CBRE Is Proud to Join the New York Building Congress in Congratulating Our Friend and Colleague Mary Ann Tighe for Her Exceptional Service to Our Industry and Our City
CBRE is proud to join the New York Building Congress in congratulating our friend and colleague Mary Ann Tighe for her exceptional service to our industry and our City. 212.984.8000 91185_COVER_section1_nr4.pdf 2 5/2/13 7:17 AM WELCOME Richard T. Anderson, President New York Building Congress GREETING Thomas P. DiNapoli, New York State Comptroller INTRODUCTION MaryAnne Gilmartin, Luncheon Chairman President and Chief Executive Officer Forest City Ratner Companies VIDEO PRESENTATION Building a Greater Skyline SPECIAL RECOGNITION John M. Dionisio, Chairman, New York Building Congress Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, AECOM ACCEPTANCE Metropolitan Transportation Authority Thomas F. Prendergast, Interim Executive Director; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Nominee AIRLINE TICKETS DRAWING Gail Grimmett, Senior Vice President, Delta Air Lines LUNCHEON 92ND ANNIVERSARy LEADERSHIP Peter S. Kalikow, President, H.J. Kalikow & Co., LLC AWARD PRESENTATION ACCEPTANCE Steven J. Corwin, Chief Executive Officer NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital 92ND ANNIVERSARy LEADERSHIP MaryAnne Gilmartin, Luncheon Chairman AWARD PRESENTATION ACCEPTANCE Mary Ann Tighe, Chief Executive Officer New York Tri-State Region, CBRE, Inc. APPRECIATION Gary LaBarbera, President Building and Construction Trades Council of Greater New York ADJOURNMENT MaryAnne Gilmartin, Luncheon Chairman 1 1 2 GUEST Of HONOR Steven J. Corwin, M.D. Chief Executive Officer NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital On September 6, 2011, Steven J. Corwin, M.D., was named Chief Executive Officer of NewYork- Presbyterian Hospital. In this role, he is responsible for developing and implementing the Hospital’s next capital and fundraising plan; advocating for academic medicine under health care reform; further integrating electronic information systems across the care continuum; collaborating with the Hospital’s medical school partners and Healthcare System to support patient care, education, and research; and continuing to improve community health status.
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