Faithful Urged to Wear a Cross SCOTLAND in ROME I Cardinal O’Brien Calls for Visible Support of Christian Values in Easter Appeal

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Faithful Urged to Wear a Cross SCOTLAND in ROME I Cardinal O’Brien Calls for Visible Support of Christian Values in Easter Appeal No 5461 Friday April 6 2012 | £1 PALM SUNDAY SIGN OF THE CROSS ON PALM SUNDAY Cardinal Keith O’Brien and St Mary’s Cathedral passkeeper Brian Sibbald are seen here HOLY FATHER with children from the 9.30am appeals to Catholics to Mass on Palm Sunday display- ing the palms that the cardinal ‘say yes to the Lord,’ and Mgr Michael Regan blessed during his Palm Sunday during the morning Mass PIC: PAUL McSHERRY homily at the Vatican Page 9 Faithful urged to wear a Cross SCOTLAND IN ROME I Cardinal O’Brien calls for visible support of Christian values in Easter appeal By Ian Dunn reminded British politicians that reli- Need (ACN), which helps persecuted I think there is nothing wrong with gion is ‘not a problem’—‘his Cross was Christians, said the idea could remind wearing a Cross as well to let people CARDINAL Keith O’Brien is calling visible over his robes.’ people of the very real costs of follow- know what we believe in.” on all Christians to openly wear a “Why shouldn’t each and every Chris- ing the Cross. He added that only last Cross ‘every day of their lives’ to tian similarly wear proudly a symbol of month Cardinal O’Brien had ‘proposed Tradition show their support for religious values the Cross of Christ on their garments the Canonisation of murdered Pakistani Catholic academic and adviser to the that are often marginalised in Britain each and every day of their lives,” the politician Shahbaz Bhatti, who shortly Holy See Professor John Haldane said today. The message, inspired by Pope cardinal will say in his homily. “Whether before his death said: “I know what is the cardinal’s call could reawaken inter- Benedict XVI, is at the heart of the on a simple chain or pinned to a lapel, the meaning of the Cross. And I am fol- est in an ancient Christian tradition. cardinal’s Easter Sunday homily. the Cross identifies us as disciples of lowing the Cross.”’ “In speaking of the wearing of the The cardinal’s call has received sup- Christ and we should wear it with pride.” “The cardinal’s suggestion that Chris- Cross as an indication of commitment, port from the Catholic and broader The cardinal will add that ‘for all tians should wear a Cross is very power- the cardinal touches on a larger question, Christian communities, and comes at a Christians, the symbol of the Cross is ful, as wearing this central symbol of our namely that of public Christian witness,” time when Christians face increasing central to our faith’ and this would be a Faith not only serves to reawaken our the professor said. “In the past, Catholics hostility and even persecution in the UK. reminder of the importance of it. calling to take up our crosses and follow recognised the responsibility to reach So far this year, a judge has ruled that “I think that that symbol of the Cross Jesus, but also reminds us that we are out to others, whether through groups SENIOR MEMBERS two Scottish Catholic midwives may be of Christ, worn frequently by our spiritually accompanying our persecuted such as the Catholic Evidence Guild or of the Scottish forced to supervise abortions against their Catholic community and by Christians brothers and sisters who daily walk the less formally by speaking to people beliefs, the Scottish and UK Governments of all denominations is an indication of Way of the Cross,” Mr Newton said. about their Faith. We need to recover hierarchy play key are attempting to dismantle the traditional our desire to live by Christian standards A Scottish member of the national this practice. Remembering that we will role in the 30th Christian definition of marriage and a and to hand on those standards to oth- board of the Knights of St Columba said be judged as much by what we failed to anniversary event held recent report by the Observatory on Intol- ers as best we can, living in a spirit of he thought the cardinal’s suggestion do as by what we did.” erance and Discrimination against Chris- co-operation,” he says in his homily. was an ‘excellent idea’ that his organi- Michael McMahon, MSP for by UK in the Holy See tians in Europe (OIDCE) found that 95 per sation would embrace. Uddingston and Bellshill, said he saw cent of all religiously motivated crimes Support “I am sure that the knights would be the cardinal’s words as timely, personal Page 8 in Scotland were against Christians. The Church of Scotland has joined supportive of such a call,” Charlie advice this Holy Week. Catholics in backing the cardinal. The McCluskey said. “The Cross is at the “This appears to me to be a very sim- Marginalisation of faith Right Reverend David Arnott, Modera- heart of our organisation and as part of ple but important reminder from the car- Cardinal O’Brien will tell the congrega- tor of the General Assembly, said that our witness the call to proudly display it dinal for Christians to return to doing tion at St Mary’s Cathedral in Edinburgh ‘many of our members will be happy to would be in line with our values. I wel- something many of us have got out of the this Sunday that it is his absolute belief that support the cardinal’s initiative.’ come the cardinal’s call and will share routine of doing,” he said. “I have always the ‘marginalisation of religion should “The Church of Scotland supports the this with our members.” been proud to wear Christian symbols on not be taking place at this present time.’ view that Christians should be free to Bernice Brady, communications my lapels but I do not do it as frequently While attempting to think of a way to make visible statements of their faith by director of the Society of St Vincent De as I did at one time. This is a timely symbolise belief in Christian values, the the wearing of appropriate jewellery,” Paul Scotland, also backed the plan. prompt to get back into the habit.” cardinal said he recalled that during he added. “I think it is a good idea,” she said. Pope Benedict XVI’s address at West- John Newton of the international “Members of the SSVP already wear a I Easter homily in full, page 10 minster Hall in 2010—when he Catholic charity Aid to the Church in badge that says ‘in service we pray’ so I [email protected] SCO, 19 Waterloo Street, Glasgow G2 6BT I tel 0141 221 4956 I fax 0141 221 4546 I e-mail [email protected] You can be an ambassador... see page 5 2 PICTURE NEWS SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER Friday April 6 2012 A Passionate performance of the Easter story in Robroyston THE Passion of Our Lord was experience for all those reenacted at St Joseph’s Care involved,” Sr Agnes said. Home, Robroyston, Glasgow, The Little Sisters of the Poor on Palm Sunday. are this year celebrating their St Joseph’s staff, residents, 150th year in Glasgow and as friends, volunteers and members part of the anniversary celebra- of the Association of Jeanne tions the community is trying to Jugan (AJJ), the foundress of the reach out to more young people Little Sisters of the Poor—who throughout the year. have their Glasgow home at St They were, therefore, delighted Joseph’s—performed the Pas- that youngsters, including pupils sion (above) in front of an appre- fromAll Saints and Turnbull High ciative audience (right). School, performed in this year’s The Passion has been performed Passion. at St Joseph’s in each of the last Jesus was played by Paul nine years, and Sr Agnes, leader Campbell, a member of the AJJ of the Little Sisters of the Poor with Ann McGrory, a fellow in Glasgow, spoke of the dedica- member of the association, per- tion and commitment of all those forming the role of Mary. Fr that took part in this year’s play. Charles Kane, St Joseph’s resi- “They had been practising for dent priest, played the high some time and it was a great priest, rabbi and an apostle. PICS: PAUL McSHERRY Cardinal Keith O’Brien joined THE GLASGOW PHOENIX CHOIR priests from the Pallottine DIAMOND JUBILEE CONCERTS Community on Monday March 26 s for a celebration marking the Canonical establishment of the order in Scotland. The cardinal SPOTLIGHT ON... celebrated Mass at Edinburgh’s present St John the Baptist Church with Fr George Suszko, parish priest, Fr Marcin Motyka, Fr Janusz with special guest appearances from Wilczynski and Fr Christopher Frost. Fr Francois Harelimana, general councilor of the community, and Fr Marcus Reck, general secretary from Rome, were also present in Edinburgh Glasgow Royal Concert Hall for the celebrations. Founded in 1835 by the Roman priest F Vincent Pallotti, who was Canonised in 1963, the charism of the Pallottines is to assist all in finding and living their apostolic vocation in life PIC: PAUL McSHERRY The community of St Margaret’s Hospice in Clydebank was delighted to receive confirmation that last year’s Easter-themed hat competition had broken a New & Reconditioned Guinness World Record. A total of Straight & Curved Stairlifts 281 people took part in the world record-breaking feat, which was Wheelchair Lifts & Climbers held last Easter at Clydebank’s Our Holy Redeemer Primary Steplifts & External Ramps School. Sr Rita and the team at ALL PRODUCTS GUARANTEED St Margaret’s invited celebrities Christmas & New Year Sale: and supporters, including Libby McArthur, River City actress, Prices from £987, while stocks last! Gordon Smith, from the world of FREE PERSONAL SURVEY football, and the actor Johnny (no obligation) Beattie, to join pupils from Our Holy Redeemer, hospice UNWANTED residents and Provost Denis STAIRLIFTS REQUIRED Agnew of West Dunbartonshire Council to help them celebrate TEL: 01698 423 632 the success last Friday PIC: PAUL McSHERRY EMAIL: [email protected] Friday April 6 2012 SCOTTISH CATHOLIC OBSERVER SUPPORT YOUR NATIONAL CATHOLIC NEWSPAPER NEWS 3 Two convicted Call for sacking of SNP candidate for anti-Catholic parcel bombs Council hopeful Lyall Duff suspended for online comments about Catholic midwives TWO men have been con- By Ian Dunn hospital introduce them to hand washing the organisation which underwrote the victed of plotting to harm and show them what a mop and bucket midwives legal costs, said Mr Duff's Neil Lennon, the Celtic FIRST Minister Alex Salmond look like.
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