April 21–27, 2017 Including The Brooklyn Paper 50 cents SERVING BROOKLYN SINCE 1958 Chaos in Coney HOLIDAY HERO Stampede after Holy scrolls bangs, rumors of shots fi red saved from BY CAROLINE SPIVACK shul blaze Pandemonium erupted in Co- ney Island on Sunday when someone threw a glass bottle BY CAROLINE SPIVACK and amusement park-goers Talk about chutzpah! mistook the sound for gun- A congregant of a Sea Gate shots, according to police. A synagogue heroically dashed wave of panic swept the crowd into a raging fi re to rescue the and even those who didn’t hear Torah as the house of worship the supposed gunfi re began was gutted by fl ames on April running for their lives. 13. The act was a clear mitz- “I honestly didn’t hear vah, said the brave devotee. much, but I saw everybody “The Torahs had to be running away and I didn’t saved. That’s the bottom line,” want to stick around and fi nd said Howie Londner, who has out why,” said Coney Islander been a congregant at the syn- Joaquin Marshall, who was agogue for years. “All we got out with friends when the con- out were the scrolls, but that fusion ensued. “People were was the most important thing tripping all over themselves — that’s what keeps us going.” trying to get out of there. I The blaze ignited the Con- thought it must be gunshots.” gregation Kneses Israel of Sea A panicked stampede of Gate on Nautilus Avenue just friends and family formerly after midnight and ripped enjoying their Easter Sunday through the shul’s roof during at the People’s Playground the holy week of Passover, ac- poured out of Luna Park and cording to a fi re department fl ed on Surf Avenue. spokesman. Locals trampled each other Rabbi Chaim Brikman ar- as they dashed down the thor- rived on the scene shortly af- oughfare, parents scooped up ter the fi re started and bar- their children as they ran, reled into the synagogue for and people raced into restau- MITZVAH MAN: Congregant Howie Londner ran into the raging inferno to help rescue the Torah. the Sifrei Torah, but the last of Continued on page 12 Photo by Erica Price Continued on page 12

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Cheers: Singer David Byrne will be lecturing at the opening to Bric’s Open festival on April 27. The artist will be discussing his perspective on current issues around the world, and why we BY CAROLINE SPIVACK should all be cheerful. David Byrne Call it a three-egg omelet! Hundreds of youngsters Toast to cheer scoured Bay Ridge parks at But even though he feels his travels and David Byrne tells us why we should be happier positive mindset can guide him to inspire a happy crowd, he says a long road still By Alexandra Simon “Which is different than saying everything To keep people optimistic, at the event awaits. heer up, and come hear all about it. is acceptable — and rather than pointing Byrne will be discussing the growth of “I‘m hardly an expert — I’m an ordi- The front man of the 1980s rock fingers and blaming, which I too love to do, renewable energy around the world, the nary citizen but I have taken the time and a trio of Easter egg hunts on Cband Talking Heads, David Byrne, I am thinking that, if we find some hopeful, increase of parks in large metropolitan effort to compile some of these hopeful and wants to put cheese on your mug. The musi- signs that we might move forward.” cities, advancements in public education, inspiring signs and initiatives,” said Byrne. cian is going to be laying out reasons why One of the main reasons the world lacks and countries like Finland banning coal for “If some of these initiatives and signs can people should be jolly at his lecture at Bric high spirits is economic disparity, said energy and diminishing the importance of serve as models, if I can help spread the on April 27. In “Reasons to be Cheerful” Byrne. He believes the unlevel playing field car ownership. Byrne says a lot of places word about some things everyone might not Byrne will explain why the world is in the leads to wider issues and weighs on our in the world could stand to model after know about, then who knows? I need hope April 15. Kids and their par- it is now, and how to find joy in spite of it personal lives. Finland and its neighboring countries. as much as anyone, so I have a personal all, he said. “Inequality is a big one — it seems to “Some of the Scandinavian countries incentive to do this.” “My perspective is that what is happen- affect so many other areas, and it’s bad for seem to have a high happiness index,” “Reasons to be Cheerful” at Bric [647 ing now is the result of policies and forces the greater economy,” he said. “It’s bad for he said. “Denmark usually ranks first — Fulton Ave between Rockland and Ashland that have been going on for decades, and to health, education, innovation, quality of life though this year it looks like Norway has places in Fort Greene. www.bricartsmedia. some extent, what is happening therefore — all of which affects everyone, even those taken the lead. I think this is related to less org, (718) 855–7882]. April 27 at 7:30 pm. shouldn’t be such a surprise,” said Byrne. who think they are others problems.” inequality and a robust safety net.’ ” Free. ents dove for eggs in a thrill- ing test of wills in Shore Road, Your entertainment Owl’s Head, and Leif Ericson guide Page xx parks. The packed egg prowls were such a rollicking good time, one newcomer is already Police Blotter ...... 8 counting down the days until Letters ...... 26 next year’s hunts. Columns ...... 28 “I had so much fun. I can’t Sports ...... 41 wait to go back next year,” said 8 -ye a r - old S u n s et P a rker L i ney Salais, who searched for eggs with her sister in Owl’s Head Park. “It was really fun fi nd- ing eggs and playing games.” The Easter Bunny maybe could have done a better job at hiding the loot, but one huevo huntress felt it was fair to cut him some slack. “There were so many eggs. HOW TO REACH US It was kind of easy to fi nd them,” said 9-year-old Bay Mail: Ridgite Sasha Bulychva, who Courier Life scored nine eggs at Owl’s Head Publications, Inc., Park armed with a hot pink 1 Metrotech Center North basket. “The Easter Bunny 10th Floor, Brooklyn, had a lot of eggs to hide. So I understand.” N.Y. 11201 Tykes hopped across the General Phone: park like bunnies in a balloon (718) 260-2500 race, dabbled in face paint, and News Fax: posed with the Easter Bunny ON THE HUNT: (Top) A fl ood of (718) 260-2592 at the affair put together by families descended on Leif Eric- the Crossroads Christian son Park for an Easter egg hunt. News E-Mail: Church. (Above) The Easter Bunny stopped [email protected] Others fl ooded Leif Ericson by to hide some eggs and say Display Ad Phone: Park to peruse stands hawking hello to Bay Ridgites. (Right) Kids (718) 260-8302 chocolate bunnies, burgers hopped like a bunny across Owl’s Display Ad E-Mail: and hot dogs, and, of course, Head Park during the balloon race. a shot at more candy-stuffed [email protected] Photos by Georgine Benvenuto eggs. One parent couldn’t be- Display Ad Fax: lieve the fl ood of families who (718) 260-2579 descended on the plastic eggs We ended up giving our eggs tunes for adults as the Easter who brought his son 2-year- Classified Phone: peppered across the green. to some of the other kids who Bunny hopped through the old Jaden to Shore Road Park. (718) 260-2555 “It was packed. There was didn’t get any.” park helping tykes scout eggs. “I wanted to expose him to Classified Fax: so many people,” said Bay But Shore Road Park was It was an egg-cellent event, Easter and teach him about (718) 260-2549 Ridgite Victoria Peschan- the place to be if you wanted to but not everyone was ready to the celebrations. But he was ska, who came out to the Zion boogie with the Easter Bunny. embrace the Easter Bunny. a little shy when he saw the Classified E-Mail: Church event with her two State Sen. Martin Golden (R– “It was fun. There were a Easter Bunny. I don’t think he [email protected] daughters. “There weren’t Bay Ridge) organized the shin- lot of kids and plenty of eggs,” was ready yet — maybe next enough eggs for all the kids. dig where a disc jockey spun said Bay Ridgite Jimmy Wu, year.”

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2 COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 G The hunt was on in Marine Park! BY JULIANNE CUBA ON THE HUNT!: Youngsters — with help from parents — collected as These kids had an egg-cellent time! many eggs as they could. Photo by Jon Farina Hundreds of kids took off to hunt for colorful Eas- ter eggs in Marine Park on Not just bunnies at April 8. One of the smaller youngsters stayed clear of the stampede of kids searching high and low for the brightly Aviator’s egg hunt! colored eggs, but still had a blast, and even managed to snag a few herself, said mom BY JULIANNE CUBA Jennifer Fox, who helped her Youngsters had an egg-cel- 17-month-old daughter. lent time running around “She got a few eggs. She fi lling their baskets with col- had the most fun watching orful eggs and petting farm everybody run,” said Fox. “I animals during the annual was with her so she was able Easter egg hunt at the Avia- to keep up with me. We went to tor Sports and Events Center the part where there weren’t in Marine Park on April 15. any kids running and that’s But the best part for one where we wound up fi nding 4-year-old was milking a cow all our eggs.” — something that impressed The hunt, hosted by state EASTER BUNNY: Joseph Fox and his daughter Lia enjoyed the Easter egg her twin brother and mom, Sen. Marty Golden (R–Marine hunt in Marine Park on April 8. Photo by Georgine Benvenuto who were both too chicken Park), is a great event for all to try it themselves, said her the kids who live in the neigh- friends — who came ready “It was good, it’s just fun Midwood mother. borhood, said Fox. with bunny ears atop their hanging out with the kids “My daughter milked “We appreciate that that’s heads — had the most fun in general,” said Amy Suen. the cow, my son only pet something that goes on for the taking pictures with the real, “They took some pictures the cows,” said Regina, who community,” she said. fl uffy-tailed deal, said another with the bunny, so they really FLUFFY FRIENDS: Ashton Wells asked to only use her fi rst And a group of three Marine Park mom. liked that.” name. “She’s very brave, not plays with the chickens. me. I didn’t do that. I was Photo by Jon Farina like, ‘I can’t do that.’ ” All of the fl uffy friends ate a bulldozer, and play in were a huge hit, and 2-year- the fun house. Families can old Jayla Johnson couldn’t always count on the events get enough of petting the at Aviator Center in Floyd cute, fl oppy-earred bunnies, Bennett Field for fun dur- said her dad Edwin Johnson, ing every season, said Shane whose son also had a great Deshong, whose 2-year-old time. daughter loved petting the “She enjoyed the little animals. kiddy farm, the bunnies, and “Aviator is a great place petting little bunnies and to take your kid. It’s not too guinea pigs,” said Johnson, far, and there’s parking,” from Canarsie. “She fed ev- said Johnson, who lives in ery animal. They had a lot of Midwood. “We took a pic- fun.” ture of the bunny rabbit that Kids also had an opportu- was there, she pet all the ani- nity to hitch a hayride, oper- mals.”

HUNGRY ALPACAS!: Shane Deshong and his daughter Aubree feed EAR-SOME!: Andy Guastella and his daughter Guiliana hang out with the Easter bunny. the animals. Photo by Jon Farina Photo by Georgine Benvenuto

MBRBG COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 3 It’s a mitzvah! Volunteers deliver kosher fare to local families at Passover

BY JULIANNE CUBA those in the elderly commu- How con-seder-ate! nity celebrate the holiday, said Hundreds of people that Mara Goldshtein, who pack- might not have been able to aged foods with the Be Proud have matzoh for Passover Foundation in Brighton Beach opened their doors to wel- on April 6. come food baskets fi lled with a “The event was excellent, whole lotta matzoh and other beautiful. It is very nice that staple holiday fare — all pack- the community thinks about aged and delivered by organi- elderly people who need to zations in Marine Park, Brigh- celebrate the Passover,” said ton Beach, and Coney Island Goldshtein. “I was very proud — before the eight-day holiday to be a part of this event.” began. And one of the volun- And this year, the Be Proud teers was happy to be helping Foundation went all out by FRUITS OF THEIR LABOR: Mark Plotsker and his family help sort the food. Photo by Jon Farina stuffi ng the nearly 550 packages with gefi lte fi sh, matzoh balls, more than 10 0 volunteers came items you can’t go wrong with, family, said there’s no better and chocolate-covered matzoh out to the Marine Park Jew- also special kosher for Pass- feeling than helping out your — almost everything needed to ish Center on April 2 to pack over matzoh and kosher for own neighbors. fi ll the seder table, said founder together boxes of fruits and Passover cookies,” said Shea “It was a beautiful outpour- Raisa Chernina, who thanked vegetables — and of course Rubenstein. “One of the beau- ing of support for our commu- all the volunteers. the unleavened bread — for tiful things about this type of nity,” said Mark Plotsker. “Absolutely incredible. Peo- local families. It was a mean- food pantry, we don’t allow the Volunteers from the Shore- ple were so happy because this ingful experience to be able people in need to show up for front Jewish Community HELPING THEIR NEIGHBORS: year we gave very good pack- to hand deliver the food right their grocery order. That ex- Council in Brighton Beach ages — not good, very good,” to families’ doorsteps so they tra step delivering — that per- and the Jewish Community Rabbi Moshe Wiener and members she said. “First time we give didn’t have to come out for it son’s dignity is more impor- Council of Greater Coney Is- of the Shorefront Jewish Commu- gefi lte fi sh, it’s a little expen- themselves, said the center’s tant than the food itself.” land also packaged and deliv- nity Council package food. sive.” founder. Another Marine Park vol- ered more than 1,000 boxes of Photo by Georgine Benvenuto And over in Marine Park, “It was amazing. Staple unteer, who attended with his Passover food.

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4 COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 MBRBG BR BG COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 5 Crowning ‘Miss Norway’ BY CAROLINE SPIVACK Jersey resident Kristen John- ment of Agriculture and dis- Call them striking vikings! son, a 21-year-old Rutgers Uni- cussed how she aims to help Eight Scandinavian beau- versity student. “It’s about the state’s planters sustain ties competed for celebrating our Norwegian their crops, and the next gen- in the 62nd-annual Miss Nor- heritage and the contributions eration of farmers. way of Greater New York Con- we make to our community. “Right now I’m trying to test at the Norwegian Chris- I’m happy that I can represent help increase young farmers tian Home in Dyker Heights that.” in the state and help farm- on April 8. But the pageant is A panel of fi ve judges ers’ crops become viable,” she less about beauty, and more listened to a three-minute said. about celebrating the Norwe- speech from each contestant Miss Norway will return to gian heritage of community- about her interests and her Southern Brooklyn for her du- HERE SHE IS, MISS NORWAY 2017: (Above) Kristen Johnson took the minded contestants, said the Norwegian identity. John- ties during the Norwegian pa- coveted title of Miss Norway New York 2017 at the 62nd Annual Miss Nor- new Miss Norway. son, who is a senior at Rut- rade in May. way Contest of Greater New York on April 8 in Dyker Heights. (Left) A “It’s defi nitely more than gers, already has a job lined “I’m excited to represent distinguished panel of fi ve judges made the fi nal call on the new face of a beauty pageant,” said New up at the New Jersey Depart- my culture,” said Johnson. Norway in New York. Photos by Sean Murphy Congratulations to Brooklyn’s 2017 Women of Distinction HONOREES Grisel Amador Alberta Gulotta Denise P. Levine Kim Moore Marina Trofi mov Rev. Elizabeth Butler, PhD Rev DeVanie Jackson Hon. Katherine Levine Tonya Ores Candace Woodward Heather Cuccia Dianna Kane Violetta Livshiz Frances Schwartz Pauline Yeung Maria D’Alessandro Nella Khenkin Katie Lusso Yelena Sokolin Brigitte Zabbatino Anastasia D’Amato Pastor Amy Kienzle Aileen McKinnon Lola Star Gala Dinner & Award Ceremony th Thursday, June 1, 2017 8023 13 Avenue Deadline is May 29th. Brooklyn, New York 11228

Please go to the following website to purchase seats https://2017womenofdistinction.eventbrite.com i˜˜ˆviÀÊ-ÌiÀ˜ÊÊUÊʍÃÌiÀ˜JV˜}œV>°Vœ“ÊÊUÊÊÇ£n‡ÓÈä‡nÎäÓÊ

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MBRBG COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 7 68TH PRECINCT Boardwalk beating BAY RIDGE—DYKER HEIGHTS Police arrested a man who struck another man in the head with a metal pipe on the Boardwalk at W. Timber! 12th Street. Cops cuffed a guy who they say The victim told police that he beat a man with a piece of wood at was strolling along the walkway Shore Road on April 13. around 10 pm when he was suddenly The victim was in his apartment smacked in the forehead with a pipe, building between 92nd and Oliver authorities said. Police on the scene streets at 9 am when he was sud- cording to a police report. Then the she came returned to her home Bay arrested the man, offi cials said. denly attacked with the timber, po- other crook pounced on the man Parkway and 23rd Avenue from lice said. The victim knew his at- and held him down, as the fi rst work at 6 pm, she noticed her front Home invaders tacker and police managed to arrest door was unlocked, said authori- swiped his wallet full of cash and Thieves made off with a woman’s the suspect later that day, offi cials ties. Upon entering her bedroom, bank cards, said authorities. fl at-screen television from her Nep- said. she discovered the room had been Emergency responders took the tune Avenue apartment on April 14. ransacked and the air conditioner man to Coney Island Hospital for A witness told police he saw bad- Ambushed pushed in from the fi re escape, offi - treatment, offi cials said. dies bust into the apartment be- Two punks robbed a delivery cials said. tween W. 33rd and W. 37th streets. man on Colonial Road and 79th It is not clear what the trespasser Swift justice But the raiders fl ed with a 35-inch Street on April 12. swiped from her apartment, said po- Police arrested a man and a fl at-screen television before police The man told police he had just lice. woman who they say attacked a teen could arrive, offi cials said. completed a delivery at 8 pm when he was grabbed from behind and on 86th Street on April 10 and stole — Caroline Spivack $250 was ripped from inside his his cellphone. 60TH PRECINCT pocket, according to a police report. The 17-year-old boy was walking between Bay 40th Street and 25th CONEY ISLAND—BRIGHTON BEACH— 61ST PRECINCT The thieves fl ed on foot without a SEAGATE trace, police said. Avenue at 7 pm when he was sud- SHEEPSHEAD BAY—HOMECREST— denly punched in the face, police Lobby robbery MANHATTAN BEACH—GRAVESEND Home invader said. The force knocked him to the ground, and the duo took the chance Three brutes frisked a man for While she was out A raider ransacked a woman’s to grab his phone and fl ee, accord- his cash in a W. 25th Street elevator Some crook broke into a wom- 63rd Street apartment on April 9. ing to a police report. on April 14. The woman told police that she an’s Kings Highway apartment and But police canvassed the area The man told police that he was left her apartment between 10th and ran off with her laptop while she and the victim pointed out the pair, waiting for the elevator in the lobby 11th avenues for work that morning was out at sometime between April offi cials said. of his apartment building between but when she returned at 2 pm, her Mermaid and Surf avenues at 10:30 7 and April 11, police said. bedroom closet was tossed and $540 am when he was shoved into the The 25-year-old woman was vis- was missing, according to a police What a wake up call lift and pressed against the wall by iting her parents on Long Island report. A car thief drove off with a man’s three goons. when the baddie likely broke in Other property worth $240 was vehicle on Bath Avenue on April 15, The trio rummaged through the through her rear bedroom window also swiped from her home, said po- said police. man’s pockets and made off with a near E. 19th Street and swiped her lice. The victim told police he parked mere $20 and his cellphone before MacBook laptop, according to au- his green Honda Civic in front of fl eeing the scene, offi cials said. thorities. his home between Bay 19th and Bay 62ND PRECINCT 20th streets at 6 pm the night be- Whack attack Damaged doors fore. But when he came out to head BENSONHURST—BATH BEACH Police arrested a man for whack- A malefactor wrecked the doors to work, his ride was gone without a ing a guy in the head with a stick to a medical building on Ocean Av- trace, police said. Rough robbers multiple times on Mermaid and enue sometime between April 6 and Authorities noted that the victim A pair of vicious louts beat and Stillwell avenues on April 10. April 12, police said. is in possession of both sets of keys robbed a man on 21st Avenue on The victim was crossing the in- The jerk must have tampered for the Civic. April 10. tersection at 9 pm when the stranger with the two doors in the lower-level The two goons approached the suddenly ambushed him, said po- garage of the building near Avenue man as he was walking between Fire escape burglar lice. W, according to authorities. An em- 85th and 86th streets at 6:30 pm, de- An intruder broke into a wom- Emergency responders took the ployee told police he was there the manding cash. One baddie punched an’s 83rd Street apartment on April battered victim to Lutheran Medi- week before and the doors were the man in the face so hard that he 17 through the fi re escape. cal Center for treatment, authori- locked and undamaged, offi cials stumbled back to the ground, ac- The woman told police that when ties reported. said. — Julianne Cuba


8 COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 MBRBG 24 /7

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BR BG COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 9 Ocean rising Tide of development sweeps Ocean Ave. in Sheepshead Bay

BY JULIANNE CUBA to get state approval for con- Builders have broken ground dominiums, and open shortly and are busy erecting a nine- after the building is complete story apartment building on by next summer, said Chen. Ocean Avenue that’s part of The development company a wave of new development fi led plans with the Depart- making its way south to Sheep- ment of Buildings to create shead Bay. a daycare center in the base- The Sunset Park-based ment for children ages 2–6 developer New Empire Real with 30 teachers, city records Estate usually sticks to proj- show, but Chen said the com- ects in Downtown and on the pany is considering renting other side of the East River, so out the space for a medical fa- this 56-unit building between cility. Kings Highway and Quentin The building also plans to Road is a fi rst on this turf — feature a gym, lounge, yoga but it may not be the last, as room, and a kid’s playroom the neighborhood is turning on the second fl oor, along with GOING UP: Developers plan to build a nine-story apartment complex on Ocean Avenue near Kings Highway. into a hot spot for develop- 28 off-street parking spaces Building Consulting Engineering and Architect PLLC ment, said manager Howard for cars, said Chen. And bicy- Chen. clists will also have 28 spots to Community Board 15 chair- And the proof is in the And Zhao’s apartment “This is a growing area lock up their two-wheelers on woman Theresa Scavo. plans — developers have fi led buildings is just a few blocks that we think is the next kind the second fl oor, according to “If you ride along Ocean plans for 11 buildings six sto- away from a pair of massive, of booming area,” said Chen. city records. Avenue, it’s just following the ries or higher along Ocean Av- offi ce-and-retail centers off of “We are looking at different The nine-story building trend on Ocean Avenue,” she enue between Kings Highway Kings Highway, and another sites over there.” is just another one of a string said. “Every plot of land is be- and Voorhies Avenue since mall coming right outside the New Empire Real Estate of similar developments com- coming eight- or nine-story early March 2016 , according Kings Highway B and Q sub- president Bentley Zhao hopes ing to the neighborhood, said buildings.” to city records . way station. Are You Having Trouble Sleeping?? As soon as I walked into the office, a more beneficial night of sleep. MICHAEL F. KANZER my doctor knew immediately that A chiropractor can help to explain I was having difficulty sleeping. why simple changes may make the He pointed out the downward tilt greatest impact. We know that by & ASSOCIATES P.C. of my head and the fact that I was sleeping on our stomach (perhaps waking up multiple times a night. the most compromising position), He could even perfectly describe the full weight of the head pulls the pain, numbness, and tingling on the muscles and ligaments that sensation I was experiencing in hold the cervical spine together. my upper extremities. This amount of weight on the deli- OVER 28 YEARS EXPERIENCE We all know that sleep is critical cate structures of the neck will to good health, vital to restoring eventually lead to joint damage. mental acuity, and is needed to en- The consultation with your chiro- Protect your assets by proper sure a proper immune response. practor will begin with a discus- Its role in our ability to perform sion on proper sleeping positions Estate Planning our everyday activities cannot be (preferably side lying with a pil- stressed enough. 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Taking steps to decrease the New York State Chiropractic 718-769-7200 stress, avoiding pharmaceutical Association, American Chiroprac- sleeping aids, limiting caffeine tic Association, and International WWW.KANZERLAW.COM intake, keeping technology away Chiropractic Association, can help Please Note New Address from the bed, paying attention to Brooklynites catch some zzs. what we eat at bedtime (limiting HealthQuest [3500 Nostrand 2214 Kimball Street, Brooklyn, NY 11234 the carbohydrates), sleeping in a Ave. between Avenues U and V in dark room, and, of course, getting Sheepshead Bay, (718) 769-2521]. Corner Avenue U, near Kings Plaza Attorney Advertisment a spinal adjustment, can all lead to www.HQBK.com Advertisement 10 COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 MBRBG           



SAVED SCROLLS: Rabbi Brikman and others managed to rescue religious artifacts from the fi r e . Photo by Erica Price

“This is a shul for everybody.” SYNAGOGUE Rescuing the scrolls was a big win, but the real battle will be rebuilding. Continued from cover The congregation has already made the eight scrolls was stowed away in a plans to temporarily meet at the Rab- safe. And by the time Londner made it bi’s house and another building near over with the combination, the house the charred house of worship. of worship was engulfed in thick, “We made it through Sandy — we black smoke, he said. But that didn’t were praying with no light and heat stop him from braving the fl ames to for weeks,” Londner said. “We’ll need save the last sacred scroll. help, and then of course we pray to god “It was black — I couldn’t see two and hope we could rebuild.” feet in front of me — but I know the shul, so I was able to make my way through,” said Londner. “I didn’t think about it. I just ran in.” It took Londner ten tries to open the safe as charred wooden beams and hunks of the ceiling came crashing down around him. But he made it out Join us | May 2nd | 6:15-8:15 p.m. relatively unscathed, though he was treated at Coney Island Hospital for smoke inhalation. But to hear Londner tell it, he’s not Connect with several experts who will the hero of the story. “Listen, God protected me,” he said. answer your questions and guide you “When I came out, people were crying hysterically, and I said, ‘It wasn’t that UNHOLY BLAZE: A fi re ripped through a Sea through the homebuying process. bad.’ ” Gate synagogue during the week of Pass- Londner is a devout regular at the over on April 13. Photo by Erica Price shul now, but it wasn’t always that way. He had strayed from the fl ock for a It was unclear what started the time, but after an accident, Rabbi Brik- blaze. A fi re department investigation man stopped by to check up on Lond- is ongoing, offi cials said. ner in the hospital. It was a touching To help the shul rebuild, you can May 2nd moment that pushed him to become an donate to the synagogue’s Matcha- active congregant. thon page at https://matchathon.com/ Bensonhurst Branch “They’re very good people,” he said. matchathon?campaign_id=351 7124 18th Avenue 6:15–8:15 p.m.

RSVP: (718) 621-8480 But the fears were unfounded and CHAOS police quashed the frenzy on social media. Continued from cover “All reports of any shooting by the rants to escape what they thought was amusement area in Coney Island are a shooting. false,” stated a tweet by the 60th Pre- One Surf Avenue eatery even low- cinct’s Twitter account. “There were ered its metal gate to protect its pa- no shots fi red or anyone shot.” trons. The incident comes just two days “We closed the gate to protect peo- after Amtrak police in Penn Station ple,” said Bensonhurster Elez Bucaj, used a stun gun on a man — sending © 2017 Ridgewood Savings Bank who owns the Surf City restaurant on commuters scrambling for safety after Surf Avenue at W. 10th Street near the they mistook the sound for gunfi re. Cyclone. “People were running and A police investigation is ongoing, screaming that they heard shooting.” offi cials said. 12 COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 BG ATLAS MEATS MEAT MARKET

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MBRBG COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 13 Insiders: Board of Election pick a power-play by Golden he Board of Elections move to maintain his political working very closely with each with 21 percent answering “fa- named a new Republican power . other. The anti-Golden camp, of vorable,” beating interim Dis- T chief clerk one year after It is customary for county PARTY LINE course you’re going to say, ‘he’s trict Attorney Eric Gonza- the infamous April 2016 voter leaders to pull strings to get just doing what he’s told.’” lez by two percent. purge, which slashed more their allies high-paying gigs But Ghorra insists he had But Gonzalez would still than 120,000 voters from the on the board, and in this case an even hand in selecting Ri- win according to the poll, with rolls during the contentious it should have been newly ley, and that Golden was busy 15 percent saying they would New York presidential pri- elected Kings County Repub- in Albany when discussions vote for him, four percent mary between Bernie Sanders lican Chairman Ted Ghorra were taking place. more than those who said they and Hillary Clinton . to name the new guy — but “I was consulted on the would cast a ballot for Gen- Bay Ridgite Ray Riley sources say it was Golden who county clerk position con- tile. — a former staffer of state gave the nod to appoint Riley. cerning Ray Riley, there is But nearly half the voters Sen. Marty Golden (R–Bay “The chairman should have no disagreement with anyone — 48 percent — say they are Ridge) who now works at been the one to pick. Ghorra TALKING BORO POLITICS regarding his selection and still undecided. Maimonides Medical Cen- would have nothing to do with. Senator Golden was occupied Gentile used some cash ter — will replace Diane Marty was defi nitely behind WITH JULIANNE CUBA with Senate and constituency from his more than $85,000 in Haslett-Rudiano at the end that,” one source said. “Ray’s matters — not this issue,” said his campaign coffers to launch of the month, fi lling the six- never worked at the Board of Board of Elections.” Ghorra in an e-mailed stated. a poll through North Caroli- fi gure position she was sus- Elections. This is patronage.” Golden did not respond to Ghorra did not return an na-based Public Policy Poll- pended without pay two days Other sources claimed days requests for comments, but e-mail asking if he consulted ing, which surveyed 630 likely after the purge. after the purge that Golden a former consultant for the Golden at all about the pick by Democratic primary voters in Riley will start his new had chosen Republican Brook- senator said it makes perfect press time. Kings County from April 6 to gig on April 30, a Board of lyn Board of Elections com- sense that Riley was appointed Riley could not be reached April 9. Elections spokeswoman said. missioner Simon Shamoun to the board and obviously his for comment. Others running for the seat And Haslett-Rudiano’s Demo- in exchange for internal fa- anti-faction would spew that include Patricia Gatling, cratic counterpart Betty Ann vors, like allegedly shredding kind of nonsense. He’s a favorable Ama Dwimoh, Anne Swern, Canizio remains suspended competitor’s petitions. “Not surprising that he Term-limited Council- and Marc Fleidner. without pay, the spokeswoman And appointing Riley is ended up with a prestigious man Vincent Gentile (D–Bay The results are just as the said. just Golden’s way of trying to job at Maimonides, and it’s not Ridge), who is vying to be- senior lawmaker suspected, he This being Brooklyn’s frac- gain more power, said an elec- surprising he would end up at come the borough’s next dis- said. tured Republican Party, the tion attorney familiar with the Board of Elections,” said trict attorney, came out on top “It was the campaign’s idea move of course comes with Brooklyn politics. Gerry O’Brien, who left the in a new poll he commissioned to see what the lay of the land is some controversy. “He was always one of the Republican Party and is now in which voters were asked if in the race. There was no guar- Some conservative politi- main organizers of Marty’s an independent. “I would fi nd they have a “favorable opin- antee about that, it just so hap- cos are charging Riley has campaign,” he said. “And it’s it diffi cult to believe that Ted ion” of him and fi ve other can- pens the results show that I had been hand-picked by state Sen. just another example of con- and Marty weren’t on the same didates running for the seat. a very strong showing,” Gentile Marty Golden in yet another solidating his power at the page about this. They seem to be Gentile topped the charts said.



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16 COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 MBRBG UP IN SMOKE: Fire marshals are investigating what caused a blaze on two cars near Avenue S and E. Fifth Street on April 15. Photo by Mark Mellone Cars ablaze in Gravesend

BY JULIANNE CUBA fi re department spokes- Fire marshals are inves- woman said. tigating what caused two The fl ames erupted cars parked on E. Fifth early Saturday morn- Street to go up in fl ames ing on shabbat, and in early in the morning on the middle of the Jewish April 15. holiday of Passover, in About a dozen fi re- a heavily Jewish neigh- fi ghters arrived at the borhood, so fi re mar- smoky scene near Av- shals are investigating enue S in Gravesend at whether some criminal about 6:15 am and battled intentionally ignited the blaze until it was un- the sparks, the spokes- der control at 6:51 am, a woman said. Two punks rob shul on Passover

BY JULIANNE CUBA particularly sacrile- What a couple of gious, perpetrated as it schmucks! was during the eight-day Cops are search- holiday that celebrates ing for two thieves who the Israelites’ escape broke into a Midwood from ancient Egypt, shul and attacked its said Councilman Da- live-in caretaker during vid Greenfi eld (D–Mid- the early hours on April wood), who is offering 16, during the holy Jew- a $1,000 reward to catch ish holiday of Passover. the impious suspects. The two sneaks al- “As we celebrate Pe- legedly used a ladder to sach, it is especially dis- climb up to a broken win- turbing to fi nd out that MAX dow and hop inside Bais a shul’s caretaker was Menachem Mendel on assaulted and that the Avenue J at 5 am, police shul was robbed during said. They demanded this important holiday,” the 53-year-old care- Greenfi eld said. “It’s taker hand over his pos- more important now sessions, including $300 than ever that we unite in cash, a laptop, and a as a community and fi nd credit card — and even the hateful criminals socked him in the head who did this.” with a metal tool, caus- Emergency respond- ing minor lacerations, ers took the victim to according to authorities. Maimonides Medical The punks then fl ed the Center where he was Chabad, between E. 17th treated for minor inju- and E. 18th streets, offi - ries. And authorities are cials said. still investigating the in- And the crime was cident, police said. MBRBG COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 17 If you're considering a career change, seeking professional advancement or simply looking to enrich your life, Kingsborough's Continuing Education program has a course to fit your needs. PARALEGAL DASA ESL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNTING CAREER ADVANCEMENT ARTS & CRAFTS ADULT FITNESS TASC™ HEALTHCARE CERTIFICATE PROGRAMS COMPUTERS EVENT PLANNING NYC TLC TAXI TEST-PREPARATION 50+ WELLNESS PROGRAM COLLEGE FOR KIDS

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18 COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 MBRBG ADVERTORIAL TOP DRIVER DISTRACTIONS Using mobile phones phone conversations. The haps they’re checking out chewing gum at the same a rest area and spend 10 Leading the list of the use of a hands-free device a house in a new neighbor- time may want to avoid minutes snacking there top distractions behind the does not lower distraction hood or thought they saw eating while driving. The before resuming the wheel are mobile phones. levels. The percentage of someone they knew on the majority of foods require a trip. Phones now do more than vehicle crashes and near- street corner. It can be easy person’s hands to be taken just place calls, and driv- crashes attributed to di- to veer into the direction off of the wheel and their Reading ers often cannot pull away aling is nearly identical your eyes are focused, caus- eyes to be diverted from the Glancing at an adver- from their phones, even to the number associated ing an accident. In addition road. Reaching in the back tisement, updating a Fa- when driving. According to with talking or listening. to trying to stay focused on seat to share some French cebook status or reading the California Department the road, some drivers pre- fries with the kids is also a book are all activities of Motor Vehicles, studies Daydreaming fer the help of lane depar- distracting. that should be avoided have shown that driving Many people will admit ture warning systems. Try to eat meals before when driving. Even pour- performance is lowered to daydreaming behind getting in the car. For ing over a traffic map or and the level of distraction the wheel or looking at a Eating those who must snack consulting the digital is higher for drivers who person or object outside of Those who haven’t quite while en route, take a display of a GPS system are heavily engaged in cell the car for too long. Per- mastered walking and moment to pull over at can be distracting.

MBRBG COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 19 Brooklyn’s Biggest Booster STANDING by Joanna DelBuono Meeting the goal and then some


Five bouquets to HeartShare for raising $500,000 at its 2017 Spring Gala and Auction on March 30 at the New York Marriott Marquis. HeartShare honored Salvatore SUNSET PARK Calabrese of RE/MAX Metro; actor Dr. Dan Grimaldi; Gary Perone, Maternally yours Brooklyn Cyclones Assistant General NYU Lutheran Medical Center is overfl owing with ba- bies. With more babies born in Brooklyn than anywhere else in New York City, the healing center is taking several important steps forward to ensure the borough’s many expecting moms have ac- cess to the safest, most compre- hensive care available. Leading the delivery charge will be Dr. Ming C. Tsai. Stand- SCHOLARLY STUDIES: Ryan McEvoy of Brooklyn is studying in Germany as a Fulbright ing O says welcome and congrat- scholar. ulations to Dr. Ming on his ap- pointment as chief of obstetrics and gynecology. He will oversee Manager; and Blakely Page of Spout- Bright & full of promise for scholar an extensive expansion of the ing Rock Financial Partners at the soi- hospital’s labor and delivery ser- ree. The honorees are long-standing BOROUGH WIDE and trips to Poland and Israel. He vices. advocates and supporters of the orga- spent a semester abroad in Ban- “We are extremely pleased nization. Prost! Congratulations to Ryan galore, India, where he completed that an accomplished, experi- “I’ve been coming to this gala for a McEvoy, who was awarded a Ful- coursework in Indian culture and enced physician like Dr. Tsai is decade. My adult goddaughter partici- bright grant to teach English in history, international development, leading the effort,” said Dr. Da- pated in a HeartShare day program Germany. The borough son is a se- and elementary Hindi. vid Keefe, the Stanley H. Kaplan and I recently found out that my cousin nior at the University of Richmond. “These opportunities have not professor and chairman of Ob- has been receiving residential services Ryan is triple majoring in Ger- only allowed me to sharpen my stetrics and Gynecology at NYU from HeartShare for 25 years,” shared man studies, international studies, language skills, but also to develop Langone. Gary Perone, recipient of The Heart- and history, with a focus on world the relevant cultural competency “Patients want the best care Share Genie Foundation Award. politics and diplomacy, and minor- needed for successful in-country en- and that is our principal goal — Adding to the funds, HeartShare ing in Jewish studies. gagement,” he explained. to provide world-class, highly was able to raise $40,200 during a mo- Ryan will be traveling to North- When Ryan returns to the States specialized services that meet bile campaign. Guests texted their Rhine Westphalia and teaching he plans on attending the Univer- the needs of Brooklyn’s families,” donations after viewing a video fea- from September 2017 through June sity of Pennsylvania Law School. said Dr. Tsai. turing Carol, who said, “When I was 2018. “Ryan made the most of his time Just for the record, and ac- younger, kids would tease me, ‘Oh, “While in Germany, I am also in- abroad as an undergraduate and cording to the State Department you are handicapped. Oh, you can’t do terested in exploring the possibility used this experience to write a com- of Health, out of the 117,099 babies anything.’ Today, I live, work and com- of pursuing an additional commu- pelling application for a Fulbright born in New York City — 41,746 of mute on my own and I’m proud to say, nity engagement activity such as award,” said Martha Merritt, in- them were in Brooklyn. That’s a I can do more things than I thought I an internship that would allow me ternational education dean. “Ful- lot of labor going on. could do.” to work with newly resettled refu- bright recognizes both academic Standing O and the stork says, Attendees included Bill gees,” Ryan said. achievement and a desire to serve “Welcome to the borough, Dr. Guarinello, HeartShare president and He has also participated in mul- as an educational ambassador for Tsai.” chief executive offi cer; Paul Torre, tiple study abroad projects during the United States.” NYU Lutheran Medical Cen- chairman of the board; actor Danny his time at University of Richmond, Standing O wishes Ryan good ter [150 55th St. at First Avenue in Aiello of “;” Dominic including two summers in Berlin, luck. Sunset Park, (718) 630-7000]. Chianese, , Jason Cer- bone and Artie Pasquale; actress Barbara Feldon (“Agent 99”); actress Avenue in Downtown, www.heart- New York public transportation with school is suffering from a wide range Abigail Hawk of “Blue Bloods;” “Or- share.org). the big crowds and tight railway cars of motor and vocal “tics” that range ange is the New Black” actress Bar- during morning rush hour. But for Al- from disruptive to life-threatening, bara Rosenblat; Q104.3’s Shelli Son- BOROUGH WIDE exandro, his experience commuting as well as comorbid disorders that go stein; and Fox 5’s Ines Rosales. to school is so intensifi ed by involun- hand-in-hand with Tourette, such as Q104.3 Radio Host and long-time Hip, hip, hooray tarily movements such as rapid eye attention defi cit hyperactivity disor- HeartShare Board Member Jim Kerr Cheers and kudos to borough son blinking and neck snapping that he der, obsessive-compulsive disorder, served as Master of Ceremonies. Fox Alexandro Hererra. The teen, who can no longer attend his public school anxiety, depression, and more. 5’s Rosanna Scotto and actor Sean suffers from Tourette syndrome, was in the city. The program, which was an ini- Ringgold, both on boards at the recently honored and inducted into The disease, which is severely mis- tiative launched in 2008, trains agency, encouraged the crowd during the Tourette Association of Amer- understood, affects one in 160 school- teens with and without Tourette to the mobile campaign. ica’s 2017 Youth Ambassador Pro- aged children. Most people only know speak on national and local plat- HeartShare Human Services of New gram. it as the “cursing disease” but the re- forms about Tourette awareness and York (12 MetroTech Center at Myrtle It is stressful enough traveling on ality is that at least one child in every education. 20 COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 MBRBG

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MBRBG COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 25 LATE =lik_\i[`jXYc`e^[`jXYc\[g\fgc\ To the editor, What the Department of Trans- portation is doing to disabled people who are in need of a disability park- ing permit is a disgrace. JFLE;F==KFK?<<;@KFI They are denying people who are permanently disabled that already Ciflg# ( To the editor, tersection and have hit pedestrians Then there are many times that en- D\kifK\Z_:\ek\iEfik_#9iffbcpe#EP The horrible, violent United Air- who were in the crosswalk and had trance to the escalator door is closed. lines scene that recently went down the green light and were not wear- As a long-time resident of Brighton (()'(#fi\$dX`ckf\[`kfi`Xc7Ze^cfZXc% is a prime example of the problem ing headphones or looking down at Beach I find it totally unacceptable Zfd%Gc\Xj\`eZcl[\pfliX[[i\jjXe[ created by the profits first, at all a phone. that we need to put up with this in- k\c\g_fe\eldY\i]fijfn\ZXeZfe$ costs (overbooking) mentality of At 30 mph the cars cannot make a convenience. Ôidpflj\ekk_\c\kk\i%N\i\j\im\ companies. full stop easily and will “accidently” While the MTA seems concerned k_\i`^_kkf\[`kXccZfii\jgfe[\eZ\# There was a wonderfully warm, hit pedestrians. Yes, some people about track work they should be con- n_`Z_ Y\Zfd\j k_\ gifg\ikp f] comforting and supportive manner will get home five or 10 minutes cerned about the residents of Brigh- :fli`\iC`]\GlYc`ZXk`fej% that most always came through in later, but lives will be saved by leav- ton Beach as well. Jerry Sattler days past when “mom and pop” busi- ing the limit at 25 mph. At the cor- Brighton Beach

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MBRBG COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 27 FG@E@FE 8Ê^`icËYpXepeXd\`jXcnXpjY\jkj\cc\i

f you’re thinking of writing weirdly enough). Not to men- it out alive. Gee thanks, guys. Update a bestseller, I’ve got a word tion, on television, “The Good Anyway, if you’re looking The Other Other Boleyn @ of advice for you: Wife.” But clearly the wives for a title for that bestseller of Girl Girl. have been ditched for someone yours, I’ve got some sugges- The Little Mulch Girl Put “Girl” in the title and younger. tions: Even Cowgirls Get Sick of you almost don’t have to do Last year an author named The Girl Last Seen Run- Beans anything else, except figure Emily St. John Mandel looked ning Away from a Bunch of The Girl Who Chased out a plot, some twists, and at 810 non-children’s books Angry Hornets Viggo Mortensen (And Who an ending. And don’t forget to with the word “Girl” in the The Girl with the Mis- Can Blame Her?) put a girl character in there, of title. She crunched some num- spelled “Pougkeepsie” Tattoo I Am Melania: The Story course. She can be doing any- bers and found that 79 per- The Little Dumber Girl of a Girl who Stood Up for thing: Kicking a hornet’s nest cent of those were written by The Girl You Last Saw in Trump or sporting a dragon tattoo, women, and yet 65 percent of the Dairy Section Too Many Girls, Not like Stieg Larsson’s epic sell- the time the “girl” in the title The Girl Eating “Cheese- Enough Kombucha (from the ers. Or she can be on a train, RHYMES is actually a woman. Its” on the Bolt Bus “Wild in Williamsburg” se- like Paula Hawkins’ bestseller So why call the woman a The Girl Who “Forgot” to ries) (turned into a leaden movie de- girl? Call Her Mother’s Friend’s Su- The Girl on the D Train scribed by one Rotten Toma- WITH CRAZY One theory holds that when per-Nice Son The Girl STILL on the D toes reviewer as “Less like hop- we see the word “girl” we au- The Girl Whose “Be Mind- Train, Because of a “Sick Pas- ping on board a train and more C\efi\Jb\eXqp tomatically feel protective and ful” Lulu Lemon Tote Took Up senger” on the Train Ahead of climbing onto the bandwagon worried — more than we’d feel a Whole Seat Her of dozens of Lifetime movies.”) to do is hang out with a bunch about a grown woman. But an- The Girl with the Greenish Girl Meets Girl (Note, that didn’t stop it from of her tormented friends who other theory is that mega best- Incisor Girl, Interrupting making $170 million.) are trying to grow up, like “2 sellers tend to inspire publish- The Girl Who Mistook Her The Girl Who Knew Too Or the girl can be gone, Broke Girls,” “New Girl,” or ers to copy them slavishly and Hat for My Hat Much about the Kennedy As- like Gillian Flynn’s chilling Lena Dunham’s squad. Or she often. So once you have “Gone A Girl Named Sue sassination thriller. Or she can have pearl can have grown up so long Girl” plus “Girl on a Train,” Back Girl The Girl Who Slugged the earring, or marry a lion, or ago that now the “girl” part nobody’s going to bother with Harry Potter and the Sor- Beehive fall from the sky, chase the is ironic. (See “Golden Girls,” a “The Comedienne with cerer’s Girl The Girl Who Sat on a moon, play with fire, or be in- which, come to think of it, may the Lower Back Tattoo,” or, The Girl from Iwo Jima Mound of Scorpions Because terrupted. She can also love have started something.) “Young Female in Hyacinth The Hardy Girls She Was Livestreaming Her Tom Gordon. And recently I Just a few years before Blue.” I Am the Coppertone Girl Desert Vacation really enjoyed “The Girl You all this girlishness, the book St. John Mandel noticed The Girl with the Squirrel The Girl Who Couldn’t Sit Left Behind,” by Jojo Moyes. trend was “wife,” as in “The one other trend: When women Earring Down All those girls made it big on Paris Wife,” “The Time Trav- write “Girl” books, the girl The Squirrel with the Girl Lenore Skenazy is a keynote the bookshelves. eler’s Wife” (best book ever), ends up alive 90 percent of the Earring speaker, author of the book and To make it big on televi- “The Kitchen God’s Wife” time. When men put “Girl” in The Girl with the Wagon blog Free-Range Kids, and a sion, apparently all a girl has (also the best book ever, the title, only 68 percent make Tattoo: A Laura Ingalls Wilder contributor at Reason.com. B`[jkf[Xp#XcnXpjkXb`e^m`[\fj gain, the cellphone and in the process bloodied Do people routinely keep me like 20 minutes just to video has come to the his face, broke his nose, and their cameras out and at the figure out how to turn the 8rescue. knocked out a couple of his ready just in case a confron- camera part on, let alone This time on a United teeth. tation occurs? video it. Airlines flight on which a All of it was, of course, How is it that they are all Besides, its really hard 69-year-old passenger, ran- captured on a cellphone and able to capture the moment to video anything when you domly selected to have to be posted on social media for in seconds of anything hap- are busy running in the booted off the plane to make all the world to see. pening? other direction. room for airline employees, No, the security people These people are so Not for Nuthin,™ I don’t declined to give up the seat were not justified in rough- “Johnny on the Spot” — so know about you, but my he had paid for. When he ing him up. No, they should ready in a New York minute parents always taught me was asked to vacate his seat have never dragged him off to point, click and stream — that if any confrontation oc- by security personnel, he re- like a common criminal, that you would think that curred to run as fast as my fused to get off the plane vol- NOT FOR and no, no matter how much they spend their time just legs could carry me away untarily, on the basis that he resisted, there was no waiting for this sort of thing from the incident, not to- he was a doctor and he had NUTHIN’ reason to behave this way. to happen. ward it. Let alone to stop, to see patients the next day. But I digress. I don’t know how they do aim and shoot. So the security personnel AfXeeX;\c9lfef What I really want to it so fast. Whenever I want Follow me on Twitter @ dragged him out of his seat know is — to video something it takes JDelBuono.

:fli`\iC`]\:cXjj`]`\[jZXcc .(/ )-'Ç),,,


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MBRBG COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 29 HOUSEHOUSE SERVING BROOKLYN SAME DAY TOP $ PAID AND THE ENTIRE SERVICE FOR JUDAICA CALLSCALLS TRI-STATE AREA AVAILABLE COLLECTIBLES ANTIQUESANTIQUES && ESTATEESTATE BUYERSBUYERS We Pay $CASH$ For Paintings, Clocks, Watches, Estate Jewelry & Fine China, From Single Items to Entire Estates! s Coin & Stamp Collections s Costume Jewelry s Antique Furniture s Lamps s Bronzes s Paintings s Prints MOVING or s Chinese & Japanese DOWNSIZING? Artwork & Porcelain CALL US! Military s Sports Collectibles Collections Wanted s Comic Books s Old Toys s Records Swords, Knives, s Cameras s Sterling Flatware Sets Helmets, etc. HUMMELS & LLADROS



































Cheers: Singer David Byrne will be lecturing at the opening to Bric’s Open festival on April 27. The artist will be discussing his perspective on current issues around the world, and why we should all be cheerful. David Byrne

Toast to cheer But even though he feels his travels and David Byrne tells us why we should be happier positive mindset can guide him to inspire a happy crowd, he says a long road still By Alexandra Simon “Which is different than saying everything To keep people optimistic, at the event awaits. heer up, and come hear all about it. is acceptable — and rather than pointing Byrne will be discussing the growth of “I‘m hardly an expert — I’m an ordi- The front man of the 1980s rock fingers and blaming, which I too love to do, renewable energy around the world, the nary citizen but I have taken the time and Cband Talking Heads, David Byrne, I am thinking that, if we find some hopeful, increase of parks in large metropolitan effort to compile some of these hopeful and wants to put cheese on your mug. The musi- signs that we might move forward.” cities, advancements in public education, inspiring signs and initiatives,” said Byrne. cian is going to be laying out reasons why One of the main reasons the world lacks and countries like Finland banning coal for “If some of these initiatives and signs can people should be jolly at his lecture at Bric high spirits is economic disparity, said energy and diminishing the importance of serve as models, if I can help spread the on April 27. In “Reasons to be Cheerful” Byrne. He believes the unlevel playing field car ownership. Byrne says a lot of places word about some things everyone might not Byrne will explain why the world is in the leads to wider issues and weighs on our in the world could stand to model after know about, then who knows? I need hope it is now, and how to find joy in spite of it personal lives. Finland and its neighboring countries. as much as anyone, so I have a personal all, he said. “Inequality is a big one — it seems to “Some of the Scandinavian countries incentive to do this.” “My perspective is that what is happen- affect so many other areas, and it’s bad for seem to have a high happiness index,” “Reasons to be Cheerful” at Bric [647 ing now is the result of policies and forces the greater economy,” he said. “It’s bad for he said. “Denmark usually ranks first — Fulton Ave between Rockland and Ashland that have been going on for decades, and to health, education, innovation, quality of life though this year it looks like Norway has places in Fort Greene. www.bricartsmedia. some extent, what is happening therefore — all of which affects everyone, even those taken the lead. I think this is related to less org, (718) 855–7882]. April 27 at 7:30 pm. shouldn’t be such a surprise,” said Byrne. who think they are others problems.” inequality and a robust safety net.’ ” Free.

24-7 COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21-27, 2017 33 The best reads — hand-picked by HOUSE UNITED some of our best Band combines jazz, rock, and world music bookstores By Laura Meltzer Community Bookstore’s pick: “The hey are international Waters! Names” by Don DeLillo An instrumental trio that Tcombines elements of Irish If “White Noise” was Don folk, South American rhythms, and DeLillo’s commercial break- American indie rock will play selec- through, “The Names” was his tions from its latest eclectic album at stylistic one. Set primarily in the BAM Cafe on April 28. The ham- Greece and India, the novel mered dulcimer player for House of follows James Axton, a risk Waters says that the self-titled album analyst for a company over- marks a new, stripped-down direc- seeing catastrophe insurance tion for the three-piece jazz, rock, and for companies abroad, possi- world music band. bly affiliated with the CIA. “We really wanted to focus on the Axton becomes obsessed trio sound. In the past we had recorded by a series of killings in the multiple overdubs, with multiple tracks region, purportedly staged by a cult dedi- and instruments,” said Max ZT. “But cated to the worship of the alphabet. DeLillo takes this for this record, we really wanted to language worship to heart, and each of his sentences is focus on the raw trio sound.” a master class in control and sound, rhythm and form. Six-string bassist Moto Fukushima, — Hal Hlavinka, Community Bookstore [43 Seventh percussionist Ignacio Rivas Bixio, and Ave. between Carroll Street and Garfield Place in Park ZT each bring different musical influ- Slope, (718) 783–3075, www.commu nityb ookst ore.net ]. ences, and the new album is designed World music is in the House: The electric band House of Water will bring its instrumental mix of jazz, rock, and world music to the BAM Cafe on April 28. David Sosnow to show off their those elements, said Word’s pick: “The Redemption of ZT. to the group and see where we take it,” from around the world to each other, Galen Pike” by Carys Davies “Musically, we were very keen to he said. “We’ll work on adding sec- where everything is influenced by In the title story of this shorthort include our compositions that repre- tions, transitions, rhythmic hits, or new everything, it’s only suiting that our story collection, Davies sets up sent our varied influences, specifically melodies. Even though the instrumen- songs incorporate these varied influ- his shot so perfectly that youou those from India, West Africa, South tation is quite unusual, we have had ences,” he said. don’t see the target until it is America, Western classical music, and very few issues in our writing process; The show at BAM Cafe will be a already bleeding. The redemp-p- New York City jazz,” he said. everything has been quite natural.” high-energy performance that includes tion in question bristles withh And while it may seem difficult The blending of international cul- tunes form the latest albums, as well as an electric irony so sly, itt to weave those disparate styles into a tures in the band’s music matches the some brand new songs. might be easy to miss if it cohesive sound, the members of House way that the world has become smaller House of Waters at BAM Café [30 weren’t both shocking and of Waters have found a way to work in recent years, said ZT. Lafayette Ave. between Ashland Place together to craft their songs, said ZT. “In these ever-porous times, where and St. Felix Street in Fort Greene, satisfying. Davies throws “Most of the time an individual transportation is at its easiest, where (718) 636–4100, www.bam.org]. April the reader into a construct- would bring a phrase or a progression the Internet connects every culture 28 at 9 pm. Free. ed relationship between puritan do-gooder Patience Haim and Galen Pike, a ruffian awaiting the gallows. The tale meditates on the weird relational web of humans, but it also tells a damn good story. Fellowship of the read — Ashanti White-Wallace, Word [126 Franklin St. at Milton Street in Greenpoint, (718) 383–0096, www. By Carlo Bosticco fan is known for engaging in passion- wordbrooklyn.com ]. hese book worms are social ani- ate and extremely nit-picky arguments Greenlight Bookstore’s pick: mals! over contentious topics like whether “Feminism and Nationalism in the T A science-fiction and fan- the Hulk could beat up Superman [edi- tasy book club called “Readers of the tor’s note: he can], the Readers of the Third World” by Kumari Jayawardena Ark” brings nerdy readers to the Lost Ark are intellectually engaged Publishing is alive with booksoks Way Station bar in Prospect Heights and respectful, said Strickland. about feminism! Many good,od, on the last Saturday of every month “People have their own favorites, many pink, many furthering thehe to socialize and discuss the latest in but at the end of the day we very much Fully booked: Heather Strickland, organizer project of American exceptional-al- alt-reality fiction. The founder of the appreciate everyone’s different points of the Readers of the Lost Ark science- ism. But this book, written moree fiction book club, holds the graphic novel club said that a shared passion for of view,” she said. “It’s kind of the than 30 years ago, does nott spaceships and sorcery gives the group point!” about time-traveling teens the group read last month. Photo by Stefano Giovannini wrest figures from their histori- a focus that most book clubs lack, and The group gives members an out- cal context to fit the Western keeps the members coming back each let to discuss esoteric topics such as den we had to start taking the visual imperialist sense of individual month. the merits of classical vs. contempo- aspect into account in our discussion,” empowerment as feminism. “It helps bringing together people rary world-building techniques, and said Strickland. “In April, because of Instead, Jayawardena exca- that already have something in com- detailed guided questions — often April Fool’s, we selected our first non vates early women’s history mon, otherwise all readers all have written by Strickland — keep the sci-fi book [“A Visit From the Goon movements of the global southhthi as they arise such different tastes,” says Heather group from going too far afield. Squad”].” Strickland, who lives in Crown Each month the group chooses a In the two years the club has exist- pre- and post-colonialism and in conversation with each Heights. “With us, from the begin- different theme, and members suggest ed, it has attracted about 50 mem- other, not as an ideology imported from the West. Lean ning, there was a common ground. books to match. An anonymous online bers on Facebook, and a roster of in to this book: the print is small to fit in all the history. Everyone who joins has many interests vote determines the next month’s about 15 regulars meeting each month. — Stephanie Bartolome, Greenlight Bookstore [686 in the outside world, but at least all are selection. The different themes keeps Strickland, who created the club in Fulton St. between S. Elliott Place and S. Portland fans of Dr. Who and Marvel movies the discussion from getting stale. hopes of finding like-minded friends, Avenue in Fort Greene, (718) 246–0200, www.green- and the like.” “In March we did a graphic novel, said that her experiment could not be lightbookstore.com]. And while the stereotypical sci-fi which was unique because all of a sud- more successful. 34 COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21-27, 2017 24-7 BROOKLYN ACENTERRTSfor the PERFORMING AT BROOKLYN COLLEGE

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24-7 COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21-27, 2017 35 HIP AS FOLK Rap founders Last Poets play Folk Fest

By Alexandra Simon t’s the music of all the people! The Brooklyn Folk Festival is Iexpanding its scope this year, wel- coming folk performers from around the world, as well as the traditional music of the exotic island of Manhattan Biting humor: Auggie Lutz and Bob Palos host the Comedy Under — hip-hop! One of the featured guests Artichoke show every Thursday night in Bushwick. at this year’s fest, happening at St. Photo by Stefano Giovannini Ann’s Church in Brooklyn Heights from April 28–30, will be the pioneer- ing 1960s band the Last Poets, which Well-suited helped to lay the foundation for rap music. The festival’s founder says that the trio personifies the meaning of folk Comics bring slice of music. “One aspect of folk music is that it the past to eatery is grass roots community music and the Last Poets certainly embody that,” Folk-fest newbies: Pioneering rap group the Last Poets, featuring Abiodun Oyewole and Umar By Adam Ullian Bin Hassan, will make its Brooklyn Folk Festival debut on April 30. Photo by Stefano Giovannini said musician and festival founder Eli hese comedians are fed up! Smith, who lives in Park Slope. “Since and poetry, said Oyewole, with the “Since the election, which exem- A new Thursday night comedy show is bringing the 1930s, the idea of folk music in the exact mix depending on how he reads plified intolerance, hate, and fear, we Ta taste of a bygone era to Bushwick. Comedy Under United States has been very much con- the room. want to make sure that the Brooklyn Artichoke takes place in the basement of Artichoke Basille’s nected to left-wing politics — the Last “We are basically going to perform Folk Fest offers a very clear vision of Pizza at the corner of Wyckoff Avenue and Troutman Street Poets bring that as well. At its roots, rap some poetry and I will sing — I might America — and a fest where people in Bushwick, and co-hosts Auggie Lutz and Bob Palos are and hip-hop are one of the first things sing before I do a poem,” said Oyewole. can come where it’s open and welcom- bringing a retro, classic spin on the underground comedy that you would think of when you think “Singing is something I have always ing to everyone,” he said. scene. The lounge space beneath the pizza joint and bar is of folk music and New York City.” done, and our conga drummer is a The three day festival will feature the perfect venue for a night of libations and laughter, and The frontman for the Last Poets master drummer and he knows how to more than 30 musical acts, as well as the location keeps the comedians full of jokes and of pizza. said that he is excited to appear at the complement voices.” sing-alongs, discussions, music work- We chatted with Lutz about his new comedy venture, Folk Festival for the first time. The ninth annual festival is stacked shops, and the popular annual banjo- which started in March. “I’m looking forward to everything with an international array of per- tossing competition at the Gowanus at the moment, and because I am a formers, including artists from India, Canal, on April 30 at 1 pm. Why did you choose Artichoke poet and I like people — I love to see Ireland, and Puerto Rico, along with The Last Poets at the Brooklyn Pizza as a venue? a diverse a group of people at festival performances from the Thunderbird Folk Festival at St. Ann’s Church [157 My co-host Bob Palos and I wanted to start a show in a or any major activity,” said Abiodun Native American Dancers and a broad Montague St. between Clinton and small, intimate room, and the lounge under Artichoke is Oyewole. “Considering the diverse selection of bands from the Brooklyn Henry streets in Brooklyn Heights, perfect. It has low ceilings and a few candle-lit tables, and group of cultures that is going to be area. The diverse line-up is an attempt (718) 875-6960, www.brooklynfolkfest. it packs out pretty quickly. That and everyone at Artichoke there, I’ll be looking forward to check to counter the anti-immigration rheto- com]. April 30 at 8 pm. $20. Festival has been great to us. They make sure all the comics are full out what I can.” ric coming from the Trump adminis- runs April 28–30 at various times. $20– of pizza before they leave. The trio will present a mix of music tration, said Smith. $35 (three-day pass $85). There are many comedy shows that pop up in Bushwick. How do you make this one unique? Bay Ridge cranks it up to 11 We wear suits. We were tired of seeing shows hosted by hip- sters in hoodies, who didn’t really put any effort into it. So By Caroline Spivack you’ll be enjoying go for the $20 bucket we decided we would at least look good for each show. reak out your ear plugs — it’s of domestic brews. gonna get loud! Then fly over to the Three Jolly Is there a certain vibe that you’d B Bay Ridge watering holes Pigeons (6802 Third Ave. between 68th like to create that isn’t necessarily will be flooded with local talent this Street and Bay Ridge Avenue) for a weekend, but we waded through the rollicking — or should we say rock- happening at other shows? torrent to bring you the best: ing — good time Saturday night. Enjoy The show has a speakeasy type of vibe. It’s in a dark little On Friday, ease into your weekend a dynamic line up of eclectic groups basement, hosted by two guys in nice suits, and our micro- shenanigans with Full Disclosure at including the self-described surf-punk phone is one of those old-timey jazz microphones. the Greenhouse Cafe (7717 Third Ave. cover band Band of Others, acoustic between 77th and 78th streets) for a folk guitarist James Parenti, and the It’s early on, but have there been wild night of debauchery that pairs as original rock riffs of Jared Mancuso any memorable moments at the a birthday bash. In honor of songstress and the Very Pleasant People. The amps Catherine Lau Hunt’s name day, the turn up at 9 pm. show so far? band will play some of her favorites Cap the night off with a pilgrimage The superintendent of the building, “Rocko,” has been stop- including covers of AC/DC, Queen, over to the Wicked Monk (9510 Third ping by to watch the shows. He’s great. He sits on the back and Led Zeppelin. This shindig is sure Ave. between 95th and 96th streets) and loves it all — although he does get a little vocal at times to bring the house down — the green- for some late-night hip-hop jams by 3 and needs to be reminded he’s not a comedian. house that is — so don’t miss a beat am Tokyo. The set starts at a contrary “Comedy Under Artichoke” at Artichoke Basille’s Pizza starting at 10 pm. Ave. between 89th and 90th streets). Go 11 pm, but once you make head way [18 Wyckoff Ave. at Troutman Street in Bushwick, (718) Come Saturday, start your night early all the way with $40 all-you-can-drink on the gastropub’s impressive beer list, 386–0333, www.artichokepizza.com]. Thursdays at 10 pm. at 4:30 with classic rockers The Groove beer, wine, and well drinks or in honor you’ll be lucky if you’re still standing Free. at Red, White, and Brew (8910 Fifth of the good ol’ American rock ’n’ roll by 3 am. 36 COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21-27, 2017 24-7 Strictly Limited Engagement | April 14 thru June 11

MARTIN McQUADE with Pete Sokolow on Piano HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY Ella Fitzgerald Sunday, April 30 “A MUST SEE MULTI-MEDIA EXTRAVAGANZA!” – Examiner Book By Music by Lyrics by Directed by 3 – 6 pm Joe DiPietro Brendan Milburn Valerie Vigoda Lisa Peterson or 305 W. 43rd St. 6901-3rd"WFOVF #SPPLMZO /:t347-662-6644 ErnestShackletonLovesMe.com (866) 811-4111 Tony Kiser Theatre

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24-7 COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21-27, 2017 37 ists perform a politically FRI, APRIL 21 charged setlist of pop, rap, FILM, “TO HAVE AND HAVE motown, anything-goes NOT”: Part of the BAM songs. Proceeds to benefi t Senior Cinema lineup. Dur- environmentalist group ing World War II, American 350.org. $12 ($10 in ad- expatriate Harry Morgan vance). 7:30 pm. Littlefi eld (Humphrey Bogart) helps [622 Degraw St. between transport a French Re- Fourth and Fifth avenues in sistance leader and his Gowanus, (718) 855–3388], beautiful wife to Martin- www.littlefi eldnyc.com. ique while romancing a THEATER, “CHARLESES”: sensuous lounge singer This new play by Carl (Lauren Bacall). Free for Holder showcases three those 65 and older. 10 am. generations of fathers and BAM Rose Cinemas [30 sons struggling to com- Lafayette Ave. between municate as their family Lafayatte Avenue and Han- line grows and ages across son Place in Fort Greene, a vast ocean of time. How Babs is back!: Brooklyn native Barbra Streisand will return to (718) 636–4100], www. do individuals continue her home town to play Barclays Center on May 4. bam.org. to exist through the pass- Associated Press / Evan Agostini KIDS DISCOVERY STA- ing of the years? Directed TIONS: Get your hands by the up-and-coming dirty at kids’ discovery Meghan Finn. $25, $15 for COMING SOON TO stations throughout the students. 8 pm. The Brick Garden. Investigate and [575 Metropolitan Ave. BARCLAYS CENTER classify plants, touch a between Union Avenue carnivorous plant and and Lorimer Street in Wil- learn how it eats, or go liamsburg, (718) 907–6189], FRI, APRIL 14 TUE, JUNE 6 on a monarch and milk- www.bricktheater.com. weed exploration in the MUSIC, SQUIRREL NUT ZIP- SPORTS, JORDAN MUSIC, THE WEEKND: meadow! This is a drop-in PERS & OZOMATLI: $40 program for schools and Bounce & brass: The high-energy three-piece brass act Too ($35 in advance). 8 pm. BRAND CLASSIC: $15– $59–$521. 7:30 pm $75. 1 pm. families with children of Many Zooz, which played on the Beyonce track “Formation,” Brooklyn Steel (319 Frost all ages. All programs are will rock Brooklyn Bowl on April 28 and 29. Frank Cohen St. at Debevoise Avenue in WED, JUNE 7 outdoors and canceled Williamsburg), www.bow- SAT, APRIL 15 in inclement weather; erypresents.com/brook- MUSIC, THE WEEKND: for cancellation updates, Hotel Museum & Garden in conversations with 38 COMEDY, KATT WIL- lyn-steel. visit this page. Free with [421 East 61st St. between artists and curators from LIAMS GREAT AMER- $59–$521. 7:30 pm COMEDY, WELLRED COM- admission to the gardens. First and York avenues 22 countries around the ICA TOUR: $57–$181. EDY TOUR: Stand-up 10:15 am to 12:15 am. in Upper East Side, (212) world. Free. 6–9 pm. The comedy and writing part- 8 pm. FRI, JUNE 9 Brooklyn Botanic Garden 838–6878], www.mvhm. International Studio & ners, Trae Crowder, Drew [1000 Washington Ave., at org. Curatorial Program (1040 Morgan and Corey Ryan FRI, APRIL 21 MUSIC, SOULFRITO Eastern Parkway in Crown TALK, WE WANTED A Metropolitan Ave between Forrester celebrate their URBAN LATIN MUSIC Heights, (718) 623–7220], REVOLUTION: A daylong Morgan and Vandervoort best-selling book, “Liberal MUSIC, RUFF RYDERS FEST: With Meek Mill, www.bbg.org. symposium featuring four avenues in Williamsburg), Redneck Manifesto: Drag- AND FRIENDS: With Fetty Wap, Young M.A, “THE PRINCESS, THE EM- panels on black revolution- www.iscp-nyc.org. gin Dixie Outta the Dark.” Eve, DMX, Swizz Beatz, PEROR, AND THE DUCK”: ary art practices. Free with ART, A.I.R. GALLERY OPEN- $25. 8 pm. Bell House Uncle Murda, and more. The Lox, and Drag-On. The Swedish Cottage Mari- $16 suggested admission. ING RECEPTION: The gal- [149 Seventh St. at Third $40–$260. 7:30 pm. $65–$166. 8 pm onette Theatre presents 11:30 am–6 pm. Brook- lery opens three new solo Avenue in Gowanus, (718) three classic tales from lyn Museum [200 Eastern exhibits. Free. 6–8 pm. 643–6510], www.thebell- Hans Christian Andersen Pkwy. at Washington Av- SAT, APRIL 22 SAT, JUNE 10 A.I.R. Gallery [155 Plym- houseny.com. “The Princess and the enue in Prospect Heights, outh St. between Pearl and MUSIC, TONGUES IN Pea,” “The Emperor’s New SPORTS, PREMIER BOX- MUSIC, 33RD NEW YORK (718) 638–5000], www. Jay streets in Dumbo, (212) TREES: The Brooklyn- Clothes” and “The Ugly ING CHAMPIONS: brooklynmuseum.org. 255–6651], www.airgal- based experimental art SALSA FESTIVAL: With Duckling.” For children Andre Berto vs Shawn TRAIN OPERATOR WORK- lery.org. rock Indian-folk group Willie Colón, Eddie ages 3 to 9. $12 ($8 for chil- Porter. $107–$299. Time SHOP: Drop by our Com- FILM, “YARN”: This 2016 performs as part of the Palmieri, Tito Nieves, dren under 12). 10:30 am puter Lab to take control fi lm highlights women free performance series tba. and 2 pm. Swedish Cot- Eddie Santiago, and of a NYC Subway car and who are making a creative featuring rock, jazz, R&B, tage Marionette Theater operate it over virtual effort to redefi ne the world, pop, and more. more. $70–$230. 8 pm [West 79th and West Dr in MON, APRIL 24 miles of track, using some tradition of knitting and Free. 9 pm. BAM Cafe Central Park West, (212) incredibly realistic soft- crocheting. Dr. Jennifer (30 Lafayette Ave. be- MUSIC, CHRIS BROWN: 988–9093]. SUN, JUNE 25 ware! Space is limited, Wingate will introduce tween Ashland Place and With 50 Cent, Fabolous, ART, “GEORGIA O’KEEFFE recommended for children and lead a discussion St. Felix Street in Fort O.T. Genasis, and Kap SPORTS, BIG 3: Three-on- — LIVING MODERN”: A 10 years and older. Free afterward. Free. 6:30–9 Greene), www.bam.org/ G. $20–$475. 7:30 pm. three basketball games new look at the renowned with museum admission. pm. First Unitarian Chapel programs/bamcafe-live. modernist artist and her 1:30 pm. New York Transit with professional play- [116 Pierrepont St. be- MUSIC, RELEVANT TONES self-crafted public per- Museum [Boerum Place tween Clinton Street and PODCAST RECORDING: SAT, MAY 6 ers. $27–$215. 1 pm. sona. $16 suggested dona- at Schermerhorn Street Monroe Place in Brooklyn Podcast and live radio col- tion. 11 am–6 pm. Brook- MUSIC, BARBRA STRE- in Downtown, (718) 694– Heights, (718) 624–5466], lide in an evening of music lyn Museum [200 Eastern ISAND: $126–$1,200. TUE, JUNE 27 1600], www.nytransitmu- www.fuub.org. inspired by fractals, dy- Pkwy. at Washington Av- seum.org. 8 pm. MUSIC, “NEW WORKS, OLD namic systems, feedback enue in Prospect Heights, BROOKLYN BLOCK LAB: MUSIC, THE TOTAL QUESTIONS”: New work loops and nature. $29. 9:30 (718) 638–5000], www. visitors of all ages are in- PACKAGE TOUR: With created for piano, voice, pm. National Sawdust [80 SAT, MAY 12 brooklynmuseum.org. vited to design and build fl ute, and horn, followed N. Sixth St. at Wythe Av- New Kids on the Block, ART, “IGGY POP LIFE with an array of blocks MUSIC, MOTHER’S DAY by a reception and discus- enue in Williamsburg, (646) Paula Abdul, and Boyz CLASS”: Artist Jeremy including Magna-Tiles, GOOD MUSIC FEST: sion with the composers. 779–8455], www.national- II Men. $25–$995. 7:30 Deller used the traditional Imagination Playground, Free. 6:30 pm. Brooklyn sawdust.org. With Tyrese, Anthony life-model drawing class Kapla Planks, and more. pm. Conservatory of Music [58 Hamilton, KEM and to stage a performative Block play supports critical Brandy. $65–$355. 8 event with musician and social and cognitive skills Seventh Ave. between Lin- SAT, APRIL 22 pm. personality Iggy Pop as in early childhood- every- coln and Saint Johns plaes FRI, JULY 21 OUTDOORS AND TOURS model and subject. Come thing from team build- in Park Slope, (718) 622– MUSIC, IRON MAIDEN: see the results! $16 sug- ing, creative thinking and 3300], www.bqcm.org. IT’S MY PARK DAY AT OWL’S SAT, MAY 19 HEAD PARK: Join the $69–$190. 7:30 pm. gested donation. 11 am–6 problem solving to spatial READING, POETRY READ- Owl’s Head Park Horticul- MUSIC, FUTURE: With pm. Brooklyn Museum [200 reasoning and pre-engi- ING WITH KOKUMO: Join ture Group for its fi rst vol- Migos, Tory Lanez, Eastern Pkwy. at Washing- neering concepts. Differ- Spoonbill and Topside press for the release of unteer day of the season. Kodak Black and Zoey SAT, JULY 22 ton Avenue in Prospect ent scales of blocks enable “Reacquainted With Life” Free. 10 am. Owl’s Head Dollaz. $49–$625. 7 pm. Heights, (718) 638–5000], hands of all sizes to build MUSIC, IRON MAIDEN: www.brooklynmuseum. and be challenged. Free by Kokumo, with readings Park (67th Street and Co- $69–$190. 7:30 pm. org. with museum admission. 2 by co-poets Camoghne lonial Road in Bay Ridge), facebook.com/owlshead- SAT, JUNE 3 CRAFTS AND GAMES: Drop pm to 5:30 pm. Brooklyn Felix, Janea Kelly, and volunteers. in and make a 19th- cen- Children’s Museum [145 Olympia Perez. Free. 7 pm. MUSIC, AN EVE- FRI, JULY 28 tury craft and play historic Brooklyn Ave. at St. Marks Spoonbill & Sugartown [99 PERFORMANCE NING WITH VIC- Montrose Ave between MUSIC, MEMORIAL CON- MUSIC, QUEEN AND games. If the weather is Avenue in Crown Heights, TOR DROBYSH AND nice, enjoy the collection (718) 735–4400], www. Manhattan Avenue and CERT: Tribute concerts ADAM LAMBERT: $49– FRIENDS: $55–$395. of wooden toys outside brooklynkids.org. Leonard Street in Wil- honoring Roman Borgman. 7 pm $505. 8 pm. in the garden. Museum ART, “SPRING OPEN STU- liamsburg, (718) 387–7322], Seating is limited. Free. tour and children’s corner DIOS” OPENING RE- www.spoonbillbooks.com. 7 pm. Trinity Lutheran 620 Atlantic Ave. at Pacifi c Street in Prospect Heights included. Reservations CEPTION: The Interna- MUSIC, BACK IN THE USSR Church (9020 Third Ave at required. $8 adults ($7 tional Studio & Curatorial - LIVE KARAOKE FOR 91st Street in Bay Ridge), (917) 618–6100, www.barclaysc enter.com. seniors & students; Free Program hosts an “open THE RESISTANCE: Multi- www.rbopera.com. for children under 12). 11 studio” for the public to instrumentalist karaoke THEATER, “CHARLESES”: 8 am to 4 pm. Mount Vernon view artwork and engage band The Occasional- pm. See Friday, April 21. 38 COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21-27, 2017 24-7 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE

















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40 COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21–27, 2017 MBRBG • ‘Coach had high hopes for • ‘You start looking me … I just had to back at the games embrace that.’ you should have won.’ — Bishop Loughlin standout Keith Williams on his — Xaverian coach Frank Del George ascension to team leader. on the team’s early season loss. Hornets hindered by emotion-fi lled week BY LAURA AMATO They just ran out of gas. A whirlwind week ended in disappointment for the Mid- wood baseball players, fall- ing 4–1 to New Dorp in a Pub- lic Schools Athletic League MAKING A POINT: Bishop Loughlin guard Markquis Nowell directed matchup on April 17. the Lions’ high-powered offense all season, packing his stat line with “We didn’t battle like we points and assists. File photo by Robert Cole should today,” Hornets coach Saverio Nardone said. “You can’t take anybody lightly and I tell these guys and that’s ex- All-Brooklyn boys’ actly what they did. They took the opponent lightly and they got the best of us today.” Midwood clinched the Mon- basketball honors roe Tournament title on April 15, defeating the host team in BY LAURA AMATO and Morton made sure the extra innings, but it wasn’t an Brooklyn boasted some of the squad got it. Lincoln avenged easy road to the championship. best boys hoops in the city its disappointing showing The Hornets lost to Bronx Sci- this season. in last year’s city fi nal with ence on April 11, but an ineligi- Lincoln returned to the a lopsided win over Thomas ble player put Midwood back in top of the basketball moun- Jefferson and then cruised contention and the squad felt tain, taking down Thomas to victories over Cardinal the after-effects of the up-and- Jefferson in the Public Hayes and Albany Academy down week when it returned to Schools city fi nal and cruis- in the Federation Tourna- league play. ing to a pair of lopsided vic- ment. The squad wrapped up The Hornets struggled tories in the New York State the year perfect in New York at the plate, unable to fi nd a Federation Tournament. State and silenced any doubt- rhythm against New Dorp Brooklyn Law and Tech ers, led by Morton’s fi erce starter Kevin Ryan. The junior posted one of the most domi- leadership on the sidelines racked up 10 strikeouts in fi ve nant regular seasons in the and a lock-down defense that and a third innings. city and notched a city cham- was among the best at any “We just weren’t swinging DOWN ON THE MOUND: Midwood relief pitcher Daniel Lentini did his pionship appearance as well. level. at strikes,” senior second base- best, but the junior gave up four walks to New Dorp, and the Hornets fell Bishop Loughlin led the man Matthew Eng said. “We 4–1. Photo by Sean Murphy way in the Catholic High First team were looking at pitches right School Athletic Association, Markquis Nowell, junior, down the middle. Strikeouts up four walks. “We need to execute a lot appearing in the Brooklyn- Bishop Loughlin don’t lead to wins. We were just “We didn’t execute. We had better on the offensive end, just Queens championship game Nowell was a passion- not into the game, we weren’t a couple of miscues and that’s one run,” Nardone said. “You and advancing to the inter- ate player on both sides of really looking at them right.” not our game,” Nardone said. can’t expect to win with one sectional semifi nals. the ball and his determina- The Hornets’ struggles “We’ve got to play the game the run. We’ve got to score a couple Of course, none of that tion often sparked the Lions weren’t limited to the batters right way.” and that’s what we’ve been do- success would have been against a tough league sched- box — the squad also racked Eng fi nally broke the hit- ing.” possible without the players. ule. The high-scoring guard, up a handful of miscues in the less streak in the bottom of the It was a frustrating game Read on to see which athletes who was potent from just fi eld and New Dorp made sure fi fth inning, blasting a two- for the Hornets, but Midwood packed their stat sheets and about anywhere on the court, to take advantage. run double to deep left fi eld to is anxious to get back on track. dominated on the court this averaged 20 points per game The Centrals got on the give the Hornets its only run of After all, the loss was just the winter: this season. board quickly, notching a fi rst- the game. squad’s third league game of Donald Cannon-Flores, se- inning run, and padded the It wasn’t enough, however, the season and, as far as the Player of the Year nior, Lincoln lead with Michael Pennachio’s and New Dorp snuffed out reigning city champs are con- Keith Williams, senior, The Railsplitters’ point two-run double in the second. any possible Midwood rally cerned, there’s still plenty of Bishop Loughlin guard was tasked with lead- Midwood starter Nicho- quickly, adding another run in baseball left to play. ing his squad on both sides las Lopez never hit his stride, its next at bat. “It’s not the end all, be all Coach of the Year of the ball this year and forced off the mound after just The Hornets tallied just two here,” Nardone said. “There’s Dwayne “Tiny” Morton, Cannon-Flores didn’t just an inning and a third, and hits — both from Eng — and re- a lot of games left to play and Lincoln answer, he dominated. The while Daniel Lentini did his corded three errors in addition we’ve got to take it one game at The Railsplitters were senior averaged 15.2 points, best in relief, the junior gave to giving up fi ve hits. a time.” coming for a title this season Continued on page 43 DT COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21-27, 2017 41 Close calls cost Clippers in loss

BY LAURA AMATO They came up just short. The Xaverian baseball team couldn’t get that one big moment, struggling to fi nd DRIVING THE LANE: Loughlin senior Keith Williams didn’t shy away consistency at the plate as from playing physical, pushing into the paint and sinking the shot. the Clippers fell 2–1 to Arch- File photo by William Thomas bishop Molloy in a Catholic League battle on Tuesday af- ternoon. “We have six, seven hits Player of Year in the game and they get just two or three and win,” Xaver- ian coach Frank Del George honors earned said. “That’s baseball. What are you going to do? It’s a tim- ing thing.” The Clippers got on the by Loughlin star board fi rst, notching a run in the third inning as the top of the order managed to make BY LAURA AMATO ing into this year some of contact. Leadoff hitter Jared It wasn’t just about packing our big guys had left and Lerner connected on a fi rst- his stat line anymore. now the spotlight was on pitch single and crossed home HARD HITTING: Xaverian fi rst baseman Xavier Vargas was strong at the Bishop Loughlin senior me. I was like, ‘Dang, that’s on a Luke McDonald sac fl y. plate on April 18, but the Clippers couldn’t turn it into runs, falling 2–1 to standout Keith Williams a tough way to play,’ but But it wasn’t enough and Archbishop Molloy. Photo by William Thomas came into his fi nal season speaking to coach helped Xaverian knew it left runs on on the hardwood with a and my teammates were al- the fi eld. on the ropes,” Del George tian Allegretti did his best to brand-new challenge ahead ways there for me.” The Clippers stranded a said. “It’s [Ruben] Jimenez, keep his squad in the game, of him — to lead his team. Loughlin’s season wasn’t handful of runners through- we know he’s a pretty good turning in a solid fi ve-inning Williams is the fi rst to always easy, but Williams’s out the league matchup, in- pitcher, so if you get to him performance. He worked his admit that job wasn’t al- play was nothing short of cluding a pair in the fi rst in- early, you might put a few way out of a handful of jams – ways easy and, at times, dominant throughout the ning that Del George said he numbers on the board and including bases loaded pickle wasn’t one he was particu- year. He added a new dy- thought could have turned that might hold up for the rest in the bottom of the third – larly interested in, but the namic to his game, push- the tide of the game. of the game. But we let them but a miscue in the fi fth in- Cincinnati-bound forward ing off the block and out of “We had our chance in off the hook.” ning cost him. found a way to make it the post to become a serious the fi rst inning. We had him Xaverian starter Chris- Continued on page 43 work. He didn’t just lead his outside shooting threat. team on the court, he set the Williams fi nished third tone for the entire season. in the league in scoring, It’s because of that leader- averaging 22.4 points per ship, as well as some pretty game, and was named the Williamsburg native returns to Barclays impressive stats, that Wil- Catholic High School Ath- liams is this year’s Courier letic Association “AA” BY LAURA AMATO “That’s the thing about Life All-Brooklyn Player of Player of the Year. It felt good to be home. basketball, you get great the Year. “You know other teams Williamsburg native Jose friendships on and off the “My responsibility and other guys out there Alvarado wrapped up his court,” Alvarado said. “So we grew,” Williams said of his know that I’m strong. I can high-school hoops career on play each other a lot and we on-court role this season. drive the hoop,” said Wil- April 14, competing in the talk to each other all the time “From my junior year to liams, who notched 14 differ- Jordan Brand Regional Clas- off the court. This was just a this, I needed to embrace ent 20-point performances. sic at Barclays Center and for great opportunity to play with the leadership role. Coach “But guys were starting the Christ the King star, the those guys as teammates.” had high hopes for me and to play zone against us be- chance to play one last time in It was an All-Star game I just had to embrace that cause of that. So I had to ex- Brooklyn was something he’ll and Alvarado was happy to be role this year and try to pand my game.” always cherish. on the court, but that didn’t lead our guys to wins.” His stats were impres- “It was a great opportu- mean he gave up his compet- Of course, being thrust sive and his leadership was nity just to be in this game itive tendencies. In fact, as into the leadership spot- obvious, but Williams’s and play in a game like this,” LAST SHOT: Williamsburg native soon as he got off the court, light wasn’t a perfect tran- most important moment Alvarado said. “It was fun. Jose Alvarado wrapped up his high Alvarado grabbed the stat sition for Williams. He was this season came without I can’t believe high school is school hoops career on April 14. sheet and couldn’t stop him- used to taking up residence any time left on the clock in over now, but it was a great Photo by Robert Cole self from being just a bit dis- on the block every night, the Brooklyn-Queens semi- event. If I could do it all over appointed in the numbers he more interested in knock- fi nal. The senior drained again, I’d defi nitely do it.” of his friends was one of the put up. ing down bankshots and three straight free throws Alvarado — who will head highlights. He’s close to St. Alvarado racked up eight grabbing rebounds than to force overtime, a moment to G eorgia Tech next season — Raymond’s star Isaiah Wash- points, nine assists, three re- serving as emotional sup- he’d hoped for his entire ca- notched one of the most domi- ington and Bishop Loughlin bounds and two steals — but port for his teammates. reer and one that defi ned nant on-court performances standout Keith Williams and he couldn’t quite top Wash- “It was a challenge for his senior year. in the city this winter, but all three competed on the ington. me,” Williams said. “Com- Continued on page 43 the chance to play with some same team at Barclays. Continued on page 43 42 COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21-27, 2017 DT the playoffs, leading Jeffer- ing to be a scoring threat from HOOPS son back to the city champion- nearly anywhere on the court. Continued from page 41 ship. Reid, who also played in the Mayor’s Cup, notched 14.4 4.8 rebounds, and four assists Second team points during 13 regular-sea- during the regular season and Zach Bruno, senior, son games and 13.6 points in racked up 21 points in the Fed- Xaverian the playoffs, helping Lincoln eration championship game. Bruno never considered return to the top of the city. Larry Moreno, junior, taking his talents elsewhere Michael Richards, senior, Brooklyn Law & Tech this season despite a young Midwood The guard was the only Clippers roster. Instead, he The senior did his best 20-point scorer in Brook- settled into a leadership role to jumpstart the Hornets lyn this season and More- with the team and put the ball throughout the season and no’s shooting touch was the in the hoop. The senior combo his ability to put the ball in spark that made the Jets go. guard averaged 21 points per the hoop was impressive. He packed his stat line as the game, including a 32-point Richards averaged 29.1 points squad notched a perfect regu- performance. in 16 regular-season games — lar-season record against city Mikko Johnson, senior, nearly doubling his total from competition, averaging 20.4 Brooklyn Law & Tech last year — and also chipped points, 6.4 rebounds and 4.6 The St. Peter’s-bound guard in 5.9 rebounds and 5.1 as- assists. was the other half of the Jets sists. Klay Brown, senior, one-two backcourt punch this Lincoln winter. Johnson averaged 14.9 Third team The senior — who trans- points and 8.1 rebounds dur- Victor Ogbo, junior, ferred to Lincoln two seasons ing the regular season, but Brooklyn Law & Tech TAKING FLIGHT: Brooklyn Law and Tech guard Larry Moreno was a major before — didn’t always pack it was his set-up ability that The Jets’ physical force part of the Jets’ dominant season, leading the squad to a city title ap- his stat line, averaging 11.7 helped separate his game. down low, Ogbo often took on pearance. File photo by Robert Cole points per game, but Brown Johnson averaged 11 assists several opposing players to was the unquestioned emo- in 16 games and added seven pick up points and rebounds team’s playoff hopes came up Tyrese Gaffney, senior, tional spark for his team. The more assists per game during in the paint. It didn’t often a bit short, but Butler didn’t Bishop Loughlin senior guard pushed tempo on the playoffs. slow him down. Ogbo aver- slow down. He chipped in 18 Gaffney didn’t always get both sides of the ball and re- Jordan Armstrong, senior, aged a double-double during points, 5.5 rebounds, and nine the spotlight he deserved, but fused to let the Railsplitters Thomas Jefferson the regular season, posting assists in a pair of postseason the guard still managed to rack waver from the goal, wrap- The senior guard actu- 14.2 points and 14.4 rebounds matchups. up the numbers for the Lions. ping up the season undefeated ally got better as the year per game. His scoring took a Abdullah Yusuf, senior, He averaged 14.3 points and in New York state. went on. Armstrong averaged hit during the playoffs, but he Bedford Academy notched fi ve 20-point perfor- Malachi Faison, senior, 16.5 points in six postseason still crashed the boards, av- Although his team didn’t mances, including a 28-point Jefferson games — up from 15.9 during eraging 12.3 rebounds in the notch the most dominant sea- game during his fi nal season. A physical presence on the the regular season — and shot postseason. son, Yusuf was a scoring ma- Musa Pough, senior, block, Faison was a major part just over 80 percent from the Aquarn Butler, junior, chine this winter. The senior Banneker of the Orange Wave’s late-sea- line during the playoffs. Paul Robeson packed his stat sheet, aver- The two-year varsity stand- son turnaround. The senior Mike Reid, senior, Lincoln The multi-year standout aging 21.7 points and 9.5 re- out was dominant on the hard- forward averaged 17.2 points The Railsplitters’ shooting led Robeson this year with a bounds per game, wrapping wood this year. He led the di- and a whopping 16.8 rebounds guard lived up to his position team-high 15 points, four re- up the regular season as the vision with 19.39 points per during the regular season and throughout the season, aver- bounds and six assists dur- leading scorer in the divi- game and padded his stat line chipped in 15.8 points during aging double-digits and prov- ing the regular season. The sion. with 15.22 rebounds as well.

home and it only made sense — ready to take his talents to It was a common theme ALVARADO that his high school career Atlanta — but he knows this XAVERIAN for the Clippers all afternoon wrapped up at Barclays in one afternoon spent at Bar- — missed opportunities and Continued from page 42 Continued from page 42 front of his friends and fam- clays will be enough to help almost-there moments. “Me and Isaiah, we said we ily. spark his determination mov- Allegretti gave up the “The offense is really not wanted to get a double-double It’s a theme that he fo- ing forward. After all, he’s a game-winning hit off Mol- helping [the pitchers] out at with the assists. He got it and cused on all season long, de- Brooklyn kid at heart. loy’s Jack Turner with two all,” Del George said. “You I didn’t, but that’s what we termined to make his entire “I had my little brother outs in the bottom of the start second-guessing your- were really trying to focus family proud every time he here, my mom and dad, today, frame, unable to fi eld the self and now I’m starting to on,” Alvarado said. “We knew stepped onto the court. I’m hoping my grandmother ball after it bounced off his think about our four and fi ve we had great scorers on our “I started the season off was watching down on me,” glove. The hit pushed across hitters lay down bunts in- team, so we wanted to kind losing my grandmother and Alvarado said. “I’m going to two runs for the Stanners stead of swinging the bats.” of dish it out. I wanted to get she was my everything,” Al- be in Atlanta a lot soon, try- and effectively took the wind It’s early in the season, more than 10, but it still went varado said. “I know she was ing to focus on my goal and out of the Clippers’ sails. but Xaverian is still frus- well.” here with me today. Right now they understand that. But ev- “I just feel bad for the trated with play across the Alvarado made a name for it’s all about family with me.” erybody was here and cheer- pitcher because he threw a board. The squad is coming himself in Queens, but he’s Alvarado will leave Brook- ing and I really appreciated very good game, he got out of up short in too many close always considered Brooklyn lyn once again this summer that.” some clutch situations,” Del games and Del George is cer- George said. “Unfortunately tain, if something doesn’t it went off his glove and the change soon, these are the second baseman can’t knock matchups they’ll regret Loughlin came up short of next step. Williams is anxious it down, make a play. Next down the line. WILLIAMS its city title hopes — falling to turn in his Lions jersey for thing you know, two runs “It’s early in the season. to eventual champion Cardi- the Bearcats, and while his score. It’s just frustrating.” But you know what happens Continued from page 42 nal Hayes in the semifi nals — high school career might be Xaverian still had a when you get later on? Re- “I’m not going to lie, I’ve but Williams can’t bring him- over, he knows the challenges chance to make a comeback, member that game against always had dreams like that, self to be too disappointed in aren’t. but Tom Papadopoulos was Molloy, if we only would but to have it come true was how the year played out. He “I can’t wait,” Williams left stranded on third base have won that game,” he crazy,” Williams said. “It was stepped up as a leader, proved said. “I’m staying in the gym, in the bottom of the sixth, said. “You start looking back kind of just a stunning mo- he’s a scoring threat from just trying to stay sharp. I’m just unable to cross home after at the games you should have ment and it was defi nitely the about anywhere on the court looking to get ready for next connecting on a single and won. They start eating away coolest part of my year.” and, now, he’s ready for the year.” stealing a pair. at you.” DT COURIER LIFE, APRIL 21-27, 2017 43 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE


































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