Kenya Gazette Notice 9977 Vol. CXIX Dated October 12, 2017
SPECIAL ISSUE .*ls#ffir [, THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authortty of the Republic of Keuya @egistered as a Newspaper at thc G.P.O.) Vol. CXX-No. 150 NAIROBI, l2th October, 2017 Price Sh. 60 GAZETIENoilcENo.9977 THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA TIE INDEPENDENT ELECTORAL AND BOI,JM)ARIES COMMSSION ACT (No,9 of2lll) TIIE ELECTIONS ACT (No.24 of20ll) THE ELECTION (GENERAL) RECII,JLATIONS, 20 12 (l'N.2012 all.d LN.2Ol7) APPpN"n/rEr.rr oF CoNsffnrE]rcy AND Dpury CoI{STTTUENCY RETURNtr{G OmcBs IN EXERCISE 9f thc powcrs conferrcd by Articles 8E (4) of the Constitution of lGnya, section I I of thc Independcnt Elcctoml and Boundarics Commission Act, 20ll scctions 38 and 39 GA) of the Elections Act, 2011 and Rqulation 3 of the Elcctions (Crcncnl) Rcgulations, mD, thc Indcpcndcnt Electoral and Boundrries Commission ap,poins tho persons namcd in thc Sixth Column of thc First and Sccond Schodulc as ttrc C-onstihrcncy Retuming OfEccrs and Dcputy Constitrensy R.cturning Officcrs, rospcctivcly, for thc colduct of thc fresh heridcntial Elcction. Thc appointments are for thc purposcs ofthc 26th Octobcr,2017 fresh Prcsidcn'irl Elecdon cxcrcisc. FIRST SCHEDI.,LE CONSTITTJENCY RETI,JRNING OFFICER Count) Const. County Consrtfuency Position Namc otoffuer ID Number Code Cod. I Mombasa I Gaflcamwe Constinrcncv Rcurminc Officcr Luciane Jumwa Sanzue tt6/.1473 I Mombasa 2 Iomvu Constitucncy Rcominc Officcr NurFarai Maftahi 247g/ir22 I Mombase 3 Kisauni Constituency Rrtomilc Offrccr Shida Tsuwi Alohoacc 1086255 Mombase 4 vdi Constituencv Rcfi[nins Gmccr MwmaiumaGa[dani
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