SHAW COLLEGE 逸夫书院 逸夫书院微信公众号二维码 SHAW COLLEGE SHAW 2016-2017 MASTER'S REPORT Tel: 0755-8427 3098 Tel: Email: [email protected] 地址:中国广东省深圳市龙岗区龙翔大道 2001 号 香港中文大学(深圳)逸夫书院 518172 Shenzhen, Address: Shaw College, The Chinese University of , Guangdong, China 518172 Longggang District, Shenzhen, 2001 Longxiang Road, 电话 邮箱 COMBINING TRADITION WITH MODERNITY, BRINGING TOGETHER CHINA AND THE WEST CONTENTS目录 SHAW COLLEGE 结合传统与现代,融会中国与西方

02 THE COLLEGE 10 COLLEGE LIFE 22 DISTINGUISHED VISITORS 28 HONOURS AND AWARDS AND SEMINARS 书院简介 书院生活 荣誉成就 03 MESSAGE FROM THE MASTER 11 Regular Events and Activities 嘉宾访问 30 COLLEGE ORGANISATION 24 盛会和定期活动 IN MEMORIAM 院长寄语 – MRS. MONA SHAW 书院架构 16 2016 College Activities 04 COLLEGE GRAND OPENING 2016 年活动概览 悼念先贤 开幕典礼 17 2017 College Activities 26 FACILITIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE 06 STUDENT PROFILE 2017 年活动概览 书院设施 学生概述 21 Hostel Activities



梁美儿Janny M.Y. LEUNG

Founding逸夫书院创院院长 Master, Shaw College

It was an honour to be appointed as the Founding Master of It was also important for him that this community “consists of Shaw College, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen teachers and learners from every quarter” yet be in one place. This (CUHKSZ). is what makes a great university, a place where you can find, and learn from, or even argue with, the experts in each field. He also Shaw College is the first College at CUHKSZ, and CUHKSZ is one believed that the value of the university is in the opportunity for of the first universities in Mainland China with a College system. contemplation, for reflection. For this, it is the College setting that Having studied and worked at collegiate universities for most provides the congenial community for pondering the important of my life --- and benefited greatly from the experience--- I am questions of life. thrilled to have the opportunity to participate in the journey of the establishment of Shaw College from its beginning. What is my hope for Shaw College? I wish it to be a “community of scholars”, where the members – teachers and students – can What is so special about a College within a University? Why are find like-minded friends on the journey of knowledge discovery. I Colleges so fondly remembered by their graduates? A College is, wish it to be a “diversity of individuals” where one can get to know of course, much more than its buildings, just as a University is colleagues with different background, culture and beliefs, and so much more than a place to attend classes, or a place to get a explore new ideas and interests together. Shaw College will do its qualification. very best to provide a stimulating environment for all that. According to John Henry Newman (Idea of a University, 1852), Let the history of Shaw College begin with us! Established with a generous donation from the Shaw Foundation a university is a “community of thinkers, engaging in intellectual 承蒙邵氏基金(香港)有限公司的慷慨捐赠支持,逸夫书院 (Hong Kong) Limited, Shaw College is the first College of The pursuits not for any external purpose, but as an end in itself”. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Shaw College 是香港中文大学(深圳)的第一间书院,为学生提供一个融合住、 provides a home for students from different background to live 食、学为一体的温馨的家,让来自四面八方的学生互相沟通、共 and learn together, sharing the joys of knowledge discovery with 同探索、一起成长。书院致力于建立一个开放的平台,让不同专业、 teachers of the College and with each other. The College aims to 年级、背景的同学聚首一堂,透过参与及体验式学习活动去实现 establish an open platform for students from different programmes to implement the holistic educational idea through various 书院『修德臻善』的全人教育理念。 能够被委任为香港中文大学(深圳)逸夫书院的创始院长,我 并以此作为唯一的目标,而非为了任何其他的目的”。在纽曼描述 activities and to live up to the motto of the College “In Pursuit of Virtue and Excellence”. 感到非常荣幸。 的理想的大学社区中,来自五湖四海的老师与学者共聚于此,与各 领域的专家共同学习、甚至互相争论。纽曼认为,大学的价值在于 逸夫书院是香港中文大学(深圳)的第一间书院,港中深也是 为沉思或者反思提供一个契机。结合纽曼的高等教育理论来理解书 中国大陆最早采用书院制的高校之一。在我的人生履历中,有极大 院制,可以将书院视为一个为师生提供思考人生重大议题的平台与 一部分时间是求学与供职于拥有书院制的大学,这些宝贵经验使我 社区。 受益良多。当我得知能够参与一所崭新书院 ——逸夫书院——的创 办,我立刻欣然同意,并且干劲十足。 我对于逸夫书院的愿景,是希望这里成为一个学者荟萃一堂之 处,书院的师生能够在这里找到志同道合的朋友,一起在探寻知识 书院为何在大学这个体系中如此特别呢?为什么书院的毕业生 与真理的道路上驰骋;我希望这里成为一个众士群英云集之地,在 们会如此自豪地铭记着自己的书院?一间书院,当然不仅仅是提供 这里拥有不同背景、文化或信仰的人能够不拘不束地各抒己见,一 住宿的空间,正如大学不单单是一个上课的地方,不止是获得文凭、 起切磋琢磨。逸夫书院将竭尽全力为大家提供一个积极的、正能量 学历的地方。 的环境,实现“敬业乐群”的理想。 约翰·亨利·纽曼在他的著述《大学的理想》中这么形容一所理 让逸夫书院的光荣的历史,从我们的奋斗中创造。 想的大学:“大学是一群思想家的社群,他们在思考中追寻智慧, Calligraphy by the Founding President of CUHKSZ, Prof. Xu Yangsheng

毛笔书法 “逸夫书院” ,香港中文大学(深圳)创校校长徐扬生教授题

02 www.cuhk.edu.cn www.cuhk.edu.cn 03 COLLEGE GRAND OPENING COLLEGE GRAND OPENING

Group Photo of senior staff and guests at the Grand Opening (From left to right) President Xu, Mrs. Shaw, President Sung and Dr. Leung unveiling the plaque of Shaw College together.

开幕典礼领导嘉宾大合影 徐扬生校长(左一)邵方逸华女士(左二)、沈祖尧校长(右二)和梁乃鹏博士(右一)为逸夫书院揭幕 COLLEGE GRAND OPENING

Shaw开幕典礼 College held its Grand Opening ceremony on September 4th, 2016. As the first College of The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2016 年 9 月 4 日,逸夫书院举办开幕典礼。作为港中大(深圳) (Shenzhen), Shaw College aims to sustain and develop the tradition 的第一所书院,逸夫书院的开幕,既是对港中大书院制传统的延续, of the collegiate system that has been established at The Chinese 更是向书院制新内涵的探索迈出第一步。 University of Hong Kong. 邵氏基金(香港)有限公司主席邵方逸华女士、香港中文大 Mrs. Mona Shaw, Chairman of the Shaw Foundation Hong Kong 学(深圳)理事会主席沈祖尧教授、香港中文大学(深圳)校长徐 Limited, Professor Joseph J.Y. Sung, Chairman of the Governing Prof. Xu, President of CUHKSZ delivering the welcome speech President Xu (left), Mrs. Shaw (Middle) and Prof. Leung, Board of CUHKSZ, Professor Xu Yangsheng, President of CUHKSZ, 扬生教授和香港中文大学校董会主席梁乃鹏博士共同为逸夫书院 Master of Shaw College of CUHKSZ (right) 香港中文大学(深圳)校长徐扬生教授致开幕词 and Dr. Norman Leung, Council Chairman of CUHK, unveiled the 揭幕。观礼嘉宾还包括诺贝尔化学奖获得者阿里耶·瓦谢尔(Arieh 徐扬生校长(左)邵方逸华女士(中)和逸夫书院院长梁美儿教授(右) plaque of Shaw College together. Prof. Arieh Warshel, Nobel laureate Warshel)教授和诺贝尔经济学奖获得者詹姆斯·莫里斯(James in Chemistry, Prof. Sir James Mirrlees, Nobel laureate in Economics, Mirrlees)教授,以及香港中文大学(深圳)的大学主管人员与导 staff and students of CUHKSZ and many other guests attended the 师代表。 ceremony to witness this historic occasion. In his welcome speech, Prof. Yangsheng Xu thanked the Shaw 徐扬生校长在逸夫书院开幕典礼上发表演讲,感谢邵方逸华女 Foundation for the generous donation and Mrs. Mona Shaw for 士的鼎力支持和邵氏基金的慷慨资助。徐校长指出,书院制是大学 her vision and support. President Xu also pointed out that the 全人教育之核心,使学生在课堂内外学习为人处世,提升自身的人 collegiate system is at the core of the all-round education that 文素养与审美品位,增强自信心与责任感,成长为有参与意识,能 CUHKSZ provides, helping students to learn both inside and outside 够担当的公民。 the classroom, and to think and act responsibly with confidence, to develop their cultural awareness and aesthetic taste, so that in 今后,逸夫书院的全体师生们将携手,共同创造丰富多彩的书 the future they could grow up to be citizens with integrity, social Prof. Arieh Warshel, Noble laureate in 院文化,为逸夫书院书写灿烂辉煌的历史。逸夫书院也将继承邵逸 responsibility and compassion. Chemistry (first from the left) and Prof. 夫先生“崇高博爱、回馈社会”的精神,将邵逸夫先生的精神发扬 Sir James Mirrlees (second from the left), From this day onwards, all students and staff of Shaw College 光大。 Noble laureate in Economics at the Grand shall work together to create a splendid college culture, to write a Opening ceremony. magnificent history for Shaw College that would carry on Mr Run 诺贝尔化学奖获得者阿里耶·瓦谢尔教授 Run Shaw’s spirit of “being charitable and giving back to society”. 和诺贝尔经济学奖获得者詹姆斯·莫里斯 教授出席开幕典礼

04 www.cuhk.edu.cn www.cuhk.edu.cn 05 STUDENT PROFILE STUDENT PROFILE

Student Profile STUDENT PROFILE Shaw College逸夫书院本科生籍贯分布 Undergraduates - By Province/Region The College strives to welcome a diverse group of students each year, both in terms of place of origin and area of study. Especially, Shaw College attracts international and exchange students with its inter学生概述nationalized culture. 学生概述The College strives to welcome a diverse group of students each year, both in terms of place of origin and area of study. Especially, Shaw College attracts international and exchange students with its internationalised culture. 学生的来源和组成的多元化成为了逸夫书院的特色之一。逸夫书院国际化的文化更是广受国际学 生和交换学生的来源和组成的多元化成为了逸夫书院的特色之一。逸夫书院国际化的文化更是广受国际学生和交换学生的青睐。学生的青睐。

Shaw College逸夫书院本科生专业分布 Undergraduates - By Major

Picture 9 – Shaw College Undergraduates by Major 06 www.cuhk.edu.cn Picture 10 – Shaw College Undergraduates by Province/Major www.cuhk.edu.cn 07 图 9 - 逸夫书院本科生专业分布 图 10 – 逸夫书院本科生籍贯分布



Shaw College International逸夫书院本科国际生生源分布 Undergraduates - By Nationality Shaw College逸夫书院研究生籍贯分布 Postgraduates - By Province/Region

Picture 11 - Shaw College International Undergraduates - By Nationality

图0811www.cuhk.edu.cn- 逸夫书院本科国际生生源分布 www.cuhk.edu.cn 09

13 COLLEGE LIFE Regular Events and Activities • COLLEGE LIFE

Regular Events and Activities COLLEGE LIFE 盛会和日常活动 Orientation 迎新典礼 书院生活 “A good start is half the success.” The first event for all new students Shaw College is a fully residential College. Hostel life is an integral part of at Shaw College is the Orientation and Ice-breaking at the beginning “好的开始是成功的一半”。迎接每一位逸夫新生的第一项集 the College experience. All students of Shaw College are required to live in 逸夫书院是全宿书院,宿舍生活是书院生活的重要组成部分。全 of the autumn semester every year. The Orientation Ceremony 体活动就是每年秋季开学伊始的逸夫书院迎新和破冰活动。迎新典 a hostel of the College during term time throughout their normative study 宿书院的意思是:经大学批准,所有逸夫书院的学生在正常的学期期 provides an opportunity for students to not only meet the senior staff 礼是大学和书院的主管领导与同学们的第一次正式见面。在迎新典 period, as approved by the University, at CUHKSZ. 间均须住在书院的宿舍。 of the University and the College for the first time, but also listen to 礼上,书院也安排了大学安保组代表讲解校园安全注意事项和舍监 some very useful lectures on campus security and hostel regulations. The College consists of the West and East Blocks, and each Block 逸夫书院由东、西两座组成,每座包括三栋互相连通的宿舍楼。 代表讲解宿舍生活注意事项等环节,帮助同学们尽快适应校园生活。 consists of three Towers. Pastoral care for the postgraduate and Ice-breaking activities aim to introduce the new students to each 每栋楼设「舍监」一名,舍监及舍监领导的住宿导师团队负责监督宿 破冰活动中,新生们以小组为单位,和“组爸组妈”(高年级的学 undergraduate students living in the hostels is provided by a Warden other with the help of “mentors” (senior student volunteers) by for each Tower together with a team of Resident Tutors. There are also 生并执行学生守则。学生也有很多机会可以和归属于逸夫书院的学术 playing ice-breaking games. During the Welcome Party, students will 生志愿者)们一起通过玩小游戏介绍自己,认识同学,消除对于新 ample opportunities for the students to interact with teachers affiliated 老师进行交流互动。 meet the Wardens, Resident Tutors and teachers from Shaw College 环境的紧张感。在晚上的欢迎派对中,同学们可以一边和舍监、住 with the College. while enjoying some wonderful performances by senior students. 宿导师和书院老师们聊天,一边欣赏由学长学姐们精心准备的表演。

2016 Shaw College Orientation and Ice-breaking

2016 年逸夫书院迎新典礼及破冰活动 Over 1,000 new students joined Shaw College in 2016. The Orientation and Ice-breaking were held on September 1st, 2016.

在 2016 年 9 月 1 日,逸夫书院为 2016 年入学的一千余名新生 , 举行了迎新仪式和破冰活动。

West Block of Shaw College Founding Fellows of Shaw College with the Master at 2016 Shaw College Orientation (From left to right) Prof. Hugh Thomas, Prof. Kevin Leung, Prof. Xiaoqiang Cai, and Prof. Janny Leung

逸夫书院西座 逸夫书院院务委员会创院委员们与梁院长在 2016 年逸夫书院迎新典礼上(从坐至右)谭安厚教授,梁永波教授,蔡小强教授,和梁美儿教授

Group Games at 2016 Ice-Breakng 2016 Shaw College Formal Dinner Group Games at 2016 Ice-breaking The First Wardens of Shaw College

2016 迎新破冰活动上的小组游戏环节 逸夫书院 2016 正式晚宴 2016 年迎新破冰活动上的小组游戏环节 逸夫书院第一任舍监

10 www.cuhk.edu.cn www.cuhk.edu.cn 11 COLLEGE LIFE • Regular Events and Activities Regular Events and Activities • COLLEGE LIFE

Formal Dinner 2017 逸夫书院迎新典礼及破冰活动 正式晚宴 On September 1st, 2017, Shaw College welcomed the 199 new students to the Shaw Family by hosting the Held at late autumn of each year, Shaw College Formal Dinner is one of the biggest events of Shaw College. All students of Shaw 2017 Shaw College Orientation, Ice-breaking and Welcome Party. College, formally dressed, are invited to have the Western-style Formal Dinner with senior staff of the University and the College. There will also be esteemed guests to deliver the keynote speeches, and wonderful performances by talented students. 在 2017 年 9 月 1 日,逸夫书院举行了迎新仪式、破冰活动和迎新派来迎接 199 名新生进入书院。 逸夫书院正式晚宴是逸夫书院每年最盛大的活动之一,于深秋举行。逸夫书院的全体同学都受邀着正装出席,与大学和书院 的主管领导一起享用晚宴。每年的正式晚宴上都会有特邀嘉宾做主题演讲,也有才华横溢的同学们带来精彩的节目表演。

2016 Shaw College Formal Dinner 2016 年逸夫书院正式晚宴 On November 24th, U.S. Thanksgiving Day of 2016, Shaw College invited over 900 students and guests to attend the Shaw College Formal Dinner. Before the dinner, there was an etiquette training session delivered by Mary Cheung, former Miss Hong Kong. During the dinner, Professor Yue Man Yeung, Former Head of Shaw College of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, delivered his keynote speech on “A Life in Academia” and shared his own life stories with the students.

在感恩节当天,书院邀请了 900 余名学生和嘉宾,一同参加高桌晚宴。在晚宴之前,书院邀请前香港小姐张玛莉女士为同学们做礼 仪培训。在正式晚宴上,香港中文大学逸夫书院前院长杨汝万教授作为特邀嘉宾发表了主题演讲 “A Life in Academia”,与同学们分 享他关于人生选择的故事和经历。

Group Photo at 2017 Shaw College Orientation

2017 年逸夫书院迎新活动大合影

Group Photo at 2016 Shaw College Formal Dinner 2016 年逸夫书院正式晚宴大合照

2017 Shaw College Formal Dinner | Thanksgiving with Shaw students

Students at the Welcome Party of 2017 Shaw College Orientation 2017 逸夫书院正式晚宴 | 感恩有你,“逸”路同行 On November 23rd, U.S. Thanksgiving Day of 2017, Shaw College hosted the 2017 Shaw College Formal Dinner at Li Wen Building. Upon 2017 年逸夫书院迎新欢迎派对大合影 the invitation of Shaw College, Prof. Sir James Mirrlees, 1996 Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences, delivered a speech on “Big Cities”.

2017 年逸夫书院一年一度的正式晚宴于感恩节当日,在礼文楼隆重掀开帷幕。逸夫书院邀请到 1996 年诺贝尔经济学奖得主 Professor Sir James Mirrlees “Big Cities” 作为主讲人,以 为题做主题演讲。

Games at 2017 Shaw College Orientation

2017 年逸夫书院迎新活动上的游戏环节 Group Photo at 2017 Shaw College Formal Dinner 2017 年逸夫书院正式晚宴大合影

12 www.cuhk.edu.cn www.cuhk.edu.cn 13 COLLEGE LIFE • Regular Events and Activities Regular Events and Activities • COLLEGE LIFE

Master’s Tea Shaw Conversations 院长茶聚 良师“逸”友午餐荟 Every week, the Master takes tea with a small group of students, occasions by which the Master can get to know the students better. Each month, Shaw College invites a Shaw-affiliated faculty These teas also afford good opportunities for students to voice their concerns and help to establish the College culture. member to have a lunch with students. These informal lunches provide opportunities for students and teachers to interact 每个星期,逸夫书院院长梁美儿教授都会邀请逸夫书院学生,以十名学生一组的方式,分批参加茶聚。通过茶聚,院长能近距 beyond the classroom. Students are often happy to get to know 离和学生互动,了解学生的动态,并解决学生关心的问题。 the many varied interests and experiences of faculty members.

逸夫书院每月邀请一位逸夫书院的教职人员,与学生共进 午餐,分享老师的学术经历与人生经验,并就学生感兴 趣的话 题展开讨论。

Shaw Conversations I - “Living Research” with Prof. Tony LEE

良师“逸”友午餐荟第一期 • 与李东教授谈学业

学生感言: “Famous people never introduce themselves. I am not famous, so let me introduce myself first.” 一句开场,李东教授将他的人格魅力展现在了我 的面前。随着午餐会渐渐展开,我发现李教授真的是一个 “有故事的男同学”: 和诺奖获得者高锟院士的往事交情,对苏东坡的理解与热爱,谈及篮球明星林 书豪时的眉飞色舞,以及他本人三年完成 PhD 的小趣闻……一次精神食粮大于 物质食粮的午餐会,一个结交良师“逸”友的周五中午。收获满满! 2017 级经管学院 贾英琪

印象中的博士应该是书生气十足,带着些许文人的傲气的形象。然而哈佛 毕业,在我们所有人眼里都闪着“大佬光芒”的Lawrence 博士却如此和蔼可亲, 从容不迫地讲着每一句话。和他聊天可以真真切切地感受到他的知识和素养。 2017 级经管学院 范骏琪 Shaw Conversations II - “Teamwork” with Dr. Lawrence KHOO Lawrence KHOO 良师“逸”友午餐荟第二期 • 与 老师讲团队合作

Shaw Run Run 逸夫晨跑 In the spirit of sportsmanship and healthy lifestyle, the Shaw College morning jogging “Shaw Run Run” has received 学生感言: enthusiastic participation from Shaw students. By December 感谢梁院长在求研方面与我们分享了她在美国求学时期的故事,以及对找 2017, Shaw College has organised Shaw Run Run four times, to 工作的同学给予的鼓励。通过茶聚我们也进一步了解了其他同学目前的状况, encourage students’ participation in physical exercise. 增进了联系。 2014 级经管学院 张驰 秉承着体育精神和健康的生活态度,逸夫书院晨跑活动得 到了学生的热情参与。到 2017 年 12 月,逸夫书院已经举办了 被超级和蔼可亲、可爱的院长圈粉 ~跟我们分享了很多在美国的趣事,包 四次晨跑活动,通过跑步鼓励同学们注重锻炼,保持身心健康。 括如何与室友相处、如何快速融入当地生活,也给了我们许多未来学习和工作 上的指导和建议。非常欢乐的一次茶聚 ~ Students leaving the starting point 2014 级经管学院 何依伦 同学们从起点出发

学生感言: 很久没有这样快乐地奔跑了,如果我今天心情不错,那一定是清晨的阳光 和空气给的。 不得不说,这比在健身房里跑步机上挥汗舒服得多!全程步伐很 轻快,没有明显的疲惫感。突然很怀念高三的兄弟,在夜晚的操场上,一起一 圈又一圈地奔跑。跑步真的很能锻炼毅力和解压。这次晨跑也认识了志同道合 的好朋友,可以说非常开心了。另外特别感谢逸夫的豪华早餐,很棒棒哟。 第二次参加院长茶聚,感觉很幸运吧。院长还是一如既往的开朗,弄得我这个处于失学边缘学生也能暂时放下等待录取或拒信的焦虑。院长讲了一下她求学的 2017 级理工学院 张津 经历,引得我也思考起以后留学在外的各种事情。我问了问在国外过春节想家怎么办,本意是想说有没有可能回国,因为看着春节往返机票并不算贵。然而院长尴 尬而不失幽默地解释道过春节的时候当然是上课啊!其实对于留学生来说,很心酸的吧。她又讲起在过去,忙碌的时候排队给家里打电话也要排很久,寄一封家书 又一次的逸夫晨跑活动开始了,披着朝阳,踏着晨露,我奔跑在学校美丽 可能就要等一个多月等等。听了这艰难的经历,想想现在的通讯方式,到不自觉地为自己的问题感到羞愧了 --- 研究生还是该去搞研究。 的柏油大道上。虽然寒风凛冽,但只能助长我身上的热情之火;尽管空气阴湿, 很感激院长能抽出时间和同学沟通交流,大四的同学在逸夫的时间也不多了,希望也能积极参加这个茶聚活动。 却恰好滋润我渴望的心田。这次的晨跑,收获的不单单是美味的早晨,收获的 2014 级经管学院 郭子兴 还有一天的活力,以及一种积极健康的生活方式——人生不应该只有眼前课业 压力下的苟且,还要有身体的舒展和心灵的愉悦。 Students having breakfast together after the jogging 2017 级理工学院 叶子涵 同学们在晨跑结束后共用早餐

14 www.cuhk.edu.cn www.cuhk.edu.cn 15 COLLEGE LIFE • 2016 College Activities 2017 College Activities • COLLEGE LIFE

2016 College Activities 2017 College Activities 2016 活动概览 2017 活动概览

2016 CUHKSZ Sport Festival 2017 Shaw College Spring 2016 Festival Carnival 香港中文大学(深圳)体育节 The Shaw College Tug-of-war Team at Shaw2017 逸夫书院新春“鸡”祥百家宴College invite students to enjoy 2016 Sports Festival of CUHKSZ food specialities from all over the country 香港中文大学 2016 年首届体育节上的 to celebrate the Spring Festival. 逸夫书院拔河队 书院陪学生度过传统佳节,请大 厨为师生现场制作各地特色美食。 Students enjoying food at Spring Festival Carnival


Etiquette Training Shaw Workshop: How to become a Miss Beauty? 礼仪培训 Etiquette training session delivered by “逸夫小讲堂之“妆点女神” Mary Cheung, former Miss Hong Kong 美妆护肤交流会 前香港小姐张玛莉女士为同学们 Guest speaker (left), students and Master 做礼仪培训 Leung (right) taking group photo 美妆交流会的主讲嘉宾(左一) 与梁院长(右一)和学生代表合影

2016 Christmas Party 2016 2017 Shaw Feast 2017 Shaw College prepared delicious年圣诞派对 barbeque and desserts and invited all Shaw students and staff to celebrate Christmas in To celebrate the achievements逸夫书院千人宴,欢聚一堂的逸夫人 Shaw students made in academic year 2016-2017, Shaw College organised Shaw Feast to invite around 1,000 order to relieve the stress of students in preparation for final exams. students to have dinner together. Prof. Andrew C.F. Chan, Head of Shaw College in CUHK was invited to deliver the speech at the Shaw Feast.

逸夫书院准备了美味的烧烤和可口的甜点,邀请全院师生一同欢度圣诞,帮助帮助 final 期间的同学们释放学习压力。 为了庆祝 2016-2017 学年同学们的收获,逸夫书院举办中式千人宴,特别邀请香港中文大学逸夫书院院长陈志辉教授做主题演讲。

Students taking group photo with Master Leung Group Photo at the Shaw Feast 圣诞派对上同学们与梁院长合影 逸夫书院千人宴上的大合影

16 www.cuhk.edu.cn www.cuhk.edu.cn 17 COLLEGE LIFE • 2017 College Activities 2017 College Activities • COLLEGE LIFE

Rules before/while you apply for a graduate programme and how to write a statement Shaw College students participated in the Phoenix TV programme recording Shaw College students and staff attending the Shaw Lane carnival at Shaw College, CUHK.

《留学·慧眼择校与文书结构》:留学文书写作指导讲座 逸夫学生受邀参与凤凰卫视《社会正能量》节目录制 逸夫书院师生到香港中文大学参与沙田逸夫书院的 Shaw Lane 嘉年华活动

Upon the invitation of Shaw College, Mr. Leo Cheng (second from the left) gave a Shaw students taking photo with the host lecture on how to apply for graduate programmes and write a personal statement. 逸夫学生与凤凰卫视主持人合影 程刚先生(左二)受逸夫书院之邀,给同学们讲解选择研究生项目和写个人 陈述方面的技巧。

Shaw College board games night: Werewolves in English Shaw College Mid-Autumn dinner high high Shaw College students taking picture at the famous Pavilion of Harmony (dubbed “the second most scenic spot in Hong Kong” ) 逸夫书院桌游之夜 用英文狼人杀 不 逸夫书院中秋晚宴暨家书撰写活动 on the furthermost corner of the campus of , CUHK.


Students playing board games with Mr. Murray Johnson, Warden of Tower A Dance Performance by students (first from the right) 逸夫书院中秋晚宴上同学们的舞蹈 同学们与 A 栋舍监 Murray Johnson 老师(右一)玩桌游

Master Leung and students attended the Shaw Prize Science Forum 2017 at Hong Kong Science Museum Yoga experience activity: The mysterious and beautiful yoga

梁美儿院长率逸夫同学参加在香港科学馆举行的 2017 邵逸夫奖科学论坛 瑜伽体验课活动 神秘而美丽的瑜伽世界

Shaw College students and staff taking group photo before the carnival


Shaw College Wine Tasting Lecture 逸夫品酒会 独乐乐不如众乐乐

The Yoga master giving instructions to students


Shaw College staff and students with Prof. Claire Voisin, Shaw Prize laureate in mathematical sciences 2017 sixth from the right The right way of pouring wine Shaw College students at the wine tasting class ( ) 逸夫书院师生与 2017 年邵逸夫数学科学奖得主 Claire Voisin 教授(右六)合影 倒酒的正确方式 逸夫学生在品酒课上

18 www.cuhk.edu.cn www.cuhk.edu.cn 19 COLLEGE LIFE • 2017 College Activities Hostel Activities • COLLEGE LIFE

Team Shaw Shining in 2nd CUHKSZ Sports Festival Basketball Friendly Match: Shaw College VS Zhicheng College, SUSTech Hostel Activities 第二届体育节 逸夫战队风采 逸夫书院 VS 南方科技大学致诚书院篮球友谊赛 逸夫书院各栋学生活动

Shaw College Tower D billiards competition Shaw College Tower E “Weekend Talk: We can talk" activity “Weekend Talk: We can talk” 逸夫书院 D 栋桌球大赛:热情浇筑的青春 逸夫书院 E 栋 交流活动

Shaw College student athletes at the Campus Run of 2017 CUHKSZ Sports Festival. Shaw College team and Zhicheng College team taking group photo

参与体育节环校跑的逸夫运动员们 逸夫书院篮球队与致诚书院篮球队合影

Shaw Halloween party 逸夫万圣夜派对 All finalists with Master Leung and Warden of Tower D Mr. Lockhart (fourth from the left) E Tower students with Tower E Warden Joyce Lin (second from the right) 台球比赛获奖同学与梁院长、D 栋舍监 Lockhart(左四)老师合影 E 栋同学与 E 栋舍监林老师(右二)合影

Shaw College E&F Tower Christmas Dinner E&F 栋欢乐圣诞派对

E Tower students celebrating Christmas with Tower E Warden Joyce Lin F Tower students celebrating Christmas with Tower F Warden Ms. Lisa Li

E 栋同学与 E 栋舍监林老师共同庆祝圣诞 F 栋同学与 F 栋舍监李老师共同庆祝圣诞 Shaw College staff and student helpers who organised the haunted house activity.

筹划鬼屋活动的逸夫师生们 Shaw College A&B Tower Shaw College Choir at the CUHKSZ Christmas Singalong Christmas Hiking 逸夫书院合唱团参加圣诞围唱 A&B 栋爬山看海游 A&B Tower students and staff at Maluanshan Park

A&B 栋师生在马峦山郊野公园合影

A&B Tower students and staff at Dameisha beach

A&B 栋师生在大梅沙海边合影

Shaw College staff and students singing Jingle Bells under the Christmas tree of CUHKSZ

逸夫书院师生在大学的圣诞树下合唱 Jingle Bells.


DISTINGUISHED VISITORS AND SEMINARS On 11th May, 2017 Prof. Hon-Ming Lam, the School of Life Science of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, gave a lecture on “Soybean Homecoming - A Journey From Laboratory to Field”

2017 年 5 月 11 日,香港中文大学生命科学学院林汉明教授,为逸夫书院的师生带来了 嘉宾访问 《大豆的回家之路 —— 一场从实验室到田野的旅程》的讲座。 On 24th November, 2016, Professor Yue Man Yeung, Former Head of Shaw College and Emeritus Professor of Geography of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, gave the speech at Shaw College Formal Dinner

2016 年 11 月 24 日, 曾 任 香 港 中文大学逸夫书院院长、现为香港中 文大学地理学荣休教授的杨汝万教授 在逸夫书院正式晚宴上发表演讲。

Prof. Yue Man Yeung at Shaw College Formal Dinner 2016 Lecture by Prof. Hon-Ming Lam

杨汝万教授在逸夫书院正式晚宴 林汉明教授的讲座 On 16th January, 2017, Lady Patricia On 10th November, 2017, Professor Mirrlees gave the lecture on “Robert Christopher S. Tang, University Burns --- The Scottish Poet” Distinguished Professor, Edward Carter Chair in Business Administration, 2017 年 1 月 16 日,苏格兰学者 UCLA Anderson School, gave a lecture Patricia Mirrlees 女士,为同学们带来 on “Coordinating Supply and Demand 题为“走近罗伯特·彭斯——苏格兰国 on an On demand Service Platform with Impatient‐ Customers” 家诗人”的精彩讲座。 2017 年 11 月 10 日, 逸 夫 书 院 特邀加州大学洛杉矶分校安德森管理 学院杰出教授 Edward Carter 工商管 理讲座教授 Christopher Tang 教授, 做《按需服务平台上对于缺少耐心的 客户的供需协调》的主题讲座。 Lady Patricia Mirrlees (fifth from the left) with Shaw College students and staff Lecture by Prof. Christopher Tang

Patricia Mirrlees 女士(左五)与逸夫书院师生合影 Christopher Tang 教授的讲座

On 3rd May, 2017, Professor Andrew On 23rd November, 2017, Prof. Sir C.F. Chan, Head of Shaw College James Mirrlees, Nobel laureate in of The Chinese University of Hong Economics 1996, gave a speech on Kong, delivered a speech on “What is “Big Cities” at Shaw College Formal Success?” Dinner.

2017 年 5 月 3 日,香港中文大学 2017 年 11 月 23 日,1996 年 诺 逸夫书院院长陈志辉教授在逸夫书院 贝尔经济学奖得主莫里斯爵士在逸夫 千人宴上发表“何为成功”主题演讲。 书院正式晚宴上发表了题为“大型城 市”的主题演讲。

Prof. Andrew Chan (left) and Master Leung Prof. Sir James Mirrlees at Shaw College Formal Dinner 2017

陈志辉教授(左)与梁美儿院长合影 莫里斯爵士在逸夫书院正式晚宴

22 www.cuhk.edu.cn www.cuhk.edu.cn 23 IN MEMORIAM - MS. MONA SHAW IN MEMORIAM - MS. MONA SHAW


港中大(深圳)逸夫书院由邵氏基金(香港)有限公司捐赠。 逸夫书院全体师生悼念邵方逸华女士 在 2016 年 9 月举行的逸夫书院成立典礼,邵氏基金(香港)有限公 司主席邵方逸华女士出席并亲自为逸夫书院揭幕。然而,短短一年后, 传来邵方逸华女士去世的消息,逸夫书院全体成员不禁陷入哀思。

邵方逸华女士于 2017 年 11 月 22 日在香港养和医院因病辞世, 享年 83 岁。邵方逸华女士的追思会于 12 月 12 日在香港将军澳邵氏 影城举行,香港中文大学(深圳)校长徐扬生、香港中文大学(深圳) 逸夫书院院长梁美儿、香港中文大学(深圳)人力资源处处长简锦梅、 香港中文大学(深圳)教育基金会副主任李夏琳,与逸夫书院部分 师生参加了追思会。

香港中文大学 ( 深圳 ) 徐扬生校长暨全体师生,及香港中文大学 ( 深圳 ) 逸夫书院梁美儿院长暨全体师生,为邵方逸华女士的追思会 送上花圈。此外,逸夫书院准备了追思册,徐扬生校长、阮健聪副 校长及逸夫书院梁美儿院长,在扉页题写悼念邵方逸华的文字。逸 夫书院办公室及舍监代表、学生、家长代表,也写下对邵方逸华女 士的感恩与追忆。追思册上共收集了 200 多个师生的签名和留言, 这份满载香港中文大学(深圳)全体师生的深深悼念与感恩的追思册, 由逸夫书院院长梁美儿亲自交予邵方逸华女士的胞妹手中。

Memorial for MS. MONA SHAW 邵方逸华女士生前在各个领域做出卓绝的贡献。作为一位曾经 邵方逸华女士的追思会现场 享誉香江的歌手,她是精通英语、中文歌曲;作为一名商人,她的 Shaw College was established with generous funding support from the On behalf of all staff and students of CUHK-Shenzhen, President Xu 商业手腕业内知名,受人尊敬;作为慈善家,她热心教育事业,她 Shaw Foundation. It was the College’s great honour that Ms. Mona and Master Leung as well as the attending delegates presented wreaths 的慷慨捐助惠及无数有志青年。逸夫书院将会秉承修德臻善的院训, Wreath from Shaw College for the Memorial of Ms. Mona Shaw Shaw, Chairman of the Shaw Foundation (HK), personally officiated at the memorial. Shaw College staff also prepared a commemoration 将邵方逸华女士的宝贵精神财富发扬光大。 at the inauguration ceremony at the College’s Grand Opening in book with messages of condolences from President Xu, Vice President 香港中文大学(深圳)逸夫书院为邵方逸华女士追思会准备的花圈 September, 2016. Thus, it is with deep sorrow that we mourn the loss Yuen and Master Leung. Other staff, Wardens, students and parents of Ms. Mona Shaw only a little more than one year later. of students from Shaw College also wrote about their memories and feelings for Ms. Mona Shaw, comprising over 200 signatures and Ms. Mona Shaw passed away peacefully at the Hong Kong Sanatorium entries in the commemoration book. The Master of Shaw College Prof. & Hospital on 22 November 2017, at the age of 83. The memorial Janny Leung presented the book to the sisters of Ms. Mona Shaw at for Ms. Mona Shaw was held on 12 December 2017 at Shaw Movie the memorial. City in Tseung Kwan O, Hong Kong. The President of CUHK-Shenzhen Prof. Xu Yangsheng, the Master of Shaw College Prof. Janny Leung, the Ms. Mona Shaw was inspirational in many ways. As a singer, her Director of Human Resources Office Ms. Agatha Kan, and the Deputy repertoire included English and Chinese songs- a champion of multi- Director of the Foundation of CUHK-Shenzhen Mr. Richard Li as well linguism even 50 years ago. Her business acumen was well-known as some staff and students from Shaw College attended the memorial and well respected in the corporate world. Her strong support for to pay their respects. education had provided opportunities and benefited countless aspiring young people. Shaw College of CUHK Shenzhen will continue to strive towards excellence to honour her legacy.

My great condolence to Ms. Mona Shaw and sincerest thanks for her generous support for the establishment of Shaw College in 沉痛悼念邵方逸华女士,感谢邵夫人对香港中文大学(深圳) CUHK-Shenzhen! Her passing is like an orchid withering, but her 逸夫书院创立的全力支持。芳华流水逸然去,清风明月何处寻。 noble spirit will be forever remembered by those who received her 邵夫人于我大学之恩泽,于教育事业之光辉,日月永存。 generous support like the breeze and moonlight that never go away. ——香港中文大学(深圳)校长 徐扬生 Prof. Xu Yangsheng, President of CUHK Shenzhen President Xu and Master Leung paid their last respects Messages of condolences by President Yangsheng Xu and Vice President K.C. Yuen to Lady Mona Shaw 香港中文大学(深圳)徐扬生校长和阮健骢副校长为邵方逸华女士追思会题写的悼念词 徐校长和梁院长在追悼会上致哀


There are also Fitness Room, Band Room, Billiard Room and Dance Room in Shaw College.

FACILITIES AND 书院还配有健身房,音乐房及舞蹈室,供学生开展丰富的文体活动。 INFRASTRUCTURE 书院设施 On many floors of the hostels, there are communal kitchens equipped with refrigerators, microwave ovens, induction stoves, hot water dispensers, etc. There are laundries equipped with washing machines and dryers as well. Shaw College Fitness Room Shaw College Billiard Room Shaw College Band Room 公共茶水间,配有冰箱,微波炉,电磁炉,开水器等日常所 逸夫书院健身房 逸夫书院桌球室 逸夫书院乐器房 需设备。书院另设有公共洗衣房,配有洗衣机和烘干机。 Communal Kitchen There are also Study Rooms for quiet study. 公共厨房 逸夫书院设有书院自习室,让学生在使用学校的图书馆自习室外,又多了一种选择。

Shaw College Group-study Room Shaw College Self-study Rooms 逸夫书院自习室 逸夫书院小组学习室

Considering the need of female staff, Shaw College has set up a nursing room for all the nursing staff of the university who are in need. Dining Area in the Pantry Washing machines and dryers

公共就餐区 洗衣机和烘干机 为关爱女性员工,逸夫书院特别设立了母乳喂哺授乳室,供全校内有需要的教职员工使用。

There is a Dining Hall where meals can be purchased, serving breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is also a café, offering cakes, fruit juice, hot and cold drinks.


Shaw College Canteen

逸夫书院食堂 Guests of honour at the opening ceremony of the Nursing Room included: Mr. KC Yuen, Vice President for Administration, Ms. Agatha Kan, Director of Human Resources, Ms. Dorothy Wang, Direction of Administration Services, Ms. Lydia Cao, Deputy Director of the President’s Office, Ms. Diana Ma, Manager of CPRO, and Ms. Corinna Lee, Directory of Personnel, CUHK (Shatin).

出席逸夫书院哺乳室开放剪彩仪式的嘉宾有:行政副校长阮健聪先生、人力资源处处长简锦梅女士、行政事务处处长黄顺贞女士、校长办公室副主任曹钰娟女士、 传讯与公共关系处经理马明霞女士和香港中文大学人事主管利顺琼女士。

26 www.cuhk.edu.cn www.cuhk.edu.cn 27 HONOURS AND AWARDS HONOURS AND AWARDS

Master's List HONOURS AND AWARDS 逸夫书院学业成就奖 88 undergraduates who attained a GPA of 3.64 or higher in the academic year 2016-17 were placed on the Master’s List 荣誉成就 88 位在 2016-2017 学年平均绩点超过 3.64 的逸夫书院本科生获得了逸夫书院的学业成就奖。 Awards for affiliated teaching members 逸夫书院学术老师所获奖项茶聚 蒋书楠 SSE 2015 江文婧 SSE 2015 林海立 SME 2014 陈雪晴 SSE 2015 2016 明意飞 SSE 2015 张逸舟 SME 2016 魏雪琛 SME 2014 韩宗益 SSE 2015 Prof. CHANG Tsung Hui received the “Thousand Young Prof.2017 MAO Jianfeng received the Shenzhen Overseas High-level 余书华 SSE 2015 李睿妍 SME 2016 姚嘉诚 SME 2014 王丹黎 SME 2016 Talent Program” award. Talents “Peacock Plan” Type B award. 俞佳含 SSE 2016 杨学怡 SME 2015 万思嘉 SME 2015 周瑞祺 SME 2016 张纵辉教授入选中组部第十二批“国家千人青年人才” 茅剑锋教授入选深圳市海外高层次“孔雀计划”B 类人才。 吴飞扬 SSE 2015 水 雯 SME 2016 夏莹颖 SME 2016 林 圳 SSE 2014 Prof. XIONG Wei received the “Thousand Talent Program” award. Prof. CAI Xiaoqiang elected to the Pearl River Talent Program. 唐 欢 SME 2014 叶玉洁 SME 2015 杨 洁 SME 2014 胡 然 SSE 2016 熊伟教授入选国家“千人计划” 蔡小强教授入选广东省“珠江人才计划”领军人才。 周 萌 SME 2014 刘思佳 SME 2015 李向伟 SME 2014 李家浩 SSE 2015 Prof. ZHOU Yan received the “Thousand Talents Program for Prof. Stephen P. BOYD elected as expatriate academician of Distinguished Young Scholars” award. the Chinese Academy of Engineering. 吴小平 SME 2015 雷雨田 SME 2015 翁 欣 SME 2014 李旻澄 SSE 2016 Stephen BOYD 罗钦月 SME 2014 洪 祺 SME 2016 屈子皓 SME 2014 黄 越 SSE 2015 周艳教授入选“青年千人计划(优先资助)” 教授当选中国工程院外籍院士。 叶涵青 SME 2014 杨露佳 SME 2015 马逸旻 SME 2014 张翊玮 SSE 2015 傅邱书豪 SME 2014 谢 彤 SME 2016 林芳文 SME 2014 程禹逍 SSE 2015 Awards for students 罗俊杰 SME 2014 高 尚 SME 2015 林培思 SME 2014 黄艺珊 SSE 2016 逸夫书院学生所获奖项 汪齐超 SME 2014 余祉澍 SME 2016 赵涤非 SME 2016 马渝丰 SSE 2015 谢江东 SME 2014 张嘉静 SME 2015 吴晓岚 SME 2014 刘芳仙 SSE 2016 National Scholarship 国家奖学金 蒋书楠 SSE 2015 王 迪 SME 2014 赵城城 SME 2015 陈浩男 SME 2014 夏丁林 SSE 2016 何依伦 SME 2014 朱文锐 SME 2015 张佩雯 SME 2014 刘 岳 SSE 2016 王 孟 SME 2014 庄心旖 SME 2015 吴睿涵 SME 2015 卢紫敏 SSE 2016 林宇晨 SME 2014 张昊东 SME 2014 陈嘉喆 SME 2015 王清楠 HSS 2016 林阳昊 SME 2014 黄宇彤 SME 2014 黄润华 SME 2014 简 洁 HSS 2016 张明萱 SME 2015 唐 璐 SME 2014 卢爱凝 SME 2015 杨依笛 SME 2015 张嘉威 SME 2016 李肖鹏 SSE 2016 杜敬信 SSE 2015 陈铭佳 SME 2014 欧 亮 SME 2016 魏少魁 SSE 2015 应 悦 SME 2014 孙凌儿 SSE 2016

College Honours 书院荣誉 On 17th February, 2017, Dr. Huang Xingguo was appointed as Honourary Public Health Advisor for Shaw College. Crystal WANG received the Shaw College Resident Tutor of the Year award for 2016-17. (From left to right) Prof. Chen Changwen (Dean of SSE), Ms. Jiang Shunan, President Xu Yangsheng, 2017 年 2 月 17 日逸夫书院聘请深圳市龙岗区计划生育服务中心主任、 Prof. Zhou Yan (Professor in SSE, Shaw affiliated teaching member), Master Leung 书记,副主任医师黄兴国先生为香港中文大学(深圳)逸夫书院公共 王倩倩获颁 2016-17 年度最佳书院住宿导师奖。 ( 从左至右 ) 陈长汶教授(理工学院院长),蒋书楠同学,徐扬生校长,周艳教授(理工学院教授,逸夫书院学术老师)和梁美儿院长 健康荣誉顾问。

National Endeavour Scholarship 国家励志奖学金

胡 桢 SME 2014 陈 敏 SME 2015 闫子正 SSE 2015 罗谨深 SSE 2016 罗俊杰 SME 2014 崔鹏毅 SME 2015 余书华 SSE 2015 彭宇辰 SME 2016 吕雪峰 SME 2014 冯颖晨 SME 2015 袁 昱 SME 2015 秦仁洁 HSS 2016 杨 放 SME 2014 宁述亮 SSE 2015 赵城城 SME 2015 王骆彬 SME 2016 姚威丽 SME 2014 史晓宇 SSE 2015 蔡文婧 SSE 2016 周丕增 SSE 2016 余 璐 SME 2014 魏少魁 SSE 2015 李睿妍 SME 2016 朱思怡 SSE 2016 Dr. Huang Xingguo appointed as Honourary Public Health Advisor Crystal Qianqian Wang 张 锐 SME 2014 徐淼珺 SSE 2015 李 娜 SME 2016 黄兴国先生担任逸夫书院公共健康荣誉顾问 王倩倩

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Affiliated Academic Staff COLLEGE ORGANISATION 附属学术老师 A teaching member of the University is usually affiliated with one College. 大学的每位学术老师都附属于大学的其中一所书院 List of all affiliated academic staff of Shaw College (as of Dec 2017) 书院架构 逸夫书院全部附属学术老师名单(截至 2017 年 12 月) Assembly of Fellows School of Management and Economics School of Science and Engineering 院务委员会 经管学院 理工学院 Shilu TONG Tony LEE An Assembly of Fellows is established for the administration of the College. The Assembly of Fellows sets the strategic direction of Associate Professor 佟世璐 Professor 李东 Feng LIU Zhaoyu ZHANG the College and regulates its administration. The Assembly of Fellows also assists the Master with: Associate Professor 刘锋 Associate Professor 张昭宇 Jiannan WANG Jianfeng MAO Associate Professor 王建楠 Assistant Professor 茅剑锋 院务委员会为书院的行政团体,负责奠定书院的方针并规范其管理。院务委员会有责任协助书院院长: Bilian LIN Wenye LEE Assistant Professor 林碧莲 Assistant Professor 李文烨 Liu MING Tsung Hui CHANG Assistant Professor 明旒 Assistant Professor 张纵辉 Qihui CHEN Mario HUANG Arranging the tutorial instruction, Assistant Professor 陈齐辉 Lecturer 黄俊波 pastoral counselling and other Yiying ZHENG Areil WARSHEL The provision and supervision of The maintenance of Assistant Professor 郑艺颖 Professor forms of education for the students residential accommodation for discipline within the College. Hongqi LIU Yinyu YE Assistant Professor 刘洪七 Professor 叶荫宇 of the College students at the College Lawrence KHOO John HOPCROFT Senior Lecturer Professor 维持书院的纪律 Yi DING Yaxiang YUAN 为书院的学生安排导修课、 Assistant Professor 丁一 Professor 袁亚湘 提供及监管书院内为学生而设的宿舍 Barick CHUNG Shuguang CUI 教牧辅导及其他由书院提供的教育 Senior Lecturer 钟子毅 Professor 崔曙光 Min LIU Nan LIN Professor 刘民 Associate Professor 林楠 Zhiyi GUO Jia LEE Professor 郭志毅 Associate Professor 李佳 Siu Po LEE List of all Fellows of Shaw College (as of Dec 2017) 2017 12 Senior Lecturer 李兆波 院务委员名单(截至 年 月) Chui Hong HUI Lecturer 许叙劻 Associate Vice-President CAI Xiaoqiang Professor CHAN Sin-wai (Founding Fellow) (Founding Fellow) School of Humanities and Social Science 人文社科学院 Enmian WANG James ROTH 协理副校长蔡小强教授 (创院委员) 陈善伟教授(创院委员) Professor 王恩冕 Lecturer Ho Yan CHAN Qin CHEN Associate Professor 陈可欣 Lecturer 陈琴 Helena WONG Chengchuan LIN Senior Lecturer 黄艳琼 Lecturer 林成川 Thomas Donald CARROLL Lucas Allen SCRIPTER Professor Kevin LEUNG Wing-por Professor Hugh THOMAS Senior Lecturer Lecturer Rui Juan ZHAO Wai Ling LAW (Founding Fellow) (Founding Fellow) Lecturer 赵蕊娟 Lecturer 罗惠玲 Sandra CHAN Zi Wei ZHAO Lecturer 陈山泉 Lecturer 赵紫薇 梁永波教授(创院委员) 谭安厚教授(创院委员) Kevin SMITH Wei HE Lecturer Assistant Lecturer 何薇 Kam Ming LO Hairui CHEN Lecturer 卢锦明 Assistant Lecturer 陈海瑞 Hsien-Hsiang FENG Weiping LI Lecturer 冯先祥 Assistant Lecturer 李炜平 Ryan MANLEY Qiuchen WANG Professor Marlene AMSTAD Professor ZHOU Yan Lecturer Lecturer 王秋晨 Hongbin SONG Chen WANG Lecturer 宋红彬 Assistant Lecturer 王琛 专业应用教授 Marlene AMSTAD 周艳教授 Wilson WOON Chun WANG Lecturer 云天恒 Lecturer 王纯 Xiaozhen CHEN Lecturer 陈小珍

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Wardens 舍监 The Warden is directly responsible for the residents in his/her Tower.

舍监对整栋宿舍的全体宿生负责。 Wardens of Shaw College 逸夫书院历任舍监名单 Wesley LOCKHART Diana MA (2016-17) Murray JOHNSON (since 2017-18) 马明霞 Joyce LIN Richard LI (2016-17) Terence FONG (since 2017-18) 林艳娟 李夏琳 方奕森 Sophie HE Romy XU (2016-17) 何钉萍 徐树青

Resident Tutors 住宿导师 The Resident Tutor is directly responsible for the resident in his/her floor(s).

住宿导师对他们所管理的各自楼层的学生负责。 Resident Tutors of Shaw College for 2016-2017 逸夫书院历任住宿导师名单 Falcon LIU XIANG Jingjing LIU Chao FAN Pu 刘子建 向晶晶 刘超 范璞 Martin MA Sophie LI YANG Donglin CHENG Pei Yao 马骐骥 李婷 杨东林 程佩瑶 CHEN Weiye DAI Yingying LIU Wenxuan Vivi LIU 陈伟业 戴盈盈 柳文轩 刘璐维 MA Jun Stuart WU YU Ziwei Abby YANG 马俊 吴超 于紫薇 阳微芷 LIU Guolong CAI Mengwei Crystal WANG HUANG Xingping 刘国龙 蔡梦溦 王倩倩 黄星萍 Mia DONG Eric CHEN GAO Yu 董红飞 陈涛 高瑜 Abbey GONG YAO Shuangyan ZHANG Muyi 龚炫衣 姚双雁 张慕怡


2017 Resident Tutor Training Workshop of Shaw College with mediation expert, Mr. Norris YANG (fifth from right, front row)

2017 逸夫书院住宿导师与讲座嘉宾调解专家 Norris YANG 先生合照 (前排右五位)

Shaw College Office 逸夫书院办公室 Shaw College Office is authorised by the Master to oversee the daily operation and management of the College.

由院长领导,负责书院的日常运营和管理工作。 College Office Staff 逸夫书院办公室职员 Adrian MAK Manager (until 2016-4-30) Annie ZHANG (since 2016-8-25) Ryan ZHANG (2017-4-10 to 2017-10-9) 麦镇贤 张亦昕 张美湘 Tina TIAN Manager (since 2016-7-4) Doris CHEN (since 2016-10-10) Jingyi MA (since 2017-4-10) 田方 陈冬晓 马静宜 Joyce LIN (since 2015-12-14) Kenny ZENG (2016-10-10 to 2016-11-10) Simone HE (since 2017-10-9) 林艳娟 曾仲军 何诗梦 Ariel LIN (since 2016-6-6) Schmily LI (2016-11-21 to 2017-2-10) Tony NA (since 2017-10-9) 林冠礽 李兆元 那文韬 Jessica GUI (2016-7-11 to 2016-9-28) Elsa FAN (since 2017-3-20) 桂严 范晓婧

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