A review of early blight of

J E van der Waals1,2, L Korsten2 & T A S Aveling2 1Gold Fields Computer Centre, 2Department of Microbiology and , University of Pretoria, Pretoria, 0002 South Africa. E-mail: [email protected]

Van der Waals J E, Korsten L & Aveling T A S 2001. A review of early blight of potatoes. African Plant Protection 7(2): 00–00. Early blight of potatoes, causal agent solani, causes major yield losses in most potato growing areas of the world. Leaf symptoms are characteristic dark brown to black lesions with concentric rings. In this review morphological, physiological and molecular characters of the pathogen as well as the disease cycle, epidemiology and control of the disease are discussed. The early blight situation on potatoes in South Africa is also summarised. Key words: Alternaria solani, disease forecasters, early blight, epidemiology, potato.

Early blight caused by Alternaria solani Sorauer is widely distributed in the USA, but less abundant in a major foliar diseases of potato (Solanum the southern and far western states. He described tuberosum L.). Disease symptoms are character- the development of the disease and morphology istic dark brown to black lesions with concentric of the , and also suggested the use of rings, which produce a ‘target spot’ effect. Symp- Bordeaux sprays as control measure. toms are initially observed on older, senescing Around this time, there was a controversy leaves. regarding the pathogen status of M. solani. Jones The causal organism of early blight was first (1895) found M. solani to be pathogenic, entering described by Ellis & Martin (1882) as Macro- the host directly or through insect wounds or sporium solani. The first reference to the fungus as stomata. However, an Alternaria species was also a parasite and its association with potato leaf blight isolated from the lesions. Its spores resembled was by Galloway (1891) in Australia. In the USA, those of M. solani but were unable to produce Chester (1892) noted the disease on potatoes and characteristic early blight lesions in artificial inocu- other cultivated plants of the , particu- lation studies. This species was thought to be larly (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) and responsible for ‘tip-burn’ of potato leaves. The (Solanum melongena L.). He described difference between Macrosporium and Alternaria the symptoms and observed that the progress of at that stage was arbitrary. (Macrosporium was early blight was slower than that of late blight, thought to bear spores singly and Alternaria in caused by (Mont.) de chains.) Jones & Grout (1897) isolated two fungal Bary. He also noticed that potato plants severely species from potato leaves. One species was affected by early blight had lower yields and found to be the parasite causing early blight and produced smaller tubers. they proposed that it be named A. solani. The Jones (1893) was the first to suggest the name other, a saprophyte found on dead or decaying ‘early’ blight to distinguish the disease from ‘late’ leaves of many plant species, was identified as blight. The name stems from the fact that early Alternaria fasciculata (Cook & Ellis) L.R. Jones & blight attacks early maturing cultivars more severely Grout (= Alternaria alternata (Fr: Fr.) Keissl.).(Ed.) than medium or late maturing ones, whereas late blight is more severe on medium or late-maturing THE PATHOGEN cultivars. A severe early blight epidemic caused shortening of the growing season due to prema- , morphology and cultural characteristics ture death of vines, which led to smaller, immature A. solani is classified in the domain Eukaryota, tubers being produced. He observed that early kingdom Fungi, phylum Deuteromycota, class blight was more prevalent on leaves attacked by Hyphomycetes, order Hyphales, series Poro- insects and ascribed this to insect damage provid- sporae. ing an entrance point for the fungus. He recom- Colony morphology of A. solani varies widely, mended the use of two to three Bordeaux sprays but is generally effuse, greyish brown to black, with and later planting to control the disease. a cotton-, felt- or velvet-like texture (Ellis & Gibson Galloway (1893) reported that early blight was 1975). Growth is rapid on many growth media, but 2 African Plant Protection vol. 7, no. 2, August 2001 special conditions are required for sporulation. by inhibition of vegetative growth of the fungus. Orange to dark red pigments are produced which Growing the fungus on PDA, cutting the culture 2 colour the medium. into 1 mm blocks and placing them on a CaCO3 Cells of A. solani are multinucleate, but different medium in the dark at room temperature has also organs vary in the number of nuclei. Nuclear been found to induce spore formation (Shahin & division in hyphal cells is followed by multiple Shepard 1979). A technique developed by septation, which results in the division of elongated Barksdale (1969) involved the growing of A. solani tip cells into several multinucleate cells (King & on reconstituted lima bean agar at 23 °C. During Alexander 1969). Conidiophores are dark or the day, cultures were placed under indirect olivaceous brown, thick-walled, straight to flexu- sunlight or for 8 hours under cool-white fluorescent ous, septate, arise singly or in small groups, up to light. The mycelium of one-week-old cultures 110 µm in length and 6–10 µm in diameter (Neer- was scraped, the lids removed and the dishes gaard 1945; Ellis & Gibson 1975). Conidiogenesis placed upside down on a rack, 10 mm above the is tretic (Neergaard 1945; Ellis & Gibson 1975). surface, under the same light and temperature Conidia are usually pale to olivaceous-brown, conditions. produced singly or seldom in short chains, straight Although conidiophores are easily damaged by or slightly flexuous, obclavate to elongate, double UV light (Rich & Tomlinson 1968), their formation walled with 0–8 longitudinal or oblique and 6–19 is initiated by light. Lukens (1965) observed that transverse septa, 75–350 µm in length and blue light inhibits sporulation, but red light can 20–30 µm in diameter in the broadest part (Ellis & reverse this inhibition. Sporulation in vitro requires Martin 1882; Rao 1964, 1969). a short exposure to near-UV light. This induces Beaks are about one-half to one-third the length conidiophores to produce conidia, which then of the conidium, filiform, straight of flexuous, need dark conditions to complete formation septate, hyaline to pale brown and 5–9 µm in (Lukens & Horsfall 1969). diameter (Ellis & Martin 1882; Rao 1964, 1969). Conidia do not form at temperatures above 20– Because of the variability in spore dimensions, 23 °C (Aragaki 1961; Lukens 1963; Waggoner & they overlap with dimensions of other large- Horsfall 1969, in Pscheidt 1985). An interrupted spored Alternaria species. In routine work, identifi- wetting period may often be more conducive to cation is assisted by leaf symptoms, host range producing spores than a continuous wet period. and cultural characteristics. Biochemical or molec- In vivo, sporulation of the pathogen is affected by ular techniques best verify the identity of the the state of the host and tends to accelerate with fungus. an increase in necrotic tissue formation and a decrease in photosynthesis (Cohen & Rotem Sporulation in pure culture 1970; Bashi & Rotem 1975a). Sporulation is inhib- A. solani does not sporulate readily in culture if ited by sugars, which promote vegetative growth left undisturbed. Factors such as mycelial wound- and even the production of conidiophores ing, temperature and light affect the formation of (Waggoner & Horsfall 1969, in Rotem 1994; Bashi spores. Various techniques to induce sporulation & Rotem 1975a). Sporulation in the field requires of the fungus have been described (Rands 1917b; at least two days. Conidiophores are produced McCallan & Chan, 1944 in Barksdale, 1969; during wet nights. Light and dryness the next day Aragaki 1961; Lukens 1963, 1965; Lukens & induce the production of conidia, which are then Horsfall 1969; Rotem & Bashi 1969; Bashi & formed during the second wet night (Bashi & Rotem 1976). Rands (1917b) produced spores by Rotem 1976). growing A. solani on potato-dextrose agar (PDA) for 10 to 12 days, shredding the cultures and then Variation in culture allowing them to dry in the sun. According to Variation in culture is common in A. solani Barksdale (1969), McCallan & Chan (1944) used a (Barksdale 1969). When isolating single spores, it similar technique. A. solani was grown on PDA, is possible to obtain a variant isolate. For this the cultures scraped and then placed in moisture reason, Barksdale (1969) suggested that for chambers in the sun or under UV light, with disease screening or epidemiological studies, the Petri dish lids slightly ajar. Rotem & Bashi mass transfer of ‘normal’ sections of a culture (1969) indicated that spore production is induced would provide a more representative wild type. Van der Waals et al.: Review of early blight of potato 3

The other, more time-consuming option is to use a ing members of the genus Alternaria, is the large number of single spore isolates, each with sequencing of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) and the different characteristics, as inoculum. analysis thereof (Pryor & Gilbertson 2000). Analy- sis of the relatively conserved nuclear 18S Molecular characterisation sequence has shown a close phylogenetic rela- Various authors have provided evidence for the tionship between Pleospora (anamorph Stem- existence of physiological races of A. solani, phylium) and Alternaria (Morales et al. 1995; based on morphological, physiological and patho- Berbee 1996). The more variable internal tran- logical differences (Bonde 1929; Henning & Alex- scribed spacer (ITS) region is used in the exami- ander 1959). More recently, variation has been nation of relationships between fungal taxa at or examined using biochemical and molecular tech- below the species level and has also been used in niques. Such genetic analyses of plant-pathogen investigations involving host-specific toxin- populations are important in understanding epide- producing Alternaria species (Kusaba & Tsuge miology, host–pathogen co-evolution and resis- 1995; Pryor & Gilbertson 2000). tance management (McDonald et al. 1989; Leung The mitochondrial small subunit (SSU) rDNA et al. 1993; Milgroom & Fry 1997; Aradhya et al. sequence has also been used to investigate rela- 2001). tionships among closely related fungus species Petrunak & Christ (1992) screened isolates of (Kretzer et al. 1996). In a study using ITS and A. solani and A. alternata for isozyme activity to mitochondrial SSU sequences of Alternaria and determine if a correlation existed between Ulocladium species, Pryor & Gilbertson (2000) species, host or geographic origin of isolates showed a distinct number of species-clades. The and isozyme phenotype. A relatively high level of porri clade includes A. porri (Ellis) Cif., A. solani, variation was found, when compared to results of A. dauci (J.G. Kühn) J.W. Groves & Skolko, other studies. One explanation for the variation A. crassa (Sacc.) Rands and A. macrospora may be natural mutation and variation in culture. Zimm. Most of the clades identified were similar to Their results, however, showed no clear difference the species-groups previously established using between isolates when compared according to morphological characters (Simmons 1995). In host or locality. general, better taxonomic resolution of Alternaria Weir et al. (1998) subsequently used random was achieved with analysis of nITS than SSU amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR (RAPD-PCR) sequences (Pryor & Gilbertson 2000). Analysis of analysis to investigate genetic variation among ITS sequences revealed differences between isolates of A. solani and A. alternata. Again, exten- some species that were not detected in analyses sive variation and differences between the two of SSU sequences (Pryor & Gilbertson 2000). species were evident, confirming the results of Petrunak & Christ (1992). Host-related differentia- Toxin production tion amongst isolates of A. solani from potato and Various researchers have studied toxin produc- tomato was, however, also found (Weir et al. tion in A. solani (Brian et al. 1952; Stoessl 1982; 1998). Although this study did not include patho- Ichihara et al. 1983; Nishimura & Kohmoto 1983; genicity tests to determine if isolates were host- Cotty & Misaghi 1984; Langsdorf et al. 1990). It specific, the high level of genetic differentiation has been shown that A. solani produces a suggested host-specific forms of A. solani on non-host-specific toxin, alternaric acid (Brian et al. potato and tomato (Weir et al. 1998; Peever et al. 1952). Alternaric acid is produced readily in vitro, 1999). but it is not known to what extent it is produced in A study conducted by Peever et al. (1999) on the the plant (Stoessl 1969, 1982). Not all strains of population genetic structure of Alternaria species the fungus produce the toxin, and there is no from citrus also included A. solani isolates. The apparent correlation between virulence of strains Alternaria isolates were scored for variation at 16 and toxin production. When alternaric acid is putative RAPD loci. A. solani isolates were clearly systemically introduced into a potato plant, it distinct from the Alternaria isolates from citrus produces symptoms similar to those of A. solani (genetic distance of 70 %). (Stoessl 1982). Another molecular tool that is used to establish A. solani also produces other nonspecific toxins, phylogenetic relationships between fungi, includ- such as zinniol, altersolanol and macrosporin 4 African Plant Protection vol. 7, no. 2, August 2001

(Stoessl 1982; Cotty & Misaghi 1984). Ichihara Shuman 1995). Likewise, the most susceptible et al. (1983) reported the production of phytotoxins plants are those that are physiologically old, weak, – solanapyrones A, B and C – but other research- malnourished and wounded by wind, sand, hail or ers could not confirme this (Rotem 1994). insects (Rands 1917a; Heuberger & Dimond A. solani produces two host-specific toxins in 1941). Characteristic symptoms are dark brown or culture, which are able to produce early blight black lesions with concentric rings on leaves, symptoms when applied in combination, but not which produce a ‘target spot’ effect (Rands individually (Matern et al. 1978). There is also a 1917a). This zonation is induced by day-night difference in toxin sensitivity between tomato and fluctuations in temperature, moisture and radiation potato plants and non-host plants. and is often absent in greenhouse-inoculated plants. Lesions are similar on all hosts (Pscheidt The disease 1985). Enlarging lesions are often surrounded by a Geographic distribution narrow chlorotic halo due to toxins produced by Early blight is widespread in most areas where the pathogen, which move ahead into uninfected potatoes or tomatoes are grown, but is particularly epidermal cells (Rands 1917a; Pscheidt 1985). prevalent in tropical and temperate zones. The Lesions are usually oval in shape, but under disease is a potential threat where potatoes are unfavourable conditions may remain small and cultivated under irrigation or during times of heavy angular, conforming to the interveinal spaces dew (Rotem 1994). (Rands 1917a). Lesions enlarge, coalesce and Early blight tuber rot may occur if tubers eventually cause death of the leaf (Pscheidt 1985). wounded during harvest are infected by A. solani Spores may be seen on older lesions when viewed spores present on or near the soil surface under a microscope. Lesions can also develop on (Lahman et al. 1982) Tuber rot is, however, not stems and petioles. common and has a limited distribution (Pscheidt Infected tubers develop a dry rot, characterised 1985). by isolated, dark, irregular, sunken lesions on the surface (Pscheidt 1985). Diseased tissue under Economic importance lesions is dark brown, firm and 10–12 mm deep. The primary damage of early blight is due to premature defoliation of the plant. Photosynthesis Host susceptibility rates increase and respiration rates decrease in Numerous studies have shown that young, apparently healthy tissues (Rotem 1994). Physio- immature potato tissues and plants have a tran- logical changes are difficult to measure and evalu- sient resistance to early blight (susceptibility is ation of crop loss is based on the level of disease age-conditioned). In tomato, A. solani causes a (Rotem 1994). Early literature (Neergaard 1945) collar rot in seedlings and early blight in mature cites yield losses of 5–50 %. There is often a plants, whereas in potatoes, it causes early blight discrepancy between damage to foliage and yield of mature plants, which intensifies at flowering loss, which is due to the increase in disease (Moore & Thomas 1943). Susceptibility of pota- spread at the end of the season, when most of the toes is thus strongly correlated with cultivar matu- yield has been produced (Rotem 1994). Control of rity and early blight resistance decreases as early blight has been shown to increase yield cultivar maturity levels increase (Rands 1917a; (Harrison & Venette 1970; Potter & Hooker 1972). Douglas & Pavek 1972; Pelletier & Fry 1989; When tomato fruit or potato tubers become Johanson & Thurston 1990; Shtienberg & Fry infected, the quantity and quality of marketable 1990). This type of resistance is known as tempo- produce is decreased and the number of second- rary resistance and should be distinguished from ary pathogens increases (Pscheidt 1985). permanent resistance which is unaffected by plant age, rate of cultivar maturity and yield (Rowell Symptoms 1953). Ellis & Martin (1882) were the first to describe the Some studies suggest that early blight suscepti- symptoms on dying potato leaves. Symptoms are bility may not be totally due to cultivar maturity and initially observed on older, senescing leaves is heritable, subject to directional selection (Jones 1893; Rands 1917a; Pscheidt, 1985; (Leclerg 1946; Douglas & Pavek 1972; Abel- Van der Waals et al.: Review of early blight of potato 5

Rahman 1977; Brandolini 1992; Gopal 1998). apparent infection rate and final amount of early Breeding and genetic identification of resistance in blight decreased with increasing rates of nitrogen potato are difficult. Sources of resistance to A. fertilisation, but unfortunately this also caused a solani among lines of S. tuberosum subsp. drop in specific gravity of tubers and reduced chip tuberosum are very low or absent (Rotem 1994). quality. However, levels of resistance have been found in wild diploid potatoes ( Thompson & Mendoza Host range 1984; Herriot et al. 1986; Mendoza 1989). The most important hosts of A. solani are Breeding these plants with tetraploid species has tomato, potato and eggplant (Pscheidt 1985). resulted in a few early-maturing but resistant Other hosts include horse nettle (Solanum varieties (Thompson & Mendoza 1984; Mendoza carolinensis L.), chili ( frutescens L.) 1989). (Gupta et al. 1980), black nightshade (Solanum Reports exist for varietal susceptibility levels in nigrum L.) and non-solanaceous hosts such as South Africa (Visser 1999), America (Herriot et al. wild cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.), cucumber 1986, 1990; Johanson & Thurston 1990; Christ (Cucumis sativus L.) and zinnia (Zinnia elegans 1991), India (Gopal 1998), Israel (Caligari & Jacq.) (Rands 1917a; Neergaard 1945). Nachmias 1988) and Peru (Brandolini 1992). Rotem (1994) noted that the effect of age on sus- Disease cycle ceptibility is modified by prevailing temperature, which suggests that susceptibility is governed by Overwintering and survival physiological, rather than chronological, age. A. solani is a polycyclic pathogen as many cycles Other growth or stress factors that also affect of infection are possible during a season (Shuman susceptibility include vigour of plant growth, soil 1995). Primary infections on new plantings of moisture and nutrition (Rowell 1953; MacKenzie potatoes or tomatoes are caused by overwintering 1981; Kumar et al. 1983). However, the physiologi- inoculum (Pscheidt 1985). The pathogen over- cal causes are not well described (Rotem 1994). winters as mycelium or conidia in plant debris, soil, Increased sensitivity of older leaves to toxins infected tubers or on other host plants of the same and enzymes due to changes in the membrane family (Pelletier 1988; Shuman 1995). Chlamydo- composition does not explain the susceptibility of spores have also been reported as a source of tomato seedlings to the disease. overwintering inoculum for early blight, allowing Reduction in ratio of tuber yield to foliage is asso- the pathogen to survive cold temperatures in or ciated with a reduction in lesion size and early on the soil (Basu 1971; Patterson 1991). The blight incidence (Rotem & Feldman 1965). The inoculum remains infective in debris in unculti- susceptibility of tomatoes to early blight is also vated soil for 5–8 months. The dark pigmentation governed by the ratio of fruit to foliage, rather than of the hyphae increases their resistance to lysis the absolute level of yield (Rotem 1994). It has (Lockwood 1960). Spores survive most frequently been suggested that susceptibility increases in in infected debris and seed. Primarily meteorologi- plants deficient in sugars, but that this is due to cal, edaphic and biotic factors determine survival increased sporulation, rather than increased infec- in debris and seed. The fungus survives best in tion (Horsfall & Dimond 1957). dry, fallow fields (Rotem 1994).

Host nutrition Dispersal High nitrogen levels, together with low phosphorus The primary inoculum produces conidia in the and medium to high potassium levels, decreases spring, which are then splash- or wind-dispersed host susceptibility (Barclay et al. 1973; Soltanpour to the lower leaves of the plant where they germi- & Harrison 1974; MacKenzie 1981; Kumar et al. nate and infect (Rotem 1994). Wind, rain and 1983). This could be explained as follows: High N insects are the principal methods of dissemination levels may prolong vegetative growth and delay of A. solani. For example, the Colorado potato ripening, low levels of P lead to reduced fruiting beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) spreads and low K levels cause reduced tuber formation. the fungus when it feeds on leaves of infected Calcium deficiencies may also reduce tuber plants (Rands 1917a). formation. MacKenzie (1981) showed that the Rotem (1964), using spore traps, found that 6 African Plant Protection vol. 7, no. 2, August 2001 peak spore dispersal preceded the hottest and around 20 °C (Pscheidt 1985). The heaviest driest hour of the day by two hours, and the time of sporulation occurs after heavy rain or dew. Large maximum wind velocity by four hours. A rapid rate numbers of spores are produced during alternat- of dispersal does not set in until infection has ing wet and dry periods (Rands 1917a; Bashi & reached the stage at which whole leaves dry up Rotem 1975b). Spore production is initiated by and plants begin to die. The curve of wind velocity daylight, but spores accumulate over a 7–14-day resembles that of spore dispersal. However, there period and are then dispersed during the day appears to be no significant correlation between (Bashi & Rotem 1975b). spore dispersal and other climatological factors (Rotem 1964). Rotem (1964) also postulated that Epidemics there is a reservoir of spores that needs to be dis- Moisture plays a major role in the development persed during the day, which is why the concentra- of early blight. Studies have shown that free water tion of spores increases proportionally to disease is critical for disease development (Rands 1917a; incidence. Rotem & Reichert 1964) and that duration of leaf wetness can account for up to almost 90 % of Infection variability in disease development and severity Spore germination is facilitated by free moisture, (Guthrie 1958; Holley et al. 1985). Increased leaf but can be induced by relative humidities close to maturity, heavy fruit load, crowded plants, above- saturation. Reports on the germination of spores average rainfall or dew and shading also enhance give varying values for minimum, optimum and early blight development (Horsfall & Heuberger maximum temperatures. Bashi & Rotem (1974) 1942). noted that spores could germinate at 20 °C after A. solani reacts differently to weather conditions, only a two-hour wetting period. Elongation of the depending on the circumstances (Waggoner & germ-tube requires a longer wetting period. Horsfall 1969 in Rotem 1994). In certain cases, Germ-tubes form appressoria, and penetrate the weather factors may act indirectly by influencing epidermis directly or through wounds or stomata. the susceptibility of the host (Rotem 1994). Cooler According to Rotem (1994), Waggoner & Horsfall temperatures may, for instance, retard the growth (1969) showed that, with a favourable inoculum of the plant (Kreutzer & Durrell 1933 in Rotem dose and wetting period, the minimum tempera- 1994), while short photoperiods are associated ture for infection can be as low as 10 °C, the maxi- with a decrease in sugar content in leaves mum >35 °C, and the optimum between 20 °C and (Bambawale & Bedi, 1982). 30 °C. Incubation periods (time from infection to Epidemics do not generally occur until late in the symptom development) vary greatly, depending season, when the plants are most susceptible. on age and susceptibility of plants (Rowell 1953 in However, disease progress curves differ depend- Rotem 1994). ing on location and prevailing weather conditions. Epidemics increase in severity after sandstorms, due to increased wounding of the epidermis Control (Rotem & Reichert 1964). The primary infections Early blight can be controlled by efficient use of become necrotic with chlorotic halos. Mycelium cultural practices, such as a 3–5-year crop rotation from necrotic lesions produces conidia that infect with non-host crops, site selection, sanitation of healthy leaves and begin secondary infections fields, providing proper plant nutrition, avoiding (Shuman 1995). water stress and planting disease-free seed Tubers are infected through wounds, as the (Madden et al. 1978). conidia are unable to infect directly through intact Generally, the best crops for rotation are forage periderm (Folsom & Bonde 1925; Venette & Harri- crops and grains, including maize (Zea mays L.). son 1973). Wound healing, by suberisation and A high frequency of potato or tomato cropping in the development of wound periderm, reduces one field, as well as consecutive plantings of infection markedly. potatoes or tomatoes, are associated with an earlier appearance of initial early blight lesions Sporulation (Shtienberg & Fry 1990). On potato plants, sporulation occurs at tempera- Planting cultivars that are less susceptible to tures of between 5 and 30 °C, with the optimum early blight may also reduce disease severity. Van der Waals et al.: Review of early blight of potato 7

However, Shtienberg & Fry (1990) showed that model, they found higher disease levels compared host resistance has no significant effect on the to other calendar-based spray regimes. Further- initial appearance of early blight. more, dramatic increases in spore concentrations Tuber infection can be decreased by allowing were not detected annually despite high disease tubers to mature before harvesting, avoiding severities. The second model developed used excessive wounding at harvest and providing daily temperature data in a growing degree-day storage conditions conducive to wound healing (GDD) model to forecast development of the first (Venette & Harrison 1973; Workman et al. 1983). early blight lesions. The model calculates accumu- These various cultural practices can reduce the lation of day-degrees above 7.2 °C from the date severity of early blight, but under situations of of planting to predict the beginning of secondary sufficient inoculum and environmental conditions spread of inoculum (Franc et al. 1988). Sands favourable for disease, complete control will not be et al. (1979) used daily temperature data to calcu- achieved. late physiological days (p-days), which aided in The most effective control method is a protectant the prediction of potato yields. These p-days might fungicide spray programme used from early in the be used in the same way as GDD to help time the growing season to vine kill (Jones 1912; Harrison first fungicide spray of the season. et al. 1965a,b; Harrison & Venette 1970; Douglas Madden et al. (1978) developed the FAST (Fore- & Groskopp 1974). In Colorado field trials, yields in caster of Alternaria solani on Tomato) predictive plots treated with fungicide were approximately system for initiating and timing fungicide sprays on 20–40 % higher than in untreated plots (Harrison & tomato in Pennsylvania. The FAST system uses Venette 1970), while in Minnesota chemical con- leaf wetness, air temperature, relative humidity trol of early blight resulted in yield increases of up and rainfall to calculate daily severity, and rating to 90 % compared to unsprayed controls (Teng & values that quantitatively represent conditions Bissonnette 1985). Proper timing of initial and favourable for development of early blight subsequent fungicide applications can reduce the (Madden et al. 1978; Pscheidt & Stevenson 1986). overall number of sprays with no significant loss in The FAST forecaster consists of two empirical yield. The most important consideration in the use models, compiled from numerous other works. of fungicides to control early blight is coverage. Environmental parameter combinations are used With aerial application of fungicides it is important to depict the relationship between A. solani and its to ensure that the lower, senescing leaves (where microenvironment, and to determine periods when most of the early blight lesions occur) receive environmental conditions are favourable for early fungicide to prevent spread of the disease. blight disease development (Madden et al. 1978). The first model uses daily severity (S) values that Forecasting of early blight are determined by the combination of hours of leaf Early blight is a model disease for the develop- wetness and mean air temperature during the ment of forecasters and simulators. Although it is wetness period. The second model derives daily difficult to predict the first arrival of A. solani in severity-ratings (R) from measurements of mean potato fields, this is not important as the disease air temperature for the past five days, hours of rel- develops slowly while the plants are young. ative humidity (RH) greater than 90 % for the past Almost a century ago, Rands (1917a) suggested five days and total rainfall for the past seven days delaying fungicidal sprays until the plants were (Madden et al. 1978; Pscheidt & Stevenson 1986). 15–20 cm high. Later, suggestions were made to The programme analyses the daily environmental initiate spraying only when plants become suscep- data and keeps a record of (i) total of S values (TS) tible (at flowering) or, when the first symptoms are since the beginning of the growing season, (ii) total observed. Conventional spraying regimes are S values for the past seven days (cumulative based on these observations. severity value, CS) and (iii) five-day cumulative Two models were subsequently developed to rating value (CR), the total of the R values for the initiate fungicide sprays. The first model initiated past five days. When TS reaches a critical level of sprays when secondary sporulation by A. solani is 35 and plants have been kept in the field for at detected by a rise in spores trapped by weather- least five weeks, the first early blight spray is vane spore traps (Harrison et al. 1965a,b). When recommended (Madden et al. 1978; Pscheidt & Pscheidt & Stevenson (1986) evaluated this Stevenson 1986). Madden et al. (1978) showed 8 African Plant Protection vol. 7, no. 2, August 2001 that spray recommendations based on environ- tance. The four main cultivars, BP1, Buffelspoort, mental data and scheduled by the forecasting Up-to-date and Vanderplank, are all susceptible programme may control early blight as effectively (Visser 1999; Nortje et al. 2000). Indeed, Vander- and with fewer spray applications than the plank appears to be the most susceptible of all the commercial schedules. commercial cultivars. Relatively high levels of re- Shtienberg et al. (1989) developed a simulation sistance exist in the cultivars Mnandi and Ropedi. model based on patterns of host development, resistance of the cultivars planted and efficacy of Control the fungicide used. Their observations showed Despite the paucity of experimental work on the that the economic benefits of fungicide sprays are control of early blight in South Africa, guidelines low in the beginning and end of the season and have been proposed for the control of the disease high in the middle (Shtienberg & Fry 1990). (Trench et al. 1992; McLeod 1997). These include the following: Early blight of potatoes in South Africa (i) Kill off the foliage at least 2–3 weeks before harvesting to prevent tuber infection. History (ii) Overhead irrigation promotes development of The first recorded observation of early blight in early blight by increasing the leaf wetness South Africa was in KwaZulu-Natal by Fuller period. If only overhead irrigation is available, it (1900) (in Nevill 1985). Further descriptions of the should not be applied at night as this practice disease in South Africa included those of Fisher will increase spread of, and infection by, the (1911), Doidge (1915), Jack (1913, 1916), Hector pathogen. (1918), Wager (1931, 1945) and Gorter (1954). (iii) Promote plant health and growth through Between 1980 and 1984, a study was conducted balanced fertilisation. to determine the epidemiology and control of (iv) Use tolerant cultivars if possible. potato early blight in the mist belt of the high-rain- (v)Restrict volunteer plants and cull piles to re- fall sourveld areas in KwaZulu-Natal (Nevill 1985). duce the number of fungal spores in the area. Since then, however, very few similar studies have (vi) Rotate with non-host crops. been done in South Africa. (vii) Use certified seed. (viii) Avoid harvesting too early or under wet condi- Distribution and importance tions and do not bruise the tubers during Doidge (1950) described A. solani as common harvesting and sorting. and widespread on tomato in South Africa, but Although certified seed and tuber sanitation are only listed the localities from which the fungus was recommended as control measures, tuber infec- recorded on potato in the country. However, in a tion by A. solani is not common in South Africa subsequent publication, Doidge et al. (1953) (McLeod 1997). Indeed, early blight is one of the indicated that potato early blight was extremely very few diseases not specified in the South Afri- prevalent in all provinces and a limiting factor in can Seed Potato Certification Scheme (Republic production in late summer. The prevalence of the of South Africa 1998). disease was confirmed by Trench et al. (1992), Like elsewhere, potato growers in South Africa Denner & Theron (1999) and Crous et al. (2000). rely mostly on the use of fungicides to control early Early blight is currently one of three diseases blight. Almost as many fungicide formulations are taken into account when selecting new potato registered for the control of early blight as for all varieties in South Africa, the other two being late other potato diseases together (Nel et al. 1999). blight caused by P. infestans and common scab The fungicides include chlorothalonil, difenocona- caused by Streptomyces scabies (Nortje et al. zole, flusilazole + mancozeb, folpet, iprodione/ 2000). Heavy infection early in the growing season mancozeb, mancozeb, mancozeb + procymidone, can cause yield losses of 20–50 % (Trench et al. maneb/zinc oxide, metiram, propineb, tebucona- 1992; Denner & Theron 1999). zole, and various copper and fentin formulations. Regardless of the manufacturers’ specifications, it Varietal resistance is recommended that contact fungicides (e.g. Some potato cultivars planted locally are less chlorothalonil, mancozeb, maneb, copper and susceptible than others, but none has total resis- fentin formulations) be applied regularly in the Van der Waals et al.: Review of early blight of potato 9 early stages of the disease to prevent infection. Another area of research that requires more From early flowering onwards, 3–4 sprays of a extensive studies is the predisposition of the host systemic fungicide (e.g. difenoconazole, flusila- to infection. Knowledge is also lacking about the zole, tebuconazole) should be applied. If symp- physiology of resistance, for example the effects of toms appear before flowering, a systemic senescence, stress and susceptibility as well as fungicide must be applied immediately (McLeod the role of toxins in pathogenesis (Nishimura & 1997). Kohmoto 1983; Rotem 1994). This information can be utilised in developing more effective control Conclusion and breeding strategies. Although the A. solani pathosystem on potato Although overwintering and transmission of and tomato has been researched extensively, primary inoculum to host plants have been stud- various aspects remain that need to be investi- ied, little information concerning the biochemical gated. Major gaps in our knowledge of the epide- modes of survival is available. This information miology and economic impact of the disease still can provide a sounder basis for control, focused exist in South Africa. on eradication of primary inoculum (Basu 1971; The identification of Alternaria species based Pscheidt 1985; Pelletier 1988; Patterson 1991; only on morphological characters is inadequate Rotem 1994; Shuman 1995). and more emphasis should be placed on the de- Although the control of early blight using disease- velopment of biochemical, serological and molec- forecasting models has been extensively studied ular methods. The use of additional molecular and is currently used in many countries, this is not markers and larger population sizes should be the case in South Africa. The focus at present in paramount in any future study to confirm the exis- South Africa is to develop a forecaster that sched- tence of physiological races of A. solani (Weir et al. ules fungicidal sprays for both early and late blight, 1998). The biochemical aspects of sporulation still based on weather conditions and cultivars used in require attention, in order to explain the physiologi- South Africa. cal processes during infection (Rotem 1994).

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Accepted 22 April 2002 Associate Editor was F C Wehner