Notice of Race and Event Sailing Instructions (As Amended) 1 Front Street, Beringer Bowl Overnight Ocean PO Box 487 Marblehead, MA Race 01945 July 22 – 23, 2016 781-631-3100 Presented in Partnership with Rumson’s Rum 1.1 Event: The Beringer Bowl Overnight Ocean Race will be held on July 22–23, 2016. The Organizing Authority is the Boston Yacht Club (BYC). This event is a qualifier for the MBSA, North Shore Ocean, Marblehead Coney Ledge and Marblehead Overall. 2.1 Eligibility: Open to PHRF boats with valid PHRFNE Handicap Rating Certificates and that meet the requirements of this Notice of Race and Event Sailing Instructions. (a) Divisions: PHRF Racing, PHRF Cruising, Doublehanded PHRF Racing (separate start), and OCS for Cruising Canvas, and a One-design class for 3 or more boats. 2.2 Registration: Entry and payment at Entries should be submitted before 2359 hrs on July 18, 2016. For information contact
[email protected]. 2.3 Fees: $125 less discounts of $5 for US SAILING members and $5 for MBSA members. For entries after July 18 an additional late fee of $25 will be charged. 2.4 Handicap System: PHRF Time on Distance will be used. 3 Rules: This Event will be governed by the Mass Bay Sailing Association General Sailing Instructions except as changed by these Event Sailing Instructions. (a) The ISAF ORC Special Regulations for a Category 3 Event shall apply, except as to ISAF ORC OSR Nos. 3.17, 3.20, 3.28.4b), 4.23.1, where the ISAF ORC Special Regulations for a Category 4 Event shall apply.