April 21–27, 2017 Including The Brooklyn Paper 50 cents SERVING BROOKLYN SINCE 1958 Chaos in Coney HOLIDAY HERO Stampede after Holy scrolls bangs, rumors of shots fi red saved from BY CAROLINE SPIVACK shul blaze Pandemonium erupted in Co- ney Island on Sunday when someone threw a glass bottle BY CAROLINE SPIVACK and amusement park-goers Talk about chutzpah! mistook the sound for gun- A congregant of a Sea Gate shots, according to police. A synagogue heroically dashed wave of panic swept the crowd into a raging fi re to rescue the and even those who didn’t hear Torah as the house of worship the supposed gunfi re began was gutted by fl ames on April running for their lives. 13. The act was a clear mitz- “I honestly didn’t hear vah, said the brave devotee. much, but I saw everybody “The Torahs had to be running away and I didn’t saved. That’s the bottom line,” want to stick around and fi nd said Howie Londner, who has out why,” said Coney Islander been a congregant at the syn- Joaquin Marshall, who was agogue for years. “All we got out with friends when the con- out were the scrolls, but that fusion ensued. “People were was the most important thing tripping all over themselves — that’s what keeps us going.” trying to get out of there. I The blaze ignited the Con- thought it must be gunshots.” gregation Kneses Israel of Sea A panicked stampede of Gate on Nautilus Avenue just friends and family formerly after midnight and ripped enjoying their Easter Sunday through the shul’s roof during at the People’s Playground the holy week of Passover, ac- poured out of Luna Park and cording to a fi re department fl ed on Surf Avenue. spokesman. Locals trampled each other Rabbi Chaim Brikman ar- as they dashed down the thor- rived on the scene shortly af- oughfare, parents scooped up ter the fi re started and bar- their children as they ran, reled into the synagogue for and people raced into restau- MITZVAH MAN: Congregant Howie Londner ran into the raging inferno to help rescue the Torah. the Sifrei Torah, but the last of Continued on page 12 Photo by Erica Price Continued on page 12 A CNG Publication Vol. 72 No. 16 UPDATED EVERY DAY AT BROOKLYNDAILY.COM APRIL SALE THE BIGGEST FLOORING EVENT OF THE YEAR! APRIL 20-24 55+ varieties 40+ varieties 230+ varieties 14th Annual Hardwood N. American Luxury & Engineered Prefinished Flooring Clearance SALE and European Vinyl Plank Hardwood Laminate from 100s of varieties of high quality floors at from from once-in-a-lifetime PRICES! LIMITED TIME ¢ ¢ $ 19 Small Lot DEALS ¢* 49 sq ft 59sq ft 1sq ft from 29sq ft *Available at select stores while supplies last. Check your local store for availability. 1-800-HARDWOOD Product prices & availability are subject to change. See store for details. lumberliquidators.com INSIDE NNN%9IFFBCPE;8@CP%:FD GL9C@J?<;9P:E>(D<KIFK<:?:<EK<IEFIK?('K?=CFFI9IFFBCPE#EP(()'( EGG-TRAVAGANZA! Three Ridge parks draw droves for Easter egg hunts Cheers: Singer David Byrne will be lecturing at the opening to Bric’s Open festival on April 27. The artist will be discussing his perspective on current issues around the world, and why we BY CAROLINE SPIVACK should all be cheerful. David Byrne Call it a three-egg omelet! Hundreds of youngsters Toast to cheer scoured Bay Ridge parks at But even though he feels his travels and David Byrne tells us why we should be happier positive mindset can guide him to inspire a happy crowd, he says a long road still By Alexandra Simon “Which is different than saying everything To keep people optimistic, at the event awaits. heer up, and come hear all about it. is acceptable — and rather than pointing Byrne will be discussing the growth of “I‘m hardly an expert — I’m an ordi- The front man of the 1980s rock fingers and blaming, which I too love to do, renewable energy around the world, the nary citizen but I have taken the time and a trio of Easter egg hunts on Cband Talking Heads, David Byrne, I am thinking that, if we find some hopeful, increase of parks in large metropolitan effort to compile some of these hopeful and wants to put cheese on your mug. The musi- signs that we might move forward.” cities, advancements in public education, inspiring signs and initiatives,” said Byrne. cian is going to be laying out reasons why One of the main reasons the world lacks and countries like Finland banning coal for “If some of these initiatives and signs can people should be jolly at his lecture at Bric high spirits is economic disparity, said energy and diminishing the importance of serve as models, if I can help spread the on April 27. In “Reasons to be Cheerful” Byrne. He believes the unlevel playing field car ownership. Byrne says a lot of places word about some things everyone might not Byrne will explain why the world is in the leads to wider issues and weighs on our in the world could stand to model after know about, then who knows? I need hope April 15. Kids and their par- it is now, and how to find joy in spite of it personal lives. Finland and its neighboring countries. as much as anyone, so I have a personal all, he said. “Inequality is a big one — it seems to “Some of the Scandinavian countries incentive to do this.” “My perspective is that what is happen- affect so many other areas, and it’s bad for seem to have a high happiness index,” “Reasons to be Cheerful” at Bric [647 ing now is the result of policies and forces the greater economy,” he said. “It’s bad for he said. “Denmark usually ranks first — Fulton Ave between Rockland and Ashland that have been going on for decades, and to health, education, innovation, quality of life though this year it looks like Norway has places in Fort Greene. www.bricartsmedia. some extent, what is happening therefore — all of which affects everyone, even those taken the lead. I think this is related to less org, (718) 855–7882]. April 27 at 7:30 pm. shouldn’t be such a surprise,” said Byrne. who think they are others problems.” inequality and a robust safety net.’ ” Free. ents dove for eggs in a thrill- ing test of wills in Shore Road, Your entertainment Owl’s Head, and Leif Ericson guide Page xx parks. The packed egg prowls were such a rollicking good time, one newcomer is already Police Blotter ..........................8 counting down the days until Letters ....................................26 next year’s hunts. Columns .................................28 “I had so much fun. I can’t Sports ......................................41 wait to go back next year,” said 8 -ye a r - old S u n s et P a rker L i ney Salais, who searched for eggs with her sister in Owl’s Head Park. “It was really fun fi nd- ing eggs and playing games.” The Easter Bunny maybe could have done a better job at hiding the loot, but one huevo huntress felt it was fair to cut him some slack. “There were so many eggs. HOW TO REACH US It was kind of easy to fi nd them,” said 9-year-old Bay Mail: Ridgite Sasha Bulychva, who Courier Life scored nine eggs at Owl’s Head Publications, Inc., Park armed with a hot pink 1 Metrotech Center North basket. “The Easter Bunny 10th Floor, Brooklyn, had a lot of eggs to hide. So I understand.” N.Y. 11201 Tykes hopped across the General Phone: park like bunnies in a balloon (718) 260-2500 race, dabbled in face paint, and News Fax: posed with the Easter Bunny ON THE HUNT: (Top) A fl ood of (718) 260-2592 at the affair put together by families descended on Leif Eric- the Crossroads Christian son Park for an Easter egg hunt. News E-Mail: Church. (Above) The Easter Bunny stopped [email protected] Others fl ooded Leif Ericson by to hide some eggs and say Display Ad Phone: Park to peruse stands hawking hello to Bay Ridgites. (Right) Kids (718) 260-8302 chocolate bunnies, burgers hopped like a bunny across Owl’s Display Ad E-Mail: and hot dogs, and, of course, Head Park during the balloon race. a shot at more candy-stuffed [email protected] Photos by Georgine Benvenuto eggs. One parent couldn’t be- Display Ad Fax: lieve the fl ood of families who (718) 260-2579 descended on the plastic eggs We ended up giving our eggs tunes for adults as the Easter who brought his son 2-year- Classified Phone: peppered across the green. to some of the other kids who Bunny hopped through the old Jaden to Shore Road Park. (718) 260-2555 “It was packed. There was didn’t get any.” park helping tykes scout eggs. “I wanted to expose him to Classified Fax: so many people,” said Bay But Shore Road Park was It was an egg-cellent event, Easter and teach him about (718) 260-2549 Ridgite Victoria Peschan- the place to be if you wanted to but not everyone was ready to the celebrations. But he was ska, who came out to the Zion boogie with the Easter Bunny. embrace the Easter Bunny. a little shy when he saw the Classified E-Mail: Church event with her two State Sen. Martin Golden (R– “It was fun. There were a Easter Bunny.
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