r S'IOff PAPBl COLLEC10RS DIGFSI' VOLUME31 NUMBER 363 MARCH1977 Page 2 COMICS, COMICS, COMICS Thousands. some pre 1900. Thes e include Comic Cuts. Chips, Butterfly, Merry & Bright, jester, Big fudget, Funny Wonder, Jolly , Joker, Larks, Film Fun, Klnema Comi c, Chuckles. Jingles, Mickey Mouse, Lot·o-Fun. Rainbow, Crackers, Playtime, Comic Life, Puck and others . Some also are in bound Volumes ; post-war ones not mentioned here, Jsrge stock, Boys' Papers. over 50.000. Singles and bound volumes . 10.000 Boys' hardbacks. 6.000 Annuals . Seeing is believing: Visitors very welcome by appointment. There's nothing like it: Large numbers of "fair" readi ng copies available at ! price from many or the comics/pape r s. Special fumper parcels. 25 for £10 (my selection), All pre -war , sta te your preference. Top prices paid for your collectio ns. You can't take it with you: Still some origina l Dan Dare Artwork left, NORMANSHAW 84 BELVEDERE ROAD UPPER NORWO<X> LONDON, S.E.1 9 Tel. Ol-771-9857 Neares t Stati on Crystal Palace -- -· ---- S'RJRYPAl'Ell ,.r 3 COLLEC'IORSDIGFSI' STORY PAPER COLLECTOR COLLECTORS' DIGEST Founded in 1941 by Founded in 1946 by W. G. GANDER HERBERT LBCICENBY Vol. 31 No, 363 MARCH 1977 Price 22p (Thb magulne it prtvatdy circulated. The reproduction of tbe coar:eats, tither wholly or ta i,-tt , wtd:iout written permmtoa. from tb e Editor, la strictly forbiddea.. ) SCORNJNJ THE LADDER There are writers who believe - or pretend to believe - that their latest work is better than anything they have written before, and that the bes t is yet to come.
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