Matrix CORH.Cocork,Lreland Ii&Ue of Matru H&S Hid More Conlributod Lha" Any 'Ince Jenny & Sieve Glover
Information and Contacts ~ In and Out 11 Indeterminacy BSFA Membership New & Rejoined Members Tempo,s Mutsntur LedJer, Jan, 2 Cheniet Cole, Okcwoodhill, Ooo\.inc. Sinocthe"';"alocolth"'ho~~rorlhc Still cos:IS £12 (UK &. EC). (1$ (non-EC Europe:). ~NB SlII'I"ey RHS allllIIl)'.forthe8SFA.androryourcclilon..n..~.. (1lbJ{25 air Ausami•. £25~ US ~r year. bu1 SlIakespeare, Martin S. U Filching Road. lhot"""nlllllclhc ......I)' .. mi<f.Ap-iI-..=the_O(WI: loe5 UpIO(UpcryearonJ"lyl.l992. Easl:bow'ne,S~.lBN208SD l_r__ andre..r~oIthe__.q."...."h Ho\>clodcdlinnl,bKtinlhcblJlocto<>.fOl_indcf"..IfC New Members Changes of Address Jo Jbjnc:. 29 Thomville Road. Hanlepool. Ckveland Nesa Silfllgnarwn. ~ Monlque Bunon Flats. 23 ~- TS268EW Delfon Road. Leeds LS2 9BA ...."",)'OIIdoue_Ho\>c othlpolChrOll.irllwa,. Lilian Edwards 39 (IF'2) Viewfonh. Bnmtsrlekl. OKII... V""VUlchan lr_intheBSFA.andl Membership Renewals EdinburghEHl04JE CMIJIl,lantc"""lIfCtheimp'eu.ioDlNt_"reMId..fO' ..ind ... 'thllloeefltllil"" ...'ldly __ orowall......,canlf" Kcith Freeman. 269 Wykeham Road. Reading RG6 DIve Mooring & Sartllh Dibb 21 The VilIate SUeel. Leeds LS4 2PR inpoq>lflrionrOlllloncominl>torm.butllllOftpllllthe 'PC ~ Simon (Nnsley 28 8«kwith Crescent. HUTOKate >Wfoa: Ire '""tinl done. Our eoordo...tor Iw. ~ll HG20BQ thi"ll ... inhoncl.and the upcominJchan.... in II"r>Onncl USA Memberships .......Id bri"l ... ith them I rencweddnu""oIm.husil..... Cr Cha..Yin. 142.\8 Wilrrw SlIttl. Detroit. Ml Oalfid Gillon 41 Amllda Way. AdmiralS Reach, 48213. USA Chalham.Kent s...II<:U'fully W(:1\hc:rin, the currmt ro...neill "lualJ. Gill AI(\ennan, Cliff COllage. Freroch's Walk. ho...~"" •• ir. only onc 01 the rcao.ons 10 be cheerful.
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