t.me/Ebooks_Encyclopedia27. t.me/Magazines4all A Brief History of Modern India by Rajiv Ahir I.P.S. With contributions from R. Vidya Sabina Madan Shashi Kumar Saxena Kalpana Rajaram Editor Kalpana Rajaram Revised and Enlarged Edition 2017 i SPECTRUM BOOKS (P) LTD. A1 291, First Floor, Janakpuri, New Delhi 110 058 t.me/Ebooks_Encyclopedia27. t.me/Magazines4all © 2017 Reserved by SPECTRUM BOOKS PVT. LTD. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission of the publishers. ISBN 81-7930-654-2 First published in 1995 by Spectrum India 23rd Edition 2017 Spectrum India and Spectrum Price: ` 365 Books (P) Ltd. have obtained the information contained in this book from sources considered to be reliable. However, Production Coordinator Spectrum India/Spectrum Books K.K. Padmanabhan (P) Ltd. or the authors do not undertake to guarantee the Assistance in Production accuracy or completeness of the V.R. Krishnadas information, and, as such, are not responsible for any error, omission or damage arising from Lasertypesetting/Graphics the use of the information. The Shiv Shankar Gupta authors and publishers are supplying information, but are Cover Design not offering professional Gyana Geetha services. Published and Distributed by SPECTRUM BOOKS (P) LTD. A1 291, First Floor, Janakpuri, New Delhi 110 058 Phone: 25507922, 25623501 Telefax: 91-11-25611640 e-mail:
[email protected] Visit our websites: www.spectrumbooks.in, www.spectrumbooksonline.in All disputes will be subject to Delhi jurisdiction. Printed at: Ajanta Printers New Delhi-110 018 t.me/Ebooks_Encyclopedia27. t.me/Magazines4all Editor’s Note Several books have been written by justly famous authors and historians of India’s struggle for freedom which is the major strand in any consideration of the history of Modern India.