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Master's Report SHAW COLLEGE SHAW MASTER'S REPORT 逸夫书院 院长报告 MASTER'S 2016-2017 REPORT 2016-2017 SHAW COLLEGE Tel: 0755-8427 3098 电话 Email: [email protected] 邮箱 地址:中国广东省深圳市龙岗区龙翔大道 2001 号 香港中文大学(深圳)逸夫书院 518172 Address: Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, 2001 Longxiang Road, Longggang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 518172 逸夫书院微信公众号二维码 COMBINING TRADITION WITH MODERNITY, BRINGING TOGETHER CHINA AND THE WEST CONTENTS目录 SHAW COLLEGE 结合传统与现代,融会中国与西方 02 THE COLLEGE 10 COLLEGE LIFE 22 DISTINGUISHED VISITORS 28 HONOURS AND AWARDS AND SEMINARS 书院简介 书院生活 荣誉成就 03 MESSAGE FROM THE MASTER 11 Regular Events and Activities 嘉宾访问 30 COLLEGE ORGANISATION 24 盛会和定期活动 IN MEMORIAM 院长寄语 – MRS. MONA SHAW 书院架构 16 2016 College Activities 04 COLLEGE GRAND OPENING 2016 年活动概览 悼念先贤 开幕典礼 17 2017 College Activities 26 FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE 06 STUDENT PROFILE 2017 年活动概览 书院设施 学生概述 21 Hostel Activities 逸夫书院各栋学生活动 THE COLLEGE MESSAGE FROM THE MASTER THE COLLEGE MESSAGE FROM THE MASTER 逸夫书院 院长寄语 梁美儿Janny M.Y. LEUNG Founding逸夫书院创院院长 Master, Shaw College It was an honour to be appointed as the Founding Master of It was also important for him that this community “consists of Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen teachers and learners from every quarter” yet be in one place. This (CUHKSZ). is what makes a great university, a place where you can find, and learn from, or even argue with, the experts in each field. He also Shaw College is the first College at CUHKSZ, and CUHKSZ is one believed that the value of the university is in the opportunity for of the first universities in Mainland China with a College system. contemplation, for reflection. For this, it is the College setting that Having studied and worked at collegiate universities for most provides the congenial community for pondering the important of my life --- and benefited greatly from the experience--- I am questions of life. thrilled to have the opportunity to participate in the journey of the establishment of Shaw College from its beginning. What is my hope for Shaw College? I wish it to be a “community of scholars”, where the members – teachers and students – can What is so special about a College within a University? Why are find like-minded friends on the journey of knowledge discovery. I Colleges so fondly remembered by their graduates? A College is, wish it to be a “diversity of individuals” where one can get to know of course, much more than its buildings, just as a University is colleagues with different background, culture and beliefs, and so much more than a place to attend classes, or a place to get a explore new ideas and interests together. Shaw College will do its qualification. very best to provide a stimulating environment for all that. According to John Henry Newman (Idea of a University, 1852), Let the history of Shaw College begin with us! Established with a generous donation from the Shaw Foundation a university is a “community of thinkers, engaging in intellectual 承蒙邵氏基金(香港)有限公司的慷慨捐赠支持,逸夫书院 (Hong Kong) Limited, Shaw College is the first College of The pursuits not for any external purpose, but as an end in itself”. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Shaw College 是香港中文大学(深圳)的第一间书院,为学生提供一个融合住、 provides a home for students from different background to live 食、学为一体的温馨的家,让来自四面八方的学生互相沟通、共 and learn together, sharing the joys of knowledge discovery with 同探索、一起成长。书院致力于建立一个开放的平台,让不同专业、 teachers of the College and with each other. The College aims to 年级、背景的同学聚首一堂,透过参与及体验式学习活动去实现 establish an open platform for students from different programmes to implement the holistic educational idea through various 书院『修德臻善』的全人教育理念。 能够被委任为香港中文大学(深圳)逸夫书院的创始院长,我 并以此作为唯一的目标,而非为了任何其他的目的”。在纽曼描述 activities and to live up to the motto of the College “In Pursuit of Virtue and Excellence”. 感到非常荣幸。 的理想的大学社区中,来自五湖四海的老师与学者共聚于此,与各 领域的专家共同学习、甚至互相争论。纽曼认为,大学的价值在于 逸夫书院是香港中文大学(深圳)的第一间书院,港中深也是 为沉思或者反思提供一个契机。结合纽曼的高等教育理论来理解书 中国大陆最早采用书院制的高校之一。在我的人生履历中,有极大 院制,可以将书院视为一个为师生提供思考人生重大议题的平台与 一部分时间是求学与供职于拥有书院制的大学,这些宝贵经验使我 社区。 受益良多。当我得知能够参与一所崭新书院 ——逸夫书院——的创 办,我立刻欣然同意,并且干劲十足。 我对于逸夫书院的愿景,是希望这里成为一个学者荟萃一堂之 处,书院的师生能够在这里找到志同道合的朋友,一起在探寻知识 书院为何在大学这个体系中如此特别呢?为什么书院的毕业生 与真理的道路上驰骋;我希望这里成为一个众士群英云集之地,在 们会如此自豪地铭记着自己的书院?一间书院,当然不仅仅是提供 这里拥有不同背景、文化或信仰的人能够不拘不束地各抒己见,一 住宿的空间,正如大学不单单是一个上课的地方,不止是获得文凭、 起切磋琢磨。逸夫书院将竭尽全力为大家提供一个积极的、正能量 学历的地方。 的环境,实现“敬业乐群”的理想。 约翰·亨利·纽曼在他的著述《大学的理想》中这么形容一所理 让逸夫书院的光荣的历史,从我们的奋斗中创造。 想的大学:“大学是一群思想家的社群,他们在思考中追寻智慧, Calligraphy by the Founding President of CUHKSZ, Prof. Xu Yangsheng 毛笔书法 “逸夫书院” ,香港中文大学(深圳)创校校长徐扬生教授题 02 03 COLLEGE GRAND OPENING COLLEGE GRAND OPENING Group Photo of senior staff and guests at the Grand Opening (From left to right) President Xu, Mrs. Shaw, President Sung and Dr. Leung unveiling the plaque of Shaw College together. 开幕典礼领导嘉宾大合影 徐扬生校长(左一)邵方逸华女士(左二)、沈祖尧校长(右二)和梁乃鹏博士(右一)为逸夫书院揭幕 COLLEGE GRAND OPENING Shaw开幕典礼 College held its Grand Opening ceremony on September 4th, 2016. As the first College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2016 年 9 月 4 日,逸夫书院举办开幕典礼。作为港中大(深圳) (Shenzhen), Shaw College aims to sustain and develop the tradition 的第一所书院,逸夫书院的开幕,既是对港中大书院制传统的延续, of the collegiate system that has been established at The Chinese 更是向书院制新内涵的探索迈出第一步。 University of Hong Kong. 邵氏基金(香港)有限公司主席邵方逸华女士、香港中文大 Mrs. Mona Shaw, Chairman of the Shaw Foundation Hong Kong 学(深圳)理事会主席沈祖尧教授、香港中文大学(深圳)校长徐 Limited, Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung, Chairman of the Governing Prof. Xu, President of CUHKSZ delivering the welcome speech President Xu (left), Mrs. Shaw (Middle) and Prof. Leung, Board of CUHKSZ, Professor Xu Yangsheng, President of CUHKSZ, 扬生教授和香港中文大学校董会主席梁乃鹏博士共同为逸夫书院 Master of Shaw College of CUHKSZ (right) 香港中文大学(深圳)校长徐扬生教授致开幕词 and Dr. Norman Leung, Council Chairman of CUHK, unveiled the 揭幕。观礼嘉宾还包括诺贝尔化学奖获得者阿里耶·瓦谢尔(Arieh 徐扬生校长(左)邵方逸华女士(中)和逸夫书院院长梁美儿教授(右) plaque of Shaw College together. Prof. Arieh Warshel, Nobel laureate Warshel)教授和诺贝尔经济学奖获得者詹姆斯·莫里斯(James in Chemistry, Prof. Sir James Mirrlees, Nobel laureate in Economics, Mirrlees)教授,以及香港中文大学(深圳)的大学主管人员与导 staff and students of CUHKSZ and many other guests attended the 师代表。 ceremony to witness this historic occasion. In his welcome speech, Prof. Yangsheng Xu thanked the Shaw 徐扬生校长在逸夫书院开幕典礼上发表演讲,感谢邵方逸华女 Foundation for the generous donation and Mrs. Mona Shaw for 士的鼎力支持和邵氏基金的慷慨资助。徐校长指出,书院制是大学 her vision and support. President Xu also pointed out that the 全人教育之核心,使学生在课堂内外学习为人处世,提升自身的人 collegiate system is at the core of the all-round education that 文素养与审美品位,增强自信心与责任感,成长为有参与意识,能 CUHKSZ provides, helping students to learn both inside and outside 够担当的公民。 the classroom, and to think and act responsibly with confidence, to develop their cultural awareness and aesthetic taste, so that in 今后,逸夫书院的全体师生们将携手,共同创造丰富多彩的书 the future they could grow up to be citizens with integrity, social Prof. Arieh Warshel, Noble laureate in 院文化,为逸夫书院书写灿烂辉煌的历史。逸夫书院也将继承邵逸 responsibility and compassion. Chemistry (first from the left) and Prof. 夫先生“崇高博爱、回馈社会”的精神,将邵逸夫先生的精神发扬 Sir James Mirrlees (second from the left), From this day onwards, all students and staff of Shaw College 光大。 Noble laureate in Economics at the Grand shall work together to create a splendid college culture, to write a Opening ceremony. magnificent history for Shaw College that would carry on Mr Run 诺贝尔化学奖获得者阿里耶·瓦谢尔教授 Run Shaw’s spirit of “being charitable and giving back to society”. 和诺贝尔经济学奖获得者詹姆斯·莫里斯 教授出席开幕典礼 04 05 STUDENT PROFILE STUDENT PROFILE Student Profile 逸夫书院本科生籍贯分布 STUDENT PROFILE Shaw College Undergraduates - By Province/Region The College strives to welcome a diverse group of students each year, both in terms of place of origin and area of study. Especially, Shaw College attracts international and exchange students with its inter学生概述nationalized culture. 学生概述The College strives to welcome a diverse group of students each year, both in terms of place of origin and area of study. Especially, Shaw College attracts international and exchange students with its internationalised culture. 学生的来源和组成的多元化成为了逸夫书院的特色之一。逸夫书院国际化的文化更是广受国际学 生和交换学生的来源和组成的多元化成为了逸夫书院的特色之一。逸夫书院国际化的文化更是广受国际学生和交换学生的青睐。学生的青睐。 Shaw College逸夫书院本科生专业分布 Undergraduates - By Major Picture 9 – Shaw College Undergraduates by Major 06 Picture 10 – Shaw College Undergraduates by Province/Major 07 图 9 - 逸夫书院本科生专业分布 图 10 – 逸夫书院本科生籍贯分布 12 11 STUDENT PROFILE STUDENT PROFILE Shaw College International逸夫书院本科国际生生源分布 Undergraduates - By Nationality Shaw College逸夫书院研究生籍贯分布 Postgraduates - By Province/Region Picture 11 - Shaw College International Undergraduates - By Nationality 图 逸夫书院本科国际生生源分布 09 13 COLLEGE LIFE Regular Events and Activities • COLLEGE LIFE Regular Events and Activities COLLEGE LIFE 盛会和日常活动 Orientation 迎新典礼 书院生活 “A good start is half the success.” The first event for all new students Shaw College is a fully residential College. Hostel life is an integral part of at Shaw College is the Orientation and Ice-breaking at the beginning “好的开始是成功的一半”。迎接每一位逸夫新生的第一项集 the College experience. All students of Shaw College are required to live in 逸夫书院是全宿书院,宿舍生活是书院生活的重要组成部分。全 of the autumn semester every year. The Orientation Ceremony 体活动就是每年秋季开学伊始的逸夫书院迎新和破冰活动。迎新典 a hostel of the College during term time throughout their normative study 宿书院的意思是:经大学批准,所有逸夫书院的学生在正常的学期期 provides an opportunity for students to not only meet the senior staff 礼是大学和书院的主管领导与同学们的第一次正式见面。在迎新典 period, as approved by the University, at CUHKSZ. 间均须住在书院的宿舍。 of the University and the College for the first time, but also listen to 礼上,书院也安排了大学安保组代表讲解校园安全注意事项和舍监
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