Annual Report of the CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strategy ABOUT CIFAR

CIFAR is a Canadian-based, global charitable organization that convenes extraordinary minds to address science and humanity’s most important questions.

By supporting long-term interdisciplinary collaboration, CIFAR provides researchers with an un- paralleled environment of trust, transparency and knowledge sharing. Our time-tested model in- spires new directions of inquiry, accelerates discovery and yields breakthroughs across borders and academic disciplines. Through knowledge mobilization, we are catalysts for change in industry, government and society. CIFAR’s community of fellows includes 19 Nobel laureates and more than 400 researchers from 22 countries. In 2017, the Government of Canada appointed CIFAR to develop and lead the Pan-Canadian Strategy, the world’s first national AI strategy.

EDITOR Elissa Strome

CONTRIBUTORS Brent Barron, Nabilah Chowdhury, Krista Davidson and Kurt Kleiner DESIGN Emma Tarswell

Special thanks to our partners at Amii, Mila and the Vector Institute for their support and contributions.

CIFAR’s leadership of the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy is funded by the Government of Canada, Facebook and the RBC Foundation. TABLE OF CONTENTS

Message from CIFAR President & Board Chair 1

Message from the Executive Director 3

The CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strategy 4

Canada CIFAR AI Chairs 2018-2019 10

National Program of Activities 22

CIFAR AI & Society Program 26

CIFAR AI Partners 30

Appendices 31


For more than 45 years, Canadian researchers have been at the forefront of advancing artificial intelligence (AI) research. The first Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence (now Canadian Artificial Intelligence Association, CAIAC) workshop was held at Western University in 1973. Over the next few de- cades, research clusters were established in computer science departments at universities across the country, and Canadian researchers contributed early pioneering work in fundamental areas of computer vision, knowl- edge representation, learning and robotics. CIFAR’s mission is to bring together the world’s best researchers, across disciplines, to tackle questions of importance to the world. Recognizing that machine intelligence is one of those hard problems that requires long-term sustained investment and multiple perspec- tives, CIFAR’s very first program in 1983 was Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Society. We established a net- work of some of the leading thinkers across Canada’s three major centres for AI at the time, McGill University, the University of British Columbia and the University of Toronto. The network included established and emerging Canadian researchers, who accelerated their thinking and their research through their collaborations form the basis of the AI-based technol- within the CIFAR program. The group made many sig- ogies and services that are transforming nificant contributions to advance AI research, and laid everything from disease diagnosis to bank- the foundation for the successes that we have today. ing, agriculture, materials discovery and Fast forward to 2004. CIFAR launched a new pro- self-driving cars. gram, Neural Computation and Adaptive Perception, This report describes the next chap- with the idea of bringing together computer scientists, ter in the history of AI in Canada. With neuroscientists and others, to take what we knew about generous support from the Government how the human brain learns and apply it to machines. of Canada, CIFAR is leading the Pan- The Program (now called Learning in Machines and Canadian AI Strategy, working with our Brains) was instrumental in developing the deep neural partners and stakeholders to sustain and network (deep learning) approach to machine learning. advance Canada’s leadership in AI research Over this period, three major research centres for and innovation. AI has the power to open machine learning were established in Canada, built up tremendous social, economic and envi- around CIFAR program members at the University of ronmental opportunities, as well as creat- Alberta (Richard Sutton), the Université de Montréal ing new ethical, economic and social chal- () and the University of Toronto (Geoffrey lenges. At CIFAR, our goal is to ensure that Hinton). These researchers attracted great students and Canada is at the centre of both the scientif- colleagues to work on the challenges of machine learn- ic advances in AI, as well as addressing the ing, and established the three centres as amongst the challenges that AI raises for society. world’s leading centres for research and training in ma- chine learning. Alan Bernstein, OC, OOnt, PhD, FRSC Thanks to advances in computational power and an President & CEO abundance of data, machine learning, and more specif- Barbara Stymiest ically deep learning and , now Chair, CIFAR Board of Directors



In Budget 2017, the Government of Canada asked CIFAR to lead the Pan-Canadian AI Strategy, a $125-million investment in AI research and innova- tion in Canada. The goal of the strategy is to provide deep investment in Canada’s early leadership in ma- chine learning research and training to ensure that we continue to hold our place on the world stage. AICan 2019 is the first Annual Report of the CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strategy. In the following pages we provide highlights of the past year, focusing on the four pillars of the Strategy. One year in, we are already seeing significant acceleration of AI research in Canada, including the establishment of three new independent research institutes, major expansions of our training programs and increased collaboration in AI research and innovation. We were with industry. We have also launched CIFAR’s AI & thrilled to host our first annual AICan Society Program, which brings together academic meeting in Montreal in December 2018. researchers, thought leaders and policymakers to ex- At AICan, we announced our first cohort amine the social, legal, economic and ethical impli- of 29 Canada CIFAR AI Chairs. In spring cations of AI. 2019, we will name additional CCAI None of this would have been possible without Chairs, bringing the Program total to 46, the strong partnership and collaboration between with more to come later in the year (page CIFAR, Amii, Mila and the Vector Institute. My sin- 10). We will also launch a call for propos- cere thanks to all of the staff at each of the four orga- als for AI workshops and training pro- nizations, whose hard work and commitment to the grams in the months ahead. vision of the Strategy has already resulted in advanc- The success of Canada’s national AI ing Canada’s leadership in AI. Special thanks also strategy rests on two fundamental com- to the members of CIFAR’s International Scientific ponents: people and partnerships. This Advisory Committee (page 9), our National Program report showcases some of the amazing Committee (page 23) and our AI & Society Advisory researchers and leaders from across our Council (page 27), who have generously contribut- AI ecosystem, who believe deeply in the ed their time and expertise in this first year of the opportunity that AI has to make a real Strategy to ensure that we are building research ca- difference in people’s lives around the pacity and programs that will enable us to reach our world. The only way that we will fully goals. realize that opportunity is by working The breadth of activity in AI research in Canada together, and that is why partnerships goes far beyond what is covered here. From funda- between government, academia and mental research in areas beyond machine learning industry, as demonstrated across the to the launch of new AI-based startups, researchers, CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strategy, will be trainees and entrepreneurs from coast to coast are the key to our success. advancing our understanding of machine intelligence and making a difference in the world. As the CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strategy contin- Elissa Strome, PhD ues to build and expand, we will be adding many Executive Director more activities to bring the community together CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strategy and maintain Canada’s position as a world leader [email protected]


In March 2017, Canada was the first country to announce a national AI strategy. Here is what we’ve accomplished so far:


Established three independent AI research institutes 500+

peer-reviewed papers published


Amii national and international research awards won Mila Vector Institute

TALENT 46 Canada CIFAR AI Chairs 500 interns, graduate students and post-docs trained 24 22 at the three AI institutes great Canadian world-class researchers researchers retained recruited to Canada


Expanded our CIFAR Deep Learning/Reinforcement Learning Summer School to 250 students from 20 countries CIFAR has engaged more than 150 researchers and policy 150 leaders to examine Researchers the social, economic, 54 127 ethical and legal implications of AI.

partnerships AI research with industry workshops & events


The CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strategy is catalyzing the growth and development of Canada’s entire AI ecosystem.


30+ $405 M

$80M $100M $100M $125M announcements of major Ontario Alberta Quebec Federal Government new investments by (Pan-Canadian AI Strategy) multinational companies to create dedicated AI R&D labs in Canada and thousands of tech jobs The Provinces of Alberta, Ontario and Quebec have all made significant investments in their provincial AI ecosystems to augment the funding from the federal Pan-Canadian AI Strategy.

Major growth in Canada’s AI startup ecosystem:

Three are focused on AI:

$950M 1. Canada’s Digital Technology 650+ Innovation Supercluster (BC) Superclusters 2. NGen (Ontario) Initiative 3. (Quebec)

AI startups across the country (27% increase year over year) CANADIAN CITIES BECOME THE FASTEST GROWING TECH MARKETS IN NORTH AMERICA**

Toronto was the 4th largest tech talent market in North America in 2017 (added 30,000 tech jobs; more than the San $418M Francisco Bay Area, Seattle and Washington, D.C. combined)

Ottawa is the fastest growing tech market in North America raised in venture capital investment (51% increase year over year)* * CB Insights MoneyTree Report ** 2018 CBRE Scoring Tech Talent Report


Since 2017, three independent research institutes have been established, each designed to build on the academic excellence at their affiliated universities and to interact with and strengthen their associated innovation ecosystems. The three AI Institutes are: the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) in Edmonton; Mila in Montreal; and the Vector Institute in Toronto. All are in the process of building impressive leadership and research teams and establishing dedicated research and administrative facilities within the hearts of their respective innovation ecosystems. This year, CIFAR executed funding agreements with all three AI Institutes. The AI Institutes operate in close partnership with their local universities and receive significant additional funding from their pro- vincial governments. While each of the AI Institutes has its own research priorities and strengths, they are all dedicated to advancing Canada’s research excellence in AI, training the next generation of students, and working closely with industry and other partners to implement AI applications for positive social impact.

Amii President & CEO John Shillington (left) and Chief Scientific Advisor Richard S. Sutton (right)

Mila President & CEO Valérie Pisano (left) and Scientific Director Yoshua Bengio (right)

Vector Institute President & CEO Garth Gibson (left) and Chief Scientific Advisor (right)


The Alberta Machine Intelli- Mila, the Quebec institute for The Vector Institute was estab- gence Institute (Amii) at the AI, is a partnership between the lished in 2017 and is dedicated University of Alberta in Ed- Université de Montréal and Mc- to advancing AI through world- monton aims to enhance un- Gill University and was founded class research and applications derstanding and innovation in in 2017 by Prof. Yoshua Ben- in the areas of deep learning and machine intelligence. Amii was gio. Mila is world-renowned for machine learning. Located in founded as a research cluster many pioneering breakthroughs Toronto, the Vector Institute was (the Alberta Ingenuity Centre in developing novel deep learn- launched in partnership with the for Machine Learning) in 2002, ing algorithms and applying University of Toronto, the Prov- and over the past 15 years, re- them to various domains. These ince of Ontario and dozens of searchers at Amii have made include neural language model- industry sponsors. As part of the pioneering contributions in a di- ling, neural machine translation, CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strat- versity of subfields of AI and ma- object recognition, structured egy, Vector is attracting and chine learning, most notably in output generative modelling retaining a team of world-class the area of reinforcement learn- and neural speech recognition. researchers to Canada and sup- ing and its applications. Today, Through investments from the porting their research through Amii researchers continue to CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strat- the provision of computing re- advance machine learning ap- egy and the Province of Que- sources and trainee funding. proaches and their applications, bec, Mila acts as a central hub Vector is the centre of Toronto’s with expertise in game theory, for deep learning and machine AI ecosystem and brings togeth- reinforcement learning, health learning research in Montreal er universities, governments and applications of AI, computation- and Quebec, including provid- industry to deliver AI training, al linguistics, robotics and data ing a platform for collaboration advance pure and applied re- mining and visualization. As part and training, and partnering search, attract new talent and of the CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI with industry and not-for-profit new investments to Ontario Strategy, Amii is expanding its organizations to deliver state- and enable the widespread ap- research, industry partnership of-the-art research to ad- plication of machine learning in and training activities to help vance the application of AI for health care. businesses realize the poten- economic and social good. tial of machine intelligence and grow Canada’s leadership in AI.

AT A GLANCE AT A GLANCE AT A GLANCE President & CEO: John Shillington President & CEO: Valérie Pisano President & CEO: Garth Gibson Chief Scientific Advisor: Scientific Director: Chief Scientific Advisor: Richard S. Sutton Yoshua Bengio Geoffrey Hinton Faculty: 14 (for the full list, see Faculty: 23 (for the full list, see Research Director: Richard Zemel Supporters: Government of Can- Supporters: Government of Can- Faculty: 27 (for the full list, see ada, CIFAR, Province of Alberta, ada, CIFAR, Province of Quebec Alberta Innovates, Alberta Min- Partners: McGill University, Uni- Supporters: Government of Can- istry of Economic Development versité de Montréal ada, CIFAR, Province of Ontario, and Trade University of Toronto Expertise: Deep learning, rein- University of Alberta, Partners: forcement learning, computer Partners: 40+ corporate sponsors Borealis AI, DeepMind vision, generative adversarial net- (For the full list, see Expertise: Reinforcement learn- works, medical imaging, machine ing, machine learning, algorith- translation, natural language pro- Expertise: Machine learning, mic game theory, bio-/medical cessing, object recognition, soci- deep learning, AI for health, prob- informatics, medical imaging, etal implications of AI. abilistic models, statistical theory, data mining, deep learning, hu- Contact: [email protected] quantum computing, computa- man-machine interaction, natural tional biology, computer vision language processing, privacy, ro- and natural language processing. botics, social network analysis. Contact: [email protected] Contact: [email protected]


Great AI research is happening not only at the three AI Institutes but across the coun- try from St. John’s to Victoria. Notably, both Vancouver and Waterloo have excep- tionally strong AI ecosystems. VANCOUVER, B.C. The University of British Columbia has a long history of advancing our understand- ing of and approaches to machine intelli- gence and launched the Centre for Artificial Intelligence Decision-making and Action (CAIDA) in fall 2018. Led by Kevin Leyton- Brown, CAIDA brings together over 60 faculty from dozens of academic depart- ments, and focuses on the development, analysis and application of AI systems for decision making and action. Simon Fraser University also has a strong focus on AI research, with particular expertise in nat- ural language processing, computer vision and robotics. Building on its long history of tech innovation, Vancouver also boasts an incredibly rich AI startup ecosystem. The 2018 Vancouver AI Workshop brought together researchers from across Alberta and British Columbia WATERLOO, ONT. to explore opportunities for collaboration. In April 2018, the University of Waterloo launched the Waterloo Artificial Intelligence Institute (, which brings research- ers from across disciplines together to advance both fundamental and applied AI research. Researchers at also work closely with industry, including large Canadian com- panies and multinationals, as well as spinning out and supporting dozens of Waterloo-based AI startup companies. is co-led by Peter van Beek and Fakhri Karray.

The CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strategy is helping to bring AI researchers from across the country together to collaborate, exchange ideas and train the next generation of re- searchers. The three AI Institutes, Amii, Mila and the Vector Institute, act as centres of excellence to bring researchers together and are fostering new collaborations and partner- ships across Canada’s AI ecosystems, includ- ing in Waterloo and Vancouver.


CIFAR has established a pres- PROF. SHIRLEY TILGHMAN PROF. ANTOINE PETIT tigious International Scientific OC, FRS (CHAIR) Member, CIFAR Research Advisory Committee (ISAC), President Emerita, Princeton Council; President, National which has responsibility for University; United States Centre for Scientific Research making recommendations on (CNRS); France Canada CIFAR AI Chair appoint- DR. JENNIFER CHAYES ments and providing overall ad- Technical Fellow & Managing PROF. SEBASTIAN SEUNG vice and guidance on the CIFAR Director, Microsoft Research Advisor, CIFAR Program in Pan-Canadian AI Strategy. New England, New York City and Learning in Machines and Brains; The members of ISAC are inter- Montreal; United States Evnin Professor in Neuroscience, national scientific leaders from Professor of Computer Science, DR. VICTORIA KRAKOVNA major institutions and compa- Princeton Neuroscience Research Scientist, DeepMind; nies around the world, including Institute; United States Co-Founder, Future of Life Google, DeepMind, Facebook Institute; United Kingdom PROF. MAX WELLING and the French national science CIFAR Fellow, Program in research agency. PROF. YANN LECUN Learning in Machines and Co-Director, CIFAR Program in Brains; Research Chair in Learning in Machines and Brains; Machine Learning, University of Chief AI Scientist, Facebook; Amsterdam; Netherlands Professor, New York University; United States

PROF. FEI-FEI LI Director, Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab; Associate Professor, Stanford University; Advisor, Google; United States


The Canada CIFAR AI (CCAI) Chairs ALÁN ASPURU-GUZIK Program is the cornerstone pro- gram of the CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strategy. A total of $86.5 million over five years has been earmarked for this program. The goal of the CCAI Chairs Program is to recruit and retain in Canada some of the world’s leading researchers in AI and provide them with long-term, dedicated research funding to support their research CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment programs and help them train the Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute; next generation of AI leaders. In the Professor, Dept. of Chemistry and Dept. of first year of the program, CIFAR and Computer Science, University of Toronto; Canada the AI Institutes, in partnership with 150 Research Chair in Quantum Chemistry; CIFAR twelve university and hospital part- Senior Fellow, Bio-Inspired Solar Energy Program ners across the country, have named Expertise: AI for materials discovery, self-driving forty-six Canada CIFAR AI Chairs. labs, clean energy, quantum chemistry Major Contributions/Awards: Pioneering work in quantum chemistry, renewable energy materials and AI for materials discovery; Vannevar Bush Fellow (2015); Fellow APS (2013); Fellow AAAS (2018); Google Focused Award for Quantum Computing (2018)


CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute; Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto Expertise: Deep learning, reinforcement learning, algorithm development, optimization Major Contributions/Awards: Developed the Adam Optimizer, one of the go-to algorithms to train deep learning models; Facebook Fellowship (2016)

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CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment CCAI Chair Category: Retention Affiliations: Faculty Member, Mila; Research Affiliations: Scientific Director, Mila; Professor, Dept. of Scientist, Google Brain; CIFAR Fellow, Program Computer Science and Operations Research, Université in Learning in Machines and Brains; Adjunct de Montréal; Canada Research Chair in Statistical Professor, School of Computer Science, McGill Learning Algorithms; CIFAR Senior Fellow, Program in University Learning in Machines and Brains; Co-Director, CIFAR Program in Learning in Machines and Brains Expertise: Deep reinforcement learning, continual learning, exploration in reinforcement learning Expertise: Pioneering contributions in deep learning and reinforcement learning, including speech Major Contributions/Awards: Initiator of the recognition, object recognition, neural language Arcade Learning Environment, which combines modelling, unsupervised learning and generalized reinforcement learning with the most widely adversarial networks used benchmark for deep reinforcement learning algorithms Major Contributions/Awards: Google Faculty Research Award (2012); Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (2017); Marie-Victorin Prix du Quebec (2017); Officer of the Order of Canada (2017); Radio-Canada Scientist of the Year (2017); Medal of the 50th Anniversary of the Ministry of International Relations and Francophonie (2018); Canadian AI Association Lifetime Achievement Award (2018)


CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute; Affiliations: Associate Faculty Member, Amii; Assistant Assistant Professor (Adjunct), Department of Professor, Simon Fraser University; Hans Fischer Fellow, Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo TUM-IAS (Technische Universität München Institute for Advanced Study) Expertise: Condensed matter physics, quantum computing, machine learning for quantum physics Expertise: Natural language processing, 3-D visualization, computer vision, computer graphics Major Contributions/Awards: Pioneering contributions at the intersection of machine Major Contributions/Awards: Pioneering work in learning and quantum physics; Perimeter Institute text2scene, converting a natural language string (e.g., Postdoctoral Fellowship (2013); Perimeter Institute “office with a red chair”) into a 3-D scene; contributed Visiting Fellow (2018) to key datasets for semantic understanding of shapes (ShapeNet - SGP 2018 dataset award) and scenes (ScanNet, SUNCG, Matterport3D)

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CCAI Chair Category: Retention CCAI Chair Category: Retention Affiliations: Faculty Member, Mila; Assistant Affiliations: Faculty Member, Mila; Assistant Professor, Department of Decision Sciences, HEC Professor, School of Computer Science, McGill Montreal; Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Computer University Science and Operations Research, Université de Expertise: Computational linguistics, natural Montréal language processing, automatic summarization, Expertise: Deep learning, probabilistic graphical computational semantics models, machine learning for complex human Major Contributions/Awards: NSERC Alexander decisions, dialogue systems, recommender systems Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (2012); Major Contributions/Awards: Co-creator of Facebook Fellowship (2013); Best Paper Award, the Toronto Paper Matching System, used by Association for Computational Linguistics (2018) top-tier machine learning and computer science conferences to match reviewers and submissions; Google Focused Research Award (2017)


CCAI Chair Category: Retention CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment Affiliations: Faculty Member, Mila; Associate Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute; Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Assistant Professor, Depts. of Computer Science Operations Research, Université de Montréal; and Statistical Sciences, University of Toronto CIFAR Fellow, Program in Learning in Machines Expertise: Machine learning, optimization, and Brains statistics, data analysis Deep learning, reinforcement learning, Expertise: Major Contributions/Awards: Developed novel generative adversarial networks, novel generative optimization algorithms for machine learning models (Newton-Stein Method, Scaled Least Squares), Major Contributions/Awards: Co-author of the which are computationally more efficient than primary textbook in the field, Deep Learning (with existing methods (NIPS Spotlight presentation Goodfellow and Bengio); co-creator of generative 2015) adversarial networks; Google Faculty Research Award (2013)

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CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment CCAI Chair Category: Retention Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute; Assistant Professor, Dept. Computer Science, Expertise: Reinforcement learning, machine learning, industrial applications of machine University of Toronto; Director of AI, NVIDIA learning Expertise: Computer vision, biological vision, detection and segmentation (2D and 3D), object Major Contributions/Awards: Pioneered the design and theoretical analysis of reinforcement class recognition, social AI (AIs that act and react learning algorithms with high-dimensional data; to humans in a meaningful way), AI for fashion NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship (2012) Major Contributions/Awards: NVIDIA Pioneer of AI Award (2016); Facebook Faculty Award (2016); Amazon Academic Research Award (2017); Best Paper Honourable Mention Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (2017)


CCAI Chair Category: Retention CCAI Chair Category: Retention Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute; Affiliations: Faculty Member, Amii; Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer and Mathematical Professor, Dept. of Computing Science, University Sciences, University of Toronto Scarborough, and of Alberta; CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar, Program in Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto; Brain, Mind and Consciousness CIFAR Senior Fellow, Program in Learning in Expertise: Computational linguistics, EEG, MEG, Machines and Brains machine learning, neuroscience Computer vision, image processing, Expertise: Major Contributions/Awards: Pioneering visual perception, visual neuroscience, algorithms contributions to our understanding of meaning and for 3-D imaging of biomolecules (cryo-EM) representation in language through the unique Major Contributions/Awards: Pioneering combination of machine learning and brain imaging contributions to computer vision, particularly optical flow estimation and vision-based tracking; Sloan Research Fellowship (1996); Konderink Prize in Computer Vision (2010)

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CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute; Affiliations: Associate Faculty Member, Mila; Assistant Professor, Depts. of Computer Science Adjunct Professor, School of Computer Science, and Medicine, University of Toronto McGill University; Director of Research, Microsoft Expertise: Machine learning for health; developing Research, Montreal; Professor, Carnegie Mellon and applying machine learning methods that University (on leave) leverage the structure of data and problems Expertise: Artificial intelligence, decision-theoretic in health, including representation learning, planning, spectral methods, structured graphical reinforcement learning and inverse reinforcement models, reinforcement learning, optimization learning, prediction, risk stratification and model Major Contributions/Awards: Best student paper interpretability. award, International Conference on Educational Major Contributions/Awards: MIT Technology Data Mining (2013); International Conference Review “35 Innovators Under 35” (2018) on Automated Planning and Scheduling 10-year Influential Paper Award (2017)


CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute; Affiliations: Faculty Member, Mila; Assistant Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Professor, School of Computer Science, McGill University of Toronto; Canada Research Chair in University Probabilistic Inference and Deep Learning Expertise: Representation learning, network Expertise: Algorithms for deep learning, efficiency analysis, natural language processing, in deep learning, automating the configuration of computational social science machine learning systems, uncertainty modelling Major Contributions/Awards: NSERC Alexander Major Contributions/Awards: Best Student Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (2013); Paper, Conference on Uncertainty in AI (2012); Best Master’s Thesis Award, Canadian Artificial NSERC Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship (2015); Intelligence Association (2014); SAP Stanford Connaught New Researcher Award (2017); Ontario Graduate Fellowship (2014); Cozzarelli Prize, PNAS Early Researcher Award (2018) (2017)

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CCAI Chair Category: Retention CCAI Chair Category: Retention Affiliations: Faculty Member, Mila; Assistant Affiliations: Associate Faculty Member, Mila; Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Research Scientist, Google Brain; Adjunct Operations Research, Université de Montréal; Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and CIFAR Fellow, Program in Learning in Machines Operations Research, Université de Montréal; and Brains; Lab Scientist, CDL Montreal; Faculty Associate Director, CIFAR Program in Learning in Fellow, Element AI Machines and Brains Expertise: Machine learning, optimization, Expertise: Deep neural networks, meta-learning statistics, high-dimensional data analysis, (a.k.a learning to learn), one-shot learning, structured prediction reinforcement learning Major Contributions/Awards: Google Faculty Major Contributions/Awards: Pioneering contributor Research Award (2014); Google Focused Research to the development of deep neural networks, now Award (2016) leads the Google Brain group in Montreal; Google Faculty Research Award (2012, 2013)


CCAI Chair Category: Retention CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment Affiliations: Associate Faculty Member, Amii; Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Expertise: Unsupervised learning, generative British Columbia models Machine learning, algorithm design, Expertise: Major Contributions/Awards: Developed computational game theory, economic market adversarial inference methods for learning mechanisms, deep learning, AI for social impact generative models Major Contributions/Awards: CACS/AIC Outstanding Young Computer Science Researcher (2013); Google Faculty Research Award (2013); NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship (2015); Facebook Research Award (2018); AAAI Fellow (2018); Franz Edelman Award for Achievement in Operations Research and the Management Sciences (Team Award; 2018); ACM Distinguished Member (2018)

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CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment CCAI Chair Category: Retention Affiliations: Faculty Member, Mila; Assistant Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute; Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Professor, Donnelly Centre for Cellular and Operations Research, Université de Montréal Biomolecular Research, University of Toronto Expertise: Statistical machine learning, Expertise: Computational biology, machine optimization, large-scale and distributed learning learning, RNA, cancer evolution, precision systems, making machine learning broadly medicine, cancer genomics, RNA-binding proteins, accessible post-transcriptional regulation Major Contributions/Awards: Discovered Major Contributions/Awards: Co-creator of the interaction between optimization and system GeneMANIA community resource, which draws dynamics in large-scale systems; work on adaptive genetics data from multiple public databases and momentum optimizers was selected for an oral uses machine learning to predict function, and presentation at the inaugural SysML conference has over 220,000 active users; NVIDIA Compute (2018) the Cure Award (2017); Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher (2018)


CCAI Chair Category: Retention CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment Affiliations: Associate Faculty Member, Vector Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute; Institute; Assistant Professor, Depts. of Statistics Associate Professor, Faculty of Computer Science, Medical Genetics, University of British Columbia; Dalhousie University Canada Research Chair in Computational Biology; Expertise: Deep learning and computational CIFAR Fellow, Child and Brain Development Program creativity, generative music models, human-AI Expertise: AI for genomics and disease prediction, interaction AI for gene/environment interactions, psychiatric Major Contributions/Awards: While at Google disorders and neurodevelopment Brain, co-developed the Performance RNN system, Major Contributions/Awards: Co-creator of which uses machine learning to compose music; several highly utilized machine learning algorithms, NIPS Best Demo Award (2016); AAAI Best Demo including GeneMANIA, GNAT and xQTLServer, Award (2017) for combining different types of genomics data for understanding gene function and networks

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CCAI Chair Category: Retention CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment Affiliations: Faculty Member, Mila; Associate Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute; Professor, École Polytechnique de Montréal; Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Computer Science Computer Engineering, University of Toronto and Operations Research, Université de Montréal; Expertise: Security and privacy in machine learning Principal Research Scientist, Element AI Major Contributions/Awards: Pioneering work Expertise: Deep learning, computer vision, natural in the development of black-box attacks against language processing, medical image analysis machine learning; Google PhD Fellowship in Major Contributions/Awards: Leader in the Security (2016); Best Paper Award, ICLR (2017) area of machine learning and computer vision for multimedia and medical image analysis


CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment CCAI Chair Category: Retention Affiliations: Associate Faculty Member, Mila; Affiliations: Faculty Member, Mila; Associate Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science Professor, School of Computer Science, McGill and Operations Research, Université de Montréal University; CIFAR Senior Fellow, Program in Learning in Machines and Brains; Research Expertise: Robotics, autonomous vehicles, deep learning for autonomous vehicles Scientist and Site Lead, Facebook AI Research, Montreal Major Contributions/Awards: Co-founder of Duckietown, an autonomous vehicles research, Expertise: Reinforcement learning, robotics, deep education and outreach project learning, natural language processing, AI for health Major Contributions/Awards: Facebook Research Award (2017); NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship (2018); Fellow, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (2018)

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CCAI Chair Category: Retention CCAI Chair Category: Retention Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute; Affiliations: Faculty Member, Mila; Associate Professor, David R. Cheriton School of Computer Professor, School of Computer Science, McGill Science, University of Waterloo University; CIFAR Senior Fellow, Program in Learning in Machines and Brains; Associate Expertise: Machine learning and reasoning under Scientific Director, Healthy Brains for Healthy Lives, certainty, natural language understanding, health CFREF; Research Team Lead, DeepMind, Montreal informatics Expertise: Machine learning, reinforcement Major Contributions/Awards: Best main track learning, Markov decision processes, applications solver and best application solver (2016) and of machine learning and AI runner-up best student paper award (2017), International Conference on Theory and Major Contributions/Awards: AAAI Senior Applications of Satisfiability Testing Member (2015); Creative Destruction Lab Ideas Award (2017); AAAI Outstanding Student Paper Award (two awards to her students in 2017); Google Focused Research Award (2017); founder, AI for Social Good Summer Lab


CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment Affiliations: Faculty Member, Mila; Assistant Affiliations: Faculty Member, Mila; Assistant Professor, School of Computer Science, McGill Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and University Operations Research, Université de Montréal Expertise: Data mining, network science, Expertise: Theoretical foundations of machine computational social science, AI for social good learning, tensor networks for machine learning, Major Contributions/Awards: Developed learning with structured data principled ways for comparing, quantifying and Major Contributions/Awards: Best paper award, modelling the modular structure of complex Conference sur l’Apprentissage Automatique networks (France, 2014)

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CCAI Chair Category: Retention CCAI Chair Category: Retention Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute; Affiliations: Faculty Member, Mila; Faculty Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer and Associate, Vector Institute; Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences, University of Toronto Dept. of Computer Science and Dept. of Neurology Scarborough, Dept. of Statistical Sciences and and Neurosurgery, McGill University; CIFAR Fellow, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Toronto Program in Learning in Machines and Brains Expertise: Probabilistic programming languages Expertise: Neuroscience, reinforcement learning, and systems, machine learning, statistical learning animal intelligence, memory, machine learning for theory, network models, computational statistics neuroscience Major Contributions/Awards: Best Poster, Major Contributions/Awards: NSERC Banting Canadian Statistics Student Conference Postdoctoral Fellowship (2012); Human Frontiers (2015); Best Poster, Conference on Bayesian Science Program Young Investigators Grant (2015); Nonparametrics (2015); Ontario Early Researcher Google Faculty Research Award (2016); Ontario Award (2017); Google Faculty Research Award Early Researcher Award (2018) (2017)


CCAI Chair Category: Retention CCAI Chair Category: Retention Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute; Affiliations: Associate Member, Amii; Assistant Scientist, University Health Network; Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, University British Columbia; Canada Research Chair in Large- of Toronto; Director of AI, Surgical Safety Scale Machine Learning; CIFAR Senior Fellow, Technologies Inc. Program in Learning in Machines and Brains Expertise: Speech, language, machine learning, Expertise: Numerical optimization, machine health care, entrepreneurship learning, computer vision, machine learning applications Major Contributions/Awards: Founded WinterLight Labs, a startup company that uses AI Major Contributions/Awards: NSERC to track, screen and predict the onset of dementia Postdoctoral Fellowship (2012); Sloan Research and psychiatric illness; Ontario Early Researcher Fellowship (2017); Lagrange Prize in Continuous Award (2016); Excellence in Applied Research Optimization (2018) Award, National Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (2016); Connaught Innovation Award (2018)

18 19 CANADA CIFAR AI CHAIRS 2018-2019


CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment Affiliations: Associate Faculty Member, Vector Affiliations: Faculty Member, Mila; Assistant Institute; Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Professor, HEC Montréal; Adjunct Professor, Dept. Science, University of British Columbia; Canada of Computer Science and Operations Research, Research Chair in Computer Vision and Machine Université de Montréal Learning Expertise: Network analysis, deep learning, Expertise: Computer vision, machine learning, natural language processing, AI for drug discovery, computer graphics, object recognition, scene reinforcement learning, statistics understanding, motion capture, motion modelling, Major Contributions/Awards: Best Paper Award, animation ICML (2014); Most-Cited Paper, World Wide Web Major Contributions/Awards: Best Paper Award, Conference (2015); Best Paper nomination, World IEEE Winter Conference of Applications of Wide Web Conference (2016) Computer Vision (2018)


CCAI Chair Category: Retention CCAI Chair Category: Retention Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute; Affiliations: Faculty Member, Mila; Associate Associate Professor, School of Engineering, Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and University of Guelph; Canada Research Chair in Operations Research, Université de Montréal; Machine Learning; CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholar, Research Scientist, Facebook AI Research, Program in Learning in Machines and Brains; Montreal; CIFAR Associate Fellow, Program in Academic Director, NextAI Learning in Machines and Brains Expertise: Deep learning, representation learning, Expertise: Pioneering contributions in deep image and video understanding, motion capture learning and natural language processing and analysis, unconventional applications: remote Major Contributions/Awards: Developed the sensing, water resources, agri-food denoising autoencoder (DAE), a widely used, Major Contributions/Awards: Pioneering simple, yet powerful framework for machine work in generative modelling of time series and learning deconvolutional neural networks; Canada’s Top 40 Under 40 (2018)

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CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment Affiliations: Faculty Member, Vector Institute; Affiliations: Faculty Member, Amii; Director of Lead Artificial Intelligence Scientist, Peter Munk RLAI, University of Alberta; Assistant Professor, Cardiac Centre and the Techna Institute at the Dept. of Computing Science, University of Alberta University Health Network; Assistant Professor, Expertise: Reinforcement learning, representation Dept. of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto learning, optimization Machine learning, computational biology, Expertise: Major Contributions/Awards: Several computer vision, genomics, medical imaging algorithmic contributions for off-policy learning in Major Contributions/Awards: Developed novel reinforcement learning, with a recent contribution machine learning methods in data fusion and for an open problem for policy gradient methods; network analysis for single-cell genomics and NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate cancer subtyping, which are being adopted widely Scholarship (2012) in medical research.


CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment CCAI Chair Category: Recruitment Affiliations: Associate Faculty Member, Mila; Affiliations: Faculty Member, Amii; Assistant Associate Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Professor, Dept. of Computing Science, University University of British Columbia of Alberta Expertise: Probabilistic programming, probabilistic Expertise: Machine learning to predict machine learning and artificial intelligence, human behaviour, behavioural game theory, particularly Baysian methods; unsupervised computational game theory learning Major Contributions/Awards: NSERC Alexander Major Contributions/Awards: Initial developer of Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship (2012); the Anglican probabilistic programming language ACM SIGecom Doctoral Dissertation Award and an author of the first graduate textbook on (honourable mention, 2017) probabilistic programming


A key component of the CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strategy is the National Program of Activities. These are a series of workshops, training programs, conferences and other events to bring AI re- searchers from across Canada together to foster collaboration and partnerships, increase the num- ber of highly skilled graduates in AI and advance AI research and innovation.

This year CIFAR named a National Program Committee with membership across the AI Institutes, CIFAR and the Waterloo and Vancouver ecosystems.


PROF. DOINA PRECUP DR. ROGER GROSSE (CHAIR) CCAI Chair; Vector Institute CCAI Chair; CIFAR Senior Faculty Member; Asst. Professor Fellow; Mila Faculty Member; of Computer Science, University Assoc. Professor of Computer of Toronto Science, McGill University; Research Team Lead, DeepMind, PROF. GREG MORI Montreal Research Director, Borealis AI, Vancouver; Professor of PROF. MICHAEL BOWLING Computing Science, Simon Amii Faculty Member; Professor Fraser University of Computing Science, University of Alberta VALÉRIE PISANO President and CEO, Mila DR. MYRIAM CÔTÉ Director, AI for Humanity, Mila DR. ELISSA STROME Executive Director, Pan- DR. GARTH GIBSON Canadian AI Strategy, CIFAR President and CEO, Vector Institute PROF. PETER VAN BEEK Co-Director, Waterloo AI PROF. RANDY GOEBEL Institute; Professor of Computer Amii Faculty Member; Professor Science, University of Waterloo of Computing Science, University of Alberta


Helping the next generation of young Canadians to develop key skills and expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning is one of the primary goals of the CIFAR Pan- Canadian AI Strategy. This past year, CIFAR worked closely with Amii, Mila, the Vector Institute and universities across the country to develop and support a series of AI Summer Schools to inspire young people and to give them the tools they need to launch careers that leverage AI technologies.

»» In May and June 2018, McGill University and Mila held their annual AI for Social Good Summer Lab, a program focused on providing women with machine learning skills and practical experience to increase their career opportunities. »» In July 2018, the annual CIFAR Deep Learning/Reinforcement Learning Summer School was hosted by the Vector Institute, the Rotman School of Management and CIFAR, and provided 250 graduate and post-graduate trainees from 20 countries with an opportunity to learn from some of the world’s leading researchers. »» In Vancouver, the University of British Columbia’s Data Science for Social Good Fellowship Program brought together mul- tidisciplinary teams of students to tackle real-life data challenges faced by the not-for- profit sector.

»» Finally, CIFAR also supported AI4All’s Scenes from the 2018 Deep Learning/Reinforcement Invent the Future, a two-week summer Learning Summer School in Toronto camp held at Simon Fraser University, which brought Grade 11 girls from across British Columbia and across Canada to Vancouver to learn the basics of machine learning and how it is being applied in real-world settings. Together, these programs inspired students from high school to graduate school to gain the exposure and skills they need to become Canada’s next generation of leaders in the development and implementation of AI technologies.

24 The 2018 CIFAR Deep Learning/Reinforcement Learning summer school has been packed with energy since day one. Bringing in 250 students from around the world has been a real achievement. Students need a personal connection to their mentors.

Graham Taylor, Canada CIFAR AI Chair; Faculty Member, Associate Professor, University of Guelph; Vector Institute; Academic Director, NextAI

The CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strategy supports training pro- grams in AI for all levels, including the AI4All Invent the Future Summer Camp for high school girls (top) and the AI4Good Summer Lab (middle, bottom), for undergraduate women.


LEADERSHIP CIFAR’s AI & Society Program is led by Rebecca Finlay, VP, Engagement & Public Policy, and Brent Barron, Director, Public Policy. Under their leadership, CIFAR has developed a range of programs to support inquiry on the social, ethical, legal, and policy implications of artificial intelligence in Canada and around the world.

AI & Society is an international program that engages diverse perspectives from the social and computer sciences, humanities, law, public policy and civil society. Bringing these disciplines and sectors together is critical to deepening our understanding of the impact of AI in our everyday lives as well as its responsible and inclusive development.

Rebecca Finlay, VP, Engagement & Public Policy, CIFAR

Top: Rebecca Finlay Bottom: Brent Barron


CIFAR’s AI & Society pro- PROF. IAN KERR (CHAIR) gramming is guided by an Canada Research Chair in Advisory Council of re- Ethics, Law & Tech.; Professor, spected researchers from a University of Ottawa wide variety of disciplines, DR. JOANNA BRYSON who blend technical exper- Reader, Department of tise with a deep commit- Computer Science, University ment to promoting human of Bath well-being. DR. MARIO MARINIELLO Digital Adviser to the European Political Strategy Centre, European Commission

PROF. DOINA PRECUP CCAI Chair; CIFAR Senior Fellow; Mila Faculty Member; Assoc. Professor of Computer Science, McGill University; Research Team Lead, DeepMind, Montreal

MEREDITH WHITTAKER Co-Director, AI Now Institute, New York University


AI is expected to have profound effects on our society, affecting everything from business to gov- ernment, working life to personal time. CIFAR’s AI & Society Program has been examining some of the major questions that have started to arise in response to the flood of new AI developments in society. In the past year, CIFAR designed inclusive and international collaborations and engagements, bringing together research perspectives from across various disciplines, including the social and natural sciences, the humanities, law, engineering and the arts. These activities engaged academic researchers, community leaders, innovators and policymakers. On April 9th, 2018, CIFAR launched its first Call for Proposals for research workshops for di- verse international, interdisciplinary and intersectoral teams to study emerging topics at the in- tersection of AI and society. The Call for workshops closed on May 28, 2018; CIFAR received 39 applications across a variety of disciplines, and members of the application teams originated from 81 organizations located in 21 countries around the world. The following workshops were selected in the first competition: »» AI-powered information ecosystems and »» Indigenous protocol and AI - Led by Jason democracy - Led by Derek A. S. Ruths, Edward Lewis, Concordia University McGill University »» Regulating defense and security AI »» Generation AI: Reducing inequality and technologies: Options beyond traditional enhancing digital inclusion via smart arms control - Led by Kerstin Vignard, design and developmental science - Led by UN Institute for Disarmament Research Candice Odgers, University of California, (UNIDIR) Irvine

In August 2018, CIFAR launched a second international Call for Proposals in partnership with France’s Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) and U.K. Research and Innovation (UKRI) to fund proposals led by experts in Canada, France and the U.K. on important societal ques- tions arising from new technologies. The Call closed in October 2018; the following workshops were selected and will be held from July 2018 to June 2019: »» AI and the curation of culture - Led by »» AI & health care: The fusion of law & Ashton Anderson, University of Toronto, science - Led by Colleen Flood, University Canada of Ottawa, Canada »» AI and future Arctic conflicts - Led by »» Sustainability in the digital age - Led by Stephanie Carvin, Carleton University, Amy Luers, FutureEarth, Canada Canada »» Social dynamics & culture of AI - Led by »» Trust in AI systems - Led by Cristina Marie-Hélène Parizeau, Université Laval, Conati, University of British Columbia, Canada Canada »» Fairness, interpretability and privacy of »» Ethical futures & AI medicine - Led by algorithmic systems - Led by Adrian Weller, Heather Draper, University of Warwick, The Alan Turing Institute, United Kingdom United Kingdom


As part of our AI & Society Program, this past year, CIFAR also hosted its first AI Futures Policy Labs workshop series in partnership with the Brookfield Institute for Innovation + Entrepreneurship (BII+E). The purpose of the Policy Labs is to engage emerging policy leaders inside and outside the civil service to explore the public policy implications of AI, and highlight future challenges and op- portunities for governments. The first Lab took place in Toronto on June 25th, 2018, and brought to- gether representatives from municipal and provincial government, non-profit and public agencies, academia and the private sector. Attendees discussed real-life AI scenarios and potential solutions. A total of four more Labs have since taken place in Ottawa, Montreal, Edmonton and Vancouver, engaging a broader spectrum of representatives from public, private, academic and non-profit or- ganizations. Hosted in partnership with organizations like Microsoft, ATB Financial and Element AI, these workshops engaged a total of 125 policy innovators, representing organizations such as: »» Governments of Canada, Ontario, Alberta, »» Deloitte Future of Canada Centre Quebec and British Columbia »» Canadian Human Rights Commission »» Cities of Toronto, Edmonton and Vancouver »» National Research Council Canada

A bilingual publication will be released in 2019 that will include insights from these five Policy Labs, supporting national and international conversations about the future of policy in a world where AI-driven technologies are widespread.

The AI Futures Policy Labs pro- moted informed and thoughtful discussions across Canada about the future of AI technology.


AI is a field of research and innovation that is of broad interest to both the public and private sec- tors. While the potential for positive impact of AI applications in health care, transportation, clean energy and many other areas is significant, there are important societal implications that also must be considered. CIFAR is working with partners across sectors to advance AI research and innova- tion in a socially responsible manner. In September 2017, Facebook and CIFAR announced a new partnership as part of Facebook’s establishment of its first Canadian AI research lab in Montreal. The partnership also includes fund- ing for a Montreal-based Facebook CIFAR Chair in AI, as part of the CCAI Chairs Program. In October 2018, the RBC Foundation announced a $1-million contribution to CIFAR to support our national activities to support and advance AI research and training, with a particular focus on the social and ethical implications of AI. This new funding expands the long-standing partnership between CIFAR and RBC, and complements the deep investments RBC has made in establishing Borealis AI research and development labs in Canada’s major AI centres.

CIFAR was proud to announce partnerships with Facebook and the RBC Foundation (Borealis AI). Pictured L-R: Yoshua Bengio, Mike Schroepfer, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Joelle Pineau, Alan Bernstein, Yann LeCun.


Major national and international awards received by Canadian AI researchers from April 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018.


Association for the Advancement of AI, »» Kevin Leyton-Brown (Amii, University of British Fellow Columbia) »» Joelle Pineau (Mila, McGill University, Facebook AI Research) Best Paper Award, IEEE Winter Conference »» Leonid Segal (Vector Institute, University of British of Applications of Computer Vision Columbia) Bloomberg 50 »» Geoffrey Hinton (Vector Institute, University of Toronto, Google Brain) Canadian Artificial Intelligence Association, »» Yoshua Bengio (Mila, Université de Montréal) Lifetime Achievement Award »» Robin Cohen (University of Waterloo) »» Geoffrey Hinton (Vector Institute, University of Toronto, Google Brain) »» Rich Sutton (Amii, University of Alberta) Canada 150 Research Chair »» Alàn Aspuru-Guzik (Vector Institute, University of Toronto) Canada Research Chair (new) »» Michael Brown (York University) »» David Duvenaud (Vector Institute, University of Toronto) »» Roger Grosse (Vector Institute, University of Toronto) »» Anna Goldenberg (Vector Institute, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto) »» Graham Taylor (Vector Institute, University of Guelph) Canada’s Top 40 Under 40 »» Graham Taylor (Vector Institute, University of Guelph) Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher »» Geoffrey Hinton (Vector Institute, University of Toronto, Google Brain) Cozzarelli Prize, PNAS »» William Hamilton (Mila, McGill University) Creative Destruction Lab Ideas Award »» Doina Precup (Mila, McGill University, DeepMind) »» Yoshua Bengio (Mila, Université de Montréal) Facebook Emerging Scholars Award »» Michael Abebe (University of Waterloo) Facebook Research Award »» Yoshua Bengio (Mila, Université de Montréal) »» Kevin Leyton-Brown (Amii, University of British Columbia) »» Joelle Pineau (Mila, McGill University, Facebook AI Research) Fellow of the American Association for the »» Alàn Aspuru-Guzik (Vector Institute, University of Advancement of Science (AAAS) Toronto)

31 Franz Edelman Award for Achievement in »» Kevin Leyton-Brown (Amii, University of British Operations Research and the Management Columbia) Sciences (Team Award) Google Faculty Research Award »» Fahiem Bacchus (University of Toronto) Google Focused Research Award »» Alàn Aspuru-Guzik (Vector Institute, University of Toronto) International Conference on Automated »» Geoffrey J. Gordon (Mila, McGill University, Microsoft Planning and Scheduling 10-year Influential Research) Paper Award Jacobs Foundation Young Scholar »» Sara Mostafavi (Vector Institute, University of British Columbia) LaGrange Prize in Continuous Optimization »» Mark Schmidt (Amii, University of British Columbia) MIT 35 Innovators Under 35 »» Marzyeh Ghassemi (Vector Institute, University of Toronto) NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellowship »» Joelle Pineau (Mila, McGill University, Facebook AI Research) NVIDIA Compute the Cure Award »» Quaid Morris and David Duvenaud (Vector Institute, University of Toronto) Order of Canada (Companion) »» Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto) Order of Canada (Officer) »» Yoshua Bengio (Mila, Université de Montréal) Marie-Victorin Prix du Québec »» Yoshua Bengio (Mila, Université de Montréal) Radio-Canada Scientist of the Year »» Yoshua Bengio (Mila, Université de Montréal) Royal Society of Canada, Fellow »» Yoshua Bengio (Mila, Université de Montréal) Sloan Research Fellowship »» Mark Schmidt (Amii, University of British Columbia) »» Angela Schoellig (University of Toronto) Toronto Region Builder Award by the »» Geoffrey Hinton (University of Toronto) Toronto Region Board of Trade Varma Family Chair of Medical »» Anna Goldenberg (Hospital for Sick Children) Bioinformatics and Artificial Intelligence


Since 2017, many multinational enterprises have established new AI research and development labs in Canada, including:

»» Amazon »» Google »» ATB Financial »» LG Electronics »» Borealis AI (RBC Institute »» Microsoft Research for Research) »» Nvidia »» DeepMind »» Samsung »» Facebook »» Thomson Reuters »» GM Canada »» Uber


Canada’s AI ecosystem has seen tremen- dous growth in the last two years. In par- ECOSYSTEM IN NUMBERS* ticular, the number of AI-related startup 650+ Startups 40+ Accelerators & incubators companies has increased dramatically, with 60+ Investor groups 60+ Public research labs more than 650 startups currently operating across all of Canada’s largest tech centres. *


Google News has indexed more than 130 articles on artificial intelligence in Canada since the an- nouncement of the CIFAR Pan-Canadian AI Strategy on March 28, 2017. Some of the highlights include:

PUBLICATION ARTICLE DATE The Economist How Canada’s unique research culture has November 4, 2017 aided artificial intelligence Maclean’s Is Canada ready for the radical change November 26, 2017 Artificial Intelligence will unleash? MaRS Magazine Future of AI December 12, 2017 Bloomberg Apple and its rivals bet their futures on these May 17, 2018 Businessweek men’s dreams Forbes An insider’s look into the summer school September 3, 2018 training the world’s top AI researchers