The myth of the Caucasian Sprachbund: The case of ergativity. Kevin Tuite, Université de Montréal and ANU Research Centre for Linguistic Typology Département d’anthropologie Université de Montréal Case postale 6128, Succursale centre-ville Montréal, Québec H3C 3J7, Canada
[email protected] 1. Introduction. The study of linguistic areas, or “Sprachbünde”, owes a great deal to the important research of Murray B. Emeneau on the geographical distribution of linguistic features among the languages of India and its neighboring countries. In the introduction he wrote to a collection of his essays, Emeneau observes, with deserved pride, that his work has “introduced the Indian linguistic area … as a worthy partner of the Balkans or the Caucasus” (Emeneau, 1980). I hope that the distinguished Sankritist and Dravidologist will not take it amiss if I use a quotation from his writings to introduce a paper in which I will argue that the Caucasus, whatever it might be in geolinguistic terms, is not a Sprachbund like the Balkans or, for that matter, the Indian subcontinent. 1.1. Trubetzkoy on Sprachbünde. The term Sprachbund was introduced to the linguistic world seventy years ago (although it had appeared in a tract on cultural themes by Trubetzkoy five years earlier (Toman, 1995: 204)), on the occasion of the 1st International Congress of Linguists in April 1928. At a session devoted to the “Établissement et délimination des termes techniques”, the phonologist Nikolai Trubetzkoy proposed that, in order avoid “Missverständnisse und Fehler” in the classification of languages, a distinction be made between Sprachfamilien and Sprachbünde: Gruppen, bestehend aus Sprachen, die eine große Ähnlichkeit in syntaktischer Hinsicht; eine Ähnlichkeit in den Grundsätzen des morphologischen Baues aufweisen; und eine große Anzahl gemeinsamer Kulturwörter bieten, manchmal auch äussere Ähnlichkeit im Bestande der Lautsystem, — dabei aber keine systematischen Lautentsprechungen, Myth of the Caucasian Sprachbund (K.