Kenya Gazette Notice 9977 Vol. CXIX Dated October 12, 2017

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Kenya Gazette Notice 9977 Vol. CXIX Dated October 12, 2017 SPECIAL ISSUE .*ls#ffir [, THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authortty of the Republic of Keuya @egistered as a Newspaper at thc G.P.O.) Vol. CXX-No. 150 NAIROBI, l2th October, 2017 Price Sh. 60 GAZETIENoilcENo.9977 THE CONSTITUTION OF KENYA TIE INDEPENDENT ELECTORAL AND BOI,JM)ARIES COMMSSION ACT (No,9 of2lll) TIIE ELECTIONS ACT (No.24 of20ll) THE ELECTION (GENERAL) RECII,JLATIONS, 20 12 (l'N.2012 all.d LN.2Ol7) APPpN"n/rEr.rr oF CoNsffnrE]rcy AND Dpury CoI{STTTUENCY RETURNtr{G OmcBs IN EXERCISE 9f thc powcrs conferrcd by Articles 8E (4) of the Constitution of lGnya, section I I of thc Independcnt Elcctoml and Boundarics Commission Act, 20ll scctions 38 and 39 GA) of the Elections Act, 2011 and Rqulation 3 of the Elcctions (Crcncnl) Rcgulations, mD, thc Indcpcndcnt Electoral and Boundrries Commission ap,poins tho persons namcd in thc Sixth Column of thc First and Sccond Schodulc as ttrc C-onstihrcncy Retuming OfEccrs and Dcputy Constitrensy R.cturning Officcrs, rospcctivcly, for thc colduct of thc fresh heridcntial Elcction. Thc appointments are for thc purposcs ofthc 26th Octobcr,2017 fresh Prcsidcn'irl Elecdon cxcrcisc. FIRST SCHEDI.,LE CONSTITTJENCY RETI,JRNING OFFICER Count) Const. County Consrtfuency Position Namc otoffuer ID Number Code Cod. I Mombasa I Gaflcamwe Constinrcncv Rcurminc Officcr Luciane Jumwa Sanzue tt6/.1473 I Mombasa 2 Iomvu Constitucncy Rcominc Officcr NurFarai Maftahi 247g/ir22 I Mombase 3 Kisauni Constituency Rrtomilc Offrccr Shida Tsuwi Alohoacc 1086255 Mombase 4 vdi Constituencv Rcfi[nins Gmccr MwmaiumaGa[dani 24814168 I Mombsse 5 Likoni Nem, Doualas Karim nff34nt I Mombase 6 Mvitr Cofl stiEcncv Rcnrmine Ofhccr HusscinOmar 26?)1538 a Kwalc 't lvlsmbwcni Constinrcncv Rcurmins Officcr Yusuf Abubalar Mohammcd 3637617 ) Kwale 8 Lunca Lunsa ConstiqrencY Rcnrninc Officcr Saha Madzunsu Isai.h 10955082 2 Kwalc I Mnt[oe Constitucncv Rcurrning OfEccr Kasim MwacombaKacma tu?7070 2 Kwale 10 Ki Constitucncv Rctumins Officcr Chero Kelumc Charo 25583019 3 Kilifi ll Kilifi North Constitucncv Rctrrninc Officer Gulive Husscin Abidwrhid 3-535r63 3 Kilifi t2 Kffi South Constituencv Rcturnine Officcr Aisha Scncc Abubaker 158972 3 Kilifi l3 Kaloleni Constitucncv Rctumins Officcr Mohamrrcd Brhcro Aboud 2l28t7ffi 3 Kitifi t4 Rabai rtmaa Musa Iumre 8468145 3 Kilifi 15 Ganzc Constituency Returning Officer D. Kombc Hilarv 10830196 ? Kitifi I15" Malindi Mrshe Sudi Mwatulonda l2E96m9 3 Kilifi t7 Mooqrini Raymond Malazi t5752yJE 4 Tana River l8 Garscn Kitsao Krrani Stcphen I 2236strs 4 Tana River l9 Gdolc Cmriihrancv Ra.firmino (Iffi crr Mwalcncr Frank Nvrmbu q983317 4 Tana River 20 Bura Constitrcncv Rchminc Offi c'cr Arers lVlohemcd Yerrov to:m1543 Issor 5504 THEKENYA GAZETTE 12th October,2017 Counq Const, County Constitu.ncy Position Namc of Oficcr ID Number Codc 9s* 5 l.amu 21, [-rmu East Constituency Retuming Offi ccr Omara Mbwana Jaohet 1 15g45SR 5 llmu ,/. '22" Latit West Constituencv Retumine Officer Mwarua Chikophc Abdallah t13f6,667 6 TaitaTrvcta '! ,.7 Trveta Constituencv Retuminc Ofllcer Jamanda Abdul Swaleh I 3535t tS 6 Taita Tavcta 24 Wundanyi Constituencv Retuminc Officcr Hamisi Halfani Tsumo t6tt1947 6 Taita Tavcta 25 Mwatate Constifuenw Ratrm in s Offi cer Joenh Benza Mwafondo r r085989 6 Taitr Tavcta 26 Voi Jr ancfihpms Prnrmin o flfFcan Swalha Ibrahim Yusuf 25fi1357 7 Garissr n Garissa Townshio Cn Pr OFlieat flulacha Boru Duba l r385678 7 Garissa 28 Balambala Pr f)fficar Adqn Ahdrrllqhi lfaii r4681 7 Garisse 29 Lapdera Constituencv Retumins Offi cer Ali Nur Husscin 4/]69t 7 Garissa 30 Dadeab Constiarencv Rctuminp Officer Isaack Muhumed Mohamud 11172469 7 Gaiissa 31 lFafi Cnnsfifirannv Rahrmino Officer Mohamedrashid Maalim Ahmcd 2t77gEtt 7 Garissa 32 I Iiara Constlhrancv Pehrmino f)fFcer Farah AMi Ibrahim 2%99zJ 8 Waiir 33 Waiir Norttr (.nnrfitrrcmv Pcfrrm ino OfEccr Gedi Arale Noor to3@474 8 Waiir 34 Waiir East Consdtucncv Rcttrmine Officcr Abdikadir Sheith AMi 2tt5l59 I 8 Weiir 35 Tarbai Constituencv R ctumine Offrcer Sivat Mahat Sabul 9562765 I Wa 36 WaiirWesl Constituencv Returnins Officer Yassin Abdikarim Hirey 188430E 8 Wr 37 ldas ConrtituencY Retumine Offrccr Moses Nvoncesa Simivu 8025056 8 Wniin 38 Waiir South Constitucnov Rctuminc OfEccr Anthonv Kirori Kimani 12742915 9 Mandcre 39 Mandera West Constituencv Retumhc Offrccr Mohamud MohamedOlow 251809t5 Benisse Constituencv Rctumins Officer Musdaf Abdullahi Ahmed 8495162 9 Mandcre 40 1 I Mandcra 4rl MmderaNoth (-nnslifrrrnew Prtrmino (lffimr Adrn HarnrNoor 10361512 I Mandcra 42 Mandera South (-nnsfihrannv Prtrmino f)ffi ner Hashim Ahmed Ismnil t26853 9 Mandcra - $-IMandcta Eest C-onstituencv Returnins Officer Abdibashir Alinoor Ali 24733829 I Mandcra 4l [-afcv (-nncfihrcnnw Pefr rmino f)ffi ccr Abdi Yunis Mohamed ttt72t52 (rnncf ifrrcncw 0 Manalrit 45 I Movale Pcnrmino Officar Mbusua Kuria Jasan 7129846 0 Marsabit 46 North Horr Cnnctihrencv Rcfi rmino Offi car Evanson Githinii Nsomano tt6f629t 0 Marsabit 47 Saku Constituencv Rcturnins Officcr Mwanza Nzomo fustus 138316E4 0 Mrrsabit 48 I qismis Constitucncv Rcfirrnins Offrcer Jafa Galealo Halakc 26258323 I Isiolo 49 lsiolo North Constitucncv Rcturnins Officer AMikadir Abdullahi Ahmed 59ffi72 I Isiolo 50 Isiolo South Constituencv Rcturnins OfEc€r MamoElcma 2@62417 2 Menr 5l ,mbe South Constitucncv Returnins OfEcer Eliiah Muco Nsuniiri t32ltt29 2 Mcru Ef lsembe Central Constihrencv lmine r}ffi c.r Mwanei Nioeu Francis vsn997 2 Meru 53 Iecmbe North Constituencv Rcturnins Officer Ndiraneu Maina Charles 9263463 2 Mcru 54 Tieania West Constituency Rcturninc OfEcer fosenhine Kinve 2?777RU ) Mcru 55 Tisania East Constituencv Refirmin s ()ffi ccr Muhia Niiraini Anthonv 9237258 2 Mcnr 56 Nortl Imenti Constitucncv Rcturnins Officer Abdi Sheikt Mohamed 9567737 (Nfi 2 Mcru 57 I Blrrri Constihrencv Retrming cer Wario Ihmhim Ali 21825791 2 Mcm 58 Ccntral lmenti Constituencv Returnine Officer Godana Hilama Habiba 71ffi30 2 Mcnr 59 South Imcnti Constiurcncv Rcturninc Off,rcer Nsut€ Kilonzi Linnah 10679583 3 Tharaka Nithi 60 Maara Constituencv Rcturnins Officer Kariuki Gacoki Obadiatr 10864145 l3 'Ilraraka Nilnr -rlChukaflgamba/Ngo Constituency R.cturning Officer Ndungu Wainaina rili.lfred 138008% mbc l3 Tharaka Nithi 62 Thrraka Constihrencv Pctrrminq flffi mr Gckondc Siriba Calcb t2512239 .4 Embu 63 Manvatta Cnnrtihrancv Pcfirmino r}fficrr SoitaWckcsa Amold 114/.9332 l4 Embu 641 Runvenics Constitucncv Rcturnine Offlcer Amina Shaku Jarso 1087644t t4 Embu 6sT beere South Constituencv Rcturnine Officer Consolata Muthoni 11771 t4 Embu 66 Mbcerc North Constiocncv Rctumine Offi cer PamclaKarimi Mthiru 1387131 I l5 Kifui 67 Mwinei North Constitucncv Retumins Officer Meuroen Kcrohi Ovem 115217 l5 Kitui 68 MwinciWest Constitucncv Rcturnins Officer Jane Nanyama Wasilwa s2?9t)97 t5 Kitui 6eI Mwinei Ccntsal Constihrencv Rchrrnin p Of6ccr Kibwenea Mwawasi John lo3vr381 5 Kifti 78'l Kitui West l-n Pe f|ffiaer Mutua Mbai fames 5541950 15 I(irrri 7t Kitui Rural Constituencv Returnins OfEcer Sahara Ibrehim Maalim 22689ffi 5 Kitui 72 Kitri C-cnral Cnnctihrennv Pefi rmino (lffi ner Moiro Kaooi Raria Maurice 129fi3m l5 Kitui 73 Kitui East ConstitreDcY Rctumins Offi cer Mwanqi KanVoria Stanlev 9826143 l5 Kiflri 74 Kihri South Constituencv Retumins OfEcer Wmdco Awuor Pamcla 1fixI8747 5 Llachekos 75 Masinoe Constifirencv Renrmins OfEcer Lucv l\/bithe lohn ?ffi69398 l6 Machakos .64Yatta Consfihrcncv Rcfi rmine Offier Nicholas Kalimi Kamandali l0E6l7,l0 l6 dachrkos .1 1Kancundo Constitucncv Rcturnins Offr ccr Rosalinc Yiamat Kasale t3379tTt t6 lvlachakos 78 Maurnculu Constitrencv Rcturnins Offrccr Machekcle Jacob 12545717 rchakos 79 afriad Constitucncv Retuminc Officcr Saruni Saitabau Vinccnt 2M5?SlS :6 l{achakos 80 Mavoko Constitucncv Rctrrnins Offi cer Samuel Nyamosi Chacha I 393450 16 Mrchakos 8l Machakos Town Constituency Rcturninc OfFrccr Marvin Muncah Karania 22661880 6, Mmhlkos 82 I Mmle Constitucncv Reftrmins Offi ccr Nienqe Ironerd r1(n850r l7 Mekucni 83 I Mbooni Constitucncv Rchrrninc Officcr Salim Bilali 2flD5035 (-nnntihrannw l7 Ivlalmcni 84 I Kilome Patrmino Offinar Peter Mahui Anthonv 1o42s749 L7 Llrtucni _!5 1Kriti Constihrencv Rcturnins Officcr Mwanci Kimrni Bemard 10757813 t7 Mrhroni 86 I Makucni Constituencv Roturninc OfErccr f anon Thmhim Grrwn 20923482 t Melcucni 87 Kibwezi West Cmsfihrtncv Pefirmino f)ffi car Muicf,i Kanrau Pctcr t1fi7454 17 Melileni 8rT Kibwczi East Constituoncv Rcfirnins Officer Francis Waitah David 23736539 i8 Nvandanre -TTT KinansoD Constihrncv Rcturninc Offrcer 'Apncs Obutu Marete rcBq.,24o t8 Nvahdanra m DTDTN Constitucncv Rcturtinc Officer Fesnrs Mari Nccerah 4636193 lnra I Kdou Constituencv Returnine Officcr Gitonca Mauta JeDhithcr 8 Nyandanra 92 Ol Joro Orok Constitucncv Returninc Officer Simon Kamansaru 23934549 l2thOcaber,2OlT THE KENYA GAZWTE 5505 Counl Consl County Constituency Position Name of Officer ID Number Code Code Nvandarua 93 Ndaraewa Constituencv Returninc Officer Niiru Namu Nelson 94l2tt9 9 NYeri 94 Tetu Constituencv Returninc Offi cer Waniiku Muriuki Aencs 8642041 9 Nveri 95 Kieni Constituencv Returninc Officer Damiano Rcbecca Mwontunc 2442587 9 Nycri 96 Mathira ConstiEency Retumins Officer Kahura Kanua John 8812810 9 Nvcri 9'7 Othaya Consfihrencv Retumins Offi cer Anancieta Kaveke Musau I I I 1052t 9 Nveri 98 Mukurweini Constituency Rcomine Offi cer Esther Waniiku Waniohi 9199318 9 Nyeri 99 Nyeri Town Constitucncy Returnins Officer Ieniffer Wania Musambi 102524W 20 Kirinvasa t(n Mwea nnelihrannw Pahrmino f)€finer Muthusi Maingi Julius tzE6/.tE6 20 Ki 101 Gichupu Constituencv
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