Love Supreme;
Class -EljjfcOjb Boofc___iOj£_____ Wmmgm deposit. Love Supreme or The Great Exorcism By Arthur Crane FOURTH EDITION THE IMPERSONAL SERIES Published by The Abstract Truth Society 333 So. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ills. Price, $2.00 Net, Postage Paid tf Copyright 1918 by the Abstract Truth Society 333 So. Dearborn St. Chicago, Ills. AUG 21 ISi8 OCU503180? PREFACE. The author has been the target, ever since he began giving away "The New Philosophy" in 1904, of more abuse and persecution than has fallen to the lot of any other healer or teacher of this generation. He spent his savings distributing his first book, incurring the indignation of many who did not approve, and when he discovered the healing power of unselfish love, if given with- out money, he incurred the indignation of a powerful organization. That be does not flinch in the faee of the world's abuse, he claims to be no merit of his own. The Universal Love, which can be everyone's Courage, sustains him, and he be- lieves it will ever sustain him. This volume is an attempt to bring home to its readers the nature and reality of liv- ing and growing by the living power called the Universal Love, and of seeking and find- ing perfect health and increased powers thereby. The author aims to deal with this earth, and not the distant stars, with this time, and not the distant future, and hopes that he has succeeded in making his analysis of the heart of man wholly unecclesiastical. CONTENTS Page "... Portrait of Author j 1 Preface 5 Introduction to Fourth Edition 9 PART 1—LOVE IMMORTAL Chapter Page I.
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