DRD Response Attachment
List of mental health services for children and young people funded through Royalties for Regions Royalties for List of initiatives funded Project Name A brief description of each service State Government Other Total Regions A Smart Start Great A Smart Start Great Southern The is a community based early intervention program that aims to provide families with children aged birth to four years with ongoing Southern support, resources and information. It will increase these families’ access to services to empower parents and assist them in providing an optimal learning environment for their children and get them ready for school. The scope of this project is to secure the financial 154,425.00 30,000.00 0.00 184,425.00 future of the 'A Smart Start' program to 2015/16, as it develops alternative financial and structural arrangements. Better Health for Fitzroy Better Health for Fitzroy Kids The purpose of this project is to coordinate existing WA funded child health services in the Fitzroy Valley, such that the services Kids (Allied Health, Paediatrics, Community nurses, General practitioners (GP), Aboriginal Health Workers (AHW) operate as a child health team; with integration of specialists (Allied Health, Paediatrics) and primary health (community nurses, GPs, AHWs). Further, there will be inherent integration of health and education (school) services as the proposed team will operate largely out of schools with clinical co-ordination by the Child and Adolescent Health Worker. Importantly, this project will not replace existing services, nor 400,000.00 0.00 475,500.00 875,500.00 introduce additional complexity within the existing system.
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