2021-2022 SOUTH TEXAS COLLEGE Off-Campus Instruction Plan SUBMITTED TO TEXAS HIGHER EDUCATION REGIONAL COUNCIL PO Box 9701 McAllen, Texas 78502-9701 Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs (956) 872-8339 3201 W. Pecan Blvd. McAllen, Texas 78501 Fax (956) 872-8388 Memorandum DATE: May 28, 2021 TO: Texas Higher Education Regional Council FROM: Dr. Anahid Petrosian, Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs CC: Dr. Andrew Lofters, Manager II, Academic Quality and Workforce Dr. David Plummer, Interim President, South Texas College RE: 2021-2022 Off-Campus Instruction Plan for South Texas College _______________________________________________________________________________ South Texas College submits for review and approval its 2021-2022 Off-Campus Instruction Plan (Plan) to the members of the Texas Higher Education Regional Council and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. The following information is included in this Plan: • Programs Requiring HERC Approval • Programs Requiring HERC Notification • Courses Requiring HERC Notification In addition, South Texas College is scheduled to offer the following new programs on-campus for the 2021-2022 academic year: • Associate of Applied Science in Culinary Arts: Specialization – Restaurant Management • EMT-Basic Non-Credit Certificate • Production, Logistics & Maintenance Technician Non-Credit Certificate South Texas College looks forward to partnerships and collaborations as we serve the students of South Texas. Thank you. TEXAS HIGHER EDUCATION REGIONAL COUNCIL OFF-CAMPUS INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN FOR 2021-2022 Institution Name: South Texas College Regional Council: Region 8 - South Texas Contact Person: Dr. Anahid Petrosian Email Address:
[email protected] Phone: (956) 872-8339 Delivery location: Delivery Program Site name and community. Status: Type: Geographically Agreement in Award(s): (AAS, Cert1, Type: Highlighted locations added Program Area: CIP#/Title [C], [F2F], Responsible place/ etc.) [DC], [LD], since last report.