Matrix CORH.Cocork,Lreland Ii&Ue of Matru H&S Hid More Conlributod Lha" Any 'Ince Jenny & Sieve Glover

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Matrix CORH.Cocork,Lreland Ii&Ue of Matru H&S Hid More Conlributod Lha Information and Contacts ~ In and Out 11 Indeterminacy BSFA Membership New & Rejoined Members Tempo,s Mutsntur LedJer, Jan, 2 Cheniet Cole, Okcwoodhill, Ooo\.inc. Sinocthe"';"alocolth"'ho~~rorlhc Still cos:IS £12 (UK &. EC). (1$ (non-EC Europe:). ~NB SlII'I"ey RHS allllIIl)'.forthe8SFA.androryourcclilon..n..~.. (1lbJ{25 air Ausami•. £25~ US ~r year. bu1 SlIakespeare, Martin S. U Filching Road. lhot"""nlllllclhc ......I)' .. mi<f.Ap-iI-..=the_O(WI: loe5 UpIO(UpcryearonJ"lyl.l992. Easl:bow'ne,S~.lBN208SD l_r__ andre..r~oIthe__.q."...."h Ho\>clodcdlinnl,bKtinlhcblJlocto<>.fOl_indcf"..IfC New Members Changes of Address Jo Jbjnc:. 29 Thomville Road. Hanlepool. Ckveland Nesa Silfllgnarwn. ~ Monlque Bunon Flats. 23 ~- TS268EW Delfon Road. Leeds LS2 9BA ...."",)'OIIdoue_Ho\>c othlpolChrOll.irllwa,. Lilian Edwards 39 (IF'2) Viewfonh. Bnmtsrlekl. OKII... V""VUlchan lr_intheBSFA.andl Membership Renewals EdinburghEHl04JE CMIJIl,lantc"""lIfCtheimp'eu.ioDlNt_"reMId..fO' ..ind ... 'thllloeefltllil"" ...'ldly __ orowall......,canlf" Kcith Freeman. 269 Wykeham Road. Reading RG6 DIve Mooring & Sartllh Dibb 21 The VilIate SUeel. Leeds LS4 2PR inpoq>lflrionrOlllloncominl>torm.butllllOftpllllthe 'PC ~ Simon (Nnsley 28 8«kwith Crescent. HUTOKate >Wfoa: Ire '""tinl done. Our eoordo...tor Iw. ~ll HG20BQ thi"ll ... inhoncl.and the upcominJchan.... in II"r>Onncl USA Memberships .......Id bri"l ... ith them I rencweddnu""oIm.husil..... Cr Cha..Yin. 142.\8 Wilrrw SlIttl. Detroit. Ml Oalfid Gillon 41 Amllda Way. AdmiralS Reach, 48213. USA Chalham.Kent s...II<:U'fully W(:1\hc:rin, the currmt ro...neill "lualJ. Gill AI(\ennan, Cliff COllage. Freroch's Walk. ho...~"" •• ir. only onc 01 the rcao.ons 10 be cheerful. Thi' Matrix CORH.CoCork,lreland ii&ue of Matru h&s hid more conlributOD lha" any 'ince Jenny & SIeve Glover. 16 Aviary Plare. Lecll~ LS12 J~M' look (W~. from Mlufttn Poner ju.. (W~, 1"'0 rei" Departed Members IOdfoonecnMlJlrk~lIIO.lhope....,canke.plhiIUp. 2NP(lcl:O;'\321912M) Brown. Victor H Cumner. David. It7 TorerQSI Alfe. Wyken. n..lhirdlreloflrelleh.ln,.forul hIS bccn in 00' home Media COlfenlry CV2 3NW .in"uion. MatrixW ...u prod""cd unde. the immedial. shado.... m Clpil)' 01 m, poIillll l.cedo Uni~~... iIY and lhe ran Mundell. 21 Radford House. 1 Pcmbridge Cumow. Susan E. 42 l'R;achcrs Vale. Coleford. Gardens. Noui"g Hill Gale. London W2 4EE Somerset. BAJ ~IT Nice Council Man lellin, UI yes. there ....I'"n ,,"u,uIUy CUller. James. 44 Wller Street. GIUI Huwood. hi"'''""loll1batc.du''' in 011. hou>e(and Ol'lfelll Competitions hundred OIhe.. in the alCl)bulthcre w_~ ,1fIJI m""h. Blackbum. Lancs. BB6 7QR mll)'. and lhey didn·l .... why they """"Id boche< do,n, Roger Robinson. 75 Rosslyn Avenue. Harold Wood. Elfans. Roger. 8erwickl Lane. Chelmsky 104 ..)'Ihina .......t it. Some oI)'OII ....y 1110 hi"" belrd I ~.\RM30RG Wood. Birmingham B377RH ............ ....,ooeooerequilline .... cdilOfth'polMalri1.but Harris..MrWF Inlormalion lhot_prcdicIledOllIClleetchlncethlll(lr~ful) Hernan. Micluel, 2S Alben Ro..s. c.ntero..ry. Kent would ""~ hid ... d;widinl: 011' .... bn.-n the UK .nd Phi. Nichols.. 57 Gnlnge Road. West Bromwich. CTI1UJ ""OS. West MidlUlds 870 IfB Hogpnh, Neil J. 2 Cooper Avenue Nonh. UverpoolLl84P(j The Lost Worlds of Matrix 100 BSFA Publications Jarnes, WiU H, 106 Jardell, Let<:hworth. Herts. SG6 Bu""'·lincllbautlhcbo:of.llidplanr.olmiteand ...... _ Paperback Inferno 2NZ III apply III Ma";' cd........ -*'- W~'"" beelI k.d."" Jenkill$.Dewi forwlJdllldo"'loomcth..~fOlbllotl"_r..... And)' Sa....yer. I 1lw:: Aaxyard. Woodf2.1l UtIC. k1vis., Robett, PO Box ~8<J. Henley-on-Klip 1961. Jcm)'~.pthemont/ll_lUlitallhot .......~1blll Liule Neston. South WilT1l1 L64 4BT lid: OSl )36 Translfaal, Republic: of South Afnc. .....m1l\icrthel_)'ea.. .".·doriplll.,lIid.".C'IIIIId~" 3JSS)(IOJulyJI.I992) MacLeod,lanR MlItrlzfOl. Marsh. Aone M, 6 Hilllfie.... Dri>1:, Coppol1, Vector Chorley.Lancs. PR7~oc; n.. oriIinll t>lan .... the '"lr:Iodilioftai onc in whicll ,11 I'felfiou. ~0I'll lAd re,,,Ill, o;oIumntIoIs would be muU~d Editor: Catie Cary, 224 South.....'. P<lI'l< Barn. McCormad. Hugh. 362 Hanworth Road. iIIIoproduc,n,onelllOlC~onwhlllir_ljk~inthc" Hoonsl"",. Middlesex TW3 3SH Guildford. SIIm:y GU2 6DN or on how thi"" htllf~ eh.ln&cd .Qncc. It .._~ IhIII MeMil~n. do, COnl.ibutlnc Editor: Kelf M~Veigh. 37 Fin R~, Francis N, The Rlmblen. Bradford Ion&beforc....,diKlrdcdthilone .. a/oklhtltlnd/JI ~>1:rtll. Dorchester, Donet 01'2 9SG Milnthorpe, Cumbria LA7 7QF un ..o,hble (Ihtll mo, htllf~ been the .ummc....hen ir MeVeigh. Kelfin, 37 Firs Road. Milnlhorpe. oeemcdl ....n·llbletot.. m.round ...irhoulbumpin, inlo BSFA Officials CumbriaLA77QF ""Cl~i.or~ilhc. of Ma"L, or Bill"" J/oI~l. Meenall,Mark Treasurer NClO,BraulioFT Plan 11 WI' Jllr more f.. n. In'lead of.he bo,;nl old Eliubeth Billinger. 82 Kellfin Road. New Ni~hols. Philip. 57 Grange Road. Wes! Bmmwi~h. fCtrospt'Cli.~ d«idcdW(:'dincl",,"_lnlde.rf()m Ma,r,.200 hlch ju.. htlwencd to htl.e flllen <10 " I CubbinglQn. Leamington Spa CV32 7TQ West Midlands B708PB O·Connell. Corma~. 40 Laurleen. S!i1lorgan, Co rimc","rp. Unronu...tely. Illhou&h ... opoI:;. to >elf 1 Coordinator Dublin. Eire pooplelbl'Jullhi'l(In mlnld. only one conlf.n.d .nlhu,iIwn'n1oPllPC,andinll.J....,," Kelf M~Veigh. Fin Road. Mitnthorpe. Cumbria Rees. Stephen. 42 Mcadowlfale. Cadoxton, BarT)'. 37 ...ith the AGM M;nule., the section 011 "'Mre the BSFA ... Soulh Glamorgan LA 7 7QF (tel; On9~ 628831 ,oin,. and the mIUlwl, e>.ptndallcnc. column. we S.wyer. Andy P, I The Fluy.rd. Woodfall Lane. .impl,_Idn~htl""hldtMiP'ft.It·slpir,.Ihou.III­ Useful Contacts Liule Neston. Cheshirt: L64 "BT we·dmU,lil~lOda""""'in& ..irhthlllidcl_I""', Sheart:r. Paul. 18 Ponlcthen, North 8MT. Erskine. ~rh.lpooell_it....occuionlllighlmc._ Orbilers Renfrt:wshirt: PA8 6EN Carol Ann Green. ~ Raglan Avenue. Railan Street. S!otkhil1. ~ter. 8 BalSby Green. Berwick Hills. Just In Case... HullHU~2JB Middlcsborough. Clevebnd 1'S3 7NX l"'veJOll~,WCfldcm:ljoql_a1l_I""'..fflvel"'" $l;11kr., Althw D. 19 Sandringllam Road. happen III be II"rfKtl,prcparcd 10 ... IOPohop. ""odmt ~EP BSFA Awards W.lle$den. London NW2 ....,lcim in the6lh cenhll)' le.- whenever)! w~ can' do Hie Mahoney. 276 LonsdIJc: AvenllC. lnuke. Thorp. Dennis. 190 Horton Road. Fallowraekl. INOChllbautknowlodlll"oIl1i>1oryandllnpllll".buIwhat DoncaMe. OH2 6tu Manche:sterMI47QF ~~)'otIjeo;b_IdJ.. rJOldlllOlUuxfIolinthe"....., Vine. PhiJlip. Sunnln(ft. HoIyhead ROId.. Mellli We'reinRtalcdinrwoliso:_a~oIOl'l1in1rylRtn>)'OU Foreign Liaison Bridge,GwyneddLJ.j;95RH could pa.usib!JalwI)'1c:my ..iIh)'Oll,lhII woulcl do for Bndge! Wilk.nson. 17 MmlOU. 29 Alfenue R<W.l. ..,en: thell«ondlmon: opecfficshonlis((nomorelNll LondonNI5 apoundOlJlOoImIIIICriIl)lhotyou'dlKelOaf_riw timc1XriDd. will be~. boot- ...incing iD. .....y 10 tloe smdcroltM_MWlalinchu. PrintedbyPOCCopyprinL.llJefrrie'lPassage. Guildro.d.SurreyGUI4AP. BriUSh Science Ficlion AssocialionLtd. Company NO. 921 m. Registered Addn,:s$: 60 Deadline Bournemouth Rd. Folkestone. Kent CTl9 ~AZ. Registered in En81and. Limiled by Guarantee Copyright Cl BSFA 1992. Indilfidual ~opyrighlS are the propeny oflhe authors and editors. 15th July ISSN:0307 3J3~. 2 ~Avedon Carol: MlkeGlyer: Andrew Hoopcr. Dave u.nglord: News Evdyn L.eeper Ind Harry Warner. Jr. BNI Prnfrssi9o@1 Arlju Tom Canly: O.vid Cherry; Bob EgglelOll; Don Malll Llurie Mann. Jo Rune. Sieve Grover. Key McVcigh. Tommy Ftrguson. Ken Ind Micllael Whel.n. Lake. Nic M.honey. Vincent OaO:.c, Ev. Viclor KUliloy & Nicbolu ~Brad FO$ler: Ol.n. Hul.o Stein: Tecldy Harvia: Peggy R.nson VjunickovllJ\dyouredilon.. IlldSluShiffman. BSFA Awards ~ Flit 77(); Mike Glyer: FMju.r. Janice Moore & TilOOllly Lane: Tbesc: welt presentcd by IR.~ Langrord at Illumination. the Brilish Naional LDn', Lull"r,.: eeorge ("Lan") wk0l/l'5ki: Mi""UQ: Dicit & Nidr.i Lynch Ind ConvenlionaIBllckpool... ~r. TrQpdoor. Roben Lic:llllNln. Novel: Fall 0/JI]1¥riD". runner lip EU'rf/UIl.Jtnl loltn W Cempbdl Aprd Ted; Rarbara Delaplace: Glftr GilllNln; Shco1 TUl: "B.d TIminli:- (Moll)' Brown I"Ur.OM 54). nmllCT up MFloatinJ Laun Resnid.nd MicheUe Sapra.. Dots- (Ian MacDonaId. N"".. W",lds) Art: ~br" Harrison (1t1/~r:tHl~ 48 rover). runnel up Geoffrey Taylor (/"'N"'~ The HUIOS will be .....arded on SalUrday. Seplember 5 aI MagiCOII. the SOIIl 45 cover) World Scienc:e F'lCtion Convention in OrtarKlo. Florida. US ..... Drama1ic Presentation: TtrM/"lIItJr 1. ",nnet lip R,d D..wJrf IV Other Awards The resuJI5 or lhe \'OIlAl are summansed in Nk Mahoney's anlde below. The Doe Weir was .....arded to ROIer Robinson. I1 i5 awarded in honour of "rlhur R_ MDoe" Weir ....ho died in Marcll 1961. He had come 10 f.ndom Nebula Awards late. but had eOllhusiasticaJly6one everything he oould includiog. lot: of ....ork fOf Tbesc: welt ....uded on Apnl 25111 dunng the Nebula wa:kend in Allanu.. the BSFA. k i$ I free vote by all anendees at: Easlercon and ~nds 1010 to someone ....ho hI$ worked ernllumst:ically in some area or random. Besides hiS Best Novel: MlChxl Swanwick: Slutw,U.{IM TKk (lASFU: Wil1Qm Monor &. worIt witll Founda!ion. the series of Beccons and the Drunken Dragon press. Co) Rocer also 1RaflIC51he ucellelll compeliuons for Mutru. ~ Novella: N.llC:Y Krus: -B,c,Uat1 ,n Spain- (AAolOlI Ptas; fASFM) The Ken Mdnl,u lward presented !O CoIin Johnston for tht:' Il!umlnallon ~ NovdclIC: Mike Connor. -ell. Dot- (F&SF) procrantme book cover. This u the second succeuive year he ha5 won iI - lIS! ~ar iI for the lIIumilll!iOll badge dui,n. The lward in in honour of Ken 8esl: Short Slory: ALan 8~nlltn; "Ma Qui" (F&:SF. A/jlw's Cltmu MOttlllly. Mclnty~. who died of panerealilis in 1968. Rog: F'eylon $uUes~d tllat Iht:'re PulphousePubl.). sbould be I fanan award 10 preserve his memory. Hugo Nominations Eastercon Awards BOlt.
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