CONTENTS 1. A Glimpse into the life of Hazrat Moulana Yunus Patel Sahib 3 2. Halaal Sustenance 11 3. Gulistane Taiba - Part 2 18 4. Effect of the Company of the Pious 24 5. Naqshe Qadam 28 6. Charging the Emergency Lights 31 7. Living and Dying among those imbued with Allah’s Love 36 8. The Story of Hazrat Bilal - Part 2 39 9. The Influence of Television 43 10. Adaab of Salaam 47 11. Eating with the Best Fork 48 12. Sunnats And Duas Upon Entering And Leaving The Toilet 50 13. Homosexual Inclinations 52 • Email:
[email protected] A project of Hz Ml Hakeem Muhammed Mazhar Sb (D.B) - Illustrious son of Khalifa of Muhiyyus Shaykhul Hadith & Hazrat Moulana Shah Sunnah Hz Ml Abrarul Principal of Jamia Hakeem Muhammed Haq Sb (R.A) Ashraful Madaaris Akhtar Sb (R.A) 1 AN-NOOR MAGAZINE 2 VOLUME 3 • RABI UL AWWAL 1436 3 AN-NOOR MAGAZINE Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel (u) received his higher Islamic education at Darul-Uloom Deoband during the period 1962 – 1969. Hazrat Maulana studied the first volume of Sahih al-Bukhari under the tutorship of Hazrat Maulana Fakhruddeen (u) and the second volume under Hazrat Mufti Mahmood ( u). In Hazrat Maulana’s final year of studies, he would accompany Mufti Mahmood (u), on Thursdays and Fridays, to sit in the company of Shaykhul Hadith, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya (u). After completing his studies, he was advised by Mufti Mahmood Saheb (u), his Ustaad, to derive benefit from Hazrat Maulana Abrarul Haq Hardoi (u).