ORIGINAL RESEARCH published: 19 March 2021 doi: 10.3389/fendo.2021.626359 Metformin Strongly Affects Gut Microbiome Composition in High-Fat Diet-Induced Type 2 Diabetes Mouse Model of Both Sexes Laila Silamik¸ ele, Ivars Silamik¸ elis, Monta Ustinova, Zane Kalnin¸ a, Ilze Elbere, Ramona Petrovska, Ineta Kalnin¸ a and Ja¯ nis Klovin¸ sˇ * Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre, Riga, Latvia Effects of metformin, the first-line drug for type 2 diabetes therapy, on gut microbiome composition in type 2 diabetes have been described in various studies both in human subjects and animals. However, the details of the molecular mechanisms of metformin action have not been fully understood. Moreover, there is a significant lack of information Edited by: on how metformin affects gut microbiome composition in female mouse models, Richard Lewis Young, depending on sex and metabolic status in well controlled experimental setting. Our University of Adelaide, Australia study aimed to examine metformin-induced alterations in gut microbiome diversity, Reviewed by: composition, and functional implications of high-fat diet-induced type 2 diabetes mouse Victor Alan Gault, Ulster University, United Kingdom model, using, for the first time in mice study, the shotgun metagenomic sequencing that Marc Tetel, allows estimation of microorganisms at species level. We also employed a randomized Wellesley College, United States block, factorial study design, and including 24 experimental units allocated to 8 treatment *Correspondence: Ja¯ nis Klovin¸ sˇ groups to systematically evaluate the effect of sex and metabolic status on metformin
[email protected] interaction with microbiome. We used DNA obtained from fecal samples representing gut microbiome before and after ten weeks-long metformin treatment.