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Newsletter Ecdl-Gis@Lartu Ecdl-Gis NEWSLETTER ECDL-GIS@LARTU ECDL-GIS NEWSLETTER Anno I - Numero 2 – Novembre 2011 - Politecnico e Università di Torino - Dipartimento Interateneo Territorio [ DITER ] - Laboratorio di Analisi e Rappresentazioni Territoriali ed Urbane [ LARTU ] - Castello del Valentino Manica Chevalley - Primo e secondo piano interrato - Viale Mattioli, 39 - 10125 Torino - Tel. +390115647478 - Fax. +390115647451 – - – – Test Center ECDL-GIS NEWSLETTER ECDL-GIS@LARTU Useful resources [!Update Your Bookmarks!] - Unsorted, unclassified GIS tools, blogs and other resources… ..................................................................................................................................5 GeoNetwork .............................................................................................................................................5 Nasa World Wind ....................................................................................................................................5 NatureServe Vista: Decision Support for Better Planning ................................................................5 Digital Media Center ...............................................................................................................................6 Biodiversity Informatics ..........................................................................................................................7 Open Topography ...................................................................................................................................7 GIS research Laboratory at USC Cllege .............................................................................................8 BostonGIS ................................................................................................................................................9 QGIS Tutorials .........................................................................................................................................9 QGIS WIKi................................................................................................................................................9 Quantum GIS Blog................................................................................................................................10 QGIS Orfeo Toolbox for QGIS ............................................................................................................10 Raster Catalog plugin/application for QGis.......................................................................................10 Development list for Quantum GIS project .......................................................................................10 TranspoTools .........................................................................................................................................10 QGIS mapserver ...................................................................................................................................11 ftools........................................................................................................................................................11 Baruch College GIS data and maps...................................................................................................11 Baruch College: GIS Practicum Manual - Introduction to GIS Using Open Source Software ..11 GeoTux ...................................................................................................................................................12 Faunalia “Ambiente.SIG.Web” ............................................................................................................12 KML Geocode........................................................................................................................................12 Geotech ..................................................................................................................................................12 IAPAD – Participatory mapping Toolbox ...........................................................................................12 The Open Source Geospatial Foundation... .....................................................................................13 COAPS – Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies .......................................................13 Geographic Resources Analysis Support System ...........................................................................13 Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS).....................................................................................14 Geographic Information System Tools for Conservation Planning ...............................................14 V1 Magazine ..........................................................................................................................................15 Longitude................................................................................................................................................15 Google Fusion Tables ..........................................................................................................................15 Map Tool.................................................................................................................................................16 Sanaha Software Foundation..............................................................................................................16 Polymaps................................................................................................................................................17 NEA - Nibblet Environmental Associates Inc....................................................................................17 Making Maps: DIY Cartography..........................................................................................................18 Aaron Racicot’s Reprojected GIS Blog..............................................................................................18 GIS Cloud ...............................................................................................................................................18 ILWIS.......................................................................................................................................................19 SAGA ......................................................................................................................................................19 geGIS ......................................................................................................................................................20 CAPS Mapping System........................................................................................................................20 Priority Habitats and Species (PHS) ..................................................................................................20 Marine GIS Tools ..................................................................................................................................21 Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary..........................................................................................21 Q&A for cartographers, geographers and GIS professionals ........................................................21 GIS Tips & Tricks (for ESRI’s ArcGIS suite) .....................................................................................21 Anno I - Numero 2 – Novembre 2011 - Politecnico e Università di Torino - Dipartimento Interateneo Territorio [ DITER ] - Laboratorio di Analisi e Rappresentazioni Territoriali ed Urbane [ LARTU ] - Castello del Valentino Manica Chevalley - Primo e secondo piano interrato - Viale Mattioli, 39 - 10125 Torino - Tel. +390115647478 - Fax. +390115647451 – - – – Test Center ECDL-GIS NEWSLETTER ECDL-GIS@LARTU Sadeck – Geotecnologias....................................................................................................................22 Extração de curvas de nível para projetos ambientais ...................................................................22 Buffalo .....................................................................................................................................................22 Offline Editing Pluging for QGIS .........................................................................................................22 Portail SIG ..............................................................................................................................................23 Quantum GIS (QGIS) Raster Based Terrain Analysis Techniques ..............................................23 3D Visualisation and Analysis of archaeological vector and raster data using open source geospatial software ...............................................................................................................................24 Mapping Toolbox........................................................................................................24 QGIS goes 3D with the OsgEarth Globe Plugin...............................................................................24 University of Oregon .............................................................................................................................24 Stanford University................................................................................................................................25
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