April 10-16, 2020 Published by the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton Volume XLIX, Number 15 BINGHAMTON, NEW YORK Keeping the community strong: Chesed Challenge continues By Reporter staff up to $10,000, given to the Federation know the current crisis has impacted many tom that seems appropriate for our current The Jewish Federation of Greater Bing- during this time. in our community financially, but I also situation: people fill Elijah’s Cup with wine hamton’s Chesed Challenge continues “Some people have already contribut- know there are many who are looking for from their own cups. That symbolizes that through Thursday, April 30. An anonymous ed to the challenge,” said Shelley Hubal, a way to help. These donations will keep we can help each other during difficult donor has pledged to double any new gift, executive director of the Federation. “I our community strong.” times. Help us fill our community’s wine Hubal noted that it seems appropriate for cup. Help us so we can keep our community the challenge to be taking place during the strong together.” Passover season. “Passover celebrates the Donations may be sent to the Federation, Film Fest to go virtual redemption of the Israelites from Egypt,” 500 Clubhouse Rd., Vestal, NY13850, with By Reporter staff she said. “We are supposed to feel as if we “Chesed Challenge” on the subject line. To The Jewish Inter- also have personally been redeemed from donate online, visit www.jfgb.org and click national Film Fest of Egypt. I’ve heard of a new Passover cus- on Chesed Challenge. Greater Binghamton is going virtual. “Rather than cancelling the JFS continues to work Film Fest, we have decided to transform it,” said Shelley Hubal, executive director of during the current crisis the Jewish Federation Jewish Family Service is working to Many in the community are also expe- of Greater Bingham- meet the needs of the Binghamton Jewish riencing increased anxiety and isolation ton, which sponsors community during the current health and due to staying at home. To address this, the Fest. “This was not economic crisis. JFS will hold a video conference call how we expected the A scene from “Crescendo” “Under the skillful leadership of Director after Passover to support the Binghamton Film Fest to happen, Rose Shea, JFS has increased its outreach Jewish aging population. The video call but online gatherings are the new normal, to 100 computers. On Saturday, April 25, to our community’s most vulnerable,” said will give an overview of resources that and I’m excited to jump in and try this.” after Shabbat ends, a link to the film will be Shelley Hubal, executive director of the are available to the local community and, The Film Fest will show “Crescendo” sent to those who sign up in advance. The Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton. through guided discussion, will review (106 minutes, in German and English), film will be available for viewing on your Shea reported, “Our mission is to limit how to cope with anxiety. Specific details which has been called “a remarkable theatri- personal devices for 48 hours. On Monday, the impact of COVID-19 during this un- about the video call will appear in future cal movie and contribution to the worldwide April 27, a local professor will facilitate an precedented time. JFS has seen a rise in issues of The Reporter. efforts toward understanding, humanity online video meeting to discuss the film. referrals for people that need support to Anyone who knows of someone who and peace.” People will be able to register “Crescendo,” directed by Dror Zahavi, make basic ends meet and, thanks to our could use a check-in call from Shea should on the new Federation website, www.jfgb. tells the story of world-famous conductor generous donors, we are able to make sure contact her by calling 724-2332 and then org. The film will be streamed free for up See “Film” on page 3 nobody slips through the cracks.” using the option for Jewish Family Service. Spotlight Jewish resources to occupy your family during social distancing – part 3

By Reporter staff ‹ For college students, Hillel@Home, jmof.fiu.edu/, is offering some of - itsex ‹ My Jewish Learning, www.myjewishle- A variety of Jewish groups are offering https://welcome.hillel.org/hillelathome/, hibits online. Visit the site for links to the arning.com, has a guide to online events. online resources – educational and recre- offers writers, actors, singers, athletes, virtual tours. See “Resources” on page 3 ational – for those who are not allowed out politicians and more covering a variety of of the house. Below is a sampling of those. topics from ethics to keeping in shape while The Reporter will publish additional listings self-distancing. as they become available. ‹ Jewish Teen Learning Connection, Happy Passover ‹ The Jewish Federations of North Ameri- https://jtconnect.org/, seeks to give teens ca, www.jewishfederations.org, has opened the opportunity to continue their Jewish Next year in a resource page, www.jewishtogether.org, education, including ways to examine their that offers videos, resources to do with the religion, history and traditions through difficulties of self-distancing and “virtual classroom study, volunteer projects and meetups.” The organization is planning to special events. hold “A Global Celebration of ’s In- ‹ The TogetherWeRemember Coalition, dependence Day” on Wednesday, April 29, https://togetherweremember.org/events, at 2 pm. More information will be released will hold a variety of virtual events through- closer to the date. out April to commemorate Genocide ‹ Rabbi Bob Alper is offering to send “A Awareness Month. Quick Laugh” a day via e-mail. For more ‹ Pardes is offering resources for “uncertain information, visit https://bobalper.com/, times” www.pardes.org.il/strength-cour- e-mail [email protected] or call age/. These include resources on the parasha 802-362-5151. of the week, halachah, prayer, parents/ ‹ Camp Ramah is offering events and children and more. concerts through its Facebook page, www. ‹ Torah Tots, www.torahtots.com/, offers facebook.com/NationalRamah/. Camp information for children about Jewish Ramah Ba-Bayit (Camp Ramah at Home), holidays, the Torah portion of the week, Jerusalem’s as seen from the Mount of Olives on April 30, 2018. (Photo by www.campramah.org/ramah-ba-bayit, Hebrew, music and more. Nati Shohat/Flash90) offers additional resources. ‹ The Jewish Museum of Florida. http:// INSIDE THIS ISSUE Study says... Israeli tech News in brief... Special Sections The latest Pew study shows the Israeli defense companies are Waqf excavating on Temple Legal Notices...... 4 pandemic has prompted prayer turning radars into coronavirus Mount; white supremacist group Book Review...... 4 at home and online. symptom detectors. named terror organization; more. Health Care Greetings...... 7, 8-9 ...... Page 5 ...... Page 11 ...... Page 12 Classifieds...... 12 Page 2 - The Reporter April 10-16, 2020 Opinion From the Desk of the Federation Executive Director With gratitude SHELLEY HUBAL

The first yahrzeit for my father is next week. I miss May you all come through this crisis unharmed. our Jewish neighbors need us now more than ever, and him terribly. His sense of humor, intellect and creative Work at the Jewish Federation continues. I had on- I cannot let the pandemic change our mission. There are spirit are what fill my memories the most. Although he ecommunity member question the reasoning of going donors who have generously stepped up. There are others was taken much too young, I do feel a sense of relief forth with the Chesed Matching Challenge under the that have apologized and said, “I can’t right now.” I want that he is not in a nursing home during the current current economic hardships. To some, asking for money you all to know that there is no judgement. Everyone pandemic. It would have been terribly painful to not when the community and country are experiencing record counts and every dollar counts, no matter how big or visit and care for him during the most difficult time of unemployment and very uncertain times seems insensi- small. Sometimes we give and sometimes we receive. his life. My heart goes out to the people in that very tive. I understand this reasoning, but I also know there This is the time to show we care, maybe by calling an old situation. There are no words of comfort anyone can are so many who are looking for a way to contribute. friend, sending a text, joining a virtual service or making offer. I am thinking too of the caring and dedicated Looking for a way to say “no matter what, this crisis will a donation. During this challenging time, Binghamton is staff we had the honor to meet during dad’s illness. not change my community and I am going to do what I showing its true colors and I feel blessed to be part of This pandemic has made a difficult and under-valued can to make a difference.” We believe in the people of this caring community. job unsafe and nearly impossible. I extend my best the Binghamton Jewish community, we value our local I am wishing you all a happy and healthy Pesach. Stay wishes and love to all the professionals caring for the Jewish institutions and we raise funds for them. That is safe. Reach out if you are in need or just to say hello. May sick and dying. I know that you are doing God’s work. what the Federation does. Our Jewish organizations and we all be together again soon. Thoughts on the COVID-19 crisis By Rabbi Zev Silber and by diverse speakers and lecturers, is the importance natural causes, rather it was caused because the person Editor’s note: The Reporter asked local pulpit rabbis of reducing stress within the family, as we find ourselves engaged in “lashon hara,” gossip, slander and general about the effect COVID-19 was having on their congre- confined to our immediate families. There exists, because inappropriate speech about others. Being placed in iso- gation and their thoughts on the crisis. of the stay-at-home order, an opportunity to really get lation and removed from society and the company of At Beth David, we are not offering online services for to know each other again, an opportunity to share ideas, others made one think about how to properly engage with prayer services or for classes. I stay in touch with our con- thoughts, philosophy of life and Judaism, and to directly the other. Even though the plague of “tzara’at” no longer gregants by e-mail, text and personal phone connections. be involved in our children’s education. These are things exists, perhaps our self-isolation today can also serve the Individual concerns and support are provided in this way. that we always seem to lack the time to do, and now we same goal: for us to consider how we interact with others, Being confined to remain at home, I continue with daily have this chance for personal growth. perhaps especially when we disagree with their opinions. prayers, Torah study and Pesach preparations. There are A Jewish comparison to our current situation of social Perhaps we will value our ability and desire for more many online opportunities to grow in our Jewish knowledge distancing can be found in the book of Leviticus. The personal interactions to a greater degree, and begin being in any area of life and any subject, and I advise people to Torah states that if someone is inflicted with “tzara’at,” more civil, more respectful and more accepting of ideas take advantage of those when looking for positive ways incorrectly translated as leprosy, she/he is sent away and that differ from our own. to occupy themselves. placed in isolation, even isolated from immediate family. Rabbi Zev Silber is the spiritual leader of Beth David One of the ideas that I have heard expressed often, The rabbis explain that this skin condition was not of Synagogue. In My Own Words Working from home RABBI RACHEL ESSERMAN, EXECUTIVE EDITOR Although newspapers are considered a vital industry, life continues even if we aren’t able to gather in the Things that aren’t as easy? I haven’t been able to Reporter staff have been working from home as much as same room. see my mother, who is in a nursing home, for weeks. possible. That makes work more difficult since all com- I find myself working longer hours because it’s become Fortunately, I arranged for her to have a phone and am munication is done on the computer, but we decided to do harder to separate my work and home life, but I’m not able to talk to her almost everyday. That’s not true for this because we want to follow government guidelines as complaining. I’m grateful to have a job, especially since many folks and it must be so difficult for them not to best we can. We’re also worried about each other’s health. my part-time chaplaincy work has been put on hold until be in contact with their loved ones. My mom doesn’t I’m especially concerned about my staff member who has this is over. And, working from home means that I don’t really understand what’s going on, which is good in asthma, although she’s quick to remind me that I’m over have to set my alarm as early since the commute to my that she’s not worried about me and my brother and 60, part of the age group for whom the virus is considered home office takes far less time than my commute to The sister-in-law, but hard when she asks when she’s going more dangerous. In the meantime, we believe it provides Reporter office. to see me or requests that I bring her a candy bar. I try an important service to the community. What am I doing with my free time? No one will be to explain a bit about the virus, but she usually doesn’t Thinking about the virus forces me to face some hard surprised to hear that I’m reading because that’s a vital remember what I said the next time I talk to her. The truths: I could die. The people I love – friends and rel- activity, virus or no virus. I try to get outside for a walk staff at the home have been wonderful: sometimes atives – could die. Yet, as a cousin who has been living everyday if I can. If not, then I walk around the inside of my mom forgets to turn off the phone or put it in the with cancer for almost two decades has reminded me, the house. My TV has been on a bit more than normal: I’ve charger. When I can’t reach her, I just call the nurses’ we are all dying. It’s just the virus gives us one specific been keeping up with the two shows I regularly watch – the desk and they go into her room and take care of the thing to fear. However, I’m not letting myself dwell on current baking competition on Monday nights on the Food problem. There is no way to thank them enough for this or let it paralyze me because what counts now is Network and “The Rookie” – but have seen a few episodes this small, kind deed. making certain that we live and enjoy each day to the of other shows I like, but don’t usually watch because I Will our daily lives ever return to normal? The quar- best of our ability. don’t have enough time. antines and self distancing will stop someday. Will things For me, it helps to be working and the paper has kept My big pleasure, though, has been listening to more ever feel normal again? For some, this period of time will me and my staff busy. The Reporter feels more vital to music in the evening or on weekends. It helps when I’m disappear as if it never happened; others may be scarred the community than ever before. That’s not just because walking inside the house because the beat keeps me mov- for life. Will we all be here at the end? That’s the scary of the lists of postponed and canceled activities (which ing. (Yes, I’m listening to rock again. That used to be too question no one can answer, but we should remember are not fun to print), but for the messages of hope from difficult, but the sound is getting better.) If I know the song one thing: as a community, we will stand together to Federation Executive Director Shelley Hubal, notices already, then I can catch some of the words. Sometimes, help those in need – financially or emotionally. It also of local Jewish activities and meetings that are being a word or two jumps out even if I don’t remember it. (My doesn’t hurt to remember to say to the folks you care held online, and the articles listing Jewish options for brain has forgotten a lot of music I listened to in the 1990s about what I say to my mom just before we hang up the education and recreation while self distancing. Jewish so those CDs feel new.) phone: “I love you.”

Executive Editor Rabbi Rachel Esserman Layout Editor Diana Sochor Advertising Bonnie Rozen Suzanne Holwitt, President Bookkeeper Kathy Brown

Shelley Hubal, Executive Director Published by the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton Production Associate Christi Sturdevant 607-724-2332 ~ www.jfgb.org BINGHAMTON, NY Proofreaders The Reporter Editorial Committee Barbara Bank, Eleanor Durfee, Fran Ferentinos, Rachel Coker, chairwoman OPINIONS Leah Ferentinos, Rebecca Goldstein Kahn, Rebecca Goldstein Kahn, Ben Kasper, The views expressed in editorials and opinion pieces are those of each author and Merri Pell-Preus, Ilene Pinsker, Heidi Thirer Toby Kohn, Richard Lewis, not necessarily the views of the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton. Robert Neuberger, Dora Polachek LETTERS The Reporter welcomes letters on subjects of interest to the Jewish community. HOW TO REACH THE REPORTER All letters must be signed and include a phone number; names may be withheld upon request. Mail ~ The Reporter, 500 Clubhouse Rd. Vestal, NY 13850 ADS “The Reporter” (USPS 096-280) is published weekly for $36 per year by the E-mail ~ [email protected] The Reporter does not necessarily endorse any advertised products Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton, 500 Clubhouse Road, Vestal, NY 13850-3734. Periodicals Postage Paid at Vestal, NY and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Phone ~ 607-724-2360 or 800-779-7896 and services. In addition, the paper is not responsible for the kashruth of any advertiser’s product or establishment. Send address changes to The Reporter, 500 Clubhouse Road, Vestal, NY 13850-3734 or reach us by e-mail at [email protected]. Extension#/Department ~ 1. Advertising 2. Business Office DEADLINE 3. Art Department 4. Circulation 6. Editorial/News Regular weekly deadline is noon, Wednesday, for the following week’s newspaper. www.thereportergroup.org April 10-16, 2020 Page 3 - The Reporter Online Judaism: A parents’ guide on Cancellations and engaging Jewishly in the time of corona postponements By Deborah Fineblum you’re away from Judaism. And ‹ The Temple Concord Sisterhood has postponed its April (JNS) – It wasn’t so long ago it’s not so hard for us to get used 26 donor event until the fall. when life was so over-the-top to this because our generation is ‹ The Book Club at Temple Concord has cancelled its busy that you longed for some used to electronics.” April 21 meeting. Club organizer Merri Pell-Preus is quiet, unstructured time with After-school religious schools asking members to let her know if they are interested your children. The coronavirus are also jumping on the bandwagon. in holding Zoom meetings until the club can meet again pandemic has granted that wish. Over at Temple Israel in Sharon, in person. And then some. MA, principal Rabbi Mordechai With no end in sight of QT Rackover says his teachers have (Quality Time), many schools picked up where they left off courte- Moving any time soon? have come to a parent’s rescue sy of Zoom. “We’re talking with the Or just leaving town for a few months? with online classes through a students, and they’re talking with range of technologies many of us each other and seeing each other; Whether you’re moving across town had never heard of two weeks ago. this way, we can make sure we all or across the country, please let The Ironically, those screens that stay in each other’s lives,” says the Reporter know so you can stay up to were once the bane of a parent’s rabbi, who says one recent class date on community news and quickly existence – the computers, lap tops, had 20 students show up remotely, receive the paper at your new (or tem- cell phones and tablets guilty of almost perfect attendance. “It also porary) address! commandeering their children’s makes us an address that families E-mail [email protected] with “Reporter minds and bodies – are the life- Ellie Kay, a sixth-grader at the Solomon Schechter can go to whenever they could use Address change” in the subject line, or call blood for keeping the kids learning, Day School in West Hartford, CT, wss doing her some support.” 607-724-2360, ext. 254, to let The Reporter productive and feeling some sense learning and prayers online these days. (Photo Across the ocean in Israel the know about your new address. of structure and normalcy in these courtesy of Solomon Schechter Day School ) same technologies are allowing unpredictable times. students to stay engaged. At the But with many synagogues locked up, religious schools Tanakh Yeshiva School in Zikron Yaakov, founding prin- and day schools in abeyance, with JCCs shuttered and cipal Rabbi Shimon Rapport says the online capacity to The Jewish Community wishes to express Shabbat meals now intimate (nuclear) family affairs, how keep his 180 high school boys focused on their schoolwork its sympathy to Rabbi Zalman Chein on the can parents keep the Jewish flame alive? is a huge gift. death of his father, For Andrea Kasper, head of school at Solomon Schech- “We get them up for 9 am classes because teenagers ter Day School of Greater Hartford in West Hartford, CT, would happily sleep till 11,” says Rapport. “We know they Rabbi Mordechai Chein seeing how her parents and students have rallied has made need the structure.” her “the proudest I’ve been in my five years at Schechter.” The online curriculum includes Tanach, Jewish stud- And the school’s Jewish curriculum has been a big part ies and secular classes, including English, all conducted The Jewish Community wishes to express its of this – from the preschoolers to the eighth-graders – through Google Classroom, Zoom and Google Meet. The sympathy to the family of classes delivered now through Google Classroom, Zoom kids also have a good hour’s worth of homework each Earl Gordon and Seesaw. day with opportunities for feedback on the chat function. “For the 2-year-olds, it really makes a difference that “Everyone – students and teachers alike – has learned,” they can hear the songs and see their friends and teachers,” he adds. “It’s amazing that, if this had happened five years The Jewish Community wishes to express its she says. “And for the big kids, it means keeping up their ago, we would not have this ability to keep the education sympathy to Jared Shapiro on the death of his learning and socializing, too, starting the day with doing going like we can today.” morning prayers together.” At a time when the world’s synagogues are either closed father, Jason Kay is one Schechter parent whose kids are settling for the duration or where only 10 people can enter (just Robert Edward Shapiro quickly into their new routine, including long-distance enough to make a minyan), or where people are praying learning, prayers, phys ed and more. “The older kids are outdoors with plenty of space between them, attendance engaged in coursework or hanging out with their friends is dramatically curtailed. on their Chromebooks between classes, they’re not fight- At Congregation Beth Shalom in Wilmington, DE, ing, and by 7:30, our 4-year-old is ready to see what his Rabbi Michael Beals has been live streaming his daily and Early deadlineReal Estate Services teacher’s posted for the day, “ says Kay, who has children in Shabbat services from an empty sanctuary, one designed to SUZANNE L. KRAUSE sixth and fourth grades, as well as in preschool. Weekdays seat 250 with the siddur available to worshippers on PDF. Licensed Real Estate Broker of late start with online morning prayers and songs, “and “We got 24 for Sunday-morning minyan, more than usual,” for The ReporterCell: 607.760.3366 it helps that they can hear all the kids singing and saying says Beals. “People who never daven in the morning are O ce: 607.772.1177 The Reporter will haveFax: an 607.772.2435early deadline for the tefillot (prayers) together.” davening with me.” following upcoming issue. No exceptions will be made. Ethan Simon, an 11th-grader at the Jack M. Barrack He- And since he is saying Kaddish for both his father and [email protected] Issue...... Deadline brew Academy in Bryn Mawr, PA, participates in a virtual mother-in-law, though it’s by no means a bona fide minyan, howardhanna.com Friday, April 24...... Monday, April 13 minyan every morning at 9 am before the beginning of on weekdays Beals glances at his cell phone to see if more class. “Of course, it doesn’t really count as a minyan, but than 10 people have checked in. “I make sure I greet every we’re acting like it’s one,” he says. “It helps us remember one of them by name,” he says. “It’s good for them, and that just because you’re away from school doesn’t mean See “Guide” on page 8

Resources Continued from page 1 Real Estate Services Visit the site and click on that box “Daily Guide to Zoom For more resources, see the last two issues of The Reporter SUZANNE L. KRAUSE Events, Livestreams and Other Online Resources.” It’s also or visit www.thereportergroup.org/Article.aspx?aID=5484 Licensed Real Estate Broker possible to sign up for a daily e-mail update. and www.thereportergroup.org/Article.aspx?aID=5499. Cell: 607.760.3366 O ce: 607.772.1177 Fax: 607.772.2435 [email protected] Continued from page 1 Film howardhanna.com Eduard Sporck (Peter Simonischek), who accepts a job perform together in a concert due to take place in three to create an Israeli-Palestinian youth orchestra. He finds weeks. The film is loosely inspired by the West-Eastern himself dealing with what seem to be unsolvable problems. Divan Orchestra, conducted by Daniel Barenboim. Happy Passover The young musicians on both sides are unable to form a ERNEST“Join us for a film theH. committee PARSONS unanimously agreed was team due to the continuing conflict between Israelis and a must-see,”FUNERAL Hubal said. “I’m HOME looking forward to hearing ERNEST H. PARSONS Palestinians. The question becomes whether Sporck can Faithfullypeople’s comments Serving Broome on the film. County If this Since is successful,1928 we FUNERAL HOME help both sides overcome their distrust and hatred, and may screen other films the same way.” Real FaithfullyEstate Service ServingsR Broome County Since 1928 eal Estate Services SUZANNE L. KRAUSE SUZANNE L. KRAUSE Please Licensed Real Estate Broker Licensed Real Estate Broker Cell: 607.760.3366 Cell: 607.760.3366 support O ce: 607.772.1177 O ce: 607.772.1177 Fax: 607.772.2435 Fax: 607.772.2435 our [email protected] [email protected] advertisers howardhanna.com howardhanna.com PRE-ARRANGEMENTS and AND PRE-FUNDING AVAILABLE PRE-ARRANGEMENTS AND PRE-FUNDING AVAILABLE tell them Joseph Fritsch Managing Director Joseph Fritsch you saw Managing Director their ad 71 Main St., Binghamton, NY 13905 71 Main St., Binghamton, NY 13905 Phone 607-724-1336 Phone 607-724-1336 here in Fax 800-948-5844 Fax 800-948-5844 [email protected] [email protected] www.ParsonsFuneral.com www.ParsonsFuneral.com Real Estate Services Published by the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE SUZANNE L. ÊVisit us on the web at www.thereportergroup.org KRAUSE Licensed Real Estate Broker

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Have A Safe 2017 ~ Don’t Drink & Drive Have A Safe Summer ~ Don’t Drink & Drive ERNEST H. PARSONS ERNEST H. PARSONS FUNERAL HOME FUNERAL HOME Faithfully Serving Broome County Since 1928 Faithfully Serving Broome County Since 1928

PRE-ARRANGEMENTS PRE-ARRANGEMENTS AND PRE-FUNDING AVAILABLE AND PRE-FUNDING AVAILABLE Joseph Fritsch Joseph Fritsch Managing Director Managing Director 71 Main St., Binghamton, NY 13905 71 Main St., Binghamton, NY 13905 Phone 607-724-1336 Phone 607-724-1336 Fax 800-948-5844 Fax 800-948-5844 [email protected] [email protected] www.ParsonsFuneral.com www.ParsonsFuneral.com HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE Page 4 - The Reporter April 10-16, 2020 Off the Shelf A biography of the haggadah RABBI RACHEL ESSERMAN More Jews observe Passover than any other Jewish were small and printed on inexpensive paper. During the holiday, although those celebrations vary greatly – from 15th century, haggadot became larger, which meant there Online course on avant- strictly Orthodox to totally secular. What they all have was now room for rabbinic commentary. Haggadot also garde literature in common, though, is some variation of the haggadah, began to be translated into many different languages. That YIVO will hold an eight-week, free which provides a blueprint for what will occur during the gave those who didn’t read Hebrew a chance to understand online course, “Fantastic Journeys,” taught evening. However, what exactly is the haggadah and why the text. by Executive Director Jonathan Brent are there so many different versions? Those questions are Ochs looks at the wide variety of modern haggadot – starting April 20. Conducted online via Zoom over discussed in the wonderful “The Passover Haggadah: A from those used to advertise products (for example, the eight weeks (Mondays/Wednesdays, 1:30-3 pm), the Biography” by Vanessa Ochs (Princeton University Press). Maxwell House haggadah) to ones published by the dif- course will investigate the historical transitions and Ochs notes that her book is not an encyclopedic look at ferent branches of Judaism in the United States. She also transformations of the late 19th and early 20th centuries the haggadah: “It is personal, partial, and eclectic, and discusses the changes that occurred in these haggadot over in Eastern Europe and Russia through the avant-garde it reflects my being an anthropologist who investigates time. (While she does discuss the two Reform haggadot, literature of those lands that may be called the literature Jewish ritual innovation in the contemporary era. That she only writes about the first Reconstructionist one. I ad- of the “fantastic.” Not realism, nor fantasy, nor science means when I turn backward. I do so unabashedly from a mit to a prejudice here: my favorite haggadah is “A Night fiction, the genre of the fantastic that sprang to life twenty-first-century perspective.” of Questions,” the second Reconstructionist haggadah, throughout this part of the world in Poland, Russia, Ochs begins by discussing the nature of the haggadah. which was edited by Rabbi Joy Levitt and Rabbi Michael Czechoslovakia, Ukraine and elsewhere brought about Unlike other Jewish texts – for example, the Torah or the Strassfeld.) Other chapters discuss Holocaust haggadot, a radical questioning of experience, “values,” the na- book of Esther – there is no requirement that it be read particularly those produced shortly after World War II, ture of human consciousness, tradition, language and out loud. In fact, when the Torah offers instructions for the and Israeli haggadot, with a focus on those used during norms of logic. Of special interest to this class will be holiday, it mostly focuses on the Temple sacrifice, the eating the early years of the state. the Jewish dimension of this literature and the signal of unleavened bread and the need to tell the story. There is What interests Ochs is the idea that a text for a reli- role that Jewish thinkers and writers played in its no mention of the various steps listed in current haggadot gious ceremony could be open to so many interpretations. development. The course will cover works by Kafka, (the plural of haggadah) and that includes the four glasses From her anthropological viewpoint, she suggests three Ansky, Capek, Schulz and more. of wine. The seder developed during the rabbinic period reasons. One is that the haggadah and the seder have To learn more and register for the course, visit https:// as a result of the destruction of the . Ochs never successfully replaced the experience of the pilgrim- yivo.org/Fantastic-Journeys. notes that “rabbinic sages forged new practices, maintaining age to Jerusalem and the Temple sacrifice. That leaves continuity with the past through encounters with text, seen people dissatisfied and looking for ways to improve the Online course on Jewish food as a source of ongoing revelation.... The symbolic service experience. Another is that, in order to understand the On Friday, May 1, YIVO will launch the fourth class in of study and ritualized dining that developed was set at a text, one needs to be knowledgeable enough to grasp the Shine Online Educational Series, “A Seat at the Table: new altar. Not the synagogue or study house, but the home all the biblical and talmudic references. This still leaves A Journey into Jewish Food.” In light of the COVID-19 table.” She also explains the changes that occurred over others at the table to grapple with material they may pandemic, “A Seat at the Table,” along with all of YIVO’s the years, as additional selections were added to reflect not understand. The last reason is theological: “The Shine Online courses, will be free of charge. changes in the community. Haggadah poses an overwhelming theological challenge The course will explore such questions as “What One chapter explores medieval illuminated haggadot, without providing satisfying resources to address it. The defines Ashkenazi Jewish food? Should matzah balls be particularly the Birds’ Head Haggadah, the Sarajevo Hag- Haggadah invites a celebration of a rare joyous moment fluffy or dense? Gefilte fish, sweet or peppery? Borsht, gadah and the Washington Haggadah. These personalized in the Jewish narrative, when God liberates the Hebrew hot or cold, creamy or not.” The course will also feature haggadot, which were hand written and hand illustrated, slaves who cried out. But even in a celebratory state of cooking demonstrations of Jewish recipes by chefs like were expensive to produce. Usually only the person lead- mind, one struggles to understand why God appears to Joan Nathan, Liz Alpern and Jeffrey Yoskowitz (The ing the seder would have a copy. That changed with the no longer hear the suffering of the Jewish people or to Gefilteria), Adeena Sussman, and Leah Koenig; site visits invention of the printing press. The first printedhaggadot provide salvation.” with Niki Russ Federman and Josh Russ Tupper (Russ Yet, Ochs sees the haggadah as a vibrant document and Daughters) and Jake Dell (Katz’s Deli); scholars and and believes that its flaws are what keep it relevant. It has authors such as Michael Twitty, Alice Feiring, Mitchell been re-imagined by each generation and, in contemporary Davis (James Beard Foundation), Darra Goldstein, Lior times, often changed to express the hopes and desires of Lev Sercarz (La Boite), Ilan Stavans, and Michael Wex; a particular family or organization. Ochs’ work is a love and hundreds of never-before-seen archival objects letter to the haggadah: it encourages readers to look at the from the YIVO Archives. Discover how the essence of text with new eyes and discover ways to make it meaning- Jewish food has remained constant even as the recipes ful. Her small, short book would make a perfect gift, but have evolved and changed with the migration of Jews readers may also find themselves ordering an extra copy around the world. for their own library. Registration for the course can found at yivo.org/food.

Anna Warfield Art, LLC, Art. of Org. LEGAL NOTICE

filed with SSNY on 1/6/20. Off. loc.: Attention Broome Co. SSNY designated as Company with the Secretary of State Cortland, NY 13045. Ryan M. Mead, 80 Exchange Street, ______agent upon whom process may be was March 9, 2020. The county in 5. The character or purpose of the Suite 700, Binghamton, NY 13901. served & shall mail: 151 Chapin St., which the principal place of business business of the LLC is any purpose The purpose of the business of the NOTICE OF FORMATION OF Attorneys Binghamton, NY 13905. Purp.: any of the Company shall be located is allowed by law. Company is any lawful business LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY: lawful purp. Broome County. The Secretary of ______purpose. The name of the limited liability ______State has been designated as agent ______company is: The Self Stories, LLC Published by the of the Company upon whom process NOTICE OF FORMATION of (the “Company”). The date of filing Jewish Federation Zalvis Properties LLC, Art. of Org. against it may be served. 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April 10-16, 2020 Page 5 - The Reporter Pandemic prompts prayer at home, online through America, according to latest Pew study By Faygie Holt U.S. adults say they have prayed for an end (JNS) – On a recent Wednesday morning, to the spread of virus. More than one-third East Coast time, thousands of Orthodox of Jews surveyed, 35 percent, have done Jews stopped what they were doing to so. The largest group who reported doing recite a series of psalms all at the same A man prayed at so are evangelical Christians at 82 percent. time. They prayed from their homes in the almost empty The survey also found that of those who Jerusalem, New York, Scottsdale and Los , regularly attend worship services – four in Angeles. The goal, said organizers, was to Judaism’s holiest 10 – have replaced in-person attendance storm the heavens with pleas for the end of prayer site in the Old with virtual attendance. the COVID-19 outbreak. City of Jerusalem, on Jewish groups of all denominations have “While we are prevented these days March 27. (Photo also shifted to online platforms to reach from joining together in space, we can at by Yonatan Sindel/ out to their communities. The Women’s least endeavor to come together in time, Flash90) League for Conservative Judaism, for as an expression of our unity of collective instance, hosts a daily recitation of psalms soul,” said Rabbi Avi Shafran, director of and Kaddish via Zoom each day, while the public affairs for Agudath Israel of America, Orthodox Union holds a daily recitation of one of the groups that participated in the clergy and community leaders from the “Personally, I found passages from psalms via conference call. simultaneous prayer service. United States, the United Kingdom, South Tachanun, from the daily prayer, are very “Participating in public prayer forums Coming together in prayer in a time of America and Israel. powerful,” he continued. “The psalms that most certainly benefits the participants,” crisis is nothing new for the Jewish people. “Judaism encourages two kinds of are a part of that, ‘Out of depth, I call you,’… said the Agudah’s Shafran. “Firstly, because What is different now is that the “coming prayers,” explained Rabbi Jacob Blumen- those are very powerful words and remind it inspires them to know that they are praying together” is being done while people are thal, chief executive of the Rabbinical As- us, especially when we recite the psalms, together – if at a distance – with others. And physically apart. sembly, the rabbinic arm of the Conservative that we are not the first generation that faces secondly, because the Talmud says that one On April 5, for instance, Masorti and movement, “prayer in the community with a adversity … and that many psalms express who prays for another’s welfare becomes the Conservative Judaism movement minyan that requires a set liturgy and written hope and confidence in the future.” the beneficiary of [God’s] help himself.” were scheduled to host the online “Global prayer, and personal prayer, whether that’s Rabbi Hara Person, chief executive of While many find solace in traditional, Gathering for Healing.” The 30-minute a simple ‘barush Hashem’ [thank God] or the Central Conference of American Rabbis, established prayers, others are also finding virtual program was to include leading a more personal plea. which represents rabbis within the Reform comfort through guided reflections or med- movement, said, “I think prayer brings people itations. “Many of our rabbis are offering comfort especially in times of crisis and times daily minyans or chanting services, where of worry. People look to something to provide you focus on a specific pasuk [‘passage’] or JFNA launches national some of comfort, some sense that everything phrase, and repeat it over and over to focus will be OK, that things will get better. I think on the meaning of the text,” said Rabbi Deb- that’s what prayer does traditionally. orah Waxman, president of Reconstructing effort for nonprofits in crisis “If you look at psalms, that’s a lot of Judaism, the central organization of the By JNS staff “The Paycheck Protection Program is what that is,” she continued. “People are Reconstructionist movement. “It’s a very (JNS) – Following the enactment of the an unprecedented resource in helping to turning to that. They are looking for that.” accessible way for people who don’t know Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Se- ensure that Jewish Federations, community Across the United States, people are turn- the liturgy, rather than going through an entire curity (CARES) Act, the largest emergency centers, synagogues, Jewish day schools, ing to religion, according to a Pew Research services, to go deep with just a little bit.” aid package in U.S. history, the Jewish Fed- Jewish Family Service agencies and others Study on the impact of the coronavirus on However you pray, Blumenthal of the erations of North America has announced a are able to continue their critical work to the habits of Americans. The study, released Rabbinical Assembly, has some advice: national program to help Jewish nonprofits help vulnerable populations and safeguard on March 30, found that 55 percent of all “Just do it. We all need it.” access financial support made possible Jewish life across America,” said Eric through the legislation. Fingerhut, JFNA president and CEO, While large companies, such as air- in a statement. “We are grateful for this lines, are set to receive $500 billion in opportunity and strongly urge all Jewish To all our loans and other investments, small busi- organizations to apply.” nesses and nonprofits, including those On March 29, more than 17,000 people readers, that receive Medicaid funding, would joined information webinars on the loans. Best receive $349 billion in forgivable loans JFNA hosted another webinar on March 30 from the Small Business Administration. for Jewish organizations interested in learn- Wishes This would include $10 billion through ing more about eligibility and application the SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster requirements. Participants were advised Loans; nonprofits and small businesses on how to calculate potential loan amounts for a Happy, with no more than 500 employees would and how to best prepare to apply for a loan. be eligible. JFNA has also set up a national Healthy and JFNA is also helping small businesses resource bank of professionals and vol- and nonprofits access the SBA’s Paycheck unteers who can assist nonprofits with Kosher Passover! Protection Program, which provides loans the process. Interested organizations The Staff intended to help small businesses keep can contact the JFNA SBA loan hotline and Editorial workers employed amid the pandemic and at 212-284-6625 or e-mail questions to economic downturn. [email protected]. Board of Missed an issue of The Reporter? The Reporter’s website, www.thereportergroup.org, offers ac- Published by the Jewish Federation of Greater Binghamton cess to full issues in PDF format. You can find them in the “Cur- rent & Past Issues” section, accessible from the main menu bar at the top left of the page, dating back to the April 22, 2016, issue. Your National, Award-Winning Community Newspaper!

Donations may be sent to the Federation, 500 Clubhouse Rd., Vestal, NY 13850, with “Chesed Challenge” on the subject line. To donate online, visit www.jfgb.org and click on Chesed Challenge. ÊVisit us on the web at www.thereportergroup.org Page 6 - The Reporter April 10-16, 2020 Extension of high-speed rail to Old City Jerusalem expected to alleviate traffic, boost tourism

By Josh Hasten (JNS) – In what is being dubbed as a historical develop- ment, Israel’s Transportation Ministry announced recently that it is moving forward with plans to extend the new Tel Aviv-Jerusalem high-speed rail line in order to connect Ben-Gurion International Airport directly to the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The new route for the railway extension was approved by the National Planning and Construction Commission. It will feature a 1.8-mile underground tunnel with two new stations, including one adjacent to the Khan Theatre Complex in downtown Jerusalem and the other inside the Old City. Transportation Minister Bezalel Smotrich hailed the announcement, saying the new line would help ease Israel’s Transportation Minister Bezalel Smotrich on the first ride transportation crisis. In fact, recent studies show that Israel of the the new high-speed train between Jerusalem and Tel The interior of the Yitzhak Navon high-speed train station suffers the worst traffic congestion out of all Organization Aviv on December 18. (Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90) in Jerusalem on December 18. (Photo by Yonatan Sindel/ for Economic Cooperation and Development nations. Flash90) At the same time, the minister said that new line “allows called the move a “flagrant violation of international law.” us to advance a Zionist and Jewish ideology.” Its foreign ministry spokesman, Daifallah al-Fayez, insisted “A rail line to the Western Wall is a huge development Tourists arriving in Israel will be able to hop on a train that the international community “assume its responsi- for Israeli citizens and millions of tourists who enter the straight to the Western Wall as their first destination while bilities to resist the illegitimate and illegal Israeli steps.” gates of Jerusalem,” he continued. “This is an exciting visiting the country. Jerusalem resident Yomi Groner, a licensed tour guide moment for the state of Israel and for future generations. In response to the new rail line, Deputy Mayor of Je- with Israel’s Ministry of Tourism for the past 11 years, This is a true expression of Zionism.” rusalem Fleur Hassan-Nahoum told JNS, “We are thrilled hailed the project, telling JNS that “Israel has a massive that the Transport Ministry has decided to build the train problem, especially in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem vis-à-vis line from Tel Aviv directly to the center of our capital city public transportation. With the planned development of a NEWS IN BRIEF and the beating heart of our people. This is the modern business center at the entrance to Jerusalem, you are going expression of King David’s vision of Jerusalem and the to have major problems getting from one part of the city to Old City as the place where people ascend to from Israel the other. But if you can ride a train across the city, it will From JNS.org and indeed across the world.” be more beneficial to the majority of people.” Rabbi Steve Burg, CEO of Aish HaTorah, with headquar- He added that “unless you are going to tell people not Romania’s Jews given rabbinical ters based in the Old City of Jerusalem, told JNS that “the to drive cars inside the city of Jerusalem, this is the only permission for Shabbat burials extension of the high-speed rail to the Old City of Jerusalem solution which is realistic and effective.” The Jewish community of Bucharest, Romania, received is a major achievement for Israel. Jews from around the world Groner said colleagues in the tourism and travel industry, a rabbinical exception to bury those who have died as a result will be able to land at Ben-Gurion and in a short amount of including bus drivers and mini-bus drivers, as well as tour- of the coronavirus (COVID-19) on Shabbat to help bypass time be at the Western Wall to be spiritually uplifted. It’s the ists themselves have been complaining about the situation Romanian government orders on March 27 that such victims perfect blend of modern technology and ancient spirituality.” for years. He noted that some of the problems include not must be buried on the day of their death or cremated to stop But not everyone is praising the approval. officials only the traffic itself, but a lack of parking available near further spread of the disease. Both cremation and burials on tourist sites around the Old City. Shabbat are not allowed under religious Jewish law. Rabbi He did acknowledged that while under construction the Yaakov Rojah from the ZAKA Israeli emergency-response train project will most likely be a headache for Jerusalem group found a source for an exception, supported by an incident residents, but, in the end, it is a must to alleviate the con- that happened many years ago in Jerusalem that would allow a gestion. At the same time, he mentioned, it “might improve non-Jew to bury a Jewish person’s body on Shabbat, reported hotel prices in Jerusalem.” The Yeshiva World. He then turned to Rabbi Avigdor Neben- Groner said, “If people know they can stay outside of zahl, the former chief rabbi of the Old City of Jerusalem and Jerusalem and hop onto a train and get to the Old City, president of the Rabbinical Council of ZAKA, who ruled on maybe it will start pushing hotels in Jerusalem to bring March 27 that the Bucharest Jewish community is permitted down their prices.” to have a Christian bury a Jewish coronavirus victim who dies Smotrich concluded his comments on the announced on Shabbat in order to prevent the body from being cremated. approval, saying, “The and the last standing “We’re receiving dozens of appeals from Jewish communities remnant of the Holy Temple, the Western Wall, represent around the world to prevent the cremation of bodies in the our [the Jewish] right to exist here. Millions of visitors wake of government directives,” said ZAKA head Yehudah come on pilgrimages and are forced to hike to the Western Meshi-Zahav. “We will make every effort to preserve kavod A view of heavy traffic in Jerusalem on a main route to the Wall due to a lack of proper transportation. The Jewish hameis [‘the honor of the dead’] like we constantly battle to city exit and entrance on November 25. (Photo by Hadas state cannot allow such a reality and today we have taken do. We daven every day and hope that the pandemic ends, and Parush/Flash90) an important step toward a solution. we can assist in happy events only.” Quick Reference Guide to Planned Giving Use this planned giving quick reference guide to help determine the best strategy for achieving your philanthropic and financial goals. For further information or assistance, please contact Shelley Hubal at 724-2332 or [email protected] If Your Goal is to: Then You Can: Your Benefits May Include: Make a quick and easy gift Simply write a check now or use a credit card An income tax deduction and immediate charitable impact Avoid tax on capital gains Contribute long-term appreciated stock or other securities A charitable deduction plus no capital gains tax Defer a gift until after your death Put a bequest in your will (gifts of cash or a share or the residue of your estate) Exemption from federal estate tax on donations Receive guaranteed fixed income that is Create a charitable gift annuity partially tax-free Current and future savings on income taxes plus fixed stable payments Avoid the two-fold taxation on IRA or other Name a charity as the beneficiary of the employee benefit plans remainder of the retirement assets after your Tax relief to your family on inherited assets lifetime

Make a large gift with little cost to you Contribute a life insurance policy you no Current and possible future income tax longer need or purchase a new one and deductions designate a charity as the owner

Reduce taxable income from IRA Required Make a qualified charitable donation directly Reducing taxable income Minimum Distributions from your IRA (after age 70½) April 10-16, 2020 Page 7 - The Reporter Welcome online faces to Passover “bruncheon” By Ethel G. Hofman juice in a microwave safe bowl. Cover lightly with wax ¼ cup orange juice (JNS) – This year, I’m not going overboard. I’m not even paper. Microwave for 2 minutes on High or until kum- 3 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil using my late mother’s dinner service for 20; instead, it’s quats are slightly softened. Transfer to food processor. ½ serrano pepper, seeded plastic ware. Everything has changed in the era of corona, Process until coarsely chopped. In a bowl, mix together Gently toss the jicama, mango and raisins in a large Passover included. the kumquats and remaining ingredients. Serve chilled or bowl. Set aside. In the blender, whirl the juices, oil and Yet we must celebrate (Passover began at sundown at room temperature. pepper until pepper is thoroughly blended. Pour over the on April 8 and ends the evening of April 16), even if you Jicama and Mango Salad (pareve) jicama mixture and toss. Serve chilled. are the lone attendee. I realize people don’t seem up to it: Serves 8 Herb-Roasted Fingerling Potatoes (pareve) Shopping for ingredients will be difficult, and faces nor- Jicama is a large, bulbous, thin-skinned root vegetable. Serves 8 mally present around our holiday tables won’t be there. Eaten raw, it adds a sweet, crunchiness to salads. Cook’s tips: But it is a festival of freedom, after all, and we need to Cook’s tips: Use dried rosemary and thyme instead of fresh, 1 tea- declare that: Jewish freedom in the time of a real plague. Substitute dried cranberries for raisins; they add some spoon dried to 1 tablespoon fresh. It’s estimated that more than 80 percent of Jews world- color. Lemon juice drizzled over cooked potatoes intensifies wide attend a Passover seder. If that’s so, this year, that Substitute a very small pinch of cayenne pepper for herb flavors. number may shoot even higher with everyone stationary serrano pepper. If using fresh rosemary leaves, discard woody stems. at home. We will read our haggadahs and savor traditional Cut mango into ½-inch to 3/4-inch cubes. May need to use two baking sheets. dishes, like Bubbe’s brisket and chicken soup. Freedom 4 cups peeled, diced jicama Use latex gloves to toss potatoes. must be cherished, family must be cherished, food must 3 cups peeled, diced mango Potatoes are ready when a pointed knife slips out easily. be cherished. 1 cup golden raisins 2 -3 pounds fingerling potatoes, washed In fact, the entire eight-day celebration revolves around ¼ cup fresh lime juice See “Bruncheon” on page 11 eating specific foods and the prohibition of leavened foods. All ingredients used during this time must be la- beled kosher-for-Passover. Supermarkets typically have an enormous variety, but this year, getting what we need might be tough. Still, we can always improvise. After the seders, why not “host” a virtual Sunday “brun- cheon?” E-mail invitations and send the menu to family and friends ahead of time. Halve the recipes, if need be. Wishing the community a Our Family Wishes Then, on Sunday morning, April 12, set up your mobile or other devices, and enjoy some virtual guests at the table. Happy Passover Your Family a For the dishes below, look through your existing supplies. Joyous Passover Any white wine will due for the Prosecco; it doesn’t need to be sparkling. No need for salmon; use whatever fish you Charles and Paula have in the freezer or can purchase. Forget kumquats; try a Jack & Darlene Weber clementine or orange, then spike the drink with a splash of Rubin & family Matt & Michael orange juice. Make an uncomplicated dessert. In a pinch, Marisa & Doug a fruit salad will do; topped with a dollop of the chocolate sauce, it can be sensational. If anything, we need to maintain our resilience, spiri- tuality and, above all, sense of humor. After all, we Jews have been doing that for thousands of years. Chag Pesach sameach! Passover “Bruncheon” menu: Boca Bellinis, Hon- Happy Our Family Wishes ey-Glazed Salmon with Kumquat Salsa, Jicama Mango Salad, Herb-Roasted Fingerling Potatoes, Fresh Pineapple The Wolff Family Your Family a Kugel and Orange Sponge Pudding with Blackberries. Passover Blood-Orange Segments (or Other Fruit) with Michael & Wendy Happy New Year Simply Sinful Chocolate Sauce Boca Bellinis (pareve) Aaron & Carly Serves 8 Jonathan, Ilka & Juliana Kloss Emily & Melissa Jack & Darlene Weber Cook’s tips: Matt & Michael Squeeze lime juice the day before. Turn glasses upside down, dip edges first in egg white, Marisa & Doug then in sugar. Use disposable champagne glasses. 1 egg white, lightly beaten Wishing the We wish you and all Sugar to dredge 3 Tbsp. fresh lime juice community a of your family a year 1 bottle Prosecco, chilled Wishing Everyone a of blessings Using egg white and sugar, prepare glasses as above. Happy Happy Rosh Hashanah Chill until ready to serve. Pour about 2 teaspoons lime Passover juice in each glass. Top with Prosecco. Serve immediately. Happy & Healthy Honey-Glazed Salmon (pareve) Steven & Sandra Malkin Serves 8 NewThe Philips Year Family The Wolff Family Cook’s tips: Michael & Wendy and family Buy salmon fillets, with skin attached. Salmon will be Aaron & Carly more moist and flavorful than skinless. Line baking pan Jonathan, Ilka & Juliana Kloss Emily & Melissa with aluminum foil. Remove from oven before a white curd appears between From our families to yours, flakes to risk overcooking. Hag Kasher Ve Sameach We wish you and all of your family ¼ cup honey, warmed Happy Passover! 3 Tbsp. lemon juice May peace, a year of blessings 8 salmon fillets, 6 ounces each, boneless happiness, and 2-3 Tbsp. olive oil Wishing Everyone a Fresh ground pepper good health Preheat oven to 400°F. Happy Chanukahbe with you Happy In a cup, whisk together the honey and lemon juice. Set Brenda Schlaen, Randythroughout Friedman the aside. Arrange salmon, skin side down, about ½ inch apart, Ronald Sacks & Ilene Pinsker in a baking pan or rimmed cookie sheet. Brush with olive Ellie, Mika andNew Zoha Year.r Steven & Sandra Malkin and family oil, then with the honey mixture. Sprinkle with pepper. Chanukah Bake 25 minutes or until flakes are opaque when separated The Philips Family The Wolff Family with a fork. May be served at room temperature. Michael & Wendy Kumquat (or Orange) Salsa (pareve) HappyJonathan, Ilka & Juliana Kloss Aaron & Carly Makes about 2 cups Emily & Melissa Kumquats are miniature citrus fruits resembling small We wish you and all of your family oval oranges. No need to remove seeds. They’re soft, a yearFrom of blessings our families chewy and edible. Cook’s tips: L’Shanah to yours, Chopped ginger is available frozen in markets. 2 cups kumquats, halved Tovah Happy 1 Tbsp. sugar 1 Tbsp. vinegar Tikatevu Rosh Hashanah! 2 Tbsp. orange juice ¼ cup cilantro, finely snipped Steven & SandraRonald Malkin Sacks and & Ilene family Pinsker 1 Tbsp. chopped ginger root Brenda Schlaen, Randy Friedman 2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil ½ tsp. salt or to taste Ellie, Mika and Zohar Pinch cayenne pepper (optional) Place kumquats (or oranges), sugar, vinegar and orange PassoverWishing the ÊVisit us on the web atcommunity www.thereportergroup.org a Happy From our families Chanukah to yours, The Philips Happy Chanukah! Family Ronald Sacks & Ilene Pinsker Brenda Schlaen, Randy Fr iedman Ellie, Mika and Zohar Page 8 - The Reporter April 10-16, 2020

Guide Continued from page 3 it’s strengthens me because all of this is “The shul is important, to pray with a the world, it’s in our homes where we can create light by so evolutionary right now.” minyan, but the purpose of a shul is what elevating our relationships with the people we love and Though his leadership offered to let happens when you leave the shul and with God.” him broadcast services from his home – go home,” he says. “It’s the effect it has Jewish Community Centers are offering online pro- their cantor conducted Havdalah recently on your marriage and your relationship grams, even exercise classes. See what your local JCC is from her place via Zoom – “for services, with your kids; that’s where Jewish life doing at https://jcca.org/virtual-jccs-online-engagement/. there’s something more powerful doing it really happens.” Chabad is offering videos, activities and learning from the synagogue; there’s a real sense of Indeed, he adds, learning Torah, educat- opportunities for youngsters on https://chabad.org/kids, kedusha, of holiness here,” says the rabbi. ing your kids Jewishly, keeping Shabbat, as well as the Online Hebrew Academy, geared to help Even so, he’s planning on moving his eating kosher food (and soon, celebrating Hebrew and day schools teaching a wide variety of Jewish live-streaming apparatus into the chapel: the Passover holiday), “the purpose of it children, especially now. “It’s just a lot more intimate in there.” all is to bring the Divine into your life and Other online resources for Jewish families include /www. For many teens, youth group is where your work, but especially your home.” jewishinteractive.org/, www.torahtots.com/, https://jewish. they turn for Jewish contact in the years At her home in Hadera, Israel, Isabelle momsandcrafters.com/ and the Facebook page “Corona between bar/bat mitzvah and college. “A Dalia Fitoussi is with her four kids, ages Jewish Home Education Tips & Resources.” lot of people think of it as a second home, 10 to 20 pretty much 24/7, along with as a chosen family,” says Arielle Shofman, her husband when he’s not at work. And president of the youth group at Temple of it’s going surprisingly well, she says. NEWS IN BRIEF Aaron, a Conservative congregation in St. “We do tefillah together as a family Paul, MN. Thanks to Zoom, members will Rabbi Michael Beals led daily each morning and watch Torah classes be able to take part in the youth group’s services alone in the sanctuary for kids (mostly in French), with math From JNS.org upcoming Passover program. “We need to of Congregation Beth Shalom and history and more classes,” she says. shifts its focus from stay connected to each other,” she says. in Wilmington, DE. (Photo In addition, there is daily outdoor play “Youth group is where we talk about Ju- courtesy of Congregation Beth and ulpan (Hebrew classes) for the kids battling Israel to battling coronavirus daism and everything else in our lives.” Shalom) and the parents alike. Hezbollah says it is turning its attention from fighting Most college-aged students have by now been sent home And, thousands of miles away, in West Hartford, CT, Israel and the civil war in Syria to deal with the coro- from university mid-semester or from Israel programs that Jason Kay says even though there are currently no Shabbat navirus (COVID-19) outbreak in Lebanon. The Irani- were supposed to last the year, and still others who were guests and no synagogue, “we’re still making Shabbat an-backed Hezbollah paramedics and volunteers have looking forward to being in Israel on Birthright and other meals a special time to do the blessings, and sit and talk been spraying disinfectants on shops and buildings in its trips this spring are disappointed. And while college students about our week.” They also joined an online Havadalah stronghold of the southern suburbs of Beirut, according may be getting their coursework online, many are missing with JTConnect (Jewish Teen Learning Connection), a to an AP report published on April 1. The organization the Jewish piece. To fill this gap, Hillel International has Jewish learning program, which the Connection followed has deployed some 24,500 members and volunteers in launched an online platform to meet college students’ with a family trivia game. its campaign to aid the Health Ministry, which has a educational, spiritual and social needs during this difficult Says mom Orah Moshe in Pardes Hanna, Israel, she Hezbollah-appointed minister, in battling the spread of time. On Hillel@Home students will find such online and her husband and their two kids are having long con- the virus, said Hashem Safieddine, a senior Hezbollah experiences as video meet-ups, courses and opportunities versations they would otherwise not have had the time for. official. “We are soldiers at the service of the Health to interact with such superstars as Lord Rabbi Jonathan “They miss their friends (they’re teenagers), but being home Ministry,” Bilal Assaf, an official with Hezbollah’s Sacks and NBA legend Amar’e Stoudemire, who now lives we’ve had discussions about both the science and religious Civil Defense, told the AP. So far, there have been 12 in Israel. The platform also enables individual university issues behind this illness, and the fact that uncertainty is deaths and as many as 480 infected. Critics of Hezbollah Hillels to customize content for their students. a part of life. We’re able to take a breath from our frantic blame the group for not stopping flights sooner from With such an unprecedented avalanche of online resourc- lives,” she adds. “I made my kids French toast today for virus-stricken , which is reportedly the source of es keeping the Jewish world engaged and close, Chabad the first time in a long time.” the first case in Lebanon when a woman returned from Rabbi Mendel Sharfstein co-director with his wife, Dini, “Now that we finally have the time, we can spend it Iran on Feb. 20. Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah has of the Center for Jewish Life in St. Johns, a town near with our husband or wife and our children; we can learn been giving frequent speeches on TV about the virus. Jacksonville, FL, says that, even without them, this time the Torah we never had time for and dip into all the online “We should feel that we are in a battle, and we should of enforced isolation is a potent reminder that the Jewish Torah learning, even if we’ve never done it before,” says fight this battle,” he said in a recent speech, according home is the central address of Judaism. Sharfstein in Florida. “In times of so much darkness in to the report.

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282 Riverside Drive Johnson City, NY 607-729-9206 susquehannanursing.com April 10-16, 2020 Page 9 - The Reporter White supremacist disrupts webinar for Jewish teens featuring deputy antisemitism envoy By Jackson Richman we are deeply upset to hear about the incidents involving (JNS) – A recent webinar on the video conferencing this type of attack,” a Zoom spokesperson told JNS. “For platform Zoom about antisemitism, featuring U.S. Deputy those hosting large, public group meetings, we strongly Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semi- encourage hosts to review their settings and confirm that tism Ellie Cohanim, was disrupted by a white supremacist only the host can share their screen. For those hosting and hacker – an example of what the Anti-Defamation private meetings, password protections are on by default, League has called “Zoombombing.” and we recommend that users keep those protections on The Greater Boston chapter of NCSY, a Jewish youth to prevent uninvited users from joining.” group, hosted the hour-long webinar on March 24 with NCSY’s international director, Rabbi Micah Greenland, Cohanim, who told the group of 20 to 30 high school told JNS that “it is most disappointing that even during students about her role; about the rights college students this time of great worldwide peril, when people should be have when it comes to dealing with Jew-hatred; and how joining together in solidarity, there are individuals with the United States is working to battle antisemitism at such hatred in their hearts that they are harassing Jewish home and abroad. White supremacist and hacker Andrew Alan Escher groups meeting via Zoom.” That included through the executive order that U.S. Auernheimer disrupted a Zoom webinar hosted by the Despite the incident at the end of the webinar, it was President signed in December to combat Greater Boston NCSY on March 24. (Photo courtesy of JNS) “a very good, strong conversation,” said Cohanim. “And antisemitism in education, especially on college campuses. I was really proud of these young women and men who As the webinar concluded, Andrew Alan Escher Au- Police Department in Massachusetts, which declined to were on the call. ernheimer – also known as “weev,” who has a history of comment, citing that the investigation is ongoing. “It’s very clear to me that when a white supremacist like expressing antisemitic and other bigoted views – appeared The webinar was advertised on the NCSY chapter’s this jumps on a webinar and flashes a hate symbol, such in the video conference and pulled down his shirt collar website and on Facebook and . Participants who were as the swastika, he’s trying to intimidate the group, he’s to show a swastika tattoo on his chest. on the video conference that spoke with JNS believed that trying to intimidate young Jews,” she said. “Our response The incident lasted for about a minute, participants on Auernheimer knew of the event because it was publicized to that is that we simply will not be intimidated.” the call told JNS. on social media. According to the ADL, “While some of these reported One of the teenage participants snapped a screenshot Cohanim told JNS that she has been in contact with ‘Zoombombing’ incidents can be attributed to Internet trolls of Auernheimer on the video chat, while another sent the FBI, which did not respond to a request for comment. without particularly malicious intentions, there is concern the picture to Bryan Leib, former national director of “This administration has made clear that we are not that extremists could exploit the increasing reliance on Americans Against Antisemitism, who helped facilitate going to tolerate any forms of antisemitism. As [U.S.] video-conferencing technology to target certain groups or the Zoom discussion. President [Donald] Trump has stated, ‘The vile, hate-filled advance their hateful messages.” The participants didn’t hear Auernheimer saying any- poison of antisemitism must be condemned and confronted The organization added that while “there has been limited thing, nor did any of the participants speak since their everywhere and anywhere it appears,’” she said. “We are online chatter among extremists about the specific strategy microphones were muted by default on via gallery view. currently working with law enforcement to do exactly that.” of abusing video-conferencing technology, Auernheimer’s Neither Leib nor Cohanim saw Auernheimer’s face, they Rabbi Yudi Riesel, NCSY Boston area director, reported recent actions in Massachusetts demonstrate the potential said. Auernheimer’s microphone was muted, Leib told JNS. the incident to Zoom. for extremists to exploit these systems.” Two teenage participants filed a report with the Newton “We take the security of Zoom meetings seriously, and See “Webinar” on page 11

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Weekly Parasha Homebound RABBI LEVI Y. SLONIM, DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT AND CHABAD DOWNTOWN, ROHR Passover, Chol HaMoed, Exodus 33:12-34:26 CHABAD CENTER FOR JEWISH STUDENT LIFE AT BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY Why is this Pesach different from allPesachs through- holiday sacrifice was observed on the original Passover. Before answering this question, we need to answer a out the years? One of the major differences between the way Jews more broad question: in Judaism, which is more important, Well, virtually all Jews throughout the world will all offered the pascal lamb offering in Egypt on that very first the synagogue or the home? be homebound. Pesach night, and the way they offered the sacrifice in all Let me answer that question by posing another ques- While Passover is for many a home-centric holiday on subsequent years, is that the Passover offering in Egypt tion: which is more important, a boiler room or a home? a “regular year,” celebrated with many extended family was performed in private homes, whereas future Passover The answer is obvious. A building without a boiler room members and friends, this year we are really quite literally offerings were all brought to the holy Temple. As the verse is cold, but a boiler room without a home is useless. The homebound in the most actual sense of the word. And our states in reference to the very first Passover offering: “a entire purpose of the boiler room is only expressed in its guest lists (if they exist at all) will be profoundly slashed. lamb for each household.” (Exodus 12:3) effect outside of itself in the home it serves. I believe there is actually a profound lesson in what is What is the significance of it needing to be specifically Perhaps the original Passover offering took place at undoubtedly a challenge for all of us. in the home? And why the difference between the original home to send us a message about the ultimate purpose This separateness takes us back to the very first way this Passover and the subsequent years? See “Homebound” on page 11 Congregational Notes Beth David Synagogue Temple Israel Affiliation: Orthodox Union Synagogues limit face-to-face Orientation: Conservative Rabbi: Zev Silber gatherings Rabbi: Geoffrey Brown Address: 39 Riverside Dr., Binghamton, NY 13905 Address: 4737 Deerfield Pl., Vestal, NY 13850 Phone: 722-1793 Area synagogues have announced that Phone: 723-7461 and 231-3746 Rabbi’s Office: 722-7514 they are limiting face-to-face gatherings. Office hours: Mon.-Thurs., 8:30 am-4 pm; Fri., 8 am-3 pm Fax: 722-7121 E-mail: [email protected] Office hours: Mon. closed; Tues. 10 am-1 pm; Wed. closed; That means there will be no services or Website: www.templeisraelvestal.org Thurs. 9 am-1 pm; Fri. 10 am-1 pm programming held until further notice. Service Schedule: Tuesday, 5:30 pm; Friday, 5:30 pm; Beth David e-mail address: [email protected] Saturday, 9:30 am Rabbi’s e-mail: [email protected] Some meetings, services and classes will On Fridays and Tuesdays at 5:30 pm, services will Website: www.bethdavid.org be available online or by phone. be led by Rabbi Geoffrey Brown via Zoom. Facebook: www.facebook.com/bethdavidbinghamton For specific information regarding services On Saturday, April 11, the Torah portion is Exodus Rohr Chabad Center 33:12-34:26 and the haftarah is Ezekiel 37:1-14. (including online services), meetings and Temple Israel is collecting for CHOW during regular Affiliation: Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Aaron and Rivkah Slonim, Directors classes at any of the area synagogues, business hours. The bin is between the two sets of glass E-mail: [email protected], rslonim@ contact them by phone or e-mail. doors at the entrance. Buzz to come in the first set of chabadofbinghamton.com doors to access the bin. Address: 420 Murray Hill Rd., Vestal, NY 13850 The temple office will be closed Wednesday-Thursday, Phone: 797-0015 April 15-16. Fax: 797-0095 Temple Beth-El of Ithaca Website: www.Chabadofbinghamton.com Affiliation: United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Rabbi Zalman and Rochel Chein, Education Rabbi: Miriam T. Spitzer Penn-York Jewish Community E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Rabbi Emeritus: Scott L. Glass President-Treasurer-Secretary: Harvey Chernosky, 570- Rabbi Levi and Hadasa Slonim, Downtown and Development Address: 402 North Tioga St. (the corner of Court and Tioga 265-3869 Chabad Downtown Center: 60 Henry St., Binghamton streets), Ithaca, NY 14850-4292 B’nai B’rith: William H. Seigel Lodge E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Phone: 273-5775 Purpose: To promote Jewish identity through religious, Rabbi Yisroel and Goldie Ohana, Programming E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected] cultural, educational and social activities in the Southern E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Website: www.tbeithaca.org Tier of New York and the Northern Tier of Pennsylvania, Regular service times: Daily 7:30 am, Friday evening 6 pm, President: Randy Ehrenberg including Waverly, NY; Sayre, Athens and Towanda, PA, Shabbat morning 9:30 am, Maariv and Havdalah one hour Sisterhood President: Julie Paige and surrounding communities. after candle-lighting time, Sundays 9:30 am. Director of Education: Rabbi Suzanne Brody To join the mailing list, for up-to-date information on adult Administrative Assistant: Jane Griffith education offerings or to arrange for a private tutorial, for Services: Friday 8 pm; Saturday 10 am, unless otherwise Congregation Tikkun v’Or details concerning the Judaica shop and resource center, or announced. Weekday morning minyan 7:30 am (9 am on Sundays Affiliation: Union for Reform Judaism for assistance through the Piaker Free Loan Society or Raff and legal holidays). Address: PO Box 3981, Ithaca, NY 14852; 2550 Triphammer Maasim Tovim Foundation, call Chabad’s office at 797-0015. Religious School/Education: September-May: Classes meet on Rd. (corner of Triphammer and Burdick Hill), Lansing, NY Chabad will be holding pre-Shabbat virtual programs. Sunday, 9 am-12:30 pm and Wednesday afternoons, 3:45-5:45 Phone: 607-256-1471 For more information, visit www.JewishBU.com/ pm. The Midrashah (eighth grade and high school) classes will Website: www.tikkunvor.org meet at times designated by their respective teachers. S2020Partnership. E-mail: [email protected] Adult Ed.: Numerous weekly courses, several semester-long Presidents: Lauren Korfine and Shira Reisman courses and a variety of mini-courses and lectures are offered Rabbi: Brian Walt Temple Concord throughout the year. Call the temple office for more details. Religious School Director/Admin. Coordinator: Naomi Wilensky Affiliation: Union for Reform Judaism Services: Fridays at 7:30 pm unless otherwise noted. Rabbi: Barbara Goldman-Wartell Intergenerational Shabbat, music services, and other special Address: 9 Riverside Dr., Binghamton, NY 13905 Kol Haverim services. Call for the weekly schedule. Office hours: Tues.-Fri., 10 am-2 pm Religious School: Preschool through seventh-grade classes Phone: 723-7355 Affiliation: Society for Humanistic Judaism meet on Sunday mornings. Fax: 723-0785 Address: P.O. Box 4972, Ithaca, NY 14852-4972 Sixth-grade Hebrew and seventh-grade b’nai mitzvah classes Office e-mail: [email protected] Phone: 607-277-3345 meet on Wednesday afternoons. Website: www.templeconcord.com E-mail: [email protected] Adult Ed: Mini courses throughout the year. Adult Hebrew Regular service times: Friday, 8 pm; Saturday, 10:35 am, Website: www.kolhaverim.net offered regularly. Call the office fordetails. when religious school is in session. Chairwoman: Abby Cohn Hebrew school: Hebrew school meets at 4:15 pm and 5:15 Kol Haverim: The Finger Lakes Community for Humanistic pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the school year unless Judaism, is an Ithaca-based organization that brings people Temple Beth El of Oneonta together to explore and celebrate Jewish identity, history, culture otherwise noted. Affiliation: United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and ethics within a secular, humanistic framework. KH is part All services and programs are online only. Friday night Rabbi-Cantor: George Hirschfeld of an international movement for Secular Humanistic Judaism Shabbat Services will start at 7 pm for the month of April. Address: 83 Chestnut St., Oneonta, NY 13820 and is affiliated with the Society for Humanistic Judaism, a Mailing address: P.O. Box 383, Oneonta, NY 13820 Friday, April 10: Shabbat services at 7 pm (https:// national association with over 30 member communities and Phone: 607-432-5522 binghamton.zoom.us/j/350204323 or call 1-929-205- congregations around the country. Established in the spring of Website: www.templebetheloneonta.org 6099 and enter meeting ID # 350 204 323, or use the 1999, it offers celebrations of Jewish holidays, monthly Shabbat E-mail: [email protected] pot-lucks, adult education, a twice-monthly Cultural School for Temple Concord Facebook page – the one with the picture Regular service times: visit the temple website for days of children, and a bar and bat mitzvah program. of the mansion in the corner). services and times KH welcomes all individuals and families, including those from Saturday, April 11: Torah study at 9:15 am (https:// Religious School/Education: Religious School, for grades mixed religious backgrounds, who wish to strengthen the Jewish kindergarten through bar/bat mitzvah, meets Sunday mornings. binghamton.zoom.us/j/342411102 or call 1-929-205- experience in their lives and provide their children with a Jewish For the schedule of services, classes and events, see the 6099 and enter meeting ID # 342 411 102). identity and experience. Saturday, April 11: Havdalah with a bonus at 7 pm website. (https://binghamton.zoom.us/j/526246866 or call in Temple Brith Sholom 1-929-205-6099 and enter meeting ID 526 246 866, or Norwich Jewish Center Affiliation: Unaffiliated use the Temple Concord Facebook page). Orientation: Inclusive Address: P.O. Box 572, 117 Madison St., Cortland, NY 13045 Wednesday, April 15: Yizkor Passover service at 10:30 Rabbi: David Regenspan Phone: 607-756-7181 am (https://binghamton.zoom.us/j/690288746 or call Address: 72 South Broad St., Norwich, NY 13815 President: Bruce Fein, 607-423-3346 Contact: Guilia Greenberg, 336-1523 Service leaders: Lay leadership 1-929-205-6099 and enter meeting ID # 690 288 746). Purpose: To maintain a Jewish identity and meet the needs of Shabbat services: Either Friday evening at 7:30 pm or Saturday Friday, April 17: Shabbat services at 7 pm (https:// the Jewish community in the area. at 10 am from Rosh Hashanah to Shavuot. Holiday services binghamton.zoom.us/j/350204323 or call 1-929-205- Adult Ed.: Saturday morning study is held at 10 am. Call for are also held. Check the weekly e-mail for upcoming services. 6099 and enter meeting ID #350 204 323, or use the more information and to confirm. Contact the president to get on the e-mail list. Temple Concord Facebook page). Religious School: Students are educated on an individual basis. Saturday, April 18: Torah study 9:15 am (https://bing- Friday, April 10, light candles before...... 7:21 pm Temple Brith Sholom is a small equalitarian congregation hamton.zoom.us/j/342411102 or call 1-929-205-6099 and Saturday, April 11, Shabbat ends...... 8:23 pm serving the greater Cortland community. Congregants span Tuesday, April 14, light candles before...... 7:26 pm the gamut of observance and services are largely dependent enter meeting ID # 342 411 102). on the service leader. The Friday night siddur is “Likrat Saturday, April 18: Havdalah with a bonus at 7 pm Wednesday, April 15, light candles after...... 8:27 pm Shabbat,” while the Saturday morning siddur is “Gates of (https://binghamton.zoom.us/j/526246866 or call in Thursday, April 16, yomt ov ends...... 8:29 pm Prayer.” The community extends a warm welcome to the 1-929-205-6099 and enter meeting ID 526 246 866, or Friday, April 17, light candles before...... 7:29 pm Jewish student population of SUNY Cortland, as well as the use the Temple Concord Facebook page). Saturday, April 18, Shabbat ends...... 8:31 pm residents of local adult residences. April 10-16, 2020 Page 11 - The Reporter Israeli defense companies are turning radars into coronavirus symptom detectors By Yaakov Lappin The system is based on radar technology that “allows us to (JNS) Two major Israeli defense companies have devel- identify, in a very precise manner, small changes,” said Cohen. oped cutting-edge coronavirus symptom detectors that will This ability was modified to allow the radar to detect allow doctors to remotely pick up on suspicious symptoms minute body movements created by the pulse and breath, of COVID-19. The sensors were created by adapting radar and measure patterns. The system can even scan for the ratio and camera technology that come from the defense and of inhalations and exhalations, allowing for conclusions homeland security world. to be drawn about the likelihood of a respiratory disease The program, initiated by the Defense Ministry’s like coronavirus to be involved. The second component Directorate of Defense Research and Development, has of the machine, an advanced thermal camera, can take a seen Israel Aerospace Industries and Elbit Systems rapidly highly precise temperature reading and employs advanced take radars and elecro-optic (camera) sensors and convert algorithms to achieve that precision, said Cohen. them into highly sensitive sensors that will enable medical Two successful trials of the prototype have been complet- teams to screen patients from another room, thereby greatly ed. Elbit is now looking at ways to use artificial intelligence enhancing their safety. to allow doctors to generate automatic insights based on In recent days, the Defense Ministry announced that its the readings. “We can let the networks produce insights,” National Emergency Team, together with IAI and Elbit, have The Defense Ministry announced that its National said Cohen. The system will be installed at the Beilinson developed the prototypes to measure the vital signs of pa- Emergency Team, together with IAI and Elbit, have Hospital in the Rabin Medical Center as of Monday, and tients, including pulse, respiratory rate and temperature, and developed the prototypes to measure the vital signs of doctors will be able to run it without any outside help, as pick out patterns that indicate a likely coronavirus infection. patients, including pulse, respiratory rate and temperature, they build up experience in using the sensor. “I don’t know of any adaption of defense technology and pick out patterns that indicate a likely coronavirus Meanwhile, IAI has also developed its own prototype or homeland security radars for this purpose until now,” infection. (Photo courtesy of Elbit Systems) using a radar originally designed to protect perimeters and said Yossi Cohen, vice president and chief technological detect people walking or crawling, or vehicles moving. officer at Elbit Systems’ C4i and Cyber Division. “Until the ability to check patients from more than two meters away “We took the smallest of our radars and place the ability now, the civilian world didn’t have this need.” or even from another room by viewing the results on a screen. to measure pulse and breath rates on it,” said Israel Lupa, Now, however, and likely in the near future, there will be a Once they receive the signs, said Cohen, the doctors can executive vice president and chief technological officer of need for remote sensing that protects medical personnel from decide whether more comprehensive checks are needed, Elta, a division if IAI. the risk of infection. “This development came as a result of and if so, to move the patient to a more sterile area with The radar uses a very low frequency, meaning that it is a capability that we want to give doctors at the entrance to the appropriate protective gear to continue the care. “This safe to use in close proximity to people, he stressed. “A Emergency Rooms to distinguish [between] patients that have is a very important requirement,” he said. radar of this type was built to detect slow, small move- a respiratory and have a chance of [contracting] coronavirus Working with the Defense Ministry’s DDR&D and the ments,” said Lupa. “The system can already detect minor from patients suffering from other patients,” said Cohen. Rabin Medical Center in Petach Tikvah, Elbit will deliver movements. We adapted this to tracking body movements Currently, medical teams have to examine patients directly its first prototype to that hospital before examining ways to caused by the breath and pulse.” through close contact and at longer intervals, putting them in expand its program, including installing machines at drive- Within seconds, the system, which also includes an danger of infection. The remote-sensing solutions give doctors through test facilities and at the entrances to military bases. advanced thermal camera for detecting fever, can deliver an alert (though not a final diagnosis) to medical teams of an indication of a possible COVID-19 patient. Continued from page 10 The initiative was launched by the Defense Ministry’s Homebound National Emergency Team, which is led by DDR&D and intent of the offering and, in fact, overall service of sense, let us take some time to focus on how we can Director, Brig. Gen. (Res.) Dr. Dani Gold, who was in- God for all time: The synagogue, the Holy Temple, is the strengthen our homes and assure that we are not getting strumental in the past for setting up Israel’s Iron Dome ultimate boiler room where we go to “warm up,” and it stuck in the boiler room, but making sure the heating air-defense system. gives fuel and energy to our homes and Jewish life at large. pipes are working and the duct work is doing its job “The combination of the technological capabilities of But the ultimate purpose and goal is to warm our homes bringing warmth to the entire home. With every mitz- the defense industries and the extraordinary capabilities and transform our homes and the world at large into a vah we do at home, and every Jewish experience we of the officers in the DDR&D enables us to adapt systems place God can call home. The goal in Jewish observance have with our families in our home, we are making developed for security purposes to fulfill medical needs is not what we do in synagogue, but what we take from our homes and the world at large a more wholesome in light of the coronavirus,” said Col. A, of the DDR&D. the synagogue and implement in our homes. and beautiful place. Dr. Yossi Shaya, of the Beilinson Hospital, stated that “the This year as we are homebound in the most literal Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. DDR&D turned to us with the idea of monitoring patients using radar. These are systems that we don’t normally work with, but they asked us what our needs are in the hope that Bruncheon Continued from page 7 these systems may be adapted to fulfill them. They asked 3-4 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil Orange Sponge Pudding with Fresh Blackberries what vital signs should be monitored among corona patients 2 Tbsp. finely snipped fresh rosemary (dairy) at the point of diagnosis and during treatment – and aimed 2 Tbsp. finely snipped thyme Serves 6 to do so without the involvement of medical staff. Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper Recipe may be doubled for this rich dessert. “The idea is that our medical teams are at the forefront of Preheat oven to 400°F. 3 eggs, divided this Hoplerfight and should be &protected,” Eschbach he continued, “and the Happy Chanukah from Thinly coat baking sheet with olive oil. Cut potatoes in ½ cup milk way to do so is to reduce direct contact with corona patients. Hopler & Eschbach 1-inch to 1 -inch chunks and place on baking sheet. Drizzle ½ cup honey, warmed Thanks to Funeralthe creative thinking ofHome the DDR&D – of using with olive oil, rosemary, thyme and a sprinkling of salt and 2 Tbsp. butter, melted technology that“A isnew normally family used againsttradition” enemies – I hope we Funeral Home pepper. Toss to thoroughly coat. Spread potatoes in one ¼ cup matzah cake meal will be able to win in the fight against the COVID-19 virus.” “A new family tradition” layer. Cover with aluminum foil. ¼ tsp. salt Personal Service Roast for 20 minutes in preheated oven. Remove 3 Tbsp. frozen thawed orange juice concentrate Personal Service WebinarProfessionalismContinued from page 9 foil, toss potatoes and continue roasting for 15 to 30 1 cup fresh blackberries to garnish Experience You Can Trust Professionalism minutes longer, or until potatoes are tender. Serve hot Preheat oven to 350°F. On March 31, Yeshiva University’s Zoom classes were Experience You Can Trust or warm. Spray 6 custard cups with nonstick vegetable spray. Place interrupted by antisemites.COMPARE “Last OUR night, PRICES I was Zoombombed Note: Make an hour or so ahead of time. Transfer to cups in a 9-inch square baking dish. Set aside. Separate COMPARE OUR PRICES duringWe charge my pre- Pesachfar less talk than with other our studentarea funeral body as homes pictures We charge far less than other area funeral homes ovenproof serving dish, cover with aluminum foil. Warm the egg yolks and egg whites, and place in separate bowls. of Nazis and other offensive material appeared throughout in a 350-degree oven for 10 to 15 minutes. Whisk the egg whites until they peak softly. Set aside. In the scheduledKurt M.time,” Eschbach, university Funeral President Di Arirector Berman told Kurt M. Eschbach, Funeral Director Fresh Pineapple Kugel (dairy) a medium bowl, whisk the egg yolks and milk. Add the JNS. “The483 experience Chenango highlighted Street Binghamton to me how one’s true 483 Chenango Street Binghamton Serves 8-10 honey, butter, cake meal, salt and orange-juice concentrate. character is revealed607-722-4023 during times of crisis. 607-722-4023 Delicious, hot, cold or at room temperature. Mix well to blend. Gently fold in the egg whites, leaving “Haters will hate, and a time of anxiety and pressure will www.HEfuneralhome.com Cook’s tips: some lumps. bring that outww evenw more..HEfuneralhome.com We respond, however, with love,” Coarsely chop fresh pineapple chunks in food processor. Divide equally between the prepared custard cups. he continued. “Our goal is not simply to mute the hate, To prevent stickiness in kosher-for-Passover cooked Carefully pour hot water into the baking dish to come about but is to add more goodness and kindness in this world.” noodles, run cold water through them and drain thor- halfway up the sides of the cups. Bake in preheated oven oughly. 35 minutes, or until top is golden-brown and a toothpick 2/3 cup, plus 2 Tbsp. sugar inserted in center comes out clean. 1 Tbsp. cinnamon, divided To serve: Place on a dessert plate with blackberries on Passover Blessings from L’Shanah Tovah from 5 eggs, lightly beaten the side. Serve at room temperature. ¼ cup peanut oil, plus oil for coating dish Easy Sinful Chocolate Sauce (dairy) Hopler & Eschbach Hopler & Eschbach ½ cup sour cream Makes about 2 cups 2 cups fresh pineapple, coarsely chopped Cook’s tips: Funeral Home Funeral Home 1 (16 oz.) jar chunky applesauce May make a week ahead and refrigerate. Bring to room “A new family tradition” “A new family tradition” 8 oz. noodles, cooked according to package directions temperature before serving Personal Service Personal Service Preheat oven to 375°F. Chop chocolate in food processor. Coat a 9x12 inch baking dish with peanut oil. 1 cup heavy cream Professionalism Professionalism In a cup, mix 2 tablespoons sugar and 2 teaspoons 1 Tbsp. butter Experience You Can Trust Experience You Can Trust cinnamon. Set aside. In a large bowl, whisk the eggs. Add 8 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped COMPARE OUR PRICES COMPARE OUR PRICES 1/4 cup peanut oil, sour cream, pineapple, applesauce, 1/8 tsp. cinnamon We charge far less than other area funeral homes We charge far less than other area funeral homes 2/3 cup sugar and 1 teaspoon cinnamon. Stir in noodles ½ tsp. orange extract and mix well. Transfer to prepared baking dish. Sprinkle In a saucepan over low heat, melt the cream and butter, Kurt M. Eschbach, Funeral Director Kurt M. Eschbach, Funeral Director with cinnamon-sugar mixture. Bake in preheated oven stirring often. Raise heat to medium, and add the chocolate 483 Chenango Street Binghamton 483 Chenango Street Binghamton 45 to 50 minutes, or until firm in center when touched and cinnamon. Stir until melted and smooth. Stir in the 607-722-4023 607-722-4023 lightly with fingers. Cut into squares while warm. May orange extract. Remove from heat. www.HEfuneralhome.com www.HEfuneralhome.com be frozen. Serve warm. ÊVisit us on the web at www.thereportergroup.org Page 12 - The Reporter April 10-16, 2020 NEWS IN BRIEF

From JNS.org underway to address – and, if appropriate, to remedy – Hal- United States has ever designated white-supremacist ter- Pakistan rearrests four men acquitted prin’s assertion that insidious racial and religious bias infected rorists, illustrating how seriously this administration takes his trial. ...I trust that the Texas courts considering Halprin’s the threat. We are taking actions no previous administration in Daniel Pearl murder case case are more than capable of guarding this fundamental has taken to counter this threat.” Most of the persons and The four men acquitted in the 2002 kidnapping and mur- guarantee,” she wrote. Sotomayor noted that the Supreme entities on U.S. terrorism blacklists are affiliated with radical der of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Peal in Pakistan Court’s decision to not review Halprin’s case does not mean Islam or separatist movements. RIM, which is relatively have been rearrested and will remain in custody pending that the high court won’t review it at a later date. “We will small, is accused of providing “paramilitary training to prosecutors appealing the ruling in the country’s Supreme continue to seek a new, fair trial for Mr. Halprin,” said his neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Russia and elsewhere Court, announced Pakistan’s interior ministry on April 3. attorney, Tivon Schardl, in a statement sent to reporters on from two camps it runs in St. Petersburg, according to U.S. Three were handed life sentences, and a fourth, Ahmed Omar April 6. The judge, Vickers Cunningham, has been accused officials,” reported the Associated Press, adding that in Saeed Sheikh, was awaiting execution. The Karachi court of privately referring to Halprin, now 41, as he sentenced 2016 the group allegedly “trained two Swedes who later had earlier that week reduced Sheikh’s sentence to seven him to death in 2003 for being part of the murder of Irving, carried out a series of terrorist attacks in the Swedish city years for kidnapping following the hearing of an appeal in TX, police officer Aubrey Hawkins at an Oshman’s Sporting of Gothenburg, including bombing a café and attempting March. Following worldwide outrage to the overturning Goods store on Christmas Eve 2000, with an antisemitic slur to bomb a campsite housing refugees.” The office of Rep. of the convictions, the four have been rearrested and will and as “that f***in’ Jew.” At the time of the escape, Halprin Max Rose (D-NY), the chair of the Homeland Security remain behind bars “for a period of three months pending was serving a 30-year sentence for injuring a child. He said Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism, filing of the appeal,” said the interior ministry. The statement he did not fire his gun at Hawkins, who was shot 11 times. applauded the April 6 move. Rose introduced a biparti- emphasized the government’s “commitment to follow due Cunningham allegedly also said that Jews “needed to be shut san resolution in March that recognizes the global threat process under the laws of the country to bring terrorists to down because they controlled all the money,” according to transnational white-supremacist extremism presents to task.” A Twitter post on April 4 by the U.S. State Department Halprin’s attorneys. Members from the Jewish community America and urges the U.S. Department of State to desig- Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, signed with the and other faith groups have pressed for a new trial for Halprin. nate qualifying violent foreign white-supremacist groups initials of Acting Assistant Secretary for South and Central Four of “The Texas Seven” have already been executed. A as Foreign Terrorist Organizations, or FTOs. Asia Alice Wells, read: “We welcome #Pakistan’s April 3 fifth shot himself to death before police could apprehend him. BDS co-founder: “If Israel finds a cure statement and the Sindh government’s decision to continue U.S designates white-supremacist to detain those responsible for Daniel Pearl’s kidnapping and for coronavirus, no problem to use it” murder and to mount a strong appeal. The perpetrators of group as terrorist organization Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the BDS movement, said this horrific act of terrorism will not escape justice.” For the first time ever, the United States has designated in a video on April 5 on Facebook that if Israel discovers a U.S. Supreme Court won’t hear appeal a white-supremacist group as a terrorist organization. The cure for coronavirus (COVID-19), then cooperation with U.S. State Department on April 6 designated the Russian the Jewish state is acceptable. “If Israel finds a cure for of Jewish inmate on Texas death row Imperial Movement (or RIM) as a Specially Designated cancer or for a virus, then there is no problem to cooperate The U.S. Supreme Court announced on April 6 that it will Global Terrorist (or SDGT) group, making it illegal for any with it,” said Barghouti. The BDS leader also said that if not hear the appeal of a Jewish death-row inmate who was American to engage in any transactions with the group and Israel were to find a cure for cancer, for example, then there scheduled to die on Oct. 10, 2019, for being part of “The freezes any assets the group has in the U.S. marketplace. would be no problem to work with Israel to save millions Texas Seven” that escaped from prison two decades ago and The penalties can also include travel bans and apply to of lives. “But I believe that we are not yet in the stage that killed a police officer after they held up a sporting-goods store, non-Americans. RIM’s leaders – Stanislav Anatolyevich we need Israel in an urgent way, and it isn’t like anyone following allegations that he was sentenced by a judge who Vorobyev, Denis Valliullovich Gariev and Nikolay Niko- else can save us but Israel. If that was indeed the case, made anti-Semitic remarks and has a history of bigotry. In a layevich Trushchalov – were also listed as SDGTs. “These then saving lives is more important than anything else,” four-page opinion, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor designations are unprecedented,” said Nathan Sales, the he said. “Under the excuse of fighting the coronavirus, we stated that while the allegations surrounding Randy Halprin’s State Department’s coordinator for counterterrorism, in must not have a ‘honeymoon’ with Israel,” he continued, case are “deeply disturbing,” the “state-court proceedings are announcing the designations. “This is the first time the adding that it is acceptable to get medical equipment from the Jewish state since cooperation in this way “is not con- sidered as normalization.” However, Barghouti criticized the Palestinian Authority saying, “Why they [the P.A.] don’t stop the security cooperation with Israel?” While experts say that there has been a “significant and positive shift” in cooperation between Israel and the Palestinians due to COVID-19, much uncertainty remains regarding what will happen if the situation in the P.A. and Gaza deteriorates. Southern Israel shaken by 4.3 magnitude PLUMBING earthquake A 4.3-magnitude earthquake hit Israel’s south on April 5, & HEATING according to the Geophysical Institute of Israel. According to We Also Do Natural Gas Conversions & All Plumbing Work the institute, the earthquake epicenter was around 62 miles Free Estimates • Fully Insured • Residential & Commercial We Install, Service & Repair... south of Eilat in an area known as the Great Rift Valley – Furnaces • Air Conditioners the edge of a tectonic plate in Israel that runs parallel to the Water Heaters • Gas Fireplaces Jordan River. Various residents of Eilat, as quoted by Ynet, SERVING BROOME & TIOGA COUNTIES were shaken awake by the tremblor, which hit just after 5 am. “Storms, coronavirus and now earthquake, what else? [email protected] 754-6376 The 10 plagues? God save us,” said Eilat resident Galit Adler Malka, according to the report. Though recent earthquakes in Israel have not been strong, Dr. Ron Avni of Ben-Gurion your ad could be here! University of the Negev warned that they show that the Great Gary Riley For information on advertising, contact Rift Valley is active and could cause great damage in Israel I’ll drive you or Bonnie Rozen at 724-2360, ext. 244 or in the foreseeable future, according to Ynet. [email protected] Islamic Waqf carries out Temple Mount I’ll deliver your vehicle near or far, digs, despite coronavirus lockdown pets welcome! The Jerusalem Islamic Waqf on March 31 uploaded pictures to its official Facebook page showing Waqf employees carry- References Available ing out unauthorized digs on the Temple Mount. “Despite the 607-760-0530 closure of the Al-Aqsa Mosque/Haram esh-Sharif [the Temple [email protected] Mount] due to coronavirus, the staff, workers and guards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque are continuing their hard work,” wrote the Jordanian-backed Waqf, which administers the Temple Mount. The Arab Desk of the Zionist watchdog Im Tirtzu, HANDYMAN which first reported the unauthorized dig, accused the Waqf 4 SENIORS, INC. of taking advantage of the nationwide lockdown due to the All your home coronavirus pandemic to carry out illegal work at the site maintenance and aimed at “destroying Jewish artifacts and history.” Due to the repairs, along with COOK’S TREE SERVICE highly sensitive nature of the Temple Mount, all digs must be in-home care services. approved by both the Waqf and the Israel Antiquities Author- RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL ity. Despite this, the Waqf has a long history of conducting • Shopping • Laundry • Errands • Doctor Visits illegal digs, most notably in 1999 when it disposed of more • Organizing • Bed changes than 9,000 tons of dirt mixed with invaluable archaeological Fully Insured artifacts, that are now being salvaged by the Temple Mount • Senior Sitting • Meal prep Free • Access Ramps Estimates Sifting Project. Students for the Temple Mount, a student-based Our • Grab Bars 52nd Year organization promoting religious equality and freedom on • Safety Conversions the Temple Mount, also blasted the digs. “The fact that the John Jacoby NEW YORK CHAPTER Waqf had the gall to publicly publish pictures of this illegal CERTIFIED digging just emphasizes Israel’s lack of sovereignty on the Valerie Jacoby ISA ARBORIST (Licensed & Insured) Temple Mount,” said the organization. Tom Nisani, head of 888-540-0320 Professionals In All Phases Of: Im Tirtzu’s Arab Desk, said: “What is even more disturbing www.handyman4seniors.com · Tree Care · Tree Stump Removal are the things that the Waqf doesn’t make public. The time · Trimming Trees Shrubs & Tall Hedges has come for Israel to once and for all assert its sovereignty · Tree Insect & Disease Identification & Treatment over the Temple Mount. It’s absurd that the Temple Mount – WWW.COOKSTREESERVICE.NET Judaism’s holiest site – is the only place in the Western world 607-748-2347 where Jews can’t pray.” Nisani added: “The longer the Temple 4 Pumphouse Rd Vestal, N.Y. Mount stays closed, the greater the chances are that the Waqf will destroy more Jewish history.”