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1 / 2017 HOMER Newsletter CONTENT: Editorial..............................................page 1 Evaluation of 3rd HOMER seminar............page 2-3 European Council Meeting......................page 4 Preperation for the 60th anniversary of the Rome Treaties..............................page 5 A new building called EUROPA.................page 6 Jean Claude and the 5 scenarios..............page 7 WELCOME Dear readers, Commission’s “White Paper on the Fu- and informs as well about the most ture of Europe” contributed intensively recent activities and developments at the reflection on the past and future of in the past months to the conflicts of the European level in this respect. We the European Union is attracting gro- Europe’s prospects. cordially invite all persons interested in wing interest both in daily politics as The HOMER project is taking up these the project to have a closer look – the well as in the academic world. While different incentives and explores conti- website offers further information at the celebration of the 60th anniversary nuously the debate about the different www.eu-homer.eu of the Rome treaties and the opening narratives on European integration. The of the new Europa building (replacing third HOMER seminar that took place in On behalf of the HOMER team the Justus Lipsius building) as the seat the winter term 2016/17 dealt in parti- Juergen Mittag of the EU council offered primarily a cular with the Lisbon treaty and its im- frame for considering the achievements pact for shaping current Europe’s narra- of European integration, the ongoing tives. This HOMER newsletter presents debates about the Brexit and European a short feedback on the third seminar 1 / 2017 HOMER Newsletter page 2 Completion of the third HOMER-seminar on European Integration (2016/2017) Hanna Kramer / Lisa Röseler / Jürgen Mittag The HOMER project has just passed After the seminar the students have interaction with different lectures another important milestone with the been asked on a voluntary basis to were most helpful; others also men- completion of the third joint seminar participate in an evaluation of the tioned the introduction in research on “The Lisbon Summit and Euro- third HOMER seminar. The students or narratives as useful. However, the pean Narratives”. After exploring the gave a generally positive reflection of student’s presentations were seen Hague summit 1969 and the Maast- the seminar and expressed that they by nearly half of the participants as richt summit 1991 as well as related were pleased with the seminar and critically (47%). Generally positively constitutional changes the third se- its contents. However, a closer look rated (88 %) was the support and the minar shed light on the Lisbon treaty at expectations and evaluation show- literature provided by experts and and its summits. The seminar was or- ed severe disparities. Being asked teachers. Several students highligh- ganized by German Sport Uni-versity for the reasons why they decided to ted in this context the video material Cologne, the University of Maastricht participate in the HOMER project: that has been provided, in particular and the University of Köln again in 41 % of the students anticipated the Danish documentation “Alles Ban- five subsequent steps: After the ope- more and detailed information about diten” that has been broadcasted in ning session in Cologne in October the Lisbon Treaty while just 29 % of 2003 on the occasion acces-sion ne- 2016 with primarily theoretical and students were primarily interested in gotiations. Yet 12 % of the students topic-related content, a meeting in the different European views and nar- were critical and wished to get more Brussels in November 2016 offered ratives. Nearly all of them (94 %) re- detailed information about alternati- the frame for in-depth debates with garded their respective expectations ve ways of finding literature for their experts and intense research on rele- as fulfilled. studies. vant material and 76 % of the parti- sources (newspa- cipants evaluated per articles, archi- the interaction val material, me- with students from moirs, academic different univer- interpretations, sities as positi- interviews etc.). ve. “Something Two sessions in- that should be between were held done more often” at the respective is an exempla- universities in or- ry statement that der to discuss in- has been given in dividual questions this perspective. before the final Although the ex- HOMER meet-ing change in general in January 2017 was considered as took place in Co- encouraging, there logne again. The was also criticism students presented their findings and linked to the “coordination of discus- discussed the offers and constraints In addition to the seminar contents sion”, which “took too long” or the of narratives on the European Union. the different methodological and di- “different level of knowledge about dactical elements were evaluated. politics and the EU”, which influ- 52 % of the students stated that the enced the quality of contributions. For further information see: eu-homer.eu dshs-koeln.de/iesf jeanmonnetchair.uni-koeln.de mceg-maastricht.eu 1 / 2017 HOMER Newsletter page 3 Improvements have also been propo- on the research that has been carried “I would always chose to participate sed regarding the number of experts out in the meantime. The overall as- again”, thanks for this opportunity (29%) or the implementation of ad- sess-ment at the end of the evalua- (…) to deepening our knowledge” ditional meetings (17 %) between tion revealed remarks such as “great that underline the relevance of the Brussels and the final seminar in or- extracurricular seminar”, “interes- HOMER project and the approach. der to get a more detailed feedback ting seminar”, “nice atmosphere”, Figure 2: Question 4: Which methodological and didactical elements can be considered as particularly helpful? Figure 3: Did you receive enough support and information during the seminar? This Newsletter is published and produced by the Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies. If you have ideas for ways to improve it, suggestions for articles or if you want to subscribe, please contact: Till Müller-Schoell: [email protected] Realisation: Lisa Röseler Responsibility: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Mittag For further information see: eu-homer.eu dshs-koeln.de/iesf jeanmonnetchair.uni-koeln.de mceg-maastricht.eu 1 / 2017 HOMER Newsletter page 4 European Council Meeting, 09-10 March 2017 At their most recent meeting EU lea- strongly committed to a robust trade plementation of its December 2016 ders looked at a number of the most policy and an open and rules-based conclusions on external security and pressing issues, including the reelec- multilateral trading system, with a defence. Leaders welcomed the pro- tion of the president, economy, secu- central role for the World Trade Orga- gress achieved, as outlined at the rity and migration. nisation (WTO),“ the leaders conclu- Foreign Affairs Council meeting on 6 ded. At the same time, they called March, and called on for additional Election of the President: The Euro- for the quick adoption of legislative action and resources. They recalled pean Council re-elected Donald Tusk proposals that would equip the EU the importance of implementing the as its President for a second term of with WTO-compatible tools to tackle proposals set out in the joint decla- two and a half years. He was also re- unfair trade practices and market dis- ration for enhanced cooperation with appointed as President of the Euro tortions. NATO. Summit. The European Council de- The leaders also confirmed that the EU leaders also discussed internal se- cided to come back, later this year, EU will resolutely advance on all curity and the fight against terrorism. to the process, criteria and balances ongoing negotiations for free trade They called on co-legislators to: needed regarding high-level appoint- agreements, including with Merco- • agree on the proposal for an entry- ments for the next institutional cycle. sur and Mexico; negotiations with exit system by June 2017 Japan being closest to conclusion. • speed up work on the proposal for Jobs, growth and competitiveness: Trade relations with China should be the European travel information and The leaders assessed the economic si- strengthened on the basis of a shared authorisation system (ETIAS) tuation in the EU and the euro area, understanding of reciprocal and mu- concluding that the reforms imple- tual benefits. Migration: Prime Minister Muscat re- mented by the member states since The leaders reiterated the need to ported on progress in implementing 2008 are bearing fruit: complete the banking union in terms operational measures agreed at the • the economic recovery is continu- of reducing and sharing risks in the informal meeting in Malta on 3 Feb- ing with positive growth across the financial sector. They emphasised the ruary 2017 regarding the Central Me- member states, and the outlook is importance of international coopera- diterranean route. encouraging tion on the design of common pru- The leaders reiterated its determina- • the unemployment level is at its lo- dential and supervisory standards for tion to deliver on all the elements of west since 2009 financial services. the Malta Declaration. They said that • the state of public finances is im- As part of the European Semester - they stand behind actions underta- proving and investment is growing the EU‘s annual economic policy co- ken by individual member states to To ensure the sustainability of the ordination process - the leaders en- support the Libyan authorities as well economic recovery, the leaders called dorsed policy priorities for 2017, as as their North African and southern for structural reforms, strengthening set out in this year‘s annual growth neighbours. of public finances and promotion of survey, and the draft Council recom- They invited the Council to rapidly investment, including through the mendation on the economic policy of examine the Commission commu- swift extension of the European fund the euro area for 2017.