Manrliif Btpr Ning That’S the Most Important Mild, Pleasing Taste.** Nicotine Cigarettes I Used to Previous Brand
p a g e t w e n t y -f o u r — MANCHESTER EVENtNG HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Thurs., June 15, 1978 Penney High School graduates 398 ... page 4 ttThey're the only ones that MMERIT Menthol is coot hut « I love their taste—better uiiibp MERIT Menthol Just I Witt smotie. Fm satisfied, and not overwhelming. It has a than the much higher tar and as well or better than my Manrliif Btpr ning that’s the most important mild, pleasing taste.** nicotine cigarettes I used to previous brand. They’re a very t h i n g . * * -M r. William J. Ehmer, Jr. smobjt!** satisfying cigarette^* A Family NEWSpaper Since 1881 Alexandria. Virginia — Ms. Nancy K. Harrison •^Mrs. Don Feeney -M rs. Marion E. Carpenter Cambridge, Massachusetts Shinnslon, West Virginia Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Vol. XCVII, No. 218 — Manchester, Conn., Friday, June 16, 1978 Single Copy 20 Cents u m e RIT truly has ^Enriched «I tried them oil but could Flavor*. Thanh you for a «I Hl(e them. M ERIT was « I lilie them because of the not find one that could satisfy product that thives up to its the best of the brands I tried.** taste and because they’re low me. That is, until Merit came advertising.** — Mr. Dennis Jones in tar.** Bath, South Dakota — Mr. Perry E. Cristlano -M rs. A. P. Neumelster along. Merit truly delivers Keokuk, Iowa Tech sets true rich tobacco flavor and, Kew Gardens, New York in fact, compares favorably to ttOfall the low tar MHS graduation high tar brands.** « I lil{ed the taste because of cigarettes I’ve tried—and I’ve t*A friend recommended summer -M r.
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