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Public Document Pack Public Document Pack Argyll and Bute Council Comhairle Earra Ghaidheal agus Bhoid Customer Services Executive Director: Douglas Hendry Kilmory, Lochgilphead, PA31 8RT Tel: 01546 602127 Fax: 01546 604435 DX 599700 LOCHGILPHEAD e.mail – 13 August 2014 NOTICE OF MEETING A meeting of the PLANNING, PROTECTIVE SERVICES AND LICENSING COMMITTEE will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, KILMORY, LOCHGILPHEAD on WEDNESDAY, 20 AUGUST 2014 at 10:15 AM , which you are requested to attend. Douglas Hendry Executive Director - Customer Services BUSINESS 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. MINUTES (a) Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee 17 June 2014 (Pages 1 - 20) (b) Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee 18 June 2014 at 10.30 am (Pages 21 - 50) (c) Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee 18 June 2014 at 2.00 pm (Pages 51 - 82) (d) Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee 30 June 2014 at 10.30 am (Pages 83 - 84) (e) Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee 30 June 2014 at 10.50 am (Pages 85 - 86) (f) Planning, Protective Services and Licensing Committee 30 June 2014 at 11.10 am (Pages 87 - 88) 4. BURCOTE WIND: SECTION 36 CONSULTATION FOR PROPOSED CREGGAN WIND FARM: BARR GLEN, NORTH EAST OF GLENBARR (REF: 14/00132/S36) Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services (Pages 89 - 120) 5. KAMES FISH FARMING LTD: FORMATION OF FINFISH FARM COMPRISING THE SITING OF 12 NO. 100 METRE CIRCUMFERENCE CAGES, ASSOCIATED FEED BARGE AND ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT: SHUNA SOUND, WEST OF SOUTH END HOUSE, ISLE OF SHUNA (REF: 14/00676/MFF) Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services (Pages 121 - 154) 6. ISLE OF LUING COMMUNITY TRUST: VARIATION OF CONDITION 9 OF PLANNING PERMISSION 10/1059/PP - CHANGE FROM WEST HIGHLAND SLATE TO SSQ MATACOUTA SLATE: THE ATLANTIC ISLANDS CENTRE, CULLIPOOL, ISLE OF LUING (REF: 14/01018/PP) Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services (Pages 155 - 172) 7. MRS JOAN ADAMSON: VARIATION OF CONDITION 9 OF PLANNING PERMISSION 12/02792/PP (ERECTION OF A BUILDING TO BE USED IN PART AS A COOKERY SCHOOL, INCLUDING FACILITATING WORKS AND INSTALLATION OF 2,000 LITRE CALOR GAS TANK, PARTLY RETROSPECTIVE) - CHANGE OF OPERATING HOURS AT CORRIE COOK SCHOOL: CORRIE HOUSE, CRAOBH HAVEN, LOCHGILPHEAD (REF: 14/01391/PP) Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services (Pages 173 - 186) 8. MR STEVEN CAMERON: DEMOLITION OF EXISTING BUILDING AND ERECTION OF MARITIME VISITORS FACILITY AND ASSOCIATED WORKS INCLUDING PROVISION OF NEW PUBLIC REALM WORKS: WHITE BUILDING, NORTH PIER, OBAN (REF: 14/01602/PP) Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services (Pages 187 - 204) 9. MR STEVEN CAMERON: DEMOLITION OF LISTED BUILDING AND ERECTION OF MARITIME VISITORS FACILITY: WHITE BUILDING, NORTH PIER, OBAN (REF: 14/01603/LIB) Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services (Pages 205 - 212) 10. UPDATE ON RECENT SCOTTISH GOVERNMENT PLANNING APPEAL DECISIONS Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services (Pages 213 - 214) 11. ROTHESAY WINDOWS - PROJECT HIGHLIGHT REPORT AND UPDATE Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services (Pages 215 - 218) 12. PROPOSED LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN ADOPTION: RE-SCHEDULING OF TIME FRAME Report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services (Pages 219 - 224) 13. PROMOTION OF THE PROPOSED LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN DRAFT ACTION PROGRAMME Report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services (Pages 225 - 230) 14. NATIONAL PLANNING FRAMEWORK 3 AND SCOTTISH PLANNING POLICY 2014 Report by Executive Director – Development and Infrastructure Services (Pages 231 - 240) 15. PLANNING AND REGULATORY SERVICES - SERVICE QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE REPORT FQ1 2014-2015 (APRIL TO JUNE) Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services (Pages 241 - 244) E1 16. ENFORCEMENT REPORT - 14/00164/ENBOC2 Report by Head of Planning and Regulatory Services (Pages 245 - 250) The Committee will be asked to pass a resolution in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for items of business with an “E” on the grounds that it is likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph of Part I of Schedule 7a to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. The appropriate paragraph is:- E1 Paragraph 13 Information which, if disclosed to the public, would reveal that the authority proposes- (a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or (b) to make an order or direction under any enactment. PLANNING, PROTECTIVE SERVICES AND LICENSING COMMITTEE Councillor David Kinniburgh (Chair) Councillor Gordon Blair Councillor Rory Colville Councillor Robin Currie Councillor Mary-Jean Devon Councillor George Freeman Councillor Alistair MacDougall Councillor Robert Graham MacIntyre Councillor Donald MacMillan Councillor Roderick McCuish Councillor Alex McNaughton Councillor James McQueen Councillor Sandy Taylor Councillor Richard Trail Contact: Fiona McCallum Tel. No. 01546 604392 This page is intentionally left blank Page 1 Agenda Item 3a MINUTES of MEETING of PLANNING, PROTECTIVE SERVICES AND LICENSING COMMITTEE held in the MAIN HALL, QUEENS HALL, DUNOON, ARGYLL on TUESDAY, 17 JUNE 2014 Present: Councillor David Kinniburgh (Chair) Councillor Gordon Blair Councillor Alex McNaughton Councillor George Freeman Councillor James McQueen Councillor Donald MacMillan Councillor Sandy Taylor Councillor Roderick McCuish Councillor Richard Trail Attending: Charles Reppke, Head of Governance and Law David Eaglesham, Area Team Leader, Bute and Cowal Brian Close, Planning Officer Janet McAlister, Fyne Homes – for Applicant Iain Campbell, CP Architects – for Applicant David Campbell, GL Hearn – for Applicant Jane MacLeod, Supporter Stewart Shaw, Supporter John McAuslan, Objector Ann Campbell, Objector Councillor Bruce Marshall, Objector 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were intimated from Councillors Rory Colville, Robin Currie, Mary-Jean Devon, Alistair MacDougall and Robert G MacIntyre. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 3. FYNE INITIATIVES: ERECTION OF TWO BLOCKS OF RESIDENTIAL FLATS (12 X 1 BEDROOM AND 5 X 2 BEDROOM) AND FORMATION OF NEW VEHICULAR ACCESS: FORMER ST CUTHBERTS CHURCH OF SCOTLAND, 191 ARGYLL STREET, DUNOON, ARGYLL (REF: 14/00561/PP) The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and introductions were made. He outlined the procedure that would be followed and the Head of Governance and Law identified those who wished to speak. PLANNING David Eaglesham presented the application on behalf of the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services. He advised that this proposal was for the erection of two blocks of flats on the site of the former St Cuthbert’s Church, Argyll Street, Dunoon. He referred to the report of handling and to two supplementary reports which were before Members and advised Page 2 that a late letter of support had been received from Alan Reid, MP who commended the scheme for the social and economic benefits this proposal would bring to Dunoon. He referred to the earlier site visit by Members and with the aid of slides spoke about the history of the area. He stated that the St Cuthbert’s Church had been a free standing building located centrally within the plot and on a slide he pointed out the Category A listed St John’s Church located north of the site. He advised that the report of handling set out the context of the development and confirmed that the proposal involved the erection of two blocks of flats on two distinct parts of the site. Block A would be erected on the lower part of the site fronting Argyll Street providing 9 flats within a three storey development. The mix for Block A would be 6 x 1 bed and 3 x 2 bed flats. Block B would be erected on the higher part of the site fronting Royal Crescent and Albert Crescent and would create 8 flats within a split level two/three storey development. The mix for Block B would be 6 x 1 bed and 2 x 2 bed flats. He advised that access to the site was proposed via Albert Crescent which would involve the realignment of Albert Crescent and the repositioning of parking bays. He confirmed that 4 car parking spaces and a turning area would be provided for Block B. He also advised of communal bin areas, the installation of surface water drainage system, the erection of retaining walls and ground engineering works and landscaping, shrub planting and boundary treatments. In terms of planning policy he advised that the site was located within the Dunoon Town Centre and that as well as the Argyll and Bute Structure Plan 2002 the proposal had also been assessed against policies LP HOU 1, LP HOU 2, LP ENV 19, LP TRAN 6 and Appendix C of the Argyll and Bute Local Plan 2009. He referred to the statutory consultation carried out and confirmed that no objections to the development had been received from Roads subject to conditions and no objection from Scottish Water. He advised that Historic Scotland had not objected in terms of the impact on the setting of St John’s Church but had made comment regarding the choice of external materials for Block B. He stated that an objection had been received from the Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland on the grounds that the design still did not meet standards required for the site which was their same reason for objection to an earlier application submitted and withdrawn. In terms of contributors he confirmed that 75 expressions of support had been received which included the late letter of support from Alan Reid MP. He stated that 35 objections had been received including from Councillor Michael Breslin and Councillor Bruce Marshall. Grounds for objection were mainly related to design, parking/traffic, loss of amenity and Applicant motives. He confirmed that all technical requirements for the development had been met and referred to extensive discussions carried out with the Applicant over a number of years.

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