Rother District – Council Tax 2021/22 Introduction
Rother District – Council Tax 2021/22 Introduction The Council has increased its Council Tax by £4.61 for the 2021/22 financial year which equates to an increase of 2.5% bringing the annual charge to £188.71 for a Band D property. There continues to be significant financial pressures on the Council for 2021/22 and beyond. The Council is responding to these pressures through its financial stability programme which is designed to deliver additional income and savings that will balance the budget by 2024/25. In the interim the Council will use its reserves to best safeguard the essential services it delivers. Council Tax per Household 2020/21 2021/22 Increase The Total Band D Council Tax £ £ £ is Band A £122.73 £125.81 £3.08 ESCC £1,544.04 Band B £143.19 £146.77 £3.58 + Rother District Band C £163.64 £167.74 £4.10 Council £188.71 + Sussex Police Band D £184.10 £188.71 £4.61 Authority £214.91 Band E £225.01 £230.65 £5.64 + East Sussex Band F £265.92 £272.58 £6.66 Fire Authority £97.43 Band G £306.83 £314.52 £7.69 + Parish/Town Band H £368.20 £377.42 £9.22 Council Battle Town Council 2021/22 2021/22 2021/22 Gross Net Expenditure Income Expenditure £ £ £ Finance and General Purpose 273,140 17,100 256,040 Environment 99,645 19,890 79,755 External Relations and Town Development 21,640 1,705 19,935 Planning and Transport 13,100 0 13,100 Town Council Precept 407,525 38,695 368,830 2020/21 Total 422,410 47,766 374,644 Rye Town Council 2020/21 2021/22 £ £ General Administration 139,800 129,369 Grants/Donations/Loans 6,000 11,000 Property Purchase
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