Groundwater Data Submittal Guidance Contents
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GROUNDWATER DATA SUBMITTAL GUIDANCE CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................................4 II. REQUIREMENTS & CONSIDERATIONS....................................................................................6 III. PROCEDURE NARRATIVE........................................................................................................10 A. Well Inventory Submittal B. Water Quality Data Submittal C. Water Elevation Data Submittal IV. ASCII (TEXT FIXED-WIDTH TABLE DEFINITIONS).............................................................13 A. Well Inventory Submittal B. Water Quality Data Submittal C. Water Elevation Data Submittal V. EXCEL TABLE DEFINITIONS....................................................................................................22 A. Well (Site) Inventory Submittal B. Water Quality Data Submittal VI. FEEDBACK................................................................................................................................24 ATTACHMENT A: Glossary..........................................................................................................25 ATTACHMENT B: AZWQDB Data Submittal Transmittal Form..........................................26 ATTACHMENT C: Pulling a Well Inventory Query Repoprt.................................................27 ATTACHMENT D: Shapefiles for ADEQ Wells & ADWR 55 Registration and GWSI Wells............................................................................................................................31 ATTACHMENT E: Latitude and Longitude Range for Arizona.............................................32 ATTACHMENT F: ADWR Public Land Surveying Brochure.................................................33 ATTACHMENT G: Search with ADWR 55 Registration Number.......................................35 ATTACHMENT H: Text File Header Files.................................................................................54 ATTACHMENT I: Excel Template for Water Quality Data....................................................55 ATTACHMENT J: Excel Template for Multiple Media (soil, soil gas and decision unit).........................................................................................................................57 ATTACHMENT K: Database Username and Password Request Form..............................63 ATTACHMENT L: Version Changes ..........................................................................................64 ATTACHMENT M: Questions and Answers.............................................................................68 Handbook developed by Remedial Projects, Waste Programs Division ACRONYMS 3D Three Dimensional ADEQ Arizona Department of Environmental Quality ADWR Arizona Department of Water Resources aka Also known as ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange AZMapper Internal ADEQ geographic information system (GIS) tool similar to emaps (see ADEQ web page) AZWQDB Arizona Water Quality Database bgs Below ground surface DD Two-digit format for day of the month (e.g., 08 for July 8) DD.DDDD Degrees decimal format for Latitude DDD.DDDD Degrees decimal format for Longitude DDDMMSS.SSSS Degrees, Minutes, Seconds plus decimal for Longitude DDMMSS.SSSS Degrees, Minutes, Seconds plus decimal for Latitude EDI Electronic Data Interface ESRI Environmental Systems Research Institute FTP File Transfer Protocol GIS Geographic Information System GPS Global Positioning System Grav-D Proposal by the NGS to re-define the vertical datum of the US GT Greater than KML Keyhole Markup Language LT Less than MM Two-digit format for month (e.g., 03 for March) MW Monitoring Well NAD27 North American Datum of 1927 NAD83 North American Datum of 1983 NAVD29 North American Vertical Datum of 1929 aka National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 NAVD88 North American Vertical Datum of 1988 ND Not detected NGS National Geodetic Survey ( NR Not reported ODBC Open Database Connectivity PDB Passive diffusion bag PR Present Q Represent water quality data Q & A Question and answer S Soil SG Soil gas STORET National Water Quality Database for STORage and RETrieval (EPA) STORET codes Parameter codes (chemical compounds – data element) (ADEQ List) WPD Waste Programs Division WQX Water Quality Data/Exchange (search EPA) YYYY Four-digit format for year (e.g., 2001) YYMMDD Six-digit format for year, month and day (e.g., 200708 for July 8, 2020) YYYYMMDD 8-digit format for month, day and year (e.g., 20200708 for July 8, 2020) I. INTRODUCTION The Arizona Water Quality Database (AZWQDB) holds data collected by us (ADEQ) and more than 100 other reporting agencies. Both the Water Quality Division (WQD) and the Waste Programs Division (WPD) use and store groundwater and surface water quality data. Groundwater data includes water chemistry in wells and springs, along with soil and soil gas information. For surface water, data includes the water chemistry in streams and lakes as well as fish, macroinvertebrate, algae and habitat details. WPD generates and receives a vast amount of data that must be captured in the AZWQDB. In order to manage the large volume of groundwater and other data, it is imperative that the data be submitted electronically in a format compatible with this guidance. For a brief look at querying the database, click to view/download Getting Started: How to Query the Arizona Water Quality Database. This guidance document describes the format and procedures for the electronic submittal of data. This cooperative effort between the WPD and the facilities for which the WPD has oversight responsibility will lead to more efficient and effective data management benefiting all parties involved. Data captured in the AZWQDB through use of this guidance will allow ADEQ and others to analyze and synthesize data more readily and provide a higher level of service to internal and external customers. The AZWQDB allows for export of data that can be used in Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) geographic information system (GIS) applications. There are also several visual management tools such as 3D Rendering, Map It and Keyhole Markup Language (KML) file view in Google Earth available in the AZWQDB. How It Works With the AZWQDB, external parties load data files in the Uploaded File List table and receive Uploaded File Status warning, error, fatal error and valid icons in the corresponding field. Data marked as valid can be imported live by ADEQ. Data files with warnings and errors should remain in the Uploaded File Status table list for error analysis and assistance planning. Public search capabilities and report exporting functions are available. This guidance covers three general types of data that are readily managed electronically: 1. Well Inventories 2. Water Quality Data 3. Water Elevation Data Arizona Department of Environmental Quality 4 Groundwater Data Submittal | I. INTRODUCTION (Cont.) Other data that may also be captured include, but are not limited to: Soil (discrete location or decision unit), and Soil Vapor/Soil Gas (discrete location or decision unit), Decision Units, Leachate, and Other. To make data importing easier, WPD worked with outside laboratories and environmental consultants to identify the minimum critical data necessary for effective management, and develop procedures to ease the burden on the facilities/entities submitting data. To ensure consistency, many of the fields of the requested format have a pre-defined list of entries. In the fields description, reference is made to the appropriate look-up table (aka Reference Table) that contains a list of entries and codes. Data is managed in the AZWQDB and those with acceptable credibility levels will become public records, available to the public and all interested parties in both electronic and print media. This guidance also includes the following supplemental materials: Glossary (Attachment A), Data Submittal Transmittal Form (Attachment B), Pulling a Well Inventory Query Report (Attachment C), Shapefiles for ADEQ Wells & ADWR 55 Registration and GWSI Wells (Attachment D), Latitude and Longitude Range for Arizona (Attachment E), ADWR Public Land Surveying Brochure (Attachment F), Search with ADWR-55 Registration Number (Attachment G), Text File Header Files (Attachment H), Excel Template for Water Quality Data (Attachment I), Excel Template for Multiple Media (Attachment J), Database Username and Password Request Form (Attachment K), Version Changes (Attachment L), Questions and Answers (Attachment M) and List of Acronyms (page 1). Have questions or need assistance? Arizona Department of Environmental Quality 5 Groundwater Data Submittal | II. REQUIREMENTS & CONSIDERATIONS Following are lists of significant requirements or items to consider for different parts of the process. If a list is not applicable to what you’re doing, it can be skipped. Please refer back to this section before submitting your data to ensure these requirements and considerations are met. Preferred Browser The AZWQDB is designed to work best in Google Chrome, however, you can also use Mozilla Firefox and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Electronic Well Loading To load the minimum well inventory data to get an ADEQ well number (#), you must include the filled out AZWQDB Electronic Data Submittal Transmittal Form (Data Transmittal Form) as provided in Attachment B. Prior to submitting Data Transmittal Form: • Complete a manual check on ADWR Site using the 55 Registration