
Distance: 74 km (571 m elevation)

Start Time: 7.30 am

Ride Date: Saturday 24th February 2018

Price: $60 ($5 discount until Nov 30th, $10 late fee after Feb 21st)

Strava Route:

Map Downloads: Export GPX and TCX files, from Strava Hyperlink on map above

Start Location: Racecourse

Hamilton Smith Drive, Wodonga. Brockley Street entrance

BIB Collection: Bib’s can be collected from either: o Wed 21st February 4.30 pm to 7.00 pm, at Bike Culture, Dean St , ALBURY, o Fri 23rd February 4.30 pm to 7.00 pm 4.30 pm at Wodonga Racecourse , or o Ride Day, 30 minutes before the START of YOUR ride

Ride Description: Starting from Wodonga Racecourse make your way towards Road where you will make a Left Turn and head towards Baranduda. Continue along Baranduda Boulevard where you will be directed to the Valley Highway. Turn right onto the Kiewa Valley Hwy and follow this to the Kergunyah General Store – Kergunyah Rd (Rider Reviver stop 1).

Staying behind the lead vehicle at all times you will continue to Rd and eventually pass through the town of (once Famous for its beautiful Iced Coffee). Make a right turn at the Tangambalanga swimming pool (Rider Reviver stop 2). Exit right onto the Kiewa-Bonegilla Rd, then take the left fork being Mahers Rd. Spectacular scenery experience when looking left as you roll up and down the undulating hills, until you meet up with the Murray Valley Hwy, where you will turn left.

Not far to go now. Continue along the Murray Valley Hwy through Killara and past the Army barracks. This will become Thomas Mitchell Drive where you will make a left turn into Brockley Street and Left under the Finish arch. Finally back to the “CHILL ZONE” to revive and refresh with family and friends and tell them about the fantastic ride you have just completed, and for the greatest of causes. The ALBURY WODONGA REGIONAL CANCER CENTRE and the Border Trust.