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Heritage Arts Norwegian « Epletreet dufter nyskapt sommer. Midsummer in Her har tiden aldri vært. American Indians Den kommer. » Washington, DC Read more on page 14 — Inger Hagerup Read more on page 15 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 125 No. 25 June 27, 2014 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $2.00 per copy The essense of summer in a bite

Strawberries and cream

Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash.

Carrots to kale, asparagus to zucchini, rhubarb to straw- berries—such is the progression of produce finding its way to markets throughout the year. At this particular moment, strawberries abound. The crimson berries dotted with tiny ovoid seeds mark the season as well as any calendar could. No wonder Norwegians are excited about their strawberries: These sun-kissed morsels must sparkle brilliantly after the long, dark months of winter. When at their peak, strawberries require little adornment to shine. One needs only to bite into the juicy berry to experi- ence this gift of nature at its best. Today I offer you an idea for how to enjoy the regal strawberry in a manner almost as simple and pure as it is when it comes from nature. The taste of strawberries and cream brings me back to my childhood See > strawberries, page 8

What’s inside? News 2-3 Business 4 Pining for the fjords, part two Sports 5 Opinion 6-7 Darin Lietz flavor of life in the Alaskan Panhandle is Taste of Norway 8 Seattle, Wash. found on the stops in-between. Those stops vary, but could include places like Icy Strait Travel 9 Last week, I began making a case Point, which has become an increasingly Roots & Connections 10 for why you should take one of the major popular destination and launch pad for ex- Obituaries & Religion 11 cruise lines through the Inside Passage cursions to the Tlingit community of Hoon- In Your Neighborhood 12-13 to the Alaskan Panhandle. I highlighted ah, and the nearby Glacier Bay area. Or, you the beauty and adventures awaiting you might visit Haines, a mecca for bald eagles Norwegian Heritage 14 among the fjords and glaciers, but there’s on the deepest fjord in North America. Cruis- Arts & Entertainment 15 a parallel journey of discovery to be had es that slip past the Inside Passage to visit the Back Page 16 on the very same voyage, and it’s waiting Gulf of Alaska will likely stop in Sitka, the in the towns of southeast Alaska. former capital of Russian Alaska. And most $1 = NOK 6.113 These cruises are mostly bookended of the cruises that officially begin or end in updated 06/23/2014 by cities like Seattle, Vancouver, Victo- Anchorage actually dock at distant, quainter ria, or Anchorage. All are vibrant destina- In comparison tions in and of themselves, but the unique See > fjords, page 9 05/23/2014 5.9635 12/23/2013 6.1468 06/23/2013 6.0597 Photo credits: (background) Karen Qualseth Schulte; (strawberries and cream) Daytona Strong; (totem pole critter) Emily C. Skaftun 2 • June 27, 2014 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Gullfunnet i Møre og Romsdal Horne buet på Flere fullfører videregående skole Funnstedet av de spektakulære gullgjenstandene Antallet elever som fullførte vi- under EuroPride deregående skole i løpet av fem år, på Tornes i Møre og Romsdal skal hemmeligholdes økte med to prosentpoeng fra 2012 til for å unngå stor pågang av skattejegere Likestillingsministeren 2013. Ifølge ferske tall fra SSB er det fikk en kald skulder fra en større andel kvinner enn menn som fullfører. Flesteparten av dem som demonstranter da hun fullfører, går på studieforberedende utdanning. I 2008-kullet gjennomførte holdt åpningstalen 83 prosent av elevene på de studiefor- under årets EuroPride beredende utdanningsprogrammene. Gjennomstrømmingsgraden for kvin- NRK ner var 87 prosent, mens andelen menn som fullførte, var 79 prosent. For de Rundt 15 demonstranter troppet opp yrkesfaglige utdanningsprogrammene på Litteraturhuset for å protestere mot lå gjennomstrømmingen på totalt 57 barne-, likestillings- og inkluderingsminister prosent: 60 prosent av kvinnene og 56 Solveig Horne (Frp). prosent av mennene fullførte denne På 20. juni fikk hun som første Frp- utdanningen i løpet av fem år. SSB politiker æren av å holde den første talen i mener utdanningsnivået til foreldrene forbindelsen med åpningen av årets Pride og karakterer fra grunnskolen har be- Foto: Bjørn Ringstad / NRK House og EuroPride 2014. tydning for om elevene fullfører vi- Gullet ble funnet på Tornes i Fræna kommune. Kaja Glenne Lund i Oslo Queer var deregående opplæring. Blant elever en av de som er misfornøyd med valget av som har foreldre med lang høyere ut- NRK Det nøyaktige funnstedet ønsker han åpningstaler til årets EuroPride. danning, fullførte 88 prosent i løpet av ikke å offentliggjøre for å bevare området — Jeg har ikke tiltro til Hornes ord, fem år. Sogn og Fjordane er fylket der Foreløpig er omtrent seks kvadratmeter mens undersøkelsene pågår. fordi hun tilhører en regjering som ikke støt- aller flest elever fullfører videregående sperret av for nærmere undersøkelser ved Til nå har fylkeskonservatoren hatt med ter mangfold, sier Glenne Lund. utdanning, med 78 prosent. funnstedet. Det blir vurdert om leteområdet, tre metalldetektorer i søket etter flere gjen- Demonstrantene bar på plakater og pa- (VG) som allerede på 19. juni ble erklært midlerti- stander. Fram mot 18. juni skal flere arkeolo- pirlapper med slagord mot Frp og Hornes dig fredet av fylkeskonservator Bjørn Rings- ger med på laget. tidligere uttalelser om homofil. Solhjell ber kronprinsen spørre tad, skal utvides til 10 kvadratmeter. — Etter søket med metalldetektor ser — Hvem her har ikke posta noe på Twit- folket om de vil ha ham —Vi holder på å gjøre undersøkelser. Vi det ikke ut som det ligger flere gjenstander ter som de angret på? Vi ville vel ikke likt Kronprins Haakon bør gjøre som old- har allerede gått over området med metall- i dette området. Men vi kan ikke utelukke å få det trykt utover i media, sa konferan- efaren i 1905 og be folket om tillit i en detektor uten at det har pepet. Men områ- noe, sier Ringstad. Han lover en grundig sier Nils-Erik Flatø da han inviterte likestill- folkeavstemning, mener SVs nestleder det skal undersøkes mer grundig, fastslår gjennomgang. ingsministeren på scenen. Bård Vegar Solhjell. Solhjell etterly- Ringstad som først fortalte om gullfunnet til Det er Fylkeskommunen som har an- Til tross for konferansierens forsøk på ser en ordentlig diskusjon om hvor- Romsdals Budstikke. svaret for undersøkelsene på funnstedet. forsoningsord fikk ikke Horne den varm- vidt Norge bør forbli et monarki eller Han forteller at gjenstandene som så Ringstad har også en løpende dialog med este velkomsten i det hun gikk på scenen. om vi skal ha republikk. Han synes langt er funnet kan være over 1500 år gamle. vitenskapsmuseet i Trondheim og med Rik- Demonstrantene buet høyt da Horne gikk på derfor en folkeavstemning ville være Den tynne gullplaten har han aldri sett maken santikvaren, som begge karakteriserer funnet talerstolen, og avbrøt talen med en rekke ut- naturlig. — Jeg synes det er en konge til. Gullmedaljongen er også sjelden vare — som oppsiktsvekkende. brudd underveis. verdig å be om støtte fra sitt folk, og kun tre eksemplarer er tidligere Tornes Kart- — Å holde tale når noen buer, er ikke blir det et flertall for monarkiet, har funnet i Møre og Romsdal, den siste for over English Synopsis: Gold objects, dating up to 1,500 det hyggeligste man kan gjøre, men det gikk han en trygghet i sin rolle som konge. 100 år siden. Totalt er det funnet omtrent 900 years, have been discovered in Møre og Romsdal. The bra, sier Horne til NRK. site is protected and being further investigated. Og så gir det oss andre en mulighet lignende medaljonger i Nord-Europa. Det var kun de 15 demonstrantene som til å stemme over hvilken statsform buet, mens resten av salen holdt seg rolig og Norge skal ha, sier Solhjell til TV 2. hørte på det Horne hadde å si. SV-politikerens ønske om republikk Det var ekstra stort politioppbud foran er ikke nytt. SV har programfestet at Dømt for å ha ødelagt kongeørnreir Litteraturhuset i Oslo fredag kveld under partiet skal “fremme og støtte grunn- En gårdbruker er lagmannsrett dømt til 21 dagers betinget åpningen av EuroPride 2014. lovsforslag som erstatter monarkiet — Vi har fått informasjon på forhånd med republikk.” SV har mange ganger fengsel og en bot på 18.000 kroner for å ha felt et tre som tilsier at det kan bli demonstrasjoner fremmet forslag om å oppheve monar- i forbindelse med at likestillingsminis- kiet i Stortinget. Så sent som i fjor var Aftenposten teren skal holde tale her, sier innsatsleder saken oppe. Flere SV-representanter Gunnhild Nilsen Finne til NRK. Både den 63 år gamle kvinnen og hennes fremmet forslaget sammen med en- — I dag er det rart å tenke på at homofili nabo er dømt for forsettlig å ha felt et furutre kelte Ap-representanter. Forslaget fikk med den følgen at et kongeørnreir på kvinnens har vært forbudt, sa likestillingsministeren bare 17 stemmer for falt. eiendom ble ødelagt. under sin åpningstale for EuroPride 2014. (Aftenposten) De to erkjente i retten å ha felt treet sam- Horne takket også LHH for sitt arbeid men i Evenesdalen i Saltdal kommune i okto- med å styrke de skeives rettigheter i sin Norge har nest høyest BNP i Europa ber 2012, men de erkjente ikke straffskyld for åpningstale for EuroPride 2014 fredag kveld. Norge har fortsatt den nest beste kjø- å ha skadd reiret. Begge ble frikjent for over- Hans Heen Sikkeland, leder i LHH Oslo pekraften i Europa, ifølge en ny over- tredelse av naturmangfoldloven i tingretten, og Akershus, mener det sender et viktig sig- sikt. Ifølge SSB er det bare Luxem- men påtalemyndigheten ved Økokrim anket nal til hele Europa at Horne står for åpningen bourg som har høyere prisnivåjustert dommen. av EuroPride 2014. BNP enn Norge, men dette henger Lagmannsretten mener tingretten har sammen med at arbeidstakerne fra det tolket naturmangfoldlovens paragraf 15 feil og English Synopsis: The Minister of Equality, Solveig Horne, was invited to give the first speech at the open- førstnevnte landet bor i nabolandene mener de to må straffes for å ha skadet reiret unødig. Straffen er imidlertid mildere enn ak- ing of EuroPride 2014, but was booed by demonstra- og derfor bidrar til verdiskapingen i tors who disapprove of the Progress Party. landet uten å være inkludert i innbyg- tors påstand om 21 dagers ubetinget fengsel. gertallet. BNP per innbygger brukes — Påtalemyndigheten ville ha henne i ofte som mål på den materielle vel- fengsel, og sånn sett er jo dette en mildere Foto: Michael Baranovsky / standen i et land. Oversikten fra Eu- straff. Likevel mener hun dommen er feilaktig, Wikimedia Commons og vi kommer til å anke saken til Høyesterett, rostat viser at det er store økonomiske Kongeørnen har mistet reiret sitt. Abonner sier 63-åringens forsvarer Torkel Johnsen til forskjeller mellom landene i Europa. NTB. Naboen dømmes til å betale en bot på på norsk Luxembourgs prisnivåjusterte BNP Det ødelagte reiret skal ha vært det en- 15.000 kroner for å ha hjulpet bonden med å var ni ganger høyere enn i Bosnia- este observerte kongeørnreiret plassert i et tre felle treet. amerikansk ukentlig! Hercegovina i 2013. På samme tid i Salten-området, heter det i dommen. I lag- hadde Norge en prisnivåjustert BNP mannsretten bekreftet de tiltalte at de var klar English Synopsis: A farmer is sentenced to 21 days Ring til (800) 305-0217 per innbygger 91 prosent over gjen- in prison and an 18,000 kroner fine for cutting down a over at det var et kongeørnreir i treet, og at dette pine tree and thereby destroying a golden eagle nest. Send e-post til nomsnittet i de 28 EU-landene. ville bli ødelagt om de felte det. Reiret har vært The farmer and neighbor admit to chopping the tree (VG) overvåket av Statens naturoppsyn siden 2008. but not damaging the nest. [email protected] Norwegian american weekly June 27, 2014 • 3 News Norway’s population: This week in brief State of the nation 6 million in 2031 Norway to double support for global education Education, health Statistics Norway predicts “Education is key to reducing poverty. care, and public that there will be 7 million The Norwegian Government therefore Norwegians by 2065 intends to double its development as- transportation top sistance to education in countries af- fected by extreme poverty, crisis, and priorities for Norway Statistics Norway / Aftenposten conflict” says Prime Minister Erna Solberg. “It is particularly important Norway Post / Aftenposten By 2031 Norway’s population will pass for us to ensure that more girls have six million, and in 2065 the population will access to education,” she says. Prime Minister Erna Solberg held an reach seven million, according to Statistics On June 13, the Government pre- annual press conference at her residence in Norway. Statistics Norway on Tuesday, June sented a white paper to the Storting Parkveien in Oslo on Wednesday, where she 17, presented new figures for their popula- on global education. The white paper summarized the past year and the state of the tion projections, from 2014 until 2100. sets out concrete proposals as to what nation. Norway’s population will continue to Norway can do to reach the more than The Parliament’s summer holiday is grow throughout the century, Statistics Nor- 10% of children worldwide who do close, and the Prime Minister took the op- way predicts. Compared to the figures that not have access to primary education. portunity to summarize the past six months were presented two years ago, the growth These are primarily children living in at a press conference at her residence on has been slightly adjusted. Experts then pre- extreme poverty or in conflict-affected Wednesday. dicted that Norway’s population would pass areas, and in particular those with dis- The past few months the government Photo: Christian Fredrik Wesenberg / six million in 2029. abilities or those who are subject to has battled with several sensitive issues, Wikimedia Commons Life expectancy is at a record high. The discrimination. including family doctors’ option to reserve Erna Solberg. average life expectancy for men will increase “Promoting equal rights to edu- themselves from having to refer a woman from 79.6 to 86.5 in 2060. For women it will cation for all children, boys and girls to have an abortion, as well as the Dalai necessarily be the one we have in 20 years.” increase from the current 83.5 to 89.1 years. alike, will be a priority in Norwegian Lama’s visit to Norway. However, Solberg The Prime Minister explained the im- “We assume that the differences in life ex- development policy. We will increase focused on the issues the government is portance of building the society from the pectancy for men and women will continue support for education and will seek currently working on, including education, bottom up. “We think the good solutions to decrease,” says researcher Astrid Syse in to make concerned countries, other health care, and public transportation. happen out there in the businesses. That is Statistics Norway (SSB). Whereas the differ- donors, international organizations, “I think we are well on our way towards also where our health care can be improved. ence is expected to be three years in 2060, it NGOs, and the private sector pull new ideas and better solutions,” Solberg Our job is to simplify so that we can bring will only be one year in 2100, she explains. together in a joint effort to improve said. We ran for the election because we this creativity forward,” she said. The share of elderly will therefore in- global education,” says Minister of think Norway is a wonderful country to live Solberg was challenged on the new na- crease dramatically. In 2060, every fifth in- Foreign Affairs Børge Brende. in, with a good economic development, but tional ban on begging, but explained this by habitant in Norway will be over 70 years old. Norwegian assistance to educa- we know that this is not a guarantee for the tion has fallen in recent years. Where- future. The society we have today will not See > nation, page 16 See > population, page 6 as last year only 7.2% of Norway’s aid budget was allocated to education, the percentage allocated in 2005 was 13.3%. The government is seeking to Nuclear non- Milestone as salmon reverse this trend and will double its funding for global education in the proliferation current period. genome fully sequenced (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) US and Norway sign Five years of international research cooperation Norway limits access to refugees Thirty-six Syrian refugees that the treaty to increase between Norway, Chile, and Canada pays off UN’s High Commissioner asked Nor- nuclear security way to receive have been denied en- trance for medical reasons. In the fu- ture even more refugees will be denied Norway Post / NRK entrance to Norway. Norway and the U.S. have signed a The Norwegian Directorate of framework agreement on cooperation in the Immigration (UDI) is in the process of areas of non-proliferation, counterterrorism, selecting 375 Syrian refugees who can and nuclear security. “This agreement will come to Norway. However, the munic- strengthen our partnership with the U.S. ipalities’ clear message is that Norway in the field of non-proliferation of nuclear cannot accommodate any more Syr- material,” says Minister of Foreign Affairs ians in need of extensive medical care. Børge Brende. Minister of Justice Anders An- The agreement is designed to make it undsen (Frp) has asked the UDI to take easier to identify, secure, and remove nucle- this into consideration. The result is ar material and to uncover smuggling of this that the directorate has to deny refuge kind of material across national borders. The to several Syrians who need compre- agreement was signed by Foreign Minister hensive medical care. “This issue is about selecting Børge Brende and U.S. Secretary of Energy Photo: Zureks / Wikimedia Commons those who can come to Norway. For Ernest Moniz in Washington on Monday, Farmed salmon may be a much healthier operation, once the genomic knowledge is applied. June 16. us it is important to prioritize the most vulnerable groups, but we are depen- “Norway and the U.S. have a long his- Research Council of Norway Bergseth, Special Adviser at the Research tory of cooperating on non-proliferation of Council of Norway. dent on the health care system and mu- nuclear material. The agreement we have The complete genetic code was made The new knowledge will be useful in nicipalities having the capacity to take now signed will in the first instance make it public at an international conference in Van- efforts to develop new vaccines, improve care of those who arrive,” Anundsen possible to assist Ukraine in securing its ra- couver on June 10. Fully sequencing the At- feeding, and understand more about what says. dioactive material,” said Minister of Foreign lantic salmon genome is a landmark achieve- happens when escaped farmed fish mix with (Norway Post / Aftenposten) Affairs Børge Brende. ment—and provides a wellspring of new op- their wild counterparts. Selective breeding of The first projects to be implemented portunities for scientists and the aquaculture salmon will be more targeted and efficient. under the new agreement will be to assist industry worldwide. In the longer term, the genomic knowl- Ukraine in securing radioactive material in “We now have the complete sequence of edge will help to streamline the aquaculture Subscribe the country and to strengthen border con- the Atlantic salmon genome, every letter and industry while providing consumers with trols in order to prevent smuggling. code. This is a powerful tool for understand- healthier farmed salmon, produced with as Call (800) 305-0217 ing the connection between the salmon’s Email [email protected] See > nukes, page 16 genetic codes and its biology,” says Steinar See > salmon, page 6 4 • June 27, 2014 norwegian american weekly Business Business News & Notes SAS loses SEK 1 billion in the 2nd quarter line’s intercontinental routes, including more Increasing innovation SAS is experiencing more financial difficul- direct flights from Oslo and Stockholm to ties, and had a loss of SEK 1 billion before North America and Asia. taxes in the second quarter. Now the airline (Norway Post / NRK) in the public sector will have to cut another 300 positions. The total loss before taxes is SEK 1.078 billion Aker Solutions wins BP framework contract in the second quarter. It was expected that Norwegian engineering firm Aker Solutions The public sector is subject to different the company would have a deficit of around has secured a framework agreement to pro- SEK 843 million, but the final results turned vide engineering, modifications, and mainte- pressures than the private sector, but is out to be even worse, TT, a Swedish news nance services for BP-operated oil and gas crucial to an economically sound nation service, reports. fields offshore Norway. CEO Rickard Gustafson says that they The contract has a period of up to two are very disappointed with the result, which years valued at maximum NOK 1.8 billion, is worse than expected. Although the air- with options to extend the work by as many line experienced a record-high cabin factor as four years. The agreement starts on June in April, and the number of passengers in- 1, 2014, following the expiration of an exist- creased by more than 300,000 per quarter, ing framework contract for similar services. the airline is still struggling. “I’m very pleased that BP has chosen to Measures to increase revenue and re- continue working with us on the Norwegian duce expenses are already underway, and are continental shelf,” says Per Harald Kongelf, expected to have an effect of SEK 1 billion. regional president for Aker Solutions in Nor- “The development in the market shows that it way. “This is a testament to the quality of our is absolutely necessary that SAS reacts even deliveries and the strength of our partnership more aggressively,” Gustafson says. These with BP in Norway.” measures include cutting approximately 300 The agreement is for work on the fields full-time jobs in the support, administrative, Ula, Tambar, Hod, Skarv, and Valhall. The and management departments, mainly in scope includes studies, maintenance and Scandinavia. The efficiency of their ground modification project work as well as prepa- services will also be increased, and the base ration work for decommissioning offshore structure for flight crew in Norway will be Norway. Aker Solutions has worked with BP optimized. The company will also invest in Norway for more than twenty years and SEK 500 million in a new digital platform signed the first long-term framework agree- that will increase the level of service. ment contract of this type with BP in 1999. Photo: NordicInnovation.org SAS is also planning to expand the air- (Aker Solutions) More than 100 top-level actors within the Nordic health and welfare sector gathered at High Court in sunny Malmö to discuss how the Nordic region can become world leading within innovative welfare Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance solutions, at the Innovative Nordic Health and Welfare Solutions Arena 2 in May. (June 23, 2014) Winners Losers Norsk Kr. 6.1131 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Rasmus Falck A Nordic project on measuring public ContextVision 17.18 18.67% Norwegian Energy Co. 0.14 -12.50% Oslo, Norway innovation has shown that 80-90 percent Dansk Kr. 5.4804 Frontline 18.80 14.63% Navamedic 11.90 -6.67% of public sector organizations have intro- Svensk Kr. 6.6954 Repant 1.74 9.43% Nickel Mountain Group 2.02 -6.05% InterOil 1.29 8.40% Tide 12.25 -5.77% The public sector plays a key economic duced an innovation. Product or process in- Canadian $ 1.0729 Northland Resources 1.62 8.00% Apptix 3.31 -5.43% role as regulator, service provider, and em- novations are more common in Denmark, Euro 0.7351 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. ployer. An efficient and productive public Finland, Norway, and Sweden, whereas in sector can be a strong driver of economic Iceland organizational and communication growth through its support of the private innovations are observed more. The re- sector. In Norway, more people are ac- sults also confirm previous studies’ findings knowledging the importance of public sec- showing that the role of management is the NAW is hiring! tor innovation. Innovation is seen as a means most important driver of public sector inno- We have an opening for a part-time Ad & Subscription to address growing budgetary pressures or vation and that a lack of funding is the most Manager. If you love NAW and live in Seattle, apply today! service delivery and new social demands, significant barrier to innovation. through different and more effective service The public sector is by far the largest Up to 20 hours per week in our Seattle office. $20/hour plus commission. design. Today public sector innovation re- buyer and consumer of health care products Must have excellent written and oral communications skills, and be organized, mains a challenge but also a solution. and services in the Nordic region. This cre- self-directed, and motivated. Norwegian heritage and language skills a plus. The public sector has developed differ- ates a major opportunity for demanding new Send resume and cover letter to [email protected]. ently from the private sector, where efficien- and innovative products and services for the cy and innovation have always been critical private sector. But public organizations are for success. The public sector innovates, but not conscious enough of the potential in us- it faces a number of challenges. The involve- ing procurement and innovation. Therefore ment of managers and employees makes it Nordic Innovation has launched a program The Scandinavian Hour more likely that a public administration de- to make a change: to create better public velops process innovations. The presence health services through competence-build- Celebrating over 50 years on the air! of internal barriers to innovation like lack ing and collaboration, and to develop the of management support, staff resistance, or supplier industry through closer contact with KKNW – 1150 AM risk-averse culture has a negative effect on the public buyers. Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST innovation and public effectiveness in gen- By contributing to the development of eral. Public procurement is not only a drive better public health services as well as im- Streaming live on the internet at: of business performance by demanding in- proving the supplier industry through closer www.1150kknw.com novative solutions, but procurement of inno- contact with public buyers, the goal is to vations can also contribute to an increased make the Nordic region a global frontrunner efficiency of the public sector. in the field of innovation procurement in the According to some, the reward systems health sector. Business and individual for innovation are too weak in the public sec- tor. Greater value creation is a crucial driver Rasmus Falck is a strong tax returns; audits; forensic in trade and industry, but it is not relevant accounting; financial innovation and entrepre- in the public sector. Today there is no pay- neurship advocate. The statement preparation; back for improving efficiency. This creates author of “What do the a culture that is different from that of trade Certified Public Accountants litigation support. best do better” and “The and industry. The fear of making a mistake board of directors as a is so great that mechanisms to reduce risk 221 First Avenue West Suite 400 Lower Queen Anne location, easy parking. resource in SME,” he re- Seattle, Washington 98119 are needed. Too much control and reporting ceived his masters degree and unsuccessful systems of management by from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He Phone: 206.292.1747 • Online: loecpa.com • Email: [email protected] objectives may also prevent value creation. currently lives in Oslo, Norway. norwegian american weekly June 27, 2014 • 5 < justice From page 3 sports Diskerud “mixing” things up in Brazil An interview with Rosenborg’s Mix Diskerud, who is playing for the US in the World Cup

NRK a billion people watching you play soccer? Translated by Molly Andrus “It’s just fun. It’s not disappointing. Well, the Norwegian in myself is maybe a little nervous. The American is wildly ex- Mikkel Morgenstar Pålssønn Diskerud cited. It just gives me more energy that it’s is a World Cup-debutant. But not for Nor- so big,” says Diskerud. way. NRK: Do you think the Norwegian Why the U.S., you ask? Diskerud has an players envy your opportunity to play in the American mother and has lived half of his World Cup? life in Phoeniz, Arizona, where large parts “I hope and believe they are happy for of his family—both the Norwegian and the me more than they envy me. But you would American sides—live. have to ask them about that. I’m going to Only his Norwegian father has stayed in give tickets away to some of my friends on Norway. Even his Norwegian grandparents Rosenborg, and I hope they come to Brazil have settled in the U.S. “I am almost more and cheer for me,” says “Mix”—a nickname American than Norwegian. I feel just as Mikkel Diskerud has carried with him since much belonging to the U.S. as to Norway,” his childhood. says Diskerud to NRK.no. The nickname is almost comically fit- With shared citizenship, the Oslo boy ting for a boy with heritage to two different was able to choose which national team he countries. wanted to play for. In the teenage years, as a NRK: Do you feel like you have one leg promising junior player, he played youth na- in each country? tional games for both Norway and the U.S. “I want to say that both legs are in Nor- He emphasizes that he never himself way, but in my head, I am mostly American. chose to play for the U.S. ahead of Norway. It is a good mix,” says Diskerud, and flashes Photo: Jarle Vines / Wikimedia Commons It was the U.S. that chose him. a big American grin. Mikkel Diskerud at Sandnes stadion in August 2013. “It was Bob Bradley (Stabæk coach) That he would actually be World-Cup that wanted to use me on the U.S. nation- ready, however, was not a certainty. eral of the best countries already wait in the the difference between the teams in World al team. The decision was then official. I On the midfield for Rosenborg there are coming group matches, when the U.S. team Cup soccer is as big as in the Norwegian hopped on the first national team that wanted few spots, and Diskerud got little playing will compete against Portugal and Germany. Cup, but nevertheless our mentality is that to have me,” explained Diskerud. time in the season’s first games. NRK: What do you think about the anything can happen,” says Diskerud. NRK: Have you ever regretted your de- In the middle of May, he nevertheless tough group you guys have landed in? NRK: How do you think the excitement cision? was considered good enough to be chosen “Portugal has possibly the world’s best in your body will be right before the kickoff “I’m in the World Cup now,” says the for the U.S. World Cup team. He has since player in Cristiano Ronaldo. Also, you have of your first World Cup match? 23-year-old and smiles. The answer is no. “delivered the goods” from the American Germany, which is a machine, and Ghana, “I think the excitement is not that dif- On November 17, 2010, He played his training camp into the championship. which is maybe the best team in Africa. But ferent from the games I play at home in first senior national game for the U.S. against In the championship, he has memorized we are not intimidated. The U.S.’s mentality Norway. Whether you meet Orkla in the first South Africa. In the debut game, he deliv- the words to the American national anthem, is that we can beat anybody. We must have round of the cup or play the World Cup, there ered the assist to the game’s only goal. There “Star Spangled Banner.” that ‘attitude’ when we are going into such a will always be excitement there. I almost have been 20 new national games since. NRK: Can you describe the feeling of tough group. The goal is to move forward,” want to say that it is worse to play a soccer In May, he was chosen to play World singing the American national song before says Diskerud. cup against a smaller team than to meet the Cup soccer for the U.S. by the current na- the start of the game? NRK: How far do the Americans think it world’s best team with the U.S. It is difficult tional team manager, Jürgen Klinsmann. Mix Diskerud: It is very special. In the is possible to go in the World Cup? to be the favorite. When one is expected to While the Norwegian national team fol- U.S., we stand facing the flag with one hand MD: It lies in the U.S.’s DNA that one win, it is a little dangerous. Something that lows World Cup soccer from the couch after on our heart, and everybody must sing. You can go the whole way. We can beat anybody. one learns as a soccer player is finding the unsuccessful World Cup qualifiers, the half- get a great feeling inside—it is very great. It is what both myself and my teammates right excitement level before the start. That’s Norwegian Diskerud will play in the World NRK: Do you ever think of Norway think. It is this reason that I love this sport. what I will try to do,” says Diskerud. Cup in front of potentially a billion specta- while you sing about the U.S.? Each game lives its own life. NRK: What is the first thing you think tors over the entire world. “I think of everything—Norway is a NRK: You say the Americans believe of when I say World Cup soccer? “It is cool. It is extremely fun, actual- part of everything with me,” says Diskerud. they can win the entire competition, but do “It is joy. It’s a boy’s dream. It is some- ly. Even through I’m playing for the U.S., But even though he lives in Norway, you really believe that yourself? thing one is excited to see growing up, and I hope Norway and Norwegians follow our speaks Norwegian, and plays in the Norwe- “Yes, I actually do. Bigger things have as a soccer player, it is where one wants to games. It would be fun if Norwegians had gian Tippeligaen, his mentality is complete- happened before. It happens when the third- participate. I am unbelievably proud to have cheered for us a little also,” he says. ly American. Mikkel Diskerud believes the division team wins against the Tippeligaen the chance. I hope to play as much as pos- NRK: What do you think about up to U.S. can be a match for even the best. Sev- opposition in Norway. I’m not saying that sible,” says “Mix.” Sports News & Notes Karjakin wins Norway Chess opportunity to get a win against Levon Aro- Sergey Karjakin won the No Logo nian, but the game ended in a draw after 41 Norway Chess tournament, after winning moves. Anish Giri and Peter Svidler were against Fabiano Caruna in the last round. the first players to finish the final round, as Norway’s Magnus Carlsen came second. It they agreed to a draw on move 20. means the defending champion wins anoth- (Norway Post / NRK) er No Logo Norway Chess, as none of the other nine players were able to match Karja- Football: Norway beats Greece 6-0 kin’s six points. Norway’s women took another step to- Magnus Carlsen ended the tournament wards the Women’s Football World Cup second after beating his compatriot Simen finals, when they defeated Greece 6-0 on Agdestein in the final round. Alexander Saturday. After the win, Norway tops the Grischuk scored a full point in the final table in Group 5. Norway has seven wins in round, beating Vladimir Kramnik with the seven qualifiers, and is two points ahead of black pieces. the Netherlands who has played one more The final two games of the round both match. ended in a draw. Veselin Topalov had a nice (NRK / Aftenposten) 6 • June 27, 2014 norwegian american weekly opinion < population An opinion column about current issues in From page 3 Norway and the United States The number of immigrants will increase from just above 630,000 today, to around 1.5 Join the conversation! million in 2060. From there it will remain On the EDGE quite stable. However, an increasing share Are you listening? of the population will have been in Norway for a long period of time. In 20 years most immigrants in Norway will have lived in the country for 16 years or more. The population will grow in all counties, SSB predicts. However, the largest popula- tion growth will be around Oslo, and in the southern and western part of Norway. The municipalities that are located close to the larger cities, including Stavanger, Bergen, Trondheim, and Oslo, will have the largest increase in population. The SSB also emphasizes that there is great uncertainty associated with how the population, both in terms of growth and composition, will develop in the next de- cades. There is uncertainty associated with immigration, but also when it comes to areas such as fertility, people moving within Nor- way, emigration, and mortality, which could quickly change from what the experts have predicted. Photo: John Bolinger / Indiana Oh Indiana David Moe < salmon Sun City, Calif. ing judgmental. Everyone has their own or nationality, is equipped with viewing From page 3 agenda, so they end up hearing only what and hearing devices that somehow permit With our modern means of commu- fits into their agenda. They become a “case them to see or hear things that we have little environmental impact as possible. nication, email, texting, etc., I wonder if is closed” listener. Also, some people tend to never seen nor heard.” Petter Arnesen, Breeding Director at anyone is listening. I saw a joke that said, talk in generalities, without being specific. Maybe communication is so compli- the fish farming company Marine Harvest, “I went downstairs and met my family, Oliver Wendell Holmes, former Justice of cated that we resort to one-way texting, agrees that June 10 is a milestone for any- they are really nice people.” Have we re- the Supreme Court, once said, “No general- so we don’t have to listen. The means one involved in aquaculture. “The sequence ally become this disconnected? ization is worth a damn, including this one.” of communication have changed dra- will make it possible to develop new, more Dr. Albert Schweitzer was once The following is taken from “Elements matically in the last fifty years, but in my effective selective breeding tools that will asked at a news conference in London, of Psychology” by David Krech and Richard opinion, two-way communication has de- make us even better at choosing parent fish “Doctor, what is basically wrong with S. Crutchfield: “Our worlds are … to a con- clined. Young people may not agree, but I with desired traits for the next generation of people today?” He replied, “People sim- siderable degree, one world, and this makes would welcome your opinion. salmon,” says Arnesen. ply do not listen.” Watching panel discus- human communication possible. Were we Let’s start a conversation. Arnesen emphasizes that selective sions on T.V., they are all so busy getting not to believe that another person’s world is David Moe was born in breeding practices in no way involve gene in their “talking points,” everyone is talk- basically similar to our own, we would not Minnesota and gradu- modification, but rather are a means to find- ing and no one is listening; is that com- feel that we could communicate with them. ated from the Univer- ing the right individuals to select as parent munication? To me, communication is We live in Hotel Universe, each of us perma- sity of Minnesota, Mor- fish—individuals that naturally have desired listening and then responding; it is a two- nently locked in their own private room, tap- ris in 1964 and received traits that producers want to pass on to com- way process and not one way. ping out messages on walls to neighboring his M.A. degree from ing generations of production salmon. There is a difference between hear- rooms in the belief that though we can never San Francisco State “We are seeking to produce fish that are ing and listening. Hearing is merely a visit the other rooms, they are furnished University in 1975. He as healthy as possible,” continues Arnesen, physical experience, impossible to avoid. much like our own … yet, to extend the met- spent four years in the Navy and 32 years in “and among other traits that entails better Listening is a complicated process of aphor, we come to realize that the rooms of the insurance business. He is married to his disease resistance. Salmon lice are currently absorbing, processing, and acting upon the deaf are silent, the rooms of the blind are wife, Thordis, and they have two daughters our biggest challenge, along with other para- what we hear, it involves empathy, com- dark, and those occupied by a neighbor, who and four grandchildren. They now live in sites and viruses.” passion, and understanding, without be- belongs to the ‘other’ political party, church, Sun City, California. Using the salmon genome as a tool, The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an salmon producers hope to raise fish that grow endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. faster, which means less time spent at sea. Enjoy Norway all year long.

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@na- Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly weekly.com • Website: www.na-weekly.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $70 domestic; USD $94 to Canada; USD $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries. norwegian american weekly June 27, 2014 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Norwegian American Foundation Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Copy Editor gust 15. We’ll miss you! Summer break Harry Svenkerud [email protected] We hope you enjoy your summer break A man stumbles up to the only other Dear Readers, as much as we are planning to. Be sure to tell patron in a bar and asks if he could buy Advertising Drew Gardner [email protected] Just a reminder that there are two issues us all about it when we come back. him a drink. left before our summer break. “Vy sure,” comes the reply. Subscriptions Our last issue before break will hit your Sincerely, The first man asks: “Ver ya from?” John Erik Stacy [email protected] mailbox on July 11, and we’ll be back on Au- Editor “Norvay,” replies the second man. Intern / Nyheter fra Norge The first man responds, “Ya don’t Molly Andrus [email protected] say, I’m from Norvay too! Let’s have Contributors Community Connections anudder round to Norvay.” Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Curious, the first man then asks: Lina Aas-Helseth Gran Canaria, Canary Islands Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. “Vere in Norvay are ya from?” Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. Happy 56th Anniversary to “Bergen,” comes the reply. Carla Danziger McLean, Va. Daughters of Norway Members Various “I can’t believe it,” says the first Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. ELFRIEDE and EDWIN REIERSEN man. “I’m from Bergen too! Let’s have Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway anudder drink to old Bergen.” Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. (Mom & Dad) Curiosity again strikes and the first Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. man asks: “So, vere did you live?” Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. “On a boat, at da fishin docks,” re- Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway plies the second man. Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. “Dis is unbelievable!,” the first Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. man says. “I lived on a boat at da fishin Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. docks, too!” Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Whitney Love Stavanger, Norway About that time in comes one of the Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. regulars and sits down at the bar. Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. “What’s up?” he asks the bartender. Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. “Nothing much,” replies the bar- Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. David Moe Sun City, Calif. tender. “Ole and his brother Sven are Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. getting drunk again.” Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash.

Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our With love, Judy, Joel, Courtney, and Brandon Ole and Lena publication of those views is not an endorsement America’s favorite Norwegians! of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly except the first week of the calendar year, the last Hey, why don’t your norway.com emails work!? two weeks of July, and the first two weeks ofA ugust by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please That’s sort of a long story. We send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription didn’t choose to change away Cost: US $70 Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US from norway.com at this time, $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries. SINCE MAY 17, 1889: but we’re also not going back. Formerly Norway Times Please email us using our new Western Viking & Washington Posten @na-weekly.com addresses, Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota and visit our shiny new web Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven

page at www.na-weekly.com NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC.

Han Ola og Han Per with new translations by John Erik Stacy

What is it you’re I’m putting an elevator working on, Lars? on my office. It is just about ready now. 8 • June 27, 2014 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway What’s for dinner? Baked Halibut Summer’s flavor in a bowl

Thordis Moe < strawberries From page 1 Sun City, Calif. experiences of summer, as I suspect it may • halibut, cut in serving-size for you as well. pieces I need to provide you no recipe today, • melted butter only to encourage you to take a few vivid • bread crumbs, crushed saltine red berries from your next market trip, slice crackers, or mixture of both them roughly, and plop them into the bot- • salt (to taste) tom of a white porcelain or ceramic bowl. • sugar (to taste) Scoop a teaspoon into a canister of sugar • parsley and shake it over the berries ever so gently, watching the granules begin to dissolve as Drain fish a couple of hours be- they come in contact with the berries’ moist fore preparing. Cut fish into serving surface. With the care of an artist, gently tilt sizes. the carton of cream over the bowl and pour Dip fish in melted butter and then the opaque liquid over the berries, forgetting in bread crumbs or saltines. Place fish about restraint and calories and fat just this in greased pan and sprinkle with salt once. Allow the cream to pool around the and sugar. berries, caressing them with its satin touch. Bake 450 degrees F, 12-15 min- Scoop up one of those sugar-coated creamy utes, depending on the size of the fish. berries with that teaspoon, slide it into your Serve with melted butter and mouth, and you’ll see exactly what I mean. parsley. Great with steamed potatoes.

Daytona Strong is a Se- attle-based food writer and recipe developer. She writes about her family’s Scandinavian heritage through the lens of food at www.outside-oslo.com. This recipe was origi- nally published there and is reprinted with Photo: Daytona Strong permission. Strawberries and cream: a simple food holding a host of memories.

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28145NAA N7-14 norwegian american weekly June 27, 2014 • 9 travel Explore Southeast Alaska with a cruise Part two: the highlights of Alaska’s ports of call

< fjords From page 1 locales like Seward or Whittier, with trans- port provided to Anchorage by road. But by far, the three most common ports of call are Ketchikan, Juneau, and Skagway. All are colorful communities, reflecting their storied pasts, as well as the character of the coastal waterways, mountains, and temper- ate rainforests that surround them. However, one of the first things you’ll encounter in each of them is a glut of shops to greet disembarking tourists. The most unique offerings tend to be art and handi- crafts reflecting indigenous cultures, pri- marily the Tlingit and Haida people, such as formline imagery (commonly associated with totem pole designs), bentwood items, and woven baskets. You will also find an Photos: Darin Lietz endless variety of ulu blades, an iconic tool, Above: The aptly named Creek Street in Ketchikan albeit one traditionally tied to cultures found was once the town’s Red Light District. elsewhere in Alaska. Left: 4x4s on the Klondike Highway, caravanning The other head-turning items are the from Skagway to the Yukon through the Coastal jewelry, scrimshaw, and carvings made from Mountains. Excursions like this are a great oppor- walrus tusk, or—believe it or not—woolly tunity to see more of the terrain. mammoth ivory. A lot of these bones had been well preserved by permafrost, and are now being found in shifting riverbeds and eroding coastlines. Generally, mammoth ivory resembles petrified wood, with brown- ish or bluish graining it acquired from the soil where it was buried. And, since mam- moth ivory comes from an extinct source est collection of standing totem poles. Most and on to the brewery for a very worthwhile ing it through a blizzard with a pick-axe (hence, clearly not an animal being hunted of those seen in local parks and throughout tour and tasting. and eighty pounds of supplies on your back for its ivory), it is exempt from international town are replicas, but the Totem Heritage Farthest north is Skagway, the famous would have been. restrictions, so you needn’t fret about taking Center has amassed a collection of authentic gateway to the Klondike Gold Rush of the As a matter of fact, that image of the it home or abroad. indigenous poles rescued from various sites 1890s. All of the buildings are either authen- prospector pretty much sums up how difficult Of the three towns, Ketchikan is the around the region. tic leftovers from the boomtown days, or it can still be to see much of this region. At- southernmost and arguably the prettiest. The next town north is Juneau, the made up to look like it. One of the worthiest tempting to experience everything provided One of the town’s highlights is the historic capital of Alaska. On a clear day, you can destinations is Corrington’s Alaskan Ivory on even the most basic Alaska cruise by any and aptly named Creek Street, composed get a commanding view of the area by tak- & Museum, which sells carvings and scrim- other means could end up costing you sever- of buildings and boardwalks built over the ing one of the world’s steepest aerial trams shaw, and features an amazing free museum al times as much. Juneau and Ketchikan are water on wooden pilings, straddling either to the top of Mount Roberts, where there’s with artifacts from the pre-historic era, along only accessible by boat or air, and the drive to side of Ketchikan Creek. Once the town’s a nature center, a raptor center that cares for with every chapter in Alaskan history since. Skagway might take you a couple days from Red Light District, it is now a quaint haven injured eagles, trails, and various amenities. Visitors are practically obliged to grab a even the nearest part of the Lower 48, not to of handicraft stores, curio shops, and restau- The Mendenhall Glacier is perhaps the most drink and tour the bordello in the famous mention the expense of chartering travel to rants, as well as Dolly’s House Museum, a popular nearby destination, which you can Red Onion Saloon, but if you want some tru- the fjords and glaciers. And, not only does former bordello that pays tribute to the area’s experience to various degrees, from simply ly satisfying food and drink, save most of the your ship fare include your transport and ac- colorful history of bawdy houses and boot- checking out the view at the visitor center, room in your belly for the Skagway Brewing commodation, but will likely have its share leggers. all the way to chartering a helicopter and Company, up the road. of activities, shows, pools, meals, and relax- Ketchikan is known as “The Salmon dogsled tour. In Juneau’s small downtown A popular excursion is taking a train ation zones included in the cost. It really is a Capital of the World,” but could probably area, the renowned Alaskan Brewing Com- (or driving) through some of the old Gold remarkable value, and a fantastic way to get lay an even stronger claim to being the To- pany has a shop where you can catch one of Rush routes into the Yukon, which is surely your fjord fix, while taking a 101 course in tem Pole Capital, as it has the world’s larg- their shuttles for a brief drive around town, a much more pleasant experience than hoof- the world of southeast Alaska.

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Special Release graduate of Stadium High School and a 1973 Greater Tacoma Peace Prize graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. In a ca- reer of over 35 years, he rose to the rank of The 2014 Greater Tacoma Peace Prize Admiral, was the first Navy SEAL promoted is awarded to the Lucien/Olson family of Ta- to the four-star rank, and ultimately served coma. Nominated by William Lincoln, Norm as the leader of the United States Special Dicks, and Clare Petrich, Dawn Olson Luc- Operations Command. Twice decorated for ien and her son Eric Olson have served our personal valor in combat, Admiral Olson ad- local community and our nation for over for- vocates for the “deeper understanding of the ty years, seeking in their respective careers context of any conflict as a means to predict community and international peace. the effects of our actions” and he has been Dawn Lucien has merged the spirit and widely quoted for his statement that “we can- skills of advocate and conciliator—always not kill our way to victory in today’s wars, so civil, transparent, influential, and effective. we must think our way to success.” Retired In many ways she has been the conscience in 2011, Admiral Olson remains a thought- of the community. As district manager for ful leader for a more balanced military force, Congressman Norm Dicks, she played a key one that considers linguistic and cultural role in the 1990 Puyallup Indian Land and expertise as essential. He currently teaches Photo courtesy of GTPP Jurisdictional Claims settlement. In the mid- a graduate course at Columbia University war zone during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Laureates Dawn Lucien and Eric Olsen pose 1980s, she was instrumental in bringing to- focusing on the challenges of “turning down The first prize was awarded in May 2005, in with the GTPP board. gether the federal government, the Puyallup the heat” in a time of global friction. honor of the 100th anniversary of Norway’s Tribe, the Port of Tacoma, the City of Taco- Together, Dawn Lucien and Eric Olson independence. ma, and numerous local municipalities and have been formidable advocates for nonvio- In Norway, partners of the GTPP include Norwenglish Crossword private partners. In retirement Dawn main- lent solutions to conflicts. They will be hon- the Norwegian Nobel Institute, Norwegians tains strong relationships with all parties and ored at the 10th Annual Peace Prize dinner Worldwide, the Nansen Center for Peace and is an informal adviser. She remains an advo- on September 27, 2014, at Pacific Lutheran Dialog, Bjorknes College, the Oslo Center Solution to last week’s puzzle: cate for the Pierce County Center for Dispute Univeristy’s Scandinavian Cultural Center. for Peace and Human Rights, and the Peace Resolution; she has been a tireless contribu- Inspired by the Nobel Peace Prize, Research Institute of Oslo. tor to community-based efforts to develop a Thomas Heavey, Sr. (U.S. Coast Guard Re- Each year, the GTPP presents to the graduate degree program in dispute preven- serve, Retired) founded the Greater Tacoma laureate(s) a trip for two to Oslo, Norway, tion, management, and resolution at the Uni- Peace Prize in 2004. He developed the con- to participate in “The Nobel Days,” events versity of Washington–Tacoma. cept for a local peace prize, sponsored by surrounding the awarding of the Nobel Peace Eric Olson, Dawn’s son, is a 1969 Norwegian Americans, while serving in the Prize. The laureate also receives recognition on the GTPP perpetual plaque, a medal- lion, a Certificate of Commendation, and a Norwegian 101 unique glass artwork created especially for the GTPP by Tacoma’s Hilltop Artists. Language practice with Heidi Håvan Grosch Exams (eksamener)

April showers bring May flowers, but many students (mange stu- denter) are too busy (har det for travelt) buried with noses in books Wenche Anderson Concord CA (med neser i bøker) to notice (å legge merke til). May (mai) and June (juni) are exam time (eksamen tid) for 10th graders, students in their 1. juli last year of high school (siste år på videregående skole), and those at Hans Staveland Denver CO university (på universitetet). Peter S. Endahl Spokane WA The odd thing (den merkelige ting) about the Norwegian system 2. juli (om det norske systemet) is that for 10th graders and high school seniors Andreas Anderson Choteau MT you are not tested on all your subjects (ikke testet på alle dine fag). Two 27. juni Hjalmar M. Kampen subjects are selected for you (er valgt for deg) by the powers that be (de G. N. Karlstad Sacramento CA Winnipeg Man. Canada som har makt), and you are only tested (bare testet) on those two (på Eunice Bellerud Auburn WA Erling Lee Palmdale CA de to). Alvin Blindheim Seattle WA Olav Riddervold San Leandro CA Steven Blindheim Seattle WA Ingvald Grimsbo Lake Mills IA University exams can be in person (personlig) or an essay or pa- Neil Blindheim Seattle WA DeLora Olivers Kent WA per to be written at home (hjemmeeksamen). In-person exams are often Clara Odegaard Kirkland WA Meridith Wardle Minneapolis MN hand written (håndskrevet), in triplicate (i tre eksemplarer), under very Dean Felthous Seattle WA Liv Thorvaldsen Edmonds WA strict supervision (under svært strenge tilsyn); if you need to go to the Borgny Simonis Sidney MT Johanne Velde Boca Raton FL toilet you must (du må) have a chaperon. You are required (pålagt) to Else Bentsen Seattle WA Tristan Pearce Freiler Kensington MD sit for the first hour(i den første timen) of the exam (av eksamen), even Sheryl Hove St. Paul MN 3. juli if (selv om) you are finished (du er ferdig). Take-home exams (hjem- 28. juni Mrs. Arthur Kildahl Mercer Island WA meeksamener) are to be delivered (skal leveres) by a specific time(av en Frosty Jenstad Minneapolis MN Howard T. Wogen Redlands CA bestemt tid) on a specific date(på bestemt dato), but if you live far from Joan L. Rynning Seattle WA Teresa Tengesdal Bartlett IL (men hvis du bor langt fra) the university you can send in your exam by Kristian M. Seljaas Lindon UT Haakon Leiren Marysville WA mail (i posten) with a date and time stamp. Tonny Larsen Staten Island NY Kjell Jordheim Columbia MO Kathy Kerr Wiersma Fairport NY Amy Jordheim Parker CO Another interesting tidbit (en annen interessant godbit). All (alle) Ruth Atcheson Noank CT Joann Thompsen Tacoma WA high school seniors are RUSS from May 1–17. That means they dress up Christine Foster Meloni Peter Alvik Kongevold (kler seg opp) in pre-determined clothes (forhåndbestemte klær), most Washington DC Huntington Station NY often overalls in red (rødt), black (svart) or green (grønt) depending Mark Injerd Washington MI on (avhengig av) their line of study (studieretning). They party (feste), 29. juni Virginia Greenlee Marysville WA stay out late (være ute sent), and get into all sorts of mischief (alle slags Earl S. Hanson Poulsbo WA Mrs. Tokle Mo i Rana Norway ugagn), earning small tokens (små symboler) to hang (for å henge) on Greta Aberg Ripon WI Want to see your birthday in the their Russ caps for each thing they do (hver ting de gjør). On the 17th Norwegian American Weekly? of May they march (marsjerer) in the parade and then exams start. This 30. juni year (dette året) the parade was on Saturday (på lørdag) and many had Ole P. Forsgren Bodø Norway Email [email protected] or call (800) 305-0217. exams on Monday (mandag). Very practical (veldig praktisk) … and to Sigvart Oswald Clear Lake IA Birthdays must be submitted one month in advance. Emma Solberg Coeur d’Alene ID NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed those students I say, good luck! (lykke til!) Thom Hansen Stabekk Norway away? Please notify us! norwegian american weekly June 27, 2014 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] Thomas Helgestad April 1, 1954 – June 18, 2014 Gross National Happiness Thomas Helgestad, age 60, died at which he helped develop and implemented Our local PBS television station re- ing in Japan. People have a renewed in- home in Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., surround- the state-wide custodial-maintenance con- cently featured a study that measured the terest in family, religion, and community. ed by family on Wednesday, June 18, 2014. ferences and worked to create the WASBO level of happiness in various counties They are putting less emphasis upon their He fought the good fight for almost seven Director Certification Program. around the world. The country with the Gross National Product and more empha- years against cancer. Tom served as Vice President of the lowest score among industrialized coun- sis upon their Gross National Happiness. Tom was born April 1, 1954, in Edger- Wisconsin School Safety Coordinators As- tries was Japan. The country with the Whenever the study looked at what ton, Wis., the son of Perry and Marcia Hel- sociation (WSSCA) and was currently its highest degree of happiness among their made people happy in this world, they dis- gestad. He has a brother Scott Helgestad. 2014 president. Also in connection with population was Denmark. They did not covered the importance of relationships. He married Frances Dvornik; that marriage WSSCA, he and several others began a mention Norway or Sweden, but I suspect They learned that people find happiness ended in divorce. He then met and married school security assessment committee that they were not far behind. The study dis- chiefly as they connect and relate to other Marilyn Roman from Stevens Point, Wis. traveled state wide to study school districts’ covered that wealth, fame, and status had people. Like so many other countries, we Tom has two sons, T. Michael Helgestad crisis and safety plans. less to do with people’s happiness than re- here in America have often focused more (Sara) and Erik Helgestad (Brittny). Tom was an avid sportsman, hunter, and lationships. Things such as marriage, fam- upon wealth and status than upon building Tom began his lifelong career at age 16 fisherman. He was a scuba diver and enjoyed ily, community, and giving of oneself were strong and supportive communities. Like working in the maintenance department of downhill skiing in his younger days. He of shown to be at the heart of real happiness the people of Japan, we too may want to Edgerton Hospital, nine of those 13 years course loved the Packers and the Badgers, for people. think more about what brings us joy and as the Maintenance Supervisor. Finding that often going to games, even the frozen tundra The study pointed out that the peo- happiness than what brings us wealth. he loved that kind of work, he eventually game with Brett Favre. ple of Japan worked very hard to rebuild When we do, I am sure we will discover moved on and up. Tom started at Wisconsin Tom was a man of truth, honesty, and their country and to establish their current that our chief source of joy in this life Rapids Public Schools in August of 1983 as principles. He loved Labradors, having economy after World War II. The strain of comes from our relationships. May God a maintenance supervisor. The next year he grown up with them. He especially loved our years of long hours of work and little time go with you as you seek to build the re- was assigned to manage the Grounds De- Lexi (a Black) and Nala (a Yellow) and he off have led to great wealth but at the price lationships that are the source of all real partment. In June of 1989 he was promoted learned to love kitties. He and Marilyn went of relationships. Today things are chang- happiness in this life. to the Director of Building & Grounds. out Christmas Eve as Santa and Mrs. Claus, Through the years at WRPS, Tom sometimes putting up to 150 miles on the served on many community projects. He sleigh that night. He also portrayed Father was instrumental in creating Lincoln High Christmas for the Love Lights Tree Lighting Community Connections School’s PAC and was project leader for the Ceremonies for many years. He enjoyed it as School district in its completion. He also much or more than the kids. Gratulerer med Dagen! worked hand in hand with the development Tom’s faith was a great comfort to him. of the South Wood County Hockey Facility He was very thankful for all the prayers ev- and the Soccer Committee at Washington eryone prayed and all the prayer chains he School. For WRPS he managed $45 million was included in. They helped him defeat the Happy birthday / dollar Referendum projects that included odds much longer than expected. He would construction, remodeling, roofing, building get his radiation and chemo treatments in the engagement / etc! upgrades, and the infamous hail storm dam- mornings and go back to work after them. age repair. He was never sick nor did he miss work due Because of Tom’s energy saving prac- to his cancer until it worsened or he had to Your name and tices, WRPS received two state Focus on go to UW Madison for treatments. Energy awards. He was very proud that in Tom and Marilyn felt he had the best special message his twenty-nine years at WRPS not a single treatments, the best oncologists, the best school day was missed due to a building not radiation-oncologists available through UW here! being ready for students and staff. Tom re- Cancer Center Riverview and UW Madison, tired in July 2012. Tom said his best day at along with all the support staff. He had the WRPS was the day he proposed to his wife best and he fought the best he knew how. For more information, call Marilyn at Grove School. Her first graders It didn’t hurt having Viking blood running were thrilled, as was she! through his Norwegian veins either... us at (800) 305-0217 or email Other community activities include past Along with his wife, sons, mother, and [email protected]. President of Tri City Curling and Chairman brother, he is also survived by his brother- of St. Stephen Church Finance Council. He in-law Fran T. Roman and wife Barbara, sis- has been on the council over 22 years. He ters-in-law Doris and Virginia Roman, many served two terms on the board of Direc- nieces and nephews, great nieces and neph- tors of the Wisconsin Association of School ews. His father Perry, grandparents, nephew MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE Business Officials (WASBO) as the Chair- Brett Helgestad, along with brothers-in-law man of the WASBO Facility Committee, in Dave and George Roman preceded him. attorneys and counselors at law

Arlene Grace (Aas) Kerbs Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, October 10, 1931 – May 13, 2014 commercial transactions and estate planning. Arlene Grace (Aas) Kerbs, beloved Arlene was a lifelong member of the mother of Sonja Farrell and Edward (Kristy) Lutheran Church. She was very proud of her 2501 NW 65th St, P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 Kerbs, passed away May 13, 2014, sur- Norwegian heritage and was the family lefse rounded by her children and grandchildren. maker. Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 The oldest of three children, she was In addition to her two children, Arlene born Oct. 10, 1931, in Cass County, Minn., is survived by her sister, Evelyn (Gilbert) to Ruth Hauge and Orville Aas. She grew up Clayton and family; brother, Orville (Sha- Subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly! in The Dalles, graduating from The Dalles ron) Aas and family; grandchildren, Alaina High School. Arlene worked as a secretary Farrell, Erin and Dayton Kerbs; and a large Call (800) 305-0217 or most of her life. She was a longtime resident extended family of nieces, nephews, and of Milwaukie and was living in Hillsboro at cousins. email [email protected] the time of her passing. 12 • June 27, 2014 norwegian american weekly in your neighborhood What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events california Many of the pieces in the exhibition are for sale NEW YORK traditional instrument that has eight or nine Camp Troll Fjell by silent auction. Visit vesterheim.org for more ALBUM in exhibition at White Columns strings. Members $10; general admission $12. July 13—26 information. now—July 26 Alta, Calif. New York, N.Y. Midsummer Lodge Picnic Children ages eight through 13 are invited to Decorah’s 48th Nordic Fest ALBUM is a magazine by the two Norwegian art- July 12 Camp Troll Fjell at Camp Norge. This is a great July 24—26 ists Eline Mugaas and Elise Storsveen. This sum- Everett, Wash. way for kids to learn about their heritage Decorah, Iowa mer you can explore their art project as part of an Enjoy the Lodge Picnic at the Lake Riley Mid- through language, crafts, and music. The theme for the 48th Annual Nordic Fest will exhibition at White Columns. Mugaas and Stors- summer Fest. Festivities start in the morning be May the Norsk be with You! Make plans to join veen have over several years produced the mag- with kids’ games and a bake sale. There will “The Vikings—The Real Warriors” us from July 24 to 26 for a Nordic Fest that will azine ALBUM, a publication created from found also be live and silent auctions, a country July 20, 1:30 p.m. be out of this world! Events begin with Thursday images from various sources such as Scandina- store, raffles, and a salmon dinner. Check nor- Oakland, Calif. night’s opening ceremonies at 6:45 p.m., fol- vian households, cookbooks, and fashion maga- mannaeverett.org for more details. The film “The Vikings—The Real Warriors” lowed by two full days of fun activities for the zines. Each with a different theme, all together will be shown at Bjornson Hall at 1:30 on whole family. Your whole family will enjoy deli- they bring up heavy subject matters like nature, Border Festival Picnic Sunday, July 20. RSVP by calling Gary Larsen cious food, traditional crafts, a colorful parade, the family, femininity, sexuality, the media, and July 14 at (510) 845-2910 or emailing bpd109r@ lively entertainment, sporting events, and our loneliness. For the White Columns installation, Blaine, Wash. comcast.net. Saturday night fireworks display. Visit www.nor- Mugaas and Storsveen will present several new Sons of Norway United States District Two and dicfest.com for more information. collages including a large-scale work made for British Columbia District Seven are invited to vitrine. the Border Festival Picnic at Peace Arch Park. colorado Horseshoes begin at 10:00 a.m. and the pot- Scandinavian Midsummer Festival Minnesota Love Norway X: Installations by Ian Ward Sámi Stories: Art and Identity of an Arctic People luck starts at 12:00 p.m. Bring a potluck dish, June 28—29 dishes, utensils, and beverage. The program Estes Park, Colo. Garlant now—August 23 now—October 19 New York, NY. begins at 1:00 p.m. and includes a flag salute Participate in the largest Scandinavian festi- and national anthems, raffle drawings, Queen val in the Rocky Mountains. The event takes Minneapolis, Minn. Curated by the Tromsø University Museum and To mark the 200th anniversary of Syttende Mai, Northern Norway Art Museum, Sámi Stories ex- contest, and games. Parking requires a Dis- place in Bond Park from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 cover Pass. Contact Bob Stevenson at rlste- p.m. on Saturday and 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. the American Swedish Institute is partnering amines the history, identity, politics, and visual with the Royal Norwegian Honorary Consulate to culture of the Sámi, the indigenous people of [email protected] or (425) 712- on Sunday. This annual midsummer celebra- 9788 for more information. tion includes Scandinavian crafts, vendors, commission and premiere the work of contem- Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Russia’s Kola Pen- porary artist Ian Ward Garlant in North America. insula. Featuring a selection of contemporary food, music and dancing, craft & lefse dem- Inshore Craft of Norway: A Millennium of onstrations, wreath making, Viking encamp- Garlant’s sculptural reliefs celebrate and illus- artworks and traditional duodji (handicraft)—in- trate the principles that the peaceful separation cluding a reindeer milk scoop, shaman’s drum, Boatbuilding Tradition 800-1800 AD ment/combat, Scandinavian auto show, July 15, 7:00 p.m. silent auction, and raffle air fare for two on of Norway and Sweden embodies—a monument cradle, and a selection of hats and dolls—Sámi to love, mutual acceptance, and compassion. His Stories: Art and Identity of an Arctic People offers Seattle, Wash. Icelandair. Starts Saturday with raising of the Join us for an evening with Master Shipwright maypole, followed by colorful parade of flags creative process involves burning, bathing, and visitors an overview of Sámi history and visual scraping pre-used wood, asphalt, and sand of the culture from the 17th century to the present. Jay Smith. Over the last 35 years Jay Smith has and opening ceremonies. Live entertainment researched and built Nordic lapstrake boats, all day. Free and wheelchair accessible. Visit fjord to create new sculptural interpretations of Visit www.scandinaviahouse.org for more infor- ancient earthly monuments. mation. beginning in a small boat shop on a fjord in www.estesmidsummer.com for more info. western Norway. A seven month apprentice- 83rd annual Norway Day Ole Bull Music Festival Summer Awards Concert ship in the Farøe Islands, sponsored by the DIstrict of Columbia July 13 July 13, 4:00 p.m. Danmark-America Foundation, established a Nordic Jazz Minneapolis, Minnesota New York, N.Y. firm footing for future work and study. Cost: June 24—29 An open-air worship service opens the day at Featuring winners of the 2013 Ole Bull Music $5 suggested donation. RSVPs encouraged Washington, D.C. 11:00 a.m. Afternoon entertainment begins with Festival in Galeton, Pennsylvania, the Ole Bull online. The Nordic Embassies and Twins Jazz Club the fun-loving barnetog. Music, song, and dance Festival Summer Awards Concert will also include are excited to present the eighth annual Nor- follow for the remainder of the afternoon. The piano performance of a composition by Vladimir Annual Steak Fry dic Jazz Festival. Internationally acclaimed Norwegian Glee Club will lead the national an- Padwa played by Philip H. Field, former piano July 26 performers from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, thems of Norway and America. Musicians and duet partner of the late Dr. Inez Bull. Allan L. Everett, Wash. Norway, and Sweden will present the mod- dancers are on the stage after greetings from dig- Mulgrav Jr. will perform a Grieg piano concerto. Come and enjoy an excellent dinner. There ern sound of Nordic Jazz over the course of nitaries. Leroy Larson and The Minnesota Scan- Billy Test and Karina Meiklejohn will play piano will be both salmon and steak available. There 10 concerts. One concert will be held at the dinavian Ensemble will entertain with music and and Marlene Rice will perform on violin. The con- is a kids hot dog meal available for $5. Happy Embassy of Finland and one at the Embassy song to close out the day. Ethnic Norwegian and cert is at the Merkin Concert Hall of the Kaufman hour (BYOB) starts at 2:30 and dinner is at of Sweden/House of Sweden. The renowned traditional American picnic foods will be available Music Center. Tickets may be purchased direct- 3:30 p.m. Tickets are $18 if purchased before Twins Jazz Club in D.C. will host eight con- for purchase. Norwegian and Norwegian-Ameri- ly from the Merkin Box Office by calling (212) July 15. For dinner reservations, contact Bill certs. More information on the entire concert can arts and crafts will be for sale from the many 501-3330, or from [email protected] Hicks at (425) 672-0194 or hicks1015@msn. series and artist information can be found at exhibitors as well. At Minnehaha Park. for $15.00. For additional information see the com. usa.um.dk/nordicjazz2014. Spunky Norwegian Foundation Website, www. Children’s Norwegian Language Camp SpunkyNorwegianFoundation.com. Wisconsin illinois July 19, 9:00 a.m. Annual Kaffe Stue Bodø Cathedral Choir Duluth, Minn. oregon July 19, 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. June 29, 1:00 p.m. Children ages six to 13 will have the opportunity Camp Nidaros Mt. Horeb, Wis. Montgomery, Ill. to participate in a Norwegian Language program July 13—26 The annual kaffe stue (coffee room), will serve A live performance of the Bodø Cathedral sponsored by the Duluth Nordic Center at Enger Gearhart, Ore. decorative open-face sandwiches, troll rolls, Choir from Bodø, Norway, will be held at St. Park. The children will play Norwegian outdoor Camp Nidaros is located in Gearhart, Oregon, fruit soup, cucumber salad, desserts, and of Olaf Church on Sunday, June 29. The choir games such as “barneorienteering” (treasure near Seaside. It is for boys and girls ages nine to course, coffee, at this summer fundraiser for was founded in 1954, and throughout its his- hunt), “sisten” (tag), and “gjemsel” (Hide & Seek). 12 years old. Camp activities include innovative Vennelag Lodge in Mt. Horeb. The kaffe stue tory has performed in a variety of styles, in- Children will also sing short, easy Norwegian Norwegian language activities, learning Norwe- is located in Mt. Horeb Community Center. In cluding large scale choral works, like Handel’s songs, and learn numbers and colors by playing gian songs and dances, hiking on the beach, arts addition, the Village of Mt. Horeb hosts an art Messiah, Bach’s Christmas Oratorio and games. They will go on a nature walk in order and crafts, and putting together a camp news- fair for your browsing enjoyment. masses by Haydn and Mozart, as well as tra- to learn Norwegian words for local flowers and paper called “Avis.” Campers also practice Norsk ditional North Norway folk music and works trees. If you would like your children to partici- skills by spending Nidaros “kroner” at the kiosk. Masse Moro Youth Heritage Camp by local poets and musicians. pate in this unique educational program, contact July 20—August 1 [email protected] to request a reg- Washington Fall Creek, Wis. District Five’s Masse Moro Youth Heritage iowa istration form or for more details. The $30 pro- Arctic Memoirs: A Spellemans Tour Camp is the perfect place for the child in your National Exhibition of Folk Art gram fee is due prior to class. The number of par- July 8, 7:00 p.m. life to learn about Vikings, play Viking games, now—July 26 ticipants is limited, so please pre-register early. Seattle, Wash. learn Norwegian, try a Norwegian craft, learn Decorah, Iowa The Arctic Memoirs Concert Tour presents a cul- to folk dance, eat some Norwegian food, and Contemporary artists from all over the coun- NEW jersey turally rich and entertaining experience of varied so much more. Two weeks of camp for $650 is try exhibit knifemaking, rosemaling, weav- SkandJam: The Walter Eriksson MusikFest Norwegian music with roots in Scandinavia’s tra- the best deal around. Camp capacity is about ing, and woodworking in Vesterheim’s an- July 26, 5:00 p.m. ditional folk music. Full of youthful energy, Sko- 70 campers. Now is the time to fill out an ap- nual National Exhibition of Folk Art in the Budd Lake, N.J. gen Sällström (violin) and Knut Erik Jensen (pia- plication. Visit massemoro.org for more infor- Norwegian Tradition. This is the museum’s Enjoy the 20th anniversary SkandJam dinner no/accordion) perform their interpretation of a mation. major summer exhibition and is sponsored show featuring music by “The Swedish Meat- selection of folk tunes known as Slåtter alongside in 2014 by Decorah Bank and Trust. Ribbon balls,” “The Amazing Accordion Kings,” and popular works by Ole Bull, Edvard Grieg, and con- winners and Gold Medalists are announced “Smorgasbandet” in the Viking Hall Cultural temporary Sturla Eide. A special feature of this in conjunction with Nordic Fest, Decorah’s Center! The dinner show starts at 5:00 p.m. with concert is the Hardanger fiddle, Norway’s unique city-wide celebration of Norwegian heritage, cocktails, videos, and live music. Tickets are $40 which begins this year the evening of July 24 per person. Make reservations with Jeanne at Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 and runs throughout the day July 25 and 26. (718) 415-0602 or [email protected]. to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Check www.na-weekly.com/events for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. norwegian american weekly June 27, 2014 • 13 In your neighborhood Scandinavian of the New board announced Leaders will provide direction to Norway House, year: George Jensen cultural home to Norwegian-American business, educational, social, and cultural organizations New York man honored for years of service

Special Release Victoria Hofmo Norway House Brooklyn, N.Y.

Each year, the Scandinavian East Coast Norway House announced the addition local immigration law nonprofits, as well Museum chooses a Scandinavian of the Year of six new members to its board of direc- as the Hennepin County Volunteer Lawyers and announces the winner at their annual Vi- tors. “We are delighted to welcome these Network. She also holds a teaching license, king Fest. This is done in partnership with dynamic leaders to the board of directors of is the immediate past chair of the Board of local Councilman Vincent Gentile, who is Norway House,” said Karen Tuzcu, Norway Education for the Wayzata Public Schools, also the main sponsor of the Fest. The SECM House president and CEO. “They bring ex- and serves on the Joint Powers Board of the looks for someone who has had a lifelong tensive knowledge, skills and experience to West Metro Education Program (WMEP). commitment to contributing to the Scandi- our mission of connecting Minnesota with She received a Bachelor of Arts from Iowa navian community and the community at contemporary Norway. We look forward to State University, a Master of Education from large, or someone who exemplifies the best their contributions as we move to establish the University of Minnesota, a law degree qualities inherited from our Scandinavian Norway House as the premier convener of from Hamline University, and has completed forebearers: preservation and sharing of our Midwest Norwegian-American organiza- additional academic coursework at the Uni- culture and traditions and a commitment to tions.” versities of Oslo and Bergen. social responsibility. The new board members are: Scott C. Gilyard: Mr. Gilyard recently Luckily, we have plenty of worthy citi- Elizabeth M. Sorenson Brotten: Ms. retired as the president of the UnitedHealth zens, a testament of how integral and vital Photo: Arlene Bakke Rutuelo Brotten is an attorney in Foley & Mans- Group Division of Express Scripts, Inc. Gi- Scandinavian values continue to be in the George Jensen with Victoria Hofmo and the New field’s Minneapolis office. A native of north- lyard holds a Bachelor of Arts in Biology Bay Ridge community. And you do not York City Council’s proclamation. western North Dakota, she enjoys maintain- from Gustavus Adolphus College, where he have to be Scandinavian to be selected. A ing close ties to her Scandinavian roots and serves as the chair of the National Advisory few years ago, Paul Busse was chosen for Councilman Gentile, passed an official proc- is an active member of Mindekirken. Brot- Board for the Wellbeing Initiative, and has his work in preserving Scandinavian Folk lamation to George Jensen. We planned to ten’s community involvement activities have held a six-year term on the Alumni Board. Dance. He is not one drop Scandinavian. present it to him at the Norwegian Christian included providing legal advice to Spring He has traveled extensively in Norway with This year George Jensen was selected Home & Health Center, as this is one of the Grove Syttende Mai and assisting with the his extended family, and volunteers his time and he proved to be the most difficult honor- many institutions that George had been serv- construction of infrastructure projects in ru- on various boards supporting the philan- ee to give the award to. Why? Unbeknownst ing for decades and he was proudest of his ral Durazno, Guatemala. She received her thropic activities of Thrivent Financial and to me, Mr. Jensen was leaving the event work there. We decided to do it at the end of Bachelor of Arts from Concordia College in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. about 90 minutes before the Councilman the General Society’s June meeting, since so Moorhead, Minn., and her law degree from Kristen Walseth: Ms. Walseth has a was expected to present his award. SECM many of George’s friends would be present. William Mitchell College of Law. background in education, and has taught at member Ester Hall alerted me to the fact. The Councilman was unable to attend, Jeffrey W. Coleman, PE, FACI: Mr. various public schools throughout Minne- By that time he was up the hill and almost so I was asked to fill in. Once again, George Coleman is a licensed structural engineer sota, including Richfield East Junior High, outside the park, where the event was taking was taken completely off guard. Sorry, with more than 25 years of experience as a Coon Rapids Senior High, Bryant Junior place. I could not leave to coax him back, as George. But the look of complete delight and practicing attorney. He is nationally recog- High in Minneapolis, and Bloomington Jef- I was running the event. But courageous Es- surprise on his face and the wonderful well nized for his involvement with large, com- ferson High School. She has previously vol- ter charged up the hill, with no idea of how wishes of the Society Members was worth plex construction litigation, including the unteered with the church council of Christ to get him to stay, but determined to do so. it. After all, how many times are we genu- Notre Dame football stadium, Soaring Eagle the King Lutheran Church in Bloomington, Somehow it worked. His wife Ann Ma- inely surprised these days—in a good way. Casino arbitration, the Duluth Aquarium, Minn., and is currently a member at Bethle- rie knew about the award, but she had to get So congratulations to you, George. and more recently a large ethanol plant in hem Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. She ready for another event and could only stall George’s bio states that “throughout North Dakota. Additionally, Coleman’s holds a bachelor’s degree from St. Olaf Col- for so long. After all it was the 17th of May George’s life he has exemplified the best great, great grandfather, Osman (Tutland) lege, and has completed graduate work at and the 200th Anniversary of Norway’s Con- qualities inherited from his Scandinavian Tuttle, emigrated from Norway and founded the University of Minnesota in Family and stitution. So the lovely, patient couple sat. At forebearers: an amazing work ethic, a stead- the town of Norway, Iowa, located in east Consumer Sciences and Reading Education. one point, Ann Marie asked me how long fast faith, and a commitment to helping oth- central Iowa. Coleman received a bachelor’s Walseth has traveled extensively in Norway. they would have to wait. To delay, I told her ers.” degree in civil engineering and a master’s that she would have to check with another He was also recognized for: his 35 plus degree in structural engineering from Iowa Norway House is a Minnesota-based non- SECM member and friend Arlene Bakke years of employment at the Port Authority of State University, and his law degree from profit organization dedicated to providing a Rutuelo. After a while she called Arlene and New York and New Jersey; his almost five William Mitchell College of Law. link for present and future generations of the Arlene told Ann Marie she would have to decades of commitment to the First Free David Distad: Mr. Distad has been in- Norwegian-American community in the Up- ask me how long it would take. Ann Marie Evangelical Church; and his service, like volved in commercial real estate in the Twin per Midwest to the heritage and culture of couldn’t pin me down as I was darting like a that of his father before him, to the Norwe- Cities area for the past 25 years. He holds Norway. Norway House partners with indi- target in a penny arcae. It wasn’t so bad for gian Christian Home & Health Center, where a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the viduals, organizations and businesses in the them. There were pipers, Irish Step Danc- he has been selected Chairman of the Board University of Minnesota and a Master of Fi- Norwegian-American community to promote ers, Accordion Music, etc. to entertian them. from 1996 to the present. As stated in his nance from the University of St. Thomas. He an appreciation for and understanding of the But, time was a-tickin’. award, “He truly lives the words written on continues to be an active owner and inves- American Norwegian experience and its re- Finally, after much perspiration was the NCH’s cornerstone, Honor Thy Father tor in commercial real estate, and serves as a lationship to modern Norway and the world. shed, the Councilman arrived. George did and Mother.” board member of several local organizations. The Norway House oversees programs, in- not have a clue what was happening. In fact, The proclamation ends, “On this day of A resident of Eden Prairie, Minn., Distad en- cluding The Edvard Grieg Society, the Nor- he did not even hear his name the first time May 17, 2014, we celebrate the wonderful joys travel and community involvement ac- way House Peace Initiative and the “Going it was announced. It was a very good ending work and contributions that George Jensen tivities that allow him to stay connected to Viking” award, which recognizes the accom- indeed. has made, not only to the Norwegian com- his Norwegian heritage. plishments of notable Norwegian-American However, this was not the end. The New munity of New York, but also to so many Susan Hayes Droegemueller: Ms. leaders. For more information, please visit York City Council, through the efforts of New Yorkers.” Droegemueller is a pro bono attorney for www.norwayhouse.org.

Why not subscribe to the Norwegian American Weekly? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Call (800) 305-0217 or visit www.NorwegianAmericanWeekly.com/Subscribe 14 • June 27, 2014 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Cultures entwined in our global village President Obama’s visit to a North Dakota Indian tribe spurs reflection on migration and heritage

Larrie Wanberg Despite alarming social statistics, the Features Editor upside was that the Indian families that I learned to know were generally closely knit Air Force One seemed to lumber heavily in many ways, comparatively different in in the sky as the highly customized 747-se- their value system from non-Indians. Tribal ries aircraft was about to touch down at Bis- communities usually provided four identities marck airport, carrying President Barack of democratic governance: tribe, age-grade Obama and Michelle on their way for a visit societies (peer groups), clans (families), and at Standing Rock Indian Reservation. a predominate language or two. Security was so tight that I was unable In my observing role as a researcher, to get close enough for a photo as the Presi- I was impressed by how much humor was dent and First Lady descended the aircraft. a part of daily life, despite despair in their Once at the Tribal school in Cannon surroundings, how elders were given great Ball, N.D., via helicopter, they talked for an respect, and how the care of children was hour with youth and had a preview of the shared by the community with fewer cat- Tribe’s annual Flags Day Powwow. egorized problems then than today’s media Watching the ceremonies on TV, I was reports. reminded of my visit to Cannon Ball over I was also taken by how patriotic Indi- 50 years ago while studying American In- ans were in light of history, and how proud dian values and “policy preferences” on four Native Americans felt in defending our na- Photo: White House photographer Pete Souza N.D. Indian reservations during 1971-73. I tion in wars against common enemies. As an President Obama greets a young dancer at the Cannon Ball Flag Day Powwow in N.D. was a doctoral student at the University of Army Officer learning their cultural values, Denver on active duty as an Army Medical I felt accepted as a “story-gathering patriot” original Indian names were roughly trans- in harmony with nature, balancing past and Service officer. The knowledge gained from by Tribal leaders and was included in their lated, like “Many Wounds” for a man’s last future times by living in present time, keep- the values study was integral to the Univer- customs and ceremonies, as they had con- name and “Blossom” for a young girl who ing relational bonds alive, and practicing ac- sity of North Dakota Medical School creat- summate stories to tell that passed on their was born in winter with an Indian name of tivities that carry cultural values into the next ing the “Indians into Medicine” (INMED) oral histories and their cultural values. “Blossom in the Snow.” generation. training program—now in its 50th year—at I was struck in overview how home- Among the Turtle Mountain Band of After completing my values study, I re- a time when only 27 physicians nationwide steading changed the demographics of cul- Chippewa along the border to Canada, the turned ten years later to revisit the Univer- self-identified as American Indian. tures and the surnames of Indian families. names were often French and sometimes sity of Denver Library where the bound book Conditions in the Dakotas then were For example, I observed that about a third British, influenced by the Dakota Territory stood on the shelf, and I was disheartened to beyond imagination concerning health, edu- of members of the Three Affiliated Tribes having been fought over by the British and see that the study had never been checked cation, and unemployment, with an average (Mandan, Hidatsa, and Arikara) had Nor- French before the Louisiana Purchase in Jef- out. life-span of age 44 due to the high mortality wegian names (like Johnson or Peterson), a fersonian times made the land a part of the Today after 50 years, I am conversely rates of infants and others from diseases of- third had German names (like Meier), and a United States. The two N.D. Sioux tribes— heartened to realize that perhaps document- ten related to poverty. third had English names (like Hall). Some Dakota and Lakota—typically used more na- ed studies that line library shelves are more ture-based names (like Little Owl) or names valued in the age of a digital world, as the translated from Indian to English (like Red tech tools for sharing and mutual learning Tomahawk). are developing global citizens in a global vil- Notable Norwegians Only 90 years ago, Indians as citizens lage environment, where more people today With David Moe were granted the right to vote nationally and seem to live in “two worlds.” maintained Tribal sovereignty through a se- I am also heartened to know that a sit- ries of treaties for self-governance in dual ju- ting president has made a historic visit to a risdictions. About 550 federally recognized remote American Indian community in the Dr. Sidney A. Rand was born in the enrollment grew to over 3,000 tribes are established throughout the nation “Peace Garden State” to listen firsthand to Eldred, Minnesota, in 1916 to Norwe- students and new dormitories were and an American Indian Congress is orga- the voices of school children that shape our gian immigrant parents. He graduated built, plus new buildings for the sci- nized for advocacy of policies and issues of common future. from Concordia College, Moorhead, ences, athletics, and music. Also dur- brotherhood. Personally, my heritage as a grandfather Minnesota, in 1938, attended Luther ing his tenure the international studies On the acknowledgements page in my is second-generation Norwegian with an- Theological Seminary program was created, library-bound dissertation, the names of cestry dating back to year 800. My wife, the in St. Paul, Minnesota, along with an endow- Indians to be thanked were reflective of a grandkids’ paternal grandmother, was born and did graduate work ment program. growing, diverse gene pool, first between in Norway. Seven of our grandchildren have at Union Seminary Dr. Rand was ap- tribes and inter-marriage in clans, and then as their maternal great, great grandparents and the University of pointed Ambassador to varying degrees from immigrant geneal- members of the Choctaw/Chickasaw Nation Chicago. He received to Norway in 1980 ogy—largely from Northern Europe. who were marched as young children on the his doctor of divinity and was sworn in by Yet, shared Native culture remains “Trail of Tears” in the 1830s to relocate from degree in 1956. then Vice President strong and dominant by tradition as it is Louisiana to Oklahoma Territory and sur- He became a fac- Walter Mondale, as- passed on to the next generation through cus- vived to later marry. ulty member of the sisted by Lois Rand. toms and ceremonies. I tell my grandchildren that the next time religion department at He served until the Today, a national shift seems to be tak- they fill out a government form that asks for Concordia College in end of the Carter ad- ing place toward the four original value their ethnicity, to proudly check “Other” and Moorhead, Minnesota ministration in 1981. orientations of indigenous peoples: living fill in “Norwegian American Indian.” from 1945 to 1951 He then went on to and then served as serve as President of President of Waldorf Photo: St. Olaf College Augustana College College from 1951 Dr. Sidney A. Rand. and Suomi College Subscribe to the Weekly to 1956. When the during their periods American Lutheran Church was cre- of presidential vacancies. one year: ated with mergers in 1960, he became Together with Vice President $ the first executive director of its Board Walter Mondale, Dr. Rand founded of College Education. the Nobel Peace Prize Forum confer- 70 In 1963, he became President of ence, held annually by five colleges St. Olaf College in Northfield, Min- in the Upper Midwest. Dr. Rand died nesota, and served in that position un- on December 16, 2003 in Northfield, til 1980. During his term at St. Olaf, Minnesota, at the age of 87. Photo: Karen Schulte Call toll-free at (800) 305-0217, email [email protected], or mail a check to: Norwegian American Weekly, 7301 5th Ave NE, Ste A, Seattle, WA 98115. norwegian american weekly June 27, 2014• 15 arts & entertainment Scandinavian Midsummer celebration in DC

Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C.

Tina Keune Washington, D.C.

Midsummer has long been celebrated in different countries but it is particularly pop- ular in the Scandinavian countries. It began as a pagan rite to mark the summer solstice. With the advent of Christianity, the holiday took on a more religious significance and became associated with the birth of St. John the Baptist. In Norway it is known as Sankt Hans Dag (St. John’s Day). Several Nordic organizations in the Washington, D.C. area organized a com- bined Midsummer/Father’s Day celebration held at Carderock Park on the Potomac River in suburban Maryland on June 15. It was a perfect summer day. The festivities started with games for Photos: Marshall H. Cohen, A.S.A. the children. The first Above: Skiing... on grass? one was ski racing on Left: The maypole is carried in procession. the grass. Who but the Right: The raising of the decorated maypole. Scandinavians would have thought of skiing on grass?! The con- testants formed teams eral individuals hoisted it onto their sturdy This was the 13th annual Midsommer (maximum four per shoulders and began the grand procession Celebration sponsored by the American ski) and then hobbled around the park. Two very animated fiddlers Scandinavian Association, the Drott Lodge across the grass to took over the lead and a throng of jubilant of the VASA Order of America, the Swed- reach the goal line. To Scandinavians followed. ish Women’s Educational Association, and avoid an embarrassing At the conclusion of the procession, the the Norwegian Society. Everyone interested fall, teamwork was essential! The first place winners in the three com- Maypole was secured in its stand. Young and in Scandinavian culture is invited to partici- Then the children enjoyed participating petitions were awarded ribbons. All contes- old alike then formed a circle around it and pate next year. This event is a wonderful way in both individual and paired gunny sack rac- tants, however, received a prize. They were began to sing and dance. to preserve and pass on a beloved tradition es, and they were hilarious to watch. Adults invited to choose from an assortment of Star After enthusiastically participating in and to mingle with local people with Scan- and children participated in the egg toss, and Wars puzzles, kites, nerf balls, and more. the activities, everyone was ready for the dinavian roots. For more information, please they were all rather nervous as they carefully The Maypole was, of course, the center- potluck picnic, a generous array of familiar visit the websites of the American Scandina- tossed and tried to catch the raw eggs at dis- piece of the celebration. After it was beauti- Scandinavian dishes and desserts. Drinks vian Association (scandinavian-dc.org) and tances reaching twenty feet or more. fully decorated with greens and flowers, sev- were provided by the host organizations. the Norwegian Society (NoSo-DC.org). Ole Bull Music Festival coming to New York Concert will feature award winners and world- renowned musicians in a variety of styles

Special Release Spunky Norwegian Foundation

The 61st Annual Ole Bull Pennsylvania. Ms. Rice is a world- conducts the Ole Bull Music Fes- Music Festival Summer Awards renowned violinist, and tival in Galeton each October, and Concert will be held Sunday, July recording artist. follows with an awards concert in 13, 2014, at Merkin Concert Hall The Imania Women’s Chorus New York the next summer. of the Kaufman Music Center, 129 will perform a vocal adaptation of Additional performers at the West 67th Street New York, N.Y., Ole Bull’s composition, “The Herd Merkin Hall concert will be stu- at 4:00 p.m. Girl’s Sunday.” dents from South Valley Arts in Featuring winners of the 2013 The Ole Bull Music Festival East Orange, New Jersey, including Ole Bull Music Festival in Gale- was created in memory of Nor- Amru Ayinde. Foundation board ton, Pennsylvania, the concert will wegian violinist, Ole Bornemann member, Zach Hoffman, another also include piano performance of Bull, who attempted to establish former Ole Bull Music Festival a composition by Vladimir Padwa a colony of New Norway or Ole- winner, may perform as well. The played by Philip H. Field, former anna, in the mountains of Potter concert will be emceed by Spunky piano duet partner of the late Dr. County Pennsylvania in the 1850’s. Norwegian Foundation Board Inez Bull. Allan L. Mulgrav Jr. will The festival was initiated by Dr. chair, Nancy Arny Pi-Sunyer. perform a Grieg piano concerto. Inez Bull and her mother, Aurora Billy Test and Karina Meiklejohn Stewart Bull, who was married to a Tickets may be purchased directly will play piano and Marlene Rice second cousin of Ole Bull. from the Merkin Box Office by call- will perform on violin. The Spunky Norwegian Foun- ing (212) 501-3330, or from dee@ Billy Test is a former Ole Bull dation, a 501(C)(3), was founded southvalleysound.com for $15.00. Festival winner who has become a with proceeds from the estate of For additional information see the professional classical jazz pianist. the late Dr. Bull to carry on her Spunky Norwegian Foundation Ms. Meiklejohn is the 2013-2014 work in enhancing music educa- Website, www.SpunkyNorwegian- Photo courtesy of the Spunky Norwegian Foundation Inez Bull Piano Scholarship re- tion and appreciation in north-cen- Foundation.com. Participants in the 2013 Ole Bull Music Festival, some of whom will be partici- cipient at Mansfield University in tral Pennsylvania. The foundation pating in the New York concert this July. 16 • June 27, 2014 norwegian american weekly back page

Norwegian Language Corner < nation < nukes NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS From page 3 From page 3 referring to organized crime. She was also “It is in Norway’s interest to provide as- asked about the level of English education in sistance to Ukraine, together with our close the public school system. allies, so that we can prevent nuclear materi- Earlier this week the Royal Palace an- al from falling into the wrong hands and be- Volume 1 nounced that the Crown Princess and Crown ing used for terrorist purposes,” Brende said. Prince’s children will be moved to private Prime Minister Erna Solberg announced With 18 classic folk tales, fairy tales and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections schools, partly because the couple think at the Nuclear Security Summit in The of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, that Princess Ingrid Alexandra should be in Hague in March 2014 that Norway would Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad an environment where she can learn good strengthen cooperation with the U.S. in the Raneng. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. English. Many people interpreted this as a area of non-proliferation. Our nuclear securi- sign that the quality of the Norwegian public ty cooperation with Ukraine is a direct result school system is not good enough. of this. Norway will provide funding through “I have never considered private schools its Nuclear Action Plan. for my children,” Solberg replied. “I respect During Foreign Minister Brende’s visit all families’ opportunity to make their own to Washington, expert-level meetings were choices for their children.” also held on cooperation with the US Depart- ment of Energy to put in place border sur- 9.NAW.Trolls.2VolSet.CMYK.21March2014.qxp_Layout 1 3/21/14 12:40 PM Page 1 veillance equipment at some of the border stations on the Ukraine-Moldova border.

Norwegian Folk Tales, Fairy Tales and Trolls:

•Vol 1 — 18 stories, 192 pgs •Vol 2 — 21 stories, 192 pgs NEW OFF THE PRESS •Bilingual English Norwegian text in each book •Hardcover, Smyth sewn, over 600 full colored illustrations in each 7″x10″ book •Based on the collection of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe •For of all ages on both sides of the Atlantic •Classic series is published every year in Norway by Price = $29.95 each or $49.95 for 2-vol-set Norsk Barneblad SAVE $10 + FREE shipping in the USA Call, send check or visit website Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected]

the Hearthstone Vesle Gunnlaug Little gunnlaug del 9 part 9

Utanfor trollgarden yrde og krydde Outside the troll’s lair, it was crawl- det av dyr, frå dei minste til dei største. ing and swarming with animals, from the Dei synte tenner og skreik skjerande, og smallest to the largest. They bared their så måtte Gunnlaug fram med fløyta si att. teeth and gave piercing howls, and Gunn- Og då kunne ho gå ikring og klappa laug had to take out her whistle once alle dyra. Elgen, reinen og hjorten var alle more. så snille og fredsame. And then she could go around and Men då ho skulle stryka den langrag- pet all the animals. The moose, caribou gute ulven, vart ho var ein stor nøkkel and red deer were all so kind and peace- som hang i eit band ikring ulvehalsen. Du ful. kan tru ho vart glad. But when she went to pet the thick- Ho var ikkje sein om å løysa bandet coated wolf, she noticed a large key that av ulven. For dette var nok nøkkelen til hung on a ribbon around his neck. You Welcome to the Neighborhood! trollgarden, skjøna ho. can imagine how happy this made her. Det var ikkje lange stunda før ho let She was not slow in loosening the opp døra til trollgarden og sprang inn i ribbon off the wolf. For she knew it was fjellet. Men gleda varte ikkje lenge, for the key to the troll’s lair. her stod eit troll så stygt og fælt at det var It was not long before she had the ikkje til å tru. door to the troll’s lair open and ran inside Gunnlaug ville snu og freista koma the mountain. But the joy did not last seg ut att. Men då stengde trollet- ve long, because right in front of her stood gen. Den store trollkatten skaut rygg og a troll so ugly and terrible that one could kveste. Nei, no måtte nok vesle Gunnlaug hardly believe it was possible. vera i fjellet. Gunnlaug wanted to turn around and try to run out again. But the troll barred the way. The huge troll-cat arched its back and hissed. Well, now little Gunn- laug would probably have to stay in the the mountain. Hearthstone Miss the beginning? Sign up Retirement Living 6720 E Green Lake Way N for our digital edition and get Seattle, WA 98103 access to back issues! at Seattle’s Green Lake www.hearthstone.org (206) 517-2213 $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. www.astrimyastri.com