of the settlers.

Explore through this slideshow to find wedges, levers, and wheels. Sheep Shears!

Splitting Wedge

. This was used to split logs that were too large to split with an . The wedge was placed on the log and then hammered into the with a hammer or sledge hammer.


. Wrench for five different sizes of bolts. Buckboard

. The buckboard was the most common wagon used by settlers to carry everything they would need to build a house and start farming. Cradle

. A cradle scythe was used to cut hay and drop the hay in piles. Wheel

Much like a car of today, a wagon needed a spare tire or wheel. If a wheel broke and could be fixed, it would be, but some broken wheels could not be fixed. In this case, pioneers would be joyous over an extra wheel. (plow)

. The plough was the most important piece of equipment on a farm during the 19th century. Used to break up and turn soil for planting crops, a whole day was required to plow 1-2 acres of land with a moldboard plough. Oftentimes a farmer would not personally own a plough as they were considered to be expensive. Generally, a farmer who owned a plough would hire it out to those in need, in exchange for labor or goods. Occasionally, a community would pool resources to purchase a plough. Stone Cutter’s Chisels

. Stone cutter's chisels were used to cut sandstone into blocks. Spinning Wheel

. The spinning wheel is a tool some people still use today. It is used to change wool into yarn and put the yarn onto spools. Pioneers couldn't pack too many clothes or wash too often so they had to make their own thread, cloth, and clothes. Since they were starting new towns, they couldn't just go to a shop and buy new clothes when they needed them. Axe, , Pitchfork,

. The axe was used to split or cut wood. . The rake was used to break up clumps of soil and sod to prepare the ground for planting. . The pitch fork was used to move bundles of hay or feed. . The hoe was used to dig a trench for planting of seeds. Drawknife

. The drawknife is used for taking bark off trees. It was made out of iron and wood. It took off bark so the center could be used for lumber.