columbus. AS AS8I.STAJV- to th* secre­ student. The action com© after Att'y Gen. J. Lindsay Almond. Jr., ruled that supreme Court decisions have* taken precedent over Vir­ G. E. Refrigerator, Sunray Gas Range, Kitchen Exhaust fan, Venetian Mrs. Spauldng, first major Ne­ tary uf health, a-duc*Uo« and welfare, Mrs. SpauJtfirtg under­ ginia laws on the subject of rocial segregation in higher edticntion. Blinds, Ceramic Tile Bath* Large Closets, Individual Storage Roosns. takes special ass^igTMrienu involv­ . . . Meanwhile, in Atlanta, thc Southern Regional Council said Tnerrno*t*ts Automatically Regulate Heat in Each Apartment. Beavdis ing matters of major interest u that even it the supreme court flatly outlaw*, racial segregation, Washera nnd Dryers. Janitor end Yard Service. > the department. Tbla includes it will not transform southern public sclii-.lfi overnight ... In Bir­ 'Ole Timers' icpresentatsoa cat the secretsry mingham, Ala., a sheriff and five aide., were under J1000 bond In contacts with proteossional as- each after being charged with depriving 14 persona of their civil sw.-iiUii.ns, iialitmal labor ergaiu- rights. In another case?*seven white farmers were arrested on (LEAN, QUIET SURROUNDINGS Wan Reunion istions and trade and civic charges of holding Negroes in slavery in Sumter County,-Ala. . . . •C4* Timer." reunion group* interested la tbe various A "third race" In S. Curolina known as the "Turku said they Abundance of Paved Parking Arena Separated From Street Traffic* •at basket .pk-nic will be held fields with which dr^parU^tenl were not Negroes and demanded their children be permitted to Fully Equipped nnd Enclosed Children's Piny Areas. All Ground* to be from 11 ;30 a. m. lo Q p. m. Sun- programs are ciaacenee. attend white schools. A federal judge delayed u decision -- he Completely Sodded for Lawns and Fully Landscaped. Well Lighted. . Sept 20, at Blacklick couldn't find an answer to this new twist in the segregated schools Woods pk. by residenu of thc Till. FURt'M SISRIES, known issue ... The Nat'l Planning Ass'n revealed a study of Negro em- W. Fransbe* av. community in as "Platform lor Public Reasun- pluyment In three southern plants of Internat'l ^ Hr Purr. W,ll,., Ing." is chaired by Kenneth B. which it sold showed.highly successful i of i PRIVATE SWIMMING POOL FOR TENANTS Saunders. The speaker will be ipolie at 12:30 p- • intnxluceil by Cong. Join. M. fi Plalftrrm guests will be dates beck approximately 55 Att'y Ray E Hugnes, Dr. Mun- (EDITOR'S NOTE: Sentinel Nat'l News Editor George !*>> ' • d its own Wesleyan rud U, Allen and specialists tn Lawrence Is en a short tour of several southern states to deter­ Mtthodurt church pastured suc- 'it- field ut health and welfare.^, mine new' trends on the race relations front. His findings will ceasfully by the late Revs. P. A reception will follow in Ike sppcar escluslvely In coming Issues *f this newspaper.) 1 - Bedroom (3 room ist,) $70.00 - $74.50 Pierce and Samuel Mmkcns. Its ist lounge with Units, Inc., act- .MAunwivr ts were cared for by g aa heel* the lose Dr. W. J. WoodUn. on BUCKEYE STATE WIRE: The Ohio state conference of the 2 - Bedroom (4 room apt.) $78.50 - $14.50 ots-t-landuig leader in the com- REGISTER AND VOTE! Nat'l sAsB'n for the Advancement of Colored People comes off fn IvfSaWp **__, Sept. 18-20 at the Manse, hotel in Cincinnati with NAACP board Utllille. eslra - Water Furnish.. -p-»n\jp_p' H. A, Aaiaase «• , whlck still retains its reputottun ao a center Seeks Contact With chairman Charming Tobius, director uf brunches Glonti-r B. Cur­ iKs-bog hi* ipa, urtaiYAsrtoij MM rent, church secretary Hcv. Woltcr Offutt, Judge Russell L. Car­ PMer M the Ued* lessee ,4 lor racial achievements and boas** of inany who have at- Near-Mishap Wuses ter, Rev. J. Welby Broaddus. candidate for the Dayton Board of Prayer for t\M People, -999 SL Education, sharing thc Kpeakers" spotlight . . - Horace Jones, Day- Ck*trav., t*_t*ee*u»us, Sept, O-tS, " widespread recognition in Mrs. Frances 11. Stone, 4M .peaunsaaaij activities. It still tjnnaldaisn at, Columbu*, thia tan laborer, admitted stealing $16,000 worth ot aluminum and sell­ kse^sive, sV*ar*isn_ snd si«f*n* ing it fur $1493 . . . Eorl Hummon. ol Lockland. near Cincinnati, •*•*- ee d^dssdtKled cvsry Mgnt- itself kn\ being th* first •reek rsrauntad Out The Senli- irnunity in Coium- rg. Ih* man who alsmast told police he killed his brother-in-law, Willium Johnson, in a COLUMBUS' MOST BEAUTIFUL LOCATION tkttstUy st II _. m.. Rev. Or. .A, uquabblc over a bottle of beer. > , U AUto wilt prc«_k the final ser- btis. The late ' Beniamin F. tualcab el Wartslngtoss .v. 17S0 Clifton Arenue - 1 black east of Woodl.nd Avenue. "_•»«•* et 3 30 p. n_, Dy. Hughes, prr-minenl lawyer and and Dunsldson st. tjttsreen 7:3. Two blocks nortli of Franklin Park. On. block north of Long Street 1 9_tte will be svrrmnott oe travci- ckurcti man, once said, "I will last linturday to con- Phone EV. 6432. tng bWitsp. Tb* shul-abc is fasettwd. always live and die on W. by calling QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "ThU is a free country. If yea don't like the weather where you live, you can move somewhere else aad net like It there.'* •wn-aDAT, sej-TDtsn i*. IJ_ THE OHIO SEIrnNEL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER lt, Ittt Evening High COLUMBUS COURT ROUNDUP Registration

Officer Chester Crumpler arrested Shirley Ann llrinkiey, 532 Hamillon av., Saturday on a petit larceny charge.. Preliminary September 21 hearing was held ia municipal court Tuesday, one witness falling Regis trtttion for Columbu* to snow, and tbe cao* was continued to tbe latter part of the week. Evening High school will be held .. .Vice Squsdmen Hoyt snd Holland -raided 073 SL Clair ae. Fri­ Monday, Sept. 21, at Central day to Und five persons engaged in * game of chance. AU were High from 7 to I p. rn. trod* arrested and charged. All five were released an 123 bond, await­ school students will register ing trial next week. Sept., Z3 at 7:90 p. m. IrOUIS K. BUNCH, clerk st Cetumbus Gen'l Depot, who re­ clothing wss stolen from his side* »t IBM Greetrw'ay av., was parked auto in the rear of 743 will begin Tuesday, Sept. 22, aad aisled Sunday at city prison for K. Long st. operating a motor vehicle whilr meet each Tuesday. Wednesday irtotticated. Relessed on » .REUICTER ANO VOTE! and Thursday from 6 to 10 p. in. bond Bunch's case Is scheduled Further ii-Jormati_i may be for heoring it-sott week . * - 1-lndy obtained from R. O. Knight, di­ a_» ' i «_• ••» »—'tsjt.j,aijt*».ri , »,, Au_usU Porter was arrested by Rev. Newsome Is rector, at tbe Columbus Board traffic officers for running s red Bar aa* ass* sa IMasI BBS- _«avn M| ,,,71., light .Sunday. Porter, 1323 HU- of Education building, 270 E, SUte st., FL 3821. aarBiajam a, selivlue. a, sMeraalT Twas. Asa's dretb sv„ deposited *2S bond and was released. Covxy bearing Sunday Speaker aaJ awetlag salarasy sa. aasaat,, Tk* le* waa Is neat week ... The number, — , —a a*r tsrta aster, Mrs. Msw.rta. Caassa, SB BL Cavir sv. 92* SL Clair av., was the object stta, ia his Iw*. bralaer. Gear,. K. IWJer. tssftk al TJ. Bayle Al Oakley Church ot a visit from vie* squadmen (UP MEM a IK •* ak.t» all.r l.vHlng Ihe sister, u Jaa* Urn mrBaahra- Saturday whan Sgt- James Hol­ By PAUL I- KLLBS ' 'ta. twrnUNL-Carter Pasta, land arrested four persons on Rev. Ira W. Newsor charge* of adultery and trans- date pastor of Oakley . El up- ported two Juvenile* to the de tstnily, ef Washington C. K-, Springfield aJate star nd id th* list church, Columbu*, tentiim horn* for aoJekeeping speaker Sunday. The aei Indianola School Faculty Member ~ al tho home ot her aunt weddirig* ... astro. Maxj*ri« . . Ernest Lee Thomas, 15 Lex­ r Mrs. Lillian Gibbs Bunch Mclatyre la ngnns on the ington av., was arrested and sang under direction of Margue­ Mrs. Margaret Carr Jseessts has been appelated speech Grace Mosley, recent- Job as sup* 1 rtser stt C*at-ver Crn- rite Col well. Haxel Bi turned over to Juvenile authori­ therapist at Indlsnol* Elementary eehool by the Columbus Board 1 y . . . UT. and Mrs. George ter and will *• ties Saturday for leaving tbe orgonlBt and Charlotte Johnson JACKIE'S GAY MOTE g'__. ^_ __««_ __ Laa-Uctsr of N. York spent their scene of an accident and failure pianist. of Education. Mr*. Johnson, who resides il lil Bninson a*., lerlsuflsal to have a' driver's license. The Home Dept. .-of the Sunday eras formerly a speech therapist ta tbe Dayton public schs-ols. school gsve its annual fellow- line received ber RA trse* Besnsett ralleg*' aad ber MA from RECORD SHOP tihip dinner Sunday in the church dining room. Guests were elder­ Hampton InsUtete. She is the wife of W. Vsa Jo_sssn, beys' I— MIAMI ATE. BV. 514, HXttBAfi "isiWMa*, taw. __a af Be. a. ly people of the community. work secretary at Spring St. YMCA. »ta*s****s>*. aVats. , , who reside* st 440 N. 20th Edgar Rose gave the invocation 'yiT: aaa?3L5zyit was cited for fsllure to yield to and Cccile Toler had charge of a car-Sunday. Rice deposited *25 tbe program. Group singing bond, which he forfeited. Don­ directed by Marguerite Colwell ald Itoberts, track mun for th. .end remarks were by Mary Pertnsylvanla railroad, detained Sesls, supervisor of the depart­ on tbe som* charge, deliosited ment, and Joseph Gentry, New Pastor At the tamo bond sod was released. perintendent of the Sunday Perin Moor*, SM Grove St., rested on the some charge, Charlotte Johnson, Springfield released on the same bond Wheatland av., assistant church Harvey Carl Bussey was picked SPRING r I E L D. — Rev. C. organist and teacher In thi* Co­ Thomas, former psstor of Wil­ up snd held on tbe strength of lumbus public schools, baa re­ aa assault and battery liams Temple CME church, turned from N. York City where Richmond, Vs., 1* the new pas­ Tb* case, beard Tuesday In r she vacationed with relatives nicipal court, was dismissed, tor of Phillips Chapel, 230 Fair and friends during tbe summer. at resident of 195 N. Garfield . RRGssTER AND VOTE! Bussey was charged with'Int.: Appointment of Rev. Thomas cation Thursday, by police. He wo* announced by Rev. J. A. wea released on $10 bond and Qualify Service Is Williams, assistant pastor. did not appear, . . . Andrew Assignment of Rev. Thomas Walker, arrested on investiga­ was made by Bishop W. Y. BeU, Offered By Speedy presiding bishop of the Ohio an­ tion ot grand larceny, is still be­ nual conference, held In Cleve­ ing held. Speedy Cleaners, 1210 Mt. land earlier this nionth. The new INCIDENT a AND .aATODIilNTS -Vernon av., Columbus, has been minister served oa presiding el­ Harvey D. A-stoo, 615 *•• Ohio owned and operated for the last der two terms in Florida and av., father of police and fire six months by the Jefferson Louisiana. caitUins Harvey and Coy Al­brothers, George end James. Mrs. George (Betty) Jefferson is He Will be host pastor at the ston, lor whom the eniergency quarterly conference of the Cin­ •tquad waa summoned Wednes­ tbe manager. cinnati district meeting of the day evening, Is still on tbe H Quality cleaning and pressing, CME churcb Sept. 10-20 lo Phil­ tical list at University beep, complete alterations and repair lips chapei. Presiding elder at where he la tmdergoing tit service by an expert tailor ar*. meet for a circulatory system the services. Speedy Cleaners ailment . . . Ralph Holland, 103* makes a specialty ot dresses, Kent st, reported to police Sa1' suits, coats, blankets, sweaters, REGISTER AND VOTE! urday that over $50 worth of slip covers and drapes. The phone number-1* Ev. 1039. Mechanization Reduces Pree pick up ond delivery se vice are offered. Hours a 8 a. m. to 7 p.m. Cotton Pickers' Work REGISTER AND VOTE I YOU CAN GET UP TO Although the 14,605,000 bale cotton crop forecast for this year Percy (. Stevenson by tbe U. S. Dept. ot Agriculture Is somewhat larger than is neooV Dies Al Springfield meet demands adequately, Ita smaller size, compared with $125.00 laat year's crop, plus continued expansion of mechanization are his residence, 218 Euclid likely to reduce by a million TRADE-IN was a former custodian in Erncr- bales the amount of cotton school and a member of St. white and colored hand pickers John Baptist church. Surviving I have an opportunity to bar- Choose your* from a won­ " his widow, Anna; seven it derful array of oil new ON YOUR OLD . Harold of Cleveland. REGISTER AND VOTE! Marshall of Dayton, and Melvin, fabrics* new coJor., pat­ Robert, Richard, Gene, 'Paul terns, and styles! SMALL SCREEN ond Wilber of Springfield; two Mrs. (orrissia Mayes Dies daughters, Ruth and Ann;, of SP.WNGFIELD.—Mrs. Cdrris- . Mrs. Mary sla I*. Mayes, 507 Chestnut av., TV SET Boimcr, Chattanooga, Tenn., and lied Saturday in City hospital. ' n grandchildren. The body A resident of Springfield for 43 ss removed to Webb Jackson years, Mrs. Mayes was an; MR. LYMAN nerol home. Leesburg, Va. Mrs. Mayes REGISTER ANI> VOTE! i a member of North SL AME church, tbe Altar club and OSU Twilight School * i o n a r y .Society of the rinnaj|mmH|| n LEONARD church. Surviving are her hus­ BEXLEY-MERCURY TELEVISION band, Theodore F.; three .sis- NCW MERCURY. * SAfE SUV UStO CAltS Oilers 258 Courses Miss Nettie Campbell of 228 S. CHAMPION Springfield and Mrs. Louiso 178Sou.hH._hSi. -tottfc ty. aaaa OFFICE, DO. 45*. Ohio Stale university's Twilight school will offer gome 258 Poindcxter and Miss Alberta Open Pail, 9 ta 5:30; Monday 9 to 9 FA. 3181 In 38 departments of Campbell, both of Leesburg, and 2»3S L MAIN ST. th* university during- the 1053-54 academic year. THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1953 PACfa •5ATURPAY, __j___gjj»k> ti_ n*8- THE OHIO SENTINEL STEARINS New Books Announced By John Bowen, Aid To Ohio Treasurer, . . R.-.i -, rlO.UIlP.t.H Columbus Eastside Library Sworn In As Lawyer Af Stale Capitol More Than 4000 See Mt. Vernon Shopping Area 'lit Up' jmriramwm ritOTOS ON PAGE 1 by Mt. Voraon AT. Business­ both spoke In behalf of their jah Smith, another returned Aim ing the new buoks received Hughes, "Simple' Takes a • John Bowen. 26 year old at-Mst-ant c*»hi<-r in the of. •y JOHN B. COMBS men's Ass'n (MVBA), the Inde­ apectlve organ!rations. tt th* Eastside branch library Wife." Jennings, "Rogue's fice of Koger W. Tracy, treasurer of state, for the past two POW, each a tlOO war boon. Over 4000 persons, chewing pendent Business and Profes­ SHEARKR, WBO also acted as gro bus operators. Sgt. Smith, who WJIS also sched­ n Columbus this week, ore: Ystn," l-ockridge, "Death Has years, recently was sworn in a* a rn^ber "of the bar in sional Ass'n (IBPA) and The master of ceremonies, drew a Small Voice.*' Paton, "Too wildly, turned out at a civic At the conclusion of hia talk. uled to appear on the program, • riCTlON: Covert, "Shad- ceremonies presided over by Chief Juatice Curl V, Wejr- rally Friday averting in front ot Ohio .Sentinel. Carl Brown, presi­ deafening applauoe when be bit­ Shearer announced that .the two failed to return from a visit >w of Ti-uth." Golden, "Nelgh- Late Ute Phalarope." Reilly, gandt in the *tate capitol at Columbus. • dent of MVBA, and Att'y Frank COAL Columbus' E. Market, ML Ver­ terly denounced the Jim Crow business orgsntrotlons were pre­ with relatives in time for the Raw*Bawcn* Iis the seconsee*nda yawyoung. — non and Miami a vs., to cele- C .Shearer, president of IBPA. hiring policy of tb* Columbu* senting; Sgt. Conley sod Sgt. Eli­ rally. ssse treat Tracy's staff te. university In Pennsylvania, and . brale two lmportAnt events . . NON-KICTlU.N: itogers, "An­ p,„ th* Ohio Bar examlas- the University ot. Southern Caii- dedication of whit* way street Sued low in aab. Grove gel Unaware." Kirk, ''Projects tk*ns wllhla the past year, fornla. He graduated in the up- light* and to welcom, hum. • Coal Co. for 30 years. Thut Pey;" Kearney, "JHow to Whra interviewed last week p*. fourth of his close laat June freed priauiier of war. Now owned by Waives Exam Drive Bettor snd Avoid Acci­ Tracy said, "It Is and will from the College of Law at Ohio Sgt. Benjamin Conl.y, sig w dents.'* Cobb, ''Home Owner's ceaUnue to be my policy te state university. Gaotfale «., who anent g, W.M.IOKG Complete Guide to Remodeling." Bowen served In Uv* srmed . nsonlhs aa a priaoner of tho liminary Dee-chin, "Ro!]ei Photography.'' further their t>daestten.'' J™, arid bJa Itatener. spell- reigned on * rape charge in mu­ Licb, "The Philadelphia Phil­ Bowen ts the eon ot ME Bishop tnT"^" """••'•'I "» lortur, nicipal court Tuesday and was lies." Gstleway, **Constructing W. E. Bowen of Atlanta . and and mercllas* treatment im­ -round to the grand Jury under a Play." Nujafi, "Persia is My Mrs. Margaret Davis Bowen, a posed upon him and other war 12500 bond by Judge Henry Heart." Aurandt, "Remember fornW teacher In the Cincin­ Prisoners. nati public schools. Yoar .Sentinel corres These Things." treat, "This Is lie die. the ,,_„ „ m. • aedset to Chillicothe is Ohio." Reynolds, "The Amaxing He received hi. early educa­ f" -UU. .{ racial eeaalilr fanel Cousins, Bon 129. Mr. Doolittie." Keyes, "Berna- tion in Cincinnati and N. Or­ dette of Lourdcs." leans, later sUenduig_Uncc-ln s\\\»r_> "«__;i N^nta,' ItT^raal *" !_"s «wtl*B.|. __,. «__• "tn . .rpar.ud •_"* I* arltuas esmaa. Us ...

•_.___,, _ tp_2_ _ _*j; mt omo SEOTREI $».,« WRECTOR, -rih aide of the street, are S.H ... ..,«„ l>a*sun, 747 Harvaas A... C.I'., O. Friday, Sept. 10, at 8 p. m. at net entirely to his sstiafactton. MASOH DIXON Begalal,,., S.atl,,, Cleaning A Repairing Memorial ball, Columbus. Mayor Orstreither ssld UgbU Harvey, heard during the sum­ will also be erected ee the COAICO. Hour, t aaas. Uni.il 6 pass. mer months daily at 1 p. in. and south side of the- street within "a few weeks." Bat he urged JEFF'S «JW ROOM . MONTHS TO PAt nooir AUTO on Sunday -at 10 p. m. over III. MT. VEBHOM AVI. ELECTBIC SEBVICS WOOL, is also tbe writer of th* pstlenee ia view of certain WA. .509 — t_, 28S4 lagars, Candle, .nd le. OW ft.,..".. CasmlN, best seller, "Remember These public matters not moving ss rapidly as private business Is *f» - 19TH AVE. R-.-l.i, 5t.rl,r, Things." Ticket* are on sale at Heaton's Music Store. able to move.* 444 5 Wa.kl.,i.. Av.. . Council Pres. Joseph H. J, . C.!.-.k... O. The follosfing organization;, Phone FE 1011 are participating in bringing al.-') spoke briefly. ' AP. MS. St Hr. S-wvkM The program was sponsored JOE tux UllJIrDRY F.wil, ,.d B.uh.l., &.,.],. Harvey to Columbus:. D,.,.u. BI..S,,, K.,..„ A Buckeye Republican club, Capitol City Republican club, SAMS SHINE PARLOR Women's Republican club, Co­ IS. N. Sash St.. CaSfkaaaa, O. Always remember t. lumbus Republican glee club, Named To Teens Prop.. SAMUEL PEN30N SB,, "1 «.w it advcrtiied women's Republican glee club, in Tt* Ohio Sentinel." Franklin C o u n ty Republicon War Veterans. Rec Committee TIPTOP CliAKERS Russell H. Campbell is chair­ A-uieiJoiepti Burke Moonlight laundry Joyce Bowen, 490 Lexington .7. ML tn. A..., CJ'.. O man of the affair. av., Columbus, ond Kbst High SHINE PARLOR KRESCE rLUMBINC CO. CM E. L*«g St. C*l*a*tb-«, I Plek tl, ana Drlir.ry REGISTER AND VOTE I Student, is a member of the Deluae Dyein, At Shining 4*7 E. MAIM ST. COMPLETE LAUNDRY nation committee planning thi 0«, D., S.r.n. — r'L Jilt C.la.b.,, O. SEBVICE HI ML V.I... A..., C.I Columbus Y-Terns' unnual city' Repairing and Remodeling Of>«* 6;30 A.M. Nutans, Aides wide fall leadership tminint, BBS. DO. lOtt cio.. g.eo P.M. conference Sept. 10-20 ut Buch- EsclU.s 3—vias At OFFICE. AD. ISM Sst. Op.- tj;30 A. M. •leb pic Clot* 11 00 P.M NEW LOCATION Are Needed At Conference theme Is "Left MOONEY UUKDR. Chin MOOD Jam Mgr. MS ML V,™.. Ara. C.r, 0 Learn to Live" and will be car­ SAM'S DYE SHOP ried out by leadership work­ All Una. ot L_.an.ir, .War. ROKHIE'S DHIV DALLY University shop* club clinics and speaki 4 SHOE REPAIR Work Clothe. A Special-, COMPLETE HOUSE University hospital this week Y-Tecns from all C Or-. S.t TU II P. M. «, Ladles' and Gents' M Ms. Vera** Are. CLEANING SERVICE | Issued a coll for more nurses to high schools will attend. Used Clothing Shop FBEE ESTIMATES provide care for polio patients. REGISTER ANP VOTE! Dry Cleaning Alteration-, sod Tsllertag Balk, Kitchen An official said that at least EDWARD P. ZIP, 12 PARSONS AVE. Bicycle Tires and -Supplies- Wsshtag, Waxing Floors 12 to 14 additional nurses are YWCA Evening (lass Shoe. Clr.nrd. Keflnlshed, Why Not Have The Best I required, as well as some auxili­ Djed AB, Color saarpealng ef l-awaraowers, heUs.r. snd Knives Te De Iw Work ary personnel, such ss nurses Reservations Open SAMDaX MOPE, Pr.p. All Kuala af Keys Mad. BBUCE FBAZIEB, Mgr. aides and volunteer workers. Kslarttsr'a Msrbat. Com p let* I II Yesrs' Practical Experl- Bicycles for Best FE. ISM FB. t-UM University hospital, on an women at the Columbu* YWCA, enrc ai Geergc's Dye Star, EV. Sag. — MS. OHIO AVE. of grocerle*. t>10 £. Long emergency basis, is accepting go S. 4th at., are scheduled to be­ Colombo*. O.. FA. 2620. adult polio cases because of lack gin this month of facilities ut Children's hos­ are being taken now. Classes SPECIALISTS pital, polio care center for south­ are held Monday and Tuesday eastern Ohio, which has reached evenings and arc deutgned to ELECTRIC REPAIRS its capacity. teach skills and offer tun and Eleetrle misers, coffee mak­ . Nurse* or nurses aides wish­ fellowship to those participating. BUCKEYE AWNINGS ers, Juicers, waffle Irons, ing to join the stuff should phone For further information about roasters, Irons, both electric the hospital's nursing service, the YWCA's full program of CANVAS & ALUMINUM AWNINGS and steam. Dome aad auto Wa. 3121. adult classes, both daytime and Now'. Bse tlai. I* have a* electric clocks, eleetrle rosera REGISTER AND VOTE! evening, call Ad. 9121. Advance PRICED LOW and fan*. Atl work gnarssv. make needed repairs la sad YOUR UNITED APPEAL enrollment is required. A folder Brassed year heme. N. yah loo FREE ESTIMATES — TERMS contribution is helping save the of information klg er loo small far *a I PICK UP *. DELIVERY life of every second person requesL BICillT ... aad .1 the BIGHT MAin 3206 through research being car­ price: Let's look thing, osl BEACON APPUANCE ried on at Ohio SUte unlver- ^^Yossr^Seiitrtiel phone BUCKEYE THI AWNING & MFG. CO. . . . legelherl Call EV. g_. REPAIR alty by tbe Central Ohio Heart number in Springfield is tlROWN, VANCE * Ass'n snpperted tlvoagb jour 2-S866 Grace E. Lee cor­ ASSOCIATES 264-266-268 SPRUCE ST. FL. 4457 IMW. Broad St. HUNTE .WfLSOK COMPAHT, LOUISVHU. KENTUCKY. BALTIMORE. MARvUflO. BLENDED WHISKEY 86.8 PROOf. 65<. GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS Columbus, O. United Appeal. One out ef two respondent. - . Columbu., O. • person, die of heart disease. THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER ta, 1953 Inside ___ THE OHIO! SECTION NAACP, Elks Join FoicesTo Halt,. B. Redmond's Soci*t)r S Women MAKES A r_T WITH Home F..hlon Not*. * Food Now. THE BABY SITTER CROSIEY Religiou. Views * Editorial. SENTINEL TWO Register Columbus Citizens SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1», l»t3 By JOHN B. COMBS The Civil Liberties Committee of Franklin Elks lodge and the Columbus NAACP Is 'Balanced Ticket' Evil branch joined forces this week with a hard hitting, non-partisan,, city wide registration You Can Buy Your Gas Dryer With committee. In an intensified campaign to register thousands of new voters by the Sept. 23 registration deadline, it was announced this week. Don L. Brown, chairman of the Elk* CLC, waa elected chairman of the newly former group, which will be known a* the Confidence From These Sales People Because It Aids Negroes? Commtinitywide Registration Committee. ' Plans for distribution of thou- See Story Sec. 2 Page A By OilVK A ADAMS i ble recognition and Italian or lri*h candid a to in for oslgnt offend the group' naods of handbills and placards fthone and velved. Mr. Eg»e might have bearing the slogan, "A Voteless already been arranged tv .of them designed to * * • noted that net including a Ne­ People Is * Voiceless People." from their unhealthy lethargic bring about closer harmony TO ARGUE THAT the prac- gro fa* the past wsa, In Itself, throughout and tele- state." Barbee W. Duribem, executive among the many religious and tlce of the balanced ticket has BROWN, IN seccptlng the ecretary ut Columbus NAACP, racial groups thst make up Its outlived Its usefulness is to deny Perhaps it might be well to cbalneanship, aald, **Tbe de- VILLAGE TAVERN pledged hi* organization's whole­ population. One of these has the very basis point out to these political lead- fast sf tbe low reel bousing hearted support. beep recognition of these country is established, er* that It ia not a question of 191* MT VERNON AVE prelect here in the Aug- •• groups by designation for publit nty way to et a cross sec- offending a group by leaving it Servtag tb* eeopi* in ae* primary eleetlen esn be at­ REGISTER AMI VOTE! office, and presenting to tht protect minor- out—it is a question at the need tributed directly te tbe lark of Voters what has been known si ilea, and to achieve the greatest for including all groups in. For Aiou-•:,tern in our government LAKE5H0RE GRILL Principal J. Arnett Mitchell Co­ And now, thanks te ubsndoa the practice with­ can ever have outlived its use- Negri out causing resentment. They 419 W: Goodale 8L lumbus' Champion Evening fulness when It recognizes all school will open Monday, Sept of thc top administrati fee! thai le msec up a ticket groups that make up our citi- MICKEY'S GRIU! in N. York City's gover without naming a Jew and Clasi .ill be held in *le> that of the borough president of - ork through the Manhattan. The Repub 1 1 Negi Home Cooked Food* eighth grade and in typewriting and flrwtng, un Monday and _nd all •2 Abbie Jackson, Noted Churchwoman, Wednesday nights. . Interested persons are re­ quested to enroll as soon as ptja- BUT NOW THAT Negroes are Woman's Day Speaker At Caldwell j sible. loving into the top spots In the ivernment, suddenly the "bal- EARLIER STORY SEC. t PACE 11 f REOLSTER AND VOTE! iced ticket" becomes t* prac- Hy RUBY.D. LtTSEAR ce that ha* "outlived its use­ Mrs. Abbie Clement Jackson of Louisville is guest speaker for James Edward Peake fulness," snd several writers Woman's day. Sunday. Sept. 20, at Caldwell Temple AMB Zion nd politicians have teed off on church. Columbus. - - - the subject. Leo Egan. political Recognized as on - of; the lead- Enlists In Marines reporter for the-N. York Times, FINE James Edward Peake, for­ ing churchw it the nation, recently wrote*, a Sunday feature Mrs. Jackson is a member of the merly a student at East High which give* i| fairly object!' AME Zion church, which her school. Columbus, enlisted lssl of the Among father served es a bishop, the week in the marines and la now •tlii i things, Mr. Egan held at his death in -San Diego. Cab He Is the son "Even the critic* of Ihe pol­ 1934. Thc Golden Rule founda­ FOOD of Kenneth Edward Peake, 1309 icy would scarcely deny that tion honored her mother, .thai AND Atcheson st. and tbe grandson 11 (tbe 'balanced ticket', ar- late Mrs. Emma C. Clement, as of Mrs. Jessie Fields, 355 St. iderated psrtldp*tlon by new­ "American Mother" of 1946, Jlair av. ly naturalised and newly ar* first Negro woman ever named rived racial strains la tbe electoral process. But even the Mrs. Jackson is. active as a most 'practical' of professional BURKE'S PLACE •_,_,• E_ - . national officer of the United 1057 NORTH .TH ST. politicians will concede that It Council of Churchwomcn. She is has perhaps outlived Its use- ».president of the Nat'l Coun-* WHISKEY" RUTH BELL vic fulness and thai, moreover. It cU of the churches ot Christ In singles — Usable. Best. Merchandise Mart 1* currenOy falling to win any America member of the Board Beer. Wine,' Food 228S Sullivant Ave. 1013 Mt. Vernon Ave. large numbers of new recruits or Directors of ihe Natl Confe ny of the major parties." _r.ee „f Chris of Of course, immigrant groups the Kentucky" New Management DRINKS had their recognition and _jai secretary t MAL'S PLACE *--— pretty well integrated pal district tit Parse*. Are.,- FA. tati Meet usao,anca s rnenuiy Matt See Ads Elsewhere On These Pages ABBIE CLEMENT JACKSON Sandwiches a Specialty delegate to the first assembly of Assorted Sandwiches, Chicken Ihe World Council of Churches ly chorus will sing special mu- CASABLANCA BAR llliit aad WINE at Amsterdam, Holland. MAL GOODWIN, Manager Miss Jacltson will speak at It Two Strikes Against Us a. m. on "An Open Door." She At 4 p. m. a Fellowship tea "Our Spectnlity Is Fi-iea-tdly Service—We Buy Only The will also give the address at 8 is planned with Miss Rubic E. Best In Food Pi-oducta And Legal Beverage*, So They By LAUREEN WHITE p. m. Theme for the day is Hall in charge of arrangements. Speak For Tne-nsselves." FINEST CONEY ISLANDS Turner'* Restaurant N. YORK. — (Global* — If a "Christ Calls to Mission and The public is Invited. l'.!1, K. Lang SL baseball player cume to bat couldn't de say better. They with two strikes eguinst him, he have also given Negroes more REGISTER AND VOTE! j SI. IIKKli - WIM. . WHISKEY would be seriously handicapped. than their customary one sis workabb Mil HOME COOKED FOODS He would have to be more alert, strike st the ball. * work out In fact. YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS S78 AD. osa. »97 i conditions chungc Even if the plaits NAACP Keynoter That's Right: - effective player than those npetition will be keener and able, we have' little reason to allowed three full swings, bus in. rill be more dlscrimi- believe the plan* include inte- WIU UKE THE ATMOSPHERE However, if all the Vl.il Tk. Nswtr DaMM-ata. ting with its employees. The grating Negroes Into American 3 Meals A Day were pluying sloppy baseball, poor r will be left out and industry. If we are to judge the PARADISE CAFE llowcd only one strike tho that has ulwoys had future by the past, we can con- • AU LEGAL BEVERAGES O would find it much harder to get two strikes against him will be elude . For Only Sf.33 878 Mt. Vernun Ave. hit* if the teams Started play- ln_a precarious position. intend to keep Negroes as me- . .- . ... signs on Ihe nlals. In the past, everything WASHINGTON, D. C—Three BEER AND WINE t-tatt Paw* A Spa-cial I j In the horizon that point (o have been geared up i..-..Is a day for only $1.33. Negroes are allowed only one a business letdown, pcrpetuiv That's what Howard university To Carry Oul strike. We apply to tho batter's dealer* and distributors bos of American industry with complaining that they can't sell • • • • as the result of a new boarding PYTHIAN GRIU two strikes aguin.il us and the cars. Thc automobile business I FIRMLY believe that when plan announced oy G. Frederick •—ipires seldom give us any has possed its peak. The market industry slows down and there OPEN DAILY t A. M. V*rl*tj .1 *aot*v(MJt4M ... a! Stanton, acting business man­ fUTOI, «• WIM, to>Ml* Itaar breaks. We are always the last is either saturated .. the people are no longer jobs for all, the ager at the university. Til. 12 MIDNIGHT Caa*bl*nc. Isn't Th. Large.! Spot In Town But Our hired and thc first (ircd. And have no money. man ., Canada. They wUI re­ Gail Unnie, 189 N. 18th st. daughter- Cnmle and a group of At Michigan Resort and we'll try to give you a bigger and better youth column. turn by way of Niagaru Falls her friend* from Indianapolis. If you have any news just pass It to the youth writer at Mr». Letm B. Brtiv, 1466 E. Mrs. Magnolia Sherman of Columbus and Mrs. Mary your tvhool. Well, enough of the preachin* and on with returned from o Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pierce, Stone and sister, Mrs. A. L. Freeman of Cincinnati, ended Ky., Is accwmpunyiiig them. vacation, during the news' 188 Miami av., spent Labor d;.y another summer vacation seasoti with a delightful party which she v. : house guest arid the past, week in BlueNeld, Mrs. Evelyn Jones, 181 N. of Mr. and Mr*. June Thomas of W. Vs., as guests of Mrs. recently at Rainbow Inn in Peteskey, Mich. Monroe av., h»s returned from * St. Paul, Minn., formerjy of Co­ Pierce's sister, Mr*. Anna Hunt. The party wa* attended by Joyce McQueary and Leroy Os- mw1th_ honor rolL East High'i two weeks' visit with rein lives lumbus, and Mr. and Mi. Marry many, friends who enjoyed re- born are iteen constantly to- No g E^.^ Thm-nan, being and friends in Clevelartd. Bludsoe, of Minneapolis, cousins ftcshments from a table arrang­ getner . . . Is Midge Lundy na} ^ ond o^* fMnt _ny of Pvt. Ardith Clay Warren, sta singing "Soul On Fir*'* to b> ,*,, chicks a chance. The great ; of Mrs. Bray. Many lovely so­ tinned in N. Jersey,' spent a week ed with attractive flowers. The renxo Hooker or saying "Good- ^o^en, <*, j_ _ Knight, Seasc with regret sod some with rueful aaUelpatie., but sU stepping right along let* tbe seen Mr. ana Mrs. Albert Johnson, cial affairs were given in her with hi* aunt, Mr*. Georgia ladies and gentlemen present Wg me Off N, I7th st., recently returned honor, Mrs. Uruy also motored MASON'S bye Good Playboy"? . . Why wha u aiao waiting to be loved, •taers sf the Utile red school. Luelada Cook Elementary at Central SUte college, Wllberferrc, .'.in it'll, and family, 430 S. Oak­ were dressed in forma) attire. from their vacation in N. --York, to Des Moines, Iu„ her birth­ did Diane Rodger* say Ed j^ _arp __,,_ ta Delaware. speeed Mend*. . Dr. Clara A. Henderson, principal, snneuaeed a alight Urrease la primary ley av. Dancing was the diversion of the JEWELERS AND Boston, Canada and rt-Uantic place, to visit relatives and Holms waa in Cleveland when especially the football plovers. grades, bat all ws* In .readiness for both retorts at aad eager pupils. evening and early morning. OPTOMETRISTS he was in Columbus? ... The y-^ i>_vtd Ly^d, City. They report an enjoyable school friends whom she had not Mrs. Edna P. Coleman, 1245 chiek »een for a number uf year*. ANOTHER Cincinnatiun, Mrs. CLASSES $7.75 up Mi-Gee brothers are making CM.tly admlrin*. Nit* Hordiman Alcheuon st. wo* .--elected by L, A. Taylor, recently entertain­ Guaranteed Material* quite a hit at East ... A real „_,„__,,/,„- to ait on James Busy Parents Service the Grand Court, Order of Ca- ed a hoaUof friends ut Rainbow —MAIN STOKE— t-ounle seer stttSsu Jotataor. Rroolcee forever. LUCY DEAN NURSERY A forget-me-not drive will be Mr. and Mis. H, 1-. Shank. 83 lanthe of Ohio, as tl delegate to party. Other gucxtsj IS W. Mas. St. AO. S4S. Governor's pi.,, were hosts to the Supreme Court of Co'on the, and Phoebe Clegg ... A little IIA V i: YOU EVER WONDER- Religions Training conducted by tiie Veti-ians of at the t t from Ohio C-l.-t.., O. the past week, includ- which convened in Hot Spring*. bird told us Alice Lewis urvl ED—Who's going to 84* si. Clair Ave. - WA. 8SS* Foreign War* Friduy, Sept. 18, included Mrs. Sarah . —.RANCH ST04.E— Woodie Pryor are a coolsome and Mrs. Glenn Byrd Ark., In August. She and her heart of James Wright? What Cerassbas, O. , in Columbus buildings, unci Sat­ Mra. Anna M. TSS E. !-«"« St. - AO. SSIS BABY PHOTO urday, Sept. 1 if. the sellers will and daughter Frances of Akron, daughter, Mrs. Ore Muc Pute, tttosoflle . . . What's this we ™*_* "J *"*"Tem. ™tlil*aY.'•*•**..msZCar e ef Children 2 te 8. Tears C-1-.ml... O. w-™- ™K™.. U I -t, _ _,, _ makes James iSho Null) Tatum be on tbe streets. Funds will be Mr. and Mrs. George Gartrell also spent their vacation at Hut T. West. kem about l*al_ulh Raglsod everybody? Why they 7 s. as. until 5:3* p. aa. used for rehabilitation fur dis­ and daughter Mildred and Springs. The trip was made; by trying to play behind Diantha T , . ;,™i____. - motor. They returned last week. Bre HANNAH HARNETT. Prop. abled Vetera?** and their depen­ Frasier? ... What would hop- **"* _* °* ^Jg Transportation Furnished N ,tt CONTEST dents. Headquarters for Verdun D. ..SO C.l.auk., O. IS. E. MAIN ST. lien woulto Alicd ecom Byre dt-toirv if Tedde froym Wn > .V?** ,.?"*" "' Chapter 4 will be at the Spring Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robinson, navy? . . . Who's the lucky gal St. YMCA. W. C. Sawyer is com­ Miss Cooper 206 N. 20th st., had UK their MILLER'S FURNITURE STOBE that's got the heart of George mander of the chupter, and La- weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. CM*? . . . Why is Verdirte Grif­ WIN W» Mar Shorter I* chapter chair­ John Parks of Sandusky. The C«*-pl«t- Un* *l Uaad Farailor* *»* lUga fin so moody these days? Could man. Lillian Jeffreys is com­ Sails For Parks were also entertained by IU.,g*a. R*frif*r*t*ra. Waahara. S*wi*t M«ct..»aa site br in a Moody mood for Many havs seea waiting I mander of the chapter'a uuxili- Mr. and Mrs. Barnett Johnson, EASY TERMS FREE DELIVERY love? . . . Do Ute Hilltop boys tuts dsy. ^ W PRIZES Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Bell and WE BUY AND SELL Rut avutrrs' facet are long Chalt i the Mr. and Mrs. William Wofford, find on interest tn the Soutncnd ary is Katie Jackson, Co-chair now* ... Hey there, wbat's hap- Europe Study Call MAI. 9847 men are Mary Henshaw und pened to Nona Wilson and Stomp Evelyn Jones. Member* Gordon? . . . East High, paging kstve te go Dad?" Far Detail.) 1*0 Ret aevclibelees, we have te AT GOOD IIOIStliFFS'JM, SHOP captured Norma Moore's heart.. • • • What's happening to Ho&_lir Anugb the atvtetuu leave* and the wis te r »now. Gore and Elmer Stevcse? 1 tearmn, Aiterta nuita** aad TTiassI|'¥< *» __.'__*___T « *** Our "Ham. Scretr* Plaa" Mak,. Pierce's fflas,, As SEPTEMBER is DOUBLE TRADE-IN Month wards seem to lit; quite chilly Irleodly sUret and freezy thi..- days. Whore everyone Is d*iag Ida Oa. T. Taa A, Tsar Tdeakaa. .. w. Specialise la YES.' ».:• •f yes give yeer all and best One, Pletares • Bat, PkMas . Wrdulls,, . Call We 11 a * • the Frigidaires IT SEE*-;., Car aiidvll and TOB'II BOS* see that yee've Hard to Find Venus McClendtxi doing .fine Tea*, t ,i Aa AppaoBUaesn. likewise Ann Cook and Charles •"* »* an a4avers yen ley le Van Have Hem, Automatic Washer Willi* . . . Mary Bowman is -tepee* Look lag Fer tooklng. for a new boy friend, You'll *4»-_ find set that that'i See Oar Selec and buys-a Utile hint: her phone ' *** «»*• PIERCE'S PORTRAIT STUDIO lioa ol Fancy Gladys E. Cooper, 186 N. Gar­ witWillhi .^,< Heel and Fer- number is Ad. 3088 , . . Hom-le S* oil te sclte-al you aserry IIARVEV KIN,!. As.lat.Bt field o'v„ Columbus, was tu sail Frasier and Raleigh Andrews youth, * - - •waoliied Initial for London, England, from N. are still singing _o In Love.'' Tec g**-d, the seal, the Irate, 117 HAMILTON AVE MAin 9647 Hosiery. York. Thursday aboard the SS LIVE-WATER^ . . Helen, Thomas Is ga/ing OJve to your scbosl tbe best U. & v Freddy WoUord'* way . Columbu. $1.39 Winner of a Ftllbrlght scholar­ — •l\»^*_Bi Wayne White, you're coolt You And tke best will « ship uward, Miss Cooper will en­ have et least five admirer, and te you. ter the University of London to school'* just beginning . . . Who's Willa Prysock making a study nutrition during the aca­ demic year 1963-54. ACTION play for now? . . . Wedding MODE HOSIERY bells will soon be pealing for THE SENTINEL DIRECTORY TO BETIER COIUMBUS BEAUTICIANS S Stores To Serv* tl She its the daughter of Mrs. Virginia Covington and ' Bill COWNNA'S INI ML Vernon Av. FE. 1SU Charlotte J. Cooper of the Gar­ Hank,. ... Knowing that Betty BEAUTY SALON SS E. State Bt.-AD. S5«e field i addn James' telephone rings -son- 311 N. WasartSBgtan Av*. Opea Mon.-Frl. t s. on. RKCIKTKB AND von:: atantly, how can *ne say that Specialising In 'til l:» p. m. 8*1.. 9-9 obes not busy? . . . Everyone C.pl.t. Basal, 5«„i,, Wilk Bask I. OU Laa.ua, : Facials and Msoicares Columbua, O. wanta to know who Cbarles All Phases ef Reaely Culture McAfee Beauty Salon Collage Beaut, Be* Homecoming, Basket Feake of South is dreaming C.mnlete Beaut, Trralmenl SHINGLE TlOUSE 862 ML Vernon Ara. about now that he's the future Res: MA. _US • Res. AD. M57 COR1NNA NICIIO-LS, Ttop. Barak StaUleles, Hills BEAUTY SHOP EV. 8332 Meeting Al SI. Paul Don Wright? . . . Does tbe Sfae Waakmgtan, OpersUrs 140. Cr.a.ill. SL, PA. 7M. "-XC" on Hart Chapman's Consplet. Bsant, Servic. 'Members and friends are in­ WANTED! SUSAN MAE BRYANT P.—,. sweater stand for Ex-ChampeT Experienced Ope rater. Opr. P.ulln. Ssasrt fMJtWJtp fa/t, vited to bring their baskets and Good fbtSMtal tUstrkt Prop. Jaaey Uegsusn Carr attend annuo! homecoming and basket meeting Sunday, Sept. 20. EVER!RODY'S TALKING JUST A HEBE BEAUTY at St. Paul AME church, 639 E. ABOLT— The ntrw romance of MONDS' CLASSIC SALON Fairoas Beaut, Barr Long st., Columbu*. Special pro­ Cornelius Sinclair and Margie S4. N. IM St _ rA. SS7. tt? HI. Vera*. Ave.-FE. 11U grams huve been planned for Hunter. The breakup of Doris Beauty Salon Complcts Beauty dea-rlce Scsl, rrcalrneat * Specially tbe day. Rev. Isaac Louden, Bryant and J<>hnnie Austin. COLORHAIBA 920 K. Long — KE. 6132 Pair. Cre.a, nusnagc, Winifred May. Saaaders, lnes liobert. -ups Harry Smith's now road to day school and church, will borne (his neighbors' barn). Th* Ckigaua.. Pag.lH,,, A B.aiul. Mitehell, Sally N.lsa. Jobnnl. Mary Lee walker. Operator. JETBLACKlVl BttBjBB. B*a.ti Sawk. Virginia Bater. Operators Peril. Bessie,, Bossli. W. turn from Yellow Springs, O., fabulous Peaks brothers. The to conduct the 6 p. m. vesper coming home of Arbutus Powell A.a Card,., Op.,.,., Klspress. Anna Plensrd, Part**, Proprlelers Elgetha Currlngton. Owner service. Music will be furnished plus his recent engagement to by all of the choirs uf tfie church. Colern Gaines. Gerry Fraime's M* tSast". r^HMtsVrimte new hairdo. Dianne Fraxier be­ REGISTER AND Villi;! ing able to keep Preston Castle New Lecatio. donghng I and we do mean on a Logan Boitai.n Classic EXQUISITE MODE BEAUTY WOP Annual Tea Sunday string). The fact that Central is g[jr-HE Beaut, Sak» going to be the new city champs. KS Mt. Vena* • PE. an. Carol Early unit of Blue Star Caaaplct* Beauty Scrvire Mothers of America is having its Irsln^p CHABLIE MAE LONO aad Sa*.!*!!.!., _ _, ___, o[ B,.ulj ___, annual tea at Elmhurst party Bears. The big hit the ANNA BOZESIA.N. I'rops. home Sunduy, Sept. 20, from 4 tile StcFarland sisters gave Ihe IJa.rat*ris Louise Hassle, Preps; Birdie Breedlove, Kslklcen iKitt,) WUS. to 7 p. ni. The honored guest is tars at Central. Gene Bennett Lerrlla Haddock, Alice Petty. Operat.-: .tUttle Mere., Lillian Uldlirk, returned prisoner ut war Sgt. aria, free, single and discn-j Lee*. Wade, Uarriet Duals, Mabel MeKalgat; Eala Rirhry LEE'S VHOV* Benjamin Conley. Chairman of gaged, but kttking for BLACK STRAND Uie program Is Mrs. Sylvester body. The cut. cheerleader'. Reid. Belreshmcnts chairman is Skippy notniison was with from Se.liin. diversion?. ..Jusl check The Sentinel's ,mu«-enl, Kctioo ever, Mrs. James Chambers. Chair­ Delaware. Donnie Brooks sUllf r_.ll H: _?™,ile,c' uF"t»_at. dir«tor Tot whew. ,_ *,tr_ti*«u arc pl.ying . . - man uf hostesses is Mrs. Malta- playing behind Barbara Mo.ca.1 _™d_n^J^nl,n.l ..,„ svceL for m.ny other intere.lin, fr.lure. too. ncsc Truss and general -chair­ man is Mrs. A. B. Smith. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1183 SEC 1—1-ACE4 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 1», 1*_ THE OHIO SENTINEL SEC. 2—PAGE t Gas Drying Proves Superior ttieraass Retuni Ftcnn ENJOY A RICHER UFE WITH MUSIC Miss Ash, Mr. Speaks To Old Method: Researchers t-drwflAtfCtasfe Mr. COSMOPOLITAN MUSIC STUDIOS Recent tests by staff member* ISnwa niters point nsaa, J.1I a. IU. ar., Columbus, of Onio Stat* university have that unless cloth** are. well hare retainied bn— a racatje. United At Springfield proven that dr ing clothes in * »Aashed, neither line drying ,., us Detroit and Canada. Mra. Isl.'TH E. f-Al.DrVFJJ. - Director dryer is superior to dryin—g dryer drying will perform mu- Bowman, co-owner ist Lagaa SPRINGFIELD MU. Portia Monica Ash became the family wash on the drtbes* acle*. When soap i* used in hard Bowman Beaut, Saton, left this _« btM» ,, Vict_. Banytro Speak, during a double ring S8« ARSENAL AVE. FE. 4447 water a cordis termed end often weex ror anocnsr vacation in n. ._,.„... . retained in clothes. The sun may York City. nuptial mas* in St. Barnard church on Aug. 1. oxidize the curd causing * yri- Rev. Fr. Cletus Relger officiat- of white clothes. OrPKBIISKJ T.I FOIXOWINO Mil SUSES: ,use accidents by blowing the ed. Parents tst tbe couple sre line d»'*n- Dust and *oot c«n Mr, and Mrs. Wilner Ash. 87 N. blow onto th* clothes, requiring Murray st. Mrs. Leots Speaks, • ORGAN * CLARINET ishing ot some Items. 1009 MotesaVst, and the late O HARMONY * SAXOPHONE Beautify Your Walls! When dried in i Honor attendants, Miss Ruth •r, than when clothes dryer all colors with on*- Aab and Mrs. William Speaks, wore tkx-r length gown* of whit* la Histar, Aad Music Appr.ci.tk they were new. When-dried out­ exception remained as deep and doors all Items except pillow clcur as new although they lud Add glansoar and Beaut, t* lece and white nylon net, respec­ cases diapers and nylon slips been washed SO times in hot de­ tively, over uf let* with white were whiter than new. The OSU tergent v.-it*r. Both types ol rear Boas* wits, wallpaper. lace picture bat*, red aattn slip­ study proved that in almost pers end red carnation colonial drying affected bootable blue Pattern* for svemrf room lit every case; dryers sre superior dyee, although stable blue .dyes bouquets. to line drying. showed less ohexige in gas dry­ th. tin.., aad colors seas—Me Bridesntaids, Misses Florence GAS APPLIANCES dealers in er* than when lino dried. Mtxttgomery, Revilla Sanders The Ohio Sentinel circulation la erer, tat*, and packet- and Patricia Berry, wore white area are Informing the public A period ot lit days wo* re­ atutle-length gowns, red slippers, about the many advantages ot quired to complete to* line dry­ picture hatF and carried red automatic gas dryers. Many ing study because only 00* __y I iwllip makes snd models can be seen in lour Va* tvuiUble tor out-til- IvotvMa Aeb, the bride's sister, on the sales flours of local deal­ daor drying, llnow end rain oc- we* flower, girl In a white or ers and on the display floor of 92 days aud the Gas Co. REGISTER AND VOTE! Differences between dryer and line drying were so slight in th* Items' would havi Mrs. M*Wf6 Bfo WR test* that they could hardly be bit 11 rewaahed before wt-urinj dlsuaguiivhed by a sensitive light because uf soot deposits. VhHs Relatives • Mrs." Muude P. Brown of Co­ lumbus last weejt visited her mother, Mrs. George McNabb, in Howard University Graduate Williamsburg, Ky. She was »c- W.llp.per lor 10*12 ipenled by Curtis Pnmty. They also visited Roy McNabb ivliliionare For Day In Navy raoaa far aa Uttt* as tn Knoxvilie, Tenn., Mr*. Ruth Cowan in Dayton and a sister of WASHINGTON. — .Did you ever wonder what you'd Mrs, Cowan who was visiting .lo If you hnd S4 million? from Knoxville, Mrs. Marie Hur­ Well, Howard university graduate Charlotte S. Hutch- m ley. Enroute home they visited inaon ha* that amount, of money every month; howe, ••lie doea not have to worry about what to do with it. As disbursing offioer for thc j r of Mrs. Brown, civilian payroll at the naval sup- { and sign each check before R.4LWAI1PAPER ply depot in San Diego, CaL, itj ratjoey con be disbursed. ^'J/jtnsmlTlmU^^ is Ensign Hutchinson's job to see I ahuuld any Ice* or Overpayu Your Sentinel phot 1,000 employee* at she 1* liable. 4 PAINT CO. number la Springfield some 20 naval inaUtlation* tn 2-ft«€t>—Grace E. Lee co Approving 22,000 checks • •tt ML Vera*. Av AUTOMATIC ctoTHES DRYER southern California ar* paid for month is un exacting task, their services. signing each check is no, A team of 150 pet-sons in tbe suenuuus as 'it might goto Ilth naval district's Fiscal Dept. and Disbursing Division actually mechanical check Signer Save $50.00! David Lyle make* up tbe payroll, but forma this task at th* rati year old officer 400 check* per minute. My Wife Dries My Heavy Work Clothes for Less Than Gas Dryer Special Second Baptist Bible Class 1c a Load in Our GAS Clothes Dryer Annual Pew Rally Scheduled Wkijtte^ Free Installation! By IIATTVK B. UKUMONU i At 10:45 a. ni. worship wa* Tb* b*nvi**t work dathss dry tooeo qg.c-.ly, more eoiity, m opened with e devotional per­ The Uplift Bible class of 2nd iod. The senior choir sang. In the cheaply — indoori — tnonltl lo Ihe dependable GASfloat a . COMPACT automatic ^S-r Baptist, Culumbus, will have its absence of th* pastor. He v. ____a_j______annual pew rally and musical Stanley Smith presided. Anthem progrum .Sturdily, Sept. 27, at was directed by Mrs. Leotw There It no itoopa-ng, basdlrtg, *h**t-hlng — ao heovy bottett 7:4. p. rn. Guest speaker is the Bruy. Guest speaker was Carl WASHER and DRYER HOW MORE pastor. Rev. C F. Jenkins. Out­ Shoemaker, layman and cha p- te cosryl GAS driet dolne* -^lomalicaOy- standing talent will participate. lain of the Columbus GU1*HSI '*, __*, wBsUsYa. tfirt.r drtd_—At jottw cotil Mrs. Fannie Eddings Is chair­ Tott* It eaty on wmbclayi Choot* GAS! WOHMRFUL JHAM man and Mrs. Rt-se Ford co- la th. ftrr*r*i Youi! enlojr chairman. Tin U.SUAY, Sept 17. from 11 a. m. to 7 p. rn. tbe annual tWaaslkal, ihjing •ll.iiimi La*t Sunduy in th* Sutrday eve., crested by .salaalr. chicken dinner of Circle No. . tap. Ar-- imt school the Soul Winners Bible will be bald. Mrs. Viola Ogl*u*-* class hsd charge of the program i-protet is chairman and Mra. Estelh- iDsasa. with Mrs. Ueribie Johnson pre­ Gilo* cu-chairnitn ... Thursday siding. Scripture was by Mrs. at 7:90 p. m. prayer **;rvic* t*

Sot th* Hamilton Cart Oryer et •(Gss or Boctrie Models) le**on. Music was directed by Announce New Way Your GAS Appliance Dealer: Mr*. Mary Sawyer. Mrs. Sadie S**,it.ttSa-t..ll COBVUT COWU ia artltw ttwayl Wooten presided at tbe piano. To Shnr.k Gomg-Away Panful Piles No Down Payment! Wa, Walt Aaethtr Wutals, tmr T.ur New Y„rl. N. Y. (Sp-tcUl) -Forth* HAMILTON? Party Given flr*t tint* twienc* has found a n*w healing substance with th* •stoiv- AAIHO rOU« lUiOAND Miss Cwrgia Ann Geiger of tilling ability te shrink aesaer- IN ro. A DiMONiraariONl , GAS DRYER Cleveland av., Columbus, hon­ rlioi** and to stop bl**dir.g -with­ ored Misses Betty Lou Cunning-' out surgery. hain and Gail Price with a go- Ia e*s* after cat*. psin was r*s- m^* H*v*d proiaptly. Ano. while gentlj ing-awoy p*irty before they led relieving pain, actual raduetk** for Cleveland, where they will (shrtiikoc*) took place. begin their first year teaching' Mott atnasinr of sll-re*"'** HO DOWN PATTIffiNT :-: EASY TERMS in the Cleveland public scbools.' They are 1953 Ohio State um- .•f.-.ity graduates. Guest* at the party were DAVID LYLE, INC. LU.3543 Misses Jevelyn Ann Lynch, Jo' Ann McClure, Betty Banks'and worU-fssttotss rtseareh InsUtuts. Elaine Dixon, of Cleveland. Now this new heallne •ub.tsrw* 3250 N. High SL - Columbus - Open Eves 'TO 9 I* offer** in ointtMnt stent *uid** Miss Curini**gham and parent* tb* nam* of fVr-nsrslisn If.* A*k PAIfiOKIZE SENTIMEl ADVERnSEfiS recently returned from a trip to' for it at all drug stofss-nv-*a«y Mexico City. back .guarantee, ._**,si-e., ™™™W

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1053 SEC. i—PACE a THE OHIO SENTINEL' SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER lt, IMS THE OHIO SENTINEL SEC. 2—PACE T Circle Dinner Set Executive Director Reports To Deltas*. RET IY The annual chk-kro dinner of Chillicothe Wedding For Miss Austin, Mr. Vaughn Circle No. g Of arid Baptist e. ArH>LIAIr(E (0. church, Columbus, will be held 1st played "Alway*." ''Because*' Thursday, Sept. IT, at the church and "Ave Veniwm.'* A trio, trvm 11 a. m. to 7 o. m. Mrs. of 1st Baptist church before Bonnie Austin, Melvin and Ger­ Couslns, and Mrs. Martha Be Sua. And CaU KEY Viobi Ogletree Is chairman and archway fashioned of white ald Woodard, sang "Away Out Vaughn of Xenia, mother uf tbe Mrs. -Estella Giles c^chairtpan. Before Yaw Buy gladioli and two large six In the West" and "The Lord's groom, who wore a two pleci branch candelabra, Rev, Melvin H. & G. MARKET Appliance. Or TV! Prayer." light royal faille accented with Sat N. WASillNC.TON AVE. Woodard performed tbe wedding At 7:39, the bride, attired in a black velvet, and also the bride's t E. Rich Si. erentooy of Mi?* Charlotte Bell Serves 4-5$ two piece dawn blue faille dress mother, Mrs. Elijah Austin, Jr. Austin and Mr. glnald trimmed with seed pearls and She wore a suit of -light aqua. Qualify Meals at tow Prices About fuur-fl/Uur ol the tele Vaughn. carrying a bouquet of pink They both bad corsages ol BeefSte.lt |b. 39c plwte* in the U. S. are served Becinning at 7 p, m. i roses, approached the altar oa white i Chuck Steak. f. |b. 39c Ground Beef 3 !_, $1.00 by Bell telephone companies cale was presented. The the arm of her father, Mr. Eli­ TBE COUPLE WILL make and the remainder are operated jah Austin, Jr., who gave her In BEER S WINE TO CARRY OUT Ml It* it ill The -Senti­ their home In Columbus a Uours S.M A M. until 1.1, P. M, Mangay Urn, Saturday by t-owpanie* ;whose lines d Hamilton uv., in their newly __jj_ SAM. BBttl 1 P. »l. Experienced Clerk —sated nel." nect with tbe BeU System lor TV Star THE DOUBLE RING cere- furnished home. Mr. Vaughn is long distance servi.ee. many was used. The sister of employed st .';.. Frsncls hos­ the bride. Miss Sylvia Austin, pital in Columbus. wsa her only attendant, wearing Out of town guests at the autumn brown sheer, and brown wedding were Mrs. Margaret pumps. Her corsage was white Holloway, Cincinnati* Mr. and MY LITTLE MARKET carnations, Mr. James Vaughn Mrs, B. F. Valentine, Kingston, of Xenia was best man for bis < O.; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sims, Co­ Fresh Stove Ribs-Av. Size 1-3 lbs. lb. 49c brother. Bonnie Austin and Ger­ lumbus; Elijah Austin, Sr., Del- . *?, i—..... •-•*. ald Woodard seated the guests po, O.* Mrs. Geneva Stewart, QualityWeiBers ;.... lb. 39c Mtsskers mt Eseeallv. Bear. *f Delta Sigma Tts.ta ..rarity recently met .1 Deltas* BataBsal In pews marked with white satin WeUston; Mrs. Edna Mitchell, kead*.arter- la WasMagtaa. llignjlghl wss Un saaasl report el cseenlive starecler, Patricia .ass­ bows. During the ceremony, the C^umbua; Miss Marjorle Lewis, Hoirretiwde Sausage lb. 49c organist played softly, "Savior, Xenia; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin ert,. Ustsalag ta the .xccaUv. olreetar'. repert sr., fram left, Alma St. Hat-lee, ckainaaa, *er- Like a Shepherd Lead Us." All Popular Brands ol Beer * Wine at Cat Rate Price. seaael cemmltte*; Jsast A. Hsmlttea, mldaeat rrgi.n.I dlrrcUr; Pauline P. W«ed«a, castera re- Wstson, Xenia; Mrs. Joyce gl.aal dlrecter, M. I.uela Juass, an.la.ra regional dlrerl.r; Vivian Wssklna. a, naemker, ,S»SI» Depp, .Selms; Mr. and Mrs. .el ..mmfttke; Alas. V. M.rsk, eeatrsl rcgtaaal director: Msry Lea Tolkeit, far west r.gVsa.1 at- A RECEPTION was held In Thomas Thornton and family, DELIVERY SERVICE recter, Beber S. Catua, graa. .ire ,r*sUe*t; Dsntkr I- H.lgBs, nsttoaal preside.; staretby P. the church dining room for 06 Pittsburgh; Miss Mae Crawford. QUALITY MEATS AND GROCERIES Barrlsea, graa. tres.u.er: Aster Le. Btadtrsoa, saatawest regional director; M.rhttta Cepkss. guests. A large vase ot Snow on Messrs. Leroy Washington, Don­ Ul N. WASHINGTON AVE. — AD. taJN .the Mountain and two loll cry­ ald Mason and George Ellis, all member, Bnaate eomrnlilee; Gw«SMletre B. Bigglak-stbam, .halraaaa, Itnsare committee; Dara- Brs. IA,M.7IISP.M, thr 8. tractor, member, Beneasual cramlttee; VlrglaU Darla, member. Ilnsnc. e.mmlttee; Naa- stal candles centered the bridal of Xenia. ey EL Lee, graa. sacretary; Carta*. M»y**t«, meeker .ckaJ.rsbip snd stanu'srds romralttee, Aa* table. . .-V, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Austin, Fustier, graa. seems, vies .resident; Patricia Ksbcrts IsUsatlB,!.—ANP Paste. ' • Tbe traditional tbrre tier Jr., parents of the bride, live on cake, topped by miniature bride KL g, Chillicothe, and Mrs. panles whose lines connect with tbe BeU System for long dia- I cut by the cou- Vaughn lives in Xenia. taoce service. FHC Guild's Harvest Tea Is Scheduled will b« given by the Faith, Mope and Charity Guild Sunday, Sept », at ML Vernon AUK church, Co- lumbus. This is (the second proj­ Widely stuiewa ect of this year ' spcrisc-red by Etta stolen will serve at mis­ the guild. tress of -seretnasiles oa ne* 'Mrs. .Martha Gatewood is weekly ABC television show, M chairman of the tea. Assisting laternat'I Show Case,'" sharing her are Mesdames Mattle Urn- that tosh with Jer.se Owens, tun, 'chairman of hostesses; the athlete. Tbe" abow, wUefc Gladys Jackson, chairman of re­ will have Its premiere Wed­ freshments: Mabel Rosaeau, nesday,' Sept. St, 7 to s ,i. m. chairman of invitations and dec­ orations, and Emma I- Cash, chairman of tin- program corn RKU1STER AND VOTE!

' Members of the newly organ­ Phones Speed Express ised Jr. Guild will also have « U*e of automobile radio tele­ table at the tea. you can bjnj __ Uck phones InataUed by the Ohio BEST MERCHANDISE MART Hell Telephone Co. in Cleveland art again. Why be a slave to REGISTER AND VOTE! ttavaatras-arlTWkyU.slsrv»rt TB, AMWI M.,I c,»..«t, A..li,ac« xvi- the Railway Express Agency at? Tnit autntnatic dryar puts an has considerably reduced mile­ Safely Awards To Bell 1013 MT. VERNON AVE. if. 1328 age covered by the espies* ve­ •nd to^.aal>d.yjif_,, lugging, 27T hicle*. It has cut down back­ tsark snd worry. In th* Bersdil Employees of the Bell Tele­ tracking through territory al­ •Jev*t-rt, Martha Jean maki •arsr dotha. at* brsaas^nryed, rifht phone System have won for their ready serviced by drivers who, rated Milk—they e _*eciaUr like that flatly companies the Nat'l Safety Own. on receiving telephoned notifica­ whipped topptas. And " tthatataa- ~ it Milk ell's "award of honor" for the tion of a new order, can pick up \\\\\\^^m ____"b,H" OBMbirJ «•> S3 istpn Of .Steinberg boat.555 baxbtcut nil tor Marths Icon and Usber*. outdoor second sucersslve year, Covi rWorritstie shipments before leaving the a, wuppuiB creaot. *a-*.4art_iiin_, *r4sy gyta sad aandbo* lor DUttoe and Saodrs and tbeir friendi. Ir_ s popular |tlaccl in( the year 1932, the award territory. based on a 90 percent improve­ ment in the accident frequency • • . rate and S3 percent improve, Hety ra. Mn. Ammdlm Dr,„ «_.. ment in the severity rate, com­ HAPPY FAMILY raal'r-ta.** to keep room cool, pared witb the average for Bell companies and the rest of the Normandie Cleaners Tha Pat Milk Photographer Visits THE STEINBERGS dry, free from lint.. . can be used, communications industry du: And Tailors la laundry, kitctusn. _U_o— with' the three previous years. t«S F- Lsug Si of Memphis aa diacomfort to you. I-our-resr-old Dlsnne Steinbcrs; sltesdy anywhere else, for thst matte.-' and Buff doll*, dry at low, safe Commonsense While Martha Jean Still has a part-time teanprratiir., with Hi Airflow--no • UatFfSS njrural for s little arirl whose father had career ss s trsiner for models, her home aaars. beat, corsntrtr aasstjr for his own orcbestr* when be was twenty and family come first — and, like so man* One of your best t.. and whose mother is a professional bomemakers, she finds Pet Evaporated LOANS model. Both MarthaJean and Luther *rt* Milk is a bag help in giviog ber familr ' Set up to alad Di*nnc lias inherited tbeir talcat, delicious, aotimhing food st s saving. food buys bope Sandra will share il, too. Both ber irirls were Pet Milk babies. But tbe most important thing of all, ol* Now, along with their daddy, they enjoy t-ooa coarse, is that right now t>l*nne and the many good things Tb eat that mother Sandra-are growing up in o-f of the nukes with Pet Milk — the first choice happiest homes in all Mesiphis — or of good cooks everywhere. • 1IMPII ONI DIAl OPIRATIONI • IXTBA-LAROI LOADING POP.II • "STA-DP.I" tXMAUSTI • POSIT1VI VACUUM DRYINOI FOR BABIES take AMERICA'S FIRST BEST MERCHANDISE MART FOR. COOKING •.•apart **ts***JS**t*i jutit naturally inspire* Diarine— "T»e Avenue', Most Cempl.te AppUaaee Stare" EVAPORATED MILK ber (rumpt_-pi*rInK daddy has appeared with big. name hand, like Cab Ctiloways, lionet Hamp­ 1013 MT. VERNON AVE. FE.J T/WSTEE BREAD FOR C0FF££ ton*!. Liitber's own orchestra was tbe lust Negro Columbus, O. baud in Memphis to appear on TV. SEC. t-_r AGE a THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. 1353 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1953 THE OHIO SENTINEL SEC. 2—PACE* Akron, Cincinnati, Columbus YWCA Fall BELL'S Classes Set WHO'S WHO IM SPRINGFIELD -Fall classes for home worr Girls Win OAB Scholarships at the Columbus YWCA, t» Ith st., are scheduled to begin LJ "Shall. A Hand'' The Ohio Asa'n of Beauticians this week Bf Grace E. lee Sept. 30 and Oct. 1, and are plun- —K»v« Adams— contest held in Akron during Hi,, organization Columbus ! , "I Know It Waa Th. Mrs Mar, Dungy, 161 Lealng- day away from home with ar •s-pu-s-trscly, 9100. member uf Ihe Y-Teens Board SPRINGFIELD.—Cap.. Thornton G. Grimes, 2214 N. Umestone st., completed opportunity- for fun and fellow — Ward Singer.—- and engaged In other school sc- four weeks orientation course at Military Medical Field .Service school at Brooke army ship ski Us Q -Pomplon Turnpike" arstiip fund, awarded the prl.es T.i,- winners are; tivities. She Is slso a member ol medical center, Ft, Sam Houston, Tex. Sgt. Grimes spent last week with his wife. Char- There is a play period" fo leer), and son and daughter, lie in now being reproccaned in Baltimore and will be sta- dren 2 to 0 on both Wednesdays —Bill Davis— MBST Hon;.., Jean Terrell, Union Baptist church, Ctncin tJoned at Toledo. .... and Thursdoy* so that mothers 0 "Real Gone M.mbo" The SL-holat.hip awards Were, 17, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. nati, where she is president ol Laura Johnson, daughter of ' ' --•*•• • • • - - - may enjoy tl —Bill Daggett Trio— for the first, second and third William Terrell, .15 Elizabeth the junior choir, a Sunday school St., Toledo, who plans to enter le.cher and pianist for thc BTU Mm. Frances Johnson,- 1070 gram and who did we see, as day Sept, 28 , . . Mrs. Artts knowing their youngste: , .. "last Cad Abide'' thc University of Toledo, major- Miss fteed will major In socisl nd st, will' return to Mary- big as life and I ing happily —Robert Martin— i natural Young, 931 S. Yellow Springs elementary education, administration. She alas also * college ut Detroit Sept ---none other than own Ro- recently returned Iron Reservations are required for Next "Bab, It'. You" She also rs-ceived a 1100 scholar- awarded a scholarship from . sophomore. Miss Johnson beria. Mr. Luwsoi mployed day trip to Buffali all classes. For further informs-; • —The Spaniels— ship from Toledo U. alumni at Delta Sigma Ttu-la sorority, Villi continue thc study of mu- as an interviewer lio Statc nd Angola, N. Y., where she tion about the YWCA's fall pro- 'Phs.se Hurry Home" the time of her graduation from TIIIBD — Honiara Carr, Sua? This year she will be the Employment offici and Mr Visited her two grandchildren. gram of daytime and evening —aB. King— that city's Llbby High school. Payne at, Columbus. Mlns, Carr secretary of thc Braille group, Lawson is with Olun Mills Stu- '••"«, classes for adults' Too Much Laria' " SECOND — Sylvia Herd, srho graduated from Columbus East which aids the blind in Detroit dio . . . Mr.'and Mrs. Carl Wind, ajcK AND SHUT-INS — Josh A *oU.er o( Information will bt Week's I . cnt —The o Roy*!**— plans to enter Ohio State univer- High in June as an honor HU- by making records and trans- former residents of this city* Davis of E 3rd st is n-iovt-ring * on request D "Ererrtissu,'' slty this fall. Miss Heed grad- dent. Shell, memocr of Beth. living in Detroit, were re- from a 8.cwnd" _p_r_tjon per- REGISTER AND VOTE! —T-Bone Walkrr—- Hughe. High in Cm- any Presbyterian cnurch and ia . visitors. Accompanying the formed in City hospital this UA IS OK for It provides ctnnati last June. She was a presently employed . "I Believe" t deny spend- couple were their tw_ children, week... J,.nn Cor ley recover- "real services for real people." EDITION 1 at White Cross hospital. In in While here they were enUrtoin- Ing tsom a prolonged Illness, was A recent .urvey shewed that —Mahalla Jackson— N. York. W* turned * TV pro- ed by Mi? spring of IS . Miss Carr admitted to Mercy lio.ipilul Mon- nine out of 1* people benefit 331 N. 20TH SI. —- frle is lo -after OSU in the School (. _ day to undergo an operation. from yoar United AppeaL Busi.es. Pbasus-FA. 7181 friends who helped moke visiting couple's stay pleas FE. I Guidance Center For Children Is Opened Mi.. StPfclNGFtELD. — The Clark WISE SHCT PINlK_ County Child Guidance Center, the Mental Health Ass'n's new with s^tUIA(*<^<0o hew* center have been establish­ yoat itgrtt into th* loyar In ytyur iltln wh.r. altin tolor it tagviotad. Think el ed on the northeast ground __rt Burnett. Many friends it... in Juti 7 days begin to hov* shedat ttfrKlar, imooihar, ulltf altin-o floor of Mercy hospital. Temper- wjVe* of club members enjoyed rstvil *l r*9wlor dietaln-g t_bl- tn* ot diftttad. And thia wor.da,lt;l traom urily, the center "will accept re- games, swimming and refresh- «*th M l.i-!« tee. II you wont ihtlllme rataht-liy a (or of Block 4 Whit* hipl* feitrala from physicians, minis- ,nents ... Tiie .YWCA Ohio Orsngth Hvoching Ctao-n tcdo/ . .. you'll b* Happy you did. ters, attorneys,*1 courts and the adult round table conference school system. tlt.|d sessions in Elyrio Monday CALUWU It -.-Had Aawrita't OiMlify Eoi.in3 Po-d.f- Tbe Center will treat children and Tuesday. Attending 1mm the ' 1 tf*p*ndeU* doubl* under 16 who hove emotional Spring! ield association were i you ce>-iAd*iK* th, difficulties such as behavior and Myrtle Robe, residence direc- It turn out luv.rooiJy light. adjustment problems. It is de- tor, .and Lorraine Scott Mor- t. Colum«t la rsol Quolily! Colunva-t .aolly Jntuisi your baking aucMM sirettthat children, before being chant, administrative assistant. Jfot-tti your piaciout lint* ond ingrcdati.lt agointl f-iluia. What'* examined by the center's psy- , . . Mikki Murphy, daughter of . you hov* oil thi! for orJy a fraclion of • <*nl In cot it SotiJvg rVwtttW O ta •acaltSnt l+tol y chlstrist, undergo complete phy- Mr., and Mrs. Thomas Murphy, 1 oaf otong without th* hart bolting powdat a sicol checkups; Dr. Pomrince Center st., celebrated her btith- aaid. _,iv Sept 2 while Jimii Young, right with bvy-CAtUMtf-you I-TWI light with ih* b*at you REGISTER AND VOTE! MtS. Shots my ani^,tfH»- ond buy ond hy Ceitrmtrt today. You'll b* Reynelds 'Gospel In Song' Al Hardware Refuge Church Sunday in and season arc grouped under ,he Sit ML Terse. Are. out, ignoring the fact that the "Cinen "Gospel In Song" fill i shade may be all wrong for the Gotham's ctossic taupe shade. shape of fier leg, much less '-CincTau,.^'* .trongl-T' Sunduy, Sept 20, -at 3:30 p. m. at Refuge-Baptist church, 400 N. int'iit.'i the ncw*r~,„pnli.-lK-t, l look o! ,U 11 l br 20th at, Columbus, under aus­ Mori's '.'^!T,, , .I'I'L '' "*- '™ *•*•<- -W be pices of Refuge's Wilting Work- Its: ML Vera*. Ave era choir. Director of the choir blues und the imperial is Ada Campbell and pustur of purple color spectrum. ' the church is Rev. R. F. Hair­ ston, Sr. Congregational sing­ Spicer's STYLED SriX'lEICALLY foi ing and guest choirs will be fea­ lush fall browns, "Cine-Brown' tured. Program will be arranged Furnilure blends well with cust, < by l-.vih.i O. Burkes, and mocha brown. The smoky S.EGI8TEB AND VOTE! S93 ML Verses Ave. grey-beige tones of "Cine-Mist" and the darker ' Cine-Dusk" ar* Registration Opens TO MAKE THE 3-D aspect especially important to the choosing the right Stocki... of tbe bluish green* and Cosmopolil Musi wardrobe for your legs a happy lnkv blacks, blue and the tOO An snap, Gotham Hosiery indulges with the new now open fur fall regutraUon. with a particular* greys from pearl to gunmetal Ruth E. Caldwell is director, ly rich color range with sheer *""" coa* au8t* Bernice Hoover teacher ol be purebssed and still sheerer fabrics and The "Cinerurr theory, Ann Still, voice, and 40r*-50% with our card plan. heel and toe ctrostructon to be found in 24 different types Calvin Bethel, wind instruments. la_ Cawwad taw. ha match every whim of the shoi*- ranging in sheerness from *6 Students of all ages are wcl Down comet the cost of eat­ J-O.. Ctwand tmmsm ... tnaker. gauge 12 denier to the sturdy 51 come. Courses are offered in SO. (awn. tmsm la, . Selected to make the leg* gauge und 30 denier knee-high piano, voice, organ, harmony, ing when you buy your Sully's clarinet and saxophone. For in ao. Cwttat Sovt, Pa. the rich colors of fall fosbions, stocking, for really rugged * •meats and groceries' et H.^__>f 44k. Osads Oas Y«s, you smv* 40J to 501 now... save .ceru glow with the soft reflections of These hose can be bought in formation dial Fe. 4447. loan Office KEG1STEK AND VOTE! lata. hra,,a< f tme you ins, til There', Irs. wast, and .hrlnk- the new Gotham stocking tones leading stores and retail at tlJB. and P. Foodland Super' IMS ML Versa*. Arts, 10-1". rrvksg IV. 104. CWda. fs—, «re, l_ peeling and paring, you use less fat Af Brother's Funeral Market. llvUa. hrla* h. or s_rtraiag. It make, meat ertra lender Fast Service and Fair Price* At Meadumes Marie Jackson and "Us Clana. •—» and delscksu!... can cut your furl cost In Sylvia Ellis were called to De­ CLUB STEM Carl L Brown ICUa. HuStil taVraS. haHI It ..... yon money soother way, too: BOBS PLACE troit recently because of thc lb. 49c SWISS STEAK lb. 49c IJJ. Saat Itssar Ifttk. twuVO^a > bes'suse It', msdc to Isrts lifetime, you ss-on't 71* BarrioM Ave. MA. tttt Columbus, O. death of their brother. Lew T-BONE STEAK lb. 6Sc RUMP ROAST lb. 69c Markets ISM.. Owsl taaaw _?• new! replacrrnenl. later. Start your set todayl Beer A Wine Te Csrry Out *> Asserted Sandwiches Nixon, former resilient of Co­ IgrW. Osal aaaa* Open * A.M. Til 1 A.M. W«*hd»y, . Suaday 11 AJE TU 1 A.M. lumbus. Mr. Nixon is also sur­ SIRLOIN STEAK lb. 55c CHUCK ROAST lb. 39c lis* Op,. Owl Iran,, tm. ', Ideal for gift* vived by a wife, five children, aaaaas. Sa IIIK*. Sara two brothers, two aunts, of De­ ROUHD STEAK lb. 55c HAMBURGER 3 lbs. $1.00 rws 4 *'.ln frrUaj ,0,) , troit, a host of nieces and nep- •Ca, On* Cat.. Mol„ . 30 OATS' TRIAl ,____5 .SMw+uo U.. for JO day. nnd If not EEG1STER AND VOTE! KrakoH snll.flse, r.lum f.r i.fund. WELL'S FISH MARKET i SPARE BIBS lb. 39c See complete line on display NORFOLK, VIRGINIA, FRESH DRESSED FISH KM Music School Open SMALL . MEATY Clothing Co. Music school is open each-Sat­ EVERY DAY LOW PRICES IM. ML Versa* Ava. Knlpmrnl, Every -Tsars a Sal urday from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. at Sea Ba>. * Oeeaa Pa. Tiwat Neighborhood House. Columbus. Cracker, A Purgtes Instruction ia offered in piano, SPARE RIBS SUPER MARKET organ, string arid wind Instru­ FOODLAND Schilf's LIVE BETTER FOR LESS ments, voice, theory and baton. 1400 HAWTHORNE AVE. Either clau or private Instruc­ 1054 MT. VERNON AVE. FA. EV. 7278 LB. 'X STORE HOURS — Shoes tions are available. Maggie 8 TU 6 Mon-Tour* O 8 Til 8 Fri-Sat KROGER *r •Uiunna Jones I* director. IfsM ML Vrrnen Ave. SATURDAY, SEt^EMQER 19, 1953 SEC a-a-PAGE 10 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, 19S3 ,- THE OHIO SENTINEL SEC. 2—PAGE 11 woolens, carry the touch even aolution. further with leather bung!* bracelets snd hoop earring*. Before too 'ktig, you TOoy be HI COIUMWS--SHOP (10SE TO HOME AND SAVE! buying fruit jutco powders at The Sentinels To beep the children occupied your favorite market, When per­ Local And National Viewpoints e on a rainy day, let them mak* fected, you will dissolve them their own bracelets snd neck­ quick ss a wink in water to lace*. Witb a or 9 color* of all- make Ihey fruit Juice of your choice. Grape powder is now in EDITORIAL SECTION Columns e Editorials e Features purpose dye, they can tint old pearls, plastic beads, buttons the experimental stage. sussMAr & sot: snd even odd-*haped macaroni a variety of bright colors. Peeled poutoe* (sliced or diced) will stay white for last TO CARRYOUT minute cooking it you dtp them Fell and winter skirt* will be lc*M MT. VERNON AVE. . Columbus. O. _y ANNE GOODE m s quart of water to which 3 W« Deliver shorter and slimmer, according tablespoon* of lemon juice have With fall's •born of plenty of­ to fashion eaperte, so we lsdles been added. Let stand covered By John B. Combs fering such luscious fruits, pre­ had better start remodeling laat in tbe refrigerfstor until resdy pare a fruit platter for luncheon year'a wardrobe. Hike up the Speaking of Politics WHY UI6 CASES! —thin slices of red-skJnn«d ap­ hemlines so they're about 14 to evwwiHs pear halves and seedless 18" from the floor, depending Fr.ua Fr»... V.,.,... green grspes on a bed of crisp on what's moat becoming to you; chicory. .Serve with It this dclec- T ISN'T there are mysterious ingredients mine what the Legislature ef Juvenile delinquency from pie of the. result* of those who and discard tbe taffeta lining* in salted I I often that*0 these cheap wine* that affect should do to eliminate this the r-sy manner ef wine fall- succumbed to the life-ravishing dresslttg: 1 cup resl mo* which gave skirts that puffy U Salle Wine Stores yarmsise combined with 1 beaten Drain in s colsnder; moke a present evlL" lug' late tbe luutd* of teen­ habit of a liquor which is as aauce of melted vitaminized wa aforesaid, we cannot ager*. Nat only ha* it bee* re­ devastating ss heroin* mor­ S> E. Sprlag Stl 8. Blgk Eg white, T* teaspoon salt and tablespoon.-, honey. margarine and a smidgen of himself In ac- they sense there is some chemi- recall ever being on th* same sponsible tor leading -untold phine or any other of th*> many cord with a col, synthetic in character, that side of an issue with Mr. Fergu numbers of our youths astray. narcotic derivatives. like a narcotic, son, who is noted as a "big bet it eon else be trseed to And what is more alarming, Jerry Bra—.', fruit If you have a favorite leather : PAUl'S have a basic white one w cheese; quickly toss and-1 1 result 1* that these vie business" spokesman tn the Leg- tbe bottom of thousand* ot according to a recent report of * Vegetable Mkt elt and matching beg to wear you'd like to rejuvenate, uat CABBY OUT STORE State ind up as pitiful charac* Islature. But in this particular- petty and major crimes corn- the Dept. of Liquor Control, th* rith your fall tweeds and all-purpose dye to achieve a great percentage of them Instance, we are more than de- milled by grewaaps, aceereV- ;.i... s. — i... a..... IM W.W.. Car*. Omm shaded effect. Here's how; first, David Jersey, fabric friend of no lot nental hospitals.'* - lighted to place our blessing and lag to peUce reports. H.-.u: . A. M um.il g P.M. B.w Wkm— AU—M.aw. dip the entire stole in a weak msny women, is having itself a unqualified support behind his A substantiation < Pre. OaVvovr—EV WIS dye solution of the desired color; whirl in fall fashions. It's ap­ Warfield next, add more dye and redlp bridge). HE SAID THE State Health movement. Tor wc firmly be- melt, can be made by visiting This astonishing increase last pearing In chic turbans, stoles nek Dept. advised him that "only lieve that it is the duTy of the any municipal courtroom during year resulted in 01,024,354.34) in two-third* of the stole; finsUy, and shawls, weskit*. glove* and MODERN MARKET ;. rec- the Liquor Dept had the neces- Legislature to take Immediate court hearings and observing excise taxes being turned over Jefferson .nd ML Vernon would you believe it—they say _ _ d sary facilities for analyzing the steps to effectively curb tbe the long line of grim faced, un- to the state's general revenue Reunion Is —'11 hav- jersey aboea later on. John B. Combs CONFECTIONERY that firm character of these wines snd sale of this life-wrecking cheap kempt men and women, com- fund, according to the report. Haa GeacrnW,. Ira... step*- be • taken 1 the determining what, if anything, wine. monly known as "wlne-oa," who This Is $lLV8,t*SI.27, or' 0-percent Noel, Eias Bam A W... To Ca—, Oat Held Sunday.. sale of cheap wine In this i ahould be done." * * * . appear before tb* bench. Tbe more than waa turned into th* par caw — WITH Ml Ml Van., A.. FE. SSIS I wa* forced to wholeheartedly H« asked Skipton to institute JUVENILE sn.iiorilies st- forlorn expressions on- the pris- fund i THU AD T. J. Kami,., r,.. SPRINQFIELD.—The Edward agree with the veteran lawmekV D*c****r*' Procedure to deter- tribatt* a estesadersbls degree oners' faces ort a living exam- Wia* sal., last 7bo_ iJtT^I, „„on 1 * tbe re pert might Appear, lawmakers would hesitate be- Jack and Hazel Warlield, David ~~~39cft. FA. 0431 and ethers askingLto lor some kind _, ^ __.„,, ,_„ ,„lm.u there ar* till! amongst as that fore acting on any propose! de- BOS ML Varaaa Ara. Warfield, Janice and Eugene !*.* Tt " •*f ""W< I tb. .„, flv_ birth ,„ u„_,. ,om,. almost incredible type ef pe- signed to reduce tbe state's rev­ Smith's Confectionery Hammond, Ellen and Mark WXJE 0U0 telfew Osarten 3arc ft. Columbus, Ohm kale of these win-*. ••. , _,„ d .fcleuV clrcum.tancM ues, la absentia who even hss enue, but we believe the serioua- 470 Cas-ftHa OS. IE. 130* J(d friends both, the i_g. Basket dinner is at 1 and 2 p. SOS St. Clair Ave. Columbu., O. FA. 0322 truths and untruthi than a trifle unfortunate under Hazel of m. Song services sre in charge of Croeerie.. Meats, Confection., lea Cream 'Third Term' labor the fact that we are inc the circumstance* that Involve the Industrial Commission of- Lester "white, president of tbe Wine and Beer to Carry Oat rect is but a short approach the fact that some of oar best fice), have shed one another in State Quartet Union, snd William- WASHINGTON. — With causing us to insist that Iriends are professionals, Is the domestic relations court While, president ef the Clark Cooo- Prop. LEON B. BOLDEN than two years remaining to his .vtlr"disagrees with ', the fact that one of our medi- sense, with Hazel taking the ty Cooperative Singers At 3:30 p. present term there has been a edit6r is about aa eockeyed _ ee friends inform, us that an initiative. So much for the "ideal m., sfternoon worship will be in­ con-rtnntly growing popular de- Joe McCarthy, Joe Walcott (u* appreciable shortage of Inflow couple" business . . . And how charge of the Peace Baptist church, of essh **} is begsUuting to loom _ think OSU can miss be- Cincinnati. SHOP TUF. HAVE WAV,.' mand that Pres. W. S. Tub- h_ stili inaiats he's a fighter) 0 you man of Liberia min seek a atus Martin Durkin _ t0 giv_ you an idea of the (everybody seems to be aware , ...... , . ,t vided from downtown bpnnfctieiu COMPLETE SELECTION definitely indicated whether he type of figures we have of that contribution te shaky .OT_daHy"a_d"Vbi-V«VaUy) ler-Hilton hostelry (racially, in- ,o |he fairsn>U0(ls and ^ck. candidate fur we include herein a pic of posterity bat the docs) to tbe Columbu* since ownership ^ aiiianc_ '__Smitd Rev^h l.a A presiden. J. ToUtvet orf Mattie Marsh, The Sentinel'* degree toot folks don't find it changed hands. i_ bosket meeting chairman SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER IS, I9S3 • THE OHIO SENTINEL Stt). 2—PAGE 11 SEC. at—PACE 1 THE OHIO SE-fTINtX SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 1», IBM Expert Lists Guides To Save Instalment Buyers Money • Mast ,„,!, get ad* * perslc tag B.iUsa .UrVnlia • Wnen you walk lata aa in- ant . thank vou note ta Ik. foursrl.tloB advocate, k.ar, wtw* User cajs't meet regular Ik. lastalaieat pta.ll ' *t*lf.wil .tare Brat ask th. edit maaagar. dowa parBnaats aad quirk pa,. parmenta for trserctsandise or for t> pick your inalslmeist huus. CA&B prkr. of lis. arttcl. you • H.ad your kst.lm.at oat period*. If, tar example, re. Money bsatuwt* oa the tnstaV with tk* sua. car* thai yss. want to bsrjr. Then ask th. taetai- credit cootr.et CAHErTJLLY. caa afford to pmr .own aa much BMBI alan. pick friend* Buy aril, hs reput- merit Brie* of th* win* •rticla, Tb* foundation', reaesreh r*- at 50 parccat ot th* cash prlc Two Points Of View William J. Chersej., former sbl* inslslm.nl stores. Your It the instslmrnt price wrmi out reals that a high percent a £• of and clean up the "balance In six TWO MONTHS have passed since Simon Spiro was foitnd arfte*. Brtaffaaar of economics, frtands, neighbor* anal th* 1st*- of line with the cash prlc* TRY buyer, know only 1* * general months, wb, should you fall for y n from )I ,t aad am* director of the Nat'l ler Busttte&a Bureau c*n help ANOTHER STORE. You ma, way what they ar* signing up the nothing-dos«i-four-ye*r.to- *,o\i sl % **-S } *l """n* in »•'• »ttl" radio shop at rouadalioa for Consumer Credit, you her.. If you get hooked with hav, to try tour or fir, store., for. FAILURE TO READ YOUR pay Ide.! Such a plan coat* yoa 782 E Lonff st. Columbus, and at this writing bis fiendish * iso.i-rsr.sflt research organis*. fantastic Interest snd carrying but these trips will a.v. you CONTRACT, WORD FOR money tn Interest and carrying killer la still at targe. taon financed by industry, haa charges, and Inferior merckan- money In ihe lung run. WORD, MAY COST YOU charge*. There Is no question that our Police Dept. haa spent made a al year study of Instal. disc, blame only youraelL _ I ,' . . __ _, MONET. ._ uurtalmcnt buyers will fot- many long, hard hours In a futile attempt to solve the cold i credit which S th. back- • Tb. Inaulment business ia _• __j «•< _•" _._.__» • When squer.ed for csa low __^__*^ules.'' Ch.r- blooded murder. But Ucflpite their intense efforts, the bold whan h. asks what y sua. of 111. American economy, highly competiilvi which le a (aiclrnas^te _arnj__and un- ^ Mr,( ..,_, ._ M>. mOMTj daylight killer has evaded them. - Her. are some guides listed by break for the buy Doat be a "^ ___*^J"tt£!,r.^'£ able to meet your 'monthly ht- Sn«"_3 he.d'.ch.s.~ - The Ohio Sentinel has cooperated with the police In Cheyney for th* wise and money sucker and Jump Ih__e —,first . •"•I wasrlirass. Actually, hs la „.,„,_, ,„,-__ c.u or viall ! this case in every respect. We posted a .100 reward for saving use of instalment credit .u.r. you ae* when yoouu need "jiist__ _ •» help yoa, a. well as th_ * credi_j.t „_.,«, _•_,, information leading to the arrest and conviction of the atsty-glr. ,*.i.at af tk. V. B. furniture or srhen you want to DIATSXY. -This, Ion, will save vicious slayer. One week after the killing, James J. Mc- , the rnit.lmenl _J IMniall. how... . -.„ _, you money. Reputable stores do Cown, a prominent buainesaman, matched, this with an­ r_ """" _"•_ ™ _• •_ not want ..possessions. Rel.ilers other 9100. burden you with . load you can- _*, WM.iT«r,«™u«.i«. Through these rewardt, smell though they are, we net carry. YOU CAN SAVE _?,„__? J" .__***_*_ MONEY AND PREVENT _f____"_?__**?M hoped would express our sincere tentiracnt* Over such HEADACHES BY COM1NO *_uj£f2sut£ l^fl •TFJ, i brazen lawlessness and at the t*me' tune they would CLEAr. WITH THE CREDIT assrn. vasaiass.... serve a* sa incentive for a possible witnets to turn the MAluiV-irH _L _m J£. ™. houses hav. carried cuatnm.— kmer In. MANAGER, who will often open , mo„_, w«_ut rnaking any YOUR you, .me, to houia««_l fisu_cin, ^."^^S I_*nt week, an evert more violent killing wa* discover­ , U: ed in-Toledo when the bodies of an elderly couple ANTI-FREEZE Sc-nellmeThiX\i..\ ££t, . *\Vl.J°.,!!^-rill eves.try to"'" w«• <*s»_ M4„.^ t b th.__ -ore_ . found brutally stabbed tb death. The vietlir Wll- J lI talk you out nf a .ale. and „_,___, ,____ _ „-. liam Fegler, 78, stabbed 33 Ut !«, nn- d hi-a wif-^ e Bertha, 68. TROUBLES Ikrre ar. plenty ot case* when _. „,_ j^^, _., „_, . yoo re •nd foot hair will stray i stabbed 21 times. the customer, six months later, quire five year* to pay off. The In many aspects, the carte wus similar to the Spiro Alt OVEtl killing, in that there were no known eyewitneBfte*, they sfet it/sighcening toorirt both occurred inside, or near, Negro neighborhoods, and ttaadi (ap to 4 iscbn) uk all three victims were white. Evidence on the murder LETTEKS for Konfolfo* st saw dtuf wenea were of a meagre nature. srwe. Ulf oalj-«label «j*teca. Because, of the locution of the killings, it is under­ Still leading after 40 ccewece- WHEN YOU GET Dear Editor: We kave Just th* account foods: " . . , suf­ standable that police authorities suspected Negroes of me ft*n. etmpttttd s very swccessfal fered Ueerstteee st tks f*re-> committing the crime». The one major difference between Sohio Guaranteed sessles st Camp Alfred I*. bead sad Injuries to the left the two case*, is that Toledo police were more nuccessful ttlllsen, RelkftvaUuie, a la arm when a ear driven by be* in solving their case than were Columbus police. For lesa fart, thi* wss Use best ssssten while soald, in which she wa* than 24 hours after the murder, Det. Sgt. Roy Shelton of BUT, MR. PRESIDENT. CAN HE BE PERSUADED WITHOUT FORCE? we have hod In our tverea a passeager, was Involved In a The Toledo police force, and Det. Sft. Denzel Lydick took years at ••**•**_:. W* resits* three ante accident. . . " the fiendish killer Into custody. Shelton is a Negro. This tkat lis see**** wss dee large­ I c»a as* ee poUl la ossav- is another big difference between the tw-p shocking ly te tbo publicity we received tlooiag tk* maid's race since Crimea, and one which should not be taken too lightly. •utroagfc sat* Pule B i a Ma It It wnaa* utsee «f a taetee aa Det. Shelton made the arrest after receiving a tip AS I SEE IT Ts** have esirled -tews ar- Ut* acetdeat tkan tke sessr of from a restaurant waitresa, who also happens to be color­ ttrles, pic tares snd adverUse- tke dress oke w**„ — B*rbce ed. The action of this alert waitresa poses the quention ot soee* tsjouts wbloh kept tb* By Lucius E. lee Willlsa* DsrnaM, EseeeUva whether or not Columbus police wouldn't have had more eaa*p basse* Ute leading pah- See'y, CeltsMbn* NAACP. It*. Sine* Camp Alfred L ttiecea* in -wiving the Spiro murder if they had a Negro WlUavtu Is a aoavprettt ander- policeman on the cane. NIVERSAL military training should be written lata law tut- big that fast. tokisvg tkat has as Us soj-te- '• let uttr sincere effort to.assist In cracking the tins- U has begin, to creep back into til Ute youth, from It year* ap, UMT IS A WAT of life and ao You o*t a written Guarantee- Uv* the providing *fl a aaae- Urdly murder, we made such suggestion* to our police th« holla of Congress sgsin snd of every stale Is a legalised man should he caught up in its obss puce lor youth that Utey authorities. But Police Chief Frank L. Herrison brushed It look* like It will be a sure voter and has bad tbe eppar- enslavement without opportunity thai . your radiator it' protected saay enjoy tb* so* sf *•** the recommendatiou aside* saying, "1 worked in Negro thing this tame. The president taxtity af voting tar er against to express his wishes but that is Uf* under V*_er lead*-ret.'., wants lb Ke has advocated it all congressmen who will psss.oa what will occur unless the vot- aUw'wterlono! neighborhoods for years, and from the experience I aoy UMT law. There was * let ing age is lowered. 20* below zero we need f ricad*. g**ed rabsts*- esghbot-] t't cooperate with colored polit. along. He spoke In favor of it to Ual frietttts, le kelp tu. WANTED! .atheted, N*groe* •ef talk, during the early days * It that age la lowered, it la before every American Legion st tbe Korean war, of lower- -nty ssedleUoe tkat tb* UMT Tear tUH at Aa Okie Sesv i - While we do not question the sincerity of Chief Har­ cunvcntio.i or other qrgaillxe- Ing the veAlng age. That t* one Idea wft| be knocked cockeyed Unel hs* skswn svery wiUlttg- [ rison, we do feet that we are In a position to know-more Uons he addressed before elec­ thing that ought te happen by the rating youth .sad fatn- nsss te kelp es- and we want tion time last year. There Is no about the attitude of the Negro than he is. And, of course,' prouto. It i* rerUloly contrary .lira wko will ke atattxUdV—aaal yeu to aarew tkat lb* TMCA avoid It I ] this article. Is not Intended as any reflection on the Colum­ te tbe priuelple* st democracy tkat wiU bast shout Include deeply apss*clat*a M*i.*bs*g Russia has not only aged .that slices et year* •** aeen everybody. Those persons, who PEYTON'S yea have *V*ne. — Wlefrett T. THE OHIO-SENTINEL de.lrc. i bus Police Dept. But we do feel thut our suggestion mer­ cold war against us since HH5- should be snatched front thent aire teasss>skly tart of exesse- Jaoniati, Beys" Work Secre­ its some serious consideration. Moreover, We venture to but a war of nerves and spend­ witbeet their having, legal tteat frees any services, wUI tory, Sawing 84. TMCA, Ce- orser.lor. W. do not tare the tiaa. to train ana, say that the chances of solving the Spiro case would be.en- ing, with us doing all the spend­ means te assent *e dissent, bsUyheo UMT, but a*k soy tee hanced to a considerable degree with a Negro policeman ing until we have nothing mom and men ftp rest theraselves yeakg uca sad tbeir families SERVICE STATIONS EXPERIENCE IS A MUST. If you are the right perttat working on it. to spend. Just when we thought tkreugk their elected npresen- what tkey think at It and they .Oear EdU»r: I ss*>*_ld like te We do not prof et* to be experts at solving crimes, we could ease off into a more tatlves, will shake their heads ssnt vlgsseststy protest tb* rare but we ore deeply interested in the Police Dept. utilizing peaceful way of life she threw ar. caa place yoa imnaediately. Good wages and work­ IT IS VERY questionable *ay "ao." t * .t St. CUir Ubethtg wtueh I rut* in your it* atrength in such n manner as to serve to the beet in­ tbe H-bomb explosion in our face and our Jittery feelings are whether millions of boys and They tiaed to talk about China papcr. la reportIsg sn accUtent terests of alt. It was with this thought In mind that we ing hours. Contact Err.es! R. Martin or Rut**ll A. Jack- becoming worse. men, under military training, being the sleeping dragon'which, made our unheeded suggestion to Chief Harrison, and in She has kept us worried, and could protect the country from unfortunately, woke up and kick- the interest of lew and order and a* n protection for our atomic blasta as effectively as ed out the shades of the tradi- m, The Oa*. Seatiael, Ml E. Long SL. Box F, Colum­ citisent, we will perhaps make many, many more such w* worry on into the future and that worry gives tbe U.MT argu­ results of the labor of top scien- tlonsl post and put in a Red recommendation* from time to time. lists seeking protection, to begin government. America has been bu., Ohio. ment Its best support. hCebata. Meanwhile, the Spiro murder case has been placed on BUT THAT H-BOMB dope not with. The only thing a huge asleep under a lull of hysteria army or service could do ln and fear, out of her'right mind, file along with the other unsolved murders which have only supports Russia's program "Men at Distinction Follow thU Uuectory of wearing our pc«ketbo»*a and atomic wars would be to atxvt allowing seeming know-hows to rested there for a long, long time. a* occupation force* and that cover up the reel Issues of the T. Better Toasorial Service" nerves out but helps those among us who seem bent on ought to be unpopular with American way with those fears. keeping up a ecere which helps American citizens for, instead• America must begin, to recep- Mi BARBER SHOP us to maintain ah armed camp of staying camped ln the lure her town hall meeting type Pierce's Barber Shop Correction Please without shame. We all truffcr but enemy's country until he pays of democracy by a careful SS3 H.rriasa Ara. EDITORIAL appeared in the Afro-American news­ the youth of the country suffer* reparations for the damage he examination of some of our pot- Complete Barber Servic* J1ILS most because he has become the has done us, we camp there to idea and no policy needs great- Men, Women, Children'. papers last week: greatest victim of the scare pro- give him money to put him back er examination than the pro- Haircotiing — Facials "Georgia's Gov. Herman (Hummon) Talmadge had on bis feet to fight us som* posed UMT. There's gold tor himself photographed shaking hands with the Elks* The draft program he* com­ more. some in "them thar hills" rd HELP! grand exalted ruler, Robert H. Johnson, during the con­ pletely ruined his confideiace in There Is no very good argu- UMT but bell for thc youttu and Hsu (BBBS*g ment for UMT, for tbe program the families who have to fc-k up SU6'S WHALEY BARBER l%msmd...smsW...ssmmt...s^^mrr Twl at,, N. r. were not for such a program r*r»*rly Ml. Vet-eaei-St. Clair Barber bltep BARBERSHOP referred to in the Afro editorial. In fact, it is more than most of them would be clerking ling servic* weapons Let ua awoken to this thing rot Alii UMT that creeps Into Congress 964 MT. VeRNON AVE., Near 18tb St. 621 E. lx>n, SL barely possible that the only photo In existence of Tal­ in stores or doing other menial taught him in a short tin . That SEVEN CHAIR SHOP madge shaking the hand of a colored brother was taken while collar jobs. They never happened in two recent wars. and make sure that it will die l'«isl, and scalp lieaunenU of abortion because America Complete Barber Servlt* Tf* mi h sTaaaaa] . In smite Ms*. |aj by a member of The Ohio Sentinel staff In Atlanta to cover bad it so good before. If a youth learn* military A Specialty does not want Its birth. UMT Men, Women an* Children's Hair Cuttiag and BtyUng the convention for this newspaper. Bat, let sac ge back and con­ teachings at 18 and has no occa­ A Specially Beanie William Iteynouls jure ap so old phrase I bee- sion to use them for ten years, ts an lostrument of totalttnrl- laadles Hair BebMag, 8ealp Treatment, Deluxe Facials and W. J. Saber. Uarter. MR. AM) MRS. A10HZ0 P. HAIRSTON Even Jf we don't get the credit that we feel Is due us rowed from Patrick Henry: he has to learn oil over again aniam, net democracy. Above Barbers: Charles Dudley, Andrew Harris, Damon Lynch, Conpl.l. mm the Afro for Charles Hairgrow's photo .scoop, we "MUltary service witkeet rep- because those teachings, he ail—,* th—e yaat. h should have Wilbur f-acwg. Chester E. Shsrp; JOHN THOMPSON, Prep. BARBER SERVICE certainly enjoy the luxury of bragging about it in our own reseaUUon." I de est beUev* learned at 18, will be outdated. . voter', right te pass sa it •**• columns. ih*I on* Use ef any UMT Weapon* and method* are cbang- way or another. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, ltS3 THE OHIO SENTINEL SEC. 2—PAGE IS SEC. I—P AC* 14 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19. 1951 Sept.-Oct. Momentous Months At Christ Memorial Baptist Youth Leader Shiloh Speaker Sept. 20 Sunduy, Sept. 20, at 3 p. m. Shiloh Baptist church, Mt Vernon the third World Baptist Youth Congress meeting in Stockholm, two reapomibilitie*. Rev. Phale D. Hale and congre- trea will be conducted by Rev, and Hamilton a vs.. Columbus, is presenting Miss Mamie Hanksr- .Sweden. B, L. Brantley of Macedonia Special events take place* the galion of Union Grove Baptist son of. Cle vc land, who wilt tell of ber experiences while attending Mlss Hankerson is secretary of Mt. Haven Baptist, Cleveland, i n g week of Sept. 31, through Sun- will be guests. Baptist. At fl:30 p. m. tbe BTV. penance for Christ. Menwinal Ihe fourth World Baptist .Youth Congress convention recently in et which Rev. Charles H. Creble Is* minister. She also is pianist B*ptii>t church, Columbu*. month for sll memlVrs, both de- day, Sept. 17." Tuesday night, • * * •» under leaderju*ip of Miss Ann* for the Sunday school and prayer meetings and direct* the Cleve­ The pastor and member* are linquexiU and regulars. Sept, 22, Rev. T. H. Hines and SERVICES SUNDAY. Sept. Roebuck, wilt stage s pageant. . Hie de Janeiro, Brazil. land church's, Youth Fellowship. urging and making welcome all The ooal of this effort is the coij_regation of Centenary Meth- 27, will be ss follows: SPECIAL FEATURE for Octo­ Miss Hankerson, s leader amctng U. S. Baptist youths, Is s The Sept. 20 meeting Is being sponsored by tb* Baptist train­ ol their friends to feUowahip ' — the church 9 ber will be that of tithing. The grsduats of Schsuffier college in Cleveland and holds an MA de­ ing unions of the fourth district, of which Eugene Crawford ia with them and take advantage In 10 s, in. Al 10 a. m. private month of October will be known gree from the Western Reserve university Graduate school. She president The public is invited to attend. cars and hired vehicles will a* Try God month in the church, wss a member of the American Baptist delegation which attended Pastor of Shiloh Baptist Is Dr. J. W. Parrish. transport members and friends REf.tSTKIt AND VOTE I Village, on Riverside for the remelning services day. This event msrks the Bethany Group 1 retreat of -Christ Music Lovers Install At St. Paul Church here will be no for transportation. At By LOUISE BILL THE Z*ril anniversary and of thc organization. Other mem­ a. in. the pastor. Rev. L. H. Plans Parcel bers include Margaret Jones, •'fleck y* the Lord while He Installation service of the Music hnson, wilt preach, and the Juanita Bowen, Amy- -Ntekene, MAMIE HANKERSON taay be found, cell ye upon Him Lovers Guild, Branch No. 2, of the Nat'l Ass'n of Negro Musi­ Edna M<.tinKt, Hattle Bedford, Post Sale while He Is near—Isaiah «:«. "THE WEDDING OF the Ruth Edwards, Mary Stark*, cians, Inc., was obscrv**d at 7:30 Painted Doll" and style revue Mable Tidmore, Rebecca But­ St Paul AME, Columuu-i, hud p. ML Sunday at St Paul. Thu wiU be given by the Unity Cir­ ler, Virginia Crumpton, Martha QUMIIY FOOD SHOP those present will fellowship to­ organization has worked hard gether at * basket feast, which as guest speaker at 10:45 a. m. cle of St Paul Friday, Sept 25, Curry Vera Fisher, Madeline No. I & 2 under the director and founder, Good, Louise Hill, Mild will be.free. At 3:45 p. m. «erv- Sept. 1«, St 8 p. in. st Broad St. service Sunday Rev. J, D. Wynti, at 8 p. nt. In the lower auditor­ _ Ml. Versos Avc-FA. 159. Presbyterian church, Columbus, pastor of one of the leading Mrs. Helen Carter Moses, for the Hobbs, Wanda Lee, Hester Low. The Council of Club* of Bethany churches of Mound Bayou, Miss; cultural and musical uplift of ium of the church. An adticd at­ cry, Anne Mason, Pearl Peter- la The Streetcar 5000 Phone Employee* Presbyterian church, uf which Topic of bis sermon wss, "The the community. Lllile Brooks is traction will be a bazaar of ap­ 14, Miami Are-Fit. t»M . Mrs. Edward Mopley is president, Great Decision." Music wa* by president Those on the program rons and baked good*. Refresh­ Tb. Beat IB Bar-U-t|, CaUI. and Mrs. Clara M. Carter thei choTua and the were Ellen Walker, Rosalie ments ..will be served. Ann War­ Pried Chicken Belong To Pioneers chairman, anivounced that pro­ lor ch< under direction of A. Smith, Alma j>nornton, Mabel ren is general chairman. Tickets Prep. JA8. ANTHON* ceeds will go to Bethany Pres­ Crosby. Pestor of the Carter, Geraldfoe Hairston, More than -••">' present and byterian, of which Rev. John B. moy be purchased from mem- Mrs. II A. M. - 1 A. M. ipioyees of the Ohio Quick .is-minister. church I* Rev. J. D. UowelL Georgia Brandon, the Moman Christine Hayes Is president Anniversary Set Bell Telephone Co. sre member* Featured will be singing by , For Tabernacle of the Tob. hone Pioneers of the Bethany choir under direc­ CLOTINE'S J**.* West wseetosted seeal- America, »0 organisation com- The 38th anniversary of Em tion of Dr. William Aitderitoo, a manuel Tabernacle Baptist CHICKEN SHACK deet ot tbe IMei-eeee*sle*tieual prising 62 chapters in tbe U. S. skit by tbe Guy wood School of Payden Anniversary Is Set SS. IV. Coodale St. Jr. I'sber* al a aneeung held end Canada with 173,000 men church. 331 N. Garfield av., Co- Interpretive Patncinj,' "History me Finest Is last Thursday at the bears* st ' snd women who hsve bed 21 or The 20th unniveraary of Hcv. 21, through Friday, Sept. 25. lumbus, of the Negro In Ohio," with Hnme Cooked Foesls Mr. aad Mrs. Washy Green- more years in the telephone in­ rhoreography by Mrs- Matthew W. J. Payden, pastor of Calvary- The following will- be guest Sept 20-30 with programs each field fas Cetesa.se*. dostry. Tremont Baptist church, Colum- speakers and their choirs and evening beginning "at 0 o'clock, DAVE OOODsUN, M,r. bus, will begin Sunduy, Sept 20, congregations will be present: Opes SI Hours Dallv at-3 p. m. Revs. A. L. Mason, Bethany REGISTER AND VOTE* The afternoon services will be Baptist; C W. Walton, Union _Pnf_Tl„fV held at Centenary ME church, IJoptist; L. H. Johmon, Christ *v,"w*,™,r Calewuod will lie cushiei Long and tilth sta. Thc speaker Memorial Baptist; 1>. D. Hale, Hcv. T. H. Hines, pastor of BOSIIY'S The parcel poet ssls will have will be Rev. Henry J. Payden, Union Grove Buptist; R. T. Centenary Methodist, Columbus, EASTSIDE CAB CO. an official auctioneer. pastor of Greater .Abyssinian Gleaves, Friendship Baptist will use .us his theme, "Disad- OUICKlUNCH REGISTER AND VOTE! Baptist, Cleveland. .-Jin of Cob - Sunday, Sept. 27, at 3 p. in. vantage ." ot 11 a. m. Sunday. I00S Ml VEHNOft AVE. vary-Tremont'a 'pastor. Calambas, OU* The remoJndcr'of th« Woman's Day Sep!. 20 FA. OMS - choirs. "The Conscript" will be S**arwUb*a *l sal kiad* In Wo. n's dsy #the theme at 8 p. m. with music FE. 5511 Sunday, Sept. 20, st Caldwell by the Gospel chorus. At 3 p. m. C«*aplM* BBSstt Temple AME Zion.church, Co­ baptismal services wiU be con­ Bar-Be-Cue OUT Specialty lumbus, focus centers on the ducted at Spring St YMCA theme "Christ Calls to Mi-jsion Pilgrim^ Pastor Mitchell, - Young adult choir wiU sing *'. , and Unity." Headed by Mra. Intermediate, Youth And Young Witblo t rfile. Artemis F. Cook, the women ot REV. W. I. FATDEN Adult Fellowships meet at 5 and the church are busy with prep­ Injured Recently, At Church 6:30 p. MI. . . . Midweek arations for a successful • pro­ is Wednesday at 8 p. i gram. Captains In the financial Voare Always Wettest* By ELIZABETH COOPER ill, in Beckley, W. Vu. . *__• Tuesday, Sept. 22, at 6 p. n..., ts i m, , i n ^ a McKinley Coopers *re vacation- drive are Mesdames Fannie He v. M. J. Mitchell, pastor of _ ,_ i_„:_:„ „_,. _/ UI^BI^I- a™-*'*pastor,, *-.«.-senio.r —an. d young adult il.'iim HaniM r-ninrWrt... , ln ! « vVirginia and W^ Virginia. LlA-VAiV'i YOUR FRIEND IN B a 11 a r d, Susie' Burks, -Alva 2ND BAPTIST CHURCH Pilgrim Baptist. Columbus, is Si "__MV_" ""_ "n ______" choitchoia> wwiJ> I rend( Coleman, Artemis Cook,' Mary IM H. 17tb St still convalescing at his home 2_! v\\l f*_X?" V, _?**"___• Christ Me at Baptist, 100 N. C Foskey, Birdie - Hairston, C*ra*tb«*, Obia ADO480 Donaldsonon_,H-»n- -stf , "»..._:_!!ofter receiv:­ *h«« the J will visit Mrs. Coo- -^ __ „ [,. H. Johnson ia Emma -Harding, Fannie Hayes, ing major injuries in an au per's sister, Mrs. Pearl School- RIBS • CHICKCN Mary C. Hoover, ll-h n Herd, Chorea School: 9:11 A at. mobile -accident more than field'. . . E. L. (Fess) Henson TIMEOFSORROW - Alyce Jones, Hotel Kerr. Mary month ago." Rev. Mitcnell" « cnterteined all presidents and PORk lOIW llMvl Horning Worship. l*:4» A. M vice presidents of the Music E. Kirk, Ruby Luseur, Edith 0 , s ay Mahan, Mari* Moraghie, Mary Etening Worship. 7:45 P. H vor^,.»"!. L."l, r' Tr;;,' ^*™T;s.o^'ur^ WOO^COOKED Shaw, Juanita Threatt, Helen Southern Tea C F. JENKINS wonuhip. hU Ilrst since hi. ill- ., _, N_,lty Bar ,?„_,„,„. FOR FIFTY YEARS... Wiitl.-iW.-i and Florentine Walk­ Present were Miss Roberta Irv- er. Speaker for the day is Mrs. Bov. A. U Jones of ML Olivet Ing, Bev. A. J. Andrews, Mrs. Baptist was In charge of PU- Virginia Robinson, Mrs. Jrae- M**l Y**t fri.Bti. H*ro TAYLOH & t MU Mi. 'TJ. ^^iZA, son „, j*™ "»""-«. •*«• **** «- Chicken Dinners Every Visit Nest Sudsy the pastor, plans to enter Nash- "•**"•. *

In f hi* our fiftieth year of serviire, we i-edcUtUatc ouf*> FUNERAL HOME selvea) to our volet mi pledge:'"/ _ give cmefut attrntUm EV. 9521 Musical, Literary NOVELTY FOOD BAR S18 E. Long St. to every detail tend thoughtful comideration lor every CHURCH Mi. Vernon Ave. Program Gives Sunday # COMPLETE MEAL SERVICE 24 HOURS DAILY Q \wish, assure a funeral service that u infinitely comfort' C D. WHITE eV SONS Columbus, Ohio FUNERAL HOME JAMES W. PARPJSH musical and literary pro- I was given by Circle No. 4 ing, dee {Ay in*{tiring." 1217 ML Vernon Ave. Minister EV. 1614 of 2nd Baptist church, Columbus, ^^^^v-*.^.^ •*•* tbe beat before the heat beata yeel 8:)Ii Radio Broadcast Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Corrie 0 A. M. Church School Hayes was program chairman Step ta for sods sr saadwUb or salad. 11 A. M. Church At Worship and Mrs. Inez Henslcy is presi II A, M. .Continued Churcb 1072 E. Long St. Mrs. D, A. Whittaker School for Children) Small Wslk eat relaxed, refreshed, rcvitaliied! children may be left witb competent workers while MRS. D. A. WHITTAKER you worship Bargain Box AND SON, INC. 381 Waal Gaadal* St. ana Sons, Inc. FUNERAL HOME • P. M. Baptist Training Complete lose of Men, Call ADams 0552 for group retervationa. Union — Full Time Program 720 E. Long St* Women'*. Children'* * l OLl'MBI-S' OLDEST AND YOUNGR*. T FUNERAL DIREf *TORSn EV. 9849 of Christian Education Community Playground Cle' i n, Well Repaired no E. I-ONC 3T. EVergre m 95-19 COLUMBUS. OHIO Tb* Above List 1 a e 1 n 0 * s Worahip itaing and Shoe* 741 E. LONG ST. at HAMILTON AVE. COLUMBUS, OHIO Members Of Th* Colamhas R.c4-_tiilioB.il RaaUtM runersl Ass'n, T«e. Fr*e*rl«s B*tl** SEC Jtus-PACt 18 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER lt, lttt SATURDAY, SE1?TEMBE1R 19, 19S3 THE OHIO SENTINEL TV Revue At V. Dale Friday • Betty Grant, exotic dancer* will be one of the two new :t* with tha Blllie Lea TV revue which will stage a one ight performance at Valley Dale ballroom, Columbus, Friday night of thi* week (.Sept. 18). , The event Is a benefit under auspices of the Sully's .Loan basketball club. background *musld for the show Proceeds will be used to equip and dancing. the team for the 1933-54 court Tickets will be on sale tat Capi­ tal City Newsstand, 075 ML Ver­ non av., and Drake's Shine Par­ first lor, 810 E. Long at,, through with the Lea revue will be Vern Gibson und the Four Bunnies, a fast coming vo­ DYNAMIC CHUCK WIM.IH cal group. The new Raleigh brings his great, new vaudeville MVV lEAXS WHOLE -14-16 LB. AVERAGE Randolph orchestra will supply troupe Into Lincoln theatre, 771 E. Long St., for a five perform­ LEAN & TBIDER ance stood Sunday, Sept. 20. Kagey Classes Willis, a blue* singer of groat promise with lwo best seller re­ 16c cordings, "Don't Deceive Me" Are Announced and "Going Down to the River," OLD RELIABLE stalls, hus an all-star cast fea- COT, STWNCLESS i Twins, Anita i business gir Collins, Billy Gam­ and men, housewives and mull ble. Pauline McPherson, and 6REEK BEAMS HAM .57 ers in dancing, which is a plea; topped off by "Hot Lips" Page ant way to forget routine and ' and his orchestra. No. 2| caa Indulge in'music and dance- A midnight ramble perform­ ANITA ECHOLS Classes suited fur buainei ance for. adults only climaxes quintet play a neld over by pop­ 19c people are available along wi' the stand. ular demand engagement in Club Rcgal's Melody Room. Ice Show Tickets On Sale of drumming, featuring the tn AMERICAN BEAUTY (CHICKEN lb. 39c Ticket* for the all sew "Holiday Oa Ice ef 1954'' scheduled dilKui.il drums used in Cub fer thc fslrgreaads Coliseum, Colutnbos, Oct 17-», went on ssls Haiti snd Africa. ria while Rene Hall and hi KiDNEY BEANS st Heston's Music Store, fie N. High st., early thi* week. This lavish speetael* is always esgeriy looked forward te a* one of Ti Ro Ro and Te Marcel POK« Ike most Impressive events ot the fell season. ' Mall order re­ OB JERSEY SWEET POTATOES quests for ticket* must be aceempaoied by a stamped, telf-sd- •rid, and [CUBE STEAK BEEP lb. 67c 4 LBS. * reused envelope. has also studied d 10c and Mexico. Those proficient in drum- opportunity in the professional * CHUCK WILLS VAN CAMP UEAIf ' LAYEK 29c_ Ella Fitzgerald Leads troupe, "GweA Kagey Dancei [BACON Mum lb. 59c mt Mrs, Kagey brought TUNA FISH Ha • AND HIS GBEAT SHOW Na. I csa Holland JATP Cast To Columbus freighter thut will be shown FEATURING AKMOUK CABBAGE the Columbu* Art Gallery 1 • PAULINE McPHEUON 25c STAB Norman Granx* "Jozs At the Philharmonic" will return to Me (WIENERS SUNLESS lb. 49c 2 LBS. morial hall^Cbluinbo*. Monday, Oct. 5, for one performance. Fea lured artiBts In thia year's prograna include Kilo Fitzgerald, Oscm • ANITA ECHOLS Peterson, Gene Krupu, Flip Phillips, Charlie, Shavcrn, Roy KL 9c dridgc and many cither famous jazz musicians. WfUOORf Miss Fitzgerald is often refer-1 Your Sentinel phone • LEON (0UINS [BOILING BEEF red to as the ''First Lody of ThlfJ i(( Pelersort-s rourth ap. number in Springfield ts lb. 17c Song, because she ietone of the! ram.(, wiUl -Ja__ At a,,, Phii. o BILLY' GAMBLE TOKAY very few singers who can doi .- *__... _ 2-8866—- Grace E. Lee cor­ 2 LBS. harmonic IlKlhc Um he respondent. TOILET bo h iazz and popular son_s. and j has b(.L.n ir] ^ „, s hv hu8 won both sow ballads and up-tempo' in al, ni| (of lhc ^^ lwo a SPOKE TWINS GRAPES 29c novelties. / yeara aa ^ greate_t jaz_ piayer PLUS TISSUE 1 in tfie country. _' . 3-D SCOreS Hit Willi I Tickets are un Ml. at Heaton's "HOT MPS PAGE *, a .. * I Mtlsic Store. Mail orders must 2 ROUS UnCOln MOYieflOen be accompanied by a stamped. HIS TRUMPET AND HIS ORCHESTRA J. Real .Neth, prominent Co-J sell-addressed envelope, YELLOW nimbus movie .chain owner, REGISTER AND VOTE! DANCE & ONE DAY ONLY scored a first last week with thc LINCOLN 15c hurtallation of three dimensional Heavy Demand SUN., SEPT. 20 equipment at. Lincoln theatre, FLOOR SHOW Continuous From 1 P. M. ONIONS 771 E. Long st. the first com­ Demand fur studio tickets for munity theatre in the city so Ted Mack's "Original Amateur equipped. The 3v-D innovation Hour," which regularly feature* • 2 LBS. exerted its boa office appeal in Negro performers, has been so FRI., SEPT. 18 short order with attendance re­ strong that the topmost balcony ported at capacity each of the of NBC's huge Center theatre COUPON SALE in N. York City i* now thrown 10 P. M.'Til 2 A. M. first three nights by Mgr. Robert 25c Gates. Price of admission re- open as well as thc main floor, Visit The TROC To Sate And Henr Your nd first bolcony. • Favorite Recording Artists Every Week! BIUIEUA& SPRY _can, 25c HIS TV REVUE NOW PLAYING (WITH THIS COUPON) . WITH • *0laULt) ClAJtZ' RALEIGH JOHNNY RANDOLPH sf Wtte A HIS ORCHESTRA MOORE SUPER PHILHARMONIC AND HIS ORCHESTRA tm am * OU n R _ u _. cm* m it SON Wrmurs . _*,____- . wsffuiui Featuring MARIE JONES ou^tsTSHArai . UUK . ninsia VALLEY DALE MARKETS First 10 Couple. Before 9 Admitted Free Each Night RICE'S J. C MAIO . IAT MOWS • IUI EUIS BALLROOM unm nm • mutt SHIM. ..'" 19 N. NELSON RD. m HT. VERNON a SUNBURY RD. © ONE SHOW ONLY - AT 8:30 P.M. ClUB TROCAVERIA COR. E. BROAD COR.UTH Get Bids From Members 892 MT. VERNON AVE., COLUMBUS FA. 0312 FA. 4559 AiON. OCT. oTH • '. - House 9 P. M. - 2:30 A. M. Open Sunday. 8-_ Mon.-Fr., *-7 Four Big Shows Nightly - Matinee Opevl Sunday. 9-3 Mors.-Thurs. SPONSORED BT Saturday* 8-5 Fri. aa Sat 9-7 Memorial Hall SULLY'S LOANS Sunttuys From 4-8 P. M. BASKETBALL CLUB PAC.E 10 THE OHIO SENTINEL SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 19. latl SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER It, 1053 'THE OHIO SENTINEL Animals For U. S. Zoos, Army SPORTS A bugs shipment of animal* from Libert* Is on Its way to be used in U. S. soos and by h\* U. ft. army. The grtwp includes sUrtmiMi baboons, snakes, chimps, monkeys, leopards sad other animals. SB, r. sTH AVE OSU'Rep'Boon To GLEANINGS By William (Bill) Bell Sentinel Sport* Editor H«a-ii 7 A. M. w.n the spring. i.i last year- due to a slow M.4MBOS - BLUES - CALTPSO - POP the sharp spindle beside the busy linotype operator we anxiously grldders humiliated our Buck- ie Ohio youth was so impres- Trice, who won "21 games , but il is reported a major DONS 6HU waited for the hot metal to cool in order to make a proof sheet. eyca with a shocking upset de­ ve in Iowa spring practice that while losing 10 at Ottawa this league team is still interested More blue pencil for typographical errors, a nod of approval from feat last full that cost our hope­ I was rated one of the top "NEVERTHELESS when in season, was voted the Internat'l i him. 7»7 SL Clair Ave. fuls a' trip to the Rose Bowl. young prospects In the confer­ tervlewed this fall, C a I v 1 r the editor, a smile from the publisher and a *igh of relief from the League's outstanding rookie and He put on a nine gsme win­ writer—AND A COLUMN WAS BORN! ence and gained more press couldn't wait to get a chance tt. the most valuable pitcher. , UN. 0376 Trie story reads: publicity than many a seasoned or just play In • college ning streak to bring hi* record THAT WAS EXACTLY A TEAK AGO, come Sept. W, bet "Coach Forest Evaahevski and game. With that spirit ha Is one 16-13. He failed in his bid to Special Feature:, ANOTHER BAR was dropped make it ten straight by giving Spaghetti To Carry Out the catch 1* that tie operation bos fceeo bspashlag every week his University of Iowa football of tb* sophomore group thai in the majors last week when since, laker pslna sad all. Even with all th* little .headaches one of the biggest Evashevskl Is counting on tc home run ball In tbe lost Or Serve litre possible a year ago POWERFUL .AND AGILE, the Chicago Cubs called up Gene half of tbe ninth after pitching thai go with any Job we've enjoyed ortry U week* ef H, and give the Hawks a boost ovei Baker from,, their Los Angeles Assort.,. Sandwiches tape to enjoy many more. It has been a pressure working with when an Ohio All-SUte prep Jones is expected to be one o their 1952 record. hit ball for seven innings. virtually volunteered to come to the stalwart* in the Hawkeyi club and Ernie Barnks from tbe Beer aad Wine (aaied yeu I didn't say "fer") ansb a wonderful sttlT as Meaottt "Calvin, whose hobby is work­ Kansas City Monarchs—in the Jsekssn, John Comb*, Antes Lytteh, Ana aad Eddie Moore, the Hawkeye school with two of DONALD FBACASSO. Pi—> his buddies.. ing on cars, is majoring in phy. Negro American League. Mattle Marsh, Dorothy Reed, Dsyten Erby, Ernest Martin, slcal therapy. Kalhaleea Harris, BUI BeU, Oewrge Lawrence, Eunice Walker, "The lad, a 210 pound giant "Jones' family consists fit lead American Ass'n George Pierre, Reooeveit Carter and Bob Kerr, the new high who had been named the out- outstanding football player for BUS CLAKKSON, thc former with a .340 average. In third he compiled the top grade-point four sisters, a lone brother and Wilberforce football and base­ "1 saw it in The Senti­ tthool eub reporter, .One big happy family, ea peel ally alter lit* tttonding linemsn in Ohio prep hi* mother in Steubenville. His place is Bob Wilson, SL Paul's paper baa been pet te aed. average of qnv Iowa freabma ball star who made the top in nel." football, was headed for another father is deceased." hard hitting third sacker. Sam WE'VE MET A LOT Of* NICK PEOPLE and received quite a football player in 1952-53. Hi organised baseball in Jctbroe of the champion Toledo few encouraging letters and phone calls, but that, too. haan't been overall for Ihe year was light of his career, placed second Sox lead* in runs with 133 and strong 3.00; pr better than a 'I JONES IS THE youth whose in hitting in the final unofficial all peaches and cream, so to speak, because we'vs been, balled out statements to the press follow­ Dave Pope of Indianapolis leads and received a few letters that had to be handled with asbestos average. ' •» report from th* Texas League. in triples with 14. ing his arrival at Iowa last fall Clarkson, who is on* of the gloves. But, without benefit of a crystal b-tll, I'd sey X have tbe ErKelfo "Jone* won bis all-state hon­ scored a broadside hit in the moat wonderful reading public In the world—and YOU head the ors in high school in 1951 and in reasons Dallas again „_. Jethroe snd Pope have been Buckeye soft spot. In interviews Texas League crown, hit ".330. up to the big leagues hut Power An list Ob yes, before ynu turn to the sport page the column would addition to playing .football was Jones, regarded by Iowa City appreciate birthday greetings in form ot Cadillac'carv, mink ties a forward on the Steubenville drove in 17 r and Wilson have yet to get the and vests, csSbmere mills and a diamond money clip, which I-will Continued On Page 14 homers. Last s use after pawning the other items. But to make it less compli­ cated, a pertny post card (which now costs two cents) will be just Anthony Bouquet To as well appreciated. Address it to "Broadway to Bronieville,'' Nation's Top Ohio Sentinel, Ul E. Long St., Columbu* 3. BBm4m BAITING OUT THE NEWS HIGH AND INSIDE -One of the clubs would have i THE MEMBERSHIP Of •..(iVjii.n lb a local j**.* combo ia becoming so swell-headed sev­ tablished atars to make way for eral of his. horn tooting buddies have suggested that he wear a mmr toyi ROY CAMfANEU A turban* but he's so blinded by his imaginary greatness that his They are' both -unfortunate hi* stupid reply was, "So why staasM I ape Lynn Hope7" We' all agree TH nod that «..r.*.*d«t--cotl1lr3,rj4I«h- gtvet good, regular .terrier, provide* our ma­ pable of making any team in his ''Sermon In Songs," featuring the greatest array of vocal the league. chine with the very latest recordings of our groups ever assembled at a aingle gathering In this town . . . "C.'.'i" Iliii I'm, who owns the *wank mansion on Hamilton pk-, and The Dodgers have Billy Cox, a columnist planning a Chicago weekend for a business session Bob Morgan and Jackie Robin- 898 E. LOUe ST. FA. 0321 with Jet . . . 'I in- new rage is a suntan complexion and blonde aon available for third and they tu'..;-i-s . . . French beaut Maria Devesu, no longer employed at have just set a record by win- " the Downbeat club, is slated to center aisle It with lhat Texaa ning the pennant at the earliest moneyman . . . "Mitch" Frazter, who excel* in leather craft, ia date ln.Nalic.nat League history. Far Additional looking for a business site to display his original leather acces­ Information oa tk. sories und designs. Saeburg "Selerl-o- EXCERPTS FROM THE KficiAI. REGISTER — The house M.lie" aad Other party al the Ray Redman* lost week was one of the social events Cola Operated of the season. Party goers included FTtodcll Lewis Manderville, Aaswaeausat Pauline Stewart DeL-oney, Vivian Chisholm, Ruth Perry, Lucille Machine. Roan, Loi* Plummer, the LeRoy Bowcns. Evelyn snd Hay Jones, Ann Gregory, Gary, Ind., and Joe Roach, right, St. Lotus, walked away witb women's aad the Ed Rltcheya, Jim and Marie Kent, David Newlin. Scott Gat- men's top amateur honors last week during 2*Jth annual national tournament of the United Golf­ liff, Vincent Walters, Orris Mays, Bill .Stewart, rugate Page nnd ers Ass'n at Swope pk. golf coarse In Kansas City, Mo. Seen eongratalstlng talented golfers sre Earl Wilson . . . Los Angeles visitor Yvonne Johnson was guest of Washington, D. C, public relations msn Moss H. Kendrlr, left, who represents Coca-Cola Co., snd THRU honor at a Skyline dinner party of Ruth Perry, George Carroll and Dr. Kenneth Brown, UGA president, else of Washington. Coca-Cola people contributed six major OCT. 10 the James Jefferson* . . . Former beauty winner and fashion trophies for Kansas City inert. t thrilling model Connie Kelly, who has experience a-plenty, reentering the modeling field as un instructor. DROP TOUR EYES LONG ENOUGH TO READ THIS .For­ RUNNING RACES mer hoofing mate Foster Johnson, who in our estimation is one of Browns, Packers (lash In Exhibition ; Grandstand the cleverest tapsters in the business, is a holdover st the Pslm • Arlm. : Garden.'.. Foster, who ha* the background of several Broadway Tk. SEEBURC SELECT-O- bit shows, movie stints, dancing instructor for the famous Wslly MATIC . . . World's Fine.! Finale Saturday Ai Cleveland Stadium Wanger studios und a run of successful engagements with the na­ keeps. So Brown fans will be Coin-ODer.led Phonograph. tion's top bandleaders .hot-space doesn't permit us to list, la anti­ CLEVELAND. — Coach Paul Brown sends his '53 Cleveland watching a squad Saturd MR. ANTHONY cipating opening a dancing school here ... IN MAKING A FAST night that may well be the o EXIT remember that "Eddie Jay" says, "A man it letting Old 3rowns against the Green Bay Packers Saturday night in the on which Paul-will pin his ' IsuasLY SERVICE IS OUR SPECU1TY when be gets t 1 Ute top sad fat at the bottom.' SUITS TAILORED TO ORDER FRlEHDlY SERVICE IS AT LOW PRICES stadium, final exhibition fray on the Browns' pre-scason slate. Veteran Bill Willis, on all-pro Come ln And Sre Our Large Selection Of Fine The game wBI mark the first choice at guard tor six of his Woolens And Look Over Our New Fall Style Book I home appearance of thc Cleve­ seven years in thc play for p NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL land club this year. It will also game, and switched to tackle Coin Machine l BEER * WINE * LIQUOR NEW FALL SUITS $.0.95 FORTUNE SHOES be the first time in eight years • | '53 seas Beer 6/ Wine To Corryout Ready-To-Wear ** NEW FALL STYLES that the nationally renown Pack­ ttbe COMPANY ers have played in Cleveland. - . but in all like ANTHONY FINE FOOD Brown has made it clear that FA. 0533 Open 8 A. M. TB 1 A. M. FA. 0438 thc experimenting with his roo­ | Night. . Svasda,. - rlalid... Call KJLoadik. 37392591 N. HI6H ST. COLUMBUS, 0. Hew Slacks $4.95 Up Fall Hah $3.95 Up the familiar role of thc 1228 E. LONG ST. Colsunbus, O. kie-heavy squad is almost over guard on thc defensive lii CHARLES CUNDIFF, Prop. and that he Is planning to put WE (.ASH PAY CHECKS together a- 33 mau squad for Game time is 8:30 p. ... PACta* SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER lt, 1(_ THE OHIO SENTINtX SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1», 1953 THB OHIO SENTINEL They're Off Aad Running' At Beulah The familiar cry ''they're off and running*'* ring* out over Grove City these (lays as racing toia wrong Beulah pk. far tV LEES HAS THEM! 25 day fall meeting which con­ tinues through Oct. 10. MIL NB" SHIRTS Tb* fall racing season at Beu- Mfts* r**M** ty my Etttitl.t from all present Indications, M*a*fett*t** ttp Ua baead of this will be the most Interesting meeting In Its long and success­ mat mam*) hrsUilit*. - ful history. More than 800 well conditioned- runners will compete for purses SEASON OPENER AT NEWARK FRIDAY, SEPT. ft totaling approximately J400.000 during the 23, day span. Topping the-purse list N the ninth re­ newal of tbe Ohio championship, a mile and one-sixteenth event for a $10,000 prize. Post tii for 3:30 i wlll.be observed on Sat GOOD LUCK EAST! Rr.GISTF.K AND VOTS1 7 Letlermen Form Nucleus For '53 Bengal Grid Squad Four linemen and three backs comprise the seven . letter me* sround whom Ralph (Tiny) Webster Is rebuilding Colombo* Esst High's grid- iron msflhlne, eoHitiist In 'St and •etright Columbus City Leagus chsmplon la r5*. Tbe forwards, shown with the B sa­ gs! eeeeblng staff, ar* from left, kneeing: Bob Plantmer, center; Robert Combs, tackle; LaVcrae (Babbles) Baaks. Uckle; Chester Taylor, line- bseker. standing sre Jackie Moore, baekfleld coach; Harry • McKnight, baekfleld coach; Head Coach Webster, Mark WhltUker, Una coach; Tern Bala, end coach. Halfback William Smith, quarterbarki George Mac key and Doe Ax- Ir"^.^^?!.!^ ****__ ** **""*• "*"* *-*** t*t C—ht. E4-t nanus.. Bet Pfaaasstr. BUT Wus-, __,, „ _, K_ ^^ fc__ ^^ Ilne, shown from left In photo WtBts Ssatta. Bsees. rew sass* nr.rr: rati BaMasa*, G**rge Mackey, Bat, Zak, Jarry Betaus. Jaa.*, Marsfen I^rr, K.rJ! ini «LIanJP.„ ~ iT^T st right, form nucleus st Tiger J-*I SATi ^~. - Oea* Bay. Jerry New.ll. Barker! foster, TMr, ara: Cslrla Prrna. U»M Wearier MataB*.7J^^mmV^J~! ^L^TUi,^'JL'nn* *****' B^«_, r.s, _.*,, ,„.. __.. „_ aS,' *r__ m-T^Ts.!^',",'^^ r baekfleld corps. See story. Ckarla, Crta., Jesses M.rekaat, G.lc Wajfar. Casrlra tralle Bark rew- D.re EM.K, -.-." ^* ,'*?*** tT**V*' **_• Brail*. _***, Eawaraa, _*>-^.--_-> e-eii •*-, BteasOg.1. ksekBea, Msskt'inrales *ssleAel[\&\1^7^ •" •-, .«—— v...,.«.!, sraaafa "~-*...as-, •a-aa. U Css-tags. Mark M, BIB B-w., s_te* „„,,.,. », ,„_, __ ,!*_, «Tt.ke^.rI»iSir' I r**ekj Ralph Weaster, hr.d r.ark; _, Di.tributrrJ By lis Play For Keeps Friday OHIO MALT BLYESA6ES DISTKBUTIIte (0. 90 N. Fourth SL ______• B, Follow.,, LUted East m,* Boortrr, Now that the previews have On the home side of the led­ th« lights with I p. m. starting S Aasat eur Sp.rU Enthusiast. been tucked away for the fall, ger South plays host to Upper prep griddei* ln the Columbus Arlington, North to Athens, Trlar-s' Drug Star. tCrakeff Clothing Co. area are about to settle down West -to Marlon Harding and Nerelly Food Bear tbe serious task of tbeir regu-. Linden McKinley to Washington T.yl.r a Ua, SM Ml. v.raa* Ave. C. II., while other members of HI K. l_,g St. L season slates., A full slate of Iatn'SS_lirU_ games Is on tap thi* Friday for the loop bit the road. each of th* City League's seven East engages the Wildcats at Sept. 18 - At Newsrk team* and for most other school* Newark ln their traditional sea­ Meet In tbe county. son Udlifter. Central •leasts". Ska*. H. A P. FaWlaaa Mht. Sept. 25 - At Zeaesrill. Steubenville for an early report on Its highly touted gridiron —M ML VMS—s Art. UM Ml Varaa* Av*. Cl.hBOSEA warriors and Aquinas, another Oct. 2 . At Ceatral pre-sesson choice, opens at Manuel Cobb Bsataeassaea's Orgaalauvu*. Portsmouth. Oc t. a - Al We.t Debonnaire Columbusite who like* ele­ f.r S*>5, lt, If, 195*. sanrtiorned play at VRC, will! thumping, only sweep of three) Nora PBltnp., Wb*.. have two women and three mtn carded matches. The losers' Ate Darld Brsaaeu, IM7IIS5, on Oct. 10. t-r the Mid-Summer Merchants, coached per team. blck Richardson salvaged the whose last known address- Is by Wtlban is their opening foe. Games will be played __•-_! hig+i individual single with a 1112 SOU, Command Sqda., APO IIS, *-rund**_ s at i Gowdy field. Weight limit is 150. MERCHANTS - INDUSTRIAL. bul tht, Uinchmeti gaUiered in a-* P. St., San PrsBctaco, Call- tenia, will uke nolle, tkat on first of the quartet to fire on the ,he high team single and three ef FrsaBlla County, September 11. 1SSS, Wilms ' HATES' Injury riddled OSlVtMtBulter* will play s newly conditioned VRC. lanes,! ganiC total honors. Ohio. Dlvlsla. ol Demesne av­ dress rehearsal srriniaaage in OU* stadium Saturday afUi-nette* 1 n 2-taf Garage Building Branson filed her petition IB the Itet Jar* Gibes, Columbus (tUtrtop), * leading candidate fer tbe ""^""S '.""T 2_? n° 7l Avenue Pharmacy downed the i lesser light kindnesses sad floral offerings Coiumun Pless Ceart ol Frank- iation, ia Cans. No. 7Ssrl<, pray­ fatlhseklof too aatil rseked np In praetlee la*t week, will tee ne £,?* ».__firs_t Z^s'sl^JS"-^**match loser M -nd Swift Cleaners Bee Morris 'or first time in daring the Illness aad death et Ua County, Ohio, Ulvl.ton of ing lor a divorce from hei ma action. Gihki, sttffei-ed * (.boulder sea-aratten and It 1* doubtful YMCA, 2-1 decision over oar sitter, Mr*. Mary J. Patter- FOR SALE Detnestle Kelslions In Cause No. thc grsaBds of gross neglect .1 odKtber he fl recover in tint* f*r the aeaaon opener against Io­ sura yu.1 Sale, oft Ihe h«o'ds __ , _,_.,, ,_._. ,_ , .._ what with loss of such sterling' sen. SpeeUI thsnks te Rev. 7ISSS, praying f.r a divorce duty. U( Pfcale D. Hal* for his censellng nian* a week het.ee. Tht* Buckeyes' a-Uier aepta base, lettennae standout*! as Don Wright end Laansrd * 20th from him ea IB. grounds ot Said esase wUI he far hesriag Boavhy Walk***, will work al Itelk the righi baht and rnUhsrk 3 Magnes Lewis, and a host of wseds, C. D. While sad Sen Fee- gro.s neglect at duly. ea er after Oetaber St, 1953. »patt> Sstartlsy sad will *Urt at one or Ut* tpther of the itsat* In others. The Bengals play their ersl Home. j<*M O. D4.Hn.aa, ASU. Tit,.'"" ^s^i^^s^lLtt^^STISbest team single , ou5. I* - Good Buioess location Said cause wiU ke f.r bearing the teeaans fray. night's best single'and three first official game at Newark Mra. Jenny Campbell •a or after October St, 1951 MS, is. »s, iM, *».». «**• game team scores, 044. and 2681. Outside It ich ardu. on'* 192,. the Friday,and It's a good bet that tall At other boat individual scores rati Tiller snd Teler, Attys. THi: NATL BOXING ASS'N Tuesday ordered light-heavy­ ye Okie Esquire Shop will be 529 N. 20th SL S-l,, It. 1*4, II, 17, St, 1953. Phllll, S. OtBthler, sahea. in the 170-180* and were counted veddy much ln evidence weight ctumpion Archie Moore tu arrange by December lo de­ Cla Ust knew, address U BA, gle, had g7e-2370. In th. other by Hoy Harper, Ted's; Robbie 11111631. Ua. Btry, tHh Dir. Ar- fend the title againat No. 1 challenger Harold Johnson, who lost Jake (Be) Arnold, Clalrten, Bullard, Post Office; Russell Theltna L. Reese, whose lost week ended the comeback hopes uf ex-heavy champ Euard r*„ juoior at Florida A-M col­ matches Gambrinus 11. •-.- known addres* la 2931 Potomle llllery, PL Dls, N. Jersey, wiU swamped defending champion Price, Swift Cleaners; Neil Tay­ take notice that aa Aag- 1*. Cherles when be scored an upset decision over Ihe Cincy fighter lege, t* rated by scouts bis lor, Ayenue Pha rmacy, and LONG * GRANT Ave.. Les Aageles, California, tesiwtnstes, A-M e a a e b I a f Novelty Food Bar, 4-0-, with a 6ARA6E F6C biNT USED CLOTHING STORE vrltl take notice test on Septem­ ISO, Julia A Gaathler tiled ber Jlwe-2377 tot.) pin. edge, and a Everett Sanders, Smilhites. peUttoa la the Cassavas • Pita* staff, opposing coaches sod We buy *s_ •*U Isdi-m *od ber 14, 1953, John A. Kecse, Jr., LELA "THOMPSON waa elect­ tSOtJlRE'S CHARCOAL Grey ciart .1 FraskllB Coast,, Okie, plsyers, sad fsns, ss one of 907-827 single gu ne bulge and nta'i tu*d cl-tkiu*. filed his petition la tke Common ed president at tbe meeting In flannel 'sle*ks and varl-colored Garage fer w.ldlag, .ke* aute Dlvlsloa of Doweslle EelsUoa. most dsogeietas salety men In YMCA i.-ht tartar. L*0* * Grant Pleas Ceart of Franklin County, Intercollegiate football today. a ^2-1 margin 0 vvr Culpepper which the Vc.p.aunt Laates Perry Coma jackets, matched repair, ear wss*. Located ltg7 Ohio, Division of Domestic Re­ IB Caase N«. ItUS, praylag fer feertb Maccabtsb Gssss* at Tel Aviv. Sept. ts-». DUIsrd, Mt. Vera.. Are. CsU EV. SM*. C*l«*ab«a. O. He aces both offensive and de­ ftealty. he high ti.i.i Progressive League was organ* with the "new for i3" Mr. B lations In Canoe N*. .3539, pray­ a dlverc* from slsa ta th* wen the tMyaapa* is* meter tKle at lasndso in 1»M ***. the 11* grounds of gross neglect et daty fensive daty. When tee Rat­ i and dropping the . uigi.. .featf. Ruih .Eslelle ia secretary shirts snd smart shoes from tbe ing for a divorce from her en meter bardie, crown at Helsinki in lttSC. Is ee leave (r*ua dalles avenoo's footwear marts, are the grounds of gross neglsct of snd .strem, eroeUy^ le tee Psktif lUmtleaa D*pt. at tht Clevetaod Mian* baaebaU tler* have the ball he operates •ounl by »15^W. and Martha Harmon treasurer. from either right half er fall- This league will be composed of getting heavy play from Es- duty. Said (.suae wiU be ler hesriag •tub * Ciinto Gam, turned quirelanders ... Last week's HELPW.AMTED tack slot. Arnold Is s demon n the night's best Individual teams of beginners and low WAN1D! Said caase wilt be fer hearing oa or after Oct. >, 1953. THE CLEVELAND BROWNS, working towsrd the 33 playei ae pass defeat* and has tone averge bowlers and will vis'lents to the "E" included i— Woman reporter on local ea er alter October 31, lt*-a. Charles Samsaer, Ally. limit. Wednesday asked for waivers on Roy Smith, former Ten­ all the war wtth aa enemy t 7:30 Harland Bandolph, proxy of Desk clerks. Stoody emptey- g-SS, »», S-5, 12, t», M. st**- the ''300 club" by, in addition tc scheduled for Thursdays OSU's senior class of '54 . . . nawspnper would like sin- Toler sad Toler, Attys. nessee Stale college tackle. heave, ditto klckoffa and punt Johnson, Lewis Kelley, YMCA taeet dsy er night. Apply la Baxter Childs, back from a stint ;le roorn with cooking end 9-19, tfi, 10-3, 19, 17, 24. 1953. return*.—Jones Pnete. 307; Bunk Mann, Culpepper, and person, Hotel St. Clair, 33S St. Oris. Harris, ***** last ad­ in Korea and anxious to revamp Clair Ave, I A. 1181, aundry privileges. Pref­ Neil Taylor, Pepsi-Cola. 200 his entire wardrobe ... Leroy f Dorothy Ruth Tyree, whose dress Is ankaowa, will Use mm- REGISTER AND VOTE! Experienced teleplvsae s«lie Iters. erably located on East NEW FORD HOTEl NO. 2 John Bradley, Max Hammond ... Ronald Jefferson lost known address 1* 22*1 E, ue. thai ~ Aug. 25, ISM. »"> Player roster* tax the six M-I Good hours, salary. Apply ta Side. Call Mrs. Moore. Don Wilkerson, Hussell Embrey, . . . Herman Jefferson . . . Nor­ Congress st., Detroit, Michigan, Bath Itarrls nled her petlUon ,a 4et| EAST LONG STREET T.I. AD. 0421 League teams are: person Singer Furniture Co., EV. 2240 - FA. 8781. Albert Wooden and Jim Hood. man Dallas . . . And great gobs will Uke notice that on Septem­ Use Common Plea. C«urt at C.I.at., O. PErsi-O-V— Elvin Shears, 991 E. Livingstoo. ' OSU 'Rep' Sponsors and team rosters will ber 9, 1953, Alfred DcVaeghn Franklla Couaty, Ohio, Dlvlsloa InaaaaM «-d P.ras,.ut Cu.lt w.it.». Harry Browder, Neil Taylor, Have *peafngs tor six capable be announced in next week's Tyree filed Us petition in tke ef Domestic llel.lions In Caaae Ford Hotel No. I Still Operated at 179 North 6th SL Floyd Webb Don Wilkerson. is deposit required column. They hit the .boards st Ne. 7SJ17, praylag for a divorce MBS B. H. FORD. l*asis4*Mss MA SM. fer eetnplcto sales equipment. REAl ESTATE Boonjo TMCA--Warren Palmer, Ray a: 43 p. m. ! fram him OB Ih* grounds of es- Harper, Ernest Carr, William Average earning* flM per ' Ir'erne cruelty. WotJtyn, Lewis Kelley.1 PINPOINTS — Merchants-In­ Said cause WiU be l.r nrsring dustrial League officers for the CLOTHE8I.1NERS. The front .3£%pfit___; Nttih^lMMi3)UTElV on er alter October 1., IMS. Hawk Grid 1953-54 season are Hank Butler, pages tell only ot thc guys aa Avon territory. AD. Ssoo B»ve buyer for doable. Brick Frank Shearer, Any. THE HAWKINS president; Floyd Seward, vice comin' home, but aa matter of and AD 7C99 preferred. Around $18,04*. Call I be for hearing S-2S, S-a, 12, l». -mi. 1«, tM»- 65 N. MONROE AVE. ffc 4ft Continued From Page 11 president; William Wniltuker, record Cap City divvied up witb Mn. McCanu, JE. 9150, with r after October 31, 19o*. secretary-treasurer .,. . Freddie a trio of new 'emits this week Maid fer housework. Job la very Kobert G. Deamcad, Realtor. WUlle Baker, whose laal Lt.lkla.bt,. Ok,. easy. Good pay. Applicants . L. M. Gwyon, Atty. GAMHRMt'S BEER — Wil­ —Bobby Carroll-Paul Bass and known adores Is 7M Michigan We Welcome Old .nd New Patrons' and -Yon-iie Bill Frost .. . IBPA (co-sponsor mast have good references. 9 19, Z0, 10-3. 19, 17, 24, 1953. said he chose liam Whittaker, Ellison Ford, 5*. arT, Celu-bu., Ohle, wUI uke Transient Guest Welcomed ence to Ohio.State because their recent vi: s from Boston of last Friday's "Civic Rally" on CsU DO. 9456 or Mr. Erby at We Clinton Turner, Alexander Whit­ notice that en July 7, 1*53, Continue to Render Ihe Same Exclusive Iowa ihey treat you like a to a holiday ling party at the avenoo) will stage e Fall EV. at* between t and 4 Mildred E. Moore, whose last taker, . BUI Edgar L. Babcr Bled bis peti­ and not like a colored man. VRC ... Dr. Festival on the E. Market park­ p. m. Thursday snd-or Friday, known address Is 970 Pierce sv., Efficient Service CULPEPPER REALTY - fliped a 504 fur thi tion In the Cannes Picas C**rt While only Jones is tabbed b/ ing lot Thursday, Oct. 10. Pro­ CotaUnbos, Ohio, will take notice italph Turner, Hooks Hendricks, his debut performat gram Includes barbecued ribs, Reliable experienced man te CrURLESWORlEY of Frsnklls Counly, Ohio, Dtrl- Iowa's tub thumpers as star i-> clean floors on Monday ef tkat en Jan* 29, 1959* Gilbert P. slos of Domestle Relations la Bunk Mann, Robic Bullard, an old fashioned square dance Moore filed his saswer of cross tential, it might do well io no'* Robert Vinson, each week In neighborhood Caase Ne. 7JJBS. prsylag Mr _» that both hi* buddies from S'cu und games. Ducets on sale at petition In the Common Plea* the Esquire and by members of restaurant. 5-4 p. m. Call FA. divorce from her as th. gTBead* benvilie are labeled as starters. Court ef Franklin County, Ohio, af grass ..gleet et daty- IBPA (which when spelled out Division sf Domestic EeUtlens Gilliam, a 100 pouncer, will is tbe Independent Business and Said esase will be lor heaths, open at one of the t-nd posts, In Csnse Ne. 719*7, praying ler Professional Ass'n) * . . Barris­ a divorce from her on tbe ea or after September 24, IMS. KAUFMAN MOTORS, INC. ter Frank C Shearer, who em- LASTCATE PSIOPEBTT — 2 and 3 bedroom Toler aad Toler, Attys. ceed the rally* Is prexy of the Irounds et gross neglect of duty. < ,.1 I '.Mill s LAKGEKT PONTIAC lll-:,\l.l-:n Hr Is asking for equitable relief. US, S2, tt, S-5. It, 1», MO. fine pitching ptuspeoi 8ALP.il AND SF.BVICE l.n.lli LSI I, CABS organi-ution . . . Phalanx club, S.W. — New home. Asking Sll,t*4. ;ii;ht i with Henry Simpson heading Said cans* will be for hesriag Audrey Spencer, vrhaa* last With the Steubenville 1224 N. HIGH ST. KL. 3311 tbe plans committee, Is prepping Anus a I asm s room house. Priced right en er after September 2C, 1353. address I. ankB*wa, wiU lab* for a series of fall football noUce that en August 11, 1M», Astaestic Wsitsrs I veteran Bobby Su-atnea be- Kraergcary Call UN. Sill dances . . . And Esquire's next Clumkus, o. Edna Fraaees Tye Iliad her peti­ promotion will be an all-male tion IB the Common Pleas Court ul the load at left I all. the style show . . . See next week's Beel. D • r s . y, whose last COWBOY JEANS Clothesline and catch Eddie of Franklin County, Ohio, Dlrl, Hawkeycs wit' open with no less Agents Pet known sddress Is 3722 Cotsstsnee slon af Domcslio RelsUons la than four players of color an­ Saunders via WVKO for future at. , La., will lake details. Caase Ne. 1S7S49, asking torn- tl OZ. OINIM swering the kickoff whistle. Bailee that on August S, IMS, ages la a suit for alicusllon at •fflWON D REALTY (0. Warren John Dorscy filed bis pe­ atfecUaas. Could it be that this year's Residence - RA. 9837 1SI& ffighlaad Ave. Saaferiretf Hawkeye eleven will be the les- tofajt£7^*£/>-ui*^ tition In Ihe Common Plea. Said cause svi 11 be for hesriag Notary Public . Columbus 4, Ohio Caart of Franklin County. Ohle, *4»n in race relation*, that will "52 CHEV. 2-Ds.or Pow MACS «n or after September 24, IMS. pave Ihe way to better things Division of Domestic Relations lay Your LuKt Slz. glide. H1H ...... si....;. BODY-FENDER Bf stwItSt... 00 FOHD Convertible. SSS E. Day St - Bet. EV. K» REAL BUYS! AMENDED PETITION Said cans, will be for hearing FOR DIVORCE _^ 0«tl«t tb, Rattl RI.H. O'Drive . tii'jj After tr.S. CaU EV. 27S5 EAST—French Colonial, large llvlag room, dining room, kitrh on er after October 31, IMS. Home Ot Columbus, O. i bath down, two todro.au and bath up, i Baglaa R. Held, Atty. WUkur Henry Batts, whose '« PACKARD Conv. Ust known sddress U 4*7 Maple . ,1095 age, IIS.WJ. 5-19. H, 10 3, 1». ». *4, 1933. OR R4H room Dutch Co st. Champaign. HL, wiU tab* USED CARS 49 OLDS Conv. an. down, garage, vacant, 195*4. nolle, that oa Aug. 11, 1953, Bev­ $}.75 BS.H William Woolen, whose Ust _p p, PAUL DAVlEo S. CHAMPION—Preswsd brick ef seven roeB-s And bath, long liv­ known address Is S W.Uaee st, erly ABB Balls, a minor, through CHEVRULE1 aO CHEV. 2-Dr. ing man, with asarble lirrpl.ee, dlnUg ream, ultra modern Newark, N. J., wUI uke notice ber neat Iricnd and mother, Mi's Is Open 8 A.M. Til 10 P.M. - fcijjLt P.M 22 Clevelaad Ave. RIsH kitchen with automatic dishwasher, 125 yards of waU to wall that isn September 4, 1S53, Doris Kathrys Karley, fUed her pell- 50 HUDSON Super "8 ' carpeting, four bedrooms, modern bath np, finished third, ga. Woeten filed her petition Is Ih. lion in the Common Pleas Court Free Parking Al Rear* 01 Store BaH. 4-Dr farced air beat CaU to Inspect. Price S16,5W. Common Pleas Court ef Frank­ ol Franklin County, Ohio, Dlvl­ '50 PONTIAC 2-Dr. TV. FBAMBE8—8U room modern, IH story, coal forred air heat, lin County, Ohle, Division et sloa ef Domestic Relations in Bigger V Belter Caaae Ne. 7245,, praying r RaVH »l~lt5 bath dawn, right at campus, S7100, SUM daw*. Domestic Relations In Cause No. divorce from him *B the gr. Ma's ilt-ectm « FORD J-Dr. LOT—IB Eastgate, SUM cash. 7343S, praying for a direr*, Buys In Ute* tars S LOTS—Is Crbancre.t, both f.r $SM cash. af gross nerlect et daty sad I RI.H ,705 from him ea Ihe grounds of J. W. WATSON & (0. grass neglect of daty. Far. D.al.r. Pus, 10 Year. EDWARD N. WOOD. Broker Said .sua* will be for hearing SaM cans. wiU be for hearing 389 _ 781 — 5SS on *r after Sentonsher 24, Its*. 1288 N. High St. Tit N. Clfa SL EA. 0553 _ KL. 1177 on or after October 24, 1951. 442 — 291 — B4S BEASLEY-GROVE CO. UN. 2118 Toler aad Toler, Attys. Toler aad Teler, Atty*. . 784 W. BROAD Columbu., Ohio D-lt, IS, 24, M-I, 10, 11, UU. MS, Jt. », **, », ts. tSts