Soviet Kills U.S. Officer
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MANCIIKSTKH IIKHAI.D. S.iliirilin M.urli J:l I'lH ' -’ll WEATHER ICARS/TRUCKS INVITATION TO BIO CONNECTICUT U.S./WORLD SPORTS The Eighth Utilities District, HOMES I APARTMENTS I fo r s a le 32 Moln St., Manchester, FOR SALE FOR RENT Conn 06040 seeks bids lor o I LIGHT WEIGHT RESCUE Manfredi kin talk Regan hints change Big East dominates Clear, cold tonight; BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY 1974 FIAT 128 SPORT L — TOOL SUPERIOR CONSTRUC MANCHESTER - Avallo- To be used for parts. Call Bid so eclllco llon s m ay be o b TION ■ 4,500 Sq. Ft. - ble A p ril 1st. 2 bedroom Phil afte r 5pm, 528-1332. tained during normal b u ^ in budget standoff NCAA Final Four jsunny on Tuesday ness hours (»:00o.m Io 5 :0 0 of tense marriage Brand new 4 plus aoortment on second BUILDING/ Also Panasonic AM/FM IC1 {SERVICES PAINTING/ car radio. p.m.) Monday through Sa ... page 2 bedroom brick and cedar floor of two family house. icf {SERVICES CONTRACTING turday, from the Dispatcher ... page 7 ... page 4 ... page 11 ranch. Huge rooms that $400 monthly plus heat |3' IOFFERED [ ^ O F F E R E D PAPERING I at the Eighth Utilities Dis I trict Firehouse, 32 Moln St., make entertaining a plea and utilities. Call 563- 1980 MERCURY COU ABLE HOME IMPROVE Manchester, Conn 06040. sant experience. 4696. GAR XR7 - Automatic, PAINTING ANDPAPER- MENTS - Room AddI Sealed bids wll be received at Gourmet kitchen with ODD JOBS, Trucking. AM/FM Stereo, Air con- HANGING - ^xterlor and tions. Family Rooms, the above address until 7:00 tlreplace, all top ot the THREE ROOMS, second Home repairs. You name Interior, ceilings re dltlonlng, radlals. p.m., April 15, 1905, at which floor, heat and applian Porches, Decks, Siding, time they will be publicly line appllcances, random It, we do It. Free esti paired. References, fully Roofing, Replacement $4,350/Best otter. 649- width oak flooring and ces, $375. Adults. No pets. mates. Insured. 643-0304. opened, read aloud and re CREATIVE CARE - Pro Insured. Quality work. Windows. "Your Com 2350, ask for Sharon. corded. center Island. 32' x 22' Call 649-2236. fessional baby sifter will Martin Mattsson, eyen plete Remodeling Ser Bids shall remain valid lor "Great Room" with dra SPRING CLEAN UP - core fo r your child In a ings, 649-4431. thirty days from the bid MANCHESTER - Modern vice ." 643-9966. matic 12 ft. bav window, Power raking, edging, personal, loying and opening dote. The District two bedroom duplex, ap reserves the right to relect brick wall with stove, mowing. Gutters energetic enyironment. pliances. $445 monthly. DUMAS ELECTRIC any and all bids lor any rea spacious entrance foyer, cleaned. Light trucking. Robertson School area In 79 CUTLASS SUPREME son deemed to be In the best m aster bedroom bath has Call after 5:00pm., 649 Dependable. Insured. I BUILDING/ Lights dimming? Fuses LANDAU ROOF, sport Interest ot the District. Manchester. Steady ond blowing? Repairs, Im iianrfefitpr Bpralh a steeping tub, shower 7105. Ray H ardy, 646-7973. I CONTRACTING wheels, small V8, Air, JOSEPH TRIPP last minute care oyolla- provements and oddI M . .... ^ Monday, March 25. 1985 — Single copy: 25<|: stall and two marble ble. Liz, 646-1226. (R efer cassette deck, low miles, FIRE COMMISSIONER Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm MANCHESTER - Excel DAYCARE-"THETREE- 'tionai circuits. Fully li vanities, 15' dining room, ences available). excellent condition. DoleO at Monchester, Conn, 24' solar room with cedar lent 4 room, 2 bedroom, HOUSE" - Full or port FARRANO REMdOEL- censed, Insured. Call $4,800. 649-9337. this I9lh day ot Morch 1985. walls and skylights, 30' 1'/2 baths townhouse. time Core-2andup. Fully ING — Cabinets, roofing, 646-5253 anytim e. 042 03 rec room plus potential Wall to wall throughout, Insured, license pending. NEED ANY TYPING gutters, room additions, CHEVY 78 3/4Ton,350V8, 5th bedroom and huge fully appllanced kitchen, Call T e rri - 643-7340. DONE? Reports, Re decks, all types of remo Automatic transmission, Court ot Probate, District o( To w n has work shop on the lower no pets, references. $450 sumes, etc. all done for $2 deling and repairs. FREE m H EA T IN G / air conditioning, power Manchester NOTICE OF HEARINQ level. Central alrcondi- plus u tilitie s. 649-4003. LICENSED DAYCARE - $4 per page. Call Sue at estimates. Fully Insured., 1 LUMBING steering, power brakes, 742-8843, eyenings 8c ESTATE OF MARY O'B. Soviet kills tionlng, Anderson win HOME has 2 openings, Telephone 643-6017, a fte r crew cab, new motor, HOLLISTER. A Voluntary dows, 6 panel doors, a 3 MANCHESTER - Modern lots of love, exercise and weekends. 6pm, 647-8509. FOGARTY BROTHERS m int condition. 644-0434, Representation chance at car garage PLUS a 2.3 four room apartment creative ploy. Bowers Pursuant to on order of Hon. — Bathroom remodel W illiam E. FitzGerald. acre lo t!........ We dare with appliances, carpet School area. 646-1311. LEON CIESZYNSKI ing; installation water 1971 BUICK ELECTRA - ing and parking. $360 Judge, doted M a rch 11,1985a 2 comparison at any price, I(;9 {PAINTING/ B U ILD E R — New homes, heaters, garbage dispo 455. Very good condition, hearing w ill be held on an ap $295,000. B lan ch a rd & monthly plus utilities. A. HENRY PERSONAL additions, remodeling, sals; foucet repairs. 649- 70,000o rig in a l m iles. New plication proving for outhor- sewer aid 10* I PAPERING Ity to sell certain real estote U.S. officer Rossetto Realtors, 646- 647-1113 afte r 6:00pm. IZED LAWN CARE - rec rooms, garages, kit 4539. V Is a /M a ste rC a rd tires, battery, rebuilt Looking tor someone situoted In the Town ot Mon 2482, chens remodeled, ceil accepted. carb. Very little rust. chester, County ot Hartford By John Keller MANCHESTER - Four reliable and efficient? NAME YOUR OWN ings, both tile, dormers, $650. 643-0156, os In sold application on tile ScrIpDS League Newspapers T AKE THE T IM E to see room second floor apart Total lawn core, com roofing. Residential or m ore fu lly appears, at 1h« PRICE — Father and son. Court ot Probate on April 2, White House says this gorgeous 5 - 5 two ment, Heat, hot water, mercial and residential. Fast, dependoble ser com m ercial. 649-4291. ■71 FORD BRONCO - Good WASHINGTON - Manchester stoye and refrigerator FLODRING 1985 at 2:00 P.M family located at the Light trucking, tree esti vice. Pointing, Poper- condition, low mileage, 3 Johanna M. Bruder, still has a chance to continue corner of Hackmatack Included. $450 plus secur mates, fully Insured. 647- Ass t. Clerk hqnging 8, Removal. Call CARPENTRY AND RE speed transmission, receiving federal help with a $20 St. and South M ain St. ity. No pets. Strano Real 1349. MODELING SERVICES 047-03 act ‘unwarranted’ 646-5761. FLOORSANDING m any extras. 647-1943. million sewage treatment plant, Inside Is lust as nice as Estate, 647-7653. — Complete home re Floors like new. Special DON'T KNOW anyone despite President Reagan’s threat the outside looks! Of pairs and remodeling. izing In older floors, natu 5 who wants to buy what LARRY'S PAINTING - 1972 OLDSMOBILE CU to withdraw support, according to HEIDELBERG, West Germany fered at $118,900. Blan MANCHESTER - 2 ONE Quality work. Referen ral and stained floors. No BEDROOM APART you have to sell? Let a Interior-Exterior. Low TLASS - Excellent condi Manchester Director Stephen (UPI) — A Soviet guard shot and chard 8. Rossetto Real ces, licensed and Insured. waxing onymore. John tion. M ust see. 646-1352. Soviets claim man MENTS - Air, wall to want ad find a cosh buyer prices. Free estimotes. killed a U.S. Army officer attached tors, 646-2482. Call anytim e 646-7069. Call 646-8165. V e rfa ille . Call 646-5750. Cassano. wall, disposal, swimming fo r you! Cassano, one of five Manchester to the U.S. military liaison mission photographed base FORD LTD WAGON 1977- fingertip ROCKLEDGE AREA - 4 pool, club house. On bus officials attending the National to East Germany in an incident — see page 10 line. $400. Ayallable April Alr conditioning, am/fm. bedroom Ranch with a 80,000 miles. In good con- League of Cities meeting this week President Reagan said was an fireploced 1st floor fam 1st, M ay 1st. 646-5669. convenience "unwarranted tragedy." KIT N' CARLYLE by Larry Wright dltlbn. Best offer. Call in the nation's capital, said the ily room, 2 Vj baths, large INCOME TAX 646-7937. government has ordered the city to In Washington, administration ment said. "Further information living room, and a separ 4 ROOM APARTMENT, build the plant, but now doesn't officials said the U.S. mission in will be furnisi ed as it becomes heat, hot water, stoye, SERVICE I PETS_________ ate Inlaw suite, den or ( want to help pay for it. Berlin filed a protest to the Soviet available.” office on the lower level! $375, 643-2361. "To have the federal govern Union over the shooting and the Nicholson’s mother-in-law, Elva^ THIS HOME IS AG REAT MOTORCYCLES/ NETKIN"S TAX SER DOG TRAINING - Inter ment mandate it without the funds Soviet Embassy in East Berlin Vincent, of Cambridge, Md., said* BU Y ! Blanchard 8< Ros- MANCHESTER - Excel mediate and adyance BICYCLES VICE - Low rates, strictly I is inconsistent. We can't do it,” responded to the protest. her daughter, Karen, informed the setfo Realtors, 646-2482. lent 4 room, 2 bedroom, classes starting March 28 confidential.