MENSTRUAL HYGIENE MANAGEMENT: THE EXPERIENCE OF NOMADIC STUDY AND SEDENTARY POPULATIONS IN NIGER Menstrual hygiene management: the experience of nomadic and sedentary populations in Niger Regions of Maradi, Tahoua, Tillabéri and Zinder UNIVERSITY OF YAOUNDÉ II TRAINING AND DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE (IFORD) This study was undertaken as part of the Joint Programme on Gender, Hygiene and Sanitation. It is the result of beneficial collaboration between WSSCC, UN WOMEN and IFORD. WSSCC and UN Women do not share responsibility for the data which were collected by the team at IFORD. Research team Scientific Coordinator Assistant Researchers Pr Honoré Mimche, sociologist Dr Moïse Tamekeng, sociologist Maxime Tiembou Noumeni, demographer Lead Researcher Dr Blaise Nguendo Yongsi, epidemiologist Review editors Rockaya Aidara, policy specialist Dr Mbarou Gassama Mbaye, economist Acknowledgements We would like to express our gratitude to the following • Mr Souley Abdoulaye, from the research institute individuals and organizations: LASDEL and the action research centre CRAMS, for his help facilitating the operational phase of this study; • WSSCC for the financing of this study • the people in the regions visited during the study, in- • the Niamey UN Women Office Team, especially Beatrice cluding administrative officials and traditional/reli- Eyong and Maimouna Seyni, for their warm welcome gious leaders, as well as local officials, who welcomed and support for the smooth running of field activities; the survey teams and provided information; • the WSSCC team in Geneva, especially Mrs Archana • the women, girls, men and boys for making themselves Patkar and Mr Anthony Dedouche for their technical available and for their active, voluntary participation in support, with regard to methodology, subject expertise, this study; as well as to those who contributed to the editing, trans- • the team of interviewers who gathered the information.
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