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The Oxford Democrat

The Oxford Democrat

A llorrlbl# InberitanM, " >IUU, K» »• Tka tranamlaaloa of tba Imt ful effarta ^ •f contagiosa blond po » 'o to tba most at Law. borrlbia lnbailtaa«w wbuk m; maa Counsellor Ma laara to blalaao tjr kaown all »»»r Ihe war Id aa Nwtfi'i ttpaclflc roBiBionly raJtod "ft ti II M at Mr J.U Hrowa, of lloraollavUlo. 5 Y, d' Counsellor Iaiw, wrIUa: "Thro* yaara I lulftnd witb tttornry Una brrrib.e d tiwif, a ttporiOe Pari*. " ourad rr« compUUlr to r»M»1 ktiMM •*»•'*" I**— NUMBER 34. Prof. K-lwin Ihif, m K Stod at.K.T., mmml VOLUME LV. TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 1888. wrttooi "ftwift'a feiwcifle cured id* PARIS. MAINE, " •f a faarful caaa of lllood Polaoa f. WtlKKR. Dr a P. KinrfWd. of Ibo Holdtor'a IIobm. Hirbn. (i I, Vi, wrtuai "flwtfi'a iwwton Joaraal. OXFORD HOR8K TALK. fj» thss* United States!" fnactfi'Tiirw.! tu<* of • aarora rtMuf at Ijqu>% AMONG THE FARMERS. "Native®." tilonl f«K till* #(mh|1.| if Counsellor I . W. K HMfra. Brooklri, 5. T.# Uvfll, iant authority would glva »n uccaratodrfl- The other I ran acroaa an okl write* MI wa« a wrick from OrrMpnfetMM* (Ml prwUMl ipk«ll«nl Mip day Tip* p«r(Nt lM to •ullrilol. AitnM |U allloa of Ibt Urtn "aatlva cilU*." Th»»« a Blood Polaoa. flwift'a Mpoctflo roatorad a. THi.n book, in which in that UlMhM tor litis .tofkitawl to Auain tMlBtfa ir» h-liroa.ai> I'kM.M BAT. I'AMit, Mb. >r father ia relating the hit- C. W O* a..a with otb»r aalmala for h««f «ni | of the Oeneral. represented paper, the !,ewi*n>n Journal, Lan«mil, Havnanab, I j*m» at ullecUonn enterprising aaffarad I' a* wita Blood Polaoa. | triad Counsellor />j»r, nad •« a block la lha tory of Ota. William Henry Harrison, tl dairying, atumbllag several communication* from certain Bwift'a iflo aad am wait Attorney At meal- 8ym i*rfo«t|* lain*. pMl <>f iroprovemaat in installment*, to hi* family the on the A. W lluall, of Power* • II *»■«— tba at propyl (Nat they'll and i* infection*. No for coming Mtln NUte Fair Lewla- curioaity ej, it* tery spirit baae ball Of the fir*t don't Ik I r*<«BU»nda4 it to a frwnd and II ^ gllah laagaaga" aad call It tha Amertcaa to and (Jen ground. tbejr r- »M_ Voa, II—I' Tbe Traateee bald • age to etudy up try damage wonder the men and of that Bade him welL" HepL lancaag*. aad ha wm t>r«'U«ht lo bla i'ium that boj* to know much from ob- laat tad a Headed to itmr- knew bim thor- appear peraonal Mr. P I. H tan'on. of the ■ anaui, ■mUii week, which oa« of ib« llarrieon'a character. I famoua went wild over "The lUr.nhrlUa, by tba p#rtla*at qa*ry. campaign but rather to form their Mew a. tbat ^ ( preliminary matter* One of tbe Traa- five in Indi- servation, prefer (Oa) wrIUa a friend waa varloaa Indian «tlalecto ha would adopt. oughly; lived by bim y«ara of And •••till th* afflict*! will a raee af lllood Wne "co far M tbe abow It will | Hero of the or bed Undenciea of Pol tun, at Law, aajra, (om, rattla tntn would not ha»a •<> of hie claaa in Tippecanoe." opinion* food two of ti H. Tba aatlva anap >it>; «ai a mtmb«r wonder till th* rnthu*ia*m reach- and botlloa H affocud a Counsellor be extraordinary In at Iraat ooe r «pect, grew' this from what have euro hard a proMam todaclda, for ba would ba bat* eeen bin oa all popular »port they aomplete naldf. alt., tbe abow of borate Prom InJlca- Sunday School, ed white when the old I'm* Tree ou KifkAMJ. llmltod to tha bufftlo, tb« mooaa and a faw heat, read, and from tbe tradition* of the TrMUM Blood and akin Dimum iluat, I am tallafltJ tbat tbe abow of ca* •orta of occaaiona, and let ma tall you, air, into Mai^d frea. Taa Bwirr ftraciric Co.. apaclaa of (*.«»r. AH othara ara Importod Mute, hitherto Democratic, wheeled elder*. tucaatra. tie not a<> are one Drawer \ K. will ba ija'.te large. Tbere and tbat I know rtod Tor iMrernor Kent, that if would attend rattle aa we cat tab* eare atJ an «• placa. help thinking they of, mala In tha Haa of trump up egainit bim." Anmo— M >l«tart, lateaee IV-blag j- partmeat pro racklma, Irjadlcloaa htavdlag govaraad clerk of tbe Cumberland Hotel bare in by to be ova rr a a. Socb kwi competition »i and aocietiea of and alleging. moat at nlgkt. woraa by at Law. ratlrrlf Mw In tbla State r>y padlgrta. a native of It jckHeld, John Ericsson Eighty-six, If allowed to contlnae tamora a. Itaraif, Mcm «t>£< adrrad among Hridgton, ke fain to con* scratching. »* ». ■n*** tha Mak may daal la fatura* aad apacalato an* tbe would *• «NN< breeder*. an t abow Itaelf at tba waa with the famoua country, they form. which often bleed and ulcerate, be- ■ ■ »«• to brlp lag John Kriceeon, inventor, • *>»• oa hat whra It comaa to raal reare«| contemporaneously were too haati* *•» promlara. fr** that their view* much aor*. Hw*r*a'e Ouinmr State Fair, aad we ba*e eatr lee from e»ery other gentleman, Hon John waa Nti but he ia now coming very ►•»... hq«iDra« It la lha actaal ylald or parform- distinguished )*ar* old Tueedajr, C. POWDER auction of tba HtaU. It will ba oaa of tba formed, governed what they atopa tba Itching an 1 bleedlag, heala ul- a man being by a* M that brlnga tha rrturna I), I.ang. Mr. Karrar, who i« of a* vigorous as he we* twenty year* ago. ly II moat remarkable ebowa of boraea ever mole had heard hom trotting in ceration, and In moat caaaa remoree tha at Late. Pure. Bat nndar tha praaaa*. eaatora. If a man reliable in hie un- respecting Attorney Absolutely ta Saw aad 1 bote ao doabt It character and thoroughly Sunday night Mr. Kricaaon worked tamora At or by mall, for 10 liogiaad, an of hla timee when tbe triaU of drugglete, at r»«*r» ornca. T*» I»#*» »»n«» 4 aa^al af haa JaJgmanl and aadaratandlng from peat, ipeed by pari'» will attract bay era aad hrwdcri ..on near- statements, returned Indianapolit til 11 o'clock, went to bed at half past ccnta. Dr. Swayae A Hon. Philadelphia. NM(U u4 t>»im«irin Mot* mmmmI t>aaia*aa an.I dlacarda tha herd bwk and tbu noble animal, th« American trotting MM Ito Ik W. Ul (M wM la Ijr eeery portloa of tba L'alted Sutaa." ten with bim tbe amee at 7 A Pan* (PlIMIf a*l»cto aalmala on thair marlta and croaaaa year* ago. (.'batting twelve, Monday morning M., the lower claae «M Ik* <1 IM IMI. (ton will ba Uraad horae, were managed by Hataa'a ara Ilka tha taaat tbat MSfMIM WaOa«adajr Army Day, on afiount of thalr a* tbe hotel, tbe writer drew work at half seven. promlaaa » «•' <• tbam adaptability, other day and began again peat Miari ttuM «l«« w »ka^k«li M aad tba veteraaa will ba oat la tall force. of what ia termed horae jockey*, and fowlere art bafora blrda, wklch la aot «K »at»L Itu«« Ul l« » til which hla aktW anablva him to aaa. no mat- from him aome recollectiona of Ilia secretary Mr. Krirsaon baa been Tbey will ramp oa tba aaw park la tba peraonal aaya to meant to food them, bat to taka tbam. HMi T«*%. ur hoar long ha paraaaa thla coaraa. or Karrar that in order judge righteoue judg- i Conmllori it La«, tba aid* ant tba rallroa.1 track bar* the Presidential nomine*. Mr. aa aa a b*e during the year, and Art:~*ri groee. how aaccaoafal ba ba la hla buay one must be careful to cast out all W M*. may producing ment, Hay Fever earTerera oaght to know of /V < lag beea cleared ap aad fitted. tbe ia an enthusiastic Hlaine that he has not loet an hour through aick* *»rwn>. itiW apleadUly Hwl, whan ha r pirto th»tr by way, and Craam Balm waa mf A atatf will ba erected Wbara can p-rform«nc<»a be ia the beama of misinformation prejudice Ita efficacy. Kly'a *l«tu a II* »» BalaOMM «T IW'.k*l. la flag tbay haU mat tha atatomanl that tha animal man, but at tbe aame time, delight- neae or of any kind. John t I Ml»T by indisposition own ao that he clear* recommended to ma aa a preventive to 14* MM IMtlf «f UtM MtlM'lM »T tbair colore. a vote out of hie eye, may U'l fly la a aatlva. a fraak of aatara. and aoma ed over the of caating Kricaaon i« the moat remarkable Fevar. beat It ataca tba mm «i tail !■'•! «nM fpf—al track ta la rxca'Uat coaditloa. aad pruepect engineer Hay Hare aalag >• i nult. rally Tba fi»« ara the motea in aiai ■ aerm to thlak that anch teacher. ly diatinguiah aomebody't a • thai i«M ra**a*iif Ml aMm«M fa- aira a paopla for bia old School of hia age now alive. He haa been at nlntb of Aaguat and have found It pa- a acora of boraee bava beea la tralalng Sunday to ut that fact it I fMHi la IM N«tMi( tfka M|l«af, « u 4 ao rara oatalda of tha faahloaabla atratna el»e. It hum the cific tbat macb dleeaee. For a amount first time 1 ever met lien. Harri- for for dreaded ■ tram im lita«*«f fa aa "all daring tba »umaer. t^tlte larga "Tbe the drawing table **v*nty-**v*n yaara, at *»>■!. >Um rf. of blood that lha fact of oa« animal lo ao be who runs read, ten have been a sufferer from Ar?cr«» & CotiRseilor Law, an I will ba af- that may pro- yaara I great •i M tW ma4 l*alia| Ins Ikw't 0>tt«r to of repairing, ate., U betaf la said be, "erne tbe Sabba'.b j4tt and therefore mad* hia first etf >rts at m*« plain unci. u» thla hard havtag gr*at raaolta aon," can till and bare triad many • «r«4»«t >Mftr4 aaal Atoit fca a* AlMat, la an aaw bile water ballt, prodaead vided that, eyea he aee, Aagaat 9tb froat. doae. pa eloeei, ate., arc worth- in when flladaton* and having IWjiNiM aa «*t liflaa? al a mix Mw im rvldaaca that thaolbar mambara ter my arrival Indianapolis Wishing chanical drawing alleged ramedloa. bat Craam Balm la • • wlU ba la raadlaaaa for bu*ine*« aa it ia baa Kly'a Hf. im *1 a*4 IIWII raaa aad eterytblag of that the horae called, fata •«.. la«M liwua rwMa. m Iraa. Probably tha drat lmp»rtatloaa to attend church, I walked Itom tbe ho- Hitmarck were infants. He haa never tba oaly preventive I bava ever found —P. »—a ia>nr,T *> a |mm« •«• aa>4 w*i M m opealat oa time, Tueedoy morning. S«pt a wonderful for the * cattla to thla coantry wvra mada for lha undergone change lr«« Km* a i«iM« lu»f •» t. tiar lit Maa* a abort diatance, *o tbe Kirat dote not but he usea B. Alnawortb, rabllabcr, InJlaaapolla, a. ■■•■■■■. 11 lb tel, only smoked He drink, en- •4 Hirfcard kit*. alao M Ma« a»« to»>lka lo aak» of gattlag cattla of aoma klad lato tba better aa far aa the morale of thoee Tba Stat# will ba la- Church. In accordance for medicinal lad. «• aa*l ferry m4 arwl a»aaa U. a*4 alM a blrytllate cordially for tha haa pure brandy occasionally P»*. TK ftMl, ItlXk, coaatry. bat aaay yaara of-Jaci I'reebytenan in it are concerned. fc Ini a tiled to oa tba track, aad apaad a and boa. gaged t hoar mncb a boat ■lail* la Ma «*••? waiwi Iim Oar- parada I H-n aad It la hardly fair lo with the characteristic cordiality He t< find of eierciae, and Omaha man—"I doa a«* aa Improvamant, purpose* of the * < •• m H««h. ik» l. fcM*ar lllll «aila4. I* BaUal oa tba Park tbalr Bute meat, One who attende any leading L Halllvan mora." Boatoa tmrn •»> day daring that tha miaa of a lock owntra la Weetern who aren t yoar John any ■ ill. Mail !«•« aj aa>l I <*• aa» aa »*ai» ! aqppoa* of tbe people, bhngs hi* muacles into by go- • • »-M >ln*Muri wMck occora tbaraoa tba dayaof tba Kalr. pitality daily play hie ear* Van—"P.Mr Jobs! Ha baa loat all coa- ■m> at a aaMI abM "M Martk af * aH* thla who do not braad trotting meeting*, having open aaaMtl; wblcb coaatry padtgraa to on the other aide' when a rout in- of caliathanie mo. Ma la* fcaaaa lav II Ml Uaa » Tba Interior of tba Oraad .Stand, apt 'pass by ing through diecover fl lence In blma-lf." "Kb Mat aoma for- - -• a# Uitoktl*. atock mtka a apaclallty of ruanlas oat and tbe to hear and hi* eyea to aee, will •niH o.awMrik* MdMrlvato al Um coBtalaa a rrataaraat, la to be re- a Mtnri within their gtlee, tion*. H* take* a bath, and hia wblla ate., hold of ao that atranger daily aa aa the •Iga champion?'' "No. travailing t*> I, i« Im i«aJ I«a4.a« a»4 Im*' B Lit raining avcrythlag th-y gat at once that the managen, well H-T-- |«ai modeled aad a doiea floe room* prepared at once came to me and attended houra of of recreation and of oaa ii«ri rain atorm, ba triad Iwi*. al a mm aat I Waia Taar all aalmala without a hard b.«ok uihera work, day. Jaat '* Itolw'a yaai eB- anc*atry sleep Dwnera the moat valuable horaea are w ra««a»a« fMf Maaanli* [>>aa«M ao m«rlt ncrpt what la tlvldaala me a welcome. 1 intruduced are a* regular aa clockwork. He seldom '«l M »«• IM yMam Ml toll mk» ar(M traace will ba to Ute depar.meBt kindly men of known and bu*ine*a ornn protlded Aad. howavar con- K*v Mr. and un« reapectability Um aa aa l*ar Mi an mm"* walcb accidentally davalop | to tbe tbe Kulmer, goes out of doors. Hia house ia aad or'Cl Ja»ur» for agrtcaltaral ImplemeBto, etc., paa'or, and not thoee numbered with Ayar« S*r««p»ri::*. ' that in maj >rity every* tha narraa, and Invlgorataa tba ayaUm. It H:•< man and a whom, I even in th* hottest of summer. li ■els *f IVUM4. ftTATK Of M % l>K tic aacaatry lo ba coaalgaad to dlagrac* good locking lady, daya la tba tut.a hall to accomaudtu tba ia done the man^e- la. tbarafora.tba baat aad moat tboroagbly oa lar tha lata nama Maatlva."— were Harriaon and wife. are ao aa thing poetible by or otroKtv M k-wi t io«i- meaning learned, (Jen. Modern house* not substantial can for oUTrr Id Tb« lowar win*. the race* conducted in a railabla aluratlva tbat ba foaod in Mat w»»» >«•. ha«4 •» cbaaga prograaaa. Mirror aad Parmar. ment to have CWmm hf (m And to do but I muit be istro- the old house in Hesch street, and ths old aa<1 Jtl» *»•«, la* froauag tba air«*t ratraaca, will parti- nothing alao to ex- young inai fair and honeat manner, and !>-"• Um n Wm Uoaed vO aad (araubad witb duced to them I ahall never rorgei of on Mr. Krics*on'a D13XTIST. K. platform, The Worth of the Cow. weight machinery drunkenne«e from W*i rMr««W ik*l tk« »» r» aN aa a ball la wblcb clude all rioting and Ad Kngllsh tourist wv> proposal 10 •»au. Ugh**, rir for WiUon of u'.4fri(J la It ia i aunny memory in floor would break down m Ma «•. h4 tk*i I*w IM MTIU d lk»i» Il'« iiion lowi introduction; workshop any one aome 4*?' 2 C«>"t St.. ^nhMb to boll lb* martin**. wblcb on toe To be aure hear* vlatt Arkansas. Mkv>l a llltMl if he ought >• «l. lilt IN»«4 iktl IM «tnli( • bile ar famty, provide • the (Jeneral there a sot rn-totHM^ IMU..M U>« llllMlt 4a? >ar i " dial, hearty way atepped up Twenty-five yeara agn "Wall." replied tbecltlien. "ye moat Huu B of Agrtcaltara; WwtiMdif, •tl >b be m >re for Bo m. rt of either than la aeen at hun- «la*»ba« Mil II IN •( IM •!•*% 4. K-. NothlBg roat I trur; •* a moat «f ; aa-1 T&ura lay, to hie band, itb with a lake in it the want no* for a month. an! ft sot of tba I'omoioglcal HocUty la with me, and, eitending oppoeite houae, M IIDlfID wbesever the farmer harraaeed park Jreda of other of ever i in* ia« '1 am plac«* publie gathering wilt one for three months, hat ef ye — ■II— I a Mkl pa«Uiaa. >1— tUM * l«a# of Mm* Huu Uraaga b« toro-A* amilt, remarked, eery and in the winter Mr. Kricaaon uaed to lk«M .lebt, or whenever leairuggllag pleaaant and bad meet bet want it ■ UkOTIDHM^i* •kat • kfinti *4 Ito |Mtai in Ik** ll la tbat aor* BKhlMi/ ibu ttuat where the good together. I WMl MM) too kin yoa'd aip«*-tad • fl atari la life. It la lb« cow whlrh to meet you, air, and 1 may croM the atreet after luncheon and » W Mm Ii IIM Mim Ilk* k4llM*tM«M*M>tlNl*lhl aol *f- happy that i* he*rJ su 11m n»Wil aaaal «IU ba la oprriiUB. aparlal hi* )u*t look at the mighty uliMk MWi atMOi Ilk'! la tlM rat Come* tO hi* aMlaUBCe, pITtD|! off timta. on the lake. Tt« l/mllarde were then profanity !W * * «• W tM ImM m4 k*«t will ba mada to wur* » larga aiblblt have thia pleasure many My paw btt. A" foru It the one mm au I blm in election and the amount of mortgagee placing shall be to n'»r live 1 dayi, taftw* «r4M«4. UM mtn m ik» t*m». Tb« fla* rafrtg- u at aervice; pleaard hit neighbor*. M >rrf»n Dii TilK DnSToN htau a I* -TSKrtiX |MI of.uiry prodacta. larga to an 1 Inde- your i» on no alar* upoo tbe high road fortaae tin* that don* the mult, yet ■« i» h i r^r»M af*# ik«Ik* iHaaliHiaW mmm Milai •■raw will ba la coadiUoa. it at time. Make near an 1 the moet faahitnable fami* p*1—> • it •« umiumi bf mi put good la th<« for have occupy any by, Dr. Kaufmann's book on din- «a*l. hate I*u> a.I |«*a»aa aa4•• nar^»r«ii..a(nffinUMi la pendent* other. Ilrr capacity you jne aboliah election* for fear tome S»7« great fi'*a|1tH lllpfMM for r*aamy Hap*riaUa of lb* l*»ra iro la a>lf atca of lb* K*.r from the of rectitude ,*• l iltj* hie coa lltloa u la aa 1 caltl- and iiced away patha llshed A copy will be eeot free to any la w4 W«a aa-J |*V«to4 will developlag eon, too, waa a charming peraon. in a new of ateam angina, j MlrtklM^arM lit* arraagaavau perfecting type r ini at* t with I tmt to •mii iMNauttif la ik* oii«H lm* «tprU Ut* atcaraloaa • >>f agreeabla and hia obeervationa etperimenta A. A Boa- •ral »>a*«i Those who keep cow*, ul many equally r«il men la fact into whataoever itate pay p>«t*jt«, to 1*. Ordway Co., Imal a*i4 p«hUaa«i*aa Um N*w Varaaoat, aun of *lal»r. u^taHdirfuiiKlIk* huu. lla«p«birr. them u clrcamvtaacee will permit, aa 1 manner. relation to hia motor occupy much ton, Mm*. tilln|f. »l aa»> a# the a»»r l*»*i M W ■»*». af<*4 Pruilacw f «e enter, evil ia M«*«KbiMlu aaJlbi an 1 and liatened to ae*e aociety may prevent m Ttlmiiil al >a*at 4a »• hilar* mi4 llw al like palaa to have them good Well, I went ia good hia tima. He faw and thoae V) mm w«M aa4 iaaN iMitf tba chll people, it i* not in ar< rdance with I ha e«4 lhal Hi 1*4 awya Oa tba opaalag day, Taaaday, an 1 ac. with u«, and • man come* oat In a crow 1 an 1 BM«II|, la ^*r«*t approved aorta, maintain After the aervic* 1 ar« attracted cjn can never When iwaaf m4 »h» • aa Ur will all tM adaltud I'araon Kulmer who by »aity run MN* at| Um u4 lk«* Jr»a *igbl yaara la a mtaner favorable to tbelr thri... rea« >n to to elevate the moral tone ol hs will not be a can lldate f »r ort ce, »rx«i. c'i « aai4 them to eater the liible try says M M| h*»». ak» M» prat al oa wblcb an invitatioa near Lrn. He ge*« a great ik*f fNa, aad tba cioalag day, Frtdif, And that tb. ar* not aa to get daily or he rcmln 1* ona very macb of that lillani ihraH T^ 1*" 4 y oaljr ageory cepted [hi* wicked and adulteroue generation every Rit»rni h«. .lay. all algbly when wbom ibould I find ia Not of them are *. Jkl'iTIV Claft. la 14eO p*r*oa'a p*raoaa man t aa reeort to aave himself wbea daaa, charge number of lettera. all other man who a (*u« AJ— Al.RMKT wblcb to convert the tinner from the error of plan*) temperance pledge aa4 OMh »f Oaart at J will aot ba a>1mll- And a tin* uk | IIM MfV al >*14 r«iW* year# apward oaly mtifortoae preaeea and all elee falle to of it but General Harriaoa. anawerad, and not all of them are read. on hit coat ao that too* ona woald ud fr~ ba fraa aaata oa iba lie eeekmg to avoid all inter* ii wtU gltao 'mt they are alao a aar« maaaa waa ao aad a^ree. an on way, by him to drink under tha mistaken Impree- it.iui:r« 41 «tin «t**% of tb% •>rlag relief, teacher he too; taay Mr. Kricaaon never givei opinion tlraa.l Mud I to wtlaeaa tba paaaiga at -ourte with and ainnera or to woald refuse. of advaBClag the faroer'e proeperity ia the urea, at an publicans •Ion that be ca«a.i»d* of wlaalag » alle; ao well Script mechan:cal inventions and auch IV t to I cr*Al pru* ata|e of lu Bat the cowa poetad "efrain from engaging in buainea* or every progreea a are any t OiM. aa.l bora**. wblcb la um of tba aoatlaur with ao and iaatructive way ia often many .■«% ff ••Mom have a chaace to ahow what they intelligible opinion aought daily becauae eome DY8PKP8IA «* •••••* «••*» faalaraa of tba Fair. and leaaon* to iport unrighteoua peraona 'I'll* aatlag c%a do, end to what degree they are capa- of tbeir meaning by a "eel" form of reply »*•* •■***<+ Tba eiplaining divappointad ire endowed with a ta«te for the a*me Makea tha Htm of manv people miserable, 1 t—»"*f •"""T Tba data of tba fair la aaaplcloaa. to tbe fortaaea of tOtlr otf or oa tin; but »• »4*M* »• bla of coatrlbatlag Ntter tried to abow put their communication*, We MM u4 rMll> farm labor will ba otar, tba fact- eourteouily horaemen ahould drive •ad often leads to self-destruction. lk( Mil) *lf. M l*>4 •" *t w ra*b of owaera a number of farm* hing. lioneat ||( rMM If l>»n tare* never nor diatant; but the f»vor aik, an 1 more «••• aaaaob rtV), in1 a baaUd alwaya declining they know of no remedy for dyspepsia M«N«kttlt>ir4 *• «•*. **•••• Uoa political > «re B<>t malat la«»l la aafflcleet nam- patrooiiing tirmly >ut th# from the management " he aak* > blacklega !'• «'«4 an *»-ry- When hunt-ra ala about in sacceestnl than !!<>•» Narsaparllla. It ate |M4I*>UTV| riftiu* 1 alactloa )l«t cldtal.uJ to an I kind and prowl • bere .ally accoinpliah 'belr mlaaloa, approachable. autograph >f the hora« race* and take *«nt m« w».f *««•» a**d aacb a h .It an I it waan't to tb« claaa ia poa*«eeion acta gently, yet sursly and tflelenUy, tones *m Jaai lay ob a va»t are of the comm »n ed a vain. DENTISTS. u «it« lUl N^H •U® Ml^ Ml majority they (juration removes • 4 lit- 1 a aa tba HUU l»r hemaelvee. tha stomach and other organs, item. > vt M i. m« • aorta to whoae but to aome member in 0*c« a 0»» • Block. South '•-rr.t'*' uBlmprove*! developmeat general, particu* creates a i<|Ob><( A M4XIM. f lilca. Qlfa aa wvatbrr an J II will a Rofowl to Promotion. From atatementa we have heard made the faint feeling, good appetite, good »rt ha* beea an l wblcb are la- waa a character fl«lpinir Iat> 11 f »-»• ir>4 tllH Hum. wtM U*»l m4 U ■ glvea. Jar, aad if it of knotty an I r*freeh*« the harden* ba a rowaaf —Maiaa Farmer. we ahould infer that carea headarbe, '»■*» F'» •» • » a. -t4 r Mn a *4 MM te*M of rrallilag for their owaera oae- New York, >y certain capable he'd it in each a aa to leave the Congreaaman Cumminga.of peraona, ed mind. Olve ll .-l • ^araapari'la a fair \m n tfl L14I llMM. m4 put way *»« ^4. *TAT* «»f *»l** half tbe pmflt wblcb eoaUl be aecarcd from told thii at a recent had an idea that a fart horae ■ > •*** tf. Uaia- a to out of it' with* atory \V*ahingtcn hey trial. It will do yoa good. Nr \H f "\r..i;i» •• B**f4 *M «aai* aalmaU. And thla la la- ecbolar chance 'get wt< "" •»* » ««t All M' »«m I«« W4MW dinner: Mar >a. la tbeee when the out hia my five by aboald ba early. -araaaMa «laya. Improved wounding pride. During of M*s Waldo, of B »ston Is enter- «. UAdl Hod grouad plowed It wu the after ('ban* ua greateat agent for the entanglement (who J. hrrede are at aar b rea»oaa*>le I Monday night — whlla tber* it tow aelllag prlcea a in lndianapolia frequently Mr. Wabash, of Chicago) Tar® lb« grtM itJir year atay tuman aoula. We don't aubecnb* to talalng young that farmer can aff >rd tb# ir< an* lo celloravill*. and were trying to force la II aad the noil U wum, ats 1 U will every went to the church and Sunday School— they I have a treat for you to day. Mr. Wabash, )al<« hla Inferior atock wltb tbat at but con»wler the horae tM la tba replace preeent waa ua back into the my auch belief, >f hlvalvee. If M OlMIIH, >*al rot m that tba tarf will aui w»j of each of which he a chief Kappahannock In the war noe MM My tlHMI. of better character, or at leaat aecara pillar m jet Ml. >»f« ImI U IM r<*M ((•«• hao.tied A w*a a me of the nobleat, handaomeat and fond of them. IwHf t «•»<■>■ aeit Mum U it la property attendant—and I never Hanka* Ford. It natty night, very husband Is vsry Vonog l««*i j ii H Hi croaaee wltb which to gratia op to a higher and conatant Smith «f Machinist. M Ram *wa**r. h T««4tr.tto roiier ibtMiJ cm tt«>l a* it »f>r lha were of all Uod'a creaturea, and Mr. Wabasb (trying oar —They are cer- Wa •< tto • % M %m4 bM«r tirat dark, and the bulleta dropping ntelligent •f uwtaf Mil. *4 after polat tbe atock be already baa If the found cauae to change my agreeable taste Ik* MMm>I mmI4 at any huob, and we that he would tainly deitcloa*, Mrs Waldo. They It— >»»■» I w 11*« n«w■ brMklii plow estate around with rather »oo much 'urthermore, believe * average cow la her preeent la worthy perautency *• i(Wf whM* • toana* »I la of the im|>rr««ion of Mr. Ilarri*>n.' something like oyeters. ■ » -9* of MM* Mff >!>»■ MMM. ImMMM; taat, if ibtr* dat|fr gru* »pruat< be*n with the to li»» iiliimi «UI to k«4 M the gmkl thing* sal 1 of her, what worda u a for comfort Aa I down to bring lot have created power (»* ■ «W| M>l ■MIIMM W4 it* H^l" i*4 bttWHB rarrowe, a harrowing "Mow »«• h« ulM it bomt iiw* atooped >*4 mA iUw lai ip >»f If or »l »•<»> ■' •« aal 4rtl • atO %»4 m>ml »Im lath* m«4f pralee woaUl do her ao(fl;leat hoaor, " reba who be in fa»t if it were wrung cruel fur him U|« naaw 0U tat and tba air out, the heada of any might jo M Utf« la IM w»aiwi a* iW will ap >pac*a kaap 1 fc»kr«l A WARM NO. ■*•"** a, «*a M MM ikiMtitl ——> all tb« cowa In tba w«re a* uiver 01 an Ate II U fanter wt- cooat ao much toward tb* coaatry Improved jri? I taw a to to do. Ana ID* a.. I *4 a, i»«h« <*>• ^ urn ttoll J*4f» aod will aprlng atfttt. view againat the horiion, ragged |«ai« | mm I > tba wbara It baa been demon- "A* one of th« beet in tbt •» *4 Ite um. a»l over la Aa polat tery a of JratVa are »» • tm ra*ti« aft* v*««0ttv 4»fte. thai an.Ha worfc. On land Uat la taraod outlined the The ail. (<>-d thin** ha* also fnl'iw 1 large The m>lret approach minim atamM W «i»*a strate.! It la to them?—llulaWln- »»« llinda \ Miller. cap againat iky. w** W a*4 «u*i pi^N 4«m w ww. *4 Ite I —lnua»ri w<>u t t«* w*u to now n«1 >>a*y bring Th« firm tUrnton, r1oa«. Mil atatlatlce abow coaclaalvely that IMMtiM, bf gaat It taralp me to eee >art boib and bad, to all ate wfioalUM Krlealan Keglatar tht time him houette wa* atroag enongh fur of mankind, good of the §mmm ate *4 Uu at tba time of the harrowing, aad If tba 1 can ntttr I httrd m >r« peraoee «Jle from iIImmn (■MM aMHMtM|tNi(aiM|4lUN fur|{*t an int> rn love for Hi* creaturea uf Ite Ctart mt arlU ha that both and wearer were reba, that eith than anr other. It Is iiuiilu • 4n imm M to wnH apt* make mach growth they make hit oa » criminal c«>f cap Throat »bMte for a or colt*, ao 1 la Oreon Manuring. were msije our nor* tailing a he animal kingjom, consider it without eic»pUoa. tar** K k*1 fall food beep when he »u ftgftiuat they probable tbateveryoBe, ptelM ^im ia •*) I i»«a. ate p«k'l*te>l we don't there, pitted derma a cua aa* tteair the aoll. Oa the farma of a-11 mineral if, add atmoapherlc Pan in the Into the an 1 wbere theae germ* *aa .Jaru *« t iMiMlu. Oattee ir»HH final Wctloa to grain cloae, and, on# oo a*te to b« strongly interested eyetem *• • aaU ate aMfeWl u uf hatened to. lit it stepping up, Into llf# Ml*. uU VMI ruaatx r» X4 M* *"l ite trM */ lb* Weat the plowing beglaa a« aooa plant food. The leguminou* planu, I tttr tuty, ■juite fall apoa aaltaMe toll they etart to to aito. aarvte ate |»->«l •{Wftktra -»f made him a He of fast trotter* and te«tio«r their tlfW im-tCMfc I •r»«. a, aal E*U C*r>Ua« Ite KMt Mite, lid which clover la th# left um, take more rach side, ireeding to at llrat anii»n ***J af. grain bright tban to be in* tb* aoll UU a*ed- from the than rye and barley was a On his back was on tbe race course, a Hi k aroaitton la tba throat llaMfff, IlllB' aotblrg m >r* la done to atmoephere fore kbit. In bit howerer, he ijueer specimen. peed by allsht 11o( €••••. it theae Argument, inn art) »Mt the ud utticr*. Then, again, pl»BU % of and boots created in other form of domestical* an 1 If allow*! to continue tbalr ri>i IM teUiteto'a > ahowed ft accidental knapsack 17~. -M hu h»-en con aid- have r )U, they iiud I far IbVo tbe prontneM, or in eiten.1 to tba laaga Co«. 11 *Va».r "Breaking ap aeaally large of the tame hung frum his belt. d animal nature agriculture. they prodacla* ** th» fool from to* to tbt lUtemtntt of wit. st}le hea Catarrh \J *. trrd a* that coo.d ba doa* any time, Kr«>ttD.t, they carry plant tional, ptrvert eamptloo tad to tb« I. raaetag AIHAKT AWWCbrt. ajx> We into anJ all aat Without the race course the ^VEtelf4" 1 *«!»' <•< i*"-'' i i»»r of the aoil where tbe re. took him camp, present tbla la an I If allow*] to rarU Hill. 4 Iim (*^t W aa 4 CtUtwa u4 aad It baa be*a d*.ayed till tb* fMfts WIN part plant* ntttta, for which Uenerftl lUrriton Soar all daageroaa f >r was and itate of of the and off aa.1 the wall aad cold wcatb- have thrlr growth. Il le a au'ietltute to and for around awhile. The reb moody perfection trotting will la t.me cause >leath At U>« fcw • iTHi t'lWt. got ballt, Cftlled him ftccouot, proceed Tftwkr *aJ r nd*j Arra*T aLRIIT Al r«ach two or IbiN ptfttedly never have been re- with al- •r cam* oa aad tb* gr»*» waa dead aad tb* •o »ull plowlag Tt»rjr His af. oadster horse would <>aa«t you meat act prompta«^a( al bs» which he for tbt mott melancholy. capture evidently Gilla umni oil aad it* man orfj«?fr«t htliw lb* aurface and bring p«rt gracefully nor ever a coM to without atuatton la TV N««. «M» •—'* ¥ < * aoil cold and lb* day* iturt, fected him I aaid to dised, the breeding induatrj lowing go > Hra «o«a> Mr. a»>l Mr* *•»•»< furnleh bit trror. Hat it wu • greatly. Finally loaa Ufa. to all tba work ba caa oat of matter to the aurface; thua they Acknowledged as now is. A daageroua aad many you your ft. w-a n«wi O lrt Mr w4 antloaa gat him: "l/ook her*, don't feel ao leve been so it *_»«•* rKK'M II Ml4 MWlfi * aa 1 tba f<>r tv tbat eucc**d tbem. all tht aame, and 1 won- badly. profitable Aa soon a« f~l that aometblag la I fta • 1*4 M'« J aft a PutW, Mr Till Wtrr*kM< tb« Wim. a part of which la hired. nd plant* are you T* m*«»i powerful pltft a or and It of the human race " J* M umw to b« where You'll be traded in ao, trrat maj ority or Moa- 4 Nat « Mr* t 1 iMili. I 1. »•«••'tktl raault la tba work la poorly doa*, tba bar- Tbe plant food b««]i brought dered bow Hftrriaoa would tntwer it. day wroag witb yoai Throat. Luaga «a ■ L.. (>>«, ta/a Mumn • •***•• an some form or Miaa L«ad The root le will be all The words served K>und to seek in trlla. obtain a bcttle of Ujachee'a ftermaa 4 w ■ IM (IWWl l»>H< fcH***? •• row la tba agrlag meet tnd too. right." pleasure •••» Mra «WM iv.hm, A. , baa a Hut bt dul it, handtomely, »"• * wll •»*•»•. »• aa well aa av«r, tba tarf of p.inU. lift and but few are*-) It will you immediate relief. .!» r. M • r ft UM.^aaf Mr II* W«« d •b* gra«a growa Important pan to increase hia grief, and, bursting mother, thing* grati- Nyrup. |;tv« •* wheat bu a wftt ft bftttU of lltrriton only »*<«•«. Pw • .r Mr* U* J. | aot aad tba aad If root, while compact It giftntt. between horses, I* W«M doe* rot. cropa anff«r, apreadlag into tears, he blubbered: as triala of *ai •.» 4 « Mf.tallia |>.k laaa.UM ik* M«*tw i--»U* <«• •*! *4 la arc not of two ying speed IkM -• th* fold la tba work of hoeing root; tbe rooU capable going ftll of bourt, perhftpt longer, J o4 KI'l. Kit** M4 *IMte< planted tpukt er cared ao blame much ind trials of s'till betwsea men and Bachelor—"You Bay your wife r'flea B^Tr* T-m4. Tm Oa a«w or around for therefor* rye may euc- ft *bout hu *T wouldn't u» IM nt«r «H Mi •< I** «•■*•»* doablawbat It ahoald ba. f»od, ftnd tuch Tftlk being m at »*• pit*! one of is S> if all your p>ckeU ail tak^e y.rnr may •* • H" « rock* ara to ba tn>v*d, reed an J aucce 1, whl> wheat falla. if this hadn't er tuk ao blame and* leither itself wrong (tun r»l»lr»U *• ruagh farma wbara barley ft of hu place ?uo ara doa't mhI H *• gundton grandfather, why, race wi*h to Blgbt after asleep? Wby a«U 4* II Nk*»! to do tbat flrat, aad tba two or threw yeara there abwld only I've been ebo desire tbe *>> d of the It la a«ca*tary Korevery tbtrt t in den. Yer see, Yank, tighten retaliate? <1 la't yoa get ap ami U Iter* Vfwrt b« a of kind there ahould be bleaa turt, if «ny Uwytr yoa 'Vhy muat ba doaa wbaa 11 can; bat oa crop tbat and your an to*mor* tse the mjst etfi:ient means to elevate Mar* plow>ag can that ftr* near two years for rlfla h*r i».*r ab-'a aeieep?" --"' X *«4 tt»M l" them. tba Sutra who bt*t promotion, pocket ttai u anu IM N .«• >1. am Jotb farma tb«ra coalj ba a trial cultivation with Stirring tht I'niUd many great wui >ur let all aee to it that -"What are INVESTMENT «»• the rer I ter been made It's amusements, rled Maa (wltb disgust yoa MMM Ml ••I. mada from lima to time br«aka up ft 1 wiah bt'd corporal. W| otar tsa preacat ayatem by ground np gume&t grtftt tight, jutt (let rlflt bar la I gala to be tuck like this hese amusement under discussion be tslklag ab mtf apand pocket! ir>M —Mirror aad farmer. wrr-1* an I doee mora for tb« cleaning np mt tell too dog gone bad jets .'titlki* Ur >-|»t |»l Mtl otfN hirtWf rr%r ,fc'1 of cropa —Dr. before before I was Here he cried inducted right way by right a lMri^Ui JJftff here, that Hen. lUrriaon it not only ont promoted." yoa ever kaow » mts, or e»er bear of Society. we the men. •*•■* Agricultural like a Well didn't think maa la all bora who could flal to mm* n>4 »-t«I to*. •*»» »"• of tbt wett, but baby. yoar f Prices. of tbt greftteat Uwytrt as the a mh •»!*-« leader fellow was any coward. He had just set As regards cbtrgeof cruelty ap. the pocket la - Ub.m with years, Kich cattla awm to ba batter appr*- farmer may think It foiiy to get any money matter and it ended in half one convenaat at all > worik tkrt* mtuiOM, tiMi* •» |fc*y ijy.?!?? g«ia "Can recftll other ootftblt nf. over, bury* reply. Any %n.y, *»«»«] M**™*'* **' "• In tban la oar bom* mtr* out of tba it li, and again you »ny as '•w |M "Well, taid Mr. Farrar, a* bt get promotion yea," see at once that have better ^ 1*4 i o«li-f». hundred, llv* weight. Still Ing butcbera r Ivertlae 1 for good, bealtby best way he could. We had determined i 'an they /W an-i r.-rnnl iitirrrtf: igo|(.Ua rot« to »tt«nd to ft guett. irk at 7 centa a to meet tba re- ntwly.ftrmtd rare are lest than other iHOOD'S/ another from Mlaaoart, averaging l.finu ;■ poanJ, that he ahould have that if and whipped any at or MAIMS. bt obatrvtd ftt h« returned hu corporalahip IWMmhAlaffiWN-^' «tatk aold for SO. tba htgb**t of bla trade. "Dot tbat doeea't "Ytt," we know it is no V.. , Atwwa M Ifca poaada, |*i prlca qulrementa we could him to it. :las« of horses; and ^ or aot "there waa tht railroftd trouble. help *•> l>Mt< < toc>tt oxronn. noma week*. Thl», bowavar, la yon aay. No, aotdlrec* teat, M^aa "• '•••« MW fir prove anything.'' for a fast and horse, in Ow»W«W. Mn hardship spiri'ed iMaoa fir*idfc» t aft M baaf tbat aaatera flllad bnt If will up tba recorda of be ttnktrt would w«tcb the train*, ftnd a,fl^aifc* »l«. tba rafrlgcratora ly, ycu dig I An Accommodating Railroad ti a mile at hia H tea. j xtTMMi J«l* >*"V ihe finest condition, trot .*iuu«t«r» with Tba aama week tba flrat ablpmaat tbe grocaiy trade for • twelve month paat, wti mtdt the tbt minuUi any attempt by "I have found the mxt accommodat- one cattla reached tba market, will fled of dead>bog la moat of Mat with a No of Dakota grata you prlcea to tt«rt out would botrd speed competitor. tbty in the «*id a New of I^ir^ .rryji■** a i«n Maine markcta to rai>ge from 0 to 7 ceuta engineer ing railroad worU," liters a word about th* of -*:BTH£L1 bakkdr coipmt. >.-i. ». ijlIt 11|t4Mll• II aad averaging pound*, cruelty tht tnd its moving. m (tool at tht brought |J 75. A train loal of ftioataaa P'r pi und. tngint prtvtnt York merchant h« depot at fairs where the poor boviass lUKTUXD. MaINK. K-Crsii-«ES I* pulling *•••<»*•#. •• tltrwiji k la that doea not to ft ftnd tht *• ii ,Mrt i| mm! gr%aa cati.e, aald to ba "vary fat," brought It true, pay very big, got tuch pftti, pub- ib« other iUv for a train. "I xii •« «. IS.1 W f Muiikii. V. Tbinga waiting ire whark*d and with bng twin 4«r w ?iu* aa tba tbe corn there la a value In punched * f what waa a«t dowa remarkabla but like crop, were to inconvtnitnctd tbt need- »»• L MtwN», Bmt. jjs lic by was to Saratoga on Monday and have laid oat ounce of U Oraa* oa th* rang* la good UM beeldaa tbe raah bla carcaaa brlnga up >rads until ttey every jj* ^.rrt. price |l pig leaa ftnd bigh-bftnded ftdt of tht tUtktrt, I would visit the where m *' an- or leae— there is and then « >|>|' .ivr ilrt i»w.»"**"•« tbla year, aad cattla bava bewa dolag lu market. A half do«*a—mora thought plan t( strength in them, * that ft of Cltiitnt imitated ul l*r* «tl—— »W tba of • h<*l«*« fattened fall and an I ani l, finally body General (irant divd oa Mount are to «. aeaaily wall. Tbla aattUa qaaatloa ep.tng, McGregor, if are fat, eold ^ > lyommmee tou perhaps, they they tba >'arm«ra here, air>rd a little change tbat he.pe the California iguance •t that runs s£££iss?"£: cbaap boef for pr«**aV bandy I took the train up there, butcher who tif* a ring to their n« •-«, o of tba alight rlaa tbat baa make up the aggregate) the Income formed themaclvee into * mil. we vera thoagb, appraclata temporary about ten miles away. As n to a in tbe — their head« d>« nng tlmr, MM 1 aad ara their fat l I* vtervatlnMlrd, (or vtUkxit |»ur« Writ to eapply the market of the coQntry, 'Little Ben' had faced too many th« ts if she he wu depot. conductor, thought nen with smooth hidee and curving bluod jo* raaaot aajuy c-»l baalttL bat tbe Maine If be make* bit cal- or to Burial Vermont Crops. farmer, rebel liaea to ahow any greennete a street car. We were at At U.l» n *»• «m n»*da a Goods! running going are Marly 17 ran bla own korns, but sirloins, rounds, culatlooe wlaely, ralaa com. rumpe, a®4 ••rtch Vermont ftrm ladnatrlaa ir« proapmd the white feather. He quickly a rate of but while 1 sat (ou4 a*4kuia to purify. vitallM, or a aabatltat*, aod keep bla ro>o«-y at diaplay good 'peed, >u(Telo ateaks, and so forth. Ta» graaa crop la good anl hia men on either aid# of the u>« U00U. u>4 lluutli Huu|«rUU U worthy *• • tLla year. that be woald utberwlaa Mod awa? formed at the old dilemma the «au»; accarad la good coadltlon, the were there yoar |t4 balkli up Um lyiun. c raaUa wa-rt cat aarly crop fxen aore in (.'lint K'!»•*• hand* eounty Iluvd A Mam. an 1 tf wa hava a acmb colt awap the were and ef- rrtpmhn K McLaaa, ia- JoaraiL quixi'icel posted nan, and owners of ealjabU boraea Tuition aojtiatatanca of mias a faw yaara ago "Vote for him—well «h -ul.i atnile. ad tor of tb« ttactanatl Kaqalr«r, *u la I won't you the train*" aa rw r*u w.u — to aall a load of pnmpklaa, bat ma •yes, please stop would advance their own interests a«ated at hla d«ak np to hla la '>o*l- *—* flaid tba coodltlona of vote Hen with »yaa |« lH« l4M< > WW* >' of b*c«u»a t'oiler Imp.oved plaot. Yee air, 1 ahall for little went the and the train ®MDAIiMINO .Vfcfr^ tha caatomar a praarat tbam, cao ba Hang rope stopped veil aa that of the interests in mm, when a bamptloaa young rrporter log, reaping aoIW M m wh«« —«lt*l. Um, mm uOmH iMnm ba mad* It at far coat tbao otbar a Ira my might! Why, gentlemen, if would take mora to city room, la tha made leaa aay pec [eneral, tb«y paina "**'*• •*»! ftl >«f HWI farm that ba ootid faad. Thla right j«t to have a out them, aad, •••ling hlmaelf near tba editor la- J odo. a ptnuKOTON. of cow oo tba farm, aad If o cow j going reg'lar Tippecanoe the paaengere got and loaded men of thia kind to handle W oar farma and «m frr.l proveoder only : V* that Wtt W IMIUUW «•* * Faad tbey tba over And 1 have a con. cbtaf. Inquired In aaoffhaad way •plrit. will tbrlva oa It all or eight mootha of again. selree with daisiee. I asked the mplojr n ITr* •• r*rm** M r*»U manure laataad of buying campaign hair boraea There is »e«d of reform doaa tb« n«wa •■»•»»••••. (Ml aa. Make phos- whaa f*d with tbao to can •Wall. Mack, bow paa r.^** >?■» MS w • «»• mm*. CtHJKT. to year correctly It, wby little eecret tell you, and you put doctor if it was his habit to any. Ii riuil JUDICIAL Italaa good cropa and facd good stop n the matter of aelectlng grooma and oat to-night t" T*vt«# Umi — |>l»— •* ■*• phate. oot feed bar tboa for tba wbola twelva into and amoke it (Jeoeral 'this atock. No om caa affjrd to kaap acraba it your pipe where for passengers and he replied: the al* Not la the !«ut dlacoacarted tba at* **" fc»«r n tk* »«•». •tfOI» teCITT. moatbaf Irieers, in many parta of land, by iijli'** Tbara la moaay to ba Harrieon U not a man in every and at time conduct of bla aatordlaate or atarrallnga. only train will stop anywhere any not ao much ao around here. traordlaary M nrj tow rtiM 1/ a« a boat It la a com- hough wta ^ mada la farming go oboot tba eeaee of the word, a man wboae man, woman or child who wants who, by tba way, a b«w comar oa tba fe *» Mil •» im|im |VMiHty aad A few ale« lamba kept yard againet for any A. T. M. mon mum P. T. In Mirror and kaowa to bin, Mr. Me- way—C. will aaawcr tba parpoaa of a lawa mower character I never bea. 1 a breath to oo or off. We run our own road, papar hardly «*•*• vtito ^1. tVaam. tb« IWmorrattc caadnltte IU»«li wWi, it a., mh »«■*>••» ■■m—. h* Fact but if you will call Gxnaor, i»i CbarUa K. All* a of r. ■ pwf »"tiM, Lm r w»a«.».Ur rv" IE strongest woman f n, SEPTEMBER 1888 Dmdft, tbo I>«mocra'te aomioo* for MxUMtlitfil.M. W. r o* will l>c tireil out after 5th, ATWOOD A FORBES. 4. WWtk thU Rtwlt?, Mmltiai »»r*K M.M ■•! Tl Mr. ia a. Coa#r*«* a*aio*t DiajWy irtMi. 11 ■ ■■m«i »'•»•» «•*•«•«. •-* a in anU ■■ J> clay spent Bditor* Proprietor*. di«»»>ct Mr. IVitaam Jul wt u m«i»l |>r»m iimi, ♦ r T»»«4y H*f*' washing •>» |M«T»l'OrtO«. »|ipHr a. WILL CONVINCE r. WE A. K r«u» a Ci—> YOU un>»i M Armmmm. ■nui.Tur wHiHi FrvUy.T.U clothci or house idnrtwi Ktf 'KWr'k. ()« tarfaf. MTVM 1 • cleaning a » THIS IS THE Soua afttr »!#*»a o'clock J«*d*a H A. r "iHiir -ifc--" liir*a?»« »—»«<»*• in the old with the THAT ru«t -T«ftr Mt^rrtirtbMi*. »1 H. If iwfl r • 7rUajr it—« ! '»»•* ■»*>■«. * *• way, Allien F. Richardson A. M, la a*fcar»r a i«r, pat T^mt coimtioa to mean*. MIMUT MkM Fry* o4 Hrtbol nlM the mm iitRM* ohl I f 'hilt with ftlnfta NftM, Mat*. ordor tba tall. I>r. Hiram A. aa Principal. 1XMIWWH %ll •>»1 ilUiWWU and rood F. 4 A. M.— mhih ftntoy i / the aid of PYLE'S BEST PUCE IN OXFORD COUNTY * ■ i>. JAMES tra Um rmwutlw ft* •» at Wkn Nil gtrmm of K jmford rikIi , 1 Abbott temporary O. t> r -1-u* M «-• Uli*, r*f«lw aMtlip, ! p»r Im» U W«*lh «rf eojaw*. IT»fca» »■*<»— I PEARL1NE a delicate woman to all kinds of ntk — A«»»r« U' liartal u Hw — »>• chairman, and oa m>'M of Kdvard K Pnr»l«r a *f •».(« buy ••'•plko"Mrt Hr*4 t»t Ikinl M«« t»y maiMI *4 MrS MMtk can *amc Mis: Mary E. Bozzel). »-!•«•%« w> ft>*i Kmai*. •**» K«r- ■■1. do the work with immWI «v Haaliafa, of J. A. r •( ■*.•! faaanU? «f Mil •pariM mum Mb wt%A >«•**. K*q.( Kryoburjr, IL-IVu I Attn and Matl'auiaticN. tutrlT fcltwimw ria^toa of l^nll 401 Woodmaa CbarUa rase—far tatter—in less '' * >■ ftw Irak Wi *■»» comparative j.•• Puiiii* -TW (Hfcrt I**""*1 TW <»*•#• Dmi afta 1«7 •*« m«>l« aoero* la wall atorfcad atUl wa MtMtUa ft* IWf' — time. It takes the hard — virtually and «•» M* ImOm t mm nm m4 lklr-4 TVir*kn BOOTS •i) fcuwta .4 rUUa «M»ry SHOES >«*'!«« ttrwt. P. E. «• !• tfca 1.«». u. T.-lb hn« I —i<», N*. til, m*»u «»rj out task for which Stanley, a • narlewel >*>« U»la< elw^e work of any •• m< ti hi of H*U» (ttMM KIWI*. A.IL II*.. — ••mr |»i n»»W n* ft* (>• of CirhotUtrilBtr Ruck- Natural Science. a.fk atf Ulw.- fcnit IVii AwwUy. N«. is and is harmless to MMI« Mi»t MM »l»fcrWCjf (Ymmuta* »art mad* kM|wi \ s«>ap used, Sold, tb# County «.«■ MH> •»»'! Mw4«f M««a| M Imin UaU, * Com m it'#0 oa Cr»tl#0tl*U •iia. fabric or hands. U. A. It w K. K I«WI IW, *». »»*. aw** »» jf of *1 Wl'H (' M KolliiJ, Kaq. Ciitoa, •*f TWwUr r«»,M,«U.A U 11*11 T l\ Millions use it—Do you? Miss Mary E. ffhitlen, aotfd thr »b» chair a Commit' ipfwit Til* IlKlti* b*«« Urt* gaaa r««poBM put »«i, <)«f«ailaf U* Ooibimi, Mtr- SWETT, K»r« • %* r» but sold all grocers. tha chair appointed C M. Holland, (kuti uit llickSiM* Tb» by m4t»>i ux> Ha r.>r ibia iMtr, bat will New Yoik. ^>ptMi It K »'»t »n>l Cultoa Utniirr Ifaiwfkcnmd only by JAMBS l'YI.K, B. T. Nevmaa. '37 MAIN ST. NORWAY, ME. ipp*U Mil «Mk u »ucS ctaiuii'tM Mr Holland uk*J an V. Kitpp, who plift roft»l la i Bx Drawing Painting. 00 th«t co a. to bo »ica«rd ftofi •♦ram* too Biar (' B laat »«i »lth Bather IIIU Kacsapa^ai Miss Minnie K«rkn of Bryant • I'oad Dr. Kaakia of »V|,| A Hot Hove, *»a of A K 8harllmith ikiml t> ba ricuMil al»< and bora*-, B»rfh»f, to K'Uwurtb partlaa for th«i r«x»| July, you will nrntl *oiuo thinner #o<> la Una m >nth. Kennny .V A. l another oa« Miss Hattie Pike, K '*»'d K of Krjabu**. lla bu pflnbwf llumtner am to a rh%nry \%> ap|vNa*«d Hat will •>» ipproptltto. Benj. of In.I.an*. <>n m>ti n of C M H >Kand of Can. come more will from them A H Nh%w aat wlfeof Caaloa, aravtalt- you the benefit jou gat Mr Kicbardaoa ia a gradual* of llow. mil attention to oar •• arltoa Uardnor of toe. >»aded by t lac relative* Mr 8h*w bu »aa of lb* J««n (Village, Mim of Hryaburg Vim < 'r f (' it beat *h«* at«>r»e la Ot- For IVmnUnt, h »K. • nsm iai«tii( Aaeal l *rranged Aradamy, and Mim Wbittaa of (iorhtm Dross Goods and »rvl William K. font Coatly. Parasols, Trimminga, Sateens, M. H4 of Caatoa, 1 Normal School, and Mr of Karm> Mr* L-*i Aadrvwa, Mra 0!*r» Howar MtaaWy (Ithb uf I'mii, aa I Dr C. H Kaakia of N >rmal He bod. aa.t Mr W.wvl are tb* alch oaea oa lllU ington Ginghams, Seersuckers, Gloves, Hosiery, I «nt • lSt.d w*« .n?ad to »rlw. a A Hot P, Morton try a,>p atreat. Levi to TmcIwi. Committoa for tbo aaauia* '• • tcaraloa *u «tl| pitroa t <0 Campaign Advantage Shirts, Etc., Etc. Now York. (Vvinty yaar, TimJii it t th.a of Vb« aorkawa » It wilt ba aeaa that tha abovo liat in- •. 1: t ratifi. atioa y tb* coavoatton. by tlll(|r( Diay ia opening, an I every "oflT»n*ire pirtiain w'i want* to ulnw hi* color* lb* N.«J HUaJnl two ImvA « K. A- (ma tha Commit- K»(U>rf to K*nm»r A 1'I u turner • an.I look at their ami he cludaa graduataa of Normal Achoola, W> |>uri'li«Mx| Ur^e lot of—— JvJ|« Krya ran .if favorite ahoahl go campaign gooU, V >a "If f>a.1gra y.>qr <>n# I'.f tafvmx, tao oa Crodan'taU tbat t&a • ho.a wanta of thaothar of Oorham. r*pmttk of P-a- t»ateb*r and graduataa, tad aaldom «t Burleigh, »»• pupila & Al|WU. li Lace K t llMtii|«, of rr«)i>«r|. mark. t ha t*mporarv or«c%ai<*t» >a »m Natural Scwncot. Flouncings Edges Iba for »»fo» 1 t>Mi mill' mad* aal tka c»o**at»oa jm». V L Hur*>lrvl atua.]#d lb« Oran.l Lo-1f* p*rtaaa*at A Hot Dinner Spwcial attention ia paid to tbeao bran* r»»*W to Bomiaatt racd«latra fur ihr I'orUnl IhI Ti^Uj In White, Eera ind Black at verv Lot !>«tn»-raU cbaa. Figirts, vartoo* clRrM u follow* : W* u« maay of Ul« laadlag Nelson Jr., couatjr ia hut that hw to tin with the ili**Miaaioo II »w ia tha Kail Dingley, of lb* coaaiy In It* vllU|», WtiliMilif, aUhle, nothing preeolit Aatrooumy atudiad during «f U«I*M i a awtioo of U C I(um*1I of CuUm, at And •▼•rjon« MbouM UtoM lnir^iuQa. Voa in invit*l (>> oa th«lr wit W» ci»»Hj ruiitallai. «r«r, if want any I/wlie* Celluloid Collar* and Cuflfa, rail Tarm tba aid of dm uf tba flaaat taU of Buck* you by «*«uod*d by 1'arltoo Uarda*t W L f irrir, uf Uti «u nIkV eacopta in Maiao. of Hackfltld •»« Ticket: 6«ld, H*nry I). Inak *1 by Ufa M Coaaty Traaaarar. No Count) mada tb* aomtaa* for S*aator from lb* viur cbolr* coald ba*« tw*a m wl#. a* Collaga Preparatory. Mr Farrar l* aap'y qaalld «1 a*) • y »aag tMtoia dtftrict. A* will ba aaan by a refar«BC« to tba *m\ K UAM*. •: limm an i|«ltit «t>a ao word of d«trl**al •* Nr* (>• owiioa of C Watt of l'*a- rrrant fatal of J I Mil- WHiultT. Hyroa caa tratbfatly *polra gia Howdoia ColUga, of too. Wutiiltl Scott iLbiawa, K*q Alota V «»aly at *u a*x>al ib« ro>a la tb* mort Principal to addr*a* tb* coo«*Btk>a. aad bt» to lUrtmouth or without a». t wilmi.\. w rw*. opu« ll|, w4 II VH lho«|kt U> b« kHft <1|M4M Wallaalay, ■»« tkoa* addrraa ou of ak^uant ap- Hh« w«xik) kiv« bwa foar ya«r» nU u« • ruination. Fw l»r"" 4 SOUTH PARIS. 120 Main *bi« tap alb j of all baa grad'iatea '»r« r» n>»ol with Kryaburg Academy fu'*/y i a> iB'l iiil AGENTS WANTED to FIFTY MILLION people r«« im) »i, Stat* Mr. K b.a*>a tbought that lb* 10,000 tupply in tba ttxiva cullagaa aa atudaata while ll>a IWr Y TmII aa 1 air* w*r* b»r» Nf lb* 4«lHar mt •M tlH IIMUT, « tvUMl tiBM bad com* «k*o tb* a plaia pacpl* H alarday Mr Taall la oa« of lb* aaSataa on* ofita recent graduatea ia member cauav ia tk*ir oon CW #*eriC must mak* a«aoo Hal ai» I atalwarl HrpaMlcana of UlforJ of tba Faculty at Ho«doia. VdU&LU KlMk. J*f«bc«. H* dwltral that tiw »«•»<» Ooaaly, bavla* accapuMy la a*»ar« BEN HUR. Do You Know that we are ben. HARRISON Board and Tuition. of Urut*r rWv«laad r*ad lib* a a*« al orway. mm nidi 1 iimr D111.UII a n tin. which tra.lt u tb* brat fi-r tb* aa«J It'Kkiu ar« ik« coaWaJiag aia«a at includes, Wwk tk».-i cuaatry News of the of room. \c., Hi* ailtlhM au r»r«i»rj with applaua*. Iba rrnlai Loaraaixal cour**, wood, lighta, ROOM PAPERS (* K Dara.l, k.*^, of Uiford, waa la Hunitiff boarder* cannot obtain the Selling Oa n u a of Kd■ lii Um Lih ti}«a M r»i Hialif • •in* room for less than thru dollar* and At UIWKK PRICKS than Itlx U-t t» > .r« b III1 u km W Mooltoa thi«y «l llatW* hj ■! -mm ill »fm> Ktq of Kry*burf, (i*vrg* Criar.t* N-uril. ff • aoi ao wall haa la? II >wiim Um ■a«r«i mi1 |i' ilim »»»» ■■ k « cent* a we»k. for the room of Uftaalk «aa :oa.a» *J for Svaator cora will atari ap la at*twt*«n N*\t »r .t > » r— >»' M Tk« *b<>p SPECIAL U»« tn*nufiw*tiir«>r« IM 4m<1m —lw itmr Kitfht fnfM our «Uk*1 of at rmluefrl • y» »« Wf- I Qtill Ini, of rntirr i*ood J«M» twn«< l>» m»» —J ktf MM' from tb* <»i k*«t hw tad mam> m> in Mr* K V IWM ar«- la f ry board atudtnta P»|wr» |>r»f. Mr mad* tb* m >Ir a« Mr »tl KI LL LINKUP- Tbe**m* fan ill** which Ha bNltb M»«a>l U « Jim « <■ M>»« [Hftf I r from three dollar* to three dollar* and *b ck HoK A of H«tb*l -oclck ROOM PAPERS From 5ct«. Borders From let. M *»l W****. .. Mill upoa Fry* Mr* O 1 lUrtaan as.) mi, if II up. up. Uf> U«t a ar* now boarJtr* at ii — m Jt J of taking •m iini »*«•.« * rn*' cm m »aa a t.trd f iig» I'robat*, Falla, N Y ar» tUIUa< Mr llarmaua stock of quarter WINDOW Mil AUKS from the rl<>t!a to t »t lul* Wm fcnwi m "k Mi—ii ■ f M<1 «mM Ladies and Gent's chains • *»n d ollar* a and csnnot take all cl»m|»«<«t |>!a»n "•rr.UfI K Ca t*', of !'*ru, fof •later, Mm O MT lUat, Large week, ImIn mnii —T•" mi»« ki .<4 mJ »«*%i Also Sliad.«« all mad«* r.a Iv to Shad«« litt«-1 m l bu t II has r»tu?a» t after fit* who hang hi»l) *wmM V» m ki»M « Ik Cf»' lUuhwl K'(.a**r of l'r *>a'*. aal L'barUa K Miaa 11a »tft«y apply r • I T»w«* «,ntw b ««I trmmfrnt m I'm ImUmvI al bar grta! a'.v I. Pins. The- a* wtll a* th* whole H ■.*, of ,\ or * f -r A*-« Collar X Tuff Buttons, &<•., arademr, %ml Mr* I H|ln —A r*- *> aj« (suily kfl'UI Itlnjrs, Kft* of Hui i* water fr«.m J«kM> *, CU fif »•» r»i«| mi >4 Um ; vdlatfe, with pure kwq. H«at«r Tm< bar «V» alar ay a la on bat>Ut« tb<>*» Wia iiui t tba ball ful. ei.er) oa th» fair 1*1 A rM.Ji*n n»M« ri* W«» • fuf StMritf «am«a gr<>a»d DIFFICULT WATCH REPARIN6, o*er ia*ted aa M •« The Cwta>nt 1000 Velutnti, Children's Doll wJ m m**4 Im «kKl k> *M M- ai.l Mr« A II I'uhlii I Library &c, mil >r «»*c m<« k« Wta Im A a M He»aia C«ab;i( «r» at Aa>tr*wa II including New *■>*< 'bM • m % M Appleton'* Kncycloptdia. TV J»if l*f>M *«b»M. fo» *nd J »me« N >n.ta of IWaaiftfb. ImI auk Til III — I H a M M M ■■■■IfMl I * WrkMN A n#w ha* b»»n an 1 piano rwn'ly pur* t^«ii •« m. »rd thftt WllilUB K (»rr*9». of r*IW J L Cammlrga f a« aold bla abop &c. m" chased, it* use fiee to th<»e \wl Ml 4»nw»J ib» •■*— to A ll who la a 0r»t studying Carriages, liM* rwl' b >mia4'*d Abuitl itu* ti n- H a tMtiBfM I>aahaa, .<• ► n —I tba lAi f —> b* atf 4M ht>4»J a muaic. l'»t»»u baa >14 bla DRUO 8T0RK PRESCRIPTION Mbm> * ItflU*1 VVJtwr I. u( So* it |'*r» The Bell, tjiortaity wWU<*h.mi MMiltkMltM^fktol 'ilif tb»t K*rv*r. laa4 party r<>r a biaJ*>ia* a am Academy limum*** it ImmI doing l're*w*ni>tion iinnttq»wuir<|. tw >>• l«l. lb MNM' fW*M Ml b« o, l b* cb*irm*a tte Jtl|« W.U .a will ap*ai at S»» Mali tb« itudenta, i* ooe of the 4.h.f mm* mtUrn MM Ik MM (Hit So. Me. published by I||im< k«,«4 Ji;b Tb* J. Pierce, 4 Odd Fellows' Block, Paris, ii'ti oo tbf r aiBitkM uf Wm K Or*«b •«at >aiai«lay avtaing. Au< fir.e*t *chool p«p*r* in New Kngland. Mm IV Immi im4 IW Out aa«l all who wwb to b*ar fU» *»H iMrti? Lia &< m.aftt*d. "h Jlfl U';a'»:if»Q The of th« achaol u etrel. Ml wibNi a avi JrcUrt l repu'etlon bibt«»■ mill «w M » m room. to th« time Ur- 11 »Ik. •buuUd • ,*.« fr- lb# rrftr 4 ib« tM l.-t aa lent, datirtf back when I M 1 prmkt »•> ■ tti« tb«t ir»** will w \Veb*ter «u it* >» * •» At tat Judtf* hijf »j»*it**-*d ba»* a «raal laraoui, tba a.1 iel Principal km! •k • Household a Ml tat M4 »MiM^ Ik iM*>4«(lk« Send for CROCKETT, ivimI, ar« c »n>p «u for a flaa • a Every Catalogue. th» cvn«»bt>..* r*-bird tb« d*U Arraagtm*ate Viixtll l.*i> Ayr'* f'hrrry P«U*») Mi Ml !»•» Lfc» MMWMb blMU >a »v th« fair gri>a»-l a* at TxaJaj 143 Main Ik for • |l MIM llw> >'l It * * a Registered Apothecary, St., Norway. ■ *t ulj L»* b*ll«t« Mkiulljf, I M I ■« ■ -» iuj*l iffttN pr lid |Mn*litf >• In W I -■ Mbll •M V t« MMl |»tuliarl« CfMpi IW«Mlft«4 t|« Cfulitlft't fJ" Cun > Trauitrar I Ml>a la»i A. H an. alater of O bo, tta imI iwaf * Ik lum «>n nf> iVt. * **• W ( uugb, «i»l Sirt TbrtMl. Cua*«BtiOB t>*B ft Xl'Bftd f«rf dtBBtr rterb la k-aa«y A l';aaa>i'a ■Ilk *tr« «m b lb* b«U. pW at tb* Main* Mate ll"* !<«*• Ik* of nr»il)r #Mt*4 Ml I Ik k*Mb AVb1 'wju'cocb tbt coBfvatwn ctotblag al*r#, la • w bM our III I r> I of I trliliiM, Atrr'a Cl.trrv im-mm k» M >«■■■• *M4 J>tf Ibi.i U in* bb* la Vf ll Carati for afcd brr frl«Bt)a Tin' Knll Trrm of Ifebom c*li*d to ur-tr •-.J tb« ballot »o pltal I'm i<>ral I* ni mr> (• r m*iit col.la itmlrajr Count) tblab aba la na- r«" k*» It M m MI rn UMl W Ik bt» |iti lup.'uwlaf. I ti It, «m«• \rtl —!• n blw««4 Tb• »b «n» lortaaate raoagh to go U l!i* I. I • to irij »|». i.i»ant n<>« instruction: Ikl Ik I bif» blbt kt ..»<•• mi*mI tk«l b ftf t Ibftt b« littl iler tilo following iMMtrd of !'»«« ft fttld ftBDO«BC«d Wlb* IVrrj n*u Nat Ta«aday after*o»a I'^KmI lo Ih* |»| |4r !►» Jolin I*, M.. * t v MfU ml i«. S. ^lt»b< U*M»« •tta«M«d a Car aiblblikM of ball it, Wi«l • 4>rr, IV II «MMf4 tk tM mm itravr W IW «.<•• — But ie«.r* tfct b miB«tWB tad th*t il play lag I'riif'k'ui. IWv.lk-» f m it «4 • m* M«* btlartl tb" U Mb«te a fed Mmbaala Irtfl "Hufli* »r»r» i.m A»fi'« fniaili l^im, Umn. Wi.b r K«rr»f «aatrd b« would l'Urt| IVr- «b» m I. it, WXL K A. M VuincitM. A.km (hrm «*i*Mf»» b Mil « k tk man played for all b« waa wortb, at.! It ||||»1 uir.l ti of MllilH* allrf |U Irtl HAIU1KNT, mm m mi>i «c ikw »n»i. TV» Uwt«* ntw* mftk« tb« notion tb*t b« b* bomia«t»d • >K'I >ai b*tUa tflatti pttcbrra fr< tn lb* DwUtl •hill li*.l fallrtl lo gt%* M# fr- I-X.a, K«| |JL Ato*M ItiUaey. M iniit| ik fi mi im »■■ ik * bj ftcciftinft too. Mr Kftrtftf «u duly btglaalag t-» t*»a *ad hr fl'teti of tba Ilr I A If Holt «n.r, lalli| «/lih A NATURE'S REMEDY H)R I.Ill# lhi«ll>inl • lilt lit* •liHAtr, I 1 ■ (Mil Tta B»»aWn-Mi *»■■! w tn kMf M Boautfttftd. IBO'.ntf• It > »• •>»• «»« Dk lr, in IU •wk «Ui In Ik, —N»>fV) • Um li«*« ■ u ur. M. rebu t# |.|,.i,.|Hly (iKO IV I'll KMX. A. B A**t. I'kiv m m»ol lib Hob* of mm -.-»!» < .»* ». nfiilm » rWjm w ) ■ 111> K K fr tb« Commiitrr Hftftttsg* »• r» •Ithixl nicb MAN or HE AST. mm.**, 11 Mar? a»l UMmw. J •»* Mm W iw lt« « practice, tb»j p«l «i»> IWmm. oa Kvftuluti.ift* r* •• folluat: Rclioved By >■" IW. Utt, aid k w« ik> Ml n M • pmtk ported tb*»r »&.»!* might Into lb* line Brlgga I).* ttnir rtllo~.lt 1 I.ffrr fill* •4 •»! Mtinli mjmtwd.—4. M>l» kf*it lUaoitaO. TUI llM l»»«ttrf n(lt«(Mftl| and lb* fl*>II.T Cur« for with urrtCc »p-« J Hocl*u -r A .» IN« • irnAf mi w hn Ik k, pitc£»«0 ft 111- urM of all iWm rm. <«4 Un ot (Utatit. MtMUut UMMbtoJ. |>IU«■ '.*** '' Umlltlljr A LICK K. A. ibftl coalj |o| IP Uf — SAWTKLLK, It. lU '"<* ■■ in'f I vt»r«, f^ii »m m4 U>« (KkwltU mIMhmJ kwl Mat* lb»J pit* I »tNi«1nl I* II ll»a«l#r. Keillor .|ry««a » ir» of Dot Ml m W)miW| ||l blu ii tb«-y a*aa!Ij i|h> d«>|ag Tal.lt lltak. Si I f. Cholera I'kKt'KfTBKNB. Ntm* ml mm « n • *4 w* «iiltr Tn» MtffbibU WUd "Kul rlilUltru ••nitlxl with fnmt h, litttk, l*4>a t»l *»i • Ult roliU, (■MMt > In Tt:a I fin l tb* btll »b*n •< »1.«i t-». »■ '»r iliti4l. or i|u not i^kti rw• itiim «■ Jt ti r*. ikak tu »«»•>!. ru«t u Um ■■win—« *r mi m« lt*j nil>n k«H lliw «iU fcs atxl Ml a* Ut >wtlM •• piwut la IB* totoli of Uiltirl At tb* J tb* It rmml) tii« li will (fin W >*• «• Itm •» li. IW «k* tedtti ■ looa-y Bfi wurtftv ot UMir H.t chuU' S ran* ■■ »|n •! •« i f •. in \«. • < Itt rrv NKLLIK L. WHITMAN. Uto • etc. lUfV-... m •••mm* iM W> tft*l • ■ UI mm all bOMrubU an « u» ncur* lb- K Dysentery, >W il«*» W Ml U«l 'i mwiM —— tiitardiy MilWatllrt mhI ltwUH|>ii|. yr Ia| rtni Utlt IIKtM I |M» In rim of »l'«>|>liij| mufti." Abal im Umwl c> lty tb* lUirti i tbrlr frl*n1* To M to filled. M» ADVfCKTl*KMfcXTK hIk'm] to 8<»»IB4tS I ColBtwit. Ajn't I'Urn I't.ioral li*a CuttVlJ iuiitill tuuilc tb* j DUcbfd tbrua«b tb* prmril JUiift W which rnnaikalii) rffrfilt* in rtMiii an-l I* BENEFIT YOU WHEN USED STRICTLY AC- a K»f "*k w«*.l !r*, m*J« lb* following rrport, •trr«u cl*»*r " Ararf«ai« | with tritfptrridti btulig Imnlunltl* »• no.li. In# — 1 family i»rv»» Vktun •u K. A. K»y*. C'h*« a.'luit»n* tu t&* fai<(*l*b*d bio* 1* M M*u. fwtn • II* I B^a>» ifrtp(r<]: llijMit.CliiK'i** Killt, CORDING TO DIRECTIONS ON THE IN* The take* in K K To* uaiil filr of tb* of tba Cut- rrinri|Mil pleasure pre- Mv»»<« Mimtry IhtrMtr; K Holt, Nur»»r, Frys- t<> the of Hebron !*>»■ • m4 *Wn. lo.lvtT will ball WRAPPER. TRY IT. senting |«trons burg, H C. W»it, Ctb'M, Snitb ir'Olloatl Tbaratiy SIDE « • »• I^kw an 1 Kr'.Jay. An*. *3 1 as«l 24tb Tburadi? Academy the nliove Umrd of instruct- I.W kw »» ibtf 4 Hrtwnh«ld. S»nu'l K C*r'»f, I'trii tMw, lUroall'»miifiii op*r»iti. la 4 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, HoM l»jr all ion of threw bM tm I-' •a<4 J. nilil marAftftu »v eon»i«tintf roIlw«»%» K'r»«l llofi K A. K'j» ib*B ittiwiut*rtoa fl»* S«tur- han her a £ I that she in to remain in •p**htn u tsu of Wiiurj w ••it of t<> tM »»;•* nient charge c >urBed iMlau, •fhuKla.iiH, Milvi llitkaway The Mention sdj Oat II it t *1 imilft Sat !«•■«« Ik* Ml Mar*. I lialU* 1. Cwrtor. THE FALL TERM •I I of tliin department. Tub IWaocrtU b«n ditroicnti thai Am og th# trading Ot'ord Count} ll«i •• of llonor, l> If M ma, t» foufel II TM* pr*#lMI). Vfewlx a«>1 Muirt -or- M MM>r Safer* Mr Jiilin of •«» Hfwi It will \m the aim of this old nehool if mtre : Vumi Mai'm, ftvatt, i* H.aia* «iU b« 8»t« IWmucrs'« » J(4bUl Mil to W it aitaia pretest Mau I. I l^uri CHI l rwn, to lie worth more than ever liefore an of Suto. ia o«»t a nn *»IU* tirv* Tbif. r. »»l for •••lMf M Oif'i'i <•« IS* »*«- >■ I t«t*ry That thin.* -U.UWUMI | Miiutu M«e**y, H I» •»Uh, vU>>l (j|r a. Kdltb llkhi IwMtftrOrvkrr, i (I Iw tk«l ll4 Ikir* || a nehool. The roarao of W • KoMncnn. Ilkitbnt, Ryma C. iwii*, M«rrj training by any mMni. bat it would sot b« UhiIm Afl l4Mb. Gould nr mM twrt lu »•••* »U» Mrtk J S«a I or GRAIN AND FEED, A < Mbw, itilwa UtrlMr, llvklfM. Academy, llilM It I •( 4ltO«M • han lieen rerine for l>Kb Ml'« rarefully FLOUR, to om Kat», LUit* study itf«Miw aay wbo b*lt«v«« ia K KUfiWl Nu«iii Ck'to, <1 N«o«, *o. p«ru, • I ll*l*n T M»rto«. aai I MraS J. Small, faur li«wl»al <*«i><| in (or ■ Wholesale an I KcUil at I ». >.<1«%r»!(• fry*, MM, W laud (kit llaaorabl* oorl ISO i»» *u Mr. «pecial W M. Tb.,.» Prplta. Mklp R. | Uwully W A rmthinchAoi. -taMith rwu. ri*4 14 Mr kilblll IS* ••>4 Wi,lar>l W and tuue to the of h /•lata, r»rtua* T> llm. Malwl It. Md.n't l**in>» given study M « Ttar*v, IV1<. f. h lln'cfc %Vill comtnrf c® of / -la. > tiMtt* A. Hall. Tiu^lty. »• IS* twaattalh ilat N>)it«li«r. A. 0. IM>, Ibmm, Pvto. Tikh k. HrtittMs, CnrlMrtl, (irammar and Tni ocfta i* wid*. an i a •?»aan*r oa Mu^aito. titp*T (Irl, Mab*l »m*M tth. 1KHH, and will cootinuo thirto* u liCt M.toMlllMilf a*l SUM. ISlI Ita, Kngliah Language, >nirli ut HucAMfcl. L M Lh-IImi, DlilvM, kinkltbxil>UwaM««illl I Ml. CSsrlM » 4 « Jow, itl|w) thMt Um A Ihetoric and i'a «urf*c« *try amal! affair ; oc- A Klabtl:, > rtir ttiM U Ut*m, V,r Ikn ill* Mil Knglish Analysis, Eng. ytt llMri^w,» fr*d Itartuit. ««eki U. *1*1 Il'iili iil«rairrlM* Grist Mill. rmif lish Literature. tbo hi of two of tbtM lit jfir*t*«. r. a TtM»*r. ilk U« *i sti■ to th« *.i*er Mm hilt. H. T. Junta* ALVIN C. DRESSER, A B.( faijla-a aurui' liti ot>ll*alk>ai. Having arrangements w* d >nr and irram ! • • whereby gat m«*t kllnal* Solli Ma*»i*.t yoar • 11 IimImi ii is* bin new sn.l ua at is m»d-oe»«a. with a r*«ult ltkw tt»» a»»st of lU P»rtli»d Bs«I««m Pullet* Ar«MilUai Saa givt» lower pnc«*« that laat I* ssolber missis I A. AM, U naiil)au4 a4ikli< H«ar

  • f rvportod »•»!, -»,au*»l**m- Ulpalra. letting MAI ft ■ P ftkod Wa aol j •»<«! nnl mt ism rS 14. vi«t«lvr* >k< p tranikl ail er aunt a! (Boat a Principal proprUtor. This College Teacher of Ancient Language* rooms aro well ventilated ami conven- and would be laaUntly ani ovtv haa» I Sal iS« k*a>ll ®f iiwi».|i t>* to unota on ?••« ' b*« lb* Mroscb the coastrj ol :*3 »c1 10 caata let crram, )«««« rliaiJarf plesned pricea rtonr, grain and litra rvpaistma Ae let reasonable BURV8 and WASH lit* KN'8, alao on \M »• r»is« s iborosgbly rvttsM* school >s«l of »nt»l tikf ant public rd Itof maida' Kup(«r. with th« followlan CMt: ASSOCIATE PRINCIPAL. t-K lIkU lk« |*r«iMI wiKmw I* But low as at any school, of similar grade, BruntWH a datactiva »ho tmitnl Mc- Btfce S Bll*u«* If •'S.I tbrn io IbU Uewn |# Mt kur kMHlMHiu ■ >ra Uu I It raa LONG AND they u«o a Rrtm in the State. SHORT LUMBER !! «i ra««a ill iku )k« k«i baaa luiU l» • (MUta Tuition, Languages hu * writ •cbool Ths school will r»-op»B Asg ramior-a ilk, llatU* K *hmw. and .Naolly Mn*J at attachment Teacher of Modorn Lwgaagos k)««k>nikMiUlk k(kik«4rt*M«' We have a f. A. Tltytr. •7.00, Knglish $<>.00, Com- large amount of lumber of we ar< oo 'ba akta itulf**" is ru« ttf I or u l«Hi) price*. you r ara to uae lumbar tba rawar 1 off# r ad tb» bank fjr the Milkman. borva Mllk««t>U, l saK ill i MM ALL. by BORN of A teacher in will kind, call on we ( rxKui lUkcMi,CUII k»t l*uap. penmanship bs ua; can a trade. of tba rtolaa trcunltaa. A M*i«tAnt will l>e give you apecial rtcuwry Tbia ladjr engaged AT AT* Or MAIMS. here the Happ*r will ba aarvad. Aitmtaaloa 9) term throughout year. ■tart* tha rumor that tba naiid *u before the of the m up Am. t^klk* r**4 H. Al tad Ii r*aU Tb» ball will ba afUr- opening o\ro«i», —Ju v a, imi Aim information in to the op*n are m%m regard I to tba a ad artlcUa graduates of Iiowdoin ColJeg*. M-tWII I rwu «• k*' M «' U| »>mathtaf apr>aa fancy kf rooms gladly given to all who will kao«i I* t'«w»U All t. «• lAa mm W W».wr Ka would refer those interested to the H««n», IlKtM A BLLI9, body ■ Jmum *f Ik* P. IN. writo to the or Sec. We can aell "l "■■ liigtur Principal Z L you wood of all kinda, ilehrrred at door. ' — recommendation of the Kac- Ta« Ik* aa 4 l**taIkM. ia h»< ofWB x.uJ, your t'*ao or Tnaaaa Wa daalra throat h College i.q I Vkard. For or wood, or wood ki m^iilM iuM,k«iM|Mi ill raaaia »a Ksq. catalogue* any ready to into the atove. Ordera mwl racw* P U* mIiih of to ti oar pat by Tm« Ruatoa Herald, with a rimriab, yoar ptp*r praaa altjr. !• A(a 11 ikl ath Carta who haaa ao grn«roa«ly ikrn 114 l'ar« k Bl4f 11 ippii/. Ilk olkir 4m 8AHOKNT, Mat «bo voiiU "10U tha TUITION. liBiltii Ml k .»• llinikM K*pubiicat« aaautxl aa Is oar tliM of and aa •ni.vMf^ii Me. Mad, ,1 n.<« liar. I. Principal, Hebron, U bv IU» U. u. I>a»ocratK ticket tbia year for if first FV>«. All II. Ilic. Mr rMar do wa ramataVr oar peclally aaarrat • Nmni, JO 11.1 A. Hr**1,#Cklaf JaUtoa o| niii«« Mi*. Kalw T. MmmU, Uu 4 IW Hebron 1K88. tuM." Tba bat laciudad Dr. A C. Ham- aalfhbora. May oar klad Fat bar rantmbar $7.00. aall Oart u turn, Ua laMiy araaik 4*y Academy, Aug. 4, Languages Mr mi Lime, Seed! 1 Jair. Lar4 lk->aaa«4 Hair, Cement and Grass La ot Col P R tbam. littirN'ii Haatfor. Heath ot HV • aifki kaa4ia I kad alfktt-algki. DIED. Onio K Beam. Branches $6.00. ALfeKHT a. AUSTIN, Clatfc. Itottom » tarriUe, aad Prof A. W. Small of Colby English prieea. Itememlxr we keep everything, and will aell »t Dr. H«a» ia aid Mua Ihbz A. Baa*. •TATS Of MAI1K. Vaiearaity. Col. Haatb lloaril can be obtained in the Til- LADIES! tba etatanent la Xarvav, M N T*sr Ow» M Rmm alife peomp'ly d'Bj Aa for «i|. t. RwaW, «|»4 ;mt or room* ooi'ntt or n4 I whMM- lago reasonable rates, for oxroRii.M. Til* •€ fute. • i riKIIH Jl I'lClil Cot IT |« rrof. Small. it would b* •utfi-iaat to la W r*|tal«llM V*r*nni, I My Marvaf. Ai|. It, rfcilin I'lia. HUM those desiring to board themselves. luik»l. Aa« M, 4. D IN. I to b* •f Mr Ml Mr*. I>m«i »• i.s. «Ami ni r»«f I* »>»■> Um tk «m»I. mU w» «nU hi a liM that, coatrary m taach- >|«—*■ nliw. TWy m paiat y*ta •U •« HltlH •»< la f| Kt Ik* U rail linlIt aituated on Bethel Hill, a We have a ■y».n«nlf only •r (iitof'l oa lha mtm'I TiI(WmmiAmmI( IVkim big aaeortment of oar an shall ba a correct la Ai| til tka Mata* iMml am iMr mJ • tutu* IUUmb furniture in .tore, I ph**1 aid, aakiac too, aad aayiaf that fWll^A. NmHiI, ar*®p»» «h if Kim'» A f Imp | ablMfclac a* ana«iM < opr of •• 14 Of tor CuifM ot Cutof, ar to U« ••»» few minntea walk trom iho Grand bjr OmUMm. have call and M. (mm. t»-< aA| fcriba Ttowf ia4 !.«*«% TrUi nt* frr«. • 4* •» you examine. "ecratcbea" aia« Waff*. U>(i llbal, aa i ikia Mdtr ikar»M, Uraa *c«k —riai TWr am ar*-k •■»<•«- I'm Hi* i,j a N.i.u if ba aay oa tba Ha- tlWOirtwl, wit. k»u.«. wa. m l 01. +44 ill nWM If 4r%$g\+*. Trunk Kail way Station. imlf ia Ika Oi'ard Iwwrral, a a*aitip*r ■T.k.. Pw», Ma.; J. A. Rtwm, U r«ru. Aw I. Jum« M B*rkS*M, F. II. lU,Uv«rad ticket ia it will aot Knar, iH tT }*+r*' »a Tart* Hi Mr Oaaty af Ika tetanl MS. Win fi\%, II*. frae on tbe line of the Grand Trunk Uwl«r*y pablicaa S»pt»«ber, H mhiAi »4 «' Oar. effort will be made the OswhT, in Every by mi i>ak 'I'lilaa la ka ikim data al kail 40 miles of ba to aabatitata tba aaima of a la Ba« '» Aa a aiadlrlM which to rmi»H pttat Norway Damo- Navi, A«| 1,'fltai In?, a«aJ family raadlly to its a 10 m >4 •» r-a4 Taaa4iy il Otiobr, l*ll Ukai ka takaa management give patrona crat. Ha will eota aa aa ba by tba yoaagaat child aa wall aa by ■if Ikata aad ik«a a Mr aakd Coart aifar a»1 latallifaatly I» Ut Vi*. SaraA r«>w*c«. and term. iMtal. A»g- U> i|H tba aad icflrm uaa akaar eaaaa, If aa? ka kara, Ika artrar af I caa aWw M »»«n afad with tba baaa- pleasant profitable akf ia aupport ot tba of tba •aid Llkalial ak< a 14 aaa Im itui*4. priaciplea bOlM, Mm. lad •> Iclal raaalta Browa'a IaaUat Ballaf la ao- For further informstion, address Am- *V r>«. ««»< k him 11 ruanti, •ith am «tsss KtpubUcaa party. jaata. tqaalad. the Prindpal, at Bethel, Mains. Jaatka M Ika Mprtaa Judicial CMrt. 4sn, *s^sl C. B. & Norway, Me. Cummings Sons, * ABOUT LINEN THREAD. 1 Qtmoctnt, BuckfUld. Bethel. Fryobunr DlxfUld. on $bc T. 8 Bri.lghwa mJ of 1 i virnralonlaU hal a r*> Work la progra««lng Joba Tooth* I wife, Tort'ia Tb« ut lik* lb* prvvloaa w**k. bai TWULHC What the Milln Will *r» friMda bin. ) fur their uetol of Ml. Kktr i bona* Proportion " c>«Mi W««blagioa. galt« •J Ut Aibtrt. N Hi»»rn« a.Mr. ••«- ! tb« II am* at P >rtlaad •Mil aa1oa*«d aad bmc1) r»tnalna anot Mrs. I. M rac^ptloo in re'«r« the p(UDi*n>ftT. n work Tb» Mill* Mil propose# IF YOU WANT • » at tba J P. Job aoa la havlag tb« hrlck WltblngVM A 8 »•», aMafattar* a sw-»t «-.• n forward T> Aaaoclatlon " < b«« i'U«h«x1 inptrtn* t«r:lT >n II.1. n nrre.l >:n to |» r -nl t»fi and nuoi work doa« In hit n«w ibtrt. .1 rVMrtoag Titlw*, w»nt iwo to Iwi th« tr«t charcb, oa Manlay »v«aln*. glrU tarlag tba ararai nil waatbar. borglaa •d valorem. ■ WW) of Claad an 1 .Marl* Onffltb return to Port- driwtag braibM; «tMdf work v'U tx Hom flaida of at* thowlof Aug. 19 of N»w Z^fcIUvnrt K» • r I h«jw HrM.aft, patotow rongreeatnan I'helpa Jeremy Healthful Biscuit ami ^ gW»% A rood rbMc«. waa of rn«U Tbara la complaint tbat K«t. A. A. Pb«ipa, of N«» J •my, pr*- land, Tharaday. «n.t Pastry, i<»«r oar ara to atrenaoaaly oppoaed the reaction Liat bM * | th* raiM of at tba H.tm# of towa'a paopla away Ibmr*. In UmIh U|«LrW TlafcHkjr op»i«d grtli •ton worm «>ut» tb* iuik a*ar tba groua«l HiUd problbltloa evidence to •attain bin II a. iWfcUti a*a pr»e«-nW-t atroag a. liUtH C. Tboibm m l MtiboJIat cbarcb, on MoaJay itmIbi tha abor«. Use Horsford's Bread It is not baMdlag tba top# ar« tlflBi argument*. especially la the ititontiu Preparation. only rwklJ4v..rt»t.fjm»J*rMg If 9 0 Clark*, a »atlra of Mm**. U>Ih, A. Rulo« ku lUrted ip lb« looil i rt»« grata c-op la liU (Ml looking floeljr Mr. Wn 0 rrye- of warn rata makea tha Br>M. Co. i. &*** MmaU.-Bmarr Plmtf goo<1 ma.1* to bin by the Harbour II a of eon of at tr*4*«t pick ag«:i. art offarad la tb« low banker Minneapolis, c om- free from but is bene- a# f twins awufectartig Kuly applaa frrriy borg. corn »l1#nt of thla m~< Sun In grow. Pr. William Barbour anything injurious, positively Mrs. istdti B«i« >■ hw (om lo Mir markat aad aoiall fralU an the late lt«f. Wn Clark, apant Jay tha Uamaa Ha*la*M good la vlUaga. pany hu bHi la Boetoa ob a abort bual- tba'a Mux lb« aad to health. It restores to the flour the life- Vlwyard, ibaadaat Ullage. J P Jiibaatoa la havlag acallardag nraa ami b ntatlve ficial of la trip, yeatcrday r»pr*a« Joal a cow laat *wk, Birgliri Mtend tb« mldMci of Wni Tbarada? th« I.vllfe' SxlaM« of tba Mr. Cbaa. T. Kvans, I'nltadelphla. wallad with buck aadar tha aaw him la to Aa)«ij Brvva p-»«t.>fflca of the Advertiser naked regard K Wood, Md wcand ih« bal a hla brother, A II Krana, at ML lost in which arc re- Friday night. Ci>ofi nallalcharrh pitaaant**- flailing baildlag. th» linen thread hnalnrae and the tariff. bolting, *«at to rortlaad coaUite of «• J trlit* Mid to and giving phosphates >«• tila |tfae* walUt, taruiatamt la lb* groaa of W« L. Chap Ton. Mr. Marrllt'a hoaaa la all p'aaUrod <>ttr waa founded ovar 100 i >* (J II. MM CM 91 Mk. whlli !>• **• man It « on* of tba n al In Mra. Kicker, wlfa of Prof Ulckcr, ara at work oa Mr. Coi'a aa! the No other does this. V»iaa*Uf MU»p. lotaly apota tha maaona yearn a«o at Maburn. Mm4" I Mr. system. powder A Mtfrli.it »»>l M »C*>« will b# rill- »icc*«l»d lau t*arhor la tb« Acadrny. epsat one day quired by fltg lt<-lb*l an I lha boat aad hmUu boaa«. an t we all of «M al Ilarhoar. from th«ra aappllad r *«lU. I«M. N»rway. ed b«»v kfWr«M(, ii Ulf la oaa tbat wu at Martba'a Grove, last week. folka ara at I Nitirdiy pul rnaktag aaary happy pr*a- tjalt* a party of niiflald oar forelga trails. Wb*a the protective Ml *«1a-a.la?. two O tod will br Warrm W. Tow!*. of Doalon la 0, Mil »p#*l»r» pr*««at. wi K*q Old Orchard. w«« a the I'alted Htatee, W pollry 1-ptrd by A dlatiact a bock au fait at bla father's, Dr. C. Towls. to balld a of offtiUqaaU wa foaad It to o«r advantage || Brt Uia«. K*q Baokn.M, South Buckflold. at afUraooa totwaaa 3 Mlaa ll'hwrt Hlgglns, of Nova Scotia, Oao B«tbal Tb«ra.lav Port«r. factory over here at I'aternoa, N J to !a»t Tu«»l«f » la at Mr Wn. Dnrgln'a. >k. a ptrit W« »•» kivlig mira-Mod*! rilo an I 4 o'clock It apprarvd Uka tba toaad visiting lira Jamea Kraach dlad vary au.Mealy thla market M-anwhlle the bona baa to Metros* for t aoppljr • u»r« Uto *>tk of dtatant maakatry. Mra. Whiting gone OB Hatarday la»t. Hba wm la her u.aal tb« re«t of nor trade. «IU •» at Ua I'alvar- plant aipplleil Rubber Boots and Shoes Jmoi hu thirty urn of gr*M Mlaala Oirlaad. a joaag laly who baa ft w .Ufa la the miming an 1 died that night. baa a •♦mag g*«te«a W K. health "Now Germany adopted Mil Saa4af. to ttl t«aa eltb Mr an 1 Mra. N W CntU aa.l Mr. aad the con- » »t cfetKh f»t aaff-rtcg pulmonary coaAamp She wm a vary hind Balghbor l»vlag proWtlve policy, an.1 we bavaheea f >rc«d Titers is do line of goods manufactured of which Want ara at Mr J Wtalon'a. Will Htrlow ku cat or hit irm tloa for a*v»ral yrara. dial Krt.lay afUr an) In the neighbor- a tbera Kor 40 oar at lijand wlfa, qalat pearefal to balld factory year* U SiatU, of ilfitU, la l{lv*r" ara very fre«i'i*nt. wm M - Tv<*! MMtoki iiibl- to Uhor boob, ag^l twmty-foar vaara. parti** hood la which «b- lived and one that milla In Inland have aopplled that trade, ■tuner known to littlo regarding <|iulity • lor • w«ofca Him J. Ht Joba All the taardlng b aaaa ara wall (111*1. one jr all. Hha leavaa daughter, bat la a few moot ha oar factory at Oltea- tba Circle •>>•. m hi* wrUt •-ru»u«ijr whiU ar» a*Bngr*gatioaal two aletere, an 1 an age 1 hn«'iaBd la bla will »>e Bad Mk i of *n*l take what- Back «|aite qaaatlUaa aoa aear Hamburg completed, Von for pair GOOD RUBBERS ■»»*'* J * WMIUt. of i K mb will b« held at tba veatry, on Thnreday of la rvr«tf •trtlgkiHlu icytb* A M tin* to «l«laga to Lawiatoa aad PortlaaJ. aecoad child boo.| being 90 jraara i(r thea wa ran aapply the U'rmaa market *w «l IA« UiU, Hatarxiay. d wblla boarJa afternoon sad evening, Ang ft. bow 141 ■ml wltb iri'Mnu dirtig tbi b««y mi Ktlbora. la aaadlag plaa a few -Ufa Tha rare of bin falla from that factory. Mow la that factory ever the reUlicr offers yon. If yon will insist on taring the •oa of ktytig to Lawiatoa. ob hla |. L K reach, lo whuw we MO hen.la to be- * Ktltar aa 1 )aa«M«r of wholly will employ psrbapa Mr* K W hu foar icm of tbi a wall haa Wo la towa Oxford. Clark V<»t#r N TraftoB bay lag car* he hu haea for feara |la wllb Thaa yon a«e what protectloa c»»tV'» KtaMlt. Hannah fell an t fractarwl la a (Vcaf* ■Maty of Uabfoa potato—, wklch hi li calUa lb* put wrak. Mr* llayaa I. I. French bad •jail* a cqhoaltf baa done for flermany la the one artlcla of RUBBER COMPANY'S an arrloaa cob- AMERICAN *ad it tk* cltt K I P. Suaraa U a lock I hf r hip At brr adraac*d t|t roea baab which hloomad the abroad time moch mora alh an t from oaa roae after It than that for th»- Stew*. f >r we em- good* they Company's yon tooa at Id UattaMn«.»n wbll* at work of tha lau •■pits of laat MMoa'i crop la a goud itau rbaaiag a larga drova of lor* I.ary la fall bloom a »>u t grew right oat ploy between l><" and 1*00 operative* la will I hi aanun <1 of a g»*>d article. Tliey are matin of the finest PURE PARA •r Wi iIm kin tr*M of which will taka lalo tb* mill fall to 1 fractal b*r hip •• J»m-« K Ml> »w*U. of priwrviUoa Varaoat, thay B«tb*l, c-nur of tha r»ae oar I'aUraoa factorl^e Mr *»i M KfbUI for- Are retailers. Iimiat on tbal wt iMt tkat b«vi lau la tb* a*aooa. Mr* Narab, wlf* of K»ff, cmtlnu* f«able. a en®, »n*l sold all FIRST CLASS liantig art al U« IhViiM 0 >««■ vartety, iprtog. Mrs Tbaratoa vary "Two yrara ago I made carefal RUBBER, l»y Mai a I«tb, agi*1 tt*. dl*d of Wf> ban it <»a tk« aatbortt? of tki Lm- kla la of m i&atntalal work. Mr*. Drownfleld latter Now In (wo weeka th**e JB00 Cbaaiiartaia of ]V>rtia*]. | u lb* boa* of brr daagbUr, Mrs M m hwo nioa Jjtrtil u l tki Nit York Sai tkit dropay Mr*. K Wbltaey and daaghtar from operative* In I'elaod drrw only |i") mora MMra J B T*ay«ra m! wood in ntalaid oa Trnman Nuio* hoik Ua« pa>p Denmark. Haeo, are vlaltlag at K C Whlta«y'a pay thaa tbe |i00 opvratlvea In I'ateraon M..U Th« mill *bat ilowi Natardiy t<> halld tb* u>« protected Wit by tb* bill. Mra C L« KaaaaU. lb* tide abonr rall^l eoatlaaea la p *>r health IrelaBd, ther* la aot that A r*po«»aUttva of Tha h»o>! ata&d la computed vary Bargains Tb* fMfl IN M* la U« l«« I hoar# A Katoa la alcb bona* b« Uvea la. Hot In I'ateraoa many N • of iKitild, aa 1 th# I'rob'.MUon party. «p >k* two fall of S »a>*rTlll*. Mm*., Mr. wry If M !Mui4f, Ml** Am? U««r*na Iowb f.»r ale* comf »rta'»le w.r* ova a*>U baala«M of >11**1 a* t)« aa*a.'rlb«r'a *o.1 r>'D',n<« Oar It la alchly thr<>aghoat tha have boaah*. anl pall vaa.M of B%u. ia laal HanUay Taaadajr I* vlaltla* frl*ad* h»r* qalta 0-^c* It ba a 'a bom** If a man working for tn« waata Nk»|H ai; bUtilai IVvxratlc frl»n.1« arc oaupokaa Ump»f- i>u« ball (am* h#. aaal Tb* l<>B( r«p*ct*d to balld a am too to lesd il«*al*». wtko lao*«? •■re am for tha lirat tlrna. NORWAY. hoaae, I oaly flail bo I ■ th* fat to 1 >ar in»n wu playad store is small and must K •fOorkto, X U ,tn Ta« at Pian'a kflilla la * fVwiaal him th* m >nev. for I kn >w he will he m ir» Our they Mr* r Sfcefwy. fl»* Qao. W M >a:ton of thl« Iowa. rwalvari la a *cora of 14 to iS Hatardat aa I raaalUd In roaaa- * '«>" • 1 I E»|. laal •« 1 Ttirau a t* at tba l> -m >• ambltloaa and abetter workman v tha norn,nation for aanator of lb* Kat* 199 error* to tb* la favor cararaaa. ob* of Tb» >'• iaar.it ta aica^Ha*!? lo« oa ac >n tha •jaaaca ol It Or If my employeea room for our fall •Ml rratle convratl praoent Uaa m«B ao1 M*» mora to tb* fat m-a sold to mako goods c »aat i»( rrm nil of tb« old 4ii la l haa «a»ed moB«f and WtBta to Invent It, ||« Mm. J InffalU alalia bar alck aunt at coaatara b*c»aj<- l'* »rr«4].M (Virrk. Il«». E. Jta*»U. BP O 1* H i«AW»o a»l Jaa«hwr. of Ar- n*T* roaated wb*a tb* • Mr* •>a*tractloa of a n»w oaa at T«ra«r til- IWf ri*«Ui( »ni<» m D«*lir. ail r. a., I will >rr »w it anl pay •; percent for It »r» * ralaUvM Livrvicf. Maa«. aa<1 left Tb* (am* «u *#rj hf.M "r» k*uu. latitat a*fc>«ih » a—l. t r. i. I hava Ib mlad bow two who have are Llant C II !i(tlU, US A la Tlalt- on* occarr*d. It a IUiImo glrla wlicih amaalac <»aly MMNt B*i— I ( «*«aa Hm *m»i to N-w ll«m;>«hlr», I* aa». ■ aav*d up apiece Tbey ta« bla Srothar. L A lajalla. MWv a* bat a ftng*r badly »>ro.a*d. Mtax. IwW *er»w». flfOO Mr T a o*. ■ ua aa«aa aa-1 II uk ma.U It to hii wUu. il 4ii. a.; 1*1 tbe raoa>7 with pay of I* aria k*pa*kitcaoa »tu> M Tba rain KrtJa? a»<*«afcry K l« «ir«s1 S*tnMar it I* poalted " A Tfc« OtiM i> -• •• t a r ■ mh, f »r of trail lh*a Ta*»i«» l r Mhiim. them « real for It V»« la I'KtluJ. M th* pirpoM la* tb« of tba W C I. C. a of prr t*. |'a.o»ll»f l**tp>a« picnic land Nprlaf* an I nrr* b*at*a by acor* flMrkUr, »m r I'rtfii linini, T •» r trafk at ihil ar* baft irftUr "I mention th*** tblnge," aaloar, to abow the diff -r*nc* be- Kiratn that hi? r»«--ntly ba»t granted paaaloaa. KkUIM (Wt, J. Caere, almply 1 • la J* a. a., 11 ua la oar two factorlea. *r<>« Uli IW fl»d It ratb«r "nUhli* w*atb«r" tb A •••»<• of B>*loa, la at b«r utf anuf, aefcWharlwol, tween tba employee A |iav? pl»r« Mrs BarWIcb W#«t Oathol, T «a> p. a.; wMw*Ui 25cts. K>wwi ItMMi, at ever French oar la bad Sateen m »»•! M» (nerval* Noaa of lr*laad *•*•» «t at llryaata •"k A M « ■ employee* r» gro»a falbara, M M Baaaatt'a. ar* still llMIMf, tar. a M'rtutl, fnlu, firm !' ra«aat ll»*r b>tt<>fu« wavlaf to b* aMa to have mmey at "*«» Hf a» 1 kiilal tba iiqi 1* at? to hit Mra 0 tv. M*altoa bu rataraa.1 tr »ra I Mr. a wtf*a raoaib ftaJ arrra of (rat*, aad OtU a«i ar* th# form la with maay ataadlag internet. t-» eay aotblng of owalBg a borne. potatooa ratUa*. tba M«lna Oaaeral biapiul fry pur dar tb* w.irb of aacarlaf It m >»** alowly Tba m*dlclaa B I. It Tba I'aUraoa all ram* from f •» i I'm i; W«»:ii Mooda? •r *«p«riallf, N*1i? baallb (rr«t family employee* too numerous w*atb«r. Tft* rala of aff And * other n • ao marb lowrry io a: ao caa bow many things > a .•> of ba F<^1 kit uS *r»! i ia 1«Ua •Wctlaa it tba lag l)*tn aUy, (iiwiol from tba macb they tbey to oa accoaat of Pil Uu darila* la ti« farmer* w*ra flat lay by Dcaoerau. waa a war* tbara. I never yet b a l oae aak ma same Uoa w* prwaai iif la of CarrU I.vka will point of m iny Norway to mention in the Tba Many frtaa It. aa return and work In proportion. Dm K»a <>f Ui.a tl!lac« hit hi rati cr«at sa«i»r«« <-»ai»r* uf tba eoaatry Jt| fallor*. an I lb* chan< •« of tbalr Uckat to let blm to Irelaad '*• to Uara that aba rap >ru b»r*«lf ba* V Ml U< la tba Ufa of glad Tb* lowery w.»ath*r (lr*a b*rry tba HtbaMlcaa da* tbat bat tlma I go to Lie- ««t WIS Jo4i 0 *ald <»ac# »al 1 "coap«UUoa aa-Ur I»r. B.aWa compared with ttat of factory; every nacb batter ilnaJj, a cbaar* to tbat blavbarrl** coma la crowds aad ».»•« » • 'an rWiH «l| Car .a. fulMat" plctara pror* bara tba operative* traatmant n >uataiaa la tbl* cldadly poor. »t kooka) ar* aot on tb* to I'ortian 1 atri for a ctunra to coma over here T ib A»trta i broaco * .ao la Hmforttbla pl*aaty Tba aavaral ticaraloaa '•eg to maA J L W»*ka la at work tba K>0»« lvriam 04 political Mto b« aafit to IM vtclalty. tbla wn! bat* t»«n largely at* "Now u regarde tba ter'ff' Within toOroao vtclalty *t» ta tnk Natbaa C. **r baa r»tura*d • aa nf • \ '» On»T II' ap D al VI »aaUln imbi to Sa U« Wndad. Tb U alaa aicaraloa waa attend- peat rt»e y*ara w» ha»a pal 1 Ifrric oSjw- K>i aal arlfa, of IU?*rbir«. arc Artbar. tnirj ? hla hfvUM, of aa 1 f»"/) 000 a year on thread. Labor puki(i>ii Uva potik tor blaabarrtaa at au r%la*l oa ed by a large cotnptay daty ft—I vlaltla* la tbla t >wa II* N K-Uty h*l I a U-pojllcao of tba coat Jama Kim»11 » m kiockai Joaa by in Ta* VlllaM Improfrm'at l>- m cratic nlmlrara of tba great ataUa* formed aacb a large prceatif* * Oaltla llj knara oo Jwh a»t (Vt of tk« farm a>ta own*l by eoclabla *q I daac* at It'aa'a halt, tb* wm K«| ■ Sail f*w Jit* MM maa. In tbla lbr*ad tbat It mora profitable <■ ta«» *wa U nS«rf I* pr«a 1 of a«eh of tb* a\h la«<, by which they a Id- Owru Aaat iaAi«c UtltMoay B;a#b»m<« •»!! at tka itnr* for * f»au "•al»| Morrill N I'actarvl. of Raltlm >re, for tia to wake It o?»r them than bar* la oa bla r.»«n la, c*J K«|,. Mi aacawal Ciitm lb* tH>l wa» A tb# Mlaal jnary York 1 •'►•at f 40 to tba treaaarj. wtfa aa 1 Thla rulad la aadar tba tariff K;*«ar»l«cU ia1 batur » »r M by hla family, y<>a, present iqiiri wltb a klaJ >rJ f • ta tb* atr«*U L, accompaalad lag oa iba poopla, Dtttf O II t i* ara *%-T»»ta ar« atlli oi tha dally, bat la »ot tmprovtac oar who to rvdaca tba tariff to IS ceat. 110 Prince, Cora l« backward uJ wltboat fat>iribW la ona of Norway boya pose per w ►» >i • Packard irt •Tin riiiini mr tar I la f laetead of da* •Vf-' »f fcatlif TWf b«f*«1 kAJ «*itk«r m\Vi ttm a fil'ara Watarford. Ilayera bar* ma-la tbalr mark Mr. I'a< What will ba tba raaalt ■«» East ■ rat*, in I lb* •»*m« tacoarag. Btt-A c*a»c« U> »«•! f * IW ImI Wm II HrM*H«ai of W*«t Aa^ara. pro*peel <>a« of tba Democratic orator* of M»ry* creaalag tba reveflae to lb* government wlf* aol Infant for a lltlla each a redaction la for tb« X*a A William Olla>»a, lag advance^ • a la tba on tbla article f»r««rty of tbla t-««a. a**at iha ant. II' Mia poaltloa city partlcalar |m n \i r K m pr«a>j—t of War of llro>kUa*. Mui. wer* at J. (\»r« t« growlag wall c»nai Jarlng a woald Increase It becaae* wa II »ia« •»«*!■* aartlaa n I lajla toara -jatU tm^nwr. government of IU!tla or*. drawlag aalary threefold, DC. ma4« !ul «r«k M-a. () ant cool wrath*r. a deal l**e thread bare, W <<• itf?, VmV!(Via. MT Atbertoa'a of f l?00 par year. W» naderatand b« will woald make great -aa»ot laal Wot fr*«ia«at.'T Drown #. Id U tba "hot coming,that ha* Ua Dm va» % r CAll A. Im* i :• >>»rvl at lUriaad Whea apeir democrat* of tbla at a&d a grett deal mora over there. Tbla of NmU<1 Ciaaat ka« *raato>1 p»i it addfa— tb# vtclalty of tb* aatanar. ♦m ao loaf? I predict thai to fr xn S twij. tb* renalader predicted IIoum la tba aaar fatarw. eoarae, providing wa ware to coatlaae a • 0/M ». Ui, •mi v.tt arrtara 1t*chtrg*. w*jl#ara tba Opera rnal r ad f», aal »ud, of arrlvad at Aagaataanl I'.rilanl, wa ara TO l'»o» trand iam* bara VOTERS: Mra. K»il* racaa'-ly Mra. J ibn Y Home anl aon of 1'ortland, pay tbe wage* ptylBg \l »at«>a. of TAf of otar tba antlr* V*a aatM* diIn New Turk. an.! Mr. NelUa K K»b*rta. and la gntog to aprea.1 flail of lbr«c weeka wltb bow. tba three yea re or ao O-mmi Albany after a pleaaant DarlBg put » L Mlllett till tba Aral of Novem*»ar, which baa b*ea tt >etoa. have ba*a i«itio< I'nloa, bar paop!a returned to bar boar Tburaday. tba raveaaa ob linen thread grow- •« J w Cblckvrtac. abi mik-« hi* of toa, corn to aapply la* K lit. Kftna (idvni), Brldg | will mtlnra anoagh go«vl Dr It Y llradr>ary la lb>rougbly repair* log smaller anj amaller. owing to tbe »n. C n*»t f.»«r IW L«wtotoa J »araa. >« la vr««Ma*t I) .1* haaday. lUrrta >n"a ele?at »r for lha yaara. crease aad facilities for mak- Vr 1! H ti'if of t>r*acb«d la tb* pa»Uion. la< bla n*w aland, tba Dmlaon rraldaaca la factories I>. M M-r%l coa^M- a f«* .Ur« wi'.h hi* frl«aU, J *u aeen la Jmm wanta to leaaaa ifl «. la a: *nk it ttf •p**>tia* A yoaag fawn lately on Mala Nt. aa I wtt mora It at onca iBg It If the goverBmenl Ma»l aal II« A d**r Kumford Ontra. M4' »») »f • pu«nl tbroagb Jtax Cbadboarn*'* M ()rar« Mra lllram Hathaway. whoa* plac# waa creese tbe tariff; then oaly tbe 11 neat gradee Any wishing to N »r«»? (ViWf at Miaa Kra Kin- person n»r tb« "ll i eoaitrt" Joor yart *go, u< flatting bnrned, l« boarding at Oyraa Wood* wblrh wa cannot make hero with oar wall i»a lb* latrljr to la- %n 1 eii >»«>! a »«-ff call •• Hawln I* ber alater, ball'a will be M*a J T of Backl»l4, p>a*aat M Alien tltlllni aom'a. paid labor, woald be Imported. months before eleetiou who • w • iwr." • «u r <>f t!»« liU tlx T II »!t. V\*i llatn Karanm la makln* many Ib Wkto a< • I) vIUm* * »rA of p«ea- I Mr. L >. Mclatlra Mr. of North Norway, hal "To give aome 11-a of bow much aland Tba K'patUcaaa 1 Ufa of G«a. Pall. • a» tb« 4*U*btf«l old b>ta*- 11 II. la >1 jIbi a ia»« oa the Klllott Ureet oar workm»a feel la tbe at a«r t u fila*. U« urriptM Jo«- pu age palatlag InpMTfnrDti » r* f at th* cbaptl Tbaraday evanlng. eampalgn. win b« ar»p«ar« aataral aa«l A. Barllatl'a daughter, with bar formed a tariff rs.« Oriad Amy boya •Ual; p?«rythli* far L M Htnleraoa Mr J. rbr N i't'i S .rway llrata lltn 1 furnl»he«l I might aay tbat tbey bava Ikt a^fv* of Mr. Holt, tar rklMrta la aUltlac at b*r a aud c at w g'\ aa a a » »rA aad 15* yo«af«r r»>a«aat ftftpl pirmU'. eicellent mualc Altbongb tbla hand baa clab, which baa large m*mb«rablp, • w- a >» a boon of Wilaona Mill* Saaia Orabato. I.nfkla, Tbaila Qor- a lr> -a 1 mi It la! laara B>raof H tra«U occaplca Lacy been organ!(■d bat una yrar It la Aral tbey all propoae to vote for protection, anil — a O lie Petllagell. Kredlla Kilia, waa a.1 efll letlona Uoetoa to# wr >f H)«rttaa U la." •arptMll* J f With t>nrleta pkMiBA Viroajb b*r*, aaJ doa, rlaa* company. Tb* meeting respective of party Wlill* K »V»laa hia r»tara*l to bla b mi oaa or two othera from tbla place, a«a«riMi« biaeb*ry Uwai coalii taJ poaalbly draaaed K. F. Sultb. I, J. A. Advartlaar. >0 lb* by OUR NEXT IA« a«ai to lb* t » atUn I acbool at K'at'a Hill PRESIDENT, 'Oi*aftttb«|>if ta It rta C*iai. wu ar* g >IO(t Whitman n*a«fB. 11 H>fe« «• th >a4a ba«lae«e It m 1 ao l Julge (' V. Prl J »*t i ail t 04 attend aartxt :a ir|ar t to 11m «aWr\*JaM*«t Oiil K l«ar la. of I)«tb«I, ha* Heveral from tbla placa camp aa Tba at pretty U?*iy bar* at preaeni, W II Tracy acUd chairman. mtTAIC <*f M \INK to? n«i eklMraa did r*mar*a*>:» iixr. t»r »*• oat of kit » at Poland. TM aabla 11* paatar* M.«f« Kre*maa aa 1 Uro?*r, aU U. U meeting lindane* waa vary good aa ? •»... aa.)» N»ih aaural aMlHy • u f >ae I la tb« ro%l. waa ag aa>l pro^aMf Twitcbffli aaJ f. A. Btrili of M"l/o*a, I. Holt, Kaati Andovar. J*tU * mftSi Ju4tsml rar**a tra a ng HwUtui kal mUi froa pitaUMi V A Burk at l> mxratlc convention J\» « aw a*It# f « In*t nata»l party. at Part* Coaaty *f *a Ik* itcmml #/ a cu. ItilWalf * • it* I a to— Itoat. '4ilt» of tb« llib last It'U'wn ilartlctt, at Nj. 4, Wedneelay ^ I aAaa l.«c tb« strata* A dly party of boy* fnxa Col*bro>k. 1' n icratlr ipiMff Bi> FfUl K itctU*r, A. /» I«m. U* wt'tb of A««tla OwMf la J Mivir alWtt >f prvo'aal* Tba «l4oar at<>ppla* M «n 1 IIarrjr Hbartleir. evening t-r, of Ma*aa< fjutelta. wtli bold forth J II if tuff «>f Ot I* »-1 ta» < at< r*.»:aim««t a f«a w.Uk hit fata«r. J>ki Qrotar. acbool at Ho. And iftr. taacbt by Nor* vtli af Ji«n II. Ralia m*w4Mlf iiiiimmi laft Da aa 1 Lyman L »m>nrd. ar* ap Tba Wednr«1»jr atenlag. Aug I'.'a 1, at M \III* lirjr imw >h AMm J I lark that »S» Mr J «m Crm«. of L*w.aW»a.la tialUi* tl.aa Alice BMeU.CloeM tbla we*k.Tnoa|b Ikal Ikf mmIn •a a ap>rtiag toar. way Optra bonaa BMfif'l vi lk« mkI J tax II. Ihfia n froaa. tbla waa ber Aral ach ►•'. Mlaa Bedell baa vm iHkllf HU father. (Traafcila Witooa. a a>a of tb* laU Mlaa Maaon la vlalllag 1b D«lhel tallli l«Mf W M-l !.»**« aa-t I* 0 1*. Capt LUtla ftMMuHMiMllM THE HKAR BH1QADK. l».ra (i«tck*ll, «f L*«UV»a. ber*elf a vary t'fll -|aat teacher. ba M Wi:*oa, la ap ua a vlalt to bit prutal tbla week I •mmvnhJi M Jay m »tb»r. boaaea ar* fall and tba »u» K * WkMki. Tkal tWjr lf»*U Wakefield's awti wlib k«r & a f«« Tba boardla* a of Mar. !»**. *T Webb i: laapeaJlag part •p^aJta* aatlv* place. lie*. C Aagell m kaabaa-l m4 *ib, ia |I<*M, ml t*aariotU Ta aaili*a. laadlorda bappr. uiftiWf k|r« bar vacation la Itboda laland limik lna.14 •> MuuikiHtu, 1*1 la l'n**l « alf*. «bo U m! fill of eathaalaatlc admire re of nat- J llnty llri** Orawnwood. A party Mra. Cbaa Wood'»ary of Dover, N. II. akip, Mm*, iii»(r(U( M • iiul* »m ikaa*•* jrvar la la »oa»« of tba Miaeee Mwriw* Tlui Um mi4 Ak »*f» mars fr »® rb»im%u«ca. ural acenery. coaeletlag at William Moraa'a. frta IW 'l«M •( iwn »- U flatting Mra 0 biktiKl u k*r mhJ Wa a me reader of tb* Pun an I Kama Viiair. Mr K New- h* J. H«t«a t.a* *••«»« raapveta a lltlla b«tur pre* aeery r?irk:a A Oraaaa i Co, art bating tbrlr vUk. bartreat W 0 kwk(*4 M 1 MUfal. In* m>I ftlxiwMl* ale« In baa h«ard tb* alaglag of tb* aa t J »hn K >i an I II of II«ai7 Brt«<« raa••• r O akii* li»*J •r»ta'« t» •,%«t,a* uh! W* foaal on* lb* otb«r aa aal ihiim ln«la*M "f Ik* hU UtoliMl iWf BXJME Bra*«i W Kfcl'iarf tortot reepoadeat galde (pblloeopher la vlalting her STOKE, AmtruN of California. »k»Mkl k*f kNlIk k*i *■» »« ao tame tbat he a..) laat laMkM M ilMNtUi sa la r«»iia«M f^r tttar oa a bill of friend) went It pal*, Saturday. M a«it a««k aad •lay p>tat<>**, up felatl».a Mil film la ID tba vlllatf*. *»lMf l> M» l MMICI l»l Un ■ p«l |( |»«l a. an I an com- Waat Pari*. 24'.fe a* to tab* bold of bla wlaf 01 >uaU!o la fret I k*f a«ac*o -tt of Ui« S'ltatl ailowr.l Tbla I.OOU high, Harriett Buck bu trim mad lb* ahade il«*r> mJ k u of 111* TV" »it tbaO tic ws'it iMt aa I aaag bla oa« aot»d flaa flaw of tba A111 Ik*'Ml .tkkf J. IUf«« f«rtk*r r*|>r*e**U t» ihea atratk ap man.U aa esceplloaally la front of L Kiln bout. cm- Iwi ba waa IrtM Iktl k*f mI ktiku I ka* •*»•» I** k*f Fr 'at ii | n rr<*r 1 lo Ut to na Oa r^gainm* bla liberty country Tba eicaralon ytot»l*«l aoag anrroaallng U a >«riD'Dt Mi l. t|llw«(k "I >*al |l> M faat tbe Il big lmj>r Xlllkl* MMtfMtn, '»• *al »-1 air) feiWiwafclp Pond. a few an 1 tbere aaag a oae by tha aatlra >rn* • w-l Hf»i»J ial f fwllaf Bryant's dear away yar>l«. toted aery ar) ryahle Tfta !«• lrw« iMt John I, II UNf, Im «tMa«l? rivll; aama taaa ovar Main We bad al of th* en I *1 I» taiUU* iMiaUaMr* Iw k»r. »W»u»| <»f B >«t»«, U la tivi prrtty party. Tbe pUaaaraa day reald-are h«f< two macb Mflxtxl prati-l* at >i. if» Jj*i Nrhim. wu aa It at laUiy Improred Ik* Mt>l AUr •!. Batfaaa farikvr r*f>r***ata rtU te 1 «tfe of B for ihr • •«!•;> >ee«l tbat the auaa.1 pro- la aa eicllla* rac« t«*t«r**a Hilly 1 2»l «i in Oi'i Mi II •••• aya irlnuHng. Ikal ak* ka* rtw-M la ll'kn^duMtrf, la f>»l lailk '• la tbu »U- Arrl»«U of tba wlnga, oa drtta hum* by «|IW mJ r«UUvaa s.»« duced by a rapid vibration Jown Mormoa ilmt lb* and ladl>a mm i* lk* >■■■»■ a anal ml *ui| «"• w i„ttcbfl 11 *»• »« hmimi '' mi hart a-r»ill». ; fact It la week. Jmn II. H«l«a it itaMi W krr, U kmlatM r**4f Df R Tau«, vbo wm badly I) bat aacb la aoi tba mealing at Old Orchard the put Wf»i tbor« of tba lake this II(«|R| mw Iik«m*M'jklliki4 NTS I> >«(!«• tot J T«»r topper; cottage on tb« i*fnM*4 k? r>a»««!>.* JiUf*ar* »»V » • t«*u n»i»f uruwa tb« braatb. lib* tba aoag tmrn u» B mUni ; WTia II INIWrt»a. prodacrd by Jaat Week ykwhw wti |*«iii.«*f frtfi ikal iJitam •»J l «lf«. a f"« '■< irr .• aloag it*lf ar* b*anufal llttl* I- a l« t«iar«» k*ra*lf i*>l k*r ^«, L~»«% to I family, Fort »f a bir«l Tn*y M«xlco. Tha following were th* offl:«ra !n»talled tk* miiim; w *i»lwr. Vi C oui I* JwmJ la k*f h .« u*t ia- a. tap* Uit dkl crmtare, and bam'.*aa m to Vermont M Pack- MkI kaat>a»l «|it K. A ulvlft, Mil perfectly Htmael Arnold, who »aed at tba laat totaling by Drpaty C V II. |tM. Btlltf on I la I are l>*U i Ikt* I ilk *An. V. MfATKnr VIA INK «b 1 wtfa, I'tltif. ; A 1 > la now *«lry of Ilia. ;Mw.n< woraa. Mra. Bryant tar t > L-ell* II liar •w. baa t»rm rnink K. WlllUwt.1, K<4*m iam of tb* n >m « ."•411. r J. r. Itovlne, T., I». m. lia hiriMt aik»r, patllaf %\ tb« 0>a •o a« to b* oat part bar* th* lima Mr Arnold A. I.inni* CTMBtftLAKD, •»« • •ocIa. Jaac« daring II vuirr, V lloww titrne;, CONFECTIONERY, * of hi* Tk*r? Atu-a »iu bat I'ltik, l T Aa«»*t I*. IM*. CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, •* uiii «m (b« fh»al »nr tlm«, anile Mra Wiliard np Vi GROCERIES, p :< >ftb* llvaa la Kalian I, l» M ti * CMriM,uuarl. Arthur lloyaioa, FLOUR, M It \a.» Ik* aai.l !••»» J■ lUlia al«i«* uj iiita UUia. L'ula Hmlth. Mra An- < IV rMwlif i|'|»«»'l A MflMf. i|irNt»>irkiitir W U M »rt >a Liu lee Tuck*r, ImIImI, l«M llfwwn. f! Pi mauiaril ind r 'lotnltii, Mr w Swan a two cbll- aaai*-l |»I .»»l* oalk Ikal lk* iU*|Um«i TOBACCO CIGARS, •*» 1 JtM Mr*. I yoanfat Ilartlctt aa I daughter, J >bn Ilrett, Infantr* under com- gaatae Tha Norway I.'«bt m lk* lurrfwtaf lib* I ut in* '•« IT* M(h c kTTJ- wrr* alck laat w»*k. an 1 threat- from also to our Stock I»l ftlrfc*r Iren eery wife and cblldrea, B-rt Worthley 'i > U ILmf, atarted for Wu have aililol • bat are n »ar MM I t ■HitfOipl I.. LAUUVUU; *« »>t ib ia» cfealr abop N<»wry. eaad wua feter. Arbanaaa Ktnaaa, anJ Mra. Hanga, »t Monday, Aug HKTII City. lb# K'.alr M later Angaata, « ls» *. a wife la alao tbla J»*w af it* with Morgan ?*ry poorly alatar to Mra 1 K Olaaaoa, haa* all l a Aral claaa lima. W*atb#rcoauaa«« »»rm *nl fi if Mih. anticipating - - Nortb Frrabur*. Tuckar, Mra KTATC i»F MAINE. Ob) wrtr 0«**ri» •MMMT. rd ralatlr*« hera. Mlaa Tba Ladle* I'Dlrrraallat Circle will have OCCMtntfti nlM. I'topl* «1 >r »niv w-»» CEMENT 1U« Mr *(\ to*« 'Ml wk! » !»» Bay and Smith ar* & A *'44 Barilatt. Mra. Bratt Miaa A baakat At Kr#alinJ llowe'a cottage LIME,-11AIR lb hating two WMrfes a*oar» loobla* coBar- picnic I aaiWrUa.1, Ml. ■ fai "ii «u ia feu boa>« la N«w roach «o1 DOB. Ibia «M| ibaa far, toil to flaUb. fcara —w. on abore of tba lake TneaJay, Aag. Jal. .ti ( wart, .» Varabaa, we invite for • fa'r day It vtlkfe a hmii Ibaaaat Hi|'ira* and of which 1 '* II* .»,.cola *m ibttal I'Mat a aaiio**'} aovoa* la >loa» baying el i). i imnaro lur ■ to the price inspection. to la thla ij trotiy hardly I. *u:* V»V»tt 1* All loten ling to go will b* 1'rtw.l, Aa«. |«, A. I». I«'« quality B u-t«rrte« »rt sot trrj piratlfa! Cora la l»u, t>ai w»U growa, list partle* krtMili a«ra yat fortnight* reel ataamer t^uero lh* I.I MKI Onkfl, Tkal Itt* oatloaM farjrabia Accommodated by orGipay l>a mg K' f if 'i • la haalU aaJ HCttN. and if lha waalbar bu returned to Ham* Oil * i» lk* m>l J»«u'« II. Il.iif rii, t<> nproalag ku hvl a rr»w of mco Aleltx-rt Kt«lmao UoQ8(1 trip 25 emu I fit* • of K B Kiipp • iBllca- Ik* Jaat.ra of oar J« I.. ,ai •" '« fHi 1 t; a ilitN u drl««r ;b«rv wm b« good crap. Tfet mil Station, oa the Oraad Trunk Kit, baa beaa OB tba •Ct*tf kfiiff ">«|'r»ca* HI* balt liaf* tkl« w~k. au t The Deal lloaae painted U k ■ l*« x I'iih. a il a »n-l lor lh>-1 ••*n Warranted. u* *'•' ahiagliat bow are bulb tb« potato I art, b> Our Goodsare Fuilv Frj*h%rt mi* of tloM Jthat wbera b* will rof»«« lo lumVrlng. We I bare been * v. ,.f «► i.,|*r A. I> C S Kiehar l#oa. »tfW an.I tlaag btar. oaUlJa. underelAC partlva If of it fori! oq lk* >»l T«r«.|«i *'• U will im < »a»- M»r* K Tolnf of puaMTVllW, la tbla cropa light • ir ecboole btve cloeed L'llle II boaa* l»M. kf M allr*«*>l cupy of »*< I libti, a«>l H<>atb I'arta. »r* frl«Bd» ippU that here to leaae the piUliklif • • t* 'riaada la W«*t Pryafearf. i). O Davla, of MIbb., aaya crupa lo the Br*W* dlatrkt. T«M la her i!..« ur>l*r lk*ri«, tkr** w*akt aa«"c*aai?»l» la lk* Ub taagbl lira. Thedjr* L Webb vlclllag la wK* Ul«D Ut] »icl«ltf. ar« oat tb«r«, an i '•it.rl 1>. ii. r»i, • i»i|ii|<«t ffialrJ ia Pmm, kt Wa »,r «mu drlviac >rtuo» l*a«r%Jly Jaat boomlag Ulfharde la tha lurr dltlrlct, At* Howard tbla Weak T'vqr r bad the mlaf people at L»wtatoo mm CVlllf a|OiM«l, tk# lMly«klicilMlab*t«*k • aia m-t vtu aa arcktaat oa >rr*«poa1'at •>i1 fair to ba ibt baafit-ai fur yaara. Wit, dletrlrt. Mr* KtU P. I eon of Cam Ort* • fork. • w«fk la tbe Treek Mr. an.l Mra. Arthur Dent If 4a»» M laaM frw I* mU utial Tinliy W j aa 1 tW to fail. wbiU carrylai pitch a >rtb raai corner, who can *u%,,r !>•» MIL Ti- k»rw fail ur« la tbU • Ma Id tba Harlow Hill district at) t Haal* la town k*t, Ikal ka air lk*r» taJ lb*a la oar mU l.'aart if a latUMi la bridge, Maaa ap«nt tbe HAbbAtb '• Ma. DmUmbiJ* »ll«bl to bat an.) m4 akna > aaa*. 11 mf k* ka*», wk; Lk* pnjir a.pa tiruai froa U* carrlafa at rata* aotblag eiport graalu Graham Id tba Coraer dlalrlct par a rf» Bat alifbt Ibla week of Mill l.lb«U*M ikuaM ma ka *•» bar eo«- Ut Wft aid*. hltttac Ilka lb« aounl of that. g>o<1 Nrmu.. franlrU. *« t*r lajarad. a lev. rtlbcr of Bunnell were TIIiih II IIAnKEI.!.. a w«aa.l«fctly >a »»» tt at tb« U«', bat Jay Tba ramalna Aatbooy and we will trade that Will aa uatl gtv*a ih«ra maaaa cheap firead bar*. tk* J al. ('oart. tin give you .« a^ a« itavawl r«a«lag la- cropaoat to for Interment In Haat- Jaatka *f Hap. bring your produce It co«iafr»ae*t awvlllag, all blBia are brought Norway or t'*>< BT 040 Mr. Datls aaya pluma of M-t?Icee A Ira* i.fy of lk* l.iaiL tad (luna *m cilM, wbo Hartford. fleld cemetery on Tbaraday laat. !»•* pais I>r IIIU theft, bat lo Bor home Kftat Bruaruflald. »'>aBlant appiw p<«cb«t. made It bad for tb* tbe church at 4 H. t'l»rk. send you rcjoicing. that oa a»>a«aaa la form- a The recent rain he* were hal l In Ualveraallat AH*«t ALIIKBT AI'HIIN, Tv uJ rr tbiata a probabU b«ra la a H«b a lory : Mr. 8 baa j»»« r*iara«d AiJ that btve not their meailowa r. m. Ke» A G. Flit of 1'arla, " waler with farmer* got o'clock » »■« a > a Ibal Ibey draw •' »»rr awvati** *••#»'If It wall hallow Mr. Beonett waa one of tba old- a wl Albert 8*mp*oa later be kept •" *•• »r» «fI- w« or l»o lactM* la length Not lon«( atl »a uI Tvkr. wit* to OrtAoa to cat tha lif Bradford thrown from a ?*th Tba for large flu br cai* fMUrdij, »<>»■ abe h«er.l a Ulaa Kmlly got day, Aag. proapact fall naijM a|»iiw(t*a*'*4 l*Mk*r*. iaU*|*, 0pp. Depot, "#f. *r* did aol brine >*. k tnwtrde tbe pall; arm M*aa Ie*t w. «-k an I Stroke her attendance la good. Iw i*ackia|, aaJ krkailtm. nlaWw- on the d >or. at her ti l*, ■ K iwia M*n«fl«td )« kioi tb* with him. an «ort of aolee jaat bad a CIIU II. Jos »>. l'ri.l«i«ai •pradtaf lb* »»ath#r t» m«k» bay Tb* of Hertford lively Y of M m ia nome to t roaal ii« the oatllnea of Itepabllcaae CYealoa, I'eatxvly, *■*»• at A W. M.t.n.M • la with th« r#at of •« •o.l look lag ceacae laat The I OFFER h» will lit* pair time at thrlr Nttarday. on a alalt FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS 8ARG\Ws1n wlU ba wattblM that lilt iappMtd tbe Cll bhl «>*wr« for "Tha B-aatifal Story" m*m th« »aa »*n>o It comm. which two meo la ajmloetloa were Freak h >r«e txrunt tad there «u where the pat Albion Bach'* frightened PARKER'S "•'* la toon the m»ny that irooght It, right Chairman of the Board of H lrrt !■ balWd Wtta great J »y by > aver Warren, WedBeaday m iralog while ataadlog cam* la n womio HAIR BALSAM "•' *at Via Hi*v*aa of Kui*i*iur w Vo tha »un ablara. rat I'robt'ily tad 8 ooe of llartford'a ran l»l ktMlllM lW kill. bavato ail« hay Into t cbal,- than mea, C. O«good, fr >ot of Kiliott'a clolblng atore, up CUlMH • > «»f W of Aa made «tt«r lime leapltg Prmm Uturuat iw*lk. : tfea |MM K«v II M Whliaat aaJ w!f«, beat yoon4 mea. B >Ui|la l maoy frleodawbo atreat aad cam* to a atop In froat of COLD AND SILVER nut evea when Mala »a at Graf •he did to that occaaloa, N«»»r Fi>)| to UntlH On> Mr* SuvfM ((Mtt it Fry*- arr tb»ir v acatl ahowed latereat la tb«lr favorite*. restaurant The tbllla wart iaata, »iMwdlag to fruor t wounded moat*. great A 1' Biaaatt'a H»ir (• ito V«rtMWi C«Ur. "*'t "uB o had >rought wu eolld oo tb* flaherj <|Ueetloa with tba following I CLOCKS, JEWELRY, satara th'a water on to tbe U*good day arming, Aug II, MARVELOUS M tad oat of tbe pall waa nominat- '»•:». >a leaped 100 voU* wer*raat—Oigood offl-ara: A«a D. Trae, Traaldrat; A K (ibe then ctuted tbe m i ara flxir. "speckled 6 B Cammtage, Mi*. Merrill, of Na» Tori. " ed by maj jrlty. Mnar. l«t Vica-Prealrteat; C M Upton. to be carried back to lu borne, L-». MtrniJV beaaty JI Vice- Prea Ideal; Bart Ca manage, SI of Buatoa, wu to get back l«u; « h«r Mat, aa.1 Mra. frank Bak»r. tad It aadoa*H*d)y glad " Dickvale. Hecra Wbttavy la ttattlag Mr. " Anlrewa. SILVER AND PLATED to In Vlcrl'rxaldaBt; Kigena H »••• where there were watere awlm * WARE, J I» Starw*aat ar« at ta« Laha Farmer* are u*arly through haying, Treasurer J >hn A atopplBc It 14. rala over, tar*; W II Trarjr, M •• la a bad apail; Taeedajr to tralag. Aag. Tboee wbo W:. uitr tad aatca, wbo ba»a baaa Tba WMlhr havlag few beve not yet S*l*b*d. Kofwrta, chairman of ibeTowa Committee or thraa and aot fair weatber yet A ETC BLISSES tt k«*. Mr w»at bo«*. baa rala«d for th« laat two daya c jld exactly beve not rlolehed make rather alow pro- to order, an 1 K V SPECTICUS AID llardaaa. at la tbe weeL called tba meeting MEMORY T,#iuM fl«blag roda. beaattfal ralabow aaarlae one or two a#»4af L Sirjut la oiakiac graa*, there b«lag only bay Nmltb, K««j, waa cboa«a temporary cbilr- DISCOVERY. fitted u n«utl. i 1* tb# Ualoa Sabbath achool, a- r«* tatk lMra*4 rM- Hiram. *oa aui Mli*4 «van4*rta« •«V«4. ••'t ta tb# llaUb of thta will hold Mr*. LUilaa Tracty. with ber were made Juige C. V Personal attention to of all Kinds in line. ■«llag a»*aaMI IfMtMI. Seaa thick, bat tkla week to rebuild tb* Please call and examine and Taa att. ta b*r frvot yard. Mr.» Ban Kt»pbarrl«a btra vary 90,000 feet of lamber vleltlag reletlv** lo tbl* vicinity past otbera. Tba beadqutrtera aad reading MtMf bjr C«hI. goods get prices. "** district la Coralab. UrMl U tad a.a «ua ar» war b«at fam in at arc* bow. oa tbe 'hirat w**k. room Were iao«< ar* h duly opened. HMM ••'I la M«t of tb« famara bar* throaf Jaliae Bradford, of Lyaa, la vUlllag of all klade are looking w«H. baa beea to Boatoa the *»*rytbta« aNoat tb« p»aea Mr. Crop* Char tea H Hculth CfOMdM, "I'll oplaUMM af III. Wtm A. Ilaaa* [n Mrs O Maasfteld. of a la 11 ^*1 a,] utntur* auatr haytac bis sl«t«rt Lfdla There la a proa peel good apple crop weeh oa a baalaeea trip ■•M, Um w>IJ hw»dMf«riai>H MnJ Jmhih, w« baa b#*aa to cat W of Portlaad, visited paat f lk< PMI r»f a*ar Uat work ta U» tM n^aa om Mr J M»pfe Bmnka Jaat Mr*. QfO. Trae, la tbl* part of tb* coanty. F Wbltmin baa accepted an ItaaMI WrMMiMf liMiptM, i JKi'A VJul ill W. thle JodgaC a*4 mm aaat few t; S JnJKf S9 atWra, : oa tha 0»r|a Abootl placa. tar mother, Mrs. Z ipah Darker, Mr. Oeo tad Huel Oordoa, of Aabaro, adtlreaa tha cltUaaa of Buck- •MagUt, j »r»ia*4* <»ti«r thta tha bay laeltatloB to iw. a. t.oinmtti ruu a». .>«« Yo» k J Fraaa la to ar* la tow*. oa laaaaa of tha at H«waua, of M«cbaal<* Fall*. * flald tha day. of vlalt- political SOUTH PARIS 28. •*»« Ua aaw r.vl aroaad tba Dr. Carr Eut Hebron. Mr. Nathan Trttdwell, Naplee, tha rlalag of tha llarrlaoa aad M jrtoa fUg. Uw. Mr Nathan Kimball, NOTIt'B OF MALE. CL aa aad har daacbur b*ea I saw la laat w*«k't pap-r aa Item Mra Laara Crawford M.ss Nettle Kimball, who bta baa ba«n organ l«a»r, tor Um Otai; WUikw«■ 1 tm hi» Iwlii iMfttf II M <*lUf (imU Mr. Klgtr tb* hau black clolbaa aad caaaa. Ik. HrrrW k, la PhWI. Mua*. ail Iki ri«ki, PAM|irt Cobb Ooald. oamber of sliuea met lo e«i*br*u A. U| m* »tJ. V. riiMM, NmU rm 4fn«a la ■•»tb«r. tha Widow tbe family of Mr. Ktlaa aaj IMtml •bwb IIitm 11. Iliafcaa, late of Ka*a«. froa lUoda lalaa l. a of Titltlog of Slmoa Ht*veB*. the tilia, lu pair Win 0 of East alaetlctb Mrtbdty la Parla la Mkl itecrteeU, UI ***** «t lb la pi*r» 11 It K*«aa parcbaaad The veoerabl* Berbaak, Tfca lla«4e*meet U4f Umta«4, Cavity, a«w road la man la b* four day* i*l la ilnrttM rtai telate, to wort balMlag tha 111. la aoae 13 olde*t Norway, being to the ether Ual dtt kaev la Um WlMlaf aad M<«a O+rtte Bacblar atatwd bor»««. lllram. La qalto Ilia age IU«Mrke>l • bW*l 4ajr all. than Mr*. Carll*. m4 • •« l*-««: Ik. liiraa II. liiln biiiltail. JWHDe aaa 11 red a life 7S yoaagvr 1 tm tba TVmI I.—mm LAVYEBS' CLAIM ENVELOPES r*»^ M K Taraar. lie prayerfal aatetl >« ll»w« UiU, aa raUa< la *a*l liiMavoul, r*r»aUy. la Dtatrlcl years, *e#m* dull hire when caa look M M he* nrngk Mud; • Uk b«aaa la»t M ii»<1ay It yoa pertae rrm»4j, Meff»»4 mm him at Ika at the rv* (icbool tin m Me to mmI k»la« tk# pnmv* orcaptMl fey for S*2o in Clrtia a««u «itb Mlaa Add I* Par t**oh»>r j an 1 BOt *e« lb* Uliar mmfk raarftN Ul >f«t wkeieyee. any quantity, • Mtaat* I>a»a», o«t of lb* wladow bridge UaM a( kit ilxtm. T*a»U*. No 4. with Mi«a Mr. Ileary W Sargent la falling. H.m mm! Maaiaee yeaeftfa Merit*, aar ire* A«« 11 for east Ta*a- rorercd with city compaay. peere tUe Aaf U. IM. Thara la a saatlag callad Loreuo baa moved Into th« ralilag will r\t» yen a aaapte battle free. Large office. *oad*r 1/ Orovar d.*aat tx«ia to faal Mr Kelly lo IDA L. OUDKB, A4a«itmrt*. 0XF0R0 DEMOCRAT OFFICE. All Kindt of Job at this to a Rapacllcaa Gat Cbaa. Smith baa goa* Bo*too. Printing ; U la warai aow-a- alght orgaalia Hal Mia gal C*uia« anting out long ha] IWaw«. A1 mr thta ilMHIMil to Bdltor ol IIommIm* jr |h jr ind mrmb(ti iih>mr 1 itnw ixl for Ati*>r*» about th#ir Wmi (Im i oIumm, oaruau |ita<«k»T. Pail*. M*. 141 >-rw« n;i iMthintf Imj|- rnrrt. lion of Coograaa f#«l •niton* Ur« I'Ain an mm Imi nmmI TlMt • iIm mii> tif lu ww—. which ■ —cntnti>a iffura mt horn* Tb# problem fliroAtion. Ilmla iIiwwm M« iIh», ant tnuHr^lHik'ltnr*, Ymt« • ( irt«l !«•»• fvwJ It lu tw mo«t of tbem u wbtthar tboy th« Soren. IU Uil w» twfurlty, of Um IUw' ; ltd II InoxpennivH Pr«tty Thing*. • •/«•«», f/t, uri c«(». Biliousness [*rpl#ii« (VwvmL « N n« hara to attend Sonaen la wall a!tr*t*i| thai «•) Mmm| I mad« a acarf f »r • wtch*r chair .*t4 ran make moat ataying ■tormi tf»« jTaity fl* ilin If by i« hi • 81 t« >ui a i»'t a kill of cr«M<«. Ik> »«i nl^w art choaaa to an«l ■i^Ii Im AjiHt an aaaeea dla of yard UtMf lo (h« dutie* they perform, of TuU 9 Tr»a<1 aoa Make ly r> ra%m IMH softly Uil bid oac* bwi p«rt of i draaa rt« N after tliair in. Wltfe ov«r (V*Um feet. fur I ilf ?« f •» th* uncertain I tw it.) lirf* aad with batad breath »••j. Wa ail bavtag •7X.At« fi'*cA (Mil I Imi k|^«ll*i| ao h«a>attwh| nn<*» "W" «4 f»' luf u »arh put; Uw form lithe, Want of on at boma whil# thay ioM'-I «, Ut m lWiikln| ■■ 1Mb ii<1 half to Width «)« um *i<1 t J- M*' •»! U- r ■■■ ill wiili mm • bat b# going •imfU 15. Ap|x?titc. may CtlREJ I In I ll aye, iltIMM 11 C II "lo loot aftar TBI oT»• lhrii<| A* guii»:»M child'*—bat j Ihitaqv. ! <•*, Tongue. H •••<• U l»f !«( •(« kt «» X •im« W« MMt^lii wl h th*ir itifN aad •um* la gr*aa. are of IfWl>*. rt i tvifwilki ri'« •1*. Ibair fencea" acmaed i#gl»ct- KLT RKIKM M Htopi ■«i* l<>l l Ihu m »Jur%u>« laolirlM fat lad K>'va«> k»liriw M»l I I# Taste. tbay wart flalahad With taa**l* of ollva l»(Uuiikltl Hitter Tbr «ada likwtMo. I bar* • «l *r !i*rM|«*lllU Tu Bad my nidi! appirataa, h*yt »I IIm r*4 tbatr at Waahiogton wrr^« A}*r'l aao gre«a r r*wria Hit"Ir* LwLuc nl ing duty Well, I ia coagealtally "K >»»H tailed,** Constitution. ia all tb« cloaa dia. M«g OH of it old »>ttir»t cotar of lla*a, I I j- snl < niiii Air Ikr.< U««ilMUtiMlAil n^umtniuml u will b# bard figbla A aort of (ibII) wvikifM, yo* nay lurv. tl>i'|ikN>^lrt*l»li Mafctr*" I *»>ma that ara n>t Ba Depression. cIvm. republican* T<* S%0*»l4f t »• kw« Mart M Nm b aad a balfia width. la aacb cor»*r I draw if h «»lu. r»>» «"f* M*>l *ii<| control of th* nait Houa# by any poa- Hark! brar nr allfery torn break oa oat tbrrada and hematluhed lb«n la •« ««Mi wrfi *ut **4 —«<•», Klw r»U* urnuli (■•* iIm un of M<««| rooa, ao ha pretty lor tba laaa tsciting (ban tbat COMBINATION beaa from mi •*» iwMrt* M r»t1W <>raa«a pretty will ba»a chi#f« raw#.- • M bat cy. Tba campaign 01hArm\»%* *«(*Ubl« ft, tn»t I m«tk »»»i» iiu» I. 1. I'tUr, I)., balr. aa old oil** roagh atraw bat Tba art ty't tba t**ua, th.*# man who Mm iii'vt Kmm« (1 »w«ra rUb aad tba atraw aoabad to MANDRAKK on tanif rtilnff *h« »h©*a lyitim to toalthf id^ For Silebj Aid rartat dlapaaaaa par- waa lipped a|art, ly in '• b»for* tba W'm Imi* •»' I A»»t « pl# k aba«| tl«i|« akffl d a U a ad euttr waa mid* in tbia N. OAYTON Wr* f Dat »«• tbea P*m wllb pa tba tUaiit d »bap*. Tba tbair diatmta on tbair record "for tHo dthat i«Kti n«« r*< II m K»« *«U | to ktmr lll« waa is sure an«l safe. crpn <«*W'M-I •liia, from tb« < towa of th* bat which tl»d This now men oo tbair tVaclara- — \V. X- M< always teat, aod th# •flktm aM" Patno'a SOUTH PARIS. Imi hl<«»l |<«iniWt Lmh, aad ia< b aatla rlv»oa, Ca»«ry ComfowM t That ao.ema, glooiay m»Jeatlc to tba box with <(«art*r r («i» i *»m n «u t»i ui, men Wm>m c iHttntnl. OI«lo. tu na oo tba Homo of ika AnjM*U. of a abad*. Tb* tdg* of tb« fi. aubject. THIS PCRriCT COMBINATION. ».ii " tnla, yellow greea ara *Tin liW Vim • mnlh >*•* ntollRi* In h» 1l>« Wi II hUwk fM« —11 mi m Mkk. A campaign lit, linking '• '«ai ii.wi -• rm : : i»ir.« !•» m» r»n w>^Ui I ITUi*. bat AT if ia tbo ctfurt to bo mada to d#« * ki«Ma4 c< a- TrA, »» Ul« 4 I>aat b*ga ara aa*fal, at«*p*a»ing W Itridau promiaed | Mi> «| «k. of tbo • ■«» be coatrat a «lab. I rlala *d«t M |M>f *•! »«•« HW •• fa at tba laadara oo aach aido Wth» M I k>- il C«.tf. * f Ma* J J «.■»« Ayer's i« of MitUf fr«.«a iba a chair N. • • iWmocra'a N llpa Tb*? ara to ba haag oa ta* bach of Holster, p«rtMl«n fr-» • I tr*M Houa#—Milla and Ka#d. Dayton «•••. Will M.« tt* Sfiion of 1888, L'a.ke lb* *ala aai fl >war thai )earaa for la tb* I RK« *rr ABTCO.IV MM* •*., n»«*. tbo con- J. 4 Co.. Lo«*N. Miii or la aay coet*al*at piar* library, aaldom comfort* from Dr. C. *»•» nr*. gat any fas*. aad bold aa *>• in •I Ik* Mat* «4 Ilk* «*swikM, || «ink|tlMl« dialag roim, or alttlaa room, SOUTH of tba rraulta of a count I ll*e |l. *.« Wtue*. ♦*. Aad Ufla tu bead for all to In aaed PARIS, templation PAINE'S Mo. haughty oid lUb band* rcbl*f for a •taaWr. to la Iltimfctrcl l*otnt, — Taiaa afwr Main#, and th# democracy of aea, abia tb* daat gatbtra daring tb* day -l l- Mil ibe alleaca of tba aolltaJe, Tbia ad I* an Ttrmi, 520.00 to Warrant. I tb* moralag'a worh b«a laah d-a*. 1'rat- not a«nouely <)u#*t toned. u CELERY COMPOUND Aad bleb *p oa acm« mmj rock, ba mad* froia cr*toaa*t to tba Mr. MtlU *aja, If Iif« l« « |im»i M*rf« • ty daat b>|t mty intaraat thing on* to* lloM, oauiaed with tla**l, aad a row bo tho WHfc»r»II kNf Kihm|>I tb* fltarta Clipper Scythes, that it ia under* tod to N In I mt—* rtl MItriwj Wl •>• 1 ill ut« tba warblaa of lb« generally VlfM A J-* M Utpralaad, by of Or pp*r amenta MWi d oa IffMMI I KM i*n A MAN on him baa a :ii •• It %• lmrt»»«« l««» mm lt< iibktlk W»H*I •*» tbat tbo alraady m*I »..l I '• Irvifcf mi ikM I .c W^lo'l* •*'» •«* HNMMM <*4 wood, or curd of caao, fight tba bottom of th* bag Kibboa l-Mi .»r- ■ l-fcr-rf »■ at. Uafcfl In W. I» » •• • ■•«*• 00 *mrn M • t*4 L«i>» hat, * drawing atilag*. KiaTaax Hiaiaa aid" i* being furnubed by prutactioaiata UmmOmtw.I^>a.|t. * 1 llacb*aaacb, N J. bo\/ou rtaidlng alavwbar#—th# aam# who, a* it ■ a»* or India Stcol W ii -wumi A pr*tiy IM plvoa Sevtlie, waa charged, coolrtbutad to Mr. Mufti* < fl«■ ikIn ur wr uk| a«h ■« v+*r« -»» wulatl f «ll pUUtH>lfll at*J«t by tWARUOIl!)) •on'* d«feat aft#r hia vain »tf>rt* to paa* CURES ALL •*« •>«<• *»1 I 1. Nliin m i i>«« r*m» r«W«. m largr •• yu« wlab. A p><« of looblag- |m« m* <*«• Irvl*. S Wub •taiiag tarpriM. a tariff bill. 'I to *«nd im wbkb b* at UMl »ls lacb»a hey hardly hop# I. Jary roll. I but it ftMir M f «u abo«t t»o a in Mr Milla' pine#, « A BI»lC4l 1r*B>fc f»y pubbo«nl Snaths, Hakes, republican NERVOUS DISEASES tbaa tb* |Iim •>I ar >oa>f B k «v 8. W. lb* paaUboafda ndarabla reduction in hia majority. It NMTtlft*. Pirtljt'i, b. ■».! Ibl* Clotb U » rmrf tmm "«■ • Clotb a* U* l*U »fr T.J out P •« Dra«y Itakcs, ia th# lata b# mult look «•»», Dy«p«pv*. C««t »•»#«». t '** (uUd V-» • ip* tb* ft t tm CM * prohibition IWTH Com. III.— tMIUM*. » » ba;r aa >•< b for. At th# last election b# got 17,100 CompU nt. K»dnoy Trowbt*. F«m« Pie Meat 3 to 7 cents lb. fcu r in lb* fro«i M per a.I r for 4"d Ail dMiwi *r :>*i .m. y*««i *m i s uJ s • aj*.»f U»*B lb* |lui uulld. Forks, Stones, eotaa againat II,S3? Kankin, prohi- pUmtt, Wt''( alii uf ratvat, It Tu lb* en«lea»or HwfTtt l| kri ik'to'Bil ls»to»» ll It atiit i w»i kfti iirt to b». II with p*d«» wikn«»» tn'U 'wfT » 1 of cUHb of »r tb# back of Vba & etc. tu Mh ti*M ul krtr bM umI«*A« CNZCAOO. M Iftt oa tb» ratla at rapt f»t». pla<* alrotg ? TrvU MmI lak* a thay can. Coffs Store. pi a: a * u*i b- a Motto fa* For a abavlag mag cnvar, F. C. Brim Tea & Mr will aaba glaaa V«IA llNtIMN »•».!> t*. Ki -«*«. T\ r«a muxnks corwcXL *ra tb* or of tha 4th g»y pobt. i;um ¥ r idum wbo'r* la thr aoititg liar. roanl n.« larr»r tbta mug. uj H, cavalry, crrv rr wtm lbay< Troop South Pirit. Maine. i'ati*b iaxiai of Uilt It a*«b*t with of rod* For tho Ncrvoun. 1!"*c«th at* h:» * cbdab avrtna, Aua pur* paaU'MaM. waviDg plumae yellow, up lot.r aiib »b**t aailJlig, at WATIBI.OO Mi *T PACU toat abipnl t'K ta the lUltimre sad Potomac depot Tho Dobllltntod, a a Theo mfm « Htw CI nil «f n UHlua for abirt, get « ■mm ml bola lb** bap* Wi — i cama t*MVftK*AL iTt t >r*l»tA teal Im» iy mHUWr mt>i>i PATENTS, 1 o'clork fM« >mn w Niiki Nilli P m AB 'ur b»a»1 «p * Mt10 mat* a yeeterday. Ihay Tho Aged. mvmw kiv«n to WMWMto IM placblag CttMii K» im*m m4 T'• I' Mm* *• J I J bt* fe t'k»« » i» fad mm mt Vta* Bar a. to act m ad eec>rt to tha re« la tt»ry plw« oa U« iirtb, «wr, r*«l )aii for a n»«»a*b. r»»a*!■— Mi MM«CWMfA BA la »««rj (utuit, u*o, Mat* boa aal praaaHl* mama of ties. Sheridan ll n •• ■ ■ yrta a* ki(l ><|A nn to mi to*lMf «ai- depot — I*. >■!» AbU« Mi >»IMI CMr knUMI la ikmrt, ur ba«.t of aitrth, l>*«a. Arltaiaa. Daft H. W. It a m to ik* M, ..fe* ito Dili MM » «i ai*4Mt %• fclll—< •# »Nng| ('apt. Cki% la cmrtkM old or a*«. n* 1*11 b<>* to tntk* a IM. I i«r*Ul«tiai*iil»a,uI *4* M m to wee in aaMr% a* (Jto hMMtnto, toN to toL ll to* jwl ftftl-tM IftMi L*t yu« prtlly I.aw ton, the tell In han fiST »»»rj Matrafranaof of «ix*d toaa to«*|WT i«v to), Karui A NfbriBkB R » Uilf. pkr** rrK« NnllKHITK. u1 I <•»»• no r« Klliott en «IU b* m«b an command, end UnL 0* Clarion Chkago. 1 1 la iQ ■ I aar«ly Urn pal • M'l' H- Which mm lllli* j«»«r lldjr, !• •*4 Umm wm' ih « If Mi m4 Mto >Mt l«l«M largar < tlANUK r«LKH P*TK«r to ba at al faallval lb* rataraa with him wera ordered • • r» < [a>lr««], ttarj • bai • <>a* I at b a>l aroaad »4fM'M4 »l They I MntoM ll to to Mmtol IlKtB Wm Mi IN* Imim CT»T tuail apart Kt» llWatilN, iftriil RoyalTh« iao«t r*ru;« M|W #c»ar ««« popular IK'BTOB BU.UB Or a inl It* tab* N < 10 ur 13 i«ia* atJ ml iffUNlm, at J o'clock. • \ m '« w Im iViU to mJBi fniifc w till*x fram* Tbta the t>M>i «aHi tolaf w m» depot VlCXB. rvrB&A. UMMTOR. Wtf UITA. B»a*ad »• ui(« aal jot til m of fraui* lira or R. D. C. th« mm •* Ik* tf*M ciom frotL t"p to belli J. LITTELL, Washington, (la (heir arrival learned that M total M» Im 4*«|%to toto (Mrn*| CAL:*«U. MilBNMlla thty IIVTv IIIMSoM A tb*M f »r po»ta lay ; o« tb* aaua Tb«a i>»i win L* » filwl «i». «U to to mmi to*- ait tin>>a, faaUi Ug in befora J -4 t>k Mtii. «4 IM I*"**'*! t »r fuaeral train would not «et Agaia b»btad. aad bat a< acroaa fro« *Wl* to >Mt. H li * hi *to>toM w> ttoi •! ito I ■ ml H«tfMMl W Ik* (altb*t«la* to I Mi >i>mI iMin Yovr Ufa auaU ta l lodty a»>l tb*a o'c.exk Tbe tr«- J' rule aabady •{« h< u>« Ail Ml»» lb*a froni i>a* cor**r to aaoibtr, «> i» Ailm* to • i*i Wf«, • •!« <• r Bill Heads to"* ^JTCttayag"' near the »'au>n and C. !>a»ia arroaa float tat otg* r cnra*r u» oppoalt* oa Mimoum avenue The famous Albert l«« Roul* c«>ra»r. tab ag oa* tbr*a»i. !• a»d tl* la tt* l|i • w >»<»»»« Ckw««i tel v.—Ta«*trt>*iTioa N iw II I a Up* a«».lw wltb »», at MiBl debking eabere, and jingling epura A. & \t. kt»l»>M CUT Mi k MIM'1 la « tfc* tbrrat J. JOHNSON CO.. I flrta y t>>gta Joia* a crowd of Itei |M VMMivii (Mik « traded large " ma, ant br.ablrn 0 lb* lbr*ark i» ihr wr formed trooper* • m% a jit • iMn a-uMMu Mi )<>« Ani Female 11 G^it Jsnw St., Nf York. t *»• >« i» i College. — a caiaeun the Wash- I aA-'i* VitafW* !*. <| a W |<>« Urn(«.v* M • li *aaw^ara a.tfc Meanwhile from llM CXtell VI — HIODBJI 11 TU Cxi T"* A«ra* l*ii>, a. *t.:i m4BB| iMBBMMltfBa (VI ir«H ila.lt A I inK/f »ai«» Ix |4>lw<, Harracka arrived at tbe elation tu Mi lukikH »Bh I bad an oU «orb baak*t Kill act foar M>-1 *■ >*«*■• ington Tte Hull Um l*MI I. Coauhoai witb »r from rbarvb. hn•a/|MJ, I"•»«tl, lw Irani to Mi B«m lkUM> I »»!■ I»l wae horaee each rtddei MY teri lal lacb«a «l..p; I Mti»Uga f*»r ll•! f.-tr'-am- Mil I inn, V*«a»aJ, Uto, Art aa-l It drawn by four * MMU Mi "Ull Iwlhw |MM« tUa. m ii»n»i aaraa- h«io raa»a. ri<>**irg tb*m la tb* aMdlr, |Wy«il«nli an erett man. I.ieut. Hen « tvia* v*4« 2 Wlia that it <>at b* lib* If** I >. I'miw m artiilar) iMkm boy ytlla 'in tii*r IW <«(* by laa lW> (I Mr Can» ■ Ik l»l UBn.« flrta » »itb «irr an 1 oraar&ral* ll «4-»t akliillMf com an ladlaa. faattaag klaiHfcl to H«wiu I'tilrnHf, ESTY nett, of tba 3rd wae in ) <•» «if riM-oa AfUr lla- artillery, 0. K. C ST. JOHN t. A. HOLOaOOK, of tag wllb a plab •Hiatal iimmmIm latt »a» on eutt $ Mr* llamWwa ■«■»! ItrtartafM il'Kkf OJM poeted Bmm»« lag lb* m» Oi Vt ik* tlniM W aa aMiiaaai i»a« ka# a» i womB cooaantptlaa a ad a Wli jr a tfcffl* anWMl •treet, at tba corner of I'cneylvaata o«»r ptab cambric, «1«*p W« »a|r *4# SWIYKL PLOWS 4 Witt yoa tab. a»« aorJi w«rtb f. 111 a of tb* taaaiia. «ub VaWacUta** fa* tanker lakiailWl ifall to tlw Crm l»»l, er.ue, and like tha of at iituaitg to. nig««l truop cavalry ««at*r I ftaUa^l It »c- L M aMItll. I» U. k«M'« II I Qcquinefias «*, a A wae erect' Ill* (Md »**ry ti»». 1 Oa, I'ap, op. a tbla bo I for »«, C. f!. i"*" *-'r tracted crowd. platform |?rmt to tb* ftrvp tb* WAnnANTBD «. MuU«i « cottagt It atar tk« »»a >. >i. mf kaalg aaa af hi* * | aad wide lolde • f b.ati fiurJUM MI4«1»> t tfcw NfiM Vxa A 1 >i every American ulo>e la ib«ir t«ar>h fur *«tib aad atlkW ft— H •I r-t »• ll IM l'H.a.1 af lll**.| • Mill f« it plug. 1 l.e ca>aM.n «aa um-J aa lb< Most Successful and Most •t 11 I« 4 11 Pop- «ir* \b- Ittiuit tiM, hpiltgflvl^, H is crape B'owa captartd f aalIM ta Old Honesty acknowl- OlO RELIABLE UNE Tilt a*.kf«i("4 (l*a« at Utia* on ahit'ii were b rt,e lit* remain* 1 a Faat .» Kit L ait. iyt a v>ti|M a t IU»* iliri'iS A I'a'la edged of the dead aiddier when they n«| nnll| »l»>l»'l' pUr* 4ato< r afca i J» oa tba •a |i« I aaaii ml ilitort iiaalifol and ia l„» In !*'■< « >» I>oa«t go rlur Udaj.ikt Utbaa ttil* ab>l on*-half y«r.| luag. njost 1 ha arrival of tbe - Idle re attracted man] Itagrmt «n|wrv>rity 4 «k. •• a « carrvtt fl >«a t Mtl» aa laib «M» bin, at a JOMIUN »TA' V %»alfM». thcmarKct. and the through pro S.M Sl/K CWk|a alltc' «tilb rid worblag (uitua Trying U«t t it •> f ALLEIt t ..k H>. TW to i Mini* of th» \»-ry r«at*r aa I tl* alU a ml a ceaeion moved on Ite tba chuict 1^ K U itil im la tb* better test thanany talK way 1 I>oa*. l«rg* limp « I -a \V^w»t — » * a«i I U>I for * !i{Ht fram tbi* Call jr. lucumi. or tl* la a boar ba«a ni A I1TA it a were crowded. thoroughnw<*'hirti-'M apnaf aiagl* (SCOat it. Give fair trial. r# " CLAIUON tnr<.'u|>r aanip A I....0 M UttUIDftOI.rWnH.CArrOI.IU ar.nojrd 1'! \IN I.''• < a lilt* Iarg*r iui We fiirniali them Tith i ahad«d gr%*a pbjr, riprr»»u 6, faleeiy attributed to him. It F.C. MKIiKILL. — wlili twu kali* r\ « HOT • T< >1' I lb* i* of lb* limp Thru t.r not mo»« thar , CABINET IIISF, s.-i'h U.t «ff(Ct that iLt>u*U AmS -'i. IMS* WILD fuuiit) lli«C b.r-U. • kbit a atrip a fl*g>r wld*. •■>«( \ I I D MIKI.VI » n JWnatore Lad then CI.OSKTS. F.LKV 0 I to ifi>«».ly, or t««* cl«*t£ks Clip twtb along 3 jnn lit b« at«ei t \*rnty *tjl«» *u to *f it* *•* K T wbol« itt|ib i J ia»«l from (Milh »l kk»*n Um, *W« UiM nwtill»( to M |>rula< la^f wurr*nti l For wile I UNG U<.k( mad* un of tucb r*»eiun, nor o f RALSAM H I i» l» l K balf aa itch of tb* cmltr, tb«-a »»« tow any t*j r *•' witbla ■ i iWrnl r t«:u U IWk+m*m. I'v^k IfMftoM, II»WIm, l#nVrw Mantif* t ip i nn M K troaod tb* t>f lb« f<*iBdatl<>B.—t'uN. ; any tbicg in the but kindred to it Jg* iMilitj, I ran cmUmiJ; K t c I a K *uk ll»hrl» »h| i»wnl Senator I'llnit nonvttr, th»t b< for I'm »•)». The Great Cure V H II-r* I* • tidy patura frum lk( WMMwl Itoai to ttoo Mftlltf «m not wen of tb« ti'. *r.1 kt lit r g wtiat« »rr aUI by any reporter pft all Throat and Lung on » IT mM| AH Ml I; i>D |i« atltcb**. aad ki.it y* 1 which tb« inter*** BISHOP k CO. L K job pr»f. r I'aat per publiebed alleged WOOD, Difficulties. Ba*r » ♦ i mmaWi M IM the aeioa. Me BANGOR. ME thcGrsviN" • U roil) containing eipr> «*rj __ ThUislhcT«ii»of Aa O* <.««'•« U !<«• *• m#)». ••*! ii *tbr*ad otMr oac*. kill I, tln»»*. T N ••tgtt much to what l«r«»M kf '»B turpriMtl published Pear! f Ml Mf Btl? flllllllOl lirruw tight. *<1 OB BBill tb« fr Br* Top Lamp Chimney. 1 m r v * K lo an It* )Mf, similar arc imitation. U Ijr • k > l»~ t:»**, tbtB k Bit BrrvM* p.tlB thf*» It IBM, Ihftt waft obtftlftftd without hie knowledge illWItklMMfll N o M a 0II la • wtif l»lmlfVwn mm. and aa — fa/ >t\ 'I Effective Sale. ibrB aarrow and rata* aiitch*• b«for* THE Senator I'almer h« could Dot kT;. AT poiol *i". — CALL B.C. rtXiKKL J I. tn >b. L»>a r>MM. HUH, r^MM M4l>«. Mim TIM I out Senator wbo «u not Ml i*or» each Pear! a|. *r nny properlj r» Ii vi I la • t ■!»•«».» «••««>• ^ l'.ta*« allow m* to Wll lb* tltUra how ® ik*«Mi Kinat Lui r**»*»-a. f eiectftd. lit dott not believe there an h _* wtof* i -Puplicaw. Of kalttrd BB«J '1 hitr.: <.; «• t%ai it • U«|«M( to BrrtBft tbtlr ••ttp'«* 'pC i'f FfiC* Jlind — of the kind. *ottre of r»recl«»*iir*. « 1 xottplrh b t»B lBcb«a any '• 50 Ctflta. crocbttrd lac* Mak* book \ T u*lt. ft VWftw 1 "J -Uttl, ► with Co«*ra of brown H&rB There will b« tUtter among the ll»«< for •jtarr, (ft) to«h «# W.»»U« k • • '<* TOP • r-i th. 100 Doin 50 Cent*. .• Itiirt of hli> k c*a>brlc. Oi th* cot*ra trtuera tt« wbo have -* K'(M l >'!■■ C *rlwr )ouog of N»*jr M Hkl o4 W I4» »M.«r lo raa la dabl tbaa to craw »®tm>id»r bb «atiiB« 1'iah IBs & CO. A. |l l«M, I.I Ito.i It la M||, J. F. HUNTINGTON found abore id a >&s f Into duty NVaahington Ml llti.fl mii •' I VI. uil • u( tb* Itllrt, Btll flltlt tbrtn !i. A. Gls\i k Co. Lnostan Fa'h i(i:a Wh«r« Yon will Find • Iawd A»*rtm«nt of for ft faw whea M, i» tb '( • tb« witb Btrruw rtkkMi H*w M| agreeable )eara p»a'., m«iiH ?n%i«t n'lH EimI iik! T p HWI •(MmmimI MiW i<..o reed the Kraaca atrait ttn KMir ; •are a ob tb* black »**»r*, Bed ba«r fthey order of Whit, W. 1.1 ■ hi>*»l»-l f.'t jtti M'.i •*» ir Third Annual l)«riaaay pi* Job S«cr*tary •tirf | fc. Trotting Meeting to lt>« a* t «< UtU'rniu la Kraaca p«a«trau<) iLnu wh»r* yoa will alwaya kBow wbar* Nock Wris- nay calling oa the board of bureau chtefi III Ibif llo Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Ties, UM* wU« "irOH I CO.. or TUK cora. flad thrn —A Kb*i>bb H»«M f*l KO.J. PIRitaan. to for ft liat of tbeir eteiatante who tx 4ifnti— ikirtf f»»l« majr •■Mil wnt»t\j f. Collars and Guffs, mf lll»-r > k, a tors, Qlovos, Cardigans, to Um tmtm ml !«■ I. IM bulla and wlbar bo mora »i« With b< up twlar, work rag la loaf amt to aaa without detriment to th< ka roll Ml I thing; 1 QK9^*.'S—^y7 TNiiTTIlii UOMIK tb« bark laattad of Suspenders, llM tWt I • id. To cart lata Hood'a 8»rnpi taking ap only loop* fvftturaa of ia th« of tbi ftaf *ou»f r«d flaat* 1 la Qifts. being employ •to«*« tiki to • MU> i»I •' rtllft. both loop* Tb«b cpt of othor Useful Ui Government that th« cannot ba It IImm 4>fTM« (mi ita f to «l ^JJteJjtn/J^'xrrfrpe a ltd Wrat* tbtin la baaktt fatbloB employe I iNlfrMi MM>I I I llf II Ail. •trlpa l« • Mtlr MkJ M.«m lk»> aix' Breeders' Association! own mu er aa Ma- •• • t Haleb wltb a tklck knot* hia to and oc. »l PORTLAND. ME, Wc km a it rwarJ much a^oat Ijaallai *alba«t>ds In Ovorooats. time, place •Ml MlWfl r««U to t Ntll Big Bargains •'« M wiL h W 4 ai ImhIi r>.f Hunt*, Ji »oJi i: u- Mtrvtcb oat ataoolb tad rub are ao Mf IWm J«fnM ii|M a V«l luimi n v 1**4 !■ M« m. Inl (lilwt I» ill ) ! l« ba la Uaag*r t*d frit**. cupftiion; but there com ti many pen- llwwl Iknra ay «•»! to>*k to (to Ik aiitv4 irtrlMft is **- of brc a aura t lb* acd«r aid* wl b flour ptalr. which Ki|«nrMt4 cipbti aatng advanUgee thftt few revolt mmi. itHWi •.u, » iMii-i«<• IIiwt tlMVI^Il ItBfKUMI caaa* tb* to 11* FUR CAPS AND LOW PRICES. agaioal 1888. wb«u dry, will ug aUalgbt LARGE STOCK OF rffl I to ]n»» HtU **-1 llM •« T>yt wr*t Vf r»- 21-22, aiiatiog conditiona to tb« of August raaloraa color aal ard a mouth ob tb« floor,—lira. 11. Kmib* point reaign< UllilM 11 rI )'«rU ((tlMU«* l« il IfiUBii tit dip fttJ Ay«r'a U«lr Vigor u to order in tb« latest and *t the loweet tfficc. to to»-w ito y«|wii »f « >mi*i %• feitMWfV )mv fy+c Alt to «r«t aaJ bair ota. Col. Custom work tn*lo price*. L. • CtUlugli tiuat/ gray Taroagb itjrloe iof m ito l iim W hftfvttlMil> to iNKltol, m4 •^Iiik4ul ttlsfniitiut hwffiiiiy < »*« Im b«a.iag aal ci«ao*iag qiamlaa, tt pr»- all k«*« ton to*fc*«, | .«.• • » r» M«k» cra/y crocbtttd B-joar**, « *700.00 IN IM'ltSKS. ««au tfta accaiaaiattoa of dtuJruff aa 1 Italy Atfiuiittt Ireland MaHk| to ito hi w m m-I "M" a. bo two tb* laat row L. a/ckav. m., Principal color*, alike. bating i"W, aa4 U.i Mm to itol lata* all acaip f»*t »iJ. Cm (<«kf can b* njad* of tio wltb tbr«« crocb«Ud Huntington lege. rivalry llahrn «* -IIIN.. 4 «... r«nJI. VI. If ao oli toali aaaa for br«atb Ol loag,aad J M or abade.t (i> rmautows. and Iruh laborera i* and * it*. 4 %MI f H. WWmn A *-»(•. t*M 4 « CLAW of p!ala very *tiong, > pr^oj.*"-. aba gala IIUUU If aba la tacky. atrip* < i (JUS i'"- M.( IkaiM, I* ill Wff*. Mftintl IttMM. Nik Ml of ytra a flig»r loag to p«t their boaaea utilise r»ce a OfN A Hi prttty g<-u attry Me. j r»a, 1'im^Ua, ibrtaorfour atltcb** »v»rjr worker*, then two mora lrithmen and to > Wt Mil It Wit— uuiiuut. A'lmiMKin to Groan 35 cvnt*. Hits I flitlab with tb>ll or cruf atltcb u da, .•.til tk.ly, liciy Hru;> Tb*a on until tba surface of Iba u — ground < 15 (*nU #o waiter bow ooaiiaau or long aiaading at I waat tb* aklrt M M iNoatxa, tul.Inn. d*«p reached. Iba two Irishmen at tba bot- KNOW THYSELF. ll la Cllf Ud coala bill a Ulfla MbbooIb*. M cb. DYSPEPTICS fw P Atlt,♦ff f, 4^i I'Arrujft** a for -**. < V +" » I''* oal oo carter, palot kif, anta of fcf Ml, Mini I «iWto!*» ••••l-W lo ttarlla « yuur abuva than, abovel like ~ »»3 pollllctl a ll to bifoiiiii with Italy i» .u» ■«. BO 2» th* moot h end paint mii N* Synij Mte.' do tol aim* lo tw cotalalaBt 1 • wy kjq. or in ordar to load tba Jn. V«U »- m rim SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. j boope painting Trojena, up Italian* 7T* »r la t il 1 git CuMiitdcj, )uu haow, J»w»l, with flret Uck* with mora rilWtotocxmmr. jtwela arn but wofo Id patillc iicept by they Mt, lWM. tog II ob the adg*», tbea lornlni. Gather ltaliana, betwean two of V«H MmU« lM«n, «»»•»'• »*» ib« REVOLUTION lajer* Iriahmen, •toi to w» .m»l M»l to'* a. Ma Ai«i »t M. au'gar. the m«> ■■■■Idi <■ Cuii'tiirr« r*ai*. Ilk, the ead ltd then path dowi lato keg 1 N ■* *•» hava avery incentive to abovel in order to « »>*i A to. !»•—»• •*1 Uimim iun m p»m ikal Mr J. Ilrt* feaiOi <*i u line the crown of a hat TbU JlatM Jaet you IMIWimi. \«*w *\U W J»mx \m lk« al Um UOMT 1 FKLT. kt«k out thai alia I"* Why. twoyaar* i|j I Jaat K kaapa only diffi- Letter, Kote, Bill Al.RI.liI H Al MTUf. CV*fc. anl hj woad«r uat wtl« ud that Headings cruj, ay ahtma with two lock culty la tba aida which ia rnu*4 ««• Mri, «t t«w m u* Ueavy llnra pillow fatting Mf*rw« yniii, children w«r# afraid of m«. You Jwat woratad Uairul (>• • heme are pretty with on* loch drawn work, Wall Borders, usually makea pretence for g*t. want to tufaf wub with Bo ra aetrtigI* inch then drawn work Papers, a balf plait, ngaln ting and tba coma WANTED. lUf 4a I did still I aa«d ttaipbtr BliUra up quarrel, workara They may aUo haw a all or right lack to currd Be, to l bow my wife aiya 1 ——AND—— blowa. A continual war of worda ia A liU'UMlaaalTww. IH» ab*nalaki all Thay e«juere of the earn* pattern of drawn Work LAWYERS' CLAIM ENVELOPES MB M Beak M B JaBb.— it Anti iHfit, and tba Italian and fara W Ua Martin Affij la af by W«i*r l» In the canUr, with fancy atitch around the waged, Caltic gib- fur SaI® in idy at the AmfTMai Hotfoa. qtuuitity, II*tw, • la to make a acarf, benah that ia around ■ V. B. A J. r MILLIXiM. dge. A laUr dcalgn flying looao under to coeer two tba ri, M*.a*. or oae plec lar*e eaoagb tba old Yala elm* M a poor auhatttuta for OXFORD DEMOCRAT OFFICE. ••It a ftaay tt»<»at Waablngtoo paopla," pillow* -J U K tba Cheek and Latin ruota atld t y>Qng naa from New York lot that tha at aid "Ilow Brur' A to mika a draaaar eoear la Decorations old trace hava wont to Wtabii motian. do yoa pratty way baan haar. taked lha WtahlBgtoa mat. "Why, to taka batch#r*a llaen, cat larga enough Ceiling Three Summer Dangers. t of la- to a So at an lach aad a half. Htamp everybody baa wty aayitg 'Ym, frta*e Ik* fcMM®®- " A mt or MNIM " a >me vlaea tba and Bt rather ||U|K« datd y llafa thay P aldtlBad lha along edge, aaytblag OuiKaoarrT—A in " •** M UinlW m mrj lan. TWr * 'i llk«* In Iba c«aWr, aad work la outline - cloaa-fUted waa Wuh'.Dglotlta, blturiy. Wall, thay philanthropiat approach* ik«* "**"** IflUNMNT™ with black allk It will waah nicely LATEST. M U4 •!!«(. To fM't (mum havaa't. 1 aaked a laat If aba etllch ad hia girl Bight Stylos, by fellow.citiieta with an mrxiit EXTERNAL USE. and look rlcbar tban rad cotton -Ku. V. appaal iteitfMw, m.] woald marry b«, tad lha wty aba aald to do 04 imt+rt+i O »« aubatantial for UUnilOUIltwrHii IW.wiimi *• aomathing tha town . r»r«a P HiiUrM Grc«* *■■■■■■!>. ■»»»#«■« 'No, laUaad,' wu taoagb lo brtag laara A M iro»l». 1Hill WkMfN|ONik. CMHrt. «wn M«W*. bi«M> Pi LOWEST. *'Urothar Jonea haa given ua a meat, Cfeotoo IimMm, m4 rrf~* to lb« *y* of t Beadle Wtabloglot •ices, •"■for. Ml***4 "aaid tha Mte. IH'MCf Otitic KsouaH PLt'M Pt'DiHNO —Soak three ing.houae, apokaaman, "and •pOOtlfMd -- .It larmi •( - mm** m>I *• »i t»ra of a of crar k«ra la a Brothar Smith a and now *•*••• , ponn-i coapie LARGEST. library, Broth amau t ba broken Stock, ar A Stat gtva laiWr of laUodsc- of quart* of milk; th'7 abonld Brown haa coma forward with tba • iioa to a alBdaai of KB*k aboBt lo vlait Into amall blta na to aoaklag; when srJsrxiZZZSLtXSi-'*" prtvl< monay for a fountain. Can't do who wlahad to p«t himaJf under aofi au« ter. iba eame of lagar atd wlna- •omething ■ ■■««. M lUrn+m m ■ M H WW ikwk quantity ™ of Biatlc IB InlUr of wine Mil half a of II >ar Brother Kobinaon a tr***4 rtBHM* ■ ■ l«rt| MM uacb'r th* city, t'poa glaaa plat meditated far mo- ment All w%m «• irfcf Owl > i« m m4 m. ah*U nutw • iixluu ik*l (W «u» th« tibdaat'a rattra kOM, tha with a little milk, aad atlr Into tba pad- "You tar >hhh eeeef giBtltaaa aay Brother Brown ia go- » IT— I«tlili4 Mall M• MIIm OO Im»h W "Mow did Ilka Profaaaor— f* wltb ten well beaten egga, iN«lnll| ffM*. |l >h>«H tatad, yoB ding, together ing to give a fountain?** ha Nl»raii«llM»■■*• I B iOIMOl * CO P O hi Bl IB. •*Oh, woad»rfallf ! Ila gave ma Baa Ira- a gratad nntmef, a teaapoonful of palter "Yaa.** thc aoaa;bBt a vary alaf a'tr mis 11a Ued mace, aad a teaepooafal of aalt ntm nni wNkMi e^ru*LL-LrHMhF b'fla iMIt* of all tba lima ha wia bi." When iba whole la well mlied tam Into n "Wall, 1 doa't lika to be •OftfcfcJ* I****, pray lag teaching bahiad tba MraMTT aad bake two boa re. raat la r Fraying! Why, what do yoa mean?' battertd padding dieb good woika, and I'll tall you what mmIIMu4 4**» ff MOST WONDERFUL wta W baked a few mlaatea NOYES' DRUG "W«U, while I playiag. ha cltppad bia hen the padding haa STORE, I'll da Tbera'a a firat-claaa Mfud hla to Uia net and become a of atoned perennial hfda. ayaa ealHag. thick, dredge pound oa S GINGER, FAMILY have and atlr Into tba apt lag my land, and 1'U funiiah tha SANFORD REMEDY kiptaiytag KJood Lord, what tlB 1 ralalna with Hoar, pad- • * - " wttMf foe tha cobib ud to d«»arve thla wltb also n of car raato. Maine. fountain." KVM KNOWN. LINIMENT paaUhflMti? | ding poaad Norway,

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